Removed rpms

 - crash-eppic
 - crash-kmp-rt
 - cuneiform
 - gnu10-compilers-hpc
 - gnu10-compilers-hpc-devel
 - gnu10-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
 - gnu11-compilers-hpc
 - gnu11-compilers-hpc-devel
 - gnu11-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
 - gnu9-compilers-hpc
 - gnu9-compilers-hpc-devel
 - gnu9-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
 - imb-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
 - imb-gnu-openmpi3-hpc
 - imb-openmpi2
 - imb-openmpi3
 - imb_2021_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc
 - imb_2021_3-gnu-openmpi3-hpc
 - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-150600_1-default
 - libcuneiform-devel
 - libcuneiform1
 - libixion-0_17-0
 - libopenmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc
 - liborcus-0_17-0
 - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc
 - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel
 - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-doc
 - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc
 - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel
 - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static
 - mpiP_3_5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-doc
 - mpitests-mvapich2-psm
 - mpitests-mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc
 - mpitests-openmpi
 - mpitests-openmpi1-gnu-hpc
 - mpitests-openmpi2
 - mpitests-openmpi2-gnu-hpc
 - mpitests-openmpi3
 - mpitests-openmpi3-gnu-hpc
 - mvapich2-psm
 - mvapich2-psm-devel
 - mvapich2-psm-devel-static
 - mvapich2-psm-doc
 - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc
 - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-devel
 - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-doc
 - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
 - mvapich2-psm_2_3_7-gnu-hpc
 - mvapich2-psm_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel
 - mvapich2-psm_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static
 - mvapich2-psm_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-doc
 - mvapich2-psm_2_3_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
 - nss-myhostname
 - nss-myhostname-32bit
 - nss-systemd
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-devel
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-devel-static
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-docs
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
 - openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc-testsuite
 - python3-vobject
 - python3-yarb
 - systemd-sysvinit
 - uyuni-proxy-systemd-services

Added rpms

 - budgie-app-launcher-applet
 - budgie-applications-menu-applet
 - budgie-brightness-controller-applet
 - budgie-clockworks-applet
 - budgie-control-center
 - budgie-control-center-devel
 - budgie-control-center-lang
 - budgie-countdown-applet
 - budgie-dropby-applet
 - budgie-extras
 - budgie-extras-daemon
 - budgie-extras-lang
 - budgie-fuzzyclock-applet
 - budgie-hotcorners-applet
 - budgie-kangaroo-applet
 - budgie-keyboard-autoswitch-applet
 - budgie-network-manager-applet
 - budgie-previews
 - budgie-quickchar
 - budgie-quicknote-applet
 - budgie-recentlyused-applet
 - budgie-rotation-lock-applet
 - budgie-showtime-applet
 - budgie-takeabreak-applet
 - budgie-trash-applet
 - budgie-visualspace-applet
 - budgie-wallstreet
 - budgie-weathershow-applet
 - budgie-window-shuffler
 - budgie-workspace-stopwatch-applet
 - budgie-workspace-wallpaper-applet
 - gnu13-compilers-hpc
 - gnu13-compilers-hpc-devel
 - gnu13-compilers-hpc-macros-devel
 - go1.21-openssl
 - go1.21-openssl-doc
 - go1.21-openssl-race
 - ibdev2netdev
 - libflux0_195_1
 - libixion-0_18-0
 - libmana1
 - libopenmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc
 - liborcus-0_18-0
 - libversion
 - libversion-devel
 - libversion1
 - libvpl-samples
 - libzopfli1-32bit
 - libzopflipng1-32bit
 - open-vmdk
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-devel
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-docs
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-macros-devel
 - openmpi_4_1_6-gnu-hpc-testsuite
 - php8-memcached
 - postgresql16
 - postgresql16-contrib
 - postgresql16-devel
 - postgresql16-devel-mini
 - postgresql16-docs
 - postgresql16-llvmjit
 - postgresql16-llvmjit-devel
 - postgresql16-plperl
 - postgresql16-plpython
 - postgresql16-pltcl
 - postgresql16-server
 - postgresql16-server-devel
 - postgresql16-test
 - python-tqdm-bash-completion
 - python3-flask-jwt-extended
 - python3-libversion
 - python3-salt-testsuite
 - python311-CommonMark
 - python311-Cycler
 - python311-FormEncode
 - python311-Paver
 - python311-PyJWT
 - python311-SecretStorage
 - python311-argcomplete
 - python311-astroid
 - python311-asttokens
 - python311-astunparse
 - python311-backcall
 - python311-beniget
 - python311-bleach
 - python311-blessings
 - python311-cached-property
 - python311-cachetools
 - python311-capturer
 - python311-cmarkgfm
 - python311-cogapp
 - python311-colorama
 - python311-coloredlogs
 - python311-configobj
 - python311-configshell-fb
 - python311-contourpy
 - python311-cppy
 - python311-dmidecode
 - python311-dragonmapper
 - python311-ecdsa
 - python311-executing
 - python311-fastimport
 - python311-fixtures
 - python311-fluidity-sm
 - python311-fs
 - python311-furl
 - python311-future
 - python311-gast
 - python311-gobject
 - python311-gobject-Gdk
 - python311-gobject-cairo
 - python311-gobject-devel
 - python311-google-auth
 - python311-gssapi
 - python311-hanzidentifier
 - python311-hatch
 - python311-humanfriendly
 - python311-invocations
 - python311-invoke
 - python311-jedi
 - python311-jeepney
 - python311-jsonpatch
 - python311-k5test
 - python311-keyring
 - python311-kiwisolver
 - python311-lazy-object-proxy
 - python311-lexicon
 - python311-linecache2
 - python311-littleutils
 - python311-loguru
 - python311-maxminddb
 - python311-munch
 - python311-munkres
 - python311-netifaces
 - python311-oauthlib
 - python311-opentelemetry-api
 - python311-orderedmultidict
 - python311-paramiko
 - python311-pbr
 - python311-pickleshare
 - python311-pipx
 - python311-pkginfo
 - python311-ply
 - python311-portalocker
 - python311-portend
 - python311-prettytable
 - python311-prometheus-client
 - python311-prompt_toolkit
 - python311-psycopg2
 - python311-pure-eval
 - python311-purl
 - python311-pycairo
 - python311-pycairo-devel
 - python311-pyftpdlib
 - python311-pyinotify
 - python311-pylibmc
 - python311-pymemcache
 - python311-pyperclip
 - python311-pyproject-metadata
 - python311-pysendfile
 - python311-pytest-lazy-fixture
 - python311-pytest-localserver
 - python311-pytest-randomly
 - python311-pytest-relaxed
 - python311-python-magic
 - python311-python-mimeparse
 - python311-pytoml
 - python311-pyu2f
 - python311-pyudev
 - python311-pyxdg
 - python311-readme_renderer
 - python311-releases
 - python311-requests-futures
 - python311-requests-mock
 - python311-requests-oauthlib
 - python311-rfc3986
 - python311-rsa
 - python311-rtslib-fb
 - python311-scandir
 - python311-shellingham
 - python311-smartypants
 - python311-sphinxcontrib
 - python311-sphinxcontrib-apidoc
 - python311-stack-data
 - python311-tabulate
 - python311-tempora
 - python311-testresources
 - python311-testscenarios
 - python311-testtools
 - python311-tomlkit
 - python311-tornado
 - python311-tox
 - python311-tqdm
 - python311-traceback2
 - python311-traitlets
 - python311-twine
 - python311-typeguard
 - python311-urwid
 - python311-userpath
 - python311-verboselogs
 - python311-vobject
 - python311-wcwidth
 - python311-websocket-client
 - python311-zhon
 - python311-zopfli
 - python311-zstd
 - systemd-boot
 - systemd-homed
 - systemd-sysvcompat

Package Source Changes

+- Firefox Extended Support Release 115.5.0 ESR
+  Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1217230)
-  Placeholder changelog-entry (bsc#1216338)
+  * Fixed: Various security fixes and other quality improvements.
+  MFSA 2023-46 (bsc#1216338)
+  * CVE-2023-5721 (bmo#1830820)
+    Queued up rendering could have allowed websites to clickjack
+  * CVE-2023-5732 (bmo#1690979, bmo#1836962)
+    Address bar spoofing via bidirectional characters
+  * CVE-2023-5724 (bmo#1836705)
+    Large WebGL draw could have led to a crash
+  * CVE-2023-5725 (bmo#1845739)
+    WebExtensions could open arbitrary URLs
+  * CVE-2023-5726 (bmo#1846205)
+    Full screen notification obscured by file open dialog on
+    macOS
+  * CVE-2023-5727 (bmo#1847180)
+    Download Protections were bypassed by .msix, .msixbundle,
+    .appx, and .appxbundle files on Windows
+  * CVE-2023-5728 (bmo#1852729)
+    Improper object tracking during GC in the JavaScript engine
+    could have led to a crash.
+  * CVE-2023-5730 (bmo#1836607, bmo#1840918, bmo#1848694,
+    bmo#1848833, bmo#1850191, bmo#1850259, bmo#1852596,
+    bmo#1853201, bmo#1854002, bmo#1855306, bmo#1855640,
+    bmo#1856695)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 119, Firefox ESR 115.4,
+    and Thunderbird 115.4.1
+- Backport upstream fixes for sequencer and mixer:
+  0006-seq-Fix-invalid-sanity-check-in-snd_seq_set_input_bu.patch
+  0007-mixer-simple-Support-dB-TLVs-for-CTL_SINGLE-controls.patch
+  0008-seq-Clear-UMP-event-flag-for-legacy-apps.patch
+  0009-seq-Simplify-snd_seq_extract_output.patch
+  0010-seq-Check-protocol-compatibility-with-the-current-ve.patch
+- Clean up spec file
+- Fix symbol version:
+  0005-seq-Fix-typos-in-symbol-version-definitions.patch
+- Added patch:
+  * apache-ivy-pack200.patch
+    + conditionally apply to allow building against standalone
+    pack200 implementation
+- Added patch:
+  * apache-ivy-publication-date.patch
+    + Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for publication date in ivy artifacts
+- Upgrade to version 2.5.2 (bsc#1214422)
+  * Fixes:
+    + ivy:retrieve could fail because of a 'NullPointerException'
+    (jira:IVY-1641[])
+    + reading POMs may loose dependencies when multiple Maven
+    dependencies only differ in 'classifier' (jira:IVY-1642[])
+    + CVE-2022-46751: Apache Ivy Is Vulnerable to XML External
+    Entity Injections
+  * Fix CVE-2023-31122 [bsc#1216424] mod_macro buffer over-read
+  * Added apache2-CVE-2023-31122.patch
+- Fix for bsc#1214357: apply the standard httpd content type handling
+  to responses from the backend.
+  * Added apache2-bsc1214357-mod_proxy_http2_apply-standard-content-type.patch
+- Fix for SG#65054, bsc#1207399:
+  Terminate threads before child exit.
+  * apache2-core-mpm-add-hook-child_stopped-that-gets-called-whe.patch
+  * apache2-core-prefork-run-new-hook-child_stopped-only-on-clea.patch
+  * apache2-mod_watchdog-add-assertions-to-cleanup-code.patch
+  * apache2-mod_watchdog-do-not-call-a-watchdog-instance-for.patch
+  * apache2-mod_watchdog-replace-the-new-volatile-with-atomic-ac.patch
+  * apache2-mod_watchdog-use-hook-child_stopping-to-signal-watch.patch
+  * apache2-mod_watchdog-use-the-child_stopping-and-child_stoppe.patch
+  * apache2-mpm-winnt-add-running-the-child_stopping-hook.patch
+- Security update:
+- Update to version 1.2.49:
+  Apache
+  * Retrieve default request id from mod_unique_id. It can also be
+    taken from an arbitrary environment variable by configuring
+    "JkRequestIdIndicator".
+  * Don't delegate the generatation of the response body to httpd
+    when the status code represents an error if the request used
+    the HEAD method.
+  * Only export the main module symbol. Visibility of module
+    internal symbols led to crashes when conflicting with library
+    symbols. Based on a patch provided by Josef Čejka.
+  * Remove support for implicit mapping of requests to workers.
+    All mappings must now be explicit.
+  IIS
+  * Set default request id as a GUID. It can also be taken from an
+    arbitrary request header by configuring "request_id_header".
+  * Fix non-empty check for the Translate header.
+  Common
+  * Fix compiler warning when initializing and copying fixed
+    length strings.
+  * Add a request id to mod_jk log lines.
+  * Enable configure to find the correct sizes for pid_t and
+    pthread_t when building on MacOS.
+  * Fix Clang 15/16 compatability. Pull request #6 provided by
+    Sam James.
+  * Improve XSS hardening in status worker.
+  * Add additional bounds and error checking when reading AJP
+    messages.
+  Docs
+  * Remove support for the Netscape / Sun ONE / Oracle iPlanet Web
+    Server as the product has been retired.
+  * Remove links to the old JK2 documentation. The JK2
+    documentation is still available, it is just no longer linked
+    from the current JK documentation.
+  * Restructure subsections in changelog starting with version
+    1.2.45.
-- Security fix: [bsc#1114612, CVE-2018-11759]
-  * connector path traversal due to mishandled HTTP requests in httpd
-  * Added patches:
-  - apache2-mod_jk-1.2.43-lb_retries.patch (to introduce lb_retries)
-  - apache2-mod_jk-1.2.43-CVE-2018-11759.patch
+- Changes for 1.2.47 and 1.2.48 updates:
+  * Add: Apache: Extend trace level logging of method entry/exit to
+    aid debugging of request mapping issues.
+  * Fix: Apache: Fix a bug in the normalization checks that prevented
+    file based requests, such as SSI file includes, from being processed.
+  * Fix: Apache: When using JkAutoAlias, ensure that files that include
+    spaces in their name are accessible.
+  * Update: Common: Update the documentation to reflect that the source
+    code for the Apache Tomcat Connectors has moved from Subversion to Git.
+  * Fix: Common: When using set_session_cookie, ensure that an updated session
+    cookie is issued if the load-balancer has to failover to a different worker.
+  * Update: Common: Update config.guess and config.sub from
+  * Update: Common: Update release script for migration to git.
+- remove useless %check section
+- Update to version 1.2.46
+  Fixes:
+  * Apache: Fix regression in 1.2.44 which resulted in
+    socket_connect_timeout to be interpreted in units of seconds
+    instead of milliseconds on platforms that provide poll(). (rjung)
+  * Security: CVE-2018-11759 Connector path traversal [bsc#1114612]
+- Update to version 1.2.45
+  Fixes:
+  * Correct regression in 1.2.44 that broke request handling for
+    OPTIONS * requests. (rjung)
+  * Improve path parameter parsing so that the session ID specified
+    by the session_path worker property for load-balanced workers
+    can be extracted from a path parameter in any segment of the
+    URI, rather than only from the final segment. (markt)
+  * Apache: Improve path parameter handling so that JkStripSession
+    can remove session IDs that are specified on path parameters in any
+    segment of the URI rather than only the final segment. (markt)
+  * IIS: Improve path parameter handling so that strip_session can
+    remove session IDs that are specified on path parameters in any
+    segment of the URI rather than only the final segment. (markt)
+  Updates:
+  * Apache: Update the documentation to note additional
+    limitations of the JkAutoAlias directive. (markt)
+  Code:
+  * Common: Optimize path parameter handling. (rjung)
+- Cleaned with spec-cleaner
+- Update to version 1.2.44
+  Updates:
+  * Remove the Novell Netware make files and Netware specific source
+    code since there has not been a supported version of Netware
+    available for over five years. (markt)
+  * Apache: Update the documentation to use httpd 2.4.x style access
+    control directives. (markt)
+  * Update PCRE bundled with the ISAPI redirector to 8.42. (rjung)
+  * Update config.guess and config.sub from
+ (rjung)
+  Fixes:
+  * Common: Use Local, rather than Global, mutexs on Windows to
+    better support multi-user environments. (markt)
+  * Apache: Use poll rather than select to avoid the limitations of
+    select triggering an httpd crash. Patch provided by Koen Wilde. (markt)
+  * ISAPI: Remove the check that rejects requests that contain path
+    segments that match WEB-INF or META-INF as it duplicates a check
+    that Tomcat performs and, because ISAPI does not have visibility of
+    the current context path, it is impossible to implement this check
+    without valid requests being rejected. (markt)
+  * Refactor normalisation of request URIs to a common location and align
+    the normalisation implementation for mod_jk with that implemented by
+    Tomcat. (markt)
+  Add:
+  * Clarify the behvaiour of lb workers when all ajp13 workers fail with
+    particular reference to the role of the retries attribute. (markt)
+  * Add the new load-balancer worker property lb_retries to improve the
+    control over the number of retries. Based on a patch provided by
+    Frederik Nosi. (markt)
+  * Add a note to the documentation that the CollapseSlashes options are
+    now effectively hard-coded to CollpaseSlashesAll due to the changes
+    made to align normalization with that implemented in Tomcat. (markt)
+- Use %posttrans instead of %post while adding the wsgi keyword.
+  (bsc#1216411)
+  * In systems where the former apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 is
+    installed, the removal of the obsoleted apache2-mod_wsgi-python3
+    and the installation of the new apache2-mod_wsgi did not
+    preserve the keyword wsgi in the APACHE_MODULES variable.
+- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38470.patch: Ensure each label is at least one
+  byte long (bsc#1215947, CVE-2023-38470).
+- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38473.patch: derive alternative host name from
+  its unescaped version (bsc#1216419 CVE-2023-38473).
+- Update to 0.6.16:
+  * docs: add missing option #344
+  * docs: Add missing items to manpage #345
+  * Add option to exit bemenu using esc in vim binds normal mode #348
+  * Evaluate filter first #350
+- Update to version 20220829.3:
+  * fix Gnome Terminal color issues
+- Update to version 20220709.1:
+  * update Greybird name
+- Update to version 20220627.1:
+  * make upstream what it should be
+  * use Papirus icon theme everywhere
+- Update to version 1.2.0+4:
+  * macros.cargo: Drop bashisms (#4)
+- Update to version 1.2.0+3:
+  * rename variable for bitwarden
+- bsc#1212226 - add rust-packaging compat
+- Update to version 1.2.0+2:
+  * Default flags
+  * Add buildflags
+- Chromium 119.0.6045.159 (boo#1217142)
+  * CVE-2023-5997: Use after free in Garbage Collection
+  * CVE-2023-6112: Use after free in Navigation
+  * Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
+- Chromium 119.0.6045.123 (boo#1216978)
+  * CVE-2023-5996: Use after free in WebAudio
+- Chromium 119.0.6045.105 (boo#1216783)
+  * CVE-2023-5480: Inappropriate implementation in Payments
+  * CVE-2023-5482: Insufficient data validation in USB
+  * CVE-2023-5849: Integer overflow in USB
+  * CVE-2023-5850: Incorrect security UI in Downloads
+  * CVE-2023-5851: Inappropriate implementation in Downloads
+  * CVE-2023-5852: Use after free in Printing
+  * CVE-2023-5853: Incorrect security UI in Downloads
+  * CVE-2023-5854: Use after free in Profiles
+  * CVE-2023-5855: Use after free in Reading Mode
+  * CVE-2023-5856: Use after free in Side Panel
+  * CVE-2023-5857: Inappropriate implementation in Downloads
+  * CVE-2023-5858: Inappropriate implementation in WebApp Provider
+  * CVE-2023-5859: Incorrect security UI in Picture In Picture
+- dropped patches:
+  * chromium-98-gtk4-build.patch
+  * chromium-118-system-freetype.patch
+  * chromium-118-no_matching_constructor.patch
+- added patches:
+  * chromium-119-no_matching_constructor.patch
+  * chromium-119-dont-redefine-ATSPI-version-macros.patch
+  * chromium-119-nullptr_t-without-namespace-std.patch
+  * chromium-119-assert.patch
+- Update to 0.103.11
+  * Upgrade the bundled UnRAR library (libclamunrar) to version 6.2.12.
+  * Windows: libjson-c 0.17 compatibility fix. with ssize_t type definition.
+  * Windows: Update build system to use OpenSSL 3 and PThreads-Win32 v3.
+- Update to 0.103.10
+  * Upgrade the bundled UnRAR library (libclamunrar) to version 6.2.10.
+    (bsc#1216625, CVE-2023-40477)
+- database refresh on 2023-11-20 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2023-11-13 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2023-11-06 (bsc#1084929)
+- Add '-type f' to cmake.macros (fix boo#1217009)
+- Update to 1.42
+  * Fix issue with iwd and signal strength calculation.
+  * Fix issue with iwd and handling service removal.
+  * Fix issue with iwd and handling new connections.
+  * Fix issue with handling default online check URL.
+  * Fix issue with handling nameservers refresh.
+  * Fix issue with handling proxy from DHCP lease. (bsc#1210395 CVE-2023-28488)
+  * Fix issue with handling multiple proxies from PAC.
+  * Fix issue with handling manual time update changes.
+  * Fix issue with handling invalid gateway routes.
+  * Fix issue with handling hidden WiFi agent requests.
+  * Fix issue with handling WiFi SAE authentication failure.
+  * Fix issue with handling DNS Proxy and TCP server replies.
+  * Add support for regulatory domain following timezone.
+  * Add support for localtime configuration option.
+  * add 0001-scripts-add-missing-header-file.patch
+- remove patches
+  * remove 0001-wispr-Rename-wispr_portal_list-to-wispr_portal_hash.patch
+  * remove 0002-wispr-Ignore-NULL-proxy.patch
+  * remove 0003-wispr-Add-reference-counter-to-portal-context.patch
+  * remove 0004-wispr-Update-portal-context-references.patch
+  * remove 0005-gweb-Fix-OOB-write-in-received_data.patch
+- Update to version 1.58.0
+  Release notes
+- Update to version 4.5.0+20231010.65aa0a09:
+  * Fix: report: Pick up tarball suffix dynamically (bsc#1215438)
+  * Fix: report: Pick 'gzip' as the first compress prog for cross-platform compatibility(bsc#1215438)
+  * Fix: constants: Add several resource meta attributes (bsc#1215319)
+  * Fix: upgradeutil: reduce the timeout for getting sequence from remote node (bsc#1213797)
+  * Dev: corosync: Enable logging.to_logfile
+- Update to version 059+suse.506.gd33b6bef:
+  * fix( remove microcode check based on CONFIG_MICROCODE_[AMD|INTEL] (bsc#1217031)
+  * fix(network): correct network device naming (bsc#1192986)
+- Update to version 059+suse.502.g92237883:
+  * fix(systemd): add new systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service
+  * revert(suse): fix systemd-sysvinit dependency
+- Update to version 059+suse.499.g2976c52f:
+  * fix(dracut.spec): do not require libgcrypt20-hmac for dracut-fips (bsc#1216059)
+- drbd failed to build after 15sp6/dolomit updated kernel (bsc#1216666)
+  * Add patch
+    + bsc-1216666-compat-sock-Remove-sendpage-in-favour-of-sendmsg-MSG.patch
+- drbd failed to build after 15sp6/dolomit updated kernel (bsc#1216666)
+  * Add patch
+    + 0008-compat-block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- Update to v11.5.1.0
+  - improved to support SLES 15.5
+  - replaced fgrep and egrep with grep -F and grep -E
+  - improved ethlinkanalysis/ethfabricanalysis to use first enabled
+    plane when it's not specified
+  - fixed version comparison issue on install script that happens on
+    CUDA version components
+  - improved help text and man page for all tools
+- Update to v11.5.0.0
+  - improved ethreport to support more than 256 ports
+  - improved mpi_apps to still build as much as it can when fortran not available
+  - improved to support absolute ConfigDir path in mgt_config.xml
+  - fixed klocwork issues
+  - improved to support SLES 15.4
+  - improved ethreport to support bulk query to reduce execution time
+  - improved ethreport to get VerdorID in a more stable way
+  - improved rping and pfctest execution time
+  - fixed timeout issue on pfctest when one node has "large" number of NICs
+  - improved ethcabletest and ethfindgood to support fabric plane
+  - improved mpiperf and mpiperfdeviation to support fabric plane
+  - improved ethreport with below new features:
+  - -P/-H: include only persist or hardware data
+  - -A/-o otherports: include all or other (inactive) ports
+  - -s: include performance data
+  - improved node verification to check NIC firmware and driver version
+  - improved FastFabric TUI to support multiple fabric planes
+  - limited max processes in pfctest to avoid ssh EOF error
+  - improved ethudstress to allow specifying port number
+  - added tool ethbw to monitor BW per NIC
+  - improved ethhostadmin to allow exiting on 1st failed operation
+  - enhanced error reporting and handling in rping and pfctest tool
+  - added support on Intel GPU (ONEAPI-ZE)
+  - fixed ethextract* tool to include performance data
+  - code cleanup. removed dead code and tools we do not support.
+  - updated MpiApps scripts to pass exe params to commands
+  - updated run_osu5 to provide a current list of benchmarks
+  - updated to work with newer IMPI versions
+  - fixed MpiApps build script to allow building HPL with Intel MPI and MKL
+  - improved mpiperf and ethcabletest to support multi-rail
+  - improved ethreport and related tools to support specifying hostfile via -f
+  - changed openblas-devel to be optional prereq
+  - fixed klocwork issues in ethbw
+  - extended HPL-2.3 building to support different BLAS_TYPE
+  - enhanced ethscpall to allow copying data with rsync, specifying net interface to use, and tar compression option
+  - changed FastFabric to setup PFC using software DCB (open lldp)
+  - renamed FastFabric component "Eth RDMA" to "Eth RoCE"
+  - added lldpad as prereq
+  - fixed ethlinkanalysis/ethfabricanalysis to honor the ConfigDir defined in mgt_config
+  - added rping loopback test and PFC mode check in hostverify
+  - improved hostverify to support passive mode intel_pstate
+  - fixed ethcabletest to make -n option works properly
+  - enhanced ethreport -A to include host ports that have no IP address
+  - cleaned up ethreport error messages
+  - enhanced ethbw to support duration argument
+  - updated man pages for FastFabric tools
+  - updated man pages for FastFabric tools
+  - Fixed minor bugs on, ethshowallports and ethfindgood
+  - Improved below tools to support fabric plane
+  -
+  -
+  - ethhostadmin
+  - Improved to support RHEL 9.1
+  - Fixed RV rebuild issue under SLES 15.4 to support Intel GPU
+  - Improved stability on ethcabletest and ethfindgood
+  - Added tool dsa_setup to aid creation of DSA devices
+  - Changed script shebang to use /bin/bash rather than /bin/sh
+  - Improved ethcapture to use journalctl if rsyslog not installed
+  - Improved to support Basic-IB package
+  - Refactoried package build scripts to better support different OSes
+  - Improved dsa_setup to support shared workqueue
+  - Cleaned OS detection code
+- Refresh eth-ff-add-shebang-for-exp-files.patch
+- Drop topology-fix-support-for-disabled-MD5-authentication.patch
+  which was fixed upstream.
+- Add topology-fix-support-for-disabled-MD5-authentication.patch to fix
+  compilation issues with net-snmp with disabled MD5 authentication.
+- Fix out-of-bound memory issues in fsck (bsc#1216701, CVE-2023-45897)
+  * fsck-fix-out-of-bounds-write-in-read_file_dentry_set.patch
+- Update to 1.20.0 (jsc#PED-5777, jsc#PED-5893, jsc#PED-5889)
+  - Core
+  - General bug fixes and code clean-up
+  - add extra check for 128 bit atomic support
+  - hmem/synapseai: Refine the error handling and warning
+  - Introduce FI_ENOMR
+  - hmem/cuda: fix a bug when calculating aligned size.
+  - Handle dmabuf for ofi_mr_cache* functions.
+  - Handle dmabuf flag in ofi_mr_attr_update
+  - Handle dmabuf for mr_map insert.
+  - man: Fix the description of virtual address when FI_MR_DMABUF is set
+  - man: Clarify the defition of FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV
+  - hmem/cuda: Add dmabuf fd ops functions
+  - include/ofi_atomic_queue: Properly align atomic values
+  - Define fi_av_set_user_id
+  - Support multiple auth keys per EP
+  - Simplify restricted-dl feature
+  - hmem: Only initalize synapseai if device exists
+  - Add "--enable-profile" option
+  - windows: Updated config.h
+  - Add environment variable for selective HMEM initialization
+  - Add restricted dlopen flag to configure options
+  - hmem: generalize the use of OFI_HMEM_DATA to non-cuda iface
+  - hmem: fail cuda_dev_register if gdrcopy is not enabled
+  - Add 1.7 ABI compat
+  - Define fi_domain_attr::max_ep_auth_key
+  - hmem: Add new op to hmem_ops for getting dmabuf fd
+  - hmem/cuda: Update cuda_gdrcopy_dev_register's signature
+  - mr_cache: Define ofi_mr_info::flags
+  - Add ABI compat for fi_cq_err_entry::src_addr
+  - Define fi_cq_err_entry::src_addr
+  - Add base_addr to fi_mr_dmabuf
+  - hmem: Set FI_HMEM_HOST_ALLOC for ze addr valid
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_ZE
+  - tostr: Added fi_tostr() for data type struct fi_cq_err_entry.
+  - hmem_ze: fix incorrect device id in copy function
+  - Introduce new profiling interface for low-level statistics
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_CUDA
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_ROCR
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_SYSTEM
+  - hmem: Define optimized HMEM memcpy APIs
+  - Implement memhooks atfork child handler
+  - hmem: Support ofi_hmem_get_base_addr with sys mem
+  - hmem: Add length field to ofi_hmem_get_base_addr
+  - mr_cache: Improve cache hit rate
+  - mr_cache: Purge dead regions in find
+  - mr_cache: Update find to remove invalid MR entries
+  - mr_cache: Update find with MM valid check
+  - Add direct support for dma-buf memory registration
+  - man/fi_tagged: Remove the peek for data ability
+  - indexer: Add byte idx abstraction
+  - Add missing FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA for fi_inject_writedata
+  - Add configure flags for more sanitizers
+  - Fix fi_peer man page inconsistency
+  - include/fi_peer: Add cq_data to rx_entry, allow peer to modify on unexp
+  - Add XPMEM support
+  - EFA
+  - General bug fix and code clean-up
+  - Do not abort on all deprecated env vars
+  - Onboard fi_mr_dmabuf API in mem reg ops.
+  - Try registering cuda memory via dmabuf when checking p2p
+  - Introduce HAVE_EFA_DMABUF_MR macro in configure
+  - Add read nack protocol docs
+  - Receiver send NACK if runt read fails with ENOMR
+  - Sender switch to long CTS protocol if runt read fails with ENOMR
+  - Receiver send NACK if long read fails with ENOMR
+  - Update efa_rdm_rxe_map_remove to accept msg_id and addr
+  - Sender switch to long CTS protocol if long read fails with ENOMR
+  - Introduce new READ_NACK feature
+  - Use SHM's full inject size
+  - Add testing for small messages without inject
+  - Enable inject rdma write
+  - Use bounce buffer for 0 byte writes
+  - Onboard ofi_hmem_dev_register API
+  - Update cuda_gdrcopy_dev_register's signature
+  - Allocate pke_vec, recv_wr_vec, sge_vec from heap
+  - Close shm resource when it is disabled in ep
+  - Disable RUNTING for Neuron
+  - Move cuda-sync-memops from MR to EP
+  - Do not insert shm av inside efa progress engine
+  - Enable shm when FI_HMEM and FI_ATOMIC are requested
+  - Adjust posted receive size to pkt_size
+  - Do not create SHM peer when SHM is disabled
+  - Use correct threading model for shm
+  - Restrict RDMA read to compatible EFA devices
+  - Add EFA device version to handshake
+  - Add missing locks in efa_cntr_wait.
+  - Add writedata RNR fabtest
+  - Handle RNRs from RDMA writedata
+  - Check opt_len in efa_rdm_ep_getopt
+  - Use correct tx/rx op_flags for shm
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf: Initialize fd to supress compiler warning
+  - trace: Add log on FI_VAR_UNEXP_MSG_CNT when enabled.
+  - trace: Fixed trace log format on some attributes.
+  - OPX
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - PSM3
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - Update provider to sync with IEFS
+  - RXM
+  - Remove unused function
+  - Use gdrcopy in rma when emulating injection
+  - Use gdrcopy in eager send/recv
+  - Add hmem gdrcopy functions
+  - Remove unused dynamic rbuf support
+  - SHM
+  - General bug fixes and cleanup
+  - Add ofi_buf_alloc error handling
+  - Only copy header + msg on unexpected path
+  - Add FI_HMEM atomic support
+  - Add memory barrier before updating resp for atomic
+  - Add more error output
+  - Reduce atomic locking with ofi_mr_map_verify
+  - Only increment tx cntr when inject rma succeeded.
+  - Use peer cntr inc ops in smr_progress_cmd
+  - Allow for inject protocol to buffer more unexpected messages
+  - Change pending fs to bufpool to allow it to grow
+  - Add unexpected SAR buffering
+  - Use generic acronym for shm cap
+  - Move CMA to use the p2p infrastructure
+  - Add p2p abstraction
+  - Load DSA dependency dynamically
+  - Replace tx_lock with ep_lock
+  - Calculate comp vars when writing completion
+  - Move progress_sar above progress_cmd
+  - Rename SAR status enum to be more clear
+  - Make SAR protocol handle 0 byte transfer.
+  - Move selection logic to smr_select_proto()
+  - Sockets
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - Fix provider name and api version in returned fi_info struct
+  - TCP
+  - Add profiling interface support
+  - Pass through rdm_ep flags to msg eps
+  - Derive cq flags from op and msg flags
+  - Do not progress ep that is disconnected
+  - Set FI_MULTI_RECV for last completed RX slice
+  - Return an error if invalid sequence number received
+  - xnet_progress_rx() must only be called when connected
+  - Reset ep->rx_avail to 0 after RX queue is flushed
+  - Disable the EP if an error is detected for zero-copy
+  - Add debug tracking of transfer entries
+  - Negotiate support for rendezvous
+  - Add rendezvous protocol option
+  - Generalize xnet_send_ack
+  - Flatten protocol header definitions
+  - Remove unused dynamic rbuf support
+  - Define tcp specific protocol ops
+  - Remove unneeded and incorrect rx_entry init code
+  - UCX
+  - Add FI_HMEM support
+  - Initialize ep_flush to 1
+  - Util
+  - General bug fixes
+  - memhooks: Fix a bug when calculating mprotect region
+  - Check the return value of ofi_genlock_init()
+  - Update checks for FI_AV_AUTH_KEY
+  - Define domain primary and secondary caps
+  - Add profiling util functions
+  - Update util_cq to support err_data
+  - Update ofi_cq_readerr to use new memcpy
+  - Update ofi_cq_err_memcpy to handle err_data
+  - Zero util cancel err entry
+  - Move FI_REMOTE/LOCAL_COMM to secondary caps
+  - Alter domain max_ep_auth_key
+  - Add domain checks for max_ep_auth_key
+  - Revert util_cntr->ep_list_lock to ofi_mutex
+  - Add NIC FID functions to ofi.h
+  - Add EP and domain auth key checking
+  - Add bounds checks to ibuf get
+  - Define dlist_first_entry_or_null
+  - Update util_getinfo to dup auth_key
+  - Revert util_av, util_cq and util_cntr to mutex
+  - Add missing calls to (de)initialize monitor's mutexes
+  - Avoid attempting to cleanup an uninitialized MR cache
+  - Rename ofi_mr_info fields
+  - Add rv64g support to memory hooks
+  - Verbs
+  - Windows: Check error code from GetPrivateData
+  - Add missing lock to protect SRX
+  - Add synapseai dmabuf mr support
+  - Bug fix for matching domain name with device name
+  - Windows: Fetch rejected connection data
+  - Add support for DMA-buf memory registration
+  - Windows: Fix use-after-free in case of failure in fi_listen
+  - Windows: Map ND request type to ibverbs opcode
+  - Fix memory leak when creating EQ with unsupported wait object
+  - Track ep state to prevent duplicate shutdown events
+  - Fabtests
+  - Update man page
+  - pytests/efa: onboard dmabuf argument for test_mr
+  - pytest: make do_dmabuf_reg_for_hmem an cmdline argument
+  - Bump Libfabric API version.
+  - mr_test: Add dmabuf support
+  - Introduce ft_get_dmabuf_from_iov
+  - unexpected_msg: Use ft_reg_mr to register memory
+  - pytest: Allow registering mr with dmabuf
+  - Add dmabuf support to ft_reg_mr
+  - Add dmabuf ops for cuda.
+  - Test max inject size
+  - Add FI_HMEM support to fi_rdm_rma_event and fi_rdm tests
+  - memcopy-xe: Fix data verification error for device buffer
+  - dmabuf-rdma: Increase the number of NICs that can be tested
+  - dmabuf-rdma: Remove redundant libze_ops definition
+  - fi-mr-reg-xe: Skip native dmabuf reg test for system memory
+  - Check if fi_info is returned correctly in case of FI_CONNREQ
+  - cq_data: relax CQ data validation to cq_data_size
+  - Add ZE host alloc function
+  - Use common device host buffer for check_buf
+  - hmem_ze: allocate one cq and cl on init
+  - fi-mr-reg-xe: Add testing for dmabuf registration
+  - scripts: use yaml safe_load
+  - macos: Fix build error with clang
+  - multinode: Use FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE for 'barrier'
+  - Handle partial read scenario for fi_xe_rdmabw test For cross node tests
+  - pytest/efa: add cuda memory marker
+  - pytest/efa: Skip some configuration for unexp msg test on neuron.
+  - ignore error due to no tests are collected.
+  - pytest/efa: extend unexpected msg test range
+  - pytest/shm: extend unexpected msg test range
+  - pytest: Allow running shm fabtests in parallel
+  - unexpected_msg.c: Allow running the test with FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE
+  - run fi_unexpected_msg with data validation
+  - pytest/shm: Extend test_unexpected_message
+  - unexpected_msg: Make tx/rx_size large enough
+  - pytest/shm: Extend shm's rma bw test
+  - Update shm.exclude
+- Update to 1.19.0
+  - Core
+  - General code cleanup and restructuring
+  - Add ofi_hmem_any_ipc_enabled()
+  - ofi_consume_iov allows 0-byte consume
+  - ofi_consume_iov consistency
+  - ofi_indexer: return error code when iterating
+  - getinfo: Add post filters for domain and fabric names
+  - Filter loopback device if iface is specified
+  - bsock: Fix error checking for -EAGAIN
+  - windows/osd: Remove unneeded check to silence coverity
+  - windows/osd: Move variable declaration to silence coverity
+  - Introduce gdrcopy awareness to hmem copy
+  - mr/cache: Fix fi_mr_info initialization
+  - hmem_cuda: remove gdrcopy from cuda hmem copy path
+  - iouring: Fix wrong indent in ofi_sockapi_accept_uring()
+  - Implement ofi_sockctx_uring_poll_add()
+  - hmem: introduce gdrcopy from/to cuda iov functions
+  - hmem: Deprecate `FI_HMEM_CUDA_ENABLE_XFER`
+  - hmem_cuda: Restrict CUDA IPC based on peer accessibility
+  - hmem_cuda: Log number of CUDA devices detected
+  - hmem_cuda: Refactor global variables
+  - tostr: Remove the extra dir "shared/" from "include/" and "src/" .
+  - hmem_ze: fix ZE is valid check
+  - hmem_rocr: fix offset calculation
+  - hmem_rocr: use ofi spinlock functions
+  - hmem_rocr: minor fixes
+  - hmem_neuron: convert warn to info for nrt_get_dmabuf_fd not found
+  - hmem_neuron: check existance of neuron devices during initialization
+  - tostr: Moved Windows functions in shared/ofi_str.c to windows/osd.h
+  - tostr: Add helper functions ofi_tostr_size() and ofi_tostr_count().
+  - EFA
+  - Onboard Peer API, use shm provider as a peer provider
+  - Uses util SRX framework in shared receive procedures.
+  - Register shm MR with hmem_data, allow shm to use gdrcopy for cuda data movement
+  - Finish the refactor for rxr squash.
+  - Use rdma-core WR API for send requests
+  - Check optlen in getopt call
+  - Fix the rdma-read support check in RMA and MSG operations
+  - Optimize ep lock usage
+  - Use an internal fi_mr_attr for memory registration
+  - Hooks
+  - Init field in mr_attr to silence coverity
+  - Add profiling hook provider
+  - Rename cq hooking functions' names
+  - Added trace for resource creation operations
+  - OPX
+  - Initialize ofi_mr_info
+  - Fix dput credit check
+  - Only allocate replay buffer if psn is valid
+  - Support SHM Intra-node communication between single server HFI devices
+  - Fix incorrect packet size in packet header when sending CTS packet
+  - Added check to address Coverity scan defect
+  - Add multi-entry caching to TID rendezvous
+  - Fall back to default domain name for TID fabric
+  - Properly handle multiple IOVs in fi_opx_tsendmsg
+  - Fix OPX Rzv RTS receive operation SHM error (DAOS-related)
+  - Fix non-tagged sends may incorrectly set FI_TAGGED in send completions
+  - Add more info to reliability IOV buffer validation check
+  - Move dput packet build functions to new inline include
+  - Use fi_mr_attr in fi_opx_mr
+  - Disable Pre-NAKing by default, throttle until all outstanding replays ACK'd
+  - Fix reliability bug when NAKing the last PSN
+  - Update HeaderQ Register more frequently
+  - No rbuf_wrap needed for expected receive (TID)
+  - Fixes for Coverity scan issues
+  - Enhanced tag matching
+  - Tune expected recv for unaligned buffers
+  - Observability: Add finer logging granularity
+  - Reduce RTS immediate data and fix packet estimate for odd TID lengths
+  - Add additional sources for FI_OPX_UUID
+  - Peer
+  - Add cq_data to rx_entry, allow peer to modify on unexp
+  - Introduce peer cntr API
+  - Add foreach_unspec_addr API
+  - Add size as an input of the get_tag
+  - PSM3
+  - Sync with IEFS
+  - SHM
+  - Only poll IPC list when ROCR IPC is enabled
+  - Allow for SAR and inject protocol to buffer more unexpected messages
+  - Remove unused sar fields
+  - Make SAR protocol handle 0 byte transfer
+  - Load DSA dependency dynamically
+  - Change recv entry freestack into bufpool
+  - Remove shm signal
+  - Use util peer cntr implementation
+  - Make SHM default to domain level threading level
+  - Replace internal shared receive implementation with util_srx
+  - Lock entire progress loop
+  - Fix ROCR data coherency
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM to shm attrs
+  - Handle empty freestack
+  - Fix bug in configure.m4 in atomics_happy assignment happy
+  - Add memory barrier before update resp->status for SAR
+  - Do not use inline/inject for read op
+  - Allow shm to use gdrcopy
+  - Refactor protocol selection code
+  - Init map fi addrs to FI_ADDR_NOTAVAIL
+  - TCP
+  - General code cleanups
+  - Restrict which EPs can be opened per domain
+  - Increase CM error debug output
+  - Avoid calling close() on an invalid socket after accept error
+  - Mark the EP as disconnected before flushing the queues
+  - Add assertion failures for xnet_{monitor,halt}_sock
+  - Disable ofi_dynpoll_wait() for non-blocking progress
+  - Move PEP pollin operations to io_uring
+  - Move EP poll operations to io_uring
+  - Early exit if ofi_bsock_flush() has operation in progress
+  - Implement pollin sockctx in bsock
+  - Add missing call to xnet_submit_uring()
+  - Add return error to xnet_update_pollflag()
+  - Remove the cancel sockctx from the EP structure
+  - Move io_uring cqe from the stack to progress struct
+  - Reduce stack size for epoll event array
+  - handle NULL av in xnet_freeall_conns()
+  - UCX
+  - Publish FI_LOCAL_COMM and FI_REMOTE_COMM capabilities
+  - Fix configure error with newer MOFED
+  - Fix segfault in unsignalled completions
+  - Util
+  - Add FI_PEER support to util counter
+  - Refactor the usage of cntrs
+  - Change util_ep to be a genlock
+  - Add util shared receive implementation
+  - Update log message for invalid AV type message
+  - Fix fi_mr_info initialization
+  - Add peer ID to MR cache
+  - Store hmem_data in ofi_mr_map
+  - Split the cq progress and reading entries in ofi_cq_readfrom
+  - Verbs
+  - Add event lock to EQ to serialize closing ep
+  - Remove saved_wc_list and use CQ directly
+  - Consolidate peer_mem and dmabuf support check
+  - Fix vrb_add_credits signature
+  - Introduce new progress engine structure
+  - Simplify (and correct) locking around progress operations
+  - General code restructuring
+  - Fabtests
+  - Fix reading addressing options
+  - Allow to change only the OOB address
+  - Allow to use FI_ADDR_STR with -F
+  - Fix bw buffer utilization
+  - Separate RX and RMA counters
+  - Fix tx counter with RMA
+  - Add FI_CONTEXT mode to rdm_cntr_pingpong
+  - Add HMEM support to fi_unexpected_msg test
+  - Fix array OOB during fabtest list parsing
+  - Enable shm tagged_peek test
+  - Fix windows build warnings
+  - Make tx_buf and rx_buf aligned to 64 bytes by default
+  - Fix windows build warnings for sscanf
+  - Use dummy ft_pin_core on macOS
+  - Fix some header includes
+  - sock_test: Do not use epoll if not available
+  - recv_cancel: initialize error entry
+  - Fix wrong size used to allocate tx_msg_buf
+  - unexpected: change defaults to support tcp
+  - unexpected: add unknown unexpected peer test
+  - Enable a list of arbitrary message sizes
+  - Enabled data validation for rma read & write
+  - bw_rma operates on distinct buffer offsets
+  - ft_post_rma issues reads from remote's tx_buf
+  - General code cleanup and restructuring
+  - rdm_tagged_peek: fix race condition synchronization
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM/FI_REMOTE_COMM presence check to fi_getinfo_test
+  - Correct ft_exchange_keys in prefix-mode
+  - Make rdm_tagged_peek test more general
+  - Add unit test for fi_setopt
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 1.18.1
+  - Core
+  - Fix build warning for ofi_dynpoll_get_fd
+  - EFA
+  - Handle 0-byte writes
+  - Apply byte_in_order_128_byte for all memory type
+  - Increase default shm_av_size to 256
+  - Force handshake before selecting rtm for non-system ifaces.
+  - Only select readbase_rtm when both sides support rdma-read
+  - Bugfix for initializing SHM offload
+  - Correct CPPFLAGS during configure
+  - Make setopt support sendrecv aligned 128 bytes
+  - Make data size to be 128 byte multiples for in-order aligned send/recv
+  - prepare local read pkt entry for in-order aligned send/recv.
+  - Disable gdrcopy and cudamemcpy for in-order aligned recv.
+  - Increase the pad size in rxr_pkt_entry
+  - Make readcopy pkt pool 128 byte aligned
+  - Introduce alignment to support in order aligned ops
+  - Fix a bug when calling ibv_query_qp_data_in_order
+  - RMA operations will ensure FI_ATOMIC cap
+  - RMA operations will ensure FI_RMA cap
+  - Unittest atomics without FI_ATOMIC cap.
+  - Unittest RMA without FI_RMA cap.
+  - Refactor pkt_entry assignment in poll_ibv loop
+  - Fixes for RDMA Write and Writedata
+  - RXM
+  - Revert rxm util peer CQ support
+  - Fix credit size parameter for flow ctrl
+  - SHM
+  - Fix DSA enable
+  - Assert read op and inject proto are mutually exclusive
+  - Fix ROCR data coherency
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM to shm attrs
+  - Signal peer when peer is out of resources
+  - Handle empty freestack
+  - Fix bug in configure.m4 in atomics_happy assignment happy
+  - Add memory barrier before update resp->status for SAR
+  - Fix resource leak reported by coverity
+  - Switch cmd_ctx pool from freestack to bufpool
+  - Add iface parameter to smr_select_proto
+  - TCP
+  - Fix spinning on fi_trywait()
+  - Handle truncation of active message
+  - Handle prefetched data after reporting ETRUNC error
+  - Progress all ep's on unexp_msg_list when posting recv
+  - Removed unused saved_msg::ep field to fix assert
+  - Continue receiving after truncation error
+  - Create function to allocate internal msg buffer
+  - Add runtime setting for max saved message size
+  - Increase default max_saved value
+  - Dynamically allocate large saved Rx buffers
+  - Separate the max inject and recv buf size
+  - Remove 1-line xnet_cq_add_progress function
+  - Changed default wait object to epoll
+  - Handle case where epoll isn't natively supported
+  - Hold domain lock while deregistering memory
+  - Rename DL package from libnet to libtcp
+  - UCX
+  - Align the provider version with the libfabric version
+  - Verbs
+  - Delay device initialization to when fi_getinfo is called
+  - Consolidate peer_mem and dmabuf support check
+  - verbs_nd: Init len to 0 for WCSGetProviderPath call
+  - verbs_nd: Verify CQs are valid in rdma_create_qp
+  - verbs_nd: Initialize ibv_wc fields
+  - verbs_nd: Release lock in network direct error paths
+  - Fix vrb_add_credits signature
+  - Fix credit size parameter for flow ctrl
+  - Recover RXM connection from verbs QP in error state
+  - Fabtests
+  - Add ze-dlopen functions to component tests
+  - Call cudaSetDevice() for selected device
+  - pytest/efa: Adjust get_efa_devices()
+  - pytest/common: Support parallel neuron test
+  - pytest/common: Use different cuda device for parallel cuda set
+  - efa: increase timeout
+  - pytest/efa: Test to flood peer during startup
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Add option to set maximum message size
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Add option to set batch size
+- Add _multibuild to define additional spec files as additional
+  flavors.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Update to 1.18.0
+  - Core
+  - rocr: fix offset calculation
+  - rocr: use ofi spinlock functions
+  - rocr: minor fixes
+  - neuron: convert warn to info for nrt_get_dmabuf_fd not found
+  - neuron: check existance of neuron devices during initialization
+  - neuron: Add support for neuron dma-buf
+  - ze: update ZE to support new driver index specification
+  - List variables read from config file
+  - Add switch to prefer system-config over environment
+  - Add basic system-config support for setting library variables
+  - Move peer provider defines into new header
+  - rocr: Support asynchronous memory copies
+  - rocr: Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - rocr: rename rocr data-structures
+  - synpaseai: return 0 for host_register and host_deregister
+  - fabric: Improve log level of provider mismatch
+  - cuda: Allow CUDA IPC when P2P disabled
+  - ze: add ZE command list pool to reuse command lists
+  - cuda: implement cuda_get_xfer_setting for non cuda build
+  - cuda: adjust FI_HMEM_CUDA_ENABLE_XFER behavior
+  - cuda.c: Add const to param to remove warning
+  - Add IFF_RUNNING check to indicate iface is up and running
+  - io_uring support enhancements
+  - EFA
+  - Implement CUDA support on instance types that do not support GPUDirect RDMA
+  - Implement fi_write using device's RDMA write capability
+  - Enrich error messages with debug and connection info
+  - Implement support for FI_OPT_EFA_USE_DEVICE_RDMA in fi_setopt
+  - Implement support for FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED in fi_setopt
+  - Add support for neuron dma-buf
+  - Use gdrcopy to improve the intra-node CUDA communication performance for small messages
+  - Use shm provider's FI_AV_USER_ID support
+  - Fix bugs in efa provider’s shm info initialization procedure
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf_peer_mem: Handle IPC handle caching in L0
+  - trace: Add trace log for CM operation APIs
+  - trace: Change tag in trace log to hex format
+  - trace: Enhance trace log for data transfer API calls
+  - trace: Add trace log for API fi_cq_readerr()
+  - trace: Add trace log for CQ operation APIs
+  - Add tracing hook provider
+  - Net
+  - Net provider optimizations have been integrated into the tcp provider.
+  - Net provider has been removed as a reported provider.
+  - OPX
+  - Fixes for Coverity scan issues
+  - Enhanced tag matching
+  - Tune expected recv for unaligned buffers
+  - Add finer logging granularity
+  - Reduce RTS immediate data and fix packet estimate for odd TID lengths
+  - Add additional sources for FI_OPX_UUID
+  - Exclude opx from build if missing needed defines
+  - Move some logs to optimized builds
+  - Fix build warnings for unused return code from posix_memalign
+  - Add reliability sanity check to detect when send buffer is illegally altered
+  - SDMA Completion workaround for driver cache invalidation race condition
+  - Fix replay payload pointer increment
+  - Handle completion counter across multiple writes in SDMA
+  - Cleanup pointers after free()
+  - Modify domain creation to handle soft cache errors
+  - Two biband performance improvements
+  - Fixes based on Coverity Scan related to auto progress patch
+  - Changed poll many argument to rx_caps instead of caps
+  - Resync with server configured for Multi-Engines (DAOS CART Self Tests)
+  - Remove import_monitor as ENOSYS case
+  - Address memory leaks reported on OFIWG issues page
+  - General code cleanup
+  - Add replays over SDMA
+  - Implement basic TID Cache
+  - Revert work_pending check change
+  - Fix use_immediate_blocks
+  - Restore state after replay packet is NULL
+  - Fix memory leak from early arrival packets
+  - Fix segfault in SHM operations from uninitialized value in atomic path
+  - Prevent SDMA work entries from being reused with outstanding replays
+  - Set runtime as default for OPX_AV
+  - Fix RTS replay immediate data
+  - Fix errors caught by the upstream libfabric Coverity Scan
+  - fi_getInfo - Support multiple HFI devices
+  - Support OFI_PORT and Contiguous endpoint addresses for CART & Mercury
+  - Add fi_opx_tid.h to Makefile.include
+  - Fix progress checks and default domain
+  - Revert is_intranode simplification.
+  - Don't inline handle_ud_ping function
+  - Allow atomic fetch ops to use SDMA for sufficiently large counts
+  - Cleaned up FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn output
+  - Cleaned up unused macros for FI_REMOTE_COMM and FI_LOCAL_COMM
+  - Reset default progress to FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL
+  - Fixed GCC 10 build error with Auto Progress
+  - Add support for FI_PROGRESS_AUTO
+  - Use max allowed packet size in SDMA path when expected TID is off
+  - Expected receive (TID) rendezvous
+  - RMA Read/Write operations over SDMA
+  - Remove origin_rs from cts and dput packet header
+  - Fix for hang in DAOS CART tests
+  - Use single IOV for bounce buffer in SDMA requests.
+  - Check for FI_MULTI_RECV with bitwise OR instead of AND
+  - Fix for intermittent intra-node deadlock hang (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix to RPC transport error failure (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix for context->buf set to NULL
+  - Fix bad asserts
+  - Ensure atomicity of atomic ops
+  - fi_opx_cq_poll_inline count and head check fix
+  - Fix intermittent intra-node hang causing RPC timeouts (DAOS CART tests)
+  - PSM3
+  - Update provider to sync with IEFS
+  - Fix warnings from build
+  - Add oneapi ZE support to OFI configure
+  - RXD
+  - Ignore error path in av_close return
+  - RXM
+  - Handle NULL av in rxm_freeall_conns()
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Write "len" field for remote write
+  - Ignore error path domain_close return
+  - Free coll_pool on ep close
+  - Update rxm to use util_cq FI_PEER support functions
+  - Fix incorrect CQ completion field
+  - Rename srx to msg_srx
+  - Disable FI_SOURCE if not requested
+  - Memory leaks removed
+  - Set offload_coll_mask based on actual configuration
+  - Report on coll offload capabilities with OFI_OFFLOAD_PROV_ONLY
+  - Fabric setups collective offload fabric
+  - Create eq for collective offload provider
+  - Close collective providers ep when rxm_ep is closed
+  - Fix incorrect use of OFI_UNUSED()
+  - Rework collective support to use collective provider(s)
+  - SHM
+  - Fix potential deadlock in smr_generic_rma()
+  - smr_generic_rma() wwrite error completion with positive errno
+  - Update SHM to use ROCR
+  - Fix incorrect discard call when cleaning up unexpected queues
+  - Separate smr_generic_msg into msg and tagged recv
+  - Fix start_msg call
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Assert not valid atomic op
+  - Fix a bug in smr_av_insert
+  - Optimize locking on the SAR path
+  - Remove unneeded sar_cnt
+  - Optimize locking
+  - Enable multiple GPU/interface support
+  - Remove HMEM specific calls from atomic path
+  - Use util_cq FI_PEER support
+  - Import shm as device host memory
+  - Add HMEM flag to smr region
+  - Fix user_id support
+  - Write tx err comp to correct cq
+  - Fix index when setting FI_ADDR_USER_ID
+  - TCP
+  - Provider source has been replaced by net provider source
+  - Removed incorrect reporting of support for FI_ATOMIC
+  - Do not save unmatched messages until we have the peer's fi_addr
+  - Use internal flag for FI_CLAIM messages, versus a reserved tag bit
+  - Fix updating error counter when discarding saved messages
+  - Allow saved messages to be received after the underlying ep has been closed
+  - Enhanced debug logging in connection path
+  - Force CM progress on unconnected ep's when posting data transfers
+  - Support connect and accept calls with io_uring
+  - Fix segfault accessing an invalid fi_addr
+  - Add io_uring support for CM message exchange
+  - Move CM progress from fabric to EQ to improve multi-threaded performance
+  - Fix small memory leak destroying an EQ
+  - Fix race where same rx entry could be freed twice
+  - Handle NULL av in rdm ep cleanup
+  - Reduce stack use for epoll event array
+  - UCX
+  - New provider targeting Nvidia fabrics that layers over libucp
+  - Util
+  - Fix the behavior of cq_read for FI_PEER
+  - rocr: Fix compilation issue
+  - cuda: Use correct debug string calls
+  - Free cq->peer_cq on close
+  - Remove extra new line from av insert log
+  - Check for count = 0 in ofi_ip_av_insert
+  - rocr: Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - Add FI_PEER support to util_cq
+  - Disable FI_SOURCE if not requested
+  - Remove FID events from the EQ when closing endpoint
+  - Rework collective support to be a peer collective provider(s)
+  - Allow FI_PEER to pass CQ, EQ and AV attr checking
+  - Remove annoying WARNING message for FI_AFFINITY
+  - Add utility collective provider
+  - Verbs
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - Fabtests
+  - Add fi_setopt_test unit test
+  - Update ze device registration calls
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Always use host buffer for synchronization
+  - Fix bug in posting RMA operation
+  - fi_cq_data: Extend test to fi_writedata
+  - fi_cq_data: Extend validation of completion data
+  - Rename fi_msg_inject tests to fi_inject_test to reflect its use
+  - fi_rdm_stress: Add count option to json key/pair options
+  - Add and fix OOB option handling in several tests
+  - fi_eq_test: Fix incorrect return value
+  - fi_rdm_multi_client: Increase the size of ep name buffer
+  - Add FI_MR_RAW to default mr_mode
+  - Support larger control messages needed by newer providers
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Update to work with the ucx provider
+  - fi_ubertest: Cleanup allocations in failure cases
+  - Change ft_reg_mr to not assume hmem iface & device
+  - fi_multinode: Bugfix multinode test for ze + verbs
+  - fi_multinode: Remove unused validation print
+  - fi_multinode: Skip tests for unsupported collective operations
+  - fi_ubertest: Fix data validation with device memory
+  - fi_peek_tagged: Restructure and expand test
+- Update to 1.17.1
+  - Core
+  - hmem_cuda Add const to param to remove warning
+  - Fix typos in fi_ext.h
+  - ofi_epoll: Remove unused hot_index struct member
+  - EFA
+  - Print local/peer addresses for RX write errors
+  - Unit test to verify no copy with shm for small host message
+  - Avoid unnecessary copy when sending data from shm
+  - Compare pci bus id in hints
+  - Fix double free in rxr endpoint init
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf_peer_mem: Handle IPC handle caching in L0
+  - OPX
+  - Exclude from build if missing needed defines
+  - Move some logs to optimized builds
+  - Fix build warnings for unused return code from posix_memalign
+  - Add reliability sanity check to detect when send buffer is illegally altered
+  - SDMA Completion workaround for driver cache invalidation race condition
+  - Fix replay payload pointer increment
+  - Handle completion counter across multiple writes in SDMA
+  - Cleanup pointers after free()
+  - Modify domain creation to handle soft cache errors
+  - Two biband performance improvements
+  - Fixes based on Coverity Scan related to auto progress patch
+  - Changed poll many argument to rx_caps instead of caps
+  - Resynch with server configured for Multi-Engines (DAOS CART Self Tests)
+  - Remove import_monitor as ENOSYS case
+  - Address memory leaks reported on OFIWG issues page
+  - Remove unused fields
+  - Fix unwanted print statement case
+  - Add replays over SDMA
+  - Implement basic TID Cache
+  - Revert work_pending check change
+  - Fix use_immediate_blocks
+  - Restore state after replay packet is NULL
+  - Fix memory leak from early arrival packets.
+  - Fix segfault in SHM operations from uninitialized value in atomic path.
+  - Prevent SDMA work entries from being reused with outstanding
+    replays pointing to bounce buf.
+  - Set runtime as default for OPX_AV
+  - Fix RTS replay immediate data
+  - Fix errors caught by the upstream libfabric Coverity Scan
+  - Support multiple HFI devices
+  - Support OFI_PORT and Contiguous endpoint addresses
+  - Update man pages
+  - Util
+  - util_cq: Remove annoying WARNING message for FI_AFFINITY
+- Update to 1.17.0
+  - Core
+  - Add IFF_RUNNING check to indicate iface is up and running
+  - General code cleanups
+  - Add abstraction for common io_uring operations
+  - Support ROCR get_base_addr
+  - Add a 'flags' parameter to fi_barrier()
+  - Introduce new calls for opening domain and endpoint with flags
+  - Add ability to re-sort the fi_info list
+  - Allowing layering of rxm over net provider
+  - General cleanup of provider filtering functions
+  - Add io_uring operations to be used by sockapi
+  - Modify internal handling of async socket operations
+  - Sockets operations are moved to a common sockapi abstraction
+  - Add support for Ze host register/unregister
+  - Add new offload provider type
+  - Rename fi_prov_context and simplify its use
+  - Convert interface prefix string checks to exact checks
+  - EFA
+  - Code cleanups and various bug fixes
+  - Improved debug logging and warnings and assertions
+  - Do not ignore hints->domain_attr->name
+  - Fix the calculation of REQ header size for a packet entry
+  - Fix default value for host memory's max_medium_msg_size
+  - Add tracepoints to send/recv/read ops
+  - Simplified emulated read protocol
+  - Set use_device_rdma according to efa device id
+  - Fix shm initialization path on error
+  - Fix Implementation of FI_EFA_INTER_MIN_READ_MESSAGE_SIZE
+  - Do not enable rdma_read if rxr_env.use_device_rdma is false
+  - Remove de-allocated CUDA memory region during registration
+  - Fix the error handling path of efa_mr_reg_impl()
+  - Fix rxr_ep unit tests involving ibv_cq_ex
+  - Add check of rdma-read capability for synapseai
+  - Report correct default for runt_size parameter
+  - Toggle cuda sync memops via environment variable.
+  - Net
+  - Continued fork of tcp provider, will eventually merge changes back
+  - Fix inject support
+  - Fix memory leak in peek/claim path
+  - General code cleanups and bug fixes from initial fork
+  - Allow looking ahead in tcp stream to handle out-of-order messages
+  - Add message tracing ability
+  - Fetch correct ep when posting to a loopback connection
+  - Release lock in case of error in rdm_close
+  - Fix error path in xnet_enable_rdm
+  - Add missing progress lock in srx cleanup
+  - Code restructuring and enhancements with longer term goal of supporting io_uring
+  - Disable the progress thread in most situations
+  - Rename DL from libxnet-fi to libnet-fi
+  - Add missing initialization calls for DL provider
+  - Add support for FI_PEEK, FI_CLAIM, and FI_DISCARD
+  - Include source address with CQ entry
+  - Fix support for FI_MULTI_RECV
+  - OPX
+  - Bug fixes and general code cleanup
+  - Fix progress checks and default domain
+  - Allow atomic fetch ops to use SDMA for sufficiently large counts
+  - Cleaned up FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn output
+  - Reset default progress to FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL
+  - Fixed GCC 10 build error with Auto Progress
+  - Add support for FI_PROGRESS_AUTO
+  - Use max allowed packet size in SDMA path when expected TID is turned off
+  - Expected receive (TID) rendezvous
+  - RMA Read/Write operations over SDMA
+  - Remove origin_rs from cts and dput packet header.
+  - Fix for hang - unable to match inbound packets with receive
+  context->src_addr (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Use single IOV for bounce buffer in SDMA requests.
+  - Check for FI_MULTI_RECV with bitwise OR instead of AND
+  - Fix for intermittent intra-node deadlock hang (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix to RPC transport error failure (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix for context->buf set to NULL
+  - Fix bad asserts
+  - Ensure atomicity of atomic ops
+  - fi_opx_cq_poll_inline count and head check fix
+  - Fix intermittent intra-node hang causing RPC timeouts (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Temporarily reduce SDMA queue ring size for possible driver bug workaround
+  - Fix alignment issue and asserts
+  - Enable more parallel SDMA operations
+  - PSM3
+  - Synced to IEFS
+  - Tech Preview Ubuntu 22.04 Support
+  - Tech Preview Intel DSA Support
+  - Improved Intel GPU Support
+  - Various performance improvements
+  - Various bug fixes
+  - RxM
+  - Always use rendezvous protocol for ZE device memory send
+  - Code cleanup
+  - Add option to free resources on AV removal
+  - SHM
+  - Fix user_id support
+  - Write tx err comp to correct cq
+  - Fix index when setting FI_ADDR_USER_ID
+  - Remove extraneous ofi_cirque_next() call
+  - Add support for FI_AV_USER_ID
+  - Fix multi_recv messaging
+  - General code restructuring for maintainability
+  - Implement shared completion queues
+  - Decouple error processing from cq completion path to avoid switch
+  - Fix incorrect op passed into recv cancel operation
+  - Enhanced SHM implementation with DSA offload
+  - Use multiple SAR buffers per copy operation
+  - Fix ZE IPC race condition on startup
+  - TCP
+  - Minor updates in preparation for io_uring support (via net provider)
+  - Util
+  - Add option to free resources on AV removal
+  - Add 'flags' parameter to new fi_barrier2() call
+  - Add debugging in ofi_mr_map_verify
+  - Rename internal bitmask struct to include ofi prefix
+  - Verbs
+  - Add option to disable dmabuf support
+  - FI_SOCKADDR includes support of FI_SOCKADDR_IB
+  - Fabtests
+  - shared: Expand hmem support
+  - fi_loopback: Add support for tagged messages
+  - fi_mr_test: add support of hmem
+  - fi_rdm_atomic: Fix hmem support
+  - fi_rdm_tagged_peek: Read messages in order, code cleanup and fixes
+  - fi_multinode: Add performance and runtime control options, cleanups
+  - benchmarks: Add data verification to some bw tests
+  - fi_multi_recv: Fix possible crash in cleanup
+- Drop prov-net-fix-error-path-in-xnet_enable_rdm.patch which was merged upstream.
+- Adjust license field based on legaldb scan
+  * newly added Unicode-TOU compared to the previous scan
+- Use Rust 1.71 for build since build is known to be broken on 1.72+
+- Version 0.195.1:
+  flux has been deprecated by InflxuData,
+  switch the package to the Community fork
-- CVE-2022-41859.patch: fixes information leakage in EAP-PWD
-  (bsc#1206204, CVE-2022-41859)
-- CVE-2022-41860.patch: fixes crash on unknown option in EAP-SIM
-  (bsc#1206205, CVE-2022-41860)
-- CVE-2022-41861.patch: fixes crash on invalid abinary data
-  (bsc#1206206, CVE-2022-41861)
+- update to version 3.2.3 (jsc#PED-6567)
+  Feature Improvements
+  * Add "max_retries" for connection pools. Fixes #4908.
+  * Update dictionary.ciena, dictionary.huawei, dictionary.wifialliance and
+    dictionary.wispr; add dictionary.eleven.
+  * You can now list "eap" in the "pre-proxy" section. If the packet contains a
+    malformed EAP message, then the request will be rejected The home server
+    will either reject (or discard) this packet anyways, so this change can
+    only help with large proxy scenarios.
+  * Show warnings if libldap is not using OpenSSL.
+  * Support RADIUS/1.1. See
+ Disabled by
+    default, can be enabled by passing `--with-radiusv11` to the configure
+    script. For now, this is for testing interoperability.
+  * Add extra sanity checks for malformed EAP attributes.
+  * More TLS debugging output.
+  * Clear old module instance data before HUP reload. Avoids burst memory use
+    when e.g. using large data files with rlm_files.
+  * `rlm_cache_redis` is now included in the freeradius-redis packages.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Don't leak MD contexts with OpenSSL 3.0.
+  * Increase internal buffer size for TLS connections, which can help with
+    high-load proxies.
+  * Send Status-Server checks for TLS connections.
+  * Give descriptive error if "update CoA" is used with "fake" packets, as it
+    won't work. i.e. inner-tunnel and virtual home servers.
+  * Many small ASAN / LSAN fixes from Jorge Pereira.
+  * Close inbound RADIUS/TLS socket on TLS errors. When a home server sees a
+    TLS error, it will now close the socket, so proxies do not have an open
+    (but dead) TLS connection.
+  * Fix mutex locking issues on inbound RADIUS/TLS connections This change
+    avoids random issues with "bad record mac".
+  * Improve REST encoding loop. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. Closes #4950.
+  * Correctly report the LDAP group a user was found in. Fixes #3084.
+  * Force correct packet type when running Post-Auth-Type. Helps with #4980.
+  * Fix small leak in Client-Lost code. Patch from Terry Burton. PR #4996.
+  * Fix TCP socket statistics. Closes #4990.
+  * Use NAS-Port-Id instead of NAS-Port during SQL simultaneous-use checks. Helps with #5010.
+  Changes in version 3.2.2:
+  Feature Improvements
+  * The "configure" process now gives a much clearer report when it's finished
+  * Fallback to "uname -n" on missing "hostname". Fixes #4771.
+  * Export thread details in radmin "stats threads". Fixes #4770.
+  * Improve queries for processing radacct into periodic usage data
+  * Update
+  * Add dictionary.calix.
+  * Fix dictionary.rfc6519 DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name to be "octets".
+  * Update documentation for robust-proxy-accounting, and be more aggressive about sending packets.
+  * Add per-module files in the source.
+  * Add default Visual Studio configuration for developers.
+  * Postgres can now automatically use alternate queries for errors other than duplicate keys.
+  * %{listen:TLS-PSK-Identity} is now set when using PSK and psk_query This
+    helps the server track the identity of the client which is connecting.
+  * Include thread stats in Status-Server attributes. Fixes #4870.
+  * Mark rlm_unbound stable and add to packages.
+  * Remove broken/unsupported Dockerfiles for centos8 and debian9.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Preliminary support for non-blocking TLS sockets. Helps with #3501.
+  * Fix support for partial certificate chains after adding reload support. Fixes #4753.
+  * Fix handling of debug_condition.
+  * Clean up home server states, and re-sync with the dictionaries.
+  * Correct certificate order when creating TLS-* attributes Fixes #4785.
+  * Update use of isalpha() etc. so broken configurations have less impact on the server.
+  * Outgoing TLS sockets now set SNI correctly from the "hostname" configuration item.
+  * Support Apple Homebrew on the M1. Fixes #4754.
+  * Better error messages when %{listen:TLS-...} is used.
+  * Getting statistics via Status-Server can now be done within a virtual server. Fixes #4868.
+  * Make TTLS+MS-CHAP work with TLS 1.3. Fixes #4878.
+  * Fix md5 xlat memory leak when using OpenSSL 3.0
+- freeradius-server-rlm_sql_unixodbc-configure.patch: refreshed
+- spec file cleanup: remove duplicate BR: from subpackages
+- update to version 3.2.1:
+  Feature Improvements
+  * Add dictionary.ciena, dictionary.nile, and DHCPv4 dictionaries
+  * Add simultaneous-use queries for MS SQL
+  * Add radmin command for "stats pool <module-name>"
+    which prints out statistics about the connection pools.
+  * Client statistics now shows "conflicts",
+    to count conflicting packets.
+  * New optional "lightweight accounting-on/off" strategy.
+    When refreshing queries.conf you should also add the new
+    nasreload table and corresponding GRANTs to your DB schema.
+  * Add TLS-Client-Cert-X509v3-Certificate-Policies, which helps
+    with Eduroam.
+  * Allow auth+acct for TCP sockets, too.
+  * Add rlm_cache_redis. See raddb/mods-available/cache for details.
+  * Allow radmin to look up home servers by name, too.
+  * Ensure that dynamic clients don't create loops on duplicates
+  * Removed rlm_sqlhpwippool. There was no documentation, no configuration,
+    and the module was ~15 years old with no one using it.
+  * Marked rlm_python3 as stable.
+  * Add sigalgs_list. See raddb/mods-available/eap
+  * For rlm_linelog, when opening files in /dev, look at "permissions"
+    to see whether to open them r/w.
+  * More flexibility for dynamic home servers. See
+    doc/configuration/ and
+    raddb/home_servers/
+  * Allow setting of application_name for PostgreSQL.
+    See mods-available/sql.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Correct test for open sessions in radacct for MS SQL.
+  * The linelog module now opens /dev/stdout in "write-only" mode
+    if the permissions are set to "u+w" (0002).
+  * Various fixes to rlm_unbound from Nick Porter.
+  * PEAP now correctly runs Post-Auth-Type Accept.
+  * Create "TLS-Cert-*" for outbound Radsec, instead of
+    TLS-Client-Cert-* Fixes #4698. See sites-available/tls,
+    and fix_cert_order.
+  * Minor updates and fixes to CI, Dockerfiles and packaging.
+  * Fix rlm_python3 build with python >= 3.10. Fixes #4441.
+  Changes in version 3.2.0:
+  Feature Improvements
+  All features from 3.0.x are included in the 3.2.x releases.
+  In addition:
+  * Add 'reset_day' and '%%r' parameter for rlm_sqlcounter to
+    specify which day of the month the counter should be reset.
+  * Partial backport of rlm_json from v4, providing the json_encode
+    xlat See mods-available/json for documentation.
+  * Support for haproxy "PROXY" protocol See sites-available/tls,
+    "proxy_protocol" and doc/antora/modules/howto/pages/protocols/proxy/.
+  * Support for sending CoA-Request and Disconnect-Request packets
+    in "reverse" down RadSec tunnels. Experimental for now,
+    and undocumented.
+  * It is now possible to run a virtual server when saving / loading
+    TLS cache attributes. See sites-available/tls-cache for more
+    information.
+  * Removed the "cram" module. It was undocumented,
+    and used old and insecure authentication methods.
+  * Remove the "otp" module. The "otpd" program it needs is
+    no longer available, and the module has not been usable since
+    at least 2015.
+  * All features from 3.0.x are included in the 3.2.x releases.
+  * 3.2.0 requires OpenSSL 1.0.2 or greater.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * All bug fixes from 3.0.x are included in the 3.2.x releases, including
+  * fixes information leakage in EAP-PWD (bsc#1206204, CVE-2022-41859)
+  * fixes crash on unknown option in EAP-SIM (bsc#1206205, CVE-2022-41860)
+  * fixes crash on invalid abinary data (bsc#1206206, CVE-2022-41861)
+- freeradius-server-enable-python3.patch: refreshed
+- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.
+- use chown with colon instead dot in radiusd.service
+- Resolve issue with linking python3 with rlm-python
+- Apply upstream fix for a crash due to a crafted BGP UPDATE message
+  (CVE-2023-46753,bsc#1216626,
+  [+ 0013-bgpd-Check-mandatory-attributes-more-carefully-for-U.patch]
+- Apply upstream fix for a crash due to mishandled malformed
+  MP_REACH_NLRI data (CVE-2023-46752,bsc#1216627,
+  [+ 0014-bgpd-Handle-MP_REACH_NLRI-malformed-packets-with-ses.patch]
+- Add gcc13-bsc1216664.patch, works around SAP ASE DB crash during
+  C++ standard library initialization.  [bsc#1216664]
+- add pr111411.patch (bsc#1215427)
+- Update to version 0.20231023:
+  * many updates to support Chromium 119 build
+- drop deprecated_copy.patch
+- add redundant-move.patch
+- Add gnome-maps-bec3d2f2.patch: Fix tests for time formats with
+  different kind of spaces (boo#1216184, boo#1217240).
+- Always set user and host build metadata to constant string to
+  achieve reproducible builds (compare
+- Add 0001-do_not_discover_user_host_for_reproducible_builds.patch
+- Require Go >= 1.19 for building
+- Require Go >= 1.18 for building Red Hat packages
+- Update to version 9.5.8:
+  * Features and enhancements
+    GenericOAuth: Set sub as auth id
+  * Bug fixes:
+    DataSourceProxy: Fix url validation error handling
+- Update to version 9.5.7:
+  * Features and enhancements
+    Alerting: Sort NumberCaptureValues in EvaluationString
+    Alerting: Improve performance of matching captures
+    Alerting: No longer silence paused alerts during legacy
+    migration
+    Alerting: Remove and revert flag alertingBigTransactions
+    Alerting: Migrate unknown NoData\Error settings to the default
+    Tracing: supply Grafana build version
+    Tempo: Escape regex-sensitive characters in span name before
+    building promql query
+  * Bug fixes:
+    Plugins: Only configure plugin proxy transport once
+    Alerting: Fix unique violation when updating rule group with
+    title chains/cycles
+    Prometheus: Version detect bug
+    Prometheus: Fix heatmap format with no data
+    Database: Change getExistingDashboardByTitleAndFolder to get
+    dashboard by title, not slug
+    Alerting: Convert 'Both' type Prometheus queries to 'Range' in
+    migration
+    SQLStore: Fix Postgres dialect treating "false" migrator
+    default as true
+    Alerting: Support newer http_config struct
+    InfluxDB: Interpolate retention policies
+    StatusHistory: Fix rendering of value-mapped null
+    Alerting: Fix provenance guard checks for Alertmanager
+    configuration to not cause panic when compared nested
+    objects
+    AnonymousAuth: Fix concurrent read-write crash
+    AzureMonitor: Ensure legacy properties containing template
+    variables are correctly migrated
+    Explore: Remove data source onboarding page
+    Dashboard: Re-align Save form
+    Azure Monitor: Fix bug that did not show alert rule preview
+    Histogram: Respect min/max panel settings for x-axis
+    Heatmap: Fix color rendering for value ranges < 1
+    Heatmap: Handle unsorted timestamps in calculate mode
+    Google Cloud Monitor: Fix mem usage for dropdown
+    AzureMonitor: Fix logs query multi-resource and timespan values
+    Utils: Reimplement util.GetRandomString to avoid modulo bias
+    Alerting: Fix matching labels with spaces in their values
+    Dashboard: Fix applying timezone to datetime variables
+    Dashboard: Fix panel description event triggering every time
+    panel is rendered
+    Tempo: Fix get label values based on CoreApp type
+    Heatmap: Fix log scale editor
+    Dashboard: Fix disappearing panel when viewed panel is
+    refreshed
+    Prometheus: Fix bug in creating autocomplete queries with
+    labels
+    Prometheus: Fix Query Inspector expression range value
+    Alerting: Fix migration failing if alert_configuration table is
+    not empty
+    InfluxDB: Fix querying retention policies on flux mode
+- Update to version 9.5.6:
+  * Bug fixes
+    Dashboard: Fix library panels in collapsed rows not getting
+    updated
+    Auth: Add and document option for enabling email lookup
+- Fix failure to identify recent ext4 filesystem (bsc#1216010)
+  * 0001-fs-ext2-Ignore-checksum-seed-incompat-feature.patch
+  * 0001-fs-ext2-Ignore-the-large_dir-incompat-feature.patch
+- Add patch to fix reading files from btrfs with "implicit" holes
+  * 0001-fs-btrfs-Zero-file-data-not-backed-by-extents.patch
+- Fix fadump not working with 1GB/2GB/4GB LMB[P10] (bsc#1216253)
+  * 0001-kern-ieee1275-init-ppc64-Restrict-high-memory-in-pre.patch
+- Fix detection of encrypted disk's uuid in powerpc to cope with logical disks
+  when signed image installation is specified (bsc#1216075)
+  * 0003-grub-install-support-prep-environment-block.patch
+- grub2.spec: Add support to unlocking multiple encrypted disks in signed
+  grub.elf image for logical disks
+- Update to version 3.13.2 (bsc#1217013):
+  * chore(deps): bump from 1.54.0 to 1.56.3
+  * Update get-helm-3
+  * chore(deps): bump
+  * Fixing release labelling in rollback
+  * Drop filterSystemLabels usage from Query method
+  * Apply review suggestions
+  * Allow using label selectors for system labels for sql backend.
+  * Allow using label selectors for system labels for secrets and
+    configmap backends.
+  * Revert "fix(main): fix basic auth for helm pull or push"
+  * Revert "fix(registry): address anonymous pull issue"
+  * chore(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.17.0
+  * Update get-helm-3 to get version through
+- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#675
+- add TPM support (bsc#1216835, jsc#PED-7053)
+- 16.59.3
+- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#668
+- remove obsolete systemd-sysvinit package (bsc#1216741)
+- systemd lib moved to /usr/lib64
+- 16.59.2
+- Update to version jdk8u392 (icedtea-3.29.0)
+  * October 2023 CPU
+  * CVEs
+    + CVE-2023-22067, bsc#1216379
+    + CVE-2023-22081, bsc#1216374
+  * Security fixes
+    + JDK-8286503, JDK-8312367: Enhance security classes
+    + JDK-8297856: Improve handling of Bidi characters
+    + JDK-8303384: Improved communication in CORBA
+    + JDK-8305815, JDK-8307278: Update Libpng to 1.6.39
+    + JDK-8309966: Enhanced TLS connections
+  * Import of OpenJDK 8 u392 build 08
+    + JDK-6722928: Provide a default native GSS-API library on
+    Windows
+    + JDK-8040887: [TESTBUG] Remove
+    test/runtime/6925573/
+    + JDK-8042726: [TESTBUG] TEST.groups file was not updated after
+    runtime/6925573/ removal
+    + JDK-8139348: Deprecate 3DES and RC4 in Kerberos
+    + JDK-8173072: zipfs fails to handle incorrect info-zip
+    "extended timestamp extra field"
+    + JDK-8200468: Port the native GSS-API bridge to Windows
+    + JDK-8202952: C2: Unexpected dead nodes after matching
+    + JDK-8205399: Set node color on pinned HashMap.TreeNode
+    deletion
+    + JDK-8209115: adjust libsplashscreen linux ppc64le builds for
+    easier libpng update
+    + JDK-8214046: [macosx] Undecorated Frame does not Iconify when
+    set to
+    + JDK-8219804: java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails
+    intermittently due to NumberFormatException
+    + JDK-8225687: Newly added sspi.cpp in JDK-6722928 still
+    contains some small errors
+    + JDK-8232225: Rework the fix for JDK-8071483
+    + JDK-8242330: Arrays should be cloned in several JAAS Callback
+    classes
+    + JDK-8253269: The CheckCommonColors test should provide more
+    info on failure
+    + JDK-8283441: C2: segmentation fault in
+    ciMethodBlocks::make_block_at(int)
+    + JDK-8284910: Buffer clean in PasswordCallback
+    + JDK-8287073: NPE from CgroupV2Subsystem.getInstance()
+    + JDK-8287663: Add a regression test for JDK-8287073
+    + JDK-8295685: Update Libpng to 1.6.38
+    + JDK-8295894: Remove SECOM certificate that is expiring in
+    September 2023
+    + JDK-8308788: [8u] Remove duplicate test
+    + JDK-8309122: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u392
+    + JDK-8309143: [8u] fix archiving inconsistencies in GHA
+    + JDK-8310026: [8u] make java_lang_String::hash_code consistent
+    across platforms
+    + JDK-8314960: Add Certigna Root CA - 2
+    + JDK-8315135: Memory leak in the native implementation of
+    Pack200.Unpacker.unpack()
+    + JDK-8317040: Exclude cleaner test failing on older releases
+- Added patch:
+  * bsc1211968.patch
+    + fix bsc#1211968: SLES12SP5 vulnerable to CVE-2015-4000
+    (Logjam)?
+- upgrade to version 1.9.8
+  * drop obsolete dependency on systemd-sysvinit (bsc#1216745)
+- upgrade to version 1.9.7
+  * prevent dracut emergency shell
+  * s390: consolidate low-level network configuration with zdev
+  * s390: Explicitly request zFCP devices
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
-- s390: add z16 elf platform (git-fixes LTC#203789 bsc#1215956
-  LTC#203788 bsc#1215957).
-- commit a4355b3
+- Update config files.
+  - BATTERY_UG3105
+  - BCM84881_PHY
+  - CDX_BUS
+  - CHARGER_MAX77976
+  - DRM_SSD130X
+  - FB_SSD130X
+  - FW_CS_DSP
+  - HID_VRC2
+  - HNS3_PMU
+  - I2C_HID
+  - MCTP
+  - MFD_MAX597X
+  - MFD_MAX77714
+  - P2SB
+  - RTC_DRV_NCT3018Y
+  - SAMSUNG_Q10
+  - WPCM450_SOC
+- commit 6d89b4c
+- Update config files.
+- commit cedd036
+- config.conf: disable !azure
+- commit 98c5b50
+- Add azure config
+- commit 32fc924
+- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
+- commit dc646eb
+- commit 38b4fba
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- gve: Support IPv6 Big TCP on DQ (bsc#1214479).
+- Refresh patches.suse/gve-unify-driver-name-usage.patch.
+- commit ff50f3e
+- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
+- commit 6799c0b
+- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Replace scsi_target_block() with
+  scsi_block_targets() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
+  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- commit 62d1aaa
+- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
+  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
+- commit f7703bd
+- xen/events: replace evtchn_rwlock with RCU (bsc#1215745,
+  xsa-441, cve-2023-34324).
+- commit 4249e3a
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- io_uring: don't allow IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- io_uring: ensure io_lockdep_assert_cq_locked() handles disabled
+  rings (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/kbuf: don't allow registered buffer rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c0dd42
+- rdma: fix INFINIBAND_USER_ACCESS dependency (jsc#PED-6864).
+- net: enetc: reset taprio stats when taprio is deleted
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- commit 584e676
+- Refresh patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130)
+  Add entries for more *.pnvm files
+- commit a47aae0
+- locking/rtmutex: Add a lockdep assert to catch potential nested
+  blocking (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Use rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Provide rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Extract __schedule_loop() (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT
+  prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Avoid unconditional slowpath for
+  DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite
+  backports)).
+- sched: Constrain locks in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- tick/rcu: Fix false positive "softirq work is pending" messages
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- commit 1d28f04
+- netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: avoid OOB read (bsc#1216046
+  CVE-2023-39189).
+- commit ea34632
+- RDMA/irdma: Allow accurate reporting on QP max send/recv WR
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-Remove-unnecessary-ternary-operators.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Drop-unused-kernel-push-code.patch.
+- commit 06f966d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize Doorbell pacing feature (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Fix-max_qp-count-for-virtual-functions.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Remove-a-redundant-flag.patch.
+- commit d397127
+- RDMA/rxe: Send last wqe reached event on qp cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-rxe-Fix-unsafe-drain-work-queue-code.patch.
+- commit c7d93ae
+- igc: Add XDP hints kfuncs for RX timestamp (jsc#PED-4860).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/igc-Fix-TX-Hang-issue-when-QBV-Gate-is-closed.patch.
+- commit 1039403
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-cyttsp4_core-change-del_timer_sync-to-tim.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
+- commit 879ed5d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Decrement resource stats correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the handling of control path response data
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix NULL pointer access in regmr_cmd (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix error code in erdma_create_scatter_mtt()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- qed/red_ll2: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct qed_ll2_info
+  (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: always add legacy 32byte RXDID in supported_rxdids
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- sfc: handle error pointers returned by
+  rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast() (jsc#PED-6894).
+- igc: Expose tx-usecs coalesce setting to user (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: Flush XDP for bnxt_poll_nitroa0()'s NAPI
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- igc: Fix infinite initialization loop with early XDP redirect
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: clean up in all error paths when enabling SR-IOV
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igb: Change IGB_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igbvf: Change IGBVF_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64
+  and 80 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igc: Change IGC_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: disable virtualization features on 82580 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- sfc: check for zero length in EF10 RX prefix (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/hfi1: Reduce printing of errors during driver shut down
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Move user SDMA system memory pinning code to its
+  own file (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix trailing */ formatting in block comment
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix redundant break statement in switch-case
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Call llist_reverse_order in siw_run_sq (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix kernel doc errors (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Implement hierarchical MTT (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the storage structure of MTT entries
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Renaming variable names and field names of struct
+  erdma_mem (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support hns HW stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Dump whole QP/CQ/MR resource in raw (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add missing kernel-doc in irdma_setup_umode_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Copy union directly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for dmabuf pinned memory regions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Protect the PD table bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize mutex dbq_lock (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/core: Add more speed parsing in ib_get_width_and_speed()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Set sq_sig_type correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused declaration hns_roce_modify_srq()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary NULL values (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Avoid unnecessary memset (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Cleanup bnxt_re_process_raw_qp_pkt_rx() function
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the sideband buffer size handling for FW
+  commands (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/mlx5: Add HW counter called rx_dct_connect (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mthca: Remove unnecessary NULL assignments (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix one kernel-doc comment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Fix tx thread initialization (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use HW specific minimum WQ size (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Get IB width and speed from netdev (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the debug counters for doorbell pacing
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Expose the missing hw counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the hw counters for resource stats
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Reorganize the resource stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Cleanup and rename irdma_netdev_vlan_ipv6()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add table based lookup for CQ pointer during an
+  event (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Refactor error handling in create CQP
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop a local in irdma_sc_get_next_aeqe
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Use struct_size() (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove VF extend configuration (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support get XRCD number from firmware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove duplicate assignments of va (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in qedr_create_gsi_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add a new uapi for driver notification
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Implement doorbell pacing algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Update alloc_page uapi for pacing (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable pacing support for the user apps
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_en: Share the bar0 address with the RoCE driver
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Update HW interface headers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- RDMA/cma: Avoid GID lookups on iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Deduplicate error flow in cma_validate_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Set gid_attr.ndev for iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix building without IPv6 (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Implement egress VLAN priority (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/efa: Add RDMA write HW statistics counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: align MR mem allocation size to power-of-two
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: Check firmware supports Ethernet PTP filter (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: extend pedit add action to handle decrement ipv6 hop limit
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce pedit add actions on the ipv4 ttl field
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ipv6 hop limit by offloading set hop limit
+  actions (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ttl by offloading set ipv4 ttl actions
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add mac source and destination pedit action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce ethernet pedit set action infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/core: Reorder GID delete code for RoCE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt: use the NAPI skb allocation cache (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Add tx_resets ring counter (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Display the ring error counters under ethtool -S
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Save ring error counters across reset (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Increment rx_resets counter in bnxt_disable_napi()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Let the page pool manage the DMA mapping
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Use the unified RX page pool buffers for XDP and
+  non-XDP (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload left-hand side rules for conntrack (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: conntrack state matches in TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: handle non-zero chain_index on TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload conntrack flow entries (match only) from CT zones
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to insert/remove conntrack entries to MAE
+  hardware (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to register for conntrack zone offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add MAE table machinery for conntrack table (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=stringop-overflow warning in bnxt_dcb.c
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=1 warning in bnxt_dcb.c from fortify memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: add missing xdp.h includes in drivers (jsc#PED-4860).
+- eth: bnxt: fix warning for define in struct_group
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: fix one of the W=1 warnings about fortified memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove vfdi.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Cleanups in io.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Miscellaneous comment removals (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove struct efx_special_buffer (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Filter cleanups for Falcon and Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove some NIC type indirections that are no longer needed
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove PTP code for Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove EFX_REV_SIENA_A0 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove support for siena high priority queue
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove siena_nic_data and stats (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove falcon references (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: clean up a type issue (jsc#PED-3309).
+- eth: bnxt: handle invalid Tx completions more gracefully
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: take the bit to set as argument of
+  bnxt_queue_sp_work() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: move and rename reset helpers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- net: bna: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-6884).
+- igc: Add TransmissionOverrun counter (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: use dev_consume_skb_any() in bnxt_tx_int
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- infiniband: convert to ctime accessor functions (jsc#PED-6864).
+- fs: add ctime accessors infrastructure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: allocate a big enough SKB for loopback selftest packet
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize dpi_tbl_lock mutex (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: fix field-spanning memcpy in selftest (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix an error handling path in rxe_bind_mw()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bna: Remove error checking for debugfs_create_dir()
+  (jsc#PED-6884).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix spelling mistake "priviledged" -> "privileged"
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove duplicated include in bnxt_re/main.c
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor code around bnxt_qplib_map_rc()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove incorrect return check from slow path
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable low latency push (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Reorg the bar mapping (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Move the interface version to chip context
+  structure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Query function capabilities from firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Optimize the bnxt_re_init_hwrm_hdr usage
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add disassociate ucontext support (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Use the common mmap helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize opcode while sending message
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Remove NULL check before dev_{put, hold}
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Simplify cq->notify code (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fixes mr access supported list (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: optimize the parameters passed to helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove redundant cmdq_bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use firmware provided max request timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: cancel all control path command waiters upon error
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: post destroy_ah for delayed completion of AH
+  creation (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add firmware stall check detection (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: handle command completions after driver detect
+  a timedout (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: set fixed command queue depth (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove virt_func check while creating RoCE FW
+  channel (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the original doorbell allocation mechanism
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Associate QPs/CQs with doorbells for authorization
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Allocate doorbell resources from hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Configure PAGE_SIZE to hardware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Implement rereg_user_mr (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Let rkey == lkey for local access (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Introduce rxe access supported flags (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA//rxe: Optimize send path in rxe_resp.c (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Rename IB_ACCESS_REMOTE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Add clear_hem return value to log (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary QP type checks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Remove unused struct mmu_rb_ops fields .insert,
+  .invalidate (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Add mmu_rb_node refcount to hfi1_mmu_rb_template
+  tracepoints (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rtrs: Remove duplicate cq_num assignment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix comments about removed tasklets (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Add workqueue support for rxe tasks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: falcon: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: siena: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: keep alive neighbour entries while a TC encap action is
+  using them (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Link representors to PCI device (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: fix uninitialized variable use (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add CONFIG_INET dependency for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: do not try to call tc functions when CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV=n
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/sched: taprio: report class offload stats per TXQ, not
+  per TC (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: Add devlink dev info support for EF10 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: generate encap headers for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: neighbour lookup for TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: MAE functions to create/update/delete encap headers
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add function to atomically update a rule in the MAE
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: some plumbing towards TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net: enetc: report statistics counters for taprio
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net: enetc: refactor enetc_setup_tc_taprio() to have a
+  switch/case for cmd (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: add netlink reporting for offload statistics
+  counters (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: don't overwrite "sch" variable in
+  taprio_dump_class_stats() (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: handle VI shortage on ef100 by readjusting the channels
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: Use bitmap_weight_and() (jsc#PED-3309).
+- igb: Define igb_pm_ops conditionally on CONFIG_PM
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- net: remove __skb_frag_set_page() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_src_port
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- commit d69eedd
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- mm, memcg: reconsider kmem.limit_in_bytes deprecation
+  (bsc#1208788 bsc#1213705).
+- commit 8678375
+- Revert "Delete patches.suse/memcg-drop-kmem-limit_in_bytes.patch."
+  This reverts commit 52c1db3eb4e2acbdd91aaaefddc26b7207cd4c90.
+  It'll be fixed differently in a following commit.
+  Restore the commit with upstream commit already for proper sorting.
+- commit dcac9e6
+- blk-cgroup: Fix NULL deref caused by blkg_policy_data being
+  installed before init (bsc#1216062).
+- commit 82eb0da
+- blacklist.conf: Add 82b90b6c5b38 cgroup:namespace: Remove unused cgroup_namespaces_init()
+- commit 8f5c0b6
+- HID: sony: remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e63039
+- PCI/PM: Mark devices disconnected if upstream PCIe link is
+  down on resume (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom: Fix IPQ8074 enumeration (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi:: Mark driver struct with __refdata to
+  prevent section mismatch warning (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: tmfifo: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/ifs: release cpus_read_lock() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- net: lan743x: also select PHYLIB (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix incorrect usage of scan API (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Create resources for disabled links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix potential key use-after-free (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt76x02: fix MT76x0 external LNA gain handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix oob check condition in
+  mwifiex_process_rx_packet (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: rtw8723d: Fix MAC address offset in EEPROM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix mesh id corruption on 32 bit systems
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix a memory corruption issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg_ini: fix structure packing (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: hold link BSSes when assoc fails for
+  MLO connection (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix tlv_buf_left calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix lock dependency problem for wed_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: llcp: Add lock when modifying device list (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: Revert "fix kobject release warning and memory
+  leak in regulator_register()" (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: regulator_register: set device->class earlier
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Fix wrong register marked as in-cache when
+  creating new node (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix potential use after free in
+  nilfs_gccache_submit_read_data() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "tty: n_gsm: fix UAF in gsm_cleanup_mux" (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250_port: Check IRQ data before use (git-fixes).
+- soc: imx8m: Enable OCOTP clock for imx8mm before reading
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Fix node refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: core: fix use after free in uevent (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rt9467: Fix rt9467_run_aicl() (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Add missing module alias (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ucs1002: fix error code in ucs1002_get_property()
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: mt6370: Fix missing error code in
+  mt6370_chg_toggle_cfo() (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-gxp: BUG: Correct spi write return value (git-fixes).
+- commit 411dd64
+- dt-bindings: trivial-devices: Fix MEMSIC MXC4005 compatible
+  string (git-fixes).
+- media: dt-bindings: imx7-csi: Make power-domains not required
+  for imx8mq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: media: renesas,vin: Fix field-even-active spelling
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: aspeed: fix the GPIO number passed to
+  pinctrl_gpio_set_config() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pxa: disable pinctrl calls for MMP_GPIO (git-fixes).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Disable and reenable ACPI GPE bit
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: sony: Fix a potential memory leak in sony_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: mvm: handle PS changes in vif_cfg_changed (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc75xx: Fix uninit-value access in
+  __smsc75xx_read_reg (git-fixes).
+- leds: Drop BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI (git-fixes).
+- modpost: add missing else to the "of" check (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Fixup perf power-cost/microwatt support
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Don't set the memory region attributes for
+  MEM_LEND (git-fixes).
+- firmware: imx-dsp: Fix an error handling path in
+  imx_dsp_setup_channels() (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix missing AM35xx SoC matching (git-fixes).
+- i2c: npcm7xx: Fix callback completion ordering (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pmic-eic-sprd: Add can_sleep flag for PMIC EIC chip
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: tegra: fix error return case for recalc_rate (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Fix regmap write accessor (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Use REGCACHE_FLAT instead of NONE (git-fixes).
+- clk: sprd: Fix thm_parents incorrect configuration (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Match auto-discovered region decoders by HPA range
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/pci: Fix appropriate checking for _OSC while handling CXL
+  RAS registers (git-fixes).
+- gpio: tb10x: Fix an error handling path in tb10x_gpio_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: xiic: Correct return value check for xiic_reinit()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: gpio: Add missing fwnode_handle_put() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: demux-pinctrl: check the return value of
+  devm_kstrdup() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: unregister tco_pdev in i801_probe() error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: fix frag_list chaining (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
+- commit 144b2b0
+- Bluetooth: hci_codec: Fix leaking content of local_codecs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix handling of listen for unicast (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_link_tx_to RCU lock usage (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix handling of
+- Bluetooth: Delete unused hci_req_prepare_suspend() declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Fix incorrect calculation of idt size (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: remove CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_NPCM8XX=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Use fsleep() instead of usleep_range() in
+  sysc_reset() (git-fixes).
+- ARM: uniphier: fix cache kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Do not register PM operations for SAS ports
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix port and device removal (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix ata_port_request_pm() locking (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-sata: increase PMP SRST timeout to 10s (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: ignore reserved bits for REPORT SUPPORTED
+  OPERATION CODES (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Do not use wait event interruptible (git-fixes).
+- commit 8671b07
+- misc: rtsx: Fix some platforms can not boot and move the l1ss
+  judgment to probe (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit cb63da0
+- Drop the downstream revert patch for rtsx driver (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
+  The upstream fix will follow
+- commit 12a98ef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Remove not-used cache disable flag (git-fixes)
+- commit d265793
+- RDMA/core: Require admin capabilities to set system parameters (git-fixes)
+- commit ba648d8
+- RDMA/cma: Initialize ib_sa_multicast structure to 0 when join (git-fixes)
+- commit 4975d08
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mkey cache possible deadlock on cleanup (git-fixes)
+- commit 36b7bc4
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix NULL string error (git-fixes)
+- commit 997bcef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mutex unlocking on error flow for steering anchor creation (git-fixes)
+- commit 386907d
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix assigning access flags to cache mkeys (git-fixes)
+- commit 48eb599
+- IB/mlx4: Fix the size of a buffer in add_port_entries() (git-fixes)
+- commit db2e278
+- RDMA/cma: Fix truncation compilation warning in make_cma_ports (git-fixes)
+- commit d432eb1
+- RDMA/uverbs: Fix typo of sizeof argument (git-fixes)
+- commit e989827
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Check skb value for failure to allocate (git-fixes)
+- commit c91349a
+- RDMA/siw: Fix connection failure handling (git-fixes)
+- commit 0c6c2d5
+- RDMA/srp: Do not call scsi_done() from srp_abort() (git-fixes)
+- commit decf5af
+- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
+- commit e8f13ae
+- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
+- commit ee5fede
+- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
+- commit db9b78b
+- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
+- commit 870a58d
+- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
+- commit 2517e23
+- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
+- commit 301ea4d
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop unused kernel push code (git-fixes)
+- commit 9786b53
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (git-fixes)
+- commit b3ae7a5
+- platform/x86: ISST: Fix usage counter (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit f576773
+- platform/x86: ISST: Reset default callback on unregister
+  (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit 7c37bca
+- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
+- commit ae6bd28
+- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
+- commit fc1cada
+- RDMA/hns: Fix inaccurate error label name in init instance (git-fixes)
+- commit 34aadc0
+- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
+- commit ff3c701
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove a redundant flag (git-fixes)
+- commit 001b6a1
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
+- commit cc851d8
+- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
+- commit 2f666f0
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix incomplete state save in rxe_requester (git-fixes)
+- commit 7b5bacf
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix rxe_modify_srq (git-fixes)
+- commit 7c8a1be
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix unsafe drain work queue code (git-fixes)
+- commit d04f3ed
+- RDMA/rxe: Move work queue code to subroutines (git-fixes)
+- commit 069a48c
+- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
+- commit 58aadd5
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
+- commit 8fd5f7d
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci:
+  Document affinity_domain_via_partition sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via partition information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_domain sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via domain information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_virtual_processor sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to
+  show affinity domain via virtual processor information
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_config sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor config information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_bus_topology sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor bus topology information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- commit 4340580
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- tracing/user_events: Align set_bit() address for all archs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0517cb9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Fix invalid setting of Power Limit 4
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 93c416d
+- ring-buffer: Update "shortest_full" in polling (git-fixes).
+- commit b94b97e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ring-buffer: Fix bytes info in per_cpu buffer stats (git-fixes).
+- commit bba0794
+- bpf: Add override check to kprobe multi link attach (git-fixes).
+- commit 2bdd913
+- tracing/synthetic: Print out u64 values properly (git-fixes).
+- commit 7459811
+- tracing/synthetic: Fix order of struct trace_dynamic_info
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9637422
+- tracing: Have event inject files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d09b7b
+- tracing: Have option files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a16dcad
+- tracing: Have current_trace inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e5136de
+- tracing: Have tracing_max_latency inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 468c799
+- tracing: Increase trace array ref count on enable and filter
+  files (git-fixes).
+- commit 2d3bc8b
+- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e2c5ec
+- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 08c501c
+- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b14a2bd
+- s390/bpf: Let arch_prepare_bpf_trampoline return program size
+  (git-fixes bsc#1216004).
+- commit d65e779
+- powerpc/ftrace: Fix dropping weak symbols with older toolchains
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cbedc1
+- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
+- commit a128a8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL TPMI interface driver (jsc#PED-4897).
+- powercap: RAPL: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-4897).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf:
+- commit 0f77921
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce core support for TPMI interface
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit f7281be
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL I/F type (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 9639227
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Make cpu optional for rapl_package
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 28bdcc2
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove redundant cpu parameter
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3651b8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for lock bit per Power Limit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 977316b
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Cleanup Power Limits support
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c7a8fb1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use bitmap for Power Limits
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 66103f9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Change primitive order (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit d24fd48
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use index to initialize primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3c01ff3
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per domain energy/power/time unit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c42816c
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit dd80bd7
+- i40e: Fix VF VLAN offloading when port VLAN is configured
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- iavf: schedule a request immediately after add/delete vlan
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: add iavf_schedule_aq_request() helper (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: do not process adminq tasks when __IAVF_IN_REMOVE_TASK
+  is set (jsc#PED-4937).
+- xsk: Fix xsk_build_skb() error: 'skb' dereferencing possible
+  ERR_PTR() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: avoid executing commands on other ports when driving sync
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed/qede: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: split ice_aq_wait_for_event() func into two (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: embed &ice_rq_event_info event into struct ice_aq_task
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: ice_aq_check_events: fix off-by-one check when filling
+  buffer (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: drop two params from ice_aq_alloc_free_res()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove redundant VSI configuration in eswitch setup
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move E810T functions to before device agnostic ones
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vsi_is_vlan_pruning_ena (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ptp_hw to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_sched to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Utilize assign_bit() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vf_lib to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_lib to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ddp to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove unused methods (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays for structures allocated as
+  `nents` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structures allocated as
+  `nents + 1` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structs allocated as
+  `nents + 1` - 1 (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed: remove unused 'resp_size' calculation (jsc#PED-5734).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_aq_section (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_section_table (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_segment (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_package_header (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: clean up __ice_aq_get_set_rss_lut() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add FW load wait (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add get C827 PHY index function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Rename enum ice_pkt_flags values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add direction metadata (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Accept LAG netdevs in bridge offloads (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4874).
+- net: move struct netdev_rx_queue out of netdevice.h
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove i40e_status (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: update reset path for SRIOV LAG support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce no DCB config changing when in bond (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce interface eligibility and add messaging for SRIOV
+  LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: support non-standard teardown of bond interface
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Flesh out implementation of support for SRIOV on bonded
+  interface (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: process events created by lag netdev event handler
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement lag netdev event handler (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: changes to the interface with the HW and FW for
+  SRIOV_VF+LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add driver support for firmware changes for LAG
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Correctly initialize queue context values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add tracepoints for the switchdev bridge (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement static version of ageing (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement bridge port vlan (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add VLAN FDB support in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add guard rule when creating FDB in switchdev
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Switchdev FDB events support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Implement basic eswitch bridge setup (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Unset src prune on uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Disable vlan pruning for uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Don't tx before switchdev is fully configured
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Prohibit rx mode change in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Skip adv rules removal upon switchdev release
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- net: add missing net_device::xdp_zc_max_segs description
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add TX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: Tx multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: support mbuf on ZC RX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add new netlink attribute dedicated for ZC max frags
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Tx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: allow core/drivers to test EOP bit (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce wrappers and helpers for supporting multi-buffer
+  in Tx path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Rx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: move xdp_buff's data length check to xsk_rcv_check
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare both copy and zero-copy modes to co-exist
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce XSK_USE_SG bind flag for xsk socket
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare 'options' in xdp_desc for multi-buffer use
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Wait for pending VF reset in VF set callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Add helper for VF inited state check with timeout
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-4876).
+- kbuild: Drop -Wdeclaration-after-statement (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 90ab4c5
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface rapl_defaults
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 950dab1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Allow probing without CPUID match
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit cd0b9eb
+- Refresh SED Opal patches to current version.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-SED-Opal-keystore.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-keystore-access-for-SED-Opal-keys.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+- commit af23332
+- sfc: fix use-after-free in efx_tc_flower_record_encap_match()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 66a3362
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering operations to be used as
+  core library (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 980e37c
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Create ACL FT for eswitch manager in
+  switchdev mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Clear mirred devices array if the rule is split
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Convert PCI error values to generic errnos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Dynamic cyclecounter shift calculation for PTP free
+  running clock (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_packet (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_crypto (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Provide an interface to block change of IPsec
+  capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IFC bits to support IPsec enable/disable
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rewrite IPsec vs. TC block interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Drop extra layer of locks in IPsec (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec packet
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec crypto
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: fix up for "net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering
+  operations to be used as core library" (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handles RoCE MACsec steering rules addition and
+  deletion (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add RoCE MACsec steering infrastructure in core
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for ingress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for egress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add MACsec priorities in RDMA namespaces
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Implement MACsec gid addition and deletion
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Maintain fs_id xarray per MACsec device inside macsec
+  steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove netdevice from MACsec steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering and statistics database
+  from ethernet to core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rename MACsec flow steering functions/parameters
+  to suit core naming style (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove dependency of macsec flow steering on ethernet
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: add functions to get macsec real netdevice and check
+  offload (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper TCP protocol selector
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper protocol selector field offload
+  for RX (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Store vport in struct mlx5_devlink_port and use it
+  in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check vhca_resource_manager capability in each op
+  and add extack msg (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Relax mlx5_devlink_eswitch_get() return value checking
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return -EOPNOTSUPP in
+  mlx5_devlink_port_fn_migratable_set() directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Reduce number of vport lookups passing vport pointer
+  instead of index (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Embed struct devlink_port into driver structure
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't register ops for non-PF/VF/SF port and avoid
+  checks in ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove no longer used
+  mlx5_esw_offloads_sf_vport_enable/disable() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_sf_vport() and
+  use it from SF code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allow mlx5_esw_offloads_devlink_port_register()
+  to register SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push devlink port PF/VF init/cleanup calls out of
+  devlink_port_register/unregister() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push out SF devlink port init and cleanup code to
+  separate helpers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rework devlink port alloc/free into init/cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, only use devcom after NULL check in
+  mlx5_devcom_send_event() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Supporting inline WQE when possible
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename devlink port ops struct for PFs/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove VPORT_UPLINK handling from devlink_port.c
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Call mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() for uplink
+  port directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove health syndrome enum duplication
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove unneeded local variable (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix code indentation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: IRQ, consolidate irq and affinity mask allocation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix spelling mistake "Faided" -> "Failed"
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Introduce ethtool stats (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Warn if aRFS table does not exist for aRFS rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Prevent repeated kernel rule migrations
+  requests (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't query MAX caps twice (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused MAX HCA capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused CAPs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error message in
+  mlx5_sf_dev_state_change_handler() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check of mlx5_vhca_event_supported()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use mlx5_sf_start_function_id() helper instead of
+  directly calling MLX5_CAP_GEN() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant SF supported check from
+  mlx5_sf_hw_table_init() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use auxiliary_device_uninit() instead of device_put()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Add checking for flow rule destinations
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check with FW that sync reset completed successfully
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose max possible SFs via devlink resource
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add recovery flow for tx devlink health reporter
+  for unhealthy PTP SQ (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make tx_port_ts logic resilient to out-of-order CQEs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Consolidate devlink documentation in devlink/mlx5.rst
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose NIC temperature via hardware monitoring kernel
+  API (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose port.c/mlx5_query_module_num() function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, Only handle registered netdev bridge events
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant arg ignore_flow_lvl
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix typo reminder -> remainder (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate completion EQs dynamically (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle SF IRQ request in the absence of SF IRQ pool
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename mlx5_comp_vectors_count() to
+  mlx5_comp_vectors_max() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IRQ vector to CPU lookup function (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_cpumask_default_spread (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement single completion EQ create/destroy methods
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release handlers in
+  EQ layer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion IRQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release API
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Track the current number of completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make TC and IPsec offloads mutually exclusive on
+  a netdev (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add get IPsec offload stats for uplink representor
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Modify and restore TC rules for IPSec TX rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make IPsec offload work together with eswitch and TC
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Compare with old_dest param to modify rule destination
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for TX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec TX tables creation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle IPsec offload for RX datapath in switchdev
+  mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for RX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec RX tables creation and destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Prepare IPsec packet offload for switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Change the parameter of IPsec RX skb handle function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add function to get IPsec offload namespace
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: flow_dissector: Use 64bits for used_keys (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Give esw_offloads_load/unload_rep() "mlx5_" prefix
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_vport() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless devlink_rate checks (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't check vport->enabled in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make flow classification filters static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove duplicate code for user flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate command stats with xarray (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: split mlx5_cmd_init() to probe and reload routines
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant cmdif revision check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Re-organize mlx5_cmd struct (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow devcom initialization on more vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Register devcom device with switch id key
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Infrastructure changes (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use shared code for checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix flowhash key set/get for custom RSS
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec NAT-T functionality (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Check for IPsec NAT-T support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add relevant capabilities bits to support NAT-T
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB quantum parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on port ranges
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Pass main driver structure to
+  mlxsw_sp_acl_rulei_destroy() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Add port range key element (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_port_range: Add port range core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: resource: Add resource identifier for port range
+  registers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Port Range Register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Make max_phase_adjustment sysfs device attribute invisible
+  when not supported (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix SFs kernel documentation error (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on layer 2 miss
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Do not force matching on iif
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Split iif parsing to a separate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: save devlink_port_ops into a variable in
+  devlink_port_function_validate() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_ip_tos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: populate enc_ip_tos matches in MAE outer rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit d4d7288
-  bsc#1215941).
-- commit a62865f
+  bsc#1215938).
+- commit 2f8f411
+- net/mlx5: Update the driver with the recent thermal changes
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mlx5-Register-a-unique-thermal-zone-per-dev.patch.
+- commit d703dfe
-- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (CVE-2023-39194
-  bsc#1215861).
-- commit 55308cb
+- devlink: bring port new reply back (jsc#PED-3311).
+- blacklist.conf: removed temp blacklist for this commit
+- commit becfbcb
+- net/mlx5: Fix mlx5_cmd_update_root_ft() error flow
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit f123e4d
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix crash on shutdown for when no ndev exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Correct default number of queues when MQ is on
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add capability check for vnic counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix devlink controller number for ECVF (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return correct EC_VF function ID (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix peer domain namespace setting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, set debugfs access right to root-only
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support interrupt bypassing (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rely on dev->link_active_reporting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handle DCT QP logic separately from low level QP
+  interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Reduce QP table exposure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Nullify qp->dbg pointer post destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless vport lookup from
+  mlx5_esw_check_port_type() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check from
+  mlx5_esw_query_vport_vhca_id() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant is_mdev_switchdev_mode() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant MLX5_ESWITCH_MANAGER() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Fix shared fdb error flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant comment (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Pass other_vport flag if vport is not 0
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use xarray for devcom paired device index
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add peer fdb miss rules for vport manager
+  or ecpf (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Use vhca_id for device index in vport rx rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, Remove duplicate code checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error code in mlx5_is_reset_now_capable()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix reserved at offset in hca_cap register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix UAF in mlx5_eswitch_cleanup() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add .getmaxphase ptp_clock_info callback
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Add .getmaxphase callback to ptp_clock_info (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Clarify ptp_clock_info .adjphase expects an internal
+  servo to be used (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused ecpu field from struct mlx5_sf_table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add header file for events (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, update query of HCA caps for EC VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix the macro for accessing EC VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add local loopback counter to vport stats
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose bits for local loopback counter (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove mlx5e_dbg() and msglvl support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, remove redundant else statements
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, expose FDB state via debugfs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, pass net device when linking vport to bridge
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Create eswitch debugfs root directory (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle sync reset unload event (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check DTOR entry value is not zero (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose timeout for sync reset unload stage
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Ack on sync_reset_request only if PF can do reset_now
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: tls: make the offload check helper take skb not socket
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove a useless function call (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Light probe local SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Move esw multiport devlink param to eswitch code
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Split function_setup() to enable and open functions
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Set max number of embedded CPU VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update SRIOV enable/disable to handle EC/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Query correct caps for min msix vectors
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use correct vport when restoring GUIDs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add new page type for EC VF pages (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add/remove peer miss rules for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add management of EC VF vports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update vport caps query/set for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable devlink port for embedded cpu VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: mlx5_ifc updates for embedded CPU SRIOV
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify unload all rep code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: simplify condition after napi budget handling change
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Allocate ECPF vport if it's an eswitch
+  manager (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Skip inline mode check after
+  mlx5_eswitch_enable_locked() failure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, refactor access to hash key (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove RX page cache leftovers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Expose catastrophic steering error counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable 4 ports VF LAG (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multiport eswitch LAG in case ldev have
+  more than 2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multipath LAG in case ldev have more than
+  2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, change mlx5_shared_fdb_supported() to static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, generalize handling of shared FDB (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, check if all eswitches are paired for shared FDB
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- {net/RDMA}/mlx5: introduce lag_for_each_peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Free second uplink ib port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, extend mlx5_devcom_send_event to work with
+  more than two devices (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, introduce devcom_for_each_peer_entry
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, mark devcom as not ready when all eswitches
+  are unpaired (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Rename paired to ready (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, handle more than one peer domain (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, generalize shared FDB creation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Handle multiple master egress rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, refactor FDB miss rule add/remove
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, enlarge peer miss group table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle offloads flows per peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, re-factor query route port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: rep, store send to vport rules per peer
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: tc, Refactor peer add/del flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, Extend peer flows to a list (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_offload: Reject matching on layer 2 miss (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_dissector: Dissect layer 2 miss from tc skb extension
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- skbuff: bridge: Add layer 2 miss indication (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_del() to devlink_port_ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_state_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_migratable_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_roce_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_hw_addr_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5: register devlink ports with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_type_set() op into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx4: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: remove no longer true locking comment from
+  port_new/del() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Initialize E-Switch for eswitch manager
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: devlink, Only show PF related devlink warning when
+  needed (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use metadata matching for RoCE loopback rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use RoCE version 2 for loopback traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add a check that log_max_l2_table is valid
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch: move debug print of adding mac to correct
+  place (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Check device is PF when stopping esw
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant vport_group_manager cap check
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use metadata for vport matching in
+  send-to-vport rules (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow get vport api if esw exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Update when to set other vport context
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant __func__ arg from fs_err() calls
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Remove flow_source check for metadata
+  matching (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant esw multiport validate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB priority parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: introduce and use skb_frag_fill_page_desc() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: Use helper macsec_netdev_priv for offload drivers
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit ff2baea
-- commit 5ec24b7
+- commit 1bae227
-- commit 292c059
+- commit 8c838db
-- commit ad87dd3
+- commit de82205
-- KVM: s390: pv: fix external interruption loop not always
-  detected (git-fixes bsc#1215916).
-- commit f1893aa
-- btrfs: fix root ref counts in error handling in
-  btrfs_get_root_ref (bsc#1214351 CVE-2023-4389).
-- commit 3731029
-- KVM: s390: fix KVM_S390_GET_CMMA_BITS for GFNs in memslot holes
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215915).
-- commit fe7fbfc
-- KVM: s390/diag: fix racy access of physical cpu number in diag
-  9c handler (git-fixes bsc#1215911).
-- commit 6454286
+- crypto: akcipher - Do not copy dst if it is NULL (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Fix verify call (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: akcipher - Set request tfm on sync path (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit d75a995
-- commit 679511d
+- commit 5ddd22d
-- blacklist.conf: kABi breakage (vmalloc)
-- commit 10bad47
+- crypto: sm2 - Fix crash caused by uninitialized context
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sm2 - Provide sm2_compute_z_digest when sm2 is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Use new crypto interface without scatterlists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Move sm2 code into x509_public_key
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 253faa7
+- supported.conf: Add new p10 crypto modules (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 1cbe2fd
+- KEYS: Add forward declaration in asymmetric-parser.h
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Add interface for sign/verify (jsc#PED-5460).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: akcipher - Add sync interface without SG lists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: algboss - Add missing dependency on RNG2 (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 746bfd1
+- crypto: powerpc/chacha20,poly1305-p10 - Add dependency on VSX
+  (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit a08f0f4
+- crypto: vmx - Improved AES/XTS performance of 6-way unrolling
+  for ppc (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: powerpc - Add chacha20/poly1305-p10 to Kconfig and
+  Makefile (jsc#PED-5089).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - Glue code for optmized Poly1305
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - An optimized Poly1305 implementation
+  with 4-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypt: chacha20-p10 - Glue code for optmized Chacha20
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: chacha20-p10 - An optimized Chacha20 implementation
+  with 8-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 7745266
-- KVM: s390: interrupt: use READ_ONCE() before cmpxchg()
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215896).
-- commit 8726736
-- KVM: s390: vsie: fix the length of APCB bitmap (git-fixes
-  bsc#1215895).
-- commit 9ff1a1e
-- KVM: s390: vsie: Fix the initialization of the epoch extension
-  (epdx) field (git-fixes bsc#1215894).
-- commit 9c5bbd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/tcp-Reduce-chance-of-collisions-in-inet6_hashfn.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
+- commit 06ff030
-- commit 7a6be79
+- commit 695ac3b
+- netfilter: ipset: Fix race between IPSET_CMD_CREATE and
+  IPSET_CMD_SWAP (CVE-2023-42756 bsc#1215767).
+- commit fd797f5
+- io_uring/fs: remove sqe->rw_flags checking from LINKAT
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 244bd5e
+- Update patch headers to reflect state of TDX for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
+- commit 4f4b833
-- tcp: Reduce chance of collisions in inet6_hashfn()
-  (CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
-- commit e3ebd17
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: compiler warning on 32-bit systems with
-  Clang (bsc#1215877)
-- commit b7e65aa
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: Code refactoring
-- commit e204334
-- blacklist.conf: printk: the changes look good but they do not fix
-  any serious problem
-- commit c560ceb
+- blacklist.conf: livepatch: cosmetic
+- commit 634df5c
-- commit e0d3999
+- commit 4ef741a
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
-- commit d1a5f2f
+- Update patches.suse/security-integrity-fix-pointer-to-ESL-data-and-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit 516edff
-- commit 96a8c32
+- commit dd4f718
-- gve: fix frag_list chaining (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Unify duplicate GQ min pkt desc size constants
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add AF_XDP zero-copy support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP REDIRECT support for GQI-QPL format (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP DROP and TX support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Changes to add new TX queues (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: XDP support GQI-QPL: helper function changes (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Fix gve interrupt names (bsc#1214479).
-- commit 4dd2d8d
+- kselftest/arm64: Validate that changing one VL type does not
+  affect another (jsc#PED-4126).
+- kselftest/arm64: Add a test case for SVE VL changes with SME
+  active (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Don't flush SME register hardware state along
+  with thread (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Use CPACR_EL1 format to set CPTR_EL2 when E2H is set
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Allow EL1 physical timer access when running VHE
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Exit streaming mode when flushing tasks
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- commit fffd4de
-- commit 9408063
+- commit 90dfe5e
-- Update metadata
-- commit 8a83576
+- NFSv4.1: fix pnfs MDS=DS session trunking (git-fixes).
+- Revert "SUNRPC: Fail faster on bad verifier" (git-fixes).
+- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
+  (git-fixes).
+- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
+- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
+  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
+- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Rework scratch handling for READ_PLUS (again)
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS size calculations (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS smatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
+  (git-fixes).
+- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
+- nfsd: Fix creation time serialization order (git-fixes).
+- commit 9b452cc
-- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port. (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-  * context changes
-- commit b93ab93
+- efi/unaccepted: Make sure unaccepted table is mapped
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit e4960be
-- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-- commit 0eaf20c
+- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
+- commit 02fca20
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw_init.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e324027
+- arm64: Fix dangling references to Documentation/arm64
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- arm64: efi: add efi_handle_corrupted_x18 prototype
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit cf69994
+- efivarfs: fix statfs() on efivarfs (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/unaccepted: Use ACPI reclaim memory for unaccepted memory
+  table (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/esrt: Allow ESRT access without CAP_SYS_ADMIN
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efivarfs: expose used and total size (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: x86: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efi: Safely enable unaccepted memory in UEFI (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- efi/unaccepted: Avoid load_unaligned_zeropad() stepping into
+  unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Implement support for unaccepted memory
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/x86: Get full memory map in allocate_e820() (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit 1a4d2a9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrtimer_.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 2de4df3
+- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
+  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
+  future reorganization of the spec template.
+- commit 30e2cef
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Tighten-permissions-on-VBIOS-flashing-attrib.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit d013066
+- memblock tests: Fix compilation errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8e3aeb1
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-output-of-pp_od_clk_voltage.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e4f052f
+- ACPI: Move AMBA bus scan handling into arm64 specific directory
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Use the acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: platform: Move SMB0001 HID to the header and reuse
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: fix undeclared variable warnings by including
+  sleep.h (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Move acpi_root to internal header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tables: Print RINTC information when MADT is parsed
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Fix acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- acpi: Replace struct acpi_table_slit 1-element array with
+  flex-array (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: Add pm_debug_messages for LPS0 _DSM state tracking
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: FFH: Drop the inclusion of linux/arm-smccc.h
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PAD: mark Zhaoxin CPUs NONSTOP TSC correctly
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: mark bert_disable as __initdata (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: GHES: Remove unused ghes_estatus_pool_size_request()
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Simplify installation and removal of notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tiny-power-button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Use different notify handlers for lid and buttons
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_flags (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_state (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Eliminate struct acpi_thermal_state_flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move acpi_thermal_driver definition
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move symbol definitions to one place
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop redundant ACPI_TRIPS_REFRESH_DEVICES symbol
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Use BIT() macro for defining flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Add declaration in a local header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: LPSS: Add pwm_lookup_table entry for second PWM on
+  CHT/BSW devices (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: video: Stop trying to use vendor backlight control on
+  laptops from after ~2012 (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Clear GPE on interrupt handling only (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Adjust Microsoft LPS0 _DSM handling sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PM: s2idle: fix section mismatch warning (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Reduce overhead related to devices with dependencies
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Consolidate all arm specific initialisation into
+  acpi_arm_init() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI/APMT: Don't register invalid resource (jsc#PED-6741).
+- x86/acpi: Remove unused extern declaration
+  acpi_copy_wakeup_routine() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- commit 77d191a
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-radeon-reintroduce-radeon_dp_work_func-content.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 6f484d3
+- x86,static_call: Fix static-call vs return-thunk (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cd97f9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-change-gfx-11.0.4-external_id-range.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 79082dc
+- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
+- commit 8afecb5
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-bounding-box-values-for-DCN32.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit ba25d71
+- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
+- commit 5709d02
+- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
+- commit af07748
+- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c92c43
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit faca79b
+- mm: page_alloc: fix CMA and HIGHATOMIC landing on the wrong
+  buddy list (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- kernel/sched: Modify initial boot task idle setup (git fixes
+  (sched/core)).
+- commit 9d1497b
+- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
+  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
+  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- commit 4a28b74
+- Update references for jsc#PED-5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-various-give-up-if-pte_offset_map-_lock-fails.patch
+- commit 75204a6
+- nvmet-tcp: pass iov_len instead of sg->length to bvec_set_page()
+  (git-fixes).
+- nvme: core: don't hold rcu read lock in
+  nvme_ns_chr_uring_cmd_iopoll (git-fixes).
+- commit d723891
+- drm/amd/display: fix the ability to use lower resolution modes
+  on eDP (git-fixes).
+- commit eecd96a
+- drm/virtio: clean out_fence on complete_submit (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fce30c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix intel_gsc_uc_fw_proxy_init_done with directed
+  wakerefs (git-fixes).
+- commit 0df651f
+- drm/i915: Only check eDP HPD when AUX CH is shared (git-fixes).
+- commit 557208e
+- drm/amd/display: fix mode scaling (RMX_.*) (git-fixes).
+- commit 88040aa
+- drm/msm/a690: Switch to a660_gmu.bin (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ed05a1
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 enc subblock length (git-fixes).
+- commit 7e9c38c
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 block lengths (git-fixes).
+- commit bff5896
+- drm/gem-fb-helper: Consistenly use drm_dbg_kms() (git-fixes).
+- commit 66aae33
+- backlight: lp855x: Initialize PWM state on first brightness
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 66f3aae
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-clear-GPINT-register-when-rel.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1740-drm-amdgpu-Fix-infinite-loop-in-gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart.patch
-- commit 4b4e240
+- commit 3282a51
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Reset-OUTBOX0-r-w-pointer-on-DMUB-re.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1715-drm-amdgpu-fix-slab-out-of-bounds-issue-in-amdgpu_vm.patch
-- commit 171518a
-- fs: no need to check source (bsc#1215752).
-- commit 1a42abf
+- commit 3ae623b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fixes-for-dcn32_clk_mgr-implementati.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1714-drm-amdgpu-Allocate-root-PD-on-correct-partition.patch
-- commit 9ba10de
+- commit 0074e90
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Return-error-code-on-DSC-atomic-chec.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1702-drm-amd-display-add-DCN301-specific-logic-for-OTG-pr.patch
-- commit 310423c
+- commit 5123631
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-missing-WA-and-MCLK-validation.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1701-drm-amd-display-export-some-optc-function-for-reuse.patch
-- commit b31adf2
+- commit df6cf8d
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-allow-more-APUs-to-do-mode2-reset-when-go.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1699-Revert-drm-i915-use-localized-__diag_ignore_all-inst.patch
-- commit 2baa247
+- commit f2ff283
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-dcn32-caps.seamless_odm.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1684-drm-i915-Remove-dead-code-from-gen8_pte_encode.patch
-- commit a0540d6
+- commit 0bf86fb
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-return-value-check-in-kfd.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1675-drm-i915-use-mock-device-info-for-creating-mock-devi.patch
-- commit 97cc526
+- commit 1600dd8
-  patches.suse/1836-drm-aperture-Run-fbdev-removal-before-internal-helpe.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1599-drm-i915-hdcp-Assign-correct-hdcp-content-type.patch
-- commit e35f57f
+- commit bdbce62
-  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1596-drm-i915-mtl-Fix-SSC-selection-for-MPLLA.patch
-- commit f8178cd
+- commit 065052f
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cursor-de.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1595-drm-i915-adlp-Allow-DC-states-along-with-PW2-only-fo.patch
-- commit f507792
+- commit e0c7378
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-vram-recover-doesn-t-work-after-whole.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1584-drm-i915-Fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug.patch
-- commit 38e2a92
+- commit 300032a
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-add-a-missing-lock-for-AMDGPU_SCHED.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1583-drm-i915-make-i915_drm_client_fdinfo-reference-condi.patch
-- commit 2ecd3e8
+- commit 4dbab7b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-flickering-caused-by-S-G-mode.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1582-drm-i915-huc-Fix-missing-error-code-in-intel_huc_ini.patch
-- commit 33e82b2
+- commit 60505d1
-  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-fix-nv50_wndw_new_-prototype.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1581-drm-i915-gsc-take-a-wakeref-for-the-proxy-init-compl.patch
-- commit 4c21b50
+- commit 6b6fc16
-- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
-  (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: fix change_info in NFSv4 RENAME replies (git-fixes).
-- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
-- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
-  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
-- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4/pnfs: minor fix for cleanup path in nfs4_get_device_info
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
-  (git-fixes).
-- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (git-fixes).
-- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+- thermal: sysfs: Fix trip_point_hyst_store() (git-fixes).
+- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
+  specific setup (git-fixes).
+- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: Fix incorrect argument in drm_test_mm_insert_range
-- commit 087b1c4
-- uapi: stddef.h: Fix __DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY for C++ (git-fixes).
-- commit 68da368
-- usb: ehci: move new member has_ci_pec_bug into hole (git-fixes).
-- commit bd8b5cf
-- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-- commit a447793
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
+  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
+  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
+  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c71447
-- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
-- commit 613dba7
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Intel Misty Peak - 8087:0038
+  (jsc#PED-6023 jsc#PED-6065).
+- commit 236139d
-- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
-- commit 27f4fed
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry for mei_gsc_proxy
+- commit 4dabdd6
-- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
-  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
-  future reorganization of the spec template.
-- commit 30e2cef
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry form amdxcp
+- commit ff92ee3
-- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (bsc#1214040).
-- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (bsc#1202845
-  bsc#1215322).
-- commit 0f79d4d
+- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9962c24
-- blacklist.conf: Ignore redundant patch
-- commit 6d0ecfc
+- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
+  (bsc#1215613).
+- Revert "fuse: in fuse_flush only wait if someone wants the
+  return  code" (bsc#1215612).
+- commit 4e4e0df
-- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
-  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
-  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- commit a5cc68e
+- supported.conf: Add entry for meson_dw_mipi_dsi
+- commit 431d315
-- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
-- commit 619e525
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 Realtek I2S speaker platform support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: generic: Check potential mixer name string truncation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Disable power save for solving pop issue on Lenovo
+  ThinkCentre M70q (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Don't 'return ret' if ret is always zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-sdw-acpi: Use u8 type for link index
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4ca03bc
-- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e42be0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE=m
+- supported.conf: add ipu-bridge
+- commit d65e142
-- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
-- commit 74b567d
+- media: ipu3-cio2: allow ipu_bridge to be a module again
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f81030
-- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
-- commit c6caed4
+- media: ipu3-cio2: rename cio2 bridge to ipu bridge and move
+  out of ipu3 (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Do-not-use-on-stack-memory-for-soft.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Fix-null-pointer-deref-on-SSDB-PLD-.patch.
+- commit 730c95a
-- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
-  specific setup (git-fixes).
-- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- selftests: tls: swap the TX and RX sockets in some tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: fix wrong sizeof argument (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Enable the IRQ on resume after configuring
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Do not disable/enable IRQ twice on suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 0a41cf6
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-  (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
-  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
-  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
-  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
-  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Use the new RUNTIME_PM_OPS() macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Fix NULL dereference at proc read (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warning (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Fix missing RESET GPIO if _SUB is missing
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e7ab5c
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed two speaker platform (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid delivery of events for disabled UMP groups
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: docs: Fix a typo of midi2_ump_probe option for
+  snd-usb-audio (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9ce31b2
+- Move upstreamed SPI patch into sorted section
+- commit 5fe2406
+- drm/amdgpu: support partition drm devices (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 0d0dce1
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-sched-cbq-dont-intepret-cls-results-when-asked-t.patch.
-  (bsc#1207036 CVE-2023-23454)
-  Fold downstream fixup of caa4b35b4317d5147b3ab0fbdc9c075c7d2e9c12.
-- commit 6635291
-- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
-  NVMe rports (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
-  in dev_loss_tmo (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
-  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
-- commit 39e6404
+- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
+  mode during RSCN (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 sysfs resource reporting (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Refactor cpu affinity assignment paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Abort outstanding ELS cmds when mailbox timeout
+  error is detected (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Make fabric zone discovery more robust when handling
+  unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Set Establish Image Pair service parameter only
+  for Target Functions (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Revise ndlp kref handling for dev_loss_tmo_callbk
+  and lpfc_drop_node (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Qualify ndlp discovery state when processing RSCN
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove extra ndlp kref decrement in FLOGI cmpl
+  for loop topology (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Simplify fcp_abort transport callback log message
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Pull out fw diagnostic dump log message from
+  driver's trace buffer (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- commit 73ce139
+- powerpc/dexcr: Move HASHCHK trap handler (jsc#PED-5452
+  git-fixes).
+- commit 48a4d15
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit 8343fa7
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: introduce DRM_AMDGPU_WERROR (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cf3a39d
+- drm/meson: add support for MIPI-DSI transceiver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit d8bd8d3
+- drm/i915: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 3412ae7
+- mei: gsc_proxy: add gsc proxy driver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 07c6f50
+- drm/panel: Add Samsung S6D7AA0 panel controller driver
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit c27af61
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as needed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb6a241
+- drm/i915: fix Sphinx indentation warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b490a01
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix init during host transfer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe9095c
+- fbdev: atmel_lcdfb: Remove redundant of_match_ptr() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf6ee9d
+- fbdev: kyro: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58082f1
+- fbdev: ssd1307fb: Print the PWM's label instead of its number (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit edbbb54
+- fbdev: amifb: Replace zero-length arrays with DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa6bc19
+- drm/amdgpu: skip xcp drm device allocation when out of drm resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9ad20a
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pci link width for smu v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d8a1c9
+- drm/amdgpu: disable mcbp if parameter zero is set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adce214
+- drm/amd/pm: disallow the fan setting if there is no fan on smu 13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3021e39
+- drm/panel: JDI LT070ME05000 simplify with dev_err_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e6240e
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f61d9e5
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for Raven (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d929805
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for KV/CZ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f283c2
+- drm/amdkfd: ignore crat by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6373c3
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: only enable CP GFX shadowing on SR-IOV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27ca2a9
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMU v13.0.6 energy reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 514f828
+- drm/amd/pm: disable the SMU13 OD feature support temporarily (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccf6fca
+- Revert "drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39df3c8
+- drm/i915/gvt: Fix bug in getting msg length in AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e0f8a5
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce1b0b1
+- drm/msm/a690: Remove revn and name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b870595
+- drm/msm/adreno: Fix warn splat for devices without revn (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35c55a7
+- drm/amdgpu: Restore HQD persistent state register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c449b09
+- drm/amd/display: Don't apply FIFO resync W/A if rdivider = 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80a3a07
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix infinite loop in gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart_enable (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9610a25
+- drm/amdkfd: fix trap handling work around for debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 092ee0d
+- drm/fb-helper: Remove unused inline function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd3d564
+- fbdev: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 608b77e
+- fbdev: ep93xx-fb: fix return value check in ep93xxfb_probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51f7d8a
+- fbdev: kyro: make some const read-only arrays static and reduce type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dfd1d4
+- fbcon: remove unused display (p) from fbcon_redraw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da6039e
+- sticon: make sticon_set_def_font() void and remove op parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ad197e
+- vgacon: cache vc_cell_height in vgacon_cursor() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1142d7a
+- vgacon: let vgacon_doresize() return void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5e89
+- vgacon: remove unused xpos from vgacon_set_cursor_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 898d521
+- vgacon: remove unneeded forward declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 953193b
+- vgacon: switch vgacon_scrolldelta() and vgacon_restore_screen() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac1ac5
+- fbdev: imxfb: remove unneeded labels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd9ee8d
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91edeb4
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_kmalloc_array() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d84a0d
+- fbdev: imxfb: switch to DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b24d1e1
+- drm/amdgpu: use a macro to define no xcp partition case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16e9fc5
+- drm/amdgpu/vm: use the same xcp_id from root PD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a174dae
+- drm/amdgpu: fix slab-out-of-bounds issue in amdgpu_vm_pt_create (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2239d3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate root PD on correct partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14033e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Allow the initramfs generator to include psp_13_0_6_ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2ecb88
+- drm/amd/display: add DCN301 specific logic for OTG programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57c249e
+- drm/amd/display: export some optc function for reuse (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ba3544
+- drm/amd: Use amdgpu_device_pcie_dynamic_switching_supported() for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57bc8dd
+- Revert "drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c41ead6
+- drm/i915: Remove dead code from gen8_pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f505a42
+- drm/i915/perf: Consider OA buffer boundary when zeroing out reports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02a53d3
+- drm/client: Send hotplug event after registering a client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b14eb41
+- drm/panel: Fine tune Starry-ili9882t panel HFP and HBP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03f8e7a
+- drm/i915: use mock device info for creating mock device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a1a4b8
+- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature momentary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a3f5d4
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.241 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 617135d
+- drm/amd/display: Take full update path if number of planes changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f119dff
+- drm/amd/display: Create debugging mechanism for Gaming FAMS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4746f1e
+- drm/amd/display: For new fast update path, loop through each surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d32c724
+- drm/amd/display: Limit new fast update path to addr and gamma / color (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c77773
+- drm/amd/display: Fix the delta clamping for shaper LUT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea951c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep non-psp path for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 153b7dd
+- drm/amd/display: program DPP shaper and 3D LUT if updated (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d24c093
+- drm/amdgpu: share drm device for pci amdgpu device with 1st partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60153e5
+- drm/amd/pm: Add GFX v9.4.3 unique id to sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 858411d
+- drm/amd/pm: Enable pp_feature attribute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65e6b7b
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Need to unpause dpg before stop dpg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b63fb49
+- drm/amdgpu: remove duplicated doorbell range init for sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91144ad
+- drm/amdgpu: gpu recovers from fatal error in poison mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 102fca6
+- drm/amdgpu: enable mcbp by default on gfx9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff19a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: make mcbp a per device setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 133d763
+- drm/amd: Don't initialize PSP twice for Navi3x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d926350
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the missing enablement for vega12/vega20 L2H and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d6b1a5
+- drm/amd/display: Remove asserts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5ecfe
+- drm/amd/display: Work around bad DPCD state on link loss (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7bd628
+- drm/amdgpu: port SRIOV VF missed changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c76c54
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d120a
+- drm/amd/pm: Provide energy data in 15.625mJ units (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 842bd47
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify for_each_inst macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9e740f
+- drm/amdgpu:Remove sdma halt/unhalt during frontdoor load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fee2356
+- drm/amdgpu: remove vm sanity check from amdgpu_vm_make_compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9b2c95
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable GWS on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1d336
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.240 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70cde26
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dc mode clock switching for DCN32x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5882b7
+- drm/amd/display: fix odm k2 div calculation (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit 3847ca2
+- drm/amd/display: Add MST Preferred Link Setting Entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33d3998
+- drm/amd/display: Disable DC Mode Capping On DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 981aaa5
+- drm/amd/display: enable the new fast update path for supported ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a029f9
+- drm/amd/display: Clear update flags at end of flip (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit 1a87062
+- drm/amd/display: Fix pipe check condition for manual trigger (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09f351f
+- drm/amd/display: add missing ABM registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d25dc
+- drm/amd/display: Add Clock Table Entry With Max DC Values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf5812
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Move DCN314 DOMAIN power control to DMCUB" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fff5d1
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcdb152
+- drm/amd/display: disable power gating for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4dbb1f
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR for MP0_HWIP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 384c9b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Move clocks closer to its only usage in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdefb6
+- drm/amdkfd: set coherent host access capability flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c747077
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vbios attribute only if supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 961eb80
+- drm/amdgpu/atomfirmware: fix LPDDR5 width reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fea976d
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove CONFIG_DEBUG_FS guard around body of (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e81c262
+- drm/amd/pm: remove unneeded variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e25958
+- drm/amdgpu: Move calculation of xcp per memory node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a97070
+- amd/display/dc: remove repeating expression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f94d6fa
+- drm/i915: Add missing forward declarations/includes to display power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7031cf6
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Assign correct hdcp content type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4dec50
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix SSC selection for MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f7b00b
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Allow DC states along with PW2 only for PWB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b9c8c
+- mei: bus-fixup: fix buffer type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e46089
+- mei: bus: drop useless cldev null check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83b20d5
+- backlight: led_bl: Take led_access lock when required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0dfb654
+- video: backlight: lp855x: Get PWM for PWM mode during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce71d3
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Remove unneeded checks for valid GPIOs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9354552
+- backlight: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06e6e4d
+- backlight: lm3630a: Turn off both led strings when display is blank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e02663
+- sticon/parisc: Fix STI console on 64-bit only machines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40622b5
+- sticon/parisc: Allow 64-bit STI calls in PDC firmware abstration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd3994
+- drm/nouveau: stop using is_swiotlb_active (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 546d058
+- drm/i915: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf16e8
+- drm/i915: make i915_drm_client_fdinfo() reference conditional
+  again (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 261bbcb
+- drm/i915/huc: Fix missing error code in intel_huc_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cb606
+- drm/i915/gsc: take a wakeref for the proxy-init-completion check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39d63f0
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245b6f3
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A619_holi speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1237553
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use adreno_is_aXYZ macros in speedbin matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7174c97
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use "else if" in GPU speedbin rev matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dba738
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix some A619 tunables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eeb2a01
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70877ea
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add support for A619_holi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cc54e4
+- drm/msm/adreno: Disable has_cached_coherent in GMU wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 886a124
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Introduce GMU wrapper support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eca567
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move CX GMU power counter enablement to hw_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc1cdc
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Extend and explain UBWC config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5851d46
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove both GBIF and RBBM GBIF halt on hw init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcf3bc8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add a helper for software-resetting the GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87004be
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Improve a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16dec6a
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions to a6xx_gpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81dc1a8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move force keepalive vote removal to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 775f3bd
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove static keyword from sptprac en/disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0956a6
+- drm/msm/adreno: Use adreno_is_revn for A690 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031d3d3
+- drm/msm/dsi: split dsi_ctrl_config() function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d87bcb7
+- drm/msm/dsi: dsi_host: drop unused clocks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8f2145
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove unused INTF_NONE interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fabb94
+- drm/msm/dpu: Set DATA_COMPRESS on command mode for DCE/DSC 1.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76a1e53
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add DPU_INTF_DATA_COMPRESS feature flag for DPU >= 7.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b130d
+- drm/msm/dsi: Reduce pclk rate for compression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b6f49
+- msm/drm/dsi: Round up DSC hdisplay calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2782021
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC 1.2 hw blocks for relevant chipsets
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit a86fa8e
+- drm/msm/dpu: add support for DSC encoder v1.2 engine (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a38953
+- drm/msm/dsi: update hdisplay calculation for dsi_timing_setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7ae7a7
+- drm/msm/dsi: Use MSM and DRM DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch.
+- commit cb63699
+- drm/msm/dpu: Use fixed DRM DSC helper for det_thresh_flatness (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cbae87
+- drm/msm: Add MSM-specific DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c914b
+- drm/msm/dsi: use DRM DSC helpers for DSC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2ef9d
+- drm/display/dsc: Add drm_dsc_get_bpp_int helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5030bfa
+- drm/display/dsc: add helper to set semi-const parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb24b8f
+- drm/display/dsc: Add flatness and initial scale value calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 524ae02
+- drm/msm/dpu/catalog: define DSPP blocks found on sdm845 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df1d18
+- drm/msm/adreno: make adreno_is_a690()'s argument const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf867e3
+- drm/msm/adreno: change adreno_is_* functions to accept const argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131008
+- drm/msm/adreno: warn if chip revn is verified before being set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47e0311
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix a690 CP_PROTECT settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031cf8c
+- drm/msm/adreno: Add Adreno A690 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ca0171
+- drm/msm: Move cmdstream dumping out of sched kthread (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bd27f2
+- drm/msm: drop unused ring variable in msm_ioctl_gem_submit() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a20d33
+- drm/msm/mdp5: Add MDP5 configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02bdc02
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add phy configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9fa880e
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8905ad6
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop (mostly) unused DPU_NAME_SIZE define (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccba20e
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop dpu_encoder_phys_ops::late_register() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3393cd1
+- drm/msm/dsi: use mult_frac for pclk_bpp calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7f2f30
+- drm/msm/dsi: remove extra call to dsi_get_pclk_rate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3584fc4
+- drm/msm/dsi: More properly handle errors in regards to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a48596
+- drm/msm/dsi: Stop unconditionally powering up DSI hosts at modeset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2c64
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up pdev/dev duplication in dp_power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7022a77
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up logs dp_power module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29f4983
+- drm/msm/dp: remove most of usbpd-related remains (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e74e7ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: tidy up some error checking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dbff974
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC blocks to the catalog of MSM8998 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932caaf
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6e814c
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d3297e
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind WB from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15127f2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind INTF from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c83f734
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify dpu_encoder_phys_wb_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddd4411
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop temp variable from dpu_encoder_phys_cmd_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c6e7f3
+- drm/msm/dpu: call dpu_rm_get_intf() from dpu_encoder_get_intf() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201f6ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: inline dpu_encoder_get_wb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00b1dde
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop duplicated intf/wb indices from encoder structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52d4d00
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate common function to init physical encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ebce4f
+- drm/msm/dpu: merge dpu_encoder_init() and dpu_encoder_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d20ebb
+- drm/msm/dpu: Tear down DSC datapath on encoder cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac468c1
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate DSC flush update out of interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c80390f
+- drm/msm/dpu: Introduce PINGPONG_NONE to disconnect DSC from PINGPONG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 736a687
+- drm/msm/dpu: Guard PINGPONG DSC ops behind DPU_PINGPONG_DSC bit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5578444
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DPU_PINGPONG_DSC feature bit for DPU < 7.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516e9b2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use common helper for WB and SSPP QoS setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6bc86f
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove struct dpu_hw_pipe_qos_cfg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40ad280
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_PANIC_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8fb61c
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify qos_ctrl handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8377e17
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_VBLANK_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50b44b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: rearrange QoS setting code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65ea2b6
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the condition for (not) applying QoS to CURSOR SSPP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30919b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify CDP programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89bd9
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix SSPP register definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5476dcc
+- drm/msm/dpu: move PINGPONG_NONE check to dpu_lm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876c314
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE for LMs with no PP attached (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a86813
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove futile checks from dpu_rm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c692fc
+- drm/msm/dpu: replace IS_ERR_OR_NULL with IS_ERR during DSC init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed32641
+- drm/msm/dpu: access CSC/CSC10 registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 270fbc1
+- drm/msm/dpu: access QSEED registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c55347f
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop SSPP's SRC subblock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdaec8
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove intr_rdptr from DPU >= 5.0.0 pingpong config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5205034
+- drm/msm/dpu: Implement tearcheck support on INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c15d98
+- drm/msm/dpu: Merge setup_- and enable_tearcheck pingpong callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9167de1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add TEAR-READ-pointer interrupt to INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1a5f40
+- drm/msm/dpu: Describe TEAR interrupt registers for DSI interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebfa739
+- drm/msm/dpu: Factor out shared interrupt register in INTF_BLK macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fc2b3
+- drm/msm/dpu: Move dpu_hw_{tear_check, pp_vsync_info} to dpu_hw_mdss.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38395b1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Disable MDP vsync source selection on DPU 5.0.0 and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cd6176
+- drm/msm/dpu: Take INTF index as parameter in interrupt register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7983da
+- drm/msm/dpu: Sort INTF registers numerically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19dbc2a
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove extraneous register define indentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c267f1
+- drm/msm/dpu: add writeback support for sc7280 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit 37e7cb5
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop unused SSPP sub-block information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8214a78
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DSPP_MSM8998_MASK from hw catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d4c6ff
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove GC and IGC related code from dpu catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3dfefed
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_IGC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92fdc69
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_GC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d62c59
+- drm/msm/dpu: Pass catalog pointers in RM to replace for-loop
+  ID lookups (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch.
+- commit 0104236
+- drm/msm/dpu: Drop unused members from HW structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faf8237
+- drm/msm/dpu: stop mapping the regdma region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245057e
+- drm/msm/dpu: set max cursor width to 512x512 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d220614
+- drm/msm/dpu: use hsync/vsync polarity set by the encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ada24a4
+- drm/msm/dpu: add HDMI output support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c0ff0
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify intf allocation code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07f5cfc
+- drm/msm/dpu: use CTL_SC7280_MASK for sm8450's ctl_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8846a9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DSPP and DSC on sc8180x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d863e9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY for sc8280xp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a98d9d
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89640
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e3fa0f
+- drm/msm: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5babd25
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase hmm range get pages timeout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06300fd
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable translate further for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e4c7a1
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unused NBIO interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c231e3c
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for event age availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bc6f9b
+- drm/amdkfd: update user space last_event_age (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201b714
+- drm/amdkfd: set activated flag true when event age unmatchs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 013860f
+- drm/amdkfd: add event_age tracking when receiving interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad716e
+- drm/amdkfd: add event age tracking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8598fed
+- drm/scheduler: avoid infinite loop if entity's dependency is a (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0faba
+- drm/amdgpu: add entity error check in amdgpu_ctx_get_entity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61f3421
+- drm/amdgpu: add VM generation token (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ae3591
+- drm/amdgpu: reset VM when an error is detected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a407e8
+- drm/amdgpu: abort submissions during prepare on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6d2025
+- drm/amdgpu: mark soft recovered fences with -ENODATA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcc32e4
+- drm/amdgpu: mark force completed fences with -ECANCELED (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc775b5
+- drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_error_* debugfs file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6601558
+- drm/amdgpu: mark GC 9.4.3 experimental for now (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690da62
+- drm/amdgpu: Use PSP FW API for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7098393
+- drm/amdgpu: Change nbio v7.9 xcp status definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d3f291
+- drm/amdgpu: Add checking mc_vram_size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e930a3
+- drm/amdgpu: Optimize checking ras supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f948ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Add channel_dis_num to ras init flags (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad76bf8
+- drm/amdgpu: Update total channel number for umc v8_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afb6b0f
+- drm/amd/pm: Align eccinfo table structure with smu v13_0_0 interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b132bfa
+- drm/amd/display: Convert to kdoc formats in dc/core/dc.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ec659c
+- drm/amdkfd: decrement queue count on mes queue destroy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e3657
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d870d66
+- drm/radeon: Fix missing prototypes in radeon_atpx_handler.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 917c0dd
+- drm/amdgpu: Report ras_num_recs in debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d681a84
+- drm/amdkfd: Remove DUMMY_VRAM_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9204969
+- drm/amdgpu: Release SDMAv4.4.2 ecc irq properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed68f44
+- drm/amdgpu: add wait_for helper for spirom update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ebf52b
+- drm/amd/display: Clean up dcn10_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9ef5
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6e22e
+- drm/amd/display: Provide function name for 'optc32_enable_crtc()' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8c8b02
+- drm/amd/display: Correct and remove excess function parameter names (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f94d1c
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn10_opp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90edc8a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add missing function parameter 'optc' & 'enable' to kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ced4c0
+- drm/amdgpu: Print client id for the unregistered interrupt resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46e7fd5
+- drm/amdkfd: To enable traps for GC_11_0_4 and up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2aa2e43
+- drm/amd/display: don't free stolen console memory during suspend (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4ef45a
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5b2f13
+- drm/amdkfd: fix null queue check on debug setting exceptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bae36de
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5561a37
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3484b75
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.239 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e76914
+- drm/amd/display: fix pixel rate update sequence (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit dbf8467
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: reallocate DET for dual displays with high (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85df74f
+- drm/amd/display: Include CSC updates in new fast update path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d6f4d8
+- drm/amd/display: Limit Minimum FreeSync Refresh Rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65109be
+- drm/amd/display: Bug fix in dcn315_populate_dml_pipes_from_context (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3763e82
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP + DRR if the DRR is PSR capable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b329e5
+- drm/amd/display: Do not disable phantom pipes in driver (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f447857
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable SubVP high refresh (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42ece08
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable DPP/HUBP Power Gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4baaca2
+- drm/amd/display: SubVP high refresh only if all displays >= 120hz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa22157
+- drm/amd/display: Fix disbling PSR slow response issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3523714
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.238 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 939fb3a
+- drm/amd/display: Add Error Code for Dml Validation Failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13b59ce
+- drm/amd/display: Add DP2 Metrics (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47821db
+- drm/amd/display: add debugfs for allow_edp_hotplug_detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8493253
+- drm/amdgpu: expose num_hops and num_links xgmi info through dev attr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b5aed8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: enable W=1 for amdgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c97631
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix kdoc warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 907fbce
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename DRM schedulers in amdgpu TTM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f9d6a4
+- drm/amd/display/amdgpu_dm/amdgpu_dm_helpers: Move
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch.
+- commit a8b4743
+- fbdev: Use /* */ comment in initializer macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17e0d90
+- drm/i915/selftests: add local workqueue for SW fence selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 905ae09
+- drm/i915: add a dedicated workqueue inside drm_i915_private (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c4bb61
+- drm/i915: use pointer to i915 instead of rpm in wakeref (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dcd389d
+- drm/i915: re-enable -Wunused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 276cd08
+- drm/i915/display: Include of display limits doesn't need 'display/' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ae8277
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add support for PM DEMAND (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96425ed
+- drm/i915/mtl: find the best QGV point for the SAGV configuration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597666d
+- drm/i915: modify max_bw to return index to intel_bw_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e1fdf3
+- drm/i915: extract intel_bw_check_qgv_points() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a190fd
+- drm/i915: store the peak bw per QGV point (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f257fa
+- drm/i915: update the QGV point frequency calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fd6d31
+- drm/i915: fix the derating percentage for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606b6ee
+- drm/i915/dp: Fix log level for "CDS interlane align done" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 823eb4a
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_crtc_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62010ea
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_plane_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f03e13
+- drm/i915/selftest: annotate maybe unused but set variable unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5f3739
+- drm/i915/gem: annotate maybe unused but set variable c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5825114
+- drm/i915/gem: drop unused but set variable unpinned (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 374f2e3
+- drm/i915/gt/uc: drop unused but set variable sseu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be5b742
+- drm/i915/irq: drop unused but set variable tmp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4098b78
+- drm/i915/fb: drop unused but set variable cpp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4c069
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop unused but set variables bestn and bestm1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d873be9
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable vbp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb73665
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable data (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e83a9
+- drm/i915/ddi: drop unused but set variable intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eb7bc7
+- drm/i915/plane: warn on non-zero plane offset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 285380d
+- drm/i915/debugfs: stop using edid_blob_ptr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b3f9f1
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bc61bb
+- drm/i915/display: Extract display init from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e9c7c
+- drm/i915: No 10bit gamma on desktop gen3 parts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0634012
+- drm/i915/display: Print useful information on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2b2f17
+- drm/amd/display: Filter out AC mode frequencies on DC mode systems (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36a8fd2
+- drm/amd/display: DSC Programming Deltas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae9ea7b
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4955b3d
+- drm/amd/display: add NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99db488
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for yellow_carp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628b84d
+- drm/amdgpu: add option params to enforce process isolation between (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf8470
+- drm/amdgpu: Wrap -Wunused-but-set-variable in cc-option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df7de6f
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator PCIe class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a32ac03
+- Revert "Revert drm/amd/display: Enable Freesync Video Mode by (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f319f49
+- drm/amdkfd: fix and enable debugging for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b5ddf0
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0081158
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bcf895
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c9b9f
+- drm/amdgpu: skip to resume rlcg for gc 9.4.3 in vf side (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f9c921
+- drm/amdgpu: disable virtual display support on APP device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13390a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor avi_info_frame colorimetry determination (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5890ef8
+- drm/amd/display: Add debugfs for testing output colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03a028f
+- drm/amd/display: Always set crtcinfo from create_stream_for_sink (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76c41d7
+- drm/amd/display: Send correct DP colorspace infopacket (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dad5f3
+- drm/amd/display: Signal mode_changed if colorspace changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9aff5b9
+- drm/amd/display: Register Colorspace property for DP and HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b0177
+- drm/amd/display: Always pass connector_state to stream validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcc7459
+- drm/connector: Allow drivers to pass list of supported colorspaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce27fb
+- drm/connector: Print connector colorspace in state debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccf155
+- drm/connector: Use common colorspace_names array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c9d1f
+- drm/connector: Pull out common create_colorspace_property code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2140d9f
+- drm/connector: Add enum documentation to drm_colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4e3c52
+- drm/connector: Convert DRM_MODE_COLORIMETRY to enum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5f52c6
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix reserved SDMA queues handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9f1b
+- drm/amd: Check that a system is a NUMA system before looking for SRAT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebce45c
+- drm/amdkfd: fix vmfault signalling with additional data. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d2d7c1
+- drm/amdgpu: Set EEPROM ras info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7f0ad7
+- drm/amdgpu: Calculate EEPROM table ras info bytes sum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 967894c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support EEPROM table v2.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec519c4
+- drm/amdgpu: Support setting EEPROM table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b3f7be
+- drm/amdgpu: Add RAS table v2.1 macro definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4d0c66
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename ras table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34dfb5d
+- drm/amdgpu/mmsch: Correct the definition for mmsch init header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 860c628
+- drm/amdkfd: potential error pointer dereference in ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d154
+- drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df4c078
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix memory some memory corruption (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36adb58
+- drm/amdgpu: display/Kconfig: replace leading spaces with tab (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d86e61f
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml314's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 027b3de
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml31's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe348d0
+- =?UTF-8?q?drm/amd/display:=20Fix=20unused=20variable=20=E2=80=98s?= (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc0ed53
+- drm/amd/display: Add control flag to dc_stream_state to skip eDP BL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 434c176
+- drm/amd/display: Wrong index type for pipe iterator (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 743c524
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor fast update to use new HWSS build
+  sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit c982684
+- drm/amdgpu: convert vcn/jpeg logical mask to physical mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb0570
+- drm/amdgpu: support check vcn jpeg block mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdae00b
+- drm/amdgpu: pass xcc mask to ras ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2473afc
+- drm/amd/pm: update smu-driver if header for smu 13.0.0 and smu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30c829
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: notify driver unloading to PMFW for SMU v13.0.6 dGPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53e5df2
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark 'kgd_gfx_aldebaran_clear_address_watch' & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da1705
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 543306f
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac74771
+- drm/amd/display: Add gnu_printf format attribute for snprintf_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f38be4
+- drm/amd/display: Address kdoc warnings in dcn30_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0131cfa
+- drm/amd/display: fix compilation error due to shifting negative value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 505e545
+- drm/amdgpu/discovery: Replace fake flex-arrays with flexible-array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd3f427
+- drm/amdgpu: fix debug wait on idle for gfx9.4.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2772585
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f6187f
+- drm/amd/display: Fix dc/dcn20/dcn20_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81cdc1a
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.7 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c07e8d
+- drm/amd/pm: Fill metrics data for SMUv13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dfc73c
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch.
+- commit fca9f12
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill SMU13 OD settings init and restore (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c10c97b
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for debug api availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4943e88
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug device snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00d315b
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug queue snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c8430
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query exception info operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b23982
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query event operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb80f7d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set flags operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 623fc04
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set and clear address watch points operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b254ed
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug suspend and resume process queues operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15691eb
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch mode operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 600b1e9
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch override operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43ad3d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set exceptions enabled operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee14591
+- drm/amdkfd: update process interrupt handling for debug events (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b55c7c
+- drm/amd/pm: update SMU13 header files for coming OD support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70d207c
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug trap enabled flag to tma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f80d222
+- drm/amdkfd: add runtime enable operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07eca42
+- drm/amdkfd: add send exception operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dc8c8b
+- drm/amdkfd: add raise exception event function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6b161
+- drm/amdkfd: apply trap workaround for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7892b7
+- drm/amdkfd: add per process hw trap enable and disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f999c91
+- drm/amdgpu: expose debug api for mes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f523edb
+- drm/amdgpu: prepare map process for multi-process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7dc470
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare map process for single process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9adf7e8
+- drm/amdgpu: add configurable grace period for unmap queues (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 064ae8f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c7456b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.2 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9753ab
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx10 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86c352
+- drm/amdkfd: fix kfd_suspend_all_processes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57b625f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.1 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81e477b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f092e2
+- drm/amdkfd: clean up one inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ad8189
+- drm/amd/display: Drop unused DCN_BASE variable in dcn314_resource.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0f92d2
+- drm/amdgpu: setup hw debug registers on driver initialization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f622c7
+- drm/amdgpu: add kgd hw debug mode setting interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a1d1490
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare per-process debug enable and disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 671af51
+- drm/amdkfd: display debug capabilities (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03c57f8
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug and runtime enable interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb417e8
+- amd/amdkfd: drop unused KFD_IOCTL_SVM_FLAG_UNCACHED flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96a7a25
+- drm/amd/pm: add unique serial number support for smu_v13_0_6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 945afd8
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMUv13.0.6 throttle status report (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch.
+- commit 1d7e76c
+- drm/amd/pm: Update SMUv13.0.6 PMFW headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1722741
+- drm/amdgpu: Add function parameter 'event' to kdoc in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7574c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa40ed0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc 'ring' parameter in sdma_v6_0_ring_pad_ib (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d898b2a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in display_mode_vba.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 551b14b
+- drm/amdkfd: remove unused sq_int_priv variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16c6ce4
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formatting for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba09d4
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up missing 'dc' & 'pipe_ctx' kdoc parameters in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56d8616
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db1eda8
+- drm/amdxcp: fix Makefile to build amdxcp module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a512a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameters kdoc in svm_migrate_vma_to_ram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bc669e
+- drm/amdgpu: set finished fence error if job timedout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bfcb4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcp_id' in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a383c95
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameter in kdoc for 'inst' in gmc_ v7, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6fa360
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc parameter 'inst' in get_wave_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d009bf2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcc_id' in gfx_v7_0.c & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8821a72
+- drm/amdkfd: flag added to handle errors from svm validate and map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64b0049
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize xcc mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55ef45a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formats in dcn32_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e948b67
+- drm/amd/display: Add missing kdoc entries in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2286e21
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix create_dmamap_sg_bo kdoc warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad11b4
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix MEC pipe interrupt enablement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4ec0c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add new gfx_target_versions for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf7f562
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc in sdma_v6_0.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a123db2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_acpi.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20b5f75
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in sdma_v4_4_2.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fc7a3d
+- drm/amdkfd: fix gfx_target_version for certain 11.0.3 devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2881941
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix up locking etc in amdgpu_debugfs_gprwave_ioctl() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6664081
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50af796
+- drm/amdgpu: use amdxcp platform device as spatial partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5153f80
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bbe90e
+- drm/amdxcp: add platform device driver for amdxcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92ea889
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark mmhub_v1_8_mmea_err_status_reg as __maybe_unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506dd00
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df5a59
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ffdfcd2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e576c05
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1760b9d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83f439e
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d66482d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f2d0805
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator pcie class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c699e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: save/restore part of xcp drm_device fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bb8498
+- drm/amdgpu: set the APU flag based on package type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57dd272
+- drm/jpeg: add init value for num_jpeg_rings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f90afe
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the 4, 6 and 8 XCC cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34ab697
+- drm/amdgpu: golden settings for ASIC rev_id 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ec92e0
+- drm/amdgpu: bypass bios dependent operations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a140e8
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3245d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a6d3bc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused variable in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dcd2c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix defined but not used gfx9_cs_data in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3611f5e
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix return types of certain NBIOv7.9 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 510270b
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e87237f
+- drm/amd: Drop debugfs access to the DPCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1791ba
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc892d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2091d58
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4fa34e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use single copy per SDMA instance type (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3096b
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to unified amdgpu_ring_test_helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c2117
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in gfx (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b8ddb0
+- drm/amdgpu/sdma: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in sdma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 518428c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79f8e53
+- drm/amdkfd: Set event interrupt class for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ac9185
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit"
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit ce52bc4
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_irq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53c9f7c
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 7f12a28
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a low priority scheduler for VRAM clearing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29807d2
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d48716c
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bb1cddd
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove duplicate include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cec6e2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables res_create_maximus_funcs and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b1d137f
+- drm/amd/display: avoid calling missing .resync_fifo_dccg_dio() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8651061
+- drm/amdkfd: Align partition memory size to page size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c3ff70
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused variable num_xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e283d4e
+- drm/amdgpu: fix acpi build warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ea4f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: use %pad format string for dma_addr_t (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 927d156
+- drm/amdgpu:mark aqua_vanjaram_reg_init.c function as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a60f4db
+- drm/amdkfd: mark local functions as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e1e8f
+- drm/amd/pm: mark irq functions as 'static' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc9d81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unsigned comparison with zero in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0f85
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix a couple of spelling mistakes in info and debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 443dfe7
+- drm/amdgpu: Disable interrupt tracker on NBIOv7.9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58b4066
+- drm/radeon: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 653ef00
+- drm/amdgpu: init the XCC_DOORBELL_FENCE regs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0984e5e
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5939e84
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfxhub_v1_2_xcp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86b9d9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused amdgpu_acpi_get_numa_info function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8112d29
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.237 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fa2f2a
+- drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5941f
+- drm/amd/display: Reorganize DCN30 Makefile (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce93b40
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams for DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f6fe06
+- drm/amd/display: Clean FPGA code in dc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2a9c0b
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for displays with large
+  vblank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- commit 0c205e1
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
-  smp_processor_id() (git-fixes).
-- commit 2981c3a
+  smp_processor_id() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Correct endianness for rqstlen and rsplen
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unused variable warning in
+  qla2xxx_process_purls_pkt() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "tranport" -> "transport"
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
+  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix nvme_fc_rcv_ls_req() undefined error
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add Unsolicited LS Request and Response Support
+  for NVMe (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: fix inconsistent TMF timeout (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off noisy message log (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix erroneous link up failure (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Adjust IOCB resource on qpair create (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- commit 885ad29
-- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
-  (bsc#1215581).
-- commit 7cedbed
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-zfcp-Defer-fc_rport-blocking-until-after-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5433 bsc#1214371 bsc#1213978).
+- commit 1a5ed2a
+- drm/amd/display: Revert vblank change that causes null pointer
+  crash (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch.
+- commit 69bfe31
-- Drop amdgpu patch causing spamming (bsc#1215523)
-  Deleted:
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-unused-.patch.
-- commit 2cab595
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 785b8f4
-- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (jsc#PED-1549).
-- commit 34e493d
+- drm/amd/display: fix dcn315 pixel rate crb scaling check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2678b77
-- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (bsc#1214037).
-- commit cc9aa11
+- drm/amd/display: lower dp link training message level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dd5e5d
-- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
-  CVE-2023-37453 bsc#1215553 bsc#1215522 bsc#1215552).
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-race-by-not-overwriting-udev-descriptor.patch (add missing hunk)
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-oversight-in-SuperSpeed-initialization.patch (context)
-- commit 6271d90
+- drm/amd/display: Update SR watermarks for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 063ec68
-- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (git-fixes).
-- commit a8caba5
+- drm/amd/display: disable dcn315 pixel rate crb when scaling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6f1e71
-- vhost: handle error while adding split ranges to iotlb
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 059dc93
+- drm/amd/display: Fix DMUB debugging print issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8474b11
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c5d403
+- drm/amdgpu: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34e4d38
-- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
-  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
-  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
-- commit c882efa
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in kgd2kfd_device_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5790b40
-- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
-- commit e049205
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in jpeg_v4_0_3_is_idle & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 498d01f
-- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit fced801
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in mmhub_v1_8.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a92c41
-- blacklist.conf: add b439eb8ab57855, as prereq patch is missing
-- commit 7f6a95d
+- drm/amdgpu: retire set_vga_state for some ASIC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51abed7
-- vhost_vdpa: fix the crash in unmap a large memory (git-fixes).
-- commit 5c68686
+- drm/amd/display: improve the message printed when loading DC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7933ebd
-- iommu/virtio: Detach domain on endpoint release (git-fixes).
-- commit b648ef9
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vga_set_state NULL pointer issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c05d01a
-- vhost-scsi: unbreak any layout for response (git-fixes).
-- commit 374c9ef
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfx_v9_4_3_cp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42718de
-- drm/virtio: Use appropriate atomic state in
-  virtio_gpu_plane_cleanup_fb() (git-fixes).
-- commit 491eae6
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove IMU ucode in vf2pf (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8be7e0e
-- drm/virtio: Correct drm_gem_shmem_get_sg_table() error handling
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e8e33de
+- drm/amdgpu: fix the memory override in kiq ring struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 202f252
-- virtio-net: fix race between set queues and probe (git-fixes).
-- commit 1089568
+- drm/amdgpu: add the smu_v13_0_6 and gfx_v9_4_3 ip block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad33448
-- virtio_net: Fix probe failed when modprobe virtio_net
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5915735
+- drm/radeon: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8c3888
-- virtio_net: add checking sq is full inside xdp xmit (git-fixes).
-- commit 87c00dd
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Rembrandt-R (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 005d910
-- virtio_net: separate the logic of checking whether sq is full
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7064a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1864d3d
-- virtio_net: reorder some funcs (git-fixes).
-- commit 4f7fbb1
-- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
-  (bsc#1214543).
-- commit 41ae88c
-- x86/coco: Allow CPU online/offline for a TDX VM with the paravisor on Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_write_efer() for a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (bsc#1206453)
-- x86/hyperv: Mark hv_ghcb_terminate() as noreturn (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add VTL specific structs and hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/coco: Export cc_vendor (bsc#1206453).
-- merge HV_ISOLATION_TYPE_TDX into upstream patch file
-- commit a53eaa2
-- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes)
-- commit 54615cb
-- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes)
-- commit d3da4d8
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Dragon Range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88b4a1a
-- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init sections (git-fixes)
-- commit f80791e
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Phoenix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff0df5a
-- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash (git-fixes)
-- commit ec53ad3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix incorrect pcie_gen_mask in passthrough case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d25e98
-- virtio: acknowledge all features before access (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e146ad
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused count variable in create_eml_sink() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56bcf1f
-- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
-- commit 9b7add1
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused function set_abm_event() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cf8d5d
-- hwrng: virtio - Fix race on data_avail and actual data
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 6d20bd3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix S3 issue if MQD in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9a5c6c
-- virtio-rng: make device ready before making request (git-fixes).
-- commit c09ce65
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _sdma, _ucode.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c28d85d
-- vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _uvd, _vce.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ac5830
+- drm/amdgpu: perform mode2 reset for sdma fed error on gfx v11_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b983cd
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_vcn.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3855ca
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_encoders.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baeffda
+- drm/amdkfd: fix stack size in svm_range_validate_and_map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd63cf
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_ttm.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f5f782
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn4: fix endian conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a819ce9
+- drm/amdgpu/gmc9: fix 64 bit division in partition code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f16f3c8
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize RAS for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1cbda8
+- drm/amdgpu: add sq timeout status functions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e10aa03
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 435ed9f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6b63f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count definitions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2b820f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS definitions for GFX (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51b23ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Add gc v9_4_3 ras error status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 801b5d6
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faa2e50
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a5668f
+- drm/amdgpu: add GFX RAS common function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c8a2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Do not access members of xcp w/o check (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6560ec
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix null ptr access (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02554f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add check for RAS instance mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8e09b3
+- drm/amdgpu: remove RAS GFX injection for gfx_v9_4/gfx_v9_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525b8fb
+- drm/amdgpu: reorganize RAS injection flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d80f8c8
+- drm/amdgpu: add instance mask for RAS inject (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d5c879
+- drm/amdgpu: convert logical instance mask to physical one (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e7933f
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable IH CAM on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49a6dcc
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct get_xcp_mem_id calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc2c71c
+- drm/amdkfd: Refactor migrate init to support partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08184d2
+- drm/amdgpu: route ioctls on primary node of XCPs to primary device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 626d0e4
+- drm/amdkfd: APU mode set max svm range pages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab9b031
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory reporting on GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf10e82
+- drm/amdkfd: Move local_mem_info to kfd_node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86f8c8e
+- drm/amdgpu: use xcp partition ID for amdgpu_gem (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72af3fc
+- drm/amdgpu: KFD graphics interop support compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1010ff7
+- drm/amdkfd: Store xcp partition id to amdgpu bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e14f84
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode set VRAM range lpfn as exclusive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4465cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Alloc page table on correct memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fff200
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MTYPE for far memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 71f31f5
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode placement support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c0331c
+- drm/amdkfd: SVM range allocation support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf5046f
+- drm/amdkfd: Alloc memory of GPU support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e653cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition mem_id to amdgpu_bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb9efd
+- drm/amdkfd: Show KFD node memory partition info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 404d348
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition id to amdgpu_vm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5783535
+- drm/amdkfd: Store drm node minor number for kfd nodes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62bcbe9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcp manager num_xcp_per_mem_partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19842b9
+- drm/amdgpu: update ref_cnt before ctx free (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3195c4c
+- drm/amdgpu: run partition schedule if it is supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c70169
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition schedule for GC(9, 4, 3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3aba65
+- drm/amdgpu: keep amdgpu_ctx_mgr in ctx structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bdf505
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition scheduler list update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3db2c3
+- drm/amdgpu: update header to support partition scheduling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fbafab0
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition ID track in ring (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2d9777
+- drm/amdgpu: find partition ID when open device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98380c3
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: update mtype_local parameter settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14bbdd6
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: add mtype_local as a module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83eac25
+- drm/amdgpu: Override MTYPE per page on GFXv9.4.3 APUs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 728d1f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix per-BO MTYPE selection for GFXv9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2501a
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: Add use_mtype_cc_wa module param (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00ff24b
+- drm/amdgpu: Use legacy TLB flush for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 110612b
+- drm/amdgpu: For GFX 9.4.3 APU fix vram_usage value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe078f6
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable NPS4 CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce99b84
+- drm/amdkfd: Move pgmap to amdgpu_kfd_dev structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40bcd11
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip halting RLC on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d1154
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register accesses in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fa3258
+- drm/amdkfd: Increase queue number per process to 255 on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fa075
+- drm/amdgpu: Adjust the sequence to query ras error info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a38ece
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize jpeg v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c398ff0
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f08bead
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cd9edb
+- drm/amdgpu: Re-enable VCN RAS if DPG is enabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec27932
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize vcn v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5901112
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 841deba
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f4096f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vcn/jpeg ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26857c3
+- drm/amdgpu: Checked if the pointer NULL before use it. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131092
+- drm/amdgpu: Set memory partitions to 1 for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5989e4a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip using MC FB Offset when APU flag is set for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b6fb99
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP supporting PSP 13.0.6 SRIOV ucode init. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db2d095
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP spatial parition interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e571f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: Return error on invalid compute mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5a669
+- drm/amdgpu: Add compute mode descriptor function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2634b12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unmapping of aperture (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a21ef99
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix xGMI access P2P mapping failure on GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc3ad1b
+- drm/amdkfd: Native mode memory partition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1bcc89
+- drm/amdgpu: Set TTM pools for memory partitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35d8eb6
+- drm/ttm: export ttm_pool_fini for cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit efbd6bd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add auto mode for compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c23797
+- drm/amdgpu: Check memory ranges for valid xcp mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit deeabdb
+- drm/amdkfd: Use xcc mask for identifying xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 89bba72
+- drm/amdkfd: Add xcp reference to kfd node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1a727
+- drm/amdgpu: Move initialization of xcp before kfd (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c700fc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fill xcp mem node in aquavanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 971492b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add callback to fill xcp memory id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d5d66
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize memory ranges for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c110e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partitions to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af74999
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get numa information of XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e917725
+- drm/amdgpu: Store additional numa node information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 277688a
+- drm/amdgpu: Get supported memory partition modes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b669c19
+- drm/amdgpu: Move memory partition query to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17c5150
+- drm/amdgpu: Add utility functions for xcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9697763
+- drm/amdgpu: Use apt name for FW reserved region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 197d860
+- drm/amdgpu: Use GPU VA space for IH v4.4.2 in APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f1b334e
+- drm/amdgpu: Simplify aquavanjram instance mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06c5751
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Use buffer object's deletion logic (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c529ed4
+- drm/amdgpu: Use a different value than 0xDEADBEEF for jpeg ring test (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9499a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a read after write DB_CTRL for vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98812bd
+- drm/amdgpu: fixes a JPEG get write/read pointer bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8be079
+- drm/amdgpu: A workaround for JPEG_v4_0_3 ring test fail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11e6fad
+- drm/amdgpu: use physical AID index for ring name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df1700d
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use dummy register selects AID for VCN_RAM ucode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec7b567
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix harvest reporting of VCN (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c25b44e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use logical ids for VCN/JPEG v4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf738b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Add VCN logical to physical id mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87d699f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add instance mask for VCN and JPEG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd219ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Load vcn_v4_0_3 ucode during early_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16f35e2
+- drm/amdgpu: preserve the num_links in case of reflection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db285b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix discovery sys node harvest info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 645bbfa
+- drm/amdkfd: Flush TLB after unmapping for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7a9adc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add fallback path for discovery info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c8e909
+- drm/amdgpu: Read discovery info from system memory (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbeb
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get tmr info from acpi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d49285c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add parsing of acpi xcc objects (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67120d0
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable SVM on Native mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6248034
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3435d64
+- drm/amdgpu: Use transient mode during xcp switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f57cb5
+- drm/amdgpu: Add flags for partition mode query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4562290
+- drm/amd/pm: fix wrong smu socclk value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 301f2d8
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode-2 reset in SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33db90f
+- drm/amd/pm: Notify PMFW about driver unload cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b56d
+- drm/amd/pm: Update PMFW headers for version 85.54 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a22067
+- drm/amd/pm: Expose mem temperature for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ffd729
+- drm/amd/pm: Update hw mon attributes for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb8bda
+- drm/amd/pm: Initialize power limit for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fac79a5
+- drm/amd/pm: Keep interface version in PMFW header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd3969
+- drm/amd/pm: Add ih for SMU v13.0.6 thermal throttling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c1bb87
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c42cea5
+- drm/amd/pm: Update gfx clock frequency for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b536dc
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 298a026
+- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma instance (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1be47a9
+- drm/amdgpu: change the print level to warn for ip block disabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed16d0f
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase Max GPU instance to 64 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d16bb52
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9f17d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Create VRAM BOs on GTT for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263b811
+- drm/amdgpu: Implement new dummy vram manager (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2ec2c
+- drm/amdgpu: Handle VRAM dependencies on GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cc910
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CG for IH v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fa4741
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable persistent edc harvesting in APP APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39315ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize mmhub v1_8 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bab35de
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6528a7d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef6811b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e75408
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b7fa8f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mmhub v1_8_0 ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a83f221
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize sdma v4_4_2 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 694bdca
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26cc78a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8f6a7c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma v4_4_2 ras registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ab1e67
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to reset ras error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6611bf
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to query ras error (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfc85cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable MGCG on SDMAv4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d82d8f
+- drm/amdgpu: enable context empty interrupt on sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a76731b
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn_4_0_3 codec query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8bc910f
+- drm/amdkfd: bind cpu and hiveless gpu to a hive if xgmi connected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df792f
+- drm/amdkfd: Cleanup KFD nodes creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e438f
+- drm/ttm: add NUMA node id to the pool (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690343f
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix mqd init on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bed16b6
+- drm/amd: fix compiler error to support older compilers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf9a0c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CGCG/LS for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78231c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Use unique doorbell range per xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d206314
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep SDMAv4.4.2 active during reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a053965
+- drm/amdkfd: Report XGMI IOLINKs for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec27f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add num_xcps return (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41f9a19
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_HWIP_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506d46f
+- drm/amdgpu: vcn_v4_0_3 load vcn fw once for all AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 352596e
+- drm/amdgpu: Populate VCN/JPEG harvest information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c922f8
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct dGPU MTYPE settings for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876ec70
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove SMU powergate message call for SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c633446
+- drm/amdgpu: enable vcn/jpeg on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e8a596
+- drm/amdgpu: enable indirect_sram mode on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d74aa
+- drm/amdgpu: add unified queue support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56665c1
+- drm/amdgpu: add fwlog support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c22bee8
+- drm/amdgpu: increase MAX setting to hold more jpeg instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0d16ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Use discovery to get XCC/SDMA mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62decd3
+- drm/amdgpu: Make VRAM discovery read optional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e5f050
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate GART table in RAM for AMD APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17f38dc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG logic for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7c3031
+- drm/amdgpu: Make UTCL2 snoop CPU caches (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 511d203
+- amd/amdgpu: Set MTYPE_UC for access over PCIe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e6513
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX v9.4.3 EOP buffer allocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55bd2ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX 9.4.3 dma address capability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63b4f35
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix semaphore release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 830d513
+- drm/amdkfd: Setup current_logical_xcc_id in MQD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c46c992
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unnecessary return value check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bf58a0
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub index when page fault occurs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b96f1
+- drm/amdkfd: Update packet manager for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62b850e
+- drm/amdgpu: set MTYPE in PTE for GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33278af
+- drm/amdgpu: Use mask for active clusters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ab8e36
+- drm/amdgpu: Derive active clusters from SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ce648
+- drm/amdgpu: Move generic logic to soc config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e619a62
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix the KCQ hang when binding back (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 024716a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR allocation if not required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 616276f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP IP callback funcs for each IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9776e6e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP functions for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6703090
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eaf66f9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add GFXHUB v1.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a7e4c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to SOC partition funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da815e2
+- drm/amdgpu: Add soc config init for GC9.4.3 ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e633cc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SOC partition funcs for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4d8aed
+- drm/amdgpu: Add initial version of XCP routines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5734b6f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma instance specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit acd52a6
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions for gfxhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 994f11e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41d9b49
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a27359
+- drm/amdgpu: Check APU supports true APP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59b4f8b
+- drm/amdgpu: more GPU page fault info for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53374df
+- drm/amdgpu: remove partition attributes sys file for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b892e8
+- drm/amdgpu: fix kcq mqd_backup buffer double free for multi-XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf76ac
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip runtime db read for PSP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 465f295
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vm context register assignment in mmhub v1.8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63e7cd0
+- drm/amdgpu: Revert programming of CP_PSP_XCP_CTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fb2d1f
+- drm/amdgpu: detect current GPU memory partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4cb7ad
+- drm/amdgpu: init smuio funcs for smuio v13_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccd92f6
+- drm/amdgpu: implement smuio v13_0_3 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 97a7075
+- drm/amdgpu: add smuio v13_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d56b555
+- drm/amdgpu: retire render backend setup from gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 128fd4c
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Update debugfs for XCC support (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a62edd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 golden settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0dd560
+- drm/amdgpu: init gfx_v9_4_3 external_rev_id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 658bf81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix interrupt handling in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddbbb65
+- drm/amdgpu: consolidate the access helpers in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe1a75a
+- drm/amdgpu: add helpers to access registers on different AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354ccea
+- drm/amdgpu: parse base address from new ip discovery with 64bit ip (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a93c78
+- drm/amdgpu: upgrade amdgpu_discovery struct ip to ip_v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed621cb
+- drm/amdgpu: do some register access cleanup in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dd212b
+- drm/amdgpu: extend max instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932fe25
+- drm/amdgpu: increase DISCOVERY_TMR_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a163106
+- drm/amdgpu: update ip discovery header to v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0bbff2
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to aqua_vanjaram_doorbell_index_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13f1862
+- drm/amdgpu: Use SDMA instance table for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe4d5d4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d737891
+- drm/amdgpu: Add IP instance map for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988eb6
+- drm/amdgpu: add new doorbell assignment table for aqua_vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48b20e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register access on GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 179f42c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix programming of initial XCP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a6f98f
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac27df
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix failure when switching to DPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5681e3f
+- drm/amdkfd: Use instance table for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e903cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix SWS on multi-XCD GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2574d49
+- drm/amdgpu: drop redundant csb init for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d8d789
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust s2a entry register for sdma doorbell trans (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 311f536
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SMI events for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d88268
+- drm/amdgpu: Use status register for partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30b55fd
+- drm/amdkfd: pass kfd_node ref to svm migration api (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0470f1
+- drm/amdgpu: Conform to SET_UCONFIG_REG spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cac682
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b583ca
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update clock gate setting for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ef368b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add JPEG multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fa2571
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: add vcn doorbell multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5634c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GRBM programming sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4603b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance table for sdma 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7016e26
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cec5e1
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance lookup table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9e1990
+- drm/amdgpu: Add map of logical to physical inst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d5c0a9
+- drm/amdkfd: Add device repartition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f3755a
+- drm/amdkfd: Rework kfd_locked handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad7302
+- drm/amdgpu: configure the doorbell settings for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82be392
+- drm/amdgpu: add indirect r/w interface for smn address greater than (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a43b4c4
+- drm/amdkfd: EOP Removal - Handle size 0 correctly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8471f1
+- drm/amdgpu: reflect psp xgmi topology info for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0784d0e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update amdgpu_fw_shared to amdgpu_vcn4_fw_shared (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988004
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: remove unused code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5435d18
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update ucode setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98f49b1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update new doorbell map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e3c02
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: update jpeg header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70a9445
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update vcn header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ddd66e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use vcn4 irqsrc header for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d42f572
+- drm/amdgpu: Change num_xcd to xcc_mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7d5dd
+- drm/amdgpu: add the support of XGMI link for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0d012
+- drm/amdgpu: add new vram type for dgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e980d45
+- drm/amdkfd: Populate memory info before adding GPU node to topology (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7ca6c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add SDMA info for SDMA 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 10f1191
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix SDMA in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 483c737
+- drm/amdkfd: add gpu compute cores io links for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c786a4
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce new doorbell assignment table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dca185d
+- drm/amdgpu: program GRBM_MCM_ADDR for non-AID0 GRBM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd744e2
+- drm/amdgpu: convert the doorbell_index to 2 dwords offset for kiq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f83308
+- drm/amdgpu: set mmhub bitmask for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fd97c1
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the IH node_id table for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7ce72f
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub reference for each XCD in gfxhub init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91be675
+- drm/amdgpu: do mmhub init for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22a1e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 586f3ac
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for SDMA on multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf082e
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust some basic elements for multiple AID case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 769798b
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index in 1st page to sdma page queue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af749c8
+- drm/amdgpu: Set XNACK per process on GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b276f2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use new atomfirmware init for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59fe354
+- drm/amdkfd: Update coherence settings for svm ranges (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 25ef3d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix CP_HYP_XCP_CTL register programming in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3325c2
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SDMA queue management for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bd904a
+- drm/amdkfd: Update sysfs node properties for multi XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf6cf4
+- drm/amdkfd: Call DQM stop during DQM uninitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fddb2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix VM fault reporting on XCC1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a28d40e
+- drm/amdkfd: Update context save handling for multi XCC setup (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 108db58
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCC inst to PASID TLB flushing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47b102c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add XCC instance to kgd2kfd interface (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 718e506
+- drm/amdkfd: Add PM4 target XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f584faf
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MQD management on multi XCC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ca6a46
+- drm/amdkfd: Add spatial partitioning support in KFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ca461
+- drm/amdkfd: Introduce kfd_node struct (v5) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 088b458
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode2 reset logic for v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 531578f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add some XCC programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b68510
+- drm/amdgpu: add node_id to physical id conversion in EOP handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2db1301
+- drm/amdgpu: enable the ring and IB test for slave kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2beb0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: support gc v9_4_3 ring_test running on all xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eab204d
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vcn doorbell range setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ce5cdd
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg doorbell for jpeg4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb73840
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn doorbell for vcn4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 796bc87
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: update vcn doorbell range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 715819f
+- drm/amdkfd: Set F8_MODE for gc_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f747e6b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support for vcn4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76b4371
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f04e2e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn DPG mode for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c920679
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09da8e1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01ee657
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac8927b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69fe7ab
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfee820
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add jpeg support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8462eee
+- drm/amdgpu: add VCN4_0_3 firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb165d8
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn v4_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9dcd5f0
+- drm/amdgpu/: add more macro to support offset variant (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca3f59d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use the correct API to read register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fadf64
+- drm/amdgpu: Add kgd2kfd for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 385728a
+- drm/amdgpu: alloc vm inv engines for every vmhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fa98c7
+- drm/amdgpu: override partition mode through module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af06f1d
+- drm/amdgpu: make the WREG32_SOC15_xx macro to support multi GC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d000d4
+- drm/amdgpu: add sysfs node for compute partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc74b50
+- drm/amdgpu: assign different AMDGPU_GFXHUB for rings on each xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04c93b9
+- drm/amdgpu: init vmhubs bitmask for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f685a7b
+- drm/amdgpu: add bitmask to iterate vmhubs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6055555
+- drm/amdgpu: assign register address for vmhub object on each XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cc89aa
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce vmhub definition for multi-partition cases (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1795fc
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.236 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb1bdc
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unnecessary variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bd2041
+- drm/amd/display: Make unbounded req update separate from dlg/ttu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7444767
+- drm/amd/display: Add visual confirm color support for MCLK switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd0dafe
+- drm/amd/display: Convert connector signal id to string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a06321
+- drm/amd/display: Update vactive margin and max vblank for fpo + (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5058a80
+- drm/amd/display: Only skip update for DCFCLK, UCLK, FCLK on overclock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b655a9f
+- drm/amdgpu: improve wait logic at fence polling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f894d7
+- drm/amd/display: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf3700
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _object, _ring.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa956a9
+- drm/amdgpu: release correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kgq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d709969
+- drm/amdgpu/display: Enable DC_FP for LoongArch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 868f01c
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.235 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13f8b2
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP on displays that have pixclk > 1800Mhz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 300d4d5
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP high refresh when VRR active fixed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7c56de
+- drm/amd/display: Check Vactive for VRR active for FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a27d96
+- drm/amdgpu: set default num_kcq to 2 under sriov (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4120ff0
+- drm/amd/display: Show the DCN/DCE version in the log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e51728e
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove the unused variable golden_settings_gc_9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34d7e89
+- drm/amdkfd: Don't trigger evictions unmapping dmabuf attachments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a98b35a
+- drm/amd/display: Add additional pstate registers to HW state query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90649c1
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6bb7728
+- drm/amdgpu: do gfxhub init for all XCDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f255cf
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock on error in gfx_v9_4_3_kiq_resume() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aea0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock the correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kcq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8953b4
+- drm/amdgpu: drop unused function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8d9f70f
+- drm/amdgpu: drop invalid IP revision (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40e8d14
+- drm/amdgpu: put MQDs in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9bde94
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _bios, _cs, _dma_buf, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57313b8
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6aa7a8
+- drm/amd/display: mark amdgpu_dm_connector_funcs_force static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3a4cdc
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0fcc5d
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb9457
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx8: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f72c6b
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04b1e1e
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3657604
+- drm/amd: Downgrade message about watermarks table after s0i3 to debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6aabe
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0597d12
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d9e0bf
+- drm/amdgpu: add [en/dis]able_kgq() functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b967e6
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.234 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9056fb4
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56ba4ff
+- drm/amd/display: Add w/a to disable DP dual mode on certain ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a575d63
+- drm/amd/display: revert "Update scaler recout data for visual (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b4b4da
+- drm/amd/display: Adding debug option to override Z8 watermark values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72cc043
+- drm/amd/display: Workaround wrong HDR colorimetry with some receivers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e843d2
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging when DP link training Channel EQ is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0aaa819
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_psp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df4823
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d686ce
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d990c68
+- drm/amdkfd: Optimize svm range map to GPU with XNACK on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e2fcf
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging for eDP v1.4 supported sink rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48a111d
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible NULL dereference in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c21885
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_debugfs.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0715995
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable mcbp under sriov by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 559f7c7
+- drm/amdgpu: remove pasid_src field from IV entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aff6098
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Simplify switch case statements in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f950f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA_UTCL1_WR_FIFO_SED field for sdma_v4_4_ras_field (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99e3c7c
+- drm/amdkfd: Update KFD TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69c77d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Set GTT size equal to TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ee62fd
+- drm/ttm: Helper function to get TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7f05b3
+- drm/amdgpu: mark gfx_v9_4_3_disable_gpa_mode() static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45479e4
+- drm/amdgpu: check correct allocated mqd_backup object after alloc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43fe564
+- drm/amdgpu: fix a build warning by a typo in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0aa449
+- drm/amd/display: return status of dmub_srv_get_fw_boot_status (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01225d6
+- drm/amd/display: set variable custom_backlight_curve0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93d40e8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_display.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e8df70c
+- drm/amd/display: DSC passthrough is for DP-HDMI pcon (SST pcon) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dce215a
+- drm/amdgpu: add new flag to AMDGPU_CTX_QUERY2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4edfd2
+- drm:amd:amdgpu: Fix missing bo unlock in failure path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81a9d28
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables dispclk_delay_subtotal and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23fbee8
+- drm/amdgpu: support psp vbflash sysfs for MP0 13_0_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64ac4c7
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.233 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df3241
+- drm/amd/display: Query GECC enable for SubVP disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed1c556
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP for high refresh rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbe01b8
+- drm/amd/display: For no plane case set pstate support in validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c380cf5
+- drm/amd/display: Add p-state debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed6aebf
+- drm/amd/display: Update scaler recout data for visual confirm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fac55a
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42eac4b
+- drm/amd/display: add option to use custom backlight caps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8423cad
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP on PSR panels if single stream (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eff8c77
+- drm/amd/display: Restore rptr/wptr for DMCUB as workaround (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f49e072
+- drm/amd/display: Update FW feature caps struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93bb9cc
+- drm/amd/display: implement force function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4ebfd5
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.232 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea6d802
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61d64fd
+- drm/amdgpu: add debugfs interface for reading MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ac7a3b
+- drm/amdgpu: track MQD size for gfx and compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5e5ffd
+- drm/amdgpu: bump driver version number for CP GFX shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f3b100
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix an issue at userptr buffer validation process. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c98315a
+- drm/amd/display: assign edid_blob_ptr with edid from debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263767f
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for new GFX shadow size query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 266df5e
+- drm/amdgpu: add get_gfx_shadow_info callback for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0991ea1
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3af8db
+- drm/amdgpu: add UAPI to query GFX shadow sizes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3905b
+- drm/amdgpu: don't require a job for cond_exec and shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 679ca88
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 emit shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e5c100
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow CS IOCTL support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ceef1c
+- drm/amdgpu/UAPI: add new CS chunk for GFX shadow buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fff1579
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: check the CP FW version CP GFX shadow support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c276cd6
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: add FW version check for new CP GFX shadow feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82eced4
+- drm/amd/display: dumb_abm_lcd: avoid missing-prototype warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56c7ad2
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.231 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 675200d
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS related definitions and documenation for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9e3f19
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS capability to DCN31 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3f46b4
+- drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 666931d
+- drm/amd/display: update GSP1 generic info packet for PSRSU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f060959
+- drm/amd/display: Adjust dmub outbox notification enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fcc831
+- drm/amd/display: 3-plane MPO enablement for DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dce3e1
+- drm/amd/display: Add extra check for 444 16 format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fb904
+- drm/amd/display: correct DML calc error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a5c491
+- drm/amd/display: Limit nv21 dst_y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 954ff4b
+- drm/amd/display: Add check for PState change in DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1aed7df
+- drm/amd/display: Set DRAM clock if retraining is required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f4a607
+- drm/amd/display: add support for low bpc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbda83f
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style issues in amdgpu_discovery.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f64331
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unused variables in dcn21_hwseq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07026f7
+- drm/amdgpu: allocate doorbell index for multi-die case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfcbab
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_drv.c & amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2af78
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix spaces in array indexing and indentations in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3979f4b
+- drm/amdgpu: Drop pcie_bif ras check from fatal error handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbb99f0
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize num_xcd to 1 for gfx v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77880d1
+- drm/amdgpu: add master/slave check in init phase (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2afcbe
+- drm/amd/display: Clear GPINT1 before taking DMCUB out of reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c292f3e
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to rlc safe_mode func (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5207df8
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to select_sh_se function v2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0795290
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to gfx v9_4_3 functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5093050
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-XCC initial support in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b1c963
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to soc15_grbm_select (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d656861
+- drm/amdgpu: split gc v9_4_3 functionality from gc v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e68f63e
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-xcc support to amdgpu_gfx interfaces (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc75659
+- drm/amdgpu: separate the mqd_backup for kiq from kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4891858
+- drm/amdgpu: move queue_bitmap to an independent structure (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb8e0d4
+- drm/amdgpu: convert gfx.kiq to array type (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a897cae
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variable oldest_index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43e14b6
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix spelling mistake "aquire" -> "acquire" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd77318
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support for querying the max ibs in a submission. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f946aa4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a max ibs per submission limit. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4235d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase GFX6 graphics ring size. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e76b74
+- drm/amd/display: Write TEST_EDID_CHECKSUM_WRITE for EDID tests (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 423ba24
+- drm/amd/display: add mechanism to skip DCN init (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit 6c7b0ef
+- drm/amd/display: add extra dc odm debug options (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13ee7f9
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b71ea9
+- drm/amd/display: Enable FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc4c701
+- drm/amd/display: Set watermarks set D equal to A (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43f7e1
+- drm/amd/display: Correct output color space during HW reinitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff231cf
+- drm/amd/display: DSC policy override when ODM combine is forced (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2f061
+- drm/amd/display: Adding support for VESA SCR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a31437
+- drm/amd/display: drain dmub inbox if queue is full (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d807ece
+- drm/amd/display: refactor dmub commands into single
+  function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit ab21a66
+- drm/amd/display: Only consider DISPCLK when using optimized boot path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2cfa8
+- drm/amd/display: update max streams per surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f184e0
+- drm/amd/display: Fix in disabling secure display (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17eb970
+- drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 6ef2fed
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 41e7d51
+- drm/amd/display: Fix ABM pipe/backlight issues when change backlight (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cc4480
+- drm/amd/display: Check & log if receiver supports MST, DSC & FEC. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dba99a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor ABM feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be14e0c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix error code in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec82276
+- i915/perf: Do not add ggtt offset to hw_tail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d7fa39
+- i915/perf: Drop the aging_tail logic in perf OA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9014880
+- drm/i915: Allow user to set cache at BO creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b6d618
+- drm/i915/guc: Remove some obsolete definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3d0d79
+- drm/i915: rename I915_PMU_MAX_GTS to I915_PMU_MAX_GT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca13f77
+- drm/i915: Reduce I915_MAX_GT to 2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d93184b
+- drm/i915: Use the fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b36a900
+- drm/i915/huc: define HuC FW version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82006df
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: Use the media gt for the HuC getparam (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d09b48e
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: auth HuC via GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3022383
+- drm/i915/huc: differentiate the 2 steps of the MTL HuC auth flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516ec6e
+- drm/i915/huc: Load GSC-enabled HuC via DMA xfer if the fuse says so (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d0eb0c
+- drm/i915/huc: Parse the GSC-enabled HuC binary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9027300
+- drm/i915/uc: perma-pin firmwares (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad8ceae
+- drm/i915/pxp: Fix size_t format specifier in gsccs_send_message() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5075c4e
+- drm/i915/gt: limit lmem allocation size to succeed on SmallBars (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd30e03
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix parameter in gmch_ggtt_insert_{entries, page}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6eb592
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix second parameter type of pre-gen8 pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b96fa49
+- drm/i915/pmu: Make PMU sample array two-dimensional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52373d6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Turn off the timer to sample frequencies when GT is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfaaff
+- drm/i915/guc: Drop legacy CTB definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e36bbbd
+- drm/i915/guc: Track all sent actions to GuC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37380
+- drm/i915/guc: Update log for unsolicited CTB response (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5367a09
+- drm/i915/guc: Use FAST_REQUEST for non-blocking H2G calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 306501e
+- drm/i915/gem: Use large rings for compute contexts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cbf6444
+- drm/i915/gsc: use system include style for drm headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fc6fc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Reset only one lane in case of MFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 530224c
+- drm/i915: Flush power delayed put when connector init failed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e1d494
+- drm/i915: Remove i915_drm_suspend_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a7805e
+- drm/i915_drm.h: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f15edc
+- drm/i915/display: switch the rest of the connectors to struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7230bbc
+- drm/display/dp_mst: convert to struct drm_edid (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 655ad8f
+- drm/edid: make drm_edid_duplicate() safe to call with NULL parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2afae4
+- drm/i915/lvds: switch to drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4561db
+- drm/edid: add drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0823f2
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_audio in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e964241
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_monitor in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba0d0a0
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60d6489
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0b94f5
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a54444
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24a5a93
+- drm/display/dp_mst: drop has_audio from struct drm_dp_mst_port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5e9ff4
+- drm/edid: parse display info has_audio similar to is_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9216034
+- drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5813e1
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename comp_mutex to hdcp_mutex (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3079d
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Move away from master naming to arbiter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2252453
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename dev_priv to i915 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7921ee1
+- drm/i915: Implement CTM property support for VLV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6179eb
+- drm/i915: Always enable CGM CSC on CHV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a891b8
+- drm/i915: Fix CHV CGM CSC coefficient sign handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7de6cce
+- drm/i915: Expose crtc CTM property on ilk/snb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dc828b
+- drm/i915: Fix clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cd1b01
+- drm/i915/display: Move feature test macros to intel_display_device.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33fb907
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f678b4
+- drm/i915/display: Make display responsible for probing its own IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98365b2
+- drm/i915/display: Move display runtime info to display structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a35d92
+- drm/i915: Convert INTEL_INFO()->display to a pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aed04f
+- drm/i915: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1924536
+- drm/i915: Wait for active retire before i915_active_fini() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 080439c
+- drm/i915: Support Async Flip on Linear buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea1165e
+- drm/i915: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a58ccd2
+- drm/display/dsc: add YCbCr 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 RC parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96ada7d
+- drm/display/dsc: include the rest of pre-SCR parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b5e1
+- drm/display/dsc: split DSC 1.2 and DSC 1.1 (pre-SCR) parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b93ed
+- drm/display/dsc: use flat array for rc_parameters lookup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9b7a88
+- drm/i915/dsc: stop using interim structure for calculated params (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a225d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move DSC tables to DRM DSC helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4afb4d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move rc_buf_thresh values to common helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 198d780
+- drm/i915/dsc: change DSC param tables to follow the DSC model (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4b021a
+- drm/i915/hdmi: C20 computed PLL frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7287ee
+- drm/i915: Add 16bit register/mask operators (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e43e0c3
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix expected reg value for Thunderbolt PLL disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c744c1
+- drm/i915: tweak language in fastset pipe config compare logging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49d886e
+- drm/i915: fix intel_display_irq.c include order (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e17759
+- drm/i915/tc: Reset TypeC PHYs left enabled in DP-alt mode after the (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f198a63
+- drm/i915/tc: Call TypeC port flush_work/cleanup without modeset locks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f5b5a0
+- drm/i915: Factor out a helper for handling atomic modeset locks/state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78b5109
+- drm/i915/dp: Factor out intel_dp_get_active_pipes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0328903
+- drm/i915/dp: Prevent link training fallback on disconnected port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27d546c
+- drm/i915/dp: Convert link training error to debug message on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2cca75
+- drm/i915/dp: Add link training debug and error printing helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b85a7c
+- drm/i915: Add support for disabling any CRTCs during HW (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0add83
+- drm/i915: Factor out set_encoder_for_connector() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d63017
+- drm/i915: Separate intel_crtc_disable_noatomic_begin/complete() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a43328
+- drm/i915: Update connector atomic state before crtc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e65bbbb
+- drm/i915: Make the CRTC state consistent during sanitize-disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ab5da6
+- drm/i915: Add helpers to reference/unreference a DPLL for a CRTC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e0a4f
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fill hdcp2_streamid_type and k in appropriate places (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cba0ae
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fix modeset locking issue in hdcp mst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a11eb20
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Remove enforce_type0 check outside loop (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a931943
+- drm/i915/hdcp: add intel_atomic_state argument to hdcp_enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b41958
+- drm/i915/irq: split out display irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23d24c2
+- drm/i915/irq: split out hotplug irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit accdfdd
+- drm/i915/irq: convert gen8_de_irq_handler() to void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9609977
+- drm/i915/display: add i915 parameter to I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0dd7
+- drm/i915/display: remove I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387bb30
+- drm/i915/crtc: replace I915_STATE_WARN_ON() with I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d4dac
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop a useless I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d59113a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add handling for MTL ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ed432
+- drm/fourcc: define Intel Meteorlake related ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa5ffd
+- drm/i915/bios: add helper for reading SPI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056ec6a
+- drm/i915/gt: drop dependency on VLV_DISPLAY_BASE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08db04e
+- drm/i915/irq: relocate gmbus and dp aux irq handlers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5787b7a
+- drm/i915: Nuke intel_bios_is_port_dp_dual_mode() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f154b1
+- drm/i915: Flip VBT DDC pin maps around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c1b35b0
+- drm/i915: Split map_aux_ch() into per-platform arrays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0fe6ac
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a09b2a
+- drm/i915: Define more PS_CTRL bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f01be5
+- drm/i915/hdcp: drop display/ prefix from include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2c7d2d5
+- drm/i915: Fix wrong condition in bxt_set_cdclk for DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ab799d
+- drm/i915: Pick one HDMI port for infoframe/audio transmission on g4x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2603ae6
+- drm/i915: Move has_hdmi_sink out from intel_hdmi_compute_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bb6952
+- drm/i915/dp: Rearrange check for illegal mode and comments in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5584967
+- drm/i915/dp: Add helper to get sink_format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b7935a
+- drm/i915/display: Use sink_format instead of ycbcr420_output flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9384abd
+- drm/i915/dp: Configure PCON for conversion of output_format to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd9dc1
+- drm/i915/dp: Replace intel_dp.dfp members with the new crtc_state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed4cb1d
+- drm/i915/display: Add new member to configure PCON color conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53402c7
+- drm/i915: Communicate display power demands to pcode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ce821e
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for pipe scaler registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d46bf4b
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for skl+ scaler window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 364137c
+- drm/i915: s/PS_COEE_INDEX_AUTO_INC/PS_COEF_INDEX_AUTO_INC/ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3065e1a
+- drm/i915: Rename skl+ scaler binding bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e88a8a4
+- drm/i915: Remove dead scaler register defines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32166d6
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for ilk pfit window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbbea8c
+- drm/i915/display/dp: 128/132b LT requirement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98906b9
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enable TC ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6e3c86
+- drm/i915/mtl: Pin assignment for TypeC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1e066f
+- drm/i915/mtl: TypeC HPD live status query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09ed01b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Power up TCSS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0e7694
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define mask for DDI AUX interrupts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5863584
+- drm/i915/mtl: Readout Thunderbolt HW state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3c0d14
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enabling/disabling sequence Thunderbolt pll (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf90af3
+- drm/i915/mtl: For DP2.0 10G and 20G rates use MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccbf74
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add voltage swing sequence for C20 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0a27c
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 port clock calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e68ef7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Dump C20 pll hw state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c5a2d7
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 HW readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d0d8da
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 PLL programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7ac364
+- drm/i915/display: Increase AUX timeout for Type-C (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 697d5f8
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Disable DC5/6 states for TC port DDI/AUX and for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddf1ea7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Skip pcode qgv restrictions for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22abb48
+- drm/i915: Initialize dkl_phy spin lock from display code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c0669
+- drm/i915/psr: Sprinkle cpu_transcoder variables around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aca1dca
+- drm/i915/psr: Include PSR_PERF_CNT in debugfs output on all platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9185e85
+- drm/i915/psr: Add a FIXME for the PSR vs. AUX usage conflict (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 933197c
+- drm/i915/psr: Define more PSR mask bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ded1379
+- drm/i915/psr: Use intel_de_rmw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79d4a74
+- drm/i915/psr: Clean up PSR register defininitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dc04c
+- drm/i915: Clean up various display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628bce4
+- drm/i915: Fix up whitespace in some display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b462
+- drm/i915: Drop a useless forward declararion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abef2ca
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for ilk+ pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b098f0
+- drm/i915: Namespace pfit registers properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f73ae1a
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co for the pre-ilk pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f52b34a
+- drm/i915: Relocate skl_get_pfit_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48d0835
+- drm/i915: Relocate intel_atomic_setup_scalers() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1398bc9
+- drm/i915: Relocate VBLANK_EVASION_TIME_US (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d25fdf
+- drm/i915/display: throw out struct intel_load_detect_pipe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c515656
+- drm/i915/display: split out load detect to a separate file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bb8c2
+- drm/i915/wm: remove stale and unused ilk_wm_max_level() declaration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606af0f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Re-use ADL-P's "DC off" power well (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67c002a
+- drm/i915: Use separate "DC off" power well for ADL-P and DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a91437
+- drm/i915: use explicit includes for i915_reg.h and i915_irq.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e58dbe
+- drm/i915: Reuse <platform>_hotplug_mask() in .hpd_detection_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f39b35
+- drm/i915: Check HPD live state during eDP probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38e2173
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_hpd_enable_detection() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50ccf93
+- drm/i915: Introduce <platform>_hotplug_mask() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e86d92
+- drm/i915/pps: use intel_de_rmw() for panel unlock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43a5f43
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_driver_early_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6331d95
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_suspend/resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baa39bd
+- drm/i915/display: move display suspend/resume to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca70a87
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_reset.[ch] (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 829bbd8
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_* functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d226
+- drm/i915/display: move modeset probe/remove functions to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9afcefa
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_modeset_probe_defer() -> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c52ea
+- drm/i915/display: move intel_modeset_probe_defer() to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74af2df
+- drm/i915/display: start high level display driver file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 642a5d8
+- drm/i915/display: remove intel_display_commit_duplicated_state() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51c93ee
+- drm/i915: Make intel_{mpllb,c10pll}_state_verify() safer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a04ccc6
+- drm/i915/mtl: Initial DDI port setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3137522
+- drm/i915/display/mtl: Fill port width in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4774efd
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add C10 phy programming for HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit becf1a1
+- drm/i915/mtl/display: Implement DisplayPort sequences (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31f3fdb
+- drm/i915/mtl: MTL PICA hotplug detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c60a709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add vswing programming for C10 phys (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90348be
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add Support for C10 PHY message bus and pll programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0172c7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Create separate reg file for PICA registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f2e840
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add DP rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed2917
+- drm/i915/debugfs: New debugfs for display clock frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50cbcc6
+- drm/i915: Use min() instead of hand rolling it (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dedfd85
+- drm/i915: Evade transcoder's vblank when doing seamless M/N changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cc75c2
+- drm/i915: Allow arbitrary refresh rates with VRR eDP panels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e33801
+- drm/i915: Flag purely internal commits to not clear (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e028b3
+- drm/i915/vrr: Allow VRR to be toggled during fastsets (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92957d8
+- drm/i915/vrr: Relocate VRR enable/disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b6f153
+- drm/i915/vrr: Tell intel_crtc_update_active_timings() about VRR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45a4ffc
+- drm/i915/vrr: Make delayed vblank operational in VRR mode on adl/dg2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ab5793
+- drm/i915/vrr: Eliminate redundant function arguments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8244ec
+- drm/i915: Generalize planes_{enabling,disabling}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff1ef8b
+- drm/i915/display: remove unnecessary i915_debugfs.h includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec1001f
+- drm/i915: Hook up csc into state checker (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1baa749
+- drm/i915: Include the csc matrices in the crtc state dump (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27f912a
+- drm/i915: Implement chv cgm csc readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d9141b
+- drm/i915: Add hardware csc readout for ilk+ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa68db0
+- drm/i915: Sprinke a few sanity check WARNS during csc assignment (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da4dd15
+- drm/i915: Utilize crtc_state->csc on chv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00e0b1f
+- drm/i915: Store ilk+ csc matrices in the crtc state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bdb2ac
+- drm/i915: Start using struct intel_csc_matrix for chv cgm csc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba9f49
+- drm/i915: Split chv_load_cgm_csc() into pieces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e88281
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_csc_matrix struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4856de8
+- drm/panel: simple: add support for Rocktech RK043FN48H panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86e6bf2
+- drm/bridge: imx: turn imx8{qm,qxp}-ldb into single-object modules (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e71f5b
+- drm/bridge: imx: fix mixed module-builtin object (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37a70
+- drm/virtio: Wait for each dma-fence of in-fence array individually (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1efee29
+- drm/virtio: Refactor and optimize job submission code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 37a930f
+- drm/meson: venc: include linux/bitfield.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57a13b4
+- drm/meson: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d924f7
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-ili9882t TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b671
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-himax83102-j02 TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit affcbe9
+- drm/panel: khadas-ts050: update timings to achieve 60Hz refresh rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b39d2d6
+- drm/meson: add DSI encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f599d43
+- drm/meson: venc: add ENCL encoder setup for MIPI-DSI output (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da3d20
+- drm/meson: only use components with dw-hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19696e1
+- drm/meson: fix unbind path if HDMI fails to bind (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4597d2
+- drm/bridge: tc358762: Add reset GPIO support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad1c659
+- accel/habanalabs: add description to several info ioctls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e779988
+- drm: Place Renesas drivers in a separate dir (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 58b8f81
+- drm/fbdev-generic: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa5b0e4
+- drm/msm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a3b2a3
+- drm/fb-helper: Export helpers for marking damage areas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25c0ee
+- drm/tegra: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5839bc9
+- drm/omapdrm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74a1685
+- drm/fbdev-dma: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9fec2
+- drm/radeon: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35a53c7
+- drm/gma500: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23666b8
+- drm/exynos: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d2af47
+- drm/armada: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92b8b6c
+- fbdev: Add initializer macros for struct fb_ops (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh patches.suse/fbdev-Update-fbdev-source-file-paths.patch.
+- commit 2ce308c
+- fbdev: Add Kconfig options to select different fb_ops helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a56872e
+- drm/i915/mtl: end support for set caching ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7359f
+- drm/i915/pmu: Export counters from all tiles (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 573de38
+- drm/i915/pmu: Prepare for multi-tile non-engine counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e2b2c9
+- drm/i915/pmu: Add reference counting to the sampling timer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7637d
+- drm/i915/pmu: Transform PMU parking code to be GT based (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3419e6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Skip sampling engines with no enabled counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b37de11
+- drm/i915/pmu: Support PMU for all engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c15912
+- drm/i915/pmu: Change bitmask of enabled events to u32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b0f084
+- drm/i915: Fix memory leaks in function live_nop_switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3173e7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_16014892111 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch.
+- commit cbb902e
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL performance tuning changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e27813
+- drm/i915/mtl: do not enable render power-gating on MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6c0eee
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Disable rps_boost debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec64a3e
+- drm/i915/guc: Dump error capture to dmesg on CTB error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a86909c
+- drm/i915: Dump error capture to kernel log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae86dbf
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Silence UBSAN uninitialized bool variable warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbff671
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix confused register capture list creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8350aa7
+- drm/i1915/guc: Fix probe injection CI failures after recent change (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e41df1
+- drm/i915/pxp: Enable PXP with MTL-GSC-CS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f82408
+- drm/i915/pxp: On MTL, KCR enabling doesn't wait on tee component (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b44cd
+- drm/i915/uapi/pxp: Add a GET_PARAM for PXP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ba4dcc
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add ARB session creation and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9b941
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS backend to send GSC fw messages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c3618
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL helpers to submit Heci-Cmd-Packet to GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fda3064
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL hw-plumbing enabling for KCR operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 020206d
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS back-end resource init and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5494217
+- drm/i915: use pat_index instead of cache_level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67f502d
+- drm/i915: preparation for using PAT index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e538248
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix the wa number for Wa_22016670082 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1811f6f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL for remapping CCS FBs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b675a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Drop FLAT CCS check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7711b50
+- drm/i915/uc: Make unexpected firmware versions an error in debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 689ac4e
+- drm/i915/uc: Reject duplicate entries in firmware table (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 596451e
+- drm/i915/uc: Enhancements to firmware table validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0bb450
+- drm/i915/guc: Print status register when waiting for GuC to load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa7695e
+- drm/i915/guc: Decode another GuC load failure case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99953eb
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GuC firmware version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baaa258
+- drm/i915/uc: Track patch level versions on reduced version firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0313e24
+- drm/i915: use kernel-doc -Werror when CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR=y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55e87e0
+- drm/i915/ttm: fix i915_ttm_to_gem() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 010d5a2
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff90eda
+- drm/i915/gem: fix function pointer member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa43a8f
+- drm/i915/vma: fix struct i915_vma_bindinfo kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9c7a1b
+- drm/i915/gsc: add support for GSC proxy interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f774226
+- drm/i915/gsc: add initial support for GSC proxy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08ae709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GSC Proxy component interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec6ebba
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc parameter documentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 538c66d
+- drm/i915/pxp: fix kernel-doc for member dev_link (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597def3
+- drm/i915/pmu: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f69c23
+- drm/i915/active: fix kernel-doc for function parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5f93
+- drm/i915/guc: add intel_guc_state_capture member docs for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a9caeb
+- drm/i915/guc: drop lots of kernel-doc markers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd639d8
+- drm/i915/guc: add dbgfs_node member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14b8f74
+- drm/i915/engine: hide preempt_hang selftest member from kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9073a39
+- drm/i915/gtt: fix i915_vm_resv_put() kernel-doc parameter name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72fbae9
+- drm/i915/context: fix kernel-doc parameter descriptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5840462
+- drm/i915/engine: fix kernel-doc function name for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ab8f51
+- drm/i915/gem: fix i915_gem_object_lookup_rcu() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99a695c
+- drm/i915/request: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34444d8
+- drm/i915/error: fix i915_capture_error_state() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 18ac441
+- drm/i915/perf: fix i915_perf_ioctl_version() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31594af
+- drm/i915/vma: document struct i915_vma_resource wakeref member (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7de302
+- drm/i915/utils: drop kernel-doc from __wait_for() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4db410
+- drm/i915/vma: fix kernel-doc function name for i915_vma_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4336bbd
+- drm/i915/gvt: fix intel_vgpu_alloc_resource() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05da320
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix error capture for virtual engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2279ca7
+- drm/i915/guc: Capture list naming clean up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e01b71
+- drm/i915/guc: Consolidate duplicated capture list code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1268492
+- drm/i915/selftests: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ce45ac
+- drm/i915/gt: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a690e7d
+- drm/i915/fdinfo: Enable fdinfo for GuC backends (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e45d4b7
+- i915/pmu: Add support for total context runtime for GuC back-end (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88fcc4e
+- drm/i915/rc6: throw out set() wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42c1195
+- drm/i915/selftest: Update the SLPC selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de417ef
+- drm/i915: Use correct huge page manager for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95c18b4
+- drm/i915: Migrate platform-dependent mock hugepage selftests to live (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a455ff
+- drm/i915/mtl: Implement Wa_14019141245 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6e1580
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Block waiting for GuC reset to complete (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3e2ba2
+- drm/i915/guc: Disable PL1 power limit when loading GuC firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 473cba9
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Get mutex and rpm ref just once in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ef76b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add workaround 14018778641 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81069b1
+- drm/i915/selftest: Record GT error for gt failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6f548a
+- drm/i915/mtl: workaround coherency issue for Media (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c1f87d
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add PTE encode function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20a840c
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use i915 instead of dev_priv insied the file_priv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85645b5
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use proper parameter naming in for_each_engine() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ef7d88
+- drm/i915/mtl: fix mocs selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d492acc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define MOCS and PAT tables for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e652be8
+- drm/i915/mtl: Set has_llc=0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 090412c
+- drm/i915/mtl: WA to clear RDOP clock gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c541b23
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_22011802037 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fb7ff2
+- drm/i915/selftests: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 084fb89
+- drm/i915/gem: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1194b47
+- drm/i915/gt: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9784ea7
+- drm/i915: Make IRQ reset and postinstall multi-gt aware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 009d548
+- drm/i915/mtl: Disable stolen memory backed FB for A0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c3a8f2
+- drm/i915/display: Implement fb_mmap callback function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce1e5e
+- drm/i915/display: Add helper func to get intel_fbdev from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 295f0f1
+- drm/i915: Add a function to mmap framebuffer obj (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 348f22c
+- drm/i915/display: Set I915_BO_ALLOC_USER for fb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e56acd2
+- drm/i915/ttm: Add I915_BO_PREALLOC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff7660d
+- drm/ttm: Remove redundant code in ttm_tt_init_fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3f0f5e
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: handle hdmi-pwr supply (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 717826b
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: rename dp_pwr to connector_pwr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d12f332
+- drm/panel-edp: Convert to platform remove callback returning void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 870aa5c
+- drm: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-fix-Wunused-const-variable-warning.patch.
+- commit eabbf5f
+- drm: lcdif: Add i.MX93 LCDIF compatible string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e9ee4e
+- drm: lcdif: Add multiple encoders and first bridges support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b3fd93
+- drm: lcdif: Check consistent bus format and flags across first (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 73f4abd
+- drm: lcdif: Determine bus format and flags in ->atomic_check() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5ecb2
+- drm: lcdif: Drop unnecessary NULL pointer check on lcdif->bridge (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55665bc
+- drm/stm: dsi: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc6b74
+- drm/panel: simple: Add Ampire AM-800480L1TMQW-T00H (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46ed3d8
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Support non-burst mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 476a002
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Dynamically configure DPHY timing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b8b15d
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Select GENERIC_PHY_MIPI_DPHY (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42d19e0
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fetch pll-clock-frequency automatically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 609ad2e
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: fix blanking packet size calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c499a9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix no-procfs build (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b06fb55
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix i.MX8M enable flow to meet spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06ae2c7
+- drm/bridge: tc358767: explicitly set readable registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 730da03
+- drm/doc: Relax fdinfo string constraints (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e78cf5a
+- drm/msm: Add memory stats to fdinfo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c180a7
+- drm: Add fdinfo memory stats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1add9b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 5f52a01
+- drm/msm: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 6da2893
+- drm: Add common fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec91dd8
+- drm/docs: Fix usage stats typos (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d72c25
+- drm: shmobile: Make DRM_SHMOBILE visible on Renesas SoC platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d314a
+- drm: shmobile: Add missing call to drm_fbdev_generic_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 093f71e
+- drm: shmobile: Switch to drm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 827b0e4
+- drm: shmobile: Add support for DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f67e98
+- drm: shmobile: Use %p4cc to print fourcc codes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58039f5
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72d2700
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: use pointer for drm_mode in panel desc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4516c6f
+- drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2562126
+- drm/msm: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f988ee7
+- drm/nouveau/acr/ga102: set variable ga102_gsps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdcdfa5
+- drm/nouveau: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b905d9
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Implement support for clock/data polarity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c750127
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_wakeup_if_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d2cec4
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2eea1
+- ipu-v3: Include <linux/io.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9625247
+- fbdev/matrox: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f31f266
+- fbdev/hitfb: Cast I/O offset to address (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf54396
+- drm/ttm: let struct ttm_device_funcs be placed in rodata (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b1db8
+- drm/drm_atomic_helper.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a5c836
+- drm/panel: Modify innolux hj110iz panel initial code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e111d93
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13dd7e
+- gpu: drm: bridge: No need to set device_driver owner (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92c3bc4
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Fine tune the panel power sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f23d5d2
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Remove extra delay (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ba717
+- drm/ssd130x: Fix include guard name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e469fe3
+- drivers/firmware: Move sysfb_init() from device_initcall to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52071cb
+- drm/panel: panel-simple: Add BOE EV121WXM-N10-1850 panel support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd9b040
+- drm/panel: sharp-ls043t1le01: drop dummy functions and data fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e01d7
+- drm: sun4i: calculate proper DCLK rate for DSI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32d266b
+- drm: sun4i: rename sun4i_dotclock to sun4i_tcon_dclk
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch.
+- commit 5d04ac1
+- drm/connector: document enum drm_connector_tv_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d7879f
+- Documentation: vkms: clarify devres managed reference cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6c593
+- drm/fb-helper: Use fb_{cfb,sys}_{read, write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd8719c
+- fbdev: Move I/O read and write code into helper functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c84f471
+- fbdev: Validate info->screen_{base, buffer} in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8217d
+- fbdev: Don't re-validate info->state in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87a5316
+- fbdev: Use screen_buffer in fb_sys_{read,write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3587c49
+- fbdev: Return number of bytes read or written (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b49e207
+- fbdev/xen-fbfront: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f118ebd
+- fbdev/vfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dcc6e8
+- fbdev/udlfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5231e3
+- fbdev/smscufx: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2944797
+- fbdev/ps3fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 392c852
+- fbdev/metronomefb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66c9665
+- fbdev/hecubafb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad06f9
+- fbdev/broadsheetfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fe3ed1
+- fbdev/au1200fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f2d602
+- fbdev/arcfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb6876
+- drm/vkms: drop "Rotation" TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cda39d5
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-270 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c13557
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-90 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f4334f
+- drm/vkms: add reflect-y and rotate-180 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e9047d
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-0 and reflect-x property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 781832d
+- drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bddd95
+- drm/bridge: lt9211: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 664af0b
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aa97a0
+- drm/udl: delete dead code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26c56f9
+- drm/scheduler: mark jobs without fence as canceled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 025e471
+- drm/rockchip: cdn-dp: call drm_connector_update_edid_property() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1109dba
+- drm/sti/sti_hdmi: convert to using is_hdmi from display info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6617f
+- drm/sysfs: Link DRM connectors to corresponding Type-C connectors (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c452fe
+- drm/sysfs: Expose DRM connector id in each connector sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a27dbf
+- drm/uapi: Document CTM matrix better (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7882f6
+- drm/meson: set variables meson_hdmi_* storage-class-specifier to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e29f6d7
+- drm/panel: st7703: Add Anbernic RG353V-V2 Panel Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec280f
+- drm/panel: st7703: Rename CMD_UNKNOWN_C6 to CMD_SETECO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f6bf41
+- drm/doc/rfc: Introduce the merge plan for the Xe driver. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3945ed
+- drm/vkms: drop full alpha blending TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e3bf19
+- drm/vkms: allow full alpha blending on all planes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7268d
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.2020 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30a6b3
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.601 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525f0ea
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add a function to retrieve the CSC matrix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 193dde6
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rework the CSC matrices organization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f32745
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Swap CSC matrix channels for YUV444 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8b6c46
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rename full range helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 118d5f5
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add Broadcast RGB property to allow override of RGB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 456e9a7
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Update all the planes if the TV margins are changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01a707f
+- drm/vc4: Switch to container_of_const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdd81bd
+- drm/test: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate_inv() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad58c6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f8240f
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_vscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b637bd6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_hscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5319ef
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_intersect() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1adc10
+- drm/scheduler: add drm_sched_entity_error and use rcu
+  for last_scheduled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068
+  jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit dd3c5f3
+- drm/scheduler: properly forward fence errors (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit a75f31e
+- drm/tve200: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb64b5f
+- drm/sti: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85e980e
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc0c8c1
+- drm/display: Add missing OLED Vesa brightnesses definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf0d9eb
+- drm/panel: simple: Add InnoLux G070ACE-L01 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354afc2
+- drm/armada: Implement fbdev emulation as in-kernel client
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 05c1079
+- drm/armada: Initialize fbdev DRM client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf4cd4b
+- drm/armada: Hide fbdev support behind config option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f85ca5a
+- drm/armada: Include <linux/of.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8541bb1
+- drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Implement wait_hpd_asserted (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387412c
+- arch/parisc: Implement fb_is_primary_device() under arch/parisc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a419575
+- video: Move HP PARISC STI core code to shared location (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b1b68f
+- video: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c82969
+- drm/gem: Check for valid formats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f1d3e7
+- drm/nouveau/therm: Move an assignment statement behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47c839c
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move an expression into a function call parameter in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f862dc1
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move a variable assignment behind condition checks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 187b38a
+- drm/nouveau/clk: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55d57d0
+- drm/nouveau/bios/power_budget: Move an expression into a macro call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ad6247
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Replace five seq_printf() calls by seq_puts() in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a302c51
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Use seq_putc() in nouveau_debugfs_pstate_get() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac93009
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2d98
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move an expression into a function call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c3e94a
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add Lenovo J606F panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d0323
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Get orientation from OF (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 790dd39
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add DCS backlight support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b5998
+- dma-buf/dma-resv.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ff51f2
+- video/aperture: Provide a VGA helper for gma500 and internal use (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a26ebe6
+- video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2ea954
+- video/aperture: Drop primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056a332
+- video/aperture: Move vga handling to pci function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf8b5a
+- video/aperture: Only kick vgacon when the pdev is decoding vga (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c43b3
+- drm/aperture: Remove primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 992f35c
+- video/aperture: use generic code to figure out the vga default device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8630e9c
+- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24aa1bc
+- drm/bridge: fsl-ldb: Add i.MX6SX support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faeb2af
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_mode_config_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a64fe7c
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65bfea1
+- fbdev: sh7760fb: Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a098dd2
+- fbdev: sh_mobile_lcdcfb: Fix ARGB32 overlay format typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11263d7
+- fbdev: hitfb: Use NULL for pointers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95edbfa
+- fbdev: hitfb: Fix integer-to-pointer cast (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4b7be6
+- fbdev/media: Use GPIO descriptors for VIA GPIO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 386fed0
+- video/hdmi: Reorder fields in 'struct hdmi_avi_infoframe' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8784f37
+- fbdev: broadsheetfb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9c2643
+- fbdev: metronomefb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b35350
+- fbdev: hitfb: Declare hitfb_blank() as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4842140
+- mm/gup: remove unused vmas parameter from get_user_pages() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38d973a
+- drm/i2c: tda998x: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f411aa0
+- drm/sun4i: hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7531359
+- drm/mediatek: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c87ee96
+- drm/rockchip: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee319cd
+- drm/display/dp_mst: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 577e43a
+- drm/amd/pm: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f64afa0
+- drm/radeon: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e0046a
+- drm/sched: Call drm_sched_fence_set_parent() from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e8e20c
+- drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Fix drm_dp_remove_payload() invocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7844614
+- drm/ttm: fix warning that we shouldn't mix && and || (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1df97b1
+- drm/sched: Make sure we wait for all dependencies in kill_jobs_cb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc6af70
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-HPD-polling-reenabling-the-output.patch.
+- commit f3cb1d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-an-HPD-poll-helper-to-reschedule-the-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc81c5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dgfx-Enable-d3cold-at-s2idle.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50a8fb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-possible-invalid-drm-gem-put-ca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bffabb2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-shader-stage-validation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36aad52
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-sw_sync-Avoid-recursive-lock-during-fe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab6d67f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-display-dp-Fix-the-DP-DSC-Receiver-cap-siz.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e9aa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panfrost-Skip-speed-binning-on-EOPNOTSUPP.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec0c6a3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-goldfishfb-Do-not-check-0-for-platform_get_irq.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a33cd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-mmp-fix-value-check-in-mmphw_probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd77dfe
+- Update patches.suse/drm-qxl-fix-UAF-on-handle-creation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2797eb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-drm-amdgpu-display-change-pipe-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c739d4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-flush-any-delayed-gfxoff-on-suspend-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2af2128
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-skip-fence-GFX-interrupts-disable-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0f4180
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit b980d31
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-fix-throttle_status-for-other-th.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9daddf7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Fix-AUO-G121EAN01-panel-timin.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9050b5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-sdvo-fix-panel_type-initialization.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5255a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Restore-efficient-freq-earli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5bf63a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-possible-UAF-in-amdgpu_cs_pass1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a1f540
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cur.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7592e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 6d9172f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Don-t-show-stack-trace-for-mis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8cc1264
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Match-against-exact-bootloader-status.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a84eb74
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-skip-the-RLC-stop-when-S0i3-suspend.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a8a14
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-shmem-helper-Reset-vma-vm_ops-before-calli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c673f7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-Don-t-spam-logs-in-atomic-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d977b8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-Revert-a-NULL-check-inside-no.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbc5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-remove-unused-tu102_gr_load-functi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4285a3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-nvkm-dp-Add-workaround-to-fix-DP-1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0ebb96
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-gr-enable-memory-loads-on-helper-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 21148bc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Check-power-state-with-it650.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0c44a2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-premature-release-of-request-s-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50670e4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 457739a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Poll-aux-invalidation-register-bit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79e4248
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Enable-the-CCS_FLUSH-bit-in-the-pi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e60d63
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Rename-flags-with-bit_group_X-acco.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26058a1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Ensure-memory-quiesced-before-inva.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e45dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Add-the-gen12_needs_ccs_aux_inv-helpe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5524e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 72abda9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-ipuv3-Fix-front-porch-adjustment-upon-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dcb263
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-check-null-pointer-before-accessing-wh.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e8590
+- Update
+  patches.suse/locking-rtmutex-Fix-task-pi_waiters-integrity.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8287945
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Disallow-submit-with-fence-id-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77bc47a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-hw_fence-error-path-cleanup.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a8bda2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-IS_ERR_OR_NULL-vs-NULL-check-in-a5x.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0631e11
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-Fix-snapshot-BINDLESS_DATA-size.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86c35ec
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Drop-unused-regulators-from-QCM2290.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 641a895
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c4c4b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit a536365
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-mdss-correct-UBWC-programming-for-SM855.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3dcf4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unlock-on-error-path-in-dm_hand.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03321bf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Exit-idle-optimizations-before-attem.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3b1c47
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Guard-DCN31-PHYD32CLK-logic-against-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dc03e7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-smu-use-AverageGfxclkFrequency-to-replace-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9904733
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 772c0d3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-an-error-handling-path-in-igt_writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a81621a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dpt-Use-shmem-for-dpt-objects.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd87620
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-au1200fb-Fix-missing-IRQ-check-in-au1200f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff9f3d2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-Removed-unneeded-release_mem_region.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fc5332
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-warn-about-invalid-left-right-margi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a07223
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Fix-potential-use-after-free-in-nonb.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91bc00d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-PHY-active-for-DP-displays.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1fc74ae
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d407717
+- mm/various: give up if pte_offset_map[_lock]() fails (jsc#5859).
+- commit a2c5634
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Disable-MPC-split-by-default-on.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d50689
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-TG-is-non-null-before-che.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4c43875
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-polling-method-to-handle-MS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 349ce9d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Clean-up-errors-warnings-in-amd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bea04be
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-mclk-consistent-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b21505d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-gfxclock-consistent-for-sien.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7fbd4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-only-accept-async-flips-for-fas.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1458a53
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrt.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6176bca
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-perf-add-sentinel-to-xehp_oa_b_counter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7350278
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-init-hpd_irq_lock-for-PIOR.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cad48b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-PIOR-DP-uses-GPIO-for-HPD-not-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7aae87
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-i2c-fix-number-of-aux-event-slots.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66cddf5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-dma-resv-Stop-leaking-on-krealloc-failu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03ede3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_modese.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9577618
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_target.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6fd85ba
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Align-SMU11-SMU_MSG_OverridePcieParamet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb7252a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Move-helper-for-dynamic-speed-switch-ch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a188a98
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-conditionally-disable-pcie-lane-spee.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cba8499
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-share-the-code-around-SMU13-pcie-par.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d8f1a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-avoid-restore-process-run-into-dead-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f19763
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-fix-smu-i2c-data-read-risk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c131176
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-one-wrong-caching-mode-enum-usage.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1708dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Don-t-preserve-dpll_hw_state-for-slave.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7bbcfc9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-bring-back-blit-subchannel-for-pre-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac8434
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-acr-Abort-loading-ACR-if-no-firmwar.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 849229a
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-g94-enable-HDMI.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65f2b9c
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-HDMI-on-gt215.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4db279e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Send-hotplug-event-after-registering.patch.
+- commit 85c763a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Fix-BDW-PSR-AUX-CH-data-register-o.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1445992
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-potential-fence-use-after-free-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d84df9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-avoid-unintentional-shutdown-due-to.patch.
+- commit 905061d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-expose-swctf-threshold-setting-for-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ac5695
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f7805d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15493e2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-edp-do-not-add-non-edid-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98a38c2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-Disable-PSR-SU-on-Parade-0803-TC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82df139
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi-cd2e31a.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c935476
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 5807417
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Correct-DMUB_FW_VERSION-macro.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25cc5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d28976
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-Move-DCN314-DOMAIN-power.patch.
+- commit ff988b2
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-disable-RCO-for-DCN314.patch.
+- commit 87f5650
+- x86/tdx: Wrap exit reason with hcall_func() (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit a8e9cdd
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Apply-min-softlimit-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c2cd0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Use-hw.adjusted-mode-when-calculat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8534f
+- Update patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-correct-MERGE_3D-length.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af5aa2a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f07eedc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Free-resources-after-unregistering-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e901605
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Drop-aux-devices-together-with-DP-co.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a14f578
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-provide-fb_dirty-implemenation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d354885
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 28af848
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Fix-slice_last_group_size-calculati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b4937
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-do-not-enable-color-management-if-D.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da273fb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a5xx-really-check-for-A510-in-a5xx_gpu_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ff19db
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a6xx-don-t-set-IO_PGTABLE_QUIRK_ARM_OUT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29a2955
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-fix-sparse-warnings-in-a6xx-code.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ef9699
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-don-t-allow-enabling-14nm-VCO-with-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd67414
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-clean-up-dpu_kms_get_clk_rate-returns.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f364a5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-always-clear-every-individual-pendi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ca52c8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-set-DSC-flush-bit-correctly-at-MDP-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed39f3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Set-DPU_DATA_HCTL_EN-for-in-INTF_SC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce1fc4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Disable-pingpong-TE-on-DPU-5.0.0-an.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35225aa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Move-autorefresh-disable-from-CMD-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dbd0c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Drop-unused-poll_timeout_wr_ptr-PIN.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac0b58
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Use-V4.0-PCC-DSPP-sub-block-in-SC7-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a314cf6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-the-regdma-configuration.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 783597c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-cursor-block-register-bit-offse.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1edd13a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-enable-DSPP_2-3-for-LM_2-3-on-sm845.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6a463a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-dp_mst-Clear-MSG_RDY-flag-before-sending-ne.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3739ebb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-usage-of-UMC-fill-record-in-RAS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c17fefe
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-memcpy-in-sienna_cichlid_append_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3af48e9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Enable-dcn314-DPP-RCO.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8d7a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Skip-DPP-DTO-update-if-root-cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca8c0e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-unmap-and-remove-csa_va-properly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b590229
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-dcn315-single-stream-crb-al.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52b5e05
+- Update
+  patches.suse/amdgpu-validate-offset_in_bo-of-drm_amdgpu_gem_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3ce66e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-seamless-odm-transitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 095f88b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-keep-irq-count-in-amdgpu_irq_disabl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b71b8d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-fix-possible-division-by-zero-errors.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39a6e3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-correct-DCN314-register-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 337b904
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Apply-60us-prefetch-for-DCFCLK.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e16e5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-artifacting-on-eDP-panels-w.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 426883d
+- Update patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Validate-VM-ioctl-flags.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a41100
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Use-apt-name-for-FW-reserved-region.patch.
+- commit d0f6d22
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-v_startup-workaround-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0293f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underflow-for-disp.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dd1558
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-Fix-potential-deallocation-of-previo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eac6c83
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-u.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64c8f82
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-dml32_rq_dlg_get_rq_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4857100
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-CalculatePrefetchSch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8b9692
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-disable-SubVP-DRR-to-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0d9909
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-disable-aux-i-delay-as-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e074c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-update-extended-blank-for-dcn31.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9676d4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-in-secure-display-context-c.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6440688
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-add-pixel-rate-based-CRB-alloca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0f6777
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Limit-DCN32-8-channel-or-less-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc99ad
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Convert-Delaying-Aux-I-Disable-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 041b55d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-memory-leak-in-mes-self-test.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bcc196
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-integer-overflow-in-amdgpu_cs_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 713b127
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-Fix-integer-overflow-in-radeon_cs_pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc7e31b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Explicitly-specify-update-type-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eed812
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-calltrace-warning-in-amddrm_bud.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22cce5a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/radeon-avoid-double-free-in-ci_dpm_init.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55327b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-DTBCLK-for-DCN32.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f49020
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-is_timing_changed-prototype.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47aa280
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-logging-for-display-MALL-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afa79e0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-FAMS-validation-before-tryi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2148e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unconditionally-print-when-DP-s.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b91fa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Add-workaround-14016712196.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8e13b8
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Convert-INTEL_INFO-display-to-a-pointe.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-error-handling-if-driver-creation.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-No-10bit-gamma-on-desktop-gen3-parts.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Handle-GMD_ID-identification-.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Make-display-responsible-for-p.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-runtime-info-to-d.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-fix-display-probe-for-IVB-Q-and-IVB-D.patch.
+- commit 083a721
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-device-info-to-he.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3d0397
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-hide-mkwrite_device_info-better.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b703d3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-limited-range-csc-matrix.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa8d734
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rcar-du-remove-R-Car-H3-ES1.-workarounds.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05a7c9c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Provide-sysfs-for-efficient-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 328ead6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-stm-ltdc-fix-late-dereference-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a3fc4f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-fix-active-size-for-Ampire-AM-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c7d1ed
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-samsung-dsim-Fix-PMS-Calculator-on-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 367392a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-disable-flow.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df0588
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-anx7625-Prevent-endless-probe-loop.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09277d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-dispnv50-fix-missing-prototypes-war.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2739fa2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358767-Switch-to-devm-MIPI-DSI-hel.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e12456
+- Update patches.suse/drm-vkms-Fix-RGB565-pixel-conversion.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f09d026
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-fixed-point-helper-to-get-rounded-integ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff8912b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-sharp-ls043t1le01-adjust-mode-setting.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd2111f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 09f6b76
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vram-helper-fix-function-names-in-vram-help.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa79077
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_TRAILCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dd507
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TXTAGOCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fef06
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_ZEROCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ef295
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_TRAILCNT-computati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce49b2c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_ZEROCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e37954f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-target-frequency.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4466a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-parameters-computat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7272988
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-always-enable-HS-video-mode.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c954c6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-vop-Leave-vblank-enabled-in-self-r.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bdff72
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Allow-vblank-enabled-self-refresh-di.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba51667
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-error-path.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb47cf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Move-a-variable-assignment-be.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b8de80
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-Add-atomic_get_input_bus_fm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cef76b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vkms-isolate-pixel-conversion-functionality.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d35ea4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-scheduler-set-entity-to-NULL-in-drm_sched_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f5fdba7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-lcdc-fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c89afa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-fix-potential-OOB-read-in-fast_imageblit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 988a714
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-omapfb-lcd_mipid-Fix-an-error-handling-pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d69680
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-ads7846-Convert-to-use-software-nodes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e2c8ae5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-never-consider-pinned-BOs-for-eviction-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baec41f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-fbdev-dma-Fix-documented-default-preferred_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d8bd18
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-fix-an-error-pointer-vs-NULL-bug.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e03ea41
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-keep-the-signaling-time-of-merged-fence.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa1ebc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-Powertip-PH800480T013-drm_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9195ac
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-swapout-move-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4360d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-eviction-error.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a36557e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi86-Fix-auxiliary-bus-lifet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40cd161
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-fix-bulk_move-corruption-when-adding-a-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3eff7b1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-dw_hdmi-fix-connector-access-for-scd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3f95b4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-connector_type-for-innolux.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f78932
+- media: via: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: v4l: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
-- commit cc76cf8
+- commit 0d8a265
-- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR registers (git-fixes)
-- commit 89467e1
+- Update config files: CONFIG_VIDEO_CAMERA_SENSOR=y
+- commit 4008da7
-- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (git-fixes)
-- commit afca04d
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix OOB read (git-fixes).
+- spi: zynqmp-gqspi: fix clock imbalance on probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Do not use on stack memory for
+ field (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Fix null pointer deref on SSDB/PLD parsing
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: Add a camera sensor top level menu (git-fixes).
+- commit f626750
+- io_uring/net: fix iter retargeting for selected buf (git-fixes).
+- commit e964e17
-- hwrng: virtio - always add a pending request (git-fixes).
-- commit 912363c
+- io_uring: fix unprotected iopoll overflow (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break out of iowq iopoll on teardown (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add a sysctl to disable io_uring system-wide
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: only print ->sq_array[] if it's there
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Don't set affinity on a dying sqpoll thread
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move iopoll ctx fields around (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move multishot cqe cache in ctx (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: separate task_work/waiting cache line (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: banish non-hot data to end of io_ring_ctx
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move non aligned field to the end (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add option to remove SQ indirection (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: compact SQ/CQ heads/tails (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: force inline io_fill_cqe_req (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge iopoll and normal completion paths
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: reorder cqring_flush and wakeups (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: optimise extra io_get_cqe null check (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: refactor __io_get_cqe() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: simplify big_cqe handling (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cqe init hardening (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: improve cqe !tracing hot path (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/sqpoll: fix io-wq affinity when IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL
+  is used (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: stop calling free_compound_page() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rename kiocb_end_write() local helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit f091844
+- io_uring: simplify io_run_task_work_sig return (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: keep one global dummy_ubuf (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: never overflow io_aux_cqe (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove return from io_req_cqe_overflow()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_fill_cqe_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 7948073
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot recv (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot accept (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't gate worker wake up success on
+  wake_up_process() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: reduce frequency of acct->lock acquisitions
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't grab wq->lock for worker activation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove unnecessary forward declaration (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 5c535c3
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change driver version to 2.1.24-046
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance error messages (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance controller offline notification
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance shutdown notification (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Simplify lun_number assignment (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename pciinfo to pci_info (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename MACRO to clarify purpose (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add abort handler (bsc#1211732).
+- commit 5218813
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element arrays with flexible-array
+  members (bsc#1211732).
+- commit eb9bb15
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update version to 2.1.22-040 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update copyright to 2023 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add sysfs entry for NUMA node in
+  /sys/block/sdX/device (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Stop sending driver-initiated TURs
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix byte aligned writew for ARM servers
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add support for RAID NCQ priority (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Validate block layer host tag (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove contention for raid_bypass_cnt
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix rare SAS transport memory leak
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove NULL pointer check (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Map full length of PCI BAR 0 (bsc#1211732).
+- commit df23c56
+- s390/boot: account Real Memory Copy and Lowcore areas (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215530).
+- commit dca0063
+- s390/mm: define Real Memory Copy size and mask macros (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215529).
+- commit d6f6439
+- s390/boot: cleanup number of page table levels setup (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215528).
+- commit 2422def
-- hwrng: virtio - don't waste entropy (git-fixes).
-- commit 4771c4e
+- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
+  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
+  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
+- commit c882efa
-- hwrng: virtio - don't wait on cleanup (git-fixes).
-- commit e9188eb
+- Update references tag for jsc#5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+- commit 01f8e06
-- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
-  (CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
-- commit a6ce336
+- sched/fair: Fix SMT4 group_smt_balance handling (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Optimize should_we_balance() for large SMT systems
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 4b59090
-- hwrng: virtio - add an internal buffer (git-fixes).
-- commit 477109e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
+- commit d305321
-- commit 72e753f
+- commit 9bbd8cc
-- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 60546dd
+- supported.conf: add snd-ps-sdw-dma
+- commit 5316338
-- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b96a7ad
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add index on snd_soc_of_get_dai_name()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-fsl-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-qcom-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-simple-card.c-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- commit cb4d928
+- supported.conf: add HDA and ASoC Intel/AMD entries
+- commit d1fdcf4
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82TL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Provide support for fallback topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add DMI entries to support Victus by HP Gaming
+  Laptop 15-fb0xxx (8A3E) (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 I2S speaker platform support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Use standard clamp() macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear panic mask status when panic occurs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add conditional check for acp_clkmux_sel
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove redundant clock mux selection register
+  write (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add module parameter for firmware debug
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: enable ACP external global interrupt
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove unused sha dma interrupt code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add module parameter to ignore the
+  CPC value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the reference output valid_bits
+  for copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix pipeline params at the output
+  of copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4c3bb71
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_VANGOGH=m
+- commit 562ae88
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix the output reference params
+  for SRC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify pipeline params based on
+  SRC output format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Enable signed firmware image loading for Vangogh
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for signed fw image loading
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add sof support for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add kcontrols and widgets per-codec in common
+  code (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Use devm_kmemdup to replace devm_kmalloc +
+  memcpy (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Add a token for dropping widget name
+  in kcontrol name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dapm: Add a flag for not having widget name in kcontrol
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: RPL: Add entry for HDMI-In capture support on
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for Dell SKU0C87 devices
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9d3a7d8
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in RPL match
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Refactor code for HDA stream creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_nau8318_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Remove duplicated include in lnl.c
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Initialize chip in hda_sdw_check_wakeen_irq()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify get_slave_info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow different devices on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Support multiple groups on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Device loop should not always start at
+  adr_index (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move range check of codec_conf into
+  inner loop (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Update DLC index each time one is
+  added (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Pull device loop up into
+  create_sdw_dailink (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Add helper to create a single codec
+  DLC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof-sdw: Move check for valid group id to
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Check link mask validity in
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove duplicate NULL check on adr_link
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Printk's should end with a newline
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Configure jack as not detecting
+  Line Out (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add sublink to dev_dbg()
+  log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: IPC4: clarify 'pipeline_ids' usage and logs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: reset device count for SoundWire
+  DAIs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add helper to get sublink LSDIID
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: add abstraction for SoundWire wake-ups
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add hw_params/free/trigger callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add helpers for SoundWire callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit fab7f32
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_LUNARLAKE=m
+- commit 9762327
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add ops for SoundWire
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: only allocate/release streams
+  for first CPU DAI (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add DMIC support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add ops for SSP (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add/select DMA ops for
+  SSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: enable DMIC/SSP offload in probe/resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: split MTL and LNL operations (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: Add support for Lunarlake platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add interface definitions for ACE2.x
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: restore gateway config length
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: avoid uninitialized default instance 0
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3-dtrace: Switch to memdup_user_nul() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_da7219_max98373: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Map missing Line Out jack kcontrol
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bxt_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: da7219: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Map missing jack kcontrols (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 60a1720
+- ASoC: amd: acp-rt5645: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp-da7219-max98357a: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186 modify dram type as non-cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move group_generated logic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Merge codec_conf_alloc into dailink_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Clean up DAI link counting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add cs35l56 codec info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow direct specification of CODEC
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: break earlier when a adr link contains
+  different codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move amp_num initialisation to mc_probe
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove redundant parameters in dai
+  creation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Minor tidy up of mc_probe (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Constify parameter to find_codec_part_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify find_codec_info_acpi
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use a module device table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove some extra line breaks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Rename codec_idx to codec_dlc_index
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use consistent variable naming for
+  links (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0AFE (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename link_id to be_id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: allow mockup amplifier to provide
+  feedback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: reorder SoundWire codecs in Kconfig
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Update BT offload config for soundwire
+  config (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682 add support for HDMI_In capture
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add RPL support for MAX98357A
+  speaker (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for rt711-sdca-sdw at link
+  0 in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp5x-mach:add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: atom: remove static analysis false positive
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bdw_rt286: add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: simplify code to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 2a8e6bd
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: add checks to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client-probes-ipc4: add checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: update dai_link_fixup for SOF_DAI_MEDIATEK_AFE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-acpi: move link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: start simplify the signature of
+  link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: get codec number from ACPI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: refactor strncpy usage in topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add missing dependency on CONFIG_EFI for Cirrus/TI
+  sub-codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
+  15-eu0xxx (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Switch back to use struct i2c_driver's
+  .probe() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7e4e840
-- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (git-fixes).
-- commit 45da2ea
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_TAS2781_I2C=m
+- commit f74361b
-- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: only access GHCB fields once (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: snapshot the GHCB before accessing it (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- commit f5b3d4d
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
+  mute LED (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Override the _DSD for HP Zbook Fury 17 G9
+  to correct boost type (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix PM refcount unbalance at
+  tas2781_hda_bind() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix acpi device refcount leak at
+  tas2781_read_acpi() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix spelling mistake "powe" -> "power"
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Add tas2781 HDA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: change cs35l41_prop_model to static
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: Add Chromebook quirk to ADL/RPL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f614fcb
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix the loop check in
+  cs35l41_add_dsd_properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support systems with missing _DSD
+  properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tegra: refactor deprecated strncpy (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: extend connectivity check to cover Intel
+  ARL (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: add LunarLake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: use common include for MeteorLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: add HD Audio PCI ID for Intel Arrow Lake-S
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: add ArrowLake-S PCI ID for Intel HDAudio subsystem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Print amp configuration after bind
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Reject I2C alias addresses (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Fail if .bin not found and firmware not
+  patched (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit eb0ce74
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L56=m
+- commit 3b4bbbb
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not download firmware over existing RAM
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: cs_dsp_power_down() on cs35l56_hda_fw_load()
+  error path (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before calling
+  cs_dsp_remove() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Always power-up and start cs_dsp
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not mark cache dirty after REINIT
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Complete firmware reboot before calling
+  cs_dsp_run() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do some clean up on probe error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Add driver for Cirrus Logic CS35L56
+  amplifier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 538cf18
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Waiting for firmware to boot must be tolerant of
+  I/O errors (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't overwrite a patched firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Support powering-up DSP without trying to load
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call wm_adsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expose the DSP power down actions as
+  wm_adsp_power_down() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Wait for control port ready during system-resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Avoid uninitialized variable in
+  cs35l56_set_asp_slot_positions() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make a common function to shutdown the
+  DSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make common function for control port wait
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move part of cs35l56_init() to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move cs_dsp init into shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move runtime suspend/resume to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move utility functions to shared file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Convert utility functions to use common data
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make cs35l56_system_reset() code more generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6aa9c77
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move shared data into a common data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f8b8c4
+- ALSA: hda: Fix missing header dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Patch soft registers to defaults (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f75826
+- ASoC: amd: acp: fix SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_PCI depdenencies
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: delete unnecessary NULL check (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe register offset for renoir and
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add acp-probe id to sof probe client driver
+  for registration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe functionality support for amd
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: clean up some inconsistent indentings
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add jsl_rt5650 board config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps-sdw-dma: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for rembrandt platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: move pdm macros to common header file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store the pdm stream channel mask
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: export config_acp_dma() and
+  config_pte_for_stream() symbols (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store xfer_resolution of the stream
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for acp pci driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store platform device reference created in pci
+  probe call (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove the redundant acp enable/disable
+  interrupts functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add acp i2s master clock generation for
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: refactor the acp init and de-init sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add new dmi entries to config entry (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add acpi machine id's for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0f6e64
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_RT5663=m
+- commit b9578a0
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for max98388
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for nau8821
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add support for NAU8821/MAX98388 variant
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Use dmi_first_match() for DMI quirk
+  handling (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Make use of DRV_NAME (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Tidy up hw_params() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Add missing components (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load rt5663 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add rt5663 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load es8336 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3fbf618
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_ES8336=m
+- commit 5b3c4a1
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add es8336 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: refactor PSP smn_read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure amp is only unmuted during
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add device_link between HDA and cs35l41_hda
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Rework System Suspend to ensure correct call
+  separation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use pre and post playback hooks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: hda_component: Add pre and post playback hooks
+  to hda_component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move Play and Pause into separate
+  functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6c7942d
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we pass up any errors during system
+  suspend (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we correctly re-sync regmap before
+  system suspending (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check mailbox status of pause command
+  after firmware load (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Poll for Power Up/Down rather than waiting a
+  fixed delay (bsc#1215284).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Use mbox command to enable speaker output
+  for external boost (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3bd03af
+- ALSA: hda: add HDMI codec ID for Intel LNL (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/hdmi: keep codec entries in numerical order
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sst: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Convert to PCI device IDs defines (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add controller matching macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Add Intel Audio DSP devices to pci_ids.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Sort Intel PCI IDs by number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use regcache_reg_cached() rather than open
+  coding (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Let users check if a register is cached (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 22a05bd
+- supported.conf: update entries for UMP
+- commit d3ef504
+- regcache: Push async I/O request down into the rbtree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Allow reads from write only registers with the flat
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Drop early readability check (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test to make sure we don't sync to read only
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add a test case for write only registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test that writes to write only registers are
+  prevented (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Check for register readability before checking cache
+  during read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add debugfs file for forcing field writes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide basic KUnit coverage for the raw register
+  I/O (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide a ram backed regmap with raw support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Don't check for changes in regcache_set_val()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: maple: Implement block sync for the maple tree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add missing cache_only checks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: mmio: Allow passing an empty config->reg_stride
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 17d660d
+- ALSA: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0970bc7
+- ALSA: seq: Fix snd_seq_expand_var_event() call to user-space
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks at error path for
+  UMP open (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Don't create unused substreams for static blocks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fill group names for legacy rawmidi substreams
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Attach legacy rawmidi after probing all
+  UMP EPs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 00609a3
+- ASoC: tas2781: fixed register access error when switching to
+  other chips (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Update the basecfg for copier
+  earlier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw-cs42142: fix for codec button mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: update jack detection quirk for LunarLake
+  RVP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Fix incorrect use of sizeof in sof_ipc3_do_rx_work()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl: micfil: Use dual license micfil code (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop
+  Mode0 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: remove redundant unsigned comparison to zero
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Fix memory leak at error path in
+  snd_seq_create_port() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Fix the issue of speaker noise (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Fix extraneous error messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: SND_SOC_WCD934X should select REGMAP_IRQ
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6afe-dai: fix Display Port Playback stream
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: check return value after reading device id
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: demote impedance printk (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: use dev_printk() for impedance
+  logging (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qdsp6: q6apm: use dai link pcm id as pcm device
+  number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add revision check for sending sha dma
+  completion command (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix byte count return value for invalid SoundWire
+  manager instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA register mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix for position register set for AUDIO0 RX
+  stream (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add fix for dma irq mask for rx streams for SDW0
+  instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA irq bits mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: fix typo in system_2p_ev_to_ump_midi1()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct wrong byte size at converting a UMP System
+  message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Make master_list ordered to prevent
+  deadlocks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Prevent lockdep asserts when stream has multiple
+  buses (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: fix SND_SOC_SOF_HDA_MLINK dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: debugfs: Add missing SCP registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unnecessary gotos (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Invert logic on runtime alloc flags
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unneeded checks for NULL bus
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bandwidth allocation: Remove pointless variable
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: cadence: revisit parity injection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: update hardware reset sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: enable interrupts last
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: update error log (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: amd: Improve error message in remove callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: set clk stop need reset flag at runtime
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add software workaround for bus clash interrupt
+  assertion (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: wait for fifo to be empty before suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: drop unused struct qcom_swrm_ctrl members
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: read AC timing control register before
+  updating it (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .free callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .free callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .trigger callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .trigger callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF/soundwire: re-add substream in params_stream
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add pre/post bank switch callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add new_peripheral_assigned callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: add new manager callback to deal with peripheral
+  enumeration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add check_cmdsync_unlocked helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: enable wake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: use common helpers for bus start/stop
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add sync_arm/sync_go helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9b394b1
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add DAI registration (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: configure link PHY (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: set SYNCPRD before powering-up
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add link power-up/down helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add debugfs support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_init: use eml_lock parameter (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: retrieve SoundWire eml_lock and pass
+  pointer (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add eml_lock in the interface for new
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC/soundwire: intel: pass hdac_bus pointer for link
+  management (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: set ip_offset at run-time
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire/ASOC: Intel: update offsets for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add empty new ops for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add ACE2.x SHIM definitions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: shim: add enum for ACE 2.0 IP used in
+  LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Don't filter slave alerts (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: use tabs for indentation in defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add support for v2.0.0 controller
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: prepare for handling different register
+  layouts (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: allow 16-bit sample interval for ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: Always store of_node when getting DAI link
+  component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix error code in tas2781_load_calibration()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update pm_runtime enable sequence (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: fix Kconfig dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove acp poweroff function (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: max98090: Allow dsp_a mode (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: common: add default jack dapm pins (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Remove stale comments in AHUB (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 803aadf
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA884X=m for arm64
+- commit bf28db9
+- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ASRC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Allow passing the number of slots in
+  use (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa884x: Add WSA884x family of speakers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Add mtl support RT1019P speaker
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: reorder quirk table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add acp_reset flag check in acp pci driver
+  pm ops (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update comments in Kconfig file (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: enable SoundWire dma driver build (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add pm ops support for SoundWire dma driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add support for SoundWire DMA interrupts
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a9972e5
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver dma ops (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: handle SoundWire interrupts in acp pci
+  driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: create platform devices based on acp config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: samsung: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 699832e
+- ASoC: fsl: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix spelling mistake "calibraiton" ->
+  "calibration" (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add mmap and copy compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress set params and metadata DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add trigger/pointer compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress DAI and codec caps get
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add open/free compress DAI callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add gapless feature support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add support to set compress format
+  params (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add placeholder decoder for compress
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: add helper function to set u32
+  param (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm: add end of stream events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: SC7280: audioreach: Add sc7280 hardware param fixup
+  callback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8328: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5670: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5668: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5665: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5660: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5651: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5631: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5616: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5514: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1f02c2e
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2781_*=m
+- commit 9821c7a
+- ASoC: rt1305: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1019: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1011: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: don't assign addr_width for dt configs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add DMA handshake control (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix error code in probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add tas2781 driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: firmware lib (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add Header file for tas2781 driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98363: Remove cache defaults for volatile registers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: add nau8822 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: set variable soc_codec_dev_max98388
+  storage-class-specifier to static (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: setup primary core info on MeteorLake
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: pm: Remove duplicated code in sof_suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: Switch to use the sof_debug:bit11 to dump
+  message payload (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Dump IPC message payload (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add new sof_debug flag to request message payload
+  dump (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: test virtual widget in
+  sof_walk_widgets_in_order (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc4b31a
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8315=m CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8825=m for Arm
+- commit 7f6b86a
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: add is_virtual_widget helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wm0010: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5677: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix unused function warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: add amplifier driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1318: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt712: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt711: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt700: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils: remove unused cpus/codecs/platforms
+  from props (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils.c: share asoc_graph_parse_dai()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 30a025b
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for IPC with a reply_size set
+  to zero (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: remove old trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai_link_codec_ch_map (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add N cpus to M codecs dai link support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l30: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l83: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l73: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs4234: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l35: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l34: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l33: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l32: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: siu: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-ssm4567: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt5682: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt298: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt286: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt274: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-nau8825: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98927: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98373: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98357a: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-hdaudio: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-dmic: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 47fd0d2
+- ASoC: Switch two more i2c drivers back to use .probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l56-Add-an-ACPI-match-table.patch.
+- commit 4323047
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-da7219: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample.dtsi: remove DT
+  warning (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample: add missing CPU:Codec =
+  1:N sample (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add IPC3 Kernel Injector (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Refactor rx function for fuzzing (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Go back to old headphone pin
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Use bitfield macros for
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Clean up log levels
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Cleanup return 0 disguised as
+  return ret (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: clean up a return in codec_init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Compress of_device_id entries
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Simplify code around clk_get_rate() handling
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98088: clean up some inconsistent indenting
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa883x: use existing define instead of raw
+  value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-pcm: remove kernel parameter init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: add i2c dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add snd_soc_get_stream_cpu() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc.h: remove snd_soc_compr_ops :: trigger (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add Rex CS42l42 and MAX98363 SoundWire
+  entries (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for MAX98363 codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Modify maxim helper functions and
+  structure names (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Rename sof_sdw_max98373.c file to
+  sof_sdw_maxim.c (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add helper function for cs42l42
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_rt1019_rt5682 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Sof_ssp_amp: Correcting author name (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Moving amp only boards into end of the
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Enable HDMI-In capture feature support for
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f365978
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: add Dell SKU 0B34 (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for Dell SKU 0B34
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add table for RPL Dell SKU 0BDA
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: increase sdw pin index for each sdw
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt713 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-mtl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-tgl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt712 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: make rt711_sdca be generic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename SOF_RT711_JDSRC to SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c698e7f
+- ASoC: Intel: sdw_sof: append dai_type and remove codec_type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0b457b
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add multi dailink support for a
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add codec_info pointer (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: use predefine dailink id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing exit callback (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: support new board with
+  nau88255 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm.c: clean up debugfs for freed widget
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: common: soundcard driver add dai_fmt support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: register hdmi/dp jack pins
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 50b3774
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add get_hlink callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 4f70204
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: separate ADDA playback dai from capture
+  dai (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add helper to extract SoundWire link
+  count (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: prepare for code reuse (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: add DMA config TLV to IPC data
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: introduce DMA config TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: extend ALH-specific data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add calc_stream_format callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add codec_dai_set_stream callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add error checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update output control for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update the calculation of FLL for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add registers patch for NAU8825C (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add adsp debug dump (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: tidyup playback/capture_only at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use temporary variable at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: cleanup soc_get_playback_capture() error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use dai_link on soc_get_playback_capture()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: indicate error if stream has no playback no
+  capture (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add the management of headset detection for power
+  saving (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: HDA: Limit the number of dai drivers
+  for nocodec mode (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Use partial match for connecting DAI
+  link and DAI widget (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Allow partial matching when finding DAI
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add mt8188 audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Use pcm_for_each_format() macro
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL ratio table values (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l45: Relicense to GPL only (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: da7219: Add Jack insertion detection polarity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc4_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3b27a33
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc3_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: update route for lineout mux
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add mtkaif gpio setting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: fix kselftest error of playback
+  gain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add supply for MTKAIF (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: use pm.h instead of runtime_pm.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: do not include pm_runtime.h if not used (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: tgl: unify core_put on IPC3 & IPC4 path
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: add core_get & put support on MeterLake
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: Fix locking in hda_ipc4_pre_trigger()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix an unsigned comparison which
+  can never be negative (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add pre-charge actions for input (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Do not split message string on multiple
+  lines (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant logs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Log control load errors in
+  soc_tplg_control_load() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader/topology: Query the CPC value from
+  manifest (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Do not use the CPC value from
+  topology (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename
+  sof_ipc4_update_pipeline_mem_usage() to be generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 754ffeb
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Save a pointer to fm_config in
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Drop unused bss_size from struct
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682s: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs53l30: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: stm32: sai: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5659: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l51: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: sam9g20_wm8731: Remove the unneeded include
+  <linux/i2c.h> (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: adau1761: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: In secure mode skip SHUTDOWN and RESET around fw
+  download (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: sdw_write_no_pm() should be performed under
+  a pm_runtime request (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt722-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca-dmic: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c797784
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: refine APLL control (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f2e5e40
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt5682: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1318: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1316: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1308: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Remove " Jack" from Headphone
+  pin name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: tegra210_adx: fix snd_pcm_format_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify input audio format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: New helper to check if all output
+  formats are the same (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the output format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a new helper function to get the
+  valid bits (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle output format special
+  case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename sof_ipc4_init_audio_fmt()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Move the call to init output
+  format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a helper function for output
+  format selection (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle input/output audio format
+  special case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add required clocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add bus protection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: combine afe component registration
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: revise ETDM control flow (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: complete set_tdm_slot function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: remove supply AUDIO_HIRES
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Update to use new component control notify
+  helepr (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ak4118: Update to use new component control notify
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-component: Add notify control helper function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: reset all pipelines during FE DAI
+  hw_free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: Split the get_hext_stream() op
+  for IPC4 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: remove mutual exclusion between NOCODEC and
+  HDA_LINK (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: use HDA_LINK instead of
+  HDA_AUDIO_CODEC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4d058ad
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: remove use of cpu_dai->component
+  drvdata (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 5fb285a
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: mark functions as __maybe_unused
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: move hda_dai_prepare() code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: move selection of PROBE_WORK_QUEUE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: clarify initialization when HDA_AUDIO_CODEC
+  is not used (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix DAI number mismatch (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: simplify .prepare callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add new mapping for HP Spectre x360
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for MTL SDCA boards
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 98a7c8f
+- ASoC: ssm3515: Add new amp driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 51ab72a
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add MECHREVO Jiaolong Series MRID6 into DMI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e8e4147
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_max98373_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use set_get_data() to send
+  LARGE_CONFIG message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6apm: add support to display ports in lpass
+  dais (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp: add support to more display ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: audioreach: add support for DISPLAY PORT SINK
+  module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp-common: move channel allocation to common
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add support for X1000 SoC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc35052
+- ASoC: fsl: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-imx-audmix-check-return-value-of-devm_kasp.patch.
+- commit 7f494a7
+- ASoC: soc-topology.c: add comment for Platform/Codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils.c: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: skylake: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1734f11
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT722_SDCA_SDW
+- commit f47d125
+- ASoC: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-utils.c: add asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: Add RT722 SDCA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify with dev_err_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify runtime PM during
+  probe (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Clean up unnecessary functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8195: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: MCLK bind with TX/RX enable bit (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f24c873
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: refactor acp power on and reset functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: remove the register read and write wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Update copyright notice (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: extend supported formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use a maple tree based register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add optional reset support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: fix channel info for compressed formats
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7f7fc6f
+- ALSA: pcm: fix ELD constraints for (E)AC3, DTS(-HD) and MLP
+  formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export MIDI1 / UMP conversion helpers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export snd_ump_receive_ump_val() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add no_process_stream flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add helper to change MIDI protocol (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- sound: make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compress: allow setting codec params after next
+  track (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: timer: minimize open-coded access to hw.resolution
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Update MIDI 2.0 documentation for UMP 1.1
+  enhancement (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add info flag bit for static blocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify UMP protocol change to sequencer
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify port changes to system port
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle FB info update (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle groupless messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add midi2_ump_probe option (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Parse UMP Endpoint and Function Blocks at
+  first (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Support UMP Endpoint and Function Block parsing
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add more attributes to UMP EP and FB info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Clemens Ladisch (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Takashi Sakamoto (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 54ef674
+- ALSA: hda/intel: Workaround for WALLCLK register for loongson
+  controller (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Workaround for SDnCTL register on loongson
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Using polling mode for loongson controller by
+  default (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add Loongson LS7A HD-Audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: control: Keep the previous numid at snd_ctl_rename_id()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Delete cs35l41 component master during
+  free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix endian conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clean up Firmware Load Controls
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid confusion of aligned read size (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fix parsing of 0xFx command (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Drop redundant check of note-on with zero velocity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct snd_ump_midi1_msg_program definition
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Add MIDI 2.0 documentation (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group filter (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Print UMP Endpoint and Block information in proc
+  outputs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9cd2cae
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SEQ_UMP
+- commit a6d3569
+- ALSA: seq: Add ioctls for client UMP info query and setup
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Create UMP Endpoint port for broadcast
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Bind UMP device (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Allow suppressing UMP conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Automatic conversion of UMP events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group number to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port direction to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Support MIDI 2.0 UMP Endpoint port (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port inactive flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Prohibit creating ports with special numbers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check validity before creating a port object
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check the conflicting port at port creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Drop dead code for the old broadcast support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Treat snd_seq_client object directly in client
+  drivers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add snd_seq_expand_var_event_at() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Clear padded bytes at expanding events
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Inform inconsistent protocols in GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable the legacy raw MIDI support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a20cb16
+- Update config files: enable MIDI2 configs
+- commit 0834a0b
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Use __le16 for 16bit USB descriptor fields
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add legacy raw MIDI support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Redirect rawmidi substream access via own helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Create UMP blocks from USB MIDI GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Trim superfluous "MIDI" suffix from UMP EP
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Get UMP EP name string from USB interface
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: USB MIDI 2.0 UMP support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Define USB MIDI 2.0 specs (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Manage number of rawmidis globally
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Additional proc output (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add ioctls to inquiry UMP EP and Block info via
+  control API (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Skip UMP devices at
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Add ioctl callback to snd_rawmidi_global_ops
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Pass rawmidi directly to
+  snd_rawmidi_kernel_open() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: mixart: Replace one-element arrays with simple
+  object declarations (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compat_ioctl: use correct snd_ctl_elem_type_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: uapi: pcm: control the filling of the silence samples
+  for drain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: core: update comment on snd_card.controls_rwsem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Remove impossible condition in
+  clk_aic32x4_pll_determine_rate() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: div: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 63a9a52
+- spi: intel-pci: Add support for Granite Rapids SPI serial flash
+  (jsc#PED-6106 jsc#PED-6090).
+- commit 00c2e1f
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sprintf/snprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit b392a8a
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 6d42891
+- s390/lcs: Convert sprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 9e4e74e
+- s390/lcs: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 715ef85
+- s390/ism: Set DMA coherent mask (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit f59d174
+- x86/cpu: Fix Crestmont uarch (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit e882a7f
+- perf/x86/intel: Add Crestmont PMU (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 058f4f4
+- x86/cpu: Add several Intel server CPU model numbers (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 6d86f99
+- Update config files. (jsc#PED-6528)
+  to arm64/default, armv7hl/default, s390x/default and x86_64/default.
+  before we have conclusion on PED-6528. Which means that the
+  .secondary_trusted_keys keyring can NOT be used to verify .ima/.evm
+  keys. It also means that MOK in .machine keyring can not be used to
+  verify .ima/.evm keys.
+  This commit didn't change the value in ppc64le/default because it's
+  handled by another jira jsc#PED-5085. PPC may be applied special setting
+  for IBM. (jsc#PED-6528)
+- commit dd2a1af
-- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 80c5d27
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 05d2771
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Guard against collision with KVM-defined
+- commit fb0e117
+- KVM: nSVM: Load L1's TSC multiplier based on L1 state, not L2
+  state (git-fixes).
+- commit 9a8cf6e
+- KVM: nSVM: Check instead of asserting on nested TSC scaling
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b43cd9
+- KVM: SVM: Set target pCPU during IRTE update if target vCPU
+  is running (git-fixes).
+- commit de8e951
-- spi: tegra210-quad: Enable TPM wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 00c70ee
+- KVM: SVM: Take and hold ir_list_lock when updating vCPU's
+  Physical ID entry (git-fixes).
+- commit c8429d7
-- spi: Add TPM HW flow flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 754a368
+- KVM: SVM: Don't inject #UD if KVM attempts to skip SEV guest
+  insn (git-fixes).
+- commit d983b3c
-- x86/PVH: avoid 32-bit build warning when obtaining VGA console
-  info (git-fixes).
-- commit 8d6614d
+- KVM: SVM: Skip VMSA init in sev_es_init_vmcb() if pointer is
+  NULL (git-fixes).
+- commit 80d1c46
-- spi: tegra210-quad: set half duplex flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 6cc1be6
+- KVM: SVM: Get source vCPUs from source VM for SEV-ES intrahost
+  migration (git-fixes).
+- commit d8a362f
+- scsi: target: core: Fix target_cmd_counter leak (bsc#1214847).
+- commit b9c2cf7
+- KVM: SVM: Don't defer NMI unblocking until next exit for SEV-ES
+  guests (git-fixes).
+- commit 815118a
-- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 8e51a51
+- KVM: VMX: Refresh available regs and IDT vectoring info before
+  NMI handling (git-fixes).
+- commit c8edde6
-- iommu/virtio: Return size mapped for a detached domain
+- x86/virt/tdx: Make TDX_MODULE_CALL handle SEAMCALL #UD and #GP (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 3990c40
+- x86/virt/tdx: Wire up basic SEAMCALL functions (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 5a7d4d1
+- x86/tdx: Remove 'struct tdx_hypercall_args' (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 35524da
+- x86/tdx: Reimplement __tdx_hypercall() using TDX_MODULE_CALL asm (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit ea49b7a
+- x86/tdx: Make TDX_HYPERCALL asm similar to TDX_MODULE_CALL (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 68160e9
+- x86/tdx: Extend TDX_MODULE_CALL to support more TDCALL/SEAMCALL leafs (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 81b9942
+- x86/tdx: Pass TDCALL/SEAMCALL input/output registers via a structure (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit e8d92e2
+- x86/tdx: Rename __tdx_module_call() to __tdcall() (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 67b9b89
+- x86/tdx: Make macros of TDCALLs consistent with the spec (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 2487143
+- x86/tdx: Skip saving output regs when SEAMCALL fails with VMFailInvalid (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit cc3a3ab
+- x86/tdx: Zero out the missing RSI in TDX_HYPERCALL macro (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 117aa18
+- x86/tdx: Retry partially-completed page conversion hypercalls (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit f5ec3f4
+- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-- commit ac677be
+- commit 3b70d15
-- virtio-blk: set req->state to MQ_RQ_COMPLETE after polling
-  I/O is finished (git-fixes).
-- commit 7124cfb
+- Revert "KVM: SVM: Skip WRMSR fastpath on VM-Exit if next RIP
+  isn't valid" (git-fixes).
+- commit deeaff0
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 89e41c0
+- KVM: x86: Acquire SRCU read lock when handling fastpath MSR
+  writes (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ec2da2
-- Rename colliding patches before merging SLE15-SP4
-- commit 6493f7c
+- KVM: SVM: Invoke trace_kvm_exit() for fastpath VM-Exits
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0219953
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbcon: Use kzalloc() in fbcon_prepare_logo()"'
-- commit 501bd2e
+- KVM: SVM: Remove TSS reloading code after VMEXIT (git-fixes).
+- commit cc99fca
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device'
-- commit bfaaaff
+- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ff3b5c4
-- blacklist.conf: add "x86/xen: Set MTRR state when running as Xen PV initial domain"
-- commit 0acd697
+- virtio_vdpa: build affinity masks conditionally (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c8cd83
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc: Flush gatt writes and adjust gatt mask in parisc_agp_mask_memory()'
-- commit 30a9db6
+- virtio_pmem: add the missing REQ_OP_WRITE for flush bio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 992fff8
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc/agp: Annotate parisc agp init functions with __init'
-- commit 9eb45cc
+- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e50901e
+- panic: Reenable preemption in WARN slowpath (git-fixes).
+- ata: libahci: clear pending interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: helpers: Avoid a driver uaf (git-fixes).
+- drm/radeon: make fence wait in suballocator uninterrruptable
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f4e814
+- drm/amd: Make fence wait in suballocator uninterruptible
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 69304d0
-- btrfs: don't hold CPU for too long when defragging a file
-  (bsc#1214988).
-- commit 9b89645
-- 9p/xen : Fix use after free bug in xen_9pfs_front_remove due
-  to race condition (bsc#1215206, CVE-2023-1859).
-- commit f333aa7
+- arm64: module: rework module VA range selection (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: mandate MODULE_PLTS (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: move module randomization to module.c (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kaslr: split kaslr/module initialization (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kasan: remove !KASAN_VMALLOC remnants (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: remove old !KASAN_VMALLOC logic (bsc#1214304).
+- commit c682662
+- wifi: ieee80211: reorder presence checks in MLE per-STA profile
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-ieee80211-fix-erroneous-NSTR-bitmap-size-checks.patch.
+- commit 2a2608b
+- wifi: ieee80211: fix erroneous NSTR bitmap size checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c83f3a8
+- wifi: ieee80211: use default for medium synchronization delay
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 9892e25
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Fix quirks table naming (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Send new command for PPAG (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Move btusb_recv_event_intel to btintel
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Gale Peak (8087:0036) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support for Gale Peak (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support to reset bluetooth via ACPI DSM
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit d94b566
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove 'use_tfh' config to fix crash
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: make bt_class a static const structure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Rework sync_interval to be sync_factor
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: fix Set CIG Parameters error status
+  handling (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btqca: use le32_to_cpu for ver.soc_id (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 894ef0e
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 6655:8771 to device tables
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add missing MODULE_FIRMWARE declarations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- virtio_bt: call scheduler when we free unused buffs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for IGTK in D3 resume flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update two most recent GTKs on D3 resume
+  flow (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor security key update after D3
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mark keys as uploaded when added by the driver
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support of A0 version of FM RF
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: clean up Bz module firmware lines
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 8f10a16
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support for *nJ devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit fd752ae
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 83 for AX/BZ/SC devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: remove trailing dash from FW_PRE constants
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Ma device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Sc device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify Bz/Gl device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: also drop jacket from info macro
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for 22000 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for ax210 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Bz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Sc (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: give Sc devices their own family (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f8bdc92
+- wifi: iwlwifi: split 22000.c into multiple files (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit b6d8129
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new CNVi (SC) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit 9d46e84
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new Bz version (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bbc566a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for scan version 17
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust skip-over-dtim in D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support new flush_sta method (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: send LARI configuration earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove disable_dummy_notification (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: limit EHT capabilities based on PCIe link speed
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add EHT A-MPDU size exponent support
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use min_t() for agg_size (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use EHT maximum MPDU length on 2.4 GHz
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: nvm: handle EHT/320 MHz regulatory flag
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make iwl_mvm_set_fw_mu_edca_params mld aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: send marker cmd before suspend cmd
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check the right csa_active (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: add size assertions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: refactor RB status size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c5d9cef
+- wifi: nl80211/reg: add no-EHT regulatory flag (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Retrieve PSD information from RNR AP information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CRC calculation for extended elems
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: avoid lockdep checking when removing deflink
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: always hold sdata lock in chanctx
+  assign/unassign (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: store BSS param change count from assoc response
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop some unprotected action frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move action length check up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop unprotected robust mgmt before 4-way-HS
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix documentation config reference (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a1d79a
+- wifi: cfg80211: search all RNR elements for colocated APs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-cfg80211-Fix-return-value-in-scan-logic.patch.
+- commit b5ee4d8
+- wifi: mac80211: add eht_capa debugfs field (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dvm: fix -Wunused-const-variable gcc warning
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: check EHT basic MCS/NSS set (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: stop parsing after allocation failure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: update multi-link element STA reconfig (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: prevent start/stop race (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: add a few locking assertions
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Support link removal using Reconfiguration ML
+  element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: add set_active_links variant not locking sdata
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1384067
-- commit 0de26c1
+- commit 5b503ee
+- wifi: mac80211: add ___ieee80211_disconnect variant not locking
+  sdata (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211/nl80211: Add support to indicate STA MLD setup
+  links removal (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: do not scan disabled links on 6GHz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: handle BSS data contained in ML probe responses
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use a struct for inform_single_bss data
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add definitions for RNR MLD params
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Always ignore ML element (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add helper to validate ML element type and size
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Include Multi-Link in CRC calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename ieee80211_mle_sta_prof_size_ok()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4fddada
+- wifi: mac80211: Add support for parsing Reconfiguration Multi
+  Link element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename multi_link (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use cfg80211 defragmentation helper
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add element defragmentation helper (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ignore invalid TBTT info field types
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use new inform_bss callback (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add inform_bss op to update BSS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: keep bss_lock held when informing (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move regulatory_hint_found_beacon to be earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: feed the link_id to
+  cfg80211_ch_switch_started_notify (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3d08fcc
+- wifi: mac80211: add consistency check for compat chandef
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: stop passing cbss to parser (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Extend AID element addition for TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add HE and EHT capa elements in TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS data frames with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS negotiation with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: make TDLS management link-aware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 81 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for SCAN API version 16
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't access vif valid links directly
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3ec74b8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: handle eSR transitions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fix max number of fw active links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add a few rate index validity checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Validate slots_num before allocating memory
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Validate tid is in valid range before
+  using it (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: track u-APSD misbehaving AP by AP address
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: implement WPFC ACPI table loading (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add some FW misbehaviour check infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always send spec link ID in link commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: use array as array argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4782c77
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: store WMM params per link (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check link during TX (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add a NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new FSEQ defines to fw dump (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: double-check ACK interrupt after timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use iwl_mvm_is_vendor_in_approved_list()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: make some ACPI functions static (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Correctly indicate support for VHT TX STBC
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove new checksum code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add debugfs entry to report dormant links
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b83471d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support version C0 of BZ and GL devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit ee9b8b1
+- wifi: mac80211: Support disabled links during association
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: clear FW debug memory on init
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: remove redundant argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: clear FW debug memory on init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: fix DRAM data init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: allow ADD_STA not to be advertised by the
+  firwmare (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: put only a single IGTK into FW (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor iwl_mvm_get_lmac_id() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: improve debug prints in iwl_read_ppag_table()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 5409bb1
+- wifi: mac80211: consistently use u64 for BSS changes
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1521a5d
+- wifi: mac80211: stop warning after reconfig failures
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: batch recalc during STA flush (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sta_info_move_state() up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: refactor ieee80211_select_link_key()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use u64 to hold enum ieee80211_bss_change flags
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: implement proper AP MLD HW restart (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 753363d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: initialize the rx_vec before using it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: rename BTM support flag and its TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support U-SIG EHT validate checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Replace strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: replace strlcpy() with strscpy() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Propagate ERP slot changes to FW
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM responder MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pass ESR parameters to the firmware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: debugfs: add ppag capa to fw info file
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always set MH len in offload_assist
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: provide a helper to fetch the medium
+  synchronization delay (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a7772a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify checks for HW error values (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix getting LDPC/STBC support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 79 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: update response for mcc_update command
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM initiator MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: make debugfs entries link specific (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Do not use "non-MLD AP" syntax (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Support association to AP MLD with disabled
+  links (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add getter functions for vif MLD state
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow disabling SMPS debugfs controls
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b403778
+- wifi: mac80211: don't update rx_stats.last_rate for NDP
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CSA processing while scanning (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: clarify WMM messages (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: pass roc->sdata to
+  drv_cancel_remain_on_channel() (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: include key action/command in tracing
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: S1G rate information and calculations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move scan done work to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move sched scan stop to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: move disconnects to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: ibss: move disconnect to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a0083e7
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for channel switch (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for SMPS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: unregister netdevs through cfg80211
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for sdata->work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add a work abstraction with special semantics
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock when sending wiphy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: wext: hold wiphy lock in siwgenie (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move wowlan disable under locks (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in pmsr work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in auto-disconnect (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit e6208bf
+- wifi: mac80211: fetch and store the EML capability information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: skip EHT BSS membership selector (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: remove element scratch_len (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: HW restart for MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pnvm: handle memory descriptor tlv (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: don't use constant size with efi.get_variable
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: clean up PNVM loading code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate reading and parsing of reduce power
+  table (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Enable loading of reduce-power tables into
+  several segments (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use iwl_pnvm_image in reduce power tables flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0c560aa
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of power reduce
+  tables (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Implement loading and setting of fragmented
+  pnvm image (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for fragmented pnvm images
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Allow trans_pcie track more than 1 pnvm DRAM
+  region (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Take loading and setting of pnvm image out of
+  parsing part (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of pnvm image into
+  two functions (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Generalize the parsing of the pnvm image
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: fix kernel-doc links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: remove unused commands (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: use __le16 instead of u16 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: link context action in kernel-doc
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: tell firmware about per-STA MFP enablement
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove warning for beacon filtering error
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove dead code in iwl_dump_ini_imr_get_size()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add Dell to ppag approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bef2178
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: adjust Bz device timings (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: offload BTM response during D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: do not log undefined DRAM buffers unnecessarily
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: acpi: add other Google OEMs to the ppag approved
+  list (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: clarify EHT RU allocation bits (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support injection rate control (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add vendors to TAS approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: iwlmei: fix compilation error (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 09b5136
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support PPAG in China for older FW cmd version
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove useless code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: disable RX STBC when a device doesn't support it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new ODM vendor to ppag approved list
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a5ea8d0
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support PASN for MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a8d85e8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make internal callback structs const
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f6d7c6e
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust csa notifications and commands to
+  MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update the FW apis for LINK and MAC commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Make iwl_mvm_diversity_iter() MLO aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't silently ignore missing suspend or resume
+  ops (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: dissolve iwl_mvm_mac_add_interface_common()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use link ID in missed beacon notification
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: freeze 22500 devices FW API (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use default @max_active for
+  trans_pcie->rba.alloc_wq (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0e14ac5
+- Update config files: version changed to 6.4 again
+- commit 1360d10
+- selftest: tcp: Fix address length in bind_wildcard.c
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: check budget for r8152_poll() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Fix dependencies for some of the synthetic
+  event tests (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add quirk for TUXEDO Gemini 17 Gen1/Clevo PD70PN
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: Remove kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd/iommu_v2: Fix pasid_state refcount dec hit 0 warning
+  on pasid unbind (git-fixes).
+- iommu/vt-d: Fix to flush cache of PASID directory table
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/sprd: Add missing force_aperture (git-fixes).
+- iommu/qcom: Disable and reset context bank before programming
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: rockchip: Fix directory table address encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/mediatek: Fix two IOMMU share pagetable issue (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Use enable_maks for keepalive
+  voting (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Improve enable_mask handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: fix missing kernfs_iattr_rwsem locking (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: add stub helper for kernfs_generic_poll() (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix regression with GPIO configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: remove obsolete out_thread label (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: sysctl: fix MEMFD_NOEXEC_SCOPE_NOEXEC_ENFORCED
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix capabilities in non-AP mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix command timeout in AP stop period
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: renesas_sdhi: register irqs before registering controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: maple: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix version check when CC has
+  multiple arguments (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: remove -v option (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: Fix mlxbf-tmfifo not handling all virtio
+  CONSOLE notifications (git-fixes).
+- gpiolib: fix reference leaks when removing GPIO chips still
+  in use (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix unsigned comparison with less than
+  zero (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix buffer overflow when scanning with extraie
+  (git-fixes).
+- idmaengine: make FSL_EDMA and INTEL_IDMA64 depends on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix field-spanning write in
+  brcmf_scan_params_v2_to_v1() (git-fixes).
+- staging: fbtft: ili9341: use macro FBTFT_REGISTER_SPI_DRIVER
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: constify params in thermal_zone_device_register
+  (git-fixes).
+- security: keys: perform capable check only on privileged
+  operations (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-snps-femto-v2: use qcom_snps_hsphy_suspend/resume
+  error code (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: huawei-wmi: Silence ambient light sensor
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Fix setting RGB mode on some TUF laptops
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Use kfree_sensitive instead of kfree
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/hid: Add HP Dragonfly G2 to VGBS DMI quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel: hid: Always call BTNL ACPI method
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: fix error handling for cx23885 ATSC boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pulse8-cec: handle possible ping error (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: Support to assign slot for encoder/decoder
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: use dev_err_probe (git-fixes).
+- sbitmap: fix batching wakeup (git-fixes).
+- Partially revert "drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for
+  displays with large vblank" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Load register defaults in blocks rather than register
+  by register (git-fixes).
+- commit 6abb937
-- sctp: leave the err path free in sctp_stream_init to
-  sctp_stream_free (CVE-2023-2177 bsc#1210643).
-- commit 337b7d8
+- drm/msm/dpu: increase memtype count to 16 for sm8550
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 081e740
-- s390/ipl: add loadparm parameter to eckd ipl/reipl data
-  (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 364a30d
+- dmaengine: idxd: Allow ATS disable update only for configurable
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Expose ATS disable knob only when WQ ATS is
+  supported (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Simplify WQ attribute visibility checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: trbe: Fix TRBE potential sleep in atomic context
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: tmc: Explicit type conversions to prevent integer
+  overflow (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: Update GCC clocks for QDU1000 and QRU1000
+  SoCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Fix clock source names (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Introduce index-based clk lookup
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: ensure async flips are only accepted for fast
+  updates (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Update min() to min_t() in 'amdgpu_info_ioctl'
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix loop iterating through scatterlist for DMA
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: remove opp table in exit hook (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: add online/offline hooks (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: set stale CPU frequency to minimum
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: goldfishfb: Do not check 0 for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- broadcom: b44: Use b44_writephy() return value (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix temperature unit of SMU v13.0.6 (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Match against exact bootloader status (git-fixes).
+- clk: fixed-mmio: make COMMON_CLK_FIXED_MMIO depend on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Exit idle optimizations before attempt to
+  access PHY (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Guard DCN31 PHYD32CLK logic against chip family
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/smu: use AverageGfxclkFrequency* to replace previous
+  GFX Curr Clock (git-fixes).
+- ethernet: atheros: fix return value check in atl1c_tso_csum()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop the regdma configuration (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e0044a
-- s390/ipl: add DEFINE_GENERIC_LOADPARM() (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit cd6d27a
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Consolidate code for aborting connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-Fix-double-free-in-hci_conn_cleanup.patch.
+- commit 2d5d835
-- s390/ipl: use octal values instead of S_* macros (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit db2ef83
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Add an ACPI match table (git-fixes).
+- commit 65a24dd
-- kabi: hide changes in enum ipl_type and struct sclp_info
-  (jsc#PED-2023 jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit b6fb6b6
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Rename ov5640 enable-gpios to
+  powerdown-gpios (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-sony-xperia: correct GPIO keys wakeup
+  again (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Rectify gpio-keys (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add GPIO line names for PMIC GPIOs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add gpio line names for TLMM
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: fail SCO/ISO via hci_conn_failed if ACL
+  gone early (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF in hci_disconnect_all_sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: drop only unbound CIS if Set CIG
+  Parameters fails (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Avoid use-after-free in dbg for
+  hci_add_adv_monitor() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix hci_le_set_cig_params (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF on hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Don't double print name in add/remove
+  adv_monitor (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Always allocate unique handles (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: do not emit new LE Create CIS if previous is
+  pending (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Add support for connecting multiple BISes
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt1308-sdw: fix random louder sound (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Box Demo
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Rock Pi 4B
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in eaidk-610
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_arasan_cf: Use dev_err_probe() instead dev_err()
+  in data_xfer() (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: make sure 'offs' is initialized in zc_request
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: fix unlikely null pointer deref in handle_rerror
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt712-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: nau8821: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix parsing of CIS Established Event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Use kmemdup() to replace kzalloc + memcpy
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: Add .dts files missing from the build (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Rename &msmgpio -> &tlmm (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Define regulator constraints next
+  to usage (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Disable audio codecs by default
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix regulator constraints
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-longcheer-l8910: Add front flash LED
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: Update to generic ADC channel binding on
+  DHSOM systems (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: adopt generic iio bindings for adc channels
+  on emstamp-argon (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: s5pv210: add dummy 5V regulator for backlight on
+  SMDKv210 (git-fixes).
+- commit 2753813
+- x86: Make IA32_EMULATION boot time configurable (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 816d051
+- x86/entry: Make IA32 syscalls' availability depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit d129cab
+- x86/elf: Make loading of 32bit processes depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit b3c3c55
+- x86/entry: Compile entry_SYSCALL32_ignore() unconditionally (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 3d9452a
+- x86/entry: Rename ignore_sysret() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 41cff48
-- s390/ipl: add eckd dump support (jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit 0961d1f
+- x86: Introduce ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 504ca1b
+- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
+  'unknown' (git-fixes bsc#1215345).
+- commit a7273bc
+- s390/dcssblk: fix kernel crash with list_add corruption
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215344).
+- commit 60ea829
+- Use base version 6.4
+  Since our kernel is no longer based on 6.4.x stable but rather the
+  mixture of all patches of our own, it's confusing to keep showing the
+  base version 6.4.15.
+  Let's drop the minor version and use 6.4 as the based version.
+- commit 05a5919
+- Refresh patches.suse/thunderbolt-Add-support-for-enhanced-uni-directional.patch
+  Correct the missing error handling
+- commit 8489072
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+  Fix crash on platforms that don't provide PKS.
+- commit dc6b8a1
+- io_uring: have io_file_put() take an io_kiocb rather than the
+  file (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/splice: use fput() directly (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: get rid of ref tryget (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup 'ret' handling in io_iopoll_check()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break iopolling on signal (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix false positive KASAN warnings (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix drain stalls by invalid SQE (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: Remove unused declaration io_rsrc_put_tw()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: annotate the struct io_kiocb slab for appropriate
+  user copy (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 602ec65
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (git-fixes).
+- commit 7eea791
+- io_uring/cancel: wire up IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_OP for sync cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: support opcode based lookup and cancelation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: add IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_USERDATA (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use cancelation match helper for poll and timeout
+  requests (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: fix sequence matching for
+  IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: abstract out request match helper
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/timeout: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/poll: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 991e7db
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Perform additional retries if doorbell read
+  returns 0 (git-fixes).
+- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset (git-fixes).
+- scsi: fcoe: Fix potential deadlock on &fip->ctlr_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: Use 32-bit hostnum in scsi_host_lookup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_fp_int_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_debug_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_stop_io_on_error_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla4xxx: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: be2iscsi: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add strlen() check in iscsi_if_set{_host}_param()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add length check for nlattr payload (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix TMF leak through (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session hang in gnl (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix command flush during TMF (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Limit TMF to 8 per function (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix deletion race condition (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix normally completed I/O analysed as failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix warnings detected by sparse (git-fixes).
+- commit aa5199c
+- Sort all patches and clean up reverts/corrections
+  For making easier to backport patches via git-fixes tracking, move
+  all patches in* into sorted section in
+  patches.suse/*.   It essentially means that our kernel is a pot
+  stewing all different fixes of our own choices, including the patches
+  from existing stable trees.
+  While transitioning to the flat structure, the commit ids are
+  corrected in a couple of patches, a few reverted patches are simply
+  dropped, and correction patches are folded into the original fix
+  patches.
+  The expanded result is exactly same as before this change.
+- commit 9491f38
+- platform/mellanox: NVSW_SN2201 should depend on ACPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Keep symlinks, when possible (git-fixes).
-- commit 495d04f
+- kunit: Fix wild-memory-access bug in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ed96bad
-- s390/ipl: add eckd support (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 21b5156
+- Remove stale comments in sorted section
+- commit b97ff7e
+- io_uring: flush offloaded and delayed task_work on exit
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_fallback_tw() forward declaration
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: use proper value for msg_inq (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge conditional unlock flush helpers (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: make io_cq_unlock_post static (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline __io_cq_unlock (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix acquire/release annotations (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: kill io_cq_unlock() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove IOU_F_TWQ_FORCE_NORMAL (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: don't batch task put on reqs free (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move io_clean_op() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline io_dismantle_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_free_req_tw (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_put_req_find_next (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 474274a
+- io_uring: add helpers to decode the fixed file file_ptr
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in io_msg_grab_file
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in __io_sync_cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return REQ_F_ flags from io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_req_ffs_set (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove a confusing comment above io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove the mode variable in io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove __io_file_supports_nowait (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 477b728
+- io_uring: get rid of unnecessary 'length' variable
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup io_aux_cqe() API (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: avoid indirect function calls for the hottest
+  task_work (bsc#1215211).
+- commit a422735
+- nvme: optimise io_uring passthrough completion (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cmd: add cmd lazy tw wake helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit ce83753
-  Unncessary after KBUILD_OVERRIDE removed.
-- commit 870adc7
+  The override flag is no longer used in kernel-binary.
+- commit 2e29826
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit a01ab3d
-- s390/dasd: fix command reject error on ESE devices (LTC#203630
-  bsc#1215123 git-fixes).
-- commit 5862ca2
+- Update config files: CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y for x86_64 and ppc64le (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable it consistently on all possible archs.
+- commit 4adfc00
+- s390/bpf: Pass through tail call counter in trampolines
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215253).
+- commit 9920b34
+- s390/dasd: fix string length handling (git-fixes bsc#1215252).
+- commit d32ce70
+- ext4: drop dio overwrite only flag and associated warning
+  (bsc#1215234).
+- commit b4b1734
-- commit 834e1c2
+- commit 3282c63
+- selftests/powerpc/dexcr: Add hashst/hashchk test (jsc#PED-5452).
+- Documentation: Document PowerPC kernel DEXCR interface
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose HASHKEYR register to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose DEXCR and HDEXCR registers to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Support userspace ROP protection (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Handle hashchk exception (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Add initial Dynamic Execution Control Register
+  (DEXCR) support (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Add missing <linux/regset.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/book3s: Add missing <linux/sched.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- commit 512787e
-- jbd2: restore t_checkpoint_io_list to maintain kABI
-  (bsc#1214946).
-- commit 1a1980a
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPKS SED Opal keystore support (jsc#PED-3545).
+  Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: keystore access for SED Opal keys
+  (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block:sed-opal: SED Opal keystore (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit 6e220a2
-- drm/display: Don't assume dual mode adaptors support i2c
-  sub-addressing (bsc#1213808).
-- commit 9c64306
+- Delete patches.suse/pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch.
+  (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  We enabled CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace our downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default. So we removed
+  pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch here.
+- commit 5523168
+- Update config files. (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  Enable CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace the downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default.
+- commit f7a24c5
+- ext4: do not mark inode dirty every time when appending using
+  delalloc (bsc#1215234).
+- commit 63674a0
+- ext4: allow concurrent unaligned dio overwrites (bsc#1215234).
+- commit cfe455c
+- io_uring: support for user allocated memory for rings/sqes
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 4014112
+- io_uring: maintain ordering for DEFER_TASKRUN tw list
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't retry recvmsg() unnecessarily (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: push IORING_CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY into
+  io_recv_finish() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initalize msghdr->msg_inq to known value
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initialize struct msghdr more sanely for io_recv()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Add io_uring_setup flag to pre-register ring fd and
+  never install it (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add ring freeing helper (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return error pointer from io_mem_alloc()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove sq/cq_off memset (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rely solely on FMODE_NOWAIT (bsc#1215211).
+- block: mark bdev files as FMODE_NOWAIT if underlying device
+  supports it (bsc#1215211).
+- net: set FMODE_NOWAIT for sockets (bsc#1215211).
+- commit c5f0cd7
+- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake-S pin controller support
+  (jsc#PED-6107, jsc#PED-6014).
+- commit 7650815
-- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
-  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
-- commit 96b18bb
+- scsi: core: Improve type safety of scsi_rescan_device() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (git-fixes).
+- hv: hyperv.h: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Don't dereference ACPI root object handle (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add gdma stats to ethtool output for mana (git-fixes).
+- net/mlx5: remove many unnecessary NULL values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Use the correct WQE count for ringing RQ doorbell (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Batch ringing RX queue doorbell on receiving packets (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused extern declaration vmbus_ontimer() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: add noop functions to x86_init mpparse functions (git-fixes).
+- vmbus_testing: fix wrong python syntax for integer value comparison (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: fix a warning in mshyperv.h (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Improve code for referencing hyperv_pcpu_input_arg (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: Change hv_free_hyperv_page() to take void * argument (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (git-fixes).
+- hv_netvsc: Allocate rx indirection table size dynamically (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Adjust hv_read_tsc_page_tsc() to avoid special casing U64_MAX (git-fixes).
+- x86/vdso: Fix gettimeofday masking (git-fixes).
+- x86/coco: Get rid of accessor functions (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (git-fixes).
+- commit 31e4022
-- commit 78179fa
+- commit 54a0db2
-- word-at-a-time: use the same return type for has_zero regardless
-  of endianness (bsc#1065729).
-- commit bde8063
+- commit d30f4b4
-- commit 0aba257
-- kabi/severities: ignore mlx4 internal symbols
-- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
-  (git-fixes).
-- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
-- commit 47e9584
-- x86/fpu: Take task_struct* in copy_sigframe_from_user_to_xstate() (git-fixes).
-- commit 74c2613
+- commit e58c7a4
-- x86/mm: Avoid incomplete Global INVLPG flushes (git-fixes).
-- commit a8877f3
+- blacklist.conf: Add 750bd41aeaeb powerpc/pseries: Fix hcall tracepoints with JUMP_LABEL=n
+- commit a91431a
-- x86/resctrl: Fix to restore to original value when re-enabling hardware prefetch register (git-fixes).
-- commit 670fb4d
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPK: undo kernel-doc comment notation
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit c1e63ba
-- x86/resctrl: Fix task CLOSID/RMID update race (git-fixes).
-- commit 9871c87
+- kABI: Reserve extra space for future cpuid/bug ints (kABI).
+- commit 4bfa4f1
-- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization in an emergency if SVM is supported (git-fixes).
-- commit 3949a2b
+- x86/virt: Drop unnecessary check on extended CPUID level in cpu_has_svm() (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b2e0cd
-- x86/virt: Force GIF=1 prior to disabling SVM (for reboot flows) (git-fixes).
-- commit 4534667
-- x86/sgx: Reduce delay and interference of enclave release (git-fixes).
-- commit ef6d157
-- x86/rtc: Remove __init for runtime functions (git-fixes).
-- commit 4511d93
-- x86/mm: Do not shuffle CPU entry areas without KASLR (git-fixes).
-- commit cb39678
-- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (git-fixes).
-- commit c9f1ddb
-- x86/ioremap: Fix page aligned size calculation in __ioremap_caller() (git-fixes).
-- commit 96d9365
-- x86/mem_encrypt: Unbreak the AMD_MEM_ENCRYPT=n build (git-fixes).
-- commit 12a2933
-- x86/resctl: fix scheduler confusion with 'current' (git-fixes).
-- commit 0d855b9
-- x86/purgatory: remove PGO flags (git-fixes).
-- commit 9d8ada6
-- x86/ioapic: Don't return 0 from arch_dynirq_lower_bound() (git-fixes).
-- commit ea0772f
+- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
+- commit 61b85d3
-- x86/i8259: Mark legacy PIC interrupts with IRQ_LEVEL (git-fixes).
-- commit c1031f1
+- x86/sgx: Break up long non-preemptible delays in sgx_vepc_release() (git-fixes).
+- commit 97e9703
-- x86/head/64: Switch to KERNEL_CS as soon as new GDT is installed (git-fixes).
-- commit bbfad26
+- x86/mm: Fix PAT bit missing from page protection modify mask (git-fixes).
+- commit 33d3430
-- x86/cpu: Add model number for Intel Arrow Lake processor (git-fixes).
-- commit bf6d064
+- x86/decompressor: Don't rely on upper 32 bits of GPRs being preserved (git-fixes).
+- commit dd3eca0
-- x86/cpu: Add Lunar Lake M (git-fixes).
-- commit 7ecc64d
+- x86/cpu: Fix amd_check_microcode() declaration (git-fixes).
+- commit a4a58c5
-- x86/bugs: Reset speculation control settings on init (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a6dd8e
+- x86/build: Fix linker fill bytes quirk/incompatibility for ld.lld (git-fixes).
+- commit c103809
-- x86/boot/e820: Fix typo in e820.c comment (git-fixes).
-- commit ac06968
+- x86/alternative: Add a __alt_reloc_selftest() prototype (git-fixes).
+- commit f671c66
-- x86/alternative: Fix race in try_get_desc() (git-fixes).
-- commit d841323
+- x86: Remove the arch_calc_vm_prot_bits() macro from the UAPI (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ca1850
-- uprobes/x86: Allow to probe a NOP instruction with 0x66 prefix (git-fixes).
-- commit 11f0960
+- x86/APM: drop the duplicate APM_MINOR_DEV macro (git-fixes).
+- commit be5e14b
-- KVM: VMX: Fix header file dependency of asm/vmx.h (git-fixes).
-- commit cae635f
+- locking/arch: Avoid variable shadowing in local_try_cmpxchg() (git-fixes).
+- commit 35707d1
-- KVM: SVM: Remove a duplicate definition of VMCB_AVIC_APIC_BAR_MASK (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a03ef8
+- KVM: SVM: correct the size of spec_ctrl field in VMCB save area (git-fixes).
+- commit 5e2d83e
+- iov_iter: Fix iov_iter_extract_pages() with zero-sized entries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb: symbol fixup for dvb_attach() (git-fixes).
-- commit a1c9c68
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- arm64/hyperv: Use CPUHP_AP_HYPERV_ONLINE state to fix CPU online sequencing (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix hyperv_pcpu_input_arg handling when CPUs go online/offline (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 665fc14
+- XArray: Do not return sibling entries from xa_load()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 02c4a14
-- commit f43b75b
-- patches.suse/ovl-remove-privs-in-ovl_copyfile.patch:(git-fixes).
-- commit daa1815
+- commit 83dedd5
-- s390/qeth: Don't call dev_close/dev_open (DOWN/UP) (bsc#1214873
-  git-fixes).
-- commit b0dc76c
+- selftests/powerpc: add const qualification where possible
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add more utility macros (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 5daf13c
+- s390/zcrypt_ep11misc: support API ordinal 6 with empty pin-blob
+  (jsc#PED-6375).
+- commit 2756530
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for sysfs attributes
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 565a508
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_KBLOB2PROTK
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit e5ba8eb
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_VERIFYKEY2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7e4d39b
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_CLR2SECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 6bfc7d7
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_GENSECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit c2c7df8
+- s390/pkey: fix/harmonize internal keyblob headers
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 65550d5
+- config/arm64: unset CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B.
+  Configuration option CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B=y is used
+  only in the arm64 configuration and appears to be a relic from the
+  update procedure in commit 98da1c5f42d ("SLE15-SP4: Update the base
+  kernel version to 5.14.").
+  Unset it because the option is intended for debugging, not really useful
+  for production and makes the text size of vmlinux unnecessarily bigger
+  by ~10%.
+- commit 9b526eb
+- s390/pkey: add support for ecc clear key (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 4dc5d19
+- s390/pkey: do not use struct pkey_protkey (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7f7a69f
+- s390/pkey: introduce reverse x-mas trees (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 30df220
+- Revert "modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL
+  modules" (bsc#1215155).
+- blacklist.conf: add the entry for reverted commit
+- commit e0404b9
-- commit 96ee377
+- commit f07ef6b
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215148).
-- commit 62bce52
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215143).
+- commit 2fc4ca5
+- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+"
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: always switch off ODM before committing more
+  streams (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
-  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
-  "struct page" (git-fixes).
-- commit 5618424
-- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
-  (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: refactor deprecated strncpy (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data race around sk->sk_err (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around sk->sk_shutdown (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-race around unix_tot_inflight (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around user->unix_inflight (git-fixes).
+- pwm: Remove outdated documentation for pwmchip_remove()
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 3aa0807
+- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
+  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
+  "struct page" (git-fixes).
+- commit 63b1a56
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit fe6afec
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading third party code signing
+  keys (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM machine keyring enablement (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: powerpc: Do not select CA_MACHINE_KEYRING
+- Update config files.
+- integrity: check whether imputed trust is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: remove global variable from machine_keyring.c
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: ignore keys failing CA restrictions on non-UEFI
+  platform (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading CA keys on machine
+  keyring (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: Enforce digitalSignature usage in the ima and evm
+  keyrings (jsc#PED-5085).
+- KEYS: DigitalSignature link restriction (jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit e3cf1f9
+- Delete patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+  This was a fix for a regression that occurred in SLE12 SP1.
+  Since we don't support upgrading to SLE15 from releases older than SLE12
+  SP4, which contained this fix, we can safely drop it now.
+- commit a7045a7
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b1fabe7
+- config/armv7hl: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 63428de
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit c50e08f
+- Update config files: only bump version to 6.4.15
+- commit a4856c8
-- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+- Input: iqs7222 - configure power mode before triggering ATI
-- commit de27518
-- fs: do not update freeing inode i_io_list (bsc#1214813).
-- fs: record I_DIRTY_TIME even if inode already has I_DIRTY_INODE
-  (bsc#1214813).
-- commit 2c1c38b
+- commit 03904d5
+- Linux 6.4.15 (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Don't show `Invalid config param` errors
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214212).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-typec-tcpci-clear-the-fault-status-bit.patch
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/nilfs2-fix-WARNING-in-mark_buffer_dirty-due-to-disca.patch
+- dt-bindings: sc16is7xx: Add property to change GPIO function
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/tcpm-Avoid-soft-reset-when-partner-does-not-support-.patch
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/fsi-master-ast-cf-Add-MODULE_FIRMWARE-macro.patch
+- firmware: stratix10-svc: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug in probe
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/firmware-stratix10-svc-Fix-an-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-bug-when-first-setting-GPIO-dir.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-broken-port-0-uart-init.patch
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-qcom-geni-fix-opp-vote-on-shutdown.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Cleanup-mac80211-references-on-failure-d.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Don-t-drop-tx_status-when-peer-cannot-be.patch
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Remove patches.suse/wifi-rtw88-usb-kill-and-free-rx-urbs-on-probe-failur.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-fix-skb-leak-by-txs-missing-in-AMSD.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-do-not-support-one-stream-on-second.patch
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/staging-rtl8712-fix-race-condition.patch
+- HID: wacom: remove the battery when the EKR is off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/HID-wacom-remove-the-battery-when-the-EKR-is-off.patch
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-chipidea-imx-improve-logic-if-samsung-picophy-pa.patch
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-dwc3-meson-g12a-do-post-init-to-fix-broken-usb-a.patch
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
-- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
-- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btsdio: fix use after free bug in btsdio_remove
-  due to race condition (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: move tcpci.h to include/linux/usb/
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 72d5b0f
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to ignore
-  this one removes unused kABI functions, but
-  just leave them in
-- commit 8007015
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit 1ed2b1b
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL modules
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rtc: ds1685: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for ds1685_rtc_poweroff
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: enetc: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for enetc_phc_index
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: au1xmmc: force non-modular build and remove symbol_get
+  usage (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: reduce descriptor size if remaining bytes is less than
+  request size (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct smb2_ea_info (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix slub overflow in ksmbd_decode_ntlmssp_auth_blob()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix wrong DataOffset validation of create context
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- erofs: ensure that the post-EOF tails are all zeroed
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 603fb0d
+- blacklist.conf: drop entry backported in stable 6.4.15
+- commit aa9afe7
+- blacklist.conf: Added temporary blacklist until mlx5 backport could be done (missing PED number)
+- commit 653e287
+- thunderbolt: Check Intel vendor ID in tb_switch_get_generation()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9040262
+- thunderbolt: Log a warning if device links are not found
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0080c7d
+- thunderbolt: Set variable tmu_params storage class specifier
+  to static (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2311697
+- usb: misc: onboard-hub: support multiple power supplies
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- usb: host: xhci: Do not re-initialize the XHCI HC if being
+  removed (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add test case for 3 DisplayPort tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 74e5760
+- thunderbolt: Add DisplayPort 2.x tunneling support
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 5c47cef
+- thunderbolt: Make bandwidth allocation mode function names
+  consistent (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit aebe5c3
+- thunderbolt: Enable CL2 low power state (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 38017ba
+- thunderbolt: Add support for enhanced uni-directional TMU mode
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6788a0e
+- thunderbolt: Increase NVM_MAX_SIZE to support Intel Barlow
+  Ridge controller (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 76ff566
+- thunderbolt: Move constants related to NVM into nvm.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9e2eab8
+- thunderbolt: Fix PCIe adapter capability length for USB4 v2
+  routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 63af050
+- thunderbolt: Fix DisplayPort IN adapter capability length for
+  USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061 jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 79f78db
+- thunderbolt: Add two additional double words for adapters TMU
+  for USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2382454
+- thunderbolt: Enable USB4 v2 PCIe TLP/DLLP extended encapsulation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 13c3320
+- thunderbolt: Announce USB4 v2 connection manager support
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2b7b8cb
+- thunderbolt: Reset USB4 v2 host router (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit da53ab5
+- thunderbolt: Add the new USB4 v2 notification types
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add support for USB4 v2 80 Gb/s link
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 81b59d1
-- commit 550f5fc
+- commit 541c06b
-- Move upstreamed pinctrl patch into sorted section
-- commit 38f70f2
+- thunderbolt: Identify USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 8f5f0bb
-- Update References tag
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 731b49d
+- thunderbolt: Do not touch lane 1 adapter path config space
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit d47992e
-- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
-- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
-- commit 4a140a1
+- thunderbolt: Ignore data CRC mismatch for USB4 routers
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6322c4a
-- Update References
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 63a801c
+- supported.conf: remove Unsupported tag of einj (bsc#1023051 CVE-2016-3695)
+  Removed Unsupported tag of drivers/acpi/apei/einj to align with
+  15-SP5. Like 15-SP5, 15-SP6 has backported downstream patch
+  acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  So it should be fine.
+  For ALP, we turn-off CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_EINJ and also add Unsupported
+  tag to einj driver. Because ALP is new and we do not need it in ALP
+  currently.
+- commit ba27138
-- powerpc/rtas: mandate RTAS syscall filtering (bsc#1023051).
-- commit ac82be8
+- usb: update the ctime as well when updating mtime after an ioctl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a1c1e20
-- Refresh sorted section
-- commit a6fbcee
+- usb: core: add sysfs entry for usb device state (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 747c9c5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
-  netlink event exit path (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- refresh
-  - patches.kabi/kabi-hide-changes-in-struct-nft_set.patch
-- kabi: hide changes in struct nft_set (CVE-2023-4563
-  bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction API to avoid race with
-  control plane (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- commit cfed41c
-- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
-- commit 26cc2da
-- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
-  (bsc#1214997).
-- commit c4d7e83
+- xhci: Stop unnecessary tracking of free trbs in a ring
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e7a2864
-- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
-- commit 40e5ccd
+- xhci: Fix transfer ring expansion size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0c38cae
-- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
-- commit 47ff352
+- xhci: split allocate interrupter into separate alloacte and
+  add parts (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 98c2b9c
-- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
-  (bsc#1214993).
-- commit a152c28
-- blk-iocost: use spin_lock_irqsave in adjust_inuse_and_calc_cost
-  (bsc#1214992).
-- commit 61a6c12
-- loop: Fix use-after-free issues (bsc#1214991).
-- commit 761b7ce
-- loop: loop_set_status_from_info() check before assignment
-  (bsc#1214990).
-- commit 777c353
-- blk-iocost: fix divide by 0 error in calc_lcoefs()
-  (bsc#1214986).
-- commit bfe49ae
-- "drm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources" (bsc#1203329 CVE-2022-40133 bsc#1203330 CVE-2022-38457)
-  This patch also fixes two CVEs. Update the References tag accordingly.
-- commit 552e790
+- thunderbolt: Enable/disable sideband depending on USB4 port
+  offline mode (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 953c113
-- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
-  'unknown' (bsc#1214976).
-- commit 33974e8
+- thunderbolt: Do not send UNSET_INBOUND_SBTX when retimer NVM
+  authentication started (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2f36306
-- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
-  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
-- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
-- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
-  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
-- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
-  false (git-fixes).
-- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
-  components (git-fixes).
-- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
-  (git-fixes).
-- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1c98d58
+- thunderbolt: Disable CL states when a DMA tunnel is established
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit b3ed9bb
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f8c12c2
+- thunderbolt: Make tb_switch_clx_disable() return CL states
+  that were enabled (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f883435
-- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
-  CVE-2023-1192).
-- commit 542332a
+- thunderbolt: Initialize CL states from the hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6057.
+- commit f123b6e
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 8b9578b
+- thunderbolt: Prefix CL state related log messages with "CLx:
+  " (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 000c1d2
-- udf: Fix uninitialized array access for some pathnames
-  (bsc#1214967).
-- commit 00df6f1
+- thunderbolt: Prefix TMU post time log message with "TMU: "
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0fd3fed
-- udf: Fix off-by-one error when discarding preallocation
-  (bsc#1214966).
-- commit 03b82ad
+- thunderbolt: Do not call CLx functions from TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- thunderbolt: Check for first depth router in tb.c
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f52c3cc
-- udf: Fix file corruption when appending just after end of
-  preallocated extent (bsc#1214965).
-- commit 4b5134d
+- thunderbolt: Switch CL states from enum to a bitmask
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 25ff961
-- udf: Fix extension of the last extent in the file (bsc#1214964).
-- commit ae72675
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx enabling into tb_enable_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit fbe701d
-- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
-  provide (bsc#1214963).
-- commit e6fd888
+- Re-enable patches.suse/0003-Add-external-no-support-as-bad-taint-module.patch
+- commit 179979d
-- quota: fix warning in dqgrab() (bsc#1214962).
-- commit e51a8ce
+- ixgbevf: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4102).
+- commit d7b32c5
-- quota: Properly disable quotas when add_dquot_ref() fails
-  (bsc#1214961).
-- commit 4d1d992
+- ethernet: tg3: remove unreachable code (jsc#PED-3526).
+- commit cd65a79
-- fs: Lock moved directories (bsc#1214959).
-- commit cae328c
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of __tb_switch_[en|dis]able_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 265436e
-- fs: Establish locking order for unrelated directories
-  (bsc#1214958).
-- commit 5f1d5b9
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx support functions into clx.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9778ac2
-- ext4: Remove ext4 locking of moved directory (bsc#1214957).
-- commit 37394c0
+- thunderbolt: Check valid TMU configuration in
+  tb_switch_tmu_configure() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 72e13bd
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist 69562eb0bd3e
-- commit 1f4b3d5
+- thunderbolt: Move tb_enable_tmu() close to other TMU functions
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 677e0a0
-- sched/fair: Use recent_used_cpu to test p->cpus_ptr (git fixes).
-- sched/fair: Fix inaccurate tally of ttwu_move_affine (git
-  fixes).
-- commit 4be7d48
+- thunderbolt: Move TMU configuration to tb_enable_tmu()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0bdd5bf
-- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
-  (bsc#1214955).
-- commit 11f4a50
-- ext4: fix memory leaks in
-  ext4_fname_{setup_filename,prepare_lookup} (bsc#1214954).
-- commit 4b6c845
-- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
-  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
-- commit 03f7b6f
-- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
-  (bsc#1214952).
-- commit 5a6fc81
-- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
-  (bsc#1214951).
-- commit 3e19652
-- ext4: correct inline offset when handling xattrs in inode body
-  (bsc#1214950).
-- commit 86048c8
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of tb_switch_enable_tmu_1st_child()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 5c56d8e
-- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
-  (bsc#1214949).
-- commit 003f040
+- thunderbolt: Rework Titan Ridge TMU objection disable function
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e8db754
-- jbd2: Fix wrongly judgement for buffer head removing while
-  doing checkpoint (bsc#1214948).
-- commit 4a7cf2e
+- thunderbolt: Drop useless 'unidirectional' parameter from
+  tb_switch_tmu_is_enabled() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4f100be
-- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1214947).
-- commit c697d1d
+- thunderbolt: Fix a couple of style issues in TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 02653e5
-- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1214946).
-- commit fb2b64f
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_xdomain_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1cad062
-- jbd2: recheck chechpointing non-dirty buffer (bsc#1214945).
-- commit bc0367a
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4fafc5b
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_new_blocks (bsc#1214944).
-- commit bf72f09
+- thunderbolt: Log DisplayPort adapter rate and lanes on discovery
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1613acc
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_clear_bb (bsc#1214943).
-- commit a5e1fe1
+- Bluetooth: HCI: Introduce HCI_QUIRK_BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (bsc#1213972).
+- commit 7e8d545
-- ext4: get block from bh in ext4_free_blocks for fast commit
-  replay (bsc#1214942).
-- commit f797e3b
+- thunderbolt: dma_test: Update MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 7c7578c
-- ext4: reflect error codes from ext4_multi_mount_protect()
-  to its callers (bsc#1214941).
-- commit eadc3e7
+- thunderbolt: Add MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 036b91f
-- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 6b6c148
+- thunderbolt: Allow specifying custom credits for DMA tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4cd9a38
-- ext4: set goal start correctly in ext4_mb_normalize_request
-  (bsc#1214940).
-- commit cc90b6a
+- thunderbolt: Check for ring 0 in tb_tunnel_alloc_dma()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9057218
-- blacklist.conf: Not a fix, relatively high risk of performance regression
-- commit fd04425
+- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- mailbox: qcom-ipcc: fix incorrect num_chans counting
+  (git-fixes).
+- tpm: Enable hwrng only for Pluton on AMD CPUs (git-fixes).
+- tpm_crb: Fix an error handling path in crb_acpi_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: do not run depmod for 'make modules_sign' (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rpm-pkg: define _arch conditionally (git-fixes).
+- docs/mm: remove references to hmm_mirror ops and clean typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e114715
-- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
-  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit a1f446d
+- Update References tag
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
+- commit 8f10909
-- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 9f60ef1
+- update patch metadata
+- update upstream references
+  - patches.rpmify/Revert-kbuild-Hack-for-depmod-not-handling-X.Y-versi.patch
+- commit 30a3314
+- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
+  CVE-2023-1192).
+- commit 9c2a087
+- Update config files.
+- commit 6044036
+- RDMA/irdma: Move iw device ops initialization (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_rdma_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_iw_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- ice: use ice_down_up() where applicable (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove managed memory usage in ice_get_fw_log_cfg()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove null checks before devm_kfree() calls
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: clean up freeing SR-IOV VFs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow hot-swapping XDP programs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: reduce initial wait for control queue messages
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- iavf: remove some unused functions and pointless wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: fix err handling for MAC replace (jsc#PED-4937).
+- i40e, xsk: fix comment typo (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: do not re-enable miscellaneous interrupt until thread_fn
+  completes (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: trigger PFINT_OICR_TSYN_TX interrupt instead of polling
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: introduce ICE_TX_TSTAMP_WORK enumeration (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: always return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD in ice_misc_intr()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: move port_split/unsplit() ops into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- nfp: devlink: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- mlxsw_core: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: register devlink port for PF with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: introduce port ops placeholder (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: Spelling corrections (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: pass devlink_port pointer to ops->port_del() instead
+  of index (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: remove duplicate port notification (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use src VSI instead of src MAC in slow-path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow matching on meta data (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: specify field names in ice_prot_ext init (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant Rx field from rule info (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: define meta data to match in switch (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove LAG+SRIOV mutual exclusion (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update PHY type to ethtool link mode mapping
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor PHY type to ethtool link mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update ICE_PHY_TYPE_HIGH_MAX_INDEX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add dynamic interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: track interrupt vectors with xarray (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add individual interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant SRIOV code (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor VF control VSI interrupt handling (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use preferred MSIX allocation api (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use pci_irq_vector helper function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move interrupt related code to separate file
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- overflow: Add struct_size_t() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- commit 36d3648
+- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
+  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
+- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
+  (bsc#1212873).
+- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- commit f77b0ab
-  patches.suse/0002-nvme-tcp-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
+  patches.suse/rbd-add-support-for-COMPARE_AND_WRITE-CMPEXT.patch.
-  patches.suse/0003-nvme-rdma-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
-- commit 452e63f
-- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
-  mode during RSCN (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c191d2
+  patches.suse/rbd-export-some-functions-used-by-lio-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/target-add-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Update patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch
+  (fate#318836, bsc#1177090 bsc#1213026).
+- commit 1b2260d
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
-  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928).
-- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928).
-- commit 1dd6a86
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of patches.suse/mlx5-add-parameter-to-disable-enhanced-IPoIB.patch
+- commit 4b4e24d
-- series: update meta data
-  Move qla2xxx, lpcf, powerpc, net anc cpu patches into main section.
-- commit b5aafc0
+- Update config files.
+  s390: CONFIG_SCSI_IPR=n - powerpc-only driver
+- commit f1eac10
-- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
-- commit 429e77b
+- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 898ed7a
-- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
-- commit c7f667b
+- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
+  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit a10e1a7
-- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
-- commit 3732fc1
+- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
+  CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 0cbb8bf
-- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
-- commit 9281d22
+- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 2d3dfbd
-- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
-- commit 1b277c9
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  fix compilation error on ALP-current
+- commit b970105
-- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
-- commit e55bab1
+- series.conf: reenable patches.suse/net-allow-retransmitting-a-TCP-packet-if-original-is.patch
+  Unfortunately we still need this workaround.
+- commit 73322ec
-- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
-- commit 0e5f5fb
+- Update
+  references (add CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
+- commit 9a226db
-- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
-- commit fee7fe7
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: move spi-loopback-test to optional (bsc#1214883)
+- commit 6268c1d
-- enable TPM in azure (bsc#1214760)
-- commit 4d71c02
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/printk-panic-Avoid-deadlock-in-printk-after-stopping-CPUs-by-NMI.patch.
+  Obsoleted by the commit d51507098ff91e863 ("printk: disable optimistic spin
+  during panic") (bsc#1148712).
+- commit 8cb11a0
-- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
-- commit 988bb43
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: add leds-bcm63138 entry
+- commit 79dfe00
-- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (git-fixes)
-- commit f1ca0f2
+- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
+  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/imx8mm: Suppress log message on probe deferral
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Manage threshold between
+  sensors (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Don't leave threshold
+  zeroed (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Disable undesired
+  interrupts (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Use offset threshold
+  for IRQ (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Honor sensors in
+  immediate mode (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Handle IRQ on all
+  controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,msm8996-mss-pil: Fix 8996 clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,adsp: bring back firmware-name
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm8550-pas: require memory-region
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm6115-pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- hwspinlock: qcom: add missing regmap config for SFPB MMIO
+  implementation (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
+  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
+- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
+  false (git-fixes).
+- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
+  components (git-fixes).
+- leds: bcm63138: Rename dependency symbol ARCH_BCM4908 to
+  ARCH_BCMBCA (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Treat char as always unsigned (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Disable timer before
+  programming CVAL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1808eb5
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
-- commit dd0f3ab
+- sched, cgroup: Restore meaning to hierarchical_quota (git
+  fixes).
+- sched/fair: remove util_est boosting (git fixes).
+- commit efc3e36
-- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
-- commit e8addea
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  (bsc#1214939)
+- commit 12ba24d
-- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
-- commit c2623e0
+- Move upstreamed rtw88 patches into sorted section
+- commit 0992202
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix error handling in probe failure path (git-fixes)
-- commit c6f50a4
+- mm/page_alloc: use get_pfnblock_migratetype to avoid extra
+  page_to_pfn (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary inner
+  __get_pfnblock_flags_mask (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove unused parameter from
+  reserve_highatomic_pageblock() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init: use helper macro BITS_PER_LONG and BITS_PER_BYTE
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary return for void function
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment to complete migration failure
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of cached migrate pfn update
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of fast_find_migrateblock
+  in isolate_migratepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: skip page block marked skip in
+  isolate_migratepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct last_migrated_pfn update in compact_zone
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary "else continue" at end of
+  loop in isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary cursor page in
+  isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: merge end_pfn boundary check in
+  isolate_freepages_range (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: set compact_cached_free_pfn correctly in
+  update_pageblock_skip (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unneeded variable base (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm:vmscan: fix inaccurate reclaim during proactive reclaim
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: avoid unneeded pageblock_end_pfn when
+  no_set_skip_hint is set (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of candidate pfn in
+  fast_isolate_freepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/rmap: correct stale comment of rmap_walk_anon and
+  rmap_walk_file (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop node_start_pfn from
+  adjust_zone_range_for_zone_movable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip the memory hole rapidly when isolating free
+  pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: avoid false page outside zone error info
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: use write_seqlock_irqsave() instead
+  write_seqlock() + local_irq_save() (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: fix min_free_kbytes calculation regarding
+  ZONE_MOVABLE (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/filemap.c: fix update prev_pos after one read request done
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: update obsolete comment in get_pfn_range_for_nid()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: madvise: fix uneven accounting of psi (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- commit b392eb6
-- IB/hfi1: Fix possible panic during hotplug remove (git-fixes)
-- commit 632a598
+- Revert "sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header"
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice show default timeslice
+  after reset (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice intial value
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Block nohz tick_stop when cfs bandwidth in use
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Stabilize asym cpu capacity system idle cpu
+  selection (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Dump domains' sched group flags (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Consider the idle state of the whole core for load
+  balance (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Implement prefer sibling imbalance calculation
+  between asymmetric groups (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Record number of cores in sched group
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Determine active load balance for SMT sched groups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: make psi_cgroups_enabled static (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: introduce sched_core_idle_cpu() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add throttled time stat for throttled children
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: don't account throttle time for empty groups (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add a few helpers to wake up tasks on the current cpu
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add WF_CURRENT_CPU and externise ttwu (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit e82e496
-- RDMA/umem: Set iova in ODP flow (git-fixes)
-- commit ec8b3f4
+- wifi: brcmfmac: wcc: Add debug messages (bsc#1214931)
+- commit 7cfa155
-- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ (git-fixes)
-- commit 1ff5e5f
+- config/ppc64le: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm/ofdrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit f6f8c7d
-- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
-- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
-- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
-- commit 643257d
+- config/arm64: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 38d8860
+- config/x86_64: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit cb0636e
+- Update config files: correct kconfigs while updating 6.4.x (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable forgotten configs:
+  Make modular:
+- commit d98f6d8
-- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
-  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom: qmp-combo: correct bias0_en programming (git-fixes).
+- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
+  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
+- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: Poll primary sequencer irq
+  status after cancel_tx (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
+  wrong access (git-fixes).
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (git-fixes).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: bus: verify partner exists in
+  typec_altmode_attention (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: core: Add missing kerneldoc for vbus_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
+  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix a missing cleanup path (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- commit 212631a
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: fix potential double free (git-fixes).
+- commit cf82680
+- mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fix ECC level field setting for v7.2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- f2fs: fix spelling in ABI documentation (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: rework one more time the retries attempts
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Correct devm device reference for hidinput
+  input_dev name (git-fixes).
+- HID: input: Support devices sending Eraser without Invert
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov2680: Remove auto-gain and auto-exposure controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: Documentation: Fix [GS]_ROUTING documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix initial RESETB state and annotate timings
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: nxp: Fix wrong return pointer check in
+  mxc_isi_crossbar_init() (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_unconfigured() callback (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_nb_transmit_canceled() callback
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: Return NULL if no vdec_fb is found
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: ensure the bitops don't cross boundaries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNUSED_VALUE issue reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNINIT issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix REVERSE_INULL issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix CHECKED_RETURN issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: decoder support display delay for all formats
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Fix use after free bug due to uncanceled work
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Fix TRY_FMT on encoder OUTPUT (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: add helper function to get id name (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: reinit vpu if reqbufs output 0 (git-fixes).
-- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
-  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: imx290: drop format param from imx290_ctrl_update
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: fix low resolution image abnormal issue
+  (git-fixes).
-- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: sm8450: Enable sync_state (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: qcm2290: Enable sync state (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Pass proper scm arguments for static process init
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix incorrect DMA mapping unmap request
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix remote heap allocation request (git-fixes).
+- extcon: cht_wc: add POWER_SUPPLY dependency (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: extcon: maxim,max77843: restrict connector
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
+- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
+- iio: accel: adxl313: Fix adxl313_i2c_id[] table (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Call dma_cleanup() on the test_remove path
+  (git-fixes).
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: Fix Exynos5433 compatible
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
-- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: fix order of clocks on
+  Exynos5433 (git-fixes).
+- commit ec55be8
+- dmaengine: idxd: Fix issues with PRS disable sysfs knob
-- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
-- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
-  wrong access (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
-  resumption (git-fixes).
-- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
+  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: sh: rz-dmac: Fix destination and source data size
+  setting (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: Drop CONFIG_VIDEO_IMX_MEDIA (git-fixes).
+- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
+- docs: ABI: fix spelling/grammar in SBEFIFO timeout interface
-- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
-  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
-  is 0 (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
-- commit 729e789
+- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- commit e8e8eff
-- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
-  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
-- Refresh patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch.
-- commit a2ae103
+- Update config files: only version bump to 6.4.14
+- commit a305aac
-- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Call hv_synic_free() if hv_synic_alloc() fails (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Replace retarget_msi_interrupt_params with (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove the per-CPU post_msg_page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: make sure Invariant-TSC is used if it is (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Enable PCI pass-thru devices in Confidential VMs (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Don't remap addresses that are above shared_gpa_boundary (bsc#1206453).
-- hv_netvsc: Remove second mapping of send and recv buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second way of mapping ring buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second mapping of VMBus monitor pages (bsc#1206453).
-- swiotlb: Remove bounce buffer remapping for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Change vTOM handling to use standard coco mechanisms (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/mm: Handle decryption/re-encryption of bss_decrypted consistently (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Explicitly request decrypted in vmap_pfn() calls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Reorder code to facilitate future work (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/ioremap: Add hypervisor callback for private MMIO mapping in coco (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Do not corrupt frame-pointer in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Expand __tdx_hypercall() to handle more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Refactor __tdx_hypercall() to allow pass down more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Add more registers to struct tdx_hypercall_args (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Fix typo in comment in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Enable vmbus driver for nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add an interface to do nested hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Setup synic registers in case of nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add support for detecting nested hypervisor (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Add TSC page support for root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Use TSC PFN getter to map vvar page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce TSC PFN getter (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce a pointer to TSC page (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove BUG_ON() for kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Replace kmap() with kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- define more Hyper-V related constants (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 7dd2c1c
-- libbpf: Fix btf_dump's packed struct determination (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- libbpf: Fix single-line struct definition output in btf_dump
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 7a046db
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to skip
-- commit 47580cb
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit d711707
-- libbpf: Fix BTF-to-C converter's padding logic (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- selftests/bpf: Test btf dump for struct with padding only fields
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- bpftool: Print newline before '}' for struct with padding only
-  fields (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 93aeeb8
+- Linux 6.4.14 (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix a backport error for display flickering issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/kallsyms-Fix-kallsyms_selftest-failure.patch
+- parisc: sys_parisc: parisc_personality() is called from asm code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/lockdep-fix-static-memory-detection-even-more.patch
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ARM-module-Use-module_init_layout_section-to-spot-in.patch
+- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (bsc#1012628).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-Expose-module_init_layout_section.patch
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-decompress-use-vmalloc-for-zstd-decompression.patch
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ACPI-thermal-Drop-nocrt-parameter.patch
+- commit 25c76ad
+- supported.conf: fix the dependency for snd-sof
+- commit 056f677
+- iomap: Add per-block dirty state tracking to improve performance
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit dc444ac
+- iomap: Allocate ifs in ->write_begin() early (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 759ea54
+- iomap: Refactor iomap_write_delalloc_punch() function out
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 54e20b5
+- iomap: Use iomap_punch_t typedef (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 42ab42f
+- iomap: Fix possible overflow condition in
+  iomap_write_delalloc_scan (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit e8c8c98
+- iomap: Add some uptodate state handling helpers for ifs state
+  bitmap (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit f30e2be
+- iomap: Drop ifs argument from iomap_set_range_uptodate()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 2117a2e
+- iomap: Rename iomap_page to iomap_folio_state and others
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 0650e04
+- iomap: Remove unnecessary test from iomap_release_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 8702c3c
+- iomap: Remove large folio handling in iomap_invalidate_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 221954e
+- supported.conf: update for sound drivers (bsc#1214891)
+- commit 61819c4
+- Update config files: enable missing ASoC Intel AVS (bsc#1214883)
+- commit c6b3355
+- igb: set max size RX buffer when store bad packet is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-4082).
+- commit 1fd1f97
-- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
-  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
-- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+- Update metadata
+- commit 94184dc
+- blacklist.conf: add entries that have been already cherry-picked in 6.4
+- commit 3bbc83b
+- ARM: 9318/1: locomo: move kernel-doc to prevent warnings
-- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+- PCI: hv: Fix a crash in hv_pci_restore_msi_msg() during
+  hibernation (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: dp: Add missing error checks in
+  mtk_dp_parse_capabilities (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix 'lx-lsmod' show the wrong size (git-fixes).
+- selftests: memfd: error out test process when child test fails
-- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- selftests/bpf: Clean up fmod_ret in bench_rename test script
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
-  commands (git-fixes).
-- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
-  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
-- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers
+- selftests/bpf: Fix repeat option when kfunc_call verification
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: fix static assert compilation issue for
+  test_cls_*.c (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_nf failure upon test rerun (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix confusion when a version appears
+  in the path (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: add check for `bindgen` invocation
-- commit cc8e0cf
+- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
+  benchmark (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Add resctrl.h into build deps (git-fixes).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/nolibc: drop test chmod_net (git-fixes).
+- rust: delete `ForeignOwnable::borrow_mut` (git-fixes).
+- ata,scsi: do not issue START STOP UNIT on resume (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: gconfig: drop the Show Debug Info help text
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "kheaders: substituting --sort in archive creation"
+  (git-fixes).
+- linux/netfilter.h: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mm: remove wrong kernel header inclusion (git-fixes).
+- selftests: damon: add config file (git-fixes).
+- rust: arc: fix intra-doc link in `Arc<T>::init` (git-fixes).
+- commit 588cb89
-- commit 586e58b
-- Add cherry-picked if to fbdev patch
-- commit 32815f6
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: keep context struct members in sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd241f
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
-  15-eu0xxx (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
-  mute LED (git-fixes).
-- commit 2c05a9a
+- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
+  with a lock (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
+  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: remove dead/unused enum value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
+  attribute (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix puncturing bitmap handling in CSA
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: 8852b: rfk: fine tune IQK parameters to improve
+  performance on 2GHz band (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix memcpy array overflow in
+  ath12k_peer_assoc_h_he() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix band selection for ppdu received in channel
+  177 of 5 GHz (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
+  management (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix tlv length of
+  mt7915_mcu_get_chan_mib_info (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: remove VHT160 capability on MT7915
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix WA event ring size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: use correct phy for background radar event
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix bss wlan_idx when sending bss_info
+  command (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 621a6cf
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 3ba2db1
+- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mlxbf3: Remove gpio_disable_free() (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: qmi_encdec: Restrict string length in decode
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: smem: Fix incompatible types in comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix NUM_PORTS & NUM_MACROS macros (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix ASPM-related issues on a number of systems with
+  NIC version from RTL8168h (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx bytes counting when WED is active
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx packets counting when WED is
+  active (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix background radar event being blocked
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix header translation logic (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
+  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra114: Remove unnecessary NULL-pointer checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc5xxx-psc: Fix unsigned expression compared with zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
+  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
+- regulator: dt-bindings: qcom,rpm: fix pattern for children
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: cache: Revert "Add 64-bit mode support" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Revert "add 64-bit mode support" and Co (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: Fix potential uninitialized value access
+  (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- powercap: arm_scmi: Remove recursion while parsing zones
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/chrome: chromeos_acpi: print hex string for
+  ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER (git-fixes).
+- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
+- procfs: block chmod on /proc/thread-self/comm (git-fixes).
+- proc: use generic setattr() for /proc/$PID/net (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath6k: silence false positive
+  - Wno-dangling-pointer warning on GCC 12" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath11k: Enable threaded NAPI" (git-fixes).
+- staging: vchiq_arm: Remove extra struct vchiq_instance
+  declaration (git-fixes).
+- soc: rockchip: dtpm: use C99 array init syntax (git-fixes).
+- selinux: make labeled NFS work when mounted before policy load
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: do not leave dangling pointer behind (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens: Drop unused legacy structs
+  (git-fixes).
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove unused field in struct rapl_if_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 333ae48
+- PCI/DOE: Fix destroy_work_on_stack() race (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keembay: Remove cast between incompatible function type
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload"
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rockchip: Use 64-bit mask on MSI 64-bit PCI address
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Switch MHI bus master clock off during L1SS
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: apple: Initialize pcie->nvecs before use (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+- PCI/PM: Only read PCI_PM_CTRL register when available
+- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Add locking to RMW PCI Express Capability Register
+  accessors (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: assign functions to configure pin bias on
+  MT7986 (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: fix pull_type data for MT7981 (git-fixes).
-- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
-  dereference (git-fixes).
-- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
-- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+- of: unittest: Restore indentation in overlay_bad_add_dup_prop
+  test (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: Fix overlay type in apply/revert check
-- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
-  only for non-root bus (git-fixes).
-- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+- of: overlay: Call of_changeset_init() early (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: fix null pointer dereferencing in
+  of_unittest_find_node_by_name() (git-fixes).
+- of: fix htmldocs build warnings (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
+- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+  (git-fixes).
+- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
-- commit 10e5d93
+- mac80211: make ieee80211_tx_info padding explicit (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix return value checking of
+  eiointc_index (git-fixes).
+- Revert "media: uvcvideo: Limit power line control for Acer
+  EasyCamera" (git-fixes).
+- media: Revert "media: exynos4-is: Remove dependency on obsolete
+  SoC support" (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rcar-host: Remove unused static pcie_base and pcie_dev
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/mmp: Remove non-DT codepath (git-fixes).
+- commit 2974f21
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,pmic-gpio: document PMC8180 and
+  PMC8180C (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl-common: allow gpio
+  hogs (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl: allow
+  gpio-line-names (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/igen6: Fix the issue of no error events (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/i10nm: Skip the absent memory controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: thermal: lmh: update maintainer address
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: qcom: Allow SoC names ending in "pro" (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: arm: msm: kpss-acc: Make the optional reg truly
+  optional (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Use system_state to determine polling
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
+  dereference (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix GMU lockdep splat (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
+  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom, dispcc-sm6125: Require GCC PLL0 DIV
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: mediatek,net: add missing mediatek,mt7621-eth
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca9570: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: rockchip-dwmac: fix {tx|rx}-delay
+  defaults/range in schema (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: hwmon: moortec,mr75203: fix multipleOf for
+  coefficients (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: mixel,mipi-dsi-phy: Remove assigned-clock*
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sm8250: add missing bi_tcxo_ao
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: usb251xb: correct swap-dx-lanes type to uint32
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pm8941-misc: Fix usb_id and usb_vbus definitions
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: backlight: pwm: Make power-supply not required
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Drop redundant cpus enum match (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Remove FSI domain ports on Tegra234
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: display: msm: sm8350-mdss: Fix DSI compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: samsung,mipi-dsim: Use port-base reference
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mtd: qcom: Fix a property position (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: nand: meson: Fix 'nand-rb' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 1352d14
+- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix void-pointer-to-enum-cast warning (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Add cnt checking for coverity issue (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix uninitialized symbol (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- drm: Remove references to removed transitional helpers
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: fix potential OOB read in fast_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: Fix sys_imageblit() for arbitrary image widths
+- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: dc.h: eliminate kernel-doc warnings
-- fbdev: Improve performance of sys_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- commit a3652b5
-- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
+  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
+  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
+- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
+  commands (git-fixes).
+- drm/hyperv: Fix a compilation issue because of not including
+  screen_info.h (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
+- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
+  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
+- drm: bridge: dw-mipi-dsi: Fix enable/disable of DSI controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+  (git-fixes).
+- cred: remove unsued extern declaration change_create_files_as()
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
+- crypto: api - Use work queue in crypto_destroy_instance
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: af_alg - Decrement struct key.usage in
+  alg_set_by_key_serial() (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix MDMAT condition (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - change value of default idle filter (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: powernow-k8: Use related_cpus instead of cpus in
+  driver.exit() (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: brcmstb-avs-cpufreq: Fix -Warray-bounds bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Fix kernel panic when loading the driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpuidle: teo: Update idle duration estimate when choosing
+  shallower state (git-fixes).
+- crypto: ixp4xx - silence uninitialized variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm: provide fb_dirty implemenation (git-fixes).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Add unwind hints around RBP clobber (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: kunit: Modular tests should not depend on KUNIT=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit becb350
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix clkref clocks handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix gcc_pcie_0_pipe_clk_src clock
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8450: Use floor ops for SDCC RCGs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm6350: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: reset: Use the correct type of sleep/delay based
+  on length (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sc8280xp: Use ret registers on GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: turingcc-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mss-sc7180: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: q6sstop-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: lpasscc-sc7280: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8550: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8450: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm7150: Add CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE to sdcc2 rcg
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSC flags (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pll14xx: align pdiv with reference manual (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8ulp: update SPLL2 type (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pllv4: Fix SPLL2 MULT range (git-fixes).
+- clk: rockchip: rk3568: Fix PLL rate setting for 78.75MHz
+  (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
+  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
-- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
-- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+- can: tcan4x5x: Remove reserved register 0x814 from writable
+  table (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
+  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Remove module parameter access
-- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
-  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
-  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
-- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+- clocksource: Handle negative skews in "skew is too large"
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Re-add support for Exynos4212 CPU clock
-- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
-- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- can: m_can: fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- commit d40bf6b
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-x13s: Unreserve NC pins (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Fix dsi1 interrupts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Add missing power domain to MMSS SMMU
-- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Drop bus clock reference from MMSS
+  SMMU (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Fix ov5640 regulator supply names
-- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8550-mtp: Add missing supply for L1B
+  regulator (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: Fix the I2C7 interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-gemini: fix touchscreen VIO supply
-- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8953-vince: drop duplicated touschreen
+  parent interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix the min frequency of
+  "ice_core_clk" (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Add missing RPMh power domain to GCC
-- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8994: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
-  error (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check TG is non-null before checking if enabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8950: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- drm/amd/display: do not wait for mpc idle if tg is disabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm660l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 08c4f7b
-- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used
-  (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8140064
-- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
-  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
-  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
-  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
-- commit 6484eda
-- Update patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-  Apply following fixup from Michal Suchánek:
-  Don't reorder lockdown reason.
-- commit 9382b89
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
-- commit 616c360
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm6150l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 9baf357
-- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
-  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
-- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Mark PCIe hosts as DMA coherent
-- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8450-hdk: remove pmr735b PMIC inclusion
-- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
-  with a lock (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
-  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmk8350: fix ADC-TM compatible string
-- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
-- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
-  attribute (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmr735b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Use proper CPU compatibles
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
-  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Add missing LMH interrupts to cpufreq
-- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Fix CPU idle state residency times
-- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
-  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
-  management (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-tama: Set serial indices and
+  stdout-path (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Add missing interrupt to the USB2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp: Add missing SCM interconnect
-- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-crd: Correct vreg_misc_3p3 GPIO
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
-  antenna only (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-l8150: correct light sensor VDDIO
+  supply (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: correct dynamic power coefficients
-- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
-  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
-- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
-  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6350: Fix ZAP region (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: use proper DSI PHY compatible
-- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
-- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable SATA on Radxa E25 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix PCIe regulators on Radxa E25
-- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62x-sk-common: Update main-i2c1 frequency
-- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4: Fix interrupt ranges for wkup &
+  main gpio (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62-main: Remove power-domains from crypto
+  node (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix: remove unused fec pinctrl node
-- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
-  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
-- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+- arm64: dts: renesas: rzg2l: Fix txdv-skew-psec typos
-- commit 243ba95
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 29743c2
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Smaug (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Jetson AGX Orin (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate on Tegra234
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- ARM: OMAP2+: Fix -Warray-bounds warning in _pwrdm_state_switch()
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- arm64: defconfig: enable Qualcomm MSM8996 Global Clock
+  Controller as built-in (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Fix numerator/denominator mixup (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-compress: Fix deadlock in soc_compr_open_fe
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear dsp to host interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix u16/32 confusion in LSDIID (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: fix off-by-one error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: fsl_qmc_audio: Fix snd_pcm_format_t values handling
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
+- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
+- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f37057a
-- docs/process/howto: Replace C89 with C11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8393e27
-- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit ef844c1
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 382e160
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit 6289fe5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit ab071f2
-- Update metadata
-- commit afac039
-- netfs: fix parameter of cleanup() (bsc#1214743).
-- netfs: Fix lockdep warning from taking sb_writers whilst
-  holding  mmap_lock (bsc#1214742).
-- commit bb32ecc
-- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
-  benchmark (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (git-fixes).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: mm: use ptep_clear() instead of pte_clear() in
+  clear_flush() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix not allowing valid CIS ID (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix not checking for valid CIG/CIS IDs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
+  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (git-fixes).
+- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash
-- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
-- commit ad35b22
-- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
-- commit 3a27181
+- arm64: vdso: remove two .altinstructions related symbols
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/ptrace: Clean up error handling path in sve_set_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Add PERF_PMU_CAP_EXTENDED_HW_TYPE capability
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall skipping for tracers (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall restart tracing (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: coredump: fix building with coredump disabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: platform: Ignore SMB0001 only when it has resources
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Constify acpi_companion_match() returned value
+  (git-fixes).
+- accessibility: use C99 array init (git-fixes).
+- ARM: versatile: mark mmc_status() static (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: BCM5301X: MR26: MR32: remove bogus nand-ecc-algo
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: exynos: Re-introduce Exynos4212 DTSI (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9314/1: tcm: move tcm_init() prototype to asm/tcm.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6febe3e
-- Move upstreamed HID patch into sorted section
-- commit 85ada69
+- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit 7ba95b5
-- e1000: Remove unnecessary use of kmap_atomic() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 411ade7
+- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit f2d9299
-- intel/e1000:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 36d3f87
+- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit d1a4bac
-- intel: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8c0592a
+- bnx2x: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit ccf8576
-- e1000: Fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b74464e
+- usb: dwc3: Add error logs for unknown endpoint events
+  (jsc#PED-4296).
+- commit e632528
-- e1000: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8f3d353
+- Update config files: disable CONFIG_LIVEPATCH on kvmsmall flavors more consistently
+- commit 95df0d9
-- e1000: switch to napi_consume_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b269f24
+- igc: Decrease PTM short interval from 10 us to 1 us (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit 19c485c
-- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
-  trace (git-fixes).
-- commit cd1e0a8
+- igc: Add support for multiple in-flight TX timestamps (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit c4d3fce
-- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
-  missed (git-fixes).
-- commit 8e87d30
+- Move upstreamed BT and pinctrl patches into sorted section
+- commit ff3c429
-- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e5ec19f
+- firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: Do not hard depend on
+  CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT_MAP (bsc#1214773).
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_FW_CFG_SYSFS for armv7hl
+- commit 5a5093f
-- xfs: fix sb write verify for lazysbcount (bsc#1214661).
-- commit 29e65a8
+- mm/gup: reintroduce FOLL_NUMA as FOLL_HONOR_NUMA_FAULT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 3766f26
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Adjust balance_performance EPP for
-  Sapphire Rapids (bsc#1214659).
-- commit c3cfee9
+- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- commit c83219a
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Enable HWP IO boost for all servers
-  (bsc#1208949 jsc#PED-6003 jsc#PED-6004).
-- commit bd6042f
+- Refresh patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update.
+  Fix warning about STATUSTYPE_IMA.
+- commit caca08f
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
-  with disabled E-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927
-  jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 0340dfe
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/fcoe-reduce-max_sectors.
+- commit 6b3df50
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Use known scaling factor for
-  P-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 91615ae
+- Moved upstreamed DRM and opal patches into sorted section
+- commit e879562
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Read all MSRs on the target CPU
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 639f9f6
+- Update config files: only version changes to 6.4.13
+- commit f6cd6ea
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Rework HWP calibration
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- Update
-  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Fix-cpu-pstate.turbo_freq-initi.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 689587b
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Bring-back-cpuset_mutex.patch
+- commit 5ab50d0
-- Use the cherry-picked id for an AMDGPU patch and resort
-- commit 07365e7
+- Linux 6.4.13 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- TIOCSTI: Document CAP_SYS_ADMIN behaviour in Kconfig
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ASoC-amd-vangogh-select-CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG.patch
+- maple_tree: disable mas_wr_append() when other readers are
+  possible (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: pass the GPIO device's software node to irq domain
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: dispose of irq mappings before destroying the
+  irq_sim domain (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
+  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzv2m: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzv2m_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzg2l_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Read firmware uuid from a device property
+  instead of _SUB (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: fix possible null pointer deference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: core: raid_class: Remove raid_component_add()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: ufs: ufs-qcom: Clear qunipro_g4_sel for HW major version >
+  5 (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_free_pte_range(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_cold_or_pageout_pte_range(): don't use
+  mapcount() against large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during
+  probe (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: add missing refcount for memory leak fix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix Thunderbolt 3 display flickering issue on
+  2nd hot plug onwards (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
+  only for non-root bus (bsc#1012628).
+- media: vcodec: Fix potential array out-of-bounds in encoder
+  queue_setup (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (bsc#1012628).
+- of: dynamic: Refactor action prints to not use "%pOF" inside
+  devtree_lock (bsc#1012628).
+- of: unittest: Fix EXPECT for parse_phandle_with_args_map()
+  test (bsc#1012628).
+- radix tree: remove unused variable (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Fix build errors using binutils2.37 toolchains
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Handle zicsr/zifencei issue between gcc and binutils
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lib/clz_ctz.c: Fix __clzdi2() and __ctzdi2() for 32-bit kernels
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ACPI: resource: Fix IRQ override quirk for PCSpecialist Elimina
+  Pro 16 M (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
+  batadv_check_management_packet (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (bsc#1012628).
+- selinux: set next pointer before attaching to list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFS: Fix a use after free in nfs_direct_join_group()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- nilfs2: fix general protection fault in
+  nilfs_lookup_dirty_data_buffers() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: multi-gen LRU: don't spin during memcg release
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: memory-failure: fix unexpected return value in
+  soft_offline_page() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: add a call to flush_cache_vmap() in vmap_pfn()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/cgroup-cpuset-Free-DL-BW-in-case-can_attach-fails.patch
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-deadline-Create-DL-BW-alloc-free-check-overflow-interface.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Iterate only if DEADLINE tasks are present
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Keep-track-of-SCHED_DEADLINE-task-in-cpusets.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Rename functions dealing with DEADLINE accounting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Set X86_FEATURE_OSXSAVE feature after enabling OSXSAVE
+  in CR4 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Invalidate FPU state correctly on exec() (bsc#1012628).
+- LoongArch: Fix hw_breakpoint_control() for watchpoints
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as
+  needed (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/display/dp: Fix the DP DSC Receiver cap size (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/dgfx: Enable d3cold at s2idle (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panfrost: Skip speed binning on EOPNOTSUPP (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: Add an HPD poll helper to reschedule the poll work
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix possible invalid drm gem put calls
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (bsc#1012628).
+- mm/gup: handle cont-PTE hugetlb pages correctly in
+  gup_must_unshare() via GUP-fast (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: enable page walking API to lock vmas during the walk
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests/mm: FOLL_LONGTERM need to be updated to 0x100
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
+  error (bsc#1012628).
+- shmem: fix smaps BUG sleeping while atomic (bsc#1012628).
+- mm,ima,kexec,of: use memblock_free_late from
+  ima_free_kexec_buffer (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add support for new hotkeys
+  found on ThinkBook 14s Yoga ITL (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: lenovo-ymc: Add Lenovo Yoga 7 14ACN6 to
+  ec_trigger_quirk_dmi_table (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: mac80211: limit reorder_buf_filtered to avoid UBSAN
+  warning (bsc#1012628).
+- ibmveth: Use dcbf rather than dcbfl (bsc#1012628).
+- spi: spi-cadence: Fix data corruption issues in slave mode
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct amp_gain_tlv values (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add VivoBook Pro 15 to quirks list for acp6x
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bonding: fix macvlan over alb bond support (bsc#1012628).
+- rtnetlink: Reject negative ifindexes in RTM_NEWLINK
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: defer gc run if previous batch is still
+  pending (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix out of memory error handling
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: flush pending destroy work before netlink
+  notifier (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: validate all pending tables (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix potential NULL pointer dereferencing of pf->vf
+  i40e_sync_vsi_filters() (bsc#1012628).
+- net/sched: fix a qdisc modification with ambiguous command
+  request (bsc#1012628).
+- igc: Fix the typo in the PTM Control macro (bsc#1012628).
+- igb: Avoid starting unnecessary workqueues (bsc#1012628).
+- can: isotp: fix support for transmission of SF without flow
+  control (bsc#1012628).
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix NULL pointer on hw reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tg3: Use slab_build_skb() when needed (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: bonding: do not set port down before adding to bond
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Fix NULL pointer deref during VF reset (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "ice: Fix ice VF reset during iavf initialization"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: fix receive buffer size miscalculation (bsc#1012628).
+- ipv4: fix data-races around inet->inet_id (bsc#1012628).
+- net: validate veth and vxcan peer ifindexes (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bcmgenet: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bgmac: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: mdio: mdio-bitbang: Fix C45 read/write protocol
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix handling of 802.1X PAE frames
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: Fix the size of 'VIRT_ROUTER_MSB' (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: reg: Fix SSPR register layout (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: pci: Set time stamp fields also when its type is
+  MIRROR_UTC (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvlan: Fix a reference count leak warning in ipvlan_ns_exit()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dccp: annotate data-races in dccp_poll() (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: annotate data-races around prot->memory_pressure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: felix: fix oversize frame dropping for always closed
+  tc-taprio gates (bsc#1012628).
+- devlink: add missing unregister linecard notification
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeontx2-af: SDP: fix receive link config (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
+  trace (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Allocate one additional element for size
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Skip first entry for stack traces
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Use union instead of casts (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
+  missed (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add dependency for PTP clock (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix lockdep issue in raw_release() (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix receiver memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 1bfff59
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Add i.MXRT1050 support (git-fixes).
-  patches.suse/tty-serial-fsl_lpuart-add-earlycon-for-imx8ulp-platf.patch.
-- commit f34a3a2
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: Use ncat instead of nc
-  (git-fixes).
-- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
-  Hub) (git-fixes).
-- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
-  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (git-fixes).
-- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
-  __gs_console_push (git-fixes).
-- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
-  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (git-fixes).
-- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: reduce RX watermark to 0 on LS1028A
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: make rx_watermark configurable for
-  different platforms (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: cleanup temporary files
-  when test is aborted (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Fix typos in gadget.c (git-fixes).
-- commit 5394953
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Fixed backporting issue of
+  0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch, the
+  issue causes that all kernel module can NOT pass the hash blacklist
+  checking. System boot will hang when security boot is enabled.
+  The kernel/module_signing.c be moved to kernel/module/signing.c. When
+  backporting the original patch to new C source file, I lost one
+  statement for setting the value of wholelen. It causes that the
+  value of wholelen is zero.
+- commit 23db872
+- Delete downstream arm64 CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC support
+  Upstream has a proper solution now.
+  Remove:
+  patches.suse/static_call-Use-non-function-types-to-refer-to-the-t.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-implement-support-for-static-call-trampolines.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Prepare-for-supporting-CONFIG_GENERIC_.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-IRQ-exit-preemption-static-call-for-.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-HAVE_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC.patch
+  patches.suse/static_call-Fix-tools_headers.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Tell-about-PREEMPT_DYNAMIC-on-kernel-h.patch
+- commit 544b42e
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0001-efi-do-not-automatically-generate-secret-key.patch
+- commit bee5a51
+- Delete patches.suse/dm-table-switch-to-readonly.
+  This patch is ancient, and upstream multipath-tools has taken
+  a lot of care to improve handling of read-only devices in the
+  meantime.
+- commit 414f55e
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-no-partitions-feature.
+- commit 5c355e7
+- Enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update
+- commit 931db33
+- Keep and refresh live patching OOT patches
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-kbuild-use-flive-patching-when-CONFIG_LIVEPATCH-is-enabled.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-kallsyms-unexport-kallsyms_lookup_name-and-kallsyms_on_each_symbol.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/livepatch-dump-ipa-clones.patch.
+  Refresh configs appropriately.
+- commit d9c04f0
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- commit d60a005
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit bdade2f
-- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
-  length value (git-fixes).
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (git-fixes).
-- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
-  (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
-  related warnings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix access hdcp_workqueue assert (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: add quirk for 03f0:464a HP Elite Presenter Mouse
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
-  G915 TKL Keyboard (git-fixes).
-- PCI: s390: Fix use-after-free of PCI resources with per-function
-  hotplug (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: phase3 mst hdcp for multiple displays
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: save restore hdcp state when display is
-  unplugged from mst hub (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Implement and utilize register structures
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Utilize iomap interface (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6sll: fixup of operating points (git-fixes).
-- commit e2faa35
-- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: amd: Revert "pinctrl: amd: disable and mask interrupts
-  on probe" (git-fixes).
-- commit 15b9551
+- Keep and refresh patches.suse/prepare-arm64-klp.
+  Having a live patching support on arm64 arch is still in future but
+  better be prepared than sorry.
+- commit ce951ea
-- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e59635
+- Refresh
+  Mark duplicate Alt-commit.
+- commit d42a7e3
-- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
-  (git-fixes).
-- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
-  (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
-  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7c5f1b7
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/sd-always-retry-READ-CAPACITY-for-ALUA-state-transit.patch.
+- commit ef20ec6
-- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 8468886
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-print-reservation-conflict-for-TEST-UNIT.patch.
+- commit f191f06
-- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
-  (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
-  batadv_check_management_packet (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (git-fixes).
-- commit d59057e
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-put-scsi_common-in-a-separate-module.patch.
+- commit 7f0ed1b
-- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (git-fixes).
-- commit 5dc74f0
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-add-disable_async_probing-module-argument.patch.
+- commit 3d3db3a
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
-  v13.0.4/11 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (git-fixes).
-- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Implement workaround for writing to
-  OTG_PIXEL_RATE_DIV register (git-fixes).
-- commit 162942a
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/drivers-base-implement-dev_enable_async_probe.patch.
+- commit c77fab8
-- Move sorted nouveau patch into sorted section
-- commit 5cfebfc
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch.
+- commit 3fded15
-- smb: client: fix null auth (git-fixes).
-- commit f89a725
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/scsi_probe_lun-retry-after-timeout.patch.
+  We had expected upstream to come up with a generic solution for this issue,
+  but the patch set from Mike Christie ("scsi: Allow scsi_execute users to
+  control retries") hasn't been merged yet.
+- commit a7b4538
-- Update tags in
-  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch.
-- commit 5c3390a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add "CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set" to x86_64/default
+- commit d54d8a5
-- powerpc/rtas: block error injection when locked down
-  (bsc#1023051).
-  Refresh patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-- powerpc/rtas: enture rtas_call is called with MMU enabled
-  (bsc#1023051).
-- commit e7f7145
-- Input: cyttsp4_core - change del_timer_sync() to
-  timer_shutdown_sync() (bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
-- commit 2dfd188
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-rtas-Keep-MSR-RI-set-when-calling-RTAS.patch.
-- commit 0cbb740
-- Drop rtsx patch that caused a regression (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
-  It caused mysterious problem wrt NVMe.
-  Better to drop and blacklist for now.
-- commit 2257ff2
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
+  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
+  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
+  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
+- commit 6484eda
-- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- commit af67897
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch
+- commit b17726b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit eb5704d
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 6734d6b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Do not leak quotient data after a division by 0 (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit 8b5290e
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628, bsc#1214772, CVE-2023-4611).
+- commit 6826347
-- scsi: storvsc: Fix handling of virtual Fibre Channel timeouts
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Limit max_sectors for virtual Fibre Channel
-  devices (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Always set no_report_opcodes (git-fixes).
-- commit aace9fd
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 1387f3a
-- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
-  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
-- commit 7bb5087
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit ac459a4
-- kunit: make kunit_test_timeout compatible with comment
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e060c5b
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y and CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 71d7282
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 2db68b2
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch
+- commit 3e6ea23
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b9b490f
+- Delete patches.suse/mm-khugepaged-disable-thp-for-fs.patch.
+  CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is now disabled properly (bsc#1195774).
+- commit 01da5a1
-- blacklist.conf: specific to Clang
-- commit 0d88df7
+- Update config files. Disable CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS (bsc#1195774).
+- commit da35a7b
-- blacklist.conf: not used in our build process
-- commit 5705a43
+- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
+- commit 8dc244c
-- blacklist.conf: designed to break kABI but relevant only on big endian
-- commit 3477f1d
+- Move upstreamed ACPI patch into sorted section
+- commit f6c39ca
-- lib/test_meminit: destroy cache in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk()
-  test (git-fixes).
-- commit 0595e9f
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake PCH-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake SoC-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Enlarge device name field in i801_ids table
+  (jsc#PED-4696 jsc#PED-4698).
+- commit b2dab8e
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-M PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-P PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Use SSRAM to discover pwrm base address
+  of primary PMC (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Discover PMC devices (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Enable debugfs multiple PMC support
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add support to handle multiple PMCs
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Combine core_init() and core_configure()
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c417bbb
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c13a250
+- Refresh patches.suse/lan78xx-Enable-LEDs-and-auto-negotiation.patch
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit a73dd2f
+- Refresh patches.suse/kabi-arm64-reserve-space-in-cpu_hwcaps-and-cpu_hwcap.patch.
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit 7ad5e63
+- Delete patches.suse/soc-bcm-bcm2835-pm-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch
+  Implemented by upstream commit:
+  commit df76234276e22136b2468825c18407fdfbb2076a
+  Author: Stefan Wahren <>
+  Date:   Sat Jun 25 13:36:15 2022 +0200
+    mfd: bcm2835-pm: Add support for BCM2711
+- commit 8483810
+- Delete patches.suse/reset-raspberrypi-don-t-reset-usb-if-already-up.patch
+  As per my comment#47 in bsc#1180336 tested with TW at that moment.
+  Briefly tested kernel with above kernel workaround
+  reverted, using USB keyboard. It was detected during boot
+  and plugging it in and out seems to properly detected and
+  handled.
+  raspberrypi-firmware          - 2022.01.24-1.1
+  raspberrypi-eeprom[-firmware] - 2021.04.29-2.1
+  u-boot-rpiarm64               - 2022.01-2.1
+- commit 34fe1ed
+- Delete patches.suse/drm-v3d-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch.
+  Merged upstream.
+  commit e5a068983cf41bfee2c15656e62f401c5f8b0437
+  Author: Peter Robinson <>
+  Date:   Fri Jun 3 10:26:07 2022 +0100
+    drm/v3d: Add support for bcm2711
+- commit dfe2489
-- blacklist.conf: cleanup
-- commit 8d51620
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  Patches oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch and
+  0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch together previously exported
+  function bio_map_user_iov() for use in the oracleasm KMP.
+  This downstream change is no longer necessary because oracleasm in
+  15-SP6 has a patch which avoids its use:
+  oracleasm-asm_bio_map_user_iov-and-asm_bio_unmap-update-for-5.15+-kernel.patch.
+  Kernel patch 0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch was already dropped
+  in 15-SP6 by commit 67f601c4765. Remove the associated patch
+  oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch too.
+- commit 893eaeb
-- blacklist.conf: We do not use that tool
-- commit f8ec126
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add # CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA is not set
+- commit c7bc13d
-- docs: networking: replace skb_hwtstamp_tx with skb_tstamp_tx
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d96f965
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_ldisc-check-HCI_UART_PROTO_READY-flag-.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Change Git-commit id to 9c33663af9ad115f90c076a1828129a3fbadea98
+- commit d45a993
+- Delete patches.suse/nxp-nci-add-NXP1002-id.patch.
+  gone upstream
+- commit b030abb
-- kabi: Allow extra bugsints (bsc#1213927).
-- commit fc75ce0
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit f2aed69
-- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-add-ibpb.patch.
-  CPU_IBPB_ENTRY is always on so adjust code accordingly.
-- commit 0ed13bd
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch.
+  Removed 0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch
+  because it be merged on upstream since v5.17-rc1. The commit id is
+  92ad19559ea9a8ec6f158480934ae26ebfe2c14f.
+- commit d1df84c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 19b185d
+- patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch: Add CONFIG_MODULES dependency
+- commit 045364c
+- supported.conf: update fs/cifs -> fs/smb/client
+  Also update fs/smbfs_common -> fs/smb/common.
+  (changes introduced by upstream 38c8a9a5208).
+- commit 6514fbf
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214451 CVE-2023-4459).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 13a12f4
+- Update config files.
+- commit 4e9535f
-- net: nfc: Fix use-after-free caused by nfc_llcp_find_local
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: simplify llcp_sock_connect() error paths (bsc#1213601
-  CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: nullify llcp_sock->dev on connect() error paths
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- commit 0932a11
+- reenabling our NFC fix for SLEPOS
+  A clean fix is worked upon, but upstream is difficult
+- commit 9351328
-- kabi/severities: Ignore newly added SRSO mitigation functions
-- commit 4452f05
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  We cannot drop a kernel parameter without warning.
+  So teh restoration needs to be restored.
+- commit 90496d6
+- Enable patches.suse/0001-Reserve-64MiB-of-CMA-for-RPi3-s-VC4.patch
+  Re-enable the patch on SLE15-SP6. We need the extra CMA memory to
+  OOM errors in graphics code.
+- commit 19f6c08
+- Enable patches/patches.suse/0001-firmware-sysfb-Add-parameter-to-enable-sysfb-support.patch
+  Refresh the patch and re-enable it on SLE15-SP6. We'll need this patch until
+  Nvidia provides decent console emulation.
+- commit f568f53
+- Remove patches.suse/0001-drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch
+  The patch is identical to patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch,
+  hence remove it.
+- commit a2f6396
+- mm: avoid 'might_sleep()' in get_mmap_lock_carefully()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: fix endless looping over same migrate block
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: convert to use a folio in
+  isolate_migratepages_block() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- commit e867814
-- s390/zcrypt: fix reply buffer calculations for CCA replies
-  (bsc#1213949).
-- commit 26e242b
-- tty: fix hang on tty device with no_room set (git-fixes).
-- n_tty: Rename tail to old_tail in n_tty_read() (git-fixes).
-- commit 22b52a9
+- Delete patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-qat.patch.
+  No longer applicable. Should be redone after qat updates
+- commit c6645e0
+- Refresh patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-generic-crypto.patch.
+  reworked. Structure much changed in v6.4
+- commit 530349c
+- reenabled kABI padding for FPGA
+  minimal cost, high potential utility
+- commit 964471a
+- reenabled kABI padding for the generic crypto layer
+  cost is minimal, but if we need it we will really need it
+- commit 113e068
+- reenable kABI padding for rfkill
+  needed in SP6, too
+- commit 88c90bc
-- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
-  gsm_cleanup_mux (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
-  for lpuart32 platforms (git-fixes).
-- commit 2bc2940
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-mediatek-802.11.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-realtik-802.11.patch.
+  reenabled WiFi kABI placeholders for SP6
+- commit eb82166
-- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (git-fixes).
-- commit 57d4f01
+- Refresh patches.suse/md-display-timeout-error.patch.
+  Enable this patch which is still needed for SP6
+- commit dd44ffd
-- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled (git-fixes).
-- commit c2d3421
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-NFS-flush-out-dirty-data-on-file-fput.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-Handle-missing-attributes-in-OPEN-reply.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/NFS-flush-dirty-data-on-fput-fix.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-only-invalidate-dentrys-that-are-clearly-invalid.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/mvfs-workaround.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-access-cache-no-negative.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-set-acl-perm.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-lock-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-open-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfsd-dont-revoke-v4-0-states.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-prepare-for-supporting-admin-revocation-of-stat.patch.
+  Enable multiple NFS patches which are still needed.
+- commit 143db46
-- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more (git-fixes).
-- commit f62146e
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv3-handle-out-of-order-write-replies.patch.
+  Fixed in v6.4 by
+  Commit: 3db63daabe21 ("NFSv3: handle out-of-order write replies.")
+- commit 3e2542b
-- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (git-fixes).
-- commit 7f39f56
+- Delete patches.suse/NFS-do-not-take-i_rwsem-for-swap-IO.patch.
+  and patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch
+  Both fixed in 5.18 by
+  Commit: 64158668ac8b ("NFS: swap IO handling is slightly different for O_DIRECT IO")
+- commit 6dbdada
-- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 13632c3
+- Delete patches.suse/MM-reclaim-mustn-t-enter-FS-for-swap-over-NFS.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.19 by
+  Commit: d791ea676b66 ("mm: reclaim mustn't enter FS for SWP_FS_OPS swap-space")
+- commit 15ce6a7
-- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (git-fixes).
-- commit 522332f
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv4.1-bc-request-hold-xprt-ref.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.4 by
+  Commit: 875f0706accd ("SUNRPC: The TCP back channel mustn't disappear while requests are outstanding")
+- commit 4d05deb
-- objtool: Union instruction::{call_dest,jump_table} (git-fixes).
-- commit d5ea86a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Make-debug-alternative-selective.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Support-relocations-in-alternatives.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-lib-memmove-Decouple-ERMS-from-FSRM.patch.
+  Update for SLE15-SP6 (upstream versions apply cleanly now) and move to
+  sorted section.
+- commit b13a7e4
-- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 847a96f
+- Refresh patches.suse/reiserfs-mark-read-write-mode-unsupported.patch.
+  This is still needed for migrations.
+- commit 3960d8d
-- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1213666
-  CVE-2023-3772).
-- commit 9e44d01
+- Delete reiserfs fixes that can only be triggered in read-write mode.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-add-check-to-detect-corrupted-directory-entry.patch.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-don-t-panic-on-bad-directory-entries.patch.
+  We haven't supported read-write reiserfs at all in SLE15, so we can drop these.
+- commit a4a758e
-- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (git-fixes).
-- commit 81c5e75
+- Refresh patches.suse/procfs-add-tunable-for-fd-fdinfo-dentry-retention.patch.
+  This patch is still needed to avoid stalls while freeing
+  /proc/pid/task/tid/fd{,info} dentries on huge systems.
+- commit 6c2d081
-- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (git-fixes).
-- commit fa0b815
+- Refresh patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  This patch is still required for the oracleasm KMP to work.
+- commit f45d5f5
-- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 8bf5635
+- Update config files: back to CONFIG_PREEMPTY_NONE=y for x86_64 & arm64 default
+  specify the default scheduler while the dynamic preemption switch is
+  enabled via CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC=y.  It was set to a wrong scheduler
+  mistakenly while converting to the 6.4-based configs.
+- commit 3e4023b
-- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional (git-fixes).
-- commit a446ea5
+- Update 6.5-rc patch references (bsc#1213666 CVE-2023-3772 CVE-2023-31248 bsc#1213061 CVE-2023-35001 bsc#1213059 CVE-2023-3776 bsc#1213588 CVE-2023-3611 bsc#1213585 bsc#1213812 CVE-2023-4004 CVE-2023-4147 bsc#1213968 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569 CVE-2023-34319 XSA-432 bsc#1213546)
+- commit 36505d8
-- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk() (git-fixes).
-- commit 06974c4
+- drop obsolete Hyper-V TDX patch
+- commit 4a2ee7b
-- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (git-fixes).
-- commit 086adb4
+- reenable Hyper-V guest-os-id for accurate telemetry (bsc#1189965)
+- commit d456d31
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps with  retpolines and IBT (git-fixes).
-- commit 9392b3c
+- Delete patches.suse/revert-modpost-remove-get_next_text-and-make-grab-release_-file-s.patch
+  The revert is already included in patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch
+- commit e7660e5
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (git-fixes).
-- commit 99556d6
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213667 CVE-2023-3773).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 250df45
-- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations (git-fixes).
-- commit af52734
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 #1213666 CVE-2023-3772).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 5b6ca7b
-- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret() (git-fixes).
-- commit 43e1da9
+- Add missing x86 fixes from SLE15-SP5 (bsc#1206578 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569)
+  Still disabled, to be reviewed
+- commit a9a725a
-- x86/srso: Fix build breakage with the LLVM linker (git-fixes).
-- commit 7af6810
+- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
+- arm64: xor-neon: mark xor_arm64_neon_*() static (git-fixes).
+- commit 16c12e7
-- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
-  (bsc#1194869).
-- commit 0fccbf5
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 30e64ff
-- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+- Documentation: devices.txt: reconcile serial/ucc_uart minor
+  numers (git-fixes).
+- Revert "debugfs, coccinelle: check for obsolete
+  DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE() usage" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: add missing return value check for cifs_sb_tlink
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- ASoC: atmel: Fix the 8K sample parameter in I2SC master
-- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+- ASoC: rt711: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- commit 5738f62
-- supported.conf: fix typos for -!optional markers
-- commit a15b83f
-- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (git-fixes).
-- commit af00eea
-- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+- ASoc: codecs: ES8316: Fix DMIC config (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682-sdw: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+- ASoC: da7219: Check for failure reading AAD IRQ events
-- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+- ASoC: da7219: Flush pending AAD IRQ when suspending (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Update for native DSD support quirks
-- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+- cifs: update internal module version number for cifs.ko
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: allow dumping keys for directories too (bsc#1193629).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for DELL Oasis 13/14/16 laptops
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
-  playback interfaces (git-fixes).
-- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+- Revert "iavf: Do not restart Tx queues after reset task failure"
-- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+- Revert "iavf: Detach device during reset task" (git-fixes).
+- rsi: remove kernel-doc comment marker (git-fixes).
+- pie: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- devlink: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- codel: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- cifs: is_network_name_deleted should return a bool
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Use vmalloc_array() and vcalloc() (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Silence a static checker warning (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix a possible data race in
+  lpfc_unregister_fcf_rescan() (bsc#1213756).
+- gve: unify driver name usage (git-fixes).
+- smb: client: remove redundant pointer 'server' (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: fix session state transition to avoid use-after-free issue
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix lpfc_name struct packing (bsc#1213756).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Whitespace fix (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: fireface: make read-only const array for model names
+  static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: oxfw: make read-only const array models static
-- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+- Fix documentation of panic_on_warn (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: brcm,brcmstb-usb-phy: Fix error in
+  "compatible" conditional schema (git-fixes).
+- phy: Revert "phy: Remove SOC_EXYNOS4212 dep. from
+  PHY_EXYNOS4X12_USB" (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: ABI: sysfs-class-net-qmi: pass_through contact
+  update (git-fixes).
+- docs: networking: Update codeaurora references for rmnet
-- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm: do not mark valid bd_addr as invalid
-- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (git-fixes).
-- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+- Bluetooth: fix use-bdaddr-property quirk (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix logdev fsmap query result filtering (git-fixes).
+- xfs: clean up the rtbitmap fsmap backend (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix getfsmap reporting past the last rt extent (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix integer overflows in the fsmap rtbitmap and logdev
+  backends (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix interval filtering in multi-step fsmap queries
-- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+- xfs: don't reverse order of items in bulk AIL insertion
-- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
-  to the docs (git-fixes).
-- commit a48515a
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP, not #UD, if SGX2 ENCLS leafs are
+  unsupported (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP on ENCLS if vCPU has paging disabled
+  (CR0.PG==0) (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: restore vmx_vmexit alignment (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: Remove unused udev from xhci_log_ctx trace event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "NFSv4: Retry LOCK on OLD_STATEID during delegation
+  return" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: new dynamic tracepoint to track ses not found errors
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: log session id when a matching ses is not found
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: print client_guid in DebugData (bsc#1193629).
+- PCI: endpoint: Add missing documentation about the MSI/MSI-X
+  range (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop useless LIST_HEAD (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace one-element array with
+  DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() helper (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Avoid -Wstringop-overflow warning (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Use struct_size() helper (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix incorrect big endian type assignments in FDMI
+  and VMID paths (bsc#1213756).
+- lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Enhance congestion statistics collection (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 CQE status handling (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Change firmware upgrade logging to KERN_NOTICE instead
+  of TRACE_EVENT (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Account for fabric domain ctlr device loss recovery
+  (bsc#1211346, bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clear NLP_IN_DEV_LOSS flag if already in rediscovery
+  (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Fix use-after-free rport memory access in
+  lpfc_register_remote_port (bsc#1211852, bsc#1208410,
+  bsc#1211346).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with strscpy()
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace blk_irq_poll intr handler with threaded IRQ
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Add new RCQE status for handling DMA failures
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion warning notification period
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Match lock ordering of lpfc_cmd->buf_lock and
+  hbalock for abort paths (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix verbose logging for SCSI commands issued to
+  SES devices (bsc#1211847).
+- RDMA/vmw_pvrdma: Remove unnecessary check on wr->opcode
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/rxe: Remove dangling declaration of rxe_cq_disable()
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary checks (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Return directly without goto jumps (git-fixes).
+- bus: fsl-mc: fsl-mc-allocator: Drop a write-only variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: samsung: exynos-pmu: Re-introduce Exynos4212 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "arm64: dts: zynqmp: Add address-cells property to
+  interrupt controllers" (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/adreno: fix sparse warnings in a6xx code (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: clean up dpu_kms_get_clk_rate() returns
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove unused variable gma_bottom in command
+  parser (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: drop redundant memset() in
+  get_available_dsc_slices() (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - remove unused .reg_defaults (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - fix typo in register value define (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Add Exynos4212 compatible to CLKOUT driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove handler for unused
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove useless write to interrupt register
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: length: fix description of the RRS field (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add support for vlan tagging (bsc#1212301).
+- can: length: make header self contained (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mtd: rawnand: arasan: Prevent an unsupported
+  configuration" (git-fixes).
+- regulator: helper: Document ramp_delay parameter of
+  regulator_set_ramp_delay_regmap() (git-fixes).
+- elf: correct note name comment (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Set a fallback policy based on
+  preferred_profile (bsc#1212445).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Add definition for undefined FADT preferred PM
+  profile value (bsc#1212445).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Write CPPC enable bit per-socket
+  (bsc#1212445).
+- x86/build: Avoid relocation information in final vmlinux
+  (bsc#1187829).
+- irqchip/clps711x: Remove unused clps711x_intc_init() function
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/ftintc010: Mark all function static (git-fixes).
+- commit 2da661e
-- Update config files. Drop the dpt_i2o kernel module.
-  For: jsc#PED-4579, CVE-2023-2007
-- commit f332a85
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/btrfs-relocation-Work-around-dead-relocation-stage-l.patch.
+- commit 4b9fcd4
-- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
-- commit 55d8b82
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+- commit f3dc77b
-- libceph: fix potential hang in ceph_osdc_notify() (bsc#1214393).
-- ceph: defer stopping mdsc delayed_work (bsc#1214392).
-- commit 722c601
+- xfs: fix bounds check in xfs_defer_agfl_block() (git-fixes).
+- commit 49dca73
-- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
-  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
-- commit 5b41c27
+- xfs: AGF length has never been bounds checked (git-fixes).
+- commit 97239d8
-- s390/purgatory: disable branch profiling (git-fixes
-  bsc#1214372).
-- commit 28f91ce
+- xfs: don't block in busy flushing when freeing extents
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 825f791
-- scsi: zfcp: Defer fc_rport blocking until after ADISC response
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214371).
-- commit 5ac3747
+- xfs: pass alloc flags through to xfs_extent_busy_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62eef81
-- KVM: s390: fix sthyi error handling (git-fixes bsc#1214370).
-- commit 3711e45
+- xfs: use deferred frees for btree block freeing (git-fixes).
+- commit e83db44
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d1f96fc
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/uapi-add-a-compatibility-layer-between-linux-uio-h-and-glibc.
+  This patch no longer needed, and never made it upstream.
+- commit da31059
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit f1bebb1
+- xfs: don't deplete the reserve pool when trying to shrink the fs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c817b91
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 77019ff
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch.
+- commit b29f3d3
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 8edb1c8
+- Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-s32g2-add-USDHC-support.patch.
+- commit 68a6036
-- powerpc/kexec: Fix build failure from uninitialised variable
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/64e: Fix kexec build error (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Take-in-account-addition-CPU-node-when-build.patch
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-fix-implicit-decl-error.patch
-- commit c8f4ed0
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-kABI-more-hooks-for-PCI-changes.patch.
+  Reenabled kABI placeholders in PCI for SP6
+- commit a538cc2
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-use-after-free-bugs-in-vmxn.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214350 CVE-2023-4387).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 8897012
+- Enable support for "unsupported filesystem features".
+- commit 979adc3
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-Add-a-void-suse_kabi_padding-placeholder-to-some-USB.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-add-for-type-C-new-in-SP5.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-TB-and-USB4-XDomain-structures.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-gadgets.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-the-inter-DMN-tunnel-stuff-of-TB.patch.
+  Reenabling kABI placeholders for SP6 in USB and TB
+- commit 64c5e3b
+- mm/slab: correct return values in comment for
+  _kmem_cache_create() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- bpf: Remove in_atomic() from bpf_link_put() (bsc#1213179
+  (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- module: Remove preempt_disable() from module reference counting
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix shmem THP counters on migration (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip memory hole rapidly when isolating
+  migratable pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- percpu-internal/pcpu_chunk: re-layout pcpu_chunk structure
+  to reduce false sharing (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: mark kcompactd_run() and kcompactd_stop()
+  __meminit (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: replace the ternary conditional operator with min()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: skip periodic vmstat update for isolated CPUs
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop 'nid' parameter from check_for_memory()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_fault() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_wp() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in copy_hugetlb_page_range()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmscan: mark kswapd_run() and kswapd_stop() __meminit
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: skip CMA pages when they are not available (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_isolation: write proper kerneldoc (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix failure to unmap pte on highmem systems (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/damon/ops-common: refactor to use
+  {pte|pmd}p_clear_young_notify() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmalloc must set pte via arch code (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: allow_direct_reclaim should use zone_page_state_snapshot
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: zswap: shrink until can accept (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: move set_pageblock_order() to free_area_init()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: khugepaged: avoid pointless allocation for "struct mm_slot"
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: don't wake kswapd from rmqueue() unless
+  __GFP_KSWAPD_RECLAIM is specified (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: remove free_area_init_memoryless_node()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- THP: avoid lock when check whether THP is in deferred list
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: do not calculate zone_start_pfn/zone_end_pfn in
+  zone_absent_pages_in_node() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: introduce reset_memoryless_node_totalpages()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: shmem: fix UAF bug in shmem_show_options() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip fast freepages isolation if enough
+  freepages are isolated (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: add trace event for fast freepages isolation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only set skip flag if cc->no_set_skip_hint is
+  false (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip more fully scanned pageblock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: change fast_isolate_freepages() to void type
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop the redundant page validation in
+  update_pageblock_skip() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: dont purge usable blocks unnecessarily (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: add missing READ/WRITE_ONCE() annotations
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: check free space in vmap_block lockless (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent flushing dirty space over and over
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: avoid iterating over per CPU vmap blocks twice
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent stale TLBs in fully utilized blocks
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/memcontrol: fix typo in comment (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mlock: rename mlock_future_check() to mlock_future_ok()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mmap: refactor mlock_future_check() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: avoid GFP_NOFS ABBA deadlock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: have compaction_suitable() return bool
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop redundant watermark check in
+  compaction_zonelist_suitable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove unnecessary is_via_compact_memory()
+  checks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: refactor __compaction_suitable() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: simplify should_compact_retry() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove compaction result helpers (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: set sysctl_lowmem_reserve_ratio
+  storage-class-specifier to static (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: convert migrate_pages() to work on folios (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move sysctls into it own fils (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move pm_* function into power (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mark_free_page() into snapshot.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out DEBUG_PAGEALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out FAIL_PAGE_ALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove alloc_contig_dump_pages() stub
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: squash page_is_consistent() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: collect mem statistic into show_mem.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move set_zone_contiguous() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move init_on_alloc/free() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mirrored_kernelcore into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- Revert "Revert "mm/compaction: fix set skip in
+  fast_find_migrateblock"" (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: update pageblock skip when first migration
+  candidate is not at the start (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only force pageblock scan completion when skip
+  hints are obeyed (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm: compaction: ensure rescanning only happens on partially
+  scanned pageblocks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm, oom: do not check 0 mask in out_of_memory() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memory-failure: move sysctl register in
+  memory_failure_init() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: provide stronger vmemmap allocation
+  guarantees (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages_batch: simplify retrying and failure counting
+  of large folios (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/gup: add missing gup_must_unshare() check to gup_huge_pgd()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- fs: hugetlbfs: set vma policy only when needed for allocating
+  folio (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove explicit wakeup in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove unnecessary check in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg: remove mem_cgroup_flush_stats_atomic() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: calculate root usage from global state (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: flush stats non-atomically in mem_cgroup_wb_stats()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- writeback: move wb_over_bg_thresh() call outside lock section
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: drop the unnecessary pfn_valid() for start pfn
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: optimize compact_memory to comply with the
+  admin-guide (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages: avoid blocking for IO in MIGRATE_SYNC_LIGHT
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memcg: use READ_ONCE()/WRITE_ONCE() to access stock->cached
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- Further upgrade queue_work_on() comment (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Avoid double calling update_rq_clock() in
+  __balance_push_cpu_stop() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Fixed missing rq clock update before calling
+  set_rq_offline() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Fix bandwidth reclaim equation in GRUB
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/wait: Fix a kthread_park race with wait_woken()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Mark set_sched_topology() __init (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename variable cpu_util eff_util (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair, cpufreq: Introduce 'runnable boosting' (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Refactor CPU utilization functions (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Consider task_struct::saved_state in wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Unconditionally use full-fat wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: remove unused dl_bandwidth (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make task_vruntime_update() prototype visible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Hide unused init_cfs_bandwidth() stub (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Add schedule_user() declaration (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Hide unused sched_update_scaling() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid resetting the min update period when it is
+  unnecessary (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Correct printing for rq->nr_uninterruptible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Propagate SMT flags when removing degenerate
+  domain (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- psi: remove 500ms min window size limitation for triggers
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Check SDF_SHARED_CHILD in highest_flag_domain()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Do not even the number of busy CPUs via asym_packing
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use the busiest group to set prefer_sibling
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Keep a fully_busy SMT sched group as busiest
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Let low-priority cores help high-priority busy
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Simplify asym_packing logic for SMT cores
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Only do asym_packing load balancing from fully idle
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move is_core_idle() out of CONFIG_NUMA (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- x86/mm: Add early_memremap_pgprot_adjust() prototype
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 8861ce3
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit a42ca12
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit b97680b
+- series.conf: Add note on the removal of deleted sysctls
+- commit ea1551b
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d4f0452
+- series.conf: Add note on initial placement during fork, evaluation required
+- commit d423863
-- Update config files.
-- CONFIG_NVME_VERBOSE_ERRORS=y          gone with a82baa8083b
-- CONFIG_PRINTK_SAFE_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=13   gone with 7e152d55123
-- commit 7a11d4b
+- series.conf: Add note on wakeup_gran boosting, evaluation required
+- commit 81b5987
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit de545b1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-optimize-latency-defaults-for-throughput.patch.
+- commit f4acb00
-- Enable Analog Devices Industrial Ethernet PHY driver (jsc#PED-4759)
-- commit 63c2b4e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-Disable-sched-domain-debugfs-creation-on-ppc64-unless-sched_verbose-is-specified.patch.
+  Upstream has an alternative fix.
+- commit 02d9709
-- net: mana: Fix MANA VF unload when hardware is unresponsive
-  (git-fixes).
-- iavf: fix potential races for FDIR filters (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix RDMA VSI removal during queue rebuild (git-fixes).
-- qed: Fix scheduling in a tasklet while getting stats
-  (git-fixes).
-- i40e: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for debugfs_create_dir()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix memory management in ice_ethtool_fdir.c (git-fixes).
-- net: hns3: fix wrong bw weight of disabled tc issue (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix max_rate check while configuring TX rate limits
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 66cd4bc
+- series.conf: Add note on frequency boosting for IO, evaluation required
+- commit 0acf9ba
-- powerpc/iommu: Fix iommu_table_in_use for a small default DMA
-  window case (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/kernel/iommu: Add new iommu_table_in_use() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: don't set failed sg dma_address to
-  DMA_MAPPING_ERROR (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: return error code from .map_sg() ops (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- commit 63fd00c
+- series.conf: Add note on up_threshold, evaluation required
+- commit 9ec5dac
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit efc7084
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/rtmutex-Add-acquire-semantics-for-rtmutex-lock-acquisition-slow-path.patch.
+- commit 32566f1
-- drm/amd/display: Retain phantom plane/stream if validation fails
-  (git-fixes).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-skip-regions-with-hugetlbfs-pages-when-allocating-1G-pages.patch.
+- commit bf2a4f1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/locking-rwbase-Mitigate-indefinite-writer-starvation.patch.
+  Upstream alternative already included.
+- commit a1fa32f
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch.
+  Affected generation of chips is no longer supported by the manufacturer.
+- commit f939ab4
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Allow-unspecified-FADT-profile-to-probe-PPC.patch.
+  Problem has stopped showing up in practice.
+- commit d374a9a
+- series: review/update patches for sle15sp6
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-filter-out-invalid-bits-in-pipe_fuse.patch.
-- commit 7b85ac2
+  patches.suse/blk-kabi-add-suse_kabi_padding-to-blk-layer-structs.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-multipath-skip-not-ready-namespaces-when-revalidating.patch.
+- commit 900c330
-- drm/amdgpu: fix possible UAF in amdgpu_cs_pass1() (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/nvkm/dp: Add workaround to fix DP 1.3+ DPCD issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature
-  momentary fluctuation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: expose swctf threshold setting for legacy powerplay
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: limit DPIA link rate to HBR3 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm/smu7: move variables to where they are used
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill powerplay peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill swsmu peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix the build when DRM_AMD_DC_DCN is not set
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Disable phantom OTG after enable for plane
-  disable (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Use update plane and stream routine for DCN32x
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d699896
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-kabi-placeholders-to-commonly-used-structs.patch.
+- commit bd2986f
-- misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/gr: enable memory loads on helper invocation on
-  all channels (git-fixes).
-- commit 8a7a168
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1214385).
+- commit 28f1b80
+- Refresh patches.suse/nvdimm-disable-namespace-on-error.patch.
+- commit 0109f83
+- Delete the patch which is already in kernel code base,
+  patches.suse/Avoid-deadlock-for-recursive-I-O-on-dm-thin-when-used-as-swap-4905.patch.
+- commit 8ae388a
+- Delete patches.suse/make-module-BTF-toggleable.patch.
+  No longer required with upstream commit 5e214f2e43e4 "bpf: Add config to
+  allow loading modules with BTF mismatches" and
+- commit fcf9c21
+- Re-enable BPF kABI padding
+  Refresh the patch and additionally add padding for struct bpf_prog_aux
+  and struct bpf_verifier_env.
+- commit 50ddc33
-- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
-  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
-  copying defines or build dependencies there.
-- commit 254b03c
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch.
+  No longer required since the base kernel is 6.4 and BTF_KIND_ENUM64
+  support is added in 6.0.
+- commit c3cc153
+- Re-enable BPF selftest modification
+  This is required because we carry the following downstream patches:
+- patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+- patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+  Also refresh the patch while at it.
+- commit 67df713
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 045f0e1
+- Linux 6.4.12 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: fix the RTO timer retransmitting skb every 1ms if linear
+  option is enabled (bsc#1012628).
+- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: Clean up link DMA for IPC3 during stop
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213583).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- Revert "perf report: Append inlines to non-DWARF callchains"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
+  v13.0.4/11 (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "Revert "drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for
+  DCN 2.0"" (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/edid: Fix csync detailed mode parsing" (bsc#1012628
+  bsc#1213693).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: Fix error handling in spmmc_drv_probe()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: fix return value check of mmc_add_host()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: f-sdh30: fix order of function calls in
+  sdhci_f_sdh30_remove (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,sa8775p-tlmm: add gpio function
+  constant (bsc#1012628).
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix menu count handling for userspace XU
+  mappings (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-crypto: dynamically allocate fallback profile (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that the task sees ZT writes on first use
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that SME is set up for target when writing
+  SSVE state (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix Wifi/Bluetooth on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: Zero max_tx_vq field for
+  VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_HASH_CONFIG case (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: da9063: better fix null deref with partial DT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix null auth (bsc#1012628).
+- parisc: Fix CONFIG_TLB_PTLOCK to work with lightweight spinlock
+  checks (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: Release folio lock on fscache read hit (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
+  playback interfaces (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: 8250: Fix oops for port->pm on uart_change_pm()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: uaccess: Return the number of bytes effectively not
+  copied (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: correct riscv_insn_is_c_jr() and riscv_insn_is_c_jalr()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: entry: set a0 = -ENOSYS only when syscall != -1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: uart-routing: Use __sysfs_match_string
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: qcom: Add intr_target_width field to support increased
+  number of interrupt targets (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: Fix anatop node size (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: max98363: don't return on success reading revision ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx6sx usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Drop CSI1 PHY reference clock configuration
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx7d usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Adjust dma-apbh node name (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6: phytec: fix RTC interrupt level (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK 4C+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Block switchdev mode when ADQ is active and vice versa
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- qede: fix firmware halt over suspend and resume (bsc#1012628).
+- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: Fix misuse of sk_under_memory_pressure() (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't fail probe if MAE/TC setup fails (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't unregister flow_indr if it was never registered
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: add fallback action-set-lists for TC offload (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Wait for EEPROM done before HW reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214073).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- net/mlx5e: XDP, Fix fifo overrun on XDP_REDIRECT (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix misleading debug logs (bsc#1012628).
+- iavf: fix FDIR rule fields masks validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: openvswitch: reject negative ifindex (bsc#1012628).
+- team: Fix incorrect deletion of ETH_P_8021AD protocol vid from
+  slaves (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nft_dynset: disallow object maps (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
+  netlink event exit path (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvs: fix racy memcpy in proc_do_sync_threshold (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: set default timeout to 3 secs for sctp shutdown
+  send and recv state (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: don't fail inserts if duplicate has
+  expired (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
+  generation (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix false-positive lockdep splat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Clean up integer overflow checking in
+  map_user_pages() (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Fix slicing memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- net: veth: Page pool creation error handling for existing
+  pools only (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel queued works in probe error path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel ctrl_mbox_task after intr_poll_task
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel tx_timeout_task later in remove sequence
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: fix timeout value for waiting on mbox response
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: macb: In ZynqMP resume always configure PS GTR for
+  non-wakeup source (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Restore efficient freq earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
+  to the docs (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: pcs: Add missing put_device call in miic_create
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: don't skip free of empty state in acquire policy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: delete offloaded policy (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add forgotten nla_policy for XFRMA_MTIMER_THRESH
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1012628).
+- ip_vti: fix potential slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ip6_vti: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6 (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: Silence warnings triggerable by bad packets (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Amend XFRMA_SEC_CTX nla_policy structure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: af_key: fix sadb_x_filter validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps
+  with retpolines and IBT (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with
+  CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
+  length value (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: only subtract from len_to_oe_boundary when it is tracking
+  an extent (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix replace/scrub failure with metadata_uuid
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix BUG_ON condition in btrfs_cancel_balance
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix incorrect splitting in btrfs_drop_extent_map_range
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix infinite directory reads (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
+  for lpuart32 platforms (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
+  gsm_cleanup_mux (bsc#1012628).
+- smb3: display network namespace in debug information
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Enable strict validation for netlinks ops (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add max vqp attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length check
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add queue index attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add features attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1194869).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Set platform driver data earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-cgroup: hold queue_lock when removing blkg->q_node
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: tegra: Fix i2c-tegra DMA config option processing
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rust: macros: vtable: fix `HAS_*` redefinition
+  (`gen_const_name`) (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix potential oops in cifs_oplock_break (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Delete control vq iotlb in destroy_mr only when
+  necessary (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix mr->initialized semantics (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-vdpa: Fix cpumask memory leak in virtio_vdpa_find_vqs()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vduse: Use proper spinlock for IRQ injection (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix LDO 12 regulator for PM8550
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix use-after-free of new block group that became unused
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: move out now unused BG from the reclaim list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: MGMT: Use correct address for memcpy() (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/kasan: Disable KCOV in KASAN code (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GZ301V (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG G614Jx (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Amend G634 quirk to enable rear speakers
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GA402X (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GX650P (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda: fix a possible null-pointer dereference due to data
+  race in snd_hdac_regmap_sync() (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for Unis H3C Desktop B760 & Q760
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Alternative boot if primary boot is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Mark ntfs dirty when on-disk struct is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs: ntfs3: Fix possible null-pointer dereferences in mi_read()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Return error for inconsistent extended attributes
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Enhance sanity check while generating attr_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (bsc#1012628).
+- ceph: try to dump the msgs when decoding fails (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (bsc#1012628).
+- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
+  Hub) (bsc#1012628).
+- firewire: net: fix use after free in
+  fwnet_finish_incoming_packet() (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Limit Intel Barlow Ridge USB3 bandwidth
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Add Intel Barlow Ridge PCI ID (bsc#1012628).
+- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
+  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (bsc#1012628).
+- gfs2: Fix possible data races in gfs2_show_options()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: turn off vbus comparator when suspend
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (bsc#1012628).
+- xhci: get rid of XHCI_PLAT quirk that used to prevent MSI setup
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
+  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (bsc#1012628).
+- media: platform: mediatek: vpu: fix NULL ptr dereference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: uvc: queue empty isoc requests if no video buffer
+  is available (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
+  __gs_console_push (bsc#1012628).
+- media: camss: set VFE bpl_alignment to 16 for sdm845 and sm8250
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- led: qcom-lpg: Fix resource leaks in
+  for_each_available_child_of_node() loops (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: stm32: Ignore return value of uart_remove_one_port()
+  in .remove() (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix session state check in reconnect to avoid
+  use-after-free issue (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix warning in cifs_smb3_do_mount() (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "[PATCH] uml: export symbols added by GCC hardened"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Add Arrow Lake PCI device ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Free the firmware trace before calling
+  snd_sof_shutdown() (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: consider timeout of destroy ah as success
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: unmap and remove csa_va properly (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
+  pointers (bsc#1012628).
+- iommu/amd: Introduce Disable IRTE Caching Support (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
+  G915 TKL Keyboard (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: i2c-hid: goodix: Add support for
+  "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend" property (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: input: goodix: Add "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend"
+  property (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: fix mem leak in capture user mappings
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: add pci health check during heartbeat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-remap: use kvmalloc_array/kvfree for larger dma memory remap
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- iopoll: Call cpu_relax() in busy loops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for Rex soundwire
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quick for Dell SKU 0BDA (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: test SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  in _exit (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
+  related warnings (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mana_ib: Use v2 version of cfg_rx_steer_req to enable RX
+  coalescing (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add check for acp config flags in vangogh
+  platform (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: add QFPROM node (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add pci revision id check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move DSP part string generation so that it is
+  done only once (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for LNL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for MTL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: disable SubVP + DRR to prevent
+  underflow" (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/scheduler: set entity to NULL in drm_sched_entity_pop_job()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Update DTBCLK for DCN32 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: fix the wol setting functions (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: Use devm_regulator_get_enable_optional()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- crypto, cifs: fix error handling in extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit c12060a
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patch for core structs
+  Also rename the patch without the number prefix
+- commit 8e3d5a7
+- Delete patches.suse/0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch
+  No longer needed workaround.
+- commit 67f601c
+- Keep patches.suse/
+  The X taint flag is still used
+- commit a920896
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch
+- commit 2975c39
+- Keep patches.suse/scsi-blacklist-add-VMware-ESXi-cdrom-broken-tray-emu.patch
+  No sign of VMware even acknowledging the problem, much less fixing it.
+- commit e09edd4
-- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
-  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
-- commit 2c37773
+- Keep ppc and s390 lockdown patches - they are needed as much as the
+  other architectures.
+- Update config files
+- commit f6a51bf
-- ACPI/IORT: Update SMMUv3 DeviceID support (bsc#1214305).
-- commit 4628976
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-tm-Flip-the-HTM-switch-default-to-disabled.patch
+  Needed until HTM is disabled completely
+- commit 2710607
-- net: usb: lan78xx: reorder cleanup operations to avoid UAF bugs
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 9c04620
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  Should be revisited after kexec option cleanup is merged upstream
+- Update config files
+- commit 5359722
-- powerpc/iommu: TCEs are incorrectly manipulated with DLPAR
-  add/remove of memory (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: Incorrect DDW Table is referenced for SR-IOV
-  device (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- pseries/iommu/ddw: Fix kdump to work in absence of
-  ibm,dma-window (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Print ibm,query-pe-dma-windows parameters
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc: fix typos in comments (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries: Add __init attribute to eligible functions
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: Do not try direct mapping with persistent
-  memory and one window (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: simplify enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add of_node_put() before break
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Create huge DMA window if no MMIO32 is
-  present (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Check if the default window in use
-  before removing it (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Use correct vfree for it_map (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Rename "direct window" to "dma window"
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Make use of DDW for indirect mapping
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Find existing DDW with given property
-  name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Update remove_dma_window() to accept
-  property name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Reorganize iommu_table_setparms*()
-  with new helper (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_property_create() and refactor
-  enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerps-pseries-dma-Add-support-for-2M-IOMMU-page-si.patch
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Allow DDW windows starting at 0x00
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_list_new_entry() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add iommu_pseries_alloc_table() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Replace hard-coded page shift
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-iommu-Limit-number-of-TCEs-to-512-for-H_STUF.patch
-- commit 4f11eef
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-mobility-notify-network-peers-after-.patch
+  Upstream network notification framework still not avaialble
+- commit f496138
+- Delete patches.rpmify/arm64-make-STACKPROTECTOR_PER_TASK-configurable.patch.
+  No effect anymore
+- commit 334f200
+- Delete patches.suse/rtl8188eu-fix-const-dev_addr_fallout.patch.
+  Patch is longer needed.
+- commit 6c9e4e5
+- Enable mlx5 S390 patch and still not upstreamed change for ixgbe
+- commit 321b2db
+- Delete patches.rpmify/powerpc-Blacklist-GCC-5.4-6.1-and-6.2.patch.
+  Unlikely to encounter these compilers anymore.
+- commit 3daa0f4
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-fixup-pages-without-buffers.patch: Not needed
+  after commit d824ec2a154 ("mm: do not reclaim private data from pinned
+  page") merged into 6.4-rc1.
+- commit 11e5155
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-dont-warn-when-enabling-DAX.patch: Warning got
+  removed by commit 6e47a3cc68f ("ext4: get rid of super block and sbi
+  from handle_mount_ops()") in 5.17-rc1.
+- commit 74d1133
+- Enable patches.suse/ext4-unsupported-features.patch. We still want
+  the ability to declare some ext4 features unsupported.
+- commit e745607
-- powerpc/mm/altmap: Fix altmap boundary check (bsc#1120059
-  git-fixes).
-- commit f722e3b
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/io_uring-disable-polling-signalfd-pollfree-files.patch.
+- commit 103eea6
-- bnx2x: fix page fault following EEH recovery (bsc#1214299).
-- commit f8a9432
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/fs-Avoid-leaving-freed-inode-on-dirty-list.patch: The fix
+  was never 100% proven to be necessary (followup ext4 changes were the
+  real fix) and upstream was unconvinced. Let's drop it.
+- commit 45cf4a8
-- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
-  (bsc#1212873).
-- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- file: reinstate f_pos locking optimization for regular files
-  (bsc#1213759).
-- commit 0469dd9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch: Got
+  merged into 6.4-rc1 as commit fc05e06e6098c.
+- commit 03eba77
-- net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
-- commit 3d175df
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sbitmap-avoid-lockups-when-waker-gets-preempted.patch:
+  Current sbitmap code in 6.4 doesn't have the race.
+- commit 88c81f0
-- mlxsw: pci: Add shutdown method in PCI driver (git-fixes).
-- commit d9c79ec
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mount-warn-only-once-about-timestamp-range-expiratio.patch.
+  Upstreamed via commit a128b054ce02 ("mount: warn only once about
+  timestamp range expiration") in v5.18-rc1.
+- commit 1eda8fd
-- blacklist.conf: add drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/ drivers
-- commit 0c8d3f5
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-allow-mount-remount-when-stripe-width-alignment-.patch.
+- commit de9c3d8
-- sfc: fix crash when reading stats while NIC is resetting
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 61c7a4c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-remove-experimental-tag-for-dax-support.patch.
+- commit 207884d
-- ice: Fix crash by keep old cfg when update TCs more than queues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e80ce2
+- Revert "misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg"
+  (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit 0816489
+- Delete patches.suse/setuid-dumpable-wrongdir.
+  Dropped as per jsc#PED-6319
+- commit c9ee1be
+- Refresh patches.suse/Restore-kABI-for-NVidia-vGPU-driver.patch.
+- commit 3b82441
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patches for ASoC and HD-audio
+- commit 5f24bf4
+- Re-enable nouveau blacklist for Turing and Ampere
+  The situation about nouveau hasn't been changed.
+- commit 693f494
+- Re-enable synaptics and ata fix patches
+  Those workarounds are still valid.
+- commit d797d34
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-Warn-users-of-node-memory-hot-remove-if-the-memory-ratio-is-a-high-risk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-inform-about-enabling-mirrored-memory.patch.
+  re-enable debugability non-upstream improvements.
+- commit 6f8f3c5
+- Delete patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch
+  It was a transitional workaround.  No longer needed.
+- commit 0766049
+- Delete patches.suse/thermal-Add-a-sanity-check-for-invalid-state-at-stat.patch
+  The old workaround for SLE15-SP4/5.  Should have been obsoleted in 6.4.
+- commit 19a31d1
+- Delete patches.suse/Fix-null-pointer-dereference-in-drm_dp_atomic_find_time_slots.patch
+  It's a temporary workaround that was applied for SLE15-SP5.  Let's drop.
+- commit e4825d8
+- Delete patches.suse/char-pcmcia-synclink_cs-Fix-use-after-free-in-mgslpc.patch
+  It's for PCMCIA and already disabled on all flavors.
+- commit c1a3353
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0002-kernel-smp-make-csdlock-timeout-depend-on-boot-param.patch.
+- commit e4b9f75
+- Delete patches.suse/ath11k-pci-Add-more-MODULE_FIRMWARE-entries.patch
+  It's already included in 6.4 kernel.
+- commit 7e548aa
+- Delete patches.suse/smaps_rollup-fix-no-vmas-null-deref.patch.
+  c4c84f06285e ("fs/proc/task_mmu: stop using linked list and
+  highest_vm_end") which is the proper fix is already included in the base
+  kernel.
+- commit 0a8b09e
+- Drop obsoleted arm64 patches
+  Deleted the changes that have been obsoleted / become invalid in the upstream:
+  patches.suse/arch-arm64-mm_context-t-placeholder.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-select-CPUMASK_OFFSTACK-if-NUMA.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-set-UXN-on-swapper-page-tables.patch
+- commit 51ba575
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/binfmt_elf-takethe-mmap_lock-when-walking-the-VMA-list.patch.
+  2aa362c49c31 ("coredump: extend core dump note section to contain file
+  names of mapped files") is the proper fix already included in the base
+  kernel
+- commit d280d0f
+- Delete patches.suse/ahci-Add-Intel-Emmitsburg-PCH-RAID-PCI-IDs.patch
+  8086:282f has been already included in the upstream, while 8086:282b
+  is never released.
+- commit 3276e1e
+- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
+- commit 20076ce
-- powerpc/pseries: Honour current SMT state when DLPAR onlining
-  CPUs (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- powerpc: Add HOTPLUG_SMT support (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462
-  ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-net-sched-tcindex-Do-not-use-perfect-hashing.patch.
+  Replaced with upstream commit 8c710f75256b ("net/sched: Retire tcindex classifier").
+- commit 8e7e62a
+- powerpc/fadump: invoke ibm,os-term with rtas_call_unlocked()
+  (bsc#1210421 ltc#202733).
+- commit 395c794
+- powerpc/idle: Add support for nohlt (bac#1214529).
-- powerpc/pseries: Initialise CPU hotplug callbacks earlier
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Allow enabling partial SMT states via sysfs
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Create topology_smt_thread_allowed() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Remove topology_smt_supported() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Store the current/max number of threads (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move smt/control simple exit cases earlier (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move SMT prototypes into cpu_smt.h (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- commit 8bd8972
+- commit 1309479
-- sched/psi: use kernfs polling functions for PSI trigger polling
-  (bsc#1209799).
-- commit 4477665
+- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
+  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
+- commit 7bb5087
-- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- commit d85264e
+- powerpc/pseries: new character devices for RTAS functions
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01242f0
-- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
-  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
-- commit 4e5fad7
+- block: sed-opal: keyring support for SED keys (jsc#PED-3545).
+- Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_REVERT_LSP (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_DISCOVERY (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit c8bb675
-- ceph: don't check for quotas on MDS stray dirs (bsc#1214238).
-- commit dcb3418
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-during.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 58e4b74
-- iommu/dma: Fix incorrect error return on iommu deferred attach
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit c7a880f
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-use-after-free-in-error-handlin.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 28ed2c1
-- iommu/dma: return error code from iommu_dma_map_sg()
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit 5d989c6
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-edid-Fix-csync-detailed-mode-parsing.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit edfd280
-- iommu/amd: Fix pci device refcount leak in ppr_notifier()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ill-formed ivrs_ioapic, ivrs_hpet and
-  ivrs_acpihid options (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ivrs_acpihid cmdline parsing code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/fsl_pamu: Fix resource leak in fsl_pamu_probe()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/rockchip: fix permission bits in page table entries v2
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Remove IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Implement .iotlb_sync_map (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix flush size (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix R/W permission check (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Consider all fault sources for reset (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix reset release (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in
-  dmar_dev_scope_init() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in has_external_pci()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Set SRE bit only when hardware has SRS cap
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Preset Access bit for IOVA in FL non-leaf paging
-  entries (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Clean up si_domain in the init_dmars() error path
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/iova: Fix module config properly (git-fixes).
-- iommu/omap: Fix buffer overflow in debugfs (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make default domain type of HiSilicon PTT
-  device to identity (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Check correct capability for sagaw determination
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Correctly calculate sagaw value of IOMMU
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix kdump kernels boot failure with scalable mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: use full 64-bit value in build_completion_wait()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix compile warning in init code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Add PCI segment support for ivrs_ commands
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add a quirk to allow pgtable PA up
-  to 35bit (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dma: Fix iova map result check bug (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: check return value after calling
-  platform_get_resource() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu: fix possible null-ptr-deref in
-  arm_smmu_device_probe() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Add RPLS to quirk list to skip TE disabling
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: fix event handling soft lockup (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dart: Initialize DART_STREAMS_ENABLE (git-fixes).
-- commit b73aa3b
+- rpm/ Re-enable supported.conf check again
+- commit 996f035
+- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
+- commit 55d8b82
+- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
+  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
+- commit 5b41c27
+- blacklist.conf: Drop obsoleted entries
+  ... while keepng the blacklist paths
+- commit 953ef5b
+- supported.conf: update for 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Draft version, the new entries are marked with SP6-NEED-REVIEW comments
+  Aligned with ALP-current commit 2c77a1e663f2 except for a few
+  filesystems (reiserfs, hfsplus, quota_v1 and ufs)
+- commit 1d117c2
+- Bump to 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Merge the contents of ALP-current branch as is with keeping the
+  downstream fix patches marked with +SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+  The 6.4.x stable patches are still in
+  The configs are updated from the merge of stable and SLE15-SP5.
+  supported.conf is not updated yet, hence the modules may be included
+  in wrong sub-packages as of this commit.
+  The references for the new patches taken from ALP-current:
+  boo#1193472 bsc#1204315 bsc#1208724 bsc#1212091 ltc#199106 bsc#1212533
+  bsc#1212808 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213693 bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161
+  ltc#200588
+  The references between 6.4 merge to the latest ALP-current:
+  bsc#1012628 bsc#1120059 bsc#1205462 bsc#1208724 bsc#1209006 bsc#1212091
+  bsc#1212395 bsc#1212405 bsc#1212471 bsc#1212505 bsc#1212533 bsc#1212741
+  bsc#1212773 bsc#1212775 bsc#1212808 bsc#1212835 bsc#1212874 bsc#1213270
+  bsc#1213491 bsc#1213545 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213592 bsc#1213645 bsc#1213693
+  bsc#1213779 bsc#1213787 bsc#1214120 bsc#1214149 bsc#1214193 bsc#1214212
+  bsc#1214285 bsc#1214380
+  jsc#PED-2006 jsc#PED-3039 jsc#PED-3186 jsc#PED-3637 jsc#PED-3750
+  jsc#PED-4114 jsc#PED-5484 jsc#PED-949 jsc#PED-962 jsc#SLE-12908
+  CVE-2023-3269 CVE-2023-35826 CVE-2023-4128 CVE-2023-4273
+- commit d016c04
+- rpm/ disable supported.conf check temporarily for 6.4 updates
+- commit 76638c4
+- Change to SLE15-SP6 branch (jsc#PED-4593)
+  The base kernel version isn't changed yet.
+  Updated maintainers, removed kABI, and updated IBS/OBS projects.
+  OBS 32bit Arm project isn't updated yet.
+- commit 126b9a7
+- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
+  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
+  copying defines or build dependencies there.
+- commit 254b03c
+- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
+  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
+- commit 2c37773
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
+- commit 4e5fad7
-- nvme-rdma: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- nvme-tcp: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- commit 2d8bf94
-- x86/mce: Make sure logged MCEs are processed after sysfs update (git-fixes).
-- commit 64aa9ec
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Disable XSAVES on AMD family 0x17 (git-fixes).
-- commit b1259cb
-- x86/speculation: Add cpu_show_gds() prototype (git-fixes).
-- commit edd5557
-- fs/sysv: Null check to prevent null-ptr-deref bug (git-fixes).
-- commit ae6500e
-- iio: cros_ec: Fix the allocation size for cros_ec_command
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: ina2xx: avoid NULL pointer dereference on OF device
-  match (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Properly handle processing of pending events
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb-storage: alauda: Fix uninit-value in alauda_check_media()
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Prevent bailing out if initial
-  role is none (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd when configuring
-  pin assignment (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix response to vsafe0V event (git-fixes).
-- commit d86b205
-- netfilter: KABI workaround for CVE-2023-3610 bsc#1213580
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit ecae123
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic
-  (bsc#1213580 CVE-2023-3610).
-- commit 12da4f7
-- hwmon: (pmbus/bel-pfe) Enable PMBUS_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK for
-  pfe1100 (git-fixes).
-- nilfs2: fix use-after-free of nilfs_root in dirtying inodes
-  via iput (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check attr flag before set cursor degamma on
-  DCN3+ (git-fixes).
-- drm/shmem-helper: Reset vma->vm_ops before calling
-  dma_buf_mmap() (git-fixes).
-- drm/rockchip: Don't spam logs in atomic check (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/disp: Revert a NULL check inside
-  nouveau_connector_get_modes (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: imx8mn-var-som: add missing pull-up for onboard
-  PHY reset pinmux (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: fix enumeration completion (git-fixes).
-- net: usbnet: Fix WARNING in usbnet_start_xmit/usb_submit_urb
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free in l2cap_sock_ready_cb
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests/rseq: check if libc rseq support is registered
-  (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: bus: pm_runtime_request_resume on peripheral
-  attachment (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f8ce0d
-- net/sched: cls_route: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_fw: No longer copy tcf_result on update to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_u32: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- commit 9904c3b
-- ceph: never send metrics if disable_send_metrics is set
-  (bsc#1214180).
-- commit 32f3ae7
-- wifi: cfg80211: fix sband iftype data lookup for AP_VLAN
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_flower: Relax success criterion
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool_extended_state: Skip when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool: Skip when using veth pairs
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Add a helper to skip test when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Switch off timeout (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Skip test when no interfaces are
-  specified (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: at803x: remove set/get wol callbacks for AR8032
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: pl330: Return DMA_PAUSED when transaction is paused
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: mcf-edma: Fix a potential un-allocated memory access
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b70a6bf
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist useless doc fix
-- commit 685dbed
-- exfat: check if filename entries exceeds max filename length
-  (bsc#1214120 CVE-2023-4273).
-- commit b7e68de
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946 bsc#1214404).
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946).
-- commit e7bc55c
-- powerpc/security: Fix Speculation_Store_Bypass reporting on
-  Power10 (bsc#1188885 ltc#193722 git-fixes).
-- commit 298c13e
+- x86/sev: Add SNP-specific unaccepted memory support  (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 5c42f70
+- x86/sev: Use large PSC requests if applicable (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 0856765
+- x86/sev: Allow for use of the early boot GHCB for PSC requests (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 60199fa
+- x86/sev: Put PSC struct on the stack in prep for unaccepted memory  support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 97e9c3a
+- x86/tdx: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit f20d514
+- x86/tdx: Refactor try_accept_one() (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 1ecd7d0
+- x86/tdx: Make _tdx_hypercall() and __tdx_module_call() available in  boot stub (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit c232bda
+- x86/boot/compressed: Handle unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 4bd0435
+- mm: Add support for unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit a1a31b1
-- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
-  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- commit 8f3e780
-- rpm/ Disable DT build.
-  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
-- commit f4371ff
-- commit 204fbb3
-- set CONFIG_SCSI_COMMON=y (jsc#PED-1183).
-- commit 647047f
-- Update azure config.
-- commit 89e22ef
-- disable CS_DSP
-- commit 884c939
-- increase NR_CPUS on azure and follow kernel-default (bsc#1203979)
-- commit 21230c1
-- build mlx in azure as modules again (bsc#1203701)
-  There is little gain by having the drivers built into the kernel.
-  Having them as modules allows easy replacement by third party drivers.
-  On x86_64, change mlx* from built-in to module.
-  On arm64, change mlx4, mlx5 and mlxfw from built-in to module.
-- commit 6b012fa
-- explicit set MODULE_SIG_HASH in azure config (bsc#1203933)
-  Setting this option became mandatory in Feb 2022.
-  While the lack of this option did not cause issues with automated builds,
-  a manual osc build started to fail due to incorrect macro expansion.
-- commit a934fdc
-- add Kirk Allan as branch maintainer
-- commit d230588
-- README.BRANCH: update maintainer email address
-- commit 0252c8a
-- enable DRM_BOCHS as module (bsc#1200572)
-- commit ea923ea
-- enable SERIAL_8250_PNP to avoid IRQ conflict between ttyS0 and rtc0 (bsc#1197303)
-- commit c637e49
-- Disable hyperv_fb in favour of hyperv_drm (jsc#SLE-19733)
-- commit b08b929
-- sort azure config files.
-- commit 038a474
-- Update config files.
-- commit aec54b3
-- Update config files.
-- commit a928253
-- Update config files.
-  - GPIO_MB86S7X
-  - RTC_DRV_R7301
-- commit 651101e
-- Update config files.
-  sync x86_64 with arm64
-- commit 2b3758f
-- Update config files.
-  - IMA
-  - TCG_TIS
-  - TCG_TPM
-  - TEE
-- commit 76a3041
-- Update config files.
-  NR_CPUS=512
-- commit 91991c3
-- Adjust config.conf to really build kernel-azure.aarch64
-- commit b8679a4
-- Update config files.
-  - ARCH_BCM2835
-  - ARCH_BCM4908
-  - ARCH_K3
-  - ARCH_LG1K
-  - ARCH_S32
-  - BATTERY_DS2780
-  - BATTERY_DS2781
-  - MFD_HI6421_PMIC
-  - PHY_PXA_28NM_USB2
-- commit 9a71ab0
-- Build kernel-azure.aarch64 (jsc#SLE-17855,bsc#1186071)
-- commit 10d58cd
-- Update config files.
-- commit e4c052a
-- Update config files.
-  - SPI
-- commit 8b183cc
-- Update config files.
-  - PVH
-- commit 809b1af
-- Update config files.
-  - VDPA
-- commit 87e6234
-- Update config files.
-- commit a9cc33f
-- Update config files. MLX=y
-  As an experiment, build the MLX drivers into the kernel.
-  With accelerated networking this hardware is always available.
-  MLX4_CORE=y
-  MLX4_EN=y
-  MLX5_CORE=y
-  MLXFW=y
-  VXLAN=y
-- commit e0c8d92
-- Update config files.
-- commit f4a416b
-- Update config files.
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_IDT82P33
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_OCP
-  - SPI_MUX
-  - WWAN
-- commit 9b72bf1
-- Update config files.
-- commit 929d702
-- Update config files.
-  - BCM_VK
-  - CXL_BUS
-  - HW_RANDOM_BA431
-  - LMK04832
-  - LPC_ICH
-  - LPC_SCH
-  - MFD_VX855
-  - MHI_BUS
-  - PLX_DMA
-  - SF_PDMA
-  - TI_ST
-- commit 42e9b9c
-- Update config files.
-  - W1
-- commit 06ff2a6
-- Update config files.
-  - MFD_TQMX86
-  - NET_VENDOR_8390
-- commit cbde459
-- Update config files.
-- commit 0769254
-- config.conf: disable !azure
-- commit 09a3505
-- Add azure config
-- commit cc8ec28
-- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
-- commit 771f9ac
-- commit 15b5bb2
-- Created new preempt kernel flavor
-  Configs are cloned from the respective $arch/default configs. All
-  changed configs appart from CONFIG_PREEMPT->y are a result of
-  dependencies, namely many lock/unlock primitives are no longer
-  inlined in the preempt kernel. TREE_RCU has been also changed to
-  PREEMPT_RCU which is the default implementation for PREEMPT kernel.
-- commit ba6a3b0
+- commit f994874
-- commit 74358bf
+- commit f295c06
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- Add dummy (boo#1216647)
+- Add ptp_kvm (bsc#1211969)
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- Update to version 20231107 (git commit a5a6dded0c7f):
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth BE200
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX101
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for SolarF Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for SolarF Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX210
+  * amdgpu: DMCUB updates for various AMDGPU ASICs
+  * qca: add bluetooth firmware for WCN3988
+  * linux-firmware: ixp4xx: Add the IXP4xx firmware
+  * rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.29.29.5
+  * rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.29.29.4
+  * rtw89: 8851b: update fw to v0.29.41.3
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX101
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX201
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth BE200
+  * Disable deb and rpm CI other than at release
+  * Use `git am` instead of `b4 shazam`
+  * rtl_nic: update firmware of RTL8156B
+  * Catch unicode decode errors
+- Update to version 20231019 (git commit d983107a2dfa):
+  * Fix the robot email script
+  * linux-firmware: Update AMD cpu microcode
+  * Add support for sending emails while processing a PR/patch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware
+  * linux-firmware: add Amlogic bluetooth firmware
+  * Add a script for a robot to open up pull requests
+  * i915: Add GuC v70.13.1 for DG2, TGL, ADL-P and MTL
+  * iwlwifi: add a missing FW from core80-39 release
+  * amdgpu: update raven firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.8 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update DCN 3.1.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.5 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega20 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update beige goby firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega12 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update dimgrey cavefish firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update picasso firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navy flounder firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vangogh firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update green sardine firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update sienna cichlid firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.11 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi14 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update renoir firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi12 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update yellow carp firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update raven2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.3 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update aldebaran firmware from 5.7 branch
+- update firmware to version 535.129.03
+- Update to version 20231107 (git commit a5a6dded0c7f):
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth BE200
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX101
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Magnetor Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for SolarF Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for SolarF Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Solar Intel Bluetooth AX210
+  * amdgpu: DMCUB updates for various AMDGPU ASICs
+  * qca: add bluetooth firmware for WCN3988
+  * linux-firmware: ixp4xx: Add the IXP4xx firmware
+  * rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.29.29.5
+  * rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.29.29.4
+  * rtw89: 8851b: update fw to v0.29.41.3
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX101
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX201
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth Magnetor AX211
+  * Intel Bluetooth: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth BE200
+  * Disable deb and rpm CI other than at release
+  * Use `git am` instead of `b4 shazam`
+  * rtl_nic: update firmware of RTL8156B
+  * Catch unicode decode errors
+- Update to version 20231019 (git commit d983107a2dfa):
+  * Fix the robot email script
+  * linux-firmware: Update AMD cpu microcode
+  * Add support for sending emails while processing a PR/patch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware
+  * linux-firmware: add Amlogic bluetooth firmware
+  * Add a script for a robot to open up pull requests
+  * i915: Add GuC v70.13.1 for DG2, TGL, ADL-P and MTL
+  * iwlwifi: add a missing FW from core80-39 release
+  * amdgpu: update raven firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.8 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update DCN 3.1.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.5 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega20 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update beige goby firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega12 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vega10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update dimgrey cavefish firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update picasso firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navy flounder firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update vangogh firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update green sardine firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update sienna cichlid firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.11 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi14 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update renoir firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi12 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update yellow carp firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update navi10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update raven2 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.3 firmware from 5.7 branch
+  * amdgpu: update aldebaran firmware from 5.7 branch
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- Update -rt config files.
+- commit b2029bb
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- Refresh -rt config files.
+- commit e539d6b
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- Update -rt config files.
+- commit b2029bb
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- Refresh -rt config files.
+- commit e539d6b
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
-- s390: add z16 elf platform (git-fixes LTC#203789 bsc#1215956
-  LTC#203788 bsc#1215957).
-- commit a4355b3
+- Update config files.
+  - BATTERY_UG3105
+  - BCM84881_PHY
+  - CDX_BUS
+  - CHARGER_MAX77976
+  - DRM_SSD130X
+  - FB_SSD130X
+  - FW_CS_DSP
+  - HID_VRC2
+  - HNS3_PMU
+  - I2C_HID
+  - MCTP
+  - MFD_MAX597X
+  - MFD_MAX77714
+  - P2SB
+  - RTC_DRV_NCT3018Y
+  - SAMSUNG_Q10
+  - WPCM450_SOC
+- commit 6d89b4c
+- Update config files.
+- commit cedd036
+- config.conf: disable !azure
+- commit 98c5b50
+- Add azure config
+- commit 32fc924
+- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
+- commit dc646eb
+- commit 38b4fba
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- gve: Support IPv6 Big TCP on DQ (bsc#1214479).
+- Refresh patches.suse/gve-unify-driver-name-usage.patch.
+- commit ff50f3e
+- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
+- commit 6799c0b
+- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Replace scsi_target_block() with
+  scsi_block_targets() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
+  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- commit 62d1aaa
+- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
+  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
+- commit f7703bd
+- xen/events: replace evtchn_rwlock with RCU (bsc#1215745,
+  xsa-441, cve-2023-34324).
+- commit 4249e3a
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- io_uring: don't allow IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- io_uring: ensure io_lockdep_assert_cq_locked() handles disabled
+  rings (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/kbuf: don't allow registered buffer rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c0dd42
+- rdma: fix INFINIBAND_USER_ACCESS dependency (jsc#PED-6864).
+- net: enetc: reset taprio stats when taprio is deleted
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- commit 584e676
+- Refresh patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130)
+  Add entries for more *.pnvm files
+- commit a47aae0
+- locking/rtmutex: Add a lockdep assert to catch potential nested
+  blocking (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Use rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Provide rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Extract __schedule_loop() (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT
+  prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Avoid unconditional slowpath for
+  DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite
+  backports)).
+- sched: Constrain locks in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- tick/rcu: Fix false positive "softirq work is pending" messages
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- commit 1d28f04
+- netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: avoid OOB read (bsc#1216046
+  CVE-2023-39189).
+- commit ea34632
+- RDMA/irdma: Allow accurate reporting on QP max send/recv WR
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-Remove-unnecessary-ternary-operators.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Drop-unused-kernel-push-code.patch.
+- commit 06f966d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize Doorbell pacing feature (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Fix-max_qp-count-for-virtual-functions.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Remove-a-redundant-flag.patch.
+- commit d397127
+- RDMA/rxe: Send last wqe reached event on qp cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-rxe-Fix-unsafe-drain-work-queue-code.patch.
+- commit c7d93ae
+- igc: Add XDP hints kfuncs for RX timestamp (jsc#PED-4860).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/igc-Fix-TX-Hang-issue-when-QBV-Gate-is-closed.patch.
+- commit 1039403
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-cyttsp4_core-change-del_timer_sync-to-tim.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
+- commit 879ed5d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Decrement resource stats correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the handling of control path response data
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix NULL pointer access in regmr_cmd (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix error code in erdma_create_scatter_mtt()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- qed/red_ll2: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct qed_ll2_info
+  (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: always add legacy 32byte RXDID in supported_rxdids
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- sfc: handle error pointers returned by
+  rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast() (jsc#PED-6894).
+- igc: Expose tx-usecs coalesce setting to user (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: Flush XDP for bnxt_poll_nitroa0()'s NAPI
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- igc: Fix infinite initialization loop with early XDP redirect
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: clean up in all error paths when enabling SR-IOV
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igb: Change IGB_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igbvf: Change IGBVF_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64
+  and 80 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igc: Change IGC_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: disable virtualization features on 82580 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- sfc: check for zero length in EF10 RX prefix (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/hfi1: Reduce printing of errors during driver shut down
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Move user SDMA system memory pinning code to its
+  own file (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix trailing */ formatting in block comment
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix redundant break statement in switch-case
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Call llist_reverse_order in siw_run_sq (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix kernel doc errors (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Implement hierarchical MTT (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the storage structure of MTT entries
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Renaming variable names and field names of struct
+  erdma_mem (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support hns HW stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Dump whole QP/CQ/MR resource in raw (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add missing kernel-doc in irdma_setup_umode_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Copy union directly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for dmabuf pinned memory regions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Protect the PD table bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize mutex dbq_lock (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/core: Add more speed parsing in ib_get_width_and_speed()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Set sq_sig_type correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused declaration hns_roce_modify_srq()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary NULL values (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Avoid unnecessary memset (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Cleanup bnxt_re_process_raw_qp_pkt_rx() function
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the sideband buffer size handling for FW
+  commands (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/mlx5: Add HW counter called rx_dct_connect (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mthca: Remove unnecessary NULL assignments (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix one kernel-doc comment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Fix tx thread initialization (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use HW specific minimum WQ size (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Get IB width and speed from netdev (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the debug counters for doorbell pacing
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Expose the missing hw counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the hw counters for resource stats
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Reorganize the resource stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Cleanup and rename irdma_netdev_vlan_ipv6()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add table based lookup for CQ pointer during an
+  event (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Refactor error handling in create CQP
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop a local in irdma_sc_get_next_aeqe
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Use struct_size() (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove VF extend configuration (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support get XRCD number from firmware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove duplicate assignments of va (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in qedr_create_gsi_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add a new uapi for driver notification
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Implement doorbell pacing algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Update alloc_page uapi for pacing (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable pacing support for the user apps
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_en: Share the bar0 address with the RoCE driver
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Update HW interface headers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- RDMA/cma: Avoid GID lookups on iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Deduplicate error flow in cma_validate_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Set gid_attr.ndev for iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix building without IPv6 (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Implement egress VLAN priority (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/efa: Add RDMA write HW statistics counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: align MR mem allocation size to power-of-two
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: Check firmware supports Ethernet PTP filter (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: extend pedit add action to handle decrement ipv6 hop limit
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce pedit add actions on the ipv4 ttl field
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ipv6 hop limit by offloading set hop limit
+  actions (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ttl by offloading set ipv4 ttl actions
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add mac source and destination pedit action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce ethernet pedit set action infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/core: Reorder GID delete code for RoCE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt: use the NAPI skb allocation cache (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Add tx_resets ring counter (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Display the ring error counters under ethtool -S
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Save ring error counters across reset (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Increment rx_resets counter in bnxt_disable_napi()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Let the page pool manage the DMA mapping
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Use the unified RX page pool buffers for XDP and
+  non-XDP (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload left-hand side rules for conntrack (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: conntrack state matches in TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: handle non-zero chain_index on TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload conntrack flow entries (match only) from CT zones
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to insert/remove conntrack entries to MAE
+  hardware (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to register for conntrack zone offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add MAE table machinery for conntrack table (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=stringop-overflow warning in bnxt_dcb.c
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=1 warning in bnxt_dcb.c from fortify memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: add missing xdp.h includes in drivers (jsc#PED-4860).
+- eth: bnxt: fix warning for define in struct_group
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: fix one of the W=1 warnings about fortified memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove vfdi.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Cleanups in io.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Miscellaneous comment removals (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove struct efx_special_buffer (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Filter cleanups for Falcon and Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove some NIC type indirections that are no longer needed
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove PTP code for Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove EFX_REV_SIENA_A0 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove support for siena high priority queue
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove siena_nic_data and stats (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove falcon references (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: clean up a type issue (jsc#PED-3309).
+- eth: bnxt: handle invalid Tx completions more gracefully
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: take the bit to set as argument of
+  bnxt_queue_sp_work() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: move and rename reset helpers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- net: bna: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-6884).
+- igc: Add TransmissionOverrun counter (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: use dev_consume_skb_any() in bnxt_tx_int
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- infiniband: convert to ctime accessor functions (jsc#PED-6864).
+- fs: add ctime accessors infrastructure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: allocate a big enough SKB for loopback selftest packet
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize dpi_tbl_lock mutex (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: fix field-spanning memcpy in selftest (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix an error handling path in rxe_bind_mw()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bna: Remove error checking for debugfs_create_dir()
+  (jsc#PED-6884).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix spelling mistake "priviledged" -> "privileged"
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove duplicated include in bnxt_re/main.c
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor code around bnxt_qplib_map_rc()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove incorrect return check from slow path
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable low latency push (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Reorg the bar mapping (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Move the interface version to chip context
+  structure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Query function capabilities from firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Optimize the bnxt_re_init_hwrm_hdr usage
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add disassociate ucontext support (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Use the common mmap helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize opcode while sending message
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Remove NULL check before dev_{put, hold}
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Simplify cq->notify code (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fixes mr access supported list (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: optimize the parameters passed to helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove redundant cmdq_bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use firmware provided max request timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: cancel all control path command waiters upon error
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: post destroy_ah for delayed completion of AH
+  creation (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add firmware stall check detection (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: handle command completions after driver detect
+  a timedout (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: set fixed command queue depth (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove virt_func check while creating RoCE FW
+  channel (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the original doorbell allocation mechanism
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Associate QPs/CQs with doorbells for authorization
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Allocate doorbell resources from hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Configure PAGE_SIZE to hardware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Implement rereg_user_mr (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Let rkey == lkey for local access (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Introduce rxe access supported flags (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA//rxe: Optimize send path in rxe_resp.c (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Rename IB_ACCESS_REMOTE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Add clear_hem return value to log (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary QP type checks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Remove unused struct mmu_rb_ops fields .insert,
+  .invalidate (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Add mmu_rb_node refcount to hfi1_mmu_rb_template
+  tracepoints (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rtrs: Remove duplicate cq_num assignment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix comments about removed tasklets (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Add workqueue support for rxe tasks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: falcon: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: siena: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: keep alive neighbour entries while a TC encap action is
+  using them (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Link representors to PCI device (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: fix uninitialized variable use (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add CONFIG_INET dependency for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: do not try to call tc functions when CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV=n
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/sched: taprio: report class offload stats per TXQ, not
+  per TC (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: Add devlink dev info support for EF10 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: generate encap headers for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: neighbour lookup for TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: MAE functions to create/update/delete encap headers
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add function to atomically update a rule in the MAE
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: some plumbing towards TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net: enetc: report statistics counters for taprio
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net: enetc: refactor enetc_setup_tc_taprio() to have a
+  switch/case for cmd (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: add netlink reporting for offload statistics
+  counters (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: don't overwrite "sch" variable in
+  taprio_dump_class_stats() (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: handle VI shortage on ef100 by readjusting the channels
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: Use bitmap_weight_and() (jsc#PED-3309).
+- igb: Define igb_pm_ops conditionally on CONFIG_PM
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- net: remove __skb_frag_set_page() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_src_port
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- commit d69eedd
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- mm, memcg: reconsider kmem.limit_in_bytes deprecation
+  (bsc#1208788 bsc#1213705).
+- commit 8678375
+- Revert "Delete patches.suse/memcg-drop-kmem-limit_in_bytes.patch."
+  This reverts commit 52c1db3eb4e2acbdd91aaaefddc26b7207cd4c90.
+  It'll be fixed differently in a following commit.
+  Restore the commit with upstream commit already for proper sorting.
+- commit dcac9e6
+- blk-cgroup: Fix NULL deref caused by blkg_policy_data being
+  installed before init (bsc#1216062).
+- commit 82eb0da
+- blacklist.conf: Add 82b90b6c5b38 cgroup:namespace: Remove unused cgroup_namespaces_init()
+- commit 8f5c0b6
+- HID: sony: remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e63039
+- PCI/PM: Mark devices disconnected if upstream PCIe link is
+  down on resume (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom: Fix IPQ8074 enumeration (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi:: Mark driver struct with __refdata to
+  prevent section mismatch warning (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: tmfifo: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/ifs: release cpus_read_lock() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- net: lan743x: also select PHYLIB (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix incorrect usage of scan API (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Create resources for disabled links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix potential key use-after-free (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt76x02: fix MT76x0 external LNA gain handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix oob check condition in
+  mwifiex_process_rx_packet (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: rtw8723d: Fix MAC address offset in EEPROM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix mesh id corruption on 32 bit systems
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix a memory corruption issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg_ini: fix structure packing (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: hold link BSSes when assoc fails for
+  MLO connection (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix tlv_buf_left calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix lock dependency problem for wed_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: llcp: Add lock when modifying device list (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: Revert "fix kobject release warning and memory
+  leak in regulator_register()" (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: regulator_register: set device->class earlier
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Fix wrong register marked as in-cache when
+  creating new node (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix potential use after free in
+  nilfs_gccache_submit_read_data() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "tty: n_gsm: fix UAF in gsm_cleanup_mux" (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250_port: Check IRQ data before use (git-fixes).
+- soc: imx8m: Enable OCOTP clock for imx8mm before reading
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Fix node refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: core: fix use after free in uevent (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rt9467: Fix rt9467_run_aicl() (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Add missing module alias (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ucs1002: fix error code in ucs1002_get_property()
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: mt6370: Fix missing error code in
+  mt6370_chg_toggle_cfo() (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-gxp: BUG: Correct spi write return value (git-fixes).
+- commit 411dd64
+- dt-bindings: trivial-devices: Fix MEMSIC MXC4005 compatible
+  string (git-fixes).
+- media: dt-bindings: imx7-csi: Make power-domains not required
+  for imx8mq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: media: renesas,vin: Fix field-even-active spelling
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: aspeed: fix the GPIO number passed to
+  pinctrl_gpio_set_config() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pxa: disable pinctrl calls for MMP_GPIO (git-fixes).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Disable and reenable ACPI GPE bit
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: sony: Fix a potential memory leak in sony_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: mvm: handle PS changes in vif_cfg_changed (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc75xx: Fix uninit-value access in
+  __smsc75xx_read_reg (git-fixes).
+- leds: Drop BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI (git-fixes).
+- modpost: add missing else to the "of" check (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Fixup perf power-cost/microwatt support
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Don't set the memory region attributes for
+  MEM_LEND (git-fixes).
+- firmware: imx-dsp: Fix an error handling path in
+  imx_dsp_setup_channels() (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix missing AM35xx SoC matching (git-fixes).
+- i2c: npcm7xx: Fix callback completion ordering (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pmic-eic-sprd: Add can_sleep flag for PMIC EIC chip
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: tegra: fix error return case for recalc_rate (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Fix regmap write accessor (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Use REGCACHE_FLAT instead of NONE (git-fixes).
+- clk: sprd: Fix thm_parents incorrect configuration (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Match auto-discovered region decoders by HPA range
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/pci: Fix appropriate checking for _OSC while handling CXL
+  RAS registers (git-fixes).
+- gpio: tb10x: Fix an error handling path in tb10x_gpio_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: xiic: Correct return value check for xiic_reinit()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: gpio: Add missing fwnode_handle_put() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: demux-pinctrl: check the return value of
+  devm_kstrdup() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: unregister tco_pdev in i801_probe() error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: fix frag_list chaining (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
+- commit 144b2b0
+- Bluetooth: hci_codec: Fix leaking content of local_codecs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix handling of listen for unicast (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_link_tx_to RCU lock usage (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix handling of
+- Bluetooth: Delete unused hci_req_prepare_suspend() declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Fix incorrect calculation of idt size (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: remove CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_NPCM8XX=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Use fsleep() instead of usleep_range() in
+  sysc_reset() (git-fixes).
+- ARM: uniphier: fix cache kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Do not register PM operations for SAS ports
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix port and device removal (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix ata_port_request_pm() locking (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-sata: increase PMP SRST timeout to 10s (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: ignore reserved bits for REPORT SUPPORTED
+  OPERATION CODES (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Do not use wait event interruptible (git-fixes).
+- commit 8671b07
+- misc: rtsx: Fix some platforms can not boot and move the l1ss
+  judgment to probe (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit cb63da0
+- Drop the downstream revert patch for rtsx driver (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
+  The upstream fix will follow
+- commit 12a98ef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Remove not-used cache disable flag (git-fixes)
+- commit d265793
+- RDMA/core: Require admin capabilities to set system parameters (git-fixes)
+- commit ba648d8
+- RDMA/cma: Initialize ib_sa_multicast structure to 0 when join (git-fixes)
+- commit 4975d08
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mkey cache possible deadlock on cleanup (git-fixes)
+- commit 36b7bc4
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix NULL string error (git-fixes)
+- commit 997bcef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mutex unlocking on error flow for steering anchor creation (git-fixes)
+- commit 386907d
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix assigning access flags to cache mkeys (git-fixes)
+- commit 48eb599
+- IB/mlx4: Fix the size of a buffer in add_port_entries() (git-fixes)
+- commit db2e278
+- RDMA/cma: Fix truncation compilation warning in make_cma_ports (git-fixes)
+- commit d432eb1
+- RDMA/uverbs: Fix typo of sizeof argument (git-fixes)
+- commit e989827
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Check skb value for failure to allocate (git-fixes)
+- commit c91349a
+- RDMA/siw: Fix connection failure handling (git-fixes)
+- commit 0c6c2d5
+- RDMA/srp: Do not call scsi_done() from srp_abort() (git-fixes)
+- commit decf5af
+- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
+- commit e8f13ae
+- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
+- commit ee5fede
+- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
+- commit db9b78b
+- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
+- commit 870a58d
+- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
+- commit 2517e23
+- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
+- commit 301ea4d
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop unused kernel push code (git-fixes)
+- commit 9786b53
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (git-fixes)
+- commit b3ae7a5
+- platform/x86: ISST: Fix usage counter (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit f576773
+- platform/x86: ISST: Reset default callback on unregister
+  (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit 7c37bca
+- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
+- commit ae6bd28
+- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
+- commit fc1cada
+- RDMA/hns: Fix inaccurate error label name in init instance (git-fixes)
+- commit 34aadc0
+- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
+- commit ff3c701
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove a redundant flag (git-fixes)
+- commit 001b6a1
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
+- commit cc851d8
+- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
+- commit 2f666f0
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix incomplete state save in rxe_requester (git-fixes)
+- commit 7b5bacf
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix rxe_modify_srq (git-fixes)
+- commit 7c8a1be
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix unsafe drain work queue code (git-fixes)
+- commit d04f3ed
+- RDMA/rxe: Move work queue code to subroutines (git-fixes)
+- commit 069a48c
+- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
+- commit 58aadd5
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
+- commit 8fd5f7d
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci:
+  Document affinity_domain_via_partition sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via partition information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_domain sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via domain information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_virtual_processor sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to
+  show affinity domain via virtual processor information
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_config sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor config information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_bus_topology sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor bus topology information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- commit 4340580
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- tracing/user_events: Align set_bit() address for all archs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0517cb9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Fix invalid setting of Power Limit 4
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 93c416d
+- ring-buffer: Update "shortest_full" in polling (git-fixes).
+- commit b94b97e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ring-buffer: Fix bytes info in per_cpu buffer stats (git-fixes).
+- commit bba0794
+- bpf: Add override check to kprobe multi link attach (git-fixes).
+- commit 2bdd913
+- tracing/synthetic: Print out u64 values properly (git-fixes).
+- commit 7459811
+- tracing/synthetic: Fix order of struct trace_dynamic_info
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9637422
+- tracing: Have event inject files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d09b7b
+- tracing: Have option files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a16dcad
+- tracing: Have current_trace inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e5136de
+- tracing: Have tracing_max_latency inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 468c799
+- tracing: Increase trace array ref count on enable and filter
+  files (git-fixes).
+- commit 2d3bc8b
+- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e2c5ec
+- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 08c501c
+- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b14a2bd
+- s390/bpf: Let arch_prepare_bpf_trampoline return program size
+  (git-fixes bsc#1216004).
+- commit d65e779
+- powerpc/ftrace: Fix dropping weak symbols with older toolchains
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cbedc1
+- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
+- commit a128a8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL TPMI interface driver (jsc#PED-4897).
+- powercap: RAPL: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-4897).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf:
+- commit 0f77921
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce core support for TPMI interface
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit f7281be
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL I/F type (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 9639227
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Make cpu optional for rapl_package
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 28bdcc2
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove redundant cpu parameter
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3651b8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for lock bit per Power Limit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 977316b
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Cleanup Power Limits support
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c7a8fb1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use bitmap for Power Limits
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 66103f9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Change primitive order (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit d24fd48
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use index to initialize primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3c01ff3
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per domain energy/power/time unit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c42816c
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit dd80bd7
+- i40e: Fix VF VLAN offloading when port VLAN is configured
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- iavf: schedule a request immediately after add/delete vlan
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: add iavf_schedule_aq_request() helper (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: do not process adminq tasks when __IAVF_IN_REMOVE_TASK
+  is set (jsc#PED-4937).
+- xsk: Fix xsk_build_skb() error: 'skb' dereferencing possible
+  ERR_PTR() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: avoid executing commands on other ports when driving sync
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed/qede: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: split ice_aq_wait_for_event() func into two (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: embed &ice_rq_event_info event into struct ice_aq_task
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: ice_aq_check_events: fix off-by-one check when filling
+  buffer (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: drop two params from ice_aq_alloc_free_res()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove redundant VSI configuration in eswitch setup
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move E810T functions to before device agnostic ones
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vsi_is_vlan_pruning_ena (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ptp_hw to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_sched to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Utilize assign_bit() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vf_lib to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_lib to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ddp to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove unused methods (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays for structures allocated as
+  `nents` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structures allocated as
+  `nents + 1` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structs allocated as
+  `nents + 1` - 1 (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed: remove unused 'resp_size' calculation (jsc#PED-5734).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_aq_section (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_section_table (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_segment (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_package_header (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: clean up __ice_aq_get_set_rss_lut() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add FW load wait (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add get C827 PHY index function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Rename enum ice_pkt_flags values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add direction metadata (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Accept LAG netdevs in bridge offloads (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4874).
+- net: move struct netdev_rx_queue out of netdevice.h
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove i40e_status (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: update reset path for SRIOV LAG support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce no DCB config changing when in bond (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce interface eligibility and add messaging for SRIOV
+  LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: support non-standard teardown of bond interface
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Flesh out implementation of support for SRIOV on bonded
+  interface (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: process events created by lag netdev event handler
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement lag netdev event handler (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: changes to the interface with the HW and FW for
+  SRIOV_VF+LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add driver support for firmware changes for LAG
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Correctly initialize queue context values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add tracepoints for the switchdev bridge (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement static version of ageing (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement bridge port vlan (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add VLAN FDB support in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add guard rule when creating FDB in switchdev
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Switchdev FDB events support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Implement basic eswitch bridge setup (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Unset src prune on uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Disable vlan pruning for uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Don't tx before switchdev is fully configured
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Prohibit rx mode change in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Skip adv rules removal upon switchdev release
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- net: add missing net_device::xdp_zc_max_segs description
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add TX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: Tx multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: support mbuf on ZC RX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add new netlink attribute dedicated for ZC max frags
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Tx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: allow core/drivers to test EOP bit (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce wrappers and helpers for supporting multi-buffer
+  in Tx path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Rx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: move xdp_buff's data length check to xsk_rcv_check
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare both copy and zero-copy modes to co-exist
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce XSK_USE_SG bind flag for xsk socket
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare 'options' in xdp_desc for multi-buffer use
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Wait for pending VF reset in VF set callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Add helper for VF inited state check with timeout
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-4876).
+- kbuild: Drop -Wdeclaration-after-statement (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 90ab4c5
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface rapl_defaults
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 950dab1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Allow probing without CPUID match
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit cd0b9eb
+- Refresh SED Opal patches to current version.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-SED-Opal-keystore.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-keystore-access-for-SED-Opal-keys.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+- commit af23332
+- sfc: fix use-after-free in efx_tc_flower_record_encap_match()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 66a3362
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering operations to be used as
+  core library (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 980e37c
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Create ACL FT for eswitch manager in
+  switchdev mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Clear mirred devices array if the rule is split
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Convert PCI error values to generic errnos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Dynamic cyclecounter shift calculation for PTP free
+  running clock (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_packet (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_crypto (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Provide an interface to block change of IPsec
+  capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IFC bits to support IPsec enable/disable
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rewrite IPsec vs. TC block interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Drop extra layer of locks in IPsec (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec packet
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec crypto
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: fix up for "net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering
+  operations to be used as core library" (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handles RoCE MACsec steering rules addition and
+  deletion (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add RoCE MACsec steering infrastructure in core
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for ingress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for egress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add MACsec priorities in RDMA namespaces
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Implement MACsec gid addition and deletion
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Maintain fs_id xarray per MACsec device inside macsec
+  steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove netdevice from MACsec steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering and statistics database
+  from ethernet to core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rename MACsec flow steering functions/parameters
+  to suit core naming style (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove dependency of macsec flow steering on ethernet
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: add functions to get macsec real netdevice and check
+  offload (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper TCP protocol selector
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper protocol selector field offload
+  for RX (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Store vport in struct mlx5_devlink_port and use it
+  in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check vhca_resource_manager capability in each op
+  and add extack msg (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Relax mlx5_devlink_eswitch_get() return value checking
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return -EOPNOTSUPP in
+  mlx5_devlink_port_fn_migratable_set() directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Reduce number of vport lookups passing vport pointer
+  instead of index (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Embed struct devlink_port into driver structure
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't register ops for non-PF/VF/SF port and avoid
+  checks in ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove no longer used
+  mlx5_esw_offloads_sf_vport_enable/disable() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_sf_vport() and
+  use it from SF code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allow mlx5_esw_offloads_devlink_port_register()
+  to register SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push devlink port PF/VF init/cleanup calls out of
+  devlink_port_register/unregister() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push out SF devlink port init and cleanup code to
+  separate helpers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rework devlink port alloc/free into init/cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, only use devcom after NULL check in
+  mlx5_devcom_send_event() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Supporting inline WQE when possible
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename devlink port ops struct for PFs/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove VPORT_UPLINK handling from devlink_port.c
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Call mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() for uplink
+  port directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove health syndrome enum duplication
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove unneeded local variable (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix code indentation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: IRQ, consolidate irq and affinity mask allocation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix spelling mistake "Faided" -> "Failed"
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Introduce ethtool stats (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Warn if aRFS table does not exist for aRFS rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Prevent repeated kernel rule migrations
+  requests (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't query MAX caps twice (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused MAX HCA capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused CAPs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error message in
+  mlx5_sf_dev_state_change_handler() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check of mlx5_vhca_event_supported()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use mlx5_sf_start_function_id() helper instead of
+  directly calling MLX5_CAP_GEN() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant SF supported check from
+  mlx5_sf_hw_table_init() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use auxiliary_device_uninit() instead of device_put()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Add checking for flow rule destinations
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check with FW that sync reset completed successfully
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose max possible SFs via devlink resource
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add recovery flow for tx devlink health reporter
+  for unhealthy PTP SQ (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make tx_port_ts logic resilient to out-of-order CQEs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Consolidate devlink documentation in devlink/mlx5.rst
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose NIC temperature via hardware monitoring kernel
+  API (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose port.c/mlx5_query_module_num() function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, Only handle registered netdev bridge events
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant arg ignore_flow_lvl
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix typo reminder -> remainder (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate completion EQs dynamically (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle SF IRQ request in the absence of SF IRQ pool
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename mlx5_comp_vectors_count() to
+  mlx5_comp_vectors_max() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IRQ vector to CPU lookup function (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_cpumask_default_spread (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement single completion EQ create/destroy methods
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release handlers in
+  EQ layer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion IRQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release API
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Track the current number of completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make TC and IPsec offloads mutually exclusive on
+  a netdev (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add get IPsec offload stats for uplink representor
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Modify and restore TC rules for IPSec TX rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make IPsec offload work together with eswitch and TC
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Compare with old_dest param to modify rule destination
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for TX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec TX tables creation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle IPsec offload for RX datapath in switchdev
+  mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for RX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec RX tables creation and destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Prepare IPsec packet offload for switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Change the parameter of IPsec RX skb handle function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add function to get IPsec offload namespace
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: flow_dissector: Use 64bits for used_keys (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Give esw_offloads_load/unload_rep() "mlx5_" prefix
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_vport() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless devlink_rate checks (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't check vport->enabled in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make flow classification filters static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove duplicate code for user flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate command stats with xarray (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: split mlx5_cmd_init() to probe and reload routines
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant cmdif revision check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Re-organize mlx5_cmd struct (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow devcom initialization on more vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Register devcom device with switch id key
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Infrastructure changes (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use shared code for checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix flowhash key set/get for custom RSS
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec NAT-T functionality (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Check for IPsec NAT-T support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add relevant capabilities bits to support NAT-T
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB quantum parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on port ranges
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Pass main driver structure to
+  mlxsw_sp_acl_rulei_destroy() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Add port range key element (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_port_range: Add port range core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: resource: Add resource identifier for port range
+  registers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Port Range Register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Make max_phase_adjustment sysfs device attribute invisible
+  when not supported (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix SFs kernel documentation error (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on layer 2 miss
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Do not force matching on iif
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Split iif parsing to a separate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: save devlink_port_ops into a variable in
+  devlink_port_function_validate() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_ip_tos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: populate enc_ip_tos matches in MAE outer rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit d4d7288
-  bsc#1215941).
-- commit a62865f
+  bsc#1215938).
+- commit 2f8f411
+- net/mlx5: Update the driver with the recent thermal changes
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mlx5-Register-a-unique-thermal-zone-per-dev.patch.
+- commit d703dfe
-- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (CVE-2023-39194
-  bsc#1215861).
-- commit 55308cb
+- devlink: bring port new reply back (jsc#PED-3311).
+- blacklist.conf: removed temp blacklist for this commit
+- commit becfbcb
+- net/mlx5: Fix mlx5_cmd_update_root_ft() error flow
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit f123e4d
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix crash on shutdown for when no ndev exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Correct default number of queues when MQ is on
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add capability check for vnic counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix devlink controller number for ECVF (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return correct EC_VF function ID (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix peer domain namespace setting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, set debugfs access right to root-only
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support interrupt bypassing (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rely on dev->link_active_reporting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handle DCT QP logic separately from low level QP
+  interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Reduce QP table exposure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Nullify qp->dbg pointer post destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless vport lookup from
+  mlx5_esw_check_port_type() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check from
+  mlx5_esw_query_vport_vhca_id() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant is_mdev_switchdev_mode() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant MLX5_ESWITCH_MANAGER() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Fix shared fdb error flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant comment (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Pass other_vport flag if vport is not 0
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use xarray for devcom paired device index
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add peer fdb miss rules for vport manager
+  or ecpf (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Use vhca_id for device index in vport rx rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, Remove duplicate code checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error code in mlx5_is_reset_now_capable()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix reserved at offset in hca_cap register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix UAF in mlx5_eswitch_cleanup() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add .getmaxphase ptp_clock_info callback
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Add .getmaxphase callback to ptp_clock_info (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Clarify ptp_clock_info .adjphase expects an internal
+  servo to be used (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused ecpu field from struct mlx5_sf_table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add header file for events (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, update query of HCA caps for EC VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix the macro for accessing EC VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add local loopback counter to vport stats
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose bits for local loopback counter (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove mlx5e_dbg() and msglvl support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, remove redundant else statements
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, expose FDB state via debugfs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, pass net device when linking vport to bridge
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Create eswitch debugfs root directory (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle sync reset unload event (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check DTOR entry value is not zero (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose timeout for sync reset unload stage
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Ack on sync_reset_request only if PF can do reset_now
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: tls: make the offload check helper take skb not socket
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove a useless function call (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Light probe local SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Move esw multiport devlink param to eswitch code
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Split function_setup() to enable and open functions
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Set max number of embedded CPU VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update SRIOV enable/disable to handle EC/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Query correct caps for min msix vectors
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use correct vport when restoring GUIDs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add new page type for EC VF pages (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add/remove peer miss rules for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add management of EC VF vports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update vport caps query/set for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable devlink port for embedded cpu VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: mlx5_ifc updates for embedded CPU SRIOV
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify unload all rep code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: simplify condition after napi budget handling change
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Allocate ECPF vport if it's an eswitch
+  manager (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Skip inline mode check after
+  mlx5_eswitch_enable_locked() failure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, refactor access to hash key (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove RX page cache leftovers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Expose catastrophic steering error counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable 4 ports VF LAG (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multiport eswitch LAG in case ldev have
+  more than 2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multipath LAG in case ldev have more than
+  2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, change mlx5_shared_fdb_supported() to static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, generalize handling of shared FDB (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, check if all eswitches are paired for shared FDB
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- {net/RDMA}/mlx5: introduce lag_for_each_peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Free second uplink ib port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, extend mlx5_devcom_send_event to work with
+  more than two devices (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, introduce devcom_for_each_peer_entry
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, mark devcom as not ready when all eswitches
+  are unpaired (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Rename paired to ready (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, handle more than one peer domain (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, generalize shared FDB creation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Handle multiple master egress rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, refactor FDB miss rule add/remove
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, enlarge peer miss group table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle offloads flows per peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, re-factor query route port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: rep, store send to vport rules per peer
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: tc, Refactor peer add/del flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, Extend peer flows to a list (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_offload: Reject matching on layer 2 miss (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_dissector: Dissect layer 2 miss from tc skb extension
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- skbuff: bridge: Add layer 2 miss indication (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_del() to devlink_port_ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_state_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_migratable_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_roce_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_hw_addr_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5: register devlink ports with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_type_set() op into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx4: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: remove no longer true locking comment from
+  port_new/del() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Initialize E-Switch for eswitch manager
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: devlink, Only show PF related devlink warning when
+  needed (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use metadata matching for RoCE loopback rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use RoCE version 2 for loopback traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add a check that log_max_l2_table is valid
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch: move debug print of adding mac to correct
+  place (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Check device is PF when stopping esw
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant vport_group_manager cap check
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use metadata for vport matching in
+  send-to-vport rules (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow get vport api if esw exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Update when to set other vport context
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant __func__ arg from fs_err() calls
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Remove flow_source check for metadata
+  matching (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant esw multiport validate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB priority parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: introduce and use skb_frag_fill_page_desc() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: Use helper macsec_netdev_priv for offload drivers
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit ff2baea
-- commit 5ec24b7
+- commit 1bae227
-- commit 292c059
+- commit 8c838db
-- commit ad87dd3
+- commit de82205
-- KVM: s390: pv: fix external interruption loop not always
-  detected (git-fixes bsc#1215916).
-- commit f1893aa
-- btrfs: fix root ref counts in error handling in
-  btrfs_get_root_ref (bsc#1214351 CVE-2023-4389).
-- commit 3731029
-- KVM: s390: fix KVM_S390_GET_CMMA_BITS for GFNs in memslot holes
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215915).
-- commit fe7fbfc
-- KVM: s390/diag: fix racy access of physical cpu number in diag
-  9c handler (git-fixes bsc#1215911).
-- commit 6454286
+- crypto: akcipher - Do not copy dst if it is NULL (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Fix verify call (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: akcipher - Set request tfm on sync path (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit d75a995
-- commit 679511d
+- commit 5ddd22d
-- blacklist.conf: kABi breakage (vmalloc)
-- commit 10bad47
+- crypto: sm2 - Fix crash caused by uninitialized context
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sm2 - Provide sm2_compute_z_digest when sm2 is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Use new crypto interface without scatterlists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Move sm2 code into x509_public_key
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 253faa7
+- supported.conf: Add new p10 crypto modules (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 1cbe2fd
+- KEYS: Add forward declaration in asymmetric-parser.h
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Add interface for sign/verify (jsc#PED-5460).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: akcipher - Add sync interface without SG lists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: algboss - Add missing dependency on RNG2 (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 746bfd1
+- crypto: powerpc/chacha20,poly1305-p10 - Add dependency on VSX
+  (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit a08f0f4
+- crypto: vmx - Improved AES/XTS performance of 6-way unrolling
+  for ppc (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: powerpc - Add chacha20/poly1305-p10 to Kconfig and
+  Makefile (jsc#PED-5089).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - Glue code for optmized Poly1305
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - An optimized Poly1305 implementation
+  with 4-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypt: chacha20-p10 - Glue code for optmized Chacha20
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: chacha20-p10 - An optimized Chacha20 implementation
+  with 8-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 7745266
-- KVM: s390: interrupt: use READ_ONCE() before cmpxchg()
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215896).
-- commit 8726736
-- KVM: s390: vsie: fix the length of APCB bitmap (git-fixes
-  bsc#1215895).
-- commit 9ff1a1e
-- KVM: s390: vsie: Fix the initialization of the epoch extension
-  (epdx) field (git-fixes bsc#1215894).
-- commit 9c5bbd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/tcp-Reduce-chance-of-collisions-in-inet6_hashfn.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
+- commit 06ff030
-- commit 7a6be79
+- commit 695ac3b
+- netfilter: ipset: Fix race between IPSET_CMD_CREATE and
+  IPSET_CMD_SWAP (CVE-2023-42756 bsc#1215767).
+- commit fd797f5
+- io_uring/fs: remove sqe->rw_flags checking from LINKAT
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 244bd5e
+- Update patch headers to reflect state of TDX for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
+- commit 4f4b833
-- tcp: Reduce chance of collisions in inet6_hashfn()
-  (CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
-- commit e3ebd17
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: compiler warning on 32-bit systems with
-  Clang (bsc#1215877)
-- commit b7e65aa
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: Code refactoring
-- commit e204334
-- blacklist.conf: printk: the changes look good but they do not fix
-  any serious problem
-- commit c560ceb
+- blacklist.conf: livepatch: cosmetic
+- commit 634df5c
-- commit e0d3999
+- commit 4ef741a
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
-- commit d1a5f2f
+- Update patches.suse/security-integrity-fix-pointer-to-ESL-data-and-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit 516edff
-- commit 96a8c32
+- commit dd4f718
-- gve: fix frag_list chaining (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Unify duplicate GQ min pkt desc size constants
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add AF_XDP zero-copy support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP REDIRECT support for GQI-QPL format (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP DROP and TX support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Changes to add new TX queues (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: XDP support GQI-QPL: helper function changes (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Fix gve interrupt names (bsc#1214479).
-- commit 4dd2d8d
+- kselftest/arm64: Validate that changing one VL type does not
+  affect another (jsc#PED-4126).
+- kselftest/arm64: Add a test case for SVE VL changes with SME
+  active (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Don't flush SME register hardware state along
+  with thread (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Use CPACR_EL1 format to set CPTR_EL2 when E2H is set
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Allow EL1 physical timer access when running VHE
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Exit streaming mode when flushing tasks
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- commit fffd4de
-- commit 9408063
+- commit 90dfe5e
-- Update metadata
-- commit 8a83576
+- NFSv4.1: fix pnfs MDS=DS session trunking (git-fixes).
+- Revert "SUNRPC: Fail faster on bad verifier" (git-fixes).
+- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
+  (git-fixes).
+- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
+- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
+  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
+- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Rework scratch handling for READ_PLUS (again)
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS size calculations (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS smatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
+  (git-fixes).
+- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
+- nfsd: Fix creation time serialization order (git-fixes).
+- commit 9b452cc
-- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port. (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-  * context changes
-- commit b93ab93
+- efi/unaccepted: Make sure unaccepted table is mapped
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit e4960be
-- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-- commit 0eaf20c
+- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
+- commit 02fca20
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw_init.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e324027
+- arm64: Fix dangling references to Documentation/arm64
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- arm64: efi: add efi_handle_corrupted_x18 prototype
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit cf69994
+- efivarfs: fix statfs() on efivarfs (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/unaccepted: Use ACPI reclaim memory for unaccepted memory
+  table (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/esrt: Allow ESRT access without CAP_SYS_ADMIN
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efivarfs: expose used and total size (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: x86: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efi: Safely enable unaccepted memory in UEFI (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- efi/unaccepted: Avoid load_unaligned_zeropad() stepping into
+  unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Implement support for unaccepted memory
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/x86: Get full memory map in allocate_e820() (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit 1a4d2a9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrtimer_.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 2de4df3
+- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
+  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
+  future reorganization of the spec template.
+- commit 30e2cef
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Tighten-permissions-on-VBIOS-flashing-attrib.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit d013066
+- memblock tests: Fix compilation errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8e3aeb1
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-output-of-pp_od_clk_voltage.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e4f052f
+- ACPI: Move AMBA bus scan handling into arm64 specific directory
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Use the acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: platform: Move SMB0001 HID to the header and reuse
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: fix undeclared variable warnings by including
+  sleep.h (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Move acpi_root to internal header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tables: Print RINTC information when MADT is parsed
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Fix acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- acpi: Replace struct acpi_table_slit 1-element array with
+  flex-array (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: Add pm_debug_messages for LPS0 _DSM state tracking
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: FFH: Drop the inclusion of linux/arm-smccc.h
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PAD: mark Zhaoxin CPUs NONSTOP TSC correctly
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: mark bert_disable as __initdata (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: GHES: Remove unused ghes_estatus_pool_size_request()
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Simplify installation and removal of notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tiny-power-button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Use different notify handlers for lid and buttons
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_flags (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_state (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Eliminate struct acpi_thermal_state_flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move acpi_thermal_driver definition
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move symbol definitions to one place
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop redundant ACPI_TRIPS_REFRESH_DEVICES symbol
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Use BIT() macro for defining flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Add declaration in a local header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: LPSS: Add pwm_lookup_table entry for second PWM on
+  CHT/BSW devices (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: video: Stop trying to use vendor backlight control on
+  laptops from after ~2012 (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Clear GPE on interrupt handling only (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Adjust Microsoft LPS0 _DSM handling sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PM: s2idle: fix section mismatch warning (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Reduce overhead related to devices with dependencies
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Consolidate all arm specific initialisation into
+  acpi_arm_init() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI/APMT: Don't register invalid resource (jsc#PED-6741).
+- x86/acpi: Remove unused extern declaration
+  acpi_copy_wakeup_routine() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- commit 77d191a
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-radeon-reintroduce-radeon_dp_work_func-content.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 6f484d3
+- x86,static_call: Fix static-call vs return-thunk (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cd97f9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-change-gfx-11.0.4-external_id-range.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 79082dc
+- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
+- commit 8afecb5
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-bounding-box-values-for-DCN32.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit ba25d71
+- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
+- commit 5709d02
+- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
+- commit af07748
+- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c92c43
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit faca79b
+- mm: page_alloc: fix CMA and HIGHATOMIC landing on the wrong
+  buddy list (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- kernel/sched: Modify initial boot task idle setup (git fixes
+  (sched/core)).
+- commit 9d1497b
+- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
+  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
+  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- commit 4a28b74
+- Update references for jsc#PED-5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-various-give-up-if-pte_offset_map-_lock-fails.patch
+- commit 75204a6
+- nvmet-tcp: pass iov_len instead of sg->length to bvec_set_page()
+  (git-fixes).
+- nvme: core: don't hold rcu read lock in
+  nvme_ns_chr_uring_cmd_iopoll (git-fixes).
+- commit d723891
+- drm/amd/display: fix the ability to use lower resolution modes
+  on eDP (git-fixes).
+- commit eecd96a
+- drm/virtio: clean out_fence on complete_submit (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fce30c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix intel_gsc_uc_fw_proxy_init_done with directed
+  wakerefs (git-fixes).
+- commit 0df651f
+- drm/i915: Only check eDP HPD when AUX CH is shared (git-fixes).
+- commit 557208e
+- drm/amd/display: fix mode scaling (RMX_.*) (git-fixes).
+- commit 88040aa
+- drm/msm/a690: Switch to a660_gmu.bin (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ed05a1
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 enc subblock length (git-fixes).
+- commit 7e9c38c
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 block lengths (git-fixes).
+- commit bff5896
+- drm/gem-fb-helper: Consistenly use drm_dbg_kms() (git-fixes).
+- commit 66aae33
+- backlight: lp855x: Initialize PWM state on first brightness
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 66f3aae
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-clear-GPINT-register-when-rel.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1740-drm-amdgpu-Fix-infinite-loop-in-gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart.patch
-- commit 4b4e240
+- commit 3282a51
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Reset-OUTBOX0-r-w-pointer-on-DMUB-re.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1715-drm-amdgpu-fix-slab-out-of-bounds-issue-in-amdgpu_vm.patch
-- commit 171518a
-- fs: no need to check source (bsc#1215752).
-- commit 1a42abf
+- commit 3ae623b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fixes-for-dcn32_clk_mgr-implementati.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1714-drm-amdgpu-Allocate-root-PD-on-correct-partition.patch
-- commit 9ba10de
+- commit 0074e90
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Return-error-code-on-DSC-atomic-chec.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1702-drm-amd-display-add-DCN301-specific-logic-for-OTG-pr.patch
-- commit 310423c
+- commit 5123631
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-missing-WA-and-MCLK-validation.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1701-drm-amd-display-export-some-optc-function-for-reuse.patch
-- commit b31adf2
+- commit df6cf8d
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-allow-more-APUs-to-do-mode2-reset-when-go.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1699-Revert-drm-i915-use-localized-__diag_ignore_all-inst.patch
-- commit 2baa247
+- commit f2ff283
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-dcn32-caps.seamless_odm.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1684-drm-i915-Remove-dead-code-from-gen8_pte_encode.patch
-- commit a0540d6
+- commit 0bf86fb
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-return-value-check-in-kfd.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1675-drm-i915-use-mock-device-info-for-creating-mock-devi.patch
-- commit 97cc526
+- commit 1600dd8
-  patches.suse/1836-drm-aperture-Run-fbdev-removal-before-internal-helpe.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1599-drm-i915-hdcp-Assign-correct-hdcp-content-type.patch
-- commit e35f57f
+- commit bdbce62
-  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1596-drm-i915-mtl-Fix-SSC-selection-for-MPLLA.patch
-- commit f8178cd
+- commit 065052f
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cursor-de.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1595-drm-i915-adlp-Allow-DC-states-along-with-PW2-only-fo.patch
-- commit f507792
+- commit e0c7378
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-vram-recover-doesn-t-work-after-whole.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1584-drm-i915-Fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug.patch
-- commit 38e2a92
+- commit 300032a
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-add-a-missing-lock-for-AMDGPU_SCHED.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1583-drm-i915-make-i915_drm_client_fdinfo-reference-condi.patch
-- commit 2ecd3e8
+- commit 4dbab7b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-flickering-caused-by-S-G-mode.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1582-drm-i915-huc-Fix-missing-error-code-in-intel_huc_ini.patch
-- commit 33e82b2
+- commit 60505d1
-  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-fix-nv50_wndw_new_-prototype.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1581-drm-i915-gsc-take-a-wakeref-for-the-proxy-init-compl.patch
-- commit 4c21b50
+- commit 6b6fc16
-- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
-  (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: fix change_info in NFSv4 RENAME replies (git-fixes).
-- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
-- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
-  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
-- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4/pnfs: minor fix for cleanup path in nfs4_get_device_info
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
-  (git-fixes).
-- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (git-fixes).
-- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+- thermal: sysfs: Fix trip_point_hyst_store() (git-fixes).
+- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
+  specific setup (git-fixes).
+- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: Fix incorrect argument in drm_test_mm_insert_range
-- commit 087b1c4
-- uapi: stddef.h: Fix __DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY for C++ (git-fixes).
-- commit 68da368
-- usb: ehci: move new member has_ci_pec_bug into hole (git-fixes).
-- commit bd8b5cf
-- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-- commit a447793
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
+  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
+  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
+  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c71447
-- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
-- commit 613dba7
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Intel Misty Peak - 8087:0038
+  (jsc#PED-6023 jsc#PED-6065).
+- commit 236139d
-- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
-- commit 27f4fed
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry for mei_gsc_proxy
+- commit 4dabdd6
-- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
-  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
-  future reorganization of the spec template.
-- commit 30e2cef
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry form amdxcp
+- commit ff92ee3
-- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (bsc#1214040).
-- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (bsc#1202845
-  bsc#1215322).
-- commit 0f79d4d
+- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9962c24
-- blacklist.conf: Ignore redundant patch
-- commit 6d0ecfc
+- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
+  (bsc#1215613).
+- Revert "fuse: in fuse_flush only wait if someone wants the
+  return  code" (bsc#1215612).
+- commit 4e4e0df
-- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
-  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
-  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- commit a5cc68e
+- supported.conf: Add entry for meson_dw_mipi_dsi
+- commit 431d315
-- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
-- commit 619e525
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 Realtek I2S speaker platform support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: generic: Check potential mixer name string truncation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Disable power save for solving pop issue on Lenovo
+  ThinkCentre M70q (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Don't 'return ret' if ret is always zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-sdw-acpi: Use u8 type for link index
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4ca03bc
-- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e42be0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE=m
+- supported.conf: add ipu-bridge
+- commit d65e142
-- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
-- commit 74b567d
+- media: ipu3-cio2: allow ipu_bridge to be a module again
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f81030
-- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
-- commit c6caed4
+- media: ipu3-cio2: rename cio2 bridge to ipu bridge and move
+  out of ipu3 (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Do-not-use-on-stack-memory-for-soft.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Fix-null-pointer-deref-on-SSDB-PLD-.patch.
+- commit 730c95a
-- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
-  specific setup (git-fixes).
-- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- selftests: tls: swap the TX and RX sockets in some tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: fix wrong sizeof argument (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Enable the IRQ on resume after configuring
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Do not disable/enable IRQ twice on suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 0a41cf6
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-  (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
-  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
-  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
-  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
-  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Use the new RUNTIME_PM_OPS() macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Fix NULL dereference at proc read (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warning (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Fix missing RESET GPIO if _SUB is missing
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e7ab5c
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed two speaker platform (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid delivery of events for disabled UMP groups
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: docs: Fix a typo of midi2_ump_probe option for
+  snd-usb-audio (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9ce31b2
+- Move upstreamed SPI patch into sorted section
+- commit 5fe2406
+- drm/amdgpu: support partition drm devices (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 0d0dce1
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-sched-cbq-dont-intepret-cls-results-when-asked-t.patch.
-  (bsc#1207036 CVE-2023-23454)
-  Fold downstream fixup of caa4b35b4317d5147b3ab0fbdc9c075c7d2e9c12.
-- commit 6635291
-- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
-  NVMe rports (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
-  in dev_loss_tmo (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
-  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
-- commit 39e6404
+- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
+  mode during RSCN (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 sysfs resource reporting (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Refactor cpu affinity assignment paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Abort outstanding ELS cmds when mailbox timeout
+  error is detected (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Make fabric zone discovery more robust when handling
+  unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Set Establish Image Pair service parameter only
+  for Target Functions (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Revise ndlp kref handling for dev_loss_tmo_callbk
+  and lpfc_drop_node (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Qualify ndlp discovery state when processing RSCN
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove extra ndlp kref decrement in FLOGI cmpl
+  for loop topology (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Simplify fcp_abort transport callback log message
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Pull out fw diagnostic dump log message from
+  driver's trace buffer (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- commit 73ce139
+- powerpc/dexcr: Move HASHCHK trap handler (jsc#PED-5452
+  git-fixes).
+- commit 48a4d15
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit 8343fa7
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: introduce DRM_AMDGPU_WERROR (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cf3a39d
+- drm/meson: add support for MIPI-DSI transceiver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit d8bd8d3
+- drm/i915: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 3412ae7
+- mei: gsc_proxy: add gsc proxy driver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 07c6f50
+- drm/panel: Add Samsung S6D7AA0 panel controller driver
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit c27af61
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as needed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb6a241
+- drm/i915: fix Sphinx indentation warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b490a01
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix init during host transfer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe9095c
+- fbdev: atmel_lcdfb: Remove redundant of_match_ptr() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf6ee9d
+- fbdev: kyro: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58082f1
+- fbdev: ssd1307fb: Print the PWM's label instead of its number (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit edbbb54
+- fbdev: amifb: Replace zero-length arrays with DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa6bc19
+- drm/amdgpu: skip xcp drm device allocation when out of drm resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9ad20a
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pci link width for smu v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d8a1c9
+- drm/amdgpu: disable mcbp if parameter zero is set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adce214
+- drm/amd/pm: disallow the fan setting if there is no fan on smu 13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3021e39
+- drm/panel: JDI LT070ME05000 simplify with dev_err_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e6240e
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f61d9e5
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for Raven (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d929805
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for KV/CZ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f283c2
+- drm/amdkfd: ignore crat by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6373c3
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: only enable CP GFX shadowing on SR-IOV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27ca2a9
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMU v13.0.6 energy reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 514f828
+- drm/amd/pm: disable the SMU13 OD feature support temporarily (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccf6fca
+- Revert "drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39df3c8
+- drm/i915/gvt: Fix bug in getting msg length in AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e0f8a5
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce1b0b1
+- drm/msm/a690: Remove revn and name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b870595
+- drm/msm/adreno: Fix warn splat for devices without revn (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35c55a7
+- drm/amdgpu: Restore HQD persistent state register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c449b09
+- drm/amd/display: Don't apply FIFO resync W/A if rdivider = 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80a3a07
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix infinite loop in gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart_enable (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9610a25
+- drm/amdkfd: fix trap handling work around for debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 092ee0d
+- drm/fb-helper: Remove unused inline function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd3d564
+- fbdev: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 608b77e
+- fbdev: ep93xx-fb: fix return value check in ep93xxfb_probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51f7d8a
+- fbdev: kyro: make some const read-only arrays static and reduce type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dfd1d4
+- fbcon: remove unused display (p) from fbcon_redraw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da6039e
+- sticon: make sticon_set_def_font() void and remove op parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ad197e
+- vgacon: cache vc_cell_height in vgacon_cursor() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1142d7a
+- vgacon: let vgacon_doresize() return void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5e89
+- vgacon: remove unused xpos from vgacon_set_cursor_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 898d521
+- vgacon: remove unneeded forward declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 953193b
+- vgacon: switch vgacon_scrolldelta() and vgacon_restore_screen() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac1ac5
+- fbdev: imxfb: remove unneeded labels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd9ee8d
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91edeb4
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_kmalloc_array() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d84a0d
+- fbdev: imxfb: switch to DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b24d1e1
+- drm/amdgpu: use a macro to define no xcp partition case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16e9fc5
+- drm/amdgpu/vm: use the same xcp_id from root PD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a174dae
+- drm/amdgpu: fix slab-out-of-bounds issue in amdgpu_vm_pt_create (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2239d3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate root PD on correct partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14033e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Allow the initramfs generator to include psp_13_0_6_ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2ecb88
+- drm/amd/display: add DCN301 specific logic for OTG programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57c249e
+- drm/amd/display: export some optc function for reuse (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ba3544
+- drm/amd: Use amdgpu_device_pcie_dynamic_switching_supported() for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57bc8dd
+- Revert "drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c41ead6
+- drm/i915: Remove dead code from gen8_pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f505a42
+- drm/i915/perf: Consider OA buffer boundary when zeroing out reports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02a53d3
+- drm/client: Send hotplug event after registering a client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b14eb41
+- drm/panel: Fine tune Starry-ili9882t panel HFP and HBP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03f8e7a
+- drm/i915: use mock device info for creating mock device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a1a4b8
+- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature momentary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a3f5d4
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.241 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 617135d
+- drm/amd/display: Take full update path if number of planes changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f119dff
+- drm/amd/display: Create debugging mechanism for Gaming FAMS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4746f1e
+- drm/amd/display: For new fast update path, loop through each surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d32c724
+- drm/amd/display: Limit new fast update path to addr and gamma / color (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c77773
+- drm/amd/display: Fix the delta clamping for shaper LUT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea951c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep non-psp path for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 153b7dd
+- drm/amd/display: program DPP shaper and 3D LUT if updated (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d24c093
+- drm/amdgpu: share drm device for pci amdgpu device with 1st partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60153e5
+- drm/amd/pm: Add GFX v9.4.3 unique id to sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 858411d
+- drm/amd/pm: Enable pp_feature attribute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65e6b7b
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Need to unpause dpg before stop dpg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b63fb49
+- drm/amdgpu: remove duplicated doorbell range init for sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91144ad
+- drm/amdgpu: gpu recovers from fatal error in poison mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 102fca6
+- drm/amdgpu: enable mcbp by default on gfx9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff19a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: make mcbp a per device setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 133d763
+- drm/amd: Don't initialize PSP twice for Navi3x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d926350
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the missing enablement for vega12/vega20 L2H and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d6b1a5
+- drm/amd/display: Remove asserts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5ecfe
+- drm/amd/display: Work around bad DPCD state on link loss (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7bd628
+- drm/amdgpu: port SRIOV VF missed changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c76c54
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d120a
+- drm/amd/pm: Provide energy data in 15.625mJ units (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 842bd47
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify for_each_inst macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9e740f
+- drm/amdgpu:Remove sdma halt/unhalt during frontdoor load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fee2356
+- drm/amdgpu: remove vm sanity check from amdgpu_vm_make_compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9b2c95
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable GWS on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1d336
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.240 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70cde26
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dc mode clock switching for DCN32x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5882b7
+- drm/amd/display: fix odm k2 div calculation (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit 3847ca2
+- drm/amd/display: Add MST Preferred Link Setting Entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33d3998
+- drm/amd/display: Disable DC Mode Capping On DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 981aaa5
+- drm/amd/display: enable the new fast update path for supported ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a029f9
+- drm/amd/display: Clear update flags at end of flip (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit 1a87062
+- drm/amd/display: Fix pipe check condition for manual trigger (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09f351f
+- drm/amd/display: add missing ABM registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d25dc
+- drm/amd/display: Add Clock Table Entry With Max DC Values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf5812
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Move DCN314 DOMAIN power control to DMCUB" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fff5d1
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcdb152
+- drm/amd/display: disable power gating for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4dbb1f
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR for MP0_HWIP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 384c9b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Move clocks closer to its only usage in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdefb6
+- drm/amdkfd: set coherent host access capability flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c747077
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vbios attribute only if supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 961eb80
+- drm/amdgpu/atomfirmware: fix LPDDR5 width reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fea976d
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove CONFIG_DEBUG_FS guard around body of (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e81c262
+- drm/amd/pm: remove unneeded variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e25958
+- drm/amdgpu: Move calculation of xcp per memory node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a97070
+- amd/display/dc: remove repeating expression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f94d6fa
+- drm/i915: Add missing forward declarations/includes to display power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7031cf6
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Assign correct hdcp content type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4dec50
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix SSC selection for MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f7b00b
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Allow DC states along with PW2 only for PWB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b9c8c
+- mei: bus-fixup: fix buffer type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e46089
+- mei: bus: drop useless cldev null check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83b20d5
+- backlight: led_bl: Take led_access lock when required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0dfb654
+- video: backlight: lp855x: Get PWM for PWM mode during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce71d3
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Remove unneeded checks for valid GPIOs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9354552
+- backlight: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06e6e4d
+- backlight: lm3630a: Turn off both led strings when display is blank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e02663
+- sticon/parisc: Fix STI console on 64-bit only machines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40622b5
+- sticon/parisc: Allow 64-bit STI calls in PDC firmware abstration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd3994
+- drm/nouveau: stop using is_swiotlb_active (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 546d058
+- drm/i915: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf16e8
+- drm/i915: make i915_drm_client_fdinfo() reference conditional
+  again (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 261bbcb
+- drm/i915/huc: Fix missing error code in intel_huc_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cb606
+- drm/i915/gsc: take a wakeref for the proxy-init-completion check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39d63f0
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245b6f3
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A619_holi speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1237553
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use adreno_is_aXYZ macros in speedbin matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7174c97
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use "else if" in GPU speedbin rev matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dba738
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix some A619 tunables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eeb2a01
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70877ea
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add support for A619_holi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cc54e4
+- drm/msm/adreno: Disable has_cached_coherent in GMU wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 886a124
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Introduce GMU wrapper support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eca567
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move CX GMU power counter enablement to hw_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc1cdc
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Extend and explain UBWC config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5851d46
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove both GBIF and RBBM GBIF halt on hw init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcf3bc8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add a helper for software-resetting the GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87004be
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Improve a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16dec6a
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions to a6xx_gpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81dc1a8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move force keepalive vote removal to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 775f3bd
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove static keyword from sptprac en/disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0956a6
+- drm/msm/adreno: Use adreno_is_revn for A690 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031d3d3
+- drm/msm/dsi: split dsi_ctrl_config() function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d87bcb7
+- drm/msm/dsi: dsi_host: drop unused clocks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8f2145
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove unused INTF_NONE interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fabb94
+- drm/msm/dpu: Set DATA_COMPRESS on command mode for DCE/DSC 1.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76a1e53
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add DPU_INTF_DATA_COMPRESS feature flag for DPU >= 7.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b130d
+- drm/msm/dsi: Reduce pclk rate for compression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b6f49
+- msm/drm/dsi: Round up DSC hdisplay calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2782021
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC 1.2 hw blocks for relevant chipsets
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit a86fa8e
+- drm/msm/dpu: add support for DSC encoder v1.2 engine (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a38953
+- drm/msm/dsi: update hdisplay calculation for dsi_timing_setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7ae7a7
+- drm/msm/dsi: Use MSM and DRM DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch.
+- commit cb63699
+- drm/msm/dpu: Use fixed DRM DSC helper for det_thresh_flatness (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cbae87
+- drm/msm: Add MSM-specific DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c914b
+- drm/msm/dsi: use DRM DSC helpers for DSC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2ef9d
+- drm/display/dsc: Add drm_dsc_get_bpp_int helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5030bfa
+- drm/display/dsc: add helper to set semi-const parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb24b8f
+- drm/display/dsc: Add flatness and initial scale value calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 524ae02
+- drm/msm/dpu/catalog: define DSPP blocks found on sdm845 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df1d18
+- drm/msm/adreno: make adreno_is_a690()'s argument const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf867e3
+- drm/msm/adreno: change adreno_is_* functions to accept const argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131008
+- drm/msm/adreno: warn if chip revn is verified before being set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47e0311
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix a690 CP_PROTECT settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031cf8c
+- drm/msm/adreno: Add Adreno A690 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ca0171
+- drm/msm: Move cmdstream dumping out of sched kthread (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bd27f2
+- drm/msm: drop unused ring variable in msm_ioctl_gem_submit() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a20d33
+- drm/msm/mdp5: Add MDP5 configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02bdc02
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add phy configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9fa880e
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8905ad6
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop (mostly) unused DPU_NAME_SIZE define (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccba20e
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop dpu_encoder_phys_ops::late_register() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3393cd1
+- drm/msm/dsi: use mult_frac for pclk_bpp calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7f2f30
+- drm/msm/dsi: remove extra call to dsi_get_pclk_rate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3584fc4
+- drm/msm/dsi: More properly handle errors in regards to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a48596
+- drm/msm/dsi: Stop unconditionally powering up DSI hosts at modeset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2c64
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up pdev/dev duplication in dp_power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7022a77
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up logs dp_power module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29f4983
+- drm/msm/dp: remove most of usbpd-related remains (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e74e7ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: tidy up some error checking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dbff974
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC blocks to the catalog of MSM8998 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932caaf
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6e814c
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d3297e
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind WB from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15127f2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind INTF from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c83f734
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify dpu_encoder_phys_wb_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddd4411
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop temp variable from dpu_encoder_phys_cmd_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c6e7f3
+- drm/msm/dpu: call dpu_rm_get_intf() from dpu_encoder_get_intf() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201f6ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: inline dpu_encoder_get_wb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00b1dde
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop duplicated intf/wb indices from encoder structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52d4d00
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate common function to init physical encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ebce4f
+- drm/msm/dpu: merge dpu_encoder_init() and dpu_encoder_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d20ebb
+- drm/msm/dpu: Tear down DSC datapath on encoder cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac468c1
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate DSC flush update out of interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c80390f
+- drm/msm/dpu: Introduce PINGPONG_NONE to disconnect DSC from PINGPONG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 736a687
+- drm/msm/dpu: Guard PINGPONG DSC ops behind DPU_PINGPONG_DSC bit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5578444
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DPU_PINGPONG_DSC feature bit for DPU < 7.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516e9b2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use common helper for WB and SSPP QoS setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6bc86f
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove struct dpu_hw_pipe_qos_cfg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40ad280
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_PANIC_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8fb61c
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify qos_ctrl handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8377e17
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_VBLANK_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50b44b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: rearrange QoS setting code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65ea2b6
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the condition for (not) applying QoS to CURSOR SSPP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30919b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify CDP programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89bd9
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix SSPP register definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5476dcc
+- drm/msm/dpu: move PINGPONG_NONE check to dpu_lm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876c314
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE for LMs with no PP attached (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a86813
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove futile checks from dpu_rm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c692fc
+- drm/msm/dpu: replace IS_ERR_OR_NULL with IS_ERR during DSC init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed32641
+- drm/msm/dpu: access CSC/CSC10 registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 270fbc1
+- drm/msm/dpu: access QSEED registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c55347f
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop SSPP's SRC subblock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdaec8
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove intr_rdptr from DPU >= 5.0.0 pingpong config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5205034
+- drm/msm/dpu: Implement tearcheck support on INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c15d98
+- drm/msm/dpu: Merge setup_- and enable_tearcheck pingpong callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9167de1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add TEAR-READ-pointer interrupt to INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1a5f40
+- drm/msm/dpu: Describe TEAR interrupt registers for DSI interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebfa739
+- drm/msm/dpu: Factor out shared interrupt register in INTF_BLK macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fc2b3
+- drm/msm/dpu: Move dpu_hw_{tear_check, pp_vsync_info} to dpu_hw_mdss.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38395b1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Disable MDP vsync source selection on DPU 5.0.0 and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cd6176
+- drm/msm/dpu: Take INTF index as parameter in interrupt register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7983da
+- drm/msm/dpu: Sort INTF registers numerically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19dbc2a
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove extraneous register define indentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c267f1
+- drm/msm/dpu: add writeback support for sc7280 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit 37e7cb5
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop unused SSPP sub-block information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8214a78
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DSPP_MSM8998_MASK from hw catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d4c6ff
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove GC and IGC related code from dpu catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3dfefed
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_IGC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92fdc69
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_GC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d62c59
+- drm/msm/dpu: Pass catalog pointers in RM to replace for-loop
+  ID lookups (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch.
+- commit 0104236
+- drm/msm/dpu: Drop unused members from HW structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faf8237
+- drm/msm/dpu: stop mapping the regdma region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245057e
+- drm/msm/dpu: set max cursor width to 512x512 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d220614
+- drm/msm/dpu: use hsync/vsync polarity set by the encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ada24a4
+- drm/msm/dpu: add HDMI output support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c0ff0
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify intf allocation code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07f5cfc
+- drm/msm/dpu: use CTL_SC7280_MASK for sm8450's ctl_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8846a9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DSPP and DSC on sc8180x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d863e9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY for sc8280xp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a98d9d
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89640
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e3fa0f
+- drm/msm: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5babd25
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase hmm range get pages timeout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06300fd
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable translate further for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e4c7a1
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unused NBIO interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c231e3c
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for event age availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bc6f9b
+- drm/amdkfd: update user space last_event_age (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201b714
+- drm/amdkfd: set activated flag true when event age unmatchs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 013860f
+- drm/amdkfd: add event_age tracking when receiving interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad716e
+- drm/amdkfd: add event age tracking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8598fed
+- drm/scheduler: avoid infinite loop if entity's dependency is a (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0faba
+- drm/amdgpu: add entity error check in amdgpu_ctx_get_entity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61f3421
+- drm/amdgpu: add VM generation token (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ae3591
+- drm/amdgpu: reset VM when an error is detected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a407e8
+- drm/amdgpu: abort submissions during prepare on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6d2025
+- drm/amdgpu: mark soft recovered fences with -ENODATA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcc32e4
+- drm/amdgpu: mark force completed fences with -ECANCELED (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc775b5
+- drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_error_* debugfs file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6601558
+- drm/amdgpu: mark GC 9.4.3 experimental for now (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690da62
+- drm/amdgpu: Use PSP FW API for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7098393
+- drm/amdgpu: Change nbio v7.9 xcp status definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d3f291
+- drm/amdgpu: Add checking mc_vram_size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e930a3
+- drm/amdgpu: Optimize checking ras supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f948ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Add channel_dis_num to ras init flags (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad76bf8
+- drm/amdgpu: Update total channel number for umc v8_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afb6b0f
+- drm/amd/pm: Align eccinfo table structure with smu v13_0_0 interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b132bfa
+- drm/amd/display: Convert to kdoc formats in dc/core/dc.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ec659c
+- drm/amdkfd: decrement queue count on mes queue destroy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e3657
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d870d66
+- drm/radeon: Fix missing prototypes in radeon_atpx_handler.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 917c0dd
+- drm/amdgpu: Report ras_num_recs in debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d681a84
+- drm/amdkfd: Remove DUMMY_VRAM_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9204969
+- drm/amdgpu: Release SDMAv4.4.2 ecc irq properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed68f44
+- drm/amdgpu: add wait_for helper for spirom update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ebf52b
+- drm/amd/display: Clean up dcn10_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9ef5
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6e22e
+- drm/amd/display: Provide function name for 'optc32_enable_crtc()' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8c8b02
+- drm/amd/display: Correct and remove excess function parameter names (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f94d1c
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn10_opp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90edc8a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add missing function parameter 'optc' & 'enable' to kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ced4c0
+- drm/amdgpu: Print client id for the unregistered interrupt resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46e7fd5
+- drm/amdkfd: To enable traps for GC_11_0_4 and up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2aa2e43
+- drm/amd/display: don't free stolen console memory during suspend (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4ef45a
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5b2f13
+- drm/amdkfd: fix null queue check on debug setting exceptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bae36de
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5561a37
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3484b75
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.239 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e76914
+- drm/amd/display: fix pixel rate update sequence (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit dbf8467
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: reallocate DET for dual displays with high (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85df74f
+- drm/amd/display: Include CSC updates in new fast update path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d6f4d8
+- drm/amd/display: Limit Minimum FreeSync Refresh Rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65109be
+- drm/amd/display: Bug fix in dcn315_populate_dml_pipes_from_context (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3763e82
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP + DRR if the DRR is PSR capable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b329e5
+- drm/amd/display: Do not disable phantom pipes in driver (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f447857
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable SubVP high refresh (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42ece08
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable DPP/HUBP Power Gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4baaca2
+- drm/amd/display: SubVP high refresh only if all displays >= 120hz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa22157
+- drm/amd/display: Fix disbling PSR slow response issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3523714
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.238 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 939fb3a
+- drm/amd/display: Add Error Code for Dml Validation Failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13b59ce
+- drm/amd/display: Add DP2 Metrics (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47821db
+- drm/amd/display: add debugfs for allow_edp_hotplug_detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8493253
+- drm/amdgpu: expose num_hops and num_links xgmi info through dev attr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b5aed8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: enable W=1 for amdgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c97631
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix kdoc warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 907fbce
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename DRM schedulers in amdgpu TTM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f9d6a4
+- drm/amd/display/amdgpu_dm/amdgpu_dm_helpers: Move
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch.
+- commit a8b4743
+- fbdev: Use /* */ comment in initializer macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17e0d90
+- drm/i915/selftests: add local workqueue for SW fence selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 905ae09
+- drm/i915: add a dedicated workqueue inside drm_i915_private (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c4bb61
+- drm/i915: use pointer to i915 instead of rpm in wakeref (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dcd389d
+- drm/i915: re-enable -Wunused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 276cd08
+- drm/i915/display: Include of display limits doesn't need 'display/' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ae8277
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add support for PM DEMAND (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96425ed
+- drm/i915/mtl: find the best QGV point for the SAGV configuration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597666d
+- drm/i915: modify max_bw to return index to intel_bw_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e1fdf3
+- drm/i915: extract intel_bw_check_qgv_points() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a190fd
+- drm/i915: store the peak bw per QGV point (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f257fa
+- drm/i915: update the QGV point frequency calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fd6d31
+- drm/i915: fix the derating percentage for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606b6ee
+- drm/i915/dp: Fix log level for "CDS interlane align done" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 823eb4a
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_crtc_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62010ea
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_plane_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f03e13
+- drm/i915/selftest: annotate maybe unused but set variable unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5f3739
+- drm/i915/gem: annotate maybe unused but set variable c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5825114
+- drm/i915/gem: drop unused but set variable unpinned (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 374f2e3
+- drm/i915/gt/uc: drop unused but set variable sseu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be5b742
+- drm/i915/irq: drop unused but set variable tmp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4098b78
+- drm/i915/fb: drop unused but set variable cpp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4c069
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop unused but set variables bestn and bestm1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d873be9
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable vbp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb73665
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable data (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e83a9
+- drm/i915/ddi: drop unused but set variable intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eb7bc7
+- drm/i915/plane: warn on non-zero plane offset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 285380d
+- drm/i915/debugfs: stop using edid_blob_ptr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b3f9f1
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bc61bb
+- drm/i915/display: Extract display init from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e9c7c
+- drm/i915: No 10bit gamma on desktop gen3 parts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0634012
+- drm/i915/display: Print useful information on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2b2f17
+- drm/amd/display: Filter out AC mode frequencies on DC mode systems (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36a8fd2
+- drm/amd/display: DSC Programming Deltas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae9ea7b
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4955b3d
+- drm/amd/display: add NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99db488
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for yellow_carp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628b84d
+- drm/amdgpu: add option params to enforce process isolation between (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf8470
+- drm/amdgpu: Wrap -Wunused-but-set-variable in cc-option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df7de6f
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator PCIe class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a32ac03
+- Revert "Revert drm/amd/display: Enable Freesync Video Mode by (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f319f49
+- drm/amdkfd: fix and enable debugging for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b5ddf0
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0081158
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bcf895
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c9b9f
+- drm/amdgpu: skip to resume rlcg for gc 9.4.3 in vf side (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f9c921
+- drm/amdgpu: disable virtual display support on APP device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13390a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor avi_info_frame colorimetry determination (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5890ef8
+- drm/amd/display: Add debugfs for testing output colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03a028f
+- drm/amd/display: Always set crtcinfo from create_stream_for_sink (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76c41d7
+- drm/amd/display: Send correct DP colorspace infopacket (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dad5f3
+- drm/amd/display: Signal mode_changed if colorspace changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9aff5b9
+- drm/amd/display: Register Colorspace property for DP and HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b0177
+- drm/amd/display: Always pass connector_state to stream validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcc7459
+- drm/connector: Allow drivers to pass list of supported colorspaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce27fb
+- drm/connector: Print connector colorspace in state debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccf155
+- drm/connector: Use common colorspace_names array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c9d1f
+- drm/connector: Pull out common create_colorspace_property code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2140d9f
+- drm/connector: Add enum documentation to drm_colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4e3c52
+- drm/connector: Convert DRM_MODE_COLORIMETRY to enum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5f52c6
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix reserved SDMA queues handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9f1b
+- drm/amd: Check that a system is a NUMA system before looking for SRAT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebce45c
+- drm/amdkfd: fix vmfault signalling with additional data. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d2d7c1
+- drm/amdgpu: Set EEPROM ras info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7f0ad7
+- drm/amdgpu: Calculate EEPROM table ras info bytes sum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 967894c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support EEPROM table v2.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec519c4
+- drm/amdgpu: Support setting EEPROM table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b3f7be
+- drm/amdgpu: Add RAS table v2.1 macro definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4d0c66
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename ras table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34dfb5d
+- drm/amdgpu/mmsch: Correct the definition for mmsch init header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 860c628
+- drm/amdkfd: potential error pointer dereference in ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d154
+- drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df4c078
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix memory some memory corruption (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36adb58
+- drm/amdgpu: display/Kconfig: replace leading spaces with tab (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d86e61f
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml314's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 027b3de
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml31's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe348d0
+- =?UTF-8?q?drm/amd/display:=20Fix=20unused=20variable=20=E2=80=98s?= (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc0ed53
+- drm/amd/display: Add control flag to dc_stream_state to skip eDP BL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 434c176
+- drm/amd/display: Wrong index type for pipe iterator (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 743c524
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor fast update to use new HWSS build
+  sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit c982684
+- drm/amdgpu: convert vcn/jpeg logical mask to physical mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb0570
+- drm/amdgpu: support check vcn jpeg block mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdae00b
+- drm/amdgpu: pass xcc mask to ras ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2473afc
+- drm/amd/pm: update smu-driver if header for smu 13.0.0 and smu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30c829
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: notify driver unloading to PMFW for SMU v13.0.6 dGPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53e5df2
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark 'kgd_gfx_aldebaran_clear_address_watch' & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da1705
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 543306f
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac74771
+- drm/amd/display: Add gnu_printf format attribute for snprintf_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f38be4
+- drm/amd/display: Address kdoc warnings in dcn30_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0131cfa
+- drm/amd/display: fix compilation error due to shifting negative value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 505e545
+- drm/amdgpu/discovery: Replace fake flex-arrays with flexible-array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd3f427
+- drm/amdgpu: fix debug wait on idle for gfx9.4.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2772585
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f6187f
+- drm/amd/display: Fix dc/dcn20/dcn20_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81cdc1a
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.7 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c07e8d
+- drm/amd/pm: Fill metrics data for SMUv13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dfc73c
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch.
+- commit fca9f12
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill SMU13 OD settings init and restore (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c10c97b
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for debug api availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4943e88
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug device snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00d315b
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug queue snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c8430
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query exception info operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b23982
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query event operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb80f7d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set flags operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 623fc04
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set and clear address watch points operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b254ed
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug suspend and resume process queues operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15691eb
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch mode operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 600b1e9
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch override operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43ad3d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set exceptions enabled operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee14591
+- drm/amdkfd: update process interrupt handling for debug events (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b55c7c
+- drm/amd/pm: update SMU13 header files for coming OD support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70d207c
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug trap enabled flag to tma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f80d222
+- drm/amdkfd: add runtime enable operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07eca42
+- drm/amdkfd: add send exception operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dc8c8b
+- drm/amdkfd: add raise exception event function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6b161
+- drm/amdkfd: apply trap workaround for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7892b7
+- drm/amdkfd: add per process hw trap enable and disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f999c91
+- drm/amdgpu: expose debug api for mes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f523edb
+- drm/amdgpu: prepare map process for multi-process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7dc470
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare map process for single process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9adf7e8
+- drm/amdgpu: add configurable grace period for unmap queues (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 064ae8f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c7456b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.2 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9753ab
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx10 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86c352
+- drm/amdkfd: fix kfd_suspend_all_processes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57b625f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.1 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81e477b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f092e2
+- drm/amdkfd: clean up one inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ad8189
+- drm/amd/display: Drop unused DCN_BASE variable in dcn314_resource.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0f92d2
+- drm/amdgpu: setup hw debug registers on driver initialization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f622c7
+- drm/amdgpu: add kgd hw debug mode setting interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a1d1490
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare per-process debug enable and disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 671af51
+- drm/amdkfd: display debug capabilities (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03c57f8
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug and runtime enable interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb417e8
+- amd/amdkfd: drop unused KFD_IOCTL_SVM_FLAG_UNCACHED flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96a7a25
+- drm/amd/pm: add unique serial number support for smu_v13_0_6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 945afd8
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMUv13.0.6 throttle status report (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch.
+- commit 1d7e76c
+- drm/amd/pm: Update SMUv13.0.6 PMFW headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1722741
+- drm/amdgpu: Add function parameter 'event' to kdoc in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7574c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa40ed0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc 'ring' parameter in sdma_v6_0_ring_pad_ib (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d898b2a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in display_mode_vba.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 551b14b
+- drm/amdkfd: remove unused sq_int_priv variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16c6ce4
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formatting for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba09d4
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up missing 'dc' & 'pipe_ctx' kdoc parameters in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56d8616
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db1eda8
+- drm/amdxcp: fix Makefile to build amdxcp module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a512a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameters kdoc in svm_migrate_vma_to_ram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bc669e
+- drm/amdgpu: set finished fence error if job timedout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bfcb4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcp_id' in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a383c95
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameter in kdoc for 'inst' in gmc_ v7, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6fa360
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc parameter 'inst' in get_wave_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d009bf2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcc_id' in gfx_v7_0.c & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8821a72
+- drm/amdkfd: flag added to handle errors from svm validate and map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64b0049
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize xcc mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55ef45a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formats in dcn32_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e948b67
+- drm/amd/display: Add missing kdoc entries in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2286e21
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix create_dmamap_sg_bo kdoc warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad11b4
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix MEC pipe interrupt enablement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4ec0c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add new gfx_target_versions for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf7f562
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc in sdma_v6_0.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a123db2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_acpi.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20b5f75
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in sdma_v4_4_2.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fc7a3d
+- drm/amdkfd: fix gfx_target_version for certain 11.0.3 devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2881941
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix up locking etc in amdgpu_debugfs_gprwave_ioctl() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6664081
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50af796
+- drm/amdgpu: use amdxcp platform device as spatial partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5153f80
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bbe90e
+- drm/amdxcp: add platform device driver for amdxcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92ea889
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark mmhub_v1_8_mmea_err_status_reg as __maybe_unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506dd00
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df5a59
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ffdfcd2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e576c05
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1760b9d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83f439e
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d66482d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f2d0805
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator pcie class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c699e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: save/restore part of xcp drm_device fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bb8498
+- drm/amdgpu: set the APU flag based on package type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57dd272
+- drm/jpeg: add init value for num_jpeg_rings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f90afe
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the 4, 6 and 8 XCC cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34ab697
+- drm/amdgpu: golden settings for ASIC rev_id 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ec92e0
+- drm/amdgpu: bypass bios dependent operations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a140e8
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3245d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a6d3bc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused variable in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dcd2c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix defined but not used gfx9_cs_data in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3611f5e
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix return types of certain NBIOv7.9 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 510270b
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e87237f
+- drm/amd: Drop debugfs access to the DPCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1791ba
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc892d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2091d58
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4fa34e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use single copy per SDMA instance type (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3096b
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to unified amdgpu_ring_test_helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c2117
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in gfx (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b8ddb0
+- drm/amdgpu/sdma: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in sdma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 518428c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79f8e53
+- drm/amdkfd: Set event interrupt class for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ac9185
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit"
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit ce52bc4
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_irq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53c9f7c
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 7f12a28
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a low priority scheduler for VRAM clearing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29807d2
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d48716c
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bb1cddd
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove duplicate include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cec6e2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables res_create_maximus_funcs and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b1d137f
+- drm/amd/display: avoid calling missing .resync_fifo_dccg_dio() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8651061
+- drm/amdkfd: Align partition memory size to page size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c3ff70
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused variable num_xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e283d4e
+- drm/amdgpu: fix acpi build warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ea4f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: use %pad format string for dma_addr_t (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 927d156
+- drm/amdgpu:mark aqua_vanjaram_reg_init.c function as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a60f4db
+- drm/amdkfd: mark local functions as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e1e8f
+- drm/amd/pm: mark irq functions as 'static' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc9d81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unsigned comparison with zero in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0f85
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix a couple of spelling mistakes in info and debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 443dfe7
+- drm/amdgpu: Disable interrupt tracker on NBIOv7.9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58b4066
+- drm/radeon: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 653ef00
+- drm/amdgpu: init the XCC_DOORBELL_FENCE regs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0984e5e
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5939e84
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfxhub_v1_2_xcp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86b9d9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused amdgpu_acpi_get_numa_info function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8112d29
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.237 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fa2f2a
+- drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5941f
+- drm/amd/display: Reorganize DCN30 Makefile (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce93b40
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams for DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f6fe06
+- drm/amd/display: Clean FPGA code in dc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2a9c0b
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for displays with large
+  vblank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- commit 0c205e1
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
-  smp_processor_id() (git-fixes).
-- commit 2981c3a
+  smp_processor_id() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Correct endianness for rqstlen and rsplen
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unused variable warning in
+  qla2xxx_process_purls_pkt() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "tranport" -> "transport"
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
+  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix nvme_fc_rcv_ls_req() undefined error
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add Unsolicited LS Request and Response Support
+  for NVMe (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: fix inconsistent TMF timeout (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off noisy message log (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix erroneous link up failure (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Adjust IOCB resource on qpair create (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- commit 885ad29
-- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
-  (bsc#1215581).
-- commit 7cedbed
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-zfcp-Defer-fc_rport-blocking-until-after-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5433 bsc#1214371 bsc#1213978).
+- commit 1a5ed2a
+- drm/amd/display: Revert vblank change that causes null pointer
+  crash (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch.
+- commit 69bfe31
-- Drop amdgpu patch causing spamming (bsc#1215523)
-  Deleted:
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-unused-.patch.
-- commit 2cab595
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 785b8f4
-- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (jsc#PED-1549).
-- commit 34e493d
+- drm/amd/display: fix dcn315 pixel rate crb scaling check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2678b77
-- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (bsc#1214037).
-- commit cc9aa11
+- drm/amd/display: lower dp link training message level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dd5e5d
-- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
-  CVE-2023-37453 bsc#1215553 bsc#1215522 bsc#1215552).
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-race-by-not-overwriting-udev-descriptor.patch (add missing hunk)
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-oversight-in-SuperSpeed-initialization.patch (context)
-- commit 6271d90
+- drm/amd/display: Update SR watermarks for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 063ec68
-- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (git-fixes).
-- commit a8caba5
+- drm/amd/display: disable dcn315 pixel rate crb when scaling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6f1e71
-- vhost: handle error while adding split ranges to iotlb
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 059dc93
+- drm/amd/display: Fix DMUB debugging print issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8474b11
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c5d403
+- drm/amdgpu: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34e4d38
-- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
-  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
-  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
-- commit c882efa
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in kgd2kfd_device_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5790b40
-- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
-- commit e049205
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in jpeg_v4_0_3_is_idle & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 498d01f
-- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit fced801
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in mmhub_v1_8.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a92c41
-- blacklist.conf: add b439eb8ab57855, as prereq patch is missing
-- commit 7f6a95d
+- drm/amdgpu: retire set_vga_state for some ASIC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51abed7
-- vhost_vdpa: fix the crash in unmap a large memory (git-fixes).
-- commit 5c68686
+- drm/amd/display: improve the message printed when loading DC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7933ebd
-- iommu/virtio: Detach domain on endpoint release (git-fixes).
-- commit b648ef9
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vga_set_state NULL pointer issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c05d01a
-- vhost-scsi: unbreak any layout for response (git-fixes).
-- commit 374c9ef
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfx_v9_4_3_cp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42718de
-- drm/virtio: Use appropriate atomic state in
-  virtio_gpu_plane_cleanup_fb() (git-fixes).
-- commit 491eae6
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove IMU ucode in vf2pf (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8be7e0e
-- drm/virtio: Correct drm_gem_shmem_get_sg_table() error handling
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e8e33de
+- drm/amdgpu: fix the memory override in kiq ring struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 202f252
-- virtio-net: fix race between set queues and probe (git-fixes).
-- commit 1089568
+- drm/amdgpu: add the smu_v13_0_6 and gfx_v9_4_3 ip block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad33448
-- virtio_net: Fix probe failed when modprobe virtio_net
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5915735
+- drm/radeon: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8c3888
-- virtio_net: add checking sq is full inside xdp xmit (git-fixes).
-- commit 87c00dd
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Rembrandt-R (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 005d910
-- virtio_net: separate the logic of checking whether sq is full
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7064a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1864d3d
-- virtio_net: reorder some funcs (git-fixes).
-- commit 4f7fbb1
-- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
-  (bsc#1214543).
-- commit 41ae88c
-- x86/coco: Allow CPU online/offline for a TDX VM with the paravisor on Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_write_efer() for a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (bsc#1206453)
-- x86/hyperv: Mark hv_ghcb_terminate() as noreturn (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add VTL specific structs and hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/coco: Export cc_vendor (bsc#1206453).
-- merge HV_ISOLATION_TYPE_TDX into upstream patch file
-- commit a53eaa2
-- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes)
-- commit 54615cb
-- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes)
-- commit d3da4d8
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Dragon Range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88b4a1a
-- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init sections (git-fixes)
-- commit f80791e
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Phoenix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff0df5a
-- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash (git-fixes)
-- commit ec53ad3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix incorrect pcie_gen_mask in passthrough case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d25e98
-- virtio: acknowledge all features before access (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e146ad
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused count variable in create_eml_sink() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56bcf1f
-- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
-- commit 9b7add1
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused function set_abm_event() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cf8d5d
-- hwrng: virtio - Fix race on data_avail and actual data
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 6d20bd3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix S3 issue if MQD in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9a5c6c
-- virtio-rng: make device ready before making request (git-fixes).
-- commit c09ce65
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _sdma, _ucode.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c28d85d
-- vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _uvd, _vce.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ac5830
+- drm/amdgpu: perform mode2 reset for sdma fed error on gfx v11_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b983cd
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_vcn.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3855ca
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_encoders.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baeffda
+- drm/amdkfd: fix stack size in svm_range_validate_and_map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd63cf
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_ttm.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f5f782
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn4: fix endian conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a819ce9
+- drm/amdgpu/gmc9: fix 64 bit division in partition code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f16f3c8
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize RAS for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1cbda8
+- drm/amdgpu: add sq timeout status functions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e10aa03
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 435ed9f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6b63f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count definitions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2b820f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS definitions for GFX (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51b23ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Add gc v9_4_3 ras error status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 801b5d6
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faa2e50
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a5668f
+- drm/amdgpu: add GFX RAS common function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c8a2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Do not access members of xcp w/o check (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6560ec
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix null ptr access (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02554f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add check for RAS instance mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8e09b3
+- drm/amdgpu: remove RAS GFX injection for gfx_v9_4/gfx_v9_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525b8fb
+- drm/amdgpu: reorganize RAS injection flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d80f8c8
+- drm/amdgpu: add instance mask for RAS inject (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d5c879
+- drm/amdgpu: convert logical instance mask to physical one (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e7933f
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable IH CAM on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49a6dcc
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct get_xcp_mem_id calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc2c71c
+- drm/amdkfd: Refactor migrate init to support partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08184d2
+- drm/amdgpu: route ioctls on primary node of XCPs to primary device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 626d0e4
+- drm/amdkfd: APU mode set max svm range pages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab9b031
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory reporting on GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf10e82
+- drm/amdkfd: Move local_mem_info to kfd_node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86f8c8e
+- drm/amdgpu: use xcp partition ID for amdgpu_gem (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72af3fc
+- drm/amdgpu: KFD graphics interop support compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1010ff7
+- drm/amdkfd: Store xcp partition id to amdgpu bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e14f84
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode set VRAM range lpfn as exclusive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4465cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Alloc page table on correct memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fff200
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MTYPE for far memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 71f31f5
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode placement support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c0331c
+- drm/amdkfd: SVM range allocation support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf5046f
+- drm/amdkfd: Alloc memory of GPU support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e653cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition mem_id to amdgpu_bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb9efd
+- drm/amdkfd: Show KFD node memory partition info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 404d348
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition id to amdgpu_vm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5783535
+- drm/amdkfd: Store drm node minor number for kfd nodes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62bcbe9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcp manager num_xcp_per_mem_partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19842b9
+- drm/amdgpu: update ref_cnt before ctx free (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3195c4c
+- drm/amdgpu: run partition schedule if it is supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c70169
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition schedule for GC(9, 4, 3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3aba65
+- drm/amdgpu: keep amdgpu_ctx_mgr in ctx structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bdf505
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition scheduler list update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3db2c3
+- drm/amdgpu: update header to support partition scheduling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fbafab0
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition ID track in ring (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2d9777
+- drm/amdgpu: find partition ID when open device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98380c3
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: update mtype_local parameter settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14bbdd6
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: add mtype_local as a module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83eac25
+- drm/amdgpu: Override MTYPE per page on GFXv9.4.3 APUs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 728d1f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix per-BO MTYPE selection for GFXv9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2501a
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: Add use_mtype_cc_wa module param (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00ff24b
+- drm/amdgpu: Use legacy TLB flush for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 110612b
+- drm/amdgpu: For GFX 9.4.3 APU fix vram_usage value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe078f6
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable NPS4 CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce99b84
+- drm/amdkfd: Move pgmap to amdgpu_kfd_dev structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40bcd11
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip halting RLC on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d1154
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register accesses in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fa3258
+- drm/amdkfd: Increase queue number per process to 255 on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fa075
+- drm/amdgpu: Adjust the sequence to query ras error info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a38ece
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize jpeg v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c398ff0
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f08bead
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cd9edb
+- drm/amdgpu: Re-enable VCN RAS if DPG is enabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec27932
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize vcn v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5901112
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 841deba
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f4096f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vcn/jpeg ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26857c3
+- drm/amdgpu: Checked if the pointer NULL before use it. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131092
+- drm/amdgpu: Set memory partitions to 1 for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5989e4a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip using MC FB Offset when APU flag is set for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b6fb99
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP supporting PSP 13.0.6 SRIOV ucode init. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db2d095
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP spatial parition interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e571f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: Return error on invalid compute mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5a669
+- drm/amdgpu: Add compute mode descriptor function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2634b12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unmapping of aperture (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a21ef99
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix xGMI access P2P mapping failure on GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc3ad1b
+- drm/amdkfd: Native mode memory partition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1bcc89
+- drm/amdgpu: Set TTM pools for memory partitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35d8eb6
+- drm/ttm: export ttm_pool_fini for cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit efbd6bd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add auto mode for compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c23797
+- drm/amdgpu: Check memory ranges for valid xcp mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit deeabdb
+- drm/amdkfd: Use xcc mask for identifying xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 89bba72
+- drm/amdkfd: Add xcp reference to kfd node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1a727
+- drm/amdgpu: Move initialization of xcp before kfd (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c700fc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fill xcp mem node in aquavanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 971492b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add callback to fill xcp memory id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d5d66
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize memory ranges for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c110e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partitions to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af74999
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get numa information of XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e917725
+- drm/amdgpu: Store additional numa node information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 277688a
+- drm/amdgpu: Get supported memory partition modes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b669c19
+- drm/amdgpu: Move memory partition query to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17c5150
+- drm/amdgpu: Add utility functions for xcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9697763
+- drm/amdgpu: Use apt name for FW reserved region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 197d860
+- drm/amdgpu: Use GPU VA space for IH v4.4.2 in APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f1b334e
+- drm/amdgpu: Simplify aquavanjram instance mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06c5751
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Use buffer object's deletion logic (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c529ed4
+- drm/amdgpu: Use a different value than 0xDEADBEEF for jpeg ring test (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9499a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a read after write DB_CTRL for vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98812bd
+- drm/amdgpu: fixes a JPEG get write/read pointer bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8be079
+- drm/amdgpu: A workaround for JPEG_v4_0_3 ring test fail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11e6fad
+- drm/amdgpu: use physical AID index for ring name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df1700d
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use dummy register selects AID for VCN_RAM ucode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec7b567
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix harvest reporting of VCN (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c25b44e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use logical ids for VCN/JPEG v4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf738b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Add VCN logical to physical id mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87d699f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add instance mask for VCN and JPEG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd219ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Load vcn_v4_0_3 ucode during early_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16f35e2
+- drm/amdgpu: preserve the num_links in case of reflection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db285b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix discovery sys node harvest info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 645bbfa
+- drm/amdkfd: Flush TLB after unmapping for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7a9adc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add fallback path for discovery info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c8e909
+- drm/amdgpu: Read discovery info from system memory (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbeb
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get tmr info from acpi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d49285c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add parsing of acpi xcc objects (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67120d0
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable SVM on Native mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6248034
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3435d64
+- drm/amdgpu: Use transient mode during xcp switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f57cb5
+- drm/amdgpu: Add flags for partition mode query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4562290
+- drm/amd/pm: fix wrong smu socclk value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 301f2d8
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode-2 reset in SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33db90f
+- drm/amd/pm: Notify PMFW about driver unload cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b56d
+- drm/amd/pm: Update PMFW headers for version 85.54 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a22067
+- drm/amd/pm: Expose mem temperature for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ffd729
+- drm/amd/pm: Update hw mon attributes for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb8bda
+- drm/amd/pm: Initialize power limit for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fac79a5
+- drm/amd/pm: Keep interface version in PMFW header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd3969
+- drm/amd/pm: Add ih for SMU v13.0.6 thermal throttling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c1bb87
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c42cea5
+- drm/amd/pm: Update gfx clock frequency for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b536dc
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 298a026
+- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma instance (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1be47a9
+- drm/amdgpu: change the print level to warn for ip block disabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed16d0f
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase Max GPU instance to 64 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d16bb52
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9f17d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Create VRAM BOs on GTT for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263b811
+- drm/amdgpu: Implement new dummy vram manager (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2ec2c
+- drm/amdgpu: Handle VRAM dependencies on GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cc910
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CG for IH v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fa4741
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable persistent edc harvesting in APP APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39315ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize mmhub v1_8 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bab35de
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6528a7d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef6811b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e75408
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b7fa8f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mmhub v1_8_0 ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a83f221
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize sdma v4_4_2 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 694bdca
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26cc78a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8f6a7c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma v4_4_2 ras registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ab1e67
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to reset ras error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6611bf
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to query ras error (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfc85cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable MGCG on SDMAv4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d82d8f
+- drm/amdgpu: enable context empty interrupt on sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a76731b
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn_4_0_3 codec query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8bc910f
+- drm/amdkfd: bind cpu and hiveless gpu to a hive if xgmi connected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df792f
+- drm/amdkfd: Cleanup KFD nodes creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e438f
+- drm/ttm: add NUMA node id to the pool (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690343f
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix mqd init on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bed16b6
+- drm/amd: fix compiler error to support older compilers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf9a0c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CGCG/LS for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78231c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Use unique doorbell range per xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d206314
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep SDMAv4.4.2 active during reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a053965
+- drm/amdkfd: Report XGMI IOLINKs for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec27f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add num_xcps return (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41f9a19
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_HWIP_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506d46f
+- drm/amdgpu: vcn_v4_0_3 load vcn fw once for all AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 352596e
+- drm/amdgpu: Populate VCN/JPEG harvest information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c922f8
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct dGPU MTYPE settings for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876ec70
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove SMU powergate message call for SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c633446
+- drm/amdgpu: enable vcn/jpeg on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e8a596
+- drm/amdgpu: enable indirect_sram mode on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d74aa
+- drm/amdgpu: add unified queue support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56665c1
+- drm/amdgpu: add fwlog support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c22bee8
+- drm/amdgpu: increase MAX setting to hold more jpeg instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0d16ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Use discovery to get XCC/SDMA mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62decd3
+- drm/amdgpu: Make VRAM discovery read optional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e5f050
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate GART table in RAM for AMD APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17f38dc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG logic for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7c3031
+- drm/amdgpu: Make UTCL2 snoop CPU caches (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 511d203
+- amd/amdgpu: Set MTYPE_UC for access over PCIe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e6513
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX v9.4.3 EOP buffer allocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55bd2ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX 9.4.3 dma address capability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63b4f35
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix semaphore release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 830d513
+- drm/amdkfd: Setup current_logical_xcc_id in MQD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c46c992
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unnecessary return value check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bf58a0
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub index when page fault occurs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b96f1
+- drm/amdkfd: Update packet manager for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62b850e
+- drm/amdgpu: set MTYPE in PTE for GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33278af
+- drm/amdgpu: Use mask for active clusters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ab8e36
+- drm/amdgpu: Derive active clusters from SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ce648
+- drm/amdgpu: Move generic logic to soc config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e619a62
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix the KCQ hang when binding back (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 024716a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR allocation if not required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 616276f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP IP callback funcs for each IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9776e6e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP functions for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6703090
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eaf66f9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add GFXHUB v1.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a7e4c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to SOC partition funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da815e2
+- drm/amdgpu: Add soc config init for GC9.4.3 ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e633cc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SOC partition funcs for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4d8aed
+- drm/amdgpu: Add initial version of XCP routines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5734b6f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma instance specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit acd52a6
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions for gfxhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 994f11e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41d9b49
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a27359
+- drm/amdgpu: Check APU supports true APP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59b4f8b
+- drm/amdgpu: more GPU page fault info for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53374df
+- drm/amdgpu: remove partition attributes sys file for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b892e8
+- drm/amdgpu: fix kcq mqd_backup buffer double free for multi-XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf76ac
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip runtime db read for PSP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 465f295
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vm context register assignment in mmhub v1.8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63e7cd0
+- drm/amdgpu: Revert programming of CP_PSP_XCP_CTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fb2d1f
+- drm/amdgpu: detect current GPU memory partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4cb7ad
+- drm/amdgpu: init smuio funcs for smuio v13_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccd92f6
+- drm/amdgpu: implement smuio v13_0_3 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 97a7075
+- drm/amdgpu: add smuio v13_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d56b555
+- drm/amdgpu: retire render backend setup from gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 128fd4c
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Update debugfs for XCC support (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a62edd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 golden settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0dd560
+- drm/amdgpu: init gfx_v9_4_3 external_rev_id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 658bf81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix interrupt handling in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddbbb65
+- drm/amdgpu: consolidate the access helpers in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe1a75a
+- drm/amdgpu: add helpers to access registers on different AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354ccea
+- drm/amdgpu: parse base address from new ip discovery with 64bit ip (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a93c78
+- drm/amdgpu: upgrade amdgpu_discovery struct ip to ip_v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed621cb
+- drm/amdgpu: do some register access cleanup in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dd212b
+- drm/amdgpu: extend max instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932fe25
+- drm/amdgpu: increase DISCOVERY_TMR_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a163106
+- drm/amdgpu: update ip discovery header to v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0bbff2
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to aqua_vanjaram_doorbell_index_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13f1862
+- drm/amdgpu: Use SDMA instance table for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe4d5d4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d737891
+- drm/amdgpu: Add IP instance map for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988eb6
+- drm/amdgpu: add new doorbell assignment table for aqua_vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48b20e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register access on GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 179f42c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix programming of initial XCP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a6f98f
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac27df
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix failure when switching to DPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5681e3f
+- drm/amdkfd: Use instance table for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e903cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix SWS on multi-XCD GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2574d49
+- drm/amdgpu: drop redundant csb init for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d8d789
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust s2a entry register for sdma doorbell trans (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 311f536
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SMI events for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d88268
+- drm/amdgpu: Use status register for partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30b55fd
+- drm/amdkfd: pass kfd_node ref to svm migration api (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0470f1
+- drm/amdgpu: Conform to SET_UCONFIG_REG spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cac682
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b583ca
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update clock gate setting for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ef368b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add JPEG multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fa2571
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: add vcn doorbell multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5634c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GRBM programming sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4603b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance table for sdma 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7016e26
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cec5e1
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance lookup table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9e1990
+- drm/amdgpu: Add map of logical to physical inst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d5c0a9
+- drm/amdkfd: Add device repartition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f3755a
+- drm/amdkfd: Rework kfd_locked handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad7302
+- drm/amdgpu: configure the doorbell settings for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82be392
+- drm/amdgpu: add indirect r/w interface for smn address greater than (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a43b4c4
+- drm/amdkfd: EOP Removal - Handle size 0 correctly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8471f1
+- drm/amdgpu: reflect psp xgmi topology info for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0784d0e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update amdgpu_fw_shared to amdgpu_vcn4_fw_shared (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988004
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: remove unused code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5435d18
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update ucode setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98f49b1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update new doorbell map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e3c02
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: update jpeg header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70a9445
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update vcn header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ddd66e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use vcn4 irqsrc header for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d42f572
+- drm/amdgpu: Change num_xcd to xcc_mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7d5dd
+- drm/amdgpu: add the support of XGMI link for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0d012
+- drm/amdgpu: add new vram type for dgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e980d45
+- drm/amdkfd: Populate memory info before adding GPU node to topology (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7ca6c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add SDMA info for SDMA 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 10f1191
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix SDMA in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 483c737
+- drm/amdkfd: add gpu compute cores io links for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c786a4
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce new doorbell assignment table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dca185d
+- drm/amdgpu: program GRBM_MCM_ADDR for non-AID0 GRBM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd744e2
+- drm/amdgpu: convert the doorbell_index to 2 dwords offset for kiq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f83308
+- drm/amdgpu: set mmhub bitmask for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fd97c1
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the IH node_id table for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7ce72f
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub reference for each XCD in gfxhub init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91be675
+- drm/amdgpu: do mmhub init for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22a1e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 586f3ac
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for SDMA on multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf082e
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust some basic elements for multiple AID case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 769798b
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index in 1st page to sdma page queue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af749c8
+- drm/amdgpu: Set XNACK per process on GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b276f2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use new atomfirmware init for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59fe354
+- drm/amdkfd: Update coherence settings for svm ranges (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 25ef3d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix CP_HYP_XCP_CTL register programming in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3325c2
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SDMA queue management for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bd904a
+- drm/amdkfd: Update sysfs node properties for multi XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf6cf4
+- drm/amdkfd: Call DQM stop during DQM uninitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fddb2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix VM fault reporting on XCC1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a28d40e
+- drm/amdkfd: Update context save handling for multi XCC setup (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 108db58
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCC inst to PASID TLB flushing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47b102c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add XCC instance to kgd2kfd interface (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 718e506
+- drm/amdkfd: Add PM4 target XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f584faf
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MQD management on multi XCC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ca6a46
+- drm/amdkfd: Add spatial partitioning support in KFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ca461
+- drm/amdkfd: Introduce kfd_node struct (v5) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 088b458
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode2 reset logic for v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 531578f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add some XCC programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b68510
+- drm/amdgpu: add node_id to physical id conversion in EOP handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2db1301
+- drm/amdgpu: enable the ring and IB test for slave kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2beb0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: support gc v9_4_3 ring_test running on all xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eab204d
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vcn doorbell range setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ce5cdd
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg doorbell for jpeg4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb73840
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn doorbell for vcn4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 796bc87
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: update vcn doorbell range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 715819f
+- drm/amdkfd: Set F8_MODE for gc_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f747e6b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support for vcn4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76b4371
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f04e2e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn DPG mode for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c920679
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09da8e1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01ee657
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac8927b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69fe7ab
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfee820
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add jpeg support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8462eee
+- drm/amdgpu: add VCN4_0_3 firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb165d8
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn v4_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9dcd5f0
+- drm/amdgpu/: add more macro to support offset variant (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca3f59d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use the correct API to read register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fadf64
+- drm/amdgpu: Add kgd2kfd for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 385728a
+- drm/amdgpu: alloc vm inv engines for every vmhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fa98c7
+- drm/amdgpu: override partition mode through module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af06f1d
+- drm/amdgpu: make the WREG32_SOC15_xx macro to support multi GC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d000d4
+- drm/amdgpu: add sysfs node for compute partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc74b50
+- drm/amdgpu: assign different AMDGPU_GFXHUB for rings on each xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04c93b9
+- drm/amdgpu: init vmhubs bitmask for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f685a7b
+- drm/amdgpu: add bitmask to iterate vmhubs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6055555
+- drm/amdgpu: assign register address for vmhub object on each XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cc89aa
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce vmhub definition for multi-partition cases (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1795fc
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.236 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb1bdc
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unnecessary variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bd2041
+- drm/amd/display: Make unbounded req update separate from dlg/ttu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7444767
+- drm/amd/display: Add visual confirm color support for MCLK switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd0dafe
+- drm/amd/display: Convert connector signal id to string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a06321
+- drm/amd/display: Update vactive margin and max vblank for fpo + (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5058a80
+- drm/amd/display: Only skip update for DCFCLK, UCLK, FCLK on overclock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b655a9f
+- drm/amdgpu: improve wait logic at fence polling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f894d7
+- drm/amd/display: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf3700
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _object, _ring.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa956a9
+- drm/amdgpu: release correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kgq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d709969
+- drm/amdgpu/display: Enable DC_FP for LoongArch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 868f01c
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.235 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13f8b2
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP on displays that have pixclk > 1800Mhz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 300d4d5
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP high refresh when VRR active fixed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7c56de
+- drm/amd/display: Check Vactive for VRR active for FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a27d96
+- drm/amdgpu: set default num_kcq to 2 under sriov (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4120ff0
+- drm/amd/display: Show the DCN/DCE version in the log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e51728e
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove the unused variable golden_settings_gc_9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34d7e89
+- drm/amdkfd: Don't trigger evictions unmapping dmabuf attachments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a98b35a
+- drm/amd/display: Add additional pstate registers to HW state query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90649c1
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6bb7728
+- drm/amdgpu: do gfxhub init for all XCDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f255cf
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock on error in gfx_v9_4_3_kiq_resume() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aea0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock the correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kcq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8953b4
+- drm/amdgpu: drop unused function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8d9f70f
+- drm/amdgpu: drop invalid IP revision (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40e8d14
+- drm/amdgpu: put MQDs in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9bde94
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _bios, _cs, _dma_buf, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57313b8
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6aa7a8
+- drm/amd/display: mark amdgpu_dm_connector_funcs_force static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3a4cdc
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0fcc5d
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb9457
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx8: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f72c6b
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04b1e1e
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3657604
+- drm/amd: Downgrade message about watermarks table after s0i3 to debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6aabe
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0597d12
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d9e0bf
+- drm/amdgpu: add [en/dis]able_kgq() functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b967e6
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.234 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9056fb4
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56ba4ff
+- drm/amd/display: Add w/a to disable DP dual mode on certain ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a575d63
+- drm/amd/display: revert "Update scaler recout data for visual (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b4b4da
+- drm/amd/display: Adding debug option to override Z8 watermark values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72cc043
+- drm/amd/display: Workaround wrong HDR colorimetry with some receivers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e843d2
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging when DP link training Channel EQ is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0aaa819
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_psp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df4823
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d686ce
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d990c68
+- drm/amdkfd: Optimize svm range map to GPU with XNACK on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e2fcf
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging for eDP v1.4 supported sink rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48a111d
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible NULL dereference in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c21885
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_debugfs.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0715995
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable mcbp under sriov by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 559f7c7
+- drm/amdgpu: remove pasid_src field from IV entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aff6098
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Simplify switch case statements in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f950f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA_UTCL1_WR_FIFO_SED field for sdma_v4_4_ras_field (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99e3c7c
+- drm/amdkfd: Update KFD TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69c77d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Set GTT size equal to TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ee62fd
+- drm/ttm: Helper function to get TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7f05b3
+- drm/amdgpu: mark gfx_v9_4_3_disable_gpa_mode() static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45479e4
+- drm/amdgpu: check correct allocated mqd_backup object after alloc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43fe564
+- drm/amdgpu: fix a build warning by a typo in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0aa449
+- drm/amd/display: return status of dmub_srv_get_fw_boot_status (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01225d6
+- drm/amd/display: set variable custom_backlight_curve0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93d40e8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_display.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e8df70c
+- drm/amd/display: DSC passthrough is for DP-HDMI pcon (SST pcon) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dce215a
+- drm/amdgpu: add new flag to AMDGPU_CTX_QUERY2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4edfd2
+- drm:amd:amdgpu: Fix missing bo unlock in failure path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81a9d28
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables dispclk_delay_subtotal and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23fbee8
+- drm/amdgpu: support psp vbflash sysfs for MP0 13_0_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64ac4c7
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.233 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df3241
+- drm/amd/display: Query GECC enable for SubVP disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed1c556
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP for high refresh rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbe01b8
+- drm/amd/display: For no plane case set pstate support in validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c380cf5
+- drm/amd/display: Add p-state debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed6aebf
+- drm/amd/display: Update scaler recout data for visual confirm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fac55a
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42eac4b
+- drm/amd/display: add option to use custom backlight caps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8423cad
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP on PSR panels if single stream (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eff8c77
+- drm/amd/display: Restore rptr/wptr for DMCUB as workaround (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f49e072
+- drm/amd/display: Update FW feature caps struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93bb9cc
+- drm/amd/display: implement force function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4ebfd5
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.232 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea6d802
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61d64fd
+- drm/amdgpu: add debugfs interface for reading MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ac7a3b
+- drm/amdgpu: track MQD size for gfx and compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5e5ffd
+- drm/amdgpu: bump driver version number for CP GFX shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f3b100
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix an issue at userptr buffer validation process. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c98315a
+- drm/amd/display: assign edid_blob_ptr with edid from debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263767f
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for new GFX shadow size query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 266df5e
+- drm/amdgpu: add get_gfx_shadow_info callback for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0991ea1
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3af8db
+- drm/amdgpu: add UAPI to query GFX shadow sizes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3905b
+- drm/amdgpu: don't require a job for cond_exec and shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 679ca88
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 emit shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e5c100
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow CS IOCTL support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ceef1c
+- drm/amdgpu/UAPI: add new CS chunk for GFX shadow buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fff1579
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: check the CP FW version CP GFX shadow support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c276cd6
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: add FW version check for new CP GFX shadow feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82eced4
+- drm/amd/display: dumb_abm_lcd: avoid missing-prototype warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56c7ad2
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.231 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 675200d
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS related definitions and documenation for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9e3f19
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS capability to DCN31 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3f46b4
+- drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 666931d
+- drm/amd/display: update GSP1 generic info packet for PSRSU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f060959
+- drm/amd/display: Adjust dmub outbox notification enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fcc831
+- drm/amd/display: 3-plane MPO enablement for DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dce3e1
+- drm/amd/display: Add extra check for 444 16 format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fb904
+- drm/amd/display: correct DML calc error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a5c491
+- drm/amd/display: Limit nv21 dst_y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 954ff4b
+- drm/amd/display: Add check for PState change in DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1aed7df
+- drm/amd/display: Set DRAM clock if retraining is required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f4a607
+- drm/amd/display: add support for low bpc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbda83f
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style issues in amdgpu_discovery.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f64331
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unused variables in dcn21_hwseq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07026f7
+- drm/amdgpu: allocate doorbell index for multi-die case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfcbab
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_drv.c & amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2af78
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix spaces in array indexing and indentations in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3979f4b
+- drm/amdgpu: Drop pcie_bif ras check from fatal error handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbb99f0
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize num_xcd to 1 for gfx v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77880d1
+- drm/amdgpu: add master/slave check in init phase (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2afcbe
+- drm/amd/display: Clear GPINT1 before taking DMCUB out of reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c292f3e
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to rlc safe_mode func (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5207df8
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to select_sh_se function v2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0795290
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to gfx v9_4_3 functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5093050
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-XCC initial support in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b1c963
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to soc15_grbm_select (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d656861
+- drm/amdgpu: split gc v9_4_3 functionality from gc v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e68f63e
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-xcc support to amdgpu_gfx interfaces (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc75659
+- drm/amdgpu: separate the mqd_backup for kiq from kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4891858
+- drm/amdgpu: move queue_bitmap to an independent structure (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb8e0d4
+- drm/amdgpu: convert gfx.kiq to array type (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a897cae
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variable oldest_index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43e14b6
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix spelling mistake "aquire" -> "acquire" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd77318
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support for querying the max ibs in a submission. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f946aa4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a max ibs per submission limit. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4235d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase GFX6 graphics ring size. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e76b74
+- drm/amd/display: Write TEST_EDID_CHECKSUM_WRITE for EDID tests (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 423ba24
+- drm/amd/display: add mechanism to skip DCN init (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit 6c7b0ef
+- drm/amd/display: add extra dc odm debug options (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13ee7f9
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b71ea9
+- drm/amd/display: Enable FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc4c701
+- drm/amd/display: Set watermarks set D equal to A (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43f7e1
+- drm/amd/display: Correct output color space during HW reinitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff231cf
+- drm/amd/display: DSC policy override when ODM combine is forced (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2f061
+- drm/amd/display: Adding support for VESA SCR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a31437
+- drm/amd/display: drain dmub inbox if queue is full (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d807ece
+- drm/amd/display: refactor dmub commands into single
+  function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit ab21a66
+- drm/amd/display: Only consider DISPCLK when using optimized boot path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2cfa8
+- drm/amd/display: update max streams per surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f184e0
+- drm/amd/display: Fix in disabling secure display (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17eb970
+- drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 6ef2fed
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 41e7d51
+- drm/amd/display: Fix ABM pipe/backlight issues when change backlight (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cc4480
+- drm/amd/display: Check & log if receiver supports MST, DSC & FEC. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dba99a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor ABM feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be14e0c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix error code in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec82276
+- i915/perf: Do not add ggtt offset to hw_tail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d7fa39
+- i915/perf: Drop the aging_tail logic in perf OA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9014880
+- drm/i915: Allow user to set cache at BO creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b6d618
+- drm/i915/guc: Remove some obsolete definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3d0d79
+- drm/i915: rename I915_PMU_MAX_GTS to I915_PMU_MAX_GT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca13f77
+- drm/i915: Reduce I915_MAX_GT to 2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d93184b
+- drm/i915: Use the fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b36a900
+- drm/i915/huc: define HuC FW version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82006df
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: Use the media gt for the HuC getparam (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d09b48e
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: auth HuC via GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3022383
+- drm/i915/huc: differentiate the 2 steps of the MTL HuC auth flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516ec6e
+- drm/i915/huc: Load GSC-enabled HuC via DMA xfer if the fuse says so (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d0eb0c
+- drm/i915/huc: Parse the GSC-enabled HuC binary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9027300
+- drm/i915/uc: perma-pin firmwares (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad8ceae
+- drm/i915/pxp: Fix size_t format specifier in gsccs_send_message() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5075c4e
+- drm/i915/gt: limit lmem allocation size to succeed on SmallBars (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd30e03
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix parameter in gmch_ggtt_insert_{entries, page}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6eb592
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix second parameter type of pre-gen8 pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b96fa49
+- drm/i915/pmu: Make PMU sample array two-dimensional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52373d6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Turn off the timer to sample frequencies when GT is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfaaff
+- drm/i915/guc: Drop legacy CTB definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e36bbbd
+- drm/i915/guc: Track all sent actions to GuC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37380
+- drm/i915/guc: Update log for unsolicited CTB response (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5367a09
+- drm/i915/guc: Use FAST_REQUEST for non-blocking H2G calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 306501e
+- drm/i915/gem: Use large rings for compute contexts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cbf6444
+- drm/i915/gsc: use system include style for drm headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fc6fc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Reset only one lane in case of MFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 530224c
+- drm/i915: Flush power delayed put when connector init failed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e1d494
+- drm/i915: Remove i915_drm_suspend_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a7805e
+- drm/i915_drm.h: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f15edc
+- drm/i915/display: switch the rest of the connectors to struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7230bbc
+- drm/display/dp_mst: convert to struct drm_edid (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 655ad8f
+- drm/edid: make drm_edid_duplicate() safe to call with NULL parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2afae4
+- drm/i915/lvds: switch to drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4561db
+- drm/edid: add drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0823f2
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_audio in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e964241
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_monitor in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba0d0a0
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60d6489
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0b94f5
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a54444
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24a5a93
+- drm/display/dp_mst: drop has_audio from struct drm_dp_mst_port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5e9ff4
+- drm/edid: parse display info has_audio similar to is_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9216034
+- drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5813e1
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename comp_mutex to hdcp_mutex (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3079d
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Move away from master naming to arbiter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2252453
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename dev_priv to i915 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7921ee1
+- drm/i915: Implement CTM property support for VLV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6179eb
+- drm/i915: Always enable CGM CSC on CHV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a891b8
+- drm/i915: Fix CHV CGM CSC coefficient sign handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7de6cce
+- drm/i915: Expose crtc CTM property on ilk/snb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dc828b
+- drm/i915: Fix clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cd1b01
+- drm/i915/display: Move feature test macros to intel_display_device.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33fb907
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f678b4
+- drm/i915/display: Make display responsible for probing its own IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98365b2
+- drm/i915/display: Move display runtime info to display structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a35d92
+- drm/i915: Convert INTEL_INFO()->display to a pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aed04f
+- drm/i915: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1924536
+- drm/i915: Wait for active retire before i915_active_fini() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 080439c
+- drm/i915: Support Async Flip on Linear buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea1165e
+- drm/i915: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a58ccd2
+- drm/display/dsc: add YCbCr 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 RC parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96ada7d
+- drm/display/dsc: include the rest of pre-SCR parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b5e1
+- drm/display/dsc: split DSC 1.2 and DSC 1.1 (pre-SCR) parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b93ed
+- drm/display/dsc: use flat array for rc_parameters lookup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9b7a88
+- drm/i915/dsc: stop using interim structure for calculated params (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a225d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move DSC tables to DRM DSC helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4afb4d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move rc_buf_thresh values to common helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 198d780
+- drm/i915/dsc: change DSC param tables to follow the DSC model (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4b021a
+- drm/i915/hdmi: C20 computed PLL frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7287ee
+- drm/i915: Add 16bit register/mask operators (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e43e0c3
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix expected reg value for Thunderbolt PLL disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c744c1
+- drm/i915: tweak language in fastset pipe config compare logging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49d886e
+- drm/i915: fix intel_display_irq.c include order (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e17759
+- drm/i915/tc: Reset TypeC PHYs left enabled in DP-alt mode after the (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f198a63
+- drm/i915/tc: Call TypeC port flush_work/cleanup without modeset locks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f5b5a0
+- drm/i915: Factor out a helper for handling atomic modeset locks/state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78b5109
+- drm/i915/dp: Factor out intel_dp_get_active_pipes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0328903
+- drm/i915/dp: Prevent link training fallback on disconnected port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27d546c
+- drm/i915/dp: Convert link training error to debug message on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2cca75
+- drm/i915/dp: Add link training debug and error printing helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b85a7c
+- drm/i915: Add support for disabling any CRTCs during HW (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0add83
+- drm/i915: Factor out set_encoder_for_connector() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d63017
+- drm/i915: Separate intel_crtc_disable_noatomic_begin/complete() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a43328
+- drm/i915: Update connector atomic state before crtc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e65bbbb
+- drm/i915: Make the CRTC state consistent during sanitize-disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ab5da6
+- drm/i915: Add helpers to reference/unreference a DPLL for a CRTC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e0a4f
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fill hdcp2_streamid_type and k in appropriate places (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cba0ae
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fix modeset locking issue in hdcp mst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a11eb20
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Remove enforce_type0 check outside loop (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a931943
+- drm/i915/hdcp: add intel_atomic_state argument to hdcp_enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b41958
+- drm/i915/irq: split out display irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23d24c2
+- drm/i915/irq: split out hotplug irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit accdfdd
+- drm/i915/irq: convert gen8_de_irq_handler() to void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9609977
+- drm/i915/display: add i915 parameter to I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0dd7
+- drm/i915/display: remove I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387bb30
+- drm/i915/crtc: replace I915_STATE_WARN_ON() with I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d4dac
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop a useless I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d59113a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add handling for MTL ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ed432
+- drm/fourcc: define Intel Meteorlake related ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa5ffd
+- drm/i915/bios: add helper for reading SPI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056ec6a
+- drm/i915/gt: drop dependency on VLV_DISPLAY_BASE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08db04e
+- drm/i915/irq: relocate gmbus and dp aux irq handlers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5787b7a
+- drm/i915: Nuke intel_bios_is_port_dp_dual_mode() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f154b1
+- drm/i915: Flip VBT DDC pin maps around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c1b35b0
+- drm/i915: Split map_aux_ch() into per-platform arrays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0fe6ac
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a09b2a
+- drm/i915: Define more PS_CTRL bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f01be5
+- drm/i915/hdcp: drop display/ prefix from include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2c7d2d5
+- drm/i915: Fix wrong condition in bxt_set_cdclk for DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ab799d
+- drm/i915: Pick one HDMI port for infoframe/audio transmission on g4x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2603ae6
+- drm/i915: Move has_hdmi_sink out from intel_hdmi_compute_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bb6952
+- drm/i915/dp: Rearrange check for illegal mode and comments in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5584967
+- drm/i915/dp: Add helper to get sink_format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b7935a
+- drm/i915/display: Use sink_format instead of ycbcr420_output flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9384abd
+- drm/i915/dp: Configure PCON for conversion of output_format to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd9dc1
+- drm/i915/dp: Replace intel_dp.dfp members with the new crtc_state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed4cb1d
+- drm/i915/display: Add new member to configure PCON color conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53402c7
+- drm/i915: Communicate display power demands to pcode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ce821e
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for pipe scaler registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d46bf4b
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for skl+ scaler window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 364137c
+- drm/i915: s/PS_COEE_INDEX_AUTO_INC/PS_COEF_INDEX_AUTO_INC/ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3065e1a
+- drm/i915: Rename skl+ scaler binding bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e88a8a4
+- drm/i915: Remove dead scaler register defines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32166d6
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for ilk pfit window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbbea8c
+- drm/i915/display/dp: 128/132b LT requirement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98906b9
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enable TC ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6e3c86
+- drm/i915/mtl: Pin assignment for TypeC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1e066f
+- drm/i915/mtl: TypeC HPD live status query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09ed01b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Power up TCSS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0e7694
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define mask for DDI AUX interrupts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5863584
+- drm/i915/mtl: Readout Thunderbolt HW state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3c0d14
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enabling/disabling sequence Thunderbolt pll (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf90af3
+- drm/i915/mtl: For DP2.0 10G and 20G rates use MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccbf74
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add voltage swing sequence for C20 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0a27c
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 port clock calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e68ef7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Dump C20 pll hw state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c5a2d7
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 HW readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d0d8da
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 PLL programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7ac364
+- drm/i915/display: Increase AUX timeout for Type-C (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 697d5f8
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Disable DC5/6 states for TC port DDI/AUX and for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddf1ea7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Skip pcode qgv restrictions for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22abb48
+- drm/i915: Initialize dkl_phy spin lock from display code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c0669
+- drm/i915/psr: Sprinkle cpu_transcoder variables around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aca1dca
+- drm/i915/psr: Include PSR_PERF_CNT in debugfs output on all platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9185e85
+- drm/i915/psr: Add a FIXME for the PSR vs. AUX usage conflict (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 933197c
+- drm/i915/psr: Define more PSR mask bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ded1379
+- drm/i915/psr: Use intel_de_rmw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79d4a74
+- drm/i915/psr: Clean up PSR register defininitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dc04c
+- drm/i915: Clean up various display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628bce4
+- drm/i915: Fix up whitespace in some display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b462
+- drm/i915: Drop a useless forward declararion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abef2ca
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for ilk+ pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b098f0
+- drm/i915: Namespace pfit registers properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f73ae1a
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co for the pre-ilk pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f52b34a
+- drm/i915: Relocate skl_get_pfit_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48d0835
+- drm/i915: Relocate intel_atomic_setup_scalers() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1398bc9
+- drm/i915: Relocate VBLANK_EVASION_TIME_US (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d25fdf
+- drm/i915/display: throw out struct intel_load_detect_pipe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c515656
+- drm/i915/display: split out load detect to a separate file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bb8c2
+- drm/i915/wm: remove stale and unused ilk_wm_max_level() declaration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606af0f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Re-use ADL-P's "DC off" power well (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67c002a
+- drm/i915: Use separate "DC off" power well for ADL-P and DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a91437
+- drm/i915: use explicit includes for i915_reg.h and i915_irq.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e58dbe
+- drm/i915: Reuse <platform>_hotplug_mask() in .hpd_detection_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f39b35
+- drm/i915: Check HPD live state during eDP probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38e2173
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_hpd_enable_detection() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50ccf93
+- drm/i915: Introduce <platform>_hotplug_mask() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e86d92
+- drm/i915/pps: use intel_de_rmw() for panel unlock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43a5f43
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_driver_early_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6331d95
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_suspend/resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baa39bd
+- drm/i915/display: move display suspend/resume to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca70a87
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_reset.[ch] (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 829bbd8
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_* functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d226
+- drm/i915/display: move modeset probe/remove functions to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9afcefa
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_modeset_probe_defer() -> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c52ea
+- drm/i915/display: move intel_modeset_probe_defer() to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74af2df
+- drm/i915/display: start high level display driver file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 642a5d8
+- drm/i915/display: remove intel_display_commit_duplicated_state() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51c93ee
+- drm/i915: Make intel_{mpllb,c10pll}_state_verify() safer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a04ccc6
+- drm/i915/mtl: Initial DDI port setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3137522
+- drm/i915/display/mtl: Fill port width in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4774efd
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add C10 phy programming for HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit becf1a1
+- drm/i915/mtl/display: Implement DisplayPort sequences (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31f3fdb
+- drm/i915/mtl: MTL PICA hotplug detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c60a709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add vswing programming for C10 phys (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90348be
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add Support for C10 PHY message bus and pll programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0172c7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Create separate reg file for PICA registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f2e840
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add DP rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed2917
+- drm/i915/debugfs: New debugfs for display clock frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50cbcc6
+- drm/i915: Use min() instead of hand rolling it (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dedfd85
+- drm/i915: Evade transcoder's vblank when doing seamless M/N changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cc75c2
+- drm/i915: Allow arbitrary refresh rates with VRR eDP panels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e33801
+- drm/i915: Flag purely internal commits to not clear (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e028b3
+- drm/i915/vrr: Allow VRR to be toggled during fastsets (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92957d8
+- drm/i915/vrr: Relocate VRR enable/disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b6f153
+- drm/i915/vrr: Tell intel_crtc_update_active_timings() about VRR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45a4ffc
+- drm/i915/vrr: Make delayed vblank operational in VRR mode on adl/dg2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ab5793
+- drm/i915/vrr: Eliminate redundant function arguments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8244ec
+- drm/i915: Generalize planes_{enabling,disabling}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff1ef8b
+- drm/i915/display: remove unnecessary i915_debugfs.h includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec1001f
+- drm/i915: Hook up csc into state checker (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1baa749
+- drm/i915: Include the csc matrices in the crtc state dump (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27f912a
+- drm/i915: Implement chv cgm csc readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d9141b
+- drm/i915: Add hardware csc readout for ilk+ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa68db0
+- drm/i915: Sprinke a few sanity check WARNS during csc assignment (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da4dd15
+- drm/i915: Utilize crtc_state->csc on chv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00e0b1f
+- drm/i915: Store ilk+ csc matrices in the crtc state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bdb2ac
+- drm/i915: Start using struct intel_csc_matrix for chv cgm csc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba9f49
+- drm/i915: Split chv_load_cgm_csc() into pieces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e88281
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_csc_matrix struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4856de8
+- drm/panel: simple: add support for Rocktech RK043FN48H panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86e6bf2
+- drm/bridge: imx: turn imx8{qm,qxp}-ldb into single-object modules (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e71f5b
+- drm/bridge: imx: fix mixed module-builtin object (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37a70
+- drm/virtio: Wait for each dma-fence of in-fence array individually (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1efee29
+- drm/virtio: Refactor and optimize job submission code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 37a930f
+- drm/meson: venc: include linux/bitfield.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57a13b4
+- drm/meson: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d924f7
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-ili9882t TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b671
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-himax83102-j02 TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit affcbe9
+- drm/panel: khadas-ts050: update timings to achieve 60Hz refresh rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b39d2d6
+- drm/meson: add DSI encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f599d43
+- drm/meson: venc: add ENCL encoder setup for MIPI-DSI output (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da3d20
+- drm/meson: only use components with dw-hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19696e1
+- drm/meson: fix unbind path if HDMI fails to bind (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4597d2
+- drm/bridge: tc358762: Add reset GPIO support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad1c659
+- accel/habanalabs: add description to several info ioctls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e779988
+- drm: Place Renesas drivers in a separate dir (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 58b8f81
+- drm/fbdev-generic: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa5b0e4
+- drm/msm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a3b2a3
+- drm/fb-helper: Export helpers for marking damage areas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25c0ee
+- drm/tegra: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5839bc9
+- drm/omapdrm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74a1685
+- drm/fbdev-dma: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9fec2
+- drm/radeon: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35a53c7
+- drm/gma500: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23666b8
+- drm/exynos: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d2af47
+- drm/armada: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92b8b6c
+- fbdev: Add initializer macros for struct fb_ops (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh patches.suse/fbdev-Update-fbdev-source-file-paths.patch.
+- commit 2ce308c
+- fbdev: Add Kconfig options to select different fb_ops helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a56872e
+- drm/i915/mtl: end support for set caching ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7359f
+- drm/i915/pmu: Export counters from all tiles (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 573de38
+- drm/i915/pmu: Prepare for multi-tile non-engine counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e2b2c9
+- drm/i915/pmu: Add reference counting to the sampling timer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7637d
+- drm/i915/pmu: Transform PMU parking code to be GT based (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3419e6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Skip sampling engines with no enabled counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b37de11
+- drm/i915/pmu: Support PMU for all engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c15912
+- drm/i915/pmu: Change bitmask of enabled events to u32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b0f084
+- drm/i915: Fix memory leaks in function live_nop_switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3173e7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_16014892111 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch.
+- commit cbb902e
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL performance tuning changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e27813
+- drm/i915/mtl: do not enable render power-gating on MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6c0eee
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Disable rps_boost debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec64a3e
+- drm/i915/guc: Dump error capture to dmesg on CTB error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a86909c
+- drm/i915: Dump error capture to kernel log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae86dbf
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Silence UBSAN uninitialized bool variable warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbff671
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix confused register capture list creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8350aa7
+- drm/i1915/guc: Fix probe injection CI failures after recent change (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e41df1
+- drm/i915/pxp: Enable PXP with MTL-GSC-CS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f82408
+- drm/i915/pxp: On MTL, KCR enabling doesn't wait on tee component (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b44cd
+- drm/i915/uapi/pxp: Add a GET_PARAM for PXP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ba4dcc
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add ARB session creation and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9b941
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS backend to send GSC fw messages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c3618
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL helpers to submit Heci-Cmd-Packet to GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fda3064
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL hw-plumbing enabling for KCR operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 020206d
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS back-end resource init and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5494217
+- drm/i915: use pat_index instead of cache_level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67f502d
+- drm/i915: preparation for using PAT index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e538248
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix the wa number for Wa_22016670082 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1811f6f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL for remapping CCS FBs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b675a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Drop FLAT CCS check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7711b50
+- drm/i915/uc: Make unexpected firmware versions an error in debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 689ac4e
+- drm/i915/uc: Reject duplicate entries in firmware table (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 596451e
+- drm/i915/uc: Enhancements to firmware table validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0bb450
+- drm/i915/guc: Print status register when waiting for GuC to load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa7695e
+- drm/i915/guc: Decode another GuC load failure case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99953eb
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GuC firmware version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baaa258
+- drm/i915/uc: Track patch level versions on reduced version firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0313e24
+- drm/i915: use kernel-doc -Werror when CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR=y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55e87e0
+- drm/i915/ttm: fix i915_ttm_to_gem() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 010d5a2
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff90eda
+- drm/i915/gem: fix function pointer member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa43a8f
+- drm/i915/vma: fix struct i915_vma_bindinfo kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9c7a1b
+- drm/i915/gsc: add support for GSC proxy interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f774226
+- drm/i915/gsc: add initial support for GSC proxy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08ae709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GSC Proxy component interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec6ebba
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc parameter documentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 538c66d
+- drm/i915/pxp: fix kernel-doc for member dev_link (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597def3
+- drm/i915/pmu: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f69c23
+- drm/i915/active: fix kernel-doc for function parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5f93
+- drm/i915/guc: add intel_guc_state_capture member docs for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a9caeb
+- drm/i915/guc: drop lots of kernel-doc markers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd639d8
+- drm/i915/guc: add dbgfs_node member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14b8f74
+- drm/i915/engine: hide preempt_hang selftest member from kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9073a39
+- drm/i915/gtt: fix i915_vm_resv_put() kernel-doc parameter name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72fbae9
+- drm/i915/context: fix kernel-doc parameter descriptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5840462
+- drm/i915/engine: fix kernel-doc function name for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ab8f51
+- drm/i915/gem: fix i915_gem_object_lookup_rcu() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99a695c
+- drm/i915/request: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34444d8
+- drm/i915/error: fix i915_capture_error_state() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 18ac441
+- drm/i915/perf: fix i915_perf_ioctl_version() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31594af
+- drm/i915/vma: document struct i915_vma_resource wakeref member (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7de302
+- drm/i915/utils: drop kernel-doc from __wait_for() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4db410
+- drm/i915/vma: fix kernel-doc function name for i915_vma_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4336bbd
+- drm/i915/gvt: fix intel_vgpu_alloc_resource() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05da320
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix error capture for virtual engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2279ca7
+- drm/i915/guc: Capture list naming clean up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e01b71
+- drm/i915/guc: Consolidate duplicated capture list code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1268492
+- drm/i915/selftests: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ce45ac
+- drm/i915/gt: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a690e7d
+- drm/i915/fdinfo: Enable fdinfo for GuC backends (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e45d4b7
+- i915/pmu: Add support for total context runtime for GuC back-end (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88fcc4e
+- drm/i915/rc6: throw out set() wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42c1195
+- drm/i915/selftest: Update the SLPC selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de417ef
+- drm/i915: Use correct huge page manager for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95c18b4
+- drm/i915: Migrate platform-dependent mock hugepage selftests to live (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a455ff
+- drm/i915/mtl: Implement Wa_14019141245 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6e1580
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Block waiting for GuC reset to complete (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3e2ba2
+- drm/i915/guc: Disable PL1 power limit when loading GuC firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 473cba9
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Get mutex and rpm ref just once in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ef76b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add workaround 14018778641 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81069b1
+- drm/i915/selftest: Record GT error for gt failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6f548a
+- drm/i915/mtl: workaround coherency issue for Media (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c1f87d
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add PTE encode function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20a840c
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use i915 instead of dev_priv insied the file_priv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85645b5
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use proper parameter naming in for_each_engine() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ef7d88
+- drm/i915/mtl: fix mocs selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d492acc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define MOCS and PAT tables for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e652be8
+- drm/i915/mtl: Set has_llc=0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 090412c
+- drm/i915/mtl: WA to clear RDOP clock gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c541b23
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_22011802037 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fb7ff2
+- drm/i915/selftests: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 084fb89
+- drm/i915/gem: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1194b47
+- drm/i915/gt: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9784ea7
+- drm/i915: Make IRQ reset and postinstall multi-gt aware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 009d548
+- drm/i915/mtl: Disable stolen memory backed FB for A0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c3a8f2
+- drm/i915/display: Implement fb_mmap callback function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce1e5e
+- drm/i915/display: Add helper func to get intel_fbdev from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 295f0f1
+- drm/i915: Add a function to mmap framebuffer obj (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 348f22c
+- drm/i915/display: Set I915_BO_ALLOC_USER for fb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e56acd2
+- drm/i915/ttm: Add I915_BO_PREALLOC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff7660d
+- drm/ttm: Remove redundant code in ttm_tt_init_fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3f0f5e
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: handle hdmi-pwr supply (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 717826b
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: rename dp_pwr to connector_pwr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d12f332
+- drm/panel-edp: Convert to platform remove callback returning void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 870aa5c
+- drm: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-fix-Wunused-const-variable-warning.patch.
+- commit eabbf5f
+- drm: lcdif: Add i.MX93 LCDIF compatible string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e9ee4e
+- drm: lcdif: Add multiple encoders and first bridges support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b3fd93
+- drm: lcdif: Check consistent bus format and flags across first (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 73f4abd
+- drm: lcdif: Determine bus format and flags in ->atomic_check() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5ecb2
+- drm: lcdif: Drop unnecessary NULL pointer check on lcdif->bridge (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55665bc
+- drm/stm: dsi: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc6b74
+- drm/panel: simple: Add Ampire AM-800480L1TMQW-T00H (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46ed3d8
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Support non-burst mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 476a002
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Dynamically configure DPHY timing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b8b15d
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Select GENERIC_PHY_MIPI_DPHY (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42d19e0
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fetch pll-clock-frequency automatically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 609ad2e
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: fix blanking packet size calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c499a9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix no-procfs build (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b06fb55
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix i.MX8M enable flow to meet spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06ae2c7
+- drm/bridge: tc358767: explicitly set readable registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 730da03
+- drm/doc: Relax fdinfo string constraints (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e78cf5a
+- drm/msm: Add memory stats to fdinfo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c180a7
+- drm: Add fdinfo memory stats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1add9b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 5f52a01
+- drm/msm: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 6da2893
+- drm: Add common fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec91dd8
+- drm/docs: Fix usage stats typos (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d72c25
+- drm: shmobile: Make DRM_SHMOBILE visible on Renesas SoC platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d314a
+- drm: shmobile: Add missing call to drm_fbdev_generic_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 093f71e
+- drm: shmobile: Switch to drm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 827b0e4
+- drm: shmobile: Add support for DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f67e98
+- drm: shmobile: Use %p4cc to print fourcc codes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58039f5
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72d2700
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: use pointer for drm_mode in panel desc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4516c6f
+- drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2562126
+- drm/msm: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f988ee7
+- drm/nouveau/acr/ga102: set variable ga102_gsps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdcdfa5
+- drm/nouveau: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b905d9
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Implement support for clock/data polarity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c750127
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_wakeup_if_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d2cec4
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2eea1
+- ipu-v3: Include <linux/io.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9625247
+- fbdev/matrox: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f31f266
+- fbdev/hitfb: Cast I/O offset to address (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf54396
+- drm/ttm: let struct ttm_device_funcs be placed in rodata (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b1db8
+- drm/drm_atomic_helper.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a5c836
+- drm/panel: Modify innolux hj110iz panel initial code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e111d93
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13dd7e
+- gpu: drm: bridge: No need to set device_driver owner (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92c3bc4
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Fine tune the panel power sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f23d5d2
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Remove extra delay (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ba717
+- drm/ssd130x: Fix include guard name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e469fe3
+- drivers/firmware: Move sysfb_init() from device_initcall to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52071cb
+- drm/panel: panel-simple: Add BOE EV121WXM-N10-1850 panel support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd9b040
+- drm/panel: sharp-ls043t1le01: drop dummy functions and data fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e01d7
+- drm: sun4i: calculate proper DCLK rate for DSI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32d266b
+- drm: sun4i: rename sun4i_dotclock to sun4i_tcon_dclk
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch.
+- commit 5d04ac1
+- drm/connector: document enum drm_connector_tv_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d7879f
+- Documentation: vkms: clarify devres managed reference cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6c593
+- drm/fb-helper: Use fb_{cfb,sys}_{read, write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd8719c
+- fbdev: Move I/O read and write code into helper functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c84f471
+- fbdev: Validate info->screen_{base, buffer} in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8217d
+- fbdev: Don't re-validate info->state in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87a5316
+- fbdev: Use screen_buffer in fb_sys_{read,write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3587c49
+- fbdev: Return number of bytes read or written (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b49e207
+- fbdev/xen-fbfront: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f118ebd
+- fbdev/vfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dcc6e8
+- fbdev/udlfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5231e3
+- fbdev/smscufx: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2944797
+- fbdev/ps3fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 392c852
+- fbdev/metronomefb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66c9665
+- fbdev/hecubafb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad06f9
+- fbdev/broadsheetfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fe3ed1
+- fbdev/au1200fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f2d602
+- fbdev/arcfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb6876
+- drm/vkms: drop "Rotation" TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cda39d5
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-270 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c13557
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-90 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f4334f
+- drm/vkms: add reflect-y and rotate-180 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e9047d
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-0 and reflect-x property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 781832d
+- drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bddd95
+- drm/bridge: lt9211: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 664af0b
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aa97a0
+- drm/udl: delete dead code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26c56f9
+- drm/scheduler: mark jobs without fence as canceled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 025e471
+- drm/rockchip: cdn-dp: call drm_connector_update_edid_property() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1109dba
+- drm/sti/sti_hdmi: convert to using is_hdmi from display info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6617f
+- drm/sysfs: Link DRM connectors to corresponding Type-C connectors (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c452fe
+- drm/sysfs: Expose DRM connector id in each connector sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a27dbf
+- drm/uapi: Document CTM matrix better (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7882f6
+- drm/meson: set variables meson_hdmi_* storage-class-specifier to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e29f6d7
+- drm/panel: st7703: Add Anbernic RG353V-V2 Panel Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec280f
+- drm/panel: st7703: Rename CMD_UNKNOWN_C6 to CMD_SETECO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f6bf41
+- drm/doc/rfc: Introduce the merge plan for the Xe driver. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3945ed
+- drm/vkms: drop full alpha blending TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e3bf19
+- drm/vkms: allow full alpha blending on all planes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7268d
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.2020 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30a6b3
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.601 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525f0ea
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add a function to retrieve the CSC matrix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 193dde6
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rework the CSC matrices organization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f32745
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Swap CSC matrix channels for YUV444 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8b6c46
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rename full range helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 118d5f5
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add Broadcast RGB property to allow override of RGB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 456e9a7
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Update all the planes if the TV margins are changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01a707f
+- drm/vc4: Switch to container_of_const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdd81bd
+- drm/test: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate_inv() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad58c6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f8240f
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_vscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b637bd6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_hscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5319ef
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_intersect() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1adc10
+- drm/scheduler: add drm_sched_entity_error and use rcu
+  for last_scheduled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068
+  jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit dd3c5f3
+- drm/scheduler: properly forward fence errors (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit a75f31e
+- drm/tve200: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb64b5f
+- drm/sti: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85e980e
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc0c8c1
+- drm/display: Add missing OLED Vesa brightnesses definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf0d9eb
+- drm/panel: simple: Add InnoLux G070ACE-L01 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354afc2
+- drm/armada: Implement fbdev emulation as in-kernel client
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 05c1079
+- drm/armada: Initialize fbdev DRM client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf4cd4b
+- drm/armada: Hide fbdev support behind config option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f85ca5a
+- drm/armada: Include <linux/of.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8541bb1
+- drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Implement wait_hpd_asserted (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387412c
+- arch/parisc: Implement fb_is_primary_device() under arch/parisc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a419575
+- video: Move HP PARISC STI core code to shared location (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b1b68f
+- video: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c82969
+- drm/gem: Check for valid formats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f1d3e7
+- drm/nouveau/therm: Move an assignment statement behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47c839c
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move an expression into a function call parameter in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f862dc1
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move a variable assignment behind condition checks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 187b38a
+- drm/nouveau/clk: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55d57d0
+- drm/nouveau/bios/power_budget: Move an expression into a macro call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ad6247
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Replace five seq_printf() calls by seq_puts() in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a302c51
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Use seq_putc() in nouveau_debugfs_pstate_get() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac93009
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2d98
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move an expression into a function call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c3e94a
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add Lenovo J606F panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d0323
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Get orientation from OF (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 790dd39
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add DCS backlight support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b5998
+- dma-buf/dma-resv.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ff51f2
+- video/aperture: Provide a VGA helper for gma500 and internal use (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a26ebe6
+- video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2ea954
+- video/aperture: Drop primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056a332
+- video/aperture: Move vga handling to pci function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf8b5a
+- video/aperture: Only kick vgacon when the pdev is decoding vga (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c43b3
+- drm/aperture: Remove primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 992f35c
+- video/aperture: use generic code to figure out the vga default device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8630e9c
+- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24aa1bc
+- drm/bridge: fsl-ldb: Add i.MX6SX support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faeb2af
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_mode_config_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a64fe7c
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65bfea1
+- fbdev: sh7760fb: Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a098dd2
+- fbdev: sh_mobile_lcdcfb: Fix ARGB32 overlay format typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11263d7
+- fbdev: hitfb: Use NULL for pointers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95edbfa
+- fbdev: hitfb: Fix integer-to-pointer cast (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4b7be6
+- fbdev/media: Use GPIO descriptors for VIA GPIO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 386fed0
+- video/hdmi: Reorder fields in 'struct hdmi_avi_infoframe' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8784f37
+- fbdev: broadsheetfb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9c2643
+- fbdev: metronomefb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b35350
+- fbdev: hitfb: Declare hitfb_blank() as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4842140
+- mm/gup: remove unused vmas parameter from get_user_pages() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38d973a
+- drm/i2c: tda998x: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f411aa0
+- drm/sun4i: hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7531359
+- drm/mediatek: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c87ee96
+- drm/rockchip: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee319cd
+- drm/display/dp_mst: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 577e43a
+- drm/amd/pm: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f64afa0
+- drm/radeon: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e0046a
+- drm/sched: Call drm_sched_fence_set_parent() from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e8e20c
+- drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Fix drm_dp_remove_payload() invocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7844614
+- drm/ttm: fix warning that we shouldn't mix && and || (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1df97b1
+- drm/sched: Make sure we wait for all dependencies in kill_jobs_cb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc6af70
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-HPD-polling-reenabling-the-output.patch.
+- commit f3cb1d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-an-HPD-poll-helper-to-reschedule-the-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc81c5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dgfx-Enable-d3cold-at-s2idle.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50a8fb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-possible-invalid-drm-gem-put-ca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bffabb2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-shader-stage-validation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36aad52
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-sw_sync-Avoid-recursive-lock-during-fe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab6d67f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-display-dp-Fix-the-DP-DSC-Receiver-cap-siz.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e9aa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panfrost-Skip-speed-binning-on-EOPNOTSUPP.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec0c6a3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-goldfishfb-Do-not-check-0-for-platform_get_irq.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a33cd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-mmp-fix-value-check-in-mmphw_probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd77dfe
+- Update patches.suse/drm-qxl-fix-UAF-on-handle-creation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2797eb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-drm-amdgpu-display-change-pipe-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c739d4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-flush-any-delayed-gfxoff-on-suspend-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2af2128
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-skip-fence-GFX-interrupts-disable-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0f4180
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit b980d31
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-fix-throttle_status-for-other-th.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9daddf7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Fix-AUO-G121EAN01-panel-timin.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9050b5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-sdvo-fix-panel_type-initialization.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5255a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Restore-efficient-freq-earli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5bf63a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-possible-UAF-in-amdgpu_cs_pass1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a1f540
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cur.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7592e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 6d9172f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Don-t-show-stack-trace-for-mis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8cc1264
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Match-against-exact-bootloader-status.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a84eb74
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-skip-the-RLC-stop-when-S0i3-suspend.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a8a14
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-shmem-helper-Reset-vma-vm_ops-before-calli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c673f7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-Don-t-spam-logs-in-atomic-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d977b8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-Revert-a-NULL-check-inside-no.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbc5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-remove-unused-tu102_gr_load-functi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4285a3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-nvkm-dp-Add-workaround-to-fix-DP-1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0ebb96
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-gr-enable-memory-loads-on-helper-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 21148bc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Check-power-state-with-it650.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0c44a2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-premature-release-of-request-s-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50670e4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 457739a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Poll-aux-invalidation-register-bit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79e4248
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Enable-the-CCS_FLUSH-bit-in-the-pi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e60d63
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Rename-flags-with-bit_group_X-acco.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26058a1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Ensure-memory-quiesced-before-inva.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e45dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Add-the-gen12_needs_ccs_aux_inv-helpe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5524e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 72abda9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-ipuv3-Fix-front-porch-adjustment-upon-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dcb263
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-check-null-pointer-before-accessing-wh.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e8590
+- Update
+  patches.suse/locking-rtmutex-Fix-task-pi_waiters-integrity.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8287945
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Disallow-submit-with-fence-id-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77bc47a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-hw_fence-error-path-cleanup.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a8bda2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-IS_ERR_OR_NULL-vs-NULL-check-in-a5x.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0631e11
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-Fix-snapshot-BINDLESS_DATA-size.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86c35ec
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Drop-unused-regulators-from-QCM2290.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 641a895
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c4c4b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit a536365
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-mdss-correct-UBWC-programming-for-SM855.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3dcf4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unlock-on-error-path-in-dm_hand.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03321bf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Exit-idle-optimizations-before-attem.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3b1c47
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Guard-DCN31-PHYD32CLK-logic-against-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dc03e7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-smu-use-AverageGfxclkFrequency-to-replace-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9904733
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 772c0d3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-an-error-handling-path-in-igt_writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a81621a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dpt-Use-shmem-for-dpt-objects.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd87620
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-au1200fb-Fix-missing-IRQ-check-in-au1200f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff9f3d2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-Removed-unneeded-release_mem_region.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fc5332
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-warn-about-invalid-left-right-margi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a07223
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Fix-potential-use-after-free-in-nonb.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91bc00d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-PHY-active-for-DP-displays.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1fc74ae
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d407717
+- mm/various: give up if pte_offset_map[_lock]() fails (jsc#5859).
+- commit a2c5634
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Disable-MPC-split-by-default-on.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d50689
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-TG-is-non-null-before-che.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4c43875
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-polling-method-to-handle-MS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 349ce9d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Clean-up-errors-warnings-in-amd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bea04be
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-mclk-consistent-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b21505d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-gfxclock-consistent-for-sien.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7fbd4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-only-accept-async-flips-for-fas.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1458a53
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrt.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6176bca
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-perf-add-sentinel-to-xehp_oa_b_counter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7350278
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-init-hpd_irq_lock-for-PIOR.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cad48b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-PIOR-DP-uses-GPIO-for-HPD-not-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7aae87
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-i2c-fix-number-of-aux-event-slots.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66cddf5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-dma-resv-Stop-leaking-on-krealloc-failu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03ede3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_modese.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9577618
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_target.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6fd85ba
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Align-SMU11-SMU_MSG_OverridePcieParamet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb7252a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Move-helper-for-dynamic-speed-switch-ch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a188a98
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-conditionally-disable-pcie-lane-spee.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cba8499
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-share-the-code-around-SMU13-pcie-par.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d8f1a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-avoid-restore-process-run-into-dead-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f19763
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-fix-smu-i2c-data-read-risk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c131176
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-one-wrong-caching-mode-enum-usage.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1708dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Don-t-preserve-dpll_hw_state-for-slave.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7bbcfc9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-bring-back-blit-subchannel-for-pre-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac8434
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-acr-Abort-loading-ACR-if-no-firmwar.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 849229a
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-g94-enable-HDMI.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65f2b9c
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-HDMI-on-gt215.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4db279e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Send-hotplug-event-after-registering.patch.
+- commit 85c763a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Fix-BDW-PSR-AUX-CH-data-register-o.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1445992
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-potential-fence-use-after-free-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d84df9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-avoid-unintentional-shutdown-due-to.patch.
+- commit 905061d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-expose-swctf-threshold-setting-for-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ac5695
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f7805d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15493e2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-edp-do-not-add-non-edid-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98a38c2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-Disable-PSR-SU-on-Parade-0803-TC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82df139
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi-cd2e31a.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c935476
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 5807417
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Correct-DMUB_FW_VERSION-macro.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25cc5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d28976
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-Move-DCN314-DOMAIN-power.patch.
+- commit ff988b2
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-disable-RCO-for-DCN314.patch.
+- commit 87f5650
+- x86/tdx: Wrap exit reason with hcall_func() (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit a8e9cdd
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Apply-min-softlimit-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c2cd0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Use-hw.adjusted-mode-when-calculat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8534f
+- Update patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-correct-MERGE_3D-length.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af5aa2a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f07eedc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Free-resources-after-unregistering-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e901605
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Drop-aux-devices-together-with-DP-co.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a14f578
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-provide-fb_dirty-implemenation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d354885
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 28af848
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Fix-slice_last_group_size-calculati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b4937
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-do-not-enable-color-management-if-D.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da273fb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a5xx-really-check-for-A510-in-a5xx_gpu_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ff19db
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a6xx-don-t-set-IO_PGTABLE_QUIRK_ARM_OUT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29a2955
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-fix-sparse-warnings-in-a6xx-code.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ef9699
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-don-t-allow-enabling-14nm-VCO-with-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd67414
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-clean-up-dpu_kms_get_clk_rate-returns.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f364a5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-always-clear-every-individual-pendi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ca52c8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-set-DSC-flush-bit-correctly-at-MDP-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed39f3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Set-DPU_DATA_HCTL_EN-for-in-INTF_SC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce1fc4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Disable-pingpong-TE-on-DPU-5.0.0-an.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35225aa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Move-autorefresh-disable-from-CMD-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dbd0c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Drop-unused-poll_timeout_wr_ptr-PIN.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac0b58
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Use-V4.0-PCC-DSPP-sub-block-in-SC7-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a314cf6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-the-regdma-configuration.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 783597c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-cursor-block-register-bit-offse.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1edd13a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-enable-DSPP_2-3-for-LM_2-3-on-sm845.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6a463a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-dp_mst-Clear-MSG_RDY-flag-before-sending-ne.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3739ebb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-usage-of-UMC-fill-record-in-RAS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c17fefe
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-memcpy-in-sienna_cichlid_append_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3af48e9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Enable-dcn314-DPP-RCO.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8d7a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Skip-DPP-DTO-update-if-root-cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca8c0e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-unmap-and-remove-csa_va-properly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b590229
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-dcn315-single-stream-crb-al.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52b5e05
+- Update
+  patches.suse/amdgpu-validate-offset_in_bo-of-drm_amdgpu_gem_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3ce66e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-seamless-odm-transitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 095f88b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-keep-irq-count-in-amdgpu_irq_disabl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b71b8d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-fix-possible-division-by-zero-errors.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39a6e3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-correct-DCN314-register-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 337b904
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Apply-60us-prefetch-for-DCFCLK.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e16e5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-artifacting-on-eDP-panels-w.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 426883d
+- Update patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Validate-VM-ioctl-flags.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a41100
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Use-apt-name-for-FW-reserved-region.patch.
+- commit d0f6d22
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-v_startup-workaround-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0293f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underflow-for-disp.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dd1558
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-Fix-potential-deallocation-of-previo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eac6c83
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-u.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64c8f82
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-dml32_rq_dlg_get_rq_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4857100
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-CalculatePrefetchSch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8b9692
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-disable-SubVP-DRR-to-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0d9909
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-disable-aux-i-delay-as-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e074c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-update-extended-blank-for-dcn31.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9676d4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-in-secure-display-context-c.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6440688
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-add-pixel-rate-based-CRB-alloca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0f6777
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Limit-DCN32-8-channel-or-less-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc99ad
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Convert-Delaying-Aux-I-Disable-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 041b55d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-memory-leak-in-mes-self-test.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bcc196
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-integer-overflow-in-amdgpu_cs_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 713b127
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-Fix-integer-overflow-in-radeon_cs_pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc7e31b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Explicitly-specify-update-type-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eed812
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-calltrace-warning-in-amddrm_bud.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22cce5a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/radeon-avoid-double-free-in-ci_dpm_init.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55327b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-DTBCLK-for-DCN32.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f49020
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-is_timing_changed-prototype.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47aa280
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-logging-for-display-MALL-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afa79e0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-FAMS-validation-before-tryi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2148e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unconditionally-print-when-DP-s.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b91fa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Add-workaround-14016712196.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8e13b8
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Convert-INTEL_INFO-display-to-a-pointe.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-error-handling-if-driver-creation.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-No-10bit-gamma-on-desktop-gen3-parts.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Handle-GMD_ID-identification-.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Make-display-responsible-for-p.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-runtime-info-to-d.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-fix-display-probe-for-IVB-Q-and-IVB-D.patch.
+- commit 083a721
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-device-info-to-he.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3d0397
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-hide-mkwrite_device_info-better.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b703d3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-limited-range-csc-matrix.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa8d734
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rcar-du-remove-R-Car-H3-ES1.-workarounds.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05a7c9c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Provide-sysfs-for-efficient-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 328ead6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-stm-ltdc-fix-late-dereference-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a3fc4f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-fix-active-size-for-Ampire-AM-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c7d1ed
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-samsung-dsim-Fix-PMS-Calculator-on-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 367392a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-disable-flow.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df0588
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-anx7625-Prevent-endless-probe-loop.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09277d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-dispnv50-fix-missing-prototypes-war.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2739fa2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358767-Switch-to-devm-MIPI-DSI-hel.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e12456
+- Update patches.suse/drm-vkms-Fix-RGB565-pixel-conversion.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f09d026
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-fixed-point-helper-to-get-rounded-integ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff8912b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-sharp-ls043t1le01-adjust-mode-setting.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd2111f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 09f6b76
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vram-helper-fix-function-names-in-vram-help.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa79077
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_TRAILCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dd507
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TXTAGOCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fef06
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_ZEROCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ef295
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_TRAILCNT-computati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce49b2c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_ZEROCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e37954f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-target-frequency.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4466a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-parameters-computat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7272988
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-always-enable-HS-video-mode.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c954c6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-vop-Leave-vblank-enabled-in-self-r.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bdff72
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Allow-vblank-enabled-self-refresh-di.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba51667
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-error-path.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb47cf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Move-a-variable-assignment-be.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b8de80
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-Add-atomic_get_input_bus_fm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cef76b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vkms-isolate-pixel-conversion-functionality.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d35ea4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-scheduler-set-entity-to-NULL-in-drm_sched_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f5fdba7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-lcdc-fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c89afa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-fix-potential-OOB-read-in-fast_imageblit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 988a714
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-omapfb-lcd_mipid-Fix-an-error-handling-pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d69680
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-ads7846-Convert-to-use-software-nodes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e2c8ae5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-never-consider-pinned-BOs-for-eviction-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baec41f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-fbdev-dma-Fix-documented-default-preferred_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d8bd18
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-fix-an-error-pointer-vs-NULL-bug.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e03ea41
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-keep-the-signaling-time-of-merged-fence.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa1ebc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-Powertip-PH800480T013-drm_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9195ac
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-swapout-move-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4360d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-eviction-error.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a36557e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi86-Fix-auxiliary-bus-lifet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40cd161
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-fix-bulk_move-corruption-when-adding-a-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3eff7b1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-dw_hdmi-fix-connector-access-for-scd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3f95b4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-connector_type-for-innolux.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f78932
+- media: via: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: v4l: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
-- commit cc76cf8
+- commit 0d8a265
-- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR registers (git-fixes)
-- commit 89467e1
+- Update config files: CONFIG_VIDEO_CAMERA_SENSOR=y
+- commit 4008da7
-- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (git-fixes)
-- commit afca04d
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix OOB read (git-fixes).
+- spi: zynqmp-gqspi: fix clock imbalance on probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Do not use on stack memory for
+ field (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Fix null pointer deref on SSDB/PLD parsing
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: Add a camera sensor top level menu (git-fixes).
+- commit f626750
+- io_uring/net: fix iter retargeting for selected buf (git-fixes).
+- commit e964e17
-- hwrng: virtio - always add a pending request (git-fixes).
-- commit 912363c
+- io_uring: fix unprotected iopoll overflow (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break out of iowq iopoll on teardown (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add a sysctl to disable io_uring system-wide
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: only print ->sq_array[] if it's there
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Don't set affinity on a dying sqpoll thread
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move iopoll ctx fields around (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move multishot cqe cache in ctx (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: separate task_work/waiting cache line (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: banish non-hot data to end of io_ring_ctx
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move non aligned field to the end (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add option to remove SQ indirection (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: compact SQ/CQ heads/tails (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: force inline io_fill_cqe_req (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge iopoll and normal completion paths
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: reorder cqring_flush and wakeups (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: optimise extra io_get_cqe null check (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: refactor __io_get_cqe() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: simplify big_cqe handling (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cqe init hardening (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: improve cqe !tracing hot path (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/sqpoll: fix io-wq affinity when IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL
+  is used (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: stop calling free_compound_page() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rename kiocb_end_write() local helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit f091844
+- io_uring: simplify io_run_task_work_sig return (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: keep one global dummy_ubuf (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: never overflow io_aux_cqe (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove return from io_req_cqe_overflow()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_fill_cqe_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 7948073
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot recv (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot accept (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't gate worker wake up success on
+  wake_up_process() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: reduce frequency of acct->lock acquisitions
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't grab wq->lock for worker activation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove unnecessary forward declaration (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 5c535c3
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change driver version to 2.1.24-046
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance error messages (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance controller offline notification
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance shutdown notification (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Simplify lun_number assignment (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename pciinfo to pci_info (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename MACRO to clarify purpose (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add abort handler (bsc#1211732).
+- commit 5218813
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element arrays with flexible-array
+  members (bsc#1211732).
+- commit eb9bb15
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update version to 2.1.22-040 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update copyright to 2023 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add sysfs entry for NUMA node in
+  /sys/block/sdX/device (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Stop sending driver-initiated TURs
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix byte aligned writew for ARM servers
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add support for RAID NCQ priority (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Validate block layer host tag (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove contention for raid_bypass_cnt
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix rare SAS transport memory leak
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove NULL pointer check (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Map full length of PCI BAR 0 (bsc#1211732).
+- commit df23c56
+- s390/boot: account Real Memory Copy and Lowcore areas (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215530).
+- commit dca0063
+- s390/mm: define Real Memory Copy size and mask macros (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215529).
+- commit d6f6439
+- s390/boot: cleanup number of page table levels setup (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215528).
+- commit 2422def
-- hwrng: virtio - don't waste entropy (git-fixes).
-- commit 4771c4e
+- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
+  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
+  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
+- commit c882efa
-- hwrng: virtio - don't wait on cleanup (git-fixes).
-- commit e9188eb
+- Update references tag for jsc#5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+- commit 01f8e06
-- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
-  (CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
-- commit a6ce336
+- sched/fair: Fix SMT4 group_smt_balance handling (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Optimize should_we_balance() for large SMT systems
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 4b59090
-- hwrng: virtio - add an internal buffer (git-fixes).
-- commit 477109e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
+- commit d305321
-- commit 72e753f
+- commit 9bbd8cc
-- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 60546dd
+- supported.conf: add snd-ps-sdw-dma
+- commit 5316338
-- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b96a7ad
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add index on snd_soc_of_get_dai_name()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-fsl-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-qcom-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-simple-card.c-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- commit cb4d928
+- supported.conf: add HDA and ASoC Intel/AMD entries
+- commit d1fdcf4
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82TL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Provide support for fallback topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add DMI entries to support Victus by HP Gaming
+  Laptop 15-fb0xxx (8A3E) (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 I2S speaker platform support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Use standard clamp() macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear panic mask status when panic occurs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add conditional check for acp_clkmux_sel
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove redundant clock mux selection register
+  write (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add module parameter for firmware debug
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: enable ACP external global interrupt
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove unused sha dma interrupt code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add module parameter to ignore the
+  CPC value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the reference output valid_bits
+  for copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix pipeline params at the output
+  of copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4c3bb71
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_VANGOGH=m
+- commit 562ae88
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix the output reference params
+  for SRC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify pipeline params based on
+  SRC output format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Enable signed firmware image loading for Vangogh
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for signed fw image loading
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add sof support for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add kcontrols and widgets per-codec in common
+  code (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Use devm_kmemdup to replace devm_kmalloc +
+  memcpy (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Add a token for dropping widget name
+  in kcontrol name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dapm: Add a flag for not having widget name in kcontrol
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: RPL: Add entry for HDMI-In capture support on
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for Dell SKU0C87 devices
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9d3a7d8
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in RPL match
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Refactor code for HDA stream creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_nau8318_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Remove duplicated include in lnl.c
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Initialize chip in hda_sdw_check_wakeen_irq()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify get_slave_info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow different devices on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Support multiple groups on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Device loop should not always start at
+  adr_index (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move range check of codec_conf into
+  inner loop (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Update DLC index each time one is
+  added (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Pull device loop up into
+  create_sdw_dailink (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Add helper to create a single codec
+  DLC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof-sdw: Move check for valid group id to
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Check link mask validity in
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove duplicate NULL check on adr_link
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Printk's should end with a newline
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Configure jack as not detecting
+  Line Out (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add sublink to dev_dbg()
+  log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: IPC4: clarify 'pipeline_ids' usage and logs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: reset device count for SoundWire
+  DAIs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add helper to get sublink LSDIID
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: add abstraction for SoundWire wake-ups
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add hw_params/free/trigger callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add helpers for SoundWire callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit fab7f32
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_LUNARLAKE=m
+- commit 9762327
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add ops for SoundWire
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: only allocate/release streams
+  for first CPU DAI (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add DMIC support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add ops for SSP (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add/select DMA ops for
+  SSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: enable DMIC/SSP offload in probe/resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: split MTL and LNL operations (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: Add support for Lunarlake platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add interface definitions for ACE2.x
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: restore gateway config length
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: avoid uninitialized default instance 0
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3-dtrace: Switch to memdup_user_nul() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_da7219_max98373: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Map missing Line Out jack kcontrol
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bxt_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: da7219: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Map missing jack kcontrols (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 60a1720
+- ASoC: amd: acp-rt5645: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp-da7219-max98357a: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186 modify dram type as non-cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move group_generated logic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Merge codec_conf_alloc into dailink_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Clean up DAI link counting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add cs35l56 codec info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow direct specification of CODEC
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: break earlier when a adr link contains
+  different codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move amp_num initialisation to mc_probe
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove redundant parameters in dai
+  creation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Minor tidy up of mc_probe (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Constify parameter to find_codec_part_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify find_codec_info_acpi
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use a module device table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove some extra line breaks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Rename codec_idx to codec_dlc_index
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use consistent variable naming for
+  links (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0AFE (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename link_id to be_id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: allow mockup amplifier to provide
+  feedback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: reorder SoundWire codecs in Kconfig
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Update BT offload config for soundwire
+  config (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682 add support for HDMI_In capture
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add RPL support for MAX98357A
+  speaker (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for rt711-sdca-sdw at link
+  0 in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp5x-mach:add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: atom: remove static analysis false positive
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bdw_rt286: add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: simplify code to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 2a8e6bd
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: add checks to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client-probes-ipc4: add checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: update dai_link_fixup for SOF_DAI_MEDIATEK_AFE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-acpi: move link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: start simplify the signature of
+  link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: get codec number from ACPI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: refactor strncpy usage in topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add missing dependency on CONFIG_EFI for Cirrus/TI
+  sub-codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
+  15-eu0xxx (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Switch back to use struct i2c_driver's
+  .probe() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7e4e840
-- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (git-fixes).
-- commit 45da2ea
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_TAS2781_I2C=m
+- commit f74361b
-- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: only access GHCB fields once (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: snapshot the GHCB before accessing it (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- commit f5b3d4d
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
+  mute LED (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Override the _DSD for HP Zbook Fury 17 G9
+  to correct boost type (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix PM refcount unbalance at
+  tas2781_hda_bind() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix acpi device refcount leak at
+  tas2781_read_acpi() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix spelling mistake "powe" -> "power"
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Add tas2781 HDA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: change cs35l41_prop_model to static
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: Add Chromebook quirk to ADL/RPL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f614fcb
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix the loop check in
+  cs35l41_add_dsd_properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support systems with missing _DSD
+  properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tegra: refactor deprecated strncpy (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: extend connectivity check to cover Intel
+  ARL (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: add LunarLake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: use common include for MeteorLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: add HD Audio PCI ID for Intel Arrow Lake-S
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: add ArrowLake-S PCI ID for Intel HDAudio subsystem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Print amp configuration after bind
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Reject I2C alias addresses (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Fail if .bin not found and firmware not
+  patched (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit eb0ce74
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L56=m
+- commit 3b4bbbb
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not download firmware over existing RAM
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: cs_dsp_power_down() on cs35l56_hda_fw_load()
+  error path (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before calling
+  cs_dsp_remove() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Always power-up and start cs_dsp
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not mark cache dirty after REINIT
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Complete firmware reboot before calling
+  cs_dsp_run() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do some clean up on probe error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Add driver for Cirrus Logic CS35L56
+  amplifier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 538cf18
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Waiting for firmware to boot must be tolerant of
+  I/O errors (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't overwrite a patched firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Support powering-up DSP without trying to load
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call wm_adsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expose the DSP power down actions as
+  wm_adsp_power_down() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Wait for control port ready during system-resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Avoid uninitialized variable in
+  cs35l56_set_asp_slot_positions() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make a common function to shutdown the
+  DSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make common function for control port wait
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move part of cs35l56_init() to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move cs_dsp init into shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move runtime suspend/resume to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move utility functions to shared file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Convert utility functions to use common data
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make cs35l56_system_reset() code more generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6aa9c77
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move shared data into a common data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f8b8c4
+- ALSA: hda: Fix missing header dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Patch soft registers to defaults (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f75826
+- ASoC: amd: acp: fix SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_PCI depdenencies
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: delete unnecessary NULL check (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe register offset for renoir and
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add acp-probe id to sof probe client driver
+  for registration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe functionality support for amd
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: clean up some inconsistent indentings
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add jsl_rt5650 board config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps-sdw-dma: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for rembrandt platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: move pdm macros to common header file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store the pdm stream channel mask
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: export config_acp_dma() and
+  config_pte_for_stream() symbols (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store xfer_resolution of the stream
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for acp pci driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store platform device reference created in pci
+  probe call (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove the redundant acp enable/disable
+  interrupts functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add acp i2s master clock generation for
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: refactor the acp init and de-init sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add new dmi entries to config entry (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add acpi machine id's for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0f6e64
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_RT5663=m
+- commit b9578a0
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for max98388
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for nau8821
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add support for NAU8821/MAX98388 variant
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Use dmi_first_match() for DMI quirk
+  handling (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Make use of DRV_NAME (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Tidy up hw_params() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Add missing components (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load rt5663 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add rt5663 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load es8336 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3fbf618
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_ES8336=m
+- commit 5b3c4a1
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add es8336 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: refactor PSP smn_read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure amp is only unmuted during
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add device_link between HDA and cs35l41_hda
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Rework System Suspend to ensure correct call
+  separation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use pre and post playback hooks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: hda_component: Add pre and post playback hooks
+  to hda_component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move Play and Pause into separate
+  functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6c7942d
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we pass up any errors during system
+  suspend (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we correctly re-sync regmap before
+  system suspending (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check mailbox status of pause command
+  after firmware load (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Poll for Power Up/Down rather than waiting a
+  fixed delay (bsc#1215284).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Use mbox command to enable speaker output
+  for external boost (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3bd03af
+- ALSA: hda: add HDMI codec ID for Intel LNL (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/hdmi: keep codec entries in numerical order
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sst: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Convert to PCI device IDs defines (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add controller matching macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Add Intel Audio DSP devices to pci_ids.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Sort Intel PCI IDs by number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use regcache_reg_cached() rather than open
+  coding (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Let users check if a register is cached (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 22a05bd
+- supported.conf: update entries for UMP
+- commit d3ef504
+- regcache: Push async I/O request down into the rbtree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Allow reads from write only registers with the flat
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Drop early readability check (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test to make sure we don't sync to read only
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add a test case for write only registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test that writes to write only registers are
+  prevented (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Check for register readability before checking cache
+  during read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add debugfs file for forcing field writes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide basic KUnit coverage for the raw register
+  I/O (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide a ram backed regmap with raw support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Don't check for changes in regcache_set_val()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: maple: Implement block sync for the maple tree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add missing cache_only checks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: mmio: Allow passing an empty config->reg_stride
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 17d660d
+- ALSA: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0970bc7
+- ALSA: seq: Fix snd_seq_expand_var_event() call to user-space
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks at error path for
+  UMP open (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Don't create unused substreams for static blocks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fill group names for legacy rawmidi substreams
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Attach legacy rawmidi after probing all
+  UMP EPs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 00609a3
+- ASoC: tas2781: fixed register access error when switching to
+  other chips (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Update the basecfg for copier
+  earlier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw-cs42142: fix for codec button mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: update jack detection quirk for LunarLake
+  RVP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Fix incorrect use of sizeof in sof_ipc3_do_rx_work()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl: micfil: Use dual license micfil code (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop
+  Mode0 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: remove redundant unsigned comparison to zero
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Fix memory leak at error path in
+  snd_seq_create_port() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Fix the issue of speaker noise (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Fix extraneous error messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: SND_SOC_WCD934X should select REGMAP_IRQ
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6afe-dai: fix Display Port Playback stream
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: check return value after reading device id
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: demote impedance printk (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: use dev_printk() for impedance
+  logging (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qdsp6: q6apm: use dai link pcm id as pcm device
+  number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add revision check for sending sha dma
+  completion command (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix byte count return value for invalid SoundWire
+  manager instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA register mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix for position register set for AUDIO0 RX
+  stream (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add fix for dma irq mask for rx streams for SDW0
+  instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA irq bits mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: fix typo in system_2p_ev_to_ump_midi1()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct wrong byte size at converting a UMP System
+  message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Make master_list ordered to prevent
+  deadlocks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Prevent lockdep asserts when stream has multiple
+  buses (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: fix SND_SOC_SOF_HDA_MLINK dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: debugfs: Add missing SCP registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unnecessary gotos (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Invert logic on runtime alloc flags
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unneeded checks for NULL bus
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bandwidth allocation: Remove pointless variable
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: cadence: revisit parity injection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: update hardware reset sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: enable interrupts last
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: update error log (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: amd: Improve error message in remove callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: set clk stop need reset flag at runtime
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add software workaround for bus clash interrupt
+  assertion (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: wait for fifo to be empty before suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: drop unused struct qcom_swrm_ctrl members
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: read AC timing control register before
+  updating it (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .free callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .free callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .trigger callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .trigger callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF/soundwire: re-add substream in params_stream
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add pre/post bank switch callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add new_peripheral_assigned callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: add new manager callback to deal with peripheral
+  enumeration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add check_cmdsync_unlocked helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: enable wake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: use common helpers for bus start/stop
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add sync_arm/sync_go helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9b394b1
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add DAI registration (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: configure link PHY (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: set SYNCPRD before powering-up
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add link power-up/down helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add debugfs support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_init: use eml_lock parameter (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: retrieve SoundWire eml_lock and pass
+  pointer (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add eml_lock in the interface for new
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC/soundwire: intel: pass hdac_bus pointer for link
+  management (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: set ip_offset at run-time
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire/ASOC: Intel: update offsets for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add empty new ops for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add ACE2.x SHIM definitions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: shim: add enum for ACE 2.0 IP used in
+  LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Don't filter slave alerts (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: use tabs for indentation in defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add support for v2.0.0 controller
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: prepare for handling different register
+  layouts (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: allow 16-bit sample interval for ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: Always store of_node when getting DAI link
+  component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix error code in tas2781_load_calibration()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update pm_runtime enable sequence (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: fix Kconfig dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove acp poweroff function (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: max98090: Allow dsp_a mode (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: common: add default jack dapm pins (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Remove stale comments in AHUB (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 803aadf
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA884X=m for arm64
+- commit bf28db9
+- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ASRC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Allow passing the number of slots in
+  use (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa884x: Add WSA884x family of speakers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Add mtl support RT1019P speaker
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: reorder quirk table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add acp_reset flag check in acp pci driver
+  pm ops (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update comments in Kconfig file (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: enable SoundWire dma driver build (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add pm ops support for SoundWire dma driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add support for SoundWire DMA interrupts
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a9972e5
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver dma ops (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: handle SoundWire interrupts in acp pci
+  driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: create platform devices based on acp config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: samsung: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 699832e
+- ASoC: fsl: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix spelling mistake "calibraiton" ->
+  "calibration" (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add mmap and copy compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress set params and metadata DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add trigger/pointer compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress DAI and codec caps get
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add open/free compress DAI callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add gapless feature support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add support to set compress format
+  params (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add placeholder decoder for compress
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: add helper function to set u32
+  param (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm: add end of stream events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: SC7280: audioreach: Add sc7280 hardware param fixup
+  callback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8328: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5670: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5668: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5665: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5660: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5651: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5631: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5616: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5514: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1f02c2e
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2781_*=m
+- commit 9821c7a
+- ASoC: rt1305: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1019: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1011: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: don't assign addr_width for dt configs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add DMA handshake control (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix error code in probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add tas2781 driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: firmware lib (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add Header file for tas2781 driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98363: Remove cache defaults for volatile registers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: add nau8822 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: set variable soc_codec_dev_max98388
+  storage-class-specifier to static (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: setup primary core info on MeteorLake
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: pm: Remove duplicated code in sof_suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: Switch to use the sof_debug:bit11 to dump
+  message payload (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Dump IPC message payload (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add new sof_debug flag to request message payload
+  dump (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: test virtual widget in
+  sof_walk_widgets_in_order (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc4b31a
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8315=m CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8825=m for Arm
+- commit 7f6b86a
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: add is_virtual_widget helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wm0010: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5677: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix unused function warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: add amplifier driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1318: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt712: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt711: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt700: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils: remove unused cpus/codecs/platforms
+  from props (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils.c: share asoc_graph_parse_dai()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 30a025b
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for IPC with a reply_size set
+  to zero (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: remove old trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai_link_codec_ch_map (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add N cpus to M codecs dai link support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l30: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l83: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l73: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs4234: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l35: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l34: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l33: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l32: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: siu: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-ssm4567: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt5682: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt298: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt286: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt274: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-nau8825: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98927: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98373: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98357a: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-hdaudio: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-dmic: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 47fd0d2
+- ASoC: Switch two more i2c drivers back to use .probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l56-Add-an-ACPI-match-table.patch.
+- commit 4323047
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-da7219: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample.dtsi: remove DT
+  warning (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample: add missing CPU:Codec =
+  1:N sample (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add IPC3 Kernel Injector (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Refactor rx function for fuzzing (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Go back to old headphone pin
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Use bitfield macros for
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Clean up log levels
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Cleanup return 0 disguised as
+  return ret (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: clean up a return in codec_init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Compress of_device_id entries
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Simplify code around clk_get_rate() handling
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98088: clean up some inconsistent indenting
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa883x: use existing define instead of raw
+  value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-pcm: remove kernel parameter init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: add i2c dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add snd_soc_get_stream_cpu() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc.h: remove snd_soc_compr_ops :: trigger (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add Rex CS42l42 and MAX98363 SoundWire
+  entries (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for MAX98363 codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Modify maxim helper functions and
+  structure names (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Rename sof_sdw_max98373.c file to
+  sof_sdw_maxim.c (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add helper function for cs42l42
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_rt1019_rt5682 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Sof_ssp_amp: Correcting author name (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Moving amp only boards into end of the
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Enable HDMI-In capture feature support for
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f365978
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: add Dell SKU 0B34 (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for Dell SKU 0B34
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add table for RPL Dell SKU 0BDA
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: increase sdw pin index for each sdw
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt713 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-mtl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-tgl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt712 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: make rt711_sdca be generic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename SOF_RT711_JDSRC to SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c698e7f
+- ASoC: Intel: sdw_sof: append dai_type and remove codec_type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0b457b
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add multi dailink support for a
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add codec_info pointer (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: use predefine dailink id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing exit callback (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: support new board with
+  nau88255 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm.c: clean up debugfs for freed widget
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: common: soundcard driver add dai_fmt support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: register hdmi/dp jack pins
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 50b3774
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add get_hlink callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 4f70204
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: separate ADDA playback dai from capture
+  dai (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add helper to extract SoundWire link
+  count (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: prepare for code reuse (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: add DMA config TLV to IPC data
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: introduce DMA config TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: extend ALH-specific data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add calc_stream_format callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add codec_dai_set_stream callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add error checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update output control for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update the calculation of FLL for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add registers patch for NAU8825C (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add adsp debug dump (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: tidyup playback/capture_only at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use temporary variable at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: cleanup soc_get_playback_capture() error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use dai_link on soc_get_playback_capture()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: indicate error if stream has no playback no
+  capture (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add the management of headset detection for power
+  saving (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: HDA: Limit the number of dai drivers
+  for nocodec mode (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Use partial match for connecting DAI
+  link and DAI widget (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Allow partial matching when finding DAI
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add mt8188 audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Use pcm_for_each_format() macro
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL ratio table values (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l45: Relicense to GPL only (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: da7219: Add Jack insertion detection polarity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc4_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3b27a33
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc3_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: update route for lineout mux
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add mtkaif gpio setting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: fix kselftest error of playback
+  gain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add supply for MTKAIF (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: use pm.h instead of runtime_pm.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: do not include pm_runtime.h if not used (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: tgl: unify core_put on IPC3 & IPC4 path
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: add core_get & put support on MeterLake
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: Fix locking in hda_ipc4_pre_trigger()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix an unsigned comparison which
+  can never be negative (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add pre-charge actions for input (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Do not split message string on multiple
+  lines (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant logs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Log control load errors in
+  soc_tplg_control_load() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader/topology: Query the CPC value from
+  manifest (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Do not use the CPC value from
+  topology (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename
+  sof_ipc4_update_pipeline_mem_usage() to be generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 754ffeb
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Save a pointer to fm_config in
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Drop unused bss_size from struct
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682s: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs53l30: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: stm32: sai: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5659: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l51: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: sam9g20_wm8731: Remove the unneeded include
+  <linux/i2c.h> (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: adau1761: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: In secure mode skip SHUTDOWN and RESET around fw
+  download (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: sdw_write_no_pm() should be performed under
+  a pm_runtime request (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt722-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca-dmic: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c797784
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: refine APLL control (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f2e5e40
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt5682: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1318: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1316: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1308: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Remove " Jack" from Headphone
+  pin name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: tegra210_adx: fix snd_pcm_format_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify input audio format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: New helper to check if all output
+  formats are the same (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the output format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a new helper function to get the
+  valid bits (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle output format special
+  case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename sof_ipc4_init_audio_fmt()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Move the call to init output
+  format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a helper function for output
+  format selection (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle input/output audio format
+  special case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add required clocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add bus protection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: combine afe component registration
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: revise ETDM control flow (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: complete set_tdm_slot function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: remove supply AUDIO_HIRES
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Update to use new component control notify
+  helepr (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ak4118: Update to use new component control notify
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-component: Add notify control helper function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: reset all pipelines during FE DAI
+  hw_free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: Split the get_hext_stream() op
+  for IPC4 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: remove mutual exclusion between NOCODEC and
+  HDA_LINK (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: use HDA_LINK instead of
+  HDA_AUDIO_CODEC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4d058ad
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: remove use of cpu_dai->component
+  drvdata (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 5fb285a
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: mark functions as __maybe_unused
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: move hda_dai_prepare() code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: move selection of PROBE_WORK_QUEUE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: clarify initialization when HDA_AUDIO_CODEC
+  is not used (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix DAI number mismatch (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: simplify .prepare callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add new mapping for HP Spectre x360
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for MTL SDCA boards
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 98a7c8f
+- ASoC: ssm3515: Add new amp driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 51ab72a
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add MECHREVO Jiaolong Series MRID6 into DMI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e8e4147
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_max98373_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use set_get_data() to send
+  LARGE_CONFIG message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6apm: add support to display ports in lpass
+  dais (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp: add support to more display ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: audioreach: add support for DISPLAY PORT SINK
+  module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp-common: move channel allocation to common
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add support for X1000 SoC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc35052
+- ASoC: fsl: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-imx-audmix-check-return-value-of-devm_kasp.patch.
+- commit 7f494a7
+- ASoC: soc-topology.c: add comment for Platform/Codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils.c: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: skylake: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1734f11
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT722_SDCA_SDW
+- commit f47d125
+- ASoC: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-utils.c: add asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: Add RT722 SDCA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify with dev_err_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify runtime PM during
+  probe (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Clean up unnecessary functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8195: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: MCLK bind with TX/RX enable bit (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f24c873
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: refactor acp power on and reset functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: remove the register read and write wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Update copyright notice (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: extend supported formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use a maple tree based register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add optional reset support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: fix channel info for compressed formats
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7f7fc6f
+- ALSA: pcm: fix ELD constraints for (E)AC3, DTS(-HD) and MLP
+  formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export MIDI1 / UMP conversion helpers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export snd_ump_receive_ump_val() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add no_process_stream flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add helper to change MIDI protocol (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- sound: make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compress: allow setting codec params after next
+  track (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: timer: minimize open-coded access to hw.resolution
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Update MIDI 2.0 documentation for UMP 1.1
+  enhancement (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add info flag bit for static blocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify UMP protocol change to sequencer
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify port changes to system port
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle FB info update (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle groupless messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add midi2_ump_probe option (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Parse UMP Endpoint and Function Blocks at
+  first (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Support UMP Endpoint and Function Block parsing
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add more attributes to UMP EP and FB info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Clemens Ladisch (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Takashi Sakamoto (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 54ef674
+- ALSA: hda/intel: Workaround for WALLCLK register for loongson
+  controller (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Workaround for SDnCTL register on loongson
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Using polling mode for loongson controller by
+  default (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add Loongson LS7A HD-Audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: control: Keep the previous numid at snd_ctl_rename_id()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Delete cs35l41 component master during
+  free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix endian conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clean up Firmware Load Controls
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid confusion of aligned read size (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fix parsing of 0xFx command (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Drop redundant check of note-on with zero velocity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct snd_ump_midi1_msg_program definition
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Add MIDI 2.0 documentation (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group filter (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Print UMP Endpoint and Block information in proc
+  outputs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9cd2cae
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SEQ_UMP
+- commit a6d3569
+- ALSA: seq: Add ioctls for client UMP info query and setup
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Create UMP Endpoint port for broadcast
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Bind UMP device (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Allow suppressing UMP conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Automatic conversion of UMP events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group number to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port direction to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Support MIDI 2.0 UMP Endpoint port (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port inactive flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Prohibit creating ports with special numbers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check validity before creating a port object
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check the conflicting port at port creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Drop dead code for the old broadcast support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Treat snd_seq_client object directly in client
+  drivers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add snd_seq_expand_var_event_at() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Clear padded bytes at expanding events
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Inform inconsistent protocols in GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable the legacy raw MIDI support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a20cb16
+- Update config files: enable MIDI2 configs
+- commit 0834a0b
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Use __le16 for 16bit USB descriptor fields
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add legacy raw MIDI support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Redirect rawmidi substream access via own helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Create UMP blocks from USB MIDI GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Trim superfluous "MIDI" suffix from UMP EP
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Get UMP EP name string from USB interface
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: USB MIDI 2.0 UMP support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Define USB MIDI 2.0 specs (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Manage number of rawmidis globally
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Additional proc output (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add ioctls to inquiry UMP EP and Block info via
+  control API (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Skip UMP devices at
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Add ioctl callback to snd_rawmidi_global_ops
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Pass rawmidi directly to
+  snd_rawmidi_kernel_open() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: mixart: Replace one-element arrays with simple
+  object declarations (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compat_ioctl: use correct snd_ctl_elem_type_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: uapi: pcm: control the filling of the silence samples
+  for drain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: core: update comment on snd_card.controls_rwsem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Remove impossible condition in
+  clk_aic32x4_pll_determine_rate() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: div: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 63a9a52
+- spi: intel-pci: Add support for Granite Rapids SPI serial flash
+  (jsc#PED-6106 jsc#PED-6090).
+- commit 00c2e1f
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sprintf/snprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit b392a8a
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 6d42891
+- s390/lcs: Convert sprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 9e4e74e
+- s390/lcs: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 715ef85
+- s390/ism: Set DMA coherent mask (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit f59d174
+- x86/cpu: Fix Crestmont uarch (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit e882a7f
+- perf/x86/intel: Add Crestmont PMU (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 058f4f4
+- x86/cpu: Add several Intel server CPU model numbers (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 6d86f99
+- Update config files. (jsc#PED-6528)
+  to arm64/default, armv7hl/default, s390x/default and x86_64/default.
+  before we have conclusion on PED-6528. Which means that the
+  .secondary_trusted_keys keyring can NOT be used to verify .ima/.evm
+  keys. It also means that MOK in .machine keyring can not be used to
+  verify .ima/.evm keys.
+  This commit didn't change the value in ppc64le/default because it's
+  handled by another jira jsc#PED-5085. PPC may be applied special setting
+  for IBM. (jsc#PED-6528)
+- commit dd2a1af
-- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 80c5d27
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 05d2771
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Guard against collision with KVM-defined
+- commit fb0e117
+- KVM: nSVM: Load L1's TSC multiplier based on L1 state, not L2
+  state (git-fixes).
+- commit 9a8cf6e
+- KVM: nSVM: Check instead of asserting on nested TSC scaling
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b43cd9
+- KVM: SVM: Set target pCPU during IRTE update if target vCPU
+  is running (git-fixes).
+- commit de8e951
-- spi: tegra210-quad: Enable TPM wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 00c70ee
+- KVM: SVM: Take and hold ir_list_lock when updating vCPU's
+  Physical ID entry (git-fixes).
+- commit c8429d7
-- spi: Add TPM HW flow flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 754a368
+- KVM: SVM: Don't inject #UD if KVM attempts to skip SEV guest
+  insn (git-fixes).
+- commit d983b3c
-- x86/PVH: avoid 32-bit build warning when obtaining VGA console
-  info (git-fixes).
-- commit 8d6614d
+- KVM: SVM: Skip VMSA init in sev_es_init_vmcb() if pointer is
+  NULL (git-fixes).
+- commit 80d1c46
-- spi: tegra210-quad: set half duplex flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 6cc1be6
+- KVM: SVM: Get source vCPUs from source VM for SEV-ES intrahost
+  migration (git-fixes).
+- commit d8a362f
+- scsi: target: core: Fix target_cmd_counter leak (bsc#1214847).
+- commit b9c2cf7
+- KVM: SVM: Don't defer NMI unblocking until next exit for SEV-ES
+  guests (git-fixes).
+- commit 815118a
-- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 8e51a51
+- KVM: VMX: Refresh available regs and IDT vectoring info before
+  NMI handling (git-fixes).
+- commit c8edde6
-- iommu/virtio: Return size mapped for a detached domain
+- x86/virt/tdx: Make TDX_MODULE_CALL handle SEAMCALL #UD and #GP (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 3990c40
+- x86/virt/tdx: Wire up basic SEAMCALL functions (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 5a7d4d1
+- x86/tdx: Remove 'struct tdx_hypercall_args' (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 35524da
+- x86/tdx: Reimplement __tdx_hypercall() using TDX_MODULE_CALL asm (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit ea49b7a
+- x86/tdx: Make TDX_HYPERCALL asm similar to TDX_MODULE_CALL (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 68160e9
+- x86/tdx: Extend TDX_MODULE_CALL to support more TDCALL/SEAMCALL leafs (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 81b9942
+- x86/tdx: Pass TDCALL/SEAMCALL input/output registers via a structure (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit e8d92e2
+- x86/tdx: Rename __tdx_module_call() to __tdcall() (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 67b9b89
+- x86/tdx: Make macros of TDCALLs consistent with the spec (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 2487143
+- x86/tdx: Skip saving output regs when SEAMCALL fails with VMFailInvalid (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit cc3a3ab
+- x86/tdx: Zero out the missing RSI in TDX_HYPERCALL macro (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 117aa18
+- x86/tdx: Retry partially-completed page conversion hypercalls (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit f5ec3f4
+- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-- commit ac677be
+- commit 3b70d15
-- virtio-blk: set req->state to MQ_RQ_COMPLETE after polling
-  I/O is finished (git-fixes).
-- commit 7124cfb
+- Revert "KVM: SVM: Skip WRMSR fastpath on VM-Exit if next RIP
+  isn't valid" (git-fixes).
+- commit deeaff0
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 89e41c0
+- KVM: x86: Acquire SRCU read lock when handling fastpath MSR
+  writes (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ec2da2
-- Rename colliding patches before merging SLE15-SP4
-- commit 6493f7c
+- KVM: SVM: Invoke trace_kvm_exit() for fastpath VM-Exits
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0219953
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbcon: Use kzalloc() in fbcon_prepare_logo()"'
-- commit 501bd2e
+- KVM: SVM: Remove TSS reloading code after VMEXIT (git-fixes).
+- commit cc99fca
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device'
-- commit bfaaaff
+- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ff3b5c4
-- blacklist.conf: add "x86/xen: Set MTRR state when running as Xen PV initial domain"
-- commit 0acd697
+- virtio_vdpa: build affinity masks conditionally (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c8cd83
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc: Flush gatt writes and adjust gatt mask in parisc_agp_mask_memory()'
-- commit 30a9db6
+- virtio_pmem: add the missing REQ_OP_WRITE for flush bio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 992fff8
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc/agp: Annotate parisc agp init functions with __init'
-- commit 9eb45cc
+- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e50901e
+- panic: Reenable preemption in WARN slowpath (git-fixes).
+- ata: libahci: clear pending interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: helpers: Avoid a driver uaf (git-fixes).
+- drm/radeon: make fence wait in suballocator uninterrruptable
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f4e814
+- drm/amd: Make fence wait in suballocator uninterruptible
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 69304d0
-- btrfs: don't hold CPU for too long when defragging a file
-  (bsc#1214988).
-- commit 9b89645
-- 9p/xen : Fix use after free bug in xen_9pfs_front_remove due
-  to race condition (bsc#1215206, CVE-2023-1859).
-- commit f333aa7
+- arm64: module: rework module VA range selection (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: mandate MODULE_PLTS (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: move module randomization to module.c (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kaslr: split kaslr/module initialization (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kasan: remove !KASAN_VMALLOC remnants (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: remove old !KASAN_VMALLOC logic (bsc#1214304).
+- commit c682662
+- wifi: ieee80211: reorder presence checks in MLE per-STA profile
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-ieee80211-fix-erroneous-NSTR-bitmap-size-checks.patch.
+- commit 2a2608b
+- wifi: ieee80211: fix erroneous NSTR bitmap size checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c83f3a8
+- wifi: ieee80211: use default for medium synchronization delay
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 9892e25
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Fix quirks table naming (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Send new command for PPAG (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Move btusb_recv_event_intel to btintel
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Gale Peak (8087:0036) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support for Gale Peak (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support to reset bluetooth via ACPI DSM
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit d94b566
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove 'use_tfh' config to fix crash
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: make bt_class a static const structure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Rework sync_interval to be sync_factor
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: fix Set CIG Parameters error status
+  handling (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btqca: use le32_to_cpu for ver.soc_id (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 894ef0e
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 6655:8771 to device tables
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add missing MODULE_FIRMWARE declarations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- virtio_bt: call scheduler when we free unused buffs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for IGTK in D3 resume flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update two most recent GTKs on D3 resume
+  flow (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor security key update after D3
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mark keys as uploaded when added by the driver
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support of A0 version of FM RF
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: clean up Bz module firmware lines
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 8f10a16
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support for *nJ devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit fd752ae
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 83 for AX/BZ/SC devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: remove trailing dash from FW_PRE constants
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Ma device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Sc device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify Bz/Gl device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: also drop jacket from info macro
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for 22000 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for ax210 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Bz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Sc (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: give Sc devices their own family (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f8bdc92
+- wifi: iwlwifi: split 22000.c into multiple files (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit b6d8129
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new CNVi (SC) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit 9d46e84
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new Bz version (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bbc566a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for scan version 17
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust skip-over-dtim in D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support new flush_sta method (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: send LARI configuration earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove disable_dummy_notification (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: limit EHT capabilities based on PCIe link speed
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add EHT A-MPDU size exponent support
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use min_t() for agg_size (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use EHT maximum MPDU length on 2.4 GHz
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: nvm: handle EHT/320 MHz regulatory flag
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make iwl_mvm_set_fw_mu_edca_params mld aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: send marker cmd before suspend cmd
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check the right csa_active (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: add size assertions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: refactor RB status size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c5d9cef
+- wifi: nl80211/reg: add no-EHT regulatory flag (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Retrieve PSD information from RNR AP information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CRC calculation for extended elems
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: avoid lockdep checking when removing deflink
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: always hold sdata lock in chanctx
+  assign/unassign (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: store BSS param change count from assoc response
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop some unprotected action frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move action length check up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop unprotected robust mgmt before 4-way-HS
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix documentation config reference (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a1d79a
+- wifi: cfg80211: search all RNR elements for colocated APs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-cfg80211-Fix-return-value-in-scan-logic.patch.
+- commit b5ee4d8
+- wifi: mac80211: add eht_capa debugfs field (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dvm: fix -Wunused-const-variable gcc warning
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: check EHT basic MCS/NSS set (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: stop parsing after allocation failure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: update multi-link element STA reconfig (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: prevent start/stop race (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: add a few locking assertions
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Support link removal using Reconfiguration ML
+  element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: add set_active_links variant not locking sdata
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1384067
-- commit 0de26c1
+- commit 5b503ee
+- wifi: mac80211: add ___ieee80211_disconnect variant not locking
+  sdata (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211/nl80211: Add support to indicate STA MLD setup
+  links removal (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: do not scan disabled links on 6GHz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: handle BSS data contained in ML probe responses
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use a struct for inform_single_bss data
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add definitions for RNR MLD params
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Always ignore ML element (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add helper to validate ML element type and size
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Include Multi-Link in CRC calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename ieee80211_mle_sta_prof_size_ok()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4fddada
+- wifi: mac80211: Add support for parsing Reconfiguration Multi
+  Link element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename multi_link (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use cfg80211 defragmentation helper
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add element defragmentation helper (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ignore invalid TBTT info field types
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use new inform_bss callback (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add inform_bss op to update BSS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: keep bss_lock held when informing (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move regulatory_hint_found_beacon to be earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: feed the link_id to
+  cfg80211_ch_switch_started_notify (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3d08fcc
+- wifi: mac80211: add consistency check for compat chandef
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: stop passing cbss to parser (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Extend AID element addition for TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add HE and EHT capa elements in TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS data frames with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS negotiation with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: make TDLS management link-aware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 81 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for SCAN API version 16
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't access vif valid links directly
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3ec74b8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: handle eSR transitions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fix max number of fw active links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add a few rate index validity checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Validate slots_num before allocating memory
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Validate tid is in valid range before
+  using it (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: track u-APSD misbehaving AP by AP address
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: implement WPFC ACPI table loading (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add some FW misbehaviour check infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always send spec link ID in link commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: use array as array argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4782c77
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: store WMM params per link (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check link during TX (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add a NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new FSEQ defines to fw dump (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: double-check ACK interrupt after timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use iwl_mvm_is_vendor_in_approved_list()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: make some ACPI functions static (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Correctly indicate support for VHT TX STBC
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove new checksum code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add debugfs entry to report dormant links
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b83471d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support version C0 of BZ and GL devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit ee9b8b1
+- wifi: mac80211: Support disabled links during association
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: clear FW debug memory on init
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: remove redundant argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: clear FW debug memory on init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: fix DRAM data init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: allow ADD_STA not to be advertised by the
+  firwmare (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: put only a single IGTK into FW (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor iwl_mvm_get_lmac_id() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: improve debug prints in iwl_read_ppag_table()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 5409bb1
+- wifi: mac80211: consistently use u64 for BSS changes
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1521a5d
+- wifi: mac80211: stop warning after reconfig failures
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: batch recalc during STA flush (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sta_info_move_state() up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: refactor ieee80211_select_link_key()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use u64 to hold enum ieee80211_bss_change flags
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: implement proper AP MLD HW restart (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 753363d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: initialize the rx_vec before using it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: rename BTM support flag and its TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support U-SIG EHT validate checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Replace strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: replace strlcpy() with strscpy() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Propagate ERP slot changes to FW
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM responder MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pass ESR parameters to the firmware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: debugfs: add ppag capa to fw info file
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always set MH len in offload_assist
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: provide a helper to fetch the medium
+  synchronization delay (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a7772a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify checks for HW error values (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix getting LDPC/STBC support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 79 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: update response for mcc_update command
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM initiator MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: make debugfs entries link specific (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Do not use "non-MLD AP" syntax (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Support association to AP MLD with disabled
+  links (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add getter functions for vif MLD state
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow disabling SMPS debugfs controls
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b403778
+- wifi: mac80211: don't update rx_stats.last_rate for NDP
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CSA processing while scanning (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: clarify WMM messages (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: pass roc->sdata to
+  drv_cancel_remain_on_channel() (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: include key action/command in tracing
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: S1G rate information and calculations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move scan done work to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move sched scan stop to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: move disconnects to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: ibss: move disconnect to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a0083e7
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for channel switch (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for SMPS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: unregister netdevs through cfg80211
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for sdata->work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add a work abstraction with special semantics
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock when sending wiphy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: wext: hold wiphy lock in siwgenie (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move wowlan disable under locks (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in pmsr work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in auto-disconnect (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit e6208bf
+- wifi: mac80211: fetch and store the EML capability information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: skip EHT BSS membership selector (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: remove element scratch_len (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: HW restart for MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pnvm: handle memory descriptor tlv (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: don't use constant size with efi.get_variable
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: clean up PNVM loading code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate reading and parsing of reduce power
+  table (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Enable loading of reduce-power tables into
+  several segments (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use iwl_pnvm_image in reduce power tables flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0c560aa
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of power reduce
+  tables (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Implement loading and setting of fragmented
+  pnvm image (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for fragmented pnvm images
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Allow trans_pcie track more than 1 pnvm DRAM
+  region (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Take loading and setting of pnvm image out of
+  parsing part (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of pnvm image into
+  two functions (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Generalize the parsing of the pnvm image
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: fix kernel-doc links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: remove unused commands (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: use __le16 instead of u16 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: link context action in kernel-doc
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: tell firmware about per-STA MFP enablement
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove warning for beacon filtering error
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove dead code in iwl_dump_ini_imr_get_size()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add Dell to ppag approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bef2178
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: adjust Bz device timings (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: offload BTM response during D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: do not log undefined DRAM buffers unnecessarily
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: acpi: add other Google OEMs to the ppag approved
+  list (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: clarify EHT RU allocation bits (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support injection rate control (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add vendors to TAS approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: iwlmei: fix compilation error (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 09b5136
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support PPAG in China for older FW cmd version
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove useless code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: disable RX STBC when a device doesn't support it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new ODM vendor to ppag approved list
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a5ea8d0
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support PASN for MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a8d85e8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make internal callback structs const
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f6d7c6e
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust csa notifications and commands to
+  MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update the FW apis for LINK and MAC commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Make iwl_mvm_diversity_iter() MLO aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't silently ignore missing suspend or resume
+  ops (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: dissolve iwl_mvm_mac_add_interface_common()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use link ID in missed beacon notification
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: freeze 22500 devices FW API (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use default @max_active for
+  trans_pcie->rba.alloc_wq (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0e14ac5
+- Update config files: version changed to 6.4 again
+- commit 1360d10
+- selftest: tcp: Fix address length in bind_wildcard.c
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: check budget for r8152_poll() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Fix dependencies for some of the synthetic
+  event tests (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add quirk for TUXEDO Gemini 17 Gen1/Clevo PD70PN
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: Remove kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd/iommu_v2: Fix pasid_state refcount dec hit 0 warning
+  on pasid unbind (git-fixes).
+- iommu/vt-d: Fix to flush cache of PASID directory table
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/sprd: Add missing force_aperture (git-fixes).
+- iommu/qcom: Disable and reset context bank before programming
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: rockchip: Fix directory table address encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/mediatek: Fix two IOMMU share pagetable issue (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Use enable_maks for keepalive
+  voting (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Improve enable_mask handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: fix missing kernfs_iattr_rwsem locking (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: add stub helper for kernfs_generic_poll() (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix regression with GPIO configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: remove obsolete out_thread label (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: sysctl: fix MEMFD_NOEXEC_SCOPE_NOEXEC_ENFORCED
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix capabilities in non-AP mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix command timeout in AP stop period
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: renesas_sdhi: register irqs before registering controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: maple: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix version check when CC has
+  multiple arguments (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: remove -v option (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: Fix mlxbf-tmfifo not handling all virtio
+  CONSOLE notifications (git-fixes).
+- gpiolib: fix reference leaks when removing GPIO chips still
+  in use (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix unsigned comparison with less than
+  zero (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix buffer overflow when scanning with extraie
+  (git-fixes).
+- idmaengine: make FSL_EDMA and INTEL_IDMA64 depends on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix field-spanning write in
+  brcmf_scan_params_v2_to_v1() (git-fixes).
+- staging: fbtft: ili9341: use macro FBTFT_REGISTER_SPI_DRIVER
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: constify params in thermal_zone_device_register
+  (git-fixes).
+- security: keys: perform capable check only on privileged
+  operations (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-snps-femto-v2: use qcom_snps_hsphy_suspend/resume
+  error code (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: huawei-wmi: Silence ambient light sensor
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Fix setting RGB mode on some TUF laptops
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Use kfree_sensitive instead of kfree
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/hid: Add HP Dragonfly G2 to VGBS DMI quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel: hid: Always call BTNL ACPI method
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: fix error handling for cx23885 ATSC boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pulse8-cec: handle possible ping error (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: Support to assign slot for encoder/decoder
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: use dev_err_probe (git-fixes).
+- sbitmap: fix batching wakeup (git-fixes).
+- Partially revert "drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for
+  displays with large vblank" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Load register defaults in blocks rather than register
+  by register (git-fixes).
+- commit 6abb937
-- sctp: leave the err path free in sctp_stream_init to
-  sctp_stream_free (CVE-2023-2177 bsc#1210643).
-- commit 337b7d8
+- drm/msm/dpu: increase memtype count to 16 for sm8550
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 081e740
-- s390/ipl: add loadparm parameter to eckd ipl/reipl data
-  (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 364a30d
+- dmaengine: idxd: Allow ATS disable update only for configurable
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Expose ATS disable knob only when WQ ATS is
+  supported (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Simplify WQ attribute visibility checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: trbe: Fix TRBE potential sleep in atomic context
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: tmc: Explicit type conversions to prevent integer
+  overflow (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: Update GCC clocks for QDU1000 and QRU1000
+  SoCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Fix clock source names (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Introduce index-based clk lookup
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: ensure async flips are only accepted for fast
+  updates (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Update min() to min_t() in 'amdgpu_info_ioctl'
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix loop iterating through scatterlist for DMA
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: remove opp table in exit hook (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: add online/offline hooks (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: set stale CPU frequency to minimum
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: goldfishfb: Do not check 0 for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- broadcom: b44: Use b44_writephy() return value (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix temperature unit of SMU v13.0.6 (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Match against exact bootloader status (git-fixes).
+- clk: fixed-mmio: make COMMON_CLK_FIXED_MMIO depend on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Exit idle optimizations before attempt to
+  access PHY (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Guard DCN31 PHYD32CLK logic against chip family
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/smu: use AverageGfxclkFrequency* to replace previous
+  GFX Curr Clock (git-fixes).
+- ethernet: atheros: fix return value check in atl1c_tso_csum()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop the regdma configuration (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e0044a
-- s390/ipl: add DEFINE_GENERIC_LOADPARM() (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit cd6d27a
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Consolidate code for aborting connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-Fix-double-free-in-hci_conn_cleanup.patch.
+- commit 2d5d835
-- s390/ipl: use octal values instead of S_* macros (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit db2ef83
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Add an ACPI match table (git-fixes).
+- commit 65a24dd
-- kabi: hide changes in enum ipl_type and struct sclp_info
-  (jsc#PED-2023 jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit b6fb6b6
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Rename ov5640 enable-gpios to
+  powerdown-gpios (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-sony-xperia: correct GPIO keys wakeup
+  again (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Rectify gpio-keys (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add GPIO line names for PMIC GPIOs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add gpio line names for TLMM
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: fail SCO/ISO via hci_conn_failed if ACL
+  gone early (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF in hci_disconnect_all_sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: drop only unbound CIS if Set CIG
+  Parameters fails (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Avoid use-after-free in dbg for
+  hci_add_adv_monitor() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix hci_le_set_cig_params (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF on hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Don't double print name in add/remove
+  adv_monitor (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Always allocate unique handles (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: do not emit new LE Create CIS if previous is
+  pending (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Add support for connecting multiple BISes
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt1308-sdw: fix random louder sound (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Box Demo
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Rock Pi 4B
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in eaidk-610
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_arasan_cf: Use dev_err_probe() instead dev_err()
+  in data_xfer() (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: make sure 'offs' is initialized in zc_request
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: fix unlikely null pointer deref in handle_rerror
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt712-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: nau8821: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix parsing of CIS Established Event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Use kmemdup() to replace kzalloc + memcpy
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: Add .dts files missing from the build (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Rename &msmgpio -> &tlmm (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Define regulator constraints next
+  to usage (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Disable audio codecs by default
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix regulator constraints
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-longcheer-l8910: Add front flash LED
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: Update to generic ADC channel binding on
+  DHSOM systems (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: adopt generic iio bindings for adc channels
+  on emstamp-argon (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: s5pv210: add dummy 5V regulator for backlight on
+  SMDKv210 (git-fixes).
+- commit 2753813
+- x86: Make IA32_EMULATION boot time configurable (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 816d051
+- x86/entry: Make IA32 syscalls' availability depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit d129cab
+- x86/elf: Make loading of 32bit processes depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit b3c3c55
+- x86/entry: Compile entry_SYSCALL32_ignore() unconditionally (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 3d9452a
+- x86/entry: Rename ignore_sysret() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 41cff48
-- s390/ipl: add eckd dump support (jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit 0961d1f
+- x86: Introduce ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 504ca1b
+- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
+  'unknown' (git-fixes bsc#1215345).
+- commit a7273bc
+- s390/dcssblk: fix kernel crash with list_add corruption
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215344).
+- commit 60ea829
+- Use base version 6.4
+  Since our kernel is no longer based on 6.4.x stable but rather the
+  mixture of all patches of our own, it's confusing to keep showing the
+  base version 6.4.15.
+  Let's drop the minor version and use 6.4 as the based version.
+- commit 05a5919
+- Refresh patches.suse/thunderbolt-Add-support-for-enhanced-uni-directional.patch
+  Correct the missing error handling
+- commit 8489072
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+  Fix crash on platforms that don't provide PKS.
+- commit dc6b8a1
+- io_uring: have io_file_put() take an io_kiocb rather than the
+  file (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/splice: use fput() directly (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: get rid of ref tryget (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup 'ret' handling in io_iopoll_check()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break iopolling on signal (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix false positive KASAN warnings (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix drain stalls by invalid SQE (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: Remove unused declaration io_rsrc_put_tw()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: annotate the struct io_kiocb slab for appropriate
+  user copy (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 602ec65
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (git-fixes).
+- commit 7eea791
+- io_uring/cancel: wire up IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_OP for sync cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: support opcode based lookup and cancelation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: add IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_USERDATA (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use cancelation match helper for poll and timeout
+  requests (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: fix sequence matching for
+  IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: abstract out request match helper
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/timeout: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/poll: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 991e7db
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Perform additional retries if doorbell read
+  returns 0 (git-fixes).
+- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset (git-fixes).
+- scsi: fcoe: Fix potential deadlock on &fip->ctlr_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: Use 32-bit hostnum in scsi_host_lookup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_fp_int_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_debug_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_stop_io_on_error_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla4xxx: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: be2iscsi: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add strlen() check in iscsi_if_set{_host}_param()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add length check for nlattr payload (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix TMF leak through (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session hang in gnl (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix command flush during TMF (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Limit TMF to 8 per function (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix deletion race condition (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix normally completed I/O analysed as failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix warnings detected by sparse (git-fixes).
+- commit aa5199c
+- Sort all patches and clean up reverts/corrections
+  For making easier to backport patches via git-fixes tracking, move
+  all patches in* into sorted section in
+  patches.suse/*.   It essentially means that our kernel is a pot
+  stewing all different fixes of our own choices, including the patches
+  from existing stable trees.
+  While transitioning to the flat structure, the commit ids are
+  corrected in a couple of patches, a few reverted patches are simply
+  dropped, and correction patches are folded into the original fix
+  patches.
+  The expanded result is exactly same as before this change.
+- commit 9491f38
+- platform/mellanox: NVSW_SN2201 should depend on ACPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Keep symlinks, when possible (git-fixes).
-- commit 495d04f
+- kunit: Fix wild-memory-access bug in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ed96bad
-- s390/ipl: add eckd support (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 21b5156
+- Remove stale comments in sorted section
+- commit b97ff7e
+- io_uring: flush offloaded and delayed task_work on exit
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_fallback_tw() forward declaration
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: use proper value for msg_inq (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge conditional unlock flush helpers (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: make io_cq_unlock_post static (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline __io_cq_unlock (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix acquire/release annotations (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: kill io_cq_unlock() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove IOU_F_TWQ_FORCE_NORMAL (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: don't batch task put on reqs free (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move io_clean_op() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline io_dismantle_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_free_req_tw (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_put_req_find_next (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 474274a
+- io_uring: add helpers to decode the fixed file file_ptr
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in io_msg_grab_file
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in __io_sync_cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return REQ_F_ flags from io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_req_ffs_set (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove a confusing comment above io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove the mode variable in io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove __io_file_supports_nowait (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 477b728
+- io_uring: get rid of unnecessary 'length' variable
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup io_aux_cqe() API (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: avoid indirect function calls for the hottest
+  task_work (bsc#1215211).
+- commit a422735
+- nvme: optimise io_uring passthrough completion (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cmd: add cmd lazy tw wake helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit ce83753
-  Unncessary after KBUILD_OVERRIDE removed.
-- commit 870adc7
+  The override flag is no longer used in kernel-binary.
+- commit 2e29826
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit a01ab3d
-- s390/dasd: fix command reject error on ESE devices (LTC#203630
-  bsc#1215123 git-fixes).
-- commit 5862ca2
+- Update config files: CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y for x86_64 and ppc64le (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable it consistently on all possible archs.
+- commit 4adfc00
+- s390/bpf: Pass through tail call counter in trampolines
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215253).
+- commit 9920b34
+- s390/dasd: fix string length handling (git-fixes bsc#1215252).
+- commit d32ce70
+- ext4: drop dio overwrite only flag and associated warning
+  (bsc#1215234).
+- commit b4b1734
-- commit 834e1c2
+- commit 3282c63
+- selftests/powerpc/dexcr: Add hashst/hashchk test (jsc#PED-5452).
+- Documentation: Document PowerPC kernel DEXCR interface
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose HASHKEYR register to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose DEXCR and HDEXCR registers to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Support userspace ROP protection (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Handle hashchk exception (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Add initial Dynamic Execution Control Register
+  (DEXCR) support (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Add missing <linux/regset.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/book3s: Add missing <linux/sched.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- commit 512787e
-- jbd2: restore t_checkpoint_io_list to maintain kABI
-  (bsc#1214946).
-- commit 1a1980a
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPKS SED Opal keystore support (jsc#PED-3545).
+  Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: keystore access for SED Opal keys
+  (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block:sed-opal: SED Opal keystore (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit 6e220a2
-- drm/display: Don't assume dual mode adaptors support i2c
-  sub-addressing (bsc#1213808).
-- commit 9c64306
+- Delete patches.suse/pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch.
+  (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  We enabled CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace our downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default. So we removed
+  pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch here.
+- commit 5523168
+- Update config files. (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  Enable CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace the downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default.
+- commit f7a24c5
+- ext4: do not mark inode dirty every time when appending using
+  delalloc (bsc#1215234).
+- commit 63674a0
+- ext4: allow concurrent unaligned dio overwrites (bsc#1215234).
+- commit cfe455c
+- io_uring: support for user allocated memory for rings/sqes
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 4014112
+- io_uring: maintain ordering for DEFER_TASKRUN tw list
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't retry recvmsg() unnecessarily (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: push IORING_CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY into
+  io_recv_finish() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initalize msghdr->msg_inq to known value
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initialize struct msghdr more sanely for io_recv()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Add io_uring_setup flag to pre-register ring fd and
+  never install it (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add ring freeing helper (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return error pointer from io_mem_alloc()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove sq/cq_off memset (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rely solely on FMODE_NOWAIT (bsc#1215211).
+- block: mark bdev files as FMODE_NOWAIT if underlying device
+  supports it (bsc#1215211).
+- net: set FMODE_NOWAIT for sockets (bsc#1215211).
+- commit c5f0cd7
+- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake-S pin controller support
+  (jsc#PED-6107, jsc#PED-6014).
+- commit 7650815
-- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
-  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
-- commit 96b18bb
+- scsi: core: Improve type safety of scsi_rescan_device() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (git-fixes).
+- hv: hyperv.h: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Don't dereference ACPI root object handle (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add gdma stats to ethtool output for mana (git-fixes).
+- net/mlx5: remove many unnecessary NULL values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Use the correct WQE count for ringing RQ doorbell (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Batch ringing RX queue doorbell on receiving packets (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused extern declaration vmbus_ontimer() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: add noop functions to x86_init mpparse functions (git-fixes).
+- vmbus_testing: fix wrong python syntax for integer value comparison (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: fix a warning in mshyperv.h (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Improve code for referencing hyperv_pcpu_input_arg (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: Change hv_free_hyperv_page() to take void * argument (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (git-fixes).
+- hv_netvsc: Allocate rx indirection table size dynamically (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Adjust hv_read_tsc_page_tsc() to avoid special casing U64_MAX (git-fixes).
+- x86/vdso: Fix gettimeofday masking (git-fixes).
+- x86/coco: Get rid of accessor functions (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (git-fixes).
+- commit 31e4022
-- commit 78179fa
+- commit 54a0db2
-- word-at-a-time: use the same return type for has_zero regardless
-  of endianness (bsc#1065729).
-- commit bde8063
+- commit d30f4b4
-- commit 0aba257
-- kabi/severities: ignore mlx4 internal symbols
-- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
-  (git-fixes).
-- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
-- commit 47e9584
-- x86/fpu: Take task_struct* in copy_sigframe_from_user_to_xstate() (git-fixes).
-- commit 74c2613
+- commit e58c7a4
-- x86/mm: Avoid incomplete Global INVLPG flushes (git-fixes).
-- commit a8877f3
+- blacklist.conf: Add 750bd41aeaeb powerpc/pseries: Fix hcall tracepoints with JUMP_LABEL=n
+- commit a91431a
-- x86/resctrl: Fix to restore to original value when re-enabling hardware prefetch register (git-fixes).
-- commit 670fb4d
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPK: undo kernel-doc comment notation
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit c1e63ba
-- x86/resctrl: Fix task CLOSID/RMID update race (git-fixes).
-- commit 9871c87
+- kABI: Reserve extra space for future cpuid/bug ints (kABI).
+- commit 4bfa4f1
-- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization in an emergency if SVM is supported (git-fixes).
-- commit 3949a2b
+- x86/virt: Drop unnecessary check on extended CPUID level in cpu_has_svm() (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b2e0cd
-- x86/virt: Force GIF=1 prior to disabling SVM (for reboot flows) (git-fixes).
-- commit 4534667
-- x86/sgx: Reduce delay and interference of enclave release (git-fixes).
-- commit ef6d157
-- x86/rtc: Remove __init for runtime functions (git-fixes).
-- commit 4511d93
-- x86/mm: Do not shuffle CPU entry areas without KASLR (git-fixes).
-- commit cb39678
-- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (git-fixes).
-- commit c9f1ddb
-- x86/ioremap: Fix page aligned size calculation in __ioremap_caller() (git-fixes).
-- commit 96d9365
-- x86/mem_encrypt: Unbreak the AMD_MEM_ENCRYPT=n build (git-fixes).
-- commit 12a2933
-- x86/resctl: fix scheduler confusion with 'current' (git-fixes).
-- commit 0d855b9
-- x86/purgatory: remove PGO flags (git-fixes).
-- commit 9d8ada6
-- x86/ioapic: Don't return 0 from arch_dynirq_lower_bound() (git-fixes).
-- commit ea0772f
+- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
+- commit 61b85d3
-- x86/i8259: Mark legacy PIC interrupts with IRQ_LEVEL (git-fixes).
-- commit c1031f1
+- x86/sgx: Break up long non-preemptible delays in sgx_vepc_release() (git-fixes).
+- commit 97e9703
-- x86/head/64: Switch to KERNEL_CS as soon as new GDT is installed (git-fixes).
-- commit bbfad26
+- x86/mm: Fix PAT bit missing from page protection modify mask (git-fixes).
+- commit 33d3430
-- x86/cpu: Add model number for Intel Arrow Lake processor (git-fixes).
-- commit bf6d064
+- x86/decompressor: Don't rely on upper 32 bits of GPRs being preserved (git-fixes).
+- commit dd3eca0
-- x86/cpu: Add Lunar Lake M (git-fixes).
-- commit 7ecc64d
+- x86/cpu: Fix amd_check_microcode() declaration (git-fixes).
+- commit a4a58c5
-- x86/bugs: Reset speculation control settings on init (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a6dd8e
+- x86/build: Fix linker fill bytes quirk/incompatibility for ld.lld (git-fixes).
+- commit c103809
-- x86/boot/e820: Fix typo in e820.c comment (git-fixes).
-- commit ac06968
+- x86/alternative: Add a __alt_reloc_selftest() prototype (git-fixes).
+- commit f671c66
-- x86/alternative: Fix race in try_get_desc() (git-fixes).
-- commit d841323
+- x86: Remove the arch_calc_vm_prot_bits() macro from the UAPI (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ca1850
-- uprobes/x86: Allow to probe a NOP instruction with 0x66 prefix (git-fixes).
-- commit 11f0960
+- x86/APM: drop the duplicate APM_MINOR_DEV macro (git-fixes).
+- commit be5e14b
-- KVM: VMX: Fix header file dependency of asm/vmx.h (git-fixes).
-- commit cae635f
+- locking/arch: Avoid variable shadowing in local_try_cmpxchg() (git-fixes).
+- commit 35707d1
-- KVM: SVM: Remove a duplicate definition of VMCB_AVIC_APIC_BAR_MASK (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a03ef8
+- KVM: SVM: correct the size of spec_ctrl field in VMCB save area (git-fixes).
+- commit 5e2d83e
+- iov_iter: Fix iov_iter_extract_pages() with zero-sized entries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb: symbol fixup for dvb_attach() (git-fixes).
-- commit a1c9c68
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- arm64/hyperv: Use CPUHP_AP_HYPERV_ONLINE state to fix CPU online sequencing (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix hyperv_pcpu_input_arg handling when CPUs go online/offline (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 665fc14
+- XArray: Do not return sibling entries from xa_load()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 02c4a14
-- commit f43b75b
-- patches.suse/ovl-remove-privs-in-ovl_copyfile.patch:(git-fixes).
-- commit daa1815
+- commit 83dedd5
-- s390/qeth: Don't call dev_close/dev_open (DOWN/UP) (bsc#1214873
-  git-fixes).
-- commit b0dc76c
+- selftests/powerpc: add const qualification where possible
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add more utility macros (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 5daf13c
+- s390/zcrypt_ep11misc: support API ordinal 6 with empty pin-blob
+  (jsc#PED-6375).
+- commit 2756530
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for sysfs attributes
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 565a508
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_KBLOB2PROTK
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit e5ba8eb
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_VERIFYKEY2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7e4d39b
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_CLR2SECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 6bfc7d7
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_GENSECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit c2c7df8
+- s390/pkey: fix/harmonize internal keyblob headers
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 65550d5
+- config/arm64: unset CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B.
+  Configuration option CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B=y is used
+  only in the arm64 configuration and appears to be a relic from the
+  update procedure in commit 98da1c5f42d ("SLE15-SP4: Update the base
+  kernel version to 5.14.").
+  Unset it because the option is intended for debugging, not really useful
+  for production and makes the text size of vmlinux unnecessarily bigger
+  by ~10%.
+- commit 9b526eb
+- s390/pkey: add support for ecc clear key (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 4dc5d19
+- s390/pkey: do not use struct pkey_protkey (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7f7a69f
+- s390/pkey: introduce reverse x-mas trees (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 30df220
+- Revert "modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL
+  modules" (bsc#1215155).
+- blacklist.conf: add the entry for reverted commit
+- commit e0404b9
-- commit 96ee377
+- commit f07ef6b
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215148).
-- commit 62bce52
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215143).
+- commit 2fc4ca5
+- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+"
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: always switch off ODM before committing more
+  streams (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
-  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
-  "struct page" (git-fixes).
-- commit 5618424
-- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
-  (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: refactor deprecated strncpy (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data race around sk->sk_err (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around sk->sk_shutdown (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-race around unix_tot_inflight (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around user->unix_inflight (git-fixes).
+- pwm: Remove outdated documentation for pwmchip_remove()
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 3aa0807
+- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
+  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
+  "struct page" (git-fixes).
+- commit 63b1a56
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit fe6afec
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading third party code signing
+  keys (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM machine keyring enablement (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: powerpc: Do not select CA_MACHINE_KEYRING
+- Update config files.
+- integrity: check whether imputed trust is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: remove global variable from machine_keyring.c
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: ignore keys failing CA restrictions on non-UEFI
+  platform (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading CA keys on machine
+  keyring (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: Enforce digitalSignature usage in the ima and evm
+  keyrings (jsc#PED-5085).
+- KEYS: DigitalSignature link restriction (jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit e3cf1f9
+- Delete patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+  This was a fix for a regression that occurred in SLE12 SP1.
+  Since we don't support upgrading to SLE15 from releases older than SLE12
+  SP4, which contained this fix, we can safely drop it now.
+- commit a7045a7
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b1fabe7
+- config/armv7hl: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 63428de
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit c50e08f
+- Update config files: only bump version to 6.4.15
+- commit a4856c8
-- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+- Input: iqs7222 - configure power mode before triggering ATI
-- commit de27518
-- fs: do not update freeing inode i_io_list (bsc#1214813).
-- fs: record I_DIRTY_TIME even if inode already has I_DIRTY_INODE
-  (bsc#1214813).
-- commit 2c1c38b
+- commit 03904d5
+- Linux 6.4.15 (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Don't show `Invalid config param` errors
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214212).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-typec-tcpci-clear-the-fault-status-bit.patch
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/nilfs2-fix-WARNING-in-mark_buffer_dirty-due-to-disca.patch
+- dt-bindings: sc16is7xx: Add property to change GPIO function
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/tcpm-Avoid-soft-reset-when-partner-does-not-support-.patch
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/fsi-master-ast-cf-Add-MODULE_FIRMWARE-macro.patch
+- firmware: stratix10-svc: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug in probe
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/firmware-stratix10-svc-Fix-an-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-bug-when-first-setting-GPIO-dir.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-broken-port-0-uart-init.patch
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-qcom-geni-fix-opp-vote-on-shutdown.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Cleanup-mac80211-references-on-failure-d.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Don-t-drop-tx_status-when-peer-cannot-be.patch
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Remove patches.suse/wifi-rtw88-usb-kill-and-free-rx-urbs-on-probe-failur.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-fix-skb-leak-by-txs-missing-in-AMSD.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-do-not-support-one-stream-on-second.patch
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/staging-rtl8712-fix-race-condition.patch
+- HID: wacom: remove the battery when the EKR is off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/HID-wacom-remove-the-battery-when-the-EKR-is-off.patch
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-chipidea-imx-improve-logic-if-samsung-picophy-pa.patch
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-dwc3-meson-g12a-do-post-init-to-fix-broken-usb-a.patch
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
-- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
-- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btsdio: fix use after free bug in btsdio_remove
-  due to race condition (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: move tcpci.h to include/linux/usb/
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 72d5b0f
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to ignore
-  this one removes unused kABI functions, but
-  just leave them in
-- commit 8007015
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit 1ed2b1b
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL modules
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rtc: ds1685: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for ds1685_rtc_poweroff
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: enetc: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for enetc_phc_index
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: au1xmmc: force non-modular build and remove symbol_get
+  usage (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: reduce descriptor size if remaining bytes is less than
+  request size (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct smb2_ea_info (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix slub overflow in ksmbd_decode_ntlmssp_auth_blob()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix wrong DataOffset validation of create context
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- erofs: ensure that the post-EOF tails are all zeroed
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 603fb0d
+- blacklist.conf: drop entry backported in stable 6.4.15
+- commit aa9afe7
+- blacklist.conf: Added temporary blacklist until mlx5 backport could be done (missing PED number)
+- commit 653e287
+- thunderbolt: Check Intel vendor ID in tb_switch_get_generation()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9040262
+- thunderbolt: Log a warning if device links are not found
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0080c7d
+- thunderbolt: Set variable tmu_params storage class specifier
+  to static (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2311697
+- usb: misc: onboard-hub: support multiple power supplies
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- usb: host: xhci: Do not re-initialize the XHCI HC if being
+  removed (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add test case for 3 DisplayPort tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 74e5760
+- thunderbolt: Add DisplayPort 2.x tunneling support
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 5c47cef
+- thunderbolt: Make bandwidth allocation mode function names
+  consistent (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit aebe5c3
+- thunderbolt: Enable CL2 low power state (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 38017ba
+- thunderbolt: Add support for enhanced uni-directional TMU mode
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6788a0e
+- thunderbolt: Increase NVM_MAX_SIZE to support Intel Barlow
+  Ridge controller (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 76ff566
+- thunderbolt: Move constants related to NVM into nvm.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9e2eab8
+- thunderbolt: Fix PCIe adapter capability length for USB4 v2
+  routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 63af050
+- thunderbolt: Fix DisplayPort IN adapter capability length for
+  USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061 jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 79f78db
+- thunderbolt: Add two additional double words for adapters TMU
+  for USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2382454
+- thunderbolt: Enable USB4 v2 PCIe TLP/DLLP extended encapsulation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 13c3320
+- thunderbolt: Announce USB4 v2 connection manager support
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2b7b8cb
+- thunderbolt: Reset USB4 v2 host router (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit da53ab5
+- thunderbolt: Add the new USB4 v2 notification types
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add support for USB4 v2 80 Gb/s link
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 81b59d1
-- commit 550f5fc
+- commit 541c06b
-- Move upstreamed pinctrl patch into sorted section
-- commit 38f70f2
+- thunderbolt: Identify USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 8f5f0bb
-- Update References tag
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 731b49d
+- thunderbolt: Do not touch lane 1 adapter path config space
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit d47992e
-- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
-- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
-- commit 4a140a1
+- thunderbolt: Ignore data CRC mismatch for USB4 routers
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6322c4a
-- Update References
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 63a801c
+- supported.conf: remove Unsupported tag of einj (bsc#1023051 CVE-2016-3695)
+  Removed Unsupported tag of drivers/acpi/apei/einj to align with
+  15-SP5. Like 15-SP5, 15-SP6 has backported downstream patch
+  acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  So it should be fine.
+  For ALP, we turn-off CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_EINJ and also add Unsupported
+  tag to einj driver. Because ALP is new and we do not need it in ALP
+  currently.
+- commit ba27138
-- powerpc/rtas: mandate RTAS syscall filtering (bsc#1023051).
-- commit ac82be8
+- usb: update the ctime as well when updating mtime after an ioctl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a1c1e20
-- Refresh sorted section
-- commit a6fbcee
+- usb: core: add sysfs entry for usb device state (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 747c9c5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
-  netlink event exit path (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- refresh
-  - patches.kabi/kabi-hide-changes-in-struct-nft_set.patch
-- kabi: hide changes in struct nft_set (CVE-2023-4563
-  bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction API to avoid race with
-  control plane (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- commit cfed41c
-- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
-- commit 26cc2da
-- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
-  (bsc#1214997).
-- commit c4d7e83
+- xhci: Stop unnecessary tracking of free trbs in a ring
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e7a2864
-- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
-- commit 40e5ccd
+- xhci: Fix transfer ring expansion size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0c38cae
-- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
-- commit 47ff352
+- xhci: split allocate interrupter into separate alloacte and
+  add parts (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 98c2b9c
-- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
-  (bsc#1214993).
-- commit a152c28
-- blk-iocost: use spin_lock_irqsave in adjust_inuse_and_calc_cost
-  (bsc#1214992).
-- commit 61a6c12
-- loop: Fix use-after-free issues (bsc#1214991).
-- commit 761b7ce
-- loop: loop_set_status_from_info() check before assignment
-  (bsc#1214990).
-- commit 777c353
-- blk-iocost: fix divide by 0 error in calc_lcoefs()
-  (bsc#1214986).
-- commit bfe49ae
-- "drm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources" (bsc#1203329 CVE-2022-40133 bsc#1203330 CVE-2022-38457)
-  This patch also fixes two CVEs. Update the References tag accordingly.
-- commit 552e790
+- thunderbolt: Enable/disable sideband depending on USB4 port
+  offline mode (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 953c113
-- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
-  'unknown' (bsc#1214976).
-- commit 33974e8
+- thunderbolt: Do not send UNSET_INBOUND_SBTX when retimer NVM
+  authentication started (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2f36306
-- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
-  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
-- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
-- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
-  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
-- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
-  false (git-fixes).
-- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
-  components (git-fixes).
-- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
-  (git-fixes).
-- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1c98d58
+- thunderbolt: Disable CL states when a DMA tunnel is established
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit b3ed9bb
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f8c12c2
+- thunderbolt: Make tb_switch_clx_disable() return CL states
+  that were enabled (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f883435
-- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
-  CVE-2023-1192).
-- commit 542332a
+- thunderbolt: Initialize CL states from the hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6057.
+- commit f123b6e
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 8b9578b
+- thunderbolt: Prefix CL state related log messages with "CLx:
+  " (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 000c1d2
-- udf: Fix uninitialized array access for some pathnames
-  (bsc#1214967).
-- commit 00df6f1
+- thunderbolt: Prefix TMU post time log message with "TMU: "
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0fd3fed
-- udf: Fix off-by-one error when discarding preallocation
-  (bsc#1214966).
-- commit 03b82ad
+- thunderbolt: Do not call CLx functions from TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- thunderbolt: Check for first depth router in tb.c
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f52c3cc
-- udf: Fix file corruption when appending just after end of
-  preallocated extent (bsc#1214965).
-- commit 4b5134d
+- thunderbolt: Switch CL states from enum to a bitmask
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 25ff961
-- udf: Fix extension of the last extent in the file (bsc#1214964).
-- commit ae72675
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx enabling into tb_enable_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit fbe701d
-- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
-  provide (bsc#1214963).
-- commit e6fd888
+- Re-enable patches.suse/0003-Add-external-no-support-as-bad-taint-module.patch
+- commit 179979d
-- quota: fix warning in dqgrab() (bsc#1214962).
-- commit e51a8ce
+- ixgbevf: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4102).
+- commit d7b32c5
-- quota: Properly disable quotas when add_dquot_ref() fails
-  (bsc#1214961).
-- commit 4d1d992
+- ethernet: tg3: remove unreachable code (jsc#PED-3526).
+- commit cd65a79
-- fs: Lock moved directories (bsc#1214959).
-- commit cae328c
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of __tb_switch_[en|dis]able_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 265436e
-- fs: Establish locking order for unrelated directories
-  (bsc#1214958).
-- commit 5f1d5b9
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx support functions into clx.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9778ac2
-- ext4: Remove ext4 locking of moved directory (bsc#1214957).
-- commit 37394c0
+- thunderbolt: Check valid TMU configuration in
+  tb_switch_tmu_configure() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 72e13bd
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist 69562eb0bd3e
-- commit 1f4b3d5
+- thunderbolt: Move tb_enable_tmu() close to other TMU functions
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 677e0a0
-- sched/fair: Use recent_used_cpu to test p->cpus_ptr (git fixes).
-- sched/fair: Fix inaccurate tally of ttwu_move_affine (git
-  fixes).
-- commit 4be7d48
+- thunderbolt: Move TMU configuration to tb_enable_tmu()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0bdd5bf
-- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
-  (bsc#1214955).
-- commit 11f4a50
-- ext4: fix memory leaks in
-  ext4_fname_{setup_filename,prepare_lookup} (bsc#1214954).
-- commit 4b6c845
-- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
-  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
-- commit 03f7b6f
-- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
-  (bsc#1214952).
-- commit 5a6fc81
-- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
-  (bsc#1214951).
-- commit 3e19652
-- ext4: correct inline offset when handling xattrs in inode body
-  (bsc#1214950).
-- commit 86048c8
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of tb_switch_enable_tmu_1st_child()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 5c56d8e
-- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
-  (bsc#1214949).
-- commit 003f040
+- thunderbolt: Rework Titan Ridge TMU objection disable function
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e8db754
-- jbd2: Fix wrongly judgement for buffer head removing while
-  doing checkpoint (bsc#1214948).
-- commit 4a7cf2e
+- thunderbolt: Drop useless 'unidirectional' parameter from
+  tb_switch_tmu_is_enabled() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4f100be
-- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1214947).
-- commit c697d1d
+- thunderbolt: Fix a couple of style issues in TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 02653e5
-- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1214946).
-- commit fb2b64f
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_xdomain_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1cad062
-- jbd2: recheck chechpointing non-dirty buffer (bsc#1214945).
-- commit bc0367a
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4fafc5b
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_new_blocks (bsc#1214944).
-- commit bf72f09
+- thunderbolt: Log DisplayPort adapter rate and lanes on discovery
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1613acc
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_clear_bb (bsc#1214943).
-- commit a5e1fe1
+- Bluetooth: HCI: Introduce HCI_QUIRK_BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (bsc#1213972).
+- commit 7e8d545
-- ext4: get block from bh in ext4_free_blocks for fast commit
-  replay (bsc#1214942).
-- commit f797e3b
+- thunderbolt: dma_test: Update MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 7c7578c
-- ext4: reflect error codes from ext4_multi_mount_protect()
-  to its callers (bsc#1214941).
-- commit eadc3e7
+- thunderbolt: Add MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 036b91f
-- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 6b6c148
+- thunderbolt: Allow specifying custom credits for DMA tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4cd9a38
-- ext4: set goal start correctly in ext4_mb_normalize_request
-  (bsc#1214940).
-- commit cc90b6a
+- thunderbolt: Check for ring 0 in tb_tunnel_alloc_dma()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9057218
-- blacklist.conf: Not a fix, relatively high risk of performance regression
-- commit fd04425
+- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- mailbox: qcom-ipcc: fix incorrect num_chans counting
+  (git-fixes).
+- tpm: Enable hwrng only for Pluton on AMD CPUs (git-fixes).
+- tpm_crb: Fix an error handling path in crb_acpi_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: do not run depmod for 'make modules_sign' (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rpm-pkg: define _arch conditionally (git-fixes).
+- docs/mm: remove references to hmm_mirror ops and clean typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e114715
-- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
-  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit a1f446d
+- Update References tag
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
+- commit 8f10909
-- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 9f60ef1
+- update patch metadata
+- update upstream references
+  - patches.rpmify/Revert-kbuild-Hack-for-depmod-not-handling-X.Y-versi.patch
+- commit 30a3314
+- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
+  CVE-2023-1192).
+- commit 9c2a087
+- Update config files.
+- commit 6044036
+- RDMA/irdma: Move iw device ops initialization (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_rdma_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_iw_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- ice: use ice_down_up() where applicable (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove managed memory usage in ice_get_fw_log_cfg()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove null checks before devm_kfree() calls
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: clean up freeing SR-IOV VFs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow hot-swapping XDP programs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: reduce initial wait for control queue messages
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- iavf: remove some unused functions and pointless wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: fix err handling for MAC replace (jsc#PED-4937).
+- i40e, xsk: fix comment typo (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: do not re-enable miscellaneous interrupt until thread_fn
+  completes (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: trigger PFINT_OICR_TSYN_TX interrupt instead of polling
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: introduce ICE_TX_TSTAMP_WORK enumeration (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: always return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD in ice_misc_intr()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: move port_split/unsplit() ops into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- nfp: devlink: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- mlxsw_core: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: register devlink port for PF with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: introduce port ops placeholder (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: Spelling corrections (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: pass devlink_port pointer to ops->port_del() instead
+  of index (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: remove duplicate port notification (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use src VSI instead of src MAC in slow-path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow matching on meta data (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: specify field names in ice_prot_ext init (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant Rx field from rule info (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: define meta data to match in switch (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove LAG+SRIOV mutual exclusion (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update PHY type to ethtool link mode mapping
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor PHY type to ethtool link mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update ICE_PHY_TYPE_HIGH_MAX_INDEX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add dynamic interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: track interrupt vectors with xarray (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add individual interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant SRIOV code (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor VF control VSI interrupt handling (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use preferred MSIX allocation api (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use pci_irq_vector helper function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move interrupt related code to separate file
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- overflow: Add struct_size_t() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- commit 36d3648
+- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
+  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
+- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
+  (bsc#1212873).
+- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- commit f77b0ab
-  patches.suse/0002-nvme-tcp-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
+  patches.suse/rbd-add-support-for-COMPARE_AND_WRITE-CMPEXT.patch.
-  patches.suse/0003-nvme-rdma-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
-- commit 452e63f
-- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
-  mode during RSCN (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c191d2
+  patches.suse/rbd-export-some-functions-used-by-lio-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/target-add-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Update patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch
+  (fate#318836, bsc#1177090 bsc#1213026).
+- commit 1b2260d
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
-  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928).
-- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928).
-- commit 1dd6a86
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of patches.suse/mlx5-add-parameter-to-disable-enhanced-IPoIB.patch
+- commit 4b4e24d
-- series: update meta data
-  Move qla2xxx, lpcf, powerpc, net anc cpu patches into main section.
-- commit b5aafc0
+- Update config files.
+  s390: CONFIG_SCSI_IPR=n - powerpc-only driver
+- commit f1eac10
-- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
-- commit 429e77b
+- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 898ed7a
-- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
-- commit c7f667b
+- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
+  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit a10e1a7
-- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
-- commit 3732fc1
+- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
+  CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 0cbb8bf
-- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
-- commit 9281d22
+- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 2d3dfbd
-- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
-- commit 1b277c9
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  fix compilation error on ALP-current
+- commit b970105
-- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
-- commit e55bab1
+- series.conf: reenable patches.suse/net-allow-retransmitting-a-TCP-packet-if-original-is.patch
+  Unfortunately we still need this workaround.
+- commit 73322ec
-- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
-- commit 0e5f5fb
+- Update
+  references (add CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
+- commit 9a226db
-- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
-- commit fee7fe7
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: move spi-loopback-test to optional (bsc#1214883)
+- commit 6268c1d
-- enable TPM in azure (bsc#1214760)
-- commit 4d71c02
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/printk-panic-Avoid-deadlock-in-printk-after-stopping-CPUs-by-NMI.patch.
+  Obsoleted by the commit d51507098ff91e863 ("printk: disable optimistic spin
+  during panic") (bsc#1148712).
+- commit 8cb11a0
-- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
-- commit 988bb43
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: add leds-bcm63138 entry
+- commit 79dfe00
-- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (git-fixes)
-- commit f1ca0f2
+- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
+  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/imx8mm: Suppress log message on probe deferral
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Manage threshold between
+  sensors (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Don't leave threshold
+  zeroed (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Disable undesired
+  interrupts (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Use offset threshold
+  for IRQ (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Honor sensors in
+  immediate mode (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Handle IRQ on all
+  controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,msm8996-mss-pil: Fix 8996 clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,adsp: bring back firmware-name
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm8550-pas: require memory-region
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm6115-pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- hwspinlock: qcom: add missing regmap config for SFPB MMIO
+  implementation (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
+  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
+- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
+  false (git-fixes).
+- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
+  components (git-fixes).
+- leds: bcm63138: Rename dependency symbol ARCH_BCM4908 to
+  ARCH_BCMBCA (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Treat char as always unsigned (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Disable timer before
+  programming CVAL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1808eb5
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
-- commit dd0f3ab
+- sched, cgroup: Restore meaning to hierarchical_quota (git
+  fixes).
+- sched/fair: remove util_est boosting (git fixes).
+- commit efc3e36
-- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
-- commit e8addea
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  (bsc#1214939)
+- commit 12ba24d
-- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
-- commit c2623e0
+- Move upstreamed rtw88 patches into sorted section
+- commit 0992202
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix error handling in probe failure path (git-fixes)
-- commit c6f50a4
+- mm/page_alloc: use get_pfnblock_migratetype to avoid extra
+  page_to_pfn (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary inner
+  __get_pfnblock_flags_mask (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove unused parameter from
+  reserve_highatomic_pageblock() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init: use helper macro BITS_PER_LONG and BITS_PER_BYTE
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary return for void function
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment to complete migration failure
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of cached migrate pfn update
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of fast_find_migrateblock
+  in isolate_migratepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: skip page block marked skip in
+  isolate_migratepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct last_migrated_pfn update in compact_zone
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary "else continue" at end of
+  loop in isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary cursor page in
+  isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: merge end_pfn boundary check in
+  isolate_freepages_range (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: set compact_cached_free_pfn correctly in
+  update_pageblock_skip (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unneeded variable base (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm:vmscan: fix inaccurate reclaim during proactive reclaim
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: avoid unneeded pageblock_end_pfn when
+  no_set_skip_hint is set (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of candidate pfn in
+  fast_isolate_freepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/rmap: correct stale comment of rmap_walk_anon and
+  rmap_walk_file (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop node_start_pfn from
+  adjust_zone_range_for_zone_movable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip the memory hole rapidly when isolating free
+  pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: avoid false page outside zone error info
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: use write_seqlock_irqsave() instead
+  write_seqlock() + local_irq_save() (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: fix min_free_kbytes calculation regarding
+  ZONE_MOVABLE (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/filemap.c: fix update prev_pos after one read request done
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: update obsolete comment in get_pfn_range_for_nid()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: madvise: fix uneven accounting of psi (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- commit b392eb6
-- IB/hfi1: Fix possible panic during hotplug remove (git-fixes)
-- commit 632a598
+- Revert "sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header"
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice show default timeslice
+  after reset (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice intial value
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Block nohz tick_stop when cfs bandwidth in use
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Stabilize asym cpu capacity system idle cpu
+  selection (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Dump domains' sched group flags (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Consider the idle state of the whole core for load
+  balance (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Implement prefer sibling imbalance calculation
+  between asymmetric groups (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Record number of cores in sched group
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Determine active load balance for SMT sched groups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: make psi_cgroups_enabled static (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: introduce sched_core_idle_cpu() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add throttled time stat for throttled children
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: don't account throttle time for empty groups (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add a few helpers to wake up tasks on the current cpu
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add WF_CURRENT_CPU and externise ttwu (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit e82e496
-- RDMA/umem: Set iova in ODP flow (git-fixes)
-- commit ec8b3f4
+- wifi: brcmfmac: wcc: Add debug messages (bsc#1214931)
+- commit 7cfa155
-- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ (git-fixes)
-- commit 1ff5e5f
+- config/ppc64le: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm/ofdrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit f6f8c7d
-- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
-- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
-- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
-- commit 643257d
+- config/arm64: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 38d8860
+- config/x86_64: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit cb0636e
+- Update config files: correct kconfigs while updating 6.4.x (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable forgotten configs:
+  Make modular:
+- commit d98f6d8
-- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
-  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom: qmp-combo: correct bias0_en programming (git-fixes).
+- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
+  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
+- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: Poll primary sequencer irq
+  status after cancel_tx (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
+  wrong access (git-fixes).
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (git-fixes).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: bus: verify partner exists in
+  typec_altmode_attention (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: core: Add missing kerneldoc for vbus_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
+  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix a missing cleanup path (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- commit 212631a
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: fix potential double free (git-fixes).
+- commit cf82680
+- mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fix ECC level field setting for v7.2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- f2fs: fix spelling in ABI documentation (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: rework one more time the retries attempts
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Correct devm device reference for hidinput
+  input_dev name (git-fixes).
+- HID: input: Support devices sending Eraser without Invert
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov2680: Remove auto-gain and auto-exposure controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: Documentation: Fix [GS]_ROUTING documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix initial RESETB state and annotate timings
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: nxp: Fix wrong return pointer check in
+  mxc_isi_crossbar_init() (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_unconfigured() callback (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_nb_transmit_canceled() callback
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: Return NULL if no vdec_fb is found
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: ensure the bitops don't cross boundaries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNUSED_VALUE issue reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNINIT issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix REVERSE_INULL issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix CHECKED_RETURN issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: decoder support display delay for all formats
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Fix use after free bug due to uncanceled work
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Fix TRY_FMT on encoder OUTPUT (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: add helper function to get id name (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: reinit vpu if reqbufs output 0 (git-fixes).
-- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
-  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: imx290: drop format param from imx290_ctrl_update
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: fix low resolution image abnormal issue
+  (git-fixes).
-- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: sm8450: Enable sync_state (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: qcm2290: Enable sync state (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Pass proper scm arguments for static process init
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix incorrect DMA mapping unmap request
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix remote heap allocation request (git-fixes).
+- extcon: cht_wc: add POWER_SUPPLY dependency (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: extcon: maxim,max77843: restrict connector
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
+- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
+- iio: accel: adxl313: Fix adxl313_i2c_id[] table (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Call dma_cleanup() on the test_remove path
+  (git-fixes).
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: Fix Exynos5433 compatible
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
-- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: fix order of clocks on
+  Exynos5433 (git-fixes).
+- commit ec55be8
+- dmaengine: idxd: Fix issues with PRS disable sysfs knob
-- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
-- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
-  wrong access (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
-  resumption (git-fixes).
-- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
+  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: sh: rz-dmac: Fix destination and source data size
+  setting (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: Drop CONFIG_VIDEO_IMX_MEDIA (git-fixes).
+- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
+- docs: ABI: fix spelling/grammar in SBEFIFO timeout interface
-- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
-  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
-  is 0 (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
-- commit 729e789
+- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- commit e8e8eff
-- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
-  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
-- Refresh patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch.
-- commit a2ae103
+- Update config files: only version bump to 6.4.14
+- commit a305aac
-- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Call hv_synic_free() if hv_synic_alloc() fails (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Replace retarget_msi_interrupt_params with (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove the per-CPU post_msg_page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: make sure Invariant-TSC is used if it is (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Enable PCI pass-thru devices in Confidential VMs (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Don't remap addresses that are above shared_gpa_boundary (bsc#1206453).
-- hv_netvsc: Remove second mapping of send and recv buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second way of mapping ring buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second mapping of VMBus monitor pages (bsc#1206453).
-- swiotlb: Remove bounce buffer remapping for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Change vTOM handling to use standard coco mechanisms (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/mm: Handle decryption/re-encryption of bss_decrypted consistently (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Explicitly request decrypted in vmap_pfn() calls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Reorder code to facilitate future work (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/ioremap: Add hypervisor callback for private MMIO mapping in coco (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Do not corrupt frame-pointer in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Expand __tdx_hypercall() to handle more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Refactor __tdx_hypercall() to allow pass down more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Add more registers to struct tdx_hypercall_args (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Fix typo in comment in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Enable vmbus driver for nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add an interface to do nested hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Setup synic registers in case of nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add support for detecting nested hypervisor (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Add TSC page support for root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Use TSC PFN getter to map vvar page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce TSC PFN getter (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce a pointer to TSC page (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove BUG_ON() for kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Replace kmap() with kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- define more Hyper-V related constants (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 7dd2c1c
-- libbpf: Fix btf_dump's packed struct determination (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- libbpf: Fix single-line struct definition output in btf_dump
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 7a046db
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to skip
-- commit 47580cb
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit d711707
-- libbpf: Fix BTF-to-C converter's padding logic (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- selftests/bpf: Test btf dump for struct with padding only fields
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- bpftool: Print newline before '}' for struct with padding only
-  fields (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 93aeeb8
+- Linux 6.4.14 (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix a backport error for display flickering issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/kallsyms-Fix-kallsyms_selftest-failure.patch
+- parisc: sys_parisc: parisc_personality() is called from asm code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/lockdep-fix-static-memory-detection-even-more.patch
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ARM-module-Use-module_init_layout_section-to-spot-in.patch
+- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (bsc#1012628).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-Expose-module_init_layout_section.patch
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-decompress-use-vmalloc-for-zstd-decompression.patch
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ACPI-thermal-Drop-nocrt-parameter.patch
+- commit 25c76ad
+- supported.conf: fix the dependency for snd-sof
+- commit 056f677
+- iomap: Add per-block dirty state tracking to improve performance
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit dc444ac
+- iomap: Allocate ifs in ->write_begin() early (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 759ea54
+- iomap: Refactor iomap_write_delalloc_punch() function out
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 54e20b5
+- iomap: Use iomap_punch_t typedef (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 42ab42f
+- iomap: Fix possible overflow condition in
+  iomap_write_delalloc_scan (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit e8c8c98
+- iomap: Add some uptodate state handling helpers for ifs state
+  bitmap (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit f30e2be
+- iomap: Drop ifs argument from iomap_set_range_uptodate()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 2117a2e
+- iomap: Rename iomap_page to iomap_folio_state and others
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 0650e04
+- iomap: Remove unnecessary test from iomap_release_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 8702c3c
+- iomap: Remove large folio handling in iomap_invalidate_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 221954e
+- supported.conf: update for sound drivers (bsc#1214891)
+- commit 61819c4
+- Update config files: enable missing ASoC Intel AVS (bsc#1214883)
+- commit c6b3355
+- igb: set max size RX buffer when store bad packet is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-4082).
+- commit 1fd1f97
-- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
-  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
-- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+- Update metadata
+- commit 94184dc
+- blacklist.conf: add entries that have been already cherry-picked in 6.4
+- commit 3bbc83b
+- ARM: 9318/1: locomo: move kernel-doc to prevent warnings
-- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+- PCI: hv: Fix a crash in hv_pci_restore_msi_msg() during
+  hibernation (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: dp: Add missing error checks in
+  mtk_dp_parse_capabilities (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix 'lx-lsmod' show the wrong size (git-fixes).
+- selftests: memfd: error out test process when child test fails
-- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- selftests/bpf: Clean up fmod_ret in bench_rename test script
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
-  commands (git-fixes).
-- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
-  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
-- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers
+- selftests/bpf: Fix repeat option when kfunc_call verification
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: fix static assert compilation issue for
+  test_cls_*.c (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_nf failure upon test rerun (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix confusion when a version appears
+  in the path (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: add check for `bindgen` invocation
-- commit cc8e0cf
+- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
+  benchmark (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Add resctrl.h into build deps (git-fixes).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/nolibc: drop test chmod_net (git-fixes).
+- rust: delete `ForeignOwnable::borrow_mut` (git-fixes).
+- ata,scsi: do not issue START STOP UNIT on resume (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: gconfig: drop the Show Debug Info help text
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "kheaders: substituting --sort in archive creation"
+  (git-fixes).
+- linux/netfilter.h: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mm: remove wrong kernel header inclusion (git-fixes).
+- selftests: damon: add config file (git-fixes).
+- rust: arc: fix intra-doc link in `Arc<T>::init` (git-fixes).
+- commit 588cb89
-- commit 586e58b
-- Add cherry-picked if to fbdev patch
-- commit 32815f6
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: keep context struct members in sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd241f
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
-  15-eu0xxx (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
-  mute LED (git-fixes).
-- commit 2c05a9a
+- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
+  with a lock (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
+  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: remove dead/unused enum value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
+  attribute (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix puncturing bitmap handling in CSA
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: 8852b: rfk: fine tune IQK parameters to improve
+  performance on 2GHz band (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix memcpy array overflow in
+  ath12k_peer_assoc_h_he() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix band selection for ppdu received in channel
+  177 of 5 GHz (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
+  management (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix tlv length of
+  mt7915_mcu_get_chan_mib_info (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: remove VHT160 capability on MT7915
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix WA event ring size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: use correct phy for background radar event
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix bss wlan_idx when sending bss_info
+  command (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 621a6cf
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 3ba2db1
+- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mlxbf3: Remove gpio_disable_free() (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: qmi_encdec: Restrict string length in decode
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: smem: Fix incompatible types in comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix NUM_PORTS & NUM_MACROS macros (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix ASPM-related issues on a number of systems with
+  NIC version from RTL8168h (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx bytes counting when WED is active
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx packets counting when WED is
+  active (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix background radar event being blocked
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix header translation logic (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
+  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra114: Remove unnecessary NULL-pointer checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc5xxx-psc: Fix unsigned expression compared with zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
+  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
+- regulator: dt-bindings: qcom,rpm: fix pattern for children
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: cache: Revert "Add 64-bit mode support" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Revert "add 64-bit mode support" and Co (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: Fix potential uninitialized value access
+  (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- powercap: arm_scmi: Remove recursion while parsing zones
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/chrome: chromeos_acpi: print hex string for
+  ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER (git-fixes).
+- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
+- procfs: block chmod on /proc/thread-self/comm (git-fixes).
+- proc: use generic setattr() for /proc/$PID/net (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath6k: silence false positive
+  - Wno-dangling-pointer warning on GCC 12" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath11k: Enable threaded NAPI" (git-fixes).
+- staging: vchiq_arm: Remove extra struct vchiq_instance
+  declaration (git-fixes).
+- soc: rockchip: dtpm: use C99 array init syntax (git-fixes).
+- selinux: make labeled NFS work when mounted before policy load
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: do not leave dangling pointer behind (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens: Drop unused legacy structs
+  (git-fixes).
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove unused field in struct rapl_if_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 333ae48
+- PCI/DOE: Fix destroy_work_on_stack() race (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keembay: Remove cast between incompatible function type
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload"
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rockchip: Use 64-bit mask on MSI 64-bit PCI address
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Switch MHI bus master clock off during L1SS
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: apple: Initialize pcie->nvecs before use (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+- PCI/PM: Only read PCI_PM_CTRL register when available
+- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Add locking to RMW PCI Express Capability Register
+  accessors (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: assign functions to configure pin bias on
+  MT7986 (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: fix pull_type data for MT7981 (git-fixes).
-- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
-  dereference (git-fixes).
-- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
-- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+- of: unittest: Restore indentation in overlay_bad_add_dup_prop
+  test (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: Fix overlay type in apply/revert check
-- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
-  only for non-root bus (git-fixes).
-- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+- of: overlay: Call of_changeset_init() early (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: fix null pointer dereferencing in
+  of_unittest_find_node_by_name() (git-fixes).
+- of: fix htmldocs build warnings (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
+- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+  (git-fixes).
+- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
-- commit 10e5d93
+- mac80211: make ieee80211_tx_info padding explicit (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix return value checking of
+  eiointc_index (git-fixes).
+- Revert "media: uvcvideo: Limit power line control for Acer
+  EasyCamera" (git-fixes).
+- media: Revert "media: exynos4-is: Remove dependency on obsolete
+  SoC support" (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rcar-host: Remove unused static pcie_base and pcie_dev
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/mmp: Remove non-DT codepath (git-fixes).
+- commit 2974f21
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,pmic-gpio: document PMC8180 and
+  PMC8180C (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl-common: allow gpio
+  hogs (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl: allow
+  gpio-line-names (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/igen6: Fix the issue of no error events (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/i10nm: Skip the absent memory controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: thermal: lmh: update maintainer address
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: qcom: Allow SoC names ending in "pro" (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: arm: msm: kpss-acc: Make the optional reg truly
+  optional (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Use system_state to determine polling
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
+  dereference (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix GMU lockdep splat (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
+  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom, dispcc-sm6125: Require GCC PLL0 DIV
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: mediatek,net: add missing mediatek,mt7621-eth
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca9570: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: rockchip-dwmac: fix {tx|rx}-delay
+  defaults/range in schema (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: hwmon: moortec,mr75203: fix multipleOf for
+  coefficients (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: mixel,mipi-dsi-phy: Remove assigned-clock*
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sm8250: add missing bi_tcxo_ao
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: usb251xb: correct swap-dx-lanes type to uint32
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pm8941-misc: Fix usb_id and usb_vbus definitions
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: backlight: pwm: Make power-supply not required
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Drop redundant cpus enum match (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Remove FSI domain ports on Tegra234
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: display: msm: sm8350-mdss: Fix DSI compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: samsung,mipi-dsim: Use port-base reference
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mtd: qcom: Fix a property position (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: nand: meson: Fix 'nand-rb' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 1352d14
+- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix void-pointer-to-enum-cast warning (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Add cnt checking for coverity issue (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix uninitialized symbol (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- drm: Remove references to removed transitional helpers
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: fix potential OOB read in fast_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: Fix sys_imageblit() for arbitrary image widths
+- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: dc.h: eliminate kernel-doc warnings
-- fbdev: Improve performance of sys_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- commit a3652b5
-- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
+  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
+  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
+- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
+  commands (git-fixes).
+- drm/hyperv: Fix a compilation issue because of not including
+  screen_info.h (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
+- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
+  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
+- drm: bridge: dw-mipi-dsi: Fix enable/disable of DSI controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+  (git-fixes).
+- cred: remove unsued extern declaration change_create_files_as()
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
+- crypto: api - Use work queue in crypto_destroy_instance
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: af_alg - Decrement struct key.usage in
+  alg_set_by_key_serial() (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix MDMAT condition (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - change value of default idle filter (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: powernow-k8: Use related_cpus instead of cpus in
+  driver.exit() (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: brcmstb-avs-cpufreq: Fix -Warray-bounds bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Fix kernel panic when loading the driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpuidle: teo: Update idle duration estimate when choosing
+  shallower state (git-fixes).
+- crypto: ixp4xx - silence uninitialized variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm: provide fb_dirty implemenation (git-fixes).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Add unwind hints around RBP clobber (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: kunit: Modular tests should not depend on KUNIT=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit becb350
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix clkref clocks handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix gcc_pcie_0_pipe_clk_src clock
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8450: Use floor ops for SDCC RCGs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm6350: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: reset: Use the correct type of sleep/delay based
+  on length (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sc8280xp: Use ret registers on GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: turingcc-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mss-sc7180: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: q6sstop-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: lpasscc-sc7280: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8550: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8450: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm7150: Add CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE to sdcc2 rcg
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSC flags (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pll14xx: align pdiv with reference manual (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8ulp: update SPLL2 type (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pllv4: Fix SPLL2 MULT range (git-fixes).
+- clk: rockchip: rk3568: Fix PLL rate setting for 78.75MHz
+  (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
+  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
-- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
-- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+- can: tcan4x5x: Remove reserved register 0x814 from writable
+  table (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
+  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Remove module parameter access
-- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
-  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
-  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
-- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+- clocksource: Handle negative skews in "skew is too large"
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Re-add support for Exynos4212 CPU clock
-- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
-- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- can: m_can: fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- commit d40bf6b
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-x13s: Unreserve NC pins (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Fix dsi1 interrupts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Add missing power domain to MMSS SMMU
-- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Drop bus clock reference from MMSS
+  SMMU (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Fix ov5640 regulator supply names
-- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8550-mtp: Add missing supply for L1B
+  regulator (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: Fix the I2C7 interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-gemini: fix touchscreen VIO supply
-- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8953-vince: drop duplicated touschreen
+  parent interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix the min frequency of
+  "ice_core_clk" (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Add missing RPMh power domain to GCC
-- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8994: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
-  error (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check TG is non-null before checking if enabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8950: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- drm/amd/display: do not wait for mpc idle if tg is disabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm660l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 08c4f7b
-- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used
-  (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8140064
-- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
-  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
-  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
-  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
-- commit 6484eda
-- Update patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-  Apply following fixup from Michal Suchánek:
-  Don't reorder lockdown reason.
-- commit 9382b89
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
-- commit 616c360
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm6150l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 9baf357
-- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
-  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
-- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Mark PCIe hosts as DMA coherent
-- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8450-hdk: remove pmr735b PMIC inclusion
-- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
-  with a lock (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
-  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmk8350: fix ADC-TM compatible string
-- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
-- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
-  attribute (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmr735b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Use proper CPU compatibles
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
-  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Add missing LMH interrupts to cpufreq
-- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Fix CPU idle state residency times
-- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
-  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
-  management (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-tama: Set serial indices and
+  stdout-path (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Add missing interrupt to the USB2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp: Add missing SCM interconnect
-- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-crd: Correct vreg_misc_3p3 GPIO
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
-  antenna only (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-l8150: correct light sensor VDDIO
+  supply (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: correct dynamic power coefficients
-- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
-  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
-- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
-  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6350: Fix ZAP region (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: use proper DSI PHY compatible
-- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
-- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable SATA on Radxa E25 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix PCIe regulators on Radxa E25
-- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62x-sk-common: Update main-i2c1 frequency
-- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4: Fix interrupt ranges for wkup &
+  main gpio (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62-main: Remove power-domains from crypto
+  node (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix: remove unused fec pinctrl node
-- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
-  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
-- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+- arm64: dts: renesas: rzg2l: Fix txdv-skew-psec typos
-- commit 243ba95
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 29743c2
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Smaug (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Jetson AGX Orin (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate on Tegra234
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- ARM: OMAP2+: Fix -Warray-bounds warning in _pwrdm_state_switch()
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- arm64: defconfig: enable Qualcomm MSM8996 Global Clock
+  Controller as built-in (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Fix numerator/denominator mixup (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-compress: Fix deadlock in soc_compr_open_fe
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear dsp to host interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix u16/32 confusion in LSDIID (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: fix off-by-one error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: fsl_qmc_audio: Fix snd_pcm_format_t values handling
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
+- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
+- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f37057a
-- docs/process/howto: Replace C89 with C11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8393e27
-- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit ef844c1
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 382e160
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit 6289fe5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit ab071f2
-- Update metadata
-- commit afac039
-- netfs: fix parameter of cleanup() (bsc#1214743).
-- netfs: Fix lockdep warning from taking sb_writers whilst
-  holding  mmap_lock (bsc#1214742).
-- commit bb32ecc
-- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
-  benchmark (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (git-fixes).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: mm: use ptep_clear() instead of pte_clear() in
+  clear_flush() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix not allowing valid CIS ID (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix not checking for valid CIG/CIS IDs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
+  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (git-fixes).
+- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash
-- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
-- commit ad35b22
-- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
-- commit 3a27181
+- arm64: vdso: remove two .altinstructions related symbols
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/ptrace: Clean up error handling path in sve_set_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Add PERF_PMU_CAP_EXTENDED_HW_TYPE capability
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall skipping for tracers (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall restart tracing (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: coredump: fix building with coredump disabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: platform: Ignore SMB0001 only when it has resources
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Constify acpi_companion_match() returned value
+  (git-fixes).
+- accessibility: use C99 array init (git-fixes).
+- ARM: versatile: mark mmc_status() static (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: BCM5301X: MR26: MR32: remove bogus nand-ecc-algo
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: exynos: Re-introduce Exynos4212 DTSI (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9314/1: tcm: move tcm_init() prototype to asm/tcm.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6febe3e
-- Move upstreamed HID patch into sorted section
-- commit 85ada69
+- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit 7ba95b5
-- e1000: Remove unnecessary use of kmap_atomic() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 411ade7
+- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit f2d9299
-- intel/e1000:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 36d3f87
+- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit d1a4bac
-- intel: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8c0592a
+- bnx2x: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit ccf8576
-- e1000: Fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b74464e
+- usb: dwc3: Add error logs for unknown endpoint events
+  (jsc#PED-4296).
+- commit e632528
-- e1000: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8f3d353
+- Update config files: disable CONFIG_LIVEPATCH on kvmsmall flavors more consistently
+- commit 95df0d9
-- e1000: switch to napi_consume_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b269f24
+- igc: Decrease PTM short interval from 10 us to 1 us (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit 19c485c
-- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
-  trace (git-fixes).
-- commit cd1e0a8
+- igc: Add support for multiple in-flight TX timestamps (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit c4d3fce
-- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
-  missed (git-fixes).
-- commit 8e87d30
+- Move upstreamed BT and pinctrl patches into sorted section
+- commit ff3c429
-- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e5ec19f
+- firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: Do not hard depend on
+  CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT_MAP (bsc#1214773).
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_FW_CFG_SYSFS for armv7hl
+- commit 5a5093f
-- xfs: fix sb write verify for lazysbcount (bsc#1214661).
-- commit 29e65a8
+- mm/gup: reintroduce FOLL_NUMA as FOLL_HONOR_NUMA_FAULT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 3766f26
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Adjust balance_performance EPP for
-  Sapphire Rapids (bsc#1214659).
-- commit c3cfee9
+- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- commit c83219a
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Enable HWP IO boost for all servers
-  (bsc#1208949 jsc#PED-6003 jsc#PED-6004).
-- commit bd6042f
+- Refresh patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update.
+  Fix warning about STATUSTYPE_IMA.
+- commit caca08f
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
-  with disabled E-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927
-  jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 0340dfe
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/fcoe-reduce-max_sectors.
+- commit 6b3df50
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Use known scaling factor for
-  P-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 91615ae
+- Moved upstreamed DRM and opal patches into sorted section
+- commit e879562
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Read all MSRs on the target CPU
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 639f9f6
+- Update config files: only version changes to 6.4.13
+- commit f6cd6ea
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Rework HWP calibration
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- Update
-  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Fix-cpu-pstate.turbo_freq-initi.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 689587b
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Bring-back-cpuset_mutex.patch
+- commit 5ab50d0
-- Use the cherry-picked id for an AMDGPU patch and resort
-- commit 07365e7
+- Linux 6.4.13 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- TIOCSTI: Document CAP_SYS_ADMIN behaviour in Kconfig
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ASoC-amd-vangogh-select-CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG.patch
+- maple_tree: disable mas_wr_append() when other readers are
+  possible (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: pass the GPIO device's software node to irq domain
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: dispose of irq mappings before destroying the
+  irq_sim domain (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
+  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzv2m: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzv2m_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzg2l_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Read firmware uuid from a device property
+  instead of _SUB (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: fix possible null pointer deference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: core: raid_class: Remove raid_component_add()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: ufs: ufs-qcom: Clear qunipro_g4_sel for HW major version >
+  5 (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_free_pte_range(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_cold_or_pageout_pte_range(): don't use
+  mapcount() against large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during
+  probe (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: add missing refcount for memory leak fix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix Thunderbolt 3 display flickering issue on
+  2nd hot plug onwards (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
+  only for non-root bus (bsc#1012628).
+- media: vcodec: Fix potential array out-of-bounds in encoder
+  queue_setup (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (bsc#1012628).
+- of: dynamic: Refactor action prints to not use "%pOF" inside
+  devtree_lock (bsc#1012628).
+- of: unittest: Fix EXPECT for parse_phandle_with_args_map()
+  test (bsc#1012628).
+- radix tree: remove unused variable (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Fix build errors using binutils2.37 toolchains
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Handle zicsr/zifencei issue between gcc and binutils
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lib/clz_ctz.c: Fix __clzdi2() and __ctzdi2() for 32-bit kernels
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ACPI: resource: Fix IRQ override quirk for PCSpecialist Elimina
+  Pro 16 M (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
+  batadv_check_management_packet (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (bsc#1012628).
+- selinux: set next pointer before attaching to list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFS: Fix a use after free in nfs_direct_join_group()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- nilfs2: fix general protection fault in
+  nilfs_lookup_dirty_data_buffers() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: multi-gen LRU: don't spin during memcg release
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: memory-failure: fix unexpected return value in
+  soft_offline_page() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: add a call to flush_cache_vmap() in vmap_pfn()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/cgroup-cpuset-Free-DL-BW-in-case-can_attach-fails.patch
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-deadline-Create-DL-BW-alloc-free-check-overflow-interface.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Iterate only if DEADLINE tasks are present
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Keep-track-of-SCHED_DEADLINE-task-in-cpusets.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Rename functions dealing with DEADLINE accounting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Set X86_FEATURE_OSXSAVE feature after enabling OSXSAVE
+  in CR4 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Invalidate FPU state correctly on exec() (bsc#1012628).
+- LoongArch: Fix hw_breakpoint_control() for watchpoints
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as
+  needed (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/display/dp: Fix the DP DSC Receiver cap size (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/dgfx: Enable d3cold at s2idle (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panfrost: Skip speed binning on EOPNOTSUPP (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: Add an HPD poll helper to reschedule the poll work
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix possible invalid drm gem put calls
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (bsc#1012628).
+- mm/gup: handle cont-PTE hugetlb pages correctly in
+  gup_must_unshare() via GUP-fast (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: enable page walking API to lock vmas during the walk
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests/mm: FOLL_LONGTERM need to be updated to 0x100
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
+  error (bsc#1012628).
+- shmem: fix smaps BUG sleeping while atomic (bsc#1012628).
+- mm,ima,kexec,of: use memblock_free_late from
+  ima_free_kexec_buffer (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add support for new hotkeys
+  found on ThinkBook 14s Yoga ITL (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: lenovo-ymc: Add Lenovo Yoga 7 14ACN6 to
+  ec_trigger_quirk_dmi_table (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: mac80211: limit reorder_buf_filtered to avoid UBSAN
+  warning (bsc#1012628).
+- ibmveth: Use dcbf rather than dcbfl (bsc#1012628).
+- spi: spi-cadence: Fix data corruption issues in slave mode
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct amp_gain_tlv values (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add VivoBook Pro 15 to quirks list for acp6x
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bonding: fix macvlan over alb bond support (bsc#1012628).
+- rtnetlink: Reject negative ifindexes in RTM_NEWLINK
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: defer gc run if previous batch is still
+  pending (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix out of memory error handling
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: flush pending destroy work before netlink
+  notifier (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: validate all pending tables (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix potential NULL pointer dereferencing of pf->vf
+  i40e_sync_vsi_filters() (bsc#1012628).
+- net/sched: fix a qdisc modification with ambiguous command
+  request (bsc#1012628).
+- igc: Fix the typo in the PTM Control macro (bsc#1012628).
+- igb: Avoid starting unnecessary workqueues (bsc#1012628).
+- can: isotp: fix support for transmission of SF without flow
+  control (bsc#1012628).
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix NULL pointer on hw reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tg3: Use slab_build_skb() when needed (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: bonding: do not set port down before adding to bond
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Fix NULL pointer deref during VF reset (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "ice: Fix ice VF reset during iavf initialization"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: fix receive buffer size miscalculation (bsc#1012628).
+- ipv4: fix data-races around inet->inet_id (bsc#1012628).
+- net: validate veth and vxcan peer ifindexes (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bcmgenet: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bgmac: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: mdio: mdio-bitbang: Fix C45 read/write protocol
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix handling of 802.1X PAE frames
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: Fix the size of 'VIRT_ROUTER_MSB' (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: reg: Fix SSPR register layout (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: pci: Set time stamp fields also when its type is
+  MIRROR_UTC (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvlan: Fix a reference count leak warning in ipvlan_ns_exit()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dccp: annotate data-races in dccp_poll() (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: annotate data-races around prot->memory_pressure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: felix: fix oversize frame dropping for always closed
+  tc-taprio gates (bsc#1012628).
+- devlink: add missing unregister linecard notification
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeontx2-af: SDP: fix receive link config (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
+  trace (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Allocate one additional element for size
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Skip first entry for stack traces
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Use union instead of casts (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
+  missed (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add dependency for PTP clock (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix lockdep issue in raw_release() (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix receiver memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 1bfff59
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Add i.MXRT1050 support (git-fixes).
-  patches.suse/tty-serial-fsl_lpuart-add-earlycon-for-imx8ulp-platf.patch.
-- commit f34a3a2
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: Use ncat instead of nc
-  (git-fixes).
-- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
-  Hub) (git-fixes).
-- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
-  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (git-fixes).
-- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
-  __gs_console_push (git-fixes).
-- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
-  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (git-fixes).
-- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: reduce RX watermark to 0 on LS1028A
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: make rx_watermark configurable for
-  different platforms (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: cleanup temporary files
-  when test is aborted (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Fix typos in gadget.c (git-fixes).
-- commit 5394953
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Fixed backporting issue of
+  0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch, the
+  issue causes that all kernel module can NOT pass the hash blacklist
+  checking. System boot will hang when security boot is enabled.
+  The kernel/module_signing.c be moved to kernel/module/signing.c. When
+  backporting the original patch to new C source file, I lost one
+  statement for setting the value of wholelen. It causes that the
+  value of wholelen is zero.
+- commit 23db872
+- Delete downstream arm64 CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC support
+  Upstream has a proper solution now.
+  Remove:
+  patches.suse/static_call-Use-non-function-types-to-refer-to-the-t.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-implement-support-for-static-call-trampolines.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Prepare-for-supporting-CONFIG_GENERIC_.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-IRQ-exit-preemption-static-call-for-.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-HAVE_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC.patch
+  patches.suse/static_call-Fix-tools_headers.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Tell-about-PREEMPT_DYNAMIC-on-kernel-h.patch
+- commit 544b42e
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0001-efi-do-not-automatically-generate-secret-key.patch
+- commit bee5a51
+- Delete patches.suse/dm-table-switch-to-readonly.
+  This patch is ancient, and upstream multipath-tools has taken
+  a lot of care to improve handling of read-only devices in the
+  meantime.
+- commit 414f55e
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-no-partitions-feature.
+- commit 5c355e7
+- Enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update
+- commit 931db33
+- Keep and refresh live patching OOT patches
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-kbuild-use-flive-patching-when-CONFIG_LIVEPATCH-is-enabled.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-kallsyms-unexport-kallsyms_lookup_name-and-kallsyms_on_each_symbol.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/livepatch-dump-ipa-clones.patch.
+  Refresh configs appropriately.
+- commit d9c04f0
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- commit d60a005
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit bdade2f
-- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
-  length value (git-fixes).
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (git-fixes).
-- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
-  (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
-  related warnings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix access hdcp_workqueue assert (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: add quirk for 03f0:464a HP Elite Presenter Mouse
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
-  G915 TKL Keyboard (git-fixes).
-- PCI: s390: Fix use-after-free of PCI resources with per-function
-  hotplug (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: phase3 mst hdcp for multiple displays
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: save restore hdcp state when display is
-  unplugged from mst hub (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Implement and utilize register structures
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Utilize iomap interface (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6sll: fixup of operating points (git-fixes).
-- commit e2faa35
-- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: amd: Revert "pinctrl: amd: disable and mask interrupts
-  on probe" (git-fixes).
-- commit 15b9551
+- Keep and refresh patches.suse/prepare-arm64-klp.
+  Having a live patching support on arm64 arch is still in future but
+  better be prepared than sorry.
+- commit ce951ea
-- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e59635
+- Refresh
+  Mark duplicate Alt-commit.
+- commit d42a7e3
-- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
-  (git-fixes).
-- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
-  (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
-  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7c5f1b7
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/sd-always-retry-READ-CAPACITY-for-ALUA-state-transit.patch.
+- commit ef20ec6
-- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 8468886
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-print-reservation-conflict-for-TEST-UNIT.patch.
+- commit f191f06
-- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
-  (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
-  batadv_check_management_packet (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (git-fixes).
-- commit d59057e
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-put-scsi_common-in-a-separate-module.patch.
+- commit 7f0ed1b
-- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (git-fixes).
-- commit 5dc74f0
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-add-disable_async_probing-module-argument.patch.
+- commit 3d3db3a
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
-  v13.0.4/11 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (git-fixes).
-- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Implement workaround for writing to
-  OTG_PIXEL_RATE_DIV register (git-fixes).
-- commit 162942a
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/drivers-base-implement-dev_enable_async_probe.patch.
+- commit c77fab8
-- Move sorted nouveau patch into sorted section
-- commit 5cfebfc
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch.
+- commit 3fded15
-- smb: client: fix null auth (git-fixes).
-- commit f89a725
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/scsi_probe_lun-retry-after-timeout.patch.
+  We had expected upstream to come up with a generic solution for this issue,
+  but the patch set from Mike Christie ("scsi: Allow scsi_execute users to
+  control retries") hasn't been merged yet.
+- commit a7b4538
-- Update tags in
-  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch.
-- commit 5c3390a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add "CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set" to x86_64/default
+- commit d54d8a5
-- powerpc/rtas: block error injection when locked down
-  (bsc#1023051).
-  Refresh patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-- powerpc/rtas: enture rtas_call is called with MMU enabled
-  (bsc#1023051).
-- commit e7f7145
-- Input: cyttsp4_core - change del_timer_sync() to
-  timer_shutdown_sync() (bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
-- commit 2dfd188
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-rtas-Keep-MSR-RI-set-when-calling-RTAS.patch.
-- commit 0cbb740
-- Drop rtsx patch that caused a regression (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
-  It caused mysterious problem wrt NVMe.
-  Better to drop and blacklist for now.
-- commit 2257ff2
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
+  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
+  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
+  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
+- commit 6484eda
-- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- commit af67897
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch
+- commit b17726b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit eb5704d
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 6734d6b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Do not leak quotient data after a division by 0 (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit 8b5290e
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628, bsc#1214772, CVE-2023-4611).
+- commit 6826347
-- scsi: storvsc: Fix handling of virtual Fibre Channel timeouts
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Limit max_sectors for virtual Fibre Channel
-  devices (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Always set no_report_opcodes (git-fixes).
-- commit aace9fd
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 1387f3a
-- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
-  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
-- commit 7bb5087
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit ac459a4
-- kunit: make kunit_test_timeout compatible with comment
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e060c5b
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y and CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 71d7282
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 2db68b2
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch
+- commit 3e6ea23
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b9b490f
+- Delete patches.suse/mm-khugepaged-disable-thp-for-fs.patch.
+  CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is now disabled properly (bsc#1195774).
+- commit 01da5a1
-- blacklist.conf: specific to Clang
-- commit 0d88df7
+- Update config files. Disable CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS (bsc#1195774).
+- commit da35a7b
-- blacklist.conf: not used in our build process
-- commit 5705a43
+- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
+- commit 8dc244c
-- blacklist.conf: designed to break kABI but relevant only on big endian
-- commit 3477f1d
+- Move upstreamed ACPI patch into sorted section
+- commit f6c39ca
-- lib/test_meminit: destroy cache in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk()
-  test (git-fixes).
-- commit 0595e9f
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake PCH-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake SoC-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Enlarge device name field in i801_ids table
+  (jsc#PED-4696 jsc#PED-4698).
+- commit b2dab8e
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-M PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-P PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Use SSRAM to discover pwrm base address
+  of primary PMC (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Discover PMC devices (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Enable debugfs multiple PMC support
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add support to handle multiple PMCs
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Combine core_init() and core_configure()
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c417bbb
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c13a250
+- Refresh patches.suse/lan78xx-Enable-LEDs-and-auto-negotiation.patch
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit a73dd2f
+- Refresh patches.suse/kabi-arm64-reserve-space-in-cpu_hwcaps-and-cpu_hwcap.patch.
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit 7ad5e63
+- Delete patches.suse/soc-bcm-bcm2835-pm-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch
+  Implemented by upstream commit:
+  commit df76234276e22136b2468825c18407fdfbb2076a
+  Author: Stefan Wahren <>
+  Date:   Sat Jun 25 13:36:15 2022 +0200
+    mfd: bcm2835-pm: Add support for BCM2711
+- commit 8483810
+- Delete patches.suse/reset-raspberrypi-don-t-reset-usb-if-already-up.patch
+  As per my comment#47 in bsc#1180336 tested with TW at that moment.
+  Briefly tested kernel with above kernel workaround
+  reverted, using USB keyboard. It was detected during boot
+  and plugging it in and out seems to properly detected and
+  handled.
+  raspberrypi-firmware          - 2022.01.24-1.1
+  raspberrypi-eeprom[-firmware] - 2021.04.29-2.1
+  u-boot-rpiarm64               - 2022.01-2.1
+- commit 34fe1ed
+- Delete patches.suse/drm-v3d-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch.
+  Merged upstream.
+  commit e5a068983cf41bfee2c15656e62f401c5f8b0437
+  Author: Peter Robinson <>
+  Date:   Fri Jun 3 10:26:07 2022 +0100
+    drm/v3d: Add support for bcm2711
+- commit dfe2489
-- blacklist.conf: cleanup
-- commit 8d51620
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  Patches oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch and
+  0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch together previously exported
+  function bio_map_user_iov() for use in the oracleasm KMP.
+  This downstream change is no longer necessary because oracleasm in
+  15-SP6 has a patch which avoids its use:
+  oracleasm-asm_bio_map_user_iov-and-asm_bio_unmap-update-for-5.15+-kernel.patch.
+  Kernel patch 0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch was already dropped
+  in 15-SP6 by commit 67f601c4765. Remove the associated patch
+  oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch too.
+- commit 893eaeb
-- blacklist.conf: We do not use that tool
-- commit f8ec126
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add # CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA is not set
+- commit c7bc13d
-- docs: networking: replace skb_hwtstamp_tx with skb_tstamp_tx
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d96f965
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_ldisc-check-HCI_UART_PROTO_READY-flag-.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Change Git-commit id to 9c33663af9ad115f90c076a1828129a3fbadea98
+- commit d45a993
+- Delete patches.suse/nxp-nci-add-NXP1002-id.patch.
+  gone upstream
+- commit b030abb
-- kabi: Allow extra bugsints (bsc#1213927).
-- commit fc75ce0
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit f2aed69
-- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-add-ibpb.patch.
-  CPU_IBPB_ENTRY is always on so adjust code accordingly.
-- commit 0ed13bd
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch.
+  Removed 0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch
+  because it be merged on upstream since v5.17-rc1. The commit id is
+  92ad19559ea9a8ec6f158480934ae26ebfe2c14f.
+- commit d1df84c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 19b185d
+- patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch: Add CONFIG_MODULES dependency
+- commit 045364c
+- supported.conf: update fs/cifs -> fs/smb/client
+  Also update fs/smbfs_common -> fs/smb/common.
+  (changes introduced by upstream 38c8a9a5208).
+- commit 6514fbf
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214451 CVE-2023-4459).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 13a12f4
+- Update config files.
+- commit 4e9535f
-- net: nfc: Fix use-after-free caused by nfc_llcp_find_local
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: simplify llcp_sock_connect() error paths (bsc#1213601
-  CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: nullify llcp_sock->dev on connect() error paths
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- commit 0932a11
+- reenabling our NFC fix for SLEPOS
+  A clean fix is worked upon, but upstream is difficult
+- commit 9351328
-- kabi/severities: Ignore newly added SRSO mitigation functions
-- commit 4452f05
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  We cannot drop a kernel parameter without warning.
+  So teh restoration needs to be restored.
+- commit 90496d6
+- Enable patches.suse/0001-Reserve-64MiB-of-CMA-for-RPi3-s-VC4.patch
+  Re-enable the patch on SLE15-SP6. We need the extra CMA memory to
+  OOM errors in graphics code.
+- commit 19f6c08
+- Enable patches/patches.suse/0001-firmware-sysfb-Add-parameter-to-enable-sysfb-support.patch
+  Refresh the patch and re-enable it on SLE15-SP6. We'll need this patch until
+  Nvidia provides decent console emulation.
+- commit f568f53
+- Remove patches.suse/0001-drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch
+  The patch is identical to patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch,
+  hence remove it.
+- commit a2f6396
+- mm: avoid 'might_sleep()' in get_mmap_lock_carefully()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: fix endless looping over same migrate block
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: convert to use a folio in
+  isolate_migratepages_block() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- commit e867814
-- s390/zcrypt: fix reply buffer calculations for CCA replies
-  (bsc#1213949).
-- commit 26e242b
-- tty: fix hang on tty device with no_room set (git-fixes).
-- n_tty: Rename tail to old_tail in n_tty_read() (git-fixes).
-- commit 22b52a9
+- Delete patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-qat.patch.
+  No longer applicable. Should be redone after qat updates
+- commit c6645e0
+- Refresh patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-generic-crypto.patch.
+  reworked. Structure much changed in v6.4
+- commit 530349c
+- reenabled kABI padding for FPGA
+  minimal cost, high potential utility
+- commit 964471a
+- reenabled kABI padding for the generic crypto layer
+  cost is minimal, but if we need it we will really need it
+- commit 113e068
+- reenable kABI padding for rfkill
+  needed in SP6, too
+- commit 88c90bc
-- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
-  gsm_cleanup_mux (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
-  for lpuart32 platforms (git-fixes).
-- commit 2bc2940
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-mediatek-802.11.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-realtik-802.11.patch.
+  reenabled WiFi kABI placeholders for SP6
+- commit eb82166
-- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (git-fixes).
-- commit 57d4f01
+- Refresh patches.suse/md-display-timeout-error.patch.
+  Enable this patch which is still needed for SP6
+- commit dd44ffd
-- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled (git-fixes).
-- commit c2d3421
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-NFS-flush-out-dirty-data-on-file-fput.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-Handle-missing-attributes-in-OPEN-reply.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/NFS-flush-dirty-data-on-fput-fix.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-only-invalidate-dentrys-that-are-clearly-invalid.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/mvfs-workaround.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-access-cache-no-negative.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-set-acl-perm.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-lock-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-open-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfsd-dont-revoke-v4-0-states.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-prepare-for-supporting-admin-revocation-of-stat.patch.
+  Enable multiple NFS patches which are still needed.
+- commit 143db46
-- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more (git-fixes).
-- commit f62146e
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv3-handle-out-of-order-write-replies.patch.
+  Fixed in v6.4 by
+  Commit: 3db63daabe21 ("NFSv3: handle out-of-order write replies.")
+- commit 3e2542b
-- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (git-fixes).
-- commit 7f39f56
+- Delete patches.suse/NFS-do-not-take-i_rwsem-for-swap-IO.patch.
+  and patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch
+  Both fixed in 5.18 by
+  Commit: 64158668ac8b ("NFS: swap IO handling is slightly different for O_DIRECT IO")
+- commit 6dbdada
-- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 13632c3
+- Delete patches.suse/MM-reclaim-mustn-t-enter-FS-for-swap-over-NFS.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.19 by
+  Commit: d791ea676b66 ("mm: reclaim mustn't enter FS for SWP_FS_OPS swap-space")
+- commit 15ce6a7
-- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (git-fixes).
-- commit 522332f
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv4.1-bc-request-hold-xprt-ref.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.4 by
+  Commit: 875f0706accd ("SUNRPC: The TCP back channel mustn't disappear while requests are outstanding")
+- commit 4d05deb
-- objtool: Union instruction::{call_dest,jump_table} (git-fixes).
-- commit d5ea86a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Make-debug-alternative-selective.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Support-relocations-in-alternatives.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-lib-memmove-Decouple-ERMS-from-FSRM.patch.
+  Update for SLE15-SP6 (upstream versions apply cleanly now) and move to
+  sorted section.
+- commit b13a7e4
-- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 847a96f
+- Refresh patches.suse/reiserfs-mark-read-write-mode-unsupported.patch.
+  This is still needed for migrations.
+- commit 3960d8d
-- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1213666
-  CVE-2023-3772).
-- commit 9e44d01
+- Delete reiserfs fixes that can only be triggered in read-write mode.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-add-check-to-detect-corrupted-directory-entry.patch.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-don-t-panic-on-bad-directory-entries.patch.
+  We haven't supported read-write reiserfs at all in SLE15, so we can drop these.
+- commit a4a758e
-- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (git-fixes).
-- commit 81c5e75
+- Refresh patches.suse/procfs-add-tunable-for-fd-fdinfo-dentry-retention.patch.
+  This patch is still needed to avoid stalls while freeing
+  /proc/pid/task/tid/fd{,info} dentries on huge systems.
+- commit 6c2d081
-- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (git-fixes).
-- commit fa0b815
+- Refresh patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  This patch is still required for the oracleasm KMP to work.
+- commit f45d5f5
-- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 8bf5635
+- Update config files: back to CONFIG_PREEMPTY_NONE=y for x86_64 & arm64 default
+  specify the default scheduler while the dynamic preemption switch is
+  enabled via CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC=y.  It was set to a wrong scheduler
+  mistakenly while converting to the 6.4-based configs.
+- commit 3e4023b
-- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional (git-fixes).
-- commit a446ea5
+- Update 6.5-rc patch references (bsc#1213666 CVE-2023-3772 CVE-2023-31248 bsc#1213061 CVE-2023-35001 bsc#1213059 CVE-2023-3776 bsc#1213588 CVE-2023-3611 bsc#1213585 bsc#1213812 CVE-2023-4004 CVE-2023-4147 bsc#1213968 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569 CVE-2023-34319 XSA-432 bsc#1213546)
+- commit 36505d8
-- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk() (git-fixes).
-- commit 06974c4
+- drop obsolete Hyper-V TDX patch
+- commit 4a2ee7b
-- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (git-fixes).
-- commit 086adb4
+- reenable Hyper-V guest-os-id for accurate telemetry (bsc#1189965)
+- commit d456d31
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps with  retpolines and IBT (git-fixes).
-- commit 9392b3c
+- Delete patches.suse/revert-modpost-remove-get_next_text-and-make-grab-release_-file-s.patch
+  The revert is already included in patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch
+- commit e7660e5
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (git-fixes).
-- commit 99556d6
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213667 CVE-2023-3773).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 250df45
-- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations (git-fixes).
-- commit af52734
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 #1213666 CVE-2023-3772).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 5b6ca7b
-- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret() (git-fixes).
-- commit 43e1da9
+- Add missing x86 fixes from SLE15-SP5 (bsc#1206578 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569)
+  Still disabled, to be reviewed
+- commit a9a725a
-- x86/srso: Fix build breakage with the LLVM linker (git-fixes).
-- commit 7af6810
+- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
+- arm64: xor-neon: mark xor_arm64_neon_*() static (git-fixes).
+- commit 16c12e7
-- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
-  (bsc#1194869).
-- commit 0fccbf5
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 30e64ff
-- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+- Documentation: devices.txt: reconcile serial/ucc_uart minor
+  numers (git-fixes).
+- Revert "debugfs, coccinelle: check for obsolete
+  DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE() usage" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: add missing return value check for cifs_sb_tlink
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- ASoC: atmel: Fix the 8K sample parameter in I2SC master
-- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+- ASoC: rt711: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- commit 5738f62
-- supported.conf: fix typos for -!optional markers
-- commit a15b83f
-- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (git-fixes).
-- commit af00eea
-- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+- ASoc: codecs: ES8316: Fix DMIC config (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682-sdw: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+- ASoC: da7219: Check for failure reading AAD IRQ events
-- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+- ASoC: da7219: Flush pending AAD IRQ when suspending (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Update for native DSD support quirks
-- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+- cifs: update internal module version number for cifs.ko
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: allow dumping keys for directories too (bsc#1193629).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for DELL Oasis 13/14/16 laptops
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
-  playback interfaces (git-fixes).
-- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+- Revert "iavf: Do not restart Tx queues after reset task failure"
-- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+- Revert "iavf: Detach device during reset task" (git-fixes).
+- rsi: remove kernel-doc comment marker (git-fixes).
+- pie: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- devlink: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- codel: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- cifs: is_network_name_deleted should return a bool
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Use vmalloc_array() and vcalloc() (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Silence a static checker warning (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix a possible data race in
+  lpfc_unregister_fcf_rescan() (bsc#1213756).
+- gve: unify driver name usage (git-fixes).
+- smb: client: remove redundant pointer 'server' (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: fix session state transition to avoid use-after-free issue
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix lpfc_name struct packing (bsc#1213756).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Whitespace fix (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: fireface: make read-only const array for model names
+  static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: oxfw: make read-only const array models static
-- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+- Fix documentation of panic_on_warn (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: brcm,brcmstb-usb-phy: Fix error in
+  "compatible" conditional schema (git-fixes).
+- phy: Revert "phy: Remove SOC_EXYNOS4212 dep. from
+  PHY_EXYNOS4X12_USB" (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: ABI: sysfs-class-net-qmi: pass_through contact
+  update (git-fixes).
+- docs: networking: Update codeaurora references for rmnet
-- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm: do not mark valid bd_addr as invalid
-- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (git-fixes).
-- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+- Bluetooth: fix use-bdaddr-property quirk (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix logdev fsmap query result filtering (git-fixes).
+- xfs: clean up the rtbitmap fsmap backend (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix getfsmap reporting past the last rt extent (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix integer overflows in the fsmap rtbitmap and logdev
+  backends (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix interval filtering in multi-step fsmap queries
-- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+- xfs: don't reverse order of items in bulk AIL insertion
-- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
-  to the docs (git-fixes).
-- commit a48515a
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP, not #UD, if SGX2 ENCLS leafs are
+  unsupported (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP on ENCLS if vCPU has paging disabled
+  (CR0.PG==0) (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: restore vmx_vmexit alignment (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: Remove unused udev from xhci_log_ctx trace event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "NFSv4: Retry LOCK on OLD_STATEID during delegation
+  return" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: new dynamic tracepoint to track ses not found errors
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: log session id when a matching ses is not found
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: print client_guid in DebugData (bsc#1193629).
+- PCI: endpoint: Add missing documentation about the MSI/MSI-X
+  range (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop useless LIST_HEAD (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace one-element array with
+  DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() helper (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Avoid -Wstringop-overflow warning (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Use struct_size() helper (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix incorrect big endian type assignments in FDMI
+  and VMID paths (bsc#1213756).
+- lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Enhance congestion statistics collection (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 CQE status handling (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Change firmware upgrade logging to KERN_NOTICE instead
+  of TRACE_EVENT (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Account for fabric domain ctlr device loss recovery
+  (bsc#1211346, bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clear NLP_IN_DEV_LOSS flag if already in rediscovery
+  (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Fix use-after-free rport memory access in
+  lpfc_register_remote_port (bsc#1211852, bsc#1208410,
+  bsc#1211346).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with strscpy()
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace blk_irq_poll intr handler with threaded IRQ
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Add new RCQE status for handling DMA failures
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion warning notification period
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Match lock ordering of lpfc_cmd->buf_lock and
+  hbalock for abort paths (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix verbose logging for SCSI commands issued to
+  SES devices (bsc#1211847).
+- RDMA/vmw_pvrdma: Remove unnecessary check on wr->opcode
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/rxe: Remove dangling declaration of rxe_cq_disable()
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary checks (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Return directly without goto jumps (git-fixes).
+- bus: fsl-mc: fsl-mc-allocator: Drop a write-only variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: samsung: exynos-pmu: Re-introduce Exynos4212 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "arm64: dts: zynqmp: Add address-cells property to
+  interrupt controllers" (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/adreno: fix sparse warnings in a6xx code (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: clean up dpu_kms_get_clk_rate() returns
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove unused variable gma_bottom in command
+  parser (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: drop redundant memset() in
+  get_available_dsc_slices() (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - remove unused .reg_defaults (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - fix typo in register value define (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Add Exynos4212 compatible to CLKOUT driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove handler for unused
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove useless write to interrupt register
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: length: fix description of the RRS field (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add support for vlan tagging (bsc#1212301).
+- can: length: make header self contained (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mtd: rawnand: arasan: Prevent an unsupported
+  configuration" (git-fixes).
+- regulator: helper: Document ramp_delay parameter of
+  regulator_set_ramp_delay_regmap() (git-fixes).
+- elf: correct note name comment (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Set a fallback policy based on
+  preferred_profile (bsc#1212445).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Add definition for undefined FADT preferred PM
+  profile value (bsc#1212445).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Write CPPC enable bit per-socket
+  (bsc#1212445).
+- x86/build: Avoid relocation information in final vmlinux
+  (bsc#1187829).
+- irqchip/clps711x: Remove unused clps711x_intc_init() function
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/ftintc010: Mark all function static (git-fixes).
+- commit 2da661e
-- Update config files. Drop the dpt_i2o kernel module.
-  For: jsc#PED-4579, CVE-2023-2007
-- commit f332a85
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/btrfs-relocation-Work-around-dead-relocation-stage-l.patch.
+- commit 4b9fcd4
-- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
-- commit 55d8b82
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+- commit f3dc77b
-- libceph: fix potential hang in ceph_osdc_notify() (bsc#1214393).
-- ceph: defer stopping mdsc delayed_work (bsc#1214392).
-- commit 722c601
+- xfs: fix bounds check in xfs_defer_agfl_block() (git-fixes).
+- commit 49dca73
-- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
-  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
-- commit 5b41c27
+- xfs: AGF length has never been bounds checked (git-fixes).
+- commit 97239d8
-- s390/purgatory: disable branch profiling (git-fixes
-  bsc#1214372).
-- commit 28f91ce
+- xfs: don't block in busy flushing when freeing extents
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 825f791
-- scsi: zfcp: Defer fc_rport blocking until after ADISC response
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214371).
-- commit 5ac3747
+- xfs: pass alloc flags through to xfs_extent_busy_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62eef81
-- KVM: s390: fix sthyi error handling (git-fixes bsc#1214370).
-- commit 3711e45
+- xfs: use deferred frees for btree block freeing (git-fixes).
+- commit e83db44
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d1f96fc
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/uapi-add-a-compatibility-layer-between-linux-uio-h-and-glibc.
+  This patch no longer needed, and never made it upstream.
+- commit da31059
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit f1bebb1
+- xfs: don't deplete the reserve pool when trying to shrink the fs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c817b91
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 77019ff
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch.
+- commit b29f3d3
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 8edb1c8
+- Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-s32g2-add-USDHC-support.patch.
+- commit 68a6036
-- powerpc/kexec: Fix build failure from uninitialised variable
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/64e: Fix kexec build error (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Take-in-account-addition-CPU-node-when-build.patch
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-fix-implicit-decl-error.patch
-- commit c8f4ed0
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-kABI-more-hooks-for-PCI-changes.patch.
+  Reenabled kABI placeholders in PCI for SP6
+- commit a538cc2
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-use-after-free-bugs-in-vmxn.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214350 CVE-2023-4387).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 8897012
+- Enable support for "unsupported filesystem features".
+- commit 979adc3
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-Add-a-void-suse_kabi_padding-placeholder-to-some-USB.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-add-for-type-C-new-in-SP5.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-TB-and-USB4-XDomain-structures.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-gadgets.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-the-inter-DMN-tunnel-stuff-of-TB.patch.
+  Reenabling kABI placeholders for SP6 in USB and TB
+- commit 64c5e3b
+- mm/slab: correct return values in comment for
+  _kmem_cache_create() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- bpf: Remove in_atomic() from bpf_link_put() (bsc#1213179
+  (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- module: Remove preempt_disable() from module reference counting
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix shmem THP counters on migration (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip memory hole rapidly when isolating
+  migratable pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- percpu-internal/pcpu_chunk: re-layout pcpu_chunk structure
+  to reduce false sharing (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: mark kcompactd_run() and kcompactd_stop()
+  __meminit (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: replace the ternary conditional operator with min()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: skip periodic vmstat update for isolated CPUs
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop 'nid' parameter from check_for_memory()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_fault() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_wp() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in copy_hugetlb_page_range()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmscan: mark kswapd_run() and kswapd_stop() __meminit
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: skip CMA pages when they are not available (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_isolation: write proper kerneldoc (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix failure to unmap pte on highmem systems (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/damon/ops-common: refactor to use
+  {pte|pmd}p_clear_young_notify() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmalloc must set pte via arch code (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: allow_direct_reclaim should use zone_page_state_snapshot
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: zswap: shrink until can accept (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: move set_pageblock_order() to free_area_init()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: khugepaged: avoid pointless allocation for "struct mm_slot"
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: don't wake kswapd from rmqueue() unless
+  __GFP_KSWAPD_RECLAIM is specified (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: remove free_area_init_memoryless_node()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- THP: avoid lock when check whether THP is in deferred list
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: do not calculate zone_start_pfn/zone_end_pfn in
+  zone_absent_pages_in_node() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: introduce reset_memoryless_node_totalpages()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: shmem: fix UAF bug in shmem_show_options() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip fast freepages isolation if enough
+  freepages are isolated (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: add trace event for fast freepages isolation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only set skip flag if cc->no_set_skip_hint is
+  false (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip more fully scanned pageblock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: change fast_isolate_freepages() to void type
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop the redundant page validation in
+  update_pageblock_skip() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: dont purge usable blocks unnecessarily (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: add missing READ/WRITE_ONCE() annotations
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: check free space in vmap_block lockless (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent flushing dirty space over and over
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: avoid iterating over per CPU vmap blocks twice
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent stale TLBs in fully utilized blocks
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/memcontrol: fix typo in comment (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mlock: rename mlock_future_check() to mlock_future_ok()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mmap: refactor mlock_future_check() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: avoid GFP_NOFS ABBA deadlock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: have compaction_suitable() return bool
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop redundant watermark check in
+  compaction_zonelist_suitable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove unnecessary is_via_compact_memory()
+  checks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: refactor __compaction_suitable() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: simplify should_compact_retry() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove compaction result helpers (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: set sysctl_lowmem_reserve_ratio
+  storage-class-specifier to static (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: convert migrate_pages() to work on folios (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move sysctls into it own fils (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move pm_* function into power (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mark_free_page() into snapshot.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out DEBUG_PAGEALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out FAIL_PAGE_ALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove alloc_contig_dump_pages() stub
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: squash page_is_consistent() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: collect mem statistic into show_mem.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move set_zone_contiguous() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move init_on_alloc/free() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mirrored_kernelcore into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- Revert "Revert "mm/compaction: fix set skip in
+  fast_find_migrateblock"" (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: update pageblock skip when first migration
+  candidate is not at the start (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only force pageblock scan completion when skip
+  hints are obeyed (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm: compaction: ensure rescanning only happens on partially
+  scanned pageblocks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm, oom: do not check 0 mask in out_of_memory() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memory-failure: move sysctl register in
+  memory_failure_init() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: provide stronger vmemmap allocation
+  guarantees (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages_batch: simplify retrying and failure counting
+  of large folios (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/gup: add missing gup_must_unshare() check to gup_huge_pgd()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- fs: hugetlbfs: set vma policy only when needed for allocating
+  folio (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove explicit wakeup in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove unnecessary check in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg: remove mem_cgroup_flush_stats_atomic() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: calculate root usage from global state (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: flush stats non-atomically in mem_cgroup_wb_stats()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- writeback: move wb_over_bg_thresh() call outside lock section
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: drop the unnecessary pfn_valid() for start pfn
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: optimize compact_memory to comply with the
+  admin-guide (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages: avoid blocking for IO in MIGRATE_SYNC_LIGHT
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memcg: use READ_ONCE()/WRITE_ONCE() to access stock->cached
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- Further upgrade queue_work_on() comment (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Avoid double calling update_rq_clock() in
+  __balance_push_cpu_stop() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Fixed missing rq clock update before calling
+  set_rq_offline() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Fix bandwidth reclaim equation in GRUB
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/wait: Fix a kthread_park race with wait_woken()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Mark set_sched_topology() __init (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename variable cpu_util eff_util (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair, cpufreq: Introduce 'runnable boosting' (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Refactor CPU utilization functions (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Consider task_struct::saved_state in wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Unconditionally use full-fat wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: remove unused dl_bandwidth (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make task_vruntime_update() prototype visible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Hide unused init_cfs_bandwidth() stub (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Add schedule_user() declaration (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Hide unused sched_update_scaling() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid resetting the min update period when it is
+  unnecessary (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Correct printing for rq->nr_uninterruptible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Propagate SMT flags when removing degenerate
+  domain (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- psi: remove 500ms min window size limitation for triggers
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Check SDF_SHARED_CHILD in highest_flag_domain()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Do not even the number of busy CPUs via asym_packing
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use the busiest group to set prefer_sibling
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Keep a fully_busy SMT sched group as busiest
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Let low-priority cores help high-priority busy
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Simplify asym_packing logic for SMT cores
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Only do asym_packing load balancing from fully idle
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move is_core_idle() out of CONFIG_NUMA (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- x86/mm: Add early_memremap_pgprot_adjust() prototype
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 8861ce3
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit a42ca12
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit b97680b
+- series.conf: Add note on the removal of deleted sysctls
+- commit ea1551b
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d4f0452
+- series.conf: Add note on initial placement during fork, evaluation required
+- commit d423863
-- Update config files.
-- CONFIG_NVME_VERBOSE_ERRORS=y          gone with a82baa8083b
-- CONFIG_PRINTK_SAFE_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=13   gone with 7e152d55123
-- commit 7a11d4b
+- series.conf: Add note on wakeup_gran boosting, evaluation required
+- commit 81b5987
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit de545b1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-optimize-latency-defaults-for-throughput.patch.
+- commit f4acb00
-- Enable Analog Devices Industrial Ethernet PHY driver (jsc#PED-4759)
-- commit 63c2b4e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-Disable-sched-domain-debugfs-creation-on-ppc64-unless-sched_verbose-is-specified.patch.
+  Upstream has an alternative fix.
+- commit 02d9709
-- net: mana: Fix MANA VF unload when hardware is unresponsive
-  (git-fixes).
-- iavf: fix potential races for FDIR filters (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix RDMA VSI removal during queue rebuild (git-fixes).
-- qed: Fix scheduling in a tasklet while getting stats
-  (git-fixes).
-- i40e: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for debugfs_create_dir()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix memory management in ice_ethtool_fdir.c (git-fixes).
-- net: hns3: fix wrong bw weight of disabled tc issue (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix max_rate check while configuring TX rate limits
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 66cd4bc
+- series.conf: Add note on frequency boosting for IO, evaluation required
+- commit 0acf9ba
-- powerpc/iommu: Fix iommu_table_in_use for a small default DMA
-  window case (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/kernel/iommu: Add new iommu_table_in_use() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: don't set failed sg dma_address to
-  DMA_MAPPING_ERROR (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: return error code from .map_sg() ops (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- commit 63fd00c
+- series.conf: Add note on up_threshold, evaluation required
+- commit 9ec5dac
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit efc7084
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/rtmutex-Add-acquire-semantics-for-rtmutex-lock-acquisition-slow-path.patch.
+- commit 32566f1
-- drm/amd/display: Retain phantom plane/stream if validation fails
-  (git-fixes).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-skip-regions-with-hugetlbfs-pages-when-allocating-1G-pages.patch.
+- commit bf2a4f1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/locking-rwbase-Mitigate-indefinite-writer-starvation.patch.
+  Upstream alternative already included.
+- commit a1fa32f
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch.
+  Affected generation of chips is no longer supported by the manufacturer.
+- commit f939ab4
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Allow-unspecified-FADT-profile-to-probe-PPC.patch.
+  Problem has stopped showing up in practice.
+- commit d374a9a
+- series: review/update patches for sle15sp6
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-filter-out-invalid-bits-in-pipe_fuse.patch.
-- commit 7b85ac2
+  patches.suse/blk-kabi-add-suse_kabi_padding-to-blk-layer-structs.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-multipath-skip-not-ready-namespaces-when-revalidating.patch.
+- commit 900c330
-- drm/amdgpu: fix possible UAF in amdgpu_cs_pass1() (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/nvkm/dp: Add workaround to fix DP 1.3+ DPCD issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature
-  momentary fluctuation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: expose swctf threshold setting for legacy powerplay
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: limit DPIA link rate to HBR3 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm/smu7: move variables to where they are used
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill powerplay peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill swsmu peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix the build when DRM_AMD_DC_DCN is not set
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Disable phantom OTG after enable for plane
-  disable (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Use update plane and stream routine for DCN32x
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d699896
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-kabi-placeholders-to-commonly-used-structs.patch.
+- commit bd2986f
-- misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/gr: enable memory loads on helper invocation on
-  all channels (git-fixes).
-- commit 8a7a168
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1214385).
+- commit 28f1b80
+- Refresh patches.suse/nvdimm-disable-namespace-on-error.patch.
+- commit 0109f83
+- Delete the patch which is already in kernel code base,
+  patches.suse/Avoid-deadlock-for-recursive-I-O-on-dm-thin-when-used-as-swap-4905.patch.
+- commit 8ae388a
+- Delete patches.suse/make-module-BTF-toggleable.patch.
+  No longer required with upstream commit 5e214f2e43e4 "bpf: Add config to
+  allow loading modules with BTF mismatches" and
+- commit fcf9c21
+- Re-enable BPF kABI padding
+  Refresh the patch and additionally add padding for struct bpf_prog_aux
+  and struct bpf_verifier_env.
+- commit 50ddc33
-- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
-  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
-  copying defines or build dependencies there.
-- commit 254b03c
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch.
+  No longer required since the base kernel is 6.4 and BTF_KIND_ENUM64
+  support is added in 6.0.
+- commit c3cc153
+- Re-enable BPF selftest modification
+  This is required because we carry the following downstream patches:
+- patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+- patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+  Also refresh the patch while at it.
+- commit 67df713
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 045f0e1
+- Linux 6.4.12 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: fix the RTO timer retransmitting skb every 1ms if linear
+  option is enabled (bsc#1012628).
+- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: Clean up link DMA for IPC3 during stop
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213583).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- Revert "perf report: Append inlines to non-DWARF callchains"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
+  v13.0.4/11 (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "Revert "drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for
+  DCN 2.0"" (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/edid: Fix csync detailed mode parsing" (bsc#1012628
+  bsc#1213693).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: Fix error handling in spmmc_drv_probe()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: fix return value check of mmc_add_host()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: f-sdh30: fix order of function calls in
+  sdhci_f_sdh30_remove (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,sa8775p-tlmm: add gpio function
+  constant (bsc#1012628).
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix menu count handling for userspace XU
+  mappings (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-crypto: dynamically allocate fallback profile (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that the task sees ZT writes on first use
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that SME is set up for target when writing
+  SSVE state (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix Wifi/Bluetooth on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: Zero max_tx_vq field for
+  VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_HASH_CONFIG case (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: da9063: better fix null deref with partial DT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix null auth (bsc#1012628).
+- parisc: Fix CONFIG_TLB_PTLOCK to work with lightweight spinlock
+  checks (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: Release folio lock on fscache read hit (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
+  playback interfaces (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: 8250: Fix oops for port->pm on uart_change_pm()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: uaccess: Return the number of bytes effectively not
+  copied (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: correct riscv_insn_is_c_jr() and riscv_insn_is_c_jalr()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: entry: set a0 = -ENOSYS only when syscall != -1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: uart-routing: Use __sysfs_match_string
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: qcom: Add intr_target_width field to support increased
+  number of interrupt targets (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: Fix anatop node size (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: max98363: don't return on success reading revision ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx6sx usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Drop CSI1 PHY reference clock configuration
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx7d usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Adjust dma-apbh node name (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6: phytec: fix RTC interrupt level (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK 4C+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Block switchdev mode when ADQ is active and vice versa
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- qede: fix firmware halt over suspend and resume (bsc#1012628).
+- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: Fix misuse of sk_under_memory_pressure() (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't fail probe if MAE/TC setup fails (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't unregister flow_indr if it was never registered
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: add fallback action-set-lists for TC offload (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Wait for EEPROM done before HW reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214073).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- net/mlx5e: XDP, Fix fifo overrun on XDP_REDIRECT (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix misleading debug logs (bsc#1012628).
+- iavf: fix FDIR rule fields masks validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: openvswitch: reject negative ifindex (bsc#1012628).
+- team: Fix incorrect deletion of ETH_P_8021AD protocol vid from
+  slaves (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nft_dynset: disallow object maps (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
+  netlink event exit path (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvs: fix racy memcpy in proc_do_sync_threshold (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: set default timeout to 3 secs for sctp shutdown
+  send and recv state (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: don't fail inserts if duplicate has
+  expired (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
+  generation (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix false-positive lockdep splat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Clean up integer overflow checking in
+  map_user_pages() (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Fix slicing memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- net: veth: Page pool creation error handling for existing
+  pools only (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel queued works in probe error path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel ctrl_mbox_task after intr_poll_task
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel tx_timeout_task later in remove sequence
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: fix timeout value for waiting on mbox response
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: macb: In ZynqMP resume always configure PS GTR for
+  non-wakeup source (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Restore efficient freq earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
+  to the docs (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: pcs: Add missing put_device call in miic_create
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: don't skip free of empty state in acquire policy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: delete offloaded policy (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add forgotten nla_policy for XFRMA_MTIMER_THRESH
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1012628).
+- ip_vti: fix potential slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ip6_vti: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6 (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: Silence warnings triggerable by bad packets (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Amend XFRMA_SEC_CTX nla_policy structure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: af_key: fix sadb_x_filter validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps
+  with retpolines and IBT (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with
+  CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
+  length value (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: only subtract from len_to_oe_boundary when it is tracking
+  an extent (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix replace/scrub failure with metadata_uuid
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix BUG_ON condition in btrfs_cancel_balance
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix incorrect splitting in btrfs_drop_extent_map_range
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix infinite directory reads (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
+  for lpuart32 platforms (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
+  gsm_cleanup_mux (bsc#1012628).
+- smb3: display network namespace in debug information
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Enable strict validation for netlinks ops (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add max vqp attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length check
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add queue index attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add features attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1194869).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Set platform driver data earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-cgroup: hold queue_lock when removing blkg->q_node
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: tegra: Fix i2c-tegra DMA config option processing
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rust: macros: vtable: fix `HAS_*` redefinition
+  (`gen_const_name`) (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix potential oops in cifs_oplock_break (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Delete control vq iotlb in destroy_mr only when
+  necessary (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix mr->initialized semantics (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-vdpa: Fix cpumask memory leak in virtio_vdpa_find_vqs()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vduse: Use proper spinlock for IRQ injection (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix LDO 12 regulator for PM8550
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix use-after-free of new block group that became unused
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: move out now unused BG from the reclaim list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: MGMT: Use correct address for memcpy() (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/kasan: Disable KCOV in KASAN code (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GZ301V (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG G614Jx (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Amend G634 quirk to enable rear speakers
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GA402X (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GX650P (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda: fix a possible null-pointer dereference due to data
+  race in snd_hdac_regmap_sync() (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for Unis H3C Desktop B760 & Q760
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Alternative boot if primary boot is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Mark ntfs dirty when on-disk struct is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs: ntfs3: Fix possible null-pointer dereferences in mi_read()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Return error for inconsistent extended attributes
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Enhance sanity check while generating attr_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (bsc#1012628).
+- ceph: try to dump the msgs when decoding fails (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (bsc#1012628).
+- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
+  Hub) (bsc#1012628).
+- firewire: net: fix use after free in
+  fwnet_finish_incoming_packet() (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Limit Intel Barlow Ridge USB3 bandwidth
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Add Intel Barlow Ridge PCI ID (bsc#1012628).
+- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
+  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (bsc#1012628).
+- gfs2: Fix possible data races in gfs2_show_options()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: turn off vbus comparator when suspend
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (bsc#1012628).
+- xhci: get rid of XHCI_PLAT quirk that used to prevent MSI setup
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
+  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (bsc#1012628).
+- media: platform: mediatek: vpu: fix NULL ptr dereference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: uvc: queue empty isoc requests if no video buffer
+  is available (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
+  __gs_console_push (bsc#1012628).
+- media: camss: set VFE bpl_alignment to 16 for sdm845 and sm8250
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- led: qcom-lpg: Fix resource leaks in
+  for_each_available_child_of_node() loops (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: stm32: Ignore return value of uart_remove_one_port()
+  in .remove() (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix session state check in reconnect to avoid
+  use-after-free issue (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix warning in cifs_smb3_do_mount() (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "[PATCH] uml: export symbols added by GCC hardened"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Add Arrow Lake PCI device ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Free the firmware trace before calling
+  snd_sof_shutdown() (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: consider timeout of destroy ah as success
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: unmap and remove csa_va properly (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
+  pointers (bsc#1012628).
+- iommu/amd: Introduce Disable IRTE Caching Support (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
+  G915 TKL Keyboard (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: i2c-hid: goodix: Add support for
+  "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend" property (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: input: goodix: Add "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend"
+  property (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: fix mem leak in capture user mappings
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: add pci health check during heartbeat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-remap: use kvmalloc_array/kvfree for larger dma memory remap
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- iopoll: Call cpu_relax() in busy loops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for Rex soundwire
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quick for Dell SKU 0BDA (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: test SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  in _exit (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
+  related warnings (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mana_ib: Use v2 version of cfg_rx_steer_req to enable RX
+  coalescing (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add check for acp config flags in vangogh
+  platform (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: add QFPROM node (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add pci revision id check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move DSP part string generation so that it is
+  done only once (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for LNL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for MTL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: disable SubVP + DRR to prevent
+  underflow" (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/scheduler: set entity to NULL in drm_sched_entity_pop_job()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Update DTBCLK for DCN32 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: fix the wol setting functions (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: Use devm_regulator_get_enable_optional()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- crypto, cifs: fix error handling in extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit c12060a
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patch for core structs
+  Also rename the patch without the number prefix
+- commit 8e3d5a7
+- Delete patches.suse/0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch
+  No longer needed workaround.
+- commit 67f601c
+- Keep patches.suse/
+  The X taint flag is still used
+- commit a920896
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch
+- commit 2975c39
+- Keep patches.suse/scsi-blacklist-add-VMware-ESXi-cdrom-broken-tray-emu.patch
+  No sign of VMware even acknowledging the problem, much less fixing it.
+- commit e09edd4
-- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
-  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
-- commit 2c37773
+- Keep ppc and s390 lockdown patches - they are needed as much as the
+  other architectures.
+- Update config files
+- commit f6a51bf
-- ACPI/IORT: Update SMMUv3 DeviceID support (bsc#1214305).
-- commit 4628976
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-tm-Flip-the-HTM-switch-default-to-disabled.patch
+  Needed until HTM is disabled completely
+- commit 2710607
-- net: usb: lan78xx: reorder cleanup operations to avoid UAF bugs
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 9c04620
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  Should be revisited after kexec option cleanup is merged upstream
+- Update config files
+- commit 5359722
-- powerpc/iommu: TCEs are incorrectly manipulated with DLPAR
-  add/remove of memory (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: Incorrect DDW Table is referenced for SR-IOV
-  device (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- pseries/iommu/ddw: Fix kdump to work in absence of
-  ibm,dma-window (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Print ibm,query-pe-dma-windows parameters
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc: fix typos in comments (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries: Add __init attribute to eligible functions
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: Do not try direct mapping with persistent
-  memory and one window (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: simplify enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add of_node_put() before break
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Create huge DMA window if no MMIO32 is
-  present (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Check if the default window in use
-  before removing it (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Use correct vfree for it_map (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Rename "direct window" to "dma window"
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Make use of DDW for indirect mapping
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Find existing DDW with given property
-  name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Update remove_dma_window() to accept
-  property name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Reorganize iommu_table_setparms*()
-  with new helper (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_property_create() and refactor
-  enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerps-pseries-dma-Add-support-for-2M-IOMMU-page-si.patch
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Allow DDW windows starting at 0x00
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_list_new_entry() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add iommu_pseries_alloc_table() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Replace hard-coded page shift
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-iommu-Limit-number-of-TCEs-to-512-for-H_STUF.patch
-- commit 4f11eef
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-mobility-notify-network-peers-after-.patch
+  Upstream network notification framework still not avaialble
+- commit f496138
+- Delete patches.rpmify/arm64-make-STACKPROTECTOR_PER_TASK-configurable.patch.
+  No effect anymore
+- commit 334f200
+- Delete patches.suse/rtl8188eu-fix-const-dev_addr_fallout.patch.
+  Patch is longer needed.
+- commit 6c9e4e5
+- Enable mlx5 S390 patch and still not upstreamed change for ixgbe
+- commit 321b2db
+- Delete patches.rpmify/powerpc-Blacklist-GCC-5.4-6.1-and-6.2.patch.
+  Unlikely to encounter these compilers anymore.
+- commit 3daa0f4
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-fixup-pages-without-buffers.patch: Not needed
+  after commit d824ec2a154 ("mm: do not reclaim private data from pinned
+  page") merged into 6.4-rc1.
+- commit 11e5155
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-dont-warn-when-enabling-DAX.patch: Warning got
+  removed by commit 6e47a3cc68f ("ext4: get rid of super block and sbi
+  from handle_mount_ops()") in 5.17-rc1.
+- commit 74d1133
+- Enable patches.suse/ext4-unsupported-features.patch. We still want
+  the ability to declare some ext4 features unsupported.
+- commit e745607
-- powerpc/mm/altmap: Fix altmap boundary check (bsc#1120059
-  git-fixes).
-- commit f722e3b
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/io_uring-disable-polling-signalfd-pollfree-files.patch.
+- commit 103eea6
-- bnx2x: fix page fault following EEH recovery (bsc#1214299).
-- commit f8a9432
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/fs-Avoid-leaving-freed-inode-on-dirty-list.patch: The fix
+  was never 100% proven to be necessary (followup ext4 changes were the
+  real fix) and upstream was unconvinced. Let's drop it.
+- commit 45cf4a8
-- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
-  (bsc#1212873).
-- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- file: reinstate f_pos locking optimization for regular files
-  (bsc#1213759).
-- commit 0469dd9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch: Got
+  merged into 6.4-rc1 as commit fc05e06e6098c.
+- commit 03eba77
-- net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
-- commit 3d175df
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sbitmap-avoid-lockups-when-waker-gets-preempted.patch:
+  Current sbitmap code in 6.4 doesn't have the race.
+- commit 88c81f0
-- mlxsw: pci: Add shutdown method in PCI driver (git-fixes).
-- commit d9c79ec
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mount-warn-only-once-about-timestamp-range-expiratio.patch.
+  Upstreamed via commit a128b054ce02 ("mount: warn only once about
+  timestamp range expiration") in v5.18-rc1.
+- commit 1eda8fd
-- blacklist.conf: add drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/ drivers
-- commit 0c8d3f5
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-allow-mount-remount-when-stripe-width-alignment-.patch.
+- commit de9c3d8
-- sfc: fix crash when reading stats while NIC is resetting
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 61c7a4c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-remove-experimental-tag-for-dax-support.patch.
+- commit 207884d
-- ice: Fix crash by keep old cfg when update TCs more than queues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e80ce2
+- Revert "misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg"
+  (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit 0816489
+- Delete patches.suse/setuid-dumpable-wrongdir.
+  Dropped as per jsc#PED-6319
+- commit c9ee1be
+- Refresh patches.suse/Restore-kABI-for-NVidia-vGPU-driver.patch.
+- commit 3b82441
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patches for ASoC and HD-audio
+- commit 5f24bf4
+- Re-enable nouveau blacklist for Turing and Ampere
+  The situation about nouveau hasn't been changed.
+- commit 693f494
+- Re-enable synaptics and ata fix patches
+  Those workarounds are still valid.
+- commit d797d34
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-Warn-users-of-node-memory-hot-remove-if-the-memory-ratio-is-a-high-risk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-inform-about-enabling-mirrored-memory.patch.
+  re-enable debugability non-upstream improvements.
+- commit 6f8f3c5
+- Delete patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch
+  It was a transitional workaround.  No longer needed.
+- commit 0766049
+- Delete patches.suse/thermal-Add-a-sanity-check-for-invalid-state-at-stat.patch
+  The old workaround for SLE15-SP4/5.  Should have been obsoleted in 6.4.
+- commit 19a31d1
+- Delete patches.suse/Fix-null-pointer-dereference-in-drm_dp_atomic_find_time_slots.patch
+  It's a temporary workaround that was applied for SLE15-SP5.  Let's drop.
+- commit e4825d8
+- Delete patches.suse/char-pcmcia-synclink_cs-Fix-use-after-free-in-mgslpc.patch
+  It's for PCMCIA and already disabled on all flavors.
+- commit c1a3353
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0002-kernel-smp-make-csdlock-timeout-depend-on-boot-param.patch.
+- commit e4b9f75
+- Delete patches.suse/ath11k-pci-Add-more-MODULE_FIRMWARE-entries.patch
+  It's already included in 6.4 kernel.
+- commit 7e548aa
+- Delete patches.suse/smaps_rollup-fix-no-vmas-null-deref.patch.
+  c4c84f06285e ("fs/proc/task_mmu: stop using linked list and
+  highest_vm_end") which is the proper fix is already included in the base
+  kernel.
+- commit 0a8b09e
+- Drop obsoleted arm64 patches
+  Deleted the changes that have been obsoleted / become invalid in the upstream:
+  patches.suse/arch-arm64-mm_context-t-placeholder.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-select-CPUMASK_OFFSTACK-if-NUMA.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-set-UXN-on-swapper-page-tables.patch
+- commit 51ba575
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/binfmt_elf-takethe-mmap_lock-when-walking-the-VMA-list.patch.
+  2aa362c49c31 ("coredump: extend core dump note section to contain file
+  names of mapped files") is the proper fix already included in the base
+  kernel
+- commit d280d0f
+- Delete patches.suse/ahci-Add-Intel-Emmitsburg-PCH-RAID-PCI-IDs.patch
+  8086:282f has been already included in the upstream, while 8086:282b
+  is never released.
+- commit 3276e1e
+- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
+- commit 20076ce
-- powerpc/pseries: Honour current SMT state when DLPAR onlining
-  CPUs (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- powerpc: Add HOTPLUG_SMT support (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462
-  ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-net-sched-tcindex-Do-not-use-perfect-hashing.patch.
+  Replaced with upstream commit 8c710f75256b ("net/sched: Retire tcindex classifier").
+- commit 8e7e62a
+- powerpc/fadump: invoke ibm,os-term with rtas_call_unlocked()
+  (bsc#1210421 ltc#202733).
+- commit 395c794
+- powerpc/idle: Add support for nohlt (bac#1214529).
-- powerpc/pseries: Initialise CPU hotplug callbacks earlier
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Allow enabling partial SMT states via sysfs
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Create topology_smt_thread_allowed() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Remove topology_smt_supported() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Store the current/max number of threads (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move smt/control simple exit cases earlier (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move SMT prototypes into cpu_smt.h (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- commit 8bd8972
+- commit 1309479
-- sched/psi: use kernfs polling functions for PSI trigger polling
-  (bsc#1209799).
-- commit 4477665
+- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
+  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
+- commit 7bb5087
-- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- commit d85264e
+- powerpc/pseries: new character devices for RTAS functions
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01242f0
-- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
-  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
-- commit 4e5fad7
+- block: sed-opal: keyring support for SED keys (jsc#PED-3545).
+- Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_REVERT_LSP (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_DISCOVERY (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit c8bb675
-- ceph: don't check for quotas on MDS stray dirs (bsc#1214238).
-- commit dcb3418
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-during.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 58e4b74
-- iommu/dma: Fix incorrect error return on iommu deferred attach
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit c7a880f
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-use-after-free-in-error-handlin.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 28ed2c1
-- iommu/dma: return error code from iommu_dma_map_sg()
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit 5d989c6
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-edid-Fix-csync-detailed-mode-parsing.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit edfd280
-- iommu/amd: Fix pci device refcount leak in ppr_notifier()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ill-formed ivrs_ioapic, ivrs_hpet and
-  ivrs_acpihid options (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ivrs_acpihid cmdline parsing code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/fsl_pamu: Fix resource leak in fsl_pamu_probe()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/rockchip: fix permission bits in page table entries v2
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Remove IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Implement .iotlb_sync_map (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix flush size (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix R/W permission check (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Consider all fault sources for reset (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix reset release (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in
-  dmar_dev_scope_init() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in has_external_pci()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Set SRE bit only when hardware has SRS cap
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Preset Access bit for IOVA in FL non-leaf paging
-  entries (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Clean up si_domain in the init_dmars() error path
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/iova: Fix module config properly (git-fixes).
-- iommu/omap: Fix buffer overflow in debugfs (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make default domain type of HiSilicon PTT
-  device to identity (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Check correct capability for sagaw determination
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Correctly calculate sagaw value of IOMMU
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix kdump kernels boot failure with scalable mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: use full 64-bit value in build_completion_wait()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix compile warning in init code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Add PCI segment support for ivrs_ commands
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add a quirk to allow pgtable PA up
-  to 35bit (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dma: Fix iova map result check bug (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: check return value after calling
-  platform_get_resource() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu: fix possible null-ptr-deref in
-  arm_smmu_device_probe() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Add RPLS to quirk list to skip TE disabling
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: fix event handling soft lockup (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dart: Initialize DART_STREAMS_ENABLE (git-fixes).
-- commit b73aa3b
+- rpm/ Re-enable supported.conf check again
+- commit 996f035
+- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
+- commit 55d8b82
+- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
+  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
+- commit 5b41c27
+- blacklist.conf: Drop obsoleted entries
+  ... while keepng the blacklist paths
+- commit 953ef5b
+- supported.conf: update for 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Draft version, the new entries are marked with SP6-NEED-REVIEW comments
+  Aligned with ALP-current commit 2c77a1e663f2 except for a few
+  filesystems (reiserfs, hfsplus, quota_v1 and ufs)
+- commit 1d117c2
+- Bump to 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Merge the contents of ALP-current branch as is with keeping the
+  downstream fix patches marked with +SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+  The 6.4.x stable patches are still in
+  The configs are updated from the merge of stable and SLE15-SP5.
+  supported.conf is not updated yet, hence the modules may be included
+  in wrong sub-packages as of this commit.
+  The references for the new patches taken from ALP-current:
+  boo#1193472 bsc#1204315 bsc#1208724 bsc#1212091 ltc#199106 bsc#1212533
+  bsc#1212808 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213693 bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161
+  ltc#200588
+  The references between 6.4 merge to the latest ALP-current:
+  bsc#1012628 bsc#1120059 bsc#1205462 bsc#1208724 bsc#1209006 bsc#1212091
+  bsc#1212395 bsc#1212405 bsc#1212471 bsc#1212505 bsc#1212533 bsc#1212741
+  bsc#1212773 bsc#1212775 bsc#1212808 bsc#1212835 bsc#1212874 bsc#1213270
+  bsc#1213491 bsc#1213545 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213592 bsc#1213645 bsc#1213693
+  bsc#1213779 bsc#1213787 bsc#1214120 bsc#1214149 bsc#1214193 bsc#1214212
+  bsc#1214285 bsc#1214380
+  jsc#PED-2006 jsc#PED-3039 jsc#PED-3186 jsc#PED-3637 jsc#PED-3750
+  jsc#PED-4114 jsc#PED-5484 jsc#PED-949 jsc#PED-962 jsc#SLE-12908
+  CVE-2023-3269 CVE-2023-35826 CVE-2023-4128 CVE-2023-4273
+- commit d016c04
+- rpm/ disable supported.conf check temporarily for 6.4 updates
+- commit 76638c4
+- Change to SLE15-SP6 branch (jsc#PED-4593)
+  The base kernel version isn't changed yet.
+  Updated maintainers, removed kABI, and updated IBS/OBS projects.
+  OBS 32bit Arm project isn't updated yet.
+- commit 126b9a7
+- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
+  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
+  copying defines or build dependencies there.
+- commit 254b03c
+- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
+  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
+- commit 2c37773
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
+- commit 4e5fad7
-- nvme-rdma: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- nvme-tcp: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- commit 2d8bf94
-- x86/mce: Make sure logged MCEs are processed after sysfs update (git-fixes).
-- commit 64aa9ec
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Disable XSAVES on AMD family 0x17 (git-fixes).
-- commit b1259cb
-- x86/speculation: Add cpu_show_gds() prototype (git-fixes).
-- commit edd5557
-- fs/sysv: Null check to prevent null-ptr-deref bug (git-fixes).
-- commit ae6500e
-- iio: cros_ec: Fix the allocation size for cros_ec_command
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: ina2xx: avoid NULL pointer dereference on OF device
-  match (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Properly handle processing of pending events
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb-storage: alauda: Fix uninit-value in alauda_check_media()
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Prevent bailing out if initial
-  role is none (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd when configuring
-  pin assignment (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix response to vsafe0V event (git-fixes).
-- commit d86b205
-- netfilter: KABI workaround for CVE-2023-3610 bsc#1213580
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit ecae123
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic
-  (bsc#1213580 CVE-2023-3610).
-- commit 12da4f7
-- hwmon: (pmbus/bel-pfe) Enable PMBUS_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK for
-  pfe1100 (git-fixes).
-- nilfs2: fix use-after-free of nilfs_root in dirtying inodes
-  via iput (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check attr flag before set cursor degamma on
-  DCN3+ (git-fixes).
-- drm/shmem-helper: Reset vma->vm_ops before calling
-  dma_buf_mmap() (git-fixes).
-- drm/rockchip: Don't spam logs in atomic check (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/disp: Revert a NULL check inside
-  nouveau_connector_get_modes (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: imx8mn-var-som: add missing pull-up for onboard
-  PHY reset pinmux (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: fix enumeration completion (git-fixes).
-- net: usbnet: Fix WARNING in usbnet_start_xmit/usb_submit_urb
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free in l2cap_sock_ready_cb
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests/rseq: check if libc rseq support is registered
-  (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: bus: pm_runtime_request_resume on peripheral
-  attachment (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f8ce0d
-- net/sched: cls_route: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_fw: No longer copy tcf_result on update to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_u32: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- commit 9904c3b
-- ceph: never send metrics if disable_send_metrics is set
-  (bsc#1214180).
-- commit 32f3ae7
-- wifi: cfg80211: fix sband iftype data lookup for AP_VLAN
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_flower: Relax success criterion
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool_extended_state: Skip when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool: Skip when using veth pairs
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Add a helper to skip test when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Switch off timeout (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Skip test when no interfaces are
-  specified (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: at803x: remove set/get wol callbacks for AR8032
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: pl330: Return DMA_PAUSED when transaction is paused
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: mcf-edma: Fix a potential un-allocated memory access
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b70a6bf
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist useless doc fix
-- commit 685dbed
-- exfat: check if filename entries exceeds max filename length
-  (bsc#1214120 CVE-2023-4273).
-- commit b7e68de
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946 bsc#1214404).
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946).
-- commit e7bc55c
-- powerpc/security: Fix Speculation_Store_Bypass reporting on
-  Power10 (bsc#1188885 ltc#193722 git-fixes).
-- commit 298c13e
+- x86/sev: Add SNP-specific unaccepted memory support  (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 5c42f70
+- x86/sev: Use large PSC requests if applicable (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 0856765
+- x86/sev: Allow for use of the early boot GHCB for PSC requests (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 60199fa
+- x86/sev: Put PSC struct on the stack in prep for unaccepted memory  support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 97e9c3a
+- x86/tdx: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit f20d514
+- x86/tdx: Refactor try_accept_one() (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 1ecd7d0
+- x86/tdx: Make _tdx_hypercall() and __tdx_module_call() available in  boot stub (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit c232bda
+- x86/boot/compressed: Handle unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 4bd0435
+- mm: Add support for unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit a1a31b1
-- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
-  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- commit 8f3e780
-- rpm/ Disable DT build.
-  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
-- commit f4371ff
-- commit 204fbb3
-- set CONFIG_SCSI_COMMON=y (jsc#PED-1183).
-- commit 647047f
-- Update azure config.
-- commit 89e22ef
-- disable CS_DSP
-- commit 884c939
-- increase NR_CPUS on azure and follow kernel-default (bsc#1203979)
-- commit 21230c1
-- build mlx in azure as modules again (bsc#1203701)
-  There is little gain by having the drivers built into the kernel.
-  Having them as modules allows easy replacement by third party drivers.
-  On x86_64, change mlx* from built-in to module.
-  On arm64, change mlx4, mlx5 and mlxfw from built-in to module.
-- commit 6b012fa
-- explicit set MODULE_SIG_HASH in azure config (bsc#1203933)
-  Setting this option became mandatory in Feb 2022.
-  While the lack of this option did not cause issues with automated builds,
-  a manual osc build started to fail due to incorrect macro expansion.
-- commit a934fdc
-- add Kirk Allan as branch maintainer
-- commit d230588
-- README.BRANCH: update maintainer email address
-- commit 0252c8a
-- enable DRM_BOCHS as module (bsc#1200572)
-- commit ea923ea
-- enable SERIAL_8250_PNP to avoid IRQ conflict between ttyS0 and rtc0 (bsc#1197303)
-- commit c637e49
-- Disable hyperv_fb in favour of hyperv_drm (jsc#SLE-19733)
-- commit b08b929
-- sort azure config files.
-- commit 038a474
-- Update config files.
-- commit aec54b3
-- Update config files.
-- commit a928253
-- Update config files.
-  - GPIO_MB86S7X
-  - RTC_DRV_R7301
-- commit 651101e
-- Update config files.
-  sync x86_64 with arm64
-- commit 2b3758f
-- Update config files.
-  - IMA
-  - TCG_TIS
-  - TCG_TPM
-  - TEE
-- commit 76a3041
-- Update config files.
-  NR_CPUS=512
-- commit 91991c3
-- Adjust config.conf to really build kernel-azure.aarch64
-- commit b8679a4
-- Update config files.
-  - ARCH_BCM2835
-  - ARCH_BCM4908
-  - ARCH_K3
-  - ARCH_LG1K
-  - ARCH_S32
-  - BATTERY_DS2780
-  - BATTERY_DS2781
-  - MFD_HI6421_PMIC
-  - PHY_PXA_28NM_USB2
-- commit 9a71ab0
-- Build kernel-azure.aarch64 (jsc#SLE-17855,bsc#1186071)
-- commit 10d58cd
-- Update config files.
-- commit e4c052a
-- Update config files.
-  - SPI
-- commit 8b183cc
-- Update config files.
-  - PVH
-- commit 809b1af
-- Update config files.
-  - VDPA
-- commit 87e6234
-- Update config files.
-- commit a9cc33f
-- Update config files. MLX=y
-  As an experiment, build the MLX drivers into the kernel.
-  With accelerated networking this hardware is always available.
-  MLX4_CORE=y
-  MLX4_EN=y
-  MLX5_CORE=y
-  MLXFW=y
-  VXLAN=y
-- commit e0c8d92
-- Update config files.
-- commit f4a416b
-- Update config files.
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_IDT82P33
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_OCP
-  - SPI_MUX
-  - WWAN
-- commit 9b72bf1
-- Update config files.
-- commit 929d702
-- Update config files.
-  - BCM_VK
-  - CXL_BUS
-  - HW_RANDOM_BA431
-  - LMK04832
-  - LPC_ICH
-  - LPC_SCH
-  - MFD_VX855
-  - MHI_BUS
-  - PLX_DMA
-  - SF_PDMA
-  - TI_ST
-- commit 42e9b9c
-- Update config files.
-  - W1
-- commit 06ff2a6
-- Update config files.
-  - MFD_TQMX86
-  - NET_VENDOR_8390
-- commit cbde459
-- Update config files.
-- commit 0769254
-- config.conf: disable !azure
-- commit 09a3505
-- Add azure config
-- commit cc8ec28
-- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
-- commit 771f9ac
-- commit 15b5bb2
-- Created new preempt kernel flavor
-  Configs are cloned from the respective $arch/default configs. All
-  changed configs appart from CONFIG_PREEMPT->y are a result of
-  dependencies, namely many lock/unlock primitives are no longer
-  inlined in the preempt kernel. TREE_RCU has been also changed to
-  PREEMPT_RCU which is the default implementation for PREEMPT kernel.
-- commit ba6a3b0
+- commit f994874
-- commit 74358bf
+- commit f295c06
+- Update -rt config files.
+- commit b2029bb
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- Refresh -rt config files.
+- commit e539d6b
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
-- s390: add z16 elf platform (git-fixes LTC#203789 bsc#1215956
-  LTC#203788 bsc#1215957).
-- commit a4355b3
+- Update config files.
+  - BATTERY_UG3105
+  - BCM84881_PHY
+  - CDX_BUS
+  - CHARGER_MAX77976
+  - DRM_SSD130X
+  - FB_SSD130X
+  - FW_CS_DSP
+  - HID_VRC2
+  - HNS3_PMU
+  - I2C_HID
+  - MCTP
+  - MFD_MAX597X
+  - MFD_MAX77714
+  - P2SB
+  - RTC_DRV_NCT3018Y
+  - SAMSUNG_Q10
+  - WPCM450_SOC
+- commit 6d89b4c
+- Update config files.
+- commit cedd036
+- config.conf: disable !azure
+- commit 98c5b50
+- Add azure config
+- commit 32fc924
+- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
+- commit dc646eb
+- commit 38b4fba
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- gve: Support IPv6 Big TCP on DQ (bsc#1214479).
+- Refresh patches.suse/gve-unify-driver-name-usage.patch.
+- commit ff50f3e
+- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
+- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
+- commit 6799c0b
+- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Replace scsi_target_block() with
+  scsi_block_targets() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
+  (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
+  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1209284).
+- commit 62d1aaa
+- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
+  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
+- commit f7703bd
+- xen/events: replace evtchn_rwlock with RCU (bsc#1215745,
+  xsa-441, cve-2023-34324).
+- commit 4249e3a
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- io_uring: don't allow IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- io_uring: ensure io_lockdep_assert_cq_locked() handles disabled
+  rings (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/kbuf: don't allow registered buffer rings on highmem
+  pages (git-fixes).
+- commit 7c0dd42
+- rdma: fix INFINIBAND_USER_ACCESS dependency (jsc#PED-6864).
+- net: enetc: reset taprio stats when taprio is deleted
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- commit 584e676
+- Refresh patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130)
+  Add entries for more *.pnvm files
+- commit a47aae0
+- locking/rtmutex: Add a lockdep assert to catch potential nested
+  blocking (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Use rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Provide rt_mutex specific scheduler helpers (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- sched: Extract __schedule_loop() (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT
+  prerequisite backports)).
+- locking/rtmutex: Avoid unconditional slowpath for
+  DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite
+  backports)).
+- sched: Constrain locks in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1214683
+  (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- tick/rcu: Fix false positive "softirq work is pending" messages
+  (bsc#1214683 (PREEMPT_RT prerequisite backports)).
+- commit 1d28f04
+- netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: avoid OOB read (bsc#1216046
+  CVE-2023-39189).
+- commit ea34632
+- RDMA/irdma: Allow accurate reporting on QP max send/recv WR
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-Remove-unnecessary-ternary-operators.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Drop-unused-kernel-push-code.patch.
+- commit 06f966d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize Doorbell pacing feature (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Fix-max_qp-count-for-virtual-functions.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/RDMA-bnxt_re-Remove-a-redundant-flag.patch.
+- commit d397127
+- RDMA/rxe: Send last wqe reached event on qp cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/RDMA-rxe-Fix-unsafe-drain-work-queue-code.patch.
+- commit c7d93ae
+- igc: Add XDP hints kfuncs for RX timestamp (jsc#PED-4860).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/igc-Fix-TX-Hang-issue-when-QBV-Gate-is-closed.patch.
+- commit 1039403
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-cyttsp4_core-change-del_timer_sync-to-tim.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
+- commit 879ed5d
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Decrement resource stats correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the handling of control path response data
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix NULL pointer access in regmr_cmd (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Fix error code in erdma_create_scatter_mtt()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- qed/red_ll2: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct qed_ll2_info
+  (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: always add legacy 32byte RXDID in supported_rxdids
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- sfc: handle error pointers returned by
+  rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast() (jsc#PED-6894).
+- igc: Expose tx-usecs coalesce setting to user (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: Flush XDP for bnxt_poll_nitroa0()'s NAPI
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- igc: Fix infinite initialization loop with early XDP redirect
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: clean up in all error paths when enabling SR-IOV
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igb: Change IGB_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igbvf: Change IGBVF_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64
+  and 80 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- igc: Change IGC_MIN to allow set rx/tx value between 64 and 80
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- igb: disable virtualization features on 82580 (jsc#PED-4866).
+- sfc: check for zero length in EF10 RX prefix (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/hfi1: Reduce printing of errors during driver shut down
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Move user SDMA system memory pinning code to its
+  own file (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hfi1: Use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix trailing */ formatting in block comment
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix redundant break statement in switch-case
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Call llist_reverse_order in siw_run_sq (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix kernel doc errors (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Implement hierarchical MTT (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the storage structure of MTT entries
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Renaming variable names and field names of struct
+  erdma_mem (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support hns HW stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Dump whole QP/CQ/MR resource in raw (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add missing kernel-doc in irdma_setup_umode_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx4: Copy union directly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for dmabuf pinned memory regions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Protect the PD table bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize mutex dbq_lock (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/core: Add more speed parsing in ib_get_width_and_speed()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Set sq_sig_type correctly (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused declaration hns_roce_modify_srq()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary NULL values (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Avoid unnecessary memset (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Cleanup bnxt_re_process_raw_qp_pkt_rx() function
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the sideband buffer size handling for FW
+  commands (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/mlx5: Add HW counter called rx_dct_connect (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mthca: Remove unnecessary NULL assignments (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix one kernel-doc comment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: Fix tx thread initialization (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx: Remove unnecessary variable initializations
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Use HW specific minimum WQ size (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Get IB width and speed from netdev (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the debug counters for doorbell pacing
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Expose the missing hw counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Update the hw counters for resource stats
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_re: Reorganize the resource stats (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Cleanup and rename irdma_netdev_vlan_ipv6()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Add table based lookup for CQ pointer during an
+  event (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Refactor error handling in create CQP
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop a local in irdma_sc_get_next_aeqe
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Use struct_size() (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove VF extend configuration (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Support get XRCD number from firmware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove duplicate assignments of va (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in qedr_create_gsi_qp()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add a new uapi for driver notification
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Implement doorbell pacing algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Update alloc_page uapi for pacing (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable pacing support for the user apps
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt_en: Share the bar0 address with the RoCE driver
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Update HW interface headers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- RDMA/cma: Avoid GID lookups on iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Deduplicate error flow in cma_validate_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/core: Set gid_attr.ndev for iWARP devices (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/siw: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Fix building without IPv6 (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/irdma: Implement egress VLAN priority (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/efa: Add RDMA write HW statistics counters (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/mlx5: align MR mem allocation size to power-of-two
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: Check firmware supports Ethernet PTP filter (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: extend pedit add action to handle decrement ipv6 hop limit
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce pedit add actions on the ipv4 ttl field
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ipv6 hop limit by offloading set hop limit
+  actions (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add decrement ttl by offloading set ipv4 ttl actions
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add mac source and destination pedit action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: introduce ethernet pedit set action infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- IB/core: Reorder GID delete code for RoCE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bnxt: use the NAPI skb allocation cache (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Add tx_resets ring counter (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Display the ring error counters under ethtool -S
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Save ring error counters across reset (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Increment rx_resets counter in bnxt_disable_napi()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Let the page pool manage the DMA mapping
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Use the unified RX page pool buffers for XDP and
+  non-XDP (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload left-hand side rules for conntrack (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: conntrack state matches in TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: handle non-zero chain_index on TC rules (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: offload conntrack flow entries (match only) from CT zones
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to insert/remove conntrack entries to MAE
+  hardware (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: functions to register for conntrack zone offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add MAE table machinery for conntrack table (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=stringop-overflow warning in bnxt_dcb.c
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- bnxt_en: Fix W=1 warning in bnxt_dcb.c from fortify memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: add missing xdp.h includes in drivers (jsc#PED-4860).
+- eth: bnxt: fix warning for define in struct_group
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: fix one of the W=1 warnings about fortified memcpy()
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: Remove vfdi.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Cleanups in io.h (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Miscellaneous comment removals (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove struct efx_special_buffer (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Filter cleanups for Falcon and Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove some NIC type indirections that are no longer needed
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove PTP code for Siena (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove EFX_REV_SIENA_A0 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove support for siena high priority queue
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove siena_nic_data and stats (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: Remove falcon references (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: clean up a type issue (jsc#PED-3309).
+- eth: bnxt: handle invalid Tx completions more gracefully
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: take the bit to set as argument of
+  bnxt_queue_sp_work() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- eth: bnxt: move and rename reset helpers (jsc#PED-5742).
+- net: bna: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-6884).
+- igc: Add TransmissionOverrun counter (jsc#PED-4860).
+- bnxt_en: use dev_consume_skb_any() in bnxt_tx_int
+  (jsc#PED-5742).
+- infiniband: convert to ctime accessor functions (jsc#PED-6864).
+- fs: add ctime accessors infrastructure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: allocate a big enough SKB for loopback selftest packet
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize dpi_tbl_lock mutex (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: fix field-spanning memcpy in selftest (jsc#PED-6894).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix an error handling path in rxe_bind_mw()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- bna: Remove error checking for debugfs_create_dir()
+  (jsc#PED-6884).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix spelling mistake "priviledged" -> "privileged"
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove duplicated include in bnxt_re/main.c
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor code around bnxt_qplib_map_rc()
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove incorrect return check from slow path
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable low latency push (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Reorg the bar mapping (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Move the interface version to chip context
+  structure (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Query function capabilities from firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Optimize the bnxt_re_init_hwrm_hdr usage
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add disassociate ucontext support (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Use the common mmap helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Initialize opcode while sending message
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/cma: Remove NULL check before dev_{put, hold}
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Simplify cq->notify code (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fixes mr access supported list (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: optimize the parameters passed to helper functions
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove redundant cmdq_bitmap (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: use firmware provided max request timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: cancel all control path command waiters upon error
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: post destroy_ah for delayed completion of AH
+  creation (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Add firmware stall check detection (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: handle command completions after driver detect
+  a timedout (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: set fixed command queue depth (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: remove virt_func check while creating RoCE FW
+  channel (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Refactor the original doorbell allocation mechanism
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Associate QPs/CQs with doorbells for authorization
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Allocate doorbell resources from hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/erdma: Configure PAGE_SIZE to hardware (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Implement rereg_user_mr (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Let rkey == lkey for local access (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Introduce rxe access supported flags (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA//rxe: Optimize send path in rxe_resp.c (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Rename IB_ACCESS_REMOTE (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Add clear_hem return value to log (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary QP type checks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Remove unused struct mmu_rb_ops fields .insert,
+  .invalidate (jsc#PED-6864).
+- IB/hfi1: Add mmu_rb_node refcount to hfi1_mmu_rb_template
+  tracepoints (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rtrs: Remove duplicate cq_num assignment (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix comments about removed tasklets (jsc#PED-6864).
+- RDMA/rxe: Add workqueue support for rxe tasks (jsc#PED-6864).
+- sfc: falcon: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: siena: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: use padding to fix alignment in loopback test
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: keep alive neighbour entries while a TC encap action is
+  using them (jsc#PED-6894).
+- bnxt_en: Link representors to PCI device (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: fix uninitialized variable use (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add CONFIG_INET dependency for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: do not try to call tc functions when CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV=n
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/sched: taprio: report class offload stats per TXQ, not
+  per TC (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: Add devlink dev info support for EF10 (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: generate encap headers for TC offload (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: neighbour lookup for TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: MAE functions to create/update/delete encap headers
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: add function to atomically update a rule in the MAE
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- sfc: some plumbing towards TC encap action offload
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net: enetc: report statistics counters for taprio
+  (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net: enetc: refactor enetc_setup_tc_taprio() to have a
+  switch/case for cmd (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: add netlink reporting for offload statistics
+  counters (jsc#PED-4860).
+- net/sched: taprio: don't overwrite "sch" variable in
+  taprio_dump_class_stats() (jsc#PED-4860).
+- sfc: handle VI shortage on ef100 by readjusting the channels
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- net/mlx4: Use bitmap_weight_and() (jsc#PED-3309).
+- igb: Define igb_pm_ops conditionally on CONFIG_PM
+  (jsc#PED-4866).
+- net: remove __skb_frag_set_page() (jsc#PED-5742).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_src_port
+  (jsc#PED-6894).
+- commit d69eedd
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- mm, memcg: reconsider kmem.limit_in_bytes deprecation
+  (bsc#1208788 bsc#1213705).
+- commit 8678375
+- Revert "Delete patches.suse/memcg-drop-kmem-limit_in_bytes.patch."
+  This reverts commit 52c1db3eb4e2acbdd91aaaefddc26b7207cd4c90.
+  It'll be fixed differently in a following commit.
+  Restore the commit with upstream commit already for proper sorting.
+- commit dcac9e6
+- blk-cgroup: Fix NULL deref caused by blkg_policy_data being
+  installed before init (bsc#1216062).
+- commit 82eb0da
+- blacklist.conf: Add 82b90b6c5b38 cgroup:namespace: Remove unused cgroup_namespaces_init()
+- commit 8f5c0b6
+- HID: sony: remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e63039
+- PCI/PM: Mark devices disconnected if upstream PCIe link is
+  down on resume (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom: Fix IPQ8074 enumeration (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: hp-wmi:: Mark driver struct with __refdata to
+  prevent section mismatch warning (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: tmfifo: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/ifs: release cpus_read_lock() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- net: lan743x: also select PHYLIB (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix incorrect usage of scan API (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Create resources for disabled links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix potential key use-after-free (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt76x02: fix MT76x0 external LNA gain handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix oob check condition in
+  mwifiex_process_rx_packet (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: rtw8723d: Fix MAC address offset in EEPROM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix mesh id corruption on 32 bit systems
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix a memory corruption issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg_ini: fix structure packing (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211/mac80211: hold link BSSes when assoc fails for
+  MLO connection (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix tlv_buf_left calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix lock dependency problem for wed_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: llcp: Add lock when modifying device list (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: Revert "fix kobject release warning and memory
+  leak in regulator_register()" (git-fixes).
+- regulator/core: regulator_register: set device->class earlier
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Fix wrong register marked as in-cache when
+  creating new node (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix potential use after free in
+  nilfs_gccache_submit_read_data() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "tty: n_gsm: fix UAF in gsm_cleanup_mux" (git-fixes).
+- serial: 8250_port: Check IRQ data before use (git-fixes).
+- soc: imx8m: Enable OCOTP clock for imx8mm before reading
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Fix node refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: core: fix use after free in uevent (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rt9467: Fix rt9467_run_aicl() (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: rk817: Add missing module alias (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ucs1002: fix error code in ucs1002_get_property()
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: mt6370: Fix missing error code in
+  mt6370_chg_toggle_cfo() (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-gxp: BUG: Correct spi write return value (git-fixes).
+- commit 411dd64
+- dt-bindings: trivial-devices: Fix MEMSIC MXC4005 compatible
+  string (git-fixes).
+- media: dt-bindings: imx7-csi: Make power-domains not required
+  for imx8mq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: media: renesas,vin: Fix field-even-active spelling
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: aspeed: fix the GPIO number passed to
+  pinctrl_gpio_set_config() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pxa: disable pinctrl calls for MMP_GPIO (git-fixes).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Disable and reenable ACPI GPE bit
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: sony: Fix a potential memory leak in sony_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iwlwifi: mvm: handle PS changes in vif_cfg_changed (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc75xx: Fix uninit-value access in
+  __smsc75xx_read_reg (git-fixes).
+- leds: Drop BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI (git-fixes).
+- modpost: add missing else to the "of" check (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Fixup perf power-cost/microwatt support
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Don't set the memory region attributes for
+  MEM_LEND (git-fixes).
+- firmware: imx-dsp: Fix an error handling path in
+  imx_dsp_setup_channels() (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix missing AM35xx SoC matching (git-fixes).
+- i2c: npcm7xx: Fix callback completion ordering (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pmic-eic-sprd: Add can_sleep flag for PMIC EIC chip
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: tegra: fix error return case for recalc_rate (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Fix regmap write accessor (git-fixes).
+- clk: si521xx: Use REGCACHE_FLAT instead of NONE (git-fixes).
+- clk: sprd: Fix thm_parents incorrect configuration (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Match auto-discovered region decoders by HPA range
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/pci: Fix appropriate checking for _OSC while handling CXL
+  RAS registers (git-fixes).
+- gpio: tb10x: Fix an error handling path in tb10x_gpio_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: xiic: Correct return value check for xiic_reinit()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: gpio: Add missing fwnode_handle_put() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: demux-pinctrl: check the return value of
+  devm_kstrdup() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: unregister tco_pdev in i801_probe() error path
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: fix frag_list chaining (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
+- commit 144b2b0
+- Bluetooth: hci_codec: Fix leaking content of local_codecs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix handling of listen for unicast (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_link_tx_to RCU lock usage (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix handling of
+- Bluetooth: Delete unused hci_req_prepare_suspend() declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Fix incorrect calculation of idt size (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: remove CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_NPCM8XX=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Use fsleep() instead of usleep_range() in
+  sysc_reset() (git-fixes).
+- ARM: uniphier: fix cache kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Do not register PM operations for SAS ports
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix port and device removal (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix ata_port_request_pm() locking (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-sata: increase PMP SRST timeout to 10s (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: ignore reserved bits for REPORT SUPPORTED
+  OPERATION CODES (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Do not use wait event interruptible (git-fixes).
+- commit 8671b07
+- misc: rtsx: Fix some platforms can not boot and move the l1ss
+  judgment to probe (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit cb63da0
+- Drop the downstream revert patch for rtsx driver (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
+  The upstream fix will follow
+- commit 12a98ef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Remove not-used cache disable flag (git-fixes)
+- commit d265793
+- RDMA/core: Require admin capabilities to set system parameters (git-fixes)
+- commit ba648d8
+- RDMA/cma: Initialize ib_sa_multicast structure to 0 when join (git-fixes)
+- commit 4975d08
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mkey cache possible deadlock on cleanup (git-fixes)
+- commit 36b7bc4
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix NULL string error (git-fixes)
+- commit 997bcef
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix mutex unlocking on error flow for steering anchor creation (git-fixes)
+- commit 386907d
+- RDMA/mlx5: Fix assigning access flags to cache mkeys (git-fixes)
+- commit 48eb599
+- IB/mlx4: Fix the size of a buffer in add_port_entries() (git-fixes)
+- commit db2e278
+- RDMA/cma: Fix truncation compilation warning in make_cma_ports (git-fixes)
+- commit d432eb1
+- RDMA/uverbs: Fix typo of sizeof argument (git-fixes)
+- commit e989827
+- RDMA/cxgb4: Check skb value for failure to allocate (git-fixes)
+- commit c91349a
+- RDMA/siw: Fix connection failure handling (git-fixes)
+- commit 0c6c2d5
+- RDMA/srp: Do not call scsi_done() from srp_abort() (git-fixes)
+- commit decf5af
+- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
+- commit e8f13ae
+- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
+- commit ee5fede
+- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
+- commit db9b78b
+- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
+- commit 870a58d
+- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
+- commit 2517e23
+- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
+- commit 301ea4d
+- RDMA/irdma: Drop unused kernel push code (git-fixes)
+- commit 9786b53
+- RDMA: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (git-fixes)
+- commit b3ae7a5
+- platform/x86: ISST: Fix usage counter (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit f576773
+- platform/x86: ISST: Reset default callback on unregister
+  (jsc#PED-6156).
+- commit 7c37bca
+- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
+- commit ae6bd28
+- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
+- commit fc1cada
+- RDMA/hns: Fix inaccurate error label name in init instance (git-fixes)
+- commit 34aadc0
+- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
+- commit ff3c701
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove a redundant flag (git-fixes)
+- commit 001b6a1
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
+- commit cc851d8
+- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
+- commit 2f666f0
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix incomplete state save in rxe_requester (git-fixes)
+- commit 7b5bacf
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix rxe_modify_srq (git-fixes)
+- commit 7c8a1be
+- RDMA/rxe: Fix unsafe drain work queue code (git-fixes)
+- commit d04f3ed
+- RDMA/rxe: Move work queue code to subroutines (git-fixes)
+- commit 069a48c
+- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
+- commit 58aadd5
+- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
+- commit 8fd5f7d
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci:
+  Document affinity_domain_via_partition sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via partition information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_domain sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  affinity domain via domain information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  affinity_domain_via_virtual_processor sysfs interface file
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to
+  show affinity domain via virtual processor information
+  (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_config sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor config information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- docs: ABI: sysfs-bus-event_source-devices-hv_gpci: Document
+  processor_bus_topology sysfs interface file (jsc#PED-5059).
+- powerpc/hv_gpci: Add sysfs file inside hv_gpci device to show
+  processor bus topology information (jsc#PED-5059).
+- commit 4340580
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- tracing/user_events: Align set_bit() address for all archs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0517cb9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Fix invalid setting of Power Limit 4
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 93c416d
+- ring-buffer: Update "shortest_full" in polling (git-fixes).
+- commit b94b97e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ring-buffer: Fix bytes info in per_cpu buffer stats (git-fixes).
+- commit bba0794
+- bpf: Add override check to kprobe multi link attach (git-fixes).
+- commit 2bdd913
+- tracing/synthetic: Print out u64 values properly (git-fixes).
+- commit 7459811
+- tracing/synthetic: Fix order of struct trace_dynamic_info
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9637422
+- tracing: Have event inject files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d09b7b
+- tracing: Have option files inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a16dcad
+- tracing: Have current_trace inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e5136de
+- tracing: Have tracing_max_latency inc the trace array ref count
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 468c799
+- tracing: Increase trace array ref count on enable and filter
+  files (git-fixes).
+- commit 2d3bc8b
+- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e2c5ec
+- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 08c501c
+- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b14a2bd
+- s390/bpf: Let arch_prepare_bpf_trampoline return program size
+  (git-fixes bsc#1216004).
+- commit d65e779
+- powerpc/ftrace: Fix dropping weak symbols with older toolchains
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cbedc1
+- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
+- commit a128a8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL TPMI interface driver (jsc#PED-4897).
+- powercap: RAPL: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-4897).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf:
+- commit 0f77921
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce core support for TPMI interface
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit f7281be
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Introduce RAPL I/F type (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 9639227
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Make cpu optional for rapl_package
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 28bdcc2
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove redundant cpu parameter
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3651b8f
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Add support for lock bit per Power Limit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 977316b
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Cleanup Power Limits support
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c7a8fb1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use bitmap for Power Limits
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 66103f9
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Change primitive order (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit d24fd48
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Use index to initialize primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 3c01ff3
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per domain energy/power/time unit
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit c42816c
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface primitive
+  information (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit dd80bd7
+- i40e: Fix VF VLAN offloading when port VLAN is configured
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- iavf: schedule a request immediately after add/delete vlan
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: add iavf_schedule_aq_request() helper (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: do not process adminq tasks when __IAVF_IN_REMOVE_TASK
+  is set (jsc#PED-4937).
+- xsk: Fix xsk_build_skb() error: 'skb' dereferencing possible
+  ERR_PTR() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: avoid executing commands on other ports when driving sync
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed/qede: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-5734).
+- ice: split ice_aq_wait_for_event() func into two (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: embed &ice_rq_event_info event into struct ice_aq_task
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: ice_aq_check_events: fix off-by-one check when filling
+  buffer (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: drop two params from ice_aq_alloc_free_res()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove redundant VSI configuration in eswitch setup
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move E810T functions to before device agnostic ones
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vsi_is_vlan_pruning_ena (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ptp_hw to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_sched to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Utilize assign_bit() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_vf_lib to make functions static
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_lib to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor ice_ddp to make functions static (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove unused methods (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays for structures allocated as
+  `nents` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structures allocated as
+  `nents + 1` (jsc#PED-4876).
+- virtchnl: fix fake 1-elem arrays in structs allocated as
+  `nents + 1` - 1 (jsc#PED-4876).
+- qed: remove unused 'resp_size' calculation (jsc#PED-5734).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_aq_section (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_section_table (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_profile_segment (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct i40e_package_header (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: clean up __ice_aq_get_set_rss_lut() (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add FW load wait (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add get C827 PHY index function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Rename enum ice_pkt_flags values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add direction metadata (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Accept LAG netdevs in bridge offloads (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4874).
+- net: move struct netdev_rx_queue out of netdevice.h
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove i40e_status (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: update reset path for SRIOV LAG support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce no DCB config changing when in bond (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: enforce interface eligibility and add messaging for SRIOV
+  LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: support non-standard teardown of bond interface
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Flesh out implementation of support for SRIOV on bonded
+  interface (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: process events created by lag netdev event handler
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement lag netdev event handler (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: changes to the interface with the HW and FW for
+  SRIOV_VF+LAG (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add driver support for firmware changes for LAG
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Correctly initialize queue context values (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add tracepoints for the switchdev bridge (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement static version of ageing (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: implement bridge port vlan (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add VLAN FDB support in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Add guard rule when creating FDB in switchdev
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Switchdev FDB events support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Implement basic eswitch bridge setup (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Unset src prune on uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Disable vlan pruning for uplink VSI (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Don't tx before switchdev is fully configured
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Prohibit rx mode change in switchdev mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Skip adv rules removal upon switchdev release
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- net: add missing net_device::xdp_zc_max_segs description
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add TX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: Tx multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: xsk: add RX multi-buffer support (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: support mbuf on ZC RX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add new netlink attribute dedicated for ZC max frags
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Tx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: allow core/drivers to test EOP bit (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce wrappers and helpers for supporting multi-buffer
+  in Tx path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: add support for AF_XDP multi-buffer on Rx path
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: move xdp_buff's data length check to xsk_rcv_check
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare both copy and zero-copy modes to co-exist
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: introduce XSK_USE_SG bind flag for xsk socket
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- xsk: prepare 'options' in xdp_desc for multi-buffer use
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: Wait for pending VF reset in VF set callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- i40e: Add helper for VF inited state check with timeout
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-4876).
+- kbuild: Drop -Wdeclaration-after-statement (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 90ab4c5
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Support per Interface rapl_defaults
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit 950dab1
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Allow probing without CPUID match
+  (jsc#PED-4897).
+- commit cd0b9eb
+- Refresh SED Opal patches to current version.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-SED-Opal-keystore.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/block-sed-opal-keystore-access-for-SED-Opal-keys.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+- commit af23332
+- sfc: fix use-after-free in efx_tc_flower_record_encap_match()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit 66a3362
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering operations to be used as
+  core library (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 980e37c
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Create ACL FT for eswitch manager in
+  switchdev mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Clear mirred devices array if the rule is split
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Convert PCI error values to generic errnos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Dynamic cyclecounter shift calculation for PTP free
+  running clock (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_packet (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement devlink port function cmds to control
+  ipsec_crypto (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Provide an interface to block change of IPsec
+  capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IFC bits to support IPsec enable/disable
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rewrite IPsec vs. TC block interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Drop extra layer of locks in IPsec (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec packet
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: Expose port function commands to control IPsec crypto
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: fix up for "net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering
+  operations to be used as core library" (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handles RoCE MACsec steering rules addition and
+  deletion (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add RoCE MACsec steering infrastructure in core
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for ingress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Configure MACsec steering for egress RoCEv2 traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add MACsec priorities in RDMA namespaces
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Implement MACsec gid addition and deletion
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Maintain fs_id xarray per MACsec device inside macsec
+  steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove netdevice from MACsec steering (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Move MACsec flow steering and statistics database
+  from ethernet to core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Rename MACsec flow steering functions/parameters
+  to suit core naming style (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove dependency of macsec flow steering on ethernet
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: add functions to get macsec real netdevice and check
+  offload (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper TCP protocol selector
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec upper protocol selector field offload
+  for RX (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Store vport in struct mlx5_devlink_port and use it
+  in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check vhca_resource_manager capability in each op
+  and add extack msg (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Relax mlx5_devlink_eswitch_get() return value checking
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return -EOPNOTSUPP in
+  mlx5_devlink_port_fn_migratable_set() directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Reduce number of vport lookups passing vport pointer
+  instead of index (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Embed struct devlink_port into driver structure
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't register ops for non-PF/VF/SF port and avoid
+  checks in ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove no longer used
+  mlx5_esw_offloads_sf_vport_enable/disable() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_sf_vport() and
+  use it from SF code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allow mlx5_esw_offloads_devlink_port_register()
+  to register SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push devlink port PF/VF init/cleanup calls out of
+  devlink_port_register/unregister() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Push out SF devlink port init and cleanup code to
+  separate helpers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rework devlink port alloc/free into init/cleanup
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, only use devcom after NULL check in
+  mlx5_devcom_send_event() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Supporting inline WQE when possible
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename devlink port ops struct for PFs/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove VPORT_UPLINK handling from devlink_port.c
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Call mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() for uplink
+  port directly (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove health syndrome enum duplication
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Remove unneeded local variable (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix code indentation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: IRQ, consolidate irq and affinity mask allocation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Fix spelling mistake "Faided" -> "Failed"
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Introduce ethtool stats (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Warn if aRFS table does not exist for aRFS rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: aRFS, Prevent repeated kernel rule migrations
+  requests (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't query MAX caps twice (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused MAX HCA capabilities (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused CAPs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error message in
+  mlx5_sf_dev_state_change_handler() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check of mlx5_vhca_event_supported()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use mlx5_sf_start_function_id() helper instead of
+  directly calling MLX5_CAP_GEN() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant SF supported check from
+  mlx5_sf_hw_table_init() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use auxiliary_device_uninit() instead of device_put()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Add checking for flow rule destinations
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check with FW that sync reset completed successfully
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose max possible SFs via devlink resource
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add recovery flow for tx devlink health reporter
+  for unhealthy PTP SQ (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make tx_port_ts logic resilient to out-of-order CQEs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Consolidate devlink documentation in devlink/mlx5.rst
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose NIC temperature via hardware monitoring kernel
+  API (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose port.c/mlx5_query_module_num() function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, Only handle registered netdev bridge events
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant arg ignore_flow_lvl
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix typo reminder -> remainder (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate completion EQs dynamically (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle SF IRQ request in the absence of SF IRQ pool
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rename mlx5_comp_vectors_count() to
+  mlx5_comp_vectors_max() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add IRQ vector to CPU lookup function (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Introduce mlx5_cpumask_default_spread (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Implement single completion EQ create/destroy methods
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release handlers in
+  EQ layer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use xarray to store and manage completion IRQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Refactor completion IRQ request/release API
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Track the current number of completion EQs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make TC and IPsec offloads mutually exclusive on
+  a netdev (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add get IPsec offload stats for uplink representor
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Modify and restore TC rules for IPSec TX rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make IPsec offload work together with eswitch and TC
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Compare with old_dest param to modify rule destination
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for TX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec TX tables creation (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle IPsec offload for RX datapath in switchdev
+  mode (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec packet offload for RX in switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Refactor IPsec RX tables creation and destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Prepare IPsec packet offload for switchdev mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Change the parameter of IPsec RX skb handle function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add function to get IPsec offload namespace
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: flow_dissector: Use 64bits for used_keys (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Give esw_offloads_load/unload_rep() "mlx5_" prefix
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_eswitch_load/unload_vport() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Make mlx5_esw_offloads_rep_load/unload() static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless devlink_rate checks (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Don't check vport->enabled in port ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Make flow classification filters static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove duplicate code for user flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Allocate command stats with xarray (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: split mlx5_cmd_init() to probe and reload routines
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant cmdif revision check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Re-organize mlx5_cmd struct (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow devcom initialization on more vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Register devcom device with switch id key
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Infrastructure changes (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use shared code for checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix flowhash key set/get for custom RSS
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Support IPsec NAT-T functionality (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Check for IPsec NAT-T support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add relevant capabilities bits to support NAT-T
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB quantum parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on port ranges
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Pass main driver structure to
+  mlxsw_sp_acl_rulei_destroy() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Add port range key element (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_port_range: Add port range core (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: resource: Add resource identifier for port range
+  registers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Port Range Register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Make max_phase_adjustment sysfs device attribute invisible
+  when not supported (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix SFs kernel documentation error (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add ability to match on layer 2 miss
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Do not force matching on iif
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Split iif parsing to a separate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: save devlink_port_ops into a variable in
+  devlink_port_function_validate() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: support TC decap rules matching on enc_ip_tos
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: populate enc_ip_tos matches in MAE outer rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit d4d7288
-  bsc#1215941).
-- commit a62865f
+  bsc#1215938).
+- commit 2f8f411
+- net/mlx5: Update the driver with the recent thermal changes
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/net-mlx5-Register-a-unique-thermal-zone-per-dev.patch.
+- commit d703dfe
-- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (CVE-2023-39194
-  bsc#1215861).
-- commit 55308cb
+- devlink: bring port new reply back (jsc#PED-3311).
+- blacklist.conf: removed temp blacklist for this commit
+- commit becfbcb
+- net/mlx5: Fix mlx5_cmd_update_root_ft() error flow
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit f123e4d
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix crash on shutdown for when no ndev exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Correct default number of queues when MQ is on
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add capability check for vnic counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix devlink controller number for ECVF (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Return correct EC_VF function ID (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, Fix peer domain namespace setting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, set debugfs access right to root-only
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Support interrupt bypassing (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Rely on dev->link_active_reporting (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Handle DCT QP logic separately from low level QP
+  interface (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Reduce QP table exposure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Nullify qp->dbg pointer post destruction
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove pointless vport lookup from
+  mlx5_esw_check_port_type() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant check from
+  mlx5_esw_query_vport_vhca_id() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant is_mdev_switchdev_mode() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant MLX5_ESWITCH_MANAGER() check from
+  is_ib_rep_supported() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Fix shared fdb error flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant comment (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Pass other_vport flag if vport is not 0
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use xarray for devcom paired device index
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add peer fdb miss rules for vport manager
+  or ecpf (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Use vhca_id for device index in vport rx rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Lag, Remove duplicate code checking lag is supported
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix error code in mlx5_is_reset_now_capable()
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix reserved at offset in hca_cap register
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix UAF in mlx5_eswitch_cleanup() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add .getmaxphase ptp_clock_info callback
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Add .getmaxphase callback to ptp_clock_info (jsc#PED-3311).
+- ptp: Clarify ptp_clock_info .adjphase expects an internal
+  servo to be used (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove unused ecpu field from struct mlx5_sf_table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add header file for events (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, update query of HCA caps for EC VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Fix the macro for accessing EC VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Add local loopback counter to vport stats
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose bits for local loopback counter (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove mlx5e_dbg() and msglvl support (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, remove redundant else statements
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, expose FDB state via debugfs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Bridge, pass net device when linking vport to bridge
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Create eswitch debugfs root directory (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Handle sync reset unload event (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Check DTOR entry value is not zero (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Expose timeout for sync reset unload stage
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Ack on sync_reset_request only if PF can do reset_now
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: tls: make the offload check helper take skb not socket
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove a useless function call (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Light probe local SFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Move esw multiport devlink param to eswitch code
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Split function_setup() to enable and open functions
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Set max number of embedded CPU VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update SRIOV enable/disable to handle EC/VFs
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Query correct caps for min msix vectors
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Use correct vport when restoring GUIDs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add new page type for EC VF pages (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add/remove peer miss rules for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Add management of EC VF vports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Update vport caps query/set for EC VFs (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable devlink port for embedded cpu VF vports
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: mlx5_ifc updates for embedded CPU SRIOV
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Simplify unload all rep code (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: simplify condition after napi budget handling change
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5/core: E-Switch, Allocate ECPF vport if it's an eswitch
+  manager (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Skip inline mode check after
+  mlx5_eswitch_enable_locked() failure (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: TC, refactor access to hash key (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove RX page cache leftovers (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Expose catastrophic steering error counters
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Enable 4 ports VF LAG (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multiport eswitch LAG in case ldev have
+  more than 2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, block multipath LAG in case ldev have more than
+  2 ports (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, change mlx5_shared_fdb_supported() to static
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, generalize handling of shared FDB (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: LAG, check if all eswitches are paired for shared FDB
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- {net/RDMA}/mlx5: introduce lag_for_each_peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Free second uplink ib port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, extend mlx5_devcom_send_event to work with
+  more than two devices (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, introduce devcom_for_each_peer_entry
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, mark devcom as not ready when all eswitches
+  are unpaired (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Devcom, Rename paired to ready (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: DR, handle more than one peer domain (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, generalize shared FDB creation
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, Handle multiple master egress rules
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, refactor FDB miss rule add/remove
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-switch, enlarge peer miss group table
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Handle offloads flows per peer (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, re-factor query route port (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: rep, store send to vport rules per peer
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: tc, Refactor peer add/del flow (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: en_tc, Extend peer flows to a list (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_offload: Reject matching on layer 2 miss (jsc#PED-3311).
+- flow_dissector: Dissect layer 2 miss from tc skb extension
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- skbuff: bridge: Add layer 2 miss indication (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_del() to devlink_port_ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_state_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_migratable_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_roce_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_fn_hw_addr_get/set() to devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx5: register devlink ports with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sfc: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: move port_type_set() op into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- mlx4: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-3311).
+- devlink: remove no longer true locking comment from
+  port_new/del() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Initialize E-Switch for eswitch manager
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: devlink, Only show PF related devlink warning when
+  needed (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use metadata matching for RoCE loopback rule
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use RoCE version 2 for loopback traffic
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add a check that log_max_l2_table is valid
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch: move debug print of adding mac to correct
+  place (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Check device is PF when stopping esw
+  offloads (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant vport_group_manager cap check
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use metadata for vport matching in
+  send-to-vport rules (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Allow get vport api if esw exists
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Update when to set other vport context
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: Remove redundant __func__ arg from fs_err() calls
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Remove flow_source check for metadata
+  matching (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant check (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net/mlx5: Remove redundant esw multiport validate function
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- sch_htb: Allow HTB priority parameter in offload mode
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- net: introduce and use skb_frag_fill_page_desc() (jsc#PED-3311).
+- macsec: Use helper macsec_netdev_priv for offload drivers
+  (jsc#PED-3311).
+- commit ff2baea
-- commit 5ec24b7
+- commit 1bae227
-- commit 292c059
+- commit 8c838db
-- commit ad87dd3
+- commit de82205
-- KVM: s390: pv: fix external interruption loop not always
-  detected (git-fixes bsc#1215916).
-- commit f1893aa
-- btrfs: fix root ref counts in error handling in
-  btrfs_get_root_ref (bsc#1214351 CVE-2023-4389).
-- commit 3731029
-- KVM: s390: fix KVM_S390_GET_CMMA_BITS for GFNs in memslot holes
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215915).
-- commit fe7fbfc
-- KVM: s390/diag: fix racy access of physical cpu number in diag
-  9c handler (git-fixes bsc#1215911).
-- commit 6454286
+- crypto: akcipher - Do not copy dst if it is NULL (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Fix verify call (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: akcipher - Set request tfm on sync path (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit d75a995
-- commit 679511d
+- commit 5ddd22d
-- blacklist.conf: kABi breakage (vmalloc)
-- commit 10bad47
+- crypto: sm2 - Fix crash caused by uninitialized context
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sm2 - Provide sm2_compute_z_digest when sm2 is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Use new crypto interface without scatterlists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Move sm2 code into x509_public_key
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 253faa7
+- supported.conf: Add new p10 crypto modules (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 1cbe2fd
+- KEYS: Add forward declaration in asymmetric-parser.h
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: sig - Add interface for sign/verify (jsc#PED-5460).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: akcipher - Add sync interface without SG lists
+  (jsc#PED-5460).
+- crypto: algboss - Add missing dependency on RNG2 (jsc#PED-5460).
+- commit 746bfd1
+- crypto: powerpc/chacha20,poly1305-p10 - Add dependency on VSX
+  (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit a08f0f4
+- crypto: vmx - Improved AES/XTS performance of 6-way unrolling
+  for ppc (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: powerpc - Add chacha20/poly1305-p10 to Kconfig and
+  Makefile (jsc#PED-5089).
+- Update config files.
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - Glue code for optmized Poly1305
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: poly1305-p10 - An optimized Poly1305 implementation
+  with 4-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypt: chacha20-p10 - Glue code for optmized Chacha20
+  implementation for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- crypto: chacha20-p10 - An optimized Chacha20 implementation
+  with 8-way unrolling for ppc64le (jsc#PED-5089).
+- commit 7745266
-- KVM: s390: interrupt: use READ_ONCE() before cmpxchg()
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215896).
-- commit 8726736
-- KVM: s390: vsie: fix the length of APCB bitmap (git-fixes
-  bsc#1215895).
-- commit 9ff1a1e
-- KVM: s390: vsie: Fix the initialization of the epoch extension
-  (epdx) field (git-fixes bsc#1215894).
-- commit 9c5bbd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/tcp-Reduce-chance-of-collisions-in-inet6_hashfn.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
+- commit 06ff030
-- commit 7a6be79
+- commit 695ac3b
+- netfilter: ipset: Fix race between IPSET_CMD_CREATE and
+  IPSET_CMD_SWAP (CVE-2023-42756 bsc#1215767).
+- commit fd797f5
+- io_uring/fs: remove sqe->rw_flags checking from LINKAT
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 244bd5e
+- Update patch headers to reflect state of TDX for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
+- commit 4f4b833
-- tcp: Reduce chance of collisions in inet6_hashfn()
-  (CVE-2023-1206 bsc#1212703).
-- commit e3ebd17
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: compiler warning on 32-bit systems with
-  Clang (bsc#1215877)
-- commit b7e65aa
-- blacklist.conf: workqueue: Code refactoring
-- commit e204334
-- blacklist.conf: printk: the changes look good but they do not fix
-  any serious problem
-- commit c560ceb
+- blacklist.conf: livepatch: cosmetic
+- commit 634df5c
-- commit e0d3999
+- commit 4ef741a
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
-- commit d1a5f2f
+- Update patches.suse/security-integrity-fix-pointer-to-ESL-data-and-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit 516edff
-- commit 96a8c32
+- commit dd4f718
-- gve: fix frag_list chaining (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: RX path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Tx path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Control path for DQO-QPL (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: trivial spell fix Recive to Receive (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Unify duplicate GQ min pkt desc size constants
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add AF_XDP zero-copy support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP REDIRECT support for GQI-QPL format (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Add XDP DROP and TX support for GQI-QPL format
-  (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Changes to add new TX queues (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: XDP support GQI-QPL: helper function changes (bsc#1214479).
-- gve: Fix gve interrupt names (bsc#1214479).
-- commit 4dd2d8d
+- kselftest/arm64: Validate that changing one VL type does not
+  affect another (jsc#PED-4126).
+- kselftest/arm64: Add a test case for SVE VL changes with SME
+  active (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Don't flush SME register hardware state along
+  with thread (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Use CPACR_EL1 format to set CPTR_EL2 when E2H is set
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64: Allow EL1 physical timer access when running VHE
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Exit streaming mode when flushing tasks
+  (jsc#PED-4126).
+- commit fffd4de
-- commit 9408063
+- commit 90dfe5e
-- Update metadata
-- commit 8a83576
+- NFSv4.1: fix pnfs MDS=DS session trunking (git-fixes).
+- Revert "SUNRPC: Fail faster on bad verifier" (git-fixes).
+- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
+  (git-fixes).
+- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
+- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
+  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
+- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Rework scratch handling for READ_PLUS (again)
+  (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS size calculations (git-fixes).
+- NFSv4.2: Fix READ_PLUS smatch warnings (git-fixes).
+- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
+  (git-fixes).
+- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
+- nfsd: Fix creation time serialization order (git-fixes).
+- commit 9b452cc
-- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port. (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-  * context changes
-- commit b93ab93
+- efi/unaccepted: Make sure unaccepted table is mapped
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit e4960be
-- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (bsc#1152472)
-  Backporting changes:
-  * rename ast_device to ast_private
-- commit 0eaf20c
+- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
+- commit 02fca20
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw_init.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e324027
+- arm64: Fix dangling references to Documentation/arm64
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- arm64: efi: add efi_handle_corrupted_x18 prototype
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit cf69994
+- efivarfs: fix statfs() on efivarfs (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/unaccepted: Use ACPI reclaim memory for unaccepted memory
+  table (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/esrt: Allow ESRT access without CAP_SYS_ADMIN
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efivarfs: expose used and total size (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: x86: make kobj_type structure constant (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efi: Safely enable unaccepted memory in UEFI (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- efi/unaccepted: Avoid load_unaligned_zeropad() stepping into
+  unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Implement support for unaccepted memory
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/x86: Get full memory map in allocate_e820() (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit 1a4d2a9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrtimer_.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 2de4df3
+- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
+  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
+  future reorganization of the spec template.
+- commit 30e2cef
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-Tighten-permissions-on-VBIOS-flashing-attrib.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit d013066
+- memblock tests: Fix compilation errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8e3aeb1
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-output-of-pp_od_clk_voltage.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit e4f052f
+- ACPI: Move AMBA bus scan handling into arm64 specific directory
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Use the acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: platform: Move SMB0001 HID to the header and reuse
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: fix undeclared variable warnings by including
+  sleep.h (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Move acpi_root to internal header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tables: Print RINTC information when MADT is parsed
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Fix acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- acpi: Replace struct acpi_table_slit 1-element array with
+  flex-array (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: Add pm_debug_messages for LPS0 _DSM state tracking
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: FFH: Drop the inclusion of linux/arm-smccc.h
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PAD: mark Zhaoxin CPUs NONSTOP TSC correctly
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: mark bert_disable as __initdata (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: APEI: GHES: Remove unused ghes_estatus_pool_size_request()
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Simplify installation and removal of notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: tiny-power-button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Use different notify handlers for lid and buttons
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: button: Eliminate the driver notify callback
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_flags (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop struct acpi_thermal_state (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Eliminate struct acpi_thermal_state_flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move acpi_thermal_driver definition
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Move symbol definitions to one place
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop redundant ACPI_TRIPS_REFRESH_DEVICES symbol
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: thermal: Use BIT() macro for defining flags
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: NFIT: Add declaration in a local header (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: LPSS: Add pwm_lookup_table entry for second PWM on
+  CHT/BSW devices (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: video: Stop trying to use vendor backlight control on
+  laptops from after ~2012 (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: EC: Clear GPE on interrupt handling only (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Adjust Microsoft LPS0 _DSM handling sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: PM: s2idle: fix section mismatch warning (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: scan: Reduce overhead related to devices with dependencies
+  (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI: bus: Consolidate all arm specific initialisation into
+  acpi_arm_init() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- ACPI/APMT: Don't register invalid resource (jsc#PED-6741).
+- x86/acpi: Remove unused extern declaration
+  acpi_copy_wakeup_routine() (jsc#PED-6741).
+- commit 77d191a
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-radeon-reintroduce-radeon_dp_work_func-content.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 6f484d3
+- x86,static_call: Fix static-call vs return-thunk (git-fixes).
+- commit 8cd97f9
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-change-gfx-11.0.4-external_id-range.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit 79082dc
+- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
+- commit 8afecb5
-- Refresh
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-bounding-box-values-for-DCN32.patch
-  (git-fixes)
-  Alt-commit
-- commit ba25d71
+- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
+- commit 5709d02
+- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
+- commit af07748
+- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
+- commit 3c92c43
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit faca79b
+- mm: page_alloc: fix CMA and HIGHATOMIC landing on the wrong
+  buddy list (git fixes (mm/pgalloc)).
+- kernel/sched: Modify initial boot task idle setup (git fixes
+  (sched/core)).
+- commit 9d1497b
+- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
+  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
+  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
+- commit 4a28b74
+- Update references for jsc#PED-5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-various-give-up-if-pte_offset_map-_lock-fails.patch
+- commit 75204a6
+- nvmet-tcp: pass iov_len instead of sg->length to bvec_set_page()
+  (git-fixes).
+- nvme: core: don't hold rcu read lock in
+  nvme_ns_chr_uring_cmd_iopoll (git-fixes).
+- commit d723891
+- drm/amd/display: fix the ability to use lower resolution modes
+  on eDP (git-fixes).
+- commit eecd96a
+- drm/virtio: clean out_fence on complete_submit (git-fixes).
+- commit 0fce30c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix intel_gsc_uc_fw_proxy_init_done with directed
+  wakerefs (git-fixes).
+- commit 0df651f
+- drm/i915: Only check eDP HPD when AUX CH is shared (git-fixes).
+- commit 557208e
+- drm/amd/display: fix mode scaling (RMX_.*) (git-fixes).
+- commit 88040aa
+- drm/msm/a690: Switch to a660_gmu.bin (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ed05a1
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 enc subblock length (git-fixes).
+- commit 7e9c38c
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix DSC 1.2 block lengths (git-fixes).
+- commit bff5896
+- drm/gem-fb-helper: Consistenly use drm_dbg_kms() (git-fixes).
+- commit 66aae33
+- backlight: lp855x: Initialize PWM state on first brightness
+  change (git-fixes).
+- commit 66f3aae
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-clear-GPINT-register-when-rel.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1740-drm-amdgpu-Fix-infinite-loop-in-gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart.patch
-- commit 4b4e240
+- commit 3282a51
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Reset-OUTBOX0-r-w-pointer-on-DMUB-re.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1715-drm-amdgpu-fix-slab-out-of-bounds-issue-in-amdgpu_vm.patch
-- commit 171518a
-- fs: no need to check source (bsc#1215752).
-- commit 1a42abf
+- commit 3ae623b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fixes-for-dcn32_clk_mgr-implementati.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1714-drm-amdgpu-Allocate-root-PD-on-correct-partition.patch
-- commit 9ba10de
+- commit 0074e90
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Return-error-code-on-DSC-atomic-chec.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1702-drm-amd-display-add-DCN301-specific-logic-for-OTG-pr.patch
-- commit 310423c
+- commit 5123631
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-missing-WA-and-MCLK-validation.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1701-drm-amd-display-export-some-optc-function-for-reuse.patch
-- commit b31adf2
+- commit df6cf8d
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-allow-more-APUs-to-do-mode2-reset-when-go.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1699-Revert-drm-i915-use-localized-__diag_ignore_all-inst.patch
-- commit 2baa247
+- commit f2ff283
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-dcn32-caps.seamless_odm.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1684-drm-i915-Remove-dead-code-from-gen8_pte_encode.patch
-- commit a0540d6
+- commit 0bf86fb
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-return-value-check-in-kfd.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1675-drm-i915-use-mock-device-info-for-creating-mock-devi.patch
-- commit 97cc526
+- commit 1600dd8
-  patches.suse/1836-drm-aperture-Run-fbdev-removal-before-internal-helpe.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1599-drm-i915-hdcp-Assign-correct-hdcp-content-type.patch
-- commit e35f57f
+- commit bdbce62
-  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1596-drm-i915-mtl-Fix-SSC-selection-for-MPLLA.patch
-- commit f8178cd
+- commit 065052f
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cursor-de.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1595-drm-i915-adlp-Allow-DC-states-along-with-PW2-only-fo.patch
-- commit f507792
+- commit e0c7378
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-vram-recover-doesn-t-work-after-whole.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1584-drm-i915-Fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug.patch
-- commit 38e2a92
+- commit 300032a
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-add-a-missing-lock-for-AMDGPU_SCHED.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1583-drm-i915-make-i915_drm_client_fdinfo-reference-condi.patch
-- commit 2ecd3e8
+- commit 4dbab7b
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-flickering-caused-by-S-G-mode.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1582-drm-i915-huc-Fix-missing-error-code-in-intel_huc_ini.patch
-- commit 33e82b2
+- commit 60505d1
-  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-fix-nv50_wndw_new_-prototype.patch
-  (git-fixes)
+  patches.suse/1581-drm-i915-gsc-take-a-wakeref-for-the-proxy-init-compl.patch
-- commit 4c21b50
+- commit 6b6fc16
-- SUNRPC: Mark the cred for revalidation if the server rejects it
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFS/pNFS: Report EINVAL errors from connect() to the server
-  (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: fix change_info in NFSv4 RENAME replies (git-fixes).
-- pNFS: Fix assignment of xprtdata.cred (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix handling of COPY ERR_OFFLOAD_NO_REQ (git-fixes).
-- NFS: Guard against READDIR loop when entry names exceed
-  MAXNAMELEN (git-fixes).
-- nfs/blocklayout: Use the passed in gfp flags (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4/pnfs: minor fix for cleanup path in nfs4_get_device_info
-  (git-fixes).
-- NFSD: da_addr_body field missing in some GETDEVICEINFO replies
-  (git-fixes).
-- fs: lockd: avoid possible wrong NULL parameter (git-fixes).
-- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (git-fixes).
-- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr (git-fixes).
-- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+- thermal: sysfs: Fix trip_point_hyst_store() (git-fixes).
+- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
+  specific setup (git-fixes).
+- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: Fix incorrect argument in drm_test_mm_insert_range
-- commit 087b1c4
-- uapi: stddef.h: Fix __DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY for C++ (git-fixes).
-- commit 68da368
-- usb: ehci: move new member has_ci_pec_bug into hole (git-fixes).
-- commit bd8b5cf
-- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-- commit a447793
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
+  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
+  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
+  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c71447
-- net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM05GV2 (git-fixes).
-- commit 613dba7
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Intel Misty Peak - 8087:0038
+  (jsc#PED-6023 jsc#PED-6065).
+- commit 236139d
-- blacklist.conf: Add 3af5ae22030c ("ceph: make members in struct ceph_mds_request_args_ext a union")
-- commit 27f4fed
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry for mei_gsc_proxy
+- commit 4dabdd6
-- kernel-binary: Move build-time definitions together
-  Move source list and build architecture to buildrequires to aid in
-  future reorganization of the spec template.
-- commit 30e2cef
+- supported.conf: Add supported entry form amdxcp
+- commit ff92ee3
-- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (bsc#1214040).
-- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (bsc#1202845
-  bsc#1215322).
-- commit 0f79d4d
+- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9962c24
-- blacklist.conf: Ignore redundant patch
-- commit 6d0ecfc
+- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
+  (bsc#1215613).
+- Revert "fuse: in fuse_flush only wait if someone wants the
+  return  code" (bsc#1215612).
+- commit 4e4e0df
-- powerpc/fadump: make is_kdump_kernel() return false when fadump
-  is active (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- vmcore: remove dependency with is_kdump_kernel() for exporting
-  vmcore (bsc#1212639 ltc#202582).
-- commit a5cc68e
+- supported.conf: Add entry for meson_dw_mipi_dsi
+- commit 431d315
-- x86/srso: Fix srso_show_state() side effect (git-fixes).
-- commit 619e525
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 Realtek I2S speaker platform support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: generic: Check potential mixer name string truncation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Disable power save for solving pop issue on Lenovo
+  ThinkCentre M70q (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Don't 'return ret' if ret is always zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-sdw-acpi: Use u8 type for link index
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4ca03bc
-- x86/srso: Fix SBPB enablement for spec_rstack_overflow=off (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e42be0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE=m
+- supported.conf: add ipu-bridge
+- commit d65e142
-- x86/srso: Don't probe microcode in a guest (git-fixes).
-- commit 74b567d
+- media: ipu3-cio2: allow ipu_bridge to be a module again
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 1f81030
-- x86/srso: Set CPUID feature bits independently of bug or mitigation  status (git-fixes).
-- commit c6caed4
+- media: ipu3-cio2: rename cio2 bridge to ipu bridge and move
+  out of ipu3 (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Do-not-use-on-stack-memory-for-soft.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/media-ipu-bridge-Fix-null-pointer-deref-on-SSDB-PLD-.patch.
+- commit 730c95a
-- i915/pmu: Move execlist stats initialization to execlist
-  specific setup (git-fixes).
-- drm/meson: fix memory leak on ->hpd_notify callback (git-fixes).
+- selftests: tls: swap the TX and RX sockets in some tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: fix wrong sizeof argument (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Enable the IRQ on resume after configuring
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Do not disable/enable IRQ twice on suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 0a41cf6
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fail IPC send if still busy
-  (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Don't override scu in
-  intel_scu_ipc_dev_simple_command() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status upon timeout in
-  ipc_wait_for_interrupt() (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Check status after timeout in
-  busy_loop() (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: imx-audmix: Fix return error with devm_clk_get()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: soc-utils: Export snd_soc_dai_is_dummy() symbol
-  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Use the new RUNTIME_PM_OPS() macro
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Fix NULL dereference at proc read (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warning (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Fix missing RESET GPIO if _SUB is missing
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e7ab5c
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed two speaker platform (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid delivery of events for disabled UMP groups
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: docs: Fix a typo of midi2_ump_probe option for
+  snd-usb-audio (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 9ce31b2
+- Move upstreamed SPI patch into sorted section
+- commit 5fe2406
+- drm/amdgpu: support partition drm devices (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 0d0dce1
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-sched-cbq-dont-intepret-cls-results-when-asked-t.patch.
-  (bsc#1207036 CVE-2023-23454)
-  Fold downstream fixup of caa4b35b4317d5147b3ab0fbdc9c075c7d2e9c12.
-- commit 6635291
-- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
-  NVMe rports (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
-  in dev_loss_tmo (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
-  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
-- commit 39e6404
+- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
+  mode during RSCN (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 sysfs resource reporting (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Refactor cpu affinity assignment paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Abort outstanding ELS cmds when mailbox timeout
+  error is detected (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Make fabric zone discovery more robust when handling
+  unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Set Establish Image Pair service parameter only
+  for Target Functions (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Revise ndlp kref handling for dev_loss_tmo_callbk
+  and lpfc_drop_node (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Qualify ndlp discovery state when processing RSCN
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove extra ndlp kref decrement in FLOGI cmpl
+  for loop topology (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Simplify fcp_abort transport callback log message
+  (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Pull out fw diagnostic dump log message from
+  driver's trace buffer (bsc#1213756 jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (bsc#1213756
+  jsc#PED-3616 jsc#PED-5064).
+- commit 73ce139
+- powerpc/dexcr: Move HASHCHK trap handler (jsc#PED-5452
+  git-fixes).
+- commit 48a4d15
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit 8343fa7
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: introduce DRM_AMDGPU_WERROR (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cf3a39d
+- drm/meson: add support for MIPI-DSI transceiver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit d8bd8d3
+- drm/i915: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 3412ae7
+- mei: gsc_proxy: add gsc proxy driver (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 07c6f50
+- drm/panel: Add Samsung S6D7AA0 panel controller driver
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Update config files.
+- commit c27af61
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as needed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb6a241
+- drm/i915: fix Sphinx indentation warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b490a01
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix init during host transfer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe9095c
+- fbdev: atmel_lcdfb: Remove redundant of_match_ptr() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf6ee9d
+- fbdev: kyro: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58082f1
+- fbdev: ssd1307fb: Print the PWM's label instead of its number (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit edbbb54
+- fbdev: amifb: Replace zero-length arrays with DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa6bc19
+- drm/amdgpu: skip xcp drm device allocation when out of drm resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9ad20a
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pci link width for smu v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d8a1c9
+- drm/amdgpu: disable mcbp if parameter zero is set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adce214
+- drm/amd/pm: disallow the fan setting if there is no fan on smu 13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3021e39
+- drm/panel: JDI LT070ME05000 simplify with dev_err_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e6240e
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f61d9e5
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for Raven (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d929805
+- drm/amdkfd: disable IOMMUv2 support for KV/CZ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f283c2
+- drm/amdkfd: ignore crat by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6373c3
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: only enable CP GFX shadowing on SR-IOV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27ca2a9
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMU v13.0.6 energy reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 514f828
+- drm/amd/pm: disable the SMU13 OD feature support temporarily (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccf6fca
+- Revert "drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39df3c8
+- drm/i915/gvt: Fix bug in getting msg length in AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e0f8a5
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce1b0b1
+- drm/msm/a690: Remove revn and name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b870595
+- drm/msm/adreno: Fix warn splat for devices without revn (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35c55a7
+- drm/amdgpu: Restore HQD persistent state register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c449b09
+- drm/amd/display: Don't apply FIFO resync W/A if rdivider = 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80a3a07
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix infinite loop in gfxhub_v1_2_xcc_gart_enable (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9610a25
+- drm/amdkfd: fix trap handling work around for debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 092ee0d
+- drm/fb-helper: Remove unused inline function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd3d564
+- fbdev: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 608b77e
+- fbdev: ep93xx-fb: fix return value check in ep93xxfb_probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51f7d8a
+- fbdev: kyro: make some const read-only arrays static and reduce type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dfd1d4
+- fbcon: remove unused display (p) from fbcon_redraw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da6039e
+- sticon: make sticon_set_def_font() void and remove op parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ad197e
+- vgacon: cache vc_cell_height in vgacon_cursor() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1142d7a
+- vgacon: let vgacon_doresize() return void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5e89
+- vgacon: remove unused xpos from vgacon_set_cursor_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 898d521
+- vgacon: remove unneeded forward declarations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 953193b
+- vgacon: switch vgacon_scrolldelta() and vgacon_restore_screen() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac1ac5
+- fbdev: imxfb: remove unneeded labels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd9ee8d
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91edeb4
+- fbdev: imxfb: Convert to devm_kmalloc_array() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d84a0d
+- fbdev: imxfb: switch to DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b24d1e1
+- drm/amdgpu: use a macro to define no xcp partition case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16e9fc5
+- drm/amdgpu/vm: use the same xcp_id from root PD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a174dae
+- drm/amdgpu: fix slab-out-of-bounds issue in amdgpu_vm_pt_create (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2239d3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate root PD on correct partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14033e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Allow the initramfs generator to include psp_13_0_6_ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2ecb88
+- drm/amd/display: add DCN301 specific logic for OTG programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57c249e
+- drm/amd/display: export some optc function for reuse (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ba3544
+- drm/amd: Use amdgpu_device_pcie_dynamic_switching_supported() for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57bc8dd
+- Revert "drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c41ead6
+- drm/i915: Remove dead code from gen8_pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f505a42
+- drm/i915/perf: Consider OA buffer boundary when zeroing out reports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02a53d3
+- drm/client: Send hotplug event after registering a client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b14eb41
+- drm/panel: Fine tune Starry-ili9882t panel HFP and HBP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03f8e7a
+- drm/i915: use mock device info for creating mock device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a1a4b8
+- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature momentary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a3f5d4
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.241 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 617135d
+- drm/amd/display: Take full update path if number of planes changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f119dff
+- drm/amd/display: Create debugging mechanism for Gaming FAMS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4746f1e
+- drm/amd/display: For new fast update path, loop through each surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d32c724
+- drm/amd/display: Limit new fast update path to addr and gamma / color (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c77773
+- drm/amd/display: Fix the delta clamping for shaper LUT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea951c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep non-psp path for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 153b7dd
+- drm/amd/display: program DPP shaper and 3D LUT if updated (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d24c093
+- drm/amdgpu: share drm device for pci amdgpu device with 1st partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60153e5
+- drm/amd/pm: Add GFX v9.4.3 unique id to sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 858411d
+- drm/amd/pm: Enable pp_feature attribute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65e6b7b
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Need to unpause dpg before stop dpg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b63fb49
+- drm/amdgpu: remove duplicated doorbell range init for sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91144ad
+- drm/amdgpu: gpu recovers from fatal error in poison mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 102fca6
+- drm/amdgpu: enable mcbp by default on gfx9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff19a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: make mcbp a per device setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 133d763
+- drm/amd: Don't initialize PSP twice for Navi3x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d926350
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the missing enablement for vega12/vega20 L2H and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d6b1a5
+- drm/amd/display: Remove asserts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5ecfe
+- drm/amd/display: Work around bad DPCD state on link loss (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7bd628
+- drm/amdgpu: port SRIOV VF missed changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c76c54
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d120a
+- drm/amd/pm: Provide energy data in 15.625mJ units (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 842bd47
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify for_each_inst macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9e740f
+- drm/amdgpu:Remove sdma halt/unhalt during frontdoor load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fee2356
+- drm/amdgpu: remove vm sanity check from amdgpu_vm_make_compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e9b2c95
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable GWS on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1d336
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.240 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70cde26
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dc mode clock switching for DCN32x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5882b7
+- drm/amd/display: fix odm k2 div calculation (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit 3847ca2
+- drm/amd/display: Add MST Preferred Link Setting Entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33d3998
+- drm/amd/display: Disable DC Mode Capping On DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 981aaa5
+- drm/amd/display: enable the new fast update path for supported ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a029f9
+- drm/amd/display: Clear update flags at end of flip (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit 1a87062
+- drm/amd/display: Fix pipe check condition for manual trigger (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09f351f
+- drm/amd/display: add missing ABM registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d25dc
+- drm/amd/display: Add Clock Table Entry With Max DC Values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf5812
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Move DCN314 DOMAIN power control to DMCUB" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fff5d1
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcdb152
+- drm/amd/display: disable power gating for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4dbb1f
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR for MP0_HWIP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 384c9b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Move clocks closer to its only usage in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdefb6
+- drm/amdkfd: set coherent host access capability flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c747077
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vbios attribute only if supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 961eb80
+- drm/amdgpu/atomfirmware: fix LPDDR5 width reporting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fea976d
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove CONFIG_DEBUG_FS guard around body of (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e81c262
+- drm/amd/pm: remove unneeded variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e25958
+- drm/amdgpu: Move calculation of xcp per memory node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a97070
+- amd/display/dc: remove repeating expression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f94d6fa
+- drm/i915: Add missing forward declarations/includes to display power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7031cf6
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Assign correct hdcp content type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4dec50
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix SSC selection for MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f7b00b
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Allow DC states along with PW2 only for PWB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b9c8c
+- mei: bus-fixup: fix buffer type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e46089
+- mei: bus: drop useless cldev null check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83b20d5
+- backlight: led_bl: Take led_access lock when required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0dfb654
+- video: backlight: lp855x: Get PWM for PWM mode during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce71d3
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Remove unneeded checks for valid GPIOs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9354552
+- backlight: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06e6e4d
+- backlight: lm3630a: Turn off both led strings when display is blank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e02663
+- sticon/parisc: Fix STI console on 64-bit only machines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40622b5
+- sticon/parisc: Allow 64-bit STI calls in PDC firmware abstration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd3994
+- drm/nouveau: stop using is_swiotlb_active (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 546d058
+- drm/i915: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf16e8
+- drm/i915: make i915_drm_client_fdinfo() reference conditional
+  again (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 261bbcb
+- drm/i915/huc: Fix missing error code in intel_huc_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cb606
+- drm/i915/gsc: take a wakeref for the proxy-init-completion check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39d63f0
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245b6f3
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A619_holi speedbin support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1237553
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use adreno_is_aXYZ macros in speedbin matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7174c97
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Use "else if" in GPU speedbin rev matching (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1dba738
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix some A619 tunables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eeb2a01
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add A610 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70877ea
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add support for A619_holi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cc54e4
+- drm/msm/adreno: Disable has_cached_coherent in GMU wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 886a124
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Introduce GMU wrapper support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eca567
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move CX GMU power counter enablement to hw_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc1cdc
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Extend and explain UBWC config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5851d46
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove both GBIF and RBBM GBIF halt on hw init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcf3bc8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Add a helper for software-resetting the GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87004be
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Improve a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16dec6a
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move a6xx_bus_clear_pending_transactions to a6xx_gpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81dc1a8
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Move force keepalive vote removal to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 775f3bd
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Remove static keyword from sptprac en/disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0956a6
+- drm/msm/adreno: Use adreno_is_revn for A690 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031d3d3
+- drm/msm/dsi: split dsi_ctrl_config() function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d87bcb7
+- drm/msm/dsi: dsi_host: drop unused clocks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8f2145
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove unused INTF_NONE interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fabb94
+- drm/msm/dpu: Set DATA_COMPRESS on command mode for DCE/DSC 1.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76a1e53
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add DPU_INTF_DATA_COMPRESS feature flag for DPU >= 7.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b130d
+- drm/msm/dsi: Reduce pclk rate for compression (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b6f49
+- msm/drm/dsi: Round up DSC hdisplay calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2782021
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC 1.2 hw blocks for relevant chipsets
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit a86fa8e
+- drm/msm/dpu: add support for DSC encoder v1.2 engine (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a38953
+- drm/msm/dsi: update hdisplay calculation for dsi_timing_setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7ae7a7
+- drm/msm/dsi: Use MSM and DRM DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch.
+- commit cb63699
+- drm/msm/dpu: Use fixed DRM DSC helper for det_thresh_flatness (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cbae87
+- drm/msm: Add MSM-specific DSC helper methods (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c914b
+- drm/msm/dsi: use DRM DSC helpers for DSC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2ef9d
+- drm/display/dsc: Add drm_dsc_get_bpp_int helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5030bfa
+- drm/display/dsc: add helper to set semi-const parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb24b8f
+- drm/display/dsc: Add flatness and initial scale value calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 524ae02
+- drm/msm/dpu/catalog: define DSPP blocks found on sdm845 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df1d18
+- drm/msm/adreno: make adreno_is_a690()'s argument const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf867e3
+- drm/msm/adreno: change adreno_is_* functions to accept const argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131008
+- drm/msm/adreno: warn if chip revn is verified before being set (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47e0311
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix a690 CP_PROTECT settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 031cf8c
+- drm/msm/adreno: Add Adreno A690 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ca0171
+- drm/msm: Move cmdstream dumping out of sched kthread (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bd27f2
+- drm/msm: drop unused ring variable in msm_ioctl_gem_submit() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a20d33
+- drm/msm/mdp5: Add MDP5 configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02bdc02
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add phy configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9fa880e
+- drm/msm/dsi: Add configuration for MSM8226 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8905ad6
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop (mostly) unused DPU_NAME_SIZE define (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccba20e
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop dpu_encoder_phys_ops::late_register() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3393cd1
+- drm/msm/dsi: use mult_frac for pclk_bpp calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7f2f30
+- drm/msm/dsi: remove extra call to dsi_get_pclk_rate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3584fc4
+- drm/msm/dsi: More properly handle errors in regards to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a48596
+- drm/msm/dsi: Stop unconditionally powering up DSI hosts at modeset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2c64
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up pdev/dev duplication in dp_power (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7022a77
+- drm/msm/dp: Clean up logs dp_power module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29f4983
+- drm/msm/dp: remove most of usbpd-related remains (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e74e7ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: tidy up some error checking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dbff974
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DSC blocks to the catalog of MSM8998 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932caaf
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6e814c
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d3297e
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind WB from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15127f2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE to unbind INTF from PP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c83f734
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify dpu_encoder_phys_wb_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddd4411
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop temp variable from dpu_encoder_phys_cmd_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c6e7f3
+- drm/msm/dpu: call dpu_rm_get_intf() from dpu_encoder_get_intf() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201f6ec
+- drm/msm/dpu: inline dpu_encoder_get_wb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00b1dde
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop duplicated intf/wb indices from encoder structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52d4d00
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate common function to init physical encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ebce4f
+- drm/msm/dpu: merge dpu_encoder_init() and dpu_encoder_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d20ebb
+- drm/msm/dpu: Tear down DSC datapath on encoder cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac468c1
+- drm/msm/dpu: separate DSC flush update out of interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c80390f
+- drm/msm/dpu: Introduce PINGPONG_NONE to disconnect DSC from PINGPONG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 736a687
+- drm/msm/dpu: Guard PINGPONG DSC ops behind DPU_PINGPONG_DSC bit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5578444
+- drm/msm/dpu: add DPU_PINGPONG_DSC feature bit for DPU < 7.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516e9b2
+- drm/msm/dpu: use common helper for WB and SSPP QoS setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6bc86f
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove struct dpu_hw_pipe_qos_cfg (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40ad280
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_PANIC_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8fb61c
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify qos_ctrl handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8377e17
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DPU_PLANE_QOS_VBLANK_CTRL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50b44b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: rearrange QoS setting code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65ea2b6
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the condition for (not) applying QoS to CURSOR SSPP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30919b4
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify CDP programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89bd9
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix SSPP register definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5476dcc
+- drm/msm/dpu: move PINGPONG_NONE check to dpu_lm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876c314
+- drm/msm/dpu: use PINGPONG_NONE for LMs with no PP attached (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a86813
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove futile checks from dpu_rm_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c692fc
+- drm/msm/dpu: replace IS_ERR_OR_NULL with IS_ERR during DSC init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed32641
+- drm/msm/dpu: access CSC/CSC10 registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 270fbc1
+- drm/msm/dpu: access QSEED registers directly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c55347f
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop SSPP's SRC subblock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dfdaec8
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove intr_rdptr from DPU >= 5.0.0 pingpong config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5205034
+- drm/msm/dpu: Implement tearcheck support on INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c15d98
+- drm/msm/dpu: Merge setup_- and enable_tearcheck pingpong callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9167de1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Add TEAR-READ-pointer interrupt to INTF block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1a5f40
+- drm/msm/dpu: Describe TEAR interrupt registers for DSI interfaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebfa739
+- drm/msm/dpu: Factor out shared interrupt register in INTF_BLK macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fc2b3
+- drm/msm/dpu: Move dpu_hw_{tear_check, pp_vsync_info} to dpu_hw_mdss.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38395b1
+- drm/msm/dpu: Disable MDP vsync source selection on DPU 5.0.0 and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cd6176
+- drm/msm/dpu: Take INTF index as parameter in interrupt register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7983da
+- drm/msm/dpu: Sort INTF registers numerically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19dbc2a
+- drm/msm/dpu: Remove extraneous register define indentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c267f1
+- drm/msm/dpu: add writeback support for sc7280 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch.
+- commit 37e7cb5
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop unused SSPP sub-block information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8214a78
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop DSPP_MSM8998_MASK from hw catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d4c6ff
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove GC and IGC related code from dpu catalog (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3dfefed
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_IGC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92fdc69
+- drm/msm/dpu: remove DPU_DSPP_GC handling in dspp flush (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d62c59
+- drm/msm/dpu: Pass catalog pointers in RM to replace for-loop
+  ID lookups (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch.
+- commit 0104236
+- drm/msm/dpu: Drop unused members from HW structs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faf8237
+- drm/msm/dpu: stop mapping the regdma region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 245057e
+- drm/msm/dpu: set max cursor width to 512x512 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d220614
+- drm/msm/dpu: use hsync/vsync polarity set by the encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ada24a4
+- drm/msm/dpu: add HDMI output support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70c0ff0
+- drm/msm/dpu: simplify intf allocation code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07f5cfc
+- drm/msm/dpu: use CTL_SC7280_MASK for sm8450's ctl_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8846a9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DSPP and DSC on sc8180x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d863e9
+- drm/msm/dpu: enable DPU_CTL_SPLIT_DISPLAY for sc8280xp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a98d9d
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6375 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc89640
+- drm/msm: mdss: Add SM6350 support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e3fa0f
+- drm/msm: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5babd25
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase hmm range get pages timeout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06300fd
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable translate further for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e4c7a1
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unused NBIO interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c231e3c
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for event age availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bc6f9b
+- drm/amdkfd: update user space last_event_age (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 201b714
+- drm/amdkfd: set activated flag true when event age unmatchs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 013860f
+- drm/amdkfd: add event_age tracking when receiving interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad716e
+- drm/amdkfd: add event age tracking (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8598fed
+- drm/scheduler: avoid infinite loop if entity's dependency is a (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0faba
+- drm/amdgpu: add entity error check in amdgpu_ctx_get_entity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61f3421
+- drm/amdgpu: add VM generation token (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ae3591
+- drm/amdgpu: reset VM when an error is detected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7a407e8
+- drm/amdgpu: abort submissions during prepare on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6d2025
+- drm/amdgpu: mark soft recovered fences with -ENODATA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcc32e4
+- drm/amdgpu: mark force completed fences with -ECANCELED (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc775b5
+- drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_error_* debugfs file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6601558
+- drm/amdgpu: mark GC 9.4.3 experimental for now (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690da62
+- drm/amdgpu: Use PSP FW API for partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7098393
+- drm/amdgpu: Change nbio v7.9 xcp status definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d3f291
+- drm/amdgpu: Add checking mc_vram_size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e930a3
+- drm/amdgpu: Optimize checking ras supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f948ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Add channel_dis_num to ras init flags (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad76bf8
+- drm/amdgpu: Update total channel number for umc v8_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afb6b0f
+- drm/amd/pm: Align eccinfo table structure with smu v13_0_0 interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b132bfa
+- drm/amd/display: Convert to kdoc formats in dc/core/dc.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ec659c
+- drm/amdkfd: decrement queue count on mes queue destroy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e3657
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d870d66
+- drm/radeon: Fix missing prototypes in radeon_atpx_handler.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 917c0dd
+- drm/amdgpu: Report ras_num_recs in debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d681a84
+- drm/amdkfd: Remove DUMMY_VRAM_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9204969
+- drm/amdgpu: Release SDMAv4.4.2 ecc irq properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed68f44
+- drm/amdgpu: add wait_for helper for spirom update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ebf52b
+- drm/amd/display: Clean up dcn10_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9ef5
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6e22e
+- drm/amd/display: Provide function name for 'optc32_enable_crtc()' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8c8b02
+- drm/amd/display: Correct and remove excess function parameter names (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f94d1c
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formats in dcn10_opp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90edc8a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add missing function parameter 'optc' & 'enable' to kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ced4c0
+- drm/amdgpu: Print client id for the unregistered interrupt resource (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46e7fd5
+- drm/amdkfd: To enable traps for GC_11_0_4 and up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2aa2e43
+- drm/amd/display: don't free stolen console memory during suspend (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4ef45a
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5b2f13
+- drm/amdkfd: fix null queue check on debug setting exceptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bae36de
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5561a37
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.5 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3484b75
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.239 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e76914
+- drm/amd/display: fix pixel rate update sequence (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch.
+- commit dbf8467
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: reallocate DET for dual displays with high (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85df74f
+- drm/amd/display: Include CSC updates in new fast update path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d6f4d8
+- drm/amd/display: Limit Minimum FreeSync Refresh Rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65109be
+- drm/amd/display: Bug fix in dcn315_populate_dml_pipes_from_context (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3763e82
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP + DRR if the DRR is PSR capable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b329e5
+- drm/amd/display: Do not disable phantom pipes in driver (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f447857
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable SubVP high refresh (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42ece08
+- drm/amd/display: Re-enable DPP/HUBP Power Gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4baaca2
+- drm/amd/display: SubVP high refresh only if all displays >= 120hz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa22157
+- drm/amd/display: Fix disbling PSR slow response issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3523714
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.238 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 939fb3a
+- drm/amd/display: Add Error Code for Dml Validation Failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13b59ce
+- drm/amd/display: Add DP2 Metrics (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47821db
+- drm/amd/display: add debugfs for allow_edp_hotplug_detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8493253
+- drm/amdgpu: expose num_hops and num_links xgmi info through dev attr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b5aed8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: enable W=1 for amdgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c97631
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix kdoc warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 907fbce
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename DRM schedulers in amdgpu TTM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f9d6a4
+- drm/amd/display/amdgpu_dm/amdgpu_dm_helpers: Move
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch.
+- commit a8b4743
+- fbdev: Use /* */ comment in initializer macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17e0d90
+- drm/i915/selftests: add local workqueue for SW fence selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 905ae09
+- drm/i915: add a dedicated workqueue inside drm_i915_private (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c4bb61
+- drm/i915: use pointer to i915 instead of rpm in wakeref (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dcd389d
+- drm/i915: re-enable -Wunused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 276cd08
+- drm/i915/display: Include of display limits doesn't need 'display/' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ae8277
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add support for PM DEMAND (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96425ed
+- drm/i915/mtl: find the best QGV point for the SAGV configuration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597666d
+- drm/i915: modify max_bw to return index to intel_bw_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e1fdf3
+- drm/i915: extract intel_bw_check_qgv_points() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a190fd
+- drm/i915: store the peak bw per QGV point (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f257fa
+- drm/i915: update the QGV point frequency calculations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fd6d31
+- drm/i915: fix the derating percentage for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606b6ee
+- drm/i915/dp: Fix log level for "CDS interlane align done" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 823eb4a
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_crtc_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62010ea
+- drm/i915: annotate maybe unused but set intel_plane_state variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f03e13
+- drm/i915/selftest: annotate maybe unused but set variable unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5f3739
+- drm/i915/gem: annotate maybe unused but set variable c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5825114
+- drm/i915/gem: drop unused but set variable unpinned (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 374f2e3
+- drm/i915/gt/uc: drop unused but set variable sseu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be5b742
+- drm/i915/irq: drop unused but set variable tmp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4098b78
+- drm/i915/fb: drop unused but set variable cpp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4c069
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop unused but set variables bestn and bestm1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d873be9
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable vbp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb73665
+- drm/i915/dsi: drop unused but set variable data (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e83a9
+- drm/i915/ddi: drop unused but set variable intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eb7bc7
+- drm/i915/plane: warn on non-zero plane offset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 285380d
+- drm/i915/debugfs: stop using edid_blob_ptr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b3f9f1
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bc61bb
+- drm/i915/display: Extract display init from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e9c7c
+- drm/i915: No 10bit gamma on desktop gen3 parts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0634012
+- drm/i915/display: Print useful information on error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2b2f17
+- drm/amd/display: Filter out AC mode frequencies on DC mode systems (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36a8fd2
+- drm/amd/display: DSC Programming Deltas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae9ea7b
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4955b3d
+- drm/amd/display: add NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99db488
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for yellow_carp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628b84d
+- drm/amdgpu: add option params to enforce process isolation between (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf8470
+- drm/amdgpu: Wrap -Wunused-but-set-variable in cc-option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df7de6f
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator PCIe class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a32ac03
+- Revert "Revert drm/amd/display: Enable Freesync Video Mode by (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f319f49
+- drm/amdkfd: fix and enable debugging for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b5ddf0
+- drm/amd/pm: enable more Pstates profile levels for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0081158
+- drm/amd/pm: enable vclk and dclk Pstates for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bcf895
+- drm/amd/pm: fix vclk setting failed for SMU v13.0.4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c9b9f
+- drm/amdgpu: skip to resume rlcg for gc 9.4.3 in vf side (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f9c921
+- drm/amdgpu: disable virtual display support on APP device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13390a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor avi_info_frame colorimetry determination (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5890ef8
+- drm/amd/display: Add debugfs for testing output colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03a028f
+- drm/amd/display: Always set crtcinfo from create_stream_for_sink (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76c41d7
+- drm/amd/display: Send correct DP colorspace infopacket (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dad5f3
+- drm/amd/display: Signal mode_changed if colorspace changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9aff5b9
+- drm/amd/display: Register Colorspace property for DP and HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b0177
+- drm/amd/display: Always pass connector_state to stream validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fcc7459
+- drm/connector: Allow drivers to pass list of supported colorspaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce27fb
+- drm/connector: Print connector colorspace in state debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccf155
+- drm/connector: Use common colorspace_names array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c9d1f
+- drm/connector: Pull out common create_colorspace_property code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2140d9f
+- drm/connector: Add enum documentation to drm_colorspace (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4e3c52
+- drm/connector: Convert DRM_MODE_COLORIMETRY to enum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5f52c6
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix reserved SDMA queues handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ef9f1b
+- drm/amd: Check that a system is a NUMA system before looking for SRAT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebce45c
+- drm/amdkfd: fix vmfault signalling with additional data. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d2d7c1
+- drm/amdgpu: Set EEPROM ras info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7f0ad7
+- drm/amdgpu: Calculate EEPROM table ras info bytes sum (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 967894c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support EEPROM table v2.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec519c4
+- drm/amdgpu: Support setting EEPROM table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b3f7be
+- drm/amdgpu: Add RAS table v2.1 macro definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4d0c66
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename ras table version (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34dfb5d
+- drm/amdgpu/mmsch: Correct the definition for mmsch init header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 860c628
+- drm/amdkfd: potential error pointer dereference in ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d154
+- drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df4c078
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix memory some memory corruption (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36adb58
+- drm/amdgpu: display/Kconfig: replace leading spaces with tab (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d86e61f
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml314's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 027b3de
+- drm/amd/display: mark dml31's UseMinimumDCFCLK() as (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe348d0
+- =?UTF-8?q?drm/amd/display:=20Fix=20unused=20variable=20=E2=80=98s?= (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc0ed53
+- drm/amd/display: Add control flag to dc_stream_state to skip eDP BL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 434c176
+- drm/amd/display: Wrong index type for pipe iterator (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 743c524
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor fast update to use new HWSS build
+  sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-wait-while-locked.patch.
+- commit c982684
+- drm/amdgpu: convert vcn/jpeg logical mask to physical mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb0570
+- drm/amdgpu: support check vcn jpeg block mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdae00b
+- drm/amdgpu: pass xcc mask to ras ta (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2473afc
+- drm/amd/pm: update smu-driver if header for smu 13.0.0 and smu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30c829
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: notify driver unloading to PMFW for SMU v13.0.6 dGPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53e5df2
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark 'kgd_gfx_aldebaran_clear_address_watch' & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da1705
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 543306f
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Only use ODM2:1 policy for high pixel rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac74771
+- drm/amd/display: Add gnu_printf format attribute for snprintf_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f38be4
+- drm/amd/display: Address kdoc warnings in dcn30_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0131cfa
+- drm/amd/display: fix compilation error due to shifting negative value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 505e545
+- drm/amdgpu/discovery: Replace fake flex-arrays with flexible-array (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd3f427
+- drm/amdgpu: fix debug wait on idle for gfx9.4.1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2772585
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3f6187f
+- drm/amd/display: Fix dc/dcn20/dcn20_optc.c kdoc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81cdc1a
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.7 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c07e8d
+- drm/amd/pm: Fill metrics data for SMUv13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dfc73c
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill the OD support for SMU13.0.0 (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch.
+- commit fca9f12
+- drm/amd/pm: fulfill SMU13 OD settings init and restore (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c10c97b
+- drm/amdkfd: bump kfd ioctl minor version for debug api availability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4943e88
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug device snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00d315b
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug queue snapshot operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c8430
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query exception info operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b23982
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug query event operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb80f7d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set flags operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 623fc04
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set and clear address watch points operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b254ed
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug suspend and resume process queues operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15691eb
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch mode operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 600b1e9
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug wave launch override operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43ad3d
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug set exceptions enabled operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee14591
+- drm/amdkfd: update process interrupt handling for debug events (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b55c7c
+- drm/amd/pm: update SMU13 header files for coming OD support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70d207c
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug trap enabled flag to tma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f80d222
+- drm/amdkfd: add runtime enable operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07eca42
+- drm/amdkfd: add send exception operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dc8c8b
+- drm/amdkfd: add raise exception event function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6b161
+- drm/amdkfd: apply trap workaround for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7892b7
+- drm/amdkfd: add per process hw trap enable and disable functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f999c91
+- drm/amdgpu: expose debug api for mes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f523edb
+- drm/amdgpu: prepare map process for multi-process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7dc470
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare map process for single process debug devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9adf7e8
+- drm/amdgpu: add configurable grace period for unmap queues (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 064ae8f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c7456b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.2 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9753ab
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx10 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86c352
+- drm/amdkfd: fix kfd_suspend_all_processes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57b625f
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9.4.1 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81e477b
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx9 hw debug mode enable and disable calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f092e2
+- drm/amdkfd: clean up one inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ad8189
+- drm/amd/display: Drop unused DCN_BASE variable in dcn314_resource.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0f92d2
+- drm/amdgpu: setup hw debug registers on driver initialization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f622c7
+- drm/amdgpu: add kgd hw debug mode setting interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a1d1490
+- drm/amdkfd: prepare per-process debug enable and disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 671af51
+- drm/amdkfd: display debug capabilities (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03c57f8
+- drm/amdkfd: add debug and runtime enable interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb417e8
+- amd/amdkfd: drop unused KFD_IOCTL_SVM_FLAG_UNCACHED flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96a7a25
+- drm/amd/pm: add unique serial number support for smu_v13_0_6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 945afd8
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix SMUv13.0.6 throttle status report (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch.
+- commit 1d7e76c
+- drm/amd/pm: Update SMUv13.0.6 PMFW headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1722741
+- drm/amdgpu: Add function parameter 'event' to kdoc in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7574c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa40ed0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc 'ring' parameter in sdma_v6_0_ring_pad_ib (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d898b2a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in display_mode_vba.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 551b14b
+- drm/amdkfd: remove unused sq_int_priv variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16c6ce4
+- drm/amd/display: Correct kdoc formatting for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba09d4
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up missing 'dc' & 'pipe_ctx' kdoc parameters in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56d8616
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formatting in dcn32_resource_helpers.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db1eda8
+- drm/amdxcp: fix Makefile to build amdxcp module (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a512a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameters kdoc in svm_migrate_vma_to_ram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bc669e
+- drm/amdgpu: set finished fence error if job timedout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bfcb4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcp_id' in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a383c95
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing parameter in kdoc for 'inst' in gmc_ v7, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6fa360
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc parameter 'inst' in get_wave_count() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d009bf2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix missing parameter desc for 'xcc_id' in gfx_v7_0.c & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8821a72
+- drm/amdkfd: flag added to handle errors from svm validate and map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64b0049
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize xcc mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55ef45a
+- drm/amd/display: Fix up kdoc formats in dcn32_fpu.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e948b67
+- drm/amd/display: Add missing kdoc entries in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2286e21
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix create_dmamap_sg_bo kdoc warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad11b4
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix MEC pipe interrupt enablement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc4ec0c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add new gfx_target_versions for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf7f562
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up missing kdoc in sdma_v6_0.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a123db2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in amdgpu_acpi.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20b5f75
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix up kdoc in sdma_v4_4_2.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fc7a3d
+- drm/amdkfd: fix gfx_target_version for certain 11.0.3 devices (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2881941
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix up locking etc in amdgpu_debugfs_gprwave_ioctl() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6664081
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50af796
+- drm/amdgpu: use amdxcp platform device as spatial partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5153f80
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bbe90e
+- drm/amdxcp: add platform device driver for amdxcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92ea889
+- drm/amdgpu: Mark mmhub_v1_8_mmea_err_status_reg as __maybe_unused (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506dd00
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df5a59
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ffdfcd2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e576c05
+- drm/amd/display: clean up some inconsistent indenting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1760b9d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83f439e
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d66482d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f2d0805
+- drm/amdgpu: add the accelerator pcie class (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c699e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: save/restore part of xcp drm_device fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bb8498
+- drm/amdgpu: set the APU flag based on package type (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57dd272
+- drm/jpeg: add init value for num_jpeg_rings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f90afe
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the 4, 6 and 8 XCC cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34ab697
+- drm/amdgpu: golden settings for ASIC rev_id 0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ec92e0
+- drm/amdgpu: bypass bios dependent operations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a140e8
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3245d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a6d3bc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused variable in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dcd2c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix defined but not used gfx9_cs_data in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3611f5e
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix return types of certain NBIOv7.9 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 510270b
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e87237f
+- drm/amd: Drop debugfs access to the DPCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1791ba
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc892d
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2091d58
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4fa34e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use single copy per SDMA instance type (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3096b
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to unified amdgpu_ring_test_helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c2117
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in gfx (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b8ddb0
+- drm/amdgpu/sdma: set sched.ready status after ring/IB test in sdma (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 518428c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79f8e53
+- drm/amdkfd: Set event interrupt class for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ac9185
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit"
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit ce52bc4
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_irq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53c9f7c
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 7f12a28
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a low priority scheduler for VRAM clearing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29807d2
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d48716c
+- drm/amdgpu: Modify mismatched function name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bb1cddd
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove duplicate include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cec6e2
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables res_create_maximus_funcs and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b1d137f
+- drm/amd/display: avoid calling missing .resync_fifo_dccg_dio() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8651061
+- drm/amdkfd: Align partition memory size to page size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c3ff70
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused variable num_xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e283d4e
+- drm/amdgpu: fix acpi build warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ea4f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: use %pad format string for dma_addr_t (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 927d156
+- drm/amdgpu:mark aqua_vanjaram_reg_init.c function as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a60f4db
+- drm/amdkfd: mark local functions as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e1e8f
+- drm/amd/pm: mark irq functions as 'static' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bdc9d81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unsigned comparison with zero in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0f85
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix a couple of spelling mistakes in info and debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 443dfe7
+- drm/amdgpu: Disable interrupt tracker on NBIOv7.9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58b4066
+- drm/radeon: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 653ef00
+- drm/amdgpu: init the XCC_DOORBELL_FENCE regs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0984e5e
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unused definition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5939e84
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfxhub_v1_2_xcp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e86b9d9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unused amdgpu_acpi_get_numa_info function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8112d29
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.237 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0fa2f2a
+- drm/amd/display: cache trace buffer size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5941f
+- drm/amd/display: Reorganize DCN30 Makefile (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce93b40
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams for DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f6fe06
+- drm/amd/display: Clean FPGA code in dc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2a9c0b
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for displays with large
+  vblank (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- commit 0c205e1
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
-  smp_processor_id() (git-fixes).
-- commit 2981c3a
+  smp_processor_id() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Correct endianness for rqstlen and rsplen
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unused variable warning in
+  qla2xxx_process_purls_pkt() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix spelling mistake "tranport" -> "transport"
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
+  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix nvme_fc_rcv_ls_req() undefined error
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Add Unsolicited LS Request and Response Support
+  for NVMe (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: fix inconsistent TMF timeout (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off noisy message log (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix erroneous link up failure (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Adjust IOCB resource on qpair create (bsc#1214928
+  jsc#PED-5063).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-firmware-resource-tracking.patch
+- commit 885ad29
-- fuse: nlookup missing decrement in fuse_direntplus_link
-  (bsc#1215581).
-- commit 7cedbed
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-zfcp-Defer-fc_rport-blocking-until-after-.patch
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-5433 bsc#1214371 bsc#1213978).
+- commit 1a5ed2a
+- drm/amd/display: Revert vblank change that causes null pointer
+  crash (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch.
+- commit 69bfe31
-- Drop amdgpu patch causing spamming (bsc#1215523)
-  Deleted:
-  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-unused-.patch.
-- commit 2cab595
+- drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 785b8f4
-- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (jsc#PED-1549).
-- commit 34e493d
+- drm/amd/display: fix dcn315 pixel rate crb scaling check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2678b77
-- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (bsc#1214037).
-- commit cc9aa11
+- drm/amd/display: lower dp link training message level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dd5e5d
-- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
-  CVE-2023-37453 bsc#1215553 bsc#1215522 bsc#1215552).
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-race-by-not-overwriting-udev-descriptor.patch (add missing hunk)
-  Refresh patches.suse/USB-core-Fix-oversight-in-SuperSpeed-initialization.patch (context)
-- commit 6271d90
+- drm/amd/display: Update SR watermarks for DCN314 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 063ec68
-- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (git-fixes).
-- commit a8caba5
+- drm/amd/display: disable dcn315 pixel rate crb when scaling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6f1e71
-- vhost: handle error while adding split ranges to iotlb
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 059dc93
+- drm/amd/display: Fix DMUB debugging print issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8474b11
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c5d403
+- drm/amdgpu: stop including swiotlb.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34e4d38
-- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
-  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
-  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
-- commit c882efa
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in kgd2kfd_device_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5790b40
-- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
-- commit e049205
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitalized variable in jpeg_v4_0_3_is_idle & (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 498d01f
-- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit fced801
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in mmhub_v1_8.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a92c41
-- blacklist.conf: add b439eb8ab57855, as prereq patch is missing
-- commit 7f6a95d
+- drm/amdgpu: retire set_vga_state for some ASIC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51abed7
-- vhost_vdpa: fix the crash in unmap a large memory (git-fixes).
-- commit 5c68686
+- drm/amd/display: improve the message printed when loading DC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7933ebd
-- iommu/virtio: Detach domain on endpoint release (git-fixes).
-- commit b648ef9
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vga_set_state NULL pointer issue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c05d01a
-- vhost-scsi: unbreak any layout for response (git-fixes).
-- commit 374c9ef
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix uninitialized variable in gfx_v9_4_3_cp_resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42718de
-- drm/virtio: Use appropriate atomic state in
-  virtio_gpu_plane_cleanup_fb() (git-fixes).
-- commit 491eae6
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove IMU ucode in vf2pf (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8be7e0e
-- drm/virtio: Correct drm_gem_shmem_get_sg_table() error handling
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e8e33de
+- drm/amdgpu: fix the memory override in kiq ring struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 202f252
-- virtio-net: fix race between set queues and probe (git-fixes).
-- commit 1089568
+- drm/amdgpu: add the smu_v13_0_6 and gfx_v9_4_3 ip block (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad33448
-- virtio_net: Fix probe failed when modprobe virtio_net
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5915735
+- drm/radeon: Remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8c3888
-- virtio_net: add checking sq is full inside xdp xmit (git-fixes).
-- commit 87c00dd
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Rembrandt-R (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 005d910
-- virtio_net: separate the logic of checking whether sq is full
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7064a0d
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unnecessary (void*) conversions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1864d3d
-- virtio_net: reorder some funcs (git-fixes).
-- commit 4f7fbb1
-- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
-  (bsc#1214543).
-- commit 41ae88c
-- x86/coco: Allow CPU online/offline for a TDX VM with the paravisor on Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_write_efer() for a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (bsc#1206453)
-- x86/hyperv: Mark hv_ghcb_terminate() as noreturn (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add VTL specific structs and hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/coco: Export cc_vendor (bsc#1206453).
-- merge HV_ISOLATION_TYPE_TDX into upstream patch file
-- commit a53eaa2
-- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes)
-- commit 54615cb
-- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes)
-- commit d3da4d8
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Dragon Range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88b4a1a
-- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init sections (git-fixes)
-- commit f80791e
+- drm/amd: Update driver-misc.html for Phoenix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff0df5a
-- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash (git-fixes)
-- commit ec53ad3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix incorrect pcie_gen_mask in passthrough case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d25e98
-- virtio: acknowledge all features before access (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e146ad
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused count variable in create_eml_sink() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56bcf1f
-- RDMA/siw: Fabricate a GID on tun and loopback devices (git-fixes)
-- commit 9b7add1
+- drm/amd/display: drop unused function set_abm_event() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cf8d5d
-- hwrng: virtio - Fix race on data_avail and actual data
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 6d20bd3
+- drm/amdgpu: fix S3 issue if MQD in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9a5c6c
-- virtio-rng: make device ready before making request (git-fixes).
-- commit c09ce65
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _sdma, _ucode.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c28d85d
-- vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _uvd, _vce.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ac5830
+- drm/amdgpu: perform mode2 reset for sdma fed error on gfx v11_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b983cd
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_vcn.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3855ca
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu_encoders.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baeffda
+- drm/amdkfd: fix stack size in svm_range_validate_and_map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abd63cf
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu_ttm.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f5f782
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn4: fix endian conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a819ce9
+- drm/amdgpu/gmc9: fix 64 bit division in partition code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f16f3c8
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize RAS for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1cbda8
+- drm/amdgpu: add sq timeout status functions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e10aa03
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 435ed9f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6b63f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS error count definitions for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2b820f
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS definitions for GFX (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51b23ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Add gc v9_4_3 ras error status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 801b5d6
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status reset for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faa2e50
+- drm/amdgpu: add RAS status query for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a5668f
+- drm/amdgpu: add GFX RAS common function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c8a2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Do not access members of xcp w/o check (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6560ec
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix null ptr access (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 02554f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add check for RAS instance mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8e09b3
+- drm/amdgpu: remove RAS GFX injection for gfx_v9_4/gfx_v9_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525b8fb
+- drm/amdgpu: reorganize RAS injection flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d80f8c8
+- drm/amdgpu: add instance mask for RAS inject (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d5c879
+- drm/amdgpu: convert logical instance mask to physical one (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e7933f
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable IH CAM on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49a6dcc
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct get_xcp_mem_id calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc2c71c
+- drm/amdkfd: Refactor migrate init to support partition switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08184d2
+- drm/amdgpu: route ioctls on primary node of XCPs to primary device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 626d0e4
+- drm/amdkfd: APU mode set max svm range pages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab9b031
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix memory reporting on GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf10e82
+- drm/amdkfd: Move local_mem_info to kfd_node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86f8c8e
+- drm/amdgpu: use xcp partition ID for amdgpu_gem (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72af3fc
+- drm/amdgpu: KFD graphics interop support compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1010ff7
+- drm/amdkfd: Store xcp partition id to amdgpu bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e14f84
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode set VRAM range lpfn as exclusive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4465cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Alloc page table on correct memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fff200
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MTYPE for far memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 71f31f5
+- drm/amdgpu: dGPU mode placement support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c0331c
+- drm/amdkfd: SVM range allocation support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf5046f
+- drm/amdkfd: Alloc memory of GPU support memory partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e653cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition mem_id to amdgpu_bo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb9efd
+- drm/amdkfd: Show KFD node memory partition info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 404d348
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partition id to amdgpu_vm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5783535
+- drm/amdkfd: Store drm node minor number for kfd nodes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62bcbe9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcp manager num_xcp_per_mem_partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19842b9
+- drm/amdgpu: update ref_cnt before ctx free (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3195c4c
+- drm/amdgpu: run partition schedule if it is supported (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c70169
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition schedule for GC(9, 4, 3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3aba65
+- drm/amdgpu: keep amdgpu_ctx_mgr in ctx structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5bdf505
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition scheduler list update (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3db2c3
+- drm/amdgpu: update header to support partition scheduling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fbafab0
+- drm/amdgpu: add partition ID track in ring (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2d9777
+- drm/amdgpu: find partition ID when open device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98380c3
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: update mtype_local parameter settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14bbdd6
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: add mtype_local as a module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83eac25
+- drm/amdgpu: Override MTYPE per page on GFXv9.4.3 APUs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 728d1f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix per-BO MTYPE selection for GFXv9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f2501a
+- drm/amdgpu/bu: Add use_mtype_cc_wa module param (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00ff24b
+- drm/amdgpu: Use legacy TLB flush for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 110612b
+- drm/amdgpu: For GFX 9.4.3 APU fix vram_usage value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe078f6
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable NPS4 CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce99b84
+- drm/amdkfd: Move pgmap to amdgpu_kfd_dev structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40bcd11
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip halting RLC on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99d1154
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register accesses in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fa3258
+- drm/amdkfd: Increase queue number per process to 255 on GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fa075
+- drm/amdgpu: Adjust the sequence to query ras error info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a38ece
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize jpeg v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c398ff0
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f08bead
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for jpeg v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cd9edb
+- drm/amdgpu: Re-enable VCN RAS if DPG is enabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec27932
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize vcn v4_0_3 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5901112
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 841deba
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for vcn v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f4096f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add vcn/jpeg ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26857c3
+- drm/amdgpu: Checked if the pointer NULL before use it. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4131092
+- drm/amdgpu: Set memory partitions to 1 for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5989e4a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip using MC FB Offset when APU flag is set for SRIOV. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b6fb99
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP supporting PSP 13.0.6 SRIOV ucode init. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db2d095
+- drm/amdgpu: Add PSP spatial parition interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e571f9f
+- drm/amdgpu: Return error on invalid compute mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5a669
+- drm/amdgpu: Add compute mode descriptor function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2634b12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix unmapping of aperture (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a21ef99
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix xGMI access P2P mapping failure on GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fc3ad1b
+- drm/amdkfd: Native mode memory partition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1bcc89
+- drm/amdgpu: Set TTM pools for memory partitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35d8eb6
+- drm/ttm: export ttm_pool_fini for cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit efbd6bd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add auto mode for compute partition (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c23797
+- drm/amdgpu: Check memory ranges for valid xcp mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit deeabdb
+- drm/amdkfd: Use xcc mask for identifying xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 89bba72
+- drm/amdkfd: Add xcp reference to kfd node (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef1a727
+- drm/amdgpu: Move initialization of xcp before kfd (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c700fc
+- drm/amdgpu: Fill xcp mem node in aquavanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 971492b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add callback to fill xcp memory id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d5d66
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize memory ranges for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c110e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add memory partitions to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af74999
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get numa information of XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e917725
+- drm/amdgpu: Store additional numa node information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 277688a
+- drm/amdgpu: Get supported memory partition modes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b669c19
+- drm/amdgpu: Move memory partition query to gmc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17c5150
+- drm/amdgpu: Add utility functions for xcp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9697763
+- drm/amdgpu: Use apt name for FW reserved region (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 197d860
+- drm/amdgpu: Use GPU VA space for IH v4.4.2 in APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f1b334e
+- drm/amdgpu: Simplify aquavanjram instance mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06c5751
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: Use buffer object's deletion logic (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c529ed4
+- drm/amdgpu: Use a different value than 0xDEADBEEF for jpeg ring test (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9499a3d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a read after write DB_CTRL for vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98812bd
+- drm/amdgpu: fixes a JPEG get write/read pointer bug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8be079
+- drm/amdgpu: A workaround for JPEG_v4_0_3 ring test fail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11e6fad
+- drm/amdgpu: use physical AID index for ring name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit df1700d
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use dummy register selects AID for VCN_RAM ucode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec7b567
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix harvest reporting of VCN (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c25b44e
+- drm/amdgpu: Use logical ids for VCN/JPEG v4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf738b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Add VCN logical to physical id mapping (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87d699f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add instance mask for VCN and JPEG (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd219ae
+- drm/amdgpu: Load vcn_v4_0_3 ucode during early_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16f35e2
+- drm/amdgpu: preserve the num_links in case of reflection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db285b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix discovery sys node harvest info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 645bbfa
+- drm/amdkfd: Flush TLB after unmapping for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7a9adc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add fallback path for discovery info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c8e909
+- drm/amdgpu: Read discovery info from system memory (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbeb
+- drm/amdgpu: Add API to get tmr info from acpi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d49285c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add parsing of acpi xcc objects (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67120d0
+- drm/amdkfd: Enable SVM on Native mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6248034
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3435d64
+- drm/amdgpu: Use transient mode during xcp switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f57cb5
+- drm/amdgpu: Add flags for partition mode query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4562290
+- drm/amd/pm: fix wrong smu socclk value (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 301f2d8
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode-2 reset in SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33db90f
+- drm/amd/pm: Notify PMFW about driver unload cases (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b56d
+- drm/amd/pm: Update PMFW headers for version 85.54 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a22067
+- drm/amd/pm: Expose mem temperature for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ffd729
+- drm/amd/pm: Update hw mon attributes for GC version 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb8bda
+- drm/amd/pm: Initialize power limit for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fac79a5
+- drm/amd/pm: Keep interface version in PMFW header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd3969
+- drm/amd/pm: Add ih for SMU v13.0.6 thermal throttling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c1bb87
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c42cea5
+- drm/amd/pm: Update gfx clock frequency for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b536dc
+- drm/amd/pm: Update pmfw header files for SMU v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 298a026
+- drm/amdgpu: fix sdma instance (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1be47a9
+- drm/amdgpu: change the print level to warn for ip block disabled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed16d0f
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase Max GPU instance to 64 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d16bb52
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9f17d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Create VRAM BOs on GTT for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263b811
+- drm/amdgpu: Implement new dummy vram manager (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2ec2c
+- drm/amdgpu: Handle VRAM dependencies on GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0cc910
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CG for IH v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fa4741
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable persistent edc harvesting in APP APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39315ce
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize mmhub v1_8 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bab35de
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6528a7d
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_status for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ef6811b
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e75408
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for mmhub v1_8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b7fa8f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mmhub v1_8_0 ras err status registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a83f221
+- drm/amdgpu: Initialize sdma v4_4_2 ras function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 694bdca
+- drm/amdgpu: Add reset_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26cc78a
+- drm/amdgpu: Add query_ras_error_count for sdma v4_4_2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8f6a7c
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma v4_4_2 ras registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ab1e67
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to reset ras error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6611bf
+- drm/amdgpu: Add common helper to query ras error (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfc85cb
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable MGCG on SDMAv4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d82d8f
+- drm/amdgpu: enable context empty interrupt on sdma v4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a76731b
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn_4_0_3 codec query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8bc910f
+- drm/amdkfd: bind cpu and hiveless gpu to a hive if xgmi connected (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df792f
+- drm/amdkfd: Cleanup KFD nodes creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e438f
+- drm/ttm: add NUMA node id to the pool (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 690343f
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix mqd init on GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bed16b6
+- drm/amd: fix compiler error to support older compilers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf9a0c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable CGCG/LS for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78231c2
+- drm/amdgpu: Use unique doorbell range per xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d206314
+- drm/amdgpu: Keep SDMAv4.4.2 active during reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a053965
+- drm/amdkfd: Report XGMI IOLINKs for GFXIP9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec27f0
+- drm/amdgpu: add num_xcps return (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41f9a19
+- drm/amdgpu: increase AMDGPU_MAX_HWIP_RINGS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 506d46f
+- drm/amdgpu: vcn_v4_0_3 load vcn fw once for all AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 352596e
+- drm/amdgpu: Populate VCN/JPEG harvest information (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c922f8
+- drm/amdgpu: Correct dGPU MTYPE settings for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 876ec70
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove SMU powergate message call for SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c633446
+- drm/amdgpu: enable vcn/jpeg on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e8a596
+- drm/amdgpu: enable indirect_sram mode on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14d74aa
+- drm/amdgpu: add unified queue support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56665c1
+- drm/amdgpu: add fwlog support on vcn_v4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c22bee8
+- drm/amdgpu: increase MAX setting to hold more jpeg instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0d16ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Use discovery to get XCC/SDMA mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62decd3
+- drm/amdgpu: Make VRAM discovery read optional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e5f050
+- drm/amdgpu: Allocate GART table in RAM for AMD APU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17f38dc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add FGCG logic for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a7c3031
+- drm/amdgpu: Make UTCL2 snoop CPU caches (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 511d203
+- amd/amdgpu: Set MTYPE_UC for access over PCIe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e6513
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX v9.4.3 EOP buffer allocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55bd2ba
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GFX 9.4.3 dma address capability (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63b4f35
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix semaphore release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 830d513
+- drm/amdkfd: Setup current_logical_xcc_id in MQD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c46c992
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove unnecessary return value check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1bf58a0
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub index when page fault occurs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 16b96f1
+- drm/amdkfd: Update packet manager for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 62b850e
+- drm/amdgpu: set MTYPE in PTE for GFXIP 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33278af
+- drm/amdgpu: Use mask for active clusters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ab8e36
+- drm/amdgpu: Derive active clusters from SDMA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ce648
+- drm/amdgpu: Move generic logic to soc config (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e619a62
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix the KCQ hang when binding back (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 024716a
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip TMR allocation if not required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 616276f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP IP callback funcs for each IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9776e6e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCP functions for GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6703090
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eaf66f9
+- drm/amdgpu: Add GFXHUB v1.2 XCP funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a7e4c7
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to SOC partition funcs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da815e2
+- drm/amdgpu: Add soc config init for GC9.4.3 ASICs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e633cc
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SOC partition funcs for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4d8aed
+- drm/amdgpu: Add initial version of XCP routines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5734b6f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add sdma instance specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit acd52a6
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions for gfxhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 994f11e
+- drm/amdgpu: Add xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 41d9b49
+- drm/amdgpu: Rename xcc specific functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a27359
+- drm/amdgpu: Check APU supports true APP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59b4f8b
+- drm/amdgpu: more GPU page fault info for GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53374df
+- drm/amdgpu: remove partition attributes sys file for gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b892e8
+- drm/amdgpu: fix kcq mqd_backup buffer double free for multi-XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf76ac
+- drm/amdgpu: Skip runtime db read for PSP 13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 465f295
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vm context register assignment in mmhub v1.8 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 63e7cd0
+- drm/amdgpu: Revert programming of CP_PSP_XCP_CTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3fb2d1f
+- drm/amdgpu: detect current GPU memory partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4cb7ad
+- drm/amdgpu: init smuio funcs for smuio v13_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ccd92f6
+- drm/amdgpu: implement smuio v13_0_3 callbacks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 97a7075
+- drm/amdgpu: add smuio v13_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d56b555
+- drm/amdgpu: retire render backend setup from gfx_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 128fd4c
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Update debugfs for XCC support (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a62edd
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA v4.4.2 golden settings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0dd560
+- drm/amdgpu: init gfx_v9_4_3 external_rev_id (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 658bf81
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix interrupt handling in GFX v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddbbb65
+- drm/amdgpu: consolidate the access helpers in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe1a75a
+- drm/amdgpu: add helpers to access registers on different AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354ccea
+- drm/amdgpu: parse base address from new ip discovery with 64bit ip (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a93c78
+- drm/amdgpu: upgrade amdgpu_discovery struct ip to ip_v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed621cb
+- drm/amdgpu: do some register access cleanup in nbio v7_9 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2dd212b
+- drm/amdgpu: extend max instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 932fe25
+- drm/amdgpu: increase DISCOVERY_TMR_SIZE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a163106
+- drm/amdgpu: update ip discovery header to v4 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0bbff2
+- drm/amdgpu: switch to aqua_vanjaram_doorbell_index_init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13f1862
+- drm/amdgpu: Use SDMA instance table for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe4d5d4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d737891
+- drm/amdgpu: Add IP instance map for aqua vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988eb6
+- drm/amdgpu: add new doorbell assignment table for aqua_vanjaram (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48b20e0
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix register access on GC v9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 179f42c
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix programming of initial XCP mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a6f98f
+- drm/amdkfd: Update interrupt handling for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ac27df
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix failure when switching to DPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5681e3f
+- drm/amdkfd: Use instance table for GFX 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e903cd
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix SWS on multi-XCD GPU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2574d49
+- drm/amdgpu: drop redundant csb init for gfx943 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d8d789
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust s2a entry register for sdma doorbell trans (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 311f536
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SMI events for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d88268
+- drm/amdgpu: Use status register for partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 30b55fd
+- drm/amdkfd: pass kfd_node ref to svm migration api (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0470f1
+- drm/amdgpu: Conform to SET_UCONFIG_REG spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3cac682
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b583ca
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update clock gate setting for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ef368b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add JPEG multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8fa2571
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: add vcn doorbell multiple AIDs support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5634c12
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix GRBM programming sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4603b3
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance table for sdma 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7016e26
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mask for SDMA instances (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cec5e1
+- drm/amdgpu: Use instance lookup table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9e1990
+- drm/amdgpu: Add map of logical to physical inst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d5c0a9
+- drm/amdkfd: Add device repartition support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f3755a
+- drm/amdkfd: Rework kfd_locked handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ad7302
+- drm/amdgpu: configure the doorbell settings for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82be392
+- drm/amdgpu: add indirect r/w interface for smn address greater than (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a43b4c4
+- drm/amdkfd: EOP Removal - Handle size 0 correctly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8471f1
+- drm/amdgpu: reflect psp xgmi topology info for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0784d0e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update amdgpu_fw_shared to amdgpu_vcn4_fw_shared (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8988004
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: remove unused code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5435d18
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update ucode setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98f49b1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update new doorbell map (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0e3c02
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: update jpeg header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 70a9445
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: update vcn header to support multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ddd66e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: use vcn4 irqsrc header for VCN 4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d42f572
+- drm/amdgpu: Change num_xcd to xcc_mask (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7d5dd
+- drm/amdgpu: add the support of XGMI link for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0d012
+- drm/amdgpu: add new vram type for dgpu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e980d45
+- drm/amdkfd: Populate memory info before adding GPU node to topology (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7ca6c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add SDMA info for SDMA 4.4.2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 10f1191
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix SDMA in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 483c737
+- drm/amdkfd: add gpu compute cores io links for gfx9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c786a4
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce new doorbell assignment table for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dca185d
+- drm/amdgpu: program GRBM_MCM_ADDR for non-AID0 GRBM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd744e2
+- drm/amdgpu: convert the doorbell_index to 2 dwords offset for kiq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f83308
+- drm/amdgpu: set mmhub bitmask for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7fd97c1
+- drm/amdgpu: complement the IH node_id table for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7ce72f
+- drm/amdgpu: correct the vmhub reference for each XCD in gfxhub init (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91be675
+- drm/amdgpu: do mmhub init for multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22a1e5f
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index for sdma on non-AID0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 586f3ac
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for SDMA on multiple AIDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bcf082e
+- drm/amdgpu: adjust some basic elements for multiple AID case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 769798b
+- drm/amdgpu: assign the doorbell index in 1st page to sdma page queue (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af749c8
+- drm/amdgpu: Set XNACK per process on GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b276f2d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use new atomfirmware init for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 59fe354
+- drm/amdkfd: Update coherence settings for svm ranges (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 25ef3d2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix CP_HYP_XCP_CTL register programming in CPX mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3325c2
+- drm/amdkfd: Update SDMA queue management for GFX9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bd904a
+- drm/amdkfd: Update sysfs node properties for multi XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf6cf4
+- drm/amdkfd: Call DQM stop during DQM uninitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fddb2
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix VM fault reporting on XCC1 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a28d40e
+- drm/amdkfd: Update context save handling for multi XCC setup (v2) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 108db58
+- drm/amdgpu: Add XCC inst to PASID TLB flushing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47b102c
+- drm/amdkfd: Add XCC instance to kgd2kfd interface (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 718e506
+- drm/amdkfd: Add PM4 target XCC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f584faf
+- drm/amdkfd: Update MQD management on multi XCC setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7ca6a46
+- drm/amdkfd: Add spatial partitioning support in KFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ca461
+- drm/amdkfd: Introduce kfd_node struct (v5) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 088b458
+- drm/amdgpu: Add mode2 reset logic for v13.0.6 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 531578f
+- drm/amdgpu: Add some XCC programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b68510
+- drm/amdgpu: add node_id to physical id conversion in EOP handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2db1301
+- drm/amdgpu: enable the ring and IB test for slave kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2beb0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: support gc v9_4_3 ring_test running on all xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eab204d
+- drm/amdgpu: fix vcn doorbell range setting (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ce5cdd
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg doorbell for jpeg4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb73840
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn doorbell for vcn4.0.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 796bc87
+- drm/amdgpu/nbio: update vcn doorbell range (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 715819f
+- drm/amdkfd: Set F8_MODE for gc_v9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f747e6b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support for vcn4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 76b4371
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add multiple jpeg rings support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f04e2e
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn DPG mode for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c920679
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09da8e1
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: enable vcn cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01ee657
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg pg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac8927b
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: enable jpeg cg for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69fe7ab
+- drm/amdgpu/vcn: add vcn support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bfee820
+- drm/amdgpu/jpeg: add jpeg support for VCN4_0_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8462eee
+- drm/amdgpu: add VCN4_0_3 firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb165d8
+- drm/amdgpu: add vcn v4_0_3 ip headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9dcd5f0
+- drm/amdgpu/: add more macro to support offset variant (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca3f59d
+- drm/amdgpu: Use the correct API to read register (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fadf64
+- drm/amdgpu: Add kgd2kfd for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 385728a
+- drm/amdgpu: alloc vm inv engines for every vmhub (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fa98c7
+- drm/amdgpu: override partition mode through module parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af06f1d
+- drm/amdgpu: make the WREG32_SOC15_xx macro to support multi GC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d000d4
+- drm/amdgpu: add sysfs node for compute partition mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc74b50
+- drm/amdgpu: assign different AMDGPU_GFXHUB for rings on each xcc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04c93b9
+- drm/amdgpu: init vmhubs bitmask for GC 9.4.3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f685a7b
+- drm/amdgpu: add bitmask to iterate vmhubs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6055555
+- drm/amdgpu: assign register address for vmhub object on each XCD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cc89aa
+- drm/amdgpu: introduce vmhub definition for multi-partition cases (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1795fc
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.236 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb1bdc
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unnecessary variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2bd2041
+- drm/amd/display: Make unbounded req update separate from dlg/ttu (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7444767
+- drm/amd/display: Add visual confirm color support for MCLK switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd0dafe
+- drm/amd/display: Convert connector signal id to string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6a06321
+- drm/amd/display: Update vactive margin and max vblank for fpo + (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5058a80
+- drm/amd/display: Only skip update for DCFCLK, UCLK, FCLK on overclock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b655a9f
+- drm/amdgpu: improve wait logic at fence polling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f894d7
+- drm/amd/display: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aaf3700
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix warnings in amdgpu _object, _ring.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa956a9
+- drm/amdgpu: release correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kgq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d709969
+- drm/amdgpu/display: Enable DC_FP for LoongArch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 868f01c
+- drm/amd/display: Promote DAL to 3.2.235 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13f8b2
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP on displays that have pixclk > 1800Mhz (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 300d4d5
+- drm/amd/display: Block SubVP high refresh when VRR active fixed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c7c56de
+- drm/amd/display: Check Vactive for VRR active for FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a27d96
+- drm/amdgpu: set default num_kcq to 2 under sriov (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4120ff0
+- drm/amd/display: Show the DCN/DCE version in the log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e51728e
+- drm/amdgpu: Remove the unused variable golden_settings_gc_9_4_3 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34d7e89
+- drm/amdkfd: Don't trigger evictions unmapping dmabuf attachments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a98b35a
+- drm/amd/display: Add additional pstate registers to HW state query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90649c1
+- drm/amdgpu: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6bb7728
+- drm/amdgpu: do gfxhub init for all XCDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f255cf
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock on error in gfx_v9_4_3_kiq_resume() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aea0ff
+- drm/amdgpu: unlock the correct lock in amdgpu_gfx_enable_kcq() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a8953b4
+- drm/amdgpu: drop unused function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8d9f70f
+- drm/amdgpu: drop invalid IP revision (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40e8d14
+- drm/amdgpu: put MQDs in VRAM (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9bde94
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix errors & warnings in amdgpu _bios, _cs, _dma_buf, (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57313b8
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e6aa7a8
+- drm/amd/display: mark amdgpu_dm_connector_funcs_force static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3a4cdc
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: always restore kcq/kgq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0fcc5d
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx9: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit adb9457
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx8: always restore kcq MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0f72c6b
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 04b1e1e
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3657604
+- drm/amd: Downgrade message about watermarks table after s0i3 to debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6aabe
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0597d12
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: use generic [en/dis]able_kgq() helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6d9e0bf
+- drm/amdgpu: add [en/dis]able_kgq() functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b967e6
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.234 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9056fb4
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56ba4ff
+- drm/amd/display: Add w/a to disable DP dual mode on certain ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a575d63
+- drm/amd/display: revert "Update scaler recout data for visual (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b4b4da
+- drm/amd/display: Adding debug option to override Z8 watermark values (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72cc043
+- drm/amd/display: Workaround wrong HDR colorimetry with some receivers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e843d2
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging when DP link training Channel EQ is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0aaa819
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_psp.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5df4823
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx10: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d686ce
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: drop old bring up code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d990c68
+- drm/amdkfd: Optimize svm range map to GPU with XNACK on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32e2fcf
+- drm/amd/display: Add logging for eDP v1.4 supported sink rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48a111d
+- drm/amd/display: Fix possible NULL dereference in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c21885
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style problems in amdgpu_debugfs.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0715995
+- drm/amdgpu: Enable mcbp under sriov by default (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 559f7c7
+- drm/amdgpu: remove pasid_src field from IV entry (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aff6098
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Simplify switch case statements in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f950f4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add SDMA_UTCL1_WR_FIFO_SED field for sdma_v4_4_ras_field (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99e3c7c
+- drm/amdkfd: Update KFD TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 69c77d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Set GTT size equal to TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ee62fd
+- drm/ttm: Helper function to get TTM mem limit (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7f05b3
+- drm/amdgpu: mark gfx_v9_4_3_disable_gpa_mode() static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45479e4
+- drm/amdgpu: check correct allocated mqd_backup object after alloc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43fe564
+- drm/amdgpu: fix a build warning by a typo in amdgpu_gfx.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0aa449
+- drm/amd/display: return status of dmub_srv_get_fw_boot_status (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01225d6
+- drm/amd/display: set variable custom_backlight_curve0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93d40e8
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_display.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e8df70c
+- drm/amd/display: DSC passthrough is for DP-HDMI pcon (SST pcon) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dce215a
+- drm/amdgpu: add new flag to AMDGPU_CTX_QUERY2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d4edfd2
+- drm:amd:amdgpu: Fix missing bo unlock in failure path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81a9d28
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variables dispclk_delay_subtotal and (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23fbee8
+- drm/amdgpu: support psp vbflash sysfs for MP0 13_0_10 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64ac4c7
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.233 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2df3241
+- drm/amd/display: Query GECC enable for SubVP disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed1c556
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP for high refresh rate displays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbe01b8
+- drm/amd/display: For no plane case set pstate support in validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c380cf5
+- drm/amd/display: Add p-state debugging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed6aebf
+- drm/amd/display: Update scaler recout data for visual confirm (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fac55a
+- drm/amd/display: Program OTG vtotal min/max selectors unconditionally (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42eac4b
+- drm/amd/display: add option to use custom backlight caps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8423cad
+- drm/amd/display: Enable SubVP on PSR panels if single stream (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eff8c77
+- drm/amd/display: Restore rptr/wptr for DMCUB as workaround (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f49e072
+- drm/amd/display: Update FW feature caps struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 93bb9cc
+- drm/amd/display: implement force function in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4ebfd5
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.232 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea6d802
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61d64fd
+- drm/amdgpu: add debugfs interface for reading MQDs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ac7a3b
+- drm/amdgpu: track MQD size for gfx and compute (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5e5ffd
+- drm/amdgpu: bump driver version number for CP GFX shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f3b100
+- drm/amdkfd: Fix an issue at userptr buffer validation process. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c98315a
+- drm/amd/display: assign edid_blob_ptr with edid from debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 263767f
+- drm/amdgpu: add support for new GFX shadow size query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 266df5e
+- drm/amdgpu: add get_gfx_shadow_info callback for gfx11 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0991ea1
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3af8db
+- drm/amdgpu: add UAPI to query GFX shadow sizes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c3905b
+- drm/amdgpu: don't require a job for cond_exec and shadow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 679ca88
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx11 emit shadow callback (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e5c100
+- drm/amdgpu: add gfx shadow CS IOCTL support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ceef1c
+- drm/amdgpu/UAPI: add new CS chunk for GFX shadow buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fff1579
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: check the CP FW version CP GFX shadow support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c276cd6
+- drm/amdgpu/gfx11: add FW version check for new CP GFX shadow feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82eced4
+- drm/amd/display: dumb_abm_lcd: avoid missing-prototype warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56c7ad2
+- drm/amd/display: 3.2.231 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 675200d
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS related definitions and documenation for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9e3f19
+- drm/amd/display: Add FAMS capability to DCN31 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3f46b4
+- drm/amd/display: fix dpms_off issue when disabling bios mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 666931d
+- drm/amd/display: update GSP1 generic info packet for PSRSU (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f060959
+- drm/amd/display: Adjust dmub outbox notification enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fcc831
+- drm/amd/display: 3-plane MPO enablement for DCN321 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5dce3e1
+- drm/amd/display: Add extra check for 444 16 format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0fb904
+- drm/amd/display: correct DML calc error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a5c491
+- drm/amd/display: Limit nv21 dst_y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 954ff4b
+- drm/amd/display: Add check for PState change in DCN32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1aed7df
+- drm/amd/display: Set DRAM clock if retraining is required (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f4a607
+- drm/amd/display: add support for low bpc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbda83f
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style issues in amdgpu_discovery.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f64331
+- drm/amd/display: Remove unused variables in dcn21_hwseq.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 07026f7
+- drm/amdgpu: allocate doorbell index for multi-die case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfcbab
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix style errors in amdgpu_drv.c & amdgpu_device.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2af78
+- drm/amd/amdgpu: Fix spaces in array indexing and indentations in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3979f4b
+- drm/amdgpu: Drop pcie_bif ras check from fatal error handler (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbb99f0
+- drm/amdgpu: initialize num_xcd to 1 for gfx v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77880d1
+- drm/amdgpu: add master/slave check in init phase (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2afcbe
+- drm/amd/display: Clear GPINT1 before taking DMCUB out of reset (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c292f3e
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to rlc safe_mode func (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5207df8
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to select_sh_se function v2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0795290
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to gfx v9_4_3 functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5093050
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-XCC initial support in gfx_v9_4_3.c (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5b1c963
+- drm/amdgpu: add xcc index argument to soc15_grbm_select (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d656861
+- drm/amdgpu: split gc v9_4_3 functionality from gc v9_0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e68f63e
+- drm/amdgpu: add multi-xcc support to amdgpu_gfx interfaces (v4) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc75659
+- drm/amdgpu: separate the mqd_backup for kiq from kcq (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4891858
+- drm/amdgpu: move queue_bitmap to an independent structure (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fb8e0d4
+- drm/amdgpu: convert gfx.kiq to array type (v3) (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a897cae
+- drm/amd/display: remove unused variable oldest_index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43e14b6
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix spelling mistake "aquire" -> "acquire" (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd77318
+- drm/amdgpu: Add support for querying the max ibs in a submission. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f946aa4
+- drm/amdgpu: Add a max ibs per submission limit. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4235d6
+- drm/amdgpu: Increase GFX6 graphics ring size. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e76b74
+- drm/amd/display: Write TEST_EDID_CHECKSUM_WRITE for EDID tests (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 423ba24
+- drm/amd/display: add mechanism to skip DCN init (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit 6c7b0ef
+- drm/amd/display: add extra dc odm debug options (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 13ee7f9
+- drm/amd/display: [FW Promotion] Release (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b71ea9
+- drm/amd/display: Enable FPO + Vactive (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc4c701
+- drm/amd/display: Set watermarks set D equal to A (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f43f7e1
+- drm/amd/display: Correct output color space during HW reinitialize (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff231cf
+- drm/amd/display: DSC policy override when ODM combine is forced (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2f061
+- drm/amd/display: Adding support for VESA SCR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a31437
+- drm/amd/display: drain dmub inbox if queue is full (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d807ece
+- drm/amd/display: refactor dmub commands into single
+  function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch.
+- commit ab21a66
+- drm/amd/display: Only consider DISPCLK when using optimized boot path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b2cfa8
+- drm/amd/display: update max streams per surface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f184e0
+- drm/amd/display: Fix in disabling secure display (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 17eb970
+- drm/amd/display: Block optimize on consecutive FAMS
+  enables (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 6ef2fed
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Do-not-set-drr-on-pipe-commit.patch.
+- commit 41e7d51
+- drm/amd/display: Fix ABM pipe/backlight issues when change backlight (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cc4480
+- drm/amd/display: Check & log if receiver supports MST, DSC & FEC. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dba99a7
+- drm/amd/display: Refactor ABM feature (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit be14e0c
+- drm/i915/gsc: Fix error code in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec82276
+- i915/perf: Do not add ggtt offset to hw_tail (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d7fa39
+- i915/perf: Drop the aging_tail logic in perf OA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9014880
+- drm/i915: Allow user to set cache at BO creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b6d618
+- drm/i915/guc: Remove some obsolete definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3d0d79
+- drm/i915: rename I915_PMU_MAX_GTS to I915_PMU_MAX_GT (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca13f77
+- drm/i915: Reduce I915_MAX_GT to 2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d93184b
+- drm/i915: Use the fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b36a900
+- drm/i915/huc: define HuC FW version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82006df
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: Use the media gt for the HuC getparam (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d09b48e
+- drm/i915/mtl/huc: auth HuC via GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3022383
+- drm/i915/huc: differentiate the 2 steps of the MTL HuC auth flow (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 516ec6e
+- drm/i915/huc: Load GSC-enabled HuC via DMA xfer if the fuse says so (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d0eb0c
+- drm/i915/huc: Parse the GSC-enabled HuC binary (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9027300
+- drm/i915/uc: perma-pin firmwares (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad8ceae
+- drm/i915/pxp: Fix size_t format specifier in gsccs_send_message() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5075c4e
+- drm/i915/gt: limit lmem allocation size to succeed on SmallBars (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd30e03
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix parameter in gmch_ggtt_insert_{entries, page}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6eb592
+- drm/i915/gt: Fix second parameter type of pre-gen8 pte_encode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b96fa49
+- drm/i915/pmu: Make PMU sample array two-dimensional (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52373d6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Turn off the timer to sample frequencies when GT is (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4cfaaff
+- drm/i915/guc: Drop legacy CTB definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e36bbbd
+- drm/i915/guc: Track all sent actions to GuC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37380
+- drm/i915/guc: Update log for unsolicited CTB response (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5367a09
+- drm/i915/guc: Use FAST_REQUEST for non-blocking H2G calls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 306501e
+- drm/i915/gem: Use large rings for compute contexts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cbf6444
+- drm/i915/gsc: use system include style for drm headers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4fc6fc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Reset only one lane in case of MFD (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 530224c
+- drm/i915: Flush power delayed put when connector init failed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e1d494
+- drm/i915: Remove i915_drm_suspend_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a7805e
+- drm/i915_drm.h: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f15edc
+- drm/i915/display: switch the rest of the connectors to struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7230bbc
+- drm/display/dp_mst: convert to struct drm_edid (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 655ad8f
+- drm/edid: make drm_edid_duplicate() safe to call with NULL parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d2afae4
+- drm/i915/lvds: switch to drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4561db
+- drm/edid: add drm_edid_read_switcheroo() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e0823f2
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_audio in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e964241
+- drm/i915/sdvo: stop caching has_hdmi_monitor in struct intel_sdvo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba0d0a0
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60d6489
+- drm/i915/hdmi: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0b94f5
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_hdmi_sink in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a54444
+- drm/i915/dp: stop caching has_audio in struct intel_dp (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24a5a93
+- drm/display/dp_mst: drop has_audio from struct drm_dp_mst_port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5e9ff4
+- drm/edid: parse display info has_audio similar to is_hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9216034
+- drm/i915: use localized __diag_ignore_all() instead of per file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5813e1
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename comp_mutex to hdcp_mutex (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a3079d
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Move away from master naming to arbiter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2252453
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Rename dev_priv to i915 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7921ee1
+- drm/i915: Implement CTM property support for VLV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6179eb
+- drm/i915: Always enable CGM CSC on CHV (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a891b8
+- drm/i915: Fix CHV CGM CSC coefficient sign handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7de6cce
+- drm/i915: Expose crtc CTM property on ilk/snb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dc828b
+- drm/i915: Fix clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6cd1b01
+- drm/i915/display: Move feature test macros to intel_display_device.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 33fb907
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f678b4
+- drm/i915/display: Make display responsible for probing its own IP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98365b2
+- drm/i915/display: Move display runtime info to display structure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3a35d92
+- drm/i915: Convert INTEL_INFO()->display to a pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aed04f
+- drm/i915: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1924536
+- drm/i915: Wait for active retire before i915_active_fini() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 080439c
+- drm/i915: Support Async Flip on Linear buffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ea1165e
+- drm/i915: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a58ccd2
+- drm/display/dsc: add YCbCr 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 RC parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 96ada7d
+- drm/display/dsc: include the rest of pre-SCR parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a1b5e1
+- drm/display/dsc: split DSC 1.2 and DSC 1.1 (pre-SCR) parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b93ed
+- drm/display/dsc: use flat array for rc_parameters lookup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9b7a88
+- drm/i915/dsc: stop using interim structure for calculated params (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a225d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move DSC tables to DRM DSC helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4afb4d
+- drm/i915/dsc: move rc_buf_thresh values to common helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 198d780
+- drm/i915/dsc: change DSC param tables to follow the DSC model (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4b021a
+- drm/i915/hdmi: C20 computed PLL frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7287ee
+- drm/i915: Add 16bit register/mask operators (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e43e0c3
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix expected reg value for Thunderbolt PLL disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c744c1
+- drm/i915: tweak language in fastset pipe config compare logging (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 49d886e
+- drm/i915: fix intel_display_irq.c include order (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e17759
+- drm/i915/tc: Reset TypeC PHYs left enabled in DP-alt mode after the (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f198a63
+- drm/i915/tc: Call TypeC port flush_work/cleanup without modeset locks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f5b5a0
+- drm/i915: Factor out a helper for handling atomic modeset locks/state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 78b5109
+- drm/i915/dp: Factor out intel_dp_get_active_pipes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0328903
+- drm/i915/dp: Prevent link training fallback on disconnected port (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27d546c
+- drm/i915/dp: Convert link training error to debug message on (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2cca75
+- drm/i915/dp: Add link training debug and error printing helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b85a7c
+- drm/i915: Add support for disabling any CRTCs during HW (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0add83
+- drm/i915: Factor out set_encoder_for_connector() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d63017
+- drm/i915: Separate intel_crtc_disable_noatomic_begin/complete() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a43328
+- drm/i915: Update connector atomic state before crtc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e65bbbb
+- drm/i915: Make the CRTC state consistent during sanitize-disabling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ab5da6
+- drm/i915: Add helpers to reference/unreference a DPLL for a CRTC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51e0a4f
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fill hdcp2_streamid_type and k in appropriate places (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9cba0ae
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Fix modeset locking issue in hdcp mst (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a11eb20
+- drm/i915/hdcp: Remove enforce_type0 check outside loop (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a931943
+- drm/i915/hdcp: add intel_atomic_state argument to hdcp_enable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3b41958
+- drm/i915/irq: split out display irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23d24c2
+- drm/i915/irq: split out hotplug irq handling (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit accdfdd
+- drm/i915/irq: convert gen8_de_irq_handler() to void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9609977
+- drm/i915/display: add i915 parameter to I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6df0dd7
+- drm/i915/display: remove I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387bb30
+- drm/i915/crtc: replace I915_STATE_WARN_ON() with I915_STATE_WARN() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d4dac
+- drm/i915/dpll: drop a useless I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d59113a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add handling for MTL ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e5ed432
+- drm/fourcc: define Intel Meteorlake related ccs modifiers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa5ffd
+- drm/i915/bios: add helper for reading SPI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056ec6a
+- drm/i915/gt: drop dependency on VLV_DISPLAY_BASE (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08db04e
+- drm/i915/irq: relocate gmbus and dp aux irq handlers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5787b7a
+- drm/i915: Nuke intel_bios_is_port_dp_dual_mode() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f154b1
+- drm/i915: Flip VBT DDC pin maps around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c1b35b0
+- drm/i915: Split map_aux_ch() into per-platform arrays (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0fe6ac
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for AUX CH registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a09b2a
+- drm/i915: Define more PS_CTRL bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f01be5
+- drm/i915/hdcp: drop display/ prefix from include (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2c7d2d5
+- drm/i915: Fix wrong condition in bxt_set_cdclk for DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4ab799d
+- drm/i915: Pick one HDMI port for infoframe/audio transmission on g4x (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2603ae6
+- drm/i915: Move has_hdmi_sink out from intel_hdmi_compute_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3bb6952
+- drm/i915/dp: Rearrange check for illegal mode and comments in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5584967
+- drm/i915/dp: Add helper to get sink_format (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b7935a
+- drm/i915/display: Use sink_format instead of ycbcr420_output flag (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9384abd
+- drm/i915/dp: Configure PCON for conversion of output_format to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ecd9dc1
+- drm/i915/dp: Replace intel_dp.dfp members with the new crtc_state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ed4cb1d
+- drm/i915/display: Add new member to configure PCON color conversion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 53402c7
+- drm/i915: Communicate display power demands to pcode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ce821e
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for pipe scaler registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d46bf4b
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for skl+ scaler window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 364137c
+- drm/i915: s/PS_COEE_INDEX_AUTO_INC/PS_COEF_INDEX_AUTO_INC/ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3065e1a
+- drm/i915: Rename skl+ scaler binding bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e88a8a4
+- drm/i915: Remove dead scaler register defines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32166d6
+- drm/i915: Define bitmasks for ilk pfit window pos/size (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbbea8c
+- drm/i915/display/dp: 128/132b LT requirement (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98906b9
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enable TC ports (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6e3c86
+- drm/i915/mtl: Pin assignment for TypeC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e1e066f
+- drm/i915/mtl: TypeC HPD live status query (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09ed01b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Power up TCSS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a0e7694
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define mask for DDI AUX interrupts (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5863584
+- drm/i915/mtl: Readout Thunderbolt HW state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3c0d14
+- drm/i915/mtl: Enabling/disabling sequence Thunderbolt pll (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf90af3
+- drm/i915/mtl: For DP2.0 10G and 20G rates use MPLLA (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3ccbf74
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add voltage swing sequence for C20 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d0a27c
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 port clock calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e68ef7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Dump C20 pll hw state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3c5a2d7
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 HW readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7d0d8da
+- drm/i915/mtl: C20 PLL programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f7ac364
+- drm/i915/display: Increase AUX timeout for Type-C (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 697d5f8
+- drm/i915/adlp+: Disable DC5/6 states for TC port DDI/AUX and for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ddf1ea7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Skip pcode qgv restrictions for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22abb48
+- drm/i915: Initialize dkl_phy spin lock from display code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4c0669
+- drm/i915/psr: Sprinkle cpu_transcoder variables around (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aca1dca
+- drm/i915/psr: Include PSR_PERF_CNT in debugfs output on all platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9185e85
+- drm/i915/psr: Add a FIXME for the PSR vs. AUX usage conflict (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 933197c
+- drm/i915/psr: Define more PSR mask bits (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ded1379
+- drm/i915/psr: Use intel_de_rmw() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79d4a74
+- drm/i915/psr: Clean up PSR register defininitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dc04c
+- drm/i915: Clean up various display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 628bce4
+- drm/i915: Fix up whitespace in some display chicken registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b462
+- drm/i915: Drop a useless forward declararion (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit abef2ca
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co. for ilk+ pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b098f0
+- drm/i915: Namespace pfit registers properly (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f73ae1a
+- drm/i915: Use REG_BIT() & co for the pre-ilk pfit registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f52b34a
+- drm/i915: Relocate skl_get_pfit_config() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 48d0835
+- drm/i915: Relocate intel_atomic_setup_scalers() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1398bc9
+- drm/i915: Relocate VBLANK_EVASION_TIME_US (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0d25fdf
+- drm/i915/display: throw out struct intel_load_detect_pipe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c515656
+- drm/i915/display: split out load detect to a separate file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67bb8c2
+- drm/i915/wm: remove stale and unused ilk_wm_max_level() declaration (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 606af0f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Re-use ADL-P's "DC off" power well (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67c002a
+- drm/i915: Use separate "DC off" power well for ADL-P and DG2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a91437
+- drm/i915: use explicit includes for i915_reg.h and i915_irq.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e58dbe
+- drm/i915: Reuse <platform>_hotplug_mask() in .hpd_detection_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7f39b35
+- drm/i915: Check HPD live state during eDP probe (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38e2173
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_hpd_enable_detection() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50ccf93
+- drm/i915: Introduce <platform>_hotplug_mask() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e86d92
+- drm/i915/pps: use intel_de_rmw() for panel unlock (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 43a5f43
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_driver_early_probe() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6331d95
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_suspend/resume (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baa39bd
+- drm/i915/display: move display suspend/resume to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca70a87
+- drm/i915/display: add intel_display_reset.[ch] (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 829bbd8
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_display_driver_* functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d4d226
+- drm/i915/display: move modeset probe/remove functions to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9afcefa
+- drm/i915/display: rename intel_modeset_probe_defer() -> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 83c52ea
+- drm/i915/display: move intel_modeset_probe_defer() to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74af2df
+- drm/i915/display: start high level display driver file (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 642a5d8
+- drm/i915/display: remove intel_display_commit_duplicated_state() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 51c93ee
+- drm/i915: Make intel_{mpllb,c10pll}_state_verify() safer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a04ccc6
+- drm/i915/mtl: Initial DDI port setup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3137522
+- drm/i915/display/mtl: Fill port width in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4774efd
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add C10 phy programming for HDMI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit becf1a1
+- drm/i915/mtl/display: Implement DisplayPort sequences (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31f3fdb
+- drm/i915/mtl: MTL PICA hotplug detection (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c60a709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add vswing programming for C10 phys (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90348be
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add Support for C10 PHY message bus and pll programming (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0172c7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Create separate reg file for PICA registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f2e840
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add DP rates (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed2917
+- drm/i915/debugfs: New debugfs for display clock frequencies (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50cbcc6
+- drm/i915: Use min() instead of hand rolling it (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dedfd85
+- drm/i915: Evade transcoder's vblank when doing seamless M/N changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5cc75c2
+- drm/i915: Allow arbitrary refresh rates with VRR eDP panels (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e33801
+- drm/i915: Flag purely internal commits to not clear (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e028b3
+- drm/i915/vrr: Allow VRR to be toggled during fastsets (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92957d8
+- drm/i915/vrr: Relocate VRR enable/disable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b6f153
+- drm/i915/vrr: Tell intel_crtc_update_active_timings() about VRR (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 45a4ffc
+- drm/i915/vrr: Make delayed vblank operational in VRR mode on adl/dg2 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ab5793
+- drm/i915/vrr: Eliminate redundant function arguments (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8244ec
+- drm/i915: Generalize planes_{enabling,disabling}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff1ef8b
+- drm/i915/display: remove unnecessary i915_debugfs.h includes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec1001f
+- drm/i915: Hook up csc into state checker (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1baa749
+- drm/i915: Include the csc matrices in the crtc state dump (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 27f912a
+- drm/i915: Implement chv cgm csc readout (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d9141b
+- drm/i915: Add hardware csc readout for ilk+ (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa68db0
+- drm/i915: Sprinke a few sanity check WARNS during csc assignment (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da4dd15
+- drm/i915: Utilize crtc_state->csc on chv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 00e0b1f
+- drm/i915: Store ilk+ csc matrices in the crtc state (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bdb2ac
+- drm/i915: Start using struct intel_csc_matrix for chv cgm csc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aba9f49
+- drm/i915: Split chv_load_cgm_csc() into pieces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e88281
+- drm/i915: Introduce intel_csc_matrix struct (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4856de8
+- drm/panel: simple: add support for Rocktech RK043FN48H panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86e6bf2
+- drm/bridge: imx: turn imx8{qm,qxp}-ldb into single-object modules (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e71f5b
+- drm/bridge: imx: fix mixed module-builtin object (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd37a70
+- drm/virtio: Wait for each dma-fence of in-fence array individually (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1efee29
+- drm/virtio: Refactor and optimize job submission code path (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 37a930f
+- drm/meson: venc: include linux/bitfield.h (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 57a13b4
+- drm/meson: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4d924f7
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-ili9882t TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 836b671
+- drm/panel: Support for Starry-himax83102-j02 TDDI MIPI-DSI panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit affcbe9
+- drm/panel: khadas-ts050: update timings to achieve 60Hz refresh rate (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b39d2d6
+- drm/meson: add DSI encoder (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f599d43
+- drm/meson: venc: add ENCL encoder setup for MIPI-DSI output (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4da3d20
+- drm/meson: only use components with dw-hdmi (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 19696e1
+- drm/meson: fix unbind path if HDMI fails to bind (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b4597d2
+- drm/bridge: tc358762: Add reset GPIO support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ad1c659
+- accel/habanalabs: add description to several info ioctls (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e779988
+- drm: Place Renesas drivers in a separate dir (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 58b8f81
+- drm/fbdev-generic: Implement dedicated fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa5b0e4
+- drm/msm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1a3b2a3
+- drm/fb-helper: Export helpers for marking damage areas (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25c0ee
+- drm/tegra: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5839bc9
+- drm/omapdrm: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 74a1685
+- drm/fbdev-dma: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9fec2
+- drm/radeon: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35a53c7
+- drm/gma500: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 23666b8
+- drm/exynos: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d2af47
+- drm/armada: Use regular fbdev I/O helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92b8b6c
+- fbdev: Add initializer macros for struct fb_ops (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh patches.suse/fbdev-Update-fbdev-source-file-paths.patch.
+- commit 2ce308c
+- fbdev: Add Kconfig options to select different fb_ops helpers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a56872e
+- drm/i915/mtl: end support for set caching ioctl (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7359f
+- drm/i915/pmu: Export counters from all tiles (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 573de38
+- drm/i915/pmu: Prepare for multi-tile non-engine counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e2b2c9
+- drm/i915/pmu: Add reference counting to the sampling timer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a7637d
+- drm/i915/pmu: Transform PMU parking code to be GT based (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3419e6
+- drm/i915/pmu: Skip sampling engines with no enabled counters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b37de11
+- drm/i915/pmu: Support PMU for all engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c15912
+- drm/i915/pmu: Change bitmask of enabled events to u32 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b0f084
+- drm/i915: Fix memory leaks in function live_nop_switch (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3173e7
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_16014892111 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch.
+- commit cbb902e
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL performance tuning changes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e27813
+- drm/i915/mtl: do not enable render power-gating on MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f6c0eee
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Disable rps_boost debugfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec64a3e
+- drm/i915/guc: Dump error capture to dmesg on CTB error (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a86909c
+- drm/i915: Dump error capture to kernel log (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ae86dbf
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Silence UBSAN uninitialized bool variable warning (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bbff671
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix confused register capture list creation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8350aa7
+- drm/i1915/guc: Fix probe injection CI failures after recent change (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e41df1
+- drm/i915/pxp: Enable PXP with MTL-GSC-CS (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f82408
+- drm/i915/pxp: On MTL, KCR enabling doesn't wait on tee component (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b44cd
+- drm/i915/uapi/pxp: Add a GET_PARAM for PXP (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ba4dcc
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add ARB session creation and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd9b941
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS backend to send GSC fw messages (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28c3618
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL helpers to submit Heci-Cmd-Packet to GSC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fda3064
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add MTL hw-plumbing enabling for KCR operation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 020206d
+- drm/i915/pxp: Add GSC-CS back-end resource init and cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5494217
+- drm/i915: use pat_index instead of cache_level (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 67f502d
+- drm/i915: preparation for using PAT index (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e538248
+- drm/i915/mtl: Fix the wa number for Wa_22016670082 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1811f6f
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add MTL for remapping CCS FBs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3b675a
+- drm/i915/mtl: Drop FLAT CCS check (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7711b50
+- drm/i915/uc: Make unexpected firmware versions an error in debug (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 689ac4e
+- drm/i915/uc: Reject duplicate entries in firmware table (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 596451e
+- drm/i915/uc: Enhancements to firmware table validation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f0bb450
+- drm/i915/guc: Print status register when waiting for GuC to load (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa7695e
+- drm/i915/guc: Decode another GuC load failure case (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99953eb
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GuC firmware version for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baaa258
+- drm/i915/uc: Track patch level versions on reduced version firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0313e24
+- drm/i915: use kernel-doc -Werror when CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR=y (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55e87e0
+- drm/i915/ttm: fix i915_ttm_to_gem() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 010d5a2
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff90eda
+- drm/i915/gem: fix function pointer member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fa43a8f
+- drm/i915/vma: fix struct i915_vma_bindinfo kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f9c7a1b
+- drm/i915/gsc: add support for GSC proxy interrupt (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f774226
+- drm/i915/gsc: add initial support for GSC proxy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 08ae709
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define GSC Proxy component interface (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec6ebba
+- drm/i915/scatterlist: fix kernel-doc parameter documentation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 538c66d
+- drm/i915/pxp: fix kernel-doc for member dev_link (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 597def3
+- drm/i915/pmu: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f69c23
+- drm/i915/active: fix kernel-doc for function parameters (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ad5f93
+- drm/i915/guc: add intel_guc_state_capture member docs for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a9caeb
+- drm/i915/guc: drop lots of kernel-doc markers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd639d8
+- drm/i915/guc: add dbgfs_node member kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 14b8f74
+- drm/i915/engine: hide preempt_hang selftest member from kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9073a39
+- drm/i915/gtt: fix i915_vm_resv_put() kernel-doc parameter name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72fbae9
+- drm/i915/context: fix kernel-doc parameter descriptions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5840462
+- drm/i915/engine: fix kernel-doc function name for (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ab8f51
+- drm/i915/gem: fix i915_gem_object_lookup_rcu() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 99a695c
+- drm/i915/request: drop kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 34444d8
+- drm/i915/error: fix i915_capture_error_state() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 18ac441
+- drm/i915/perf: fix i915_perf_ioctl_version() kernel-doc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 31594af
+- drm/i915/vma: document struct i915_vma_resource wakeref member (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7de302
+- drm/i915/utils: drop kernel-doc from __wait_for() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f4db410
+- drm/i915/vma: fix kernel-doc function name for i915_vma_size() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4336bbd
+- drm/i915/gvt: fix intel_vgpu_alloc_resource() kernel-doc parameter (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05da320
+- drm/i915/guc: Fix error capture for virtual engines (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2279ca7
+- drm/i915/guc: Capture list naming clean up (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e01b71
+- drm/i915/guc: Consolidate duplicated capture list code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1268492
+- drm/i915/selftests: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ce45ac
+- drm/i915/gt: Use gt_err for GT info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a690e7d
+- drm/i915/fdinfo: Enable fdinfo for GuC backends (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e45d4b7
+- i915/pmu: Add support for total context runtime for GuC back-end (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 88fcc4e
+- drm/i915/rc6: throw out set() wrapper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42c1195
+- drm/i915/selftest: Update the SLPC selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de417ef
+- drm/i915: Use correct huge page manager for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95c18b4
+- drm/i915: Migrate platform-dependent mock hugepage selftests to live (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8a455ff
+- drm/i915/mtl: Implement Wa_14019141245 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6e1580
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Block waiting for GuC reset to complete (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d3e2ba2
+- drm/i915/guc: Disable PL1 power limit when loading GuC firmware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 473cba9
+- drm/i915/hwmon: Get mutex and rpm ref just once in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ef76b
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add workaround 14018778641 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 81069b1
+- drm/i915/selftest: Record GT error for gt failure (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d6f548a
+- drm/i915/mtl: workaround coherency issue for Media (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9c1f87d
+- drm/i915/mtl: Add PTE encode function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 20a840c
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use i915 instead of dev_priv insied the file_priv (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85645b5
+- drm/i915/i915_drv: Use proper parameter naming in for_each_engine() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6ef7d88
+- drm/i915/mtl: fix mocs selftest (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d492acc
+- drm/i915/mtl: Define MOCS and PAT tables for MTL (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e652be8
+- drm/i915/mtl: Set has_llc=0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 090412c
+- drm/i915/mtl: WA to clear RDOP clock gating (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c541b23
+- drm/i915/mtl: Extend Wa_22011802037 to MTL A-step (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fb7ff2
+- drm/i915/selftests: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 084fb89
+- drm/i915/gem: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1194b47
+- drm/i915/gt: Consider multi-gt instead of to_gt() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9784ea7
+- drm/i915: Make IRQ reset and postinstall multi-gt aware (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 009d548
+- drm/i915/mtl: Disable stolen memory backed FB for A0 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0c3a8f2
+- drm/i915/display: Implement fb_mmap callback function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fce1e5e
+- drm/i915/display: Add helper func to get intel_fbdev from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 295f0f1
+- drm/i915: Add a function to mmap framebuffer obj (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 348f22c
+- drm/i915/display: Set I915_BO_ALLOC_USER for fb (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e56acd2
+- drm/i915/ttm: Add I915_BO_PREALLOC (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff7660d
+- drm/ttm: Remove redundant code in ttm_tt_init_fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3f0f5e
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: handle hdmi-pwr supply (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 717826b
+- drm/bridge: display-connector: rename dp_pwr to connector_pwr (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d12f332
+- drm/panel-edp: Convert to platform remove callback returning void (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 870aa5c
+- drm: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-fix-Wunused-const-variable-warning.patch.
+- commit eabbf5f
+- drm: lcdif: Add i.MX93 LCDIF compatible string (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0e9ee4e
+- drm: lcdif: Add multiple encoders and first bridges support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1b3fd93
+- drm: lcdif: Check consistent bus format and flags across first (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 73f4abd
+- drm: lcdif: Determine bus format and flags in ->atomic_check() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fe5ecb2
+- drm: lcdif: Drop unnecessary NULL pointer check on lcdif->bridge (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55665bc
+- drm/stm: dsi: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc6b74
+- drm/panel: simple: Add Ampire AM-800480L1TMQW-T00H (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 46ed3d8
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Support non-burst mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 476a002
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Dynamically configure DPHY timing (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6b8b15d
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Select GENERIC_PHY_MIPI_DPHY (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 42d19e0
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fetch pll-clock-frequency automatically (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 609ad2e
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: fix blanking packet size calculation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c499a9
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix no-procfs build (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit b06fb55
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Fix i.MX8M enable flow to meet spec (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 06ae2c7
+- drm/bridge: tc358767: explicitly set readable registers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 730da03
+- drm/doc: Relax fdinfo string constraints (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e78cf5a
+- drm/msm: Add memory stats to fdinfo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c180a7
+- drm: Add fdinfo memory stats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1add9b1
+- drm/amdgpu: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 5f52a01
+- drm/msm: Switch to fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475
+  jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 6da2893
+- drm: Add common fdinfo helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec91dd8
+- drm/docs: Fix usage stats typos (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d72c25
+- drm: shmobile: Make DRM_SHMOBILE visible on Renesas SoC platforms (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d314a
+- drm: shmobile: Add missing call to drm_fbdev_generic_setup() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 093f71e
+- drm: shmobile: Switch to drm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 827b0e4
+- drm: shmobile: Add support for DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f67e98
+- drm: shmobile: Use %p4cc to print fourcc codes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 58039f5
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 72d2700
+- drm/panel: samsung-s6d7aa0: use pointer for drm_mode in panel desc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4516c6f
+- drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2562126
+- drm/msm: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f988ee7
+- drm/nouveau/acr/ga102: set variable ga102_gsps (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdcdfa5
+- drm/nouveau: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8b905d9
+- drm: bridge: samsung-dsim: Implement support for clock/data polarity (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c750127
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_wakeup_if_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9d2cec4
+- drm/sched: Rename to drm_sched_can_queue() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f2eea1
+- ipu-v3: Include <linux/io.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9625247
+- fbdev/matrox: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f31f266
+- fbdev/hitfb: Cast I/O offset to address (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf54396
+- drm/ttm: let struct ttm_device_funcs be placed in rodata (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b6b1db8
+- drm/drm_atomic_helper.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a5c836
+- drm/panel: Modify innolux hj110iz panel initial code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e111d93
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c13dd7e
+- gpu: drm: bridge: No need to set device_driver owner (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 92c3bc4
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Fine tune the panel power sequence (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f23d5d2
+- drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Remove extra delay (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80ba717
+- drm/ssd130x: Fix include guard name (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e469fe3
+- drivers/firmware: Move sysfb_init() from device_initcall to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52071cb
+- drm/panel: panel-simple: Add BOE EV121WXM-N10-1850 panel support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd9b040
+- drm/panel: sharp-ls043t1le01: drop dummy functions and data fields (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7e01d7
+- drm: sun4i: calculate proper DCLK rate for DSI (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 32d266b
+- drm: sun4i: rename sun4i_dotclock to sun4i_tcon_dclk
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch.
+- commit 5d04ac1
+- drm/connector: document enum drm_connector_tv_mode (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d7879f
+- Documentation: vkms: clarify devres managed reference cleanup (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7b6c593
+- drm/fb-helper: Use fb_{cfb,sys}_{read, write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd8719c
+- fbdev: Move I/O read and write code into helper functions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c84f471
+- fbdev: Validate info->screen_{base, buffer} in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8217d
+- fbdev: Don't re-validate info->state in fb_ops implementations (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 87a5316
+- fbdev: Use screen_buffer in fb_sys_{read,write}() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3587c49
+- fbdev: Return number of bytes read or written (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b49e207
+- fbdev/xen-fbfront: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f118ebd
+- fbdev/vfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8dcc6e8
+- fbdev/udlfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a5231e3
+- fbdev/smscufx: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2944797
+- fbdev/ps3fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 392c852
+- fbdev/metronomefb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66c9665
+- fbdev/hecubafb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad06f9
+- fbdev/broadsheetfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fe3ed1
+- fbdev/au1200fb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f2d602
+- fbdev/arcfb: Use struct fb_info.screen_buffer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2cb6876
+- drm/vkms: drop "Rotation" TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cda39d5
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-270 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1c13557
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-90 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f4334f
+- drm/vkms: add reflect-y and rotate-180 property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7e9047d
+- drm/vkms: add rotate-0 and reflect-x property (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 781832d
+- drm/bridge: lt9611: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4bddd95
+- drm/bridge: lt9211: Do not generate HFP/HBP/HSA and EOT packet (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 664af0b
+- drm/bridge: tc358768: remove unused variable (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6aa97a0
+- drm/udl: delete dead code (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26c56f9
+- drm/scheduler: mark jobs without fence as canceled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 025e471
+- drm/rockchip: cdn-dp: call drm_connector_update_edid_property() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1109dba
+- drm/sti/sti_hdmi: convert to using is_hdmi from display info (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c6617f
+- drm/sysfs: Link DRM connectors to corresponding Type-C connectors (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c452fe
+- drm/sysfs: Expose DRM connector id in each connector sysfs (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2a27dbf
+- drm/uapi: Document CTM matrix better (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7882f6
+- drm/meson: set variables meson_hdmi_* storage-class-specifier to (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e29f6d7
+- drm/panel: st7703: Add Anbernic RG353V-V2 Panel Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eec280f
+- drm/panel: st7703: Rename CMD_UNKNOWN_C6 to CMD_SETECO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f6bf41
+- drm/doc/rfc: Introduce the merge plan for the Xe driver. (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f3945ed
+- drm/vkms: drop full alpha blending TODO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e3bf19
+- drm/vkms: allow full alpha blending on all planes (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit de7268d
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.2020 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b30a6b3
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add BT.601 Support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 525f0ea
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add a function to retrieve the CSC matrix (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 193dde6
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rework the CSC matrices organization (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f32745
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Swap CSC matrix channels for YUV444 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c8b6c46
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Rename full range helper (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 118d5f5
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Add Broadcast RGB property to allow override of RGB (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 456e9a7
+- drm/vc4: hdmi: Update all the planes if the TV margins are changed (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 01a707f
+- drm/vc4: Switch to container_of_const (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdd81bd
+- drm/test: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate_inv() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fad58c6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_rotate() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2f8240f
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_vscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b637bd6
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_calc_hscale() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c5319ef
+- drm/tests: Add test cases for drm_rect_intersect() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d1adc10
+- drm/scheduler: add drm_sched_entity_error and use rcu
+  for last_scheduled (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068
+  jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit dd3c5f3
+- drm/scheduler: properly forward fence errors (jsc#PED-3527
+  jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120
+  jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069
+  jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-drm-sched-Call-drm_sched_fence_set_parent-from-drm_s.patch.
+- commit a75f31e
+- drm/tve200: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cb64b5f
+- drm/sti: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85e980e
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop of_gpio header (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dc0c8c1
+- drm/display: Add missing OLED Vesa brightnesses definitions (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf0d9eb
+- drm/panel: simple: Add InnoLux G070ACE-L01 (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 354afc2
+- drm/armada: Implement fbdev emulation as in-kernel client
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-drm-Clear-fd-handle-callbacks-in-struct-drm_driver.patch.
+- commit 05c1079
+- drm/armada: Initialize fbdev DRM client (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cf4cd4b
+- drm/armada: Hide fbdev support behind config option (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f85ca5a
+- drm/armada: Include <linux/of.h> (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8541bb1
+- drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Implement wait_hpd_asserted (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 387412c
+- arch/parisc: Implement fb_is_primary_device() under arch/parisc (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a419575
+- video: Move HP PARISC STI core code to shared location (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4b1b68f
+- video: Remove trailing whitespaces (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c82969
+- drm/gem: Check for valid formats (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9f1d3e7
+- drm/nouveau/therm: Move an assignment statement behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47c839c
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move an expression into a function call parameter in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f862dc1
+- drm/nouveau/pci: Move a variable assignment behind condition checks (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 187b38a
+- drm/nouveau/clk: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55d57d0
+- drm/nouveau/bios/power_budget: Move an expression into a macro call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0ad6247
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Replace five seq_printf() calls by seq_puts() in (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a302c51
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Use seq_putc() in nouveau_debugfs_pstate_get() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ac93009
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move a variable assignment behind a null pointer (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ebc2d98
+- drm/nouveau/debugfs: Move an expression into a function call (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8c3e94a
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add Lenovo J606F panel (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6d0323
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Get orientation from OF (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 790dd39
+- drm/panel: nt36523: Add DCS backlight support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65b5998
+- dma-buf/dma-resv.c: fix a typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8ff51f2
+- video/aperture: Provide a VGA helper for gma500 and internal use (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a26ebe6
+- video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a2ea954
+- video/aperture: Drop primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 056a332
+- video/aperture: Move vga handling to pci function (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit caf8b5a
+- video/aperture: Only kick vgacon when the pdev is decoding vga (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 61c43b3
+- drm/aperture: Remove primary argument (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 992f35c
+- video/aperture: use generic code to figure out the vga default device (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8630e9c
+- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 24aa1bc
+- drm/bridge: fsl-ldb: Add i.MX6SX support (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit faeb2af
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_mode_config_init() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a64fe7c
+- drm/vkms: Use drmm_crtc_init_with_planes() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65bfea1
+- fbdev: sh7760fb: Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a098dd2
+- fbdev: sh_mobile_lcdcfb: Fix ARGB32 overlay format typo (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 11263d7
+- fbdev: hitfb: Use NULL for pointers (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 95edbfa
+- fbdev: hitfb: Fix integer-to-pointer cast (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c4b7be6
+- fbdev/media: Use GPIO descriptors for VIA GPIO (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 386fed0
+- video/hdmi: Reorder fields in 'struct hdmi_avi_infoframe' (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8784f37
+- fbdev: broadsheetfb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c9c2643
+- fbdev: metronomefb: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0b35350
+- fbdev: hitfb: Declare hitfb_blank() as static (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4842140
+- mm/gup: remove unused vmas parameter from get_user_pages() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 38d973a
+- drm/i2c: tda998x: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f411aa0
+- drm/sun4i: hdmi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7531359
+- drm/mediatek: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c87ee96
+- drm/rockchip: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ee319cd
+- drm/display/dp_mst: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 577e43a
+- drm/amd/pm: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f64afa0
+- drm/radeon: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1e0046a
+- drm/sched: Call drm_sched_fence_set_parent() from (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9e8e20c
+- drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Fix drm_dp_remove_payload() invocation (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7844614
+- drm/ttm: fix warning that we shouldn't mix && and || (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1df97b1
+- drm/sched: Make sure we wait for all dependencies in kill_jobs_cb() (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070 jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cc6af70
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-HPD-polling-reenabling-the-output.patch.
+- commit f3cb1d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-an-HPD-poll-helper-to-reschedule-the-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cdc81c5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dgfx-Enable-d3cold-at-s2idle.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50a8fb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-possible-invalid-drm-gem-put-ca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bffabb2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Fix-shader-stage-validation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 36aad52
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-sw_sync-Avoid-recursive-lock-during-fe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ab6d67f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-display-dp-Fix-the-DP-DSC-Receiver-cap-siz.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 56e9aa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panfrost-Skip-speed-binning-on-EOPNOTSUPP.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ec0c6a3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-goldfishfb-Do-not-check-0-for-platform_get_irq.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a33cd7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-mmp-fix-value-check-in-mmphw_probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit dd77dfe
+- Update patches.suse/drm-qxl-fix-UAF-on-handle-creation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2797eb3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-drm-amdgpu-display-change-pipe-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c739d4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-flush-any-delayed-gfxoff-on-suspend-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2af2128
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-skip-fence-GFX-interrupts-disable-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0f4180
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-Fix-temperature-unit-of-SMU-v13.0.6.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit b980d31
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-fix-throttle_status-for-other-th.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9daddf7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Fix-AUO-G121EAN01-panel-timin.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b9050b5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-sdvo-fix-panel_type-initialization.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5255a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Restore-efficient-freq-earli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b5bf63a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-possible-UAF-in-amdgpu_cs_pass1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a1f540
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-attr-flag-before-set-cur.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e7592e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-correct-the-pcie-width-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 6d9172f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Don-t-show-stack-trace-for-mis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8cc1264
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Match-against-exact-bootloader-status.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a84eb74
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-skip-the-RLC-stop-when-S0i3-suspend.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a4a8a14
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-shmem-helper-Reset-vma-vm_ops-before-calli.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5c673f7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-Don-t-spam-logs-in-atomic-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d977b8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-Revert-a-NULL-check-inside-no.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5fabbc5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-remove-unused-tu102_gr_load-functi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4285a3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-nvkm-dp-Add-workaround-to-fix-DP-1.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0ebb96
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-gr-enable-memory-loads-on-helper-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 21148bc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Check-power-state-with-it650.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d0c44a2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-premature-release-of-request-s-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 50670e4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Support-aux-invalidation-on-all-en.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 457739a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Poll-aux-invalidation-register-bit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 79e4248
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Enable-the-CCS_FLUSH-bit-in-the-pi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5e60d63
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Rename-flags-with-bit_group_X-acco.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 26058a1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Ensure-memory-quiesced-before-inva.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8e45dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Add-the-gen12_needs_ccs_aux_inv-helpe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bf5524e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Cleanup-aux-invalidation-registers.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 72abda9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-ipuv3-Fix-front-porch-adjustment-upon-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dcb263
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-check-null-pointer-before-accessing-wh.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 60e8590
+- Update
+  patches.suse/locking-rtmutex-Fix-task-pi_waiters-integrity.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8287945
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Disallow-submit-with-fence-id-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 77bc47a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-hw_fence-error-path-cleanup.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0a8bda2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-Fix-IS_ERR_OR_NULL-vs-NULL-check-in-a5x.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0631e11
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-Fix-snapshot-BINDLESS_DATA-size.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 86c35ec
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Drop-unused-regulators-from-QCM2290.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 641a895
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-enum-dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 80c4c4b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-add-missing-flush-and-fetch-bits-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit a536365
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-mdss-correct-UBWC-programming-for-SM855.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3dcf4e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unlock-on-error-path-in-dm_hand.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03321bf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Exit-idle-optimizations-before-attem.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b3b1c47
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Guard-DCN31-PHYD32CLK-logic-against-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7dc03e7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-smu-use-AverageGfxclkFrequency-to-replace-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9904733
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Fix-an-error-handling-mistake-in-psp_sw.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 772c0d3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-an-error-handling-path-in-igt_writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a81621a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-dpt-Use-shmem-for-dpt-objects.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cd87620
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-au1200fb-Fix-missing-IRQ-check-in-au1200f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff9f3d2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-Removed-unneeded-release_mem_region.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4fc5332
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-imxfb-warn-about-invalid-left-right-margi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5a07223
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Fix-potential-use-after-free-in-nonb.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 91bc00d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-PHY-active-for-DP-displays.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1fc74ae
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Prevent-vtotal-from-being-set-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d407717
+- mm/various: give up if pte_offset_map[_lock]() fails (jsc#5859).
+- commit a2c5634
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Disable-MPC-split-by-default-on.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d50689
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-check-TG-is-non-null-before-che.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4c43875
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-polling-method-to-handle-MS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 349ce9d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Clean-up-errors-warnings-in-amd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bea04be
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-mclk-consistent-for-smu-13.0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b21505d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-pm-make-gfxclock-consistent-for-sien.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3e7fbd4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-only-accept-async-flips-for-fas.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1458a53
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-vkms-relax-timer-deactivation-by-hrt.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6176bca
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-perf-add-sentinel-to-xehp_oa_b_counter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7350278
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-kms-nv50-init-hpd_irq_lock-for-PIOR.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cad48b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-PIOR-DP-uses-GPIO-for-HPD-not-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d7aae87
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-i2c-fix-number-of-aux-event-slots.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 66cddf5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-dma-resv-Stop-leaking-on-krealloc-failu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 03ede3f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_modese.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9577618
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Fix-memory-leak-in-drm_client_target.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6fd85ba
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Align-SMU11-SMU_MSG_OverridePcieParamet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eb7252a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-Move-helper-for-dynamic-speed-switch-ch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a188a98
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-conditionally-disable-pcie-lane-spee.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit cba8499
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-share-the-code-around-SMU13-pcie-par.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28d8f1a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-avoid-restore-process-run-into-dead-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1f19763
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-fix-smu-i2c-data-read-risk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c131176
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-one-wrong-caching-mode-enum-usage.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1708dda
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Don-t-preserve-dpll_hw_state-for-slave.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7bbcfc9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-bring-back-blit-subchannel-for-pre-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac8434
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-acr-Abort-loading-ACR-if-no-firmwar.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 849229a
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-g94-enable-HDMI.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 65f2b9c
+- Update patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-HDMI-on-gt215.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4db279e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-client-Send-hotplug-event-after-registering.patch.
+- commit 85c763a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Fix-BDW-PSR-AUX-CH-data-register-o.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1445992
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-potential-fence-use-after-free-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d84df9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-avoid-unintentional-shutdown-due-to.patch.
+- commit 905061d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-pm-expose-swctf-threshold-setting-for-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ac5695
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-monitor-specific-edid-quirk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f7805d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-Phantom-Pipe-Check-When-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 15493e2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-edp-do-not-add-non-edid-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 98a38c2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-Disable-PSR-SU-on-Parade-0803-TC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 82df139
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi-cd2e31a.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c935476
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Set-minimum-requirement-for-usi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 5807417
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Correct-DMUB_FW_VERSION-macro.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f25cc5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Partially-revert-drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underf.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1d28976
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-Move-DCN314-DOMAIN-power.patch.
+- commit ff988b2
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-disable-RCO-for-DCN314.patch.
+- commit 87f5650
+- x86/tdx: Wrap exit reason with hcall_func() (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit a8e9cdd
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Apply-min-softlimit-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 90c2cd0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-psr-Use-hw.adjusted-mode-when-calculat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 8f8534f
+- Update patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-correct-MERGE_3D-length.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit af5aa2a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-sc7280-and-sc7180-PINGPONG-done.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit f07eedc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Free-resources-after-unregistering-t.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e901605
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dp-Drop-aux-devices-together-with-DP-co.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a14f578
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-provide-fb_dirty-implemenation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d354885
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-Remove-incorrect-references-to-slic.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 28af848
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Fix-slice_last_group_size-calculati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 85b4937
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-do-not-enable-color-management-if-D.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit da273fb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a5xx-really-check-for-A510-in-a5xx_gpu_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9ff19db
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-a6xx-don-t-set-IO_PGTABLE_QUIRK_ARM_OUT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 29a2955
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-adreno-fix-sparse-warnings-in-a6xx-code.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5ef9699
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dsi-don-t-allow-enabling-14nm-VCO-with-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit fd67414
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-clean-up-dpu_kms_get_clk_rate-returns.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5f364a5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-always-clear-every-individual-pendi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2ca52c8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-set-DSC-flush-bit-correctly-at-MDP-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ed39f3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Set-DPU_DATA_HCTL_EN-for-in-INTF_SC.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1ce1fc4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Disable-pingpong-TE-on-DPU-5.0.0-an.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 35225aa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Move-autorefresh-disable-from-CMD-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6dbd0c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Drop-unused-poll_timeout_wr_ptr-PIN.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aac0b58
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-Use-V4.0-PCC-DSPP-sub-block-in-SC7-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a314cf6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-drop-the-regdma-configuration.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 783597c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-fix-cursor-block-register-bit-offse.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1edd13a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-msm-dpu-enable-DSPP_2-3-for-LM_2-3-on-sm845.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a6a463a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-dp_mst-Clear-MSG_RDY-flag-before-sending-ne.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3739ebb
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-usage-of-UMC-fill-record-in-RAS.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c17fefe
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-memcpy-in-sienna_cichlid_append_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3af48e9
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Enable-dcn314-DPP-RCO.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f8d7a0b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Skip-DPP-DTO-update-if-root-cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ca8c0e3
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-unmap-and-remove-csa_va-properly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b590229
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-dcn315-single-stream-crb-al.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 52b5e05
+- Update
+  patches.suse/amdgpu-validate-offset_in_bo-of-drm_amdgpu_gem_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c3ce66e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-seamless-odm-transitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 095f88b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-keep-irq-count-in-amdgpu_irq_disabl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2b71b8d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-fix-possible-division-by-zero-errors.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 39a6e3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-correct-DCN314-register-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 337b904
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Apply-60us-prefetch-for-DCFCLK.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4e16e5e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-artifacting-on-eDP-panels-w.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 426883d
+- Update patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Validate-VM-ioctl-flags.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4a41100
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Use-apt-name-for-FW-reserved-region.patch.
+- commit d0f6d22
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Remove-v_startup-workaround-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c0293f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-possible-underflow-for-disp.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4dd1558
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-Fix-potential-deallocation-of-previo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit eac6c83
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-install-stub-fence-into-potential-u.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 64c8f82
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-dml32_rq_dlg_get_rq_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4857100
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-a-test-CalculatePrefetchSch.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d8b9692
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-amd-display-disable-SubVP-DRR-to-pr.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c0d9909
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Keep-disable-aux-i-delay-as-0.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6e074c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-update-extended-blank-for-dcn31.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9676d4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-in-secure-display-context-c.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6440688
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-add-pixel-rate-based-CRB-alloca.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b0f6777
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Limit-DCN32-8-channel-or-less-p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 1cc99ad
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Convert-Delaying-Aux-I-Disable-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 041b55d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-memory-leak-in-mes-self-test.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bcc196
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-integer-overflow-in-amdgpu_cs_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 713b127
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-radeon-Fix-integer-overflow-in-radeon_cs_pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bc7e31b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Explicitly-specify-update-type-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6eed812
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-fix-calltrace-warning-in-amddrm_bud.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 22cce5a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/radeon-avoid-double-free-in-ci_dpm_init.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 55327b2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Update-DTBCLK-for-DCN32.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4f49020
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-fix-is_timing_changed-prototype.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 47aa280
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-logging-for-display-MALL-re.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit afa79e0
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Add-FAMS-validation-before-tryi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d2148e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Unconditionally-print-when-DP-s.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e4b91fa
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-gt-Add-workaround-14016712196.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b8e13b8
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Convert-INTEL_INFO-display-to-a-pointe.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-error-handling-if-driver-creation.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-No-10bit-gamma-on-desktop-gen3-parts.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Handle-GMD_ID-identification-.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Make-display-responsible-for-p.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-runtime-info-to-d.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-fix-display-probe-for-IVB-Q-and-IVB-D.patch.
+- commit 083a721
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-display-Move-display-device-info-to-he.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e3d0397
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-hide-mkwrite_device_info-better.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b703d3a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-Fix-limited-range-csc-matrix.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa8d734
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rcar-du-remove-R-Car-H3-ES1.-workarounds.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 05a7c9c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-i915-guc-slpc-Provide-sysfs-for-efficient-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 328ead6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-stm-ltdc-fix-late-dereference-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9a3fc4f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-fix-active-size-for-Ampire-AM-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7c7d1ed
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-samsung-dsim-Fix-PMS-Calculator-on-i.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 367392a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-disable-flow.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7df0588
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-anx7625-Prevent-endless-probe-loop.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 09277d6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-dispnv50-fix-missing-prototypes-war.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2739fa2
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358767-Switch-to-devm-MIPI-DSI-hel.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2e12456
+- Update patches.suse/drm-vkms-Fix-RGB565-pixel-conversion.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f09d026
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-fixed-point-helper-to-get-rounded-integ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ff8912b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-sharp-ls043t1le01-adjust-mode-setting.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit bd2111f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-sun4i_tcon-use-devm_clk_get_enabled-in-sun4.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477 jsc#PED-5511
+  jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071).
+- commit 09f6b76
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vram-helper-fix-function-names-in-vram-help.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit aa79077
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_TRAILCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c2dd507
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TXTAGOCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 28fef06
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-THS_ZEROCNT-computation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit b7ef295
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_TRAILCNT-computati.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ce49b2c
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-TCLK_ZEROCNT-computatio.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e37954f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-target-frequency.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4466a
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-fix-PLL-parameters-computat.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 7272988
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-always-enable-HS-video-mode.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6c954c6
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-rockchip-vop-Leave-vblank-enabled-in-self-r.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0bdff72
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-atomic-Allow-vblank-enabled-self-refresh-di.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit ba51667
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi83-Fix-enable-error-path.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9bb47cf
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-it6505-Move-a-variable-assignment-be.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 9b8de80
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-tc358768-Add-atomic_get_input_bus_fm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 0cef76b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-vkms-isolate-pixel-conversion-functionality.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3d35ea4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-scheduler-set-entity-to-NULL-in-drm_sched_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit f5fdba7
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-imx-lcdc-fix-a-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-probe.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit c89afa8
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-fix-potential-OOB-read-in-fast_imageblit.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 988a714
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fbdev-omapfb-lcd_mipid-Fix-an-error-handling-pa.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 5d69680
+- Update
+  patches.suse/Input-ads7846-Convert-to-use-software-nodes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e2c8ae5
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-never-consider-pinned-BOs-for-eviction-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit baec41f
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-fbdev-dma-Fix-documented-default-preferred_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 2d8bd18
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-fix-an-error-pointer-vs-NULL-bug.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit e03ea41
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dma-buf-keep-the-signaling-time-of-merged-fence.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 4aa1ebc
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-Powertip-PH800480T013-drm_.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit d9195ac
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-swapout-move-e.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit db4360d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-Don-t-leak-a-resource-on-eviction-error.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a36557e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-ti-sn65dsi86-Fix-auxiliary-bus-lifet.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 40cd161
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-ttm-fix-bulk_move-corruption-when-adding-a-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 3eff7b1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-bridge-dw_hdmi-fix-connector-access-for-scd.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit a3f95b4
+- Update
+  patches.suse/drm-panel-simple-Add-connector_type-for-innolux.patch
+  (jsc#PED-3527 jsc#PED-5475 jsc#PED-6068 jsc#PED-6070
+  jsc#PED-6116 jsc#PED-6120 jsc#PED-5065 jsc#PED-5477
+  jsc#PED-5511 jsc#PED-6041 jsc#PED-6069 jsc#PED-6071)
+- commit 6f78932
+- media: via: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: v4l: Use correct dependency for camera sensor drivers
-- commit cc76cf8
+- commit 0d8a265
-- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR registers (git-fixes)
-- commit 89467e1
+- Update config files: CONFIG_VIDEO_CAMERA_SENSOR=y
+- commit 4008da7
-- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (git-fixes)
-- commit afca04d
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix OOB read (git-fixes).
+- spi: zynqmp-gqspi: fix clock imbalance on probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Do not use on stack memory for
+ field (git-fixes).
+- media: ipu-bridge: Fix null pointer deref on SSDB/PLD parsing
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: Add a camera sensor top level menu (git-fixes).
+- commit f626750
+- io_uring/net: fix iter retargeting for selected buf (git-fixes).
+- commit e964e17
-- hwrng: virtio - always add a pending request (git-fixes).
-- commit 912363c
+- io_uring: fix unprotected iopoll overflow (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break out of iowq iopoll on teardown (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add a sysctl to disable io_uring system-wide
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: only print ->sq_array[] if it's there
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Don't set affinity on a dying sqpoll thread
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move iopoll ctx fields around (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move multishot cqe cache in ctx (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: separate task_work/waiting cache line (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: banish non-hot data to end of io_ring_ctx
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move non aligned field to the end (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add option to remove SQ indirection (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: compact SQ/CQ heads/tails (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: force inline io_fill_cqe_req (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge iopoll and normal completion paths
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: reorder cqring_flush and wakeups (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: optimise extra io_get_cqe null check (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: refactor __io_get_cqe() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: simplify big_cqe handling (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cqe init hardening (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: improve cqe !tracing hot path (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/sqpoll: fix io-wq affinity when IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL
+  is used (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: stop calling free_compound_page() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rename kiocb_end_write() local helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit f091844
+- io_uring: simplify io_run_task_work_sig return (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: keep one global dummy_ubuf (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: never overflow io_aux_cqe (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove return from io_req_cqe_overflow()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_fill_cqe_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 7948073
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot recv (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't overflow multishot accept (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't gate worker wake up success on
+  wake_up_process() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: reduce frequency of acct->lock acquisitions
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/io-wq: don't grab wq->lock for worker activation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove unnecessary forward declaration (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 5c535c3
+- scsi: smartpqi: Change driver version to 2.1.24-046
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance error messages (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance controller offline notification
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Enhance shutdown notification (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Simplify lun_number assignment (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename pciinfo to pci_info (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Rename MACRO to clarify purpose (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add abort handler (bsc#1211732).
+- commit 5218813
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace one-element arrays with flexible-array
+  members (bsc#1211732).
+- commit eb9bb15
+- scsi: smartpqi: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update version to 2.1.22-040 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Update copyright to 2023 (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add sysfs entry for NUMA node in
+  /sys/block/sdX/device (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Stop sending driver-initiated TURs
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix byte aligned writew for ARM servers
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add support for RAID NCQ priority (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Validate block layer host tag (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove contention for raid_bypass_cnt
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Fix rare SAS transport memory leak
+  (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Remove NULL pointer check (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Add new controller PCI IDs (bsc#1211732).
+- scsi: smartpqi: Map full length of PCI BAR 0 (bsc#1211732).
+- commit df23c56
+- s390/boot: account Real Memory Copy and Lowcore areas (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215530).
+- commit dca0063
+- s390/mm: define Real Memory Copy size and mask macros (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215529).
+- commit d6f6439
+- s390/boot: cleanup number of page table levels setup (git-fixes
+  bsc#1215528).
+- commit 2422def
-- hwrng: virtio - don't waste entropy (git-fixes).
-- commit 4771c4e
+- kernel-binary: python3 is needed for build
+  At least scripts/ requires python3 since Linux 4.18
+  Other simimlar scripts may exist.
+- commit c882efa
-- hwrng: virtio - don't wait on cleanup (git-fixes).
-- commit e9188eb
+- Update references tag for jsc#5859
+  Updated:
+  patches.suse/mm-enable-page-walking-API-to-lock-vmas-during.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-avoid-false-hwpoison-page-ma.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-hardware-poison-check-in-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-potential-unexpected-ret.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-fix-unexpected-return-value-.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-memory-failure-move-sysctl-register-in-memory_failure_init.patch
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-move-mirrored_kernelcore-into-mm_init.c.patch
+- commit 01f8e06
-- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
-  (CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
-- commit a6ce336
+- sched/fair: Fix SMT4 group_smt_balance handling (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Optimize should_we_balance() for large SMT systems
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 4b59090
-- hwrng: virtio - add an internal buffer (git-fixes).
-- commit 477109e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch
+  references (add CVE-2023-4622 bsc#1215117).
+- commit d305321
-- commit 72e753f
+- commit 9bbd8cc
-- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 60546dd
+- supported.conf: add snd-ps-sdw-dma
+- commit 5316338
-- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b96a7ad
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add index on snd_soc_of_get_dai_name()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-fsl-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-qcom-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-simple-card.c-use-snd_soc_-of_-get_dlc.patch.
+- commit cb4d928
+- supported.conf: add HDA and ASoC Intel/AMD entries
+- commit d1fdcf4
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82TL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Provide support for fallback topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add DMI entries to support Victus by HP Gaming
+  Laptop 15-fb0xxx (8A3E) (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 I2S speaker platform support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Use standard clamp() macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear panic mask status when panic occurs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add conditional check for acp_clkmux_sel
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove redundant clock mux selection register
+  write (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add module parameter for firmware debug
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: enable ACP external global interrupt
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: remove unused sha dma interrupt code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add module parameter to ignore the
+  CPC value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the reference output valid_bits
+  for copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix pipeline params at the output
+  of copier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4c3bb71
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_AMD_VANGOGH=m
+- commit 562ae88
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix the output reference params
+  for SRC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify pipeline params based on
+  SRC output format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Enable signed firmware image loading for Vangogh
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for signed fw image loading
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add sof support for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add kcontrols and widgets per-codec in common
+  code (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Use devm_kmemdup to replace devm_kmalloc +
+  memcpy (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Add a token for dropping widget name
+  in kcontrol name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dapm: Add a flag for not having widget name in kcontrol
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: RPL: Add entry for HDMI-In capture support on
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for Dell SKU0C87 devices
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9d3a7d8
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in RPL match
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Refactor code for HDA stream creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_nau8318_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Remove duplicated include in lnl.c
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Initialize chip in hda_sdw_check_wakeen_irq()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify get_slave_info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow different devices on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Support multiple groups on the same
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Device loop should not always start at
+  adr_index (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move range check of codec_conf into
+  inner loop (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Update DLC index each time one is
+  added (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Pull device loop up into
+  create_sdw_dailink (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Add helper to create a single codec
+  DLC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof-sdw: Move check for valid group id to
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Check link mask validity in
+  get_dailink_info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove duplicate NULL check on adr_link
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Printk's should end with a newline
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Configure jack as not detecting
+  Line Out (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add sublink to dev_dbg()
+  log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: IPC4: clarify 'pipeline_ids' usage and logs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: reset device count for SoundWire
+  DAIs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: add helper to get sublink LSDIID
+  register (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: add abstraction for SoundWire wake-ups
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add hw_params/free/trigger callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add helpers for SoundWire callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit fab7f32
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_LUNARLAKE=m
+- commit 9762327
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add ops for SoundWire
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: only allocate/release streams
+  for first CPU DAI (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add DMIC support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add ops for SSP (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: add/select DMA ops for
+  SSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: enable DMIC/SSP offload in probe/resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: split MTL and LNL operations (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: LNL: Add support for Lunarlake platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add interface definitions for ACE2.x
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: restore gateway config length
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: avoid uninitialized default instance 0
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3-dtrace: Switch to memdup_user_nul() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_da7219_max98373: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_wm5102: Map missing Line Out jack kcontrol
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bxt_da7219_max98357a: Map missing Line Out jack
+  kcontrol (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: da7219: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp3x-rt5682-max9836: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Map missing jack kcontrols (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 60a1720
+- ASoC: amd: acp-rt5645: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp-da7219-max98357a: Map missing jack kcontrols
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186 modify dram type as non-cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move group_generated logic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Merge codec_conf_alloc into dailink_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Clean up DAI link counting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add cs35l56 codec info (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Allow direct specification of CODEC
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: break earlier when a adr link contains
+  different codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Move amp_num initialisation to mc_probe
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove redundant parameters in dai
+  creation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Minor tidy up of mc_probe (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Constify parameter to find_codec_part_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Simplify find_codec_info_acpi
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use a module device table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Remove some extra line breaks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Rename codec_idx to codec_dlc_index
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Use consistent variable naming for
+  links (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0AFE (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename link_id to be_id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: allow mockup amplifier to provide
+  feedback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: reorder SoundWire codecs in Kconfig
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Update BT offload config for soundwire
+  config (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682 add support for HDMI_In capture
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add RPL support for MAX98357A
+  speaker (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for rt711-sdca-sdw at link
+  0 in RPL match table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp5x-mach:add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: atom: remove static analysis false positive
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: bdw_rt286: add checks to avoid static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: simplify code to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 2a8e6bd
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: add checks to prevent static analysis
+  warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client-probes-ipc4: add checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: update dai_link_fixup for SOF_DAI_MEDIATEK_AFE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-acpi: move link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: start simplify the signature of
+  link_slaves_found() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: get codec number from ACPI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: refactor strncpy usage in topology
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add missing dependency on CONFIG_EFI for Cirrus/TI
+  sub-codecs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
+  15-eu0xxx (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Switch back to use struct i2c_driver's
+  .probe() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7e4e840
-- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (git-fixes).
-- commit 45da2ea
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_TAS2781_I2C=m
+- commit f74361b
-- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: only access GHCB fields once (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- KVM: SEV: snapshot the GHCB before accessing it (CVE-2023-4155
-  bsc#1214022).
-- commit f5b3d4d
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
+  mute LED (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Override the _DSD for HP Zbook Fury 17 G9
+  to correct boost type (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix PM refcount unbalance at
+  tas2781_hda_bind() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Fix acpi device refcount leak at
+  tas2781_read_acpi() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix spelling mistake "powe" -> "power"
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tas2781: Add tas2781 HDA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: change cs35l41_prop_model to static
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: Add Chromebook quirk to ADL/RPL
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f614fcb
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix the loop check in
+  cs35l41_add_dsd_properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support systems with missing _DSD
+  properties (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/tegra: refactor deprecated strncpy (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: extend connectivity check to cover Intel
+  ARL (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: add LunarLake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: use common include for MeteorLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: add HD Audio PCI ID for Intel Arrow Lake-S
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: add ArrowLake-S PCI ID for Intel HDAudio subsystem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Print amp configuration after bind
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Reject I2C alias addresses (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Fail if .bin not found and firmware not
+  patched (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit eb0ce74
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_HDA_SCODEC_CS35L56=m
+- commit 3b4bbbb
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not download firmware over existing RAM
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: cs_dsp_power_down() on cs35l56_hda_fw_load()
+  error path (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before calling
+  cs_dsp_remove() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Always power-up and start cs_dsp
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Call cs_dsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do not mark cache dirty after REINIT
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Complete firmware reboot before calling
+  cs_dsp_run() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Do some clean up on probe error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/cs35l56: Add driver for Cirrus Logic CS35L56
+  amplifier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 538cf18
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Waiting for firmware to boot must be tolerant of
+  I/O errors (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't overwrite a patched firmware
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Support powering-up DSP without trying to load
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call wm_adsp_power_down() before reloading
+  firmware (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Expose the DSP power down actions as
+  wm_adsp_power_down() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Wait for control port ready during system-resume
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Avoid uninitialized variable in
+  cs35l56_set_asp_slot_positions() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make a common function to shutdown the
+  DSP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make common function for control port wait
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move part of cs35l56_init() to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move cs_dsp init into shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move runtime suspend/resume to shared library
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move utility functions to shared file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Convert utility functions to use common data
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Make cs35l56_system_reset() code more generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6aa9c77
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move shared data into a common data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f8b8c4
+- ALSA: hda: Fix missing header dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Patch soft registers to defaults (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0f75826
+- ASoC: amd: acp: fix SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_PCI depdenencies
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: delete unnecessary NULL check (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe register offset for renoir and
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add acp-probe id to sof probe client driver
+  for registration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add Probe functionality support for amd
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: clean up some inconsistent indentings
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: add jsl_rt5650 board config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps-sdw-dma: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for rembrandt platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: move pdm macros to common header file
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store the pdm stream channel mask
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: export config_acp_dma() and
+  config_pte_for_stream() symbols (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store xfer_resolution of the stream
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add pm ops support for acp pci driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: store platform device reference created in pci
+  probe call (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove the redundant acp enable/disable
+  interrupts functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: add acp i2s master clock generation for
+  rembrandt platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: refactor the acp init and de-init sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add new dmi entries to config entry (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: Add acpi machine id's for vangogh platform
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0f6e64
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_RT5663=m
+- commit b9578a0
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for max98388
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: Add machine driver support for nau8821
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add support for NAU8821/MAX98388 variant
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Use dmi_first_match() for DMI quirk
+  handling (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Make use of DRV_NAME (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Tidy up hw_params() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: rt5682: Add missing components (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load rt5663 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add rt5663 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Load es8336 board on KBL-based platforms
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3fbf618
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_AVS_MACH_ES8336=m
+- commit 5b3c4a1
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Add es8336 machine board (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: refactor PSP smn_read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure amp is only unmuted during
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add device_link between HDA and cs35l41_hda
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Rework System Suspend to ensure correct call
+  separation (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use pre and post playback hooks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: hda_component: Add pre and post playback hooks
+  to hda_component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Move Play and Pause into separate
+  functions (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 6c7942d
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Update to use maple tree register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we pass up any errors during system
+  suspend (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Ensure we correctly re-sync regmap before
+  system suspending (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check mailbox status of pause command
+  after firmware load (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Poll for Power Up/Down rather than waiting a
+  fixed delay (bsc#1215284).
+- ALSA: cs35l41: Use mbox command to enable speaker output
+  for external boost (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3bd03af
+- ALSA: hda: add HDMI codec ID for Intel LNL (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/hdmi: keep codec entries in numerical order
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sst: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Convert to PCI device IDs defines (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: Convert to PCI device IDs defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/i915: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use global PCI match macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add controller matching macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Remove unused Broxton PCI ID (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Add Intel Audio DSP devices to pci_ids.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- PCI: Sort Intel PCI IDs by number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Explicitly include correct DT includes (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use regcache_reg_cached() rather than open
+  coding (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Let users check if a register is cached (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 22a05bd
+- supported.conf: update entries for UMP
+- commit d3ef504
+- regcache: Push async I/O request down into the rbtree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Allow reads from write only registers with the flat
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Drop early readability check (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test to make sure we don't sync to read only
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add a test case for write only registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add test that writes to write only registers are
+  prevented (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Check for register readability before checking cache
+  during read (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add debugfs file for forcing field writes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide basic KUnit coverage for the raw register
+  I/O (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Provide a ram backed regmap with raw support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Don't check for changes in regcache_set_val()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: maple: Implement block sync for the maple tree
+  cache (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: Add missing cache_only checks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- regmap: mmio: Allow passing an empty config->reg_stride
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 17d660d
+- ALSA: ump: Fix -Wformat-truncation warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 0970bc7
+- ALSA: seq: Fix snd_seq_expand_var_event() call to user-space
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix potential memory leaks at error path for
+  UMP open (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Don't create unused substreams for static blocks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fill group names for legacy rawmidi substreams
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Attach legacy rawmidi after probing all
+  UMP EPs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 00609a3
+- ASoC: tas2781: fixed register access error when switching to
+  other chips (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Update the basecfg for copier
+  earlier (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw-cs42142: fix for codec button mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: update jack detection quirk for LunarLake
+  RVP (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Fix incorrect use of sizeof in sof_ipc3_do_rx_work()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl: micfil: Use dual license micfil code (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop
+  Mode0 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: remove redundant unsigned comparison to zero
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Fix memory leak at error path in
+  snd_seq_create_port() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Fix the issue of speaker noise (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Fix extraneous error messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: suppress probe deferral errors (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: SND_SOC_WCD934X should select REGMAP_IRQ
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6afe-dai: fix Display Port Playback stream
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: check return value after reading device id
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: demote impedance printk (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: use dev_printk() for impedance
+  logging (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop inline keywords (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qdsp6: q6apm: use dai link pcm id as pcm device
+  number (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: add revision check for sending sha dma
+  completion command (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix byte count return value for invalid SoundWire
+  manager instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA register mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: fix for position register set for AUDIO0 RX
+  stream (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add fix for dma irq mask for rx streams for SDW0
+  instance (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add comments for DMA irq bits mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: fix typo in system_2p_ev_to_ump_midi1()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct wrong byte size at converting a UMP System
+  message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Make master_list ordered to prevent
+  deadlocks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Prevent lockdep asserts when stream has multiple
+  buses (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: fix SND_SOC_SOF_HDA_MLINK dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: debugfs: Add missing SCP registers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unnecessary gotos (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Invert logic on runtime alloc flags
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: stream: Remove unneeded checks for NULL bus
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bandwidth allocation: Remove pointless variable
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: cadence: revisit parity injection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: update hardware reset sequence
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: enable interrupts last
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_bus_common: update error log (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: amd: Improve error message in remove callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: set clk stop need reset flag at runtime
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add software workaround for bus clash interrupt
+  assertion (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: wait for fifo to be empty before suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: drop unused struct qcom_swrm_ctrl members
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: read AC timing control register before
+  updating it (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .free callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .free callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: use substream for .trigger callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: remove .trigger callback implementation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF/soundwire: re-add substream in params_stream
+  structure (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add pre/post bank switch callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add new_peripheral_assigned callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: add new manager callback to deal with peripheral
+  enumeration (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add check_cmdsync_unlocked helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: enable wake support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: use common helpers for bus start/stop
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add sync_arm/sync_go helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9b394b1
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add DAI registration (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: configure link PHY (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: set SYNCPRD before powering-up
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add link power-up/down helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add debugfs support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_init: use eml_lock parameter (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: retrieve SoundWire eml_lock and pass
+  pointer (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add eml_lock in the interface for new
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC/soundwire: intel: pass hdac_bus pointer for link
+  management (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel/cadence: set ip_offset at run-time
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire/ASOC: Intel: update offsets for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel_ace2x: add empty new ops for LunarLake
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: intel: add ACE2.x SHIM definitions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: shim: add enum for ACE 2.0 IP used in
+  LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: bus: Don't filter slave alerts (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: use tabs for indentation in defines
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: add support for v2.0.0 controller
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: prepare for handling different register
+  layouts (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- soundwire: qcom: allow 16-bit sample interval for ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: core: Always store of_node when getting DAI link
+  component (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix error code in tas2781_load_calibration()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update pm_runtime enable sequence (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: fix Kconfig dependencies (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: acp: remove acp poweroff function (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: max98090: Allow dsp_a mode (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: common: add default jack dapm pins (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Remove stale comments in AHUB (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 803aadf
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA884X=m for arm64
+- commit bf28db9
+- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ASRC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Allow passing the number of slots in
+  use (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa884x: Add WSA884x family of speakers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Add mtl support RT1019P speaker
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: reorder quirk table (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add acp_reset flag check in acp pci driver
+  pm ops (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: update comments in Kconfig file (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: enable SoundWire dma driver build (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add pm ops support for SoundWire dma driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add support for SoundWire DMA interrupts
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a9972e5
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver dma ops (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: add SoundWire dma driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: handle SoundWire interrupts in acp pci
+  driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: create platform devices based on acp config
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: samsung: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 699832e
+- ASoC: fsl: use snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-core.c: add snd_soc_{of_}get_dlc() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Fix spelling mistake "calibraiton" ->
+  "calibration" (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add mmap and copy compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress set params and metadata DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add trigger/pointer compress DAI
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add compress DAI and codec caps get
+  callbacks (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm-dai: Add open/free compress DAI callbacks
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add gapless feature support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add support to set compress format
+  params (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: Add placeholder decoder for compress
+  playback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: audioreach: add helper function to set u32
+  param (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: q6dsp: q6apm: add end of stream events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: SC7280: audioreach: Add sc7280 hardware param fixup
+  callback (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8328: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: es8316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5670: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5668: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5665: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5660: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5651: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5645: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5631: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5616: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5514: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1f02c2e
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2781_*=m
+- commit 9821c7a
+- ASoC: rt1305: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1019: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1011: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: don't assign addr_width for dt configs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add DMA handshake control (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix error code in probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add tas2781 driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: firmware lib (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tas2781: Add Header file for tas2781 driver
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98363: Remove cache defaults for volatile registers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: add nau8822 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: set variable soc_codec_dev_max98388
+  storage-class-specifier to static (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: setup primary core info on MeteorLake
+  platform (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: pm: Remove duplicated code in sof_suspend
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4: Switch to use the sof_debug:bit11 to dump
+  message payload (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc3: Dump IPC message payload (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add new sof_debug flag to request message payload
+  dump (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: test virtual widget in
+  sof_walk_widgets_in_order (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc4b31a
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8315=m CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8825=m for Arm
+- commit 7f6b86a
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: add is_virtual_widget helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wm0010: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macros (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5677: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: fix unused function warnings (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98388: add amplifier driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1318: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1316: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt1308: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt712: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt711: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt700: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils: remove unused cpus/codecs/platforms
+  from props (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils.c: share asoc_graph_parse_dai()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 30a025b
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add support for IPC with a reply_size set
+  to zero (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: remove old trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use use new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add new trigger ordering method (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai_link_codec_ch_map (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add N cpus to M codecs dai link support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l30: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l83: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l73: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs4234: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l35: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l34: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l33: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l32: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: siu: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-ssm4567: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt5682: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt298: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt286: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-rt274: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-nau8825: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98927: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98373: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-max98357a: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-hdaudio: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-dmic: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 47fd0d2
+- ASoC: Switch two more i2c drivers back to use .probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l56-Add-an-ACPI-match-table.patch.
+- commit 4323047
+- ASoC: Intel: avs-da7219: remove redundant dapm routes
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample.dtsi: remove DT
+  warning (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: audio-graph-card2-custom-sample: add missing CPU:Codec =
+  1:N sample (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Add IPC3 Kernel Injector (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Refactor rx function for fuzzing (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Go back to old headphone pin
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Use bitfield macros for
+  registers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Clean up log levels
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Cleanup return 0 disguised as
+  return ret (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: clean up a return in codec_init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: Compress of_device_id entries
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: Simplify code around clk_get_rate() handling
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: max98088: clean up some inconsistent indenting
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa883x: use existing define instead of raw
+  value (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-pcm: remove kernel parameter init
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: add i2c dependency
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: add snd_soc_get_stream_cpu() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc.h: remove snd_soc_compr_ops :: trigger (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add Rex CS42l42 and MAX98363 SoundWire
+  entries (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for MAX98363 codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Modify maxim helper functions and
+  structure names (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Rename sof_sdw_max98373.c file to
+  sof_sdw_maxim.c (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add helper function for cs42l42
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_rt1019_rt5682 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: Sof_ssp_amp: Correcting author name (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Moving amp only boards into end of the
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: ADL: Enable HDMI-In capture feature support for
+  non-I2S codec boards (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f365978
+- ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: add Dell SKU 0B34 (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for Dell SKU 0B34
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add table for RPL Dell SKU 0BDA
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: increase sdw pin index for each sdw
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt713 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-mtl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-tgl-match: add rt712 ID
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add rt712 support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: make rt711_sdca be generic (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: rename SOF_RT711_JDSRC to SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c698e7f
+- ASoC: Intel: sdw_sof: append dai_type and remove codec_type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e0b457b
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add multi dailink support for a
+  codec (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add codec_info pointer (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: use predefine dailink id (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add dai info (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing exit callback (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: support new board with
+  nau88255 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm.c: clean up debugfs for freed widget
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: common: soundcard driver add dai_fmt support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188-mt6359: register hdmi/dp jack pins
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 50b3774
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add get_hlink callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 4f70204
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: separate ADDA playback dai from capture
+  dai (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add helper to extract SoundWire link
+  count (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: prepare for code reuse (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: add DMA config TLV to IPC data
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: introduce DMA config TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: extend ALH-specific data structure
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add calc_stream_format callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add codec_dai_set_stream callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add error checks to prevent static
+  analysis warnings (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update output control for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Update the calculation of FLL for NAU8825C
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add registers patch for NAU8825C (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add adsp debug dump (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: tidyup playback/capture_only at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use temporary variable at
+  soc_get_playback_capture() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: cleanup soc_get_playback_capture() error
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: use dai_link on soc_get_playback_capture()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: indicate error if stream has no playback no
+  capture (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add the management of headset detection for power
+  saving (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: HDA: Limit the number of dai drivers
+  for nocodec mode (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: topology: Use partial match for connecting DAI
+  link and DAI widget (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Allow partial matching when finding DAI
+  link (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: add mt8188 audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Use pcm_for_each_format() macro
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL ratio table values (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l45: Relicense to GPL only (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: da7219: Add Jack insertion detection polarity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc4_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 3b27a33
+- ASoC: sof: Improve sof_ipc3_bytes_ext_put function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: update route for lineout mux
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add mtkaif gpio setting (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: fix kselftest error of playback
+  gain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt6359: add supply for MTKAIF (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: use pm.h instead of runtime_pm.h (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: do not include pm_runtime.h if not used (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: tgl: unify core_put on IPC3 & IPC4 path
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: mtl: add core_get & put support on MeterLake
+  platforms (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: Fix locking in hda_ipc4_pre_trigger()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Fix an unsigned comparison which
+  can never be negative (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: nau8825: Add pre-charge actions for input (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant log (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Do not split message string on multiple
+  lines (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Remove redundant logs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: topology: Log control load errors in
+  soc_tplg_control_load() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader/topology: Query the CPC value from
+  manifest (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Do not use the CPC value from
+  topology (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename
+  sof_ipc4_update_pipeline_mem_usage() to be generic
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 754ffeb
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Save a pointer to fm_config in
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-loader: Drop unused bss_size from struct
+  sof_ipc4_fw_module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682s: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs53l30: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: stm32: sai: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5659: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs42l51: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: sam9g20_wm8731: Remove the unneeded include
+  <linux/i2c.h> (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: adau1761: Use the devm_clk_get_optional() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: In secure mode skip SHUTDOWN and RESET around fw
+  download (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: sdw_write_no_pm() should be performed under
+  a pm_runtime request (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt722-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt715-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt712-sdca-dmic: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt711-sdca: do not store status in state
+  container (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit c797784
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: refine APLL control (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f2e5e40
+- ASoC: codecs: rt700: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt5682: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1318: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1316: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: codecs: rt1308: do not store status in state container
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8192-mt6359: Remove " Jack" from Headphone
+  pin name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tegra: tegra210_adx: fix snd_pcm_format_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify input audio format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: New helper to check if all output
+  formats are the same (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Modify the output format selection
+  logic (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a new helper function to get the
+  valid bits (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle output format special
+  case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Rename sof_ipc4_init_audio_fmt()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Move the call to init output
+  format (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Add a helper function for output
+  format selection (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Handle input/output audio format
+  special case (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add required clocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: add bus protection (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: combine afe component registration
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: revise ETDM control flow (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: complete set_tdm_slot function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8188: remove supply AUDIO_HIRES
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Update to use new component control notify
+  helepr (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ak4118: Update to use new component control notify
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-component: Add notify control helper function
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: reset all pipelines during FE DAI
+  hw_free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai-ops: Split the get_hext_stream() op
+  for IPC4 (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: remove mutual exclusion between NOCODEC and
+  HDA_LINK (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: use HDA_LINK instead of
+  HDA_AUDIO_CODEC (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 4d058ad
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: remove use of cpu_dai->component
+  drvdata (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-.patch.
+- commit 5fb285a
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: mark functions as __maybe_unused
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: move hda_dai_prepare() code
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: move selection of PROBE_WORK_QUEUE
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: clarify initialization when HDA_AUDIO_CODEC
+  is not used (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix DAI number mismatch (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: simplify .prepare callback
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add tables for LunarLake (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add new mapping for HP Spectre x360
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for MTL SDCA boards
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 98a7c8f
+- ASoC: ssm3515: Add new amp driver (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 51ab72a
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add MECHREVO Jiaolong Series MRID6 into DMI
+  table (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit e8e4147
+- ASoC: Intel: Add rpl_max98373_8825 driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: Simplify the calculation of variables (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use set_get_data() to send
+  LARGE_CONFIG message (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6apm: add support to display ports in lpass
+  dais (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp: add support to more display ports
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: audioreach: add support for DISPLAY PORT SINK
+  module (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: q6dsp-common: move channel allocation to common
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add support for X1000 SoC (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit cc35052
+- ASoC: fsl: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-imx-audmix-check-return-value-of-devm_kasp.patch.
+- commit 7f494a7
+- ASoC: soc-topology.c: add comment for Platform/Codec
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: simple_card_utils.c: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: skylake: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: intel: avs: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: meson: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: atmel: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: qcom: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 1734f11
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT722_SDCA_SDW
+- commit f47d125
+- ASoC: sof: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: ti: use asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: soc-utils.c: add asoc_dummy_dlc (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt722-sdca: Add RT722 SDCA driver (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify with dev_err_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Simplify runtime PM during
+  probe (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8195-afe-pcm: Clean up unnecessary functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8186: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: SOF: mediatek: mt8195: Use snd_sof_ipc_process_reply()
+  helper (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: MCLK bind with TX/RX enable bit (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit f24c873
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: refactor acp power on and reset functions
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: remove the register read and write wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: amd: ps: Update copyright notice (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: extend supported formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt5682: Use a maple tree based register cache
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: rt715: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: dwc: add optional reset support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: fix channel info for compressed formats
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 7f7fc6f
+- ALSA: pcm: fix ELD constraints for (E)AC3, DTS(-HD) and MLP
+  formats (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export MIDI1 / UMP conversion helpers (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Export snd_ump_receive_ump_val() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add no_process_stream flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add helper to change MIDI protocol (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- sound: make all 'class' structures const (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compress: allow setting codec params after next
+  track (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: timer: minimize open-coded access to hw.resolution
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Update MIDI 2.0 documentation for UMP 1.1
+  enhancement (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add info flag bit for static blocks (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify UMP protocol change to sequencer
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Notify port changes to system port
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle FB info update (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Handle groupless messages (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add midi2_ump_probe option (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Parse UMP Endpoint and Function Blocks at
+  first (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Support UMP Endpoint and Function Block parsing
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add more attributes to UMP EP and FB info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Clemens Ladisch (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: firewire: use 'GPL' string for module license contributed
+  by Takashi Sakamoto (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Use maple tree register cache (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 54ef674
+- ALSA: hda/intel: Workaround for WALLCLK register for loongson
+  controller (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Workaround for SDnCTL register on loongson
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Using polling mode for loongson controller by
+  default (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: Add Loongson LS7A HD-Audio support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: control: Keep the previous numid at snd_ctl_rename_id()
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Delete cs35l41 component master during
+  free (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix endian conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Clean up Firmware Load Controls
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Avoid confusion of aligned read size (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: Switch i2c drivers back to use .probe() (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Fix parsing of 0xFx command (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Drop redundant check of note-on with zero velocity
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Correct snd_ump_midi1_msg_program definition
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: docs: Add MIDI 2.0 documentation (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group filter (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Print UMP Endpoint and Block information in proc
+  outputs (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 9cd2cae
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_SEQ_UMP
+- commit a6d3569
+- ALSA: seq: Add ioctls for client UMP info query and setup
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: ump: Create UMP Endpoint port for broadcast
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Bind UMP device (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Allow suppressing UMP conversions (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Automatic conversion of UMP events (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP group number to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port direction to snd_seq_port_info
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Support MIDI 2.0 UMP Endpoint port (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add port inactive flag (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Prohibit creating ports with special numbers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check validity before creating a port object
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Check the conflicting port at port creation
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Drop dead code for the old broadcast support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Treat snd_seq_client object directly in client
+  drivers (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Add snd_seq_expand_var_event_at() helper
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: seq: Clear padded bytes at expanding events
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Inform inconsistent protocols in GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable the legacy raw MIDI support
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit a20cb16
+- Update config files: enable MIDI2 configs
+- commit 0834a0b
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Use __le16 for 16bit USB descriptor fields
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add legacy raw MIDI support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Redirect rawmidi substream access via own helpers
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Create UMP blocks from USB MIDI GTBs
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Trim superfluous "MIDI" suffix from UMP EP
+  name (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Get UMP EP name string from USB interface
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: USB MIDI 2.0 UMP support (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Define USB MIDI 2.0 specs (jsc#PED-6045
+  jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067
+  jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Manage number of rawmidis globally
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Additional proc output (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: ump: Add ioctls to inquiry UMP EP and Block info via
+  control API (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Skip UMP devices at
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: UMP support (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Add ioctl callback to snd_rawmidi_global_ops
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: rawmidi: Pass rawmidi directly to
+  snd_rawmidi_kernel_open() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: mixart: Replace one-element arrays with simple
+  object declarations (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104
+  jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: compat_ioctl: use correct snd_ctl_elem_type_t type
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: uapi: pcm: control the filling of the silence samples
+  for drain (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ALSA: core: update comment on snd_card.controls_rwsem
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Remove impossible condition in
+  clk_aic32x4_pll_determine_rate() (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036
+  jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114 jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: div: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: pll: Switch to determine_rate
+  (jsc#PED-6045 jsc#PED-6036 jsc#PED-6104 jsc#PED-6114
+  jsc#PED-6067 jsc#PED-6123).
+- commit 63a9a52
+- spi: intel-pci: Add support for Granite Rapids SPI serial flash
+  (jsc#PED-6106 jsc#PED-6090).
+- commit 00c2e1f
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sprintf/snprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit b392a8a
+- s390/ctcm: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 6d42891
+- s390/lcs: Convert sprintf to scnprintf (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 9e4e74e
+- s390/lcs: Convert sysfs sprintf to sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit 715ef85
+- s390/ism: Set DMA coherent mask (jsc#PED-5436).
+- commit f59d174
+- x86/cpu: Fix Crestmont uarch (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit e882a7f
+- perf/x86/intel: Add Crestmont PMU (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 058f4f4
+- x86/cpu: Add several Intel server CPU model numbers (jsc#PED-6469).
+- commit 6d86f99
+- Update config files. (jsc#PED-6528)
+  to arm64/default, armv7hl/default, s390x/default and x86_64/default.
+  before we have conclusion on PED-6528. Which means that the
+  .secondary_trusted_keys keyring can NOT be used to verify .ima/.evm
+  keys. It also means that MOK in .machine keyring can not be used to
+  verify .ima/.evm keys.
+  This commit didn't change the value in ppc64le/default because it's
+  handled by another jira jsc#PED-5085. PPC may be applied special setting
+  for IBM. (jsc#PED-6528)
+- commit dd2a1af
-- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 80c5d27
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Include mmu.h in spte.h (git-fixes).
+- commit 05d2771
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Guard against collision with KVM-defined
+- commit fb0e117
+- KVM: nSVM: Load L1's TSC multiplier based on L1 state, not L2
+  state (git-fixes).
+- commit 9a8cf6e
+- KVM: nSVM: Check instead of asserting on nested TSC scaling
+  support (git-fixes).
+- commit 3b43cd9
+- KVM: SVM: Set target pCPU during IRTE update if target vCPU
+  is running (git-fixes).
+- commit de8e951
-- spi: tegra210-quad: Enable TPM wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 00c70ee
+- KVM: SVM: Take and hold ir_list_lock when updating vCPU's
+  Physical ID entry (git-fixes).
+- commit c8429d7
-- spi: Add TPM HW flow flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 754a368
+- KVM: SVM: Don't inject #UD if KVM attempts to skip SEV guest
+  insn (git-fixes).
+- commit d983b3c
-- x86/PVH: avoid 32-bit build warning when obtaining VGA console
-  info (git-fixes).
-- commit 8d6614d
+- KVM: SVM: Skip VMSA init in sev_es_init_vmcb() if pointer is
+  NULL (git-fixes).
+- commit 80d1c46
-- spi: tegra210-quad: set half duplex flag (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 6cc1be6
+- KVM: SVM: Get source vCPUs from source VM for SEV-ES intrahost
+  migration (git-fixes).
+- commit d8a362f
+- scsi: target: core: Fix target_cmd_counter leak (bsc#1214847).
+- commit b9c2cf7
+- KVM: SVM: Don't defer NMI unblocking until next exit for SEV-ES
+  guests (git-fixes).
+- commit 815118a
-- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
-- commit 8e51a51
+- KVM: VMX: Refresh available regs and IDT vectoring info before
+  NMI handling (git-fixes).
+- commit c8edde6
-- iommu/virtio: Return size mapped for a detached domain
+- x86/virt/tdx: Make TDX_MODULE_CALL handle SEAMCALL #UD and #GP (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 3990c40
+- x86/virt/tdx: Wire up basic SEAMCALL functions (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 5a7d4d1
+- x86/tdx: Remove 'struct tdx_hypercall_args' (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 35524da
+- x86/tdx: Reimplement __tdx_hypercall() using TDX_MODULE_CALL asm (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit ea49b7a
+- x86/tdx: Make TDX_HYPERCALL asm similar to TDX_MODULE_CALL (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 68160e9
+- x86/tdx: Extend TDX_MODULE_CALL to support more TDCALL/SEAMCALL leafs (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 81b9942
+- x86/tdx: Pass TDCALL/SEAMCALL input/output registers via a structure (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit e8d92e2
+- x86/tdx: Rename __tdx_module_call() to __tdcall() (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 67b9b89
+- x86/tdx: Make macros of TDCALLs consistent with the spec (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 2487143
+- x86/tdx: Skip saving output regs when SEAMCALL fails with VMFailInvalid (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit cc3a3ab
+- x86/tdx: Zero out the missing RSI in TDX_HYPERCALL macro (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit 117aa18
+- x86/tdx: Retry partially-completed page conversion hypercalls (jsc#PED-5824).
+- commit f5ec3f4
+- KVM: x86: Fix KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS's sync_regs() TOCTOU issues
-- commit ac677be
+- commit 3b70d15
-- virtio-blk: set req->state to MQ_RQ_COMPLETE after polling
-  I/O is finished (git-fixes).
-- commit 7124cfb
+- Revert "KVM: SVM: Skip WRMSR fastpath on VM-Exit if next RIP
+  isn't valid" (git-fixes).
+- commit deeaff0
-- vhost: allow batching hint without size (git-fixes).
-- commit 89e41c0
+- KVM: x86: Acquire SRCU read lock when handling fastpath MSR
+  writes (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ec2da2
-- Rename colliding patches before merging SLE15-SP4
-- commit 6493f7c
+- KVM: SVM: Invoke trace_kvm_exit() for fastpath VM-Exits
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0219953
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'Revert "fbcon: Use kzalloc() in fbcon_prepare_logo()"'
-- commit 501bd2e
+- KVM: SVM: Remove TSS reloading code after VMEXIT (git-fixes).
+- commit cc99fca
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'video/aperture: Only remove sysfb on the default vga pci device'
-- commit bfaaaff
+- virtio_ring: fix avail_wrap_counter in virtqueue_add_packed
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ff3b5c4
-- blacklist.conf: add "x86/xen: Set MTRR state when running as Xen PV initial domain"
-- commit 0acd697
+- virtio_vdpa: build affinity masks conditionally (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c8cd83
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc: Flush gatt writes and adjust gatt mask in parisc_agp_mask_memory()'
-- commit 30a9db6
+- virtio_pmem: add the missing REQ_OP_WRITE for flush bio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 992fff8
-- blacklist.conf: Append 'parisc/agp: Annotate parisc agp init functions with __init'
-- commit 9eb45cc
+- xen: remove a confusing comment on auto-translated guest I/O
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e50901e
+- panic: Reenable preemption in WARN slowpath (git-fixes).
+- ata: libahci: clear pending interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- drm/tests: helpers: Avoid a driver uaf (git-fixes).
+- drm/radeon: make fence wait in suballocator uninterrruptable
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f4e814
+- drm/amd: Make fence wait in suballocator uninterruptible
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 69304d0
-- btrfs: don't hold CPU for too long when defragging a file
-  (bsc#1214988).
-- commit 9b89645
-- 9p/xen : Fix use after free bug in xen_9pfs_front_remove due
-  to race condition (bsc#1215206, CVE-2023-1859).
-- commit f333aa7
+- arm64: module: rework module VA range selection (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: mandate MODULE_PLTS (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: move module randomization to module.c (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kaslr: split kaslr/module initialization (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: kasan: remove !KASAN_VMALLOC remnants (bsc#1214304).
+- arm64: module: remove old !KASAN_VMALLOC logic (bsc#1214304).
+- commit c682662
+- wifi: ieee80211: reorder presence checks in MLE per-STA profile
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-ieee80211-fix-erroneous-NSTR-bitmap-size-checks.patch.
+- commit 2a2608b
+- wifi: ieee80211: fix erroneous NSTR bitmap size checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c83f3a8
+- wifi: ieee80211: use default for medium synchronization delay
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 9892e25
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Fix quirks table naming (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Send new command for PPAG (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Move btusb_recv_event_intel to btintel
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: Add support for Gale Peak (8087:0036) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support for Gale Peak (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btintel: Add support to reset bluetooth via ACPI DSM
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit d94b566
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove 'use_tfh' config to fix crash
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sysfs: make bt_class a static const structure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Rework sync_interval to be sync_factor
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: fix Set CIG Parameters error status
+  handling (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btqca: use le32_to_cpu for ver.soc_id (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 894ef0e
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 6655:8771 to device tables
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add missing MODULE_FIRMWARE declarations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- virtio_bt: call scheduler when we free unused buffs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for IGTK in D3 resume flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update two most recent GTKs on D3 resume
+  flow (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor security key update after D3
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mark keys as uploaded when added by the driver
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support of A0 version of FM RF
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: clean up Bz module firmware lines
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 8f10a16
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove support for *nJ devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit fd752ae
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 83 for AX/BZ/SC devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: remove trailing dash from FW_PRE constants
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Ma device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: also unify Sc device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify Bz/Gl device configurations (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: also drop jacket from info macro
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for 22000 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for ax210 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Bz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't load old firmware for Sc (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: give Sc devices their own family (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f8bdc92
+- wifi: iwlwifi: split 22000.c into multiple files (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit b6d8129
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new CNVi (SC) (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit 9d46e84
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for new Bz version (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bbc566a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for scan version 17
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust skip-over-dtim in D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support new flush_sta method (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: send LARI configuration earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove disable_dummy_notification (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: limit EHT capabilities based on PCIe link speed
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add EHT A-MPDU size exponent support
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use min_t() for agg_size (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use EHT maximum MPDU length on 2.4 GHz
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: nvm: handle EHT/320 MHz regulatory flag
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make iwl_mvm_set_fw_mu_edca_params mld aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: send marker cmd before suspend cmd
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check the right csa_active (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: add size assertions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: refactor RB status size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit c5d9cef
+- wifi: nl80211/reg: add no-EHT regulatory flag (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Retrieve PSD information from RNR AP information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CRC calculation for extended elems
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: avoid lockdep checking when removing deflink
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: always hold sdata lock in chanctx
+  assign/unassign (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: store BSS param change count from assoc response
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop some unprotected action frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move action length check up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: drop unprotected robust mgmt before 4-way-HS
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix documentation config reference (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a1d79a
+- wifi: cfg80211: search all RNR elements for colocated APs
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/wifi-cfg80211-Fix-return-value-in-scan-logic.patch.
+- commit b5ee4d8
+- wifi: mac80211: add eht_capa debugfs field (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dvm: fix -Wunused-const-variable gcc warning
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: check EHT basic MCS/NSS set (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: stop parsing after allocation failure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: update multi-link element STA reconfig (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: prevent start/stop race (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: agg-tx: add a few locking assertions
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Support link removal using Reconfiguration ML
+  element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: add set_active_links variant not locking sdata
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1384067
-- commit 0de26c1
+- commit 5b503ee
+- wifi: mac80211: add ___ieee80211_disconnect variant not locking
+  sdata (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211/nl80211: Add support to indicate STA MLD setup
+  links removal (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: do not scan disabled links on 6GHz (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: handle BSS data contained in ML probe responses
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add structs for TBTT information access
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use a struct for inform_single_bss data
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add definitions for RNR MLD params
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Always ignore ML element (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: ieee80211: add helper to validate ML element type and size
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Include Multi-Link in CRC calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename ieee80211_mle_sta_prof_size_ok()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4fddada
+- wifi: mac80211: Add support for parsing Reconfiguration Multi
+  Link element (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Rename multi_link (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use cfg80211 defragmentation helper
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add element defragmentation helper (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ignore invalid TBTT info field types
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use new inform_bss callback (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add inform_bss op to update BSS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: keep bss_lock held when informing (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move regulatory_hint_found_beacon to be earlier
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: feed the link_id to
+  cfg80211_ch_switch_started_notify (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3d08fcc
+- wifi: mac80211: add consistency check for compat chandef
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: stop passing cbss to parser (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Extend AID element addition for TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add HE and EHT capa elements in TDLS frames
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS data frames with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: handle TDLS negotiation with MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: make TDLS management link-aware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 81 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Add support for SCAN API version 16
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't access vif valid links directly
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 3ec74b8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: handle eSR transitions (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fix max number of fw active links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add a few rate index validity checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Validate slots_num before allocating memory
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Validate tid is in valid range before
+  using it (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: track u-APSD misbehaving AP by AP address
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: implement WPFC ACPI table loading (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: add some FW misbehaviour check infrastructure
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always send spec link ID in link commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: use array as array argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 4782c77
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: store WMM params per link (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: check link during TX (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add a NULL pointer check (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new FSEQ defines to fw dump (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: double-check ACK interrupt after timeout
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use iwl_mvm_is_vendor_in_approved_list()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: make some ACPI functions static (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Correctly indicate support for VHT TX STBC
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove new checksum code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add debugfs entry to report dormant links
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b83471d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support version C0 of BZ and GL devices
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iwlwifi-cfg-Add-missing-MODULE_FIRMWARE-for-pnvm.patch.
+- commit ee9b8b1
+- wifi: mac80211: Support disabled links during association
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: clear FW debug memory on init
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: remove redundant argument (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: clear FW debug memory on init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: dbg-tlv: fix DRAM data init (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: allow ADD_STA not to be advertised by the
+  firwmare (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: put only a single IGTK into FW (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Refactor iwl_mvm_get_lmac_id() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: improve debug prints in iwl_read_ppag_table()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 5409bb1
+- wifi: mac80211: consistently use u64 for BSS changes
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 1521a5d
+- wifi: mac80211: stop warning after reconfig failures
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: batch recalc during STA flush (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sta_info_move_state() up (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: refactor ieee80211_select_link_key()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use u64 to hold enum ieee80211_bss_change flags
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: implement proper AP MLD HW restart (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 753363d
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: initialize the rx_vec before using it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: rename BTM support flag and its TLV
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support U-SIG EHT validate checks
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Replace strlcpy with strscpy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: replace strlcpy() with strscpy() (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Propagate ERP slot changes to FW
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM responder MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pass ESR parameters to the firmware (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: debugfs: add ppag capa to fw info file
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: always set MH len in offload_assist
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: provide a helper to fetch the medium
+  synchronization delay (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 6a7772a
+- wifi: iwlwifi: unify checks for HW error values (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix getting LDPC/STBC support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: bump FW API to 79 for AX devices (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: update response for mcc_update command
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: FTM initiator MLO support (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: make debugfs entries link specific (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Do not use "non-MLD AP" syntax (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Support association to AP MLD with disabled
+  links (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: Add getter functions for vif MLD state
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow disabling SMPS debugfs controls
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit b403778
+- wifi: mac80211: don't update rx_stats.last_rate for NDP
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix CSA processing while scanning (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: clarify WMM messages (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: pass roc->sdata to
+  drv_cancel_remain_on_channel() (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: include key action/command in tracing
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: S1G rate information and calculations
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move scan done work to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move sched scan stop to wiphy work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: mlme: move disconnects to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: ibss: move disconnect to wiphy work
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a0083e7
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for channel switch (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for SMPS (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: unregister netdevs through cfg80211
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: use wiphy work for sdata->work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add a work abstraction with special semantics
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock when sending wiphy (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: wext: hold wiphy lock in siwgenie (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: move wowlan disable under locks (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in pmsr work (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: cfg80211: hold wiphy lock in auto-disconnect (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit e6208bf
+- wifi: mac80211: fetch and store the EML capability information
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: skip EHT BSS membership selector (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: remove element scratch_len (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: mac80211: HW restart for MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pnvm: handle memory descriptor tlv (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: don't use constant size with efi.get_variable
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: clean up PNVM loading code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate reading and parsing of reduce power
+  table (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Enable loading of reduce-power tables into
+  several segments (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use iwl_pnvm_image in reduce power tables flow
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0c560aa
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of power reduce
+  tables (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Implement loading and setting of fragmented
+  pnvm image (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add support for fragmented pnvm images
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Allow trans_pcie track more than 1 pnvm DRAM
+  region (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Take loading and setting of pnvm image out of
+  parsing part (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Separate loading and setting of pnvm image into
+  two functions (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Generalize the parsing of the pnvm image
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: fix kernel-doc links (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: remove unused commands (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: use __le16 instead of u16 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: api: link context action in kernel-doc
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: tell firmware about per-STA MFP enablement
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove warning for beacon filtering error
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: remove dead code in iwl_dump_ini_imr_get_size()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add Dell to ppag approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit bef2178
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: adjust Bz device timings (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: offload BTM response during D3 (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: do not log undefined DRAM buffers unnecessarily
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: acpi: add other Google OEMs to the ppag approved
+  list (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: clarify EHT RU allocation bits (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support injection rate control (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Add vendors to TAS approved list (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: iwlmei: fix compilation error (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 09b5136
+- wifi: iwlwifi: support PPAG in China for older FW cmd version
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove useless code (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: disable RX STBC when a device doesn't support it
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: fw: Add new ODM vendor to ppag approved list
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a5ea8d0
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: support PASN for MLO (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit a8d85e8
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: make internal callback structs const
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit f6d7c6e
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: adjust csa notifications and commands to
+  MLO (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update the FW apis for LINK and MAC commands
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Make iwl_mvm_diversity_iter() MLO aware
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't silently ignore missing suspend or resume
+  ops (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: dissolve iwl_mvm_mac_add_interface_common()
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use link ID in missed beacon notification
+  (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: cfg: freeze 22500 devices FW API (jsc#PED-6081
+  jsc#PED-6130).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use default @max_active for
+  trans_pcie->rba.alloc_wq (jsc#PED-6081 jsc#PED-6130).
+- commit 0e14ac5
+- Update config files: version changed to 6.4 again
+- commit 1360d10
+- selftest: tcp: Fix address length in bind_wildcard.c
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: check budget for r8152_poll() (git-fixes).
+- selftests/ftrace: Fix dependencies for some of the synthetic
+  event tests (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add quirk for TUXEDO Gemini 17 Gen1/Clevo PD70PN
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: Remove kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- iommu/amd/iommu_v2: Fix pasid_state refcount dec hit 0 warning
+  on pasid unbind (git-fixes).
+- iommu/vt-d: Fix to flush cache of PASID directory table
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/sprd: Add missing force_aperture (git-fixes).
+- iommu/qcom: Disable and reset context bank before programming
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu: rockchip: Fix directory table address encoding
+  (git-fixes).
+- iommu/mediatek: Fix two IOMMU share pagetable issue (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Use enable_maks for keepalive
+  voting (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: Improve enable_mask handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: fix missing kernfs_iattr_rwsem locking (git-fixes).
+- kernfs: add stub helper for kernfs_generic_poll() (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix regression with GPIO configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: remove obsolete out_thread label (git-fixes).
+- selftests/memfd: sysctl: fix MEMFD_NOEXEC_SCOPE_NOEXEC_ENFORCED
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix capabilities in non-AP mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix command timeout in AP stop period
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: renesas_sdhi: register irqs before registering controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: maple: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix version check when CC has
+  multiple arguments (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: remove -v option (git-fixes).
+- platform/mellanox: Fix mlxbf-tmfifo not handling all virtio
+  CONSOLE notifications (git-fixes).
+- gpiolib: fix reference leaks when removing GPIO chips still
+  in use (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix unsigned comparison with less than
+  zero (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix buffer overflow when scanning with extraie
+  (git-fixes).
+- idmaengine: make FSL_EDMA and INTEL_IDMA64 depends on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Fix field-spanning write in
+  brcmf_scan_params_v2_to_v1() (git-fixes).
+- staging: fbtft: ili9341: use macro FBTFT_REGISTER_SPI_DRIVER
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: constify params in thermal_zone_device_register
+  (git-fixes).
+- security: keys: perform capable check only on privileged
+  operations (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-snps-femto-v2: use qcom_snps_hsphy_suspend/resume
+  error code (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: huawei-wmi: Silence ambient light sensor
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Fix setting RGB mode on some TUF laptops
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: think-lmi: Use kfree_sensitive instead of kfree
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/intel/hid: Add HP Dragonfly G2 to VGBS DMI quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel: hid: Always call BTNL ACPI method
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: fix error handling for cx23885 ATSC boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: pulse8-cec: handle possible ping error (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: Support to assign slot for encoder/decoder
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: use dev_err_probe (git-fixes).
+- sbitmap: fix batching wakeup (git-fixes).
+- Partially revert "drm/amd/display: Fix possible underflow for
+  displays with large vblank" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Load register defaults in blocks rather than register
+  by register (git-fixes).
+- commit 6abb937
-- sctp: leave the err path free in sctp_stream_init to
-  sctp_stream_free (CVE-2023-2177 bsc#1210643).
-- commit 337b7d8
+- drm/msm/dpu: increase memtype count to 16 for sm8550
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 081e740
-- s390/ipl: add loadparm parameter to eckd ipl/reipl data
-  (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 364a30d
+- dmaengine: idxd: Allow ATS disable update only for configurable
+  devices (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Expose ATS disable knob only when WQ ATS is
+  supported (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Simplify WQ attribute visibility checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: trbe: Fix TRBE potential sleep in atomic context
+  (git-fixes).
+- coresight: tmc: Explicit type conversions to prevent integer
+  overflow (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: Update GCC clocks for QDU1000 and QRU1000
+  SoCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Fix clock source names (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gpucc-sm6350: Introduce index-based clk lookup
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: ensure async flips are only accepted for fast
+  updates (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Update min() to min_t() in 'amdgpu_info_ioctl'
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix loop iterating through scatterlist for DMA
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: remove opp table in exit hook (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: add online/offline hooks (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: set stale CPU frequency to minimum
+  (git-fixes).
+- fbdev: goldfishfb: Do not check 0 for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- broadcom: b44: Use b44_writephy() return value (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/pm: Fix temperature unit of SMU v13.0.6 (git-fixes).
+- drm/amdgpu: Match against exact bootloader status (git-fixes).
+- clk: fixed-mmio: make COMMON_CLK_FIXED_MMIO depend on HAS_IOMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Exit idle optimizations before attempt to
+  access PHY (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Guard DCN31 PHYD32CLK logic against chip family
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/smu: use AverageGfxclkFrequency* to replace previous
+  GFX Curr Clock (git-fixes).
+- ethernet: atheros: fix return value check in atl1c_tso_csum()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: drop the regdma configuration (git-fixes).
+- commit 4e0044a
-- s390/ipl: add DEFINE_GENERIC_LOADPARM() (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit cd6d27a
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Consolidate code for aborting connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-Fix-double-free-in-hci_conn_cleanup.patch.
+- commit 2d5d835
-- s390/ipl: use octal values instead of S_* macros (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit db2ef83
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Add an ACPI match table (git-fixes).
+- commit 65a24dd
-- kabi: hide changes in enum ipl_type and struct sclp_info
-  (jsc#PED-2023 jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit b6fb6b6
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Rename ov5640 enable-gpios to
+  powerdown-gpios (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-sony-xperia: correct GPIO keys wakeup
+  again (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Rectify gpio-keys (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add GPIO line names for PMIC GPIOs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250-edo: Add gpio line names for TLMM
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: fail SCO/ISO via hci_conn_failed if ACL
+  gone early (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF in hci_disconnect_all_sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: drop only unbound CIS if Set CIG
+  Parameters fails (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Avoid use-after-free in dbg for
+  hci_add_adv_monitor() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix hci_le_set_cig_params (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix UAF on hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Don't double print name in add/remove
+  adv_monitor (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Notify user space about failed bis connections
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Always allocate unique handles (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: do not emit new LE Create CIS if previous is
+  pending (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Add support for connecting multiple BISes
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt1308-sdw: fix random louder sound (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Box Demo
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in Rock Pi 4B
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: correct wifi interrupt flag in eaidk-610
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_arasan_cf: Use dev_err_probe() instead dev_err()
+  in data_xfer() (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: make sure 'offs' is initialized in zc_request
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p: virtio: fix unlikely null pointer deref in handle_rerror
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt712-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: nau8821: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high
+  jack-detect (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix parsing of CIS Established Event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Use kmemdup() to replace kzalloc + memcpy
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: Add .dts files missing from the build (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Rename &msmgpio -> &tlmm (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Define regulator constraints next
+  to usage (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Disable audio codecs by default
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix regulator constraints
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-longcheer-l8910: Add front flash LED
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: Update to generic ADC channel binding on
+  DHSOM systems (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: stm32: adopt generic iio bindings for adc channels
+  on emstamp-argon (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: s5pv210: add dummy 5V regulator for backlight on
+  SMDKv210 (git-fixes).
+- commit 2753813
+- x86: Make IA32_EMULATION boot time configurable (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 816d051
+- x86/entry: Make IA32 syscalls' availability depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit d129cab
+- x86/elf: Make loading of 32bit processes depend on ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit b3c3c55
+- x86/entry: Compile entry_SYSCALL32_ignore() unconditionally (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 3d9452a
+- x86/entry: Rename ignore_sysret() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 41cff48
-- s390/ipl: add eckd dump support (jsc#PED-2025).
-- commit 0961d1f
+- x86: Introduce ia32_enabled() (jsc#PED-3184).
+- commit 504ca1b
+- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
+  'unknown' (git-fixes bsc#1215345).
+- commit a7273bc
+- s390/dcssblk: fix kernel crash with list_add corruption
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215344).
+- commit 60ea829
+- Use base version 6.4
+  Since our kernel is no longer based on 6.4.x stable but rather the
+  mixture of all patches of our own, it's confusing to keep showing the
+  base version 6.4.15.
+  Let's drop the minor version and use 6.4 as the based version.
+- commit 05a5919
+- Refresh patches.suse/thunderbolt-Add-support-for-enhanced-uni-directional.patch
+  Correct the missing error handling
+- commit 8489072
+- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-PLPKS-SED-Opal-keystore-support.patch.
+  Fix crash on platforms that don't provide PKS.
+- commit dc6b8a1
+- io_uring: have io_file_put() take an io_kiocb rather than the
+  file (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/splice: use fput() directly (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: get rid of ref tryget (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup 'ret' handling in io_iopoll_check()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: break iopolling on signal (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix false positive KASAN warnings (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix drain stalls by invalid SQE (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/rsrc: Remove unused declaration io_rsrc_put_tw()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: annotate the struct io_kiocb slab for appropriate
+  user copy (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 602ec65
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (git-fixes).
+- commit 7eea791
+- io_uring/cancel: wire up IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_OP for sync cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: support opcode based lookup and cancelation
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: add IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_USERDATA (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use cancelation match helper for poll and timeout
+  requests (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: fix sequence matching for
+  IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cancel: abstract out request match helper
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/timeout: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/poll: always set 'ctx' in io_cancel_data (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 991e7db
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Perform additional retries if doorbell read
+  returns 0 (git-fixes).
+- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset (git-fixes).
+- scsi: fcoe: Fix potential deadlock on &fip->ctlr_lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: core: Use 32-bit hostnum in scsi_host_lookup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_fp_int_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_debug_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qedf: Do not touch __user pointer in
+  qedf_dbg_stop_io_on_error_cmd_read() directly (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla4xxx: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: be2iscsi: Add length check when parsing nlattrs
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add strlen() check in iscsi_if_set{_host}_param()
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi: Add length check for nlattr payload (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix TMF leak through (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session hang in gnl (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix command flush during TMF (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Limit TMF to 8 per function (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix deletion race condition (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix normally completed I/O analysed as failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix warnings detected by sparse (git-fixes).
+- commit aa5199c
+- Sort all patches and clean up reverts/corrections
+  For making easier to backport patches via git-fixes tracking, move
+  all patches in* into sorted section in
+  patches.suse/*.   It essentially means that our kernel is a pot
+  stewing all different fixes of our own choices, including the patches
+  from existing stable trees.
+  While transitioning to the flat structure, the commit ids are
+  corrected in a couple of patches, a few reverted patches are simply
+  dropped, and correction patches are folded into the original fix
+  patches.
+  The expanded result is exactly same as before this change.
+- commit 9491f38
+- platform/mellanox: NVSW_SN2201 should depend on ACPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: Keep symlinks, when possible (git-fixes).
-- commit 495d04f
+- kunit: Fix wild-memory-access bug in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit ed96bad
-- s390/ipl: add eckd support (jsc#PED-2023).
-- commit 21b5156
+- Remove stale comments in sorted section
+- commit b97ff7e
+- io_uring: flush offloaded and delayed task_work on exit
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_fallback_tw() forward declaration
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: use proper value for msg_inq (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: merge conditional unlock flush helpers (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: make io_cq_unlock_post static (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline __io_cq_unlock (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: fix acquire/release annotations (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: kill io_cq_unlock() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove IOU_F_TWQ_FORCE_NORMAL (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: don't batch task put on reqs free (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: move io_clean_op() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: inline io_dismantle_req() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_free_req_tw (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: open code io_put_req_find_next (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 474274a
+- io_uring: add helpers to decode the fixed file file_ptr
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in io_msg_grab_file
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: use io_file_from_index in __io_sync_cancel
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return REQ_F_ flags from io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove io_req_ffs_set (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove a confusing comment above io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove the mode variable in io_file_get_flags
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove __io_file_supports_nowait (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 477b728
+- io_uring: get rid of unnecessary 'length' variable
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: cleanup io_aux_cqe() API (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: avoid indirect function calls for the hottest
+  task_work (bsc#1215211).
+- commit a422735
+- nvme: optimise io_uring passthrough completion (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/cmd: add cmd lazy tw wake helper (bsc#1215211).
+- commit ce83753
-  Unncessary after KBUILD_OVERRIDE removed.
-- commit 870adc7
+  The override flag is no longer used in kernel-binary.
+- commit 2e29826
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+- commit a01ab3d
-- s390/dasd: fix command reject error on ESE devices (LTC#203630
-  bsc#1215123 git-fixes).
-- commit 5862ca2
+- Update config files: CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y for x86_64 and ppc64le (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable it consistently on all possible archs.
+- commit 4adfc00
+- s390/bpf: Pass through tail call counter in trampolines
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215253).
+- commit 9920b34
+- s390/dasd: fix string length handling (git-fixes bsc#1215252).
+- commit d32ce70
+- ext4: drop dio overwrite only flag and associated warning
+  (bsc#1215234).
+- commit b4b1734
-- commit 834e1c2
+- commit 3282c63
+- selftests/powerpc/dexcr: Add hashst/hashchk test (jsc#PED-5452).
+- Documentation: Document PowerPC kernel DEXCR interface
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose HASHKEYR register to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Expose DEXCR and HDEXCR registers to ptrace
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Support userspace ROP protection (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Handle hashchk exception (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/dexcr: Add initial Dynamic Execution Control Register
+  (DEXCR) support (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/ptrace: Add missing <linux/regset.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- powerpc/book3s: Add missing <linux/sched.h> include
+  (jsc#PED-5452).
+- commit 512787e
-- jbd2: restore t_checkpoint_io_list to maintain kABI
-  (bsc#1214946).
-- commit 1a1980a
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPKS SED Opal keystore support (jsc#PED-3545).
+  Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: keystore access for SED Opal keys
+  (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block:sed-opal: SED Opal keystore (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit 6e220a2
-- drm/display: Don't assume dual mode adaptors support i2c
-  sub-addressing (bsc#1213808).
-- commit 9c64306
+- Delete patches.suse/pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch.
+  (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  We enabled CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace our downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default. So we removed
+  pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch here.
+- commit 5523168
+- Update config files. (bnc#804482, bsc#1198276)
+  Enable CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE=y that it can be used
+  to replace the downstream pstore_disable_efi_backend_by_default.patch
+  patch to disable efi-pstore by default.
+- commit f7a24c5
+- ext4: do not mark inode dirty every time when appending using
+  delalloc (bsc#1215234).
+- commit 63674a0
+- ext4: allow concurrent unaligned dio overwrites (bsc#1215234).
+- commit cfe455c
+- io_uring: support for user allocated memory for rings/sqes
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- commit 4014112
+- io_uring: maintain ordering for DEFER_TASKRUN tw list
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: don't retry recvmsg() unnecessarily (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: push IORING_CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY into
+  io_recv_finish() (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initalize msghdr->msg_inq to known value
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring/net: initialize struct msghdr more sanely for io_recv()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: Add io_uring_setup flag to pre-register ring fd and
+  never install it (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: add ring freeing helper (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: return error pointer from io_mem_alloc()
+  (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: remove sq/cq_off memset (bsc#1215211).
+- io_uring: rely solely on FMODE_NOWAIT (bsc#1215211).
+- block: mark bdev files as FMODE_NOWAIT if underlying device
+  supports it (bsc#1215211).
+- net: set FMODE_NOWAIT for sockets (bsc#1215211).
+- commit c5f0cd7
+- pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Meteor Lake-S pin controller support
+  (jsc#PED-6107, jsc#PED-6014).
+- commit 7650815
-- s390/dasd: fix hanging device after request requeue (git-fixes
-  LTC#203629 bsc#1215124).
-- commit 96b18bb
+- scsi: core: Improve type safety of scsi_rescan_device() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Move the code in ivm.c around to avoid unnecessary ifdef's (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_isolation_type_en_snp (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use TDX GHCI to access some MSRs in a TDX VM with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Bring the post_msg_page back for TDX VMs with the paravisor (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Introduce a global variable hyperv_paravisor_present (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support >64 VPs for a fully enlightened TDX/SNP VM (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix serial console interrupts for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Support fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Support hypercalls for fully enlightened TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Fix undefined reference to isolation_type_en_snp without CONFIG_HYPERV (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add missing 'inline' to hv_snp_boot_ap() stub (git-fixes).
+- hv: hyperv.h: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Don't dereference ACPI root object handle (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add hyperv-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add smp support for SEV-SNP guest (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Mark hyperv tsc page unencrypted in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Use vmmcall to implement Hyper-V hypercall in sev-snp enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- drivers: hv: Mark percpu hvcall input arg page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Mark Hyper-V vp assist page unencrypted in SEV-SNP enlightened guest (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Set Virtual Trust Level in VMBus init message (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add sev-snp enlightened guest static key (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle additional SRB status values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add gdma stats to ethtool output for mana (git-fixes).
+- net/mlx5: remove many unnecessary NULL values (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add page pool for RX buffers (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Configure hwc timeout from hardware (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Use the correct WQE count for ringing RQ doorbell (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Batch ringing RX queue doorbell on receiving packets (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused extern declaration vmbus_ontimer() (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: add noop functions to x86_init mpparse functions (git-fixes).
+- vmbus_testing: fix wrong python syntax for integer value comparison (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: fix a warning in mshyperv.h (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Improve code for referencing hyperv_pcpu_input_arg (git-fixes).
+- Drivers: hv: Change hv_free_hyperv_page() to take void * argument (git-fixes).
+- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (git-fixes).
+- hv_netvsc: Allocate rx indirection table size dynamically (git-fixes).
+- clocksource: hyper-v: Adjust hv_read_tsc_page_tsc() to avoid special casing U64_MAX (git-fixes).
+- x86/vdso: Fix gettimeofday masking (git-fixes).
+- x86/coco: Get rid of accessor functions (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (git-fixes).
+- commit 31e4022
-- commit 78179fa
+- commit 54a0db2
-- word-at-a-time: use the same return type for has_zero regardless
-  of endianness (bsc#1065729).
-- commit bde8063
+- commit d30f4b4
-- commit 0aba257
-- kabi/severities: ignore mlx4 internal symbols
-- tracing: Fix race issue between cpu buffer write and swap
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove extra space at the end of hwlat_detector/mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- tracing: Remove unnecessary copying of tr->current_trace
-  (git-fixes).
-- bpf: Clear the probe_addr for uprobe (git-fixes).
-- commit 47e9584
-- x86/fpu: Take task_struct* in copy_sigframe_from_user_to_xstate() (git-fixes).
-- commit 74c2613
+- commit e58c7a4
-- x86/mm: Avoid incomplete Global INVLPG flushes (git-fixes).
-- commit a8877f3
+- blacklist.conf: Add 750bd41aeaeb powerpc/pseries: Fix hcall tracepoints with JUMP_LABEL=n
+- commit a91431a
-- x86/resctrl: Fix to restore to original value when re-enabling hardware prefetch register (git-fixes).
-- commit 670fb4d
+- powerpc/pseries: PLPK: undo kernel-doc comment notation
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit c1e63ba
-- x86/resctrl: Fix task CLOSID/RMID update race (git-fixes).
-- commit 9871c87
+- kABI: Reserve extra space for future cpuid/bug ints (kABI).
+- commit 4bfa4f1
-- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization in an emergency if SVM is supported (git-fixes).
-- commit 3949a2b
+- x86/virt: Drop unnecessary check on extended CPUID level in cpu_has_svm() (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b2e0cd
-- x86/virt: Force GIF=1 prior to disabling SVM (for reboot flows) (git-fixes).
-- commit 4534667
-- x86/sgx: Reduce delay and interference of enclave release (git-fixes).
-- commit ef6d157
-- x86/rtc: Remove __init for runtime functions (git-fixes).
-- commit 4511d93
-- x86/mm: Do not shuffle CPU entry areas without KASLR (git-fixes).
-- commit cb39678
-- x86/mce: Retrieve poison range from hardware (git-fixes).
-- commit c9f1ddb
-- x86/ioremap: Fix page aligned size calculation in __ioremap_caller() (git-fixes).
-- commit 96d9365
-- x86/mem_encrypt: Unbreak the AMD_MEM_ENCRYPT=n build (git-fixes).
-- commit 12a2933
-- x86/resctl: fix scheduler confusion with 'current' (git-fixes).
-- commit 0d855b9
-- x86/purgatory: remove PGO flags (git-fixes).
-- commit 9d8ada6
-- x86/ioapic: Don't return 0 from arch_dynirq_lower_bound() (git-fixes).
-- commit ea0772f
+- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
+- commit 61b85d3
-- x86/i8259: Mark legacy PIC interrupts with IRQ_LEVEL (git-fixes).
-- commit c1031f1
+- x86/sgx: Break up long non-preemptible delays in sgx_vepc_release() (git-fixes).
+- commit 97e9703
-- x86/head/64: Switch to KERNEL_CS as soon as new GDT is installed (git-fixes).
-- commit bbfad26
+- x86/mm: Fix PAT bit missing from page protection modify mask (git-fixes).
+- commit 33d3430
-- x86/cpu: Add model number for Intel Arrow Lake processor (git-fixes).
-- commit bf6d064
+- x86/decompressor: Don't rely on upper 32 bits of GPRs being preserved (git-fixes).
+- commit dd3eca0
-- x86/cpu: Add Lunar Lake M (git-fixes).
-- commit 7ecc64d
+- x86/cpu: Fix amd_check_microcode() declaration (git-fixes).
+- commit a4a58c5
-- x86/bugs: Reset speculation control settings on init (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a6dd8e
+- x86/build: Fix linker fill bytes quirk/incompatibility for ld.lld (git-fixes).
+- commit c103809
-- x86/boot/e820: Fix typo in e820.c comment (git-fixes).
-- commit ac06968
+- x86/alternative: Add a __alt_reloc_selftest() prototype (git-fixes).
+- commit f671c66
-- x86/alternative: Fix race in try_get_desc() (git-fixes).
-- commit d841323
+- x86: Remove the arch_calc_vm_prot_bits() macro from the UAPI (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ca1850
-- uprobes/x86: Allow to probe a NOP instruction with 0x66 prefix (git-fixes).
-- commit 11f0960
+- x86/APM: drop the duplicate APM_MINOR_DEV macro (git-fixes).
+- commit be5e14b
-- KVM: VMX: Fix header file dependency of asm/vmx.h (git-fixes).
-- commit cae635f
+- locking/arch: Avoid variable shadowing in local_try_cmpxchg() (git-fixes).
+- commit 35707d1
-- KVM: SVM: Remove a duplicate definition of VMCB_AVIC_APIC_BAR_MASK (git-fixes).
-- commit 2a03ef8
+- KVM: SVM: correct the size of spec_ctrl field in VMCB save area (git-fixes).
+- commit 5e2d83e
+- iov_iter: Fix iov_iter_extract_pages() with zero-sized entries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb: symbol fixup for dvb_attach() (git-fixes).
-- commit a1c9c68
-- x86/hyperv: Add hv_isolation_type_tdx() to detect TDX guests (bsc#1206453).
-- arm64/hyperv: Use CPUHP_AP_HYPERV_ONLINE state to fix CPU online sequencing (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Fix hyperv_pcpu_input_arg handling when CPUs go online/offline (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 665fc14
+- XArray: Do not return sibling entries from xa_load()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 02c4a14
-- commit f43b75b
-- patches.suse/ovl-remove-privs-in-ovl_copyfile.patch:(git-fixes).
-- commit daa1815
+- commit 83dedd5
-- s390/qeth: Don't call dev_close/dev_open (DOWN/UP) (bsc#1214873
-  git-fixes).
-- commit b0dc76c
+- selftests/powerpc: add const qualification where possible
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- selftests/powerpc: Add more utility macros (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 5daf13c
+- s390/zcrypt_ep11misc: support API ordinal 6 with empty pin-blob
+  (jsc#PED-6375).
+- commit 2756530
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for sysfs attributes
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 565a508
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_KBLOB2PROTK
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit e5ba8eb
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_VERIFYKEY2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7e4d39b
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_CLR2SECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 6bfc7d7
+- s390/pkey: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling in PKEY_GENSECK2
+  IOCTL (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit c2c7df8
+- s390/pkey: fix/harmonize internal keyblob headers
+  (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 65550d5
+- config/arm64: unset CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B.
+  Configuration option CONFIG_DEBUG_FORCE_FUNCTION_ALIGN_64B=y is used
+  only in the arm64 configuration and appears to be a relic from the
+  update procedure in commit 98da1c5f42d ("SLE15-SP4: Update the base
+  kernel version to 5.14.").
+  Unset it because the option is intended for debugging, not really useful
+  for production and makes the text size of vmlinux unnecessarily bigger
+  by ~10%.
+- commit 9b526eb
+- s390/pkey: add support for ecc clear key (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 4dc5d19
+- s390/pkey: do not use struct pkey_protkey (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 7f7a69f
+- s390/pkey: introduce reverse x-mas trees (jsc#PED-6371).
+- commit 30df220
+- Revert "modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL
+  modules" (bsc#1215155).
+- blacklist.conf: add the entry for reverted commit
+- commit e0404b9
-- commit 96ee377
+- commit f07ef6b
-  (git-fixes bsc#1215148).
-- commit 62bce52
+  (git-fixes bsc#1215143).
+- commit 2fc4ca5
+- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+"
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: always switch off ODM before committing more
+  streams (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
-  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
-- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
-  "struct page" (git-fixes).
-- commit 5618424
-- drm/amd/display: prevent potential division by zero errors
-  (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: refactor deprecated strncpy (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data race around sk->sk_err (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around sk->sk_shutdown (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-race around unix_tot_inflight (git-fixes).
+- af_unix: Fix data-races around user->unix_inflight (git-fixes).
+- pwm: Remove outdated documentation for pwmchip_remove()
+  (git-fixes).
-- commit 3aa0807
+- drm/i915/gvt: Put the page reference obtained by KVM's
+  gfn_to_pfn() (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify pfn is "valid" before dereferencing
+  "struct page" (git-fixes).
+- commit 63b1a56
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit fe6afec
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading third party code signing
+  keys (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM machine keyring enablement (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: powerpc: Do not select CA_MACHINE_KEYRING
+- Update config files.
+- integrity: check whether imputed trust is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: remove global variable from machine_keyring.c
+  (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: ignore keys failing CA restrictions on non-UEFI
+  platform (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: PowerVM support for loading CA keys on machine
+  keyring (jsc#PED-5085).
+- integrity: Enforce digitalSignature usage in the ima and evm
+  keyrings (jsc#PED-5085).
+- KEYS: DigitalSignature link restriction (jsc#PED-5085).
+- commit e3cf1f9
+- Delete patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+  This was a fix for a regression that occurred in SLE12 SP1.
+  Since we don't support upgrading to SLE15 from releases older than SLE12
+  SP4, which contained this fix, we can safely drop it now.
+- commit a7045a7
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b1fabe7
+- config/armv7hl: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 63428de
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit c50e08f
+- Update config files: only bump version to 6.4.15
+- commit a4856c8
-- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+- Input: iqs7222 - configure power mode before triggering ATI
-- commit de27518
-- fs: do not update freeing inode i_io_list (bsc#1214813).
-- fs: record I_DIRTY_TIME even if inode already has I_DIRTY_INODE
-  (bsc#1214813).
-- commit 2c1c38b
+- commit 03904d5
+- Linux 6.4.15 (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Don't show `Invalid config param` errors
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214212).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-typec-tcpci-clear-the-fault-status-bit.patch
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/nilfs2-fix-WARNING-in-mark_buffer_dirty-due-to-disca.patch
+- dt-bindings: sc16is7xx: Add property to change GPIO function
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/tcpm-Avoid-soft-reset-when-partner-does-not-support-.patch
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/fsi-master-ast-cf-Add-MODULE_FIRMWARE-macro.patch
+- firmware: stratix10-svc: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug in probe
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/firmware-stratix10-svc-Fix-an-NULL-vs-IS_ERR-bug-in-.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-bug-when-first-setting-GPIO-dir.patch
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-sc16is7xx-fix-broken-port-0-uart-init.patch
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/serial-qcom-geni-fix-opp-vote-on-shutdown.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Cleanup-mac80211-references-on-failure-d.patch
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-ath11k-Don-t-drop-tx_status-when-peer-cannot-be.patch
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Remove patches.suse/wifi-rtw88-usb-kill-and-free-rx-urbs-on-probe-failur.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-fix-skb-leak-by-txs-missing-in-AMSD.patch
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/wifi-mt76-mt7921-do-not-support-one-stream-on-second.patch
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/staging-rtl8712-fix-race-condition.patch
+- HID: wacom: remove the battery when the EKR is off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/HID-wacom-remove-the-battery-when-the-EKR-is-off.patch
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-chipidea-imx-improve-logic-if-samsung-picophy-pa.patch
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/usb-dwc3-meson-g12a-do-post-init-to-fix-broken-usb-a.patch
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
+  (bsc#1012628).
-  (git-fixes).
-- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
-- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btsdio: fix use after free bug in btsdio_remove
-  due to race condition (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpci: move tcpci.h to include/linux/usb/
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 72d5b0f
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to ignore
-  this one removes unused kABI functions, but
-  just leave them in
-- commit 8007015
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit 1ed2b1b
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- modules: only allow symbol_get of EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL modules
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rtc: ds1685: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for ds1685_rtc_poweroff
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: enetc: use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for enetc_phc_index
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: au1xmmc: force non-modular build and remove symbol_get
+  usage (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: pxa: remove use of symbol_get() (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: reduce descriptor size if remaining bytes is less than
+  request size (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: replace one-element array with flex-array member in
+  struct smb2_ea_info (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix slub overflow in ksmbd_decode_ntlmssp_auth_blob()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ksmbd: fix wrong DataOffset validation of create context
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- erofs: ensure that the post-EOF tails are all zeroed
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 603fb0d
+- blacklist.conf: drop entry backported in stable 6.4.15
+- commit aa9afe7
+- blacklist.conf: Added temporary blacklist until mlx5 backport could be done (missing PED number)
+- commit 653e287
+- thunderbolt: Check Intel vendor ID in tb_switch_get_generation()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9040262
+- thunderbolt: Log a warning if device links are not found
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0080c7d
+- thunderbolt: Set variable tmu_params storage class specifier
+  to static (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2311697
+- usb: misc: onboard-hub: support multiple power supplies
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- usb: host: xhci: Do not re-initialize the XHCI HC if being
+  removed (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add test case for 3 DisplayPort tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 74e5760
+- thunderbolt: Add DisplayPort 2.x tunneling support
+  (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 5c47cef
+- thunderbolt: Make bandwidth allocation mode function names
+  consistent (jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit aebe5c3
+- thunderbolt: Enable CL2 low power state (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 38017ba
+- thunderbolt: Add support for enhanced uni-directional TMU mode
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6788a0e
+- thunderbolt: Increase NVM_MAX_SIZE to support Intel Barlow
+  Ridge controller (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 76ff566
+- thunderbolt: Move constants related to NVM into nvm.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9e2eab8
+- thunderbolt: Fix PCIe adapter capability length for USB4 v2
+  routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 63af050
+- thunderbolt: Fix DisplayPort IN adapter capability length for
+  USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061 jsc#PED-6118).
+- commit 79f78db
+- thunderbolt: Add two additional double words for adapters TMU
+  for USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2382454
+- thunderbolt: Enable USB4 v2 PCIe TLP/DLLP extended encapsulation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 13c3320
+- thunderbolt: Announce USB4 v2 connection manager support
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2b7b8cb
+- thunderbolt: Reset USB4 v2 host router (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit da53ab5
+- thunderbolt: Add the new USB4 v2 notification types
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- thunderbolt: Add support for USB4 v2 80 Gb/s link
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 81b59d1
-- commit 550f5fc
+- commit 541c06b
-- Move upstreamed pinctrl patch into sorted section
-- commit 38f70f2
+- thunderbolt: Identify USB4 v2 routers (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 8f5f0bb
-- Update References tag
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 731b49d
+- thunderbolt: Do not touch lane 1 adapter path config space
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit d47992e
-- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
-- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
-- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
-- commit 4a140a1
+- thunderbolt: Ignore data CRC mismatch for USB4 routers
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 6322c4a
-- Update References
-  patches.suse/Bluetooth-L2CAP-Fix-use-after-free-in-l2cap_sock_rea.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
-- commit 63a801c
+- supported.conf: remove Unsupported tag of einj (bsc#1023051 CVE-2016-3695)
+  Removed Unsupported tag of drivers/acpi/apei/einj to align with
+  15-SP5. Like 15-SP5, 15-SP6 has backported downstream patch
+  acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  So it should be fine.
+  For ALP, we turn-off CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_EINJ and also add Unsupported
+  tag to einj driver. Because ALP is new and we do not need it in ALP
+  currently.
+- commit ba27138
-- powerpc/rtas: mandate RTAS syscall filtering (bsc#1023051).
-- commit ac82be8
+- usb: update the ctime as well when updating mtime after an ioctl
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a1c1e20
-- Refresh sorted section
-- commit a6fbcee
+- usb: core: add sysfs entry for usb device state (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 747c9c5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
-  netlink event exit path (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
-  (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- refresh
-  - patches.kabi/kabi-hide-changes-in-struct-nft_set.patch
-- kabi: hide changes in struct nft_set (CVE-2023-4563
-  bsc#1214727).
-- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction API to avoid race with
-  control plane (CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
-- commit cfed41c
-- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
-- commit 26cc2da
-- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
-  (bsc#1214997).
-- commit c4d7e83
+- xhci: Stop unnecessary tracking of free trbs in a ring
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e7a2864
-- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
-- commit 40e5ccd
+- xhci: Fix transfer ring expansion size calculation
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0c38cae
-- x86/speculation: Mark all Skylake CPUs as vulnerable to GDS (git-fixes).
-- commit 47ff352
+- xhci: split allocate interrupter into separate alloacte and
+  add parts (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 98c2b9c
-- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
-  (bsc#1214993).
-- commit a152c28
-- blk-iocost: use spin_lock_irqsave in adjust_inuse_and_calc_cost
-  (bsc#1214992).
-- commit 61a6c12
-- loop: Fix use-after-free issues (bsc#1214991).
-- commit 761b7ce
-- loop: loop_set_status_from_info() check before assignment
-  (bsc#1214990).
-- commit 777c353
-- blk-iocost: fix divide by 0 error in calc_lcoefs()
-  (bsc#1214986).
-- commit bfe49ae
-- "drm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources" (bsc#1203329 CVE-2022-40133 bsc#1203330 CVE-2022-38457)
-  This patch also fixes two CVEs. Update the References tag accordingly.
-- commit 552e790
+- thunderbolt: Enable/disable sideband depending on USB4 port
+  offline mode (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 953c113
-- s390/ipl: add missing secure/has_secure file to ipl type
-  'unknown' (bsc#1214976).
-- commit 33974e8
+- thunderbolt: Do not send UNSET_INBOUND_SBTX when retimer NVM
+  authentication started (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 2f36306
-- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
-  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
-- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
-- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
-  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
-- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
-  false (git-fixes).
-- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
-  components (git-fixes).
-- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
-  (git-fixes).
-- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 1c98d58
+- thunderbolt: Disable CL states when a DMA tunnel is established
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit b3ed9bb
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f8c12c2
+- thunderbolt: Make tb_switch_clx_disable() return CL states
+  that were enabled (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f883435
-- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
-  CVE-2023-1192).
-- commit 542332a
+- thunderbolt: Initialize CL states from the hardware
+  (jsc#PED-6057.
+- commit f123b6e
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 8b9578b
+- thunderbolt: Prefix CL state related log messages with "CLx:
+  " (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 000c1d2
-- udf: Fix uninitialized array access for some pathnames
-  (bsc#1214967).
-- commit 00df6f1
+- thunderbolt: Prefix TMU post time log message with "TMU: "
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0fd3fed
-- udf: Fix off-by-one error when discarding preallocation
-  (bsc#1214966).
-- commit 03b82ad
+- thunderbolt: Do not call CLx functions from TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- thunderbolt: Check for first depth router in tb.c
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit f52c3cc
-- udf: Fix file corruption when appending just after end of
-  preallocated extent (bsc#1214965).
-- commit 4b5134d
+- thunderbolt: Switch CL states from enum to a bitmask
+  (jsc#PED-6057).
+- commit 25ff961
-- udf: Fix extension of the last extent in the file (bsc#1214964).
-- commit ae72675
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx enabling into tb_enable_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit fbe701d
-- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
-  provide (bsc#1214963).
-- commit e6fd888
+- Re-enable patches.suse/0003-Add-external-no-support-as-bad-taint-module.patch
+- commit 179979d
-- quota: fix warning in dqgrab() (bsc#1214962).
-- commit e51a8ce
+- ixgbevf: Remove unused function declarations (jsc#PED-4102).
+- commit d7b32c5
-- quota: Properly disable quotas when add_dquot_ref() fails
-  (bsc#1214961).
-- commit 4d1d992
+- ethernet: tg3: remove unreachable code (jsc#PED-3526).
+- commit cd65a79
-- fs: Lock moved directories (bsc#1214959).
-- commit cae328c
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of __tb_switch_[en|dis]able_clx()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 265436e
-- fs: Establish locking order for unrelated directories
-  (bsc#1214958).
-- commit 5f1d5b9
+- thunderbolt: Move CLx support functions into clx.c
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9778ac2
-- ext4: Remove ext4 locking of moved directory (bsc#1214957).
-- commit 37394c0
+- thunderbolt: Check valid TMU configuration in
+  tb_switch_tmu_configure() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 72e13bd
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist 69562eb0bd3e
-- commit 1f4b3d5
+- thunderbolt: Move tb_enable_tmu() close to other TMU functions
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 677e0a0
-- sched/fair: Use recent_used_cpu to test p->cpus_ptr (git fixes).
-- sched/fair: Fix inaccurate tally of ttwu_move_affine (git
-  fixes).
-- commit 4be7d48
+- thunderbolt: Move TMU configuration to tb_enable_tmu()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 0bdd5bf
-- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
-  (bsc#1214955).
-- commit 11f4a50
-- ext4: fix memory leaks in
-  ext4_fname_{setup_filename,prepare_lookup} (bsc#1214954).
-- commit 4b6c845
-- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
-  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
-- commit 03f7b6f
-- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
-  (bsc#1214952).
-- commit 5a6fc81
-- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
-  (bsc#1214951).
-- commit 3e19652
-- ext4: correct inline offset when handling xattrs in inode body
-  (bsc#1214950).
-- commit 86048c8
+- thunderbolt: Get rid of tb_switch_enable_tmu_1st_child()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 5c56d8e
-- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
-  (bsc#1214949).
-- commit 003f040
+- thunderbolt: Rework Titan Ridge TMU objection disable function
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit e8db754
-- jbd2: Fix wrongly judgement for buffer head removing while
-  doing checkpoint (bsc#1214948).
-- commit 4a7cf2e
+- thunderbolt: Drop useless 'unidirectional' parameter from
+  tb_switch_tmu_is_enabled() (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4f100be
-- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1214947).
-- commit c697d1d
+- thunderbolt: Fix a couple of style issues in TMU code
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 02653e5
-- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1214946).
-- commit fb2b64f
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_xdomain_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1cad062
-- jbd2: recheck chechpointing non-dirty buffer (bsc#1214945).
-- commit bc0367a
+- thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_downstream_port()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4fafc5b
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_new_blocks (bsc#1214944).
-- commit bf72f09
+- thunderbolt: Log DisplayPort adapter rate and lanes on discovery
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 1613acc
-- ext4: fix wrong unit use in ext4_mb_clear_bb (bsc#1214943).
-- commit a5e1fe1
+- Bluetooth: HCI: Introduce HCI_QUIRK_BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (bsc#1213972).
+- commit 7e8d545
-- ext4: get block from bh in ext4_free_blocks for fast commit
-  replay (bsc#1214942).
-- commit f797e3b
+- thunderbolt: dma_test: Update MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 7c7578c
-- ext4: reflect error codes from ext4_multi_mount_protect()
-  to its callers (bsc#1214941).
-- commit eadc3e7
+- thunderbolt: Add MODULE_DESCRIPTION (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 036b91f
-- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 6b6c148
+- thunderbolt: Allow specifying custom credits for DMA tunnels
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 4cd9a38
-- ext4: set goal start correctly in ext4_mb_normalize_request
-  (bsc#1214940).
-- commit cc90b6a
+- thunderbolt: Check for ring 0 in tb_tunnel_alloc_dma()
+  (jsc#PED-6061).
+- commit 9057218
-- blacklist.conf: Not a fix, relatively high risk of performance regression
-- commit fd04425
+- ata: pata_falcon: fix IO base selection for Q40 (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_gemini: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_ftide010: Add missing MODULE_DESCRIPTION (git-fixes).
+- mailbox: qcom-ipcc: fix incorrect num_chans counting
+  (git-fixes).
+- tpm: Enable hwrng only for Pluton on AMD CPUs (git-fixes).
+- tpm_crb: Fix an error handling path in crb_acpi_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: fix possible buffer overflow (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: do not run depmod for 'make modules_sign' (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rpm-pkg: define _arch conditionally (git-fixes).
+- docs/mm: remove references to hmm_mirror ops and clean typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e114715
-- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
-  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit a1f446d
+- Update References tag
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214233 CVE-2023-40283).
+- commit 8f10909
-- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
-  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
-- commit 9f60ef1
+- update patch metadata
+- update upstream references
+  - patches.rpmify/Revert-kbuild-Hack-for-depmod-not-handling-X.Y-versi.patch
+- commit 30a3314
+- cifs: Fix UAF in cifs_demultiplex_thread() (bsc#1208995
+  CVE-2023-1192).
+- commit 9c2a087
+- Update config files.
+- commit 6044036
+- RDMA/irdma: Move iw device ops initialization (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_rdma_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- RDMA/irdma: Return void from irdma_init_iw_device()
+  (jsc#PED-4862).
+- ice: use ice_down_up() where applicable (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove managed memory usage in ice_get_fw_log_cfg()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove null checks before devm_kfree() calls
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: clean up freeing SR-IOV VFs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow hot-swapping XDP programs (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: reduce initial wait for control queue messages
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- iavf: remove some unused functions and pointless wrappers
+  (jsc#PED-4937).
+- iavf: fix err handling for MAC replace (jsc#PED-4937).
+- i40e, xsk: fix comment typo (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- i40e: remove unnecessary check for old MAC == new MAC
+  (jsc#PED-4874).
+- ice: do not re-enable miscellaneous interrupt until thread_fn
+  completes (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: trigger PFINT_OICR_TSYN_TX interrupt instead of polling
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: introduce ICE_TX_TSTAMP_WORK enumeration (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: always return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD in ice_misc_intr()
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: move port_split/unsplit() ops into devlink_port_ops
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- nfp: devlink: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- mlxsw_core: register devlink port with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: register devlink port for PF with ops (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: introduce port ops placeholder (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: Spelling corrections (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: pass devlink_port pointer to ops->port_del() instead
+  of index (jsc#PED-4876).
+- devlink: remove duplicate port notification (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use src VSI instead of src MAC in slow-path (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: allow matching on meta data (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: specify field names in ice_prot_ext init (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant Rx field from rule info (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: define meta data to match in switch (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: Remove LAG+SRIOV mutual exclusion (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update PHY type to ethtool link mode mapping
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor PHY type to ethtool link mode (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: update ICE_PHY_TYPE_HIGH_MAX_INDEX (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add dynamic interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: track interrupt vectors with xarray (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: add individual interrupt allocation (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: remove redundant SRIOV code (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: refactor VF control VSI interrupt handling (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use preferred MSIX allocation api (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: use pci_irq_vector helper function (jsc#PED-4876).
+- ice: move interrupt related code to separate file
+  (jsc#PED-4876).
+- overflow: Add struct_size_t() helper (jsc#PED-4876).
+- commit 36d3648
+- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
+  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
+- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
+  (bsc#1212873).
+- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
+  (bsc#1212857).
+- commit f77b0ab
-  patches.suse/0002-nvme-tcp-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
+  patches.suse/rbd-add-support-for-COMPARE_AND_WRITE-CMPEXT.patch.
-  patches.suse/0003-nvme-rdma-fix-potential-unbalanced-freeze-unfreeze.patch.
-- commit 452e63f
-- scsi: lpfc: Do not abuse UUID APIs and LPFC_COMPRESS_VMID_SIZE
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Modify when a node should be put in device recovery
-  mode during RSCN (git-fixes).
-- scsi: lpfc: Remove reftag check in DIF paths (git-fixes).
-- commit 8c191d2
+  patches.suse/rbd-export-some-functions-used-by-lio-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/target-add-rbd-backend.patch.
+- Update patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch
+  (fate#318836, bsc#1177090 bsc#1213026).
+- commit 1b2260d
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused variables in
-  qla24xx_build_scsi_type_6_iocbs() (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1214928).
-- Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix buffer overrun" (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warn for qla_init_iocb_limit()
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unsupported ql2xenabledif option
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Error code did not return to upper layer
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Add logs for SFP temperature monitoring
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix firmware resource tracking (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Flush mailbox commands on chip reset
-  (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Allow 32-byte CDBs (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Move resource to allow code reuse (bsc#1214928).
-- scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused declarations (bsc#1214928).
-- commit 1dd6a86
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of patches.suse/mlx5-add-parameter-to-disable-enhanced-IPoIB.patch
+- commit 4b4e24d
-- series: update meta data
-  Move qla2xxx, lpcf, powerpc, net anc cpu patches into main section.
-- commit b5aafc0
+- Update config files.
+  s390: CONFIG_SCSI_IPR=n - powerpc-only driver
+- commit f1eac10
-- scsi: RDMA/srp: Fix residual handling (git-fixes)
-- commit 429e77b
+- USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 898ed7a
-- RDMA/efa: Fix wrong resources deallocation order (git-fixes)
-- commit c7f667b
+- USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in
+  hub_port_init() (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit a10e1a7
-- RDMA/siw: Correct wrong debug message (git-fixes)
-- commit 3732fc1
+- USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API (bsc#1213123
+  CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 0cbb8bf
-- RDMA/siw: Balance the reference of cep->kref in the error path (git-fixes)
-- commit 9281d22
+- USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads
+  (bsc#1213123 CVE-2023-37453).
+- commit 2d3dfbd
-- Revert "IB/isert: Fix incorrect release of isert connection" (git-fixes)
-- commit 1b277c9
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  fix compilation error on ALP-current
+- commit b970105
-- RDMA/irdma: Prevent zero-length STAG registration (git-fixes)
-- commit e55bab1
+- series.conf: reenable patches.suse/net-allow-retransmitting-a-TCP-packet-if-original-is.patch
+  Unfortunately we still need this workaround.
+- commit 73322ec
-- IB/uverbs: Fix an potential error pointer dereference (git-fixes)
-- commit 0e5f5fb
+- Update
+  references (add CVE-2023-4563 bsc#1214727).
+- commit 9a226db
-- RDMA/hns: Fix CQ and QP cache affinity (git-fixes)
-- commit fee7fe7
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: move spi-loopback-test to optional (bsc#1214883)
+- commit 6268c1d
-- enable TPM in azure (bsc#1214760)
-- commit 4d71c02
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/printk-panic-Avoid-deadlock-in-printk-after-stopping-CPUs-by-NMI.patch.
+  Obsoleted by the commit d51507098ff91e863 ("printk: disable optimistic spin
+  during panic") (bsc#1148712).
+- commit 8cb11a0
-- RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect post-send with direct wqe of wr-list (git-fixes)
-- commit 988bb43
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: add leds-bcm63138 entry
+- commit 79dfe00
-- RDMA/hns: Fix port active speed (git-fixes)
-- commit f1ca0f2
+- cpufreq: Fix the race condition while updating the
+  transition_task of policy (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/imx8mm: Suppress log message on probe deferral
+  (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Manage threshold between
+  sensors (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Don't leave threshold
+  zeroed (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Disable undesired
+  interrupts (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Use offset threshold
+  for IRQ (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Honor sensors in
+  immediate mode (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Handle IRQ on all
+  controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,msm8996-mss-pil: Fix 8996 clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,adsp: bring back firmware-name
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm8550-pas: require memory-region
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,sm6115-pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: remoteproc: qcom,pas: correct memory-region
+  constraints (git-fixes).
+- rpmsg: glink: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- hwspinlock: qcom: add missing regmap config for SFPB MMIO
+  implementation (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Drop unnecessary mutex locking (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: tty: Do not use LED_ON/OFF constants, use
+  led_blink_set_oneshot instead (git-fixes).
+- leds: Fix BUG_ON check for LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI that is always
+  false (git-fixes).
+- leds: multicolor: Use rounded division when calculating color
+  components (git-fixes).
+- leds: bcm63138: Rename dependency symbol ARCH_BCM4908 to
+  ARCH_BCMBCA (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Fix error code in led_pwm_create_fwnode()
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Treat char as always unsigned (git-fixes).
+- docs: printk-formats: Fix hex printing of signed values
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Disable timer before
+  programming CVAL (git-fixes).
+- commit 1808eb5
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix max_qp count for virtual functions (git-fixes)
-- commit dd0f3ab
+- sched, cgroup: Restore meaning to hierarchical_quota (git
+  fixes).
+- sched/fair: remove util_est boosting (git fixes).
+- commit efc3e36
-- RDMA/irdma: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (git-fixes)
-- commit e8addea
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  (bsc#1214939)
+- commit 12ba24d
-- RDMA/qedr: Remove a duplicate assignment in irdma_query_ah() (git-fixes)
-- commit c2623e0
+- Move upstreamed rtw88 patches into sorted section
+- commit 0992202
-- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix error handling in probe failure path (git-fixes)
-- commit c6f50a4
+- mm/page_alloc: use get_pfnblock_migratetype to avoid extra
+  page_to_pfn (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary inner
+  __get_pfnblock_flags_mask (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove unused parameter from
+  reserve_highatomic_pageblock() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init: use helper macro BITS_PER_LONG and BITS_PER_BYTE
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary return for void function
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment to complete migration failure
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of cached migrate pfn update
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of fast_find_migrateblock
+  in isolate_migratepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: skip page block marked skip in
+  isolate_migratepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct last_migrated_pfn update in compact_zone
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary "else continue" at end of
+  loop in isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unnecessary cursor page in
+  isolate_freepages_block (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: merge end_pfn boundary check in
+  isolate_freepages_range (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: set compact_cached_free_pfn correctly in
+  update_pageblock_skip (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unneeded variable base (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm:vmscan: fix inaccurate reclaim during proactive reclaim
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: avoid unneeded pageblock_end_pfn when
+  no_set_skip_hint is set (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correct comment of candidate pfn in
+  fast_isolate_freepages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/rmap: correct stale comment of rmap_walk_anon and
+  rmap_walk_file (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop node_start_pfn from
+  adjust_zone_range_for_zone_movable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip the memory hole rapidly when isolating free
+  pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: avoid false page outside zone error info
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: use write_seqlock_irqsave() instead
+  write_seqlock() + local_irq_save() (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: fix min_free_kbytes calculation regarding
+  ZONE_MOVABLE (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/filemap.c: fix update prev_pos after one read request done
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: update obsolete comment in get_pfn_range_for_nid()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: madvise: fix uneven accounting of psi (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- commit b392eb6
-- IB/hfi1: Fix possible panic during hotplug remove (git-fixes)
-- commit 632a598
+- Revert "sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header"
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice show default timeslice
+  after reset (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix sysctl_sched_rr_timeslice intial value
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Block nohz tick_stop when cfs bandwidth in use
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Stabilize asym cpu capacity system idle cpu
+  selection (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Dump domains' sched group flags (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Consider the idle state of the whole core for load
+  balance (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Implement prefer sibling imbalance calculation
+  between asymmetric groups (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Record number of cores in sched group
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Determine active load balance for SMT sched groups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: make psi_cgroups_enabled static (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: introduce sched_core_idle_cpu() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add throttled time stat for throttled children
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: don't account throttle time for empty groups (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add a few helpers to wake up tasks on the current cpu
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: add WF_CURRENT_CPU and externise ttwu (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit e82e496
-- RDMA/umem: Set iova in ODP flow (git-fixes)
-- commit ec8b3f4
+- wifi: brcmfmac: wcc: Add debug messages (bsc#1214931)
+- commit 7cfa155
-- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ (git-fixes)
-- commit 1ff5e5f
+- config/ppc64le: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm/ofdrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit f6f8c7d
-- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
-- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
-- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
-- commit 643257d
+- config/arm64: Bootup with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit 38d8860
+- config/x86_64: Boot up with DRM and simpledrm (jsc#PED-1117)
+- commit cb0636e
+- Update config files: correct kconfigs while updating 6.4.x (bsc#1214883)
+  Enable forgotten configs:
+  Make modular:
+- commit d98f6d8
-- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
-  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom: qmp-combo: correct bias0_en programming (git-fixes).
+- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
+  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
+- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: Poll primary sequencer irq
+  status after cancel_tx (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
+- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
+  wrong access (git-fixes).
+- serial: qcom-geni: fix opp vote on shutdown (git-fixes).
+- staging: rtl8712: fix race condition (git-fixes).
+- tcpm: Avoid soft reset when partner does not support get_status
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpci: clear the fault status bit (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: bus: verify partner exists in
+  typec_altmode_attention (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
+  resumption (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: gadget: core: Add missing kerneldoc for vbus_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
+  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
+  is 0 (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Fix a missing cleanup path (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
+- commit 212631a
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: fix potential double free (git-fixes).
+- commit cf82680
+- mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fix ECC level field setting for v7.2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- f2fs: fix spelling in ABI documentation (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: rework one more time the retries attempts
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Correct devm device reference for hidinput
+  input_dev name (git-fixes).
+- HID: input: Support devices sending Eraser without Invert
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov2680: Remove auto-gain and auto-exposure controls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: Documentation: Fix [GS]_ROUTING documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix initial RESETB state and annotate timings
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: nxp: Fix wrong return pointer check in
+  mxc_isi_crossbar_init() (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_unconfigured() callback (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: core: add adap_nb_transmit_canceled() callback
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mediatek: vcodec: Return NULL if no vdec_fb is found
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: ensure the bitops don't cross boundaries
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNUSED_VALUE issue reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix UNINIT issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix REVERSE_INULL issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: fix CHECKED_RETURN issues reported by coverity
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: decoder support display delay for all formats
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Fix use after free bug due to uncanceled work
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Fix TRY_FMT on encoder OUTPUT (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: add helper function to get id name (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: reinit vpu if reqbufs output 0 (git-fixes).
-- drivers: usb: smsusb: fix error handling code in
-  smsusb_init_device (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: imx290: drop format param from imx290_ctrl_update
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: fix low resolution image abnormal issue
+  (git-fixes).
-- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: sm8450: Enable sync_state (git-fixes).
+- interconnect: qcom: qcm2290: Enable sync state (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Pass proper scm arguments for static process init
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix incorrect DMA mapping unmap request
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Fix remote heap allocation request (git-fixes).
+- extcon: cht_wc: add POWER_SUPPLY dependency (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: extcon: maxim,max77843: restrict connector
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- fsi: master-ast-cf: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macro (git-fixes).
+- fsi: aspeed: Reset master errors after CFAM reset (git-fixes).
+- iio: accel: adxl313: Fix adxl313_i2c_id[] table (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Call dma_cleanup() on the test_remove path
+  (git-fixes).
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix bug when first setting GPIO direction
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: Fix Exynos5433 compatible
-- serial: sc16is7xx: fix broken port 0 uart init (git-fixes).
-- serial: tegra: handle clk prepare error in tegra_uart_hw_init()
+- dt-bindings: usb: samsung,exynos-dwc3: fix order of clocks on
+  Exynos5433 (git-fixes).
+- commit ec55be8
+- dmaengine: idxd: Fix issues with PRS disable sysfs knob
-- serial: sprd: Fix DMA buffer leak issue (git-fixes).
-- serial: sprd: Assign sprd_port after initialized to avoid
-  wrong access (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: set initial svdm version based on pd revision
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Add missing IRQ check in d40_probe
-- usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: do post init to fix broken usb after
-  resumption (git-fixes).
-- USB: gadget: f_mass_storage: Fix unused variable warning
+- dmaengine: idxd: Modify the dependence of attribute
+  pasid_enabled (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: sh: rz-dmac: Fix destination and source data size
+  setting (git-fixes).
+- arm64: defconfig: Drop CONFIG_VIDEO_IMX_MEDIA (git-fixes).
+- amba: bus: fix refcount leak (git-fixes).
+- bus: mhi: host: Skip MHI reset if device is in RDDM (git-fixes).
+- docs: ABI: fix spelling/grammar in SBEFIFO timeout interface
-- usb: phy: mxs: fix getting wrong state with
-  mxs_phy_is_otg_host() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: improve logic if samsung,picophy-* parameter
-  is 0 (git-fixes).
-- platform/x86: dell-sysman: Fix reference leak (git-fixes).
-- commit 729e789
+- dma-buf/sync_file: Fix docs syntax (git-fixes).
+- commit e8e8eff
-- target: compare and write backend driver sense handling
-  (bsc#1177719 bsc#1213026).
-- Refresh patches.suse/target-rbd-support-COMPARE_AND_WRITE.patch.
-- commit a2ae103
+- Update config files: only version bump to 6.4.14
+- commit a305aac
-- clocksource/drivers/hyper-v: Rework clocksource and sched clock setup (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Call hv_synic_free() if hv_synic_alloc() fails (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Replace retarget_msi_interrupt_params with (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove the per-CPU post_msg_page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: make sure Invariant-TSC is used if it is (bsc#1206453).
-- PCI: hv: Enable PCI pass-thru devices in Confidential VMs (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Don't remap addresses that are above shared_gpa_boundary (bsc#1206453).
-- hv_netvsc: Remove second mapping of send and recv buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second way of mapping ring buffers (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove second mapping of VMBus monitor pages (bsc#1206453).
-- swiotlb: Remove bounce buffer remapping for Hyper-V (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Change vTOM handling to use standard coco mechanisms (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/mm: Handle decryption/re-encryption of bss_decrypted consistently (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Explicitly request decrypted in vmap_pfn() calls (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Reorder code to facilitate future work (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/ioremap: Add hypervisor callback for private MMIO mapping in coco (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Do not corrupt frame-pointer in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Expand __tdx_hypercall() to handle more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Refactor __tdx_hypercall() to allow pass down more arguments (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Add more registers to struct tdx_hypercall_args (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/tdx: Fix typo in comment in __tdx_hypercall() (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Enable vmbus driver for nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add an interface to do nested hypercalls (bsc#1206453).
-- Drivers: hv: Setup synic registers in case of nested root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Add support for detecting nested hypervisor (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Add TSC page support for root partition (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Use TSC PFN getter to map vvar page (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce TSC PFN getter (bsc#1206453).
-- clocksource: hyper-v: Introduce a pointer to TSC page (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Remove BUG_ON() for kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- x86/hyperv: Replace kmap() with kmap_local_page() (bsc#1206453).
-- define more Hyper-V related constants (bsc#1206453).
-- commit 7dd2c1c
-- libbpf: Fix btf_dump's packed struct determination (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- libbpf: Fix single-line struct definition output in btf_dump
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 7a046db
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix to skip
-- commit 47580cb
-- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (git-fixes).
-- commit d711707
-- libbpf: Fix BTF-to-C converter's padding logic (bsc#1211220
-  jsc#PED-3924).
-- selftests/bpf: Test btf dump for struct with padding only fields
-  (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- bpftool: Print newline before '}' for struct with padding only
-  fields (bsc#1211220 jsc#PED-3924).
-- commit 93aeeb8
+- Linux 6.4.14 (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix a backport error for display flickering issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/kallsyms-Fix-kallsyms_selftest-failure.patch
+- parisc: sys_parisc: parisc_personality() is called from asm code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/lockdep-fix-static-memory-detection-even-more.patch
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ARM-module-Use-module_init_layout_section-to-spot-in.patch
+- arm64: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: module-plts: inline linux/moduleloader.h (bsc#1012628).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-Expose-module_init_layout_section.patch
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/module-decompress-use-vmalloc-for-zstd-decompression.patch
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ACPI-thermal-Drop-nocrt-parameter.patch
+- commit 25c76ad
+- supported.conf: fix the dependency for snd-sof
+- commit 056f677
+- iomap: Add per-block dirty state tracking to improve performance
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit dc444ac
+- iomap: Allocate ifs in ->write_begin() early (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 759ea54
+- iomap: Refactor iomap_write_delalloc_punch() function out
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 54e20b5
+- iomap: Use iomap_punch_t typedef (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 42ab42f
+- iomap: Fix possible overflow condition in
+  iomap_write_delalloc_scan (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit e8c8c98
+- iomap: Add some uptodate state handling helpers for ifs state
+  bitmap (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit f30e2be
+- iomap: Drop ifs argument from iomap_set_range_uptodate()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 2117a2e
+- iomap: Rename iomap_page to iomap_folio_state and others
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 0650e04
+- iomap: Remove unnecessary test from iomap_release_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 8702c3c
+- iomap: Remove large folio handling in iomap_invalidate_folio()
+  (jsc#PED-5453).
+- commit 221954e
+- supported.conf: update for sound drivers (bsc#1214891)
+- commit 61819c4
+- Update config files: enable missing ASoC Intel AVS (bsc#1214883)
+- commit c6b3355
+- igb: set max size RX buffer when store bad packet is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-4082).
+- commit 1fd1f97
-- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
-  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
-- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+- Update metadata
+- commit 94184dc
+- blacklist.conf: add entries that have been already cherry-picked in 6.4
+- commit 3bbc83b
+- ARM: 9318/1: locomo: move kernel-doc to prevent warnings
-- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+- PCI: hv: Fix a crash in hv_pci_restore_msi_msg() during
+  hibernation (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: dp: Add missing error checks in
+  mtk_dp_parse_capabilities (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- lockdep: fix static memory detection even more (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix 'lx-lsmod' show the wrong size (git-fixes).
+- selftests: memfd: error out test process when child test fails
-- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- selftests/bpf: Clean up fmod_ret in bench_rename test script
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
-  commands (git-fixes).
-- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
-  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
-- drm/gma500: Use drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers
+- selftests/bpf: Fix repeat option when kfunc_call verification
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: fix static assert compilation issue for
+  test_cls_*.c (git-fixes).
+- selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_nf failure upon test rerun (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: fix confusion when a version appears
+  in the path (git-fixes).
+- kbuild: rust_is_available: add check for `bindgen` invocation
-- commit cc8e0cf
+- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
+  benchmark (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Add resctrl.h into build deps (git-fixes).
+- kallsyms: Fix kallsyms_selftest failure (git-fixes).
+- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/nolibc: drop test chmod_net (git-fixes).
+- rust: delete `ForeignOwnable::borrow_mut` (git-fixes).
+- ata,scsi: do not issue START STOP UNIT on resume (git-fixes).
+- kconfig: gconfig: drop the Show Debug Info help text
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "kheaders: substituting --sort in archive creation"
+  (git-fixes).
+- linux/netfilter.h: fix kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests: mm: remove wrong kernel header inclusion (git-fixes).
+- selftests: damon: add config file (git-fixes).
+- rust: arc: fix intra-doc link in `Arc<T>::init` (git-fixes).
+- commit 588cb89
-- commit 586e58b
-- Add cherry-picked if to fbdev patch
-- commit 32815f6
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: keep context struct members in sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 5dd241f
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for mute LEDs on HP ENVY x360
-  15-eu0xxx (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Victus 16-d1xxx to enable
-  mute LED (git-fixes).
-- commit 2c05a9a
+- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Cleanup mac80211 references on failure during
+  tx_complete (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: Don't drop tx_status when peer cannot be found
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
+  with a lock (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
+  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: remove dead/unused enum value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
+  attribute (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix puncturing bitmap handling in CSA
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: 8852b: rfk: fine tune IQK parameters to improve
+  performance on 2GHz band (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix memcpy array overflow in
+  ath12k_peer_assoc_h_he() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix band selection for ppdu received in channel
+  177 of 5 GHz (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
+  management (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix tlv length of
+  mt7915_mcu_get_chan_mib_info (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: remove VHT160 capability on MT7915
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix WA event ring size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: use correct phy for background radar event
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix bss wlan_idx when sending bss_info
+  command (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix skb leak by txs missing in AMSDU
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 621a6cf
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix init call orders for UAC1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 3ba2db1
+- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mlxbf3: Remove gpio_disable_free() (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: qmi_encdec: Restrict string length in decode
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: smem: Fix incompatible types in comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix NUM_PORTS & NUM_MACROS macros (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix ASPM-related issues on a number of systems with
+  NIC version from RTL8168h (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
+  antenna only (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx bytes counting when WED is active
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: rework tx packets counting when WED is
+  active (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix background radar event being blocked
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix header translation logic (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
+  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra114: Remove unnecessary NULL-pointer checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc5xxx-psc: Fix unsigned expression compared with zero
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
+  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
+- regulator: dt-bindings: qcom,rpm: fix pattern for children
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: cache: Revert "Add 64-bit mode support" (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Revert "add 64-bit mode support" and Co (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: Fix potential uninitialized value access
+  (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- powercap: arm_scmi: Remove recursion while parsing zones
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/chrome: chromeos_acpi: print hex string for
+  ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER (git-fixes).
+- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
+- procfs: block chmod on /proc/thread-self/comm (git-fixes).
+- proc: use generic setattr() for /proc/$PID/net (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath6k: silence false positive
+  - Wno-dangling-pointer warning on GCC 12" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "wifi: ath11k: Enable threaded NAPI" (git-fixes).
+- staging: vchiq_arm: Remove extra struct vchiq_instance
+  declaration (git-fixes).
+- soc: rockchip: dtpm: use C99 array init syntax (git-fixes).
+- selinux: make labeled NFS work when mounted before policy load
+  (git-fixes).
+- selinux: do not leave dangling pointer behind (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/qcom/tsens: Drop unused legacy structs
+  (git-fixes).
+- powercap: intel_rapl: Remove unused field in struct rapl_if_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 333ae48
+- PCI/DOE: Fix destroy_work_on_stack() race (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keembay: Remove cast between incompatible function type
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "PCI: tegra194: Enable support for 256 Byte payload"
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rockchip: Use 64-bit mask on MSI 64-bit PCI address
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Switch MHI bus master clock off during L1SS
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: apple: Initialize pcie->nvecs before use (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath10k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath11k: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: cherryview: fix address_space_handler() argument
+- PCI/PM: Only read PCI_PM_CTRL register when available
+- PCI: pciehp: Use RMW accessors for changing LNKCTL (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Add locking to RMW PCI Express Capability Register
+  accessors (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: assign functions to configure pin bias on
+  MT7986 (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: mediatek: fix pull_type data for MT7981 (git-fixes).
-- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
-  dereference (git-fixes).
-- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
-- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+- of: unittest: Restore indentation in overlay_bad_add_dup_prop
+  test (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: Fix overlay type in apply/revert check
-- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
-  only for non-root bus (git-fixes).
-- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+- of: overlay: Call of_changeset_init() early (git-fixes).
+- of: unittest: fix null pointer dereferencing in
+  of_unittest_find_node_by_name() (git-fixes).
+- of: fix htmldocs build warnings (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for zstd decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
+  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
+- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+  (git-fixes).
+- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
-- commit 10e5d93
+- mac80211: make ieee80211_tx_info padding explicit (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix return value checking of
+  eiointc_index (git-fixes).
+- Revert "media: uvcvideo: Limit power line control for Acer
+  EasyCamera" (git-fixes).
+- media: Revert "media: exynos4-is: Remove dependency on obsolete
+  SoC support" (git-fixes).
+- PCI: rcar-host: Remove unused static pcie_base and pcie_dev
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/mmp: Remove non-DT codepath (git-fixes).
+- commit 2974f21
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,pmic-gpio: document PMC8180 and
+  PMC8180C (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl-common: allow gpio
+  hogs (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: amlogic,meson-pinctrl: allow
+  gpio-line-names (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/igen6: Fix the issue of no error events (git-fixes).
+- EDAC/i10nm: Skip the absent memory controllers (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: thermal: lmh: update maintainer address
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: qcom: Allow SoC names ending in "pro" (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: arm: msm: kpss-acc: Make the optional reg truly
+  optional (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Use system_state to determine polling
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: meson_sm: fix to avoid potential NULL pointer
+  dereference (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cs_dsp: Fix new control name check (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/a6xx: Fix GMU lockdep splat (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: fix the irq index in
+  dpu_encoder_phys_wb_wait_for_commit_done (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom, dispcc-sm6125: Require GCC PLL0 DIV
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- fbdev/ep93xx-fb: Do not assign to struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: mediatek,net: add missing mediatek,mt7621-eth
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: pca9570: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: net: rockchip-dwmac: fix {tx|rx}-delay
+  defaults/range in schema (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: hwmon: moortec,mr75203: fix multipleOf for
+  coefficients (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: mixel,mipi-dsi-phy: Remove assigned-clock*
+  properties (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-sm8250: add missing bi_tcxo_ao
+  clock (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: usb251xb: correct swap-dx-lanes type to uint32
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: pm8941-misc: Fix usb_id and usb_vbus definitions
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: backlight: pwm: Make power-supply not required
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Drop redundant cpus enum match (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: gpio: Remove FSI domain ports on Tegra234
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: display: msm: sm8350-mdss: Fix DSI compatible
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: samsung,mipi-dsim: Use port-base reference
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mtd: qcom: Fix a property position (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: nand: meson: Fix 'nand-rb' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 1352d14
+- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix void-pointer-to-enum-cast warning (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Add cnt checking for coverity issue (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Remove freeing not dynamic allocated memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/mediatek: Fix uninitialized symbol (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: fix -Wunused-const-variable= warning (git-fixes).
+- drm: Remove references to removed transitional helpers
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/repaper: Reduce temporary buffer size in repaper_fb_dirty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: report connection status on Display Port (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Add BMC virtual connector (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: fix potential OOB read in fast_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- fbdev: Fix sys_imageblit() for arbitrary image widths
+- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: dc.h: eliminate kernel-doc warnings
-- fbdev: Improve performance of sys_imageblit() (git-fixes).
-- commit a3652b5
-- docs: kernel-parameters: Refer to the correct bitmap function
+- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
+  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: Do not set drr on pipe commit (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
+  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
+- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for HDCP capabilities
+- drm/bridge: anx7625: Use common macros for DP power sequencing
+  commands (git-fixes).
+- drm/hyperv: Fix a compilation issue because of not including
+  screen_info.h (git-fixes).
+- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
+- drm/mxsfb: Disable overlay plane in
+  mxsfb_plane_overlay_atomic_disable() (git-fixes).
+- drm: bridge: dw-mipi-dsi: Fix enable/disable of DSI controller
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+  (git-fixes).
+- cred: remove unsued extern declaration change_create_files_as()
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
+- crypto: api - Use work queue in crypto_destroy_instance
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: af_alg - Decrement struct key.usage in
+  alg_set_by_key_serial() (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: stm32 - fix MDMAT condition (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - change value of default idle filter (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: powernow-k8: Use related_cpus instead of cpus in
+  driver.exit() (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: brcmstb-avs-cpufreq: Fix -Warray-bounds bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Fix kernel panic when loading the driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpuidle: teo: Update idle duration estimate when choosing
+  shallower state (git-fixes).
+- crypto: ixp4xx - silence uninitialized variable warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm: provide fb_dirty implemenation (git-fixes).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Add unwind hints around RBP clobber (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: kunit: Modular tests should not depend on KUNIT=y
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit becb350
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix clkref clocks handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-qdu1000: Fix gcc_pcie_0_pipe_clk_src clock
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8450: Use floor ops for SDCC RCGs (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm6350: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: reset: Use the correct type of sleep/delay based
+  on length (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sc8280xp: Use ret registers on GDSCs
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: turingcc-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mss-sc7180: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: q6sstop-qcs404: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: lpasscc-sc7280: fix missing resume during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8550: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: dispcc-sm8450: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm7150: Add CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE to sdcc2 rcg
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sc8280xp: Add missing GDSC flags (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pll14xx: align pdiv with reference manual (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8ulp: update SPLL2 type (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: pllv4: Fix SPLL2 MULT range (git-fixes).
+- clk: rockchip: rk3568: Fix PLL rate setting for 78.75MHz
+  (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
+  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
-- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
-- drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Add missing check for dma_set_mask
+- can: tcan4x5x: Remove reserved register 0x814 from writable
+  table (git-fixes).
+- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
+  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate-ut: Remove module parameter access
-- drm/amdgpu: avoid integer overflow warning in
-  amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar() (git-fixes).
-- drm/bridge: anx7625: Drop device lock before
-  drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (git-fixes).
-- drm: adv7511: Fix low refresh rate register for ADV7533/5
+- clocksource: Handle negative skews in "skew is too large"
+  messages (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Re-add support for Exynos4212 CPU clock
-- drm/ast: Fix DRAM init on AST2200 (git-fixes).
-- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- can: m_can: fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- commit d40bf6b
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-x13s: Unreserve NC pins (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Fix dsi1 interrupts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Add missing power domain to MMSS SMMU
-- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Drop bus clock reference from MMSS
+  SMMU (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Fix ov5640 regulator supply names
-- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8550-mtp: Add missing supply for L1B
+  regulator (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: Fix the I2C7 interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-gemini: fix touchscreen VIO supply
-- drm/bridge: tc358764: Fix debug print parameter order
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8953-vince: drop duplicated touschreen
+  parent interrupt (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix the min frequency of
+  "ice_core_clk" (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Add missing RPMh power domain to GCC
-- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8994: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
-  error (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check TG is non-null before checking if enabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmi8950: Add missing OVP interrupt
-- drm/amd/display: do not wait for mpc idle if tg is disabled
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm660l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 08c4f7b
-- Kbuild: add -Wno-shift-negative-value where -Wextra is used
-  (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8140064
-- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
-  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
-  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
-  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
-- commit 6484eda
-- Update patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-  Apply following fixup from Michal Suchánek:
-  Don't reorder lockdown reason.
-- commit 9382b89
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: fix non-PSC channel scan fail (git-fixes).
-- commit 616c360
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix missed return in oob checks failed path
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm6150l: Add missing short interrupt
-- commit 9baf357
-- nilfs2: fix WARNING in mark_buffer_dirty due to discarded
-  buffer reuse (git-fixes).
-- lib/test_meminit: allocate pages up to order MAX_ORDER
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Mark PCIe hosts as DMA coherent
-- HWPOISON: offline support: fix spelling in Documentation/ABI/
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8450-hdk: remove pmr735b PMIC inclusion
-- wifi: ath9k: use IS_ERR() with debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: protect WMI command response buffer replacement
-  with a lock (git-fixes).
-- wifi: ath9k: fix races between ath9k_wmi_cmd and
-  ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: avoid possible NULL skb pointer dereference
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmk8350: fix ADC-TM compatible string
-- wifi: radiotap: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
-- wifi: nl80211/cfg80211: add forgotten nla_policy for BSS color
-  attribute (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix memory leak in mwifiex_histogram_read()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pmr735b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350b: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: pm8350: fix thermal zone name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Use proper CPU compatibles
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Do not call kfree_skb() under
-  spin_lock_irqsave() (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: Fix potential use-after-free when clear keys
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Add missing LMH interrupts to cpufreq
-- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: Fix CPU idle state residency times
-- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
-  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: fix error recovery in PCIE buffer descriptor
-  management (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix power-limits while chan_switch
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-tama: Set serial indices and
+  stdout-path (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: Add missing interrupt to the USB2
+  controller (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp: Add missing SCM interconnect
-- wifi: mt76: testmode: add nla_policy for MT76_TM_ATTR_TX_LENGTH
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc8280xp-crd: Correct vreg_misc_3p3 GPIO
-- wifi: mt76: mt7921: do not support one stream on secondary
-  antenna only (git-fixes).
-- wifi: mwifiex: Fix OOB and integer underflow when rx packets
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-l8150: correct light sensor VDDIO
+  supply (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: correct dynamic power coefficients
-- wifi: rtw89: debug: Fix error handling in
-  rtw89_debug_priv_btc_manual_set() (git-fixes).
-- can: gs_usb: gs_usb_receive_bulk_callback(): count RX overflow
-  errors also in case of OOM (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: iproc-rng200 - Implement suspend and resume calls
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6350: Fix ZAP region (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: use proper DSI PHY compatible
-- crypto: caam - fix unchecked return value error (git-fixes).
-- crypto: stm32 - Properly handle pm_runtime_get failing
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable SATA on Radxa E25 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix PCIe regulators on Radxa E25
-- hwrng: pic32 - use devm_clk_get_enabled (git-fixes).
-- hwrng: nomadik - keep clock enabled while hwrng is registered
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62x-sk-common: Update main-i2c1 frequency
-- hwmon: (tmp513) Fix the channel number in tmp51x_is_visible()
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4: Fix interrupt ranges for wkup &
+  main gpio (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62-main: Remove power-domains from crypto
+  node (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix: remove unused fec pinctrl node
-- spi: tegra20-sflash: fix to check return value of
-  platform_get_irq() in tegra_sflash_probe() (git-fixes).
-- regmap: rbtree: Use alloc_flags for memory allocations
+- arm64: dts: renesas: rzg2l: Fix txdv-skew-psec typos
-- commit 243ba95
-- blacklist.conf: add git-fix that breaks kabi
-- commit 29743c2
-- scsi: qedf: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Smaug (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix HSUART for Jetson AGX Orin (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Update AHUB clock parent and rate on Tegra234
-- scsi: qedi: Fix firmware halt over suspend and resume
+- ARM: OMAP2+: Fix -Warray-bounds warning in _pwrdm_state_switch()
-- scsi: snic: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- arm64: defconfig: enable Qualcomm MSM8996 Global Clock
+  Controller as built-in (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: pcm: Fix missing fixup call in compat hw_refine ioctl
-- scsi: core: Fix possible memory leak if device_add() fails
+- ASoC: tegra: Fix SFC conversion for few rates (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs43130: Fix numerator/denominator mixup (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-compress: Fix deadlock in soc_compr_open_fe
-- scsi: core: Fix legacy /proc parsing buffer overflow
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: clear dsp to host interrupt status (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix u16/32 confusion in LSDIID (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-mlink: fix off-by-one error (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: fsl_qmc_audio: Fix snd_pcm_format_t values handling
-- scsi: 53c700: Check that command slot is not NULL (git-fixes).
-- scsi: fnic: Replace return codes in fnic_clean_pending_aborts()
+- ALSA: ac97: Fix possible error value of *rac97 (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: stac9766: fix build errors with REGMAP_AC97 (git-fixes).
+- backlight/lv5207lp: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- scsi: scsi_debug: Remove dead code (git-fixes).
-- scsi: 3w-xxxx: Add error handling for initialization failure
-  in tw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- scsi: qedf: Fix NULL dereference in error handling (git-fixes).
-- commit f37057a
-- docs/process/howto: Replace C89 with C11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit 8393e27
-- Kbuild: move to -std=gnu11 (bsc#1214756).
-- commit ef844c1
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 382e160
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit 6289fe5
-- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
-  generation (bsc#1214729 CVE-2023-4569).
-- commit ab071f2
-- Update metadata
-- commit afac039
-- netfs: fix parameter of cleanup() (bsc#1214743).
-- netfs: Fix lockdep warning from taking sb_writers whilst
-  holding  mmap_lock (bsc#1214742).
-- commit bb32ecc
-- selftests/futex: Order calls to futex_lock_pi (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Close perf value read fd on errors
+- backlight/gpio_backlight: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- selftests/resctrl: Unmount resctrl FS if child fails to run
-  benchmark (git-fixes).
-- selftests/resctrl: Don't leak buffer in fill_cache()
+- backlight/bd6107: Compare against struct fb_info.device
-- PM / devfreq: Fix leak in devfreq_dev_release() (git-fixes).
+- audit: fix possible soft lockup in __audit_inode_child()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: module: Use module_init_layout_section() to spot init
+  sections (git-fixes).
+- module: Expose module_init_layout_section() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: mm: use ptep_clear() instead of pte_clear() in
+  clear_flush() (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix not allowing valid CIS ID (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix not checking for valid CIG/CIS IDs
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Remove unused declaration amp_read_loc_info()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: nokia: fix value check in
+  nokia_bluetooth_serdev_probe() (git-fixes).
-- selftests/harness: Actually report SKIP for signal tests
+- ACPI: thermal: Drop nocrt parameter (git-fixes).
+- arm64: sdei: abort running SDEI handlers during crash
-- pstore/ram: Check start of empty przs during init (git-fixes).
-- commit ad35b22
-- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
-- commit 3a27181
+- arm64: vdso: remove two .altinstructions related symbols
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/ptrace: Clean up error handling path in sve_set_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64/fpsimd: Only provide the length to cpufeature for xCR
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- arm_pmu: Add PERF_PMU_CAP_EXTENDED_HW_TYPE capability
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall skipping for tracers (git-fixes).
+- ARM: ptrace: Restore syscall restart tracing (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: coredump: fix building with coredump disabled
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: platform: Ignore SMB0001 only when it has resources
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Introduce acpi_match_acpi_device() helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Constify acpi_companion_match() returned value
+  (git-fixes).
+- accessibility: use C99 array init (git-fixes).
+- ARM: versatile: mark mmc_status() static (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: BCM5301X: MR26: MR32: remove bogus nand-ecc-algo
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ARM: dts: exynos: Re-introduce Exynos4212 DTSI (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9314/1: tcm: move tcm_init() prototype to asm/tcm.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6febe3e
-- Move upstreamed HID patch into sorted section
-- commit 85ada69
+- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit 7ba95b5
-- e1000: Remove unnecessary use of kmap_atomic() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 411ade7
+- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
+  (bsc#1213916).
+- commit f2d9299
-- intel/e1000:fix repeated words in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 36d3f87
+- bnx2x: new flag for track HW resource allocation (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit d1a4bac
-- intel: remove unused macros (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8c0592a
+- bnx2x: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-5057).
+- commit ccf8576
-- e1000: Fix typos in comments (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b74464e
+- usb: dwc3: Add error logs for unknown endpoint events
+  (jsc#PED-4296).
+- commit e632528
-- e1000: switch to napi_build_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit 8f3d353
+- Update config files: disable CONFIG_LIVEPATCH on kvmsmall flavors more consistently
+- commit 95df0d9
-- e1000: switch to napi_consume_skb() (jsc#PED-5738).
-- commit b269f24
+- igc: Decrease PTM short interval from 10 us to 1 us (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit 19c485c
-- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
-  trace (git-fixes).
-- commit cd1e0a8
+- igc: Add support for multiple in-flight TX timestamps (jsc#PED-4075).
+- commit c4d3fce
-- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
-  missed (git-fixes).
-- commit 8e87d30
+- Move upstreamed BT and pinctrl patches into sorted section
+- commit ff3c429
-- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e5ec19f
+- firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: Do not hard depend on
+  CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT_MAP (bsc#1214773).
+- Update config files: enable CONFIG_FW_CFG_SYSFS for armv7hl
+- commit 5a5093f
-- xfs: fix sb write verify for lazysbcount (bsc#1214661).
-- commit 29e65a8
+- mm/gup: reintroduce FOLL_NUMA as FOLL_HONOR_NUMA_FAULT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 3766f26
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Adjust balance_performance EPP for
-  Sapphire Rapids (bsc#1214659).
-- commit c3cfee9
+- nfsd: Fix race to FREE_STATEID and cl_revoked (bsc#1012628).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- commit c83219a
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Enable HWP IO boost for all servers
-  (bsc#1208949 jsc#PED-6003 jsc#PED-6004).
-- commit bd6042f
+- Refresh patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update.
+  Fix warning about STATUSTYPE_IMA.
+- commit caca08f
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
-  with disabled E-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927
-  jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 0340dfe
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/fcoe-reduce-max_sectors.
+- commit 6b3df50
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Use known scaling factor for
-  P-cores (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 91615ae
+- Moved upstreamed DRM and opal patches into sorted section
+- commit e879562
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Read all MSRs on the target CPU
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 639f9f6
+- Update config files: only version changes to 6.4.13
+- commit f6cd6ea
-- cpufreq: intel_pstate: hybrid: Rework HWP calibration
-  (bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- Update
-  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Fix-cpu-pstate.turbo_freq-initi.patch
-  (git-fixes bsc#1212526 bsc#1214368 jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
-- commit 689587b
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Bring-back-cpuset_mutex.patch
+- commit 5ab50d0
-- Use the cherry-picked id for an AMDGPU patch and resort
-- commit 07365e7
+- Linux 6.4.13 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix kdoc warnings after gc rework
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- TIOCSTI: Document CAP_SYS_ADMIN behaviour in Kconfig
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Dropped patches.suse/ASoC-amd-vangogh-select-CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG.patch
+- maple_tree: disable mas_wr_append() when other readers are
+  possible (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: pass the GPIO device's software node to irq domain
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- gpio: sim: dispose of irq mappings before destroying the
+  irq_sim domain (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
+  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzv2m: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzv2m_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Fix NULL pointer dereference in
+  rzg2l_dt_subnode_to_map() (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Read firmware uuid from a device property
+  instead of _SUB (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-pcm: fix possible null pointer deference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: core: raid_class: Remove raid_component_add()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: ufs: ufs-qcom: Clear qunipro_g4_sel for HW major version >
+  5 (bsc#1012628).
+- scsi: snic: Fix double free in snic_tgt_create() (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_free_pte_range(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- madvise:madvise_cold_or_pageout_pte_range(): don't use
+  mapcount() against large folio for sharing check (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix error handling if driver creation fails during
+  probe (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: add missing refcount for memory leak fix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Fix Thunderbolt 3 display flickering issue on
+  2nd hot plug onwards (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Use pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources()
+  only for non-root bus (bsc#1012628).
+- media: vcodec: Fix potential array out-of-bounds in encoder
+  queue_setup (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (bsc#1012628).
+- of: dynamic: Refactor action prints to not use "%pOF" inside
+  devtree_lock (bsc#1012628).
+- of: unittest: Fix EXPECT for parse_phandle_with_args_map()
+  test (bsc#1012628).
+- radix tree: remove unused variable (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Fix build errors using binutils2.37 toolchains
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: Handle zicsr/zifencei issue between gcc and binutils
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- lib/clz_ctz.c: Fix __clzdi2() and __ctzdi2() for 32-bit kernels
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ACPI: resource: Fix IRQ override quirk for PCSpecialist Elimina
+  Pro 16 M (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
+  batadv_check_management_packet (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (bsc#1012628).
+- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (bsc#1012628).
+- selinux: set next pointer before attaching to list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFS: Fix a use after free in nfs_direct_join_group()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- nilfs2: fix general protection fault in
+  nilfs_lookup_dirty_data_buffers() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: multi-gen LRU: don't spin during memcg release
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: memory-failure: fix unexpected return value in
+  soft_offline_page() (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: add a call to flush_cache_vmap() in vmap_pfn()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/cgroup-cpuset-Free-DL-BW-in-case-can_attach-fails.patch
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-deadline-Create-DL-BW-alloc-free-check-overflow-interface.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Iterate only if DEADLINE tasks are present
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1012628).
+  Drop patches.suse/sched-cpuset-Keep-track-of-SCHED_DEADLINE-task-in-cpusets.patch
+- cgroup/cpuset: Rename functions dealing with DEADLINE accounting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: fix display probe for IVB Q and IVB D GT2 server
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/display: Handle GMD_ID identification in display code
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Set X86_FEATURE_OSXSAVE feature after enabling OSXSAVE
+  in CR4 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/fpu: Invalidate FPU state correctly on exec() (bsc#1012628).
+- LoongArch: Fix hw_breakpoint_control() for watchpoints
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915: Fix HPD polling, reenabling the output poll work as
+  needed (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/display/dp: Fix the DP DSC Receiver cap size (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/dgfx: Enable d3cold at s2idle (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panfrost: Skip speed binning on EOPNOTSUPP (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: Add an HPD poll helper to reschedule the poll work
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix possible invalid drm gem put calls
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (bsc#1012628).
+- mm/gup: handle cont-PTE hugetlb pages correctly in
+  gup_must_unshare() via GUP-fast (bsc#1012628).
+- mm: enable page walking API to lock vmas during the walk
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests/mm: FOLL_LONGTERM need to be updated to 0x100
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: ymfpci: Fix the missing snd_card_free() call at probe
+  error (bsc#1012628).
+- shmem: fix smaps BUG sleeping while atomic (bsc#1012628).
+- mm,ima,kexec,of: use memblock_free_late from
+  ima_free_kexec_buffer (bsc#1012628).
+- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: Fix dropped lock for racing OPEN and delegation return
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add support for new hotkeys
+  found on ThinkBook 14s Yoga ITL (bsc#1012628).
+- platform/x86: lenovo-ymc: Add Lenovo Yoga 7 14ACN6 to
+  ec_trigger_quirk_dmi_table (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: mac80211: limit reorder_buf_filtered to avoid UBSAN
+  warning (bsc#1012628).
+- ibmveth: Use dcbf rather than dcbfl (bsc#1012628).
+- spi: spi-cadence: Fix data corruption issues in slave mode
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Correct amp_gain_tlv values (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Add VivoBook Pro 15 to quirks list for acp6x
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bonding: fix macvlan over alb bond support (bsc#1012628).
+- rtnetlink: Reject negative ifindexes in RTM_NEWLINK
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: defer gc run if previous batch is still
+  pending (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix out of memory error handling
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: use correct lock to protect gc_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with abort path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: flush pending destroy work before netlink
+  notifier (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: validate all pending tables (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix potential NULL pointer dereferencing of pf->vf
+  i40e_sync_vsi_filters() (bsc#1012628).
+- net/sched: fix a qdisc modification with ambiguous command
+  request (bsc#1012628).
+- igc: Fix the typo in the PTM Control macro (bsc#1012628).
+- igb: Avoid starting unnecessary workqueues (bsc#1012628).
+- can: isotp: fix support for transmission of SF without flow
+  control (bsc#1012628).
+- net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix NULL pointer on hw reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tg3: Use slab_build_skb() when needed (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: bonding: do not set port down before adding to bond
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Fix NULL pointer deref during VF reset (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "ice: Fix ice VF reset during iavf initialization"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: fix receive buffer size miscalculation (bsc#1012628).
+- ipv4: fix data-races around inet->inet_id (bsc#1012628).
+- net: validate veth and vxcan peer ifindexes (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bcmgenet: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: bgmac: Fix return value check for fixed_phy_register()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: mdio: mdio-bitbang: Fix C45 read/write protocol
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mt7530: fix handling of 802.1X PAE frames
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mlxsw: Fix test failure on Spectrum-4 (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: Fix the size of 'VIRT_ROUTER_MSB' (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: reg: Fix SSPR register layout (bsc#1012628).
+- mlxsw: pci: Set time stamp fields also when its type is
+  MIRROR_UTC (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvlan: Fix a reference count leak warning in ipvlan_ns_exit()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dccp: annotate data-races in dccp_poll() (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: annotate data-races around prot->memory_pressure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: felix: fix oversize frame dropping for always closed
+  tc-taprio gates (bsc#1012628).
+- devlink: add missing unregister linecard notification
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeontx2-af: SDP: fix receive link config (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and
+  trace (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Allocate one additional element for size
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Skip first entry for stack traces
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing/synthetic: Use union instead of casts (bsc#1012628).
+- tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled'
+  missed (bsc#1012628).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: add dependency for PTP clock (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix lockdep issue in raw_release() (bsc#1012628).
+- can: raw: fix receiver memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() (bsc#1012628).
+- jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: acpiphp: Reassign resources on bridge if necessary
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xprtrdma: Remap Receive buffers after a reconnect (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4: fix out path in __nfs4_get_acl_uncached (bsc#1012628).
+- NFSv4.2: fix error handling in nfs42_proc_getxattr
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit 1bfff59
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Add i.MXRT1050 support (git-fixes).
-  patches.suse/tty-serial-fsl_lpuart-add-earlycon-for-imx8ulp-platf.patch.
-- commit f34a3a2
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: Use ncat instead of nc
-  (git-fixes).
-- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
-  Hub) (git-fixes).
-- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
-  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (git-fixes).
-- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
-  __gs_console_push (git-fixes).
-- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
-  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (git-fixes).
-- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: reduce RX watermark to 0 on LS1028A
-  (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: make rx_watermark configurable for
-  different platforms (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_actions: cleanup temporary files
-  when test is aborted (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Fix typos in gadget.c (git-fixes).
-- commit 5394953
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Fixed backporting issue of
+  0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch, the
+  issue causes that all kernel module can NOT pass the hash blacklist
+  checking. System boot will hang when security boot is enabled.
+  The kernel/module_signing.c be moved to kernel/module/signing.c. When
+  backporting the original patch to new C source file, I lost one
+  statement for setting the value of wholelen. It causes that the
+  value of wholelen is zero.
+- commit 23db872
+- Delete downstream arm64 CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC support
+  Upstream has a proper solution now.
+  Remove:
+  patches.suse/static_call-Use-non-function-types-to-refer-to-the-t.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-implement-support-for-static-call-trampolines.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Prepare-for-supporting-CONFIG_GENERIC_.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-IRQ-exit-preemption-static-call-for-.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-Implement-HAVE_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC.patch
+  patches.suse/static_call-Fix-tools_headers.patch
+  patches.suse/sched-preempt-Tell-about-PREEMPT_DYNAMIC-on-kernel-h.patch
+- commit 544b42e
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0001-efi-do-not-automatically-generate-secret-key.patch
+- commit bee5a51
+- Delete patches.suse/dm-table-switch-to-readonly.
+  This patch is ancient, and upstream multipath-tools has taken
+  a lot of care to improve handling of read-only devices in the
+  meantime.
+- commit 414f55e
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-no-partitions-feature.
+- commit 5c355e7
+- Enable patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update
+- commit 931db33
+- Keep and refresh live patching OOT patches
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-Revert-kbuild-use-flive-patching-when-CONFIG_LIVEPATCH-is-enabled.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Revert-kallsyms-unexport-kallsyms_lookup_name-and-kallsyms_on_each_symbol.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/livepatch-dump-ipa-clones.patch.
+  Refresh configs appropriately.
+- commit d9c04f0
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- commit d60a005
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit bdade2f
-- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
-  length value (git-fixes).
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (git-fixes).
-- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
-  (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
-  related warnings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix access hdcp_workqueue assert (git-fixes).
-- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: add quirk for 03f0:464a HP Elite Presenter Mouse
-  (git-fixes).
-- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
-  G915 TKL Keyboard (git-fixes).
-- PCI: s390: Fix use-after-free of PCI resources with per-function
-  hotplug (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: phase3 mst hdcp for multiple displays
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: save restore hdcp state when display is
-  unplugged from mst hub (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Implement and utilize register structures
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: stx104: Utilize iomap interface (git-fixes).
-- ARM: dts: imx6sll: fixup of operating points (git-fixes).
-- commit e2faa35
-- pinctrl: amd: Mask wake bits on probe again (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: amd: Revert "pinctrl: amd: disable and mask interrupts
-  on probe" (git-fixes).
-- commit 15b9551
+- Keep and refresh patches.suse/prepare-arm64-klp.
+  Having a live patching support on arm64 arch is still in future but
+  better be prepared than sorry.
+- commit ce951ea
-- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix a non-functional mic on Lenovo 82SJ
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 5e59635
+- Refresh
+  Mark duplicate Alt-commit.
+- commit d42a7e3
-- clk: Fix slab-out-of-bounds error in devm_clk_release()
-  (git-fixes).
-- clk: Fix undefined reference to `clk_rate_exclusive_{get,put}'
-  (git-fixes).
-- pinctrl: renesas: rza2: Add lock around
-  pinctrl_generic{{add,remove}_group,{add,remove}_function}
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/vmwgfx: Fix shader stage validation (git-fixes).
-- dma-buf/sw_sync: Avoid recursive lock during fence signal
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 7c5f1b7
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/sd-always-retry-READ-CAPACITY-for-ALUA-state-transit.patch.
+- commit ef20ec6
-- batman-adv: Hold rtnl lock during MTU update via netlink
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 8468886
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-print-reservation-conflict-for-TEST-UNIT.patch.
+- commit f191f06
-- batman-adv: Fix batadv_v_ogm_aggr_send memory leak (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Fix TT global entry leak when client roamed back
-  (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Do not get eth header before
-  batadv_check_management_packet (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Don't increase MTU when set by user (git-fixes).
-- batman-adv: Trigger events for auto adjusted MTU (git-fixes).
-- commit d59057e
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-do-not-put-scsi_common-in-a-separate-module.patch.
+- commit 7f0ed1b
-- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (git-fixes).
-- commit 5dc74f0
+- Refresh and enable
+  patches.suse/scsi-add-disable_async_probing-module-argument.patch.
+- commit 3d3db3a
-- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
-  v13.0.4/11 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
-  pointers (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (git-fixes).
-- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Implement workaround for writing to
-  OTG_PIXEL_RATE_DIV register (git-fixes).
-- commit 162942a
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/drivers-base-implement-dev_enable_async_probe.patch.
+- commit c77fab8
-- Move sorted nouveau patch into sorted section
-- commit 5cfebfc
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch.
+- commit 3fded15
-- smb: client: fix null auth (git-fixes).
-- commit f89a725
+- Refresh and enable patches.suse/scsi_probe_lun-retry-after-timeout.patch.
+  We had expected upstream to come up with a generic solution for this issue,
+  but the patch set from Mike Christie ("scsi: Allow scsi_execute users to
+  control retries") hasn't been merged yet.
+- commit a7b4538
-- Update tags in
-  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch.
-- commit 5c3390a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add "CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set" to x86_64/default
+- commit d54d8a5
-- powerpc/rtas: block error injection when locked down
-  (bsc#1023051).
-  Refresh patches.kabi/lockdown-kABI-workaround-for-lockdown_reason-changes.patch
-- powerpc/rtas: enture rtas_call is called with MMU enabled
-  (bsc#1023051).
-- commit e7f7145
-- Input: cyttsp4_core - change del_timer_sync() to
-  timer_shutdown_sync() (bsc#1213971 CVE-2023-4134).
-- commit 2dfd188
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-rtas-Keep-MSR-RI-set-when-calling-RTAS.patch.
-- commit 0cbb740
-- Drop rtsx patch that caused a regression (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428)
-  It caused mysterious problem wrt NVMe.
-  Better to drop and blacklist for now.
-- commit 2257ff2
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: support for nested subdirs
+  Commit 724ba6751532 ("ARM: dts: Move .dts files to vendor
+  sub-directories") moved the dts to nested subdirs, add a support for
+  that. That is, generate a %dir entry in %files for them.
+- commit 6484eda
-- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- commit af67897
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch
+- commit b17726b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit eb5704d
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 6734d6b
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Do not leak quotient data after a division by 0 (bsc#1213927, CVE-2023-20588).
-- commit 8b5290e
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628, bsc#1214772, CVE-2023-4611).
+- commit 6826347
-- scsi: storvsc: Fix handling of virtual Fibre Channel timeouts
-  (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Limit max_sectors for virtual Fibre Channel
-  devices (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Handle SRB status value 0x30 (git-fixes).
-- scsi: storvsc: Always set no_report_opcodes (git-fixes).
-- commit aace9fd
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 1387f3a
-- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
-  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
-- commit 7bb5087
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit ac459a4
-- kunit: make kunit_test_timeout compatible with comment
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit e060c5b
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y and CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA=y to x86_64/default
+- commit 71d7282
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit 2db68b2
+- Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag of
+  patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch
+- commit 3e6ea23
-- blacklist.conf: kABI
-- commit b9b490f
+- Delete patches.suse/mm-khugepaged-disable-thp-for-fs.patch.
+  CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is now disabled properly (bsc#1195774).
+- commit 01da5a1
-- blacklist.conf: specific to Clang
-- commit 0d88df7
+- Update config files. Disable CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS (bsc#1195774).
+- commit da35a7b
-- blacklist.conf: not used in our build process
-- commit 5705a43
+- Move upstreamed powerpc patches into sorted section
+- commit 8dc244c
-- blacklist.conf: designed to break kABI but relevant only on big endian
-- commit 3477f1d
+- Move upstreamed ACPI patch into sorted section
+- commit f6c39ca
-- lib/test_meminit: destroy cache in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk()
-  test (git-fixes).
-- commit 0595e9f
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake PCH-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Meteor Lake SoC-S (jsc#PED-4696
+  jsc#PED-4698).
+- i2c: i801: Enlarge device name field in i801_ids table
+  (jsc#PED-4696 jsc#PED-4698).
+- commit b2dab8e
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-M PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add Meteor Lake IOE-P PMC related maps
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Use SSRAM to discover pwrm base address
+  of primary PMC (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Discover PMC devices (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Enable debugfs multiple PMC support
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Add support to handle multiple PMCs
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- platform/x86:intel/pmc: Combine core_init() and core_configure()
+  (jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c417bbb
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 jsc#PED-6091).
+- commit c13a250
+- Refresh patches.suse/lan78xx-Enable-LEDs-and-auto-negotiation.patch
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit a73dd2f
+- Refresh patches.suse/kabi-arm64-reserve-space-in-cpu_hwcaps-and-cpu_hwcap.patch.
+  Remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+- commit 7ad5e63
+- Delete patches.suse/soc-bcm-bcm2835-pm-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch
+  Implemented by upstream commit:
+  commit df76234276e22136b2468825c18407fdfbb2076a
+  Author: Stefan Wahren <>
+  Date:   Sat Jun 25 13:36:15 2022 +0200
+    mfd: bcm2835-pm: Add support for BCM2711
+- commit 8483810
+- Delete patches.suse/reset-raspberrypi-don-t-reset-usb-if-already-up.patch
+  As per my comment#47 in bsc#1180336 tested with TW at that moment.
+  Briefly tested kernel with above kernel workaround
+  reverted, using USB keyboard. It was detected during boot
+  and plugging it in and out seems to properly detected and
+  handled.
+  raspberrypi-firmware          - 2022.01.24-1.1
+  raspberrypi-eeprom[-firmware] - 2021.04.29-2.1
+  u-boot-rpiarm64               - 2022.01-2.1
+- commit 34fe1ed
+- Delete patches.suse/drm-v3d-add-support-for-bcm2711.patch.
+  Merged upstream.
+  commit e5a068983cf41bfee2c15656e62f401c5f8b0437
+  Author: Peter Robinson <>
+  Date:   Fri Jun 3 10:26:07 2022 +0100
+    drm/v3d: Add support for bcm2711
+- commit dfe2489
-- blacklist.conf: cleanup
-- commit 8d51620
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  Patches oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch and
+  0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch together previously exported
+  function bio_map_user_iov() for use in the oracleasm KMP.
+  This downstream change is no longer necessary because oracleasm in
+  15-SP6 has a patch which avoids its use:
+  oracleasm-asm_bio_map_user_iov-and-asm_bio_unmap-update-for-5.15+-kernel.patch.
+  Kernel patch 0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch was already dropped
+  in 15-SP6 by commit 67f601c4765. Remove the associated patch
+  oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch too.
+- commit 893eaeb
-- blacklist.conf: We do not use that tool
-- commit f8ec126
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Update config files.
+  Add # CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA is not set
+- commit c7bc13d
-- docs: networking: replace skb_hwtstamp_tx with skb_tstamp_tx
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d96f965
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_ldisc-check-HCI_UART_PROTO_READY-flag-.patch.
+- Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- Change Git-commit id to 9c33663af9ad115f90c076a1828129a3fbadea98
+- commit d45a993
+- Delete patches.suse/nxp-nci-add-NXP1002-id.patch.
+  gone upstream
+- commit b030abb
-- kabi: Allow extra bugsints (bsc#1213927).
-- commit fc75ce0
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit f2aed69
-- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-add-ibpb.patch.
-  CPU_IBPB_ENTRY is always on so adjust code accordingly.
-- commit 0ed13bd
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch.
+  Removed 0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch
+  because it be merged on upstream since v5.17-rc1. The commit id is
+  92ad19559ea9a8ec6f158480934ae26ebfe2c14f.
+- commit d1df84c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/acpi-Disable-APEI-error-injection-if-the-kernel-is-lockeddown.patch.
+  Respin and remove SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag
+- commit 19b185d
+- patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch: Add CONFIG_MODULES dependency
+- commit 045364c
+- supported.conf: update fs/cifs -> fs/smb/client
+  Also update fs/smbfs_common -> fs/smb/common.
+  (changes introduced by upstream 38c8a9a5208).
+- commit 6514fbf
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214451 CVE-2023-4459).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 13a12f4
+- Update config files.
+- commit 4e9535f
-- net: nfc: Fix use-after-free caused by nfc_llcp_find_local
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: simplify llcp_sock_connect() error paths (bsc#1213601
-  CVE-2023-3863).
-- nfc: llcp: nullify llcp_sock->dev on connect() error paths
-  (bsc#1213601 CVE-2023-3863).
-- commit 0932a11
+- reenabling our NFC fix for SLEPOS
+  A clean fix is worked upon, but upstream is difficult
+- commit 9351328
-- kabi/severities: Ignore newly added SRSO mitigation functions
-- commit 4452f05
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-kvm-Reintroduce-nopvspin-kernel-parameter.patch.
+  We cannot drop a kernel parameter without warning.
+  So teh restoration needs to be restored.
+- commit 90496d6
+- Enable patches.suse/0001-Reserve-64MiB-of-CMA-for-RPi3-s-VC4.patch
+  Re-enable the patch on SLE15-SP6. We need the extra CMA memory to
+  OOM errors in graphics code.
+- commit 19f6c08
+- Enable patches/patches.suse/0001-firmware-sysfb-Add-parameter-to-enable-sysfb-support.patch
+  Refresh the patch and re-enable it on SLE15-SP6. We'll need this patch until
+  Nvidia provides decent console emulation.
+- commit f568f53
+- Remove patches.suse/0001-drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch
+  The patch is identical to patches.suse/drm-vmwgfx-Avoid-NULL-ptr-deref-in-vmw_cmd_dx_define.patch,
+  hence remove it.
+- commit a2f6396
+- mm: avoid 'might_sleep()' in get_mmap_lock_carefully()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: fix endless looping over same migrate block
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: convert to use a folio in
+  isolate_migratepages_block() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- commit e867814
-- s390/zcrypt: fix reply buffer calculations for CCA replies
-  (bsc#1213949).
-- commit 26e242b
-- tty: fix hang on tty device with no_room set (git-fixes).
-- n_tty: Rename tail to old_tail in n_tty_read() (git-fixes).
-- commit 22b52a9
+- Delete patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-qat.patch.
+  No longer applicable. Should be redone after qat updates
+- commit c6645e0
+- Refresh patches.suse/kABI-padding-for-generic-crypto.patch.
+  reworked. Structure much changed in v6.4
+- commit 530349c
+- reenabled kABI padding for FPGA
+  minimal cost, high potential utility
+- commit 964471a
+- reenabled kABI padding for the generic crypto layer
+  cost is minimal, but if we need it we will really need it
+- commit 113e068
+- reenable kABI padding for rfkill
+  needed in SP6, too
+- commit 88c90bc
-- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
-  gsm_cleanup_mux (git-fixes).
-- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
-  for lpuart32 platforms (git-fixes).
-- commit 2bc2940
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-mediatek-802.11.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-realtik-802.11.patch.
+  reenabled WiFi kABI placeholders for SP6
+- commit eb82166
-- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (git-fixes).
-- commit 57d4f01
+- Refresh patches.suse/md-display-timeout-error.patch.
+  Enable this patch which is still needed for SP6
+- commit dd44ffd
-- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled (git-fixes).
-- commit c2d3421
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0001-NFS-flush-out-dirty-data-on-file-fput.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-Handle-missing-attributes-in-OPEN-reply.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/NFS-flush-dirty-data-on-fput-fix.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/NFS-only-invalidate-dentrys-that-are-clearly-invalid.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/mvfs-workaround.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-access-cache-no-negative.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfs-set-acl-perm.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-delegation-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-th.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-lock-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-allow-open-state-ids-to-be-revoked-and-then-fre.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/nfsd-dont-revoke-v4-0-states.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/nfsd-prepare-for-supporting-admin-revocation-of-stat.patch.
+  Enable multiple NFS patches which are still needed.
+- commit 143db46
-- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more (git-fixes).
-- commit f62146e
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv3-handle-out-of-order-write-replies.patch.
+  Fixed in v6.4 by
+  Commit: 3db63daabe21 ("NFSv3: handle out-of-order write replies.")
+- commit 3e2542b
-- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (git-fixes).
-- commit 7f39f56
+- Delete patches.suse/NFS-do-not-take-i_rwsem-for-swap-IO.patch.
+  and patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch
+  Both fixed in 5.18 by
+  Commit: 64158668ac8b ("NFS: swap IO handling is slightly different for O_DIRECT IO")
+- commit 6dbdada
-- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 13632c3
+- Delete patches.suse/MM-reclaim-mustn-t-enter-FS-for-swap-over-NFS.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.19 by
+  Commit: d791ea676b66 ("mm: reclaim mustn't enter FS for SWP_FS_OPS swap-space")
+- commit 15ce6a7
-- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (git-fixes).
-- commit 522332f
+- Delete patches.suse/NFSv4.1-bc-request-hold-xprt-ref.patch.
+  Fixed in 5.4 by
+  Commit: 875f0706accd ("SUNRPC: The TCP back channel mustn't disappear while requests are outstanding")
+- commit 4d05deb
-- objtool: Union instruction::{call_dest,jump_table} (git-fixes).
-- commit d5ea86a
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Make-debug-alternative-selective.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-alternative-Support-relocations-in-alternatives.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-lib-memmove-Decouple-ERMS-from-FSRM.patch.
+  Update for SLE15-SP6 (upstream versions apply cleanly now) and move to
+  sorted section.
+- commit b13a7e4
-- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (git-fixes).
-- commit 847a96f
+- Refresh patches.suse/reiserfs-mark-read-write-mode-unsupported.patch.
+  This is still needed for migrations.
+- commit 3960d8d
-- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1213666
-  CVE-2023-3772).
-- commit 9e44d01
+- Delete reiserfs fixes that can only be triggered in read-write mode.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-add-check-to-detect-corrupted-directory-entry.patch.
+- Delete patches.suse/reiserfs-don-t-panic-on-bad-directory-entries.patch.
+  We haven't supported read-write reiserfs at all in SLE15, so we can drop these.
+- commit a4a758e
-- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (git-fixes).
-- commit 81c5e75
+- Refresh patches.suse/procfs-add-tunable-for-fd-fdinfo-dentry-retention.patch.
+  This patch is still needed to avoid stalls while freeing
+  /proc/pid/task/tid/fd{,info} dentries on huge systems.
+- commit 6c2d081
-- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (git-fixes).
-- commit fa0b815
+- Refresh patches.suse/oracleasm-reinstate-bio_map_user_iov-declaration-in-.patch.
+  This patch is still required for the oracleasm KMP to work.
+- commit f45d5f5
-- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (git-fixes).
-- commit 8bf5635
+- Update config files: back to CONFIG_PREEMPTY_NONE=y for x86_64 & arm64 default
+  specify the default scheduler while the dynamic preemption switch is
+  enabled via CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC=y.  It was set to a wrong scheduler
+  mistakenly while converting to the 6.4-based configs.
+- commit 3e4023b
-- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional (git-fixes).
-- commit a446ea5
+- Update 6.5-rc patch references (bsc#1213666 CVE-2023-3772 CVE-2023-31248 bsc#1213061 CVE-2023-35001 bsc#1213059 CVE-2023-3776 bsc#1213588 CVE-2023-3611 bsc#1213585 bsc#1213812 CVE-2023-4004 CVE-2023-4147 bsc#1213968 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569 CVE-2023-34319 XSA-432 bsc#1213546)
+- commit 36505d8
-- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk() (git-fixes).
-- commit 06974c4
+- drop obsolete Hyper-V TDX patch
+- commit 4a2ee7b
-- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (git-fixes).
-- commit 086adb4
+- reenable Hyper-V guest-os-id for accurate telemetry (bsc#1189965)
+- commit d456d31
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps with  retpolines and IBT (git-fixes).
-- commit 9392b3c
+- Delete patches.suse/revert-modpost-remove-get_next_text-and-make-grab-release_-file-s.patch
+  The revert is already included in patches.suse/add-suse-supported-flag.patch
+- commit e7660e5
-- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (git-fixes).
-- commit 99556d6
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213667 CVE-2023-3773).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 250df45
-- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations (git-fixes).
-- commit af52734
+- Update
+  (bsc#1012628 #1213666 CVE-2023-3772).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit 5b6ca7b
-- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret() (git-fixes).
-- commit 43e1da9
+- Add missing x86 fixes from SLE15-SP5 (bsc#1206578 bsc#1213287 CVE-2023-20569)
+  Still disabled, to be reviewed
+- commit a9a725a
-- x86/srso: Fix build breakage with the LLVM linker (git-fixes).
-- commit 7af6810
+- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
+- arm64: xor-neon: mark xor_arm64_neon_*() static (git-fixes).
+- commit 16c12e7
-- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
-  (bsc#1194869).
-- commit 0fccbf5
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 30e64ff
-- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+- Documentation: devices.txt: reconcile serial/ucc_uart minor
+  numers (git-fixes).
+- Revert "debugfs, coccinelle: check for obsolete
+  DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE() usage" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: add missing return value check for cifs_sb_tlink
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- ASoC: atmel: Fix the 8K sample parameter in I2SC master
-- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+- ASoC: rt711-sdca: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+- ASoC: rt711: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (git-fixes).
-- commit 5738f62
-- supported.conf: fix typos for -!optional markers
-- commit a15b83f
-- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (git-fixes).
-- commit af00eea
-- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+- ASoc: codecs: ES8316: Fix DMIC config (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5682-sdw: fix for JD event handling in ClockStop Mode0
-- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+- ASoC: da7219: Check for failure reading AAD IRQ events
-- ASoC: lower "no backend DAIs enabled for ... Port" log severity
+- ASoC: da7219: Flush pending AAD IRQ when suspending (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Update for native DSD support quirks
-- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support new Dell Dolphin Variants (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Switch Dell Oasis models to use SPI
+- cifs: update internal module version number for cifs.ko
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: allow dumping keys for directories too (bsc#1193629).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support for DELL Oasis 13/14/16 laptops
-- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (git-fixes).
-- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
-  playback interfaces (git-fixes).
-- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+- Revert "iavf: Do not restart Tx queues after reset task failure"
-- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+- Revert "iavf: Detach device during reset task" (git-fixes).
+- rsi: remove kernel-doc comment marker (git-fixes).
+- pie: fix kernel-doc notation warning (git-fixes).
+- devlink: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- codel: fix kernel-doc notation warnings (git-fixes).
+- cifs: is_network_name_deleted should return a bool
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Use vmalloc_array() and vcalloc() (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Silence a static checker warning (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix a possible data race in
+  lpfc_unregister_fcf_rescan() (bsc#1213756).
+- gve: unify driver name usage (git-fixes).
+- smb: client: remove redundant pointer 'server' (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: fix session state transition to avoid use-after-free issue
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix lpfc_name struct packing (bsc#1213756).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Whitespace fix (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: fireface: make read-only const array for model names
+  static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: oxfw: make read-only const array models static
-- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+- Fix documentation of panic_on_warn (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: phy: brcm,brcmstb-usb-phy: Fix error in
+  "compatible" conditional schema (git-fixes).
+- phy: Revert "phy: Remove SOC_EXYNOS4212 dep. from
+  PHY_EXYNOS4X12_USB" (git-fixes).
+- Documentation: ABI: sysfs-class-net-qmi: pass_through contact
+  update (git-fixes).
+- docs: networking: Update codeaurora references for rmnet
-- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm: do not mark valid bd_addr as invalid
-- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (git-fixes).
-- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+- Bluetooth: fix use-bdaddr-property quirk (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix logdev fsmap query result filtering (git-fixes).
+- xfs: clean up the rtbitmap fsmap backend (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix getfsmap reporting past the last rt extent (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix integer overflows in the fsmap rtbitmap and logdev
+  backends (git-fixes).
+- xfs: fix interval filtering in multi-step fsmap queries
-- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+- xfs: don't reverse order of items in bulk AIL insertion
-- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
-  to the docs (git-fixes).
-- commit a48515a
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP, not #UD, if SGX2 ENCLS leafs are
+  unsupported (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: Inject #GP on ENCLS if vCPU has paging disabled
+  (CR0.PG==0) (git-fixes).
+- KVM: VMX: restore vmx_vmexit alignment (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: Remove unused udev from xhci_log_ctx trace event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "NFSv4: Retry LOCK on OLD_STATEID during delegation
+  return" (git-fixes).
+- cifs: new dynamic tracepoint to track ses not found errors
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: log session id when a matching ses is not found
+  (bsc#1193629).
+- cifs: print client_guid in DebugData (bsc#1193629).
+- PCI: endpoint: Add missing documentation about the MSI/MSI-X
+  range (git-fixes).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Drop useless LIST_HEAD (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace one-element array with
+  DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY() helper (bsc#1213747).
+- scsi: lpfc: Avoid -Wstringop-overflow warning (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Use struct_size() helper (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix incorrect big endian type assignments in FDMI
+  and VMID paths (bsc#1213756).
+- lpfc: Copyright updates for patches (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Enhance congestion statistics collection (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clean up SLI-4 CQE status handling (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Change firmware upgrade logging to KERN_NOTICE instead
+  of TRACE_EVENT (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Account for fabric domain ctlr device loss recovery
+  (bsc#1211346, bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Clear NLP_IN_DEV_LOSS flag if already in rediscovery
+  (bsc#1211852).
+- lpfc: Fix use-after-free rport memory access in
+  lpfc_register_remote_port (bsc#1211852, bsc#1208410,
+  bsc#1211346).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with strscpy()
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member
+  (bsc#1213756).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Replace all non-returning strlcpy() with
+  strscpy() (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Update version to (bsc#1211960).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Replace blk_irq_poll intr handler with threaded IRQ
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Add new RCQE status for handling DMA failures
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Update congestion warning notification period
+  (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Match lock ordering of lpfc_cmd->buf_lock and
+  hbalock for abort paths (bsc#1211847).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix verbose logging for SCSI commands issued to
+  SES devices (bsc#1211847).
+- RDMA/vmw_pvrdma: Remove unnecessary check on wr->opcode
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/rxe: Remove dangling declaration of rxe_cq_disable()
+  (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary checks (git-fixes).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: Return directly without goto jumps (git-fixes).
+- bus: fsl-mc: fsl-mc-allocator: Drop a write-only variable
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: samsung: exynos-pmu: Re-introduce Exynos4212 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "arm64: dts: zynqmp: Add address-cells property to
+  interrupt controllers" (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/adreno: fix sparse warnings in a6xx code (git-fixes).
+- drm/msm/dpu: clean up dpu_kms_get_clk_rate() returns
+  (git-fixes).
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove unused variable gma_bottom in command
+  parser (git-fixes).
+- drm/amd/display: drop redundant memset() in
+  get_available_dsc_slices() (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - remove unused .reg_defaults (git-fixes).
+- Input: drv260x - fix typo in register value define (git-fixes).
+- clk: samsung: Add Exynos4212 compatible to CLKOUT driver
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove handler for unused
+- can: kvaser_pciefd: Remove useless write to interrupt register
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: length: fix description of the RRS field (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Add support for vlan tagging (bsc#1212301).
+- can: length: make header self contained (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mtd: rawnand: arasan: Prevent an unsupported
+  configuration" (git-fixes).
+- regulator: helper: Document ramp_delay parameter of
+  regulator_set_ramp_delay_regmap() (git-fixes).
+- elf: correct note name comment (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Set a fallback policy based on
+  preferred_profile (bsc#1212445).
+- ACPI: CPPC: Add definition for undefined FADT preferred PM
+  profile value (bsc#1212445).
+- cpufreq: amd-pstate: Write CPPC enable bit per-socket
+  (bsc#1212445).
+- x86/build: Avoid relocation information in final vmlinux
+  (bsc#1187829).
+- irqchip/clps711x: Remove unused clps711x_intc_init() function
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/ftintc010: Mark all function static (git-fixes).
+- commit 2da661e
-- Update config files. Drop the dpt_i2o kernel module.
-  For: jsc#PED-4579, CVE-2023-2007
-- commit f332a85
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/btrfs-relocation-Work-around-dead-relocation-stage-l.patch.
+- commit 4b9fcd4
-- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
-- commit 55d8b82
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-repair-malformed-inode-items-during-log-recovery.patch.
+- commit f3dc77b
-- libceph: fix potential hang in ceph_osdc_notify() (bsc#1214393).
-- ceph: defer stopping mdsc delayed_work (bsc#1214392).
-- commit 722c601
+- xfs: fix bounds check in xfs_defer_agfl_block() (git-fixes).
+- commit 49dca73
-- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
-  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
-- commit 5b41c27
+- xfs: AGF length has never been bounds checked (git-fixes).
+- commit 97239d8
-- s390/purgatory: disable branch profiling (git-fixes
-  bsc#1214372).
-- commit 28f91ce
+- xfs: don't block in busy flushing when freeing extents
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 825f791
-- scsi: zfcp: Defer fc_rport blocking until after ADISC response
-  (git-fixes bsc#1214371).
-- commit 5ac3747
+- xfs: pass alloc flags through to xfs_extent_busy_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62eef81
-- KVM: s390: fix sthyi error handling (git-fixes bsc#1214370).
-- commit 3711e45
+- xfs: use deferred frees for btree block freeing (git-fixes).
+- commit e83db44
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d1f96fc
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/uapi-add-a-compatibility-layer-between-linux-uio-h-and-glibc.
+  This patch no longer needed, and never made it upstream.
+- commit da31059
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit f1bebb1
+- xfs: don't deplete the reserve pool when trying to shrink the fs
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit c817b91
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 77019ff
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch.
+- commit b29f3d3
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit 8edb1c8
+- Delete patches.suse/arm64-dts-s32g2-add-USDHC-support.patch.
+- commit 68a6036
-- powerpc/kexec: Fix build failure from uninitialised variable
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/64e: Fix kexec build error (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-Take-in-account-addition-CPU-node-when-build.patch
-- Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-fix-implicit-decl-error.patch
-- commit c8f4ed0
+- Refresh patches.suse/0001-kABI-more-hooks-for-PCI-changes.patch.
+  Reenabled kABI placeholders in PCI for SP6
+- commit a538cc2
-- Update
-  patches.suse/net-vmxnet3-fix-possible-use-after-free-bugs-in-vmxn.patch
-  (bsc#1200431 bsc#1214350 CVE-2023-4387).
-  Added CVE reference.
-- commit 8897012
+- Enable support for "unsupported filesystem features".
+- commit 979adc3
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-Add-a-void-suse_kabi_padding-placeholder-to-some-USB.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-add-for-type-C-new-in-SP5.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-TB-and-USB4-XDomain-structures.patch.
+- Refresh patches.suse/paddings-for-gadgets.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/paddings-for-the-inter-DMN-tunnel-stuff-of-TB.patch.
+  Reenabling kABI placeholders for SP6 in USB and TB
+- commit 64c5e3b
+- mm/slab: correct return values in comment for
+  _kmem_cache_create() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- bpf: Remove in_atomic() from bpf_link_put() (bsc#1213179
+  (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- module: Remove preempt_disable() from module reference counting
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: use the correct type of list for free pages
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix shmem THP counters on migration (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip memory hole rapidly when isolating
+  migratable pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- percpu-internal/pcpu_chunk: re-layout pcpu_chunk structure
+  to reduce false sharing (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: mark kcompactd_run() and kcompactd_stop()
+  __meminit (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: replace the ternary conditional operator with min()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: skip periodic vmstat update for isolated CPUs
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: drop 'nid' parameter from check_for_memory()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_fault() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in hugetlb_wp() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/hugetlb: use a folio in copy_hugetlb_page_range()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmscan: mark kswapd_run() and kswapd_stop() __meminit
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: skip CMA pages when they are not available (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_isolation: write proper kerneldoc (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: fix failure to unmap pte on highmem systems (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/damon/ops-common: refactor to use
+  {pte|pmd}p_clear_young_notify() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: vmalloc must set pte via arch code (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- vmstat: allow_direct_reclaim should use zone_page_state_snapshot
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: zswap: shrink until can accept (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: move set_pageblock_order() to free_area_init()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: khugepaged: avoid pointless allocation for "struct mm_slot"
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: don't wake kswapd from rmqueue() unless
+  __GFP_KSWAPD_RECLAIM is specified (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: remove free_area_init_memoryless_node()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- THP: avoid lock when check whether THP is in deferred list
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: do not calculate zone_start_pfn/zone_end_pfn in
+  zone_absent_pages_in_node() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/mm_init.c: introduce reset_memoryless_node_totalpages()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: shmem: fix UAF bug in shmem_show_options() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip fast freepages isolation if enough
+  freepages are isolated (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: add trace event for fast freepages isolation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only set skip flag if cc->no_set_skip_hint is
+  false (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: skip more fully scanned pageblock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: change fast_isolate_freepages() to void type
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop the redundant page validation in
+  update_pageblock_skip() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: dont purge usable blocks unnecessarily (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: add missing READ/WRITE_ONCE() annotations
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: check free space in vmap_block lockless (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent flushing dirty space over and over
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: avoid iterating over per CPU vmap blocks twice
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/vmalloc: prevent stale TLBs in fully utilized blocks
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/memcontrol: fix typo in comment (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/mlock: rename mlock_future_check() to mlock_future_ok()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/mmap: refactor mlock_future_check() (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: avoid GFP_NOFS ABBA deadlock (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: have compaction_suitable() return bool
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: drop redundant watermark check in
+  compaction_zonelist_suitable() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove unnecessary is_via_compact_memory()
+  checks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: refactor __compaction_suitable() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: simplify should_compact_retry() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: remove compaction result helpers (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: set sysctl_lowmem_reserve_ratio
+  storage-class-specifier to static (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm: convert migrate_pages() to work on folios (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move sysctls into it own fils (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move pm_* function into power (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mark_free_page() into snapshot.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out DEBUG_PAGEALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: split out FAIL_PAGE_ALLOC (bsc#1212886 (MM
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: remove alloc_contig_dump_pages() stub
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: squash page_is_consistent() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: collect mem statistic into show_mem.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move set_zone_contiguous() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move init_on_alloc/free() into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: page_alloc: move mirrored_kernelcore into mm_init.c
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- Revert "Revert "mm/compaction: fix set skip in
+  fast_find_migrateblock"" (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: update pageblock skip when first migration
+  candidate is not at the start (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: only force pageblock scan completion when skip
+  hints are obeyed (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm: compaction: ensure rescanning only happens on partially
+  scanned pageblocks (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm, oom: do not check 0 mask in out_of_memory() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memory-failure: move sysctl register in
+  memory_failure_init() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: provide stronger vmemmap allocation
+  guarantees (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages_batch: simplify retrying and failure counting
+  of large folios (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- mm/gup: add missing gup_must_unshare() check to gup_huge_pgd()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- fs: hugetlbfs: set vma policy only when needed for allocating
+  folio (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove explicit wakeup in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg, oom: remove unnecessary check in
+  mem_cgroup_oom_synchronize() (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- memcg: remove mem_cgroup_flush_stats_atomic() (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: calculate root usage from global state (bsc#1212886
+  (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- memcg: flush stats non-atomically in mem_cgroup_wb_stats()
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- writeback: move wb_over_bg_thresh() call outside lock section
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: drop the unnecessary pfn_valid() for start pfn
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: compaction: optimize compact_memory to comply with the
+  admin-guide (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- migrate_pages: avoid blocking for IO in MIGRATE_SYNC_LIGHT
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm: memcg: use READ_ONCE()/WRITE_ONCE() to access stock->cached
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cgroup/cpuset: Free DL BW in case can_attach() fails
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Create DL BW alloc, free & check overflow
+  interface (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Keep track of SCHED_DEADLINE task in cpusets
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/cpuset: Bring back cpuset_mutex (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- Further upgrade queue_work_on() comment (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Avoid double calling update_rq_clock() in
+  __balance_push_cpu_stop() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Fixed missing rq clock update before calling
+  set_rq_offline() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Fix bandwidth reclaim equation in GRUB
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/wait: Fix a kthread_park race with wait_woken()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Mark set_sched_topology() __init (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename variable cpu_util eff_util (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair, cpufreq: Introduce 'runnable boosting' (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Refactor CPU utilization functions (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Consider task_struct::saved_state in wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Unconditionally use full-fat wait_task_inactive()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: remove unused dl_bandwidth (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move unused stub functions to header (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make task_vruntime_update() prototype visible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Hide unused init_cfs_bandwidth() stub (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Add schedule_user() declaration (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Hide unused sched_update_scaling() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid resetting the min update period when it is
+  unnecessary (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/debug: Correct printing for rq->nr_uninterruptible
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Propagate SMT flags when removing degenerate
+  domain (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- psi: remove 500ms min window size limitation for triggers
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Check SDF_SHARED_CHILD in highest_flag_domain()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Do not even the number of busy CPUs via asym_packing
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use the busiest group to set prefer_sibling
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Keep a fully_busy SMT sched group as busiest
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Let low-priority cores help high-priority busy
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Simplify asym_packing logic for SMT cores
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Only do asym_packing load balancing from fully idle
+  SMT cores (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Move is_core_idle() out of CONFIG_NUMA (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- x86/mm: Add early_memremap_pgprot_adjust() prototype
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 8861ce3
-- module: avoid allocation if module is already present and ready
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit a42ca12
-- module: move check_modinfo() early to early_mod_check()
-  (bsc#1213921).
-- commit b97680b
+- series.conf: Add note on the removal of deleted sysctls
+- commit ea1551b
-- module: move early sanity checks into a helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit d4f0452
+- series.conf: Add note on initial placement during fork, evaluation required
+- commit d423863
-- Update config files.
-- CONFIG_NVME_VERBOSE_ERRORS=y          gone with a82baa8083b
-- CONFIG_PRINTK_SAFE_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=13   gone with 7e152d55123
-- commit 7a11d4b
+- series.conf: Add note on wakeup_gran boosting, evaluation required
+- commit 81b5987
-- module: extract patient module check into helper (bsc#1213921).
-- commit de545b1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-optimize-latency-defaults-for-throughput.patch.
+- commit f4acb00
-- Enable Analog Devices Industrial Ethernet PHY driver (jsc#PED-4759)
-- commit 63c2b4e
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sched-Disable-sched-domain-debugfs-creation-on-ppc64-unless-sched_verbose-is-specified.patch.
+  Upstream has an alternative fix.
+- commit 02d9709
-- net: mana: Fix MANA VF unload when hardware is unresponsive
-  (git-fixes).
-- iavf: fix potential races for FDIR filters (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix RDMA VSI removal during queue rebuild (git-fixes).
-- qed: Fix scheduling in a tasklet while getting stats
-  (git-fixes).
-- i40e: Fix an NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for debugfs_create_dir()
-  (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix memory management in ice_ethtool_fdir.c (git-fixes).
-- net: hns3: fix wrong bw weight of disabled tc issue (git-fixes).
-- ice: Fix max_rate check while configuring TX rate limits
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 66cd4bc
+- series.conf: Add note on frequency boosting for IO, evaluation required
+- commit 0acf9ba
-- powerpc/iommu: Fix iommu_table_in_use for a small default DMA
-  window case (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/kernel/iommu: Add new iommu_table_in_use() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: don't set failed sg dma_address to
-  DMA_MAPPING_ERROR (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: return error code from .map_sg() ops (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- commit 63fd00c
+- series.conf: Add note on up_threshold, evaluation required
+- commit 9ec5dac
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit efc7084
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/rtmutex-Add-acquire-semantics-for-rtmutex-lock-acquisition-slow-path.patch.
+- commit 32566f1
-- drm/amd/display: Retain phantom plane/stream if validation fails
-  (git-fixes).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mm-page_alloc-skip-regions-with-hugetlbfs-pages-when-allocating-1G-pages.patch.
+- commit bf2a4f1
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/locking-rwbase-Mitigate-indefinite-writer-starvation.patch.
+  Upstream alternative already included.
+- commit a1fa32f
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch.
+  Affected generation of chips is no longer supported by the manufacturer.
+- commit f939ab4
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/cpufreq-intel_pstate-Allow-unspecified-FADT-profile-to-probe-PPC.patch.
+  Problem has stopped showing up in practice.
+- commit d374a9a
+- series: review/update patches for sle15sp6
-  patches.suse/drm-amd-display-filter-out-invalid-bits-in-pipe_fuse.patch.
-- commit 7b85ac2
+  patches.suse/blk-kabi-add-suse_kabi_padding-to-blk-layer-structs.patch.
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/nvme-multipath-skip-not-ready-namespaces-when-revalidating.patch.
+- commit 900c330
-- drm/amdgpu: fix possible UAF in amdgpu_cs_pass1() (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/nvkm/dp: Add workaround to fix DP 1.3+ DPCD issues
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: avoid unintentional shutdown due to temperature
-  momentary fluctuation (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: expose swctf threshold setting for legacy powerplay
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: limit DPIA link rate to HBR3 (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm/smu7: move variables to where they are used
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill powerplay peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/pm: fulfill swsmu peak profiling mode shader/memory
-  clock settings (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: trigger timing sync only if TG is running
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: fix the build when DRM_AMD_DC_DCN is not set
-  (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Disable phantom OTG after enable for plane
-  disable (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: Use update plane and stream routine for DCN32x
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit d699896
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/drm-Add-kabi-placeholders-to-commonly-used-structs.patch.
+- commit bd2986f
-- misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/gr: enable memory loads on helper invocation on
-  all channels (git-fixes).
-- commit 8a7a168
+- wifi: rtw88: usb: kill and free rx urbs on probe failure
+  (bsc#1214385).
+- commit 28f1b80
+- Refresh patches.suse/nvdimm-disable-namespace-on-error.patch.
+- commit 0109f83
+- Delete the patch which is already in kernel code base,
+  patches.suse/Avoid-deadlock-for-recursive-I-O-on-dm-thin-when-used-as-swap-4905.patch.
+- commit 8ae388a
+- Delete patches.suse/make-module-BTF-toggleable.patch.
+  No longer required with upstream commit 5e214f2e43e4 "bpf: Add config to
+  allow loading modules with BTF mismatches" and
+- commit fcf9c21
+- Re-enable BPF kABI padding
+  Refresh the patch and additionally add padding for struct bpf_prog_aux
+  and struct bpf_verifier_env.
+- commit 50ddc33
-- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
-  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
-  copying defines or build dependencies there.
-- commit 254b03c
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/kbuild-Add-skip_encoding_btf_enum64-option-to-pahole.patch.
+  No longer required since the base kernel is 6.4 and BTF_KIND_ENUM64
+  support is added in 6.0.
+- commit c3cc153
+- Re-enable BPF selftest modification
+  This is required because we carry the following downstream patches:
+- patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+- patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev
+  Also refresh the patch while at it.
+- commit 67df713
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 045f0e1
+- Linux 6.4.12 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: fix the RTO timer retransmitting skb every 1ms if linear
+  option is enabled (bsc#1012628).
+- af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: Clean up link DMA for IPC3 during stop
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1213583).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- Revert "perf report: Append inlines to non-DWARF callchains"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: keep irq count in amdgpu_irq_disable_all
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/pm: skip the RLC stop when S0i3 suspend for SMU
+  v13.0.4/11 (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: disable RCO for DCN314 (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: select CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu/pm: fix throttle_status for other than MP1 11.0.7
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: skip fence GFX interrupts disable/enable for S0ix
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd: flush any delayed gfxoff on suspend entry
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/sdvo: fix panel_type initialization (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "Revert "drm/amdgpu/display: change pipe policy for
+  DCN 2.0"" (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/edid: Fix csync detailed mode parsing" (bsc#1012628
+  bsc#1213693).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: Fix error handling in spmmc_drv_probe()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: sunplus: fix return value check of mmc_add_host()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: block: Fix in_flight[issue_type] value error (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: wbsd: fix double mmc_free_host() in wbsd_init()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- mmc: f-sdh30: fix order of function calls in
+  sdhci_f_sdh30_remove (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom,sa8775p-tlmm: add gpio function
+  constant (bsc#1012628).
+- media: uvcvideo: Fix menu count handling for userspace XU
+  mappings (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-crypto: dynamically allocate fallback profile (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that the task sees ZT writes on first use
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64/ptrace: Ensure that SME is set up for target when writing
+  SSVE state (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix Wifi/Bluetooth on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: Zero max_tx_vq field for
+  VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_HASH_CONFIG case (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: da9063: better fix null deref with partial DT
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix null auth (bsc#1012628).
+- parisc: Fix CONFIG_TLB_PTLOCK to work with lightweight spinlock
+  checks (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: Release folio lock on fscache read hit (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Mythware XA001AU capture and
+  playback interfaces (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: 8250: Fix oops for port->pm on uart_change_pm()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: uaccess: Return the number of bytes effectively not
+  copied (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: correct riscv_insn_is_c_jr() and riscv_insn_is_c_jalr()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- riscv: entry: set a0 = -ENOSYS only when syscall != -1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Remodified 3k pull low procedure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: socinfo: Add kfree for kstrdup (bsc#1012628).
+- soc: aspeed: uart-routing: Use __sysfs_match_string
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- pinctrl: qcom: Add intr_target_width field to support increased
+  number of interrupt targets (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP G11 Laptops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-formatter: fix channel slot allocation
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: rt5665: add missed regulator_bulk_disable (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: Fix anatop node size (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: max98363: don't return on success reading revision ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx6sx usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Drop CSI1 PHY reference clock configuration
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Set default tuning step for imx7d usdhc
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx: Adjust dma-apbh node name (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6: phytec: fix RTC interrupt level (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK 4C+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable HS400 for eMMC on ROCK Pi 4
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix thermal zone conflict
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Flush posted write on enable before reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ice: Block switchdev mode when ADQ is active and vice versa
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- qede: fix firmware halt over suspend and resume (bsc#1012628).
+- net: do not allow gso_size to be set to GSO_BY_FRAGS
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sock: Fix misuse of sk_under_memory_pressure() (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't fail probe if MAE/TC setup fails (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: don't unregister flow_indr if it was never registered
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- sfc: add fallback action-set-lists for TC offload (bsc#1012628).
+- net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Wait for EEPROM done before HW reset
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1012628 bsc#1214073).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too.
+- net/mlx5e: XDP, Fix fifo overrun on XDP_REDIRECT (bsc#1012628).
+- i40e: fix misleading debug logs (bsc#1012628).
+- iavf: fix FDIR rule fields masks validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: openvswitch: reject negative ifindex (bsc#1012628).
+- team: Fix incorrect deletion of ETH_P_8021AD protocol vid from
+  slaves (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: broadcom: stub c45 read/write for 54810 (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nft_dynset: disallow object maps (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: GC transaction race with netns dismantle
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix GC transaction races with netns and
+  netlink event exit path (bsc#1012628).
+- ipvs: fix racy memcpy in proc_do_sync_threshold (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: set default timeout to 3 secs for sctp shutdown
+  send and recv state (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: don't fail inserts if duplicate has
+  expired (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate catchall elements in next
+  generation (bsc#1012628).
+- netfilter: nf_tables: fix false-positive lockdep splat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Clean up integer overflow checking in
+  map_user_pages() (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/qaic: Fix slicing memory leak (bsc#1012628).
+- net: veth: Page pool creation error handling for existing
+  pools only (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel queued works in probe error path
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel ctrl_mbox_task after intr_poll_task
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: cancel tx_timeout_task later in remove sequence
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- octeon_ep: fix timeout value for waiting on mbox response
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: macb: In ZynqMP resume always configure PS GTR for
+  non-wakeup source (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Restore efficient freq earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/panel: simple: Fix AUO G121EAN01 panel timings according
+  to the docs (bsc#1012628).
+- selftests: mirror_gre_changes: Tighten up the TTL test match
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: fix IRQ-based wake-on-lan over hibernate / power off
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: pcs: Add missing put_device call in miic_create
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-net: set queues after driver_ok (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: don't skip free of empty state in acquire policy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: delete offloaded policy (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add forgotten nla_policy for XFRMA_MTIMER_THRESH
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params (bsc#1012628).
+- ip_vti: fix potential slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ip6_vti: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: fix slab-use-after-free in decode_session6 (bsc#1012628).
+- xfrm: Silence warnings triggerable by bad packets (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Amend XFRMA_SEC_CTX nla_policy structure
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- net: af_key: fix sadb_x_filter validation (bsc#1012628).
+- net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Correct the mitigation status when SMT is disabled
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Skip optprobe check for indirect jumps
+  with retpolines and IBT (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline,kprobes: Fix position of thunk sections with
+  CONFIG_LTO_CLANG (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Disable the mitigation on unaffected configurations
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/retpoline: Don't clobber RFLAGS during srso_safe_ret()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/static_call: Fix __static_call_fixup() (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fixup frame-pointer vs rethunk (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/srso: Explain the untraining sequences a bit more
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu/kvm: Provide UNTRAIN_RET_VM (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Cleanup the untrain mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename srso_(.*)_alias to srso_alias_\1 (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed methods (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Clean up SRSO return thunk mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/alternative: Make custom return thunk unconditional
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- objtool/x86: Fix SRSO mess (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix up srso_safe_ret() and __x86_return_thunk()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- x86/cpu: Fix __x86_return_thunk symbol type (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Handle invalid SMBus block data response
+  length value (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: designware: Correct length byte validation logic
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: only subtract from len_to_oe_boundary when it is tracking
+  an extent (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix replace/scrub failure with metadata_uuid
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix BUG_ON condition in btrfs_cancel_balance
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix incorrect splitting in btrfs_drop_extent_map_range
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix infinite directory reads (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: Clear the error flags by writing 1
+  for lpuart32 platforms (bsc#1012628).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix the UAF caused by race condition in
+  gsm_cleanup_mux (bsc#1012628).
+- smb3: display network namespace in debug information
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Enable strict validation for netlinks ops (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add max vqp attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length check
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add queue index attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa: Add features attr to vdpa_nl_policy for nlattr length
+  check (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/rtas_flash: allow user copy to flash block cache objects
+  (bsc#1012628 bsc#1194869).
+  Renamed the existing patch to 6.4.12 stable, too
+- media: mtk-jpeg: Set platform driver data earlier (bsc#1012628).
+- fbdev: mmp: fix value check in mmphw_probe() (bsc#1012628).
+- blk-cgroup: hold queue_lock when removing blkg->q_node
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: tegra: Fix i2c-tegra DMA config option processing
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: hisi: Only handle the interrupt of the driver's transfer
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- i2c: bcm-iproc: Fix bcm_iproc_i2c_isr deadlock issue
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- rust: macros: vtable: fix `HAS_*` redefinition
+  (`gen_const_name`) (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix potential oops in cifs_oplock_break (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Delete control vq iotlb in destroy_mr only when
+  necessary (bsc#1012628).
+- vdpa/mlx5: Fix mr->initialized semantics (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-vdpa: Fix cpumask memory leak in virtio_vdpa_find_vqs()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- vduse: Use proper spinlock for IRQ injection (bsc#1012628).
+- virtio-mmio: don't break lifecycle of vm_dev (bsc#1012628).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix LDO 12 regulator for PM8550
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: fix use-after-free of new block group that became unused
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- btrfs: move out now unused BG from the reclaim list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: MGMT: Use correct address for memcpy() (bsc#1012628).
+- powerpc/kasan: Disable KCOV in KASAN code (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GZ301V (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG G614Jx (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Amend G634 quirk to enable rear speakers
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GA402X (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GX650P (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda: fix a possible null-pointer dereference due to data
+  race in snd_hdac_regmap_sync() (bsc#1012628).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for Unis H3C Desktop B760 & Q760
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Alternative boot if primary boot is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Mark ntfs dirty when on-disk struct is corrupted
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs: ntfs3: Fix possible null-pointer dereferences in mi_read()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Return error for inconsistent extended attributes
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- fs/ntfs3: Enhance sanity check while generating attr_list
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix potential fence use-after-free v2 (bsc#1012628).
+- ceph: try to dump the msgs when decoding fails (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add MT7922 bluetooth ID for the Asus Ally
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free (bsc#1012628).
+- watchdog: sp5100_tco: support Hygon FCH/SCH (Server Controller
+  Hub) (bsc#1012628).
+- firewire: net: fix use after free in
+  fwnet_finish_incoming_packet() (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Limit Intel Barlow Ridge USB3 bandwidth
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Add Intel Barlow Ridge PCI ID (bsc#1012628).
+- pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix memory leak in
+  nonstatic_release_resource_db() (bsc#1012628).
+- gfs2: Fix possible data races in gfs2_show_options()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: add missing USB PHY DPDM wakeup setting
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: turn off vbus comparator when suspend
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: chipidea: imx: don't request QoS for imx8ulp (bsc#1012628).
+- xhci: get rid of XHCI_PLAT quirk that used to prevent MSI setup
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- thunderbolt: Read retimer NVM authentication status prior
+  tb_retimer_set_inbound_sbtx() (bsc#1012628).
+- media: platform: mediatek: vpu: fix NULL ptr dereference
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: uvc: queue empty isoc requests if no video buffer
+  is available (bsc#1012628).
+- usb: gadget: u_serial: Avoid spinlock recursion in
+  __gs_console_push (bsc#1012628).
+- media: camss: set VFE bpl_alignment to 16 for sdm845 and sm8250
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- media: v4l2-mem2mem: add lock to protect parameter num_rdy
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- led: qcom-lpg: Fix resource leaks in
+  for_each_available_child_of_node() loops (bsc#1012628).
+- serial: stm32: Ignore return value of uart_remove_one_port()
+  in .remove() (bsc#1012628).
+- cifs: fix session state check in reconnect to avoid
+  use-after-free issue (bsc#1012628).
+- smb: client: fix warning in cifs_smb3_do_mount() (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "[PATCH] uml: export symbols added by GCC hardened"
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: Add Arrow Lake PCI device ID
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Free the firmware trace before calling
+  snd_sof_shutdown() (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Enable dcn314 DPP RCO (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Skip DPP DTO update if root clock is gated
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/bnxt_re: consider timeout of destroy ah as success
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mlx5: Return the firmware result upon destroying QP/RQ
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: unmap and remove csa_va properly (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Apply 60us prefetch for DCFCLK <= 300Mhz
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Remove v_startup workaround for dcn3+
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: install stub fence into potential unused fence
+  pointers (bsc#1012628).
+- iommu/amd: Introduce Disable IRTE Caching Support (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add USB and Bluetooth IDs for the Logitech
+  G915 TKL Keyboard (bsc#1012628).
+- HID: i2c-hid: goodix: Add support for
+  "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend" property (bsc#1012628).
+- dt-bindings: input: goodix: Add "goodix,no-reset-during-suspend"
+  property (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: fix mem leak in capture user mappings
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- accel/habanalabs: add pci health check during heartbeat
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- dma-remap: use kvmalloc_array/kvfree for larger dma memory remap
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix SoundWire/HDaudio mutual exclusion
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- iopoll: Call cpu_relax() in busy loops (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add support for Rex soundwire
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quick for Dell SKU 0BDA (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: test SOF_JACK_JDSRC
+  in _exit (bsc#1012628).
+- ARM: dts: imx6dl: prtrvt, prtvt7, prti6q, prtwd2: fix USB
+  related warnings (bsc#1012628).
+- RDMA/mana_ib: Use v2 version of cfg_rx_steer_req to enable RX
+  coalescing (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Add check for acp config flags in vangogh
+  platform (bsc#1012628).
+- drm: rcar-du: remove R-Car H3 ES1.* workarounds (bsc#1012628).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: add QFPROM node (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/stm: ltdc: fix late dereference check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: Add pci revision id check (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Move DSP part string generation so that it is
+  done only once (bsc#1012628).
+- PCI: tegra194: Fix possible array out of bounds access
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for LNL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for MTL RVP (bsc#1012628).
+- Revert "drm/amd/display: disable SubVP + DRR to prevent
+  underflow" (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix memory leak in mes self test (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: Fix integer overflow in amdgpu_cs_pass1
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amdgpu: fix calltrace warning in amddrm_buddy_fini
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/scheduler: set entity to NULL in drm_sched_entity_pop_job()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- drm/amd/display: Update DTBCLK for DCN32 (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: fix the wol setting functions (bsc#1012628).
+- net: phy: at803x: Use devm_regulator_get_enable_optional()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- crypto, cifs: fix error handling in extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1012628).
+- commit c12060a
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patch for core structs
+  Also rename the patch without the number prefix
+- commit 8e3d5a7
+- Delete patches.suse/0001-oracleasm-4.0-compat-changes.patch
+  No longer needed workaround.
+- commit 67f601c
+- Keep patches.suse/
+  The X taint flag is still used
+- commit a920896
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-Add-kABI-placeholder-to-struct-pci_controlle.patch
+- commit 2975c39
+- Keep patches.suse/scsi-blacklist-add-VMware-ESXi-cdrom-broken-tray-emu.patch
+  No sign of VMware even acknowledging the problem, much less fixing it.
+- commit e09edd4
-- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
-  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
-- commit 2c37773
+- Keep ppc and s390 lockdown patches - they are needed as much as the
+  other architectures.
+- Update config files
+- commit f6a51bf
-- ACPI/IORT: Update SMMUv3 DeviceID support (bsc#1214305).
-- commit 4628976
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-tm-Flip-the-HTM-switch-default-to-disabled.patch
+  Needed until HTM is disabled completely
+- commit 2710607
-- net: usb: lan78xx: reorder cleanup operations to avoid UAF bugs
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 9c04620
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch
+  Should be revisited after kexec option cleanup is merged upstream
+- Update config files
+- commit 5359722
-- powerpc/iommu: TCEs are incorrectly manipulated with DLPAR
-  add/remove of memory (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/iommu: Incorrect DDW Table is referenced for SR-IOV
-  device (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- pseries/iommu/ddw: Fix kdump to work in absence of
-  ibm,dma-window (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Print ibm,query-pe-dma-windows parameters
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc: fix typos in comments (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries: Add __init attribute to eligible functions
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: Do not try direct mapping with persistent
-  memory and one window (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/ddw: simplify enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add of_node_put() before break
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Create huge DMA window if no MMIO32 is
-  present (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Check if the default window in use
-  before removing it (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Use correct vfree for it_map (bsc#1212091
-  ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Rename "direct window" to "dma window"
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Make use of DDW for indirect mapping
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Find existing DDW with given property
-  name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Update remove_dma_window() to accept
-  property name (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Reorganize iommu_table_setparms*()
-  with new helper (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_property_create() and refactor
-  enable_ddw() (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerps-pseries-dma-Add-support-for-2M-IOMMU-page-si.patch
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Allow DDW windows starting at 0x00
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add ddw_list_new_entry() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Add iommu_pseries_alloc_table() helper
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-- powerpc/pseries/iommu: Replace hard-coded page shift
-  (bsc#1212091 ltc#199106).
-  Refresh patches.suse/powerpc-iommu-Limit-number-of-TCEs-to-512-for-H_STUF.patch
-- commit 4f11eef
+- Keep patches.suse/powerpc-pseries-mobility-notify-network-peers-after-.patch
+  Upstream network notification framework still not avaialble
+- commit f496138
+- Delete patches.rpmify/arm64-make-STACKPROTECTOR_PER_TASK-configurable.patch.
+  No effect anymore
+- commit 334f200
+- Delete patches.suse/rtl8188eu-fix-const-dev_addr_fallout.patch.
+  Patch is longer needed.
+- commit 6c9e4e5
+- Enable mlx5 S390 patch and still not upstreamed change for ixgbe
+- commit 321b2db
+- Delete patches.rpmify/powerpc-Blacklist-GCC-5.4-6.1-and-6.2.patch.
+  Unlikely to encounter these compilers anymore.
+- commit 3daa0f4
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-fixup-pages-without-buffers.patch: Not needed
+  after commit d824ec2a154 ("mm: do not reclaim private data from pinned
+  page") merged into 6.4-rc1.
+- commit 11e5155
+- Delete patches.suse/ext4-dont-warn-when-enabling-DAX.patch: Warning got
+  removed by commit 6e47a3cc68f ("ext4: get rid of super block and sbi
+  from handle_mount_ops()") in 5.17-rc1.
+- commit 74d1133
+- Enable patches.suse/ext4-unsupported-features.patch. We still want
+  the ability to declare some ext4 features unsupported.
+- commit e745607
-- powerpc/mm/altmap: Fix altmap boundary check (bsc#1120059
-  git-fixes).
-- commit f722e3b
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/io_uring-disable-polling-signalfd-pollfree-files.patch.
+- commit 103eea6
-- bnx2x: fix page fault following EEH recovery (bsc#1214299).
-- commit f8a9432
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/fs-Avoid-leaving-freed-inode-on-dirty-list.patch: The fix
+  was never 100% proven to be necessary (followup ext4 changes were the
+  real fix) and upstream was unconvinced. Let's drop it.
+- commit 45cf4a8
-- target_core_rbd: fix leak and reduce kmalloc calls
-  (bsc#1212873).
-- target_core_rbd: fix rbd_img_request.snap_id assignment
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- target_core_rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code
-  (bsc#1212857).
-- file: reinstate f_pos locking optimization for regular files
-  (bsc#1213759).
-- commit 0469dd9
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/md-raid5-Improve-performance-for-sequential-IO.patch: Got
+  merged into 6.4-rc1 as commit fc05e06e6098c.
+- commit 03eba77
-- net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's (git-fixes).
-- commit 3d175df
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/sbitmap-avoid-lockups-when-waker-gets-preempted.patch:
+  Current sbitmap code in 6.4 doesn't have the race.
+- commit 88c81f0
-- mlxsw: pci: Add shutdown method in PCI driver (git-fixes).
-- commit d9c79ec
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/mount-warn-only-once-about-timestamp-range-expiratio.patch.
+  Upstreamed via commit a128b054ce02 ("mount: warn only once about
+  timestamp range expiration") in v5.18-rc1.
+- commit 1eda8fd
-- blacklist.conf: add drivers/net/ethernet/renesas/ drivers
-- commit 0c8d3f5
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-allow-mount-remount-when-stripe-width-alignment-.patch.
+- commit de9c3d8
-- sfc: fix crash when reading stats while NIC is resetting
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 61c7a4c
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/xfs-remove-experimental-tag-for-dax-support.patch.
+- commit 207884d
-- ice: Fix crash by keep old cfg when update TCs more than queues
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit 4e80ce2
+- Revert "misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg"
+  (bsc#1214397,bsc#1214428).
+- commit 0816489
+- Delete patches.suse/setuid-dumpable-wrongdir.
+  Dropped as per jsc#PED-6319
+- commit c9ee1be
+- Refresh patches.suse/Restore-kABI-for-NVidia-vGPU-driver.patch.
+- commit 3b82441
+- Re-enable kABI placeholder patches for ASoC and HD-audio
+- commit 5f24bf4
+- Re-enable nouveau blacklist for Turing and Ampere
+  The situation about nouveau hasn't been changed.
+- commit 693f494
+- Re-enable synaptics and ata fix patches
+  Those workarounds are still valid.
+- commit d797d34
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-Warn-users-of-node-memory-hot-remove-if-the-memory-ratio-is-a-high-risk.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-inform-about-enabling-mirrored-memory.patch.
+  re-enable debugability non-upstream improvements.
+- commit 6f8f3c5
+- Delete patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch
+  It was a transitional workaround.  No longer needed.
+- commit 0766049
+- Delete patches.suse/thermal-Add-a-sanity-check-for-invalid-state-at-stat.patch
+  The old workaround for SLE15-SP4/5.  Should have been obsoleted in 6.4.
+- commit 19a31d1
+- Delete patches.suse/Fix-null-pointer-dereference-in-drm_dp_atomic_find_time_slots.patch
+  It's a temporary workaround that was applied for SLE15-SP5.  Let's drop.
+- commit e4825d8
+- Delete patches.suse/char-pcmcia-synclink_cs-Fix-use-after-free-in-mgslpc.patch
+  It's for PCMCIA and already disabled on all flavors.
+- commit c1a3353
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0002-kernel-smp-make-csdlock-timeout-depend-on-boot-param.patch.
+- commit e4b9f75
+- Delete patches.suse/ath11k-pci-Add-more-MODULE_FIRMWARE-entries.patch
+  It's already included in 6.4 kernel.
+- commit 7e548aa
+- Delete patches.suse/smaps_rollup-fix-no-vmas-null-deref.patch.
+  c4c84f06285e ("fs/proc/task_mmu: stop using linked list and
+  highest_vm_end") which is the proper fix is already included in the base
+  kernel.
+- commit 0a8b09e
+- Drop obsoleted arm64 patches
+  Deleted the changes that have been obsoleted / become invalid in the upstream:
+  patches.suse/arch-arm64-mm_context-t-placeholder.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-select-CPUMASK_OFFSTACK-if-NUMA.patch
+  patches.suse/arm64-set-UXN-on-swapper-page-tables.patch
+- commit 51ba575
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/binfmt_elf-takethe-mmap_lock-when-walking-the-VMA-list.patch.
+  2aa362c49c31 ("coredump: extend core dump note section to contain file
+  names of mapped files") is the proper fix already included in the base
+  kernel
+- commit d280d0f
+- Delete patches.suse/ahci-Add-Intel-Emmitsburg-PCH-RAID-PCI-IDs.patch
+  8086:282f has been already included in the upstream, while 8086:282b
+  is never released.
+- commit 3276e1e
+- powerpc: Move DMA64_PROPNAME define to a header (bsc#1214297 ltc#197503).
+- commit 20076ce
-- powerpc/pseries: Honour current SMT state when DLPAR onlining
-  CPUs (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- powerpc: Add HOTPLUG_SMT support (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462
-  ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/0001-net-sched-tcindex-Do-not-use-perfect-hashing.patch.
+  Replaced with upstream commit 8c710f75256b ("net/sched: Retire tcindex classifier").
+- commit 8e7e62a
+- powerpc/fadump: invoke ibm,os-term with rtas_call_unlocked()
+  (bsc#1210421 ltc#202733).
+- commit 395c794
+- powerpc/idle: Add support for nohlt (bac#1214529).
-- powerpc/pseries: Initialise CPU hotplug callbacks earlier
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Allow enabling partial SMT states via sysfs
-  (bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Create topology_smt_thread_allowed() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Remove topology_smt_supported() (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Store the current/max number of threads (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move smt/control simple exit cases earlier (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- cpu/SMT: Move SMT prototypes into cpu_smt.h (bsc#1214285
-  bsc#1205462 ltc#200161 ltc#200588).
-- commit 8bd8972
+- commit 1309479
-- sched/psi: use kernfs polling functions for PSI trigger polling
-  (bsc#1209799).
-- commit 4477665
+- old-flavors: Drop 2.6 kernels.
+  2.6 based kernels are EOL, upgrading from them is no longer suported.
+- commit 7bb5087
-- md/raid0: Fix performance regression for large sequential writes
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- md/raid0: Factor out helper for mapping and submitting a bio
-  (bsc#1213916).
-- commit d85264e
+- powerpc/pseries: new character devices for RTAS functions
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01242f0
-- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
-  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
-- commit 4e5fad7
+- block: sed-opal: keyring support for SED keys (jsc#PED-3545).
+- Update config files.
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_REVERT_LSP (jsc#PED-3545).
+- block: sed-opal: Implement IOC_OPAL_DISCOVERY (jsc#PED-3545).
+- commit c8bb675
-- ceph: don't check for quotas on MDS stray dirs (bsc#1214238).
-- commit dcb3418
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-intel-hda-Clean-up-link-DMA-for-IPC3-during.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 58e4b74
-- iommu/dma: Fix incorrect error return on iommu deferred attach
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit c7a880f
+  patches.suse/drm-nouveau-disp-fix-use-after-free-in-error-handlin.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit 28ed2c1
-- iommu/dma: return error code from iommu_dma_map_sg()
-  (git-fixes).
-- Refresh patches.suse/iommu-dma-Fix-arch_sync_dma-for-map.patch.
-  patches.suse/iommu-dma-check-config_swiotlb-more-broadly.
-- commit 5d989c6
+  patches.suse/Revert-drm-edid-Fix-csync-detailed-mode-parsing.patch.
+  Update to upstream version and move to sorted section.
+- commit edfd280
-- iommu/amd: Fix pci device refcount leak in ppr_notifier()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ill-formed ivrs_ioapic, ivrs_hpet and
-  ivrs_acpihid options (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix ivrs_acpihid cmdline parsing code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/fsl_pamu: Fix resource leak in fsl_pamu_probe()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/rockchip: fix permission bits in page table entries v2
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Remove IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Implement .iotlb_sync_map (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix flush size (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix R/W permission check (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Consider all fault sources for reset (git-fixes).
-- iommu/sun50i: Fix reset release (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in
-  dmar_dev_scope_init() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI device refcount leak in has_external_pci()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Set SRE bit only when hardware has SRS cap
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Preset Access bit for IOVA in FL non-leaf paging
-  entries (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Clean up si_domain in the init_dmars() error path
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/iova: Fix module config properly (git-fixes).
-- iommu/omap: Fix buffer overflow in debugfs (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make default domain type of HiSilicon PTT
-  device to identity (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Check correct capability for sagaw determination
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Correctly calculate sagaw value of IOMMU
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Fix kdump kernels boot failure with scalable mode
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: use full 64-bit value in build_completion_wait()
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Fix compile warning in init code (git-fixes).
-- iommu/amd: Add PCI segment support for ivrs_ commands
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add a quirk to allow pgtable PA up
-  to 35bit (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dma: Fix iova map result check bug (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: check return value after calling
-  platform_get_resource() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu: fix possible null-ptr-deref in
-  arm_smmu_device_probe() (git-fixes).
-- iommu/vt-d: Add RPLS to quirk list to skip TE disabling
-  (git-fixes).
-- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: fix event handling soft lockup (git-fixes).
-- iommu/dart: Initialize DART_STREAMS_ENABLE (git-fixes).
-- commit b73aa3b
+- rpm/ Re-enable supported.conf check again
+- commit 996f035
+- mkspec: Allow unsupported KMPs (bsc#1214386)
+- commit 55d8b82
+- check-for-config-changes: ignore BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS_STRIPS_PAC (bsc#1214380).
+  gcc7 on SLE 15 does not support this while later gcc does.
+- commit 5b41c27
+- blacklist.conf: Drop obsoleted entries
+  ... while keepng the blacklist paths
+- commit 953ef5b
+- supported.conf: update for 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Draft version, the new entries are marked with SP6-NEED-REVIEW comments
+  Aligned with ALP-current commit 2c77a1e663f2 except for a few
+  filesystems (reiserfs, hfsplus, quota_v1 and ufs)
+- commit 1d117c2
+- Bump to 6.4 kernel (jsc#PED-4593)
+  Merge the contents of ALP-current branch as is with keeping the
+  downstream fix patches marked with +SP6-NEED-REVIEW tag.
+  The 6.4.x stable patches are still in
+  The configs are updated from the merge of stable and SLE15-SP5.
+  supported.conf is not updated yet, hence the modules may be included
+  in wrong sub-packages as of this commit.
+  The references for the new patches taken from ALP-current:
+  boo#1193472 bsc#1204315 bsc#1208724 bsc#1212091 ltc#199106 bsc#1212533
+  bsc#1212808 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213693 bsc#1214285 bsc#1205462 ltc#200161
+  ltc#200588
+  The references between 6.4 merge to the latest ALP-current:
+  bsc#1012628 bsc#1120059 bsc#1205462 bsc#1208724 bsc#1209006 bsc#1212091
+  bsc#1212395 bsc#1212405 bsc#1212471 bsc#1212505 bsc#1212533 bsc#1212741
+  bsc#1212773 bsc#1212775 bsc#1212808 bsc#1212835 bsc#1212874 bsc#1213270
+  bsc#1213491 bsc#1213545 bsc#1213583 bsc#1213592 bsc#1213645 bsc#1213693
+  bsc#1213779 bsc#1213787 bsc#1214120 bsc#1214149 bsc#1214193 bsc#1214212
+  bsc#1214285 bsc#1214380
+  jsc#PED-2006 jsc#PED-3039 jsc#PED-3186 jsc#PED-3637 jsc#PED-3750
+  jsc#PED-4114 jsc#PED-5484 jsc#PED-949 jsc#PED-962 jsc#SLE-12908
+  CVE-2023-3269 CVE-2023-35826 CVE-2023-4128 CVE-2023-4273
+- commit d016c04
+- rpm/ disable supported.conf check temporarily for 6.4 updates
+- commit 76638c4
+- Change to SLE15-SP6 branch (jsc#PED-4593)
+  The base kernel version isn't changed yet.
+  Updated maintainers, removed kABI, and updated IBS/OBS projects.
+  OBS 32bit Arm project isn't updated yet.
+- commit 126b9a7
+- kernel-binary: Common dependencies cleanup
+  Common dependencies are copied to a subpackage, there is no need for
+  copying defines or build dependencies there.
+- commit 254b03c
+- kernel-binary: Drop code for kerntypes support
+  Kerntypes was a SUSE-specific feature dropped before SLE 12.
+- commit 2c37773
+- drm/nouveau/disp: fix use-after-free in error handling of
+  nouveau_connector_create (bsc#1214073).
+- commit 4e5fad7
-- nvme-rdma: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- nvme-tcp: fix potential unbalanced freeze & unfreeze
-  (bsc#1208902).
-- commit 2d8bf94
-- x86/mce: Make sure logged MCEs are processed after sysfs update (git-fixes).
-- commit 64aa9ec
-- x86/CPU/AMD: Disable XSAVES on AMD family 0x17 (git-fixes).
-- commit b1259cb
-- x86/speculation: Add cpu_show_gds() prototype (git-fixes).
-- commit edd5557
-- fs/sysv: Null check to prevent null-ptr-deref bug (git-fixes).
-- commit ae6500e
-- iio: cros_ec: Fix the allocation size for cros_ec_command
-  (git-fixes).
-- iio: adc: ina2xx: avoid NULL pointer dereference on OF device
-  match (git-fixes).
-- usb: dwc3: Properly handle processing of pending events
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb-storage: alauda: Fix uninit-value in alauda_check_media()
-  (git-fixes).
-- usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Prevent bailing out if initial
-  role is none (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd when configuring
-  pin assignment (git-fixes).
-- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix response to vsafe0V event (git-fixes).
-- commit d86b205
-- netfilter: KABI workaround for CVE-2023-3610 bsc#1213580
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit ecae123
-- netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic
-  (bsc#1213580 CVE-2023-3610).
-- commit 12da4f7
-- hwmon: (pmbus/bel-pfe) Enable PMBUS_SKIP_STATUS_CHECK for
-  pfe1100 (git-fixes).
-- nilfs2: fix use-after-free of nilfs_root in dirtying inodes
-  via iput (git-fixes).
-- drm/amd/display: check attr flag before set cursor degamma on
-  DCN3+ (git-fixes).
-- drm/shmem-helper: Reset vma->vm_ops before calling
-  dma_buf_mmap() (git-fixes).
-- drm/rockchip: Don't spam logs in atomic check (git-fixes).
-- drm/nouveau/disp: Revert a NULL check inside
-  nouveau_connector_get_modes (git-fixes).
-- arm64: dts: imx8mn-var-som: add missing pull-up for onboard
-  PHY reset pinmux (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: fix enumeration completion (git-fixes).
-- net: usbnet: Fix WARNING in usbnet_start_xmit/usb_submit_urb
-  (git-fixes).
-- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free in l2cap_sock_ready_cb
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests/rseq: check if libc rseq support is registered
-  (git-fixes).
-- soundwire: bus: pm_runtime_request_resume on peripheral
-  attachment (git-fixes).
-- commit 1f8ce0d
-- net/sched: cls_route: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_fw: No longer copy tcf_result on update to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- net/sched: cls_u32: No longer copy tcf_result on update  to
-  avoid use-after-free (bsc#1214149 CVE-2023-4128).
-- commit 9904c3b
-- ceph: never send metrics if disable_send_metrics is set
-  (bsc#1214180).
-- commit 32f3ae7
-- wifi: cfg80211: fix sband iftype data lookup for AP_VLAN
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: tc_flower: Relax success criterion
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool_extended_state: Skip when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: ethtool: Skip when using veth pairs
-  (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Add a helper to skip test when using
-  veth pairs (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Switch off timeout (git-fixes).
-- selftests: forwarding: Skip test when no interfaces are
-  specified (git-fixes).
-- net: phy: at803x: remove set/get wol callbacks for AR8032
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: pl330: Return DMA_PAUSED when transaction is paused
-  (git-fixes).
-- dmaengine: mcf-edma: Fix a potential un-allocated memory access
-  (git-fixes).
-- commit b70a6bf
-- blacklist.conf: Blacklist useless doc fix
-- commit 685dbed
-- exfat: check if filename entries exceeds max filename length
-  (bsc#1214120 CVE-2023-4273).
-- commit b7e68de
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946 bsc#1214404).
-- netfs: Fix missing xas_retry() calls in xarray iteration
-  (bsc#1213946).
-- commit e7bc55c
-- powerpc/security: Fix Speculation_Store_Bypass reporting on
-  Power10 (bsc#1188885 ltc#193722 git-fixes).
-- commit 298c13e
+- x86/sev: Add SNP-specific unaccepted memory support  (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 5c42f70
+- x86/sev: Use large PSC requests if applicable (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 0856765
+- x86/sev: Allow for use of the early boot GHCB for PSC requests (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 60199fa
+- x86/sev: Put PSC struct on the stack in prep for unaccepted memory  support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 97e9c3a
+- x86/tdx: Add unaccepted memory support (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit f20d514
+- x86/tdx: Refactor try_accept_one() (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 1ecd7d0
+- x86/tdx: Make _tdx_hypercall() and __tdx_module_call() available in  boot stub (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit c232bda
+- x86/boot/compressed: Handle unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit 4bd0435
+- mm: Add support for unaccepted memory (jsc#PED-4747).
+- commit a1a31b1
-- scsi: core: Improve warning message in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_device_block()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Don't wait for quiesce in scsi_stop_queue()
-  (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: core: Merge scsi_internal_device_block() and
-  device_block() (bsc#1209284).
-- scsi: sg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- scsi: bsg: Increase number of devices (bsc#1210048).
-- commit 8f3e780
-- rpm/ Disable DT build.
-  This setting has been ignored for non-default variants so far.
-- commit f4371ff
-- commit 204fbb3
-- set CONFIG_SCSI_COMMON=y (jsc#PED-1183).
-- commit 647047f
-- Update azure config.
-- commit 89e22ef
-- disable CS_DSP
-- commit 884c939
-- increase NR_CPUS on azure and follow kernel-default (bsc#1203979)
-- commit 21230c1
-- build mlx in azure as modules again (bsc#1203701)
-  There is little gain by having the drivers built into the kernel.
-  Having them as modules allows easy replacement by third party drivers.
-  On x86_64, change mlx* from built-in to module.
-  On arm64, change mlx4, mlx5 and mlxfw from built-in to module.
-- commit 6b012fa
-- explicit set MODULE_SIG_HASH in azure config (bsc#1203933)
-  Setting this option became mandatory in Feb 2022.
-  While the lack of this option did not cause issues with automated builds,
-  a manual osc build started to fail due to incorrect macro expansion.
-- commit a934fdc
-- add Kirk Allan as branch maintainer
-- commit d230588
-- README.BRANCH: update maintainer email address
-- commit 0252c8a
-- enable DRM_BOCHS as module (bsc#1200572)
-- commit ea923ea
-- enable SERIAL_8250_PNP to avoid IRQ conflict between ttyS0 and rtc0 (bsc#1197303)
-- commit c637e49
-- Disable hyperv_fb in favour of hyperv_drm (jsc#SLE-19733)
-- commit b08b929
-- sort azure config files.
-- commit 038a474
-- Update config files.
-- commit aec54b3
-- Update config files.
-- commit a928253
-- Update config files.
-  - GPIO_MB86S7X
-  - RTC_DRV_R7301
-- commit 651101e
-- Update config files.
-  sync x86_64 with arm64
-- commit 2b3758f
-- Update config files.
-  - IMA
-  - TCG_TIS
-  - TCG_TPM
-  - TEE
-- commit 76a3041
-- Update config files.
-  NR_CPUS=512
-- commit 91991c3
-- Adjust config.conf to really build kernel-azure.aarch64
-- commit b8679a4
-- Update config files.
-  - ARCH_BCM2835
-  - ARCH_BCM4908
-  - ARCH_K3
-  - ARCH_LG1K
-  - ARCH_S32
-  - BATTERY_DS2780
-  - BATTERY_DS2781
-  - MFD_HI6421_PMIC
-  - PHY_PXA_28NM_USB2
-- commit 9a71ab0
-- Build kernel-azure.aarch64 (jsc#SLE-17855,bsc#1186071)
-- commit 10d58cd
-- Update config files.
-- commit e4c052a
-- Update config files.
-  - SPI
-- commit 8b183cc
-- Update config files.
-  - PVH
-- commit 809b1af
-- Update config files.
-  - VDPA
-- commit 87e6234
-- Update config files.
-- commit a9cc33f
-- Update config files. MLX=y
-  As an experiment, build the MLX drivers into the kernel.
-  With accelerated networking this hardware is always available.
-  MLX4_CORE=y
-  MLX4_EN=y
-  MLX5_CORE=y
-  MLXFW=y
-  VXLAN=y
-- commit e0c8d92
-- Update config files.
-- commit f4a416b
-- Update config files.
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_IDT82P33
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW
-  - PTP_1588_CLOCK_OCP
-  - SPI_MUX
-  - WWAN
-- commit 9b72bf1
-- Update config files.
-- commit 929d702
-- Update config files.
-  - BCM_VK
-  - CXL_BUS
-  - HW_RANDOM_BA431
-  - LMK04832
-  - LPC_ICH
-  - LPC_SCH
-  - MFD_VX855
-  - MHI_BUS
-  - PLX_DMA
-  - SF_PDMA
-  - TI_ST
-- commit 42e9b9c
-- Update config files.
-  - W1
-- commit 06ff2a6
-- Update config files.
-  - MFD_TQMX86
-  - NET_VENDOR_8390
-- commit cbde459
-- Update config files.
-- commit 0769254
-- config.conf: disable !azure
-- commit 09a3505
-- Add azure config
-- commit cc8ec28
-- rpm/ set VARIANT=-azure, for kernel-source
-- commit 771f9ac
-- commit 15b5bb2
-- Created new preempt kernel flavor
-  Configs are cloned from the respective $arch/default configs. All
-  changed configs appart from CONFIG_PREEMPT->y are a result of
-  dependencies, namely many lock/unlock primitives are no longer
-  inlined in the preempt kernel. TREE_RCU has been also changed to
-  PREEMPT_RCU which is the default implementation for PREEMPT kernel.
-- commit ba6a3b0
+- commit f994874
-- commit 74358bf
+- commit f295c06
+- Update -rt config files.
+- commit b2029bb
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- Refresh -rt config files.
+- commit e539d6b
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- octeontx2-af: cn10k: Set NIX DWRR MTU for CN10KB silicon
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/page_pool-split-types-and-declarations-from-page_poo.patch.
+- commit 9853343
+- octeontx2-pf: Free pending and dropped SQEs (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix holes in error code (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix error codes (jsc#PED-6931).
+- page_pool: remove PP_FLAG_PAGE_FRAG (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: assert hardware structure sizes (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: devlink health: use retained error fmsg API
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable hardware timestamping for VFs
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: replace deprecated strncpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: add DEV_STATS_READ() helper (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Tc flower offload support for MPLS (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: restructured interrupt handlers (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeon_ep: support to fetch firmware info (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Enable PTP PPS output support (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: update BQL sent bytes before ringing doorbell
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool frag allocation warning
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: update PN only when update_pn is true
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: indicate next pn update when offloading
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Do xdp_do_flush() after redirects (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: fix tx dma unmap len values in SG (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix page pool cache index corruption
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Fix truncation of smq in CN10K NIX AQ enqueue
+  mbox handler (jsc#PED-6931).
+- Revert "net: macsec: preserve ingress frame ordering"
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- cteonxt2-pf: Fix backpressure config for multiple PFC priorities
+  to work simultaneously (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: fix PFC configuration (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Fix PFC TX scheduler free (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: fix page_pool creation fail for rings > 32k
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: print error message incase of invalid pf mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add validation of lmac (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Don't treat lack of CGX interfaces as error
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: CN10KB: Add USGMII LMAC mode (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Use PTP HW timestamp counter atomic update feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: macsec: Use helper functions to update stats
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Allow both ntuple and TC features on the interface
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: Add control plane host and firmware versions
+  (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-af: Harden rule validation (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions rvu_npc_exact_mac2u64()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Use u64_to_ether_addr() to convert ethernet
+  address (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Remove redundant functions mac2u64() and cfg2mac()
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: TC flower offload support for inner VLAN
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Code restructure to handle TC outer VLAN offload
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2: Remove unnecessary ternary operators (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- tc: flower: Enable offload support IPSEC SPI field
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: Add IPSEC dissector (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Initialize 'cntr_val' to fix uninitialized symbol
+  error (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Install TC filter rules in hardware based on
+  priority (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: htb offload support for Round Robin scheduling
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: implement transmit schedular allocation algorithm
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Generate hash key using ecb(aes)
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeon_ep: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc (jsc#PED-6954).
+- octeontx2-pf: TC flower offload support for rxqueue mapping
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Set XOFF on other child transmit schedulers
+  during SMQ flush (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: add option to toggle DROP_RE enable in rx cfg
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Enable LBK links only when switch mode is on
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: extend RSS supported offload types (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-af: Add devlink option to adjust mcam high prio zone
+  entries (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: flow_dissector: add support for cfm packets (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for page pool (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Support VLAN in clear text (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Remove unneeded semicolon (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: ethtool expose qos stats (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Add support for HTB offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Prepare for QOS offload (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Refactor schedular queue alloc/free calls
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: qos send queues management (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: Rename tot_tx_queues to non_qos_queues
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- octeontx2-pf: mcs: Offload extended packet number(XPN) feature
+  (jsc#PED-6931).
+- net: octeontx2: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() to create ordered
+  workqueues (jsc#PED-6931).
+- commit 72b73a0
+- Update config files: CONFIG_SND_SOC_WSA883X=m for Thinkpad X13s audio (bsc#1217412)
+- commit 72eb62b
+- x86/microcode/AMD: Rip out static buffers (jsc#PED-5525).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-cpu-Fix-amd_check_microcode-declaration.patch.
+- commit aca1f5e
+- EDAC/amd64: Add support for AMD family 1Ah models 00h-1Fh and 40h-4Fh (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit f369b43
+- hwmon: (k10temp) Add thermal support for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- commit 76f4f91
+- x86/amd_nb: Add PCI IDs for AMD Family 1Ah-based models (jsc#PED-5524).
+- Refresh patches.suse/PCI-Prevent-xHCI-driver-from-claiming-AMD-VanGogh-US.patch.
+- commit d4e29d6
+- s390/uv: Update query for secret-UVCs (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: replace scnprintf with sysfs_emit (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Lock Secret Store' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'List Secrets' UVC (jsc#PED-3289
+  jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add 'Add Secret' UVC (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uvdevice: Add info IOCTL (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- s390/uv: Always export uv_info (jsc#PED-3289 jsc#PED-5417).
+- commit 278af04
+- s390/paes: fix PKEY_TYPE_EP11_AES handling for secure keyblobs
+  (git-fixes bsc#1217410).
+- commit b3d3c85
+- KVM: SVM: Fix build error when using
+  - Werror=unused-but-set-variable (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2b98018
+- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ce7c103
+- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ccd8a47
+- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7ea5c62
+- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
+  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 311b967
+- idpf: add SRIOV support and other ndo_ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- Update config files.
+- supported.conf: marked idpf as supported
+- commit 2317135
+- idpf: fix potential use-after-free in idpf_tso() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: add missing free_percpu when page_pool_init fail
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: update document about fragment API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: introduce page_pool_alloc() API (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: unify frag_count handling in page_pool_is_last_frag()
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: cancel mailbox work in error path (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: set scheduling mode for completion queue (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fragment API support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ethtool callbacks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add singleq start_xmit and napi poll (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add RX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add TX splitq napi poll support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add splitq start_xmit (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: initialize interrupts and enable vport (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for RX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: configure resources for TX queues (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add ptypes and MAC filter support (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add create vport and netdev configuration (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add core init and interrupt request (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add controlq init and reset checks (jsc#PED-6716).
+- idpf: add module register and probe functionality
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- virtchnl: add virtchnl version 2 ops (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: fix documentation typos (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: de-duplicate the intro comment
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: add a lockdep check for recycling in hardirq
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: place frag_* fields in one cacheline (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: skbuff: don't include <net/page_pool/types.h> to
+  <linux/skbuff.h> (jsc#PED-6716).
+- page_pool: split types and declarations from page_pool.h
+  (jsc#PED-6716).
+- docs: net: page_pool: use kdoc to avoid duplicating the
+  information (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: merge page_pool_release_page() with
+  page_pool_return_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- net: page_pool: hide page_pool_release_page() (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: stmmac: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- eth: tsnep: let page recycling happen with skbs (jsc#PED-6716).
+- commit 7d16fc6
+- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
+  uabi buffer (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ec8afd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Synthesize at most one PMI per VM-exit
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c54b9f9
+- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 38f87fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b3a4bf5
+- x86/sev: Change npages to unsigned long in snp_accept_memory()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 851ed71
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use pm_pr_dbg() for suspend related
+  messages (bsc#1217382).
+- include/linux/suspend.h: Only show pm_pr_dbg messages at
+  suspend/resume (bsc#1217382).
+- commit e8774c4
+- x86/sev: Use the GHCB protocol when available for SNP CPUID
+  requests (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ed834cf
+- KVM: SVM: Do not use user return MSR support for virtualized
+  TSC_AUX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1162f08
+- Update config files: just refreshing
+- commit 2edd057
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: adjust getting DRAM size behavior
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: Fix iomem handling (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add dump_custom_stb module parameter
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Handle overflow cases where the
+  num_samples range is higher (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Use flex array when calling
+  amd_pmc_stb_debugfs_open_v2() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: improve the error log (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: add support for metrics tbl
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/hsmp: create plat specific struct
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Add PMFW command id to support S2D force
+  flush (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Add s2idle quirk for more Lenovo laptops
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- uapi: stddef.h: Fix header guard location (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Fix build error with randconfig
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmc: Move PMC driver to separate directory
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd/pmf: Use str_on_off() helper (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: counted_by: Adjust name and identifier
+  expansion (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Use release_mem_region() to undo
+  request_mem_region_muxed() (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add new ACPI ID AMDI0103 (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add new ACPI ID AMDI000A (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Apply nvme quirk to HP 15s-eq2xxx
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86: Move s2idle quirk from thinkpad-acpi to amd-pmc
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- lib/string_helpers: Split out string_choices.h (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Update metrics table info for Pink
+  Sardine (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Add helper function to check the cpu id
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Get STB DRAM size from PMFW
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- platform/x86/amd: pmc: Pass true/false to bool argument
+  (bsc#1217382).
+- Compiler Attributes: Add __counted_by macro (bsc#1217382).
+- commit bc41d9e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Stop zapping invalidated TDP MMU roots
+  asynchronously (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 885e45c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Do not filter address spaces in
+  for_each_tdp_mmu_root_yield_safe() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bc3d564
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Open code leaf invalidation from mmu_notifier
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fa07165
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use dummy root, backed by zero page, for !visible
+  guest roots (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1cb5a4a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Disallow guest from using !visible slots for
+  page tables (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e4de09c
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden TDP MMU iteration against root w/o shadow
+  page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a2abdae
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Harden new PGD against roots without shadow pages
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81cc556
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add helper to convert root hpa to shadow page
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9f5cccc
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Handle KVM bookkeeping in page-track APIs,
+  not callers (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b426979
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop @slot param from exported/external page-track
+  APIs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f60a53a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if write-tracking is used but not
+  enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9a0fd92
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert that correct locks are held for page
+  write-tracking (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4c2f351
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename page-track APIs to reflect the new reality
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6294c39
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Drop infrastructure for multiple page-track modes
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f8f8636
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use page-track notifiers iff there are external
+  users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 88d749b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move KVM-only page-track declarations to internal
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 890548b
+- KVM: x86: Remove the unused page-track hook track_flush_slot()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 21fdf4a
+- drm/i915/gvt: switch from ->track_flush_slot() to
+  - >track_remove_region() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 485ec9a
+- KVM: x86: Add a new page-track hook to handle memslot deletion
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 120d16f
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't bother removing write-protection on
+  to-be-deleted slot (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ad319bd
+- KVM: x86: Reject memslot MOVE operations if KVMGT is attached
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 07041be
+- KVM: drm/i915/gvt: Drop @vcpu from KVM's ->track_write() hook
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a40a090
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't bounce through page-track mechanism for
+  guest PTEs (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 000dab9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Don't rely on page-track mechanism to flush on
+  memslot change (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit df05e91
+- xfs: allow inode inactivation during a ro mount log recovery
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb5b88b
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move kvm_arch_flush_shadow_{all,memslot}()
+  to mmu.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c587251
+- drm/i915/gvt: Protect gfn hash table with vgpu_lock
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 482fee2
+- drm/i915/gvt: Use an "unsigned long" to iterate over memslot
+  gfns (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 549b1d3
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't rely on KVM's gfn_to_pfn() to query possible
+  2M GTT (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9cb58b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Error out on an attempt to shadowing an unknown
+  GTT entry type (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4212804
+- drm/i915/gvt: Explicitly check that vGPU is attached before
+  shadowing (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 022343b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Don't try to unpin an empty page range
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 206703b
+- drm/i915/gvt: Verify hugepages are contiguous in physical
+  address space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6312ded
+- drm/i915/gvt: remove interface intel_gvt_is_valid_gfn
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bea1f04
+- KVM: x86/mmu: BUG() in rmap helpers iff
+- commit cf85326
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: change iwl_mvm_flush_sta() API (git-fixes).
+- commit b356cb3
+- irqchip/gic-v3-its: Flush ITS tables correctly in non-coherent
+  GIC designs (git-fixes).
+- gve: Fixes for napi_poll when budget is 0 (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: fix wrong mask/val parameters in
+  regmap_update_bits call (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: Include linux/errno.h in linux/verification.h (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix IRQ shutdown stopping polling for all IRQs
+  on chip (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use kvmalloc() consistently (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: pmic_glink: fix connector type to be DisplayPort
+  (git-fixes).
+- soc: qcom: llcc: Handle a second device without data corruption
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Fix computation formula (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Use FIELD_GET() for PLL register fields
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Use stromer plus ops for stromer plus
+  pll (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: introduce stromer plus ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Disallow write access if virtual registers
+  are locked (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (sch5627) Use bit macros when accessing the control
+  register (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: Fix hardcoded reference clock (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: switch to use modern name (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix netif csum flags (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix iwl_mvm_mac_flush_sta() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Don't always bind/link the P2P Device
+  interface (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: fix per-band IEEE80211_CONF_MONITOR flag comparison
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: get rid of false alamrs of tx emission issues
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: set correct wcid in txp (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: remove unused error path in
+  mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix kernel-doc for wiphy_delayed_work_flush()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: increase number of RX buffers for EHT devices
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move sched-scan stop work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move offchannel works to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move scan work to wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: move radar detect work to wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add flush functions for wiphy work (git-fixes).
+- gve: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: pcf85363: Allow to wake up system without IRQ (git-fixes).
+- HID: cp2112: Make irq_chip immutable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: connac: move connac3 definitions in
+  mt76_connac3_mac.h (git-fixes).
+- spi: omap2-mcspi: remove redundant dev_err_probe() (git-fixes).
+- commit d64fd89
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Plumb "struct kvm" all the way to
+  pte_list_remove() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 513e4f4
+  stub (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c9fb2cf
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Replace MMU_DEBUG with proper KVM_PROVE_MMU
+  Kconfig (jsc#PED-7322).
+- update config
+- commit f004b77
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Bug the VM if a vCPU ends up in long mode without
+  PAE enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d62f44
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Convert "runtime" WARN_ON() assertions to
+  WARN_ON_ONCE() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5ab00fb
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Rename MMU_WARN_ON() to KVM_MMU_WARN_ON()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a09fb69
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Cleanup sanity check of SPTEs at SP free
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4bf9e14
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Avoid pointer arithmetic when iterating over SPTEs
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a10cc31
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete the "dbg" module param (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd5af0a
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete rmap_printk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0a0a72
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Delete pgprintk() and all its usage
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33d28b6
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Move the lockdep_assert of mmu_lock to inside
+  clear_dirty_pt_masked() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2be22f3
+- KVM: VMX: Delete ancient pr_warn() about KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR not
+  being set (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 45a383f
+- xfs: abort intent items when recovery intents fail (git-fixes).
+- commit 8c58e35
+- xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort (git-fixes).
+- commit c11ee61
+- xfs: recovery should not clear di_flushiter unconditionally
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 127d2ec
+- KVM: SVM: Require nrips support for SEV guests (and beyond)
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c1ca735
+- xfs: up(ic_sema) if flushing data device fails (git-fixes).
+- commit 7ac0b39
+- xfs: only remap the written blocks in xfs_reflink_end_cow_extent
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e4edf9a
+- xfs: make sure maxlen is still congruent with prod when rounding
+  down (git-fixes).
+- commit c4c4007
+- xfs: fix units conversion error in xfs_bmap_del_extent_delay
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5b9b3d4
+- xfs: adjust the incore perag block_count when shrinking
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit d1fc147
+- xfs: require a relatively recent V5 filesystem for LARP mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 62ce09a
+- xfs: reserve less log space when recovering log intent items
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2df5f25
+- xfs: fix log recovery when unknown rocompat bits are set
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b95382
+- xfs: use per-mount cpumask to track nonempty percpu inodegc
+  lists (git-fixes).
+- commit 85b92c2
+- xfs: fix per-cpu CIL structure aggregation racing with dying
+  cpus (git-fixes).
+- commit d1f8099
+- xfs: fix an agbno overflow in __xfs_getfsmap_datadev
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2369f5b
+- xfs: fix dqiterate thinko (git-fixes).
+- commit d463542
+- KVM: x86: Disallow guest CPUID lookups when IRQs are disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6bbb6e4
+- xfs: fix agf_fllast when repairing an empty AGFL (git-fixes).
+- commit d00a02c
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vNMI
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 574073b
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "vGIF
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5f38203
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "Pause
+  Filter enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ebf0cbb
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "LBRv
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 71ab721
+- fs: ocfs2: namei: check return value of ocfs2_add_entry()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 792fc1a
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "vVM{SAVE,LOAD} enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3388e7f
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "TSC
+  scaling enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9c63e90
+- KVM: nSVM: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "NRIPS
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8449389
+- KVM: nVMX: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "nested
+  VMX enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8ec7550
+- KVM: x86: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track "XSAVES
+  enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit 4542bb1
+- KVM: VMX: Rename XSAVES control to follow KVM's preferred
+  "ENABLE_XYZ" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6830ffb
+- KVM: VMX: Check KVM CPU caps, not just VMX MSR support, for
+  XSAVE enabling (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 652e9dd
+- KVM: VMX: Recompute "XSAVES enabled" only after CPUID update
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 16a8f99
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Use KVM-governed feature framework to track
+  "GBPAGES enabled" (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c52c867
+- KVM: x86: Add a framework for enabling KVM-governed x86 features
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6cced89
+- x86: kvm: x86: Remove unnecessary initial values of variables
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ba5f3e4
+- KVM: VMX: Rename vmx_get_max_tdp_level() to
+  vmx_get_max_ept_level() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fc841c
+- KVM: x86: Remove WARN sanity check on hypervisor timer
+  vs. UNINITIALIZED vCPU (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 987d422
+- KVM: x86: Remove break statements that will never be executed
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 19bb15f
+- KVM: Wrap kvm_{gfn,hva}_range.pte in a per-action union
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9fcdb4e
+- KVM: arm64: Use kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 685780b
+- KVM: Move kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs_memslot() to common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c993bcc
+- KVM: Allow range-based TLB invalidation from common code
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4179168
+- KVM: Declare kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() globally
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 04da59a
+- KVM: Rename kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlb() to
+  kvm_arch_flush_remote_tlbs() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 351a707
+- x86/sev: Do not handle #VC for DR7 read/write (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a9a776c
+- KVM: nSVM: Skip writes to MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO if guest state
+  isn't loaded (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 81530d1
+- KVM: x86: Always write vCPU's current TSC offset/ratio in
+  vendor hooks (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9ad9c95
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up preemption toggling related to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 841dae0
+- KVM: nSVM: Use the "outer" helper for writing multiplier to
+  MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3261fa
+- KVM: x86: Advertise AMX-COMPLEX CPUID to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9edc054
+- KVM: VMX: Skip VMCLEAR logic during emergency reboots if
+  CR4.VMXE=0 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 47a29cf
+- KVM: SVM: Use "standard" stgi() helper when disabling SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dbe2300
+- KVM: x86: Force kvm_rebooting=true during emergency reboot/crash
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0092171
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move "disable SVM" helper into KVM SVM
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c4273ba
+- KVM: VMX: Ensure CPU is stable when probing basic VMX support
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b977b90
+- KVM: SVM: Check that the current CPU supports SVM in
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 9bada09
+- Revert "i2c: pxa: move to generic GPIO recovery" (git-fixes).
+- commit 0f0ffd2
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_svm() into
+  kvm_is_svm_supported() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/x86-cpu-Clear-SVM-feature-if-disabled-by-BIOS.patch.
+- commit 48ec546
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 14c13bb
+- x86/virt: KVM: Move VMXOFF helpers into KVM VMX (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e383ee5
+- x86/virt: KVM: Open code cpu_has_vmx() in KVM VMX
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d47a34
+- x86/reboot: Expose VMCS crash hooks if and only if
+  KVM_{INTEL,AMD} is enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b8ccd40
+- x86/reboot: Disable virtualization during reboot iff callback
+  is registered (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 51e28f6
+- x86/reboot: Hoist "disable virt" helpers above "emergency
+  reboot" path (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 2ae38a5
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Disable SVM during reboot via virt/KVM reboot
+  callback (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 82d368e
+- x86/reboot: KVM: Handle VMXOFF in KVM's reboot callback
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 74463ec
+- x86/reboot: Harden virtualization hooks for emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3e513e8
+- x86/reboot: VMCLEAR active VMCSes before emergency reboot
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e3124aa
+- KVM: x86: Retry APIC optimized map recalc if vCPU is
+  added/enabled (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ff5641d
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move .hw_event_available() check out of PMC
+  filter helper (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 78cfd97
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Require nr fixed_pmc_events to match nr max
+  fixed counters (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33e7647
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Simplify intel_hw_event_available()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ae027fa
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Use enums instead of hardcoded magic for arch
+  event indices (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dccb63e
+- KVM: SVM: Use svm_get_lbr_vmcb() helper to handle writes to
+  DEBUGCTL (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fe05910
+- KVM: SVM: Clean up handling of LBR virtualization enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ca10c6d
+- KVM: SVM: Fix dead KVM_BUG() code in LBR MSR virtualization
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a8580a7
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for HP Laptops (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirks for ASUS 2024 Zenbooks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G10 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS K6500ZC
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable Mute LED on HP 255 G8 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Dell ALC295 to pin fall back table
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e078e4b
+- KVM: VMX: Drop manual TLB flush when migrating
+  vmcs.APIC_ACCESS_ADDR (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9882cc6
+- dmaengine: ioat: Free up __cleanup() name (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit b1b6a91
+- KVM: VMX: Drop unnecessary vmx_fb_clear_ctrl_available "cache"
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c440a2c
+- KVM: x86: Snapshot host's MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit aa0df00
+- cleanup: Make no_free_ptr() __must_check (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 3dd1359
+- locking: Introduce __cleanup() based infrastructure (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 1036fd2
+- virt: tdx-guest: Add Quote generation support using TSM_REPORTS  (jsc#PED-7167).
+- Update config files.
+- commit a2c35cc
+- virt: sevguest: Add TSM_REPORTS support for SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit e16a069
+- virt: sevguest: Prep for kernel internal get_ext_report() (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit dc2d8c4
+- configfs-tsm: Introduce a shared ABI for attestation reports (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit bfe5573
+- virt: coco: Add a coco/Makefile and coco/Kconfig (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 6e8031f
+- virt: sevguest: Fix passing a stack buffer as a scatterlist target (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 52d5bdb
+- x86/tdx: Mark TSC reliable (jsc#PED-7167).
+- commit 8675487
+- KVM: x86: Advertise host CPUID 0x80000005 in
+- commit 8c9b80c
+- KVM: x86: Remove x86_emulate_ops::guest_has_long_mode
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5da26c
+- KVM: x86: Use sysfs_emit() instead of sprintf() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e7d27fe
+- KVM: SVM: Don't try to pointlessly single-step SEV-ES guests
+  for NMI window (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cac6d67
+- ravb: Fix use-after-free issue in ravb_tx_timeout_work()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- ravb: Fix up dma_free_coherent() call in ravb_remove()
+  (bsc#1212514 CVE-2023-35827).
+- commit e41ee33
+- KVM: SEV-ES: Eliminate #DB intercept when DebugSwap enabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 5d193a3
+- KVM: SEV: Enable data breakpoints in SEV-ES (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit dc5754f
+- KVM: SVM/SEV/SEV-ES: Rework intercepts (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-SVM-Fix-TSC_AUX-virtualization-setup.patch.
+- commit cd7fccd
+- KVM: SEV-ES: explicitly disable debug (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 33a326d
+- KVM: SVM: Rewrite sev_es_prepare_switch_to_guest()'s comment
+  about swap types (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 3bb9fda
+- drm/vmwgfx: Keep a gem reference to user bos in surfaces (CVE-2023-5633, bsc#1216527)
+- commit d4cf539
+- i2c: i801: Add support for Intel Birch Stream SoC (jsc#PED-6040
+  jsc#PED-6048).
+- commit 54e234b
+- Update patch reference for SPI patch (jsc#PED-6040 jsc#PED-6048)
+- commit e9cca4e
+- KVM: SEV: Move SEV's GP_VECTOR intercept setup to SEV
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 289d0b4
+- KVM: SEV: move set_dr_intercepts/clr_dr_intercepts from the
+  header (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5993c1
+- Update
+  patches.suse/vringh-don-t-use-vringh_kiov_advance-in-vringh_iov_x.patch
+  (git-fixes, bsc#1215710, CVE-2023-5158).
+- commit 28b6595
+- KVM: VMX: Use vmread_error() to report VM-Fail in "goto" path
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6e729ae
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary next_page in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary check in
+  break_down_buddy_pages (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: factor out code to test if we should run
+  compaction for target order (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: improve comment of is_via_compact_memory
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove repeat compact_blockskip_flush check
+  in reset_isolation_suitable (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: correctly return failure with bogus
+  compound_order in strict mode (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: call list_is_{first}/{last} more intuitively
+  in move_freelist_{head}/{tail} (bsc#1212886 (MM functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: use correct list in move_freelist_{head}/{tail}
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: Rebuild sched-domains when removing cpufreq driver
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Merge initialization code of sg_cpu in
+  single loop (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove SIS_PROP (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Use candidate prev/recent_used CPU if scanning
+  failed for cluster wakeup (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Scan cluster before scanning LLC in wake-up path
+  (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched: Add cpus_share_resources API (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update comments about NEWILB_KICK (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Remove duplicate #include (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- =?UTF-8?q?sched/psi:=20Update=20poll=20=3D>=20rtpoll=20in?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?=20relevant=C2=A0comments?= (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Make PELT acronym definition searchable (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched: Fix stop_one_cpu_nowait() vs hotplug (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Bail out early from irq time accounting (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Move the declaration of 'schedutil_gov' to
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Change behaviour of the 'sched_energy_aware'
+  sysctl, based on the platform (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Remove the EM_MAX_COMPLEXITY limit (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Consolidate and clean up access to a CPU's
+  max compute capacity (bsc#1184587, bsc#1212887 (Scheduler
+  functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Update stale comment in try_to_wake_up()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Add new tracepoint to track compute energy
+  computation (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Ignore (util == 0) optimization in feec()
+  when p_util_max = 0 (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/uclamp: Set max_spare_cap_cpu even if max_spare_cap is 0
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Avoid checking in_atomic_preempt_off() twice
+  in schedule_debug() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_curr() to wakeup_preempt()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Rename check_preempt_wakeup() to
+  check_preempt_wakeup_fair() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove duplicated includes in
+  kernel/sched/sched.h (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- freezer,sched: Use saved_state to reduce some spurious wakeups
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Remove ifdeffery for saved_state (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: correct start page when guard page debug is
+  enabled (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- cpufreq: schedutil: Update next_freq when cpufreq_limits change
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Fix live lock between select_fallback_rq() and RT push
+  (bsc#1213179 (PREEMPT_RT functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/compaction: remove unused parameter pgdata of
+  fragmentation_score_wmark (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove unnecessary parameter batch of nr_pcp_free
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: remove track of active PCP lists range in bulk
+  free (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- mm/page_alloc: avoid unneeded alike_pages calculation
+  (bsc#1212886 (MM functional and performance backports)).
+- commit 41dc481
+- KVM: VMX: Make VMREAD error path play nice with noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bdf4743
+- KVM: x86/irq: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer again
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 0b61d3f
+- KVM: X86: Use GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT for pid_table in ipiv
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit db6111a
+- KVM: x86: check the kvm_cpu_get_interrupt result before using it
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 748ea0b
+- KVM: x86: VMX: set irr_pending in kvm_apic_update_irr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bb7e9f2
+- KVM: x86: VMX: __kvm_apic_update_irr must update the IRR
+  atomically (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 7d7f61c
+- KVM: x86: Remove PRIx* definitions as they are solely for user
+  space (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d9a47ed
+- KVM: SVM: WARN, but continue, if misc_cg_set_capacity() fails
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8bf89b7
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add "never" option to allow sticky disabling of
+  nx_huge_pages (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab03076
+- KVM: x86: Update comments about MSR lists exposed to userspace
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 1507087
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add AMD CPUID ExtPerfMonAndDbg leaf 0x80000022
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh patches.suse/x86-srso-Add-SRSO_NO-support.patch.
+- commit 68fcef6
+- KVM: x86/svm/pmu: Add AMD PerfMonV2 support (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13a75fa
+- KVM: x86/cpuid: Add a KVM-only leaf to redirect AMD PerfMonV2
+  flag (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit e5d63c4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Constrain the num of guest counters with
+  kvm_pmu_cap (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 69969fd
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Advertise PERFCTR_CORE iff the min nr of counters
+  is met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6edee2c
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Disable vPMU if the minimum num of counters
+  isn't met (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 199733e
+- KVM: x86: Explicitly zero cpuid "0xa" leaf when PMU is disabled
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit ab5f3e4
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Provide Intel PMU's pmc_is_enabled() as generic
+  x86 code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit fdb8fa6
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move handling PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL and friends to
+  common x86 (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8fd326a
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Reject userspace attempts to set reserved
+  GLOBAL_STATUS bits (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f4f31af
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Move reprogram_counters() to pmu.h (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 6ed2f9e
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Rename global_ovf_ctrl_mask to global_status_mask
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit b6e40eb
+- KVM: x86: Clean up: remove redundant bool conversions
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c6ebf77
+- KVM: x86: Use cpu_feature_enabled() for PKU instead of #ifdef
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 77c31a2
+- KVM: Clean up kvm_vm_ioctl_create_vcpu() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f204490
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Trigger APIC-access page reload iff vendor code
+  cares (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 9906ec2
+- KVM: x86: Use standard mmu_notifier invalidate hooks for APIC
+  access page (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f5d1e35
+- KVM: VMX: Retry APIC-access page reload if invalidation is
+  in-progress (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c5d63a5
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Use modern pm_ops (bsc#1213745).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Make use of dev_err_probe() (bsc#1213745).
+- commit 057e20a
+- Update patch reference for ALSA fixes (bsc#1213745)
+- commit ecf4282
+- KVM: SVM: enhance info printk's in SEV init (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4cb4282
+- KVM: x86: Correct the name for skipping VMENTER l1d flush
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 13e86f3
+- KVM: x86: Update number of entries for KVM_GET_CPUID2 on
+  success, not failure (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a353e10
+- KVM: x86/pmu: Remove redundant check for MSR_IA32_DS_AREA set
+  handler (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 12ad0a7
+- config: enable tls for nvme-tcp (bsc#1193201)
+  Update config files:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 96f0023
+- security/keys: export key_lookup() (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 463e716
+- KVM: x86: Fix poll command (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 54c1199
+- KVM: x86: Move common handling of PAT MSR writes to
+  kvm_set_msr_common() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit d7b3999
+- KVM: x86: Make kvm_mtrr_valid() static now that there are no
+  external users (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a22909f
+- nvme-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+- commit 5e8fdaa
+- KVM: x86: Move PAT MSR handling out of mtrr.c (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4901174
+- KVM: x86: Use MTRR macros to define possible MTRR MSR ranges
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit bef7bcd
+- hv_netvsc: fix netvsc_send_completion to avoid multiple message
+  length checks (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c686ef
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to get variable MTRR range from MSR index
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c0ff7be
+- nvme: keyring: fix conditional compilation (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: common: make keyring and auth separate modules
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: start keep-alive after admin queue setup (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-loop: always quiesce and cancel commands before destroying
+  admin q (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: avoid open-coding nvme_tcp_teardown_admin_queue()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: always set valid seq_num in dhchap reply
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: add flag for bi-directional auth (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: auth success1 msg always includes resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: Fix a memory leak (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use crypto_shash_tfm_digest() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: allow mixing of secret and hash lengths (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use transformed key size to create resp (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: alloc nvme_dhchap_key as single buffer (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: use 'spin_lock_bh' for state_lock() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: rework NVME_AUTH Kconfig selection (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/x86_64/default
+- nvmet-tcp: peek icreq before starting TLS (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: control messages for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: enable TLS handshake upcall (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Disable CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_TCP_TLS for the time being, because
+  there is a bug in Kconfig which is fixed later on.
+  Update:
+  config/arm64/default
+  config/armv7hl/default
+  config/ppc64le/default
+  config/s390x/default
+  config/s390x/zfcpdump
+  config/x86_64/default
+  - --
+- nvmet: Set 'TREQ' to 'required' when TLS is enabled
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-tcp: make nvmet_tcp_alloc_queue() a void function
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: make TCP sectype settable via configfs (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: parse options 'keyring' and 'tls_key'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-tcp: improve icreq/icresp logging (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: control message handling for recvmsg() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: allocate socket file (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: implement nvme_tls_psk_default() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-tcp: add definitions for TLS cipher suites (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add TCP TSAS definitions (jsc#PED-6254 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Move patches.suse/0012-nvme-add-TCP-TSAS-definitions.patch
+  to sorted section.
+- nvme-keyring: define a 'psk' keytype (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-keyring: register '.nvme' keyring (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: add BOGUS_NID for Intel 0a54 device (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: complete a request only after freeing the dhchap
+  pointers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sanitize metadata bounce buffer for reads (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-auth: use chap->s2 to indicate bidirectional authentication
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: do not try to stop unallocated queues (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: avoid bogus CRTO values (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: do not set the NUMA node of device if it has none
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: hwmon: constify pointers to hwmon_channel_info
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Trace events for TLS Alert helpers (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Use new helpers to handle TLS Alerts (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add helpers for parsing incoming TLS Alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Send TLS Closure alerts before closing a TCP
+  socket (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/handshake: Add API for sending TLS Closure alerts
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Add TLS Alert definitions (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- net/tls: Move TLS protocol elements to a separate header
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- scsi: nvme: zns: Set zone limits before revalidating zones
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure disabling pairs with unquiesce (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: fix race between error recovery and creating
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fc: return non-zero status code when fails to create
+  association (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: fix parameter check in nvme_fault_inject_init()
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: warn only once for legacy uuid attribute (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: use PAGE_SECTORS_SHIFT (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: add BOGUS_NID quirk for Samsung SM953 (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-pci-add-NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID-for-Samsung-.patch
+- nvme: disable controller on reset state failure (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: sync timeout work on failed reset (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: ensure unquiesce on teardown (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-mpath: fix I/O failure with EAGAIN when failing over I/O
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: host: fix command name spelling (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: Reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_ns' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Print capabilities changes just once (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Add an "xprtsec=" NFS mount option (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Have struct nfs_client carry a TLS policy field
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add a TCP-with-TLS RPC transport class (bsc#1193203
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Capture CMSG metadata on client-side receive
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Ignore data_ready callbacks during TLS handshakes
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Add RPC client support for the RPC_AUTH_TLS auth
+  flavor (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Trace the rpc_create_args (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- SUNRPC: Plumb an API for setting transport layer security
+  (bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- NFS: Improvements for fs_context-related tracepoints
+  (#bsc#1193203 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062
+  jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: forward port sysfs delete fix (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: skip optional id ctrl csi if it failed (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: use nvme_ns_head_multipath instead of ns->head->disk
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-fcloop: Do not wait on completion when unregister fails
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: open code __nvmf_host_find() (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: error out to unlock the mutex (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: Increase block size variable size to 32-bit (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fcloop: no need to return from void function (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove unnecessary break after goto (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet-auth: remove some dead code (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-core: remove redundant check from nvme_init_ns_head
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: move sysfs code to a dedicated sysfs.c file (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+  Refresh:
+  - patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  - patches.suse/nvme-tcp-add-recovery_delay-to-sysfs.patch
+- nvme-fabrics: prevent overriding of existing host (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: check hostid using uuid_equal (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: unify common code in admin and io queue connect
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmefc_fcp_req' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_dhchap_queue_context'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmf_ctrl_options'
+  (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme: reorder fields in 'struct nvme_ctrl' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvmet: reorder fields in 'struct nvmet_sq' (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-fabrics: add queue setup helpers (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-pci: cleaning up nvme_pci_init_request (jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728 jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- nvme-rdma: fix typo in comment (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728
+  jsc#PED-5062 jsc#PED-3535).
+- commit 262d1d0
+- KVM: x86: Add helper to query if variable MTRR MSR is base
+  (versus mask) (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 4ecc863
+- KVM: SVM: Use kvm_pat_valid() directly instead of
+  kvm_mtrr_valid() (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f7f75bb
+- arm64: dts: imx: Add imx8mm-prt8mm.dtb to build (git-fixes)
+- commit 736bf94
+- arm64: cpufeature: Fix CLRBHB and BC detection (git-fixes)
+- commit b4172c3
+- KVM: VMX: Open code writing vCPU's PAT in VMX's MSR handler
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit cd1aca0
+- KVM: allow KVM_BUG/KVM_BUG_ON to handle 64-bit cond
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 87f7261
+- KVM: VMX: Use proper accessor to read guest CR4 in handle_desc()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit c112bd5
+- KVM: VMX: Move the comment of CR4.MCE handling right above
+  the code (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/KVM-VMX-Don-t-fudge-CR0-and-CR4-for-restricted-.patch.
+- commit d949c89
+- KVM: VMX: Treat UMIP as emulated if and only if the host
+  doesn't have UMIP (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit f14c556
+- KVM: VMX: Use kvm_read_cr4() to get cr4 value (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 8066ed9
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Assert on @mmu in the __kvm_mmu_invalidate_addr()
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit a4b8f0e
+- KVM: x86/mmu: Add comment on try_cmpxchg64 usage in
+  tdp_mmu_set_spte_atomic (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit acb7b2c
+- cgroup: Remove duplicates in cgroup v1 tasks file (bsc#1211307).
+- commit ae63067
+- x86/sev: Get rid of special sev_es_enable_key (jsc#PED-7322).
+- commit 55f727d
+- x86/coco: Mark cc_platform_has() and descendants noinstr
+  (jsc#PED-7322).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/msft-hv-2822-x86-coco-Get-rid-of-accessor-functions.patch.
+- commit 706e3c1
+- s390/ap: re-init AP queues on config on (git-fixes bsc#1217132).
+- commit bbbdea7
+- scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Introduce LOG_NODE_VERBOSE messaging flag
+  (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Validate ELS LS_ACC completion payload (bsc#1217124
+  jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Reject received PRLIs with only initiator fcn role
+  for NPIV ports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Treat IOERR_SLI_DOWN I/O completion status the
+  same as pci offline (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary zero return code assignment in
+  lpfc_sli4_hba_setup (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Prevent use-after-free during rmmod with mapped
+  NVMe rports (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- scsi: lpfc: Early return after marking final NLP_DROPPED flag
+  in dev_loss_tmo (bsc#1217124 jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 6aad84d
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-version-to-
+  (bsc#1214928 jsc#PED-5063 jsc#PED-6878 jsc#PED-6252
+  jsc#PED-5728).
+- commit 4fc35e1
+- powerpc/perf/hv-24x7: Update domain value check (bsc#1215931).
+- commit e9c382b
+- Documentation/x86: Document resctrl's new sparse_masks (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit b5bd5e7
+- x86/resctrl: Add sparse_masks file in info (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 503e62f
+- x86/resctrl: Enable non-contiguous CBMs in Intel CAT (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit c9afc8e
+- x86/resctrl: Rename arch_has_sparse_bitmaps (jsc#PED-6016).
+- commit 988a4aa
+- s390/cmma: fix handling of swapper_pg_dir and invalid_pg_dir
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 4781bdc
+- s390/cmma: fix detection of DAT pages (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 9f7f14f
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to gmap
+  allocations (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit 96c498d
+- s390/mm: add missing arch_set_page_dat() call to
+  vmem_crst_alloc() (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit bec6f3f
+- nvme: update firmware version after commit (bsc#1215291).
+- commit 164c5ac
+- s390/cmma: fix initial kernel address space page table walk
+  (LTC#203998 bsc#1217090).
+- commit fbdf8df
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add HAVE_SHADOW_CALL_STACK to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Not supported by our compiler.
+- commit eb32b5a
+- qla0xxx: add debug log for unmaintained hw detected
+  (bsc#1216033, jsc#PED-6878, jsc#PED-6930).
+- commit f03aff2
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on armv7hl (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 8b528ba
+- config: Enable support for sysfb infrastructure on arm64 (jsc#PED-1117, bsc#1216864)
+- commit 6b6ada0
+- supported.conf: Move lz4-related modules to kernel-*-extra (bsc#1217030)
+- commit ad6609a
+- net: Avoid address overwrite in kernel_connect (bsc#1216861).
+- commit 0b11b1e
+- Update
+  patches.suse/igb-set-max-size-RX-buffer-when-store-bad-packet-is-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-4082 bsc#1216259 CVE-2023-45871).
+  Added CVE reference.
+- commit d155aca
+- scsi: sd: Introduce manage_shutdown device flag (git-fixes).
+- commit 4dbfc08
+- PM: hibernate: Clean up sync_read handling in
+  snapshot_write_next() (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch.
+- commit 57d38a1
+- spi: Fix null dereference on suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9750: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: GL9755: Mask the replay timer timeout of
+  AER (git-fixes).
+- mmc: Add quirk MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CACHE_FLUSH for Micron eMMC
+  Q2J54A (git-fixes).
+- i2c: designware: Disable TX_EMPTY irq while waiting for block
+  length byte (git-fixes).
+- i2c: i801: fix potential race in
+  i801_block_transaction_byte_by_byte (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix random hot join failure since timeout
+  error (git-fixes).
+- mtd: cfi_cmdset_0001: Byte swap OTP info (git-fixes).
+- kernel/reboot: emergency_restart: Set correct system_state
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: qcom-ep: Add dedicated callback for writing to DBI2
+  registers (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Lengthen reset delay for VideoPropulsion Torrent QN16e card
+  (git-fixes).
+- ima: detect changes to the backing overlay file (git-fixes).
+- ima: annotate iint mutex to avoid lockdep false positive
+  warnings (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Move _GNU_SOURCE define into Makefile
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Remove duplicate feature check from CMT test
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: A workaround to allow GL9750 to enter ASPM
+  L1.2 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: Restrict CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to GNU as or LLVM IAS 15.x or
+  newer (git-fixes).
+- regmap: Ensure range selector registers are updated after
+  cache sync (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Do IRQ override on TongFang GMxXGxx (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add 0bda:b85b for Fn-Link RTL8852BE
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Fix missing link removal (git-fixes).
+- usb: misc: onboard_hub: add support for Microchip USB2412 USB
+  2.0 hub (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Fix delayed scsi_rescan_device() execution
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Disable scsi device manage_system_start_stop
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-scsi: link ata port and scsi device (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: fix reset timeout type (git-fixes).
+- lib: test_scanf: Add explicit type cast to result initialization
+  in test_number_prefix() (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Mark cont splash memory region
+  as reserved (git-fixes).
+- X.509: if signature is unsupported skip validation (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX & SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: Get rid of old SPI_MASTER_NO_TX & SPI_MASTER_NO_RX
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit cb45743
+- ALSA: hda: ASUS UM5302LA: Added quirks for cs35L41/10431A83
+  on i2c bus (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: info: Fix potential deadlock at disconnection (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: Add ASRock X670E Taichi to denylist (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX7602ZM (git-fixes).
+- commit 163245c
+- lsm: fix default return value for vm_enough_memory (git-fixes).
+- commit 5592231
+- arm64/arm: arm_pmuv3: perf: Don't truncate 64-bit registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-client: trivial: fix comment typo (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: dapm: fix clock get name (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: register hpd callback on component probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: mediatek: mt8186_mt6366_rt1019_rt5682s: trivial: fix
+  error messages (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add support dual speaker for Dell
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: spi-zynq-qspi: add spi-mem to driver kconfig dependencies
+  (git-fixes).
+- Revert "mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards"
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: vub300: fix an error code (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci_am654: fix start loop index for TAP value parsing
+  (git-fixes).
+- lsm: fix default return value for inode_getsecctx (git-fixes).
+- commit 1c5dac0
+- powerpc/rtas: Serialize firmware activation sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit ccdd6c9
+- powerpc/rtas: Facilitate high-level call sequences
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 6c17a9b
+- powerpc/rtas: Factor out function descriptor lookup
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 01cd933
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Use defer setup to separate PA sync and BIG sync
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-always-check-if-connection-is-ali.patch.
+- commit 4bc4bad
+- Bluetooth: Make handle of hci_conn be unique (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Pass BIG encryption info through QoS
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0637142
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Ignore error return for hci_devcd_register()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dfe20be
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Load FW v2 otherwise FW v1 for RTL8852C
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Correct the length of the HCI command for
+  drop fw (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btrtl: Add Realtek devcoredump support (git-fixes).
+- commit e021641
+- powerpc/selftests: Add test for papr-sysparm (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Expose character device to user
+  space (jsc#PED-4486).
+- powerpc/pseries/papr-sysparm: Validate buffer object lengths
+  (jsc#PED-4486).
+- commit 9c23c8f
+- powerpc/pseries: Add papr-vpd character driver for VPD retrieval (jsc#PED-4486).
+  Refresh to current upstream submission.
+- commit 38bae06
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Detect CSPL errors when sending CSPL commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a51af5
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Support mute notifications for CS35L41 HDA
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ASoC-cs35l41-Fix-broken-shared-boost-activation.patch.
+- commit 30a890a
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix missing error code in
+  cs35l41_smart_amp() (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: mark cs35l41_verify_id() static (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Check CSPL state after loading firmware
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Do not unload firmware before reset in
+  system suspend (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Force a software reset after hardware reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Run boot process during resume callbacks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert Reset prior to de-asserting in
+  probe and system resume (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Assert reset before system suspend
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Use reset label to get GPIO for HP Zbook
+  Fury 17 G9 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Consistently use dev_err_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add read-only ALSA control for forced mute
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Support ACPI Notification framework via
+  component binding (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Add notification support into component
+  binding (git-fixes).
+- commit 2b0e0de
+- Update patch reference for QXL fix (CVE-2023-39198 bsc#1216965)
+- commit 1010980
+- Add tag to
+  patches.suse/RDMA-irdma-Prevent-zero-length-STAG-registration.patch
+  (git-fixes CVE-2023-25775).
+- commit db23c56
+- selftests: fix result checking (git-fixes).
+- Fix termination state for idr_for_each_entry_ul() (git-fixes).
+- net: dsa: lan9303: consequently nested-lock physical MDIO
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - fix use after free in
+  rmi_unregister_function() (git-fixes).
+- i2c: iproc: handle invalid slave state (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: ixp4xx: Make sure restart always works (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: of_xilinx_wdt: Remove unnecessary clock disable call
+  in the remove path (git-fixes).
+- pwm: brcmstb: Utilize appropriate clock APIs in suspend/resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- pwm: sti: Reduce number of allocations and drop usage of
+  chip_data (git-fixes).
+- commit bbb7764
+- Update ath11k hibernation fix patch set (bsc#1207948)
+  Refreshed patches from the latest subsystem tree
+- commit 9792e08
+- x86/xen: Set default memory type for PV guests to WB
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 1fb865a
+- x86/mtrr: Remove unused code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 51227c2
+- x86/mm: Only check uniform after calling mtrr_type_lookup()
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 730fe1e
+- x86/mtrr: Don't let mtrr_type_lookup() return MTRR_TYPE_INVALID
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 567033f
+- x86/mtrr: Use new cache_map in mtrr_type_lookup() (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 8d9ece0
+- x86/mtrr: Add mtrr=debug command line option (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 05b029d
+- x86/mtrr: Construct a memory map with cache modes (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 88ed34b
+- x86/mtrr: Add get_effective_type() service function
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit f135ec2
+- x86/mtrr: Allocate mtrr_value array dynamically (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 26e92d9
+- x86/mtrr: Move 32-bit code from mtrr.c to legacy.c
+  (bsc#1216611).
+- commit dbf2dd7
+- x86/mtrr: Have only one set_mtrr() variant (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 2940cc3
+- x86/mtrr: Replace vendor tests in MTRR code (bsc#1216611).
+- commit 77388db
+- usb: storage: set 1.50 as the lower bcdDevice for older "Super
+  Top" compatibility (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IX cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes PX cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Intashield IS-100 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for Brainboxes UP cards (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add support for additional Brainboxes UC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: pci_endpoint_test: Add deviceID for J721S2 PCIe EP device
+  support (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: Fix community key quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: add quirk flag to enable native DSD for
+  McIntosh devices (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: Fix JSL Chromebook quirk detection
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: Prevent xHCI driver from claiming AMD VanGogh USB3 DRD
+  device (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in r8153b_ups_en() / r8153c_ups_en()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Check for unplug in rtl_phy_patch_request() (git-fixes).
+- efi: fix memory leak in krealloc failure handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: da7219: Correct the process of setting up Gnd switch in
+  AAD (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: tas2780: Fix log of failed reset via I2C
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5650: fix the wrong result of key button (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-dapm: Add helper for comparing widget name
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: npcm-fiu: Fix UMA reads when dummy.nbytes == 0 (git-fixes).
+- Input: synaptics-rmi4 - handle reset delay when using SMBus
+  trsnsport (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ste_dma40: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in
+  d40_probe (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: ov8858: Don't set fwnode in the driver (git-fixes).
+- can: flexcan: remove the auto stop mode for IMX93 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx93: add the Flex-CAN stop mode by GPR
+  (git-fixes).
+- irqchip/stm32-exti: add missing DT IRQ flag translation
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: tlv320adc3xxx: BUG: Correct micbias setting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: core: Do not call link_exit() on uninitialized rtd objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card: fixup asoc_simple_probe() error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a07dd6a
+- netfs: Only call folio_start_fscache() one time for each folio
+  (bsc#1216954).
+- commit edff202
+- regmap: prevent noinc writes from clobbering cache (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix possible name leak in error path in
+  pcmcia_device_add() (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: ds: fix refcount leak in pcmcia_device_add()
+  (git-fixes).
+- pcmcia: cs: fix possible hung task and memory leak pccardd()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 2de7d14
+- media: venus: hfi_parser: Add check to keep the number of
+  codecs within range (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to handle capabilities from
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: fix the check to handle session buffer
+  requirement (git-fixes).
+- media: venus: hfi: add checks to perform sanity on queue
+  pointers (git-fixes).
+- media: cec: meson: always include meson sub-directory in
+  Makefile (git-fixes).
+- media: platform: mtk-mdp3: fix uninitialized variable in
+  mdp_path_config() (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: notify source chagne event when the first
+  picture parsed (git-fixes).
+- media: siano: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir/file() (git-fixes).
+- media: aspeed: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: fix missing unlock (git-fixes).
+- media: cadence: csi2rx: Unregister v4l2 async notifier
+  (git-fixes).
+- staging: media: ipu3: remove ftrace-like logging (git-fixes).
+- media: lirc: drop trailing space from scancode transmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: sharp: fix sharp encoding (git-fixes).
+- media: ccs: Correctly initialise try compose rectangle
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: cedrus: Fix clock/reset sequence (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: mux: Add check and kfree for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: vidtv: psi: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- media: s3c-camif: Avoid inappropriate kfree() (git-fixes).
+- media: mtk-jpegenc: Fix bug in JPEG encode quality selection
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: amphion: handle firmware debug message (git-fixes).
+- media: bttv: fix use after free error due to btv->timeout timer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: ov5640: Fix a memory leak when ov5640_probe fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: i2c: max9286: Fix some redundant of_node_put() calls
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: verisilicon: Do not enable G2 postproc downscale if
+  source is narrower than destination (git-fixes).
+- media: hantro: Check whether reset op is defined before use
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: imx-jpeg: initiate a drain of the capture queue in
+  dynamic resolution change (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix csid-gen2 for test pattern generator
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix set CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE when VC is
+  greater than 3 (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix invalid clock enable bit disjunction
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix missing vfe_lite clocks check
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-480 vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix VFE-17x vfe_disable_output()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix vfe_get() error jump (git-fixes).
+- media: qcom: camss: Fix pm_domain_on sequence in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd330a0
+- rtc: efi: fixed typo in efi_procfs() (git-fixes).
+- rtc: brcmstb-waketimer: support level alarm_irq (git-fixes).
+- commit 74519c3
+- i3c: master: svc: fix SDA keep low when polling IBIWON timeout
+  happen (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix check wrong status register in irq handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix ibi may not return mandatory data byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix wrong data return when IBI happen during
+  start frame (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: svc: fix race condition in ibi work thread
+  (git-fixes).
+- i3c: Fix potential refcount leak in
+  i3c_master_register_new_i3c_devs (git-fixes).
+- i3c: master: cdns: Fix reading status register (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix x1 root-decoder granularity calculations
+  (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Fix cxl_region_rwsem lock held when returning to
+  user space (git-fixes).
+- cxl/region: Do not try to cleanup after
+  cxl_region_setup_targets() fails (git-fixes).
+- cxl/mem: Fix shutdown order (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: meson: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: intel: check return value of devm_kasprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Include ECC syndrome along with in-band
+  data while checking for ECC failure (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: tegra: add missing check for platform_get_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- 9p/net: fix possible memory leak in p9_check_errors()
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix ishtp MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- modpost: fix tee MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE built on big-endian host
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzg2l: Make reverse order of enable() for
+  disable() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: correct desc prep when channel running
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: pxa_dma: Remove an erroneous BUG_ON() in
+  pxad_free_desc() (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: ti: edma: handle irq_of_parse_and_map() errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: Register dsa_bus_type before registering idxd
+  sub-drivers (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e1ee29
+- usb: raw-gadget: properly handle interrupted requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Fix NULL pointer dereference in tcpm_pd_svdm()
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: tcpm: Add additional checks for contaminant
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: host: xhci-plat: fix possible kernel oops while resuming
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Loosen RPM as default policy to cover for AMD xHC 1.1
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: usbip: fix stub_dev hub disconnect (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc3: document gfladj_refclk_lpm_sel field (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Simplify Tegra DMA alignment code (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: Fix DMA overwrite for Tegra (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: usb: qcom,dwc3: Fix SDX65 clocks (git-fixes).
+- usb: dwc2: fix possible NULL pointer dereference caused by
+  driver concurrency (git-fixes).
+- tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in status line change on dead
+  connections (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Add Brainboxes Oxford Semiconductor-based quirks
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix up PX-803/PX-857 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Fix port count of PX-257 (git-fixes).
+- tty: 8250: Remove UC-257 and UC-431 (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: rs485: Add rs485-rts-active-high
+  (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: samsung_tty: remove dead code (git-fixes).
+- tty: serial: meson: fix hard LOCKUP on crtscts mode (git-fixes).
+- tty/sysrq: replace smp_processor_id() with get_cpu()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: serial: fix regex pattern for matching serial
+  node children (git-fixes).
+- serial: exar: Revert "serial: exar: Add support for Sealevel
+  7xxxC serial cards" (git-fixes).
+- tty: tty_jobctrl: fix pid memleak in disassociate_ctty()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Release all resources during unbind before updating
+  device links (git-fixes).
+- device property: Replace custom implementation of COUNT_ARGS()
+  (git-fixes).
+- driver core: Add missing parameter description to
+  __fwnode_link_add() (git-fixes).
+- iio: frequency: adf4350: Use device managed functions and fix
+  power down issue (git-fixes).
+- misc: st_core: Do not call kfree_skb() under spin_lock_irqsave()
+  (git-fixes).
+- apparmor: fix invalid reference on profile->disconnected
+  (git-fixes).
+- seq_buf: fix a misleading comment (git-fixes).
+- verification/dot2k: Delete duplicate imports (git-fixes).
+- scripts/gdb: fix usage of MOD_TEXT not defined when
+  CONFIG_MODULES=n (git-fixes).
+- selftests/clone3: Fix broken test under !CONFIG_TIME_NS
+  (git-fixes).
+- kselftest: vm: fix mdwe's mmap_FIXED test case (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-eh: Fix compilation warning in ata_eh_link_report()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: libata-core: Fix compilation warning in
+  ata_dev_config_ncq() (git-fixes).
+- ata: sata_mv: Fix incorrect string length computation in
+  mv_dump_mem() (git-fixes).
+- kernel.h: split out COUNT_ARGS() and CONCATENATE() to args.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7857243
+- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section
+- commit 266765d
+- scsi: qedf: Remove unused declaration (jsc#PED-6887).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update driver version to (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Enhance handling of devices removed after
+  controller reset (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: WRITE SAME implementation (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Add support for more than 1MB I/O (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Update MPI Headers to version 3.00.28
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Invoke soft reset upon TSU or event ack time out
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Fix the type used for pointers to bitmap
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: mpi3mr: Use -ENOMEM instead of -1 in mpi3mr_expander_add()
+  (jsc#PED-6833).
+- scsi: bnx2i: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6881).
+- commit e96a6ce
+- x86/cpu: Clear SVM feature if disabled by BIOS (bsc#1214700).
+- commit 84980be
+- genirq: Fix software resend lockup and nested resend (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 89cd9f2
+- tpm_tis_spi: Add hardware wait polling (bsc#1213534)
+- commit ec3c751
+- iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix soft lockup triggered by (bsc#1215921)
+- commit 7166c48
+- arm64/smmu: use TLBI ASID when invalidating entire range (bsc#1215921)
+- commit d16cd96
+- genirq: Use a maple tree for interrupt descriptor management (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 7eccb48
+- genirq: Encapsulate sparse bitmap handling (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 85b3f80
+- genirq: Use hlist for managing resend handlers (bsc#1216838)
+- commit 3f03452
+- perf: arm_cspmu: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (bsc#1216837)
+- commit e992f19
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Decouple APMT dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 8252670
+- perf/arm_cspmu: Clean up ACPI dependency (bsc#1216837)
+- commit 22cdbfa
+- padata: Fix refcnt handling in padata_free_shell() (git-fixes).
+- leds: trigger: ledtrig-cpu:: Fix 'output may be truncated'
+  issue for 'cpu' (git-fixes).
+- leds: pwm: Don't disable the PWM when the LED should be off
+  (git-fixes).
+- leds: turris-omnia: Do not use SMBUS calls (git-fixes).
+- mfd: arizona-spi: Set pdata.hpdet_channel for ACPI enumerated
+  devs (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix revid implementation (git-fixes).
+- mfd: qcom-spmi-pmic: Fix reference leaks in revid helper
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: dln2: Fix double put in dln2_probe (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Ensure disabled devices are skipped without aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- mfd: core: Un-constify mfd_cell.of_reg (git-fixes).
+- i2c: core: Run atomic i2c xfer when !preemptible (git-fixes).
+- PCI: endpoint: Fix double free in __pci_epc_create()
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/PCI: Avoid PME from D3hot/D3cold for AMD Rembrandt and
+  Phoenix USB4 (git-fixes).
+- PCI/sysfs: Protect driver's D3cold preference from user space
+  (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .probe() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: keystone: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: kirin: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: exynos: Don't discard .remove() callback (git-fixes).
+- PCI: vmd: Correct PCI Header Type Register's multi-function
+  check (git-fixes).
+- PCI/ASPM: Fix L1 substate handling in aspm_attr_store_common()
+  (git-fixes).
+- module/decompress: use vmalloc() for gzip decompression
+  workspace (git-fixes).
+- watchdog: move softlockup_panic back to early_param (git-fixes).
+- proc: sysctl: prevent aliased sysctls from getting passed to
+  init (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix rare issue with broken rx after link-down on RTL8125
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data race in rtl_rx while reading
+  desc->opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx while reading
+  TxDescArray[entry].opts1 (git-fixes).
+- r8169: fix the KCSAN reported data-race in rtl_tx() while
+  reading tp->cur_tx (git-fixes).
+- commit 6cdb862
+- crypto: qat - fix deadlock in backlog processing (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix EQ/AEQ interrupt issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix double free during reset (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix PF queue parameter issue (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - increase size of buffers (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/jr - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: caam/qi2 - fix Chacha20 + Poly1305 self test failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: geode - fix accessing registers (git-fixes).
+- hwrng: bcm2835 - Fix hwrng throughput regression (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: leds: Last color ID is now 14 (LED_COLOR_ID_LIME)
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mfd: mt6397: Split out compatible for MediaTek
+  MT6366 PMIC (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix a work->entry not empty bug in __queue_work()
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: uclogic: Fix user-memory-access bug in
+  uclogic_params_ugee_v2_init_event_hooks() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Move get_wireless_feature_index() check
+  to hidpp_connect_event() (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Revert "Don't restart communication if
+  not necessary" (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Don't restart IO, instead defer
+  hid_connect() only (git-fixes).
+- hid: lenovo: Resend all settings on reset_resume for compact
+  keyboards (git-fixes).
+- hid: cp2112: Fix duplicate workqueue initialization (git-fixes).
+- gtp: fix fragmentation needed check with gso (git-fixes).
+- gtp: uapi: fix GTPA_MAX (git-fixes).
+- commit a4c70dd
+- certs: Break circular dependency when selftest is modular
+  (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0002-PKCS-7-Check-codeSigning-EKU-for-kernel-module-and-k.patch.
+- commit dfb1cad
+- crypto: qat - fix unregistration of crypto algorithms
+  (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - ignore subsequent state up commands (git-fixes).
+- crypto: qat - fix state machines cleanup paths (git-fixes).
+- crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+  (git-fixes).
+- ARM: 9321/1: memset: cast the constant byte to unsigned char
+  (git-fixes).
+- backlight: pwm_bl: Disable PWM on shutdown, suspend and remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix mem leak when parsing UUIDs fails
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fsl_easrc_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: ams-delta.c: use component after check (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: intel: sof_sdw: Stop processing CODECs when enough are
+  found (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common: add rt713 support
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Add comment for mclk in the codec_priv
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma.c: Fix warning of Function parameter
+  or member not described (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wsa-macro: fix uninitialized stack variables
+  with name prefix (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: Use size_add() in call to
+  struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: doc: Update codec to codec examples (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: soc-pcm.c: Make sure DAI parameters cleared if the DAI
+  becomes inactive (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_get() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Undo runtime PM changes at driver exit time
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Verify PM runtime resume errors in IRQ handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Fix broken shared boost activation (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Initialize completion object before requesting
+  IRQ (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_up reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l41: Handle mdsync_down reg write errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: core: Ensure sof_ops_free() is still called when
+  probe never ran (git-fixes).
+- commit e345c76
+- Refresh sorted patches.
+- commit 60c433a
+- powerpc/vas: Limit open window failure messages in log bufffer
+  (bsc#1216687 ltc#203927).
+- commit ebbc65f
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: fix error return code in (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 0f8e43f
+- platform/x86/intel/tpmi: Prevent overflow for cap_offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 1a30c51
+- platform/x86/intel: tpmi: Remove hardcoded unit and offset
+  (jsc#PED-5555 jsc#PED-5557).
+- commit 2815b7f
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: tpmi: Provide cluster level
+  control (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit d195bba
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Support for cluster level
+  controls (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit 698bea8
+- platform/x86/intel-uncore-freq: Uncore frequency control via
+  TPMI (jsc#PED-4901 jsc#PED-4961).
+- commit ab99025
+- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Fix scaling for hybrid-capable systems
+  with disabled E-cores (jsc#PED-4927 jsc#PED-4929).
+- commit 7d3ce95
+- scripts/kernel-doc: Fix the regex for matching -Werror flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7fb028b
+- docs: usb: fix reference to nonexistent file in UVC Gadget
+  (git-fixes).
+- scripts/kernel-doc: match -Werror flag strictly (git-fixes).
+- docs: admin-guide: sysctl: fix details of struct dentry_stat_t
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Reduce failures due to outliers in MBA/MBM
+  tests (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Fix uninitialized .sa_flags (git-fixes).
+- selftests/resctrl: Ensure the benchmark commands fits to its
+  array (git-fixes).
+- selftests/pidfd: Fix ksft print formats (git-fixes).
+- kunit: Fix missed memory release in kunit_free_suite_set()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: raspberrypi: Fix devm_rpi_firmware_get documentation
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: ti_sci: Mark driver as non removable (git-fixes).
+- firmware: qcom_scm: use 64-bit calling convention only when
+  client is 64-bit (git-fixes).
+- firmware: tegra: Add suspend hook and reset BPMP IPC early on
+  resume (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Allow the FF-A drivers to use 32bit mode
+  of messaging (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_ffa: Assign the missing IDR allocation ID to
+  the FFA device (git-fixes).
+- clk: scmi: Free scmi_clk allocated when the clocks with invalid
+  info are skipped (git-fixes).
+- ARM64: dts: marvell: cn9310: Use appropriate label for spi1 pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a7-sk: Drop i2c-1 to 100Khz (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix typo in ramoops reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: meson: a1: reorder gpio_intc node definition
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc: Add missing ADV7533 regulators
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8976: Fix ipc bit shifts (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix tcsr_mutex register size
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5332: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: Fix hwlock index for SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-mtp: fix WiFi configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8350: fix pinctrl for UART18 (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: add ref clock to PCIe PHYs
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: qrb2210-rb1: Swap UART index (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: Add missing LMH interrupts
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Sort spmi_bus node numerically by reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm6125: Pad APPS IOMMU address to 8 characters
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-libra: drop duplicated reserved memory
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix iommu local address range
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sc7280: link
+  usb3_phy_wrapper_gcc_usb30_pipe_clk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: cheza doesn't support LMh node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Fix PSCI power domain names
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mn: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mm: Add sound-dai-cells to micfil node
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8mp-debix-model-a: Remove USB hub reset-gpios
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: imx8qm-ss-img: Fix jpegenc compatible entry
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Use correct interrupts for Tegra234 TKE
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 QSPI speed (git-fixes).
+- arm64: tegra: Fix P3767 card detect polarity (git-fixes).
+- mmc: meson-gx: Remove setting of CMD_CFG_ERROR (git-fixes).
+- arm64/arm: xen: enlighten: Fix KPTI checks (git-fixes).
+- arm64: module: Fix PLT counting when CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=n
+  (git-fixes).
+- clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: limit XGene-1 workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: Fix incorrect string length computation
+  in gaudi2_psoc_razwi_get_engines() (git-fixes).
+- commit 431e850
+- wifi: ath12k: fix htt mlo-offset event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix dfs-radar and temperature event locking
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix gtk offload status event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix htt pktlog locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix dfs radar event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix temperature event locking (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: empty overflow queue during flush (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update IGTK in mvmvif upon D3 resume
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: synchronize IRQs before NAPI (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: remove TDLS stations from FW (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Fix key flags for IGTK on AP interface
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set link configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: yoyo: swap cdb and jacket bits values
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: Fix setting vif links (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't recreate driver link debugfs in reconfig
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: use correct sta ID for IGTK/BIGTK
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix removing pasn station for responder
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: update station's MFP flag after association
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wilc1000: use vmm_table as array in wilc struct
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: Remove duplicate NULL check before calling
+  usb_kill/free_urb() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wfx: fix case where rates are out of order (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath11k: fix Tx power value during active CAC (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix a memory initialization
+  issue (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: Drop unnecessary error check for
+  debugfs_create_dir() (git-fixes).
+- commit c7c9050
+- spi: nxp-fspi: use the correct ioremap function (git-fixes).
+- spi: mpc52xx-psc: Make mpc52xx_psc_spi_transfer_one_message()
+  static (git-fixes).
+- thermal/qcom/tsens: Drop ops_v0_1 (git-fixes).
+- thermal/drivers/mediatek: Fix probe for THERMAL_V2 (git-fixes).
+- thermal: intel: powerclamp: fix mismatch in get function for
+  max_idle (git-fixes).
+- thermal: ACPI: Include the right header file (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: Don't update trip points inside the hysteresis
+  range (git-fixes).
+- thermal: core: prevent potential string overflow (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7915: fix beamforming availability check
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix TWT command format (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix rx rate report for CBW320-2 (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix wmm queue mapping (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamformee ss subfield in EHT PHY cap
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7996: fix beamform mcu cmd configuration
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve stuck beacon handling (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: improve watchdog reset reliablity
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mt76: mt7603: rework/fix rx pse hang check (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtlwifi: fix EDCA limit set by BT coexistence (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix DMA unmap warning on NULL DMA address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: fix undefined behavior with __fls in dp
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix check for unusable RX result (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: debug: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Use FW rate for non-data frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: don't use an uninitialized variable (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: honor the enable_ini value (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix # of MSDU in A-MSDU calculation (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix off-by-one in element defrag (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: fix RCU usage warning in mesh fast-xmit
+  (git-fixes).
+- string: Adjust strtomem() logic to allow for smaller sources
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: atm: Use size_add() in call to struct_size() (git-fixes).
+- commit 6ae6091
+- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid
+  RCU complaint (git-fixes).
+- hte: tegra: Fix missing error code in tegra_hte_test_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix opening of char device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: wmi: Fix probe failure when failing to register
+  WMI devices (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add automatic module loading
+  on supported devices" (git-fixes).
+- Revert "hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Add DMI override table"
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (nct6775) Fix incorrect variable reuse in fan_div
+  calculation (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (coretemp) Fix potentially truncated sysfs attribute name
+  (git-fixes).
+- hwmon: (axi-fan-control) Fix possible NULL pointer dereference
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: tegra: Fix missing IRQ check in tegra_slink_probe()
+  (git-fixes).
+- regulator: qcom-rpmh: Fix smps4 regulator for pm8550ve
+  (git-fixes).
+- regmap: debugfs: Fix a erroneous check after snprintf()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: remove unused field (git-fixes).
+- PM: hibernate: Use __get_safe_page() rather than touching the
+  list (git-fixes).
+- PM / devfreq: rockchip-dfi: Make pmu regmap mandatory
+  (git-fixes).
+- keys: Remove unused extern declarations (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: tee: Refactor register SHM usage (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Rollback init_trusted() consistently (git-fixes).
+- pstore/platform: Add check for kstrdup (git-fixes).
+- commit 4216161
+- clk: npcm7xx: Fix incorrect kfree (git-fixes).
+- clk: ti: fix double free in of_ti_divider_clk_setup()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: keystone: pll: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: asm9620: Remove 'hw' local variable that isn't checked
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: Drive clk_leaf_mux_set_rate_parent test from clk_ops
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Trust value returned by hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Lock around writes to mux register
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rzg2l: Wait for status bit of SD mux before
+  continuing (git-fixes).
+- clk: renesas: rcar-gen3: Extend SDnH divider table (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq9574: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  GPLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq6018: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq8074: drop the CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT flag from
+  PLL clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Fix 'l' value for ipq5332_pll_config
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: config IPQ_APSS_6018 should depend on QCOM_SMEM
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-sm8150: Fix gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk_src (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8974: remove ocmemcx_ahb_clk (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Fix the SMMU GDSC (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: mmcc-msm8998: Don't check halt bit on some branch
+  clks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix clock rate overflow for high parent
+  frequencies (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Remove RPM bus clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: qcom: ipq5332: Drop set rate parent from gpll0 dependent
+  clocks (git-fixes).
+- clk: socfpga: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  stratix10_clock_data (git-fixes).
+- clk: visconti: Fix undefined behavior bug in struct
+  visconti_pll_provider (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8qxp: Fix elcdif_pll clock (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: imx8dxl-rsrc: keep sorted in the ascending order
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: mockup: fix kerneldoc (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: tegra194: fix warning due to missing opp_put
+  (git-fixes).
+- cpufreq: stats: Fix buffer overflow detection in trans_stats()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit a94ed03
+- clk: imx: imx8mq: correct error handling path (git-fixes).
+- clk: imx: Select MXC_CLK for CLK_IMX8QXP (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: fix double free in mtk_clk_register_pllfh()
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt2701: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt7629-eth: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6797: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6779: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: mediatek: clk-mt6765: Add check for mtk_alloc_clk_data
+  (git-fixes).
+- clk: linux/clk-provider.h: fix kernel-doc warnings and typos
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: sysfs: Fix create_pnp_modalias() and create_of_modalias()
+  (git-fixes).
+- =?UTF-8?q?ACPI:=20video:=20Add=20acpi=5Fbacklight=3Dvendo?=
+  =?UTF-8?q?r=20quirk=20for=20Toshiba=20Port=C3=A9g=C3=A9=20R100?=
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: property: Allow _DSD buffer data only for byte accessors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: FPDT: properly handle invalid FPDT subtables (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix Opcode prints in bt_dev_dbg/err
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_bcm4377: Mark bcm4378/bcm4387 as BROKEN_LE_CODED
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_put_echo_skb(): don't crash kernel if
+  can_priv::echo_skb is accessed out of bounds (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): fix race condition between controller
+  restart and netif_carrier_on() (git-fixes).
+- can: dev: can_restart(): don't crash kernel if carrier is OK
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: add missing a blank line after declaration
+  (git-fixes).
+- can: etas_es58x: rework the version check logic to silence
+  - Wformat-truncation (git-fixes).
+- can: sja1000: Fix comment (git-fixes).
+- commit 4c5a896
+- rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_WRUSS to IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE
+  Add AS_WRUSS as an IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE entry in check-for-config-changes
+  to fix build on x86_32.
+  There was a fix submitted to upstream but it was not accepted:
+  So carry this in IGNORED_CONFIGS_RE instead.
+- commit 7acca37
+- io_uring: kiocb_done() should *not* trust ->ki_pos if
+  - >{read,write}_iter() failed (git-fixes).
+- io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid
+  (bsc#1216693 CVE-2023-46862).
+- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
+  ring address (git-fixes).
+- commit 6d923bd
+- io-wq: fully initialize wqe before calling
+  cpuhp_state_add_instance_nocalls() (git-fixes).
+- commit 8ccfa86
+- cgroup/cpuset: Inherit parent's load balance state in v2
+  (bsc#1216760).
+- commit 03391cc
+- net-memcg: Fix scope of sockmem pressure indicators
+  (bsc#1216759).
+- commit 8c6b513
+- x86/efistub: Avoid legacy decompressor when doing EFI boot
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+  Refresh
+  patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch.
+- x86/efistub: Perform SNP feature test while running in the
+  firmware (jsc#PED-5458).
+- efi/libstub: Add limit argument to efi_random_alloc()
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Factor out kernel decompression and relocation
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Move global symbol references to C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- decompress: Use 8 byte alignment (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Prefer EFI memory attributes protocol over DXE
+  services (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Perform 4/5 level paging switch from the stub
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Merge trampoline cleanup with switching code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Pass pgtable address to trampoline directly
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Only call the trampoline when changing paging
+  levels (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline directly from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid the need for a stack in the 32-bit
+  trampoline (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Use standard calling convention for trampoline
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Call trampoline as a normal function
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Assign paging related global variables earlier
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Store boot_params pointer in callee save
+  register (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Clear BSS in EFI handover protocol entrypoint
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/decompressor: Avoid magic offsets for EFI handover
+  entrypoint (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Simplify and clean up handover entry code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/efistub: Branch straight to kernel entry point from C code
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- x86/head_64: Store boot_params pointer in callee save register
+  (jsc#PED-5458).
+- commit f5ec8bb
+- drivers/clocksource/timer-ti-dm: Don't call clk_get_rate()
+  in stop function (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: timer: renesas,rz-mtu3: Fix overflow/underflow
+  interrupt names (git-fixes).
+- PCI/MSI: Provide stubs for IMS functions (git-fixes).
+- selftests/x86/lam: Zero out buffer for readlink() (git-fixes).
+- objtool: Propagate early errors (git-fixes).
+- iov_iter, x86: Be consistent about the __user tag on
+  copy_mc_to_user() (git-fixes).
+- commit 2039524
+- perf/core: Fix potential NULL deref (bsc#1216584 CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit a0baaba
+- scsi: pm80xx: Avoid leaking tags when processing
+  OPC_INB_SET_CONTROLLER_CONFIG command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Use phy-specific SAS address when sending
+  PHY_START command (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.task_prio (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ssp_task.enable_first_burst
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete struct scsi_core (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_phy_type (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete enum sas_class (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Delete sas_ha_struct.lldd_module (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Set RETFIS when requested by libsas
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm8001: Remove unused declarations (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Fix error return code in pm8001_pci_probe()
+  (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Avoid -Warray-bounds warning (jsc#PED-6875).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add fatal error checks (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Add GET_NVMD timeout during probe (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Update PHY state after hard reset (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log port state during HW event (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log phy_id and port_id in the device registration
+  request (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Print port_id in HW events (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Enable init logging (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: pm80xx: Log some HW events by default (jsc#PED-6874).
+- scsi: aacraid: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (jsc#PED-6875).
+- commit ddefe4e
+- perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads (bsc#1216584
+  CVE-2023-5717).
+- commit 9197206
+- pinctrl: tegra: avoid duplicate field initializers (bsc#1216215)
+- commit ef05e40
+- config/arm64: Enable Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+  Add a config to enable building of Tegra234 pinmux driver.
+- commit d69049b
+- pinctrl: tegra: Add Tegra234 pinmux driver (bsc#1216215)
+- commit 519eedc
+- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
+  (bsc#1215768 CVE-2023-5178).
+- commit ea9717a
+- iio: afe: rescale: Accept only offset channels (git-fixes).
+- iio: exynos-adc: request second interupt only when touchscreen
+  mode is used (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Correct temperature offset/scale for
+  UltraScale (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: xilinx-xadc: Don't clobber preset voltage/temperature
+  thresholds (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Unmap only if buffer is unmapped from DSP
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Clean buffers on remote invocation failures
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Free DMA handles for RPC calls with no arguments
+  (git-fixes).
+- misc: fastrpc: Reset metadata buffer to avoid incorrect free
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: stm32f7: Fix PEC handling in case of SMBUS transfers
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-gpmux: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-demux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: muxes: i2c-mux-pinctrl: Use of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node()
+  (git-fixes).
+- i2c: aspeed: Fix i2c bus hang in slave read (git-fixes).
+- ARM: OMAP: timer32K: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix i2s0 pin conflict on ROCK Pi 4 boards
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: Add i2s0-2ch-bus-bclk-off pins to RK3399
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: set codec system-clock-fixed on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: rockchip: use codec as clock master on
+  px30-ringneck-haikou (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996-xiaomi: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: apq8096-db820c: fix missing clock populate
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sa8775p: correct PMIC GPIO label in
+  gpio-ranges (git-fixes).
+- firmware/imx-dsp: Fix use_after_free in imx_dsp_setup_channels()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: don't drop all unprotected public action frames
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: fix assoc response warning on failed links
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: pass correct pointer to rdev_inform_bss()
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Release firmware if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Cancel hw_phy_work if we have an error in probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Run the unload routine if we have errors during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- r8152: Increase USB control msg timeout to 5000ms as per spec
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix uninit-value access in smsc95xx_read_reg
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: ieee802154: adf7242: Fix some potential buffer overflow
+  in adf7242_stats_show() (git-fixes).
+- treewide: Spelling fix in comment (git-fixes).
+- commit fcf0a1e
+- powerpc/stacktrace: Fix arch_stack_walk_reliable()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit e0a2d02
+- powerpc/pseries: Fix STK_PARAM access in the hcall tracing code
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 17dca43
+- blacklist.conf: Add ff9e8f415136 powerpc/mm: Allow ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER up to 12
+- commit e7a922b
+- powerpc/qspinlock: Fix stale propagated yield_cpu (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 3d91081
+- powerpc/pseries: use kfree_sensitive() in plpks_gen_password()
+  (bsc#1215199).
+- commit 928df42
+- Refresh patches.suse/integrity-powerpc-Do-not-select-CA_MACHINE_KEYRING.patch.
+  Update patch metadata.
+- commit 42c8385
+- supported.conf: Add ultrasoc-smb support (jsc#PED-4733)
+- commit a3bd516
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0001-x86-sev-Disable-MMIO-emulation-from-user-mode.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0002-x86-sev-Check-IOBM-for-IOIO-exceptions-from-user-spa.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/0003-x86-sev-Check-for-user-space-IOIO-pointing-to-kernel.patch
+  (bsc#1212649 CVE-2023-46813).
+- commit 5ed02d6
+- quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active()
+  (bsc#1214997).
+- commit 7b1c518
+- quota: Fix slow quotaoff (bsc#1216621)
+- commit 8f9ab60
+- quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should
+  provide (bsc#1214963).
+- commit bd9f623
+- quota: add new helper dquot_active() (bsc#1214998).
+- commit a6eddf2
+- quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() (bsc#1214995).
+- commit 580a3c6
+- jbd2: correct the end of the journal recovery scan range
+  (bsc#1214955).
+- commit 2b92f59
+- jbd2: check 'jh->b_transaction' before removing it from
+  checkpoint (bsc#1214953).
+- commit 9e3e6a0
+- jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression
+  (bsc#1214952).
+- commit ef5fb7d
+- ext4: avoid potential data overflow in next_linear_group
+  (bsc#1214951).
+- commit 785ff8e
+- block/mq-deadline: use correct way to throttling write requests
+  (bsc#1214993).
+- commit 6d6927a
+- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
+  (bsc#1212649).
+- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1212649).
+- commit ccb5459
+- ata: libata-eh: do not clear ATA_PFLAG_EH_PENDING in
+  ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit c6250f7
+- ata: libata: remove references to non-existing error_handler()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ata-libata-core-Fix-port-and-device-removal.patch.
+- commit 69b2823
+- PM: hibernate: fix resume_store() return value when hibernation
+  not available (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 2d0c292
+- net: rfkill: reduce data->mtx scope in rfkill_fop_open
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit e434c5e
+- ata: libata-core: fix when to fetch sense data for successful
+  commands (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 5246ba2
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: delete CIS in BT_OPEN/CONNECT/BOUND when
+  aborting (git-fixes).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-in-hci_disconnect_all_syn.patch.
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/Bluetooth-hci_sync-Fix-UAF-on-hci_abort_conn_sync.patch.
+- commit a7663b4
+- selftests/ftrace: Add new test case which checks non unique
+  symbol (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Map 0x2a code, Ignore 0x2b and 0x2c
+  events (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Only map brightness codes when using
+  asus-wmi backlight control (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Change ASUS_WMI_BRN_DOWN code from
+  0x20 to 0x2e (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom to DELL custom modem FM101R-GL
+  (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add entry for Sierra EM9191 with new
+  firmware (git-fixes).
+- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C4-WWX 0x1035 composition
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Capture correct oemid-bits for eMMC cards
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: Fix error propagation for some ioctl commands
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: Correctly bounds check and pad
+  HCI_MON_NEW_INDEX name (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sock: fix slab oob read in create_monitor_event
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: always check if connection is alive before
+  deleting (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
+  BD_ADDR (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: ISO: Fix invalid context error (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Positivo C4128B
+  (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the BUSH Bush
+  Windows tablet (git-fixes).
+- HID: Add quirk to ignore the touchscreen battery on HP ENVY
+  15-eu0556ng (git-fixes).
+- HID: nintendo: reinitialize USB Pro Controller after resuming
+  from suspend (git-fixes).
+- HID: multitouch: Add required quirk for Synaptics 0xcd7e device
+  (git-fixes).
+- HID: holtek: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in
+  holtek_kbd_input_event (git-fixes).
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Add Bluetooth ID for the Logitech M720
+  Triathlon mouse (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: avoid leaking stack data into trace (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: allow transmitting EAPOL frames with tainted
+  key (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: work around Cisco AP 9115 VHT MPDU length
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: Fix 6GHz scan configuration (git-fixes).
+- rfkill: sync before userspace visibility/changes (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: Ensure ack flag is properly cleared (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: validate AP phy operation before starting it
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: Sanity check tlv_len and tlv_bitmap_len
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix build warnings (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Avoid redundant authentication (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: add shutdown function for QCA6174 (git-fixes).
+- selftests/mm: fix awk usage in and
+ that may cause error (git-fixes).
+- i2c: mux: Avoid potential false error message in
+  i2c_mux_add_adapter (git-fixes).
+- accel/ivpu: Don't flood dmesg with VPU ready message
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: timberdale: Fix potential deadlock on &tgpio->lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Introduce PTR_UINT/UINT_PTR macros
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not handling ISO_LINK in
+  hci_abort_conn_sync (git-fixes).
+- commit 6c9ea2b
+- fs: buffer: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: dm-zoned: use __bio_add_page for adding single metadata page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 6413c7c
+- floppy: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zram: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- zonefs: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- gfs2: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- jfs: logmgr: use __bio_add_page to add single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5: use __bio_add_page to add single page to new bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid5-log: use __bio_add_page to add single page
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: use __bio_add_page to add single page (bsc#1216436).
+- swap: use __bio_add_page to add page to bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 936fc88
+- scsi: pmcraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (jsc#PED-6876).
+- commit b91c280
+- maple_tree: add GFP_KERNEL to allocations in
+  mas_expected_entries() (git-fixes).
+- commit 7b18b6a
+- nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in
+  nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
+- commit 5b24bcd
+- ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 (CVE-2023-31085
+  bsc#1210778).
+- commit fe27c91
+- ata: libata-core: fetch sense data for successful commands
+  iff CDL enabled (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: do not thaw the port twice in ata_eh_reset() (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 8140c93
+- ata: libata: remove deprecated EH callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: remove ata_bus_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: sata_sx4: drop already completed TODO (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_init() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: cleanup __ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-core: inline ata_port_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: remove ata_sas_sync_probe() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_destroy() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata,scsi: remove ata_sas_port_{start,stop} callbacks (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 479419d
+- ata: libata-sata: Improve ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 7abb4aa
+- ata: ahci_octeon: Remove unnecessary include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: pata_octeon_cf: Add missing header include (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: ahci: Cleanup ahci_reset_controller() (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: Use of_property_read_reg() to parse "reg" (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-scsi: Use ata_ncq_supported in (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-eh: Use ata_ncq_enabled() in ata_eh_speed_down()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ata: libata-sata: Simplify ata_change_queue_depth()
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a819779
+- ata: libata-eh: Clarify ata_eh_qc_retry() behavior at call
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- commit fda3e7d
+- block: uapi: Fix compilation errors using ioprio.h with C++
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= again (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 40a1246
+- PM: hibernate: Fix writing maj:min to /sys/power/resume
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: block: Improve ioprio value validity checks (bsc#1216436).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Fix ata_msense_control kdoc comment
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: don't return -EINVAL for not found names in
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- block: fix rootwait= (bsc#1216436).
+- commit caf530a
+- net: rfkill: gpio: prevent value glitch during probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: smsc95xx: Fix an error code in smsc95xx_reset()
+  (git-fixes).
+- gve: Do not fully free QPL pages on prefill errors (git-fixes).
+- commit 8715cb1
+- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free of dsd_list during driver load
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 6a26394
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix in error path (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6835,
+  jsc#PED-6936).
+- scsi: mpt3sas: Remove volatile qualifier (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6835, jsc#PED-6936).
+- commit f8805cf
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Driver version update to 07.727.03.00-rc1
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Log message when controller reset
+  is requested but not issued (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Increase register read retry rount from
+  3 to 30 for selected registers (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 37d282c
+- scsi: megaraid: Pass in NULL scb for host reset (bsc#1216435,
+  jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 87b74dd
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix deadlock on firmware crashdump
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Use pci_dev_id() to simplify the code
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: Add HAS_IOPORT dependencies (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384,
+  jsc#PED-6937).
+- scsi: megaraid_sas: Convert union megasas_sgl to flex-arrays
+  (bsc#1216435, jsc#PED-6384, jsc#PED-6937).
+- commit 67b8176
+- s390/pci: fix iommu bitmap allocation (git-fixes bsc#1216507).
+- commit ad465bf
+- s390/cio: fix a memleak in css_alloc_subchannel (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216505).
+- commit 5731d29
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-combo: Square out 8550 POWER_STATE_CONFIG1
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: qcom-qmp-usb: initialize PCS_USB registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix pinctrl_pm handling for sleep pins
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime PM for remove (git-fixes).
+- phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix runtime disable on probe (git-fixes).
+- efi/unaccepted: Fix soft lockups caused by parallel memory
+  acceptance (git-fixes).
+- efi/x86: Ensure that EFI_RUNTIME_MAP is enabled for kexec
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit dd0ca5b
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-flush-fix-rq-flush.seq-for-post-flush-requests.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-fix-recursive-spin_lock-unlock_irq-in-ioc_cl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-ioc-protect-ioc_destroy_icq-by-queue_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-non-f.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-defer-to-the-normal-submission-path-for-post-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-do-not-do-head-insertions-post-pre-flush-comm.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-don-t-use-the-requeue-list-to-queue-flush-com.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-factor-out-a-blk_rq_init_flush-helper.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-fix-two-misuses-on-RQF_USE_SCHED.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-make-sure-elevator-callbacks-aren-t-called-fo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-reflow-blk_insert_flush.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-release-scheduler-resource-when-request-compl.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/blk-mq-remove-RQF_ELVPRIV.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/blk-mq-use-the-I-O-scheduler-for-writes-from-the-flu.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Add-PR-callouts-for-read-keys-and-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Add-several-invariant-checks.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-BFQ-Move-an-invariant-check.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Introduce-op_needs_zoned_write_locking.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Rename-BLK_STS_NEXUS-to-BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Replace-all-non-returning-strlcpy-with-strscpy.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-Simplify-blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-add-a-mark_dead-holder-operation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-avoid-repeated-work-in-blk_mark_disk_dead.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-consolidate-the-shutdown-logic-in-blk_mark_dis.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-partition-prober-array.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_attr_group.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-struct-part_type-part_type.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-constify-the-whole_disk-device_attribute.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-delete-partitions-later-in-del_gendisk.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-don-t-plug-in-blkdev_write_iter.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-factor-out-a-bd_end_claim-helper-from-blkdev_p.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-introduce-block_io_start-block_io_done-tracepo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-introduce-holder-ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Add-a-word-in-a-source-code-commen.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Clean-up-deadline_check_fifo.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-a-bug-in-deadline_from_pos.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Fix-handling-of-at-head-zoned-writ.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Handle-requeued-requests-correctly.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Reduce-lock-contention.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Simplify-deadline_skip_seq_writes.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-mq-deadline-Track-the-dispatch-position.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-queue-data-commands-from-the-flush-state-machi.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-refactor-bd_may_claim.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-remove-blk_drop_partitions.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-remove-redundant-req_op-in-blk_rq_is_passthrou.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/block-turn-bdev_lock-into-a-mutex.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/block-unhash-the-inode-earlier-in-delete_partition.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/dm-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/fs-remove-the-special-CONFIG_BLOCK-def_blk_fops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-a-nvme_pr_type-enum.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-helper-to-send-pr-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_keys-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Add-pr_ops-read_reservation-support.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Don-t-hardcode-the-data-len-for-pr-commands.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/nvme-Fix-reservation-status-related-structs.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/nvme-Move-pr-code-to-it-s-own-file.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-Add-support-for-block-PR-read-keys-reservation.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Move-sd_pr_type-to-scsi_common.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update patches.suse/scsi-Rename-sd_pr_command.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Add-block-PR-support-to-iblock.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Allow-backends-to-hook-into-PR-handling.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Pass-struct-target_opcode_descriptor-to-.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Rename-sbc_ops-to-exec_cmd_ops.patch
+  (jsc#PED-5728).
+- Update
+  patches.suse/scsi-target-Report-and-detect-unsupported-PR-command.patch
+  (jsc#PED5728).
+- commit 5348bdb
+- gpiolib: acpi: Add missing memset(0) to
+  acpi_get_gpiod_from_data() (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: set value before the direction to avoid a glitch
+  (git-fixes).
+- gpio: vf610: mask the gpio irq in system suspend and support
+  wakeup (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: Markdown style nit (git-fixes).
+- rust: error: fix the description for `ECHILD` (git-fixes).
+- apple-gmux: Hard Code max brightness for MMIO gmux (git-fixes).
+- platform/surface: platform_profile: Propagate error if profile
+  registration fails (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: msi-ec: Fix the 3rd config (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: intel-uncore-freq: Conditionally create attribute
+  for read frequency (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Call tb_switch_put() once DisplayPort bandwidth
+  request is finished (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: asymmetric: Fix sign/verify on pkcs1pad without a hash
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 26b3332
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 67f74c9
+- ACPI: irq: Fix incorrect return value in acpi_register_gsi()
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: bus: Move acpi_arm_init() to the place of after
+  acpi_ghes_init() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()"
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: qcom: lpass-lpi: fix concurrent register updates
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: Ensure the nand chip supports cached reads
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: qcom: Unmap the right resource upon probe failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: pl353: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spinand: micron: correct bitmask for ecc status
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: physmap-core: Restore map_rom fallback (git-fixes).
+- mtd: rawnand: marvell: Ensure program page operations are
+  successful (git-fixes).
+- mmc: mtk-sd: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic in msdc_reset_hw
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: fix LPM negotiation so x86/S0ix SoCs can
+  suspend (git-fixes).
+- mmc: core: sdio: hold retuning if sdio in 1-bit mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: mmc: sdhci-msm: correct minimum number of clocks
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Fix missing include of gpio/consumer.h
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: ASP1 DOUT must default to Hi-Z when not
+  transmitting (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
+  errors (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: pxa: fix a memory leak in probe() (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Fix illegal use of init_completion() (git-fixes).
+- Revert "accel/ivpu: Use cached buffers for FW loading"
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 14a1c75
+- bonding: Return pointer to data after pull on skb (bsc#1214754).
+- commit 03a709a
+- usb: cdns3: Modify the return value of cdns_set_active ()
+  to void when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is disabled (git-fixes).
+- commit 67c5409
+- usb: hub: Guard against accesses to uninitialized BOS
+  descriptors (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Check that lane 1 is in CL0 before enabling lane
+  bonding (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Workaround an IOMMU fault on certain systems with
+  Intel Maple Ridge (git-fixes).
+- Input: powermate - fix use-after-free in
+  powermate_config_complete (git-fixes).
+- Input: xpad - add PXN V900 support (git-fixes).
+- Input: goodix - ensure int GPIO is in input for gpio_count ==
+  1 && gpio_int_idx == 0 case (git-fixes).
+- Input: i8042 - add Fujitsu Lifebook E5411 to i8042 quirk table
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: avoid unsafe code pattern in find_pinctrl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- of: dynamic: Fix potential memory leak in of_changeset_action()
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: brcmfmac: Replace 1-element arrays with flexible arrays
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: add missing kernel-doc for cqm_rssi_work
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: ab8500: Set typing and props (git-fixes).
+- media: vb2: frame_vector.c: replace WARN_ONCE with a comment
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: stm32: add a delay before SPI disable (git-fixes).
+- spi: nxp-fspi: reset the FLSHxCR1 registers (git-fixes).
+- thermal/of: add missing of_node_put() (git-fixes).
+- platform/x86: asus-wmi: Support 2023 ROG X16 tablet mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: fix race between DMA RX transfer completion and
+  RX FIFO drain (git-fixes).
+- spi: sun6i: reduce DMA RX transfer width to single byte
+  (git-fixes).
+- mtd: spi-nor: Correct flags for Winbond w25q128 (git-fixes).
+- media: pci: cx23885: replace BUG with error return (git-fixes).
+- media: tuners: qt1010: replace BUG_ON with a regular error
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: gl861: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  gl861_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: az6007: Fix null-ptr-deref in az6007_i2c_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: anysee: fix null-ptr-deref in anysee_master_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: af9005: Fix null-ptr-deref in af9005_i2c_xfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dw2102: Fix null-ptr-deref in dw2102_i2c_transfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: dvb-usb-v2: af9035: Fix null-ptr-deref in
+  af9035_i2c_master_xfer (git-fixes).
+- media: mdp3: Fix resource leaks in of_find_device_by_node
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: chipidea: add workaround for chipidea PEC bug (git-fixes).
+- usb: ehci: add workaround for chipidea PORTSC.PEC bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: fsl_qe_udc: validate endpoint index for ch9 udc
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdns3: Put the cdns set active part outside the spin lock
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: add check max message length while scanning with
+  extraie (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix memory leak in rx_desc and tx_desc
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211_hwsim: drop short frames (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check for station first in client probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: ocb: don't leave if not joined (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: reject auth/assoc to AP with our address
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mac80211: check S1G action frame size (git-fixes).
+- wifi: iwlwifi: pcie: avoid a warning in case prepare card failed
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: avoid array overflow of hw mode for
+  preferred_hw_mode (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath12k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in
+  ath12k_mac_op_hw_scan() (git-fixes).
+- wifi: wil6210: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix printk specifier (git-fixes).
+- wifi: ath9k: fix fortify warnings (git-fixes).
+- mt76: mt7921: don't assume adequate headroom for SDIO headers
+  (git-fixes).
+- wifi: mwifiex: fix fortify warning (git-fixes).
+- wifi: rtw88: delete timer and free skb queue when unloading
+  (git-fixes).
+- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: improve ESDHC_FLAG_ERR010450 (git-fixes).
+- tpm_tis: Resend command to recover from data transfer errors
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5c51dbd
+- HID: logitech-hidpp: Fix kernel crash on receiver USB disconnect
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for HDMI_In capture support
+  in MTL match table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: Add entry for sof_es8336 in MTL match
+  table (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add support for SKU 0B14 (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Fix SYSC_QUIRK_SWSUP_SIDLE_ACT handling for uart
+  wake-up (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Reduce the DSP init timeout (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: sof-audio: Fix DSP core put imbalance on widget
+  setup failure (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: imx-rpmsg: Set ignore_pmdown_time for dai_link
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Avoid stale SoundWire ATTACH after hard reset
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Don't rely on GPIOD_OUT_LOW to set RESET
+  initially low (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs42l42: Ensure a reset pulse meets minimum pulse width
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix missing locking in wm_adsp_[read|write]_ctl()
+  (git-fixes).
+- firmware: cirrus: cs_dsp: Only log list of algorithms in debug
+  build (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: rt5640: Only cancel jack-detect work on suspend if active
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Disable low-power hibernation mode (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-rpmsg: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag
+  (git-fixes).
+- Add DMI ID for MSI Bravo 15 B7ED (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: cs35l56: Call pm_runtime_dont_use_autosuspend()
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - fix interrupt enable disbalance
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: tca6416-keypad - always expect proper IRQ number in
+  i2c client (git-fixes).
+- ata: ahci: Add Elkhart Lake AHCI controller (git-fixes).
+- bus: ti-sysc: Configure uart quirks for k3 SoC (git-fixes).
+- firmware: arm_scmi: Harden perf domain info access (git-fixes).
+- Fix nomenclature for USB and PCI wireless devices (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for another MediaTek 7922 VID/PID
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix hci_suspend_sync crash (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 04ca/3804 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add new VID/PID 0489/e102 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new VID/PID 0489/e0f6 for MT7922
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: btusb: Add device 0489:e0f5 as MT7922 device
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit b65853c
+- ACPI: resource: Add TongFang GM6BGEQ, GM6BG5Q and GM6BG0Q to
+  irq1_edge_low_force_override[] (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: resource: Skip IRQ override on ASUS ExpertBook B1402CBA
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: EC: Add quirk for the HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1xxx
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Nexigo webcam
+  (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Opencomm2 Headset
+  (git-fixes).
+- alx: fix OOB-read compiler warning (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Catch multiple ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE objects
+  (git-fixes).
+- ACPI: video: Add backlight=native DMI quirk for Apple iMac12,1
+  and iMac12,2 (git-fixes).
+- ACPICA: Add AML_NO_OPERAND_RESOLVE flag to Timer (git-fixes).
+- commit cf1d1d0
+- PM: hibernate: don't use early_lookup_bdev in resume_store
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: only call early_lookup_bdev from early boot context
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: remove dm_get_dev_t (bsc#1216436).
+- dm: open code dm_get_dev_t in dm_init_init (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-snap: simplify the origin_dev == cow_dev check in
+  snapshot_ctr (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move more code to early-lookup.c (bsc#1216436).
+- block: move the code to do early boot lookup of block devices
+  to block/ (bsc#1216436).
+- init: clear root_wait on all invalid root= strings
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: improve the name_to_dev_t interface (bsc#1216436).
+- init: move the nfs/cifs/ram special cases out of name_to_dev_t
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: factor the root_wait logic in prepare_namespace into a
+  helper (bsc#1216436).
+- init: handle ubi/mtd root mounting like all other root types
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: don't remove the /dev/ prefix from error messages
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: pass root_device_name explicitly (bsc#1216436).
+- init: refactor mount_root (bsc#1216436).
+- init: rename mount_block_root to mount_root_generic
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- init: remove pointless Root_* values (bsc#1216436).
+- PM: hibernate: move finding the resume device out of
+  software_resume (bsc#1216436).
+- commit a10eb49
+- PM: hibernate: remove the global snapshot_test variable
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch.
+- commit af576bb
+- PM: hibernate: factor out a helper to find the resume device
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- driver core: return bool from driver_probe_done (bsc#1216436).
+- commit cab67f3
+- gfs2: Don't use filemap_splice_read (bsc#1216396).
+- nfsd: Fix reading via splice (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: minor fixes to splice-read implementation (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix dio_cleanup() to advance the head index
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4153b2a
+- commit c6c6196
+- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_SG (jsc#PED-6719).
+- commit d87ed97
+- ext4: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log devices
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- ext4: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit be93c9b
+- ext4: split ext4_shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/ext4-fix-to-check-return-value-of-freeze_bdev-i.patch.
+- commit 7192c4c
+- xfs: wire up the ->mark_dead holder operation for log and RT
+  devices (bsc#1216436).
+- xfs: wire up sops->shutdown (bsc#1216436).
+- commit acb6e5e
+- fs: add a method to shut down the file system (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh patches.suse/vfs-add-super_operations-get_inode_dev.
+- commit 665d59b
+- block: mark bio_add_folio as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- commit 158b336
+- fs: iomap: use bio_add_folio_nofail where possible
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/iomap-Rename-iomap_page-to-iomap_folio_state-and-others.patch.
+- commit 35f9aa2
+- block: add bio_add_folio_nofail (bsc#1216436).
+- block: mark bio_add_page as __must_check (bsc#1216436).
+- dm-crypt: use __bio_add_page to add single page to clone bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: check if adding pages to resync bio fails
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: raid1: use __bio_add_page for adding single page to bio
+  (bsc#1216436).
+- md: check for failure when adding pages in
+  alloc_behind_master_bio (bsc#1216436).
+- commit e90ff1b
+- scsi: core: ata: Do no try to probe for CDL on old drives
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: libsas: Add return_fis_on_success to sas_ata_task
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 52e719b
+- scsi: ata: libata: Handle completion of CDL commands using
+  policy 0xD (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Set read/write commands CDL index
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Add ATA feature control sub-page translation
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Add support for CDL pages mode sense
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Handle CDL bits in ata_scsiop_maint_in()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata: Change ata_eh_request_sense() to not set
+  CHECK_CONDITION (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: ata: libata-scsi: Remove unnecessary !cmd checks
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Handle read/write CDL timeout failures (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: sd: Set read/write command CDL index (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow enabling and disabling command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit 69aa7a3
+- scsi: core: Detect support for command duration limits
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/scsi-Do-not-attempt-to-rescan-suspended-devices.patch.
+- commit 2174f78
+- scsi: core: Support Service Action in scsi_report_opcode()
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Support retrieving sub-pages of mode pages
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Rename and move get_scsi_ml_byte() (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: core: Allow libata to complete successful commands via EH
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce BLK_STS_DURATION_LIMIT (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: Introduce ioprio hints (bsc#1216435).
+- scsi: block: ioprio: Clean up interface definition
+  (bsc#1216435).
+- commit a45bd09
+- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr (git-fixes).
+- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
+  (git-fixes).
+- net: phy: bcm7xxx: Add missing 16nm EPHY statistics (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix using memcmp when comparing keys
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
+  (git-fixes).
+- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+  send_acknowledge() (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Fix the ct_tuple for v4 (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Catch cases where the tests are killed
+  (git-fixes).
+- selftests: openvswitch: Add version check for pyroute2
+  (git-fixes).
+- docs: fix info about representor identification (git-fixes).
+- selftests/powerpc: Fix emit_tests to work with
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 96142ad
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/mm-gup-add-missing-gup_must_unshare-check-to-gup_huge_pgd.patch.
+- commit 9284a43
+- arm64: Update config files. (bsc#1216523)
+  Make iMX93 clock and pinctrl driver build-in.
+- commit 09c889a
+- SUNRPC: Fix the recent bv_offset fix (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0bab547
+- crypto: fix uninit-value in af_alg_free_resources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d4bf8b0
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix missing initialisation affecting gcm-aes-s390 (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f6818fc
+- crypto: Fix af_alg_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) sglist limit (bsc#1216396)
+- commit f4767f4
+- kcm: Fix unnecessary psock unreservation. (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e3f83d9
+- ip, ip6: Fix splice to raw and ping sockets (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7633d3f
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() to handle pipe bufs larger than a page (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0e2c116
+- drbd: swap bvec_set_page len and offset (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 98a0211
+- sunrpc: set the bv_offset of first bvec in svc_tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7da5d0a
+- net: tls: set MSG_SPLICE_PAGES consistently (bsc#1216396)
+- commit fb18afe
+- udp6: Fix __ip6_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit d1f0111
+- udp: Fix __ip_append_data()'s handling of MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b95d993
+- splice, net: Fix splice_to_socket() for O_NONBLOCK socket (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ede475b
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 9c84033
+- crypto: algif_hash - Fix race between MORE and non-MORE sends (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af859fa
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Fix recvmsg() after sendmsg(MSG_MORE) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b15c021
+- crypto: af_alg - Fix merging of written data into spliced pages (bsc#1216396)
+- commit e0c6887
+- nvme-tcp: Fix comma-related oops (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 8fb1409
+- libceph: Partially revert changes to support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 5ac4d7b
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+- commit af42c7b
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+- commit dbaaf08
+- sock: Remove ->sendpage*() in favour of sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 65346bf
+- ocfs2: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 806190c
+- scsi: target: iscsi: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 6796e48
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 68eb15b
+- drbd: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 77f6ffe
+- smc: Drop smc_sendpage() in favour of smc_sendmsg() + MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 7d6c8d0
+- nvmet-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3769e90
+- nvme-tcp: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b80950a
+- dlm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 090e5e1
+- rds: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit b3f9468
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 0f390d4
+- ceph: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ce165ef
+- net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) not sendpage in skb_send_sock() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 1512d4b
+- tcp_bpf, smc, tls, espintcp, siw: Reduce MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST usage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit edd381a
+- kcm: Send multiple frags in one sendmsg() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit abcba7f
+- kcm: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit a791e49
+- tcp_bpf: Make tcp_bpf_sendpage() go through tcp_bpf_sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) (bsc#1216396)
+- commit c34fb39
+- sunrpc: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather then sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit ee8f1a6
+- algif: Remove hash_sendpage*() (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3242e29
+- Remove file->f_op->sendpage (bsc#1216396)
+- commit 3d3afbc
+- tls/device: Convert tls_device_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Convert tls_sw_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Fix SPLICE_F_MORE signalling in
+  splice_direct_to_actor() (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio/chtls: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- ipv4, ipv6: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/device: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- tls/sw: Use splice_eof() to flush (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Add a splice_eof op to file-ops and socket-ops
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice, net: Use sendmsg(MSG_SPLICE_PAGES) rather than
+  - >sendpage() (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0872e02
+- tls: Allow MSG_SPLICE_PAGES but treat it as normal sendmsg
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Block MSG_SENDPAGE_* from being passed to sendmsg()
+  by userspace (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 5429db8
+- crypto: af_alg/hash: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Convert af_alg_sendpage() to use
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Indent the loop in af_alg_sendmsg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Use extract_iter_to_sg() to create scatterlists
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- crypto: af_alg: Pin pages rather than ref'ing if appropriate
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit dc4f265
+- Move netfs_extract_iter_to_sg() to lib/scatterlist.c
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/crypto-cifs-fix-error-handling-in-extract_iter.patch.
+- commit 5ee67fd
+- Wrap lines at 80 (bsc#1216396).
+- Fix a couple of spelling mistakes (bsc#1216396).
+- Drop the netfs_ prefix from netfs_extract_iter_to_sg()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit d9781c6
+- kcm: Convert kcm_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- kcm: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit b35a878
+- chelsio: Convert chtls_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- chelsio: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit ecc4c7a
+- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Signal hpd low when exiting
+  mode (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Preserve RsvdP bits in ERSTBA register correctly
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: Clear EHB bit only at end of interrupt handler
+  (git-fixes).
+- xhci: track port suspend state correctly in unsuccessful resume
+  cases (git-fixes).
+- usb: xhci: xhci-ring: Use sysdev for mapping bounce buffer
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Clear EVENT_PENDING bit if ucsi_send_command
+  fails (git-fixes).
+- usb: gadget: ncm: Handle decoding of multiple NTB's in unwrap
+  call (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Get the musb_qh poniter after musb_giveback
+  (git-fixes).
+- usb: musb: Modify the "HWVers" register address (git-fixes).
+- usb: cdnsp: Fixes issue with dequeuing not queued requests
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Restart XDomain discovery handshake after failure
+  (git-fixes).
+- thunderbolt: Correct TMU mode initialization from hardware
+  (git-fixes).
+- serial: Reduce spinlocked portion of uart_rs485_config()
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: ms5611: ms5611_prom_is_valid false negative bug
+  (git-fixes).
+- Input: psmouse - fix fast_reconnect function for PS/2 mode
+  (git-fixes).
+- media: subdev: Don't report V4L2_SUBDEV_CAP_STREAMS when the
+  streams API is disabled (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix enable request endianness
+  (git-fixes).
+- power: supply: qcom_battmgr: fix battery_id type (git-fixes).
+- nfc: nci: assert requested protocol is valid (git-fixes).
+- net: usb: dm9601: fix uninitialized variable use in
+  dm9601_mdio_read (git-fixes).
+- net: nfc: fix races in nfc_llcp_sock_get() and
+  nfc_llcp_sock_get_sn() (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: serialize concurrent phy_set_mode_ext() calls
+  to shared registers (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: lock PHY while performing CDR lock workaround
+  (git-fixes).
+- phy: lynx-28g: cancel the CDR check work item on the remove path
+  (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Enable missing PINMUX (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: starfive: jh7110: Fix failure to set irq after
+  CONFIG_PM is enabled (git-fixes).
+- pinctrl: nuvoton: wpcm450: fix out of bounds write (git-fixes).
+- KEYS: trusted: Remove redundant static calls usage (git-fixes).
+- irqchip: renesas-rzg2l: Fix logic to clear TINT interrupt source
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 7f41ba4
+- iio: adc: ad7192: Correct reference voltage (git-fixes).
+- iio: addac: Kconfig: update ad74413r selections (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: dps310: Adjust Timeout Settings (git-fixes).
+- iio: imu: bno055: Fix missing Kconfig dependencies (git-fixes).
+- iio: adc: imx8qxp: Fix address for command buffer registers
+  (git-fixes).
+- iio: cros_ec: fix an use-after-free in
+  cros_ec_sensors_push_data() (git-fixes).
+- iio: admv1013: add mixer_vgate corner cases (git-fixes).
+- iio: pressure: bmp280: Fix NULL pointer exception (git-fixes).
+- iio: dac: ad3552r: Correct device IDs (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix residue in case of MDMA chaining
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-dma: fix stm32_dma_prep_slave_sg in case of
+  MDMA chaining (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: set in_flight_bytes in case CRQA flag
+  is set (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: use Link Address Register to compute
+  residue (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: stm32-mdma: abort resume if no ongoing transfer
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: mediatek: Fix deadlock caused by synchronize_irq()
+  (git-fixes).
+- dmaengine: idxd: use spin_lock_irqsave before
+  wait_event_lock_irq (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: add xlnx,bus-width required
+  property (git-fixes).
+- ieee802154: ca8210: Fix a potential UAF in ca8210_probe
+  (git-fixes).
+- dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: renesas,rzg2l-irqc: Update
+  description for '#interrupt-cells' property (git-fixes).
+- commit 273ec57
+- counter: microchip-tcb-capture: Fix the use of internal GCLK
+  logic (git-fixes).
+- counter: chrdev: fix getting array extensions (git-fixes).
+- can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX state detection and wait
+  behavior (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Set DSU PMU status to fail
+  (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: fix t-phy unit name (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: update and reorder reserved
+  memory regions (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195-demo: fix the memory size to 8GB
+  (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: implement set_devctl (git-fixes).
+- ata: pata_parport: fix pata_parport_devchk (git-fixes).
+- arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: extend the size of the PDC resource
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: amd: yc: Fix non-functional mic on Lenovo 82YM
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: hdmi-codec: Fix broken channel map reporting (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek: Change model for Intel RVP board (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda: cs35l41: Cleanup and fix double free in firmware
+  request (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: SOF: amd: fix for firmware reload failure after playback
+  (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: fsl_sai: Don't disable bitclock for i.MX8MP (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: simple-card-utils: fixup simple_util_startup() error
+  handling (git-fixes).
+- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: fix Dell SKU 0B34 (git-fixes).
+- ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC287 merge RTK codec with CS CS35L41 AMP
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 4cbb4f2
+- net: fix signedness bug in skb_splice_from_iter() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Use iov_iter_extract_pages() and page pinning in
+  direct-io.c (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Provide a function to get an additional pin on a page
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- mm: Don't pin ZERO_PAGE in pin_user_pages() (bsc#1216396).
+- block: convert bio_map_user_iov to use iov_iter_extract_pages
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Convert bio_iov_iter_get_pages to use
+  iov_iter_extract_pages (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Add BIO_PAGE_PINNED and associated infrastructure
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Replace BIO_NO_PAGE_REF with BIO_PAGE_REFFED with
+  inverted logic (bsc#1216396).
+- block: Fix bio_flagged() so that gcc can better optimise it
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iomap: Don't get an reference on ZERO_PAGE for direct I/O
+  block zeroing (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 0c6b192
+- splice: kdoc for filemap_splice_read() and copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- iov_iter: Kill ITER_PIPE (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Remove generic_file_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Use filemap_splice_read() instead of (bsc#1216396).
+- cifs: Use filemap_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- trace: Convert trace/seq to use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- zonefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- xfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- orangefs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ocfs2: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ntfs3: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- nfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- f2fs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ext4: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ecryptfs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- ceph: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- afs: Provide a splice-read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- 9p: Add splice_read wrapper (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Make sock_splice_read() use copy_splice_read() by
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tty, proc, kernfs, random: Use copy_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- coda: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- overlayfs: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- shmem: Implement splice-read (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from a DAX file use copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make splice from an O_DIRECT fd use (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Check for zero count in vfs_splice_read() (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make do_splice_to() generic and export it (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 4891151
+- splice: Clean up copy_splice_read() a bit (bsc#1216396).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/splice-don-t-call-file_accessed-in-copy_splice_.patch.
+- commit 664e8a5
+- splice: Rename direct_splice_read() to copy_splice_read()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- splice: Make filemap_splice_read() check s_maxbytes
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- commit a541fa9
+- unix: Convert unix_stream_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- Delete
+  patches.suse/af_unix-Fix-null-ptr-deref-in-unix_stream_send.patch.
+- commit e25becd
+- af_unix: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- commit f1ae971
+- ip: Remove ip_append_page() (bsc#1216396).
+- udp: Convert udp_sendpage() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- ip6, udp6: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- ip, udp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Fold do_tcp_sendpages() into tcp_sendpage_locked()
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- siw: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tls: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- espintcp: Inline do_tcp_sendpages() (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp_bpf: Inline do_tcp_sendpages as it's now a wrapper around
+  tcp_sendmsg (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Convert do_tcp_sendpages() to use MSG_SPLICE_PAGES
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- tcp: Support MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Add a function to splice pages into an skbuff for
+  MSG_SPLICE_PAGES (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Pass max frags into skb_append_pagefrags() (bsc#1216396).
+- net: Declare MSG_SPLICE_PAGES internal sendmsg() flag
+  (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: optimise io_uring zc ubuf refcounting (bsc#1216396).
+- net/tcp: don't peek at tail for io_uring zc (bsc#1216396).
+- commit 1cbac60
+- blacklist.conf: Add kernel-doc only commit
+- commit 2ddda2d
+- blk-flush: fix rq->flush.seq for post-flush requests (PED-5728).
+- commit 331daeb
+- blk-mq: release scheduler resource when request completes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: queue data commands from the flush state machine at
+  the head (PED-5728).
+- block/mq-deadline: Fix a bug in deadline_from_pos() (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: fix two misuses on RQF_USE_SCHED (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: fix recursive spin_lock/unlock_irq() in
+  ioc_clear_queue() (PED-5728).
+- commit 6d273e4
+- KVM: s390: fix gisa destroy operation might lead to cpu stalls
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 27384f0
+- Crash: add lock to serialize crash hotplug handling
+  (jsc-PED#5077).
+- commit 5a5c5bb
+- Refresh SED OPAL patches to current version.
+- commit 8de998c
+- blacklist.conf: Updated
+- commit a30a51f
+- x86/crash: optimize CPU changes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit f30f3fe
+- crash: change crash_prepare_elf64_headers() to
+  for_each_possible_cpu() (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit e79d809
+- x86/crash: add x86 crash hotplug support (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit d5e636c
+- crash: memory and CPU hotplug sysfs attributes (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 82db65e
+- kexec: exclude elfcorehdr from the segment digest
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 2859a0e
+- crash: add generic infrastructure for crash hotplug support
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 374d01d
+- crash: move a few code bits to setup support of crash hotplug
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/add-product-identifying-information-to-vmcoreinfo.patch.
+- commit 563a4f9
+- usb: typec: ucsi: Use GET_CAPABILITY attributes data to set
+  power supply scope (git-fixes).
+- commit f685c38
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: replace memcpy with memcpy_toio
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit eb4f8c3
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix incorrect type in assignment
+  warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 0c5300f
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix cast from restricted __le16 warning
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 0e0e0a8
+- usb: gadget: udc-xilinx: fix restricted __le16 degrades to
+  integer warning (git-fixes).
+- commit 54667be
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Use
+  devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() (git-fixes).
+- commit 5cb0f73
+- scsi: target: Pass struct target_opcode_descriptor to enabled
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit a0c7a7a
+- ceph: remove unnecessary check for NULL in parse_longname()
+  (bsc#1216331).
+- commit fea4023
+- usb: Explicitly include correct DT includes (git-fixes).
+  parts for qcom driver not backported removed
+- commit 27319fe
+- usb: gadget/udc-xilinx: Convert to platform remove callback
+  returning void (git-fixes).
+- commit 110ff09
+- usb: gadget: udc: udc-xilinx: Add identifier to read_fn function
+  arg (git-fixes).
+- commit 0db2eea
+- usb: dwc3: Soft reset phy on probe for host (git-fixes).
+- commit 47c619c
+- KVM: SVM: Fix TSC_AUX virtualization setup (git-fixes).
+- commit f04f3c5
+- ceph: fix type promotion bug on 32bit systems (bsc#1216327).
+- libceph: use kernel_connect() (bsc#1216326).
+- ceph: fix incorrect revoked caps assert in ceph_fill_file_size()
+  (bsc#1216325).
+- commit 211b7b9
+- KVM: SVM: INTERCEPT_RDTSCP is never intercepted anyway
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 8d2756e
+- vringh: don't use vringh_kiov_advance() in vringh_iov_xfer()
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 5373e91
+- xen-netback: use default TX queue size for vifs (git-fixes).
+- commit 2ad4e6c
+- scsi: Do not rescan devices with a suspended queue (git-fixes).
+- commit c0a7368
+- scsi: Do not attempt to rescan suspended devices (git-fixes).
+- scsi: sd: Differentiate system and runtime start/stop management
+  (git-fixes).
+- scsi: iscsi_tcp: restrict to TCP sockets (git-fixes).
+- scsi: lpfc: Fix the NULL vs IS_ERR() bug for
+  debugfs_create_file() (git-fixes).
+- scsi: pm8001: Setup IRQs on resume (git-fixes).
+- commit afc950d
+- block: add a mark_dead holder operation (PED-5728).
+- block: introduce holder ops (PED-5728).
+- block: remove blk_drop_partitions (PED-5728).
+- block: delete partitions later in del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: unhash the inode earlier in delete_partition (PED-5728).
+- block: avoid repeated work in blk_mark_disk_dead (PED-5728).
+- block: consolidate the shutdown logic in blk_mark_disk_dead
+  and del_gendisk (PED-5728).
+- block: turn bdev_lock into a mutex (PED-5728).
+- block: refactor bd_may_claim (PED-5728).
+- block: factor out a bd_end_claim helper from blkdev_put
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: Replace all non-returning strlcpy with strscpy
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-ioc: protect ioc_destroy_icq() by 'queue_lock' (PED-5728).
+- block: constify the whole_disk device_attribute (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_attr_group (PED-5728).
+- block: constify struct part_type part_type (PED-5728).
+- block: constify partition prober array (PED-5728).
+- commit 00b3f62
+- block: introduce block_io_start/block_io_done tracepoints
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: remove redundant req_op in blk_rq_is_passthrough
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: don't plug in blkdev_write_iter (PED-5728).
+- block: BFQ: Move an invariant check (PED-5728).
+- commit ff11de8
+- blk-mq: don't use the requeue list to queue flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: do not do head insertions post-pre-flush commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for post-flush
+  requests (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: use the I/O scheduler for writes from the flush state
+  machine (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: defer to the normal submission path for non-flush
+  flush commands (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: reflow blk_insert_flush (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: factor out a blk_rq_init_flush helper (PED-5728).
+- fs: remove the special !CONFIG_BLOCK def_blk_fops (PED-5728).
+- commit f3ede31
+- block: BFQ: Add several invariant checks (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Fix handling of at-head zoned writes
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Handle requeued requests correctly
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Track the dispatch position (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Reduce lock contention (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Simplify deadline_skip_seq_writes()
+  (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Clean up deadline_check_fifo() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce blk_rq_is_seq_zoned_write() (PED-5728).
+- block: Introduce op_needs_zoned_write_locking() (PED-5728).
+- block: Simplify blk_req_needs_zone_write_lock() (PED-5728).
+- block: mq-deadline: Add a word in a source code comment
+  (PED-5728).
+- commit 37cc91c
+- blk-mq: make sure elevator callbacks aren't called for
+  passthrough request (PED-5728).
+- blk-mq: remove RQF_ELVPRIV (PED-5728).
+- commit 1dd7720
+- scsi: target: Add block PR support to iblock (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Report and detect unsupported PR commands
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Allow backends to hook into PR handling
+  (PED-5728).
+- scsi: target: Rename sbc_ops to exec_cmd_ops (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_reservation support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add a nvme_pr_type enum (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add pr_ops read_keys support (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Add helper to send pr command (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Move pr code to it's own file (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Don't hardcode the data len for pr commands (PED-5728).
+- nvme: Fix reservation status related structs (PED-5728).
+- dm: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Add support for block PR read keys/reservation (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Move sd_pr_type to scsi_common (PED-5728).
+- scsi: Rename sd_pr_command (PED-5728).
+- block: Rename BLK_STS_NEXUS to BLK_STS_RESV_CONFLICT (PED-5728).
+- block: Add PR callouts for read keys and reservation (PED-5728).
+- commit 83e6b70
+- sched/psi: Delete the 'update_total' function parameter from
+  update_triggers() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Avoid updating PSI triggers and ->rtpoll_total when
+  there are no state changes (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/headers: Remove comment referring to rq::cpu_load, since
+  this has been removed (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of inactive VMAs when there
+  is no alternative (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Complete scanning of partial VMAs regardless of
+  PID activity (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/numa: Move up the access pid reset logic (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Trace decisions related to skipping VMAs
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Rename vma_numab_state::access_pids[] =>
+  ::pids_active[], ::next_pid_reset => ::pids_active_reset
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/numa: Document vma_numab_state fields (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/psi: Change update_triggers() to a 'void' function
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Change the type of 'sysctl_sched_rt_period' from
+  'unsigned int' to 'int' (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional
+  and performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Remove unnecessarily complex error handling pattern
+  from find_new_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Use consistent variable names in find_new_ilb() and
+  kick_ilb() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance
+  backports)).
+- sched/nohz: Update idle load-balancing (ILB) comments
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/debug: Print 'tgid' in sched_show_task() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Use 'real-time' instead of 'realtime'
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt/docs: Clarify & fix sched_rt_* sysctl docs (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Disallow writing invalid values to sched_rt_period_us
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/deadline: Make dl_rq->pushable_dl_tasks update drive
+  dl_rq->overloaded (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/rt: Make rt_rq->pushable_tasks updates drive rto_mask
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Refactor the task_flags check for worker sleeping
+  in sched_submit_work() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix warning in bandwidth distribution (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Make cfs_rq->throttled_csd_list available on !SMP
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Optimize in_task() and in_interrupt() a bit
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Ratelimit update to tg->load_avg (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/core: Use do-while instead of for loop in
+  set_nr_if_polling() (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and
+  performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_is_decayed() on !SMP (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() comment
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Handle NUMA_NO_NODE in sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in non-NUMA case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/topology: Fix sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() in CPU-less case
+  (bsc#1212887 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- sched/fair: Fix open-coded numa_nearest_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- numa: Generalize numa_map_to_online_node() (bsc#1212887
+  (Scheduler functional and performance backports)).
+- commit bd1fdcf
+- hv/hv_kvp_daemon:Support for keyfile based connection profile
+  (git-fixes).
+- hyperv: reduce size of ms_hyperv_info (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Add common print prefix "Hyper-V" in hv_init
+  (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Remove hv_vtl_early_init initcall (git-fixes).
+- x86/hyperv: Restrict get_vtl to only VTL platforms (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix oversized sge0 for GSO packets (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix the tso_bytes calculation (git-fixes).
+- net: mana: Fix TX CQE error handling (git-fixes).
+- commit dc3936e
+- rcu: dump vmalloc memory info safely (git-fixes).
+- mm/vmalloc: add a safer version of find_vm_area() for debug
+  (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb: use flush_hugetlb_tlb_range() in
+  move_hugetlb_page_tables() (git-fixes).
+- mm: don't drop VMA locks in mm_drop_all_locks() (git-fixes).
+- mm: hugetlb_vmemmap: fix a race between vmemmap pmd split
+  (git-fixes).
+- madvise:madvise_free_huge_pmd(): don't use mapcount() against
+  large folio for sharing check (git-fixes).
+- smaps: use vm_normal_page_pmd() instead of
+  follow_trans_huge_pmd() (git-fixes).
+- mm/hugetlb: fix pgtable lock on pmd sharing (git-fixes).
+- commit 0b9afbb
+- mm: memcontrol: fix GFP_NOFS recursion in memory.high
+  enforcement (git-fixes).
+- memcontrol: ensure memcg acquired by id is properly set up
+  (git-fixes).
+- commit 76715d0
+- blacklist.conf: happens only for CONFIG_SMC=y and CONFIG_ISM=m
+- commit e983db0
+- s390/bpf: Fix unwinding past the trampoline (git-fixes
+  bsc#1216214).
+- commit 7d2a51f
+- s390/bpf: Fix clobbering the caller's backchain in the
+  trampoline (git-fixes bsc#1216213).
+- commit 053aa82
+- KVM: SEV: remove ghcb variable declarations (CVE-2023-4155
+  bsc#1214022).
+- commit 0ec9b57
+- Resurrect x86 UV patches that were mistakenly dropped (bsc#1215696)
+- commit 6f640d6
+- x86/platform/uv: Use alternate source for socket to node data
+  (bsc#1215696).
+- commit 1ce9cf2
+- KVM: arm64: Avoid soft lockups due to I-cache maintenance (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a486709
+- KVM: arm64: Drop is_kernel_in_hyp_mode() from (bsc#1215880)
+- commit 5a1d7a4
+- arm64: tlbflush: Rename MAX_TLBI_OPS (bsc#1215880)
+- commit a4d53b2
+- remove ARCH_DEFAULT_KEXEC from Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit a2c1b41
+- kexec: rename ARCH_HAS_KEXEC_PURGATORY (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 4e0f1dd
+- sh/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit d29693b
+- s390/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+- commit 0e6748b
+- riscv/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit bbf5fbe
+- powerpc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  - Update config files.
+  - Refresh
+  patches.suse/powerpc-kexec_file-Add-KEXEC_SIG-support.patch.
+- commit 077b3fb
+- parisc/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit c64a611
+- mips/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ae0d67
+- m68k/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6e42e37
+- loongarch/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec
+  (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 6db9a98
+- arm64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files.
+- commit 7a2ece0
+- ia64/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- commit 1ec163c
+- arm/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit 9b5f79b
+- x86/kexec: refactor for kernel/Kconfig.kexec (jsc#PED-5077).
+- Update config files.
+- commit cce285e
+- kexec: consolidate kexec and crash options into (jsc#PED-5077).
+  Update config files
+- commit c2b1332
+- ceph: make num_fwd and num_retry to __u32 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- rbd: use list_for_each_entry() helper (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: do not include crypto/algapi.h (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: switch ceph_lookup/atomic_open() to use new fscrypt helper
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fix updating i_truncate_pagecache_size for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: wait for OSD requests' callbacks to finish when unmounting
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: drop messages from MDS when unmounting (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: prevent snapshot creation in encrypted locked directories
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support for encrypted snapshot names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: invalidate pages when doing direct/sync writes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: plumb in decryption during reads (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add encryption support to writepage and writepages
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add read/modify/write to ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: align data in pages in ceph_sync_write (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: don't use special DIO path for encrypted inodes
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add truncate size handling support for fscrypt
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add object version support for sync read (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: allow ceph_osdc_new_request to accept a multi-op read
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add CEPH_OSD_OP_ASSERT_VER support (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add infrastructure for file encryption and decryption
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: handle fscrypt fields in cap messages from MDS
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: size handling in MClientRequest, cap updates and inode
+  traces (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: mark directory as non-complete after loading key
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: allow encrypting a directory while not having Ax caps
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add some fscrypt guardrails (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: create symlinks with encrypted and base64-encoded targets
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add support to readdir for encrypted names (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: pass the request to parse_reply_info_readdir()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_fill_trace and ceph_get_name decrypt names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add helpers for converting names for userland presentation
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make d_revalidate call fscrypt revalidator for encrypted
+  dentries (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: set DCACHE_NOKEY_NAME flag in ceph_lookup/atomic_open()
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: decode alternate_name in lease info (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: send alternate_name in MClientRequest (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: encode encrypted name in ceph_mdsc_build_path and dentry
+  release (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add base64 endcoding routines for encrypted names
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ioctl cmds more readable in debug log (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add fscrypt ioctls and ceph.fscrypt.auth vxattr
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: implement -o test_dummy_encryption mount option
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: fscrypt_auth handling for ceph (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: use osd_req_op_extent_osd_iter for netfs reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: add new iov_iter-based ceph_msg_data_type and
+  ceph_osd_data_type (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: make ceph_msdc_build_path use ref-walk (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: preallocate inode for ops that may create one
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: add new mount option to enable sparse reads
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 80e2a90
+- libceph: add sparse read support to OSD client (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit cec7183
+- libceph: add sparse read support to msgr1 (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: support sparse reads on msgr2 secure codepath
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- libceph: new sparse_read op, support sparse reads on msgr2
+  crc  codepath (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit c1e90ef
+- libceph: define struct ceph_sparse_extent and add some helpers
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- Refresh
+  patches.suse/libceph-add-support-for-CMPEXT-compare-extent-reques.patch.
+- commit 868cc0e
+- libceph: add spinlock around osd->o_requests (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 0e31a4c
+- ceph: issue a cap release immediately if no cap exists
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: trigger to flush the buffer when making snapshot
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: voluntarily drop Xx caps for requests those touch parent
+  mtime (jsc#SES-1880).
+- ceph: only send metrics when the MDS rank is ready
+  (jsc#SES-1880).
+- commit 1d99e9d
+- rpm/mkspec-dtb: add riscv64 dtb-allwinner subpackage
+- commit ec82ffc
+- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)
+- Update to version 1.1.0
+  Release notes
+- Drop upstreamed patches
+  0001-Fix-qemu-system-lookup.patch
+  0003-Virtiofs-Remove-duplicated-functional-tests.patch
+  0005-Support-multiple-watchdogs-in-the-domain-schema.patch
+- Add patches
+ (CVE-2023-44487)
+  0002-virt-launcher-fix-qemu-non-root-path.patch
+  0003-cgroupsv2-reconstruct-device-allowlist.patch
+- Update to version 0.2.0:
+  * Various bug and leak fixes.
+  * New gtk plugin.
+- Update URL and source to new home.
+- Add pkgconfig(gtk-3.0) BuildRequires, new dependency.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- update libdlm to latest code (e5ca08c20e6f) (jsc#PED-6362)
+  * remove patches which replaced by upstream patch
+  - 0007-Revert-treewide-add-fcf-protection-full-to-CFLAGS.patch
+  * change patch name
+  - 0006-dlm_controld-remove-unnecessary-header-include.patch
+    + bug-1212767-dlm_controld-remove-unnecessary-header-include.patch
+  * add upstream patch
+    + 0001-Revert-treewide-add-fcf-protection-full-to-CFLAGS.patch
+    + 0002-dlm_controld-increase-uevent-recv-buffer.patch
+    + 0003-dlm_controld-constify-lsnames.patch
+    + 0004-dlm_controld-better-uevent-filtering.patch
+    + 0005-libdlm_lt-fix-pc-file.patch
+    + 0006-dlm_tool-add-fail-functionality-if-dump-failed.patch
+    + 0007-dlm_controld-always-create-logdir.patch
+    + 0008-dlm_controld-move-processing-of-saved-messages-to-pl.patch
+    + 0009-dlm_controld-remove-ls-parameter.patch
+    + 0010-dlm_controld-constify-timeval-of-dt_usec.patch
+    + 0011-dlm_controld-add-gcc-format-printf-attribute-to-log_.patch
+    + 0012-dlm_controld-use-write_result.patch
+    + 0013-dlm_controld-be-sure-we-stop-lockspaces-before-shutd.patch
+    + 0014-dlm_controld-constify-name_in-in-log_level.patch
+    + 0015-dlm_controld-initialize-waiter-flags.patch
+    + 0016-dlm_controld-get-rid-of-unnecessary-memset.patch
+    + 0017-dlm_controld-remove-unnecessary-list_empty-check.patch
+    + 0018-dlm_controld-set-posix_lock-flags-to-zero.patch
+    + 0019-dlm_controld-init-plocks_data-to-zero.patch
+    + 0020-dlm_tool-fix-missing-fclose-calls.patch
+  * WHAT'S NEW for this update
+    + dlm_tool: fix missing fclose calls
+    + dlm_controld: init plocks_data to zero
+    + dlm_controld: set posix_lock flags to zero
+    + dlm_controld: remove unnecessary list_empty check
+    + dlm_controld: get rid of unnecessary memset
+    + dlm_controld: initialize waiter->flags
+    + dlm_controld: be sure we stop lockspaces before shutdown
+    + dlm_controld: use write_result()
+    + dlm_controld: remove ls parameter
+    + dlm_controld: move processing of saved messages to plock level
+    + dlm_controld: always create logdir
+    + dlm_tool: add fail functionality if dump failed
+    + libdlm_lt: fix pc file
+    + dlm_controld: better uevent filtering
+    + dlm_controld: increase uevent recv buffer
+- Update to v4.2.0
+  * remove patches included upstream
+  + bug-1191734_0001-libdlm-add-stdint.h-to-api-header.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0002-dlm_controld-create-var-parent-directories.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0003-stonith_helper-fix-build.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0004-plock-move-clear-waiter-to-debug-info.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0005-treewide-try-to-resolve-symbols-at-linking-time.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0006-dlm_controld-add-version-check-for-libquorum.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0007-dlm_tool-man-add-command-joinleave-USAGE.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0008-man-add-reload_config-in-dlm_tool-dlm.conf.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0009-add-new-dlm_tool-command-reload_config.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0010-dlm_tool-man-add-new-command-set_config.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0011-dlm_tool-dlm_controld-add-new-feature-set_config.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0012-fix-some-minor-bugs.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0013-dlm_controld-fix-string-copies.patch
+  + bug-1191734_0014-man-page-updates.patch
+  * patch to disable annobin (still not available in openSUSE)
+  + 0005-build-dlm_controld-disable-annobin-plugin.patch
+  * patch to remove unnecesary header (boo#1212767)
+  + 0006-dlm_controld-remove-unnecessary-header-include.patch
+  * patch to remove -fcf-protection=full, not supported in SLE15
+  + 0007-Revert-treewide-add-fcf-protection-full-to-CFLAGS.patch
+- Adjust BuildRequires libpacemaker-devel -> pkgconfig(pacemaker)
+- Update to 1.20.0 (jsc#PED-5777, jsc#PED-5893, jsc#PED-5889)
+  - Core
+  - General bug fixes and code clean-up
+  - add extra check for 128 bit atomic support
+  - hmem/synapseai: Refine the error handling and warning
+  - Introduce FI_ENOMR
+  - hmem/cuda: fix a bug when calculating aligned size.
+  - Handle dmabuf for ofi_mr_cache* functions.
+  - Handle dmabuf flag in ofi_mr_attr_update
+  - Handle dmabuf for mr_map insert.
+  - man: Fix the description of virtual address when FI_MR_DMABUF is set
+  - man: Clarify the defition of FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV
+  - hmem/cuda: Add dmabuf fd ops functions
+  - include/ofi_atomic_queue: Properly align atomic values
+  - Define fi_av_set_user_id
+  - Support multiple auth keys per EP
+  - Simplify restricted-dl feature
+  - hmem: Only initalize synapseai if device exists
+  - Add "--enable-profile" option
+  - windows: Updated config.h
+  - Add environment variable for selective HMEM initialization
+  - Add restricted dlopen flag to configure options
+  - hmem: generalize the use of OFI_HMEM_DATA to non-cuda iface
+  - hmem: fail cuda_dev_register if gdrcopy is not enabled
+  - Add 1.7 ABI compat
+  - Define fi_domain_attr::max_ep_auth_key
+  - hmem: Add new op to hmem_ops for getting dmabuf fd
+  - hmem/cuda: Update cuda_gdrcopy_dev_register's signature
+  - mr_cache: Define ofi_mr_info::flags
+  - Add ABI compat for fi_cq_err_entry::src_addr
+  - Define fi_cq_err_entry::src_addr
+  - Add base_addr to fi_mr_dmabuf
+  - hmem: Set FI_HMEM_HOST_ALLOC for ze addr valid
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_ZE
+  - tostr: Added fi_tostr() for data type struct fi_cq_err_entry.
+  - hmem_ze: fix incorrect device id in copy function
+  - Introduce new profiling interface for low-level statistics
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_CUDA
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_ROCR
+  - hmem: Support dev reg with FI_HMEM_SYSTEM
+  - hmem: Define optimized HMEM memcpy APIs
+  - Implement memhooks atfork child handler
+  - hmem: Support ofi_hmem_get_base_addr with sys mem
+  - hmem: Add length field to ofi_hmem_get_base_addr
+  - mr_cache: Improve cache hit rate
+  - mr_cache: Purge dead regions in find
+  - mr_cache: Update find to remove invalid MR entries
+  - mr_cache: Update find with MM valid check
+  - Add direct support for dma-buf memory registration
+  - man/fi_tagged: Remove the peek for data ability
+  - indexer: Add byte idx abstraction
+  - Add missing FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA for fi_inject_writedata
+  - Add configure flags for more sanitizers
+  - Fix fi_peer man page inconsistency
+  - include/fi_peer: Add cq_data to rx_entry, allow peer to modify on unexp
+  - Add XPMEM support
+  - EFA
+  - General bug fix and code clean-up
+  - Do not abort on all deprecated env vars
+  - Onboard fi_mr_dmabuf API in mem reg ops.
+  - Try registering cuda memory via dmabuf when checking p2p
+  - Introduce HAVE_EFA_DMABUF_MR macro in configure
+  - Add read nack protocol docs
+  - Receiver send NACK if runt read fails with ENOMR
+  - Sender switch to long CTS protocol if runt read fails with ENOMR
+  - Receiver send NACK if long read fails with ENOMR
+  - Update efa_rdm_rxe_map_remove to accept msg_id and addr
+  - Sender switch to long CTS protocol if long read fails with ENOMR
+  - Introduce new READ_NACK feature
+  - Use SHM's full inject size
+  - Add testing for small messages without inject
+  - Enable inject rdma write
+  - Use bounce buffer for 0 byte writes
+  - Onboard ofi_hmem_dev_register API
+  - Update cuda_gdrcopy_dev_register's signature
+  - Allocate pke_vec, recv_wr_vec, sge_vec from heap
+  - Close shm resource when it is disabled in ep
+  - Disable RUNTING for Neuron
+  - Move cuda-sync-memops from MR to EP
+  - Do not insert shm av inside efa progress engine
+  - Enable shm when FI_HMEM and FI_ATOMIC are requested
+  - Adjust posted receive size to pkt_size
+  - Do not create SHM peer when SHM is disabled
+  - Use correct threading model for shm
+  - Restrict RDMA read to compatible EFA devices
+  - Add EFA device version to handshake
+  - Add missing locks in efa_cntr_wait.
+  - Add writedata RNR fabtest
+  - Handle RNRs from RDMA writedata
+  - Check opt_len in efa_rdm_ep_getopt
+  - Use correct tx/rx op_flags for shm
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf: Initialize fd to supress compiler warning
+  - trace: Add log on FI_VAR_UNEXP_MSG_CNT when enabled.
+  - trace: Fixed trace log format on some attributes.
+  - OPX
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - PSM3
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - Update provider to sync with IEFS
+  - RXM
+  - Remove unused function
+  - Use gdrcopy in rma when emulating injection
+  - Use gdrcopy in eager send/recv
+  - Add hmem gdrcopy functions
+  - Remove unused dynamic rbuf support
+  - SHM
+  - General bug fixes and cleanup
+  - Add ofi_buf_alloc error handling
+  - Only copy header + msg on unexpected path
+  - Add FI_HMEM atomic support
+  - Add memory barrier before updating resp for atomic
+  - Add more error output
+  - Reduce atomic locking with ofi_mr_map_verify
+  - Only increment tx cntr when inject rma succeeded.
+  - Use peer cntr inc ops in smr_progress_cmd
+  - Allow for inject protocol to buffer more unexpected messages
+  - Change pending fs to bufpool to allow it to grow
+  - Add unexpected SAR buffering
+  - Use generic acronym for shm cap
+  - Move CMA to use the p2p infrastructure
+  - Add p2p abstraction
+  - Load DSA dependency dynamically
+  - Replace tx_lock with ep_lock
+  - Calculate comp vars when writing completion
+  - Move progress_sar above progress_cmd
+  - Rename SAR status enum to be more clear
+  - Make SAR protocol handle 0 byte transfer.
+  - Move selection logic to smr_select_proto()
+  - Sockets
+  - Fix compiler warnings
+  - Fix provider name and api version in returned fi_info struct
+  - TCP
+  - Add profiling interface support
+  - Pass through rdm_ep flags to msg eps
+  - Derive cq flags from op and msg flags
+  - Do not progress ep that is disconnected
+  - Set FI_MULTI_RECV for last completed RX slice
+  - Return an error if invalid sequence number received
+  - xnet_progress_rx() must only be called when connected
+  - Reset ep->rx_avail to 0 after RX queue is flushed
+  - Disable the EP if an error is detected for zero-copy
+  - Add debug tracking of transfer entries
+  - Negotiate support for rendezvous
+  - Add rendezvous protocol option
+  - Generalize xnet_send_ack
+  - Flatten protocol header definitions
+  - Remove unused dynamic rbuf support
+  - Define tcp specific protocol ops
+  - Remove unneeded and incorrect rx_entry init code
+  - UCX
+  - Add FI_HMEM support
+  - Initialize ep_flush to 1
+  - Util
+  - General bug fixes
+  - memhooks: Fix a bug when calculating mprotect region
+  - Check the return value of ofi_genlock_init()
+  - Update checks for FI_AV_AUTH_KEY
+  - Define domain primary and secondary caps
+  - Add profiling util functions
+  - Update util_cq to support err_data
+  - Update ofi_cq_readerr to use new memcpy
+  - Update ofi_cq_err_memcpy to handle err_data
+  - Zero util cancel err entry
+  - Move FI_REMOTE/LOCAL_COMM to secondary caps
+  - Alter domain max_ep_auth_key
+  - Add domain checks for max_ep_auth_key
+  - Revert util_cntr->ep_list_lock to ofi_mutex
+  - Add NIC FID functions to ofi.h
+  - Add EP and domain auth key checking
+  - Add bounds checks to ibuf get
+  - Define dlist_first_entry_or_null
+  - Update util_getinfo to dup auth_key
+  - Revert util_av, util_cq and util_cntr to mutex
+  - Add missing calls to (de)initialize monitor's mutexes
+  - Avoid attempting to cleanup an uninitialized MR cache
+  - Rename ofi_mr_info fields
+  - Add rv64g support to memory hooks
+  - Verbs
+  - Windows: Check error code from GetPrivateData
+  - Add missing lock to protect SRX
+  - Add synapseai dmabuf mr support
+  - Bug fix for matching domain name with device name
+  - Windows: Fetch rejected connection data
+  - Add support for DMA-buf memory registration
+  - Windows: Fix use-after-free in case of failure in fi_listen
+  - Windows: Map ND request type to ibverbs opcode
+  - Fix memory leak when creating EQ with unsupported wait object
+  - Track ep state to prevent duplicate shutdown events
+  - Fabtests
+  - Update man page
+  - pytests/efa: onboard dmabuf argument for test_mr
+  - pytest: make do_dmabuf_reg_for_hmem an cmdline argument
+  - Bump Libfabric API version.
+  - mr_test: Add dmabuf support
+  - Introduce ft_get_dmabuf_from_iov
+  - unexpected_msg: Use ft_reg_mr to register memory
+  - pytest: Allow registering mr with dmabuf
+  - Add dmabuf support to ft_reg_mr
+  - Add dmabuf ops for cuda.
+  - Test max inject size
+  - Add FI_HMEM support to fi_rdm_rma_event and fi_rdm tests
+  - memcopy-xe: Fix data verification error for device buffer
+  - dmabuf-rdma: Increase the number of NICs that can be tested
+  - dmabuf-rdma: Remove redundant libze_ops definition
+  - fi-mr-reg-xe: Skip native dmabuf reg test for system memory
+  - Check if fi_info is returned correctly in case of FI_CONNREQ
+  - cq_data: relax CQ data validation to cq_data_size
+  - Add ZE host alloc function
+  - Use common device host buffer for check_buf
+  - hmem_ze: allocate one cq and cl on init
+  - fi-mr-reg-xe: Add testing for dmabuf registration
+  - scripts: use yaml safe_load
+  - macos: Fix build error with clang
+  - multinode: Use FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE for 'barrier'
+  - Handle partial read scenario for fi_xe_rdmabw test For cross node tests
+  - pytest/efa: add cuda memory marker
+  - pytest/efa: Skip some configuration for unexp msg test on neuron.
+  - ignore error due to no tests are collected.
+  - pytest/efa: extend unexpected msg test range
+  - pytest/shm: extend unexpected msg test range
+  - pytest: Allow running shm fabtests in parallel
+  - unexpected_msg.c: Allow running the test with FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE
+  - run fi_unexpected_msg with data validation
+  - pytest/shm: Extend test_unexpected_message
+  - unexpected_msg: Make tx/rx_size large enough
+  - pytest/shm: Extend shm's rma bw test
+  - Update shm.exclude
+- Update to 1.19.0
+  - Core
+  - General code cleanup and restructuring
+  - Add ofi_hmem_any_ipc_enabled()
+  - ofi_consume_iov allows 0-byte consume
+  - ofi_consume_iov consistency
+  - ofi_indexer: return error code when iterating
+  - getinfo: Add post filters for domain and fabric names
+  - Filter loopback device if iface is specified
+  - bsock: Fix error checking for -EAGAIN
+  - windows/osd: Remove unneeded check to silence coverity
+  - windows/osd: Move variable declaration to silence coverity
+  - Introduce gdrcopy awareness to hmem copy
+  - mr/cache: Fix fi_mr_info initialization
+  - hmem_cuda: remove gdrcopy from cuda hmem copy path
+  - iouring: Fix wrong indent in ofi_sockapi_accept_uring()
+  - Implement ofi_sockctx_uring_poll_add()
+  - hmem: introduce gdrcopy from/to cuda iov functions
+  - hmem: Deprecate `FI_HMEM_CUDA_ENABLE_XFER`
+  - hmem_cuda: Restrict CUDA IPC based on peer accessibility
+  - hmem_cuda: Log number of CUDA devices detected
+  - hmem_cuda: Refactor global variables
+  - tostr: Remove the extra dir "shared/" from "include/" and "src/" .
+  - hmem_ze: fix ZE is valid check
+  - hmem_rocr: fix offset calculation
+  - hmem_rocr: use ofi spinlock functions
+  - hmem_rocr: minor fixes
+  - hmem_neuron: convert warn to info for nrt_get_dmabuf_fd not found
+  - hmem_neuron: check existance of neuron devices during initialization
+  - tostr: Moved Windows functions in shared/ofi_str.c to windows/osd.h
+  - tostr: Add helper functions ofi_tostr_size() and ofi_tostr_count().
+  - EFA
+  - Onboard Peer API, use shm provider as a peer provider
+  - Uses util SRX framework in shared receive procedures.
+  - Register shm MR with hmem_data, allow shm to use gdrcopy for cuda data movement
+  - Finish the refactor for rxr squash.
+  - Use rdma-core WR API for send requests
+  - Check optlen in getopt call
+  - Fix the rdma-read support check in RMA and MSG operations
+  - Optimize ep lock usage
+  - Use an internal fi_mr_attr for memory registration
+  - Hooks
+  - Init field in mr_attr to silence coverity
+  - Add profiling hook provider
+  - Rename cq hooking functions' names
+  - Added trace for resource creation operations
+  - OPX
+  - Initialize ofi_mr_info
+  - Fix dput credit check
+  - Only allocate replay buffer if psn is valid
+  - Support SHM Intra-node communication between single server HFI devices
+  - Fix incorrect packet size in packet header when sending CTS packet
+  - Added check to address Coverity scan defect
+  - Add multi-entry caching to TID rendezvous
+  - Fall back to default domain name for TID fabric
+  - Properly handle multiple IOVs in fi_opx_tsendmsg
+  - Fix OPX Rzv RTS receive operation SHM error (DAOS-related)
+  - Fix non-tagged sends may incorrectly set FI_TAGGED in send completions
+  - Add more info to reliability IOV buffer validation check
+  - Move dput packet build functions to new inline include
+  - Use fi_mr_attr in fi_opx_mr
+  - Disable Pre-NAKing by default, throttle until all outstanding replays ACK'd
+  - Fix reliability bug when NAKing the last PSN
+  - Update HeaderQ Register more frequently
+  - No rbuf_wrap needed for expected receive (TID)
+  - Fixes for Coverity scan issues
+  - Enhanced tag matching
+  - Tune expected recv for unaligned buffers
+  - Observability: Add finer logging granularity
+  - Reduce RTS immediate data and fix packet estimate for odd TID lengths
+  - Add additional sources for FI_OPX_UUID
+  - Peer
+  - Add cq_data to rx_entry, allow peer to modify on unexp
+  - Introduce peer cntr API
+  - Add foreach_unspec_addr API
+  - Add size as an input of the get_tag
+  - PSM3
+  - Sync with IEFS
+  - SHM
+  - Only poll IPC list when ROCR IPC is enabled
+  - Allow for SAR and inject protocol to buffer more unexpected messages
+  - Remove unused sar fields
+  - Make SAR protocol handle 0 byte transfer
+  - Load DSA dependency dynamically
+  - Change recv entry freestack into bufpool
+  - Remove shm signal
+  - Use util peer cntr implementation
+  - Make SHM default to domain level threading level
+  - Replace internal shared receive implementation with util_srx
+  - Lock entire progress loop
+  - Fix ROCR data coherency
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM to shm attrs
+  - Handle empty freestack
+  - Fix bug in configure.m4 in atomics_happy assignment happy
+  - Add memory barrier before update resp->status for SAR
+  - Do not use inline/inject for read op
+  - Allow shm to use gdrcopy
+  - Refactor protocol selection code
+  - Init map fi addrs to FI_ADDR_NOTAVAIL
+  - TCP
+  - General code cleanups
+  - Restrict which EPs can be opened per domain
+  - Increase CM error debug output
+  - Avoid calling close() on an invalid socket after accept error
+  - Mark the EP as disconnected before flushing the queues
+  - Add assertion failures for xnet_{monitor,halt}_sock
+  - Disable ofi_dynpoll_wait() for non-blocking progress
+  - Move PEP pollin operations to io_uring
+  - Move EP poll operations to io_uring
+  - Early exit if ofi_bsock_flush() has operation in progress
+  - Implement pollin sockctx in bsock
+  - Add missing call to xnet_submit_uring()
+  - Add return error to xnet_update_pollflag()
+  - Remove the cancel sockctx from the EP structure
+  - Move io_uring cqe from the stack to progress struct
+  - Reduce stack size for epoll event array
+  - handle NULL av in xnet_freeall_conns()
+  - UCX
+  - Publish FI_LOCAL_COMM and FI_REMOTE_COMM capabilities
+  - Fix configure error with newer MOFED
+  - Fix segfault in unsignalled completions
+  - Util
+  - Add FI_PEER support to util counter
+  - Refactor the usage of cntrs
+  - Change util_ep to be a genlock
+  - Add util shared receive implementation
+  - Update log message for invalid AV type message
+  - Fix fi_mr_info initialization
+  - Add peer ID to MR cache
+  - Store hmem_data in ofi_mr_map
+  - Split the cq progress and reading entries in ofi_cq_readfrom
+  - Verbs
+  - Add event lock to EQ to serialize closing ep
+  - Remove saved_wc_list and use CQ directly
+  - Consolidate peer_mem and dmabuf support check
+  - Fix vrb_add_credits signature
+  - Introduce new progress engine structure
+  - Simplify (and correct) locking around progress operations
+  - General code restructuring
+  - Fabtests
+  - Fix reading addressing options
+  - Allow to change only the OOB address
+  - Allow to use FI_ADDR_STR with -F
+  - Fix bw buffer utilization
+  - Separate RX and RMA counters
+  - Fix tx counter with RMA
+  - Add FI_CONTEXT mode to rdm_cntr_pingpong
+  - Add HMEM support to fi_unexpected_msg test
+  - Fix array OOB during fabtest list parsing
+  - Enable shm tagged_peek test
+  - Fix windows build warnings
+  - Make tx_buf and rx_buf aligned to 64 bytes by default
+  - Fix windows build warnings for sscanf
+  - Use dummy ft_pin_core on macOS
+  - Fix some header includes
+  - sock_test: Do not use epoll if not available
+  - recv_cancel: initialize error entry
+  - Fix wrong size used to allocate tx_msg_buf
+  - unexpected: change defaults to support tcp
+  - unexpected: add unknown unexpected peer test
+  - Enable a list of arbitrary message sizes
+  - Enabled data validation for rma read & write
+  - bw_rma operates on distinct buffer offsets
+  - ft_post_rma issues reads from remote's tx_buf
+  - General code cleanup and restructuring
+  - rdm_tagged_peek: fix race condition synchronization
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM/FI_REMOTE_COMM presence check to fi_getinfo_test
+  - Correct ft_exchange_keys in prefix-mode
+  - Make rdm_tagged_peek test more general
+  - Add unit test for fi_setopt
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 1.18.1
+  - Core
+  - Fix build warning for ofi_dynpoll_get_fd
+  - EFA
+  - Handle 0-byte writes
+  - Apply byte_in_order_128_byte for all memory type
+  - Increase default shm_av_size to 256
+  - Force handshake before selecting rtm for non-system ifaces.
+  - Only select readbase_rtm when both sides support rdma-read
+  - Bugfix for initializing SHM offload
+  - Correct CPPFLAGS during configure
+  - Make setopt support sendrecv aligned 128 bytes
+  - Make data size to be 128 byte multiples for in-order aligned send/recv
+  - prepare local read pkt entry for in-order aligned send/recv.
+  - Disable gdrcopy and cudamemcpy for in-order aligned recv.
+  - Increase the pad size in rxr_pkt_entry
+  - Make readcopy pkt pool 128 byte aligned
+  - Introduce alignment to support in order aligned ops
+  - Fix a bug when calling ibv_query_qp_data_in_order
+  - RMA operations will ensure FI_ATOMIC cap
+  - RMA operations will ensure FI_RMA cap
+  - Unittest atomics without FI_ATOMIC cap.
+  - Unittest RMA without FI_RMA cap.
+  - Refactor pkt_entry assignment in poll_ibv loop
+  - Fixes for RDMA Write and Writedata
+  - RXM
+  - Revert rxm util peer CQ support
+  - Fix credit size parameter for flow ctrl
+  - SHM
+  - Fix DSA enable
+  - Assert read op and inject proto are mutually exclusive
+  - Fix ROCR data coherency
+  - Add FI_LOCAL_COMM to shm attrs
+  - Signal peer when peer is out of resources
+  - Handle empty freestack
+  - Fix bug in configure.m4 in atomics_happy assignment happy
+  - Add memory barrier before update resp->status for SAR
+  - Fix resource leak reported by coverity
+  - Switch cmd_ctx pool from freestack to bufpool
+  - Add iface parameter to smr_select_proto
+  - TCP
+  - Fix spinning on fi_trywait()
+  - Handle truncation of active message
+  - Handle prefetched data after reporting ETRUNC error
+  - Progress all ep's on unexp_msg_list when posting recv
+  - Removed unused saved_msg::ep field to fix assert
+  - Continue receiving after truncation error
+  - Create function to allocate internal msg buffer
+  - Add runtime setting for max saved message size
+  - Increase default max_saved value
+  - Dynamically allocate large saved Rx buffers
+  - Separate the max inject and recv buf size
+  - Remove 1-line xnet_cq_add_progress function
+  - Changed default wait object to epoll
+  - Handle case where epoll isn't natively supported
+  - Hold domain lock while deregistering memory
+  - Rename DL package from libnet to libtcp
+  - UCX
+  - Align the provider version with the libfabric version
+  - Verbs
+  - Delay device initialization to when fi_getinfo is called
+  - Consolidate peer_mem and dmabuf support check
+  - verbs_nd: Init len to 0 for WCSGetProviderPath call
+  - verbs_nd: Verify CQs are valid in rdma_create_qp
+  - verbs_nd: Initialize ibv_wc fields
+  - verbs_nd: Release lock in network direct error paths
+  - Fix vrb_add_credits signature
+  - Fix credit size parameter for flow ctrl
+  - Recover RXM connection from verbs QP in error state
+  - Fabtests
+  - Add ze-dlopen functions to component tests
+  - Call cudaSetDevice() for selected device
+  - pytest/efa: Adjust get_efa_devices()
+  - pytest/common: Support parallel neuron test
+  - pytest/common: Use different cuda device for parallel cuda set
+  - efa: increase timeout
+  - pytest/efa: Test to flood peer during startup
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Add option to set maximum message size
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Add option to set batch size
+- Add _multibuild to define additional spec files as additional
+  flavors.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Update to 1.18.0
+  - Core
+  - rocr: fix offset calculation
+  - rocr: use ofi spinlock functions
+  - rocr: minor fixes
+  - neuron: convert warn to info for nrt_get_dmabuf_fd not found
+  - neuron: check existance of neuron devices during initialization
+  - neuron: Add support for neuron dma-buf
+  - ze: update ZE to support new driver index specification
+  - List variables read from config file
+  - Add switch to prefer system-config over environment
+  - Add basic system-config support for setting library variables
+  - Move peer provider defines into new header
+  - rocr: Support asynchronous memory copies
+  - rocr: Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - rocr: rename rocr data-structures
+  - synpaseai: return 0 for host_register and host_deregister
+  - fabric: Improve log level of provider mismatch
+  - cuda: Allow CUDA IPC when P2P disabled
+  - ze: add ZE command list pool to reuse command lists
+  - cuda: implement cuda_get_xfer_setting for non cuda build
+  - cuda: adjust FI_HMEM_CUDA_ENABLE_XFER behavior
+  - cuda.c: Add const to param to remove warning
+  - Add IFF_RUNNING check to indicate iface is up and running
+  - io_uring support enhancements
+  - EFA
+  - Implement CUDA support on instance types that do not support GPUDirect RDMA
+  - Implement fi_write using device's RDMA write capability
+  - Enrich error messages with debug and connection info
+  - Implement support for FI_OPT_EFA_USE_DEVICE_RDMA in fi_setopt
+  - Implement support for FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED in fi_setopt
+  - Add support for neuron dma-buf
+  - Use gdrcopy to improve the intra-node CUDA communication performance for small messages
+  - Use shm provider's FI_AV_USER_ID support
+  - Fix bugs in efa provider’s shm info initialization procedure
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf_peer_mem: Handle IPC handle caching in L0
+  - trace: Add trace log for CM operation APIs
+  - trace: Change tag in trace log to hex format
+  - trace: Enhance trace log for data transfer API calls
+  - trace: Add trace log for API fi_cq_readerr()
+  - trace: Add trace log for CQ operation APIs
+  - Add tracing hook provider
+  - Net
+  - Net provider optimizations have been integrated into the tcp provider.
+  - Net provider has been removed as a reported provider.
+  - OPX
+  - Fixes for Coverity scan issues
+  - Enhanced tag matching
+  - Tune expected recv for unaligned buffers
+  - Add finer logging granularity
+  - Reduce RTS immediate data and fix packet estimate for odd TID lengths
+  - Add additional sources for FI_OPX_UUID
+  - Exclude opx from build if missing needed defines
+  - Move some logs to optimized builds
+  - Fix build warnings for unused return code from posix_memalign
+  - Add reliability sanity check to detect when send buffer is illegally altered
+  - SDMA Completion workaround for driver cache invalidation race condition
+  - Fix replay payload pointer increment
+  - Handle completion counter across multiple writes in SDMA
+  - Cleanup pointers after free()
+  - Modify domain creation to handle soft cache errors
+  - Two biband performance improvements
+  - Fixes based on Coverity Scan related to auto progress patch
+  - Changed poll many argument to rx_caps instead of caps
+  - Resync with server configured for Multi-Engines (DAOS CART Self Tests)
+  - Remove import_monitor as ENOSYS case
+  - Address memory leaks reported on OFIWG issues page
+  - General code cleanup
+  - Add replays over SDMA
+  - Implement basic TID Cache
+  - Revert work_pending check change
+  - Fix use_immediate_blocks
+  - Restore state after replay packet is NULL
+  - Fix memory leak from early arrival packets
+  - Fix segfault in SHM operations from uninitialized value in atomic path
+  - Prevent SDMA work entries from being reused with outstanding replays
+  - Set runtime as default for OPX_AV
+  - Fix RTS replay immediate data
+  - Fix errors caught by the upstream libfabric Coverity Scan
+  - fi_getInfo - Support multiple HFI devices
+  - Support OFI_PORT and Contiguous endpoint addresses for CART & Mercury
+  - Add fi_opx_tid.h to Makefile.include
+  - Fix progress checks and default domain
+  - Revert is_intranode simplification.
+  - Don't inline handle_ud_ping function
+  - Allow atomic fetch ops to use SDMA for sufficiently large counts
+  - Cleaned up FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn output
+  - Cleaned up unused macros for FI_REMOTE_COMM and FI_LOCAL_COMM
+  - Reset default progress to FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL
+  - Fixed GCC 10 build error with Auto Progress
+  - Add support for FI_PROGRESS_AUTO
+  - Use max allowed packet size in SDMA path when expected TID is off
+  - Expected receive (TID) rendezvous
+  - RMA Read/Write operations over SDMA
+  - Remove origin_rs from cts and dput packet header
+  - Fix for hang in DAOS CART tests
+  - Use single IOV for bounce buffer in SDMA requests.
+  - Check for FI_MULTI_RECV with bitwise OR instead of AND
+  - Fix for intermittent intra-node deadlock hang (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix to RPC transport error failure (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix for context->buf set to NULL
+  - Fix bad asserts
+  - Ensure atomicity of atomic ops
+  - fi_opx_cq_poll_inline count and head check fix
+  - Fix intermittent intra-node hang causing RPC timeouts (DAOS CART tests)
+  - PSM3
+  - Update provider to sync with IEFS
+  - Fix warnings from build
+  - Add oneapi ZE support to OFI configure
+  - RXD
+  - Ignore error path in av_close return
+  - RXM
+  - Handle NULL av in rxm_freeall_conns()
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Write "len" field for remote write
+  - Ignore error path domain_close return
+  - Free coll_pool on ep close
+  - Update rxm to use util_cq FI_PEER support functions
+  - Fix incorrect CQ completion field
+  - Rename srx to msg_srx
+  - Disable FI_SOURCE if not requested
+  - Memory leaks removed
+  - Set offload_coll_mask based on actual configuration
+  - Report on coll offload capabilities with OFI_OFFLOAD_PROV_ONLY
+  - Fabric setups collective offload fabric
+  - Create eq for collective offload provider
+  - Close collective providers ep when rxm_ep is closed
+  - Fix incorrect use of OFI_UNUSED()
+  - Rework collective support to use collective provider(s)
+  - SHM
+  - Fix potential deadlock in smr_generic_rma()
+  - smr_generic_rma() wwrite error completion with positive errno
+  - Update SHM to use ROCR
+  - Fix incorrect discard call when cleaning up unexpected queues
+  - Separate smr_generic_msg into msg and tagged recv
+  - Fix start_msg call
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Assert not valid atomic op
+  - Fix a bug in smr_av_insert
+  - Optimize locking on the SAR path
+  - Remove unneeded sar_cnt
+  - Optimize locking
+  - Enable multiple GPU/interface support
+  - Remove HMEM specific calls from atomic path
+  - Use util_cq FI_PEER support
+  - Import shm as device host memory
+  - Add HMEM flag to smr region
+  - Fix user_id support
+  - Write tx err comp to correct cq
+  - Fix index when setting FI_ADDR_USER_ID
+  - TCP
+  - Provider source has been replaced by net provider source
+  - Removed incorrect reporting of support for FI_ATOMIC
+  - Do not save unmatched messages until we have the peer's fi_addr
+  - Use internal flag for FI_CLAIM messages, versus a reserved tag bit
+  - Fix updating error counter when discarding saved messages
+  - Allow saved messages to be received after the underlying ep has been closed
+  - Enhanced debug logging in connection path
+  - Force CM progress on unconnected ep's when posting data transfers
+  - Support connect and accept calls with io_uring
+  - Fix segfault accessing an invalid fi_addr
+  - Add io_uring support for CM message exchange
+  - Move CM progress from fabric to EQ to improve multi-threaded performance
+  - Fix small memory leak destroying an EQ
+  - Fix race where same rx entry could be freed twice
+  - Handle NULL av in rdm ep cleanup
+  - Reduce stack use for epoll event array
+  - UCX
+  - New provider targeting Nvidia fabrics that layers over libucp
+  - Util
+  - Fix the behavior of cq_read for FI_PEER
+  - rocr: Fix compilation issue
+  - cuda: Use correct debug string calls
+  - Free cq->peer_cq on close
+  - Remove extra new line from av insert log
+  - Check for count = 0 in ofi_ip_av_insert
+  - rocr: Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - Add FI_PEER support to util_cq
+  - Disable FI_SOURCE if not requested
+  - Remove FID events from the EQ when closing endpoint
+  - Rework collective support to be a peer collective provider(s)
+  - Allow FI_PEER to pass CQ, EQ and AV attr checking
+  - Remove annoying WARNING message for FI_AFFINITY
+  - Add utility collective provider
+  - Verbs
+  - Implement the FI_OPT_CUDA_API_PERMITTED option
+  - Add support for ROCR IPC
+  - Fabtests
+  - Add fi_setopt_test unit test
+  - Update ze device registration calls
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Always use host buffer for synchronization
+  - Fix bug in posting RMA operation
+  - fi_cq_data: Extend test to fi_writedata
+  - fi_cq_data: Extend validation of completion data
+  - Rename fi_msg_inject tests to fi_inject_test to reflect its use
+  - fi_rdm_stress: Add count option to json key/pair options
+  - Add and fix OOB option handling in several tests
+  - fi_eq_test: Fix incorrect return value
+  - fi_rdm_multi_client: Increase the size of ep name buffer
+  - Add FI_MR_RAW to default mr_mode
+  - Support larger control messages needed by newer providers
+  - fi-rdmabw-xe: Update to work with the ucx provider
+  - fi_ubertest: Cleanup allocations in failure cases
+  - Change ft_reg_mr to not assume hmem iface & device
+  - fi_multinode: Bugfix multinode test for ze + verbs
+  - fi_multinode: Remove unused validation print
+  - fi_multinode: Skip tests for unsupported collective operations
+  - fi_ubertest: Fix data validation with device memory
+  - fi_peek_tagged: Restructure and expand test
+- Update to 1.17.1
+  - Core
+  - hmem_cuda Add const to param to remove warning
+  - Fix typos in fi_ext.h
+  - ofi_epoll: Remove unused hot_index struct member
+  - EFA
+  - Print local/peer addresses for RX write errors
+  - Unit test to verify no copy with shm for small host message
+  - Avoid unnecessary copy when sending data from shm
+  - Compare pci bus id in hints
+  - Fix double free in rxr endpoint init
+  - Hooks
+  - dmabuf_peer_mem: Handle IPC handle caching in L0
+  - OPX
+  - Exclude from build if missing needed defines
+  - Move some logs to optimized builds
+  - Fix build warnings for unused return code from posix_memalign
+  - Add reliability sanity check to detect when send buffer is illegally altered
+  - SDMA Completion workaround for driver cache invalidation race condition
+  - Fix replay payload pointer increment
+  - Handle completion counter across multiple writes in SDMA
+  - Cleanup pointers after free()
+  - Modify domain creation to handle soft cache errors
+  - Two biband performance improvements
+  - Fixes based on Coverity Scan related to auto progress patch
+  - Changed poll many argument to rx_caps instead of caps
+  - Resynch with server configured for Multi-Engines (DAOS CART Self Tests)
+  - Remove import_monitor as ENOSYS case
+  - Address memory leaks reported on OFIWG issues page
+  - Remove unused fields
+  - Fix unwanted print statement case
+  - Add replays over SDMA
+  - Implement basic TID Cache
+  - Revert work_pending check change
+  - Fix use_immediate_blocks
+  - Restore state after replay packet is NULL
+  - Fix memory leak from early arrival packets.
+  - Fix segfault in SHM operations from uninitialized value in atomic path.
+  - Prevent SDMA work entries from being reused with outstanding
+    replays pointing to bounce buf.
+  - Set runtime as default for OPX_AV
+  - Fix RTS replay immediate data
+  - Fix errors caught by the upstream libfabric Coverity Scan
+  - Support multiple HFI devices
+  - Support OFI_PORT and Contiguous endpoint addresses
+  - Update man pages
+  - Util
+  - util_cq: Remove annoying WARNING message for FI_AFFINITY
+- Update to 1.17.0
+  - Core
+  - Add IFF_RUNNING check to indicate iface is up and running
+  - General code cleanups
+  - Add abstraction for common io_uring operations
+  - Support ROCR get_base_addr
+  - Add a 'flags' parameter to fi_barrier()
+  - Introduce new calls for opening domain and endpoint with flags
+  - Add ability to re-sort the fi_info list
+  - Allowing layering of rxm over net provider
+  - General cleanup of provider filtering functions
+  - Add io_uring operations to be used by sockapi
+  - Modify internal handling of async socket operations
+  - Sockets operations are moved to a common sockapi abstraction
+  - Add support for Ze host register/unregister
+  - Add new offload provider type
+  - Rename fi_prov_context and simplify its use
+  - Convert interface prefix string checks to exact checks
+  - EFA
+  - Code cleanups and various bug fixes
+  - Improved debug logging and warnings and assertions
+  - Do not ignore hints->domain_attr->name
+  - Fix the calculation of REQ header size for a packet entry
+  - Fix default value for host memory's max_medium_msg_size
+  - Add tracepoints to send/recv/read ops
+  - Simplified emulated read protocol
+  - Set use_device_rdma according to efa device id
+  - Fix shm initialization path on error
+  - Fix Implementation of FI_EFA_INTER_MIN_READ_MESSAGE_SIZE
+  - Do not enable rdma_read if rxr_env.use_device_rdma is false
+  - Remove de-allocated CUDA memory region during registration
+  - Fix the error handling path of efa_mr_reg_impl()
+  - Fix rxr_ep unit tests involving ibv_cq_ex
+  - Add check of rdma-read capability for synapseai
+  - Report correct default for runt_size parameter
+  - Toggle cuda sync memops via environment variable.
+  - Net
+  - Continued fork of tcp provider, will eventually merge changes back
+  - Fix inject support
+  - Fix memory leak in peek/claim path
+  - General code cleanups and bug fixes from initial fork
+  - Allow looking ahead in tcp stream to handle out-of-order messages
+  - Add message tracing ability
+  - Fetch correct ep when posting to a loopback connection
+  - Release lock in case of error in rdm_close
+  - Fix error path in xnet_enable_rdm
+  - Add missing progress lock in srx cleanup
+  - Code restructuring and enhancements with longer term goal of supporting io_uring
+  - Disable the progress thread in most situations
+  - Rename DL from libxnet-fi to libnet-fi
+  - Add missing initialization calls for DL provider
+  - Add support for FI_PEEK, FI_CLAIM, and FI_DISCARD
+  - Include source address with CQ entry
+  - Fix support for FI_MULTI_RECV
+  - OPX
+  - Bug fixes and general code cleanup
+  - Fix progress checks and default domain
+  - Allow atomic fetch ops to use SDMA for sufficiently large counts
+  - Cleaned up FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn output
+  - Reset default progress to FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL
+  - Fixed GCC 10 build error with Auto Progress
+  - Add support for FI_PROGRESS_AUTO
+  - Use max allowed packet size in SDMA path when expected TID is turned off
+  - Expected receive (TID) rendezvous
+  - RMA Read/Write operations over SDMA
+  - Remove origin_rs from cts and dput packet header.
+  - Fix for hang - unable to match inbound packets with receive
+  context->src_addr (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Use single IOV for bounce buffer in SDMA requests.
+  - Check for FI_MULTI_RECV with bitwise OR instead of AND
+  - Fix for intermittent intra-node deadlock hang (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix to RPC transport error failure (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Fix for context->buf set to NULL
+  - Fix bad asserts
+  - Ensure atomicity of atomic ops
+  - fi_opx_cq_poll_inline count and head check fix
+  - Fix intermittent intra-node hang causing RPC timeouts (DAOS CART tests)
+  - Temporarily reduce SDMA queue ring size for possible driver bug workaround
+  - Fix alignment issue and asserts
+  - Enable more parallel SDMA operations
+  - PSM3
+  - Synced to IEFS
+  - Tech Preview Ubuntu 22.04 Support
+  - Tech Preview Intel DSA Support
+  - Improved Intel GPU Support
+  - Various performance improvements
+  - Various bug fixes
+  - RxM
+  - Always use rendezvous protocol for ZE device memory send
+  - Code cleanup
+  - Add option to free resources on AV removal
+  - SHM
+  - Fix user_id support
+  - Write tx err comp to correct cq
+  - Fix index when setting FI_ADDR_USER_ID
+  - Remove extraneous ofi_cirque_next() call
+  - Add support for FI_AV_USER_ID
+  - Fix multi_recv messaging
+  - General code restructuring for maintainability
+  - Implement shared completion queues
+  - Decouple error processing from cq completion path to avoid switch
+  - Fix incorrect op passed into recv cancel operation
+  - Enhanced SHM implementation with DSA offload
+  - Use multiple SAR buffers per copy operation
+  - Fix ZE IPC race condition on startup
+  - TCP
+  - Minor updates in preparation for io_uring support (via net provider)
+  - Util
+  - Add option to free resources on AV removal
+  - Add 'flags' parameter to new fi_barrier2() call
+  - Add debugging in ofi_mr_map_verify
+  - Rename internal bitmask struct to include ofi prefix
+  - Verbs
+  - Add option to disable dmabuf support
+  - FI_SOCKADDR includes support of FI_SOCKADDR_IB
+  - Fabtests
+  - shared: Expand hmem support
+  - fi_loopback: Add support for tagged messages
+  - fi_mr_test: add support of hmem
+  - fi_rdm_atomic: Fix hmem support
+  - fi_rdm_tagged_peek: Read messages in order, code cleanup and fixes
+  - fi_multinode: Add performance and runtime control options, cleanups
+  - benchmarks: Add data verification to some bw tests
+  - fi_multi_recv: Fix possible crash in cleanup
+- Drop prov-net-fix-error-path-in-xnet_enable_rdm.patch which was merged upstream.
+- Re-create HMAC checksum after RPM build strips the library
+  (bsc#1217058)
+- Update to 0.18.1:
+  * fixed a 32-bit Linux build issue as discovered on Debian, due to a clash on
+  two 32-bit unsigned integer types being used with std::variant.
+- Update to 0.18.0:
+  * removed the formula_model_access interface from model_context, and switched
+    to using model_context directly everywhere.
+  * revised formula_tokens_t type to remove use of std::unique_ptr for each
+    formula_token instance.  This should improve memory locality when
+    iterating through an array of formula token values.  A similar change has
+    also been made to lexer_tokens_t and lexer_token types.
+  * added 41 built-in functions
+  * added support for multi-sheet references in Excel A1 and Excel R1C1
+    grammers.
+- Use -fexcess-precision=fast as GCC 13 changes the default
+  for C++ compiler and without the change some tests fail on i586.
+- Fix assertion in ext-mode BLOCK_STATUS, CVE-2023-5871
+  4451e5b6-CVE-2023-5871.patch
+  bsc#1216769
+- Removed patches:
+  * liborcus-filesystem.patch
+  * liborcus-tests.patch
+    + reworked in order to send them upstream
+- Added patches:
+  * 0001-Possibility-to-build-against-a-host-of-filesystem-im.patch
+  * 0003-Allow-running-tests-with-python-3.4.patch
+  * 0002-Allow-using-older-boost-filesystem.patch
+    + split into chunks per topic so that upsteam can decide what
+    to do
+- Clean up the spec file and require gcc-c++ >= 7, since that is the
+  first version that supports C++17
+- Run tests on all distributions and architectures
+  * Allow disabling them on command line by specifying
+    "--without tests"
+- Changed patch:
+  * no-std-filesystem.patch -> liborcus-filesystem.patch
+    + rework the patch to detect std::filesystem,
+    std::experimental::filesystem and boost::filesystem (in that
+    order, and use them if found)
+- Added patch:
+  * liborcus-tests.patch
+    + fix tests on all platforms
+    + do not use C++20 features with the
+    boost::filesystem::directory_iterator
+    + do not assume that pathlib integrates seamlessly with open
+    and do not use f-string formating, both being python 3.6+
+    features
+- Update to 0.18.1:
+  * sax parser:
+  * added support for optionally skipping multiple BOM's in the beginning of
+    XML stream.  This affects all XML-based file format filters such as
+    xls-xml (aka Excel 2003 XML).
+  * xml-map:
+  * fixed a bug where an XML document consisting of simple single-column
+    records were not properly converted to sheet data.
+  * xls-xml:
+  * fixed a bug where the filter would always pass border color even when it
+    was not set.
+  * buildsystem:
+  * added new configure switches --without-benchmark and --without-doc-example
+    to optinally skip building of these two directories.
+- Remove patch gcc13-fix.patch
+- Use -fexcess-precision=fast in order to support GCC compiler:
+  Fixes:
+- Add include fix gcc13-fix.patch for GCC 13 compiler.
+- Update to (jsc#PED-5199):
+  You can check for each minor release notes here:
+- Update bundled dependencies:
+  * boost_1_80_0.tar.xz - > boost_1_82_0.tar.xz
+  * curl-8.0.1.tar.xz -> curl-8.2.1.tar.xz
+  * ->
+  * icu4c-72_1-src.tgz -> icu4c-73_2-src.tgz
+  * libassuan-2.5.5.tar.bz2 -> libassuan-2.5.6.tar.bz2
+  * pdfium-5408.tar.bz2 -> pdfium-5778.tar.bz2
+  * poppler-22.12.0.tar.xz -> poppler-23.06.0.tar.xz
+  * poppler-data-0.4.11.tar.gz -> poppler-data-0.4.12.tar.gz
+  * skia-m103-b301ff025004c9cd82816c86c547588e6c24b466.tar.xz ->
+    skia-m111-a31e897fb3dcbc96b2b40999751611d029bf5404.tar.xz
+- New bundled dependencies:
+  * graphite2-minimal-1.3.14.tgz
+  * harfbuzz-8.0.0.tar.xz
+    + needed for SLE12-SP2, where harfbuzz is really old
+- libreoffice-draw requires libreoffice-impress from 7.5 onwards, bsc#1215595
+- Added patch:
+  * python34-no-f-strings.patch
+    + Applied on SLE12-SP5
+    + Do not format using F-strings, since it is python 3.6+ feature
+    and SLE12-SP5 has python 3.4
+- Refreshed patch:
+  * 0002-Revert-Require-HarfBuzz-5.1.0.patch
+- Removed patches:
+  * bsc1198666.patch
+  * bsc1200085.patch
+  * bsc1204040.patch
+  * fix_harfbuzz_on_sle12_sp5.patch
+- Update libreoffice-rpmlintrc
+- Fix CVE-2023-1183, arbitrary file write in LibreOffice Base
+  (CVE-2023-1183, bsc#1212444, bsc#1209243)
+- update to 0.2.10:
+  * segfault in recv path when receiving corrupted data without
+    matching peer
+  * fix compilation on 32bit systems
+  * fix regression in stats obj rtt value
+  * remove unneeded locking in buffer scaling
+  * fix too old packages error due to buffer scaling
+  * fix empty buffer time check
+  * disable buffer negotiation when sender max buffer is smaller
+    than our buffer
+  * fix deadlock caused by wrong lock order when removing peers
+  * fix building Prometheus code against older libmicrohttpd
+  * fix compilation on Hurd
+  * Added support for Nettle+GMP+GnuTLS as a crypto (PSK & SRP)
+    backend
+  * Buffer-min and -max parameters for experimental dynamic buffer
+    scaling (see --help-url)
+  * Performance tuning for better/more efficient recovery at
+    latencies below 50ms
+  * Implemented main profile Keep Alive message format
+  * Binding on IP (*Nix + win32) or iface name (*nix) via miface
+    param for use with outgoing connections
+  * Simplified peer start and keep-alive (on reception of GRE
+    Keepalive)
+  * Connection status callback function for peer added
+  * New API function to get peer-id (for correlation with
+    stats peer-id)
+  * New API function to access underlying socket (for use with
+    DSCP etc)
+  * Prometheus compatible stats output
+  * Higher precision RTT logging
+  * Increased performance of EAP-SRP by only requesting a
+    reauthentication user verifier generation has changed
+  * Added ability to set/exchange passphrase via EAP-SRP
+- Use sysuser-tools package instead of creating the group (bsc#1216613)
-- enable ppc64le
+- man teamd.conf: Document ARP Ping link_watch.vlanid option (bsc#1215527)
+  * Add 0001-man-teamd.conf-Document-ARP-Ping-link_watch.vlanid-o.patch
+- Update to libvirt 9.9.0
+  - jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432
+  - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see
+- supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
+- spec: Disable use of libnbd/nbdkit
+  bsc#1216274
+- Update to v9.8.40
+  - RM #3593939 DPCP dependency
+  - RM #3591039 Wrong lwip seqno wrap around condition
+  - RM #3591039 Type overflow during trimming TCP seg
+  - RM #3591039 Ref count for mem_buf chains
+  - RM #3591039 GRO retransmitted TCP stream
+  - RM #3591039 Incorrect pbuf chain split
+  - RM #3604175 Fixing stuck empty rx ring cleanup
+  - RM #3525812 Socketxtreme buffer reclaim leak
+  - RM #3420360 Support for ConnectX-7
+  - RM #3373882 Fix compilation issue for gcc 13.0.1
+  - RM #3321730 Update the copyright statement to 2023
+  - RM #3249310 Support only systemctl for vma service setup/removal
+  - RM #321712 Prevent failure of debian postinst script
+- Drop patch fixed upstream:
+  - issue-3373882-Fix-compilation-issue-for-gcc-13.0.1.patch
+- Add issue-3373882-Fix-compilation-issue-for-gcc-13.0.1.patch for GCC13 support
+  * [CVE-2023-45322, bsc#1216129] use-after-free in xmlUnlinkNode()
+    in tree.c
+  - Added file libxml2-CVE-2023-45322.patch
+- Security update:
+- Preliminary disable 'rpm --runposttrans' usage for chrooted
+  systems (bsc#1216091)
+  This limits the %transfiletrigger(postun|in) support in the
+  default installer if --root is used (as described in bsc#1041742).
+  The chrooted execution of the scripts in 'rpm --runposttrans'
+  broke in rpm-4.18. It's expected to be fixed in rpm-4.19.
+  Then we'll enable the feature again.
+- fix comment typo on zypp.conf (boo#1215979)
+- version 17.31.22 (22)
+- Attempt to delay %transfiletrigger(postun|in) execution if rpm
+  supports it (bsc#1041742)
+  Decide during installation whether rpm is capable of delayed
+  %posttrans %transfiletrigger(postun|in) execution or whether we
+  can just handle the packages %posttrans. On TW a delayed
+  %transfiletrigger handling is possible since rpm-4.17.
+- Make sure the old target is deleted before a new one is created
+  (bsc#1203760)
+- version 17.31.21 (22)
+- Update spec file to use openmpi-macros-devel and always use the
+  default OpenMPI implementation.
+- Upgrade tu upstream version 3.9.4
+  * Bug
+    + MNG-7705: Sporadic failures on multiple builds sharing the
+    same local repo when writing the .lastUpdated file
+    + MNG-7786: Maven Plugin Validation message is misleading
+    + MNG-7795: IllegalArgumentException: 'other' has different root
+    during plugin validation
+    + MNG-7796: Top directory cannot be computed
+    + MNG-7799: Plugin validation falsely reports there are issues
+    (but shows none)
+    + MNG-7811: Plugins verification - reports are inconsistent
+    + MNG-7818: [REGRESSION] maven improperly excludes hamcrest-core
+    from junit
+    + MNG-7819: Create IT that exercise file locking with snapshots
+    + MNG-7846: endless loop in DefaultExceptionHandler.getMessage()
+  * Improvement
+    + MNG-7698: Allow comments in .mvn/maven.config
+    + MNG-7785: Clean usage of SessionData
+    + MNG-7787: Introduce new options for plugin validation
+    + MNG-7788: Plugin Validation Report should be printed before
+    build summary
+    + MNG-7789: Plugin Dependency Validations use wrong data set
+    + MNG-7806: Plugins verification - remove used in module(s)
+    report
+    + MNG-7823: Make plugin validation level parsing more consistent
+  * Task
+    + MNG-5987: Document the algorithm calculating the order of
+    plugin executions inside a phase.
+    + MNG-7743: Make the build work on JDK 20
+    + MNG-7790: Update lifecycle plugins
+    + MNG-7791: Split validation issues into "user actionable" and
+    "plugin dev actionable"
+    + MNG-7797: Return BRIEF mode, simply map it onto SUMMARY
+    + MNG-7807: Update Super POM plugins
+  * Dependency upgrade
+    + MNG-7800: Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.9.13
+    + MNG-7816: Bump maven parent from 39 to 40
+    + MNG-7828: Bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre
+    + MNG-7847: Upgrade to Resolver 1.9.14
+- Reproducible builds: do not output build number
+- Added patch:
+  *
+    + debian patch to make maven builds more reproducible
+- Upgrade to upstream version 1.9.15
+  * Bug
+    + MRESOLVER-373: Remove lock upgrading code
+    + MRESOLVER-375: Several key aspects are broken in provided and
+    trusted checksum feature
+    + MRESOLVER-376: StackOverflowError at
+    BfDependencyCollector.processDependency
+    + MRESOLVER-380: Lock diagnostic: attempted lock step is
+    recorded, but on failed attempt is not removed
+    + MRESOLVER-393: Transport HTTP does not retain last modified as
+    sent by remote end
+  * Improvement
+    + MRESOLVER-220: Modify signaling for unsupported operations
+    + MRESOLVER-382: Define local outgoing (bind) address
+    + MRESOLVER-385: Reduce default value for
+    aether.connector.http.connectionMaxTtl
+  * Task
+    + MRESOLVER-378: Update parent POM to 40
+    + MRESOLVER-381: Undo MRESOLVER-373 as it was fixed by other
+    means
+    + MRESOLVER-386: Make all injected ctors public, deprecate all
+    def ctors
+    + MRESOLVER-388: Transport HTTP old codec proper override
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Use Python 3 instead of Python 2 to build.
+- Added pc_lookup-replace-PTR-with-void.patch to fix compilation
+  on newer glibc.
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Use Python 3 instead of Python 2 to build.
+- Added pc_lookup-replace-PTR-with-void.patch to fix compilation
+  on newer glibc.
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Use Python 3 instead of Python 2 to build.
+- Added pc_lookup-replace-PTR-with-void.patch to fix compilation
+  on newer glibc.
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Drop support for openmpi[123] (jsc#PED-7111)
+- Prepare support for openmpi5
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
-- Update to version 0.9.4+73+suse.a5414a6:
-  * libmultipath: ignore nvme devices if nvme native multipath is enabled
-    (bsc#1212854)
-  * libmultipath: fix dev_loss_tmo even if not set in configuration
-    (bsc#1212440)
-    Note: this changes user-visible behavior. multipathd will not
-    grab any nvme devices for dm-multipath if nvme native multipathing
-    is on (which is the default on SLE and openSUSE).
+- Configuration directory should be /etc/multipath/conf.d
+  (broken since 0.9.4+68+suse.98559ea)
-- Update to version 0.9.4+71+suse.c648a77:
-  * libmultipath: avoid grouping paths wrongly with "find_multipaths smart"
+- Update to version 0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e:
+  * avoid changing SCSI timeouts in "multipath -d" (bsc#1213809)
+- Update to version 0.9.6+70+suse.63925e8:
+  Upstream feature additions and bug fixes:
+  * ignore nvme devices by default if nvme native multipath is enabled
+  * add "group_by_tpg" path_grouping_policy
+  * add config options "detect_pgpolicy" and "detect_pgpolicy_use_tpg"
+  * libmultipath: add ALUA tpg path wildcard "%A"
+  * make prioritizer timeouts consistent with checker timeouts
+  * fix dev_loss_tmo even if not set in configuration (bsc#1212440)
+  * libmultipath: fix max_sectors_kb on adding path
+  * fix warnings reported by udevadm verify
+- Update to version 0.9.5+68+suse.d1b6a1c:
+  Upstream bugfixes:
+  * libmultipath: use directio checker for LIO targets
+    (gh#opensvc/multipath-tools#54)
+  * multipathd.service: remove "Also=multipathd.socket"
+    (gh#opensvc/multipath-tools#65)
+  * libmultipathd: Avoid parsing errors due to unsupported designators
+* libmultipath: avoid grouping paths wrongly with "find_multipaths smart"
+- Update to version 0.9.4+79+suse.25c23a9:
+- Upstream bug fixes:
+  * libmultipath: return 'pending' state when port is in transition
+  * multipath.rules: fix "smart" bug with failed valid path check
+  * libmpathpersist: fix resource leak in update_map_pr()
+  * libmultipath: keep renames from stopping other multipath actions
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Reduce constraints to match the actual requirement. Exaggerating
+  the requirements hurts both this package (time until build can
+  start) as well as other OBS users (blocking large workers
+  without need).
+- Use a reproducible timestamp instead of removing it altogether.
+- Update reproducible.patch to remove timestamp generated at compilation time
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Reduce constraints to match the actual requirement. Exaggerating
+  the requirements hurts both this package (time until build can
+  start) as well as other OBS users (blocking large workers
+  without need).
+- Use a reproducible timestamp instead of removing it altogether.
+- Update reproducible.patch to remove timestamp generated at compilation time
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Reduce constraints to match the actual requirement. Exaggerating
+  the requirements hurts both this package (time until build can
+  start) as well as other OBS users (blocking large workers
+  without need).
+- Use a reproducible timestamp instead of removing it altogether.
+- Update reproducible.patch to remove timestamp generated at compilation time
+- Drop support for obsolete TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Reduce constraints to match the actual requirement. Exaggerating
+  the requirements hurts both this package (time until build can
+  start) as well as other OBS users (blocking large workers
+  without need).
+- Use a reproducible timestamp instead of removing it altogether.
+- Update reproducible.patch to remove timestamp generated at compilation time
+- Update to version 535.129.03
+- opa-fastfabric: migrate from cron to systemd timers.
+- Update to v10.
+  - No changelog available
+- Update to
+  - No changelog available
+- Modified patch:
+  * opa-fmgui-fix-build-for-JDK9-Gradle-3.2.patch
+    + Build with java source/target levels 8
+    + Fixes building with JDK21
+- Updated to latest upstream, which includes (bsc#1210514):
+  * several fixes to harden iscsiuio, including:
+  - logging now uses syslog
+  - shutdown now waits for helper threads to complete
+  - netlink socket cleanup
+  * some minor bug fixes, some helping builds on musl
+  This updates iscsiuio version to
+  This updates open-iscsi-SUSE-latest.diff.bz2
+- Fix iscsiuio build version by updating iscsiuio/
+  and RPM SPEC file (bsc#1210514), updating
+  open-iscsi-SUSE-latest.diff.bz2
+- Upgrade to upstream version 2.1.9 with tag "2.1.9-suse"
+  (bsc#1210514), replacing open-iscsi-2.1.8-suse.tar.bz2 with
+  open-iscsi-2.1.9-suse.tar.bz2, and resetting
+  open-iscsi-SUSE-latest.diff.bz2. A summary from the ChangeLog
+  file:
+  * Fix discoveryd compiler warning
+  * Sync iscsi_if.h with kernel
+  * Handle old DB records correctly
+  * Make IQN configuration for iscsi-iname
+  * remove OFFLOAD_BOOT_SUPPORTED, which is always true
+  * Use UUID for IPC, not "root"
+  * do not support SHA3 for libressl
+  * build meson cleanups, including changing default DB home
+  * Updated README about NOPs
+  * Remove "BindTo" in systemd service file
+  * Some iscsiuio fixes, including licensing and memory leaks
+    (bsc#1210514)
+  * Small netlink fixes
+  * Fix OOM adjustment
+  * Some error recovery fixes
+  * Some spelling fixes
+- Update to version latest Intel upstream (v1.1+77.75e83b6fb98e, jsc#PED-6852):
+  * lldpad: dcbx: prevent null dereference in dcbx_free_data
+  * dcbx: Fix use-after-free
+  * dcbx: Fix NULL pointer dereference
+  * dcbx: Fix leak when receiving legacy TLVs with mismatched mode
+  * lldp: Reject frames with duplicate TLVs
+  * dcbx: Free manifest in rchange callback
+  * dcbx: Avoid memory leak if ifup is called twice
+  * ctrl_iface: Fix a memory leak in ctrl_iface_deinit
+  * lldp: Avoid sending uninitialized data
+  * lldptool: fix null pointer deference
+  * Revert "Use interface index instead of name in libconfig"
+  * Avoiding null pointer dereference
+  * agent: reset frame status on message delete
+  * basman: use return address when pulling address
+  * 8021Qaz: check for rx block validity
+  * 8021qaz: squelch initialization errors
+  * macvtap: fix error condition
+  * vdp22: convert command parsing to null term
+- Update to 12.3.5 (build 22544099) (boo#1216670)
+  - There are no new features in the open-vm-tools 12.3.5 release. This is
+    primarily a maintenance release that addresses a few critical problems,
+    including:
+  - This release resolves CVE-2023-34058. For more information on this
+    vulnerability and its impact on VMware products, see
+  - This release resolves CVE-2023-34059 which only affects open-vm-tools.
+    For more information on this vulnerability, please see the Resolved
+    Issues section of the Release Notes.
+  - A GitHub issue has been handled. Please see the Resolved Issues section
+    of the Release Notes.
+  - An update to the deployPkg plugin to coordinate with recent releases
+    of cloud-init for improvement for guest VM customization.
+  - For issues resolved in this release, see the Resolved Issues
+    <>
+    section of the Release Notes.
+  - For complete details, see:
+  - Release Notes are available at
+  - The granular changes that have gone into the 12.3.5 release are in the
+    ChangeLog at
+- Drop patch now contained in 12.3.5:
+  - CVE-2023-34058.patch
+  - CVE-2023-34059.patch
+- Drop pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer
+  needed, nor used (since 12.3.0 release).
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Update to 4.1.6:
+  - Update embedded PMIx to 3.2.5.
+  - Fix issue with buffered sends and MTL-based interfaces (Libfabric,
+    PSM, Portals).
+  - Add missing MPI_F_STATUS_SIZE to mpi.h.
+  - Update Fortran mpi module configure check to be more correct.
+  - Update to properly handle PMIx v>=4.2.3.
+  - Fix minor issues and add some minor performance optimizations with
+    OFI support.
+  - Support the "striping_factor" and "striping_unit" MPI_Info names
+    recomended by the MPI standard for parallel IO.
+  - Fixed some minor issues with UCX support.
+  - Minor optimization for 0-byte MPI_Alltoallw (i.e., make it a no-op).
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 4.1.5:
+  - Fix crash in one  -sided applications for certain process layouts.
+  - Update embedded OpenPMIx to version 3.2.4
+  - Backport patches to Libevent for CVE  -2016  -10195, CVE  -2016  -10196, and
+    CVE  -2016  -10197.  Note that Open MPI's internal libevent does not
+    use the impacted portions of the Libevent code base.
+  - SHMEM improvements:
+  - Fix initializer bugs in SHMEM interface.
+  - Fix unsigned type comparisons generating warnings.
+  - Fix use after clear issue in shmem_ds_reset.
+  - UCX improvements
+  - Fix memory registration bug that could occur when UCX was built
+    but not selected.
+  - Reduce overhead of add_procs with intercommunicators.
+  - Enable multi_send_nb by default.
+  - Call opal_progress while waiting for a UCX fence to complete.
+  - Fix data corruption bug in osc/rdma component.
+  - Fix overflow bug in alltoall collective
+  - Fix crash when displaying topology.
+  - Add some MPI_F_XXX constants that were missing from mpi.h.
+  - coll/ucc bug fixes.
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Update to 4.1.6:
+  - Update embedded PMIx to 3.2.5.
+  - Fix issue with buffered sends and MTL-based interfaces (Libfabric,
+    PSM, Portals).
+  - Add missing MPI_F_STATUS_SIZE to mpi.h.
+  - Update Fortran mpi module configure check to be more correct.
+  - Update to properly handle PMIx v>=4.2.3.
+  - Fix minor issues and add some minor performance optimizations with
+    OFI support.
+  - Support the "striping_factor" and "striping_unit" MPI_Info names
+    recomended by the MPI standard for parallel IO.
+  - Fixed some minor issues with UCX support.
+  - Minor optimization for 0-byte MPI_Alltoallw (i.e., make it a no-op).
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 4.1.5:
+  - Fix crash in one  -sided applications for certain process layouts.
+  - Update embedded OpenPMIx to version 3.2.4
+  - Backport patches to Libevent for CVE  -2016  -10195, CVE  -2016  -10196, and
+    CVE  -2016  -10197.  Note that Open MPI's internal libevent does not
+    use the impacted portions of the Libevent code base.
+  - SHMEM improvements:
+  - Fix initializer bugs in SHMEM interface.
+  - Fix unsigned type comparisons generating warnings.
+  - Fix use after clear issue in shmem_ds_reset.
+  - UCX improvements
+  - Fix memory registration bug that could occur when UCX was built
+    but not selected.
+  - Reduce overhead of add_procs with intercommunicators.
+  - Enable multi_send_nb by default.
+  - Call opal_progress while waiting for a UCX fence to complete.
+  - Fix data corruption bug in osc/rdma component.
+  - Fix overflow bug in alltoall collective
+  - Fix crash when displaying topology.
+  - Add some MPI_F_XXX constants that were missing from mpi.h.
+  - coll/ucc bug fixes.
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Update to 4.1.6:
+  - Update embedded PMIx to 3.2.5.
+  - Fix issue with buffered sends and MTL-based interfaces (Libfabric,
+    PSM, Portals).
+  - Add missing MPI_F_STATUS_SIZE to mpi.h.
+  - Update Fortran mpi module configure check to be more correct.
+  - Update to properly handle PMIx v>=4.2.3.
+  - Fix minor issues and add some minor performance optimizations with
+    OFI support.
+  - Support the "striping_factor" and "striping_unit" MPI_Info names
+    recomended by the MPI standard for parallel IO.
+  - Fixed some minor issues with UCX support.
+  - Minor optimization for 0-byte MPI_Alltoallw (i.e., make it a no-op).
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 4.1.5:
+  - Fix crash in one  -sided applications for certain process layouts.
+  - Update embedded OpenPMIx to version 3.2.4
+  - Backport patches to Libevent for CVE  -2016  -10195, CVE  -2016  -10196, and
+    CVE  -2016  -10197.  Note that Open MPI's internal libevent does not
+    use the impacted portions of the Libevent code base.
+  - SHMEM improvements:
+  - Fix initializer bugs in SHMEM interface.
+  - Fix unsigned type comparisons generating warnings.
+  - Fix use after clear issue in shmem_ds_reset.
+  - UCX improvements
+  - Fix memory registration bug that could occur when UCX was built
+    but not selected.
+  - Reduce overhead of add_procs with intercommunicators.
+  - Enable multi_send_nb by default.
+  - Call opal_progress while waiting for a UCX fence to complete.
+  - Fix data corruption bug in osc/rdma component.
+  - Fix overflow bug in alltoall collective
+  - Fix crash when displaying topology.
+  - Add some MPI_F_XXX constants that were missing from mpi.h.
+  - coll/ucc bug fixes.
+- Drop %vers macro so that the Version tag can be parsed more easily
+- Update to 4.1.6:
+  - Update embedded PMIx to 3.2.5.
+  - Fix issue with buffered sends and MTL-based interfaces (Libfabric,
+    PSM, Portals).
+  - Add missing MPI_F_STATUS_SIZE to mpi.h.
+  - Update Fortran mpi module configure check to be more correct.
+  - Update to properly handle PMIx v>=4.2.3.
+  - Fix minor issues and add some minor performance optimizations with
+    OFI support.
+  - Support the "striping_factor" and "striping_unit" MPI_Info names
+    recomended by the MPI standard for parallel IO.
+  - Fixed some minor issues with UCX support.
+  - Minor optimization for 0-byte MPI_Alltoallw (i.e., make it a no-op).
+- Drop support for TrueScale (bsc#1212146)
+- Update to 4.1.5:
+  - Fix crash in one  -sided applications for certain process layouts.
+  - Update embedded OpenPMIx to version 3.2.4
+  - Backport patches to Libevent for CVE  -2016  -10195, CVE  -2016  -10196, and
+    CVE  -2016  -10197.  Note that Open MPI's internal libevent does not
+    use the impacted portions of the Libevent code base.
+  - SHMEM improvements:
+  - Fix initializer bugs in SHMEM interface.
+  - Fix unsigned type comparisons generating warnings.
+  - Fix use after clear issue in shmem_ds_reset.
+  - UCX improvements
+  - Fix memory registration bug that could occur when UCX was built
+    but not selected.
+  - Reduce overhead of add_procs with intercommunicators.
+  - Enable multi_send_nb by default.
+  - Call opal_progress while waiting for a UCX fence to complete.
+  - Fix data corruption bug in osc/rdma component.
+  - Fix overflow bug in alltoall collective
+  - Fix crash when displaying topology.
+  - Add some MPI_F_XXX constants that were missing from mpi.h.
+  - coll/ucc bug fixes.
+- Security fix: [bsc#1216922, CVE-2023-5678]
+  * Fix excessive time spent in DH check / generation with large Q
+    parameter value.
+  * Applications that use the functions DH_generate_key() to generate
+    an X9.42 DH key may experience long delays. Likewise,
+    applications that use DH_check_pub_key(), DH_check_pub_key_ex
+    () or EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check an X9.42 DH key or X9.42
+    DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or
+    parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an
+    untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service.
+  * Add openssl-CVE-2023-5678.patch
+- Security fix: [bsc#1216922, CVE-2023-5678]
+  * Fix excessive time spent in DH check / generation with large Q
+    parameter value.
+  * Applications that use the functions DH_generate_key() to generate
+    an X9.42 DH key may experience long delays. Likewise,
+    applications that use DH_check_pub_key(), DH_check_pub_key_ex
+    () or EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check an X9.42 DH key or X9.42
+    DH parameters may experience long delays. Where the key or
+    parameters that are being checked have been obtained from an
+    untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service.
+  * Add openssl-CVE-2023-5678.patch
+- Update to 1.15.0
+  - UCP
+  - Added 2-stage pipeline protocol in the new protocol infrastructure
+  - Added reset and abort functionality of rendezvous protocols in the
+    new infrastructure
+  - Added zero-copy rendezvous data send protocol in the new infrastructure
+  - Added support for user memory handle in the new protocol infrastructure
+  - Added option to force ODP registration for certain memory types
+  - Enabled lock free memory region deregistration
+  - Updated allow/deny transport list feature to control auxiliary transport selection
+  - Multiple performance improvements of the new protocol infrastructure
+  - Multiple improvements in error and debug messages
+  - Fixed assertion when sending from non-contiguous GPU buffer to managed buffer
+  - Fixed the race condition on endpoint configurations
+  - Fixed endpoint reconfiguration issues due to asymmetrical selection
+  - Fixed endpoint reconfiguration error due to wrong locality detection
+  - Fixed crash during connection manager cleanup
+  - Fixed rkey index calculation for rendezvous protocol
+  - Fixed rcache dump function
+  - Removed logging from rkey unpack in release mode
+  - Fixed dobule free of rkey in rendezvous protocol
+  - Fixed rendezvous pipeline protocol error flow
+  - Fixed error handling in rendezvous get zcopy protocol
+  - Replay pending requests of wireup EP CM during connection establishment
+    to prevent potential ordering issues and wrong configuration
+  - Pass user-provided memory type to the function that checks whether the buffer
+    can be sent inline or not
+  - Avoid memory registration during UCP context initialization
+  - Fixed CPU/device atomics selection in the new protocol infrastructure
+  - Multiple fixes in the new protocol infrastructure information output
+  - UCT
+  - Split UCT_MD_MKEY_PACK_FLAG_INVALIDATE into two flags for RMA and AMO
+  - Added put_zcopy and get_zcopy scheme support for self transport
+  - Added base implementation of is_reachable_v2 API using intra/inter flag
+  - Introduced MD capability for non-blocking registration memory types
+  - Added check for dmabuf kernel support in ROCm memory domain
+  - Fixed exported memh packing
+  - Fixed an error in checking return status of multi-threaded memory
+    registration function
+  - RDMA CORE (IB, ROCE, etc.)
+  - Added implementation of is_reachable_v2 routine to IB interface
+  - Added option to control CQE zipping per CQ RX/TX direction
+  - Added option to specify how DCI selects port under RoCE LAG
+  - Added hw_dcs to the list of policies to select DCI by an endpoint
+  - Removed implicit on-demand paging
+  - Added option to set RoCE lag dct port for response under queue affinity mode
+  - Improved IB memlock limit logging
+  - Fixed dma-buf based memory region registration
+  - Fixed memory handle data corruption when PCIe relaxed ordering is enabled
+  - Fixed performance degradation when indirect atomic key is not supported
+    by the hardware
+  - Fixed remote access error to strict-order keys because of wrong offset
+  - Added check for UAR support to memory domain opening
+  - Fixed updating port counters for devx qp
+  - Fixed ibv_create_cq error message on node without Infiniband
+  - Fixed performance degradation due to using 2 paths on NDR400 by default
+  - Removed unnecessary async lock which otherwise would block UD progress
+  - UCS
+  - Added ucs_string_buffer_rbrk() to split token
+  - Fixed lane selection and added bandwidth estimation for Sapphire Rapids family
+  - Fixed displaying wrong environment variable suggestions
+  - Fixed VFS warning output
+  - Fixed SEGV in ucs_debug_backtrace_next(), upon previous SEGV handling,
+    due to ENOMEM situation
+  - Fixed memory corruption when using UCX_MPOOL_FIFO=y
+  - UCM
+  - Fixed conditional jump patching
+  - Fixed mremap() override
+  - Tests
+  - Added a rocm docker container for testing
+  - Added option to send client_id in iodemo test
+  - Added support for multiple connections to the same server in iodemo test
+  - Added synchronization before exit to hello world examples
+  - Fixed wrong usage of ep_close in examples
+  - Tools
+  - Added user-side memcpy option for AM benchmarks in ucx_perftest
+  - Added wireshark LUA dissectors for some UCX protocols
+  - Fixed memory access flags in perftest
+  - Removed support for librte from perf
+  - Fixed worker flush deadlock when using multiple workers in ucx_perftest
+  - Build
+  - Added support for binutils 2.40
+  - Added versioned dependency to switch between packages with the same names
+  - Added a separate xpmem deb subpackage
+  - Added aarch64 support to the binary distribution pipeline
+  - Removed dependency on libnuma
+  - Documentation
+  - Updated ucp_worker_release_address description
+- Refresh openucx-s390x-support.patch against latest souces
+- Update to v1.14.1
+  - Fixed ROCm to prevent the locking of host pinned memory
+  - Added CUDA 12 based UCX builds to the release flow
+  - Increased the maximal number of endpoint configurations
+  - Fixed filter for a slow-lanes in selection logic
+  - Fixed TCP transport bandwidth calculation
+  - Fixed device detection for ROCM
+  - Fixed compatibility with CUDA 12
+  - Fixed rendezvous threshold for multi-path configurations
+  - Fixed error message in case of static link
+  - Fixed BlueField-3 detection
+  - Multiple fixes for Azure CI pipeline
+- Update to v1.14.0
+  - UCP
+  - Added API for querying transport and device names on endpoint
+  - Added API for querying datatype object
+  - Added API for exporting and importing memory keys (no implementation yet)
+  - Added support for non-persistent active message header
+  - Added infrastructure to print protocols v2 performance
+  - Multiple performance improvements for protocols v2
+  - Added support for non-contiguous datatypes for rendezvous protocols v2
+  - Added support for reset and abort request in protocols v2
+  - Added support for user memory handles in RMA API
+  - Added multi-rail support for RMA API in protocols v2
+  - Added support for up to 16 different lanes per endpoint
+  - Added support for dmabuf memory registration in protocols v2
+  - Added strong fence mode for ucp_worker_fence() API
+  - UCT
+  - Added new uct_md_mem_attach() API to support exported memory handles
+  - Added remote completion mode for endpoint flush (via new flag)
+  - Added support for dmabuf registration
+  - Added new uct_ep_connect_to_ep_v2() API
+  - Added new uct_mem_reg_v2() API
+  - Added new uct_md_query_v2() API
+  - Added support for IPv6 loopback address in TCP transport
+  - RDMA CORE (IB, ROCE, etc.)
+  - Added ECE (enhanced connection establishment) support for RC and DC transports
+  - Added support for hardware DCS in DC transport
+  - Added UD interface and endpoint resource information to VFS
+  - Added CQ creation via DEVX API
+  - Removed support for accelerated IB transports over legacy experimental verbs
+  - UCS
+  - Added support for auto-correction of user environment variables
+  - UCM
+  - Implemented CUDA bistro hooks for aarch64 (to enable memory cache on this platform)
+  - Added support for CUDA virtual/stream-ordered memory with cudaMallocAsync
+  - Documentation
+  - Added FAQ for using pkg-config tool to build applications with UCX
+  - Tools
+  - Added runtime library version to the 'ucx_info -v' output
+  - Added support for memory types in ucx_info
+  - Many bugfixes. See NEWS.
+- Drop patch merged upstream:
+  - UCS-DEBUG-replace-PTR-with-void.patch
+  - gcc13-fix.patch
+- Refresh openucx-s390x-support.patch
+- Add upstream gcc13-fix.patch fix.
+- openucx-s390x-support.patch: fix use of clz builtin for 64-bit value
+- Fix CVE-2023-5366 [bsc#1216002], openvswitch: missing masks on a final stage with ports trie
+- Added patch,
+    CVE-2023-5366.patch
+- Version 4.0.0
+  * Simplify rpmbuild by removing %install
+  * Add opi new dependencies to testsuite: rpm-build, squashfs
+  * Rename rpmbuild internal dirs to uppercase
+  * Fix building RPMs for Leap 15.5
+  * Update opi-proxy .service file to listen on IPv6 as well
+  * Add Snap library and Spotify plugin
+  * Allow installing non-rpm applications (add OrcaSlicer)
+  * chore: update multi_install description
+  * Indent changes in changelog further than version
+- Update to 0.7.8:
+  * Upgraded libpng to version 1.6.40.
+  * Upgraded zlib to version 1.3-optipng.
+  * Upgraded cexcept to version 2.0.2-optipng.
+  !! Fixed a global-buffer-overflow vulnerability in the GIF reader
+    (boo#1215937 CVE-2023-43907).
+  ! Fixed a stack-print-after-scope defect in the error handler.
+  ! Fixed an assertion failure in the image reduction module.
+  ! Fixed the command-line wildargs expansion in the Windows port.
+  * Raised the minimum required libpng version from 1.2.9 to 1.6.35.
+  * Raised the minimum required zlib version from 1.2.1 to 1.2.8.
+  * Refactored the structured exception handling.
+- added optipng-relax-libpng-version-requirement.patch
+- asan_build to disable or enable asan build
-- updated to 0.7.5:
-  ! Fixed various build issues with libpng-1.5 and libpng-1.6.
-  * Allowed the handling of huge image files  (> millions of pixels
-    per row or column) to be independent of the libpng version.
-  + Allowed the option -preserve to save the file ownership (UID/GID)
-    on Unix.  (Thanks to Otto Kekäläinen for the suggestion.)
-- removed libpng16.patch
-- build also agains libpng16
-  * libpng16.patch
+- Update to database version 20231027 (jsc#PED-2104)
+  osinfo-db-20231027.tar.xz
-- jsc#PED-2104 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
+- Update to version 1.11.0 (jsc#PED-2104)
+  * Added --nightly option to osinfo-db-import
+  * Several CI improvements
+  * Several translation improvements
+- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
-- Add ovmf-SecurityPkg-DxeImageVerificationLib-Check-result-of-.patch
-  to check result of GetEfiGlobalVariable2 (CVE-2019-14560, bsc#1174246)
+- Sync change log to prepare for sending edk2-stable202308 ovmf to SLE15-SP6
+  (jsc#PED-6233, jsc#PED-5523)
+  - Removed the following backported patches because they are merged
+    to edk2 mainline:
+  - ovmf-SecurityPkg-DxeImageVerificationLib-Check-result-of-.patch
+  494127613b SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Check result of GetEfiGlobalVariable2
+  (CVE-2019-14560, bsc#1174246)
-- Add ovmf-MdeModulePkg-PiSmmCore-SmmEntryPoint-underflow-CVE-2.patch
-  for MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: SmmEntryPoint underflow (CVE-2021-38578)
+- Add ovmf-UefiCpuPkg-BaseXApicX2ApicLib-fix-CPUID_V2_EXTENDED_.patch
+  fix CPUID_V2_EXTENDED_TOPOLOGY detection (bsc#1216472)
+- Sync change log to prepare for sending edk2-stable202308 ovmf to SLE15-SP6
+  (jsc#PED-6233, jsc#PED-5523)
+  - Removed the following backported patches because they are merged
+    to edk2 mainline:
+  - ovmf-MdeModulePkg-PiSmmCore-SmmEntryPoint-underflow-CVE-2.patch
+  cab1f02565 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: SmmEntryPoint underflow (CVE-2021-38578)
+- Update to edk2-stable202308
+  - Features (
+    CryptoPkg: consume OpenSSL 3.0
+    Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe with the generic one in MdeModulePkg
+    Remove the duplicated definitions from BaseTools
+    Arm GIC Library and Driver improvements
+    Use restricted memory mappings in PEI
+    Add SmmCpuFeaturesLib implementation for AMD Processor family
+    Add USB Network RNDIS Drivers
+    Support Standalone MM based variable services in PEI on ARM systems
+    Add RISC-V MMU support
+    Add RISC-V support to CLANGDWARF toolchain
+  - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202305..edk2-stable202308):
+    819cfc6b42 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Fix issues in VarStore Blockmap config
+    00b51e0d78 MdeModulePkg: HeapGuard: Don't Assume Pool Head Allocated In First Page
+    48089f3a7c OvmfPkg/Bhyve: build platform info HOB
+    eaffa1d7ff UefiCpuPkg:Wake up APs after power-up or RESET through SIPI.
+    1d76560146 OvmfPkg: Disable PcdFirstTimeWakeUpAPsBySipi.
+    98e9d29e06 UefiCpuPkg: Add PcdFirstTimeWakeUpAPsBySipi
+    055c7bd1a7 UefiCpuPkg: Add SendStartupIpiAllExcludingSelf
+    991515a058 CryptoPkg: remove BN and EC accel for size optimization
+    e91bfffd4f CryptoPkg/openssl: update CI config for openssl 3.0
+    46226fb5d3 CryptoPkg: remove strcmp to syscall
+    c0aeb92663 CryptoPkg: run to update all generated files
+    dfa6147a79 CryptoPkg: add more dummy implement of openssl for size optimization
+    2bead79cfc CryptoPkg: add implemention of _ftol2_sse() to avoid build error
+    b2ff8e45db CryptoPkg: add define of maximum unsigned size_t
+    4b5faa5775 CryptoPkg: add missing gcc instructions
+    43e0ede26b CryptoPkg: Enable memcpy sys call in RISCV64 build
+    f0d3e59754 CryptoPkg: Align with 4096 when build with OpensslFullAccel
+    bdf3142eb7 CryptoPkg/TlsLib: use unsigned long for ErrorCode
+    20193b20b5 CryptoPkg: disable C4133 warning in openssl libraries
+    bf1ff73c8c CryptoPkg: Add instrinsics to support building openssl3 on IA32 windows
+    cea8e3b513 CryptoPkg: adapt 3.0 change in SslNull.c
+    ea7a37d352 CryptoPkg: use UEFI provider as default
+    9b9b331e0f CryptoPkg: Move all UEFI implement of openssl to OpensslStub
+    5e1900f266 CryptoPkg/openssl: adapt EcSm2Null.c for openssl 3.0
+    174a306ccd CryptoPkg/openssl: store dummy update for openssl 3.0
+    3af00aec7f CryptoPkg/openssl: move compiler_flags to buildinf.c
+    c638d1f672 CryptoPkg/openssl: adapt rand_pool.c to openssl 3.0 changes
+    eac38f74c4 CryptoPkg/TlsLib: ERR_GET_FUNC is gone
+    2a6dc1211f CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: drop BIO_* dummy functions
+    63c8d160ae CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: adapt CryptSm3.c to openssl 3.0 changes.
+    84158d0ebe CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: no openssl deprecation warnings please
+    ac492c3ead CryptoPkg/openssl: UefiAsm.conf update for openssl 3.0
+    81f5aa0700 CryptoPkg/openssl: add openssl3 configure scripts
+    7cede6d5f4 CryptoPkg/openssl: update Openssl*.inf files for openssl 3.0
+    49a113a7a4 CryptoPkg/openssl: cleanup all openssl1.1.1 generated files and code
+    9d6d237c3c CryptoPkg/openssl: update submodule to openssl-3.0.9
+    3c274c0d83 MdePkg: Add new status codes to PrintLib
+    107ddf1de9 MdePkg: Add missing status codes
+    2d8c17a9b6 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: Boot OVMF in SMP mode.
+    bae848ee25 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI VS2019: Disable workaround for cpuhp bugfix
+    744c42bfd8 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: Use recent Qemu on Windows
+    01ad4134c3 MdeModulePkg: Solve boot hang Xhci driver when use USB DVD with empty disk
+    ef05145136 ArmPkg: DefaultExceptionHandlerLib: Do Not Allocate Memory
+    7672d1cca5 MdeModulePkg/SetupBrowser: Load storage via GetVariable for EfiVarStore
+    fa789cc68a BaseTools: scan make output
+    5cadb8ce21 BaseTools: BinToPcd: Resolve xdrlib deprecation
+    d11968fcc5 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru: Fix UNUSED_VALUE Coverity issue
+    c7c1170a45 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru: Fix SIGN_EXTENSION Coverity issue
+    677f2c6f15 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Update README for CLANGDWARF support
+    3f49462558 BaseTools/tools_def: Add CLANGDWARF support for RISC-V
+    0f9fd06919 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: SecEntry: Remove unnecessary assembly directives
+    8543840cfd OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: use 'auto' alignment and FIXED for XIP modules
+    70f3e62dc7 OvmfPkg/BhyvePkg: enable bus enumeration
+    f284981506 Revert "OvmfPkg/Bhyve: remove IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport DXE driver"
+    1c923b9f25 Revert "OvmfPkg/Bhyve: consume PciHostBridgeLibScan"
+    c7a7f09c1d UefiCpuPkg: Decouple the SEV-ES functionality.
+    25a6745fe8 RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: fix netmask check issue
+    dcf05f958e MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard: Remove VS20xx workaround
+    5309ddc83b EmulatorPkg/Win/Host: Fix RUNTIME_FUNCTION redefinition error
+    925c445fd3 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Avoid printing hard coded timeout value
+    7427dd3fc0 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Check "no-map" and mark EfiReservedMemoryType
+    c6b512962e UnitTestFrameworkPkg: UnitTestPersistenceLib: Save Unit Test Cache Option
+    b2de9ec5a7 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1u
+    6510dcf6f7 NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: fix driver binding start issue.
+    a52044a9e6 OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: add locking to IoMmuAllocateBounceBuffer
+    08aacbf056 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: update Maintainers.txt entry
+    4d1014093f UefiCpuPkg: Uses gMmst in MmSaveStateLib
+    39ded59c09 OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Updated with PcdSecureBootSupported
+    3399f64588 RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: reset session when TCP timeout happens
+    dd49d448b0 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe: Fix FORWARD_NULL Coverity issues
+    f220dcbba8 UefiCpuPkg: RISC-V: Support MMU with SV39/48/57 mode
+    cc13dcc576 OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: Remove satp bare mode setting
+    33d0a3cc92 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add VirtNorFlashDxe to APRIORI list
+    a8a72fc1ff OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: SEC: Add IO memory resource hob for platform devices
+    a9fc9bb466 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: VirtNorFlashPlatformLib: Fix wrong flash size
+    fbec9aec00 MdePkg/Register: RISC-V: Add satp mode bits shift definition
+    7178047402 MdePkg/BaseLib: RISC-V: Support getting satp register value
+    e674096acc OvmfPkg/ResetVector: Fix assembler bit test flag check
+    ff3382a51c MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbNetwork/UsbCdcNcm: Add USB Cdc NCM devices support
+    5e400d22a0 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbNetwork/UsbCdcEcm: Add USB Cdc ECM devices support
+    fc0d5922f1 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbNetwork/UsbRndis: Add USB RNDIS devices support
+    8dab4eebe4 UefiPayloadPkg: Integrate UiApp and BootManagerMenuApp into MultiFv
+    964a4f032d UefiCpuPkg: Eliminate the second INIT-SIPI-SIPI sequence.
+    629c1dacc9 UefiCpuPkg: ApWakeupFunction directly use CpuMpData.
+    8bb018afaf UefiCpuPkg: Create MpHandOff.
+    243212b0d0 UefiCpuPkg: Refactor the logic for placing APs in Mwait/Runloop.
+    88f436883b UefiCpuPkg: Refactor the logic for placing APs in HltLoop.
+    63923a5642 MdeModulePkg/Variable: TcgMorLockSmm Key Mismatch changes lock state
+    96d691166f RedfishPkg/RedfishDebugLib: add new interfaces
+    60475162a6 RedfishPkg/JsonLib: add object clear interface
+    b164b6d149 RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: hide debug message
+    98ab6e8718 RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: fix CPU exception in RedfishRestExDxe
+    af8859bce2 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: Skip GCC5_OVMF_IA32X64_FULL_NOOPT build
+    1fadd18d0c UefiCpuPkg: Get processor extended information for SmmCpuServiceProtocol
+    6c744465b6 ArmPkg: Add Function Headers to MMU Logic
+    3b74b0394d ArmPkg: Fix Unsafe ASSERTs in MMU Logic
+    1b25a7049c ArmPkg: Update GetMemoryRegion() to Handle No mapping
+    cdbdd12460 ArmPkg: Apply Uncrustify to Non-Compliant Files
+    f2188fe5d1 OvmfPkg: Uses MmSaveStateLib library
+    fbb6f18e1c UefiCpuPkg: Removes SmmCpuFeaturesReadSaveStateRegister
+    065fa2dcc2 UefiCpuPkg: Implements MmSaveStateLib for Intel
+    867851dc30 UefiCpuPkg: Implements SmmCpuFeaturesLib for AMD Family
+    11dae72d3f UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Restructure arch-dependent code
+    775b337c78 UefiCpuPkg: Implements MmSaveStateLib library instance
+    4f3ddc6e15 UefiCpuPkg: Adds MmSaveStateLib library class
+    8d34c7afb3 MdePkg: Adds AMD SMRAM save state map
+    ad7d3ace1a UefiCpuPkg: CpuTimerDxeRiscV64: Fix timer event not working correctly
+    5a13f5c2fa RedfishPkg: Fix SortLib library class name typo.
+    f5c987fcac UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove unnecessary function
+    4ceefd6dd1 UefiCpuPkg: Refinement to smm runtime InitPaging() code
+    b4394cca2d UefiCpuPkg: Sort mProtectionMemRange when ReadyToLock
+    7132df94ac UefiCpuPkg: Sort mSmmCpuSmramRanges in FindSmramInfo
+    b4dde1ae6a UefiCpuPkg: Use GenSmmPageTable() to create Smm S3 page table
+    701b5797b2 UefiCpuPkg: Add GenSmmPageTable() to create smm page table
+    d706d9c64a UefiCpuPkg: Extern mSmmShadowStackSize in PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h
+    ef64ae06f8 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Clear CR0.WP before modify page table
+    7b6e7d0098 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add 2 function to disable/enable CR0.WP
+    f51967280b UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Avoid setting non-present range to RO/NX
+    6585ced558 UefiCpuPkg: Add DEBUG_CODE for special case when clear RP
+    2d212083d0 UefiCpuPkg: Use CpuPageTableLib to convert SMM paging attribute.
+    8c99839776 MdeModulePkg: Remove other attribute protection in UnsetGuardPage
+    a78938f274 OvmfPkg:Remove code that apply AddressEncMask to non-leaf entry
+    6607062e91 MdeModulePkg: Variable: Introduce MM based variable read service in PEI
+    01ac3d8b69 ArmPkg: MmCommunicationPei: Introduce MM communicate in PEI
+    4416bf3383 NetworkPkg: Correct the length of EAP Identity when in ASCII format
+    44a3d93af3 Maintainers.txt: Update NetworkPkg maintainers and reviewers
+    1a39bdf2c5 BaseTools/tools_def: Add "-fno-unwind-tables" to GCC5_RISCV64_CC_FLAGS
+    ea7a3015a2 OvmfPkg/VirtioSerialDxe: Remove noisy debug print on supported() call
+    2f8b51d6af ArmPkg/OpteeLib: Map shared communication buffer non-executable
+    8a1f540596 ArmPkg: Drop individual memory permission helpers
+    7054f1a54e StandaloneMmPkg: Include correct MmuLib header
+    28eb51dd54 UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Remove pre-built binaries
+    8ef7e222ae UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Add guidance of FDF ffs rule
+    ab85db3260 UefiCpuPkg: Include ResetVector in DSC
+    81cb0371f9 CI: Use latest image for Linux jobs (Qemu 8, gcc 12)
+    638dfb4135 OvmfPkg/PciHotPlugInitDxe: fix io window size
+    5542e528cd ArmPkg/CpuDxe: Simplify memory attributes protocol implementation
+    a21a994f55 MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl ARM AARCH64: Switch to generic handoff code
+    4249829cf2 ArmPkg/CpuPei: Implement the memory attributes PPI
+    8f5ad634ad ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Extend API to manage memory permissions better
+    9df2c0a555 MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Use memory attribute PPI to remap the stack NX
+    dfacaab57e MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Merge EBC, RISCV64 and LOONGARCH code
+    9eb8f2c99f MdeModulePkg: Define memory attribute PPI
+    ac33eee8b8 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Get HobListPtr before calling the Multiphase FSPS
+    5779671137 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: include TPM driver
+    c301291dc3 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: install Acpi tables provided by FwCfg
+    5a118a61d1 OvmfPkg: move QemuFwCfgAcpi into AcpiPlatformLib
+    0f612c1443 OvmfPkg: move BootScript into AcpiPlatformLib
+    ea88df6b26 OvmfPkg: move PciEncoding into AcpiPlatformLib
+    f5d851673d OvmfPkg: avoid including AcpiPlatformLib twice
+    8f63f4143d OvmfPkg/Library: fix definition of GetAcpiRsdpFromMemory
+    6ee981c858 SecurityPkg: SubClassTpm: Updated default value
+    7c703f0a8a MdePkg: PiStatusCode: Add TPM subclass definition to MdePkg
+    e7667b7b9a MdePkg: PiStatusCode: Add new Host Software class Error Code to MdePkg
+    49f06b6640 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add a readme for build and test
+    37423fa344 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add support for separate code and variable store
+    420cd54993 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add VirtNorFlashDeviceTreeLib library
+    f6c4b0a78e OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Fix couple of issues in VarStore
+    fcd71642df MdePkg: Code optimization to SMM InternalAllocateAlignedPages
+    56f65e4bad MdeModulePkg/SmmCore: Perf-log PlatformHookBefore/AfterSmmDispatch
+    a87f5fdb3d UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpu: Add PcdSmmApPerfLogEnable control AP perf-logging
+    2d3974a351 MdeModulePkg/SmmCorePerformanceLib: Disable perf-logging at runtime
+    92759eeb0c MdeModulePkg/SmmPerformanceLib: Disable perf-logging after ExitBS
+    0c136bbba0 MdeModulePkg/SmmCore: Add perf-logging for SmmDriverDispatchHandler
+    e4ff852136 MdeModulePkg/SmmCore: Add perf-logging for time-consuming procedures
+    ad6c8540cc UefiCpuPkg/CpuSmm: Add perf-logging for MP procedures
+    0da3df78ff UefiCpuPkg/CpuSmm: Add perf-logging for time-consuming BSP procedures
+    4a0642ad27 Maintainers.txt: update maintainer for CryptoPkg
+    ea55bd8f66 UefiCpuPkg: RISC-V: TimerLib: Fix delay function to use 64-bit
+    4dba2a9d08 UefiCpuPkg: CpuTimerDxeRiscV64: Fix incorrect value sent to SbiSetTimer
+    aad98d915a UefiPayloadPkg: Fix incorrect code on AddSectionHeader
+    51bb8eb76c UefiPayloadPkg: Add CAPSULE_SUPPORT in UPL and set it as FALSE in default
+    6250124de8 Maintainers.txt: Remove me from maintainers of UefiPayloadPkg,ShellPkg
+    e5b515f832 Maintainers.txt: Remove UEFI Shell Binaries section
+    530f5b0912 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add UnitTestPeiServicesTablePointerLib
+    8314a85893 ShellPkg/SmbiosView: type 45 and type 46 support.
+    69abcf1e78 UefiPayloadPkg: Enhance build script for BuildEntryOnly
+    8d238f1433 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers for StandaloneMmPkg
+    aa3ea84407 Maintainers.txt: Remove reviewer for StandaloneMmPkg
+    c082da89cf RedfishPkg: update
+    67fc78d026 MdeModulePkg/Bus: Fix port multiplier port in AhciPei PEIM
+    ded0b489af MdePkg/BaseLib: Add SpeculationBarrier implementation for RiscV64
+    d189de3b0a MdePkg ACPI65: Update MADT Revision pre ACPI Spec 6.5
+    cdd20638bc CharEncodingCheckPlugin: Remove Noisy Print
+    4bd0849d81 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: install ACPI tables from memory
+    1288c5415c OvmfPkg/Xen: export AcpiTable installation into AcpiPlatformLib
+    f211292711 OvmfPkg/Xen: export search of RSDP into a library function
+    c1dd400a13 OvmfPkg: Create additional PML1 entries for large SEV-SNP VMs
+    8fbf857a0b OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Remove unimplemented NxForStack configuration
+    4354c22f38 ArmPkg: add SMC defines for SiP service calls
+    0364ccfead ArmPkg: Enable AuditMode for Uncrustify CI checks
+    a8acc12dfd ShellPkgDisconnect: zero-initialize handles
+    78262899d2 ShellPkg: Add a condition to print accurate type0 Bios Size in smbiosview.
+    41abf00bf9 OvmfPkg: Remove SataControllerDxe
+    77fee3a9d8 OvmfPkg/Xen: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    07c7e68360 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    069d403587 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    b26359c176 OvmfPkg/CloudHv: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    d85b84e201 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    bc59ede170 OvmfPkg/Microvm: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    f5137e1a54 OvmfPkg: Replace the OVMF-specific SataControllerDxe
+    2bc46e67b6 MdeModulePkg/SataControllerDxe: Fix up ASSERTS (Private != NULL)
+    82b81c6464 MdeModulePkg/SataControllerDxe: Remove useless null check
+    897a2b447e MdeModulePkg/SataControllerDxe: Log expected errors at DEBUG_INFO level
+    5e8958472c MdeModulePkg/SataControllerDxe: Clean up error handling in Start()
+    ded1d5414b ArmPkg: Fix ArmGicAcknowledgeInterrupt () for GICv3
+    8bcddbcce2 ArmPkg: Adjust variable type and cast for RegShift & RegOffset
+    8da2b97392 ArmPkg: Prevent SgiId from setting RES0 bits of GICD_SGIR
+    cfb4a10d76 ArmPkg: Remove unused function declarations
+    08a08129ae ArmPkg: Typecast IntID to UINT32 in ArmGicV2EndOfInterrupt
+    7f198321ee ArmPkg: Make variables used for GicInterrupt UINTN
+    937fbe4878 ArmPkg: Fix return type for ArmGicGetInterfaceIdentification
+    ed132ef8ae ArmPkg: Fix Non-Boolean comparison in ArmGicEnableDistributor
+    ea522a12b3 ArmPkg: Fix ArmGicSendSgiTo() parameters
+    a44fef7de3 ArmPkg: Fix data type used for GicInterruptInterfaceBase
+    4ec9a6f6cd ArmPkg: Fix data type used for GicDistributorBase
+    b38068f9f6 ArmPkg: Fix GicV2 BaseAddress types
+    15f83fa364 ArmVirt/PlatformBootManagerLib: set up virtio serial as console
+    aaf546879a ArmVirt/PlatformBootManagerLib: factor out IsVirtioPci()
+    a196b04926 ArmVirt/PlatformBootManagerLib: factor out IsVirtio()
+    6925150feb ArmVirt: add VirtioSerialDxe to ArmVirtQemu builds
+    1df6658bcb BaseTools: remove duplicate includes: IndustryStandard/*.h
+    6101bd125a BaseTools: remove duplicate includes: IndustryStandard/PeImage.h
+    c15941a643 BaseTools: switch from EFI_IMAGE_MACHINE_* to IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_*
+    fdc6288f81 BaseTools: drop IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM hacks
+    ff52068d92 MdePkg/PeImage.h: add bits from BaseTools version
+    26d6ef38e7 BaseTools: remove duplicate includes: IndustryStandard/Acpi*.h
+    69ac88cabd BaseTools: remove duplicate includes: <arch>/ProcessorBind.h
+    6a07d9cacf BaseTools: remove WinNtInclude.h
+    140e4422b1 MdePkg: don't set visibility to hidden
+    bd035a066f BaseTools: add -fdirect-access-external-data to clang pie builds
+    7ffc433c2e BaseTools: make sure the got is empty
+    c1e8537690 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: limit phys-bits to 46.
+    578a715cfc OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: refine flash detection
+    4e5a804222 OvmfPkg/VirtioSerialDxe: use TPL_NOTIFY
+    9f12d6b6ec UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm:add Ap Rendezvous check in PerformRemainingTasks.
+    5bb7bfbe81 UefiCpuPkg/CpuService.c:check cpu sync mode in SmmCpuRendezvous()
+    d15d2667d5 RedfishPkg: Use DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY
+    d8e5d35ede UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by SecCore & CpuMpPei
+    55bee4a9de OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by SecCore & CpuMpPei
+    0d382976c2 MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Align Page table Level setting with previous level.
+    56ad09ba75 UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei: Conditionally enable PAE paging in 32bit mode
+    b4d3b77973 UefiCpuPkg/SecCore: Migrate page table to permanent memory
+    0f9283429d UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Support 5 level page table in ResetVector
+    d064a6f790 UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Modify Page Table in ResetVector
+    0fba57da65 UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Combine PageTables1G.asm and PageTables2M.asm
+    c19e3f578f UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Simplify page table creation in ResetVector
+    cc62b85a4a UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector: Rename macros about page table.
+    48c53994e6 IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspCommonLib: Fix OVERRUN Coverity issue
+    69e10f0211 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Fix ASSERT when FSP-S/M use FFS3.
+    9d9761af50 RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: fix value type issue.
+    1034d223f8 ArmPkg/CpuDxe: Perform preliminary NX remap of free memory
+    03663c4319 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Use read-only memory region type for code flash
+    8e934ab956 ArmVirtPkg: Dispatch variable service if variable emulation is enabled
+    84d0b21d18 ArmVirtPkg: Fallback to variable emulation if no CFI is found
+    0e5aecfed1 ArmVirtPkg: Define variables for emulating runtime variables
+    86cc274941 ArmPkg: Configure PcdEmuVariableNvModeEnable as a dynamic PCD
+    0b4263a2c2 ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: Allocate separate stack for Dxe phase
+    647cd40cf6 ArmPkg/CpuDxe AARCH64: Report Memory Protection Attributes To GCD
+    04c5b3023e OvmfPkg/MicrovmX64: enable 1G pages
+    b63e17d746 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64: enable 1G pages
+    d4d24001f7 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: check PcdUse1GPageTable
+    27727338b2 OvmfPkg/PciHotPlugInitDxe: Do not reserve IO ports by default.
+    9181782c30 OvmfPkg/Bhyve/PlatformPei: drop S3Verification()
+    098c557023 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: drop S3Verification()
+    c0bce66068 OvmfPkg/VirtIoSerialDxe: Update for VS2015x86 compatibility
+    e1f5c6249a MdeModulePkg SdMmcPciHcDxe: SD/MMC capability debug print is incorrect
+    5258c4186f RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: Fix string assert issue
+    ba2300f97b PcAtChipsetPkg: RTC Runtime unable to get correct IO port by PCD
+    0f8323b44b BaseTools: toolsetup.bat always execute PYTHON_HOME
+  - Removed patches which are merged to edk2-stable202308:
+  - ovmf-riscv64-missing-memcpy.patch
+    CryptoPkg: Enable memcpy sys call in RISCV64 build
+  - 43e0ede26b    edk2-stable202308~15
+  - Upgrade OpenSSL to 3.0.9
+  - Add openssl-3.0.9.tar.gz      openssl-3.0.9.tar.gz.asc  openssl.keyring
+  - Update openssl.keyring, openssl.keyring.README
+  - Update ovmf.spec:
+    Source1:{openssl_version}.tar.gz
+    Source111:{openssl_version}.tar.gz.asc
+  - Removed EFI shell from ia32 ovmf because the flash space is not enough.
+  - Update ovmf.spec: Add IA32 BUILD_SHELL=FALSE to BUILD_OPTIONS_X86
+  - After 37423fa344 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add support for separate code and variable store
+    be merged to edk2-stable202308. RISC-V supported (and only supported)
+    separate code/vars stores. So changed ovmf.spec.
+    Add:
+    cp Build/RiscVVirtQemu/DEBUG_GCC*/FV/RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd ovmf-riscv64-code.bin
+    cp Build/RiscVVirtQemu/DEBUG_GCC*/FV/RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd ovmf-riscv64-vars.bin
+    Remove statements relates to:
+    qemu-uefi-riscv64.bin
+- Removed the following patches because they are not necessary and
+  they blocked for submit to openSUSE:Factory. (bsc#1205978)
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformAddHobCB.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformGetLowMem.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformReservati.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformScanE820-.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-reorder-PlatformQemuU.patch
+- Add openssl.keyring.README to shim.spec as Source113 to avoid
+  erroe when submit to openSUSE:Factory
+- Enable support for riscv64
+- Update to edk2-stable202305 (bsc#1205588)
+  - Features (
+    Expose IBT/BTI compatible runtime DXE drivers via memory attributes table
+    Update toolchain support
+    MdePkg: Support FDT library
+    Add google mocks support to UnitTestFrameworkPkg GoogleTestLib
+    Platform Redfish Host Interface library for USBNIC
+    [OpenSSL] Update OpenSSL version to version 1.1.1t to include CVE fix
+    Replace pre-standard FUNCTION with C99 func throughout edk2
+    Implement EFI memory attributes protocol for ARM platforms
+    Add TraceHubLib Support
+  - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202302..edk2-stable202305):
+    ba91d0292e MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: set AprioriCount=0 before walking through next FV
+    5ce29ae84d ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: Add missing ISB after page table update
+    c5cf7f69c9 pip-requirements.txt: Update edk2 pip modules
+    0abfb0be6c OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: Add missing SerialPortInitialize to Sec
+    45da4e3135 MdePkg: add SBI-based SerialPortLib for RISC-V
+    2900e75511 MdePkg: BaseRiscVSbiLib: make more useful to consumers
+    cafb4f3f36 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix boot shell issue for universal UEFI payload
+    80bc13db83 Maintainers.txt: Update reviewers and maintainers for FdtLib.
+    d322557712 BaseTools/tools_def: Disable overzealous unused variable warning on Clang
+    e2607d3a78 BaseTools/tools_def: Drop ref to undefined CLANGDWARF_ARM_PREFIX
+    0b37723186 ShellPkg/UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib: Replace hardcoded SMBIOS strings.
+    2d4c76f783 MdePkg/IndustryStandard: Add SMBIOS anchor string & length defines.
+    c08a3a96fd MdePkg/IndustryStandard: Add IPMI Interface Capabilities definitions
+    083b029538 MdePkg: Add new PCDs for IPMI SSIF
+    dea6c7dc2a MdePkg/IndustryStandard: Add definitions for IPMI SSIF
+    0a0e60caf2 Maintainers.txt: Update reviewers and maintainers for TraceHubDebugLib.
+    0f0422cedc MdeModulePkg: Add TraceHubDebugSysTLib library
+    3d50fdc5c6 MdePkg: Add NULL library of TraceHubDebugSysTLib
+    c6bb7d54be MdePkg: Add MipiSysTLib library
+    782948c1a7 MdePkg: Add mipisyst submodule
+    6dd64168ed BaseTools/Plugin: Too many execute files cause "cmd too long" failure
+    c6382ba0f2 SecurityPkg: Add missing break in Tpm2TestParms
+    77f75c7fb8 BaseTools: Update Tests/ to allow it to work on Windows
+    b9bbb4ae93 BaseTools: only print the environment once in toolsetup.bat
+    dd246227d6 BaseTools: Update toolsetup.bat to not use BASETOOLS_PYTHON_SOURCE
+    f47415e031 BaseTools: Revert Set the CLANGDWARF OBJCOPY path in tools_def.template
+    6fb2760dc8 OvmfPkg: drop PlatformBootManagerLibGrub
+    81dc0d8b4c OvmfPkg/AmdSev: stop using PlatformBootManagerLibGrub
+    63887e272d OvmfPkg/NvVarsFileLib: disable in case PcdBootRestrictToFirmware is set
+    41d7832db0 OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: add PcdBootRestrictToFirmware
+    e6447d2a08 Remove bashisms from and BaseTools/BuildEnv
+    373a95532a BaseTools: Remove the CLANGCC build rule for Hii-Binary-Package.UEFI_HII
+    ecbc394365 BaseTools: Set CLANGDWARF RC path to llvm-objcopy in tools_def.template
+    11f62f4cc0 BaseTools: Set the CLANGDWARF OBJCOPY path in tools_def.template
+    c6f47e678f BaseTools: Remove BUILDRULEFAMILY from CLANGDWARF in tools_def.template
+    9165a7e95e CryptoPkg: Delete CLANG35 and CLANG38 build flags; add CLANGDWARF flags
+    e97b9b4e5a MdePkg: Add more HobLib/PeiServicesLib gmock support
+    25c9d44315 MdeModulePkg: Add more PciHostBridgeLib gmock support
+    bee67e0c14 OvmfPkg: Relax assertion that interrupts do not occur at TPL_HIGH_LEVEL
+    ae0be176a8 OvmfPkg: Clarify invariants for NestedInterruptTplLib
+    5215cd5baf BaseTools: Update toolsetup.bat and Tests/ to check ver
+    e6de6052a0 edksetup.bat: if toolsetup.bat fails, just exit
+    11ec5161fa BaseTools: use threading.current_thread in
+    db7e6291c0 BaseTools: Remove Python2/Python3 detection from toolset.bat
+    6eeb58ece3 RedfishPkg: Fix compile issue on Linux
+    665fca9ee7 RedfishPkg: Add missing newline character
+    a1f6485a9b RedfishPkg: Create RestEx child on selected interface
+    05762bd2e0 RedfishPkg: Fix condition checking of error status
+    c580e27efc RedfishPkg: Correct variable type to prevent memory corruption
+    d89492456f Securitypkg/hddpassword: Update HddPasswordDxeInit to use Variable Policy
+    8dbf868e02 Add volatile keyword to NvmExpressPei's Passthru CQ
+    293b97d0c4 Add the volatile keyword to NvmExpressDxe's Passthru CQ
+    4dea9e4a0e BaseTools/Conf: Add quotes to ADDDEBUGFLAG in tools_def.txt
+    8e985ac3fd BaseTools/Conf: Align CLANGDWARF and CLANGPDB warning overrides
+    66494e5324 MdeModulePkg/CapsuleApp: Add EFIAPI to CompareFileNameInAlphabet()
+    eabaeb0613 OvmfPkg: move to Include/Fdf
+    8bca1bb977 OvmfPkg: move to Include/Fdf
+    b65c0eed6b BaseSynchronizationLib: Fix LoongArch64 synchronization functions
+    757f502a3b BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template: Bump VERSION to 3.00
+    050d6e9434 BaseTools: Delete CLANG38 from tools_def.template
+    128547b081 BaseTools: Remove CLANG35 toolchain from tools_def.template
+    4ef4b81c9b BaseTools: As with CLANGDWARF IA32 and X64, use lld for ARM and AARCH64
+    98edce75fa BaseTools: Add ARM and AARCH64 CLANGDWARF support in tools_def.template
+    0fc07b1c6a BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template: Add section for deprecated toolchains
+    01225075db Add GCC and GCCNOLTO toolchains to tools_def.txt and update packages
+    66803cafcf BaseTools: Update VS toolchain descriptions in tools_def.txt.template
+    d7c6030a47 BaseTools: Remove EBC (EFI Byte Code) compiler definitions
+    8b441847e3 BaseTools: Remove unused IPHONE_TOOLS and SOURCERY_CYGWIN_TOOLS defs
+    ba634ce82b edksetup.bat: Remove VS2008-VS2013 remnants
+    c844d86bee MdePkg: Remove VS2008-VS2013 remnants
+    c3ac3301e9 BaseTools: Remove VS2008-VS2013 remnants
+    0363584ac9 BaseTools: Remove VS2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013 toolchain definitions
+    94c802e108 MdePkg/BasePeCoffLib: Deal with broken debug directories
+    ff7cb2d7c9 .pytool: Support FDT library.
+    5d586606c7 MdePkg: Support FDT library.
+    10416bf46e Tianocore: Support FDT library.
+    d992a05ade Maintainers.txt: Update for IntelFsp2Pkg and IntelFsp2WrapperPkg.
+    4b02045f86 OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: setup virtio serial console
+    c6c4362051 OvmfPkg/VirtioSerialDxe: wire up in OvmfPkg*
+    4d1452c599 OvmfPkg/VirtioSerialDxe: add driver
+    1694b00511 OvmfPkg: add IndustryStandard/VirtioSerial.h
+    92da8a154f OvmfPkg: replace SECURE_BOOT_FEATURE_ENABLED with PcdSecureBootSupported
+    a818a873e5 ArmVirtPkg: allow setting Firmware Version from build command line
+    8d59bbf47e OvmfPkg: allow setting Firmware Version from build command line
+    5de2a54b2c ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Add path to boot UEFI Shell over UiApp
+    d6b42ed7ed SecurityPkg: add TIS sanity check (tpm12)
+    832fbc6e32 SecurityPkg: add TIS sanity check (tpm2)
+    23c71536ef UefiPayloadPkg: Fix issues when MULTIPLE_DEBUG_PORT_SUPPORT is true
+    56e9828380 RedfishPkg: Add Redfish Platform Config Protocol to RedfishPkg
+    83d77fa311 RedfishPkg: Helper library of EDKII_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL
+    01b31b585e RedfishPkg: Implementation of EDKII_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL
+    02990e2558 RedfishPkg: introduce HII utility helper library
+    78f088b5a7 RedfishPkg: introduce EDKII_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PROTOCOL
+    ecbcff0f49 MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Fix Arm build error
+    d226811a66 SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Add AUTH_SIG_NOT_FOUND Action
+    95ef765839 UefiPayloadPkg: Clang dependency removal
+    e5e1cd1a83 .azurepipelines: Switch linux image default to Fedora-37
+    04f8371cdd .azurepipelines: Choose container that have installed lcov
+    9688e231d7 BaseTools/Plugin: Report error if code coverage failure
+    edacc551e6 OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Use documented XSave area base size for SEV-SNP
+    ce781cf8bb OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Fix SEV-SNP XSave area size calculation
+    e5c7d0b017 OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: Update ConfidentialComputing blob struct definition
+    f384303dc5 OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: Allocate SEV-SNP CC blob as EfiACPIReclaimMemory
+    ede0bd1496 UefiCpuPkg: Update PT code to support enable collect performance
+    61e2c83424 UefiCpuPkg: Update code to support enable ProcTrace only on BSP
+    5a349b96b1 RedfishPkg: Remove the Discover Token global variables
+    18f463edba DynamicTablesPkg/SsdtCpuTopology: Allow multi-packages topologies
+    6127bf1f30 BaseTools: Add quotes around OBJCOPY cmd in build_rule.template
+    2c2cb23528 ArmPkg: add ArmCpuInfo EFI application
+    a7c8969d03 ArmLib: add functions to read system registers
+    ed2ff315db MdePkg: Add DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY print error level
+    3163f34a42 BaseTools/Plugin: Clarify code coverage failure message
+    697e594fad MdePkg/Include: Add DMTF PLDM SMBIOS definitions
+    9bf79303ae ArmPkg: older assemblers may lack ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1
+    67b5dba791 UefiPayloadPkg: Move Network modules from Dxe FV to Network FV in elf
+    45f5341f6d MdePkg/Include: Add DMTF PLDM Base definitions
+    8f4ec0cc43 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Fix ArmReplaceLiveTranslationEntry() alignment
+    f433fa59d2 ArmPkg/AsmMacroIoLibV8: Introduce ASM_FUNC_ALIGN()
+    e3d2c08322 CryptoPkg: Enable DXE_CORE support in DxeCryptLib.inf
+    b16284e2a0 IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools: Enhance to patch Fd file directly
+    6ded9f50c3 edk2: Add .git-blame-ignore-revs file
+    797f526ae2 BaseTools: Update to add new 'fp' alias for patch formatting
+    c9fb11f92f BaseTools: Update to check for __FUNCTION__
+    55b67b6950 MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Fix GCC build error
+    d795fb571b Maintainer.txt: add myself as reviewer for bhyve's OvmfPkg
+    42b0443599 ShellPkg: UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib: Uefi Config Tables in Dmem.c
+    5430f7f60d MdePkg: Add new JedecJep106Lib to fetch JEDEC JEP106 manufacturer
+    f9278458b6 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Fix SetQueueAlignment.
+    89520115b8 UefiPayloadPkg: Update default memory type information for S4
+    dc5f2905eb UefiPayloadPkg: Always build MemoryTypeInformation HOB for DXE GCD
+    b991aec050 UefiCpuLib: Remove UefiCpuLib.
+    51734dfc48 ShellPkg: Update smbiosview type 0/4/17/41 with SMBIOS 3.5 fields
+    61652efd04 FmpDevicePkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    33f30cfec2 UefiPayloadPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    66f6a64dd9 EmulatorPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    457b4e42f7 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    84f553cb63 NetworkPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    74ce342f18 CryptoPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    f1d31a6ec7 StandaloneMmPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    9e7b042ecb PrmPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    1295e37d4b UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Update to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    f20e35982b ArmPlatformPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    997419d16f RedfishPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    ccbbb4b1c5 EmbeddedPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    dd0b33e3e5 SecurityPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    7b82da70ed MdeModulePkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    8ba392687b OvmfPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    089013a697 UefiCpuPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    1639b6bf07 ArmVirtPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    f2cc962cd2 ArmPkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    cf4af503fb PrmPkg/Library: HOST_APPLICATION IA32/X64 only
+    b27b897369 MdeModulePkg: HOST_APPLICATION IA32/X64 only
+    eb20c21fcc MdePkg/Library/BaseLib: HOST_APPLICATION IA32/X64 only
+    358e23c1be SecurityPkg/Library/SecureBootVariableLib: HOST_APPLICATION IA32/X64 only
+    0657e74116 SecurityPkg/Library/SecureBootVariableLib: Fix VS20xx 4122 errors
+    c28c16e7c4 SecurityPkg: Add gmock example
+    1a24843ecb MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiSortLib: Add GoogleTestLib example
+    09458c2b0b MdePkg: Add gmock examples
+    e4af282e9f UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ Add gmock documentation
+    d0252b8fc1 UnitTestFrameworkPkg:  Add gmock support to GoogleTestLib
+    caa389625f .pytool/ Add subhook submodule
+    0c6d851d25 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add subhook submodule required for gmock
+    6405cd0304 MdeModulePkg: Enable forward edge CFI in mem attributes table
+    d6457b3090 MdePkg/PeCoffLib: Capture DLL characteristics fields in image context
+    b62d7ac97b BaseTools/GenFw: Add DllCharacteristicsEx field to debug data
+    6c299acf48 BaseTools/GenFw: Parse IBT/BTI support status from ELF note
+    cdf6ff1719 UefiPayloadPkg:Add new build commands for UniversalPayload
+    3e3be2cbc2 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Drop special XCODE5 version
+    68c89b987f OvmfPkg: Drop special Xcode5 version of exception handler library
+    e5fcaeb133 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Make runtime fixups XCODE-only
+    4764aa50ef UefiCpuPkg/PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib: Use SEC/PEI specific asm component
+    95f0330953 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Use single SEC/PEI version
+    a257988f59 BaseTools/tools_def CLANGDWARF: Permit text relocations
+    8d185dfb66 BaseTools: Update antlr makefile to use cc by default
+    2bb6938949 BaseTools/Conf/tools_def: Fix linking using CLANGDWARF_IA32
+    a56ee36c49 BaseTools: Build against C++14 when building with clang
+    728ff1da33 BaseTools: Allow users to build with clang using CC=clang CXX=clang++
+    206168e83f BaseTools: Allow users to specify compiler to use with make CC= CXX=
+    cdd79996c2 pip-requirements.txt: bump edk2-basetools to 0.1.43
+    7df447930c IntelFsp2Pkg: LoadMicrocodeDefault() causing unnecessary delay.
+    af98f1fb03 IntelFsp2Pkg: TempRamInit API should preserve EBX/RBX register.
+    fb89f62d27 .azurepilelines/templates: Split CryptoPkg builds
+    56e70968e9 .github.workflows: Split MdeModulePkg and CryptoPkg analysis
+    26997800c9 .github/codeql/edk2.qls: Enable CWE 120, 787, and 805 queries
+    0734975824 .github/codeql/edk2.qls: Enable CWE 457, 676, and 758 queries
+    e03657dca8 UefiCpuPkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    11dd44dfbe ShellPkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    7dc182ed1e PcAtChipsetPkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    3fab32d41d NetworkPkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    321240b135 MdePkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    07251f3c6a MdeModulePkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variables
+    84d77d9bf5 CryptoPkg: Fix conditionally uninitialized variable
+    dbe820d5fa BaseTools/VfrCompile: Fix potential buffer overwrites
+    4693b325e8 BaseTools/ Add PCCTS to tab exemption list
+    33f517445b MdeModulePkg/SmbiosDxe: Fix pointer and buffer overflow CodeQL alerts
+    fc00ff286a .github/dependabot.yml: Disable automatic rebasing
+    b4af23aaab .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml: Add PIP caching
+    4ca4d2b9df UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: use new IS_POW2() macro.
+    12d3d60f51 OvmfPkg: Consume new alignment-related macros
+    495809a614 MdeModulePkg: Consume new alignment-related macros
+    836042ffd8 MdePkg/Base.h: Introduce various alignment-related macros
+    24e6daa2bc OvmfPkg: Rename IS_ALIGNED macros to avoid name collisions
+    583f1aba8b MdeModulePkg: Rename IS_ALIGNED macros to avoid name collisions
+    67a6f414aa UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Ensure SEV-SNP VMSA allocations are not 2MB aligned
+    3323359a81 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Reuse VMSA allocation to avoid unreserved allocation
+    54051768cd UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix format string
+    71210053fa UefiCpuPkg/MtrrTest: Add test cases for TME-MK enable case
+    bb40c3836f UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Substract TME-MK KEY_ID_BITS from CPU max PA
+    f2f526e074 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Refactor to use CPUID definitions
+    263782f667 UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Substract TME-MK KEY_ID_BITS from CPU max PA
+    bb5c115fa6 UefiCpuPkg/MtrrTest: Only claim CPUID max leaf as 1
+    24f57f9648 MdePkg: Add TME-MK related CPUID and MSR definitions
+    2f499c36db UefiCpuPkg/Test: Disable random test cases
+    4dca07ff0f Maintainers.txt: BaseTools Bob Feng -> reviewer, Rebecca Cran -> maintainer
+    eb6a748272 MdeModulePkg/Ahci: Skip retry for non-transient errors
+    66f4b1b0d2 OvmfPkg/CI: Revert SMP mode
+    b08a19eae2 .azurepipelines/templates: Increase run to shell timeout
+    e9e6167123 PcAtChipsetPkg/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe:  PcdRtcDefaultYear bounds
+    6f0c65cdb0 RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformCredentialIpmiLib: IPMI implementation
+    53eb26b238 MdePkg: Update MemoryAttributesTable to v2.10
+    3b4d1b38ea ArmVirtPkg/ArmPlatformLibQemu: Make IdMap.S BTI compatible
+    e701a4d51e ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: Make vector table object BTI compatible
+    f484427d10 ArmPkg, BaseTools AARCH64: Add BTI ELF note to .hii objects
+    77ea6b547e ArmPkg/GccLto AARCH64: Add BTI note to LTO helper library
+    48d642a310 ArmPkg: Emit BTI opcodes when BTI codegen is enabled
+    f8b1854b92 MdePkg/BaseRngLib AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    35318c2eb9 MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    0ee255f50a MdePkg/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    c4c7fb2174 MdePkg/BaseLib AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    e504b3917e MdePkg/BaseLib AARCH64: Make LongJump() BTI compatible
+    ea1312a5b4 MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsic AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    c5cd360277 MdePkg/BaseCpuLib AARCH64: Make asm files BTI compatible
+    6521e4d202 MdePkg/ProcessorBind AARCH64: Add asm macro to emit GNU BTI note
+    e3e88d90e8 UefiPayloadPkg: Support more input parameter
+    f92a9dce10 OvmfPkg/CI: Boot OVMF in SMP mode.
+    6f415f8af4 ArmVirtPkg: Fix depex in kvmtool guest Rtc library
+    47b1d61169 ArmVirtPkg: Fix parsing of serial port node
+    cc6a0cff99 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix parsing of serial port node
+    31f0af7964 DynamicTablesPkg: Reduce log output from TableHelperLib
+    b697a31a8d OvmfPkg: Use Xcode5 version of CpuExceptionHandlerLib for CLANGDWARF
+    8f8e4fa3f3 OvmfPkg: Replace static struct initialization with ZeroMem call
+    e3aba976f6 RedfishPkg: fix config handler driver issues
+    0cd7542a69 RedfishPkg: Redfish discover driver improvement
+    c2abf77116 RedfishPkg/JsonLib: address coverity issue
+    5eb3d1bcc1 ArmVirtPkg: can't find gUefiOvmfPkgTokenSpaceGuid
+    07e17188df ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Adjust the priority of getting firmware version
+    e4b3fd905a OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: simplify mtrr setup
+    82c1aa87f9 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: move mmconfig to 0xe0000000
+    5eab38ad03 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: update address space layout comment
+    71fd87e98a OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Support multiple reserved memory ranges
+    144028626e SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: Use FirmwareVolumeShadowPpi
+    c8e631588b MdeModulePkg/Include/Ppi: Add FirmwareVolumeShadowPpi
+    2bc8545883 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Reduce the number of random tests
+    aea5930c40 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add RandomTest for PAE paging
+    aad9a30144 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Enable PAE paging
+    878cbd871d UefiCpuPkg: Combine branch for non-present and leaf ParentEntry
+    f7686f2727 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add check for page table creation
+    aa3153b872 UefiCpuPkg: Modify UnitTest code since tested API is changed
+    2e01a5c128 UefiCpuPkg: Fix IA32 build failure in CpuPageTableLib.inf
+    8727cc9a8e UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Modify RandomTest to check IsModified
+    c8c6cf149d UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add OUTPUT IsModified parameter.
+    3b2661d247 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Enable non-1:1 mapping in random test
+    cecf279c32 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Modify RandomTest to check Mask/Attr
+    ecfe6382c1 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add LastMapEntry pointer
+    661a669c81 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Modify RandomBoolean() in RandomTest
+    14ef21e559 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add manual test to check Mask and Attr
+    a926c6c49e UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Add check for Mask and Attr
+    96e8676577 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Add code to initialize MapMask
+    c90cb726f8 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Fix issue when splitting leaf entry
+    b6b54367c3 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Clear PageSize bit(Bit7) for non-leaf
+    4904a2b1ec UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Fix the non-1:1 mapping issue
+    563a2d2695 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Initialize some LocalVariable at beginning
+    c18fbd2c31 UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Add check for input Length
+    da3dad181e UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib: Remove unneeded 'if' condition
+    d55d73152e PcAtChipsetPkg: Add PCD for RTC default year
+    b1db096575 UefiCpuPkg: Solve that stack top address is not mapped in pagetable
+    1bfc89414d UefiPayloadPkg: Add gUefiAcpiBoardInfoGuid support
+    69e59545b1 MdePkg/Include: Add IPMI KCS definitions
+    2c93253c95 MdePkg/Include: Add DMTF MCTP definitions
+    07fa6d1841 MdePkg/Include/Ppi: Remove Itanium leftover data structure
+    f6bd3286ed IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix NASM X64 build warnings.
+    1f26a9e62e BaseTools: Replace duplicate __PcdSet prototype with __PcdGet
+    b4e2cf092a BaseTools: Source/C/Common: Fix doc block locations and convert to Doxygen
+    cf6a0a52b0 OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: use utf8 for the serial console.
+    4f441d024b UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix error handling
+    2e71876081 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: drop support for obsolete processors
+    494127613b SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Check result of GetEfiGlobalVariable2
+    b7a8264ae4 RedfishPkg: Update
+    f077bff840 RedfishPkg: Update Redfish DSC
+    f8fb208a3e RedfishPkg/Library: Redfish BMC USBNIC Host Interface
+    b17a3a133b MdePkg: Update code to be more C11 compliant by using __func__
+    d6107c593b MdePkg: Update Base.h to be compliant with C11
+    410ca0ff94 CryptoPkg/Library: add -Wno-unused-but-set-variable for openssl
+    0e57170097 MdeModulePkg/BmBoot: Skip removable media if it is not present
+    16e0969ef7 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Use PEI flavor of ArmMmuLib for all PEIMs
+    b05523a4e9 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Introduce region types for RO/XP WB cached memory
+    852227a9d5 ArmPkg/Mmu: Remove handling of NONSECURE memory regions
+    1c4dfadb46 ArmPkg/CpuDxe: Implement EFI memory attributes protocol
+    b977956a6c MdePkg: Add Memory Attribute Protocol definition
+    f4a6f63999 ArmPkg/CpuDxe: Expose unified region-to-EFI attribute conversion
+    ae2c904c3d ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Avoid splitting block entries if possible
+    f07a9df9af ArmVirtPkg: Enable stack guard
+    6b821be140 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Implement EFI_MEMORY_RP using access flag
+    041c7a31c2 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: Clear individual permission bits
+    28dce5b130 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: Isolate the access flag from AP mask
+    699372d388 ArmPkg/CpuDxe ARM: Fix page-to-section attribute conversion
+    3b76284883 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: Split off XN page descriptor bit from type field
+    82ccaaf8e7 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: Remove half baked large page support
+    997c6967b0 MdePkg/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib: RISC-V: Fix InvalidateInstructionCacheRange
+    7cfe9048e3 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: Add CI coverage for RiscVVirtQemu
+    961792c9d6 UefiPayloadPkg: Correct MAX_LOGICAL_PROCESSORS value
+    a1386bb252 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix S3 failure in SmmRestoreCpu
+    e4c1d8d231 ShellPkg/Library: Fix 32-bit truncation of pointer values
+    d2bfe28966 BaseTools: Extend fields for module_report.json
+    4ad7ea9c84 BaseTools: Generate compile information in build report
+    9b94ebb0c8 DynamicTablesPkg: Add SMBIOS String table helper library
+    a4c9c2b0f0 UefiPayloadPkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    c20408163f UefiCpuPkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    16bd7aa076 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    866d3b9fd5 PcAtChipsetPkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    cd81e8e030 OvmfPkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    fa78edc57e IntelFsp2Pkg: Remove UefiCpuLib from module INFs.
+    b294633c68 MdePkg: Move API and implementation from UefiCpuLib to CpuLib
+    bf0c14a562 OvmfPkg: Add CpuLib to module INFs that depend on UefiCpuLib.
+    fd1820b7ea UefiCpuPkg/MicrocodeMeasurementDxe: Fix exception
+    4ca4041b0d CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1t
+    8820767fb3 IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix GCC Compiler warning.
+    a0f9628705 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: tweak fallback release date
+    2fccd1f153 ArmPkg/SemihostFs: replace SetMem with ZeroMem
+    69da506c92 UefiCpuPkg: BaseRiscV64CpuExceptionHandlerLib: clean up
+    5ad2592ab3 UefiCpuPkg: CpuTimerDxeRiscV64: fix tick duration accounting
+    db0a3087a5 MdeModulePkg: Dxe: add RISCV64 to mMachineTypeInfo
+    6ceaef4804 MdePkg: BaseCpuLib: Fix RISCV CpuSleep symbol name.
+    5bd2e5dfe6 MdePkg: BaseLib: don't log in RISCV InternalSwitchStack
+    dc5880d02f MdePkg: BasePeCoffLib: Allow AArch64 and x64 images in ImageFormatSupported
+    7fa4692636 OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: add SATA support
+    75fb0cfc82 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Conditionally install EFI_RNG_PROTOCOL
+    bfb574db11 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Correctly update mAvailableAlgoArrayCount
+    aa1cd447b3 UefiCpuPkg: Calculate DisplayFamily correctly
+    f335d91a3b CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: avoid using SHA512()
+    5a6455e04c CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: avoid using SHA384()
+    7fc183df71 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: avoid using SHA256()
+    437ed29f27 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: avoid using SHA1()
+    c7c2599759 UefiCpuPkg: Move AsmRelocateApLoopStart from Mpfuncs.nasm to AmdSev.nasm
+    0d1ad06c27 UefiCpuPkg: Rename AsmRelocateApLoopStart.
+    facf52aeb8 UefiCpuPkg: Put APs in 64 bit mode before handoff to OS.
+    6bc74286e7 UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.
+    c6e655743f OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.
+    e9782e6907 UefiCpuPkg: Allocate contiguous memory for stacks and APs loop.
+    a6f799e7fd UefiCpuPkg: Split the path in RelocateApLoop into two.
+    0c3f8766b0 UefiCpuPkg: Check AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE during build time.
+    46f51898ff MdeModulePkg: Improve formatting of DEBUG messages in UsbBusDxe
+    a1d595fc9c OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Check SmBase relocation supported or not
+    f6b86eec5a UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Skip SMBASE configuration
+    ec07fd0e35 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Consume SMM Base Hob for SmBase info
+    7b8c5a8eb4 UefiCpuPkg/SmmBaseHob.h: Add SMM Base HOB Data
+    85c6c14c4c UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Replace mIsBsp by mBspApicId check
+    cb4820b6c1 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix invalid InitializeMpSyncData call
+    5a0932b7d4 RedfishPkg/RedfishDebugLib: provide Redfish debug
+    fc14c809cb ShellPkg: Improve "ping" output by adding equals sign after time
+  - Respin the following patches:
+  ovmf-pie.patch
+  ovmf-disable-brotli.patch
+  ovmf-Revert-ArmVirtPkg-make-EFI_LOADER_DATA-non-executabl.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformPei-Update-ReserveEmuVariable.patch
+  - Add public-mipi-sys-t-1.1-edk2.tar.gz
+  - public-mipi-sys-t:
+  -
+  - Unpackage to MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst in source code
+  - Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1t
+  - Add openssl-1.1.1t.tar.gz, openssl-1.1.1t.tar.gz.asc
+  - Update openssl.keyring
+  - Add openssl.keyring.README
+  - Update ovmf.spec:
+    Source1:{openssl_version}.tar.gz
+    Source111:{openssl_version}.tar.gz.asc
+  - Removed the following workaround patches (bsc#1205978)
+  - Removed
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-reorder-PlatformQemuU.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformReservati.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformAddHobCB.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformGetLowMem.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformScanE820-.patch
+  - Respin
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-dynamic-mmio-window-s.patch
+    to simplify workaround code.
+  - Because edk2 upstream expert confirmed that the bsc#1205978 is
+    a SUSE specific issue. So we removed some workaround revert patches.
+    And we only keep one respined simple workaround patch until qemu
+    issue be fixed.
+- Initial riscv64 support
+  * Update descriptors.tar.xz
+  * Enable on TW/16 (riscv64 toolchain not available on 15)
+- Add ovmf-riscv64-missing-memcpy.patch: fixes undefined memcpy
+- Add ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformPei-Update-ReserveEmuVariable.patch
+  to revert 58eb8517ad7b56574f8f04b770a59a9cbed796c4 patch to prevent
+  booting hangs when SEV + secure boot. (bsc#1209266)
+- Removed patches which are merged to edk2-stable202302 (bsc#1209266):
+  - ovmf-tools_def-add-fno-omit-frame-pointer-to-GCC48_-IA32-.patch
+    tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS
+    (bsc#1199597)
+  - 129404f6e4        edk2-stable202302~200
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch
+    OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore
+    (bsc#1206078)
+  - ceb52713b0        edk2-stable202302~226
+- Update to edk2-stable202302 (bsc#1209266)
+  - Features (
+    Add support for RISC-V qemu virt machine
+    Add RPMB related commands and DCB definition for NVMe
+    SecurityBoot - remove self-signed PK requirement in SetupMode
+    SecurityBoot - support Authenticated SetVariable with ContentInfo
+    TDVF Optimization - Enable Separate-Fv in OvmfPkg/IntelTdx
+    TDVF Optimization - Pre-alloc shared memory for TDVF DMA
+    TDVF Optimization - Enable Multi-core based lazy-accept
+    TDVF - Fix Instruction Pointer Incrementation by TD #VE MMIO Handler
+    TDVF - Incorrect implementation in the TDX RTMR implementation
+    TDVF - Incorrect protocol and structure version in the TDX CC measurement
+    TDVF - TdTcg2Dxe lives in the Ovmfpkg instead of the SecurityPkg
+    TDVF - need measurement VMM input ACPI table before register
+    TDVF - need integrate feature in config-B to config-A
+  - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202211..edk2-stable202302):
+    f80f052277 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add Stack HOB
+    1eeca0750a UefiPayloadPkg: remove the change that get platform specific logic
+    bc82574de4 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Fix SCT memory allocation test case failure
+    2c5961cccf BaseTools/tools_def.template: Update -march parameter for RISC-V
+    02fcfdce1e BaseTools: Update WindowsVsToolChain plugin
+    5c551d6d91 Maintainers.txt: Add entry for OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt
+    92b27c2e6a OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add build files for Qemu Virt platform
+    e1aaef001f OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add SEC module
+    a43a62f9b0 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PciCpuIo2Dxe module
+    6d5ae344cd OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add VirtNorFlashPlatformLib library
+    c126e3588d OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add ResetSystemLib library
+    6720b8e46f OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PrePiHobListPointerLib library
+    d78df93863 OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Add PlatformBootManagerLib library
+    f13264b340 ArmVirtPkg: Fix up the location of PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe
+    09cd17b0de ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: Move to OvmfPkg
+    a7dec790dc UefiCpuPkg/ Ignore RISC-V file
+    c27cdc941d UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuDxeRiscV64 module
+    98fa877efd UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuTimerDxeRiscV64 module
+    705c3469b5 UefiCpuPkg: Add BaseRiscV64CpuTimerLib library
+    cbac2c74e8 UefiCpuPkg: Add BaseRiscV64CpuExceptionHandlerLib
+    d6017bca19 UefiCpuPkg: Add RISCV_EFI_BOOT_PROTOCOL related definitions
+    76e956547e MdePkg: Add BaseRiscVSbiLib Library for RISC-V
+    550f196e82 MdePkg/BaseLib: RISC-V: Add few more helper functions
+    8aeb405466 MdePkg/Register: Add register definition header files for RISC-V
+    38da9606f7 MdePkg: Added Call for AfterReadyToBoot Event
+    419c0aafa6 MdePkg: Add After Ready To Boot Event Definition from UEFI 2.9
+    77d6772708 MdeModulePkg/Library: PcdAcpiS3Enable set FALSE cause Assert
+    68c1bedbf2 MdeModulePkg/Variable: Attribute combination should return EFI_UNSUPPORTED
+    090642db7a MdeModulePkg/EsrtFmpDxe: Support multiple devices with 0 HardwareInstance
+    f9c6b5134e MdeModulePkg/Pci: Display more information of PCIe devices
+    1b5420e807 OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: Close mAcceptAllMemoryEvent
+    f67ec87704 OvmfPkg: Fix SevMemoryAcceptance memory attributes
+    540522fec0 .devcontainer/devcontainer.json: Add devcontainer file
+    b3f321f2d7 .mergify/config.yml: Remove rebase_fallback attribute (deprecated)
+    93a21b465b MdePkg: Add NVMe boot partition header definition
+    069703228c MdePkg: Add RPMB related commands and DCB definition for NVMe
+    39254d922e RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: Two PCDs for controlling the requests
+    289d93b79c StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmMemLib: Change max address computation
+    173a7a7daa OvmfPkg: Update to allow building OVMF then running QEMU
+    f6ce1a5cd8 EmulatorPkg/PeiTimerLib: Bug fix in NanoSecondDelay
+    b59e6fdae2 .pytool/Plugin/EccCheck: Add PACKAGES_PATH support
+    5db84c85c3 MdePkg:IORT header update for IORT Rev E.e spec
+    96192ba5bd MdeModulePkg: EfiUnacceptedMemoryType is not allowed in AllocatePool
+    8a763b533b MdeModulePkg: Disambiguate the meaning of PcdDxeIplSwitchToLongMode
+    aef0061ac2 BaseTools: remove useless dependency on libuuid
+    aea8a9c954 RedfishPkg: fix multiple SMBIOS type 42 version issue
+    b98e2113b5 ArmPkg/ArmScmiDxe: Fix the calculation of RequiredArraySize
+    9d669016d9 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Update README
+    ff8485179c SecurityPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: td-guest shall halt when CcMeasurement install fail
+    cc18c503e0 SecurityPkg: don't require PK to be self-signed by default
+    f6e4824533 OvmfPkg: require self-signed PK when secure boot is enabled
+    566cdfc675 SecurityPkg: limit verification of enrolled PK in setup mode
+    7c138e4008 EmbeddedPkg/PrePiLib: Drop unused PCD PcdPrePiCpuIoSize
+    4d37059d8e OvmfPkg: Support Tdx measurement in OvmfPkgX64
+    1f9bd937b3 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Build GuidHob for Tdx measurement
+    6ea50514c1 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64: Measure TdHob and Configuration FV in SecMain
+    d92db8a086 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add PeiTdxHelperLib
+    019621d078 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Measure TdHob and Configuration FV in SecMain
+    c0984d1ff2 OvmfPkg: Refactor ProcessHobList
+    852ae4cd80 OvmfPkg: Refactor MeaureFvImage
+    f41acc651f OvmfPkg: Refactor MeasureHobList
+    d59279f8ce OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Update the define of FV_HANDOFF_TABLE_POINTERS2
+    d09c1d4b88 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add SecTdxHelperLib
+    d3109e5f18 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Add TdxHelperLibNull
+    6ba931bebf OvmfPkg: Add Tdx measurement data structure in WorkArea
+    935343cf16 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Measure ACPI table from QEMU in TDVF
+    7623b4bf6a MdeModulePkg: ScsiDiskDxe: clean up comment in ScsiDisk.c
+    13b97736c8 UefiCpuPkg: Fix SMM code hangs when InitPaging
+    11f0014c0e MdePkg: Label CreateEvent NotifyFunction and NotifyContext optional
+    ae6e470252 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AhciPei: Fix DEADCODE Coverity issue
+    558b37b49b ShellPkg/AcpiView: ERST Parser
+    d375273c89 MdeModulePkg: ScsiBusDxe: Refactor DiscoverScsiDevice()
+    bda715bf6d MdePkg: Fix UINT64 and INT64 word length for LoongArch64
+    2f2fd79fc4 UefiPayloadPkg: Set RTC dynamic PCD to PeiPCDdatabase
+    3509103132 MdePkg: Added serveral tables to MATD used by LoongArch64
+    c5ef1f01a1 MdePkg: Add ACPI 6.5 header
+    620cddb1e0 MdePkg: Add Acpi65.h to IgnoreFiles area
+    c59230bce1 ArmVirtPkg: Remove RealView Debugger lines from
+    8c170ad491 ArmPkg: Remove RealView Debugger support
+    15f98047d2 BaseTools: Remove CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686 ref from Scripts/
+    cdcee3d17b BaseTools: Delete Bin/{CYGWIN_NT-5.1-i686,Darwin-i386} directories
+    4b384c21ad MdeModulePkg: Correct memory type in PrePiDxeCis.h
+    bb13762548 tools_def: Remove duplicated -Os
+    e7aac7fc13 ArmPkg: implement EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL based on PSCI calls
+    d1855afc6e ArmPkg: Add GET_MPIDR_AFFINITY_BITS and MPIDR_MT_BIT to ArmLib.h
+    0d129ef7c3 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: SEV-SNP make >=4GB unaccepted
+    466d8f65e3 OvmfPkg: Implement AcceptAllUnacceptedMemory in AmdSevDxe
+    26847fb6be OvmfPkg: Introduce the OvmfSevMemoryAcceptance protocol
+    a00e2e5513 OvmfPkg: Add memory acceptance event in AmdSevDxe
+    ca573b8615 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Perform build test of ArmVirtKvmTool
+    0eda253317 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Add CI coverage for ArmVirtQemuKernel
+    ed1806b2c0 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: Enable optional features on Qemu AARCH64 builds
+    01a06884a1 ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI: factor out reusable
+    619f077252 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: enlarge initial flash mapping
+    6c8a08bd8a ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: Ensure timely execution of library constructors
+    d0ff1cae3a CryptoPkg/Library: Reinstate ARM/AARCH64 sections in SmmCryptLib.inf
+    f25ee54763 OvmfPkg: fix BuildResourceDescriptorHob call in PlatformAddHobCB()
+    37d3eb026a SecurityPkg/AuthVariableLib: Check SHA-256 OID with ContentInfo present
+    7afef31b2b MdeModulePkg: remove garbage pixels in LaffStd glyphs
+    e96a5734f6 ShellPkg: Export default shell delay as PCD
+    bf5678b580 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: catch QEMU's CPU hotplug reg block regression
+    c3e128a4cd OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: factor out PlatformCpuCountBugCheck()
+    3beb8c9654 OvmfPkg/PlatformCI VS2019: Enable temporary workaround for cpuhp bugfix
+    51411435d5 EmbeddedPkg: Add back FfsFindSectionData
+    0826808d4f EmbeddedPkg: Rename FfsFindSectionData as FfsFindSectionDataWithHook
+    18df11da8c MdeModulePkg: Add IpmiCommandLib
+    ae55e9fca6 MdeModulePkg/IpmiCommandLib: Add NULL instance library
+    bde407db51 MdeModulePkg/Include: Add IpmiCommandLib header file
+    426efcc374 RedfishPkg/Include: Redfish USB Interface V2 update
+    663e70851c RedfishPkg/Include: Add Redfish IPMI definitions
+    cabcc6851b MdePkg/IndustryStandard: Update IPMI definitions
+    998ebe5ca0 OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Initialize Status in IoExit
+    5c7a611353 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptTdxLib: Refactor error handle of SetOrClearSharedBit
+    e0dcfb31fb SecurityPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Extend EFI boot variable to PCR[1]
+    e05132aaa0 OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Refactor TDX MmioExit
+    c01622057c OvmfPkg/CcExitLib: Move common X86 instruction code to separate file
+    70d1481b55 OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Find NCCFV in non-td guest
+    c3f4f5a949 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx: Enable separate-fv in IntelTdx/IntelTdxX64.fdf
+    066d3c8004 OvmfPkg: Add PCDs/GUID for NCCFV
+    c673216f53 EmbeddedPkg/PrePiLib: Add FFS_CHECK_SECTION_HOOK when finding section
+    6c1988af76 ShellPkg: Display SMBIOS Type38 fields in smbiosview in formatted view
+    ea382b3b21 CI: use ubuntu-22.04 image (Linux only)
+    7edf120150 OvmfPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only)
+    5f8b749c73 EmulatorPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only)
+    7e88204fe1 ArmVirtPkg: CI: use ubuntu-22.04 vm_image (Linux only)
+    84cb35232d BaseTools: remove ext_dep files for gcc
+    5d25638e1b .pytool: don't add scopes for GCC
+    7fab007f33 OvmfPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only)
+    32c76a8cd4 EmulatorPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only)
+    7cddfae1e8 ArmVirtPkg: CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only)
+    ef09160098 CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only)
+    36d7626a37 CI: Allow running in a container.
+    becff4f473 CI: add ~/.local/bin to PATH (Linux only)
+    65cc189414 OvmfPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template
+    7d62df623f EmulatorPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template
+    89ed7e4795 ArmVirtPkg: CI: use Python version from defaults template
+    3579551734 CI: make Python version configurable
+    015a001b03 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: reorder PlatformQemuUc32BaseInitialization
+    c0a0b9bc35 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformReservationConflictCB
+    328076cfdf OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformAddHobCB
+    124b765051 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformGetLowMemoryCB
+    e037530468 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add PlatformScanE820 and GetFirstNonAddressCB
+    a107ad0f62 BaseTools/tools_def CLANG38: Suppress unaligned access warning
+    021930d7c2 BaseTools/tools_def ARM: Make choice for soft float ABI explicit
+    e974064303 BaseTools/tools_def ARM AARCH64: Get rid of ARCHCC and ARCHASM flags
+    096cd41ce7 BaseTools/tools_def RISCV: Make OpenSBI references RISCV-only
+    d05739a3ff Fix cyclic dependency error on OptionROM build
+    987cc09c7c ArmVirt: don't use unaligned CopyMem () on NOR flash
+    47ab397011 MdeModulePkg/XhciPei: Unlinked XhciPei memory block
+    be8d6ef385 MdeModulePkg/Usb: Read a large number of blocks
+    8147fe090f MdeModulePkg/Xhci: Initial XHCI DCI slot's Context value
+    7cd55f3009 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Return error if installing NotifyProtocol failed
+    66f18fde49 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Refactor QemuAcpiTableNotifyProtocol
+    2ef0ff39e5 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Add log to show the installed tables
+    165f1e4936 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Use local variable in QemuFwCfgAcpi.c
+    f81273f7fb OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Use local variable in CloudHvAcpi.c
+    43b3ca6b7f OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Remove QEMU_ACPI_TABLE_NOTIFY_PROTOCOL
+    ba08910df1 OvmfPkg: fix include
+    9d70d8f20d MdeModulePkg: Notify BeforeExitBootServices in CoreExitBootServices
+    59aa48bb7d OvmfPkg: Realize EfiMemoryAcceptProtocol in AmdSevDxe
+    e5ec3ba409 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: map flash memory as uncacheable
+    85fd05ab97 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: fix comment about uncacheable MTRRs
+    fe405f08a0 NetworkPkg: Add WiFi profile sync protocol support
+    ec54ce1f1a ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Avoid early ID map on ThunderX
+    5ee17c5418 ArmVirtPkg/ArmPlatformLibQemu: Ensure that VFP is on before running C code
+    717f35a9f2 DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParserLib: Fix compatible string
+    82dd766f25 BaseTools: Reduce the LoongArch64 compiler size
+    2cc6d4c8ed UefiPayloadPkg: Fix debug print error level hob not save correct
+    33a3408fbb Revert "UefiCpuPkg: Duplicated AsmRelocateApLoop as AsmRelocateApLoopAmd"
+    ae80fe997d Revert "OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib."
+    5ef3990735 Revert "UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib."
+    cbcf0cd65e Revert "UefiCpuPkg: Has APs in 64 bit long-mode before booting to OS."
+    d8d829b89d UefiPayloadPkg: Move RTC PCD to dynamic PCD
+    5386c9e6da Maintainers.txt: Update reviewers for OVMF/Confidential Computing
+    5654ce1d2c SecurityPkg: Move TdTcg2Dxe from OvmfPkg to SecurityPkg
+    0aca5901e3 Maintainers.txt: designate Gerd Hoffmann as UefiCpuPkg reviewer
+    8c2357809e .azurepipelines: Skip CodeCoverage if coverage.xml not found
+    c32e733151 Maintainers.txt: Update NetworkPkg & MM modules Reviewer
+    9ce09870e7 OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: drop obsolete API implementation
+    ff379e1b48 UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: drop obsolete API implementation
+    d452feedf2 OvmfPkg: raise DXEFV size to 13 MB in the traditional platform FDFs
+    12e4043bd6 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe/ remove end-of-options delimiter for nasm
+    992d5451d1 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe: Reset port if status change returns an error
+    89c5d90003 .azurepipelines: Install code coverage tool
+    6bb00aa484 BaseTools/Plugin: Add coverage support for Unit Test
+    3701f105fa UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC
+    b670700ddf UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm:Fix PF issue caused by smm page table code
+    bbd30066e1 BaseTools: Generate deps for Arm targets
+    3a872dac7b BaseTools: Use BUILD_CC when checking gcc version in DevicePath
+    c5d68ef6e7 BaseTools: Fix IA32 UINT64 alignment for CLANG toolchains
+    a086f4a63b OvmfPkg: Use NestedInterruptTplLib in nested interrupt handlers
+    a24fbd6061 OvmfPkg: Add library to handle TPL from within nested interrupt handlers
+    9bf473da4c OvmfPkg: Send EOI before RestoreTPL() in timer interrupt handlers
+    bf65d7ee88 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: pass through reservations from qemu
+    16acacf24c OvmfPkg: fix PlatformConfig
+    d8d4abdff9 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix boot issue for non-universal payload
+    538ac013d6 ArmVirtPkg: Remove CcProbeLib from ArmVirtQemu.dsc
+    8cb4b429a2 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Check PcdConfidentialComputingGuestAttr
+    ec87305f90 PcAtChipsetPkg: Move RTC PCD to dynamic PCD
+    129404f6e4 tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS
+    3e8b7e1055 tools_def: remove GCC_IA32_CC_FLAGS/GCC_X64_CC_FLAGS
+    62031335bd CryptoPkg: Need to enable crypto functions
+    72a9386f67 UefiCpuPkg: Simplify the code to set smm page table as RO
+    0426115b67 UefiCpuPkg: Remove unused API in SmmCpuFeaturesLib.h
+    b822be1a20 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Introduce page table pool mechanism
+    0b633b1494 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Build platform info HOB in XenPlatformPei
+    451521ccbc OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Implement multi-core accept memory for TDVF
+    c55cf3f795 OvmfPkg: Enable APs to accept memory for TDVF
+    0547ffbf6d OvmfPkg/Sec: Move TDX APs related nasm code to IntelTdxAPs.nasm
+    4d8651c2fb OvmfPkg: Add TdxMailboxLibNull in some platform dsc
+    b21fe5a8a6 OvmfPkg/TdxMailboxLib: Add NULL instance of TdxMailboxLib
+    a00b71b009 OvmfPkg/TdxMailboxLib: Delete global variables
+    b2d76fdd42 SecurityPkg: deprecate RpmcLib and VariableKeyLib
+    3c16e6fb97 UefiPayloadPkg: Fixed that The UPL info section is not aligned at 4-byte
+    a7e722941c MdePkg: Fix typos and spacing in Library/PerformanceLib.h
+    4bdc41cf17 MdePkg: Fix typo of EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER in Protocol/UsbIo.h
+    ec25e904c7 MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe: Check port is compatible before getting PSIV
+    01c2fb0d22 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe/Xhci: Don't check for invalid PSIV
+    3f378450df UefiPayloadPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.
+    4a86424224 OvmfPkg: Add CpuPageTableLib required by MpInitLib.
+    73ccde8f6d UefiCpuPkg: Has APs in 64 bit long-mode before booting to OS.
+    7bda8c6481 UefiCpuPkg: Duplicated AsmRelocateApLoop as AsmRelocateApLoopAmd
+    6937fc8338 UefiPayloadPkg/SerialPortLib: Enhance multi port behaviour
+    259e1e0462 EmulatorPkg/RedfishHostInterface: Add NULL function
+    2846c19da9 RedfishPkg/RedfishHostInterface: Platform Redfish HI notification
+    ceb52713b0 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore
+    560f9bb063 UefiPayloadPkg: Define default values for the DynamicEX PCDs
+    39ba0f8dfc CryptoPkg: Need to enable crypto functions
+    5fb3f5723a DynamicTablesPkg: Allow for specified CPU names
+    05da2d24b0 UefiPayloadPkg: Move bdsdxe.inf from DXEFV to BDSFV
+    8bd2028f9a MdeModulePkg: Supporting S3 in 64bit PEI
+    6acf72901a UefiCpuPkg: Supporting S3 in 64bit PEI
+    4dd7b86556 Maintainers: Update OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe
+    47b9521513 OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Add SEV support for reserved shared memory
+    09f01d4efb OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Rename AmdSevIoMmu to CcIoMmu
+    c4e76d2fba OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Reserve shared memory region for DMA operation
+    316e6df435 OvmfPkg: Add reference to new build instructions
+    7a548f3ea9 EmulatorPkg: Add reference to new build instructions
+    30697b94fd BaseTools: Add reference to new build instructions
+    f70f493d1b ArmVirtPkg: Add reference to new build instructions
+    0e3e62fc2b .pytool/ Add reference to new build instructions
+    e254c71e9e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Differentiate TDX case for Cloud Hypervisor
+    57162cb62d OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Transfer GUID Extension HOB
+    e03b0d0672 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Differentiate TDX case for Cloud Hypervisor
+    0adc35fccd OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretDxe: Allocate secret location as EfiACPIReclaimMemory
+    3e3f5bb21c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Validate SEC's GHCB page
+    01c0d3c0d5 OvmfPkg/SecTpmMeasurementLib: Fix the mapping error of PCR and RTMR index
+    fb91d6cbd0 OvmfPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Fix the mapping error between PCR index and MR index
+    19f7c63ea9 OvmfPkg/TdTcg2Dxe: Fix incorrect protocol and structure version
+    44fc90eb0e UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestLib: Print expected Status on ASSERT fail
+    cda98df162 OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: remove mQemuFwCfgSupported + mQemuFwCfgDmaSupported
+    81bbc1452c OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: rewrite fw_cfg probe
+    e59747bd82 OvmfPkg/DebugLibIoPort: use Rom version for PEI
+    f6a196c7eb OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove mFeatureControlValue
+    862614e254 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove mPlatformInfoHob
+    4bc2c74851 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Verification: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    7dbb8a24d1 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: NoExec: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    cc6efda777 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: MemTypeInfo: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    27874a382c OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: PeiMemory: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    00743d144b OvmfPkg/PlatformPei Q35 SMM helpers: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    9d9d15b42a OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: PeiFv: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    78c373f2a5 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: AmdSev: stop using mPlatformInfoHob
+    916825b84f DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT _LPI revision is incorrect
+    d103840cfb MdePkg/UnitTestHostBaseLib: Remove HOST_APPLICATION limitation
+    1cd902f1f4 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Modify APIs in UnitTestPersistenceLib
+    e986f4ce96 MdePkg/BaseCpuLib: Remove assembly for CpuFlushTlb
+    804e8c6566 Maintainers.txt: Change Anthony's github id
+    592bf33a29 ShellPkg/Shell: Do not set end device path if already end
+    1fd8d08970 ShellPkg/AcpiView: APMT Parser
+    aa65bb4020 MdePkg/IndustryStandard: add definitions for ACPI APMT
+    11ce7a2de7 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    5890a18409 MdeModulePkg: SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix issue that SD1.0 cards can't be recognized
+    a654289439 MdeModulePkg/Ata: Fix command status reporting
+    4cb94f20b0 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: use PcdFirmware*
+    1ef86f1201 mv OvmfPkg: move fdf include snippets to Include/Fdf
+    5eb973eb62 OvmfPkg: move dsc include snippet for Network support to Include/Dsc
+    5c25f6c67b OvmfPkg: move dsc and fdf include snippets for TPM support to subdirs
+    127e2c5315 OvmfPkg: Add INVD case in #VE handler
+    54d81d06fc MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Use correct type for alignment mask
+    8a485e4bb8 EmulatorPkg: Record Argc, Argv and Envp in EmuThunk Ppi
+    2c284027b2 EmulatorPkg: Remove unnecessary dependency on EmbeddedPkg
+    22f73b6d2d EmulatorPkg: Add persistent memory in EmuThunkPpi
+    1c75bf3c21 UefiCpuPkg: Bug fix in 5LPage handling
+    c14c4719f9 UefiCpuPkg: Check SMM Delayed/Blocked AP Count
+    4e17aba4b5 EmulatorPkg/Win: Unload DLLs before reset
+    2280af5ff8 UefiCpuPkg/Test: develop UEFI App and dynamic cmd for MP services UT
+    cf3d4508b2 UefiCpuPkg/Test: Move EfiMpServiceProtocol UT in a separate function
+    d9e7f6fe49 MdeModulePkg: Put USB DEBUGs that occur for bulk timeouts under VERBOSE
+    ca33daafc6 RedfishPkg: Remove overlapping private include path in DEC file
+    a639248bd0 UefiPayloadPkg: Support multiple firmware volume
+    7bee249891 EmulatorPkg/WinHost: Add Reset2 PPI
+    a121165e35 EmulatorPkg/WinHost: XIP for SEC and PEI_CORE
+    d2842bb6ec EmulatorPkg/WinHost: pre-allocate "physical" RAM
+    735a7496cb RedfishPkg: Fix typos of the .inc filenames
+    7de1c71dd2 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib:time overflow
+    5d5be45bd1 CryptPkg: Enable CryptoPkg BaseCryptLib ParallelHash for PEI and DXE
+    47d988387e OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add check to NvVarStoreFV HeaderLength
+    a1d5723914 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Library classes private to public
+    a8a78ef194 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1s
+    beb0f8d483 MdeModulePkg: Disable PciDegrade support for LoongArch64
+    dd3ba82d31 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml: Add initial issue template
+    8aff08c817 EmbeddedPkg/MetronomeDxe: Update outdated lower bound comment
+    b92e049522 BaseSynchronizationLib: Fix RISC-V helper name
+    c8c978d328 ShellPkg/DpDynamicCommand: Add ResetEnd support in DP command
+    ae3bc559f9 .github/dependabot.yml: Enable dependabot
+    d992163da6 ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Update ProcessorUpgradeTable
+    85d805ed32 UefiPayloadPkg: The UPL info section is not aligned at 4-byte boundary
+    6ae2b6648e ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Remove ASSERTs in ArmTrngLibConstructor()
+  - Removed patches which are merged to mainline:
+  - ovmf-tools_def-add-fno-omit-frame-pointer-to-GCC48_-IA32-.patch
+    tools_def: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to GCC48_{IA32,X64}_CC_FLAGS
+    (bsc#1199597)
+  - 129404f6e4        edk2-stable202302~200
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch
+    OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Fix integrity checking failed of NvVarStore
+    (bsc#1206078)
+  - ceb52713b0        edk2-stable202302~226
+  - Add the following revert patches to avoid Page-Fault exception when booting
+    with edk2-stable202302 ovmf. (bsc#1205978)
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-reorder-PlatformQemuU.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformReservati.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformAddHobCB.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformGetLowMem.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Add-PlatformScanE820-.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-dynamic-mmio-window-s.patch
+  - This is for workaround problem temporary. (bsc#1205978)
+  - Removed the following revert patches because they are not work for
+    edk2-stable202302. Those revert patches causes ovmf falls in unlimited
+    boot loops. Because we do not have plan to upgrade ovmf of 15.4. So
+    let's removed them:
+    [#] nasm-2.14 doesn't support corresponding instructions.
+    ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Remove-the-macro-definitions-regarding.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-UefiCpuPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspond.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-SourceLevelDebugPkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-c.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-MdePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-corresponding-.patch
+    ovmf-Revert-MdeModulePkg-Replace-Opcode-with-the-correspo.patch
+  - Respin the following patches:
+  - ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch
+  - ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch
+  - fix-aarch64.patch
+  - ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Set-PcdFSBClock.patch
+  - Rename fix-aarch64.patch to ovmf-Revert-ArmVirtPkg-make-EFI_LOADER_DATA-non-executabl.patch
+    It's express purpose more clearly. (bsc#1207095)
+  - modified, add the following qmeu paramter:
+  - fw_cfg name=opt/org.tianocore/X-Cpuhp-Bugcheck-Override,string=yes
+    It can disable the checking of CPU hotplug register block misbehaves
+    in qemu. Qemu needs dab30fbef38 patch, otherwise that ovmf will hang
+    when booting and show a message to indicate qemu bug. (bsc#1209266)
+- Add fix-aarch64.patch: this fixes
+- Add ovmf-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-Fix-integrity-checking-faile.patch
+  to avoid "NvVarStore Variable header State was invalid" issue when
+  rebooting or booting second time. System hangs when booting. (bsc#1206078)
+  The error message in ovmf log:
+  Select Item: 0x19
+  Select Item: 0x25
+  Reserved variable store memory: 0x7FF7C000; size: 528kb
+  NvVarStore Variable header State was invalid.
+  ASSERT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/edk2-edk2-stable202211/OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/Platform.c(807): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))
+- Add ovmf-Revert-OvmfPkg-PlatformInitLib-dynamic-mmio-window-s.patch
+  to avoid Page-Fault exception when booting with edk2-stable202211
+  ovmf. (bsc#1205978)
+  - This is a revert patch for workaround problem temporary.
+- In the PFLASH_CODE in, Use readonly=on instead of
+  readonly becuase we got the following message when building ovmf
+  on SLE15-SP3/SP4 code base:
+  [  981s] qemu-system-x86_64: -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly,file=ovmf-x86_64-ms-code.bin: warning: short-form boolean option 'readonly' deprecated
+  [  981s] Please use readonly=on instead
+  [  981s] char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label charserial1)
+- Update to edk2-stable202211 (jsc#PED-1410)
+  - Features (
+  CryptoPkg remove EC PCD and merge optimized openssl libs
+  Add GoogleTest unit test support to UnitTestFrameworkPkg
+  Add Raw algorithm support using Arm FW-TRNG interface
+  TDVF Lazy Accept in OvmfPkg
+  Debug code to audit BIOS TPM extend operations
+  Add a new feature to enable LoongArch prot for EDKII
+  CryptoPkg: Need to add additional cipher algos and TLS API to meet WPA3
+  IntelFsp2(Wrapper)Pkg: Support FSP 2.4 MultiPhaseInit
+  CryptoPkg: Need to support EC and BN API due to WPA3 feature
+  Add PCI_DEVICE_PPI support for NvmExpressPei
+  - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202208..edk2-stable202211):
+    fff6d81270 pip-requirements.txt: Update to edk2-pytool-extensions 0.20.0
+    2ddc8e1b67 pip-requirements.txt: Update to edk2-pytool-library 0.12.1
+    93629f2c7c ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Remove ASSERT in GetArmTrngVersion()
+    0cb30c3f5e Maintainers: Update the VmgExitLib to CcExitLib
+    765ba5bf05 OvmfPkg/UefiCpuPkg: Add CcExit prefix to the APIs of CcExitLib
+    a89f558d3c OvmfPkg/UefiCpuPkg/UefiPayloadPkg: Rename VmgExitLib to CcExitLib
+    b9e702c3c9 UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector:Add Option to reserve 4K region at 4GB
+    6d55ad9a59 MdePkg/Test: Add port of BaseSafeIntLib unit tests to GoogleTest
+    31377aba8f BaseTools/Plugin/HostBaseUnitTestRunner: Enable gtest xml output
+    80f097711b .pytool: Add googletest submodule to
+    d4586fe3ae UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/CmockaLib: Generate symbol information
+    cef0c5c684 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add googletest submodule and GoogleTestLib
+    c1b073a9dc MdePkg/Include/Library: Undefine _ASSERT() if already defined
+    933b4c333c MdePkg/Include: Update Base.h to improve C++ compatibility
+    3182843f3b IntelFsp2Pkg: Improvement of supporting null UPD pointer in FSP-T
+    c8fb724046 ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Fix incorrect GUID reference in DEBUG() output
+    3b1f3414f2 .github/workflows: Update CodeQL to install Python 3.10.6
+    c17c3c24d8 ShellPkg:Improved Smbios Type9 data under smbiosview
+    342813a3f7 pip-requirements.txt: Update edk2-pytool-library to 0.12.0
+    b0fd309719 edk2.qls: Allow error severity results and add new queries
+    179efe5d69 BaseTools: Fix wrong type of arguments to formatting functions
+    0be81a4d83 BaseTools/Source/C: Use /Z7 instead of /Zi for host tools
+    6032b46dce PrmPkg/PrmSsdtInstallDxe: Update PRMT Device CID to PNP0C02.
+    6c1a4a376e .github: Add initial CodeQL config and workflow files
+    c7aecf2a4f Maintainers.txt: Add .github maintainers and reviewers
+    50bee4cc12 CryptoPkg: Sha1 functions causing build errors
+    239bcf7805 PrmPkg: Use UnitTestFrameworkPkg UEFI BS library
+    6e8b0b6913 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add UnitTestUefiBootServicesTableLib
+    82e70d9ac0 CryptoPkg/ typo and grammar fixes
+    35043a5ec0 MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix out-of-bounds reads in SafeString
+    b556f2445c ArmVirtPkg: Kvmtool: Add RNG support using Arm TRNG interface
+    9eb5ccda50 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add Arm support of RngDxe
+    ff29cdb968 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Rename AArch64/RngDxe.c
+    6cdddccf00 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add debug warning for NULL PcdCpuRngSupportedAlgorithm
+    863fe9e191 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Add AArch64 RawAlgorithm support through ArmTrngLib
+    4b3e9d80be SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Check before advertising Cpu Rng algo
+    199031b2b0 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Documentation/include/parameter cleanup
+    922bf317f1 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Remove ArchGetSupportedRngAlgorithms()
+    aade3b93fe SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Replace Pcd with Sp80090Ctr256Guid
+    8a89747844 SecurityPkg/RngDxe: Rename RdRandGenerateEntropy to generic name
+    e00ec499c5 ArmPkg/ArmTrngLib: Add Arm TRNG library
+    351fe77666 ArmPkg: Add FID definitions for Arm TRNG
+    ef4cf3d88d MdePkg/ArmTrngLib: Add NULL instance of Arm TRNG Library
+    cbce5a1a93 MdePkg/ArmTrngLib: Definition for Arm TRNG library class interface
+    3d480a93de ArmPkg/ArmHvcLibNull: Add NULL instance of ArmHvcLib
+    9d8ed9c8ee ArmPkg: Sort HVC/SMC section alphbetically in ArmPkg.dsc
+    aa0f522471 ArmPkg/ArmMonitorLib: Add ArmMonitorLib
+    9a50990cdb ArmPkg/ArmMonitorLib: Definition for ArmMonitorLib library class
+    dcf8c79056 ArmPkg: PCD to select conduit for monitor calls
+    cc650a0378 ArmPlatformPkg: Retire NorFlashDxe driver
+    eff44c008d OvmfPkg/VmgExitLig: HALT on #VE when access to private memory
+    2695e49219 UefiPayloadPkg: Boot mode in PHIT HOB will not be updated
+    ee3da09bb2 MdeModulePkg/Ufs :Coverity scan flags multiple issues in edk2-stable202205
+    eae9e51d98 MdeModulePkg/scsi :Coverity scan flags multiple issues in edk2-stable202205
+    b84f32ae5b IntelFsp2Pkg: FSP should support input UPD as NULL.
+    cab1f02565 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: SmmEntryPoint underflow (CVE-2021-38578)
+    c46204e25f IntelFsp2Pkg: Update Function header to support IA32/X64.
+    957a15adaf UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Clean up header file inclusion in SmmStm.c
+    ae62a6e44d UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Abstract arch dependent code
+    ed8bfada03 UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Rename the common C file
+    8487ec0ee7 CryptoPkg/Test: Simplify BaseCryptLib host based unit tests
+    b5dbf8267b pip-requirements.txt: Bump pytool extensions and library
+    85dba961c7 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Support FILE_GUID override in host based unit tests
+    720c25ab41 OvmfPkg: Call gEdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocolGuid to accept pages
+    7dcc2f3870 OvmfPkg: Realize EdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocol in TdxDxe
+    2af33db365 MdePkg: The prototype definition of EdkiiMemoryAcceptProtocol
+    d1e41c620f OvmfPkg: Introduce lazy accept in PlatformInitLib and PlatformPei
+    6ca9f410d1 ShellPkg: Update shell command memmap to show unaccepted memory
+    43e306806e MdeModulePkg: Update Dxe to handle unaccepted memory type
+    502c01c502 MdePkg: Add UEFI Unaccepted memory definition
+    9b648112a5 OvmfPkg: Use BZ3937_EFI_RESOURCE_MEMORY_UNACCEPTED defined in MdeModulePkg
+    32c5a470ad MdePkg: Increase EFI_RESOURCE_MAX_MEMORY_TYPE
+    00bbb1e584 MdeModulePkg: Add PrePiHob.h
+    df7ce74e6c RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: Fix memory free issue
+    66772bc852 Maintainers.txt: Add 'Pierre Gondois' as DynamicTablesPkg reviewer
+    e9a3613ce0 ShellPkg/AcpiView: Update PCCT fields for ACPI 6.5
+    c9a4df88fd DynamicTablesPkg: Update available tables for generation
+    1729fb8a82 DynamicTablesPkg/AmlLib: Allow larger AccessSize for Pcc address space
+    8405b1480f DynamicTablesPkg: Add PCCT Generator
+    dab7bac94c DynamicTablesPkg: Add PCCT related objects
+    a5672d43a6 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix Ssdt PCI generation comments
+    5acd6489df DynamicTablesPkg: FdtHwInfoParserLib: Remove wrong comment
+    0bcd3cc06e DynamicTablesPkg: Remove deprecated APIs
+    2ef32f914a DynamicTablesPkg: Fix wrong/missing fields in CmObjParser
+    a64cc43552 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix GTBlock and GTBlockTimerFrame CmObjParsers
+    3bcc2e22ef DynamicTablesPkg: Update CmObjParser for MinorRevision
+    44b7a856f0 DynamicTablesPkg: Update CmObjParser for IORT Rev E.d
+    48c6e7dbcd DynamicTablesPkg: Add PrintString to CmObjParser
+    020891f173 DynamicTablesPkg: Use correct print formatter
+    52199bf532 MdeModulePkg/ScsiDiskDxe: Update proper device name for ScsiDisk drive
+    d98efb4682 UefiCpuPkg: Restore HpetTimer after CpuExceptionHandlerLib test
+    99338ef81e ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtKvmTool: Migrate to OVMF's VirtNorFlashDxe
+    b92298af82 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: migrate to OVMF's VirtNorFlashDxe
+    789a723285 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: use EFI_MEMORY_WC and drop AlignedCopyMem()
+    25589c4a76 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: avoid switching between modes in a tight loop
+    ca01e6216a OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: avoid array mode switch after each word write
+    83f11f9572 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: drop block I/O protocol implementation
+    68d234989b OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: remove disk I/O protocol implementation
+    0a64106c56 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: remove CheckBlockLocked feature
+    c1ff81f799 OvmfPkg/VirtNorFlashDxe: clone ArmPlatformPkg's NOR flash driver
+    16bf588b60 OvmfPkg: clone NorFlashPlatformLib into VirtNorFlashPlatformLib
+    115cebbe4d ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Clear XIP flags instead of overriding them
+    b6efc505e4 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: omit PCD PEIM unless TPM support is enabled
+    7136d5491e ArmVirtPkg/QemuVirtMemInfoLib: use HOB not PCD to record the memory size
+    fead469a3b ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: avoid shadowing PEIMs unless necessary
+    75d2be4a37 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: Drop unused variable PEIM
+    07be1d34d9 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: enable initial ID map at early boot
+    a26050f74d ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: use first 128 MiB as permanent PEI memory
+    2eff4ddc77 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: implement ArmPlatformLib with static ID map
+    9ca2dc7bec ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: wire up timeout PCD to Timeout variable
+    2997ae3873 ArmVirtPkg: make EFI_LOADER_DATA non-executable
+    9e2c88b16e Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers and reviewers for LoongArch64
+    9670f79937 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers list
+    26638d2aa3 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Check header revision for MultiPhase support.
+    7464db4474 MdeModulePkg: Fix spelling error in PciSioSerialDxe
+    56035d1c8b ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: Print the firmware version early in boot
+    db2c22633f Ps2KbdCtrller: Make wait for SUCCESS after BAT non-fatal
+    fb493ac84e ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: permit entry with the MMU enabled
+    b28acb22e0 ArmVirtPkg: do not enable iSCSI driver by default
+    f4213fed34 ArmVirtPkg: remove EbcDxe from all platforms
+    acb2acccfd BaseTools/Tests: Use quotes around PYTHON_COMMAND
+    4fcd5d2620 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: update auto-generated files
+    0882d6a32d CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Add generated flag to Accel INF
+    d79295b5c5 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Update INF generation
+    3b46a1e243 Revert "CryptoPkg: Update to auto add PCD config option"
+    244ce33bdd CryptoPkg: Add
+    584b246e88 CryptoPkg: Fixed host-based unit tests
+    0c9744787e CryptoPkg: Update DSC to improve CI test coverage
+    dfc7c3dc8c CryptoPkg: Remove PcdOpensslEcEnabled from CryptoPkg.dec
+    a57b4c11a5 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Remove PrintLib from INF files
+    e75951ca89 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Produce consistent set of APIs
+    ea6d859b50 CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib: Combine all performance optimized INFs
+    dd00f92b2f CryptoPkg/Library: Cleanup BaseCryptLib and TlsLib
+    961fadf60c CryptoPkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseCryptLib: Unit test fixes
+    8f8372439d CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib: Update internal functions/variables
+    8437368c69 CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib: Add missing UNI file and fix format
+    d7d9866ef4 CryptoPkg: Document and disable deprecated crypto services
+    4d29da411f remove GCC build warning
+    6fd754ec0f BaseTools: Fixed the multiple pairs brackets issue in GenFv
+    2355f0c09c BaseTools: Fix check for ${PYTHON_COMMAND} in Tests/GNUmakefile
+    913a308df9 BaseTools/Scripts/ Allow tab in Makefile
+    c6720db5dd MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Add boundary check for TRB ring allocation
+    31b1638468 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Reuse XIP MMU routines when splitting entries
+    999c53e2ca ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: permit initial configuration with MMU enabled
+    0487cac09f ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Disable and re-enable MMU only when needed
+    ab644cfac5 ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: don't replace table entries with block entries
+    0f6eccdbf7 BaseTools: Add missing spaces for PCD expression values in AutoGenC
+    1d0ff11526 BaseTools: Correct initialization data size check for array PCDs
+    d23eb3aa99 BaseTools/GenFds: Correct file type set for the PIC section
+    0a29933ea9 BaseTools: Support COMPAT16 section generation
+    225810a182 BaseTools: Add support for SUBTYPE_GUID section generation
+    81aeb94648 BaseTools: Correct BPDG tool error prints
+    09e74b81ba BaseTools/FMMT: Add Shrink Fv function
+    0e6db46b1b BaseTools/FMMT: Add Extract FV function
+    b03dceb87f BaseTools: Remove duplicated words in Python tools
+    c4663e7277 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.29 to 0.1.39
+    9d6915ca91 UefiCpuPkg/Test: Add unit tests for MP service PPI and Protocol
+    6f1bb567aa UefiCpuPkg: Add R8/R9 etc in EccCheck ExceptionList
+    012e424601 UefiCpuPkg: Add Pei/DxeCpuExceptionHandlerLibUnitTest in dsc
+    055eaacc34 UefiCpuPkg: Add Unit tests for PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib
+    beabde5875 UefiCpuPkg: Add Unit tests for DxeCpuExceptionHandlerLib
+    b8e54e15de UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib:Support PAE paging for PageTableParse
+    a7e070808c UefiCpuPkg:Add RegisterExceptionHandler in PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib
+    d618fe05bf BaseTools: Remove duplicated words in C tools
+    8fc06b6e19 Fix bug on SRIOV ReservedBusNum when ARI enable.
+    4aa7e66c06 MdeModulePkg: Fixed extra 1 SR-IOV reserved bus
+    e0200cc47a NetworkPkg: Add LoongArch64 architecture.
+    2ce4bfb843 MdeModulePkg/DxeIplPeim : LoongArch DxeIPL implementation.
+    380821a949 MdeModulePkg/CapsuleRuntimeDxe: Add LoongArch64 architecture.
+    dad7fc29d9 MdeModulePkg/Logo: Add LoongArch64 architecture.
+    ced203c3d5 MdePkg/BaseSafeIntLib: Add LoongArch64 architecture for BaseSafeIntLib.
+    104df6136f MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib: LoongArch cache related code.
+    f89815a125 MdePkg/BaseCpuLib: LoongArch Base CPU library implementation.
+    dbbb045ff1 MdePkg/BasePeCoff: Add LoongArch PE/Coff related code.
+    10d291f746 MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsic: IoLibNoIo for LoongArch architecture.
+    264e930de0 MdePkg/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib: LoongArch cache maintenance implementation.
+    cd24eb578b MdePkg/BaseLib: BaseLib for LOONGARCH64 architecture.
+    f0a704f9b5 MdePkg/Include: LoongArch definitions.
+    76bf716a7a MdePkg: Add LoongArch LOONGARCH64 binding
+    b1b5177a0c .pytool: Add LoongArch64 architecture on LoongArch64 EDK2 CI.
+    ab9768cd46 .azurepipelines: Add LoongArch64 architecture on LoongArch64 EDK2 CI.
+    bcdafe1179 BaseTools: Enable LoongArch64 architecture for LoongArch64 EDK2 CI.
+    114e6075b6 BaseTools: Add LoongArch64 binding.
+    c53807cb7b BaseTools: Updated build tools to support new LoongArch.
+    cb4f1dfcc1 BaseTools: Updated for GCC5 tool chain for LoongArch platfrom.
+    1aa311d175 BaseTools: Update GenFw/GenFv to support LoongArch platform.
+    082b563fc4 .python/SpellCheck: Add "Loongson" and "LOONGARCH" to "words" section
+    10daf3ee24 MdeModulePkg: Use LockBoxNullLib for LOONGARCH64
+    23d873f4cf MdePkg/DxeServicesLib: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture
+    6e1ddbab8d UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    78b081334e ShellPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    711ee4103a SecurityPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    d2c0d52ed6 MdePkg/Include: Add LOONGARCH related definitions EDK2 CI.
+    c5f4b4fd03 CryptoPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    ee2ea7868a NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    ad8f2b7251 NetworkPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    2067672ded FmpDevicePkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    d8c073c89b FatPkg: Add LOONGARCH64 architecture for EDK2 CI.
+    e25963d458 MdePkg: Added LoongArch jump buffer register definition to
+    0371178d0b MdePkg: Added file of DebugSupport.h to
+    5bd2dbc698 UefiPayloadPkg: Remove deprecate Crypto Service
+    e7d7f02c8e CryptoPkg: add Unit Test for X509 new function.
+    22745df666 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function to Crypto Service.
+    8ecae3d641 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function.
+    190f77f8f4 CryptoPkg: add new X509 function definition.
+    0371032289 CryptoPkg: add unit test for EC key interface.
+    69a50a249b CryptoPkg: Add EC key interface to DXE and protocol
+    f21a1d48fe CryptoPkg: Add EC key retrieving and signature interface.
+    f80580f56b OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: Check ChildHandle argument in GetControllerName
+    8db4e9f9a0 CryptoPkg: Add new Tls APIs to DXE and protocol
+    bb78d969b7 CryptoPkg: Extend Tls function library
+    cafc573ac0 MdePkg: Add Tls configuration related define
+    3c9e2f239a CryptoPkg: Fix integer overflow
+    de103f1981 MdeModulePkg: Handle InitialVFs=0 case for SR-IOV
+    4364d66168 UefiCpuPkg: Reset a parameter when BSP Exit in CPU relaxed mode.
+    a670f12a74 UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Code optimization to allow bigger stack
+    406ad0582a OvmfPkg: rename QemuBootOrderNNNN to VMMBootOrderNNNN
+    3361336607 Revert "OvmfPkg/Microvm: no secure boot"
+    8916a4f67f OvmfPkg/Microvm: add SECURE_BOOT_FEATURE_ENABLED
+    9e6b552b4c OvmfPkg/PciHotPlugInitDxe: reserve more mmio space
+    ecb778d0ac OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: dynamic mmio window size
+    bbda386d25 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: detect physical address space
+    8f9ef9c9a0 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: qemu cpuid physbits detection
+    5ff7d712d4 MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Add Disk Info support for Ufs
+    710f83b79d .azurepipelines: Add SourceLevelDebugPkg to CI
+    cf01fdd5d7 SourceLevelDebugPkg: Add package CI YAML file
+    d6d4a81f8a SourceLevelDebugPkg: Fix spelling errors
+    1bd2ff1866 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove CI exception of PlatformMultiPhaseLib.
+    f054beec54 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add header for PlatformMultiPhaseLib.
+    f931506815 .azurepipelines: Add SignedCapsulePkg to CI
+    b3d379d188 SignedCapsulePkg: Add package CI YAML file
+    769879e2a6 .azurepipelines: Add IntelFsp2Pkg and IntelFsp2WrapperPkg to CI
+    9ecab62d40 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add CI YAML file
+    7c424c28b0 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Fix code formatting errors
+    28b16c01cf IntelFsp2Pkg: Add CI YAML file
+    a62bd922aa IntelFsp2Pkg/BaseFspMultiPhaseLib: Replace duplicate GUID
+    629709a51d IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix code formatting errors
+    12973359d0 EmbeddedPkg: Only run in CI for GCC5
+    43c1111530 EmbeddedPkg: Add CI YAML file
+    51e0599536 EmbeddedPkg/AcpiLib: Fix code formatting errors
+    f01d3ee12c BaseTools/VolInfo: Update file and section type strings
+    b6d324e06b BaseTools/VolInfo: Update copyright information
+    4e1133b946 BaseTools/VolInfo: Parse apriori files
+    c24328ca62 BaseTools/VolInfo: Increase GUID base name string
+    8be33c6544 BaseTools/VolInfo: Fix EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED parsing
+    9fc029ee62 BaseTools/VolInfo: Correct buffer for GenCrc32 tool
+    6a2b20ff97 MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe: Allow partial FreeBuffer
+    7aa06237b8 SecurityPkg: Remove enforcement of final GoIdle transition for CRB commands
+    b7213bbd59 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: skip unsupported entries in StoreQemuBootOrder
+    d63242bd69 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: allow slash in rom filenames
+    2a0bd3bffc OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: q35 mtrr setup fix
+    3c0d567c37 UefiPayloadPkg: Provide a wrapper for
+    f4d539007c OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: move mPageTablePool to stack
+    b3dd9cb836 MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Input context update for Evaluate Context command
+    96f3efbd99 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Implement FSP 2.4 MultiPhase wrapper handlers.
+    d97ee3244d CryptoPkg/Test: Add unit test for CryptoEc
+    2157a23a86 CryptoPkg: Add ECC related usage reference
+    3b382f5b38 CryptoPkg: Add EC APIs to DXE and protocol
+    988e4d8f5e CryptoPkg: Add EC support
+    0e7aa6bf9e CryptoPkg: Fix pem heap-buffer-overflow due to BIO_snprintf()
+    582a7c9995 CryptoPkg: Add missing library mappings to DSC file
+    ef9974b298 EmbeddedPkg/PrePi: Check for enough space before aligning heap pointer
+    2500ce1011 DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT CPU _CPC generator
+    58350c0055 DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation to add _CPC entries
+    09c90532e7 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CM_ARM_CPC_INFO object
+    953438e466 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Get SMBIOS information from OemMiscLib
+    e5eb0e3347 ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Remove redundant updates in SMBIOS Type 2
+    7d74ea141e ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Fix typo of "AssetTagType02"
+    130b649a8b ArmPkg/SmbiosMiscDxe: Support fetching System UUID
+    11b5093ce4 ArmPkg: Correct return value of "SMCCC_ARCH_SOC_ID" Function ID call
+    8467a263f9 ArmPkg/ProcessorSubClassDxe: Get processor version from OemMiscLib
+    a8e8c43a0e CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Update generated files for native X64
+    4102950a21 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Commit the auto-generated assembly files for IA32
+    03f708090b CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add native instruction support for IA32
+    0c9d4ad788 CryptoPkg/Test: Add unit test for CryptoBn
+    42951543dd CryptoPkg: Add BigNum API to DXE and protocol
+    fd0ad0c346 CryptoPkg: Add BigNum support
+    5f403cdc6a CryptoPkg: add UnitTest for AeadAesGcm.
+    022787f806 CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm to Crypto Service.
+    a23f76e184 CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm support.
+    acbc5747bc CryptoPkg: add AeadAesGcm function() definition.
+    b19793a2ec CryptoPkg: add Hkdf UnitTest.
+    e919c390e8 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api to Crypto Service.
+    11b24ef0d7 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api in Crypt Lib.
+    1336476233 CryptoPkg: add new Hkdf api definition in Crypt Lib.
+    f3c69cb5a1 CryptoPkg: add Hmac Sha384 to host UnitTest.
+    3f77ccb9c8 CryptoPkg: Add new hmac SHA api to Crypto Service.
+    cbb3b6b950 CryptoPkg: Update CryptLib inf as the file name changed.
+    0b1a1bdc30 CryptoPkg: Add HMAC-SHA384 cipher support.
+    7bb42e3249 CryptoPkg: Add new hmac definition to cryptlib
+    238f5f9544 RedfishPkg/JsonLib: Fix JsonLib build failure
+    6f340acfb1 CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib:Remove redundant init
+    dd1e20b3c2 nasm_ext_dep.yaml: Remove leading zero in patch version
+    62f00dad22 BaseTools: Edk2ToolsBuild: Fixing pipeline build due to path too long
+    2c17d676e4 Maintainers.txt: Update email address
+    415fc406d6 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoaderPeim: remove GCC build warning
+    3184e44df1 Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers/reviewers for CI and Test
+    f46c7d1e36 IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix FspSecCoreI build failure.
+    981bf66d5a IntelFsp2Pkg: NvsBufferPtr is missing in Fsp24ApiEntryM.nasm
+    8c92a9508e DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Allow use of segment number as UID
+    45297e6c9b BaseTools: 64bit FSP FV map file cannot be created correctly
+    1dccbd1a38 MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Fix MMIO base assignment
+    838c730fe6 MdeModulePkg SmbiosMeasurementDxe: Add Type4 CurrentSpeed to filter table
+    db7afaee91 MdeModulePkg: Use configurable PCD for AHCI command retries
+    970e262949 OvmfPkg: Allow runtime control of IPv4 and IPv6 support on QEMU
+    d933ec115b OvmfPkg: gather common NetworkComponents overrides in file
+    477b5b7d55 OvmfPkg: Introduce alternate UefiDriverEntrypoint to inhibit driver load
+    34969dd260 ArmPkg, ArmVirtPkg: put SpellCheck in AuditOnly mode
+    cdb80a281f OvmfPkg/LegacyBootManagerLib: Fix debug macro arguments
+    8fdb4de628 NetworkPkg/TcpDxe: Fix debug macro arguments
+    e8a537d28d DynamicTablesPkg/AcpiPpttLibArm: Fix debug macro arguments
+    e495b1009a SecurityPkg/SmmTcg2PhysicalPresenceLib: Add missing debug print specifier
+    c403de7bd4 RedfishPkg/RedfishRestExDxe: Remove extra debug macro argument
+    1096a9b04b MdeModulePkg: Fix imbalanced debug macros
+    b4036b52b1 FatPkg/FatPei: Remove extraneous debug message argument
+    917a7e3f34 ArmPlatformPkg/NorFlashDxe: Remove unused debug print specifier
+    7b8f69d7e1 BaseTools/GenFw AARCH64: Convert more types of explicit GOT references
+    d82ec90f51 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.28 to 0.1.29
+    8465fd59d3 OvmfPkg: Update I/O port related to ACPI devices for CloudHv
+    54c8d5e432 UefiPayloadPkg: Allow DxeMain.inf to consume the new SerialPortLib
+    11a04bb4a6 UefiPayloadPkg: Implement a new SerialPortLib instance
+    512042eba8 OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: fix bochs mode init
+    314799a926 pip-requirement: Upgrade the edk2-basetools version from 0.1.24 to 0.1.28
+    3d35a6c243 IntelFsp2Pkg: Adopt FSP 2.4 MultiPhase functions.
+    5eeb088ad6 OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: add StoreQemuBootOrder()
+    db463e8e9d CloudHv/arm: switch PeiMemLib to its own
+    dba79765c4 CloudHv/arm: add PeiMemInfoLib
+    520ba8e306 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkg*.dsc: Increase ACPI Reclaim memory size
+    18b5b14932 OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: Ignore OptionRom in Sev guest
+    f7da805b50 RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: Install protocol on each network interface
+    39596c41c8 OvmfPkg: Add build-flag SECURE_BOOT_FEATURE_ENABLED
+    3abaa281d3 OvmfPkg/TdxDxe: Set PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved
+    70165fa6e2 OvmfPkg/NvVarsFileLib: Shortcut ConnectNvVarsToFileSystem in secure-boot
+    ee91d9ef24 OvmfPkg: Reserve and init EmuVariableNvStore in Pei-less Startup
+    58eb8517ad OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Update ReserveEmuVariableNvStore
+    4f173db8b4 OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add functions for EmuVariableNvStore
+    0e72e8762a OvmfPkg/PeilessStartupLib: Delete TdxValidateCfv
+    fb008dbe01 EmbeddedPkg: Add AllocateRuntimePages in PrePiMemoryAllocationLib
+    7cc7c52670 OvmfPkg: Set default Pci PCDs in Tdx guest
+    1b1c58ab32 OvmfPkg: Update CcProbeLib to DxeCcProbeLib
+    c4bc1a9498 OvmfPkg: Add SecPeiCcProbeLib
+    c05a218a97 EmbeddedPkg/GdbSerialDebugPortLib: fix compile warning
+    b5d1dc94d0 OvmfPkg: increase max debug message length to 512
+    1a24f5fb12 OvmfPkg/BhyvePkg: use correct PlatformSecureLib
+    a4037690d9 EmbeddedPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    05db766bee ArmPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    1926702c95 ArmPlatformPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    6dc4ac1347 ArmVirtPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    e87ac5ef49 OvmfPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    0ccf955674 StandaloneMmPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    22c45b7c52 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: Invoke constructors for SEC phase
+    52bf4eba45 ArmPkg: Handle warm reboot request correctly
+    aefcc91805 OvmfPkg/PlatformDxe: Handle all requests in ExtractConfig and RouteConfig
+    165b5bcd68 OvmfPkg/PlatformDxe: Check RouteConfig arguments for spec compliance
+    e61f3f4ef1 OvmfPkg: Add BUILD_SHELL flag for IA32, IA32X64, X64
+    08522341c4 UefiPayloadPkg: To replace the libraries for the capsule driver.
+    ec87181192 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Rename PlatformMultiPhaseLibSample.
+    6edd257861 IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove duplicated words
+    ac55fcb051 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix typo in AmlCodeGenRdMemory32Fixed doxygen comment
+    7719bc3f71 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix nested processor containers
+    0a4079ad86 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm : Add UID to slot creation
+    b9bb27e1ff DynamicTablesPkg: Add support to build _DSD
+    033ba8bb29 DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Added function to reserve ECAM space
+    5236d47854 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicTableManagerDxe: Added check for installed tables
+    d9c8a9cf11 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Adding more token fixers
+    b18c0905ee DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Fix incorrect dereferencing
+    2081054636 DynamicTablesPkg: DynamicPlatRepoLib: Added MemoryAllocationLib to inf
+    9ca7ece8b3 MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressPei: Use PCI_DEVICE_PPI to manage Nvme device
+    31a94f7fba IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Add FSP 2.4 MultiPhase interface.
+    df25a5457f IntelFsp2Pkg: Add FSP 2.4 MultiPhase interface.
+    4b7bd4c591 UefiCpuPkg: Enhance logic in InitializeMpExceptionStackSwitchHandlers
+    9ab2b34dd4 UefiCpuPkg: Use Top of each AP's stack to save CpuMpData
+    76cf3d35e6 UefiCpuPkg: Simplify the implementation when separate exception stacks
+    d1abb876f4 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Simplify logic in SwitchBsp
+    76ec17526b UefiCpuPkg: Add PCD to control SMRR enable & SmmFeatureControl support
+    367604b2f4 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix potential issue when IDT table is at above 4G
+    3c06953fd7 ShellPkg: Adds Local APIC parser to AcpiView
+    04ecdc38cd UefiCpuPkg/CpuPageTableLib/UnitTest: Add host based unit test
+    383d34159d .azurepipelines: Use Python 3.10.6+
+    227a133a0a Maintainers.txt: Update Maintainers/reviewers for universal payload
+  - Removed patches which are merged to mainline:
+  - ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to add BUILD_SHELL flag for
+    IA32, IA32X64, X64
+  - e61f3f4ef1        edk2-stable202211~354
+  - Modified shim.spec, use BUILD_SHELL instead of EXCLUDE_SHELL
+  - Remove "-D EXCLUDE_SHELL" from ovmf-x86_64 and ovmf-x86_64-smm.
+  - Add "-D BUILD_SHELL=FALSE" to ovmf-x86_64 and ovmf-x86_64-smm.
+  - ovmf-bsc1199156-OvmfPkg-IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe-Ignore-Optio.patch
+    to ovmf to ignore OptionRom in Sev guest
+  - 18b5b14932    edk2-stable202211~328
+- Add pam_systemd_home module for the version 254 of systemd
+  [pam-config-add-systemd_home-support.patch, bsc#1216318]
+- Merge back SLE's patterns-base change
+  * change FIPS 140-2 to 140-3 to reflect our current certifications (bsc#1203537)
+  * removed openssl1_0_0, it is not certifed in SLES 15 (bsc#1209108)
+  $ require xf86-input-libinput also on s390x
+- Drop systemd-sysvinit recommends
+  * package has been merged to systemd-sysvcompat, but should not be
+    needed
+- kvm and xen patterns:
+  - Remove Requires/Recommends on obsolete vm-install
+  - Change virt-install from Recommends to Requires in _tools
+  - Remove Requires on obsolete kernel-xen
+- kvm-server for arm: fix missing qemu-ipxe packages and
+  improve arm detection (bsc#1158430)
+- Update to v23.07.0-0.27
+  - No release notes available
+  - Versionning changed to Year-Month-LTSorNot
+- updated to 2.60
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.60    2023-03-28
+  - This release is based on version 2023c of the Olson database. The 2023c
+    release has the same zone data as 2023a, undoing the changes for Lebanon
+    from the past week.
+  2.59    2023-03-23
+  - This release is based on version 2023b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Lebanon.
+  2.58    2023-03-22
+  - This release is based on version 2023a of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Egypt, Greenland, Morocco, and Palestine.
+- updated to 2.57
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.57    2022-12-13
+  - This release is based on version 2022g of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Greenland and Mexico.
+- updated to 2.56
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.56    2022-10-28
+  - This release is based on version 2022f of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Fiji and Mexico.
+- updated to 2.55
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.55    2022-10-11
+  - This release is based on version 2022e of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Jordan and Syria.
+- updated to 2.54
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.54    2022-09-24
+  - This release is based on version 2022d of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine.
+- updated to 2.53
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.53    2022-08-13
+  - This release is based on version 2022b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Chile and Iran.
+- updated to 2.52
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.52    2022-03-16
+  - This release is based on version 2022a of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine.
+- updated to 2.51
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.51    2021-10-21
+  - This release is based on version 2021e of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine.
+- updated to 2.50
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.50    2021-10-15
+  - This release is based on version 2021b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Fiji.
+- updated to 2.49
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.49    2021-10-02
+  - This release is based on version 2021c of the Olson database. This release
+    fixes the zone links for Atlantic/Jan_Mayen and America/Virgin.
+- Add precious.toml to skip_doc
+- updated to 2.48
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.48    2021-09-24
+  - This release is based on version 2021b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Jordan and Samoa.
+- updated to 2.47
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.47    2021-01-24
+  - This release is based on version 2021a of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for South Sudan.
+- updated to 2.46
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.46    2020-12-22
+  - This release is based on version 2020e of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Russia (Volograd).
+- updated to 2.45
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.45    2020-12-21
+  - Fixed handling of Etc/GMT[+-]XX zones. Confusingly, the POSIX interpretation
+    is that Etc/GMT+1 is 1 hour _behind_ UTC, and Etc/GMT-1 is 1 hour
+    ahead. This is the opposite of what this module started doing in the 2.38
+    release when it added support for these zones. Reportd by Matthew Horsfall
+    (#47). Changes are based on his PR #48.
+- updated to 2.44
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.44    2020-11-06
+  - The DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string now accepts an optional separator
+    string.
+- updated to 2.43
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.43    2020-10-21
+  - This release is based on version 2020c of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine.
+- updated to 2.42
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.42    2020-10-16
+  - This release is based on version 2020c of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Fiji.
+- updated to 2.41
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.41    2020-10-07
+  - The last release was missing all the generated data files. Oops! Reported by
+    Paul Howarth. GH #43.
+  - Added a custom dzil plugin to make sure that the release has all of the
+    generated data files.
+  2.40    2020-10-07
+  - This release is based on version 2020b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Morocco, Casey Station, and the
+    Yukon. This release also removes the very long-deprecated "US/Pacific-New"
+    zone name.
+- updated to 2.39
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.39    2020-04-24
+  - This release is based on version 2020a of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Morocco an the Yukon.
+- updated to 2.38
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.38    2019-11-15
+  - Added support for Etc/GMT and Etc/UTC style zones like "Etc/GMT-2" or
+    "Etc/UTC+12". Implemented by kclaggett. GH #38.
+- updated to 2.37
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.37    2019-09-11
+  - This release is based on version 2019c of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Fiji and Norfolk Island.
+- updated to 2.36
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.36    2019-07-01
+  - This release is based on version 2019b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Brazil and Palestine.
+- updated to 2.35
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.35    2019-04-21
+  - Handle "infinity" as a representation of infinite values in serialized
+    objects. On Solaris we end up with "infinity" and "-infinity" as opposed to
+    just "inf" and "-inf". Fixed by Andrew Paprocki. GH #36.
+- updated to 2.34
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.34    2019-03-26
+  - This release is based on version 2019a of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine and Metlakatla, Alaska.
+- updated to 2.23
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.23    2018-12-30
+  - This release is based on version 2018i of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for São Tomé and Príncipe.
+- updated to 2.22
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.22    2018-12-29
+  - This release is based on version 2018h of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Morocco, Kazakhstan, and Iran.
+- update to 2.21:
+  * based on 2018f of the Olson database
+  * includes contemporary changes for Morocco (bsc#1113554)
+  * includes contemporary changes for Russia (Volograd), Fiji,
+    and Chile (bsc#1104700)
+- updated to 2.19
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.19    2018-05-13
+  - This release is based on version 2018e of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for North Korea.
+- updated to 2.18
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.18    2018-03-23
+  - This release is based on version 2018d of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for Palestine and Casey Station.
+- updated to 2.17
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes
+  2.17    2018-01-23
+  - This release is based on version 2018b of the Olson database. This release
+    reverts the changes for Ireland in the previous versions as these caused
+    breakages in some systems that consumed the IANA time zone data.
+  2.16    2018-01-19
+  - This release is based on version 2018b of the Olson database. This release
+    includes contemporary changes for São Tomé and Príncipe, Brazil, and
+    Ireland. The 2018a was skipped because it was missing a file, but there are
+    no data changes from 2018a to 2018b.
-- updated to 1.74
-  - This release is based on version 2014g of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Turks & Caicos.
-  - Fixed a bug when trying to get the local timezone by looking at
-  /etc/sysconfig/clock. Patch by Alexey Molchanov. GitHub PR #2.
-  1.73    2014-08-06
-  - This release is based on version 2014f of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Russia and Australia.
-  1.72    2014-08-03
-  - Added support for getting the local time zone on Android. Patch from Brian
-  Fraser. RT #97711.
-  - The primary repo for this distro is now on GitHub.
-  1.71    2014-06-21
-  - This release is based on version 2014e of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Egypt and Morocco.
-  1.70    2014-06-01
-  - Unset $ENV{TZ} in the t/04local.t test to avoid interference from
-  the system. Reported by Mark Gardner. RT #96083.
-  - This release is based on version 2014d of the IANA database, but there are
-  no data changes from 2014c.
-- update to version 1.69 from 1.65
-  Upstream changes:
-  1.69    2014-05-13
-  - Don't run tests for Unix on non-Unix boxes.
-  1.68    2014-05-13
-  - The last release was missing some test changes I made on another
-    machine. Doh.
-  1.67    2014-05-13
-  - I accidentally skipped 1.66, don't read anything into the 0.02 version bump
-    here.
-  - This release is based on version 2014c of the IANA database (I skipped 2014b
-    for lack of debuggint time). This release includes contemporary changes for
-    Crimea and Troll Station, Antarctica from 2014b and contemporary changes
-    for Egypt from 2014c.
-- updated to 1.65
-  - This release is based on version 2014a of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Turkey.
-- updated to 1.64
-  - Under taint mode, DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ) could die
-  depending on the method used to find the local time zone name. The resulting
-  variable would often be tainted. We now untaint all names before attempting
-  to load them. Reported by Stevie-O. RT #92631.
-- updated to 1.63
-  - This release is based on version 2013h of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Morocco, Librya, and Western Sahara (El
-  Aaiun).
-- updated to 1.62
-  - This release is based on version 2013f of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Tocantins, Jordan, and Palestine.
-  - This release is based on version 2013e of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Fiji, Indonesia and San Luis,
-  Argentina. It also includes a number of historical changes. See
- for
-  more details.
-- remove outdated old_test_more.patch
-- updated to 1.60
-  - This release is based on version 2013d of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Morocco and Israel. It also includes
-  historical changes for Jerusalem.
-- updated to 1.59
-  - This release is based on version 2013c of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Palestine and Paraguay. It also includes a
-  number of historical changes.
-- patch to build with old Test::More for sle11
-- update to 1.42:
-  This release is based on version 2011n of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Fiji, Moldova (reversing the 2011m
-  changes), and Cuba. The Moldova change removes the Europe/Tiraspol zone
-  added in the previous release.
-- update to 1.41:
-  This release is based on version 2011m of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Brazil, Moldova, and Ukraine
-- update to 1.40:
-  This release is based on version 2011l of the Olson database. This release
-  includes contemporary changes for Palestine, Fiji, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine,
-  and several other post-Soviet states.
-- update to 1.35:
-  * based on version 2011h of the Olson database: includes changes for Russia
-  * include UTC in the list of all time zone names (RT#67070)
-- fix build on openSUSE 11.2
-- update to 1.34:
-  * based on version 2011g of the Olson database, includes changes for Egypt
-  * DateTime::TimeZone::Floating and DateTime::TimeZone::UTC are now
-    singletons, since their internal state never changes
-- changes from 1.33:
-  * changes for the Falkland Islands
-- changes from 1.32:
-  * changes for Morocco and Chile
-- update to 1.31:
-  Updates for Win32 time zones
-- regenerated to use proper dependencies
-- update to 1.30:
-  * based on version 2011d of the Olson database
-  * includes changes for Samoa, Turkey, and Cuba
-- changes from 1.29:
-  * includes new zones, America/Sitka and America/Metlakatla, as well as
-    changes for Alaska and Chile
-- changes from 1.28:
-  * includes a new zone, America/North_Dakota/Beulah
-- changes from 1.27:
-  * includes historical updates for Australia and Hawaii
-- changes from 1.26:
-  * fix prereqs
-- changes from 1.25:
-  * attempting to determine the local time zone while inside a sort subroutine
-    could cause an error "Can't return outside a subroutine"; this was caused
-    by stack corruption that happens when an eval "use $module" fails
-    (RT#63106)
-- changes from 1.24:
-  * includes updates for Fiji
-  * all modules in the distro now have the same $VERSION
-- changes from 1.22:
-  * historical updates for Hong Kong
-- changes from 1.21:
-  * updates for Egypt and Palestine
-- switch to perl_requires macro
-- update to 1.20
-  - This release is based on version 2010k of the Olson database. This release
-    includes updates for Egypt, Finland (historical only), and Mexico. It also
-    renames Pacific/Truk to Pacific/Chuuk and Pacific/Ponape to Pacific/Pohnpei.
-- update to 1.19
-  - This release is based on version 2010j of the Olson database. This release
-    creates a new zone for Mexico (America/Bahia_Banderas).
-  - Dateline time zone on Win32 now always maps to a fixed -12:00 zone. Patch by
-    David Pinkowitz.
-- 1.18    2010-04-19
-  - This release is based on version 2010i of the Olson database. This release
-    includes changes for Morocco, Taiwan (historical only), and Argentina.
-- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
-  o fix deps
-- noarch pkg
-- update to 1.17
-  - Updated Win32 to Olson name translation mapping. Patch by David
-    Pinkowitz. RT #56445.
-- 1.16    2010-04-05
-  - This release is based on version 2010h of the Olson database. This release
-    includes changes for Tunisia and Pakistan.
-- 1.15    2010-03-29
-  - This release is based on version 2010g of the Olson database. This release
-    includes changes for Bangladesh, Palestine, and Russia.
-- 1.14    2010-03-22
-  - This release is based on version 2010f of the Olson database. This release
-    includes changes for Antartica, Syria, and Samoa.
-  - Moved code to my hg repo at
-- 1.13    2010-03-08
-  - This release is based on version 2010e of the Olson database. This release
-    fixes a bug in the Bangladesh zone introduced in 2010d.
-- 1.12    2010-03-08
-  - This release is based on version 2010d of the Olson database. This release
-    has changes for Bangladesh, Fiji, Samoa, and Chile.
-- other changes please see Changes file
-- removed .packlist, perllocal.pod files
-  > noarch package
-- cleanup spec
-  o removed useless comments
-  o fixed Header
-  o update License, Url, description
-  o fixed deps
-  - perl-macros < 1120
-  - perl(Cwd) >= 3
-  - perl(Test::Output)
-  o moved changelog to changes file
-  o macro usage
-  o Makefile.PL > Build.PL
-  o changelog to changes file
-- spec mods
-  * removed ^----------
-  * removed ^#---------
-- update to 0.91
-  - 0.91    2009-05-26
-  - This release is based on version 2009h of the Olson database. This
-    release has no user-visible changes, but I like to follow along
-    anyway.
-  - 0.90    2009-04-27
-  - This release is based on version 2009g of the Olson database. This
-    release has changes for Egypt.
-  - 0.89    2009-04-13
-  - This release is based on version 2009f of the Olson database. This
-    release has changes for Pakistan.
-  - 0.88    2009-04-06
-  - This release is based on version 2009e of the Olson database. This
-    release has changes for Jordan and Palestine.
-  - 0.87    2009-04-05
-  - The DateTime::TimeZone::Local module will now try to load a subclass
-    of the form DateTime::TimeZone::Local::$^O before falling back to
-    the Unix subclass. This allows you to provide a new subclass on
-    systems where the existing subclasses (Unix, Win32, and VMS) don't
-    get the right answer. Based on a patch from Olivier Mengué.
-  - 0.86    2009-03-23
-  - This release is based on version 2009d of the Olson database. This
-    release has changes for Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, and Argentina.
-  - 0.85    2009-03-16
-  - This release is based on version 2009c of the Olson database. The
-    only changes in this release are for Cuba.
-  - Fixes for Win32 with Microsoft's December time zone update. This
-    updated added a zone for Mauritius that wasn't accounted for in the
-    DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Win32 module. Reported by David
-    Pinkowitz. RT #43535.
-  - Added a hack to fix some brokenness with Module::Build::Compat that
-    causes the compatibility Makefile.PL to fail on really old
-    ExtUtils::MakeMaker versions (6.17 and older). RT #43605.
-  - 0.84    2009-01-21
-  - This release is based on version 2009a of the Olson
-    database. Changes include spelling "Katmandu" as "Kathmandu" (with a
-    link for the old spelling), fixes for historical rules in
-    Switzerland, and changes to America/Resolute and Cuba for the past
-    few years (but not present).
-  - If DateTime::TimeZone::Local could not load its OS-specific subclass
-    because of a missing dependency, it would silently fall back on
-    loading the Unix subclass, rather than throwing an error. RT #41305.
-  - Fixed a bug where the short names for some time zones were
-    wrong. This mostly (exclusively?) manifested in time zone rules for
-    the first half of the 20th century or so.
-  - 0.8301  2008-11-07
-  - Test fixes only. The 19local-win32 tried to skip tests when they're
-    run without write access to the registry, but this was done in a
-    very broken way.
-  - 0.83    2008-10-27
-  - This release is based on version 2008i of the Olson database. The
-    major changes in this release are for Argentina.
-  - Updated the docs on how the local time zone is determined for
-    various platforms.
-- added perl-macros
-  o autogen filelist with perl_gen_filelist
-- spec mods
-  o added header
-  o fixed desc, deps
+- updated to 0.032
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
+  0.032     2023-09-30 23:36:50Z
+    for temporarily turning failures into reports
+- updated to 0.031
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
+  0.031     2021-07-13 22:13:48Z
+  - remove unneeded develop prereqs that caused metacpan to unduly
+    raise the river position of some dependent modules
-- updated to 0.016
-  - fix prereq problem with last release - now no longer testing the
-    example scripts for user installs
-  0.015     2014-06-20 03:36:33Z
-  - adjusted packaging and tests to become perl-5.6 friendly,
-    including only using core or dual-lifed prerequisites
-  0.014     2014-03-01 22:08:26Z
-  - fix test that was failing when FOO or BAR environment variables
-    were set (RT#93447)
-  0.013     2013-12-14 21:26:06Z
-  - update configure_requires checking in Makefile.PL
-- updated to 0.012
-  - re-release to fix t/00-report-prereqs.t use of
-    CPAN::Meta::Requirements
-  - unnecessary tests removed; CONTRIBUTING file added
+- Update to version 4.7.2:
+  * v4.7.2
+  * Update for v4.7.2
+  * compose: try all possible providers before throwing an error
+  * Mask /sys/devices/virtual/powercap
+  * fix: check wsl npipe when executing podman compose
+  * rtd: implement v2 build file
+  * Adjust to path name change for resolved unit
+  * Switch version to 4.7.2-dev
+- crun is not available for armv6 (because of criu), so use runc
+  on armv6
+- Use crun on Tumbleweed & ALP for WASM support
+- podman-docker: Provides docker to avoid conflicts
+  when using podman with docker-compose (bsc#1215926)
+- Update to version 4.7.1:
+  * New version: v4.7.1
+  * Update for v4.7.1
+  * compat API: speed up network list
+  * inspect: ignore ENOENT during device lookup
+  * test/system: --env-file test fixes
+  * Revert "feat(env): support multiline in env-file"
+  * Revert "docs(env-file): improve document description"
+  * Revert "fix(env): parsing --env incorrect in cli"
+  * [CI:DOCS] update swagger version on
+  * Fix locale issues with WSL version detection
+  * switch version to 4.7.1-dev
+- Build against latest stable Go version (bsc#1215807)
+- Update to version 4.7.0:
+  * Bump to v4.7.0
+  * [CI:DOCS] v4.7.0 RELEASE_NOTES update
+  * rpm: remove gvproxy subpackage
+  * packit: tag @containers/packit-build team on copr build
+    failures
+  * specgen, rootless: fix mount of cgroup without a netns
+  * pass --syslog to the cleanup process
+  * fix --authfile auto-update test
+  * version: switch back from -rc1 to -dev
+  * New pre-release: v4.7.0-rc1
+  * [CI:DOCS] Update release notes for v4.7.0-rc1
+  * Cirrus: Update operating branch
+  * Move podman build opts to common file
+  * Add ability for machine rm -f for WSL
+  * Plumbing to run machine tests with hyperv
+  * CI: trace setup and runner scripts
+  * Bump to Buildah v1.32.0
+  * [CI:DOCS] bump release notes on main with the latest release
+  * fix(deps): update module
+    to v1.1.0-rc5
+  * Add --filter pod= autocompletion
+  * e2e: ExitCleanly(): manual test fixes
+  * e2e: continuing ExitCleanly(): just the replacements
+  * Fix some spelling and formatting
+  * Add support for Ulimit in quadlet
+  * Run codespell on code
+  * wire in new buildah build options
+  * make golangci-lint happy
+  * add !remote tag to pkg/specgen/generate
+  * pkg/specgen: do not depend on libimage for remote
+  * bump buildah to latest
+  * [CI:DOCS] migrate to container unit
+  * fix(deps): update module to v1.28.2
+  * Add support for PidsLimit in quadlet
+  * Add DNS fields to Container and Network unit groups
+  * [CI:DOCS] update API docs version list
+  * Try to fix broken CI (gvisor-something)
+  * e2e: more ExitCleanly(): manual test fixes
+  * e2e: more ExitCleanly(): dumb string replacements
+  * e2e: create_test: use ExitCleanly()
+  * e2e: diff_test: use ExitCleanly()
+  * The `podman init` command cannot modify containers.
+  * bump c/common to latest main
+  * Podmansh: use podmansh_timeout
+  * e2e: more ExitCleanly(): low-hanging fruit
+  * vendor: update checkpointctl to v1.1.0
+  * kube: add DaemonSet support for generate
+  * vendor of containers/(common, storage, image)
+  * libpod: move oom_score_adj clamp to init
+  * e2e: commit_test: use ExitCleanly()
+  * e2e: container_clone_test.go: use ExitCleanly()
+  * e2e: use ExitCleanly() in cleanup_test.go
+  * Ensure HC events fire after logs are written
+  * [CI:DOCS] podman-systemd.unit: fix equivalents
+  * Add support for kube TerminationGracePeriodSeconds
+  * Update
+  * Split up alt binaries to speed up build
+  * Switch installer task to EC2
+  * pod: fix duplicate volumes from containers.conf
+  * tests: add test for pod cgroups
+  * libpod: create the cgroup pod before containers
+  * cmd, specgen: allow cgroup resources without --infra
+  * specgen: allow --share-parent with --infra=false
+  * libpod: allow cgroup path without infra container
+  * libpod: check if cgroup exists before creating it
+  * libpod: refactor platformMakePod signature
+  * libpod: destroy pod cgroup on pod stop
+  * utils: export MoveUnderCgroup
+  * libpod: refactor code to new function
+  * e2e: use ExitCleanly() in checkpoint tests
+  * [CI:DOCS]Remove use of --latest|-l from tutorial
+  * CI test runner: upgrade tests rely on system tests
+  * run --rmi: "cannot remove" is a warning, not an error
+  * StopContainer: display signal num when name unknown
+  * URGENT: fix broken CI
+  * Add support for kube  securityContext\.procMount
+  * podman: don't restart after kill
+  * Tmpfs should not be mounted noexec
+  * sys tests: run_podman: check for unwanted warnings/errors
+  * chore(deps): update dependency setuptools to ~=68.2.0
+  * e2e: use ExitCleanly() in attach & build tests
+  * Some distros do not default to for shortname searches
+  * security: accept empty capabilities list
+  * systests: random_free_port: fix EADDRINUSE flake
+  * fix(deps): update module
+    to v0.2.4
+  * Restrict fcos_test to amd64, arm64
+  * fix(deps): update digest to
+    56fb235
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v24.0.6+incompatible
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.13.0
+  * Ignore spurious container-removal errors
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.15.0
+  * systests: manifest zstd test: lots of tiny cleanups
+  * vendor: update to main
+  * [skip-ci] Update actions/checkout action to v4
+  * linux, rootless: clamp oom_score_adj if it is too low
+  * machine: increase max number of inotify instances
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.12.0
+  * Remove redundant nil checks in system connection remove
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.13.0
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.12.0
+  * fix(deps): update digest to 2bf7930
+  * docs(readme): fix a broken link
+  * [CI:BUILD] Podman FCOS image from main
+  * Update digest to d852ddb
+  * Add port forwarding and gvproxy machine test
+  * libpod: do not parse --hostuser in base 8
+  * fix: default typo
+  * Add Japanese locale and translation of index
+  * remove
+  * Tweaks and cleanups to prepare hyperv for CI
+  * system tests: housekeeping: various small fixes
+  * CI: e2e: first use of new ExitCleanly() matcher
+  * CI: e2e: new ginkgo matcher, ExitCleanly()
+  * CI: e2e: fetch the standard system-test image
+  * kube play: fix pull policy
+  * Fix gidmap command in example
+  * vendor containers/common@12405381ff45
+  * manifest,push: support add_compression from containers.conf
+  * hyperv ignition: use gvforwarder instead of vm
+  * Set remote username earlier for hyperv
+  * Added an additional troubleshooting problem and solution
+  * Remove a dependency on libimage from pkg/bindings
+  * Rename parameter in pkg/bindings
+  * Remove a dependency on libimage from pkg/api/handlers
+  * Don't re-inspect an image
+  * Cirrus: Remove multi-arch podman image builds
+  * uid/gid mapping flags
+  * [DOC] Clarify default behaviour on uidmap
+  * Update containers/common to latest
+  * update libhvee
+  * /_ping handler: return OSType http header
+  * e2e: fix race condition (kube play + logs)
+  * Update module to v8.6.0
+  * Kube - support List documents
+  * kube down/play --replace: handle absent objects
+  * push, manifest-push: --force-compression must be true with
+  - -compression-format
+  * oci: print stderr only after checking state
+  * Updated docs to reflect pod spec sysctls support added in v4.6
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: Disable unexpected journal message check for
+    cockpit-podman
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: Restrict cockpit tests to recent Fedoras
+  * Update machine init/set tests
+  * Add rootful status to machine inspect
+  * Dedup and refactor image acquisition
+  * Share podman sock bindings with other WSL distros
+  * Fix user-mode validation check
+  * system tests: try to fix sdnotify flakes
+  * Cirrus: Disable only hello multiarch build
+  * Set StopTimeout for service-container started under podman kube
+    play
+  * Set StopTimeout for compat API if not set by client
+  * podman exec should set umask to match container
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: run cockpit-podman tests in PRs
+  * Add infra-name annotations to kube gen/play
+  * kube: notifyproxy: close once
+  * system service: unset NOTIFY_SOCKET
+  * Update module to v1.28.1
+  * API attach: return vnd.docker.multiplexed-stream header
+  * test/apiv2/ use ``
+  * e2e tests: use registry:2.8.2 (was 2.8)
+  * create apiutils package
+  * api docs: document stream format
+  * Revert "Remove `hello` multi-arch image build"
+  * manifest-push: add support for --force-compression
+  * push: add support for --force-compression
+  * Update module to v2.12.0
+  * Remove `hello` multi-arch image build
+  * hack/perf/ add `df` benchmarks
+  * Expand env variables for cmds/entrypoint with format $(ENV)
+  * vendor c/storage@6902c2d
+  * Ignore the resource limits on cgroups V1 rootless systems
+  * Fixups for stopping gvproxy
+  * Revert "GHA: Closed issue/PR comment-lock test"
+  * GHA: Closed issue/PR comment-lock test
+  * GHA: Add workflow to lock closed issues/PRs
+  * [CI:DOCS] update auto-update docs
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230816
+  * fix(deps): update module to v1.3.1
+  * libpod: sum per-interface network stats for FreeBSD
+  * Set default Umask for `podman kube play`
+  * [CI:BUILD] rpm: spdx compatible license field
+  * chore(deps): update dependency golangci/golangci-lint to
+    v1.54.2
+  * Implement automatic port reassignment on Windows
+  * Add support for ramfs as well as tmpfs in volume mounts
+  * Validate current generation of WSL2 with user-mode-networking
+  * use container restart policy if user specifies one
+  * Stop gvproxy on hyperv machine stop
+  * [CI:BUILD] rpm: depend on man-db
+  * Update machine list test
+  * Update machine start tests
+  * Update machine rm tests
+  * libpod: improve conmon error handling
+  * cirrus setup: install en_US.UTF-8 locale
+  * fixup "podman logs with non ASCII log tag" tests
+  * libpod: use /var/run instead of /run on FreeBSD
+  * cirrus/ extend env to passthrough at start for locale
+    work
+  * libpod: correctly pass env so alternative locales work
+  * cgroups_linux: use SessionBusPrivateNoAutoStartup
+  * podmansh man page UID=$(id -u lockedu) is not allowed
+  * CI: systests: remove pasta ICMP tests
+  * Fix formatting of exit code 127, clarify wording
+    of `exit code` example.
+  * document available secret drivers
+  * pkg/specgen: add support for read-only root on FreeBSD
+  * add --module flag
+  * Update dependency setuptools to ~=68.1.0
+  * Add riscv64 architecture to the cross build target
+  * GetFcosArch add `riscv64` arch
+  * Update WSL backend to be compat with FCOS defaults
+  * enabled hyperv image downloads
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v1.1.8
+  * [CI:DOCS] Fix git build example in build page
+  * CI: e2e manifest_test: use image from quay
+  * Cirrus: Remove EC2 experimental flag
+  * sphinx: skip options include dir
+  * Update Fix formatting and wording of idmap option
+  * fix: Docker API compatible bool deserialization
+  * Revert "compat,build: pull must accept string"
+  * Add missing verb in machinectl example
+  * [CI:DOCS] Update Release Notes and Release Process
+  * chore(deps): update dependency golangci/golangci-lint to
+    v1.54.1
+  * fix podman top missing output flake
+  * New partial-line test is flaking
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: add back fedora-eln targets
+  * Cirrus: Prune defunct job + fix noop alias
+  * Bump bundled gvproxy to 0.7.0
+  * systests: tests for --env and --env-file
+  * Update system connection add & remove
+  * Add tests for podman farm
+  * Add podman farm update command
+  * Add podman farm remove command
+  * Add podman farm list command
+  * Add podman farm create command
+  * Add podman farm subcommand
+  * CI: e2e: add delay before podman logs or journalctl
+  * Add completion for Farms
+  * Vendor c/common changes
+  * chore(deps): update dependency golangci/golangci-lint to
+    v1.54.0
+  * file logger: fix podman logs --tail with partial lines
+  * fix(env): parsing --env incorrect in cli
+  * Update Docker tag to v1.21
+  * podman stop --cidfile missing --ignore
+  * Skip podman exec cannot be invoked on Debian
+  * Re-enable checkpoint test on Debian SID
+  * Require a non-generic reason for non-Fedora skip
+  * CI FIXME removal/update.
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20230807
+  * [skip-ci] Update dawidd6/action-send-mail action to v3.8.0
+  * [CI:DOCS] fixed couple typos in build docs
+  * Stop timer in function waitPidStop
+  * packit: Build PRs into default packit COPRs
+  * Add support for host-gateway
+  * Ensure volumes-from mounts override image volumes
+  * Minor: Include shasums in GHA workflow artifacts
+  * Minor: Add important comment to windows GHA workflow
+  * Minor: Update/fix dry-run input descriptions
+  * [CI:DOCS] Quadlet - provide more information about network
+    files
+  * man-page xref: check for duplicate entries
+  * cp: close temporary file on error path
+  * Makefile: work around the lack of 'man -l' on FreeBSD
+  * Update module to v0.14.0
+  * libpod: fix a crash in 'kube generate' on FreeBSD
+  * remove temporary files when copy [NO NEW TESTS NEEDED]
+  * Update module to v0.11.0
+  * [ci] Remove the podman socket in remove_packaged_podman_files()
+  * [ci] Correct the podman systemd file names
+  * Always show RemoteSocket.Exists in json
+  * Fail if ssh key exists
+  * Fix regression for hyperv
+  * [CI:BUILD] Makefile: rpm target generates correct version
+  * Fix nits in #19480
+  * Add support for passing container stop timeout as -1 (infinite)
+  * pkg/specgen: Add device support for FreeBSD
+  * [CI:DOCS] man: remove duplicate entry .LastUp
+  * CI: e2e: remove useless test
+  * Check tty flag to set default terminal in Env
+  * Run codespell on code
+  * Deprecate podman generate systemd
+  * manifest/push: add support for --add-compression
+  * [CI:DOCS]Update Release Notes
+  * CI: sys: quadlet %T test: do not rely on journal
+  * GHA: Support testing build/sign workflows
+  * Remove unnecessary backslashes
+  * [docs] Use code blocks for commands in podman-completion
+  * Make podman run --rmi automatically set --rm
+  * machine: QEMU: recover from failed start
+  * vendor: bump c/image to v5.26.1-0.20230801083106-fcf7f0e1712a
+  * secret: add support for `--ignore` with rm
+  * Move `writeConfig` logic to shared function
+  * Move some logic of `setRootful` to a common file
+  * move `removeFilesAndConnections` to a common file
+  * Move `waitAPIAndPrintInfo` to common file
+  * Move `addSSHConnectionsToPodmanSocket` code to shared file
+  * Update module to v0.13.0
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230726
+  * Skip pasta local forwarder test on debian SID
+  * Skip broken/flaky blkio-weight test
+  * Skip tarball re-inport test in rawhide for CI
+  * Cleanup CIDFile on podman-remote run --rm command
+  * CI: e2e: remove workaround for missing login file
+  * vendor: bump c/image and c/common
+  * Add support for confined users
+  * Cirrus: Temp. disable rawhide validation task
+  * Limit git-validation to 'short-subject'
+  * Fix up man page and add test on globs
+  * Move alternate image acquisition to separate function
+  * Move `getDevNullFiles` into a common file
+  * Update digest to 2e3d018
+  * Convert QEMU functions to methods with documentation
+  * Update docs/source/markdown/
+  * do not redefine gobuild for eln
+  * Set default userns from containers.conf file
+  * Mention TimeoutStartSec in quadlet man page
+  * inspect with network=none show SandboxKey netns path
+  * [CI:DOCS] GHA: Use stable go for Mac/Win builds
+  * Breakup AppleHV machine funcs
+  * Codespell fixups
+  * Update docs/source/markdown/
+  * CI: e2e: reenable containerized checkpoint tests
+  * docs(env-file): improve document description
+  * Don't log EOF error when using podman --remote build with an
+    empty context directory.
+  * API: kill: return 409 on invalid state
+  * feat(env): support multiline in env-file
+  * Adds documentation to new functions that were added
+  * `startHostNetworking`: get DevNull files
+  * `Remove`: remove network and ready sockets from registry
+  * `Remove`: remove files and connections
+  * `Remove`: collect files to destroy
+  * `Init`: read and split ign file
+  * `Init`: write ign config
+  * `Init`: add network and registry socks to registry
+  * `Init`: add SSH conns to podman sock
+  * Improve the description of fields in podman-stats man page
+  * make /dev & /dev/shm read/only when --read-only
+  - -read-only-tmpfs=false
+  * Mention no comment lines in podman-build man
+    page
+  * [CI:BUILD] RPM: define gobuild macro for rhel/centos stream
+  * Fix HyperV loadMachineFromJSON function name
+  * machine: QEMU: lock VM on stop/rm/set
+  * libpod: add 'pod top' support on FreeBSD
+  * [CI:DOCS] Build and Sign Mac Pkginstaller
+  * Make sure users changes --authfile before checking
+  * github: add issue type as link to podman github discussions
+  * Break QEMU `config.go` code into its own functions
+  * machine: QEMU: lock VM on start
+  * libpod: fix 'podman kube generate' on FreeBSD
+  * Add glob support to podman run/create --mount
+  * kube: add DaemonSet support
+  * Fix artifacts script after removal of msitools msi build
+  * System tests: quadlet: fix race in %T test
+  * If quadlets have same name, only use first
+  * Add support for mounts listed in containers.conf
+  * Update vendor of containers/common
+  * System tests: add test tags
+  * [CI:DOCS] increase socat timeout
+  * go-md2man: use vendored-in version, not system
+  * CI: use different TMPDIR on prior-fedora
+  * system tests: authfile-exists: minor cleanup
+  * start(): don't defer event
+  * Fix: use --all in podman stats to get all containers stats
+  * Verify authfile exists if user specifies it
+  * libpod: don't generate errors for createTimer etc.
+  * add "healthy" sdnotify policy
+  * Remove LICENSE and general doc files that are installed by the
+    main package
+  * Add missing `
+  * Remove legacy msitools based msi installer
+  * Remove any quotes around distribution id
+  * add a podman-compose command
+  * pkg/specgen: Don't crash for device spec with...
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v24.0.5+incompatible
+  * Update vendor of containers/(storage,image)
+  * Clean up /var/tmp/ when using oci-archives when creating
+    containers
+  * [CI:BUILD] RPM: separate out gvproxy for copr and rawhide
+  * Reduce qemu machine function sizes
+  * [CI:DOCS] migrate to quadlet
+  * [CI:DOCS] Update kube play volume support
+  * Fix language, typos and markdown layout
+  * [CI:DOCS] Add note about QUADLET_UNIT_DIRS to simplify quadlet
+    debug
+  * Add note on debugging quadlet unit files
+  * Remove unnecessary use of the word "please".
+  * libpod: fix FreeBSD 'podman-remote top' default behaviour
+  * fix(deps): update module to v1.27.9
+  * Add support for ShmSize to quadlet
+  * Quadlet system test - force journald log driver for short lived
+    containers
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v0.4.0
+  * quadlet recursively scan for unit files
+  * Ensure that we appropriately warn that TCP is insecure
+  * systests: quadlet: fixes for RHEL8
+  * Quadlet - Allow setting Service WorkingDirectory for Kube units
+  * Quadlet system test - do not rely on journalctl in kube file
+    tests
+  * Fix markdown in docs for podman-network-create
+  * Man pages: check for corrupt tables
+  * quadlet systest: fix broken tmpdir references
+  * Add `since` as valid filter option for `volume` subcommands
+  * Podmansh: Better error, increase timeout to 30s
+  * Fix multiple filter options logic for `podman volume ls `
+  * Add bash-completion for podman inspect
+  * Fix windows installer
+  * Add missing reserved annotation support to `play`
+  * Avoid progress hang with empty files
+  * Revert the usage of `home.GetConfigHome()`
+  * Fix bug report issue template README link
+  * Replace error check for non-existent file
+  * Emergency gating-test fixes for RHEL8
+  * Add progress bar for decompress image
+  * refactor: move progressbar to a function
+  * Use pkg/homedir to get the home config directory
+  * fix(deps): update module to v8.5.2
+  * Should be checking tmpfs versus type not source
+  * fix(deps): update module to v8.5.1
+  * Enabled arm64 arch for podman applehv provider
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: remove pre-sync action
+  * Add `--podman-only` flag to `podman generate kube`
+  * Update vendor containers/(common, buildah, image, storage)
+  * Use constants for mount types
+  * libpod: use define.TypeBind when resolving container paths
+  * Tests: remove/update obsolete skips
+  * Fix trust not using local policy file
+  * Fix `podman container prune` docs for `--filter`
+  * Add more tests for liveness probes with default hostname &
+    named ports
+  * docs: podman-build --network add slirp and pasta
+  * docs: podman run --network mention comma separted names
+  * Podman machine AppleHV pass number 3
+  * Makefile: `package` -> `rpm`
+  * network create: document --internal better
+  * pkg/specgen: fix support for --rootfs on FreeBSD
+  * machine start: qemu: wait for SSH readiness
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: downstream task action fix
+  * Fix container errors not being sent via pod removal API
+  * Add missing return after utils.InternalServerError()
+  * Update cmd/podman/login.go
+  * [CI:DOCS] Reformat and reorder table with --userns options
+  * Add secret support to podman login
+  * netavark: macvlan networks keep custom nameservers
+  * remote: fix podman-remote play kube --userns
+  * fix(deps): update container-device-interface to v0.6.0
+  * go mod: no longer use 1.18
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v0.3.0
+  * chore(deps): update module to v1.9.1
+    [security]
+  * Run codespell on code
+  * system service: unset listen fds on tcp
+  * add hostname to network alias
+  * libpod: set cid network alias in setupContainer()
+  * AppleHV enablement pass #2
+  * e2e: Fetch the correct user name
+  * Add `--no-trunc` flag to maintain original annotation length
+  * Fix TCP probes when the optional host field is not given
+  * Add support for using port names in Kubernetes health probes
+  * Fix: cgroup is not set: internal libpod error after os reboot
+  * Allow setting volume and network names in Quadlet
+  * pasta tests: automatically determine test parameters
+  * test/e2e: wait for socket
+  * manifest inspect: support authentication
+  * api: fix slow version endpoint
+  * libpod: don't make a broken symlink for /etc/mtab on FreeBSD
+  * CI: remove build without cgo task
+  * libpod: use io.Writer vs io.WriteCloser for attach streams
+  * top: do not depend on ps(1) in container
+  * make --syslog errors non fatal
+  * api: fix doc for default ps_args
+  * Fixes typo in the path where quadlet looks for files
+  * Add --replace flag to podman secret create
+  * [CI:DOCS] uidmap man pages: fix corrupt italics
+  * [skip-ci] Update github/issue-labeler action to v3.2
+  * [CI:DOCS] document systemd usage
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v24.0.4+incompatible
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v24.0.3+incompatible
+  * Use bytes size consistently instead of human size
+  * bugfix: do not try to parse empty ranges
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: fix pre-sync action for downstream tasks
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.11.0
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.12.0
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.10.0
+  * e2e: fix two toolbox flakes
+  * test/e2e: use GinkgoT().TempDir() over MkdirTemp()
+  * test/e2e: use random ImageCacheDir
+  * test/e2e: remove RHEL7 workaround
+  * test/e2e: remove unnecessary code in SynchronizedAfterSuite
+  * test/e2e: do not use /tmp for podman commands
+  * test/tools: vendor ginkgo v2.11
+  * test/e2e: write timings directly to file
+  * machine start: qemu: adjust backoffs
+  * auto update: fix usage of --authfile
+  * system tests: refactor registry code
+  * fix(deps): update module to v0.11.0
+  * pkg/specgen: properly identify image OS on FreeBSD
+  * libpod: use new libcontainer BlockIO constructors
+  * [CI:BUILD] Minor: Don't confuse osx-debugging
+  * [CI:DOCS] Better document the default value of --userns
+  * Cirrus: build FreeBSD binaries in a VM
+  * Makefile: add support for building freebsd release tarballs
+  * [CI:DOCS] uidmap man pages: fix corrupt tables
+  * fix(deps): update digest to c9a4b08
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v1.31.0
+  * fix(deps): update module
+    to v1.1.0-rc4
+  * Use /proc/self/gid_map as intended, not uid_map
+  * fix(command): ignore `--format` in `podman search --list-tags`
+  * podman machine start: fix ready service
+  * Makefile: don't rely on the non-standard -r flag for ln
+  * pasta: Create /etc/hosts entries for pods using pasta
+    networking
+  * fix(deps): update module to
+    v0.2.0
+  * pasta tests: add sanity check for test name vs function
+  * pasta tests: cleanup + 1 new test
+  * cmd/podman, pkg/domain/infra: sockets should live in /var/run
+    on FreeBSD
+  * cmd/podman/system: add API server support on FreeBSD
+  * [CI:DOCS] Document support of pod security context IDs
+  * rootless: use default_rootless_network_cmd config
+  * Revert^3 "pasta: Use two connections instead of three in TCP
+    range forward tests"
+  * pasta: Workaround occasional socat failures in CI
+  * pasta: Remove some leftover code from pasta bats tests
+  * Bump c/image to v5.26.0, c/common 0.54.0
+  * fix(deps): update module
+    to v0.4.3
+  * Display secret to user in inpspect
+  * [CI:BUILD] RPM: Fix koji and ELN issues
+  * e2e: systemd test: major fixes
+  * pkg/specgen: add support for 'podman run --init' on FreeBSD
+  * Bump version after v4.6 branch cut
+  * Remove 'inspecting object' from inspect errors
+  * pasta: Fix pasta tests to work on hosts with multiple
+    interfaces
+  * [CI:DOCS] fix command incorrect in windows
+  * Fix readonly=false failure
+  * pkg/specgen: Add support for Linux emulation on FreeBSD
+  * Fix up podmansh man page
+  * Make Podman/Buildah use same DecryptConfig/EncryptConfig funcs
+  * Fixes for vendoring Buildah
+  * vendor in latest buildah
+  * tests: fix "Storing signatures" check
+  * update c/image and c/storage to latest
+  * Kube quadlets can support autoupdate as well as containers
+  * debug tail 800 lines flake
+  * Pass in correct cwd value for hooks exe
+  * specgen: honor --device-cgroup-rule with a new user namespace
+  * specgen, rootless: raise error with --device-cgroup-rule
+  * make image listing more resilient
+  * Update module to v1.31.0
+  * Trim whitespace from unit files while parsing
+  * Re-organize hypervisor implementations
+  * play.go: remove volumes on down -f
+- Update to version 4.6.2:
+  * Bump to v4.6.2
+  * Release notes for v4.6.2
+  * Packit: Disable unexpected journal message check for cockpit-podman
+  * Packit: Restrict cockpit tests to recent Fedoras
+  * Packit: run cockpit-podman tests in PRs
+  * rpm: spdx compatible license field
+  * vendor c/storage@v1.48.1
+  * rpm: depend on man-db
+  * use container restart policy if user specifies one
+  * podmansh man page UID=$(id -u lockedu) is not allowed
+  * packit: Build PRs into default packit COPRs
+  * Skip tests that fail in gating
+  * fix: pull parma parsing for the /build compat ep
+  * [CI:DOCS] Update Release Notes
+  * Bumpt to v4.6.2-dev
+- Interlock version and release of all noarch packages except for
+  the postgresql-docs.
+- Bump default to 16 on Factory.
+- Bump major version to prepare for PostgreSQL 16, but keep
+  default at 15 for now on Factory.
+- boo#1122892: Add a sysconfig variable for initdb.
+- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary
+  package to the noarch wrapper package.
+- bsc#1179231: Add an explanation for the /tmp -> /run/postgresql
+  move and permission change.
+- Add postgresql-README as a separate source file.
+- bsc#1209208: Drop hard dependency on systemd
+- bsc#1206796: Refine the distinction of where to use sysusers and
+  use bcond to have the expression only in one place.
+- Update to 12.17:
+  * bsc#1216962, CVE-2023-5868: Fix handling of unknown-type
+    arguments in DISTINCT "any" aggregate functions. This error led
+    to a text-type value being interpreted as an unknown-type value
+    (that is, a zero-terminated string) at runtime. This could
+    result in disclosure of server memory following the text value.
+  * bsc#1216961, CVE-2023-5869: Detect integer overflow while
+    computing new array dimensions. When assigning new elements to
+    array subscripts that are outside the current array bounds, an
+    undetected integer overflow could occur in edge cases. Memory
+    stomps that are potentially exploitable for arbitrary code
+    execution are possible, and so is disclosure of server memory.
+  * bsc#1216960, CVE-2023-5870: Prevent the pg_signal_backend role
+    from signalling background workers and autovacuum processes.
+    The documentation says that pg_signal_backend cannot issue
+    signals to superuser-owned processes. It was able to signal
+    these background  processes, though, because they advertise a
+    role OID of zero. Treat that as indicating superuser ownership.
+    The security implications of cancelling one of these process
+    types are fairly small so far as the core code goes (we'll just
+    start another one), but extensions might add background workers
+    that are more vulnerable.
+    Also ensure that the is_superuser parameter is set correctly in
+    such processes. No specific security consequences are known for
+    that oversight, but it might be significant for some extensions.
+  * Add support for LLVM 16 and 17
+  *
+- boo#1216734: Revert the last change and make the devel package
+  independend of all other subpackages except for the libs.
+- boo#1216022: Call install-alternatives from the devel subpackage
+  as well, otherwise the symlink for ecpg might be missing.
+- Also buildignore the postgresql*-implementation symbols: this is
+  needed in order to bootstrap when no postgresql version currently
+  has valid symbols provided. Once the packages are built, OBS
+  could translate this to the pgname-* packages and accept the
+  ignores; during bootstrap though, there is nothing providing the
+  symbol and the existing buildignores do not suffice.
+- Restore the independence of mini builds from the main build after
+  the -mini name change from April 4, 2023.
+- Adjust icu handling to prepare for PostgreSQL 16.
+- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary
+  package to the noarch wrapper package.
+- Change the unix domain socket location from /var/run to /run.
+  *
+- Update to 13.13:
+  * bsc#1216962, CVE-2023-5868: Fix handling of unknown-type
+    arguments in DISTINCT "any" aggregate functions. This error led
+    to a text-type value being interpreted as an unknown-type value
+    (that is, a zero-terminated string) at runtime. This could
+    result in disclosure of server memory following the text value.
+  * bsc#1216961, CVE-2023-5869: Detect integer overflow while
+    computing new array dimensions. When assigning new elements to
+    array subscripts that are outside the current array bounds, an
+    undetected integer overflow could occur in edge cases. Memory
+    stomps that are potentially exploitable for arbitrary code
+    execution are possible, and so is disclosure of server memory.
+  * bsc#1216960, CVE-2023-5870: Prevent the pg_signal_backend role
+    from signalling background workers and autovacuum processes.
+    The documentation says that pg_signal_backend cannot issue
+    signals to superuser-owned processes. It was able to signal
+    these background  processes, though, because they advertise a
+    role OID of zero. Treat that as indicating superuser ownership.
+    The security implications of cancelling one of these process
+    types are fairly small so far as the core code goes (we'll just
+    start another one), but extensions might add background workers
+    that are more vulnerable.
+    Also ensure that the is_superuser parameter is set correctly in
+    such processes. No specific security consequences are known for
+    that oversight, but it might be significant for some extensions.
+  * Add support for LLVM 16 and 17
+  *
+- boo#1216734: Revert the last change and make the devel package
+  independend of all other subpackages except for the libs.
+- boo#1216022: Call install-alternatives from the devel subpackage
+  as well, otherwise the symlink for ecpg might be missing.
+- Also buildignore the postgresql*-implementation symbols: this is
+  needed in order to bootstrap when no postgresql version currently
+  has valid symbols provided. Once the packages are built, OBS
+  could translate this to the pgname-* packages and accept the
+  ignores; during bootstrap though, there is nothing providing the
+  symbol and the existing buildignores do not suffice.
+- Restore the independence of mini builds from the main build after
+  the -mini name change from April 4, 2023.
+- Adjust icu handling to prepare for PostgreSQL 16.
+- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary
+  package to the noarch wrapper package.
+- Change the unix domain socket location from /var/run to /run.
+  *
+- Update to 14.10:
+  * bsc#1216962, CVE-2023-5868: Fix handling of unknown-type
+    arguments in DISTINCT "any" aggregate functions. This error led
+    to a text-type value being interpreted as an unknown-type value
+    (that is, a zero-terminated string) at runtime. This could
+    result in disclosure of server memory following the text value.
+  * bsc#1216961, CVE-2023-5869: Detect integer overflow while
+    computing new array dimensions. When assigning new elements to
+    array subscripts that are outside the current array bounds, an
+    undetected integer overflow could occur in edge cases. Memory
+    stomps that are potentially exploitable for arbitrary code
+    execution are possible, and so is disclosure of server memory.
+  * bsc#1216960, CVE-2023-5870: Prevent the pg_signal_backend role
+    from signalling background workers and autovacuum processes.
+    The documentation says that pg_signal_backend cannot issue
+    signals to superuser-owned processes. It was able to signal
+    these background  processes, though, because they advertise a
+    role OID of zero. Treat that as indicating superuser ownership.
+    The security implications of cancelling one of these process
+    types are fairly small so far as the core code goes (we'll just
+    start another one), but extensions might add background workers
+    that are more vulnerable.
+    Also ensure that the is_superuser parameter is set correctly in
+    such processes. No specific security consequences are known for
+    that oversight, but it might be significant for some extensions.
+  * Add support for LLVM 16 and 17
+  *
+- boo#1216734: Revert the last change and make the devel package
+  independend of all other subpackages except for the libs.
+- boo#1216022: Call install-alternatives from the devel subpackage
+  as well, otherwise the symlink for ecpg might be missing.
+- Also buildignore the postgresql*-implementation symbols: this is
+  needed in order to bootstrap when no postgresql version currently
+  has valid symbols provided. Once the packages are built, OBS
+  could translate this to the pgname-* packages and accept the
+  ignores; during bootstrap though, there is nothing providing the
+  symbol and the existing buildignores do not suffice.
+- Restore the independence of mini builds from the main build after
+  the -mini name change from April 4, 2023.
+- Adjust icu handling to prepare for PostgreSQL 16.
+- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary
+  package to the noarch wrapper package.
+- Change the unix domain socket location from /var/run to /run.
+  *
+- Upgrade to 15.5:
+  * bsc#1216962, CVE-2023-5868: Fix handling of unknown-type
+    arguments in DISTINCT "any" aggregate functions. This error led
+    to a text-type value being interpreted as an unknown-type value
+    (that is, a zero-terminated string) at runtime. This could
+    result in disclosure of server memory following the text value.
+  * bsc#1216961, CVE-2023-5869: Detect integer overflow while
+    computing new array dimensions. When assigning new elements to
+    array subscripts that are outside the current array bounds, an
+    undetected integer overflow could occur in edge cases. Memory
+    stomps that are potentially exploitable for arbitrary code
+    execution are possible, and so is disclosure of server memory.
+  * bsc#1216960, CVE-2023-5870: Prevent the pg_signal_backend role
+    from signalling background workers and autovacuum processes.
+    The documentation says that pg_signal_backend cannot issue
+    signals to superuser-owned processes. It was able to signal
+    these background  processes, though, because they advertise a
+    role OID of zero. Treat that as indicating superuser ownership.
+    The security implications of cancelling one of these process
+    types are fairly small so far as the core code goes (we'll just
+    start another one), but extensions might add background workers
+    that are more vulnerable.
+    Also ensure that the is_superuser parameter is set correctly in
+    such processes. No specific security consequences are known for
+    that oversight, but it might be significant for some extensions.
+  * Add support for LLVM 16 and 17
+  *
+- boo#1216734: Revert the last change and make the devel package
+  independend of all other subpackages except for the libs.
+- boo#1216022: Call install-alternatives from the devel subpackage
+  as well, otherwise the symlink for ecpg might be missing.
+- Also buildignore the postgresql*-implementation symbols: this is
+  needed in order to bootstrap when no postgresql version currently
+  has valid symbols provided. Once the packages are built, OBS
+  could translate this to the pgname-* packages and accept the
+  ignores; during bootstrap though, there is nothing providing the
+  symbol and the existing buildignores do not suffice.
+- The libs and mini package are now provided by postgresql16.
+- Restore the independence of mini builds from the main build after
+  the -mini name change from April 4, 2023.
+- Adjust icu handling to prepare for PostgreSQL 16.
+- Overhaul postgresql-README.SUSE and move it from the binary
+  package to the noarch wrapper package.
+- Change the unix domain socket location from /var/run to /run.
+  *
+- Align licenses with results from legaldb scan
+  * newly added CC-BY-4.0 since the last review
+- ppsspp 1.16.6:
+  * New JIT compilers and vrnd instruction support
+  * Support for RetroAchievements
+  * Fixes for bugs, crashes, performance issues and UI issues
+  * Compatibility fixes for a number of games
+- ppsspp 1.15.4
+  * Fixes to tilt controls, performance improvements, various crash
+    or lock issues, problems with some controllers, textures
+  * Fixes for games DJ Max, WWE 2009, Rockman 2 (audio)
+  * Stutter caused by shader compilation has been reduced drastically
+  * Texture replacement improvements
+  * VR features: Top down camera, Head rotation control, more
+    stereo support
+- drop ppsspp-1.14.4-gcc13.patch now upstream
+- Address GCC13 build failures, add ppsspp-1.14.4-gcc13.patch
+- Convert spec file construct to patch,
+  add ppsspp-1.14.4-system-png.patch
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove not needed requirement python-setuptools
+- Remove test on python2 since it only works with python3
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro, do not use test
+- Drop broken %ifpython3 macro
+- Don't use %python3_only command, but properly use alternatives.
+- Fix build without python2
+- Update to 0.9.1:
+  * Require newer future package
+  * minor fixes
+- version update to 0.9.0
+  * The CommonMark spec has been updated to 0.29.
+- Update to 0.8.1:
+  * Added the Node.normalize() method. (from @lez)
+  * Renamed package name to commonmark for PEP8 compliance. You can now do import commonmark as well as import CommonMark. Closes #60
+  * Added testing on Python 3.7.
+  * Removed CommonMark symlink. So, as of this version, you need to replace all instances of CommonMark with commonmark in your code.
+- Remove the not-needed subpackages
+- Run the tests
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.11.0:
+  * Added Cycler.by_key, which produces values by key (#26)
+  * Added Cycler.__contains__, which adds support for in checks (#34)
+  * Wheels now includes the LICENSE file (#48)
+  * The sdist now includes the LICENSE (#58) and tests (#32)
+  * Cycler no longer supports Python 2. Supported versions of Python are 3.6 and above.
+- enable tests
+- Format with spec-cleaner
+- Install license file
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Add Fixed-31850-Fixed-BasicExtractorTests.test_extractio.patch to
+  fix tests with with xgettext 0.21+
+  bsc#1217254
+- Clean up Python 2 leftovers.
+- Switch to pyproject macros.
+- Drop BuildRequires on setuptools_scm_git_archive
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 2.0.1
+  * Add support for 3.10
+  * use Pytest instead of Nose and Github Actions instead of Travis
+    for tests
+  * Documentation updates
+  * Note this will be the last version to support Python 2.7. The
+    next version will be 2.1 to signal this change. If you want to
+    keep support for Python 2.7 update your dependencies spec to be
+    below 2.1
+- Release 2.0.0
+  * FormEncode can now run on Python 3.6 and higher without needing
+    to run 2to3 first.
+  * FormEncode 2.0 is no longer compatible with Python 2.6 and 3.2
+    to 3.5. If you need Python 2.6 or 3.2 to 3.5 compatibility
+    please use FormEncode 1.3. You might also try FormEncode
+    2.0.0a1 which supports Python 2.6 and Python 3.3-3.5.
+  * This will be the last major version to support Python 2.7
+  * Add strict flag to USPostalCode to raise error on postal codes
+    that has too many digits instead of just truncating
+  * Various Python 3 fixes
+  * Serbian latin translation
+  * Changed License to MIT
+  * Dutch, UK, Greek and South Korean postal code format fixes
+  * Add postal code formats for Switzerland, Cyprus, Faroe Islands,
+    San Marino, Ukraine and Vatican City.
+  * Add ISODateTimeConverter validator
+  * Add ability to target htmlfill to particular form or ignore a
+    form
+  * Fix format errors in some translations
+  * The version of the library can be checked using
+    formencode.__version__
+- Drop patches
+  * new-pycountry.patch
+  * python-FormEncode-remove-nose.patch
+  * remove-online-tests.patch
+  * six.patch
+- Find lang files
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
-- somebody updated this package to 1.2.6 (not me)
-- added missing pieces in order to generate sphinx documentation
-- create documentation in separate -doc package
-- fix various wrong line endings
+- Add CVE-2023-44271.patch to fix uncontrolled resource consumption
+  when textlength in an ImageDraw instance operates on a long text
+  argument
+  bsc#1216894, CVE-2023-44271
-- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
-- Drop CVE-2022-29217-non-blocked-pubkeys.patch since the issue
-  was fixed upstream in version 2.4.0
+- Update to version 2.8.0
+  * Update python version test matrix by @auvipy in #895
+  * Add ``strict_aud`` as an option to ``jwt.decode`` by @woodruffw in #902
+  * Export PyJWKClientConnectionError class by @daviddavis in #887
+  * Allows passing of ssl.SSLContext to PyJWKClient by @juur in #891
+- Skip test_get_jwt_set_sslcontext_default test in testsuite
+- update to version 2.7.0
+  * Add classifier for Python 3.11 by @eseifert in #818
+  * Add Algorithm.compute_hash_digest and use it to implement at_hash validation example by @sirosen in #775
+  * fix: use datetime.datetime.timestamp function to have a milliseconds by @daillouf in #821
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #825
+  * Custom header configuration in jwk client by @thundercat1 in #823
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #828
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #833
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #835
+  * Add PyJWT._{de,en}code_payload hooks by @akx in #829
+  * Add sort_headers parameter to api_jwt.encode by @evroon in #832
+  * Make mypy configuration stricter and improve typing by @akx in #830
+  * Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #840
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #838
+  * Add more types by @Viicos in #843
+  * Differentiate between two errors by @irdkwmnsb in #809
+  * Fix _validate_iat validation by @Viicos in #847
+  * Improve error messages when cryptography isn't installed by @Viicos in #846
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #852
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #855
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #859
+  * Make Algorithm an abstract base class by @Viicos in #845
+  * docs: correct mistake in the changelog about verify param by @gbillig in #866
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #868
+  * Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 by @dependabot in #872
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #874
+  * Add a timeout for PyJWKClient requests by @daviddavis in #875
+  * Add client connection error exception by @daviddavis in #876
+  * Add complete types to take all allowed keys into account by @Viicos in #873
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #878
+  * Build and upload PyPI package by @jpadilla in #884
+  * Fix for issue #862 - ignore invalid keys in a jwks. by @timw6n in #863
+  * Add as_dict option to Algorithm.to_jwk by @fluxth in #881
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
-- Add CVE-2022-29217-non-blocked-pubkeys.patch fixing
-  CVE-2022-29217 (bsc#1199756), which disallows use of blocked
-  pubkeys (heavily modified from upstream).
+- Clean up SPEC file.
+- Update to 2.6.0
+  Changed
+  * bump up cryptography >= 3.4.0 by @jpadilla in #807
+  * Remove types-cryptography from crypto extra by @lautat in #805
+  Fixed
+  * Invalidate token on the exact second the token expires #797
+  * fix: version 2.5.0 heading typo by @c0state in #803
+  Added
+  * Adding validation for issued_at when iat > (now + leeway) as ImmatureSignatureError by @sriharan16 in #794
+- Update to 2.5.0
+  * Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #758
+  * Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 3 by @dependabot in #757
+  * Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #756
+  * adding support for compressed payloads by @danieltmiles in #753
+  * Revert "adding support for compressed payloads" by @auvipy in #761
+  * Add to_jwk static method to ECAlgorithm by @leonsmith in #732
+  * Remove redundant wheel dep from pyproject.toml by @mgorny in #765
+  * Adjust expected exceptions in option merging tests for PyPy3 by @mgorny in #763
+  * Do not fail when an unusable key occurs by @DaGuich in #762
+  * Fixes for pyright on strict mode by @brandon-leapyear in #747
+  * Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #769
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #770
+  * docs: fix simple typo, iinstance -> isinstance by @timgates42 in #774
+  * Expose get_algorithm_by_name as new method by @sirosen in #773
+  * Remove support for python3.6 by @sirosen in #777
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #778
+  * Emit a deprecation warning for unsupported kwargs by @sirosen in #776
+  * Fix typo: priot -> prior by @jdufresne in #780
+  * Fix for headers disorder issue by @kadabusha in #721
+  * Update audience typing by @JulianMaurin in #782
+  * Improve PyJWKSet error accuracy by @JulianMaurin in #786
+  * Add type hints to jwt/ and add missing types dependency by @kkirsche in #784
+  * Add cacheing functionality for JWK set by @wuhaoyujerry in #781
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #788
+  * Mypy as pre-commit check + api_jws typing by @JulianMaurin in #787
+  * [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #791
+  * Bump version to 2.5.0 by @jpadilla in #801
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
+- Drop CVE-2022-29217-non-blocked-pubkeys.patch in older dists
+  since the issue was fixed upstream in version 2.4.0
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- fix build for older distributions
+- fix build of tests
+- update to 3.3.3:
+  * Handle case when CreateItem method returns a prompt [`#39`_].
+  * Reformatted code in accordance with :PEP:`8` standard.
+  * _`#39`:
+- Add missing file to enable multibuild
+- Inject multibuild to prevent a build cycle
+- update to 3.3.2:
+  * Fixed a deprecation warning with jeepney 0.8.
+    Thanks to Sam McKelvie for the pull request!
+- update to 3.3.1:
+  * Fixed a deprecation warning from cryptography module.
+  * Added a :PEP:`561` ``py.typed`` file to declare typing support.
+- update to 7.2.6:
+  * #11679: Add the :envvar:`!SPHINX_AUTODOC_RELOAD_MODULES`
+    environment variable, which if set reloads modules when
+    using autodoc with ``TYPE_CHECKING = True``.
+  * #11679: Use :py:func:`importlib.reload` to reload modules in
+    autodoc.
+- update to 7.2.5:
+  * #11645: Fix a regression preventing autodoc from importing
+    modules within packages that make use of
+    ``if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:`` to guard circular imports
+    needed by type checkers.
+  * #11634: Fixed inheritance diagram relative link resolution
+    for sibling files in a subdirectory.
+  * #11659: Allow ``?config=...`` in :confval:`mathjax_path`.
+  * #11654: autodoc: Fail with a more descriptive error message
+    when an object claims to be an instance of ``type``,
+    but is not a class.
+  * 11620: Cease emitting :event:`source-read` events for files
+    read via the :dudir:`include` directive.
+  * 11620: Add a new :event:`include-read` for observing and
+    transforming the content of included files via the :dudir:`include`
+    directive.
+  * #11627: Restore support for copyright lines of the form
+    ``YYYY`` when ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` is set.
+- update to 7.2.4
+  * Require sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.9.
+  * Fix regression in autodoc.Documenter.parse_name().
+  * Fix regression in JSON serialisation.
+  * autodoc: Support positional-only parameters in classmethod methods
+    when autodoc_preserve_defaults is True.
+  * Restore support string methods on path objects. This is deprecated
+    and will be removed in Sphinx 8. Use os.fspath() to convert Path
+    objects to strings, or Path’s methods to work with path objects.
+  * Fix a regression in the MoveModuleTargets transform.
+  * linkcheck: Resolve hanging tests for timezones west of London and
+    incorrect conversion from UTC to offsets from the UNIX epoch.
+- update to 7.2.2
+  * Drop Python 3.8 support.
+  * Require Pygments 2.14 or later.
+  * Deprecate sphinx.util.md5 and sphinx.util.sha1. Use hashlib instead.
+  * Deprecate sphinx.testing.path. Use os.path or pathlib instead.
+  * Support os.PathLike types and pathlib.Path objects in many more places.
+  * Add the :no-typesetting: option to suppress textual output and only
+    create a linkable anchor.
+  * Allow running Sphinx with python -m sphinx build
+  * graphviz: Fix relative links from within the graph.
+  * pytest: Fail tests on “XPASS”, Set PYTHONWARNINGS=error, set strict config
+  * Restored the the str interface of the asset classes (_CascadingStyleSheet
+    and _JavaScript), which several extensions relied upon. This will be
+    removed in Sphinx 9.
+  * Many more changes (even deprecations), see upstream changelog
+- update to 7.1.2:
+  * #11542: linkcheck: Properly respect :confval:`linkcheck_anchors`
+    and do not spuriously report failures to validate anchors.
+- Update to 7.1.1:
+  * #11514: Fix ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` in multi-line copyright footer.
+    Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
+- Update to 7.1.0:
+  * Releases are no longer signed, given the `change in PyPI policy`_.
+  * #11412: Emit warnings on using a deprecated Python-specific index entry type
+    (namely, ``module``, ``keyword``, ``operator``, ``object``, ``exception``,
+    ``statement``, and ``builtin``) in the :rst:dir:`index` directive, and
+    set the removal version to Sphinx 9. Patch by Adam Turner.
+  * #11415: Add a checksum to JavaScript and CSS asset URIs included within
+    generated HTML, using the CRC32 algorithm.
+  * :meth:`~sphinx.application.Sphinx.require_sphinx` now allows the version
+    requirement to be specified as ``(major, minor)``.
+  * #11011: Allow configuring a line-length limit for object signatures, via
+    :confval:`maximum_signature_line_length` and the domain-specific variants.
+    If the length of the signature (in characters) is greater than the configured
+    limit, each parameter in the signature will be split to its own logical line.
+    This behaviour may also be controlled by options on object description
+    directives, for example :rst:dir:`py:function:single-line-parameter-list`.
+    Patch by Thomas Louf, Adam Turner, and Jean-François B.
+  * #10983: Support for multiline copyright statements in the footer block.
+    Patch by Stefanie Molin
+  * ``sphinx.util.display.status_iterator`` now clears the current line
+    with ANSI control codes, rather than overprinting with space characters.
+  * #11431: linkcheck: Treat SSL failures as broken links.
+    Patch by Bénédikt Tran
+  * #11157: Keep the ``translated`` attribute on translated nodes.
+  * #11451: Improve the traceback displayed when using :option:`sphinx-build -T`
+    in parallel builds. Patch by Bénédikt Tran
+  * #11324: linkcheck: Use session-basd HTTP requests.
+  * #11438: Add support for the :rst:dir:`py:class` and :rst:dir:`py:function`
+    directives for PEP 695 (generic classes and functions declarations) and
+    PEP 696 (default type parameters).  Multi-line support (#11011) is enabled
+    for type parameters list and can be locally controlled on object description
+    directives, e.g., :rst:dir:`py:function:single-line-type-parameter-list`.
+    Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
+  * #11484: linkcheck: Allow HTML anchors to be ignored on a per-URL basis
+    via :confval:`linkcheck_anchors_ignore_for_url` while
+    still checking the validity of the page itself.
+    Patch by Bénédikt Tran
+  * #1246: Add translation progress statistics and inspection support,
+    via a new substitution (``|translation progress|``) and a new
+    configuration variable (:confval:`translation_progress_classes`).
+    These enable determining the percentage of translated elements within
+    a document, and the remaining translated and untranslated elements.
+  * Restored the ``footnote-reference`` class that has been removed in
+    the latest (unreleased) version of Docutils.
+  * #11486: Use :rfc:`8081` font file MIME types in the EPUB builder.
+    Using the correct MIME type will prevent warnings from ``epubcheck``
+    and will generate a valid EPUB.
+  * #11435: Use microsecond-resolution timestamps for outdated file detection
+    in ``BuildEnvironment.get_outdated_files``.
+  * #11437: Top-level headings starting with a reStructuredText role
+    now render properly when :confval:`rst_prolog` is set.
+    Previously, a file starting with the below would have
+    improperly rendered due to where the prologue text
+    was inserted into the document.
+    Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
+  * #11337: Fix a ``MemoryError`` in ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` when using ``None``
+    or ``typing.*`` as inline type references. Patch by Bénédikt Tran (picnixz)
+  * #11345: Always delete ``docutils.conf`` in test directories when running
+    ``SphinxTestApp.cleanup()``.
+- add setuptools_scm for proper version detection
+- update to 3.1.2:
+  * Ensure Python 3.12+ compatibility in check_console_script
+- Update to version 3.1.1
+  * Search through asdf shims
+  * Use \` as escape character in PowerShell (#434)
+- from version 3.1.0
+  * -> pyproject.toml migration start (#427)
+  * Improve user install logic in activate-global-python-argcomplete (#437)
+  * Ensure Python 3.7 compatibility in check_console_script (#436)
+  * ZSH implementation fixes (#431, #433)
+  * Documentation improvements
+- Drop obsolete patch
+  * trim-test-deps.patch
+- bash-repl.patch: Use correct place for auxiliary file from pexpect
+- Add without_zsh.patch
+- Delete skip_tcsh_tests.patch
+- Delete without_fish.patch
+- Update to 3.0.8:
+  * Test suite shell wrapper: Accept OSError on exit
+- 3.0.7:
+  * Test suite: Use general regex to cut zsh reset ANSI sequences (#425)
+- 3.0.6:
+  * Allow importlib-metadata 6.x; skip test failures on Python 3.7 (#420, #424)
+  * Note completers can return iterables of strings, not just lists (#422)
+  * Documentation and test improvements
+- 3.0.5:
+  * Call _default as fallback in zsh global completion hook
+  * Begin support for mapping-emitting completers
+- 3.0.4:
+  * activate-global-python-argcomplete: do not overwrite existing dotfile in user directory
+  * Add NOTICE file
+  * Establish long term name for split_line as argcomplete.lexers.split_line
+- 3.0.3:
+  * Re-add split_line to API (#419)
+- 3.0.2:
+  * Fix zsh default completion issues
+- 3.0.1:
+  * Fix zsh autoload issues
+- 3.0.0:
+  * Fully support zsh. Argcomplete now supports completion
+    descriptions and global completion in zsh.
+  * Clean up top level namespace.
+  * Documentation and test improvements.
+- 2.1.2:
+  * Test infrastructure improvements
+  * Indicate that there is no support commitment for fish and tcsh shells
+- 2.1.1:
+  * Documentation and test improvements
+- 2.1.0:
+  * Remove scripts for contrib-supported shells from global namespace
+- 2.0.6:
+  * exclude test.* subpackages from find_packages (#406)
+  * Support PowerShell (#405)
+  * CI updates
+- 2.0.5:
+  * Revert "Support powershell (#392)"
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove importlib-metadata requirement, it's not needed for python > 3.7
+- Add without_fish.patch which makes fish only optional
+  BuildRequires (gh#kislyuk/argcomplete!410).
+- fix substitution on tests/ to test the current python flavor
+- update to 2.0.0:
+  * Truncate input after cursor.
+  * Support of path completion in fish
+  * Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5
+  * Add support for Python 3.10
+  * Test, documentation, and release infrastructure improvements
+- update to 1.12.3:
+  * Update importlib-metadata version pin
+  * Display script debug output in tcsh
+  * Fish support improvements
+  * Print ``warn()`` message from beginning of line
+  * Test infrastructure improvements
+- update to 1.12.2:
+  - Update importlib-metadata dependency pin (#332)
+  - Add change log project URL (#312)
+  - Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions (#323)
+  - Update importlib-metadata dependency version range
+  - Bash nounset mode fixes (#313)
+- remove 0001-Remove-expected-test-failure-for-new-versions-of-fish.patch (upstream)
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
+- Fix test execution without /usr/bin/python
+- Add patch from upstream to fix tests with latest fish version:
+  * 0001-Remove-expected-test-failure-for-new-versions-of-fish.patch
+- update to 1.11.1
+  * Add -o bashdefault to register-python-argcomplete’s output command
+  * Use shell builtins where possible
+  * Switch from pkg_resources to importlib
+  * Remove .sh extension by bash-completion convention
+  * Do not suggest options after –
+  * Include all test directory contents in source distribution
+  * Trigger completers on –optional=PARTIAL_VALUE
+  * Documentation and test improvements
+- Update to 1.10.0:
+  * fish support
+- Refresh patch skip_tcsh_tests.patch
+- Update to 1.9.5:
+  * check_module: Don’t crash, exit with error instead (#261)
+  * Register completion for multiple commands (#246)
+- Trim unnecessary build dependencies using trim-test-deps.patch
+- Simplify skip_tcsh_tests.patch so it is easier to read and update
+- Update to v1.9.4
+  * Use the correct interpreter when checking wrappers
+  * Provide shellcode as a module function (#237)
+- from v1.9.3
+  * Fix handling of COMP\_POINT
+  * Fix crash when writing unicode to debug\_stream in Python 2
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Update to version 0.6.7:
-  + Upstream provides no changelog
-- Don't install testsuite globally
-- Update to version 0.6.3:
-  + No changelog
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
-- Fix SLE builds
-- Add LICENSE.rst and README.rst
-- Run testsuite
+- update to 2.15.6:
+  * Harden ``get_module_part()`` against ``"."``.
+  * Avoid expensive list/tuple multiplication operations that
+    would result in ``MemoryError``.
+- update to 2.15.5:
+  * Handle ``objects.Super`` in ``helpers.object_type()``.
+- Correct Requires for typing_extensions.
+- update to 2.15.4:
+  * Add visitor function for ``TryStar`` to ``AsStringVisitor``
+    and add ``TryStar`` to ``astroid.nodes.ALL_NODE_CLASSES``.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- update to 2.15.3:
+  * Fix ``infer_call_result()`` crash on methods called
+    ``with_metaclass()``
+  * Suppress ``UserWarning`` when finding module specs.
+- update to 2.15.2:
+  * Support more possible usages of ``attrs`` decorators.
+  * Restore behavior of setting a Call as a base for classes
+    created using ``six.with_metaclass()``,
+    and harden support for using enums as metaclasses in this
+    case.
+  * astroid now supports ``TryStar`` nodes from python 3.11 and
+    should be fully compatible with python 3.11.
+  * ``Formattedvalue.postinit`` is now keyword only. This is to
+    allow correct typing of the ``Formattedvalue`` class.
+  * ``Astroid`` now supports custom import hooks.
+  * ``astroid`` now infers return values from match cases.
+  * ``AstroidManager.clear_cache`` now also clears the inference
+    context cache.
+  * ``Astroid`` now retrieves the default values of keyword only
+    arguments and sets them on ``Arguments.kw_defaults``.
+  * ``Uninferable`` now has the type ``UninferableBase``. This is
+    to facilitate correctly type annotating code that uses this
+    singleton.
+  * Deprecate ``modutils.is_standard_module()``. It will be
+    removed in the next minor release.
+  * Fix ``are_exclusive`` function when a walrus operator is used
+    inside ``IfExp.test`` field.
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to v2.12.14:
+  * Handle the effect of properties on the __init__ of a dataclass
+    correctly.
+  * Handle the effect of kw_only=True in dataclass fields correctly.
+  * Handle the effect of init=False in dataclass fields correctly.
+  * Fix crash if numpy module doesn't have version attribute.
+  * Handle AttributeError during str.format template inference tip
+    evaluation
+- Update to 2.12.13:
+  * Prevent returning an empty list for ``ClassDef.slots()`` when the mro list contains one class & it is not ``object``.
+  Refs PyCQA/pylint#5099
+  * Prevent a crash when inferring calls to ``str.format`` with inferred arguments
+  that would be invalid.
+  Closes #1856
+  * Infer the `length` argument of the ``random.sample`` function.
+  Refs PyCQA/pylint#7706
+  * Catch ``ValueError`` when indexing some builtin containers and sequences during inference.
+  Closes #1843
+- Update to 2.12.12:
+  * Add the ``length`` parameter to ``hash.digest`` & ``hash.hexdigest`` in the ``hashlib`` brain.
+    Refs PyCQA/pylint#4039
+  * Prevent a crash when a module's ``__path__`` attribute is unexpectedly missing.
+    Refs PyCQA/pylint#7592
+  * Fix inferring attributes with empty annotation assignments if parent
+    class contains valid assignment.
+    Refs PyCQA/pylint#7631
+- update to 2.12.11:
+  * Improve detection of namespace packages for the modules with ``__spec__``
+    set to None.
+- Update to v2.12.10
+  * Fixed a crash when introspecting modules compiled by cffi.
+  * decorators.cached now gets its cache cleared by calling
+    AstroidManager.clear_cache.
+- Release v2.12.9
+  * Fixed creation of the __init__ of dataclassess with multiple
+    inheritance.
+  * Fixed a crash on namedtuples that use typename to specify
+    their name.
+- Update to Version  2.12.8
+  * Fixed a crash in the ``dataclass`` brain for ``InitVars`` without subscript typing.
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#7422
+  * Fixed parsing of default values in ``dataclass`` attributes.
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#7425
+- Update to Version 2.12.7
+  * Fixed a crash in the ``dataclass`` brain for uninferable bases.
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#7418
+- Update to Version 2.12.6
+  * Fix a crash involving ``Uninferable`` arguments to ``namedtuple()``.
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#7375
+  * The ``dataclass`` brain now understands the ``kw_only`` keyword in dataclass decorators.
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#7290
+- Update to Version 2.12.5
+  * Prevent first-party imports from being resolved to `site-packages`.
+  Refs PyCQA/pylint#7365
+  * Fix ``astroid.interpreter._import.util.is_namespace()`` incorrectly
+  returning ``True`` for frozen stdlib modules on PyPy.
+  Closes #1755
+- Update to 2.12.4
+  * Fixed a crash involving non-standard type comments such as
+    `# type: # any comment`.
+- Big changelog since 2.9.3, see file Changelog
+  * mostly crash fixes
+  * Python >= 3.7 is required
+- update to 2.9.3:
+  * Fixed regression where packages without a ```` file were
+    not recognized or imported correctly.
+  * Fixed regression in ``astroid.scoped_nodes`` where ``_is_metaclass``
+    was not accessible anymore.
+  * ``NodeNG.frame()`` and ``NodeNG.statement()`` will start raising ``ParentMissingError``
+    instead of ``AttributeError`` in astroid 3.0. This behaviour can already be triggered
+    by passing ``future=True`` to a ``frame()`` or ``statement()`` call.
+  * Prefer the module loader get_source() method in AstroidBuilder's
+    module_build() when possible to avoid assumptions about source
+    code being available on a filesystem.  Otherwise the source cannot
+    be found and application behavior changes when running within an
+    embedded hermetic interpreter environment (pyoxidizer, etc.).
+  * Require Python 3.6.2 to use astroid.
+  * Removed custom ``distutils`` handling for resolving paths to submodules.
+  * Fix ``deque.insert()`` signature in ``collections`` brain.
+  * Fix ``Module`` nodes not having a ``col_offset``, ``end_lineno``, and ``end_col_offset``
+    attributes.
+  * Fix typing and update explanation for ``Arguments.args`` being ``None``.
+  * Fix crash if a variable named ``type`` is subscripted in a generator expression.
+  * Enable inference of dataclass import from marshmallow_dataclass.
+    This allows the dataclasses brain to recognize dataclasses annotated by marshmallow_dataclass.
+  * Resolve symlinks in the import path
+    Fixes inference error when the import path includes symlinks (e.g. Python
+    installed on macOS via Homebrew).
+- version update to 2.9.0
+  * Add ``end_lineno`` and ``end_col_offset`` attributes to astroid nodes.
+  * Always treat ``__class_getitem__`` as a classmethod.
+  * Add missing ``as_string`` visitor method for ``Unknown`` node.
+  * Fix crash on inference of subclasses created from ``Class().__subclasses__``
+  * Fix bug with Python 3.7.0 / 3.7.1 and ``typing.NoReturn``.
+- update to 2.8.5:
+  * Use more permissive versions for the ``typed-ast`` dependencie
+    (<2.0 instead of <1.5)
+  * Fix crash on inference of ``__len__``.
+  * Added missing ``kind`` (for ``Const``) and ``conversion``
+    (for ``FormattedValue``) fields to repr.
+  * Fix crash with assignment expressions, nested if expressions
+    and filtering of statements
+  * Fix incorrect filtering of assignment expressions statements
+- Update to 2.8.4
+  * Fix the ``scope()`` and ``frame()`` methods of ``NamedExpr``
+    nodes. When these nodes occur in ``Arguments``, ``Keyword``  or
+    ``Comprehension`` nodes these methods now correctly point to
+    the outer-scope of the ``FunctionDef``, ``ClassDef``, or
+    ``Comprehension``.
+  * Fix the ``set_local`` function for ``NamedExpr`` nodes. When
+    these nodes occur in ``Arguments``, ``Keyword``, or
+    ``Comprehension`` nodes these nodes are now correctly added to
+    the locals of the ``FunctionDef``, ``ClassDef``, or
+    ``Comprehension``.
+- Release 2.8.3?
+  * Add support for wrapt 1.13
+  * Fixes handling of nested partial functions
+  * Fix regression with the import resolver
+  * Fix crash with invalid dataclass field call
+- Release 2.8.1
+  * Adds support of type hints inside numpy's brains.
+  * Enable inference of dataclass import from pydantic.dataclasses.
+    This allows the dataclasses brain to recognize pydantic
+    dataclasses.
+  * Fix regression on ClassDef inference
+  * Fix regression on Compare node inference
+  * Extended attrs brain to support the provisional APIs
+  * Astroid does not trigger it's own deprecation warning anymore.
+  * Improve brain for ``typing.Callable`` and ``typing.Type``.
+  * Fix bug with importing namespace packages with relative imports
+  * The ``is_typing_guard`` and ``is_sys_guard`` functions are
+    deprecated and will be removed in 3.0.0. They are complex
+    meta-inference functions that are better suited for pylint.
+    Import them from ``pylint.checkers.utils`` instead (requires
+    pylint ``2.12``).
+  * Suppress the conditional between applied brains and dynamic
+    import authorized modules. (Revert the "The transforms related
+    to a module are applied only if this module has not been
+    explicitly authorized to be imported" of version 2.7.3)
+  * Adds a brain to infer the ```` function.
+- Update to 2.8.0
+  * Add additional deprecation warnings in preparation for astroid
+    3.0
+  * Require attributes for some node classes with ``__init__``
+    call.
+  * ``name`` (``str``) for ``Name``, ``AssignName``,
+    ``DelName``
+  * ``attrname`` (``str``) for ``Attribute``, ``AssignAttr``,
+    ``DelAttr``
+  * ``op`` (``str``) for ``AugAssign``, ``BinOp``, ``BoolOp``,
+    ``UnaryOp``
+  * ``names`` (``list[tuple[str, str | None]]``) for ``Import``
+  * Support pyz imports
+  * Add ``node_ancestors`` method to ``NodeNG`` for obtaining the
+    ancestors of nodes.
+  * It's now possible to infer the value of comparison nodes
+  * Fixed bug in inference of dataclass field calls.
+- Release 2.7.3
+  * The transforms related to a module are applied only if this
+    module has not been explicitly authorized to be imported
+    (i.e is not in AstroidManager.extension_package_whitelist).
+    Solves the following issues if numpy is authorized to be
+    imported through the `extension-pkg-allow-list` option.
+  * Fixed bug in attribute inference from inside method calls.
+  * Fixed bug in inference for superclass instance methods called
+    from the class rather than an instance.
+  * Fixed bug in inference of chained attributes where a subclass
+    had an attribute that was an instance of its superclass.
+  * Adds a brain for the ctypes module.
+  * When processing dataclass attributes, exclude the same type
+    hints from abc.collections as from typing.
+  * Apply dataclass inference to pydantic's dataclasses.
+- Release 2.7.2
+  * ``BaseContainer`` is now public, and will replace
+    ``_BaseContainer`` completely in astroid 3.0.
+  * The call cache used by inference functions produced by
+    ``inference_tip`` can now be cleared via
+    ``clear_inference_tip_cache``.
+  * ``astroid.const.BUILTINS`` and ``astroid.bases.BUILTINS`` are
+    not used internally anymore and will be removed in astroid 3.0.
+    Simply replace this by the string 'builtins' for better
+    performances and clarity.
+  * Add inference for dataclass initializer method.
+- Add typing_extensions as requirement for python36
+- Update to 2.7.1
+  * When processing dataclass attributes, only do typing inference on collection types.
+    Support for instantiating other typing types is left for the future, if desired.
+    Closes #1129
+  * Fixed LookupMixIn missing from ``astroid.node_classes``.
+- from version 2.7.0
+  * Import from ``astroid.node_classes`` and ``astroid.scoped_nodes`` has been deprecated in favor of
+    ``astroid.nodes``. Only the imports from ``astroid.nodes`` will work in astroid 3.0.0.
+  * Add support for arbitrary Enum subclass hierachies
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#533
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2224
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2626
+  * Add inference tips for dataclass attributes, including dataclasses.field calls.
+    Also add support for InitVar.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2600
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2698
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3405
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3794
+  * Adds a brain that deals with dynamic import of `IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` class of the `unittest` module.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4060
+- from version 2.6.6
+  * Added support to infer return type of ``typing.cast()``
+  * Fix variable lookup's handling of exclusive statements
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3711
+  * Fix variable lookup's handling of function parameters
+    Closes PyCQA/astroid#180
+  * Fix variable lookup's handling of except clause variables
+  * Fix handling of classes with duplicated bases with the same name
+    Closes PyCQA/astroid#1088
+- from version 2.6.5
+  * Fix a crash when there would be a 'TypeError object does not support
+    item assignment' in the code we parse.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4439
+  * Fix a crash when a AttributeInferenceError was raised when
+    failing to find the real name in infer_import_from.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4692
+- from version 2.6.4
+  * Fix a crash when a StopIteration was raised when inferring
+    a faulty function in a context manager.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4723
+- from version 2.6.3
+  * Added ``If.is_sys_guard`` and ``If.is_typing_guard`` helper methods
+  * Fix a bad inferenece type for yield values inside of a derived class.
+    Closes PyCQA/astroid#1090
+  * Fix a crash when the node is a 'Module' in the brain builtin inference
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4671
+  * Fix issues when inferring match variables
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4685
+  * Fix lookup for nested non-function scopes
+  * Fix issue that ``TypedDict`` instance wasn't callable.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4715
+  * Add dependency on setuptools and a guard to prevent related exceptions.
+- from version 2.6.2
+  * Fix a crash when the inference of the length of a node failed
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4633
+  * Fix unhandled StopIteration during inference, following the implementation
+    of PEP479 in python 3.7+
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4631
+    Closes #1080
+- from version 2.6.1
+  * Fix issue with ``TypedDict`` for Python 3.9+
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4610
+- from version 2.6.0
+  * Appveyor and travis are no longer used in the continuous integration
+  * ``setuptools_scm`` has been removed and replaced by ``tbump`` in order to not
+    have hidden runtime dependencies to setuptools
+  * ``NodeNg``, the base node class, is now accessible from ``astroid`` or
+    ``astroid.nodes`` as it can be used for typing.
+  * Update enum brain to improve inference of .name and .value dynamic class
+    attributes
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#1932
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2062
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#2306
+  * Removed ``Repr``, ``Exec``, and ``Print`` nodes as the ``ast`` nodes
+    they represented have been removed with the change to Python 3
+  * Deprecate ``Ellipsis`` node. It will be removed with the next minor release.
+    Checkers that already support Python 3.8+ work without issues. It's only
+    necessary to remove all references to the ``astroid.Ellipsis`` node.
+    This changes will make development of checkers easier as the resulting tree for Ellipsis
+    will no longer depend on the python version. **Background**: With Python 3.8 the
+    ``ast.Ellipsis`` node, along with ``ast.Str``, ``ast.Bytes``, ``ast.Num``,
+    and ``ast.NamedConstant`` were merged into ``ast.Constant``.
+  * Deprecated ``Index`` and ``ExtSlice`` nodes. They will be removed with the
+    next minor release. Both are now part of the ``Subscript`` node.
+    Checkers that already support Python 3.9+ work without issues.
+    It's only necessary to remove all references to the ``astroid.Index`` and
+    ``astroid.ExtSlice`` nodes. This change will make development of checkers
+    easier as the resulting tree for ``ast.Subscript`` nodes will no longer
+    depend on the python version. **Background**: With Python 3.9 ``ast.Index``
+    and ``ast.ExtSlice`` were merged into the ``ast.Subscript`` node.
+  * Updated all Match nodes to be internally consistent.
+  * Add ``Pattern`` base class.
+- from version 2.5.8
+  * Improve support for Pattern Matching
+  * Add lineno and col_offset for ``Keyword`` nodes and Python 3.9+
+  * Add global inference cache to speed up inference of long statement blocks
+  * Add a limit to the total number of nodes inferred indirectly as a result
+    of inferring some node
+- from version 2.5.7
+  * Fix six.with_metaclass transformation so it doesn't break user defined transformations.
+  * Fix detection of relative imports.
+    Closes #930
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4186
+  * Fix inference of instance attributes defined in base classes
+    Closes #932
+  * Update `infer_named_tuple` brain to reject namedtuple definitions
+    that would raise ValueError
+    Closes #920
+  * Do not set instance attributes on builtin object()
+    Closes #945
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4232
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4221
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3970
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3595
+  * Fix some spurious cycles detected in ``context.path`` leading to more cases
+    that can now be inferred
+    Closes #926
+  * Add ``kind`` field to ``Const`` nodes, matching the structure of the built-in ast Const.
+    The kind field is "u" if the literal is a u-prefixed string, and ``None`` otherwise.
+    Closes #898
+  * Fix property inference in class contexts for properties defined on the metaclass
+    Closes #940
+  * Update enum brain to fix definition of __members__ for subclass-defined Enums
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3535
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4358
+  * Update random brain to fix a crash with inference of some sequence elements
+    Closes #922
+  * Fix inference of attributes defined in a base class that is an inner class
+    Closes #904
+  * Allow inferring a return value of None for non-abstract empty functions and
+    functions with no return statements (implicitly returning None)
+    Closes #485
+  * scm_setuptools has been added to the packaging.
+  * Astroid's tags are now the standard form ``vX.Y.Z`` and not ``astroid-X.Y.Z`` anymore.
+  * Add initial support for Pattern Matching in Python 3.10
+- Update to 2.5.6
+  * Fix retro-compatibility issues with old version of pylint
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4402
+  * Fixes the discord link in the project urls of the package.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4393
+  * The packaging is now done via setuptools exclusively.
+    doc, tests, and Changelog are not packaged anymore - reducing
+    the size of the package greatly.
+  * __pkginfo__ now only contain __version__ (also accessible with
+    astroid.__version__), other meta-information are still
+    accessible with import importlib;metadata.metadata('astroid').
+  * Added inference tip for typing.Tuple alias
+  * Fix crash when evaluating typing.NamedTuple
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4383
+  * COPYING was removed in favor of COPYING.LESSER and the latter
+    was renamed to LICENSE to make more apparent that the code is
+    licensed under LGPLv2 or later.
+  * Takes into account the fact that subscript inferring for a
+    ClassDef may involve class_getitem method
+  * Reworks the collections and typing brain so that pylint`s
+    acceptance tests are fine.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#4206
+  * Use inference_tip for typing.TypedDict brain.
+  * Fix mro for classes that inherit from typing.Generic
+  * Add inference tip for typing.Generic and typing.Annotated with
+    __class_getitem__
+  Closes PyCQA/pylint#2822
+  * Detects import numpy as a valid numpy import.
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3974
+  * Iterate over Keywords when using ClassDef.get_children
+    Closes PyCQA/pylint#3202
+- Use github archive for tests
+- Update to 2.5.1
+  * The context.path is reverted to a set because otherwise it
+    leads to false positives for non `numpy` functions.
+  * Don't transform dataclass ClassVars
+  * Improve typing.TypedDict inference
+  * Fix the `Duplicates found in MROs` false positive.
+- Release 2.5.0
+  * Adds `attr_fset` in the `PropertyModel` class.
+  * Remove support for Python 3.5.
+  * Remove the runtime dependency on six. The six brain
+    remains in astroid.
+  * Enrich the brain_collection module so that __class_getitem__
+    method is added to `deque` for
+    python version above 3.9.
+  * The context.path is now a dict and the context.push method
+    returns True if the node has been visited a certain amount of
+    times.
+  * Adds a brain for type object so that it is possible to write
+    `type[int]` in annotation.
+  * Add __class_getitem__ method to subprocess.Popen brain under
+    Python 3.9 so that it is seen as subscriptable by pylint.
+  * Adds `degrees`, `radians`, which are `numpy ufunc` functions,
+    in the `numpy` brain. Adds `random` function in the `numpy.
+    random` brain.
+  * Fix deprecated importlib methods
+  * Fix a crash in inference caused by `Uninferable` container
+    elements
+  * Add `python 3.9` support.
+  * The flat attribute of numpy.ndarray is now inferred as an
+    numpy.ndarray itself. It should be a numpy.flatiter instance,
+    but this class is not yet available in the numpy brain.
+  * Fix a bug for dunder methods inference of function objects
+  * Fixes a bug in the signature of the ndarray.__or__ method,
+    in the module.
+  * Fixes a to-list cast bug in starred_assigned_stmts method,
+    in the` module.
+  * Added a brain for hypothesis.strategies.composite
+  * The transpose of a numpy.ndarray is also a numpy.ndarray
+  * Added a brain for sqlalchemy.orm.session
+  * Separate string and bytes classes patching
+  * Prevent recursion error for self referential length calls
+  * Added missing methods to the brain for mechanize, to fix
+    pylint false positives
+  * Added more supported parameters to subprocess.check_output
+  * Fix recursion errors with pandas
+  * Added exception inference for `UnicodeDecodeError`
+  * `FunctionDef.is_generator` properly handles `yield` nodes in
+    `If` tests
+  * Fixed exception-chaining error messages.
+  * Fix failure to infer base class type with multiple inheritance
+    and qualified names
+  * Fix interpretation of six.with_metaclass class definitions.
+  * Reduce memory usage of astroid's module cache.
+  * Remove dependency on `imp`.
+  * Do not crash when encountering starred assignments in enums.
+  * Fix a crash in functools.partial inference when the arguments
+    cannot be determined
+  * Fix a crash caused by a lookup of a monkey-patched method
+  * is_generator correctly considers `Yield` nodes in `AugAssign`
+    nodes
+    This fixes a false positive with the
+    `assignment-from-no-return` pylint check.
+  * Corrected the parent of function type comment nodes.
+    These nodes used to be parented to their original ast.
+    FunctionDef parent but are now correctly parented to their
+    astroid.FunctionDef parent.
+- Drop part_rm_dep_imp.patch fixed upstream
+- Drop unpin-deps.patch unpinned upstream
+- Fix python_sitelib usage for possibly multiple python3 flavors
+  gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- Add part_rm_dep_imp.patch to replace missing `imp` package
+  (gh#PyCQA/astroid#686).
+- Update to 2.4.2:
+  * `FunctionDef.is_generator` properly handles `yield` nodes in `While` tests
+  * Properly construct the arguments of infered property descriptors
+- Update to 2.4.1:
+  * Handle the case where the raw builder fails to retrieve the ``__all__`` attribute
+  * Restructure the AST parsing heuristic to always pick the same module
+  * Changed to work with [distlib](
+  * Do not crash with SyntaxError when parsing namedtuples with invalid label
+  * Protect against ``infer_call_result`` failing with `InferenceError` in `Super.getattr()`
+  * Expose a ast_from_string method in AstroidManager, which will accept
+  * ``BoundMethod.implicit_parameters`` returns a proper value for ``__new__``
+  * Allow slots added dynamically to a class to still be inferred
+  * Allow `FunctionDef.getattr` to look into both instance attrs and special attributes
+  * Infer qualified ``classmethod`` as a classmethod.
+  * Prevent a recursion error to happen when inferring the declared metaclass of a class
+  * Raise ``AttributeInferenceError`` when ``getattr()`` receives an empty name
+  * Prevent a recursion error for self reference variables and `type()` calls.
+  * Do not infer the first argument of a staticmethod in a metaclass as the class itself
+  * ``NodeNG.bool_value()`` gained an optional ``context`` parameter
+  * Pass a context argument to ``astroid.Arguments`` to prevent recursion errors
+  * Better inference of class and static methods decorated with custom methods
+  * Reverse the order of decorators for `infer_subscript`
+  * Prevent a recursion error when inferring self-referential variables without definition
+  * Numpy `datetime64.astype` return value is inferred as a `ndarray`.
+  * Skip non ``Assign`` and ``AnnAssign`` nodes from enum reinterpretation
+  * Numpy ``ndarray`` attributes ``imag`` and ``real`` are now inferred as ``ndarray``.
+  * Added a call to ``register_transform`` for all functions of the ``brain_numpy_core_multiarray``
+  * Use the parent of the node when inferring aug assign nodes instead of the statement
+  * Added some functions to the ``brain_numpy_core_umath`` module
+  * Added some functions of the ``numpy.core.multiarray`` module
+  * All the ``numpy ufunc`` functions derived now from a common class that
+  * ``nodes.Const.itered`` returns a list of ``Const`` nodes, not strings
+  * The ``shape`` attribute of a ``numpy ndarray`` is now a ``ndarray``
+  * Don't ignore special methods when inspecting gi classes
+  * Added transform for ``scipy.gaussian``
+  * Add suport for inferring properties.
+  * Added a brain for ``responses``
+  * Allow inferring positional only arguments.
+  * Retry parsing a module that has invalid type comments
+  * Scope the inference to the current bound node when inferring instances of classes
+  * Add support for inferring exception instances in all contexts
+  * Add more supported parameters to ``subprocess.check_output``
+  * Infer args unpacking of ``self``
+  * Clean up
+  * Handle StopIteration error in infer_int.
+  * Can access per argument type comments for positional only and keyword only arguments.
+  * Relax upper bound on `wrapt`
+  * Properly analyze CFFI compiled extensions.
+- Refresh unpin-deps.patch
+- Update to 2.3.3:
+  * Update six version to 1.13.
+- Update unpin-deps.patch
+- Update to 2.3.2:
+  * All type comments have as parent the corresponding `astroid` node
+  * Pass an inference context to `metaclass()` when inferring an object type
+- Add patch to not use pinned dependencies and to work in our distro:
+  * unpin-deps.patch
+- Update to 2.3.1
+  * A transform for the builtin `dataclasses` module was added.
+  * Add a brain tip for ``subprocess.check_output``
+  * Remove NodeNG.nearest method because of lack of usage in astroid and pylint.
+  * Allow importing wheel files.
+  * Dropped support for Python 3.4.
+  * Add support for Python 3.8's `NamedExpr` nodes, which is part of assignment expressions.
+  * ...and more.
+- Update to 2.2.5:
+  * The last except handler wins when inferring variables bound in an except handler.
+- Update to 2.2.4:
+  * Many changes inside, see ChangeLog
+- Correct conditional for older distros
+- Update filelist to work on SLE-12
+- Version update to 2.1.0:
+  * Many changes around, see ChangeLog file
+- Trim future goals and history lesson from description.
+  Use noun phrase in summary.
+- Version update to 2.0.4:
+  * only supports python3.0+
+  * Many many changes see ChangeLog fixes
+- Version update to 1.6.5:
+  * Many various bugfixes making the pylint tests pass
+  * For details see ChangeLog
-- Update to 1.2.0
-  * Function nodes can detect decorator call chain and see if they are
-    decorated with builtin descriptors (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`).
-  * infer_call_result called on a subtype of the builtin type will now
-    return a new `Class` rather than an `Instance`.
-  * `Class.metaclass()` now handles module-level __metaclass__ declaration
-    on python 2, and no longer looks at the __metaclass__ class attribute on
-    python 3.
-  * Function nodes can detect if they are decorated with subclasses
-    of builtin descriptors when determining their type
-    (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`).
-  * Add `slots` method to `Class` nodes, for retrieving
-    the list of valid slots it defines.
-  * Expose function annotation to astroid: `Arguments` node
-    exposes 'varargannotation', 'kwargannotation' and 'annotations'
-    attributes, while `Function` node has the 'returns' attribute.
-  * Backported most of the logilab.common.modutils module there, as
-    most things there are for pylint/astroid only and we want to be
-    able to fix them without requiring a new logilab.common release
-  * Fix names grabed using wildcard import in "absolute import mode"
-    (ie with absolute_import activated from the __future__ or with
-    python 3). Fix pylint issue #58.
-  * Add support in pylint-brain for understanding enum classes.
-- Update to 1.1.1
-  * `Class.metaclass()` looks in ancestors when the current class
-    does not define explicitly a metaclass.
-  * Do not cache modules if a module with the same qname is already
-    known, and only return cached modules if both name and filepath
-    match. Fixes pylint Bitbucket issue #136.
-- Update to 1.1.0
-  * All class nodes are marked as new style classes for Py3k.
-  * Add a `metaclass` function to `Class` nodes to
-    retrieve their metaclass.
-  * Add a new YieldFrom node.
-  * Add support for inferring arguments to namedtuple invocations.
-  * Make sure that objects returned for namedtuple
-    inference have parents.
-  * Don't crash when inferring nodes from `with` clauses
-    with multiple context managers. Closes #18.
-  * Don't crash when a class has some __call__ method that is not
-    inferable. Closes #17.
-  * Unwrap instances found in `.ancestors()`, by using their _proxied
-    class.
-- Rename to python-astroid to match new upstream name.
-- Initial version 1.0.1
-- Use upstream URL
-- update to 0.24.3:
-  * #124360 [py3.3]: Don't crash on 'yield from' nodes
-  * #123062 [pylint-brain]: Use correct names for keywords for urlparse
-  * #123056 [pylint-brain]: Add missing methods for hashlib
-  * #123068: Fix inference for generator methods to correctly handle yields
-  * #123068: Make sure .as_string() returns valid code for yields in
-    expressions.
-  * #47957: Set literals are now correctly treated as inference leaves.
-  * #123074: Add support for inference of subscript operations on dict
-    literals.
-  * pylint-brain: more subprocess.Popen faking (see #46273)
-  * #109562 [jython]: java modules have no __doc__, causing crash
-  * #120646 [py3]: fix for python3.3 _ast changes which may cause crash
-  * #109988 [py3]: test fixes
-  * #106191: fix __future__ absolute import w/ From node
-  * #50395: fix function fromlineno when some decorator is splited on
-    multiple lines (patch by Mark Gius)
-  * #92362: fix pyreverse crash on relative import
-  * #104041: fix crash 'module object has no file_encoding attribute'
-  * #4294 (pylint-brain): bad inference on
-  * #46273 (pylint-brain): bad inference subprocess.Popen.communicate
-- Add python 3 package
-- Change license to LGPL 2.1+
-- update to version 0.23.1
-  * #62295: avoid "OSError: Too many open files" by moving
-    .file_stream as a Module property opening the file only when
-    needed
-  * Lambda nodes should have a `name` attribute
-  * only call transformers if modname specified
-- make it build on old distros
-- Don't remove logilab/ on SLE, where it is not existing.
-- Update to version 0.22.0:
-  * added column offset information on nodes (patch by fawce)
-  * #70497: Crash on AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_infer_name'
-  * #70381: IndendationError in import causes crash
-  * #70565: absolute imports treated as relative (patch by Jacek Konieczny)
-  * #70494: fix file encoding detection with python2.x
-  * py3k: __builtin__ module renamed to builtins, we should consider this to properly
-    build ast for builtin objects
-- Run testsuite
-- Removed outdated stuff from spec file (%clean section, authors, ...)
-- Set license to GPL-2.0+ (SPDX style)
-- update to 0.21.1:
-  * python3: handle file encoding; fix a lot of tests
-  * fix #52006: "True" and "False" can be assigned as variable in Python2x
-  * fix #8847: pylint doesn't understand function attributes at all
-  * fix #8774: iterator / generator / next method
-- update to 0.21.0:
-  * python3.x: first python3.x release
-  * fix #37105: Crash on AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_infer_name'
-  * python2.4: drop python < 2.4 support
-  - 0.20.4:
-  * fix #37868 #37665 #33638 #37909: import problems with absolute_import_activated
-  * fix #8969: false positive when importing from zip-safe eggs
-  * fix #46131: minimal class decorator support
-  * minimal python2.7 support (dict and set comprehension)
-  * important progress on Py3k compatibility
-- update to 0.20.3:
-  * fix #45959: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'frame', due
-    to handling of __class__ when importing from living object (because of missing
-    source code or C-compiled object)
-  * fix astng building bug: we've to set module.package flag at the node
-    creation time otherwise we'll miss this information when infering relative
-    import during the build process (this should fix for instance some problems
-    with numpy)
-  * added __subclasses__ to special class attribute
-  * fix Class.interfaces so that no InferenceError raised on empty __implements__
-  * yield YES on multiplication of tuple/list with non valid operand
-  * fix licensing to LGPL
-  * add ALL_NODES_CLASSES constant to nodes module
-  * nodes redirection cleanup (possible since refactoring)
-  * bug fix for python < 2.5: add Delete node on Subscript nodes if we are in a
-    del context
-- update to 0.20.0 (bnc#555993):
-  * fix #20464: raises “TypeError: '_Yes' object is not iterable” on list inference
-  * fix #19882: pylint hangs
-  * fix #20759: crash on pyreverse UNARY_OP_METHOD KeyError '~'
-  * fix #20760: crash on pyreverse : AttributeError: 'Subscript'
-    object has no attribute 'infer_lhs'
-  * fix #21980: [Python-modules-team] Bug#573229 : Pylint hangs;
-    improving the cache yields a speed improvement on big projects
-  * major refactoring: rebuild the tree instead of modify / monkey patching
-  * fix #19641: "maximum recursion depth exceeded" messages w/ python 2.6
-    this was introduced by a refactoring
-  * Ned Batchelder patch to properly import eggs with Windows line
-    endings.  This fixes a problem with pylint not being able to
-    import setuptools.
-  * Winfried Plapper patches fixing .op attribute value for AugAssign nodes,
-    visit_ifexp in nodes_as_string
-  * Edward K. Ream / Tom Fleck patch closes #19641 (maximum recursion depth
-    exceeded" messages w/ python 2.6), see
-  * fix #18773: inference bug on class member (due to bad handling of instance
-    / class nodes "bounded" to method calls)
-  * fix #9515: strange message for non-class "Class baz has no egg member" (due to
-    bad inference of function call)
-  * fix #18953: inference fails with augmented assignment (special case for augmented
-    assignement in infer_ass method)
-  * fix #13944: false positive for class/instance attributes (Instance.getattr
-    should return assign nodes on instance classes as well as instance.
-  * include spelling fixes provided by Dotan Barak
-- fix build on SLE10 by not including %{py_sitedir}/*egg-info in
-  the filelist there
-- update to 0.19.1
-  2009-08-27  --  0.19.1
-  * fix #8771: crash on yield expression
-  * fix #10024: line numbering bug with try/except/finally
-  * fix #10020: when building from living object, __name__ may be None
-  * fix #9891: help(logilab.astng) throws TypeError
-  * fix #9588: false positive E1101 for augmented assignment
-- adjusted sip-c-instance-fix.diff
-- build as noarch
-- use new python macros
-- apply fix from Derek Harland to handle python-sip C instance methods
-  correctly
-- Update to version 0.19.0:
-  * fixed python 2.6 issue (tests ok w/ 2.4, 2.5, 2.6. Anyone using 2.2 / 2.3
-    to tell us if it works?)
-  * some understanding of the decorator
-  * inference: introduce UnboundMethod / rename InstanceMethod to BoundMethod
-    2009-03-19  --  0.18.0
-  * major api / tree structure changes to make it works with compiler *and*
-    python >= 2.5 _ast module
-  * cleanups and refactoring on the way
-    2008-11-19  --  0.17.4
-  * fix #6015: filter statements bug triggering W0631 false positive in pylint
-  * fix #5571: Function.is_method() should return False on module level
-    functions decorated by staticmethod/classmethod (avoid some crash in pylint)
-  * fix #5010: understand python 2.5 explicit relative imports
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- need to turn off noarch to be able to skip tests on 32bit arches
+- add fix-formatted-value.patch
+- skip tests on 32bit platforms
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- Add astunparse-pr57-py39.patch by Fedora maintainer for Python
+  3.9 support -- gh#simonpercivall/astunparse#57
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+  * license included in tar-ball
+  * be more specific in %files section
+- update to version 0.2.0:
+  * license in tar-ball
+  * moved to flit
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 0.4.1
+  * require gast 0.5.0
+  * no release notes
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- Update to 0.3.0:
+  * Require gast 0.4.0
-- Fix CVE-2021-23980: mutation XSS on bleach.clean with specific
-  combinations of allowed tags (boo#1184547)
-  add bleach-3.1.5-CVE-2021-23980.patch
+- Add patch strip-spaces.patch (bsc#1212852)
+  * sent upstream:
+- Update to 6.0.0:
+  * bleach.clean, bleach.sanitizer.Cleaner,
+    bleach.html5lib_shim.BleachHTMLParser: the tags and protocols
+    arguments were changed from lists to sets.
+  * bleach.linkify, bleach.linkifier.Linker: the skip_tags and
+    recognized_tags arguments were changed from lists to sets.
+  * bleach.sanitizer.BleachSanitizerFilter: strip_allowed_elements is
+    now strip_allowed_tags. We now use “tags” everywhere rather than a
+    mishmash of “tags” in some places and “elements” in others.
+  [#] Bug fixes
+  * Add support for Python 3.11. (#675)
+  * Fix API weirness in BleachSanitizerFilter. (#649)
+  * We’re using “tags” instead of “elements” everywhere–no more weird
+    overloading of “elements” anymore.
+  * Also, it no longer calls the superclass constructor.
+  * Add warning when css_sanitizer isn’t set, but the style attribute
+    is allowed. (#676)
+  * Fix linkify handling of character entities. (#501)
+  * Rework dev dependencies to use requirements-dev.txt and
+    requirements-flake8.txt instead of extras.
+  * Fix project infrastructure to be tox-based so it’s easier to have
+    CI run the same things we’re running in development and with
+    flake8 in an isolated environment.
+  * Update action versions in CI.
+  * Switch to f-strings where possible. Make tests parametrized to be
+    easier to read/maintain.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove not needed dependency python-packaging
+- Remove not needed python-six dependency
+- Remove python_module macro definition
+- More specific python_sitelib in files
+- Update to 5.0.1:
+  * Add missing comma to tinycss2 require. Thank you, @shadchin!
+  * Add url parse tests based on wpt url tests. (#688)
+  * Support scheme-less urls if "https" is in allow list. (#662)
+  * Handle escaping ``<`` in edge cases where it doesn't start a tag. (#544)
+  * Correctly urlencode email address parts. Thank you, @larseggert! (#659)
+  * ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes.
+  * Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, @hugovk! (#629)
+  * CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now.
+  * Python 3.9 support
+  * Drop support for unsupported Python versions <3.6. (#520)
+  * add more tests for CVE-2021-23980 / GHSA-vv2x-vrpj-qqpq
+- Refresh de-vendor.patch, and convert to patch level 1
+- update to 3.3.0:
+  * Backwards incompatible change: clean escapes HTML comments
+    even when strip_comments=False
+  * Fix CVE-2021-23980: mutation XSS on bleach.clean with specific
+    combinations of allowed tags (boo#1184547)
+- includes changes from 3.2.3:
+  * fix clean and linkify raising ValueErrors for certain inputs
+- includes changes from 3.2.2:
+  * fix linkify raising an IndexError on certain inputs
+- includes changes from 3.2.1:
+  * change linkifier to add rel="nofollow" as documented
+- includes changes from 3.2.0:
+  * html5lib dependency increased to 1.1.0
+- Skip tests that fail with html5lib 1.1 ref the upstream ticket
+- Switch off test_uri_value_allowed_protocols test to work around
+  gh#mozilla/bleach#503.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Refresh patches and remove weird replacement of
+  command in %%prep.
+- add python311.patch to fix tests with 3.11
+- update to 5.3.1:
+  * Depend on Python >= 3.7.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 5.3.0:
+  * Add ``cache_info()`` function to ``@cached`` decorator.
+- update to 5.2.1:
+  * Add support for Python 3.11.
+  * Correct version information in RTD documentation.
+  * ``badges/shields``: Change to GitHub workflow badge routes.
+- update to v5.2.0
+  * Add cachetools.keys.methodkey().
+  * Add cache_clear() function to decorators.
+  * Add src directory to sys.path for Sphinx autodoc.
+  * Modernize func wrappers.
+- update to v5.1.0
+  * Add cache decorator parameters as wrapper function attributes.
+- update to v5.0.0
+  * Require Python 3.7 or later (breaking change).
+  * Remove deprecated submodules (breaking change).
+    The cache, fifo, lfu, lru, mru, rr and ttl submodules have been deleted. Therefore, statements like
+    from cachetools.ttl import TTLCache will no longer work. Use from cachetools import TTLCache instead.
+  * Pass self to @cachedmethod key function (breaking change).
+    The key function passed to the @cachedmethod decorator is now called as key(self, *args, **kwargs).
+    The default key function has been changed to ignore its first argument, so this should only affect applications using custom
+    key functions with the @cachedmethod decorator.
+  * Change exact time of expiration in TTLCache (breaking change).
+    TTLCache items now get expired if their expiration time is less than or equal to timer(). For applications using the default timer(),
+    this should be barely noticable, but it may affect the use of custom timers with larger tick intervals. Note that this also implies
+    that a TTLCache with ttl=0 can no longer hold any items, since they will expire immediately.
+  * Change Cache.__repr__() format (breaking change).
+    String representations of cache instances now use a more compact and efficient format, e.g.
+    LRUCache({1: 1, 2: 2}, maxsize=10, currsize=2)
+  * Add TLRU cache implementation.
+  * Documentation improvements.
+- update to 4.2.4:
+  - Add submodule shims for backward compatibility.
+  - Add documentation and tests for using ``TTLCache`` with
+    ``datetime``.
+  - Link to typeshed typing stubs.
+  - Flatten package file hierarchy.
+- version update to 4.2.2
+  * Update build environment.
+  * Remove Python 2 remnants.
+  * Format code with Black.
+- %check: use %pyunittest macro
+- update to 4.2.1:
+  - Handle ``__missing__()`` not storing cache items.
+  - Clean up ``__missing__()`` example.
+- update to 4.2.0:
+  - Add FIFO cache implementation.
+  - Add MRU cache implementation.
+  - Improve behavior of decorators in case of race conditions.
+  - Improve documentation regarding mutability of caches values and use
+    of key functions with decorators.
+  - Officially support Python 3.9.
+- update to 4.1.1:
+  - Improve ``popitem()`` exception context handling.
+  - Replace ``float('inf')`` with ``math.inf``.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Remove unnecessary bcond_without test
+- Update to 3.0
+  * Added support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.
+  * Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.4.
+  * Actively deprecate ``interpret_carriage_returns()``.
+  * Moved test helpers to :mod:`humanfriendly.testing`.
+  * Include documentation in source distributions.
+  * Use Python 3 for local development (``Makefile``).
+  * Restructured the online documentation.
+  * Updated PyPI domain in documentation.
+  * Added this changelog.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Add cmark-gfm-13.patch to update cmark to 0.29.0.gfm.13
+  (gh#theacodes/cmarkgfm#63, bsc#1213317, CVE-2023-37463)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 2022.10.27:
+  * Build wheels for Python 3.11
+  * Update cmark-gfm from 0.29.0.gfm.3 to 0.29.0.gfm.6
+- Update to 2022.10.26:
+  * Create wheels for Python 3.11
+- Update to 2022.3.4:
+  - Updated cmark to 0.29.0.gfm.3
+  - Switched to calendar versioning
+- Upgrade to 0.7.0:
+  - Create wheels for Python 3.10
+  - Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5
+  - The output generated by
+    cmarkgfm.github_flavored_markdown_to_html for code blocks has
+    changed to be in line with that of
+  - This change may break existing css rules as code blocks were
+    generated differently for cmarkgfm<0.6.0.
+-        <pre><code class="language-python">print('hello')
+  +        <pre lang="python"><code>print('hello'
+    </code></pre>
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.4.6:
+  * Add alternative to 'init()',
+    called 'just_fix_windows_console'. This fixes many longstanding problems
+    with 'init', such as working incorrectly on modern Windows terminals, and
+    wonkiness when init gets called multiple times. The intention is that it
+    just makes all Windows terminals treat ANSI the same way as other terminals
+    do. Many thanks the njsmith for fixing our messes.
+  * Support Windows 10's ANSI/VT
+    console. This didn't exist when Colorama was created, and avoiding us
+    causing havok there is long overdue. Thanks to segeviner for the initial
+    approach, and to njsmith for getting it merged.
+  * Internal overhaul of package
+    metadata declaration, which abolishes our use of the now heavily
+    discouraged setuptools (and hence, setup.cfg and, in
+    favor of hatchling (and hence pyproject.toml), generously contributed by
+    ofek (author of hatchling). This includes dropping support Python3.5 and
+    3.6, which are EOL, and were already dropped from setuptools, so this
+    should not affect our users.
+  * Attention to detail award to
+    LqdBcnAtWork for a spelling fix in demo06
+- update to 0.4.5:
+  * Catch a racy ValueError that could occur on exit.
+  * Create, for Colorama contributors.
+  * Tweak some README unicode characters that don't render correctly on PyPI.
+  * Fix some tests that were failing on some operating systems.
+  * Add support for Python 3.9.
+  * Add support for PyPy3.
+  * Add support for pickling with the ``dill`` module.
+- python-mock is actually not required for build
-- update to 0.3.2:
-  * Thanks to Marc Schlaich (schlamar) for a fix for Python2.5
-  * Thanks to Jurko for fix on 64-bit Windows CPython2.5 w/o ctypes (issue #56)
-  * Thanks to Remi Rampin for:
-  * better github integration, incl rendered README and Travis config.
-  * fixed forward slashes in README
-  * Thanks to Florian Bruhin for fix when stdout or stderr are None
-  * Thanks to Simeon Visser for:
-  * closing a file handle using 'with'
-  * updating classifiers to include Python 3.3 and 3.4
-  * Thanks to Thomas Weininger for fix ValueError on Windows (issue #50)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- python-mock is actually not needed for build
+- Fix build error for Leap.
+  - Set right versions to BuildRequires and Requires.
+- Disable python2 and python36 because End of support.
+- Update to 15.0.1
+  - Bug fix: Restore :class:`.StandardErrorHandler` functionality
+  - The :class:`.StandardErrorHandler` class is responsible for dynamically
+    resolving (looking up the value of) sys.stderr for each logged message instead
+    of once when :func:`coloredlogs.install()` is called.
+  - This was unintentionally broken by changes in `release 14.1`_.
+  - _Release 15.0.1:
+- Update to 15.0
+  - Don't enable system logging on MacOS and Windows anymore.
+  - This is backwards incompatible (which is why I'm bumping the major version
+    number) however the old behavior has been reported to be rather problematic
+    (see :func:`~coloredlogs.syslog.is_syslog_supported()` for details) so this
+    seems like the best choice.
+  - _Release 15.0:
+- Update to 14.3
+  * Merged pull request `#89`_ which enhances :func:`coloredlogs.install()` to
+    preserve the filters on handlers that are replaced by :pypi:`coloredlogs`.
+  * _Release 14.3:
+  * _#89:
+- Update to 14.2
+  * Honor the ``$NO_COLOR`` environment variable as suggested in issue `#88`_.
+  * _Release 14.2:
+  * _#88:
+- Update to 14.1
+  * *Bug fixes:**
+  - Don't allow interactive terminal detection to disable colored text when
+    colored text is being forced by the caller (reported in issue `#84`_).
+  - Automatically disable colored text when logging output is being redirected to
+    a file in such a way that it actually works 😬 (reported in issue `#100`_).
+  * *Other changes:**
+  - Start testing on PyPy 3 (because why not?)
+  - _Release 14.1:
+  - _#84:
+  - _#100:
+- Fix minimum dependency version of python-humanfriendly
+- Update to 14.0
+  * Merged pull request `#80`_ that drops support for Python 3.4 which
+    has gone end-of-life and now represents less than 1% of PyPI downloads.
+  * Improved compatibility with the Python standard library by changing
+    the order of positional arguments received by the initializer of the
+    :class:`~coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter` class (as suggested in `#64`_
+    and `#75`_).
+  * Add support for the ``%(username)s`` field (requested in `#76`_) and properly
+    document supported custom fields.
+  * Consistently use ``console`` highlighting in documentation.
+  * Fix a broken link in the readme.
+  * Merge pull request `#79`_ which adds support for Python 3.8.
+  * Fix support for custom log record factories and add a test to avoid
+    regressions (`#47`_, `#59`_).
+  * Change ``make screenshots`` to be Python 3 compatible and document
+    additional requirements (`#65`_).
+- Update to 11.0:
+  - This is a maintenance release that drops Python 2.6 support,
+    adds Python 3.7 support and merges quite a few minor pull
+    requests. The major version number was bumped because of the
+    compatibility changes.
+    Complete list of (really small) changes is on
+  - Update test_cli_conversion_test.patch
+- Add test_cli_conversion_test.patch, because we don't have versionless
+  coloredlogs in time of %check.
+- Disable one flaky test
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Add remove_six.patch (gh#DiffSK/configobj#239) removing the
+  need for six.
+- update to 5.0.8:
+  * 5.0.7 originally did this work, but 5.0.8 fixes a regression
+  * update testing to validate against python version 2.7 and
+    3.5-3.11
+  * update broken links / non-existent services and references
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- require setuptools
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Update to version 5.0.5:
-  * BUGFIX: error in writing out config files to disk with non-ascii
-    characters
-  * BUGFIX: correcting that the code path fixed in 5.0.3 didn’t cover
-    reading in config files
-  * BUGFIX: not handling unicode encoding well, especially with respect to
-    writing out files
-  * Specific error message for installing version this version on Python
-    versions older than 2.5
-  * Documentation corrections
-  * BUGFIX: Fixed regression on python 2.x where passing an encoding parameter
-    did not convert a bytestring config file (which is the most common) to
-    unicode. Added unit tests for this and related cases
-  * BUGFIX: A particular error message would fail to display with a type error
-    on python 2.6 only
-  * Python 3 single-source compatibility at the cost of a more restrictive set
-    of versions: 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 (otherwise unchanged)
-- license update: BSD-3-Clause
-  Refers only to the license available at
- (which is BSD-3-Clause)
-- Spec file cleanups
-- Really make the obsoletes sane: The package was called
-  python-configobj-docs before, so that's what we need to obsolete
-  (not -doc).
-- The Obsoletes tag is for <= %{version}, as the package existed in
-  version 4.7.2, which is also when it was merged back. Obsoleting
-  only < 4.7.2 would cause conflicts when installing the newly
-  merged package.
-- fix Obsoletes
-- Spec file cleanup:
-  * Use upstream tarball
-  * Obsoleted empty doc package
-  * Fix SLE-11 build
-  * Use upstream description
+- Upgrade to latest upstream version v1.1.30:
+  * relax pyparsing version restriction
+  * Replace more occurrences of getargspec() with getfullargspec()
+  * replace getargspec() with getfullargspec()
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Actually needs setuptools 61.2 now
+- Update to 1.2.1
+  * make the pyproject.toml fully PEP 621 compliant PR #19
+- Fix version metadata (broke kiwisolver)
+- Follow upstreams Python >= 3.7 restriction
+- update to 1.2.0:
+  - expose a build_ext subclass that can be re-used in other projects PR #16
+  - use a PEP 517 compatible install procedure PR #16
+  - do not access directly ob_type on PyObject use Py_TYPE
+- update to 2.14.4:
+  * Fixed: Redirect with switch user.
+  * Improved: Remove extra filtering in AutocompleteLookup.
+  * Improved: Added import statement with URLs for quickstart
+    docs.
+  * Improved: Added additional blocks with inlines to allow
+    override.
+  * Fixed: Compatibility with Django 3.1.
+  * Fixed: Docs about adding Grappelli documentation URLS.
+- add CVE-2021-46898.patch (bsc#1216481, CVE-2021-46898)
-- Update to version 2.4.6
-  + Add compatibility with Django 1.4/1.5
-- Use download url as source
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- do not require pytest-runner for build, not required
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 0.18.0
+  * New features:
+    + Support for EdDSA (Ed25519, Ed448) signature creation and
+    verification.
+    + Support for Ed25519 and Ed448 in PKCS#8 and public key files.
+    + Support for point precomputation for EdDSA.
+  * New API:
+    + CurveEdTw class to represent the Twisted Edwards curve
+    parameters.
+    + PointEdwards class to represent points on Twisted Edwards
+    curve and provide point arithmetic on it.
+    + curve_by_name in curves module to get a Curve object by
+    providing curve name.
+  * Bug fix:
+    + Accept private EdDSA keys that include public key in the
+    ASN.1 structure.
+    + Fix incompatibility with Python 3.3 in handling of
+    memoryviews of empty strings.
+    + Make the VerifyingKey encoded with explicit parameters use
+    the same kind of point encoding for public key and curve
+    generator.
+    + Better handling of malformed curve parameters (as in
+    CVE-2022-0778); make python-ecdsa raise MalformedPointError
+    instead of AssertionError.
+- Also remove the conditional definition of python_module.
+- Update to 0.17.0
+  * Keys that use explicit curve parameters can now be read and written.
+    Reading of explicit curves can be disabled by using the
+    `valid_curve_encodings` keyword argument in `VerifyingKey.from_pem()`,
+    `VerifyingKey.from_der()`, `SigningKey.from_pem()`, and
+    `SigningKey.from_der()`.
+  * Keys can now be written with use of explicit curve parameters,
+    use `curve_parameters_encoding` keyword argument of `VerifyingKey.to_pem()`,
+    `VerifyingKey.to_der()`, `SigningKey.to_pem(), or `SigningKey.to_der()` to
+    specify the format. By default `named_curve` will be used, unless the
+    curve doesn't have an associated OID (as will be the case for an unsupported
+    curve), then `explicit` encoding will be used.
+  * Allow specifying acceptable point formats when loading public keys
+    (this also fixes a minor bug where python-ecdsa would accept raw
+    encoding for points in PKCS#8 files). Set of accepted encodings is controlled
+    by `valid_encodings` keyword argument in
+    `ECDH.load_received_public_key_bytes()`, `VerifyingKey.from_string()`,
+    `VerifyingKey.from_pem()`, VerifyingKey.from_der()`.
+  * `PointJacobi` and `Point` now inherit from `AbstractPoint` that implements
+    the methods for parsing points. That added `from_bytes()` and
+    `to_bytes()` methods to both of them.
+  * Curve parameters can now be read and written to PEM and DER files. The
+    `Curve` class supports new `to_der()`, `from_der()`, `to_pem()`, and
+    `from_pem()` methods.
+  * Describe in detail which methods can raise `RSZeroError`, and that
+    `SigningKey.sign_deterministic()` won't raise it.
+  * Correctly truncate hash values larger than the curve order (only impacted
+    custom curves and the curves added in this release).
+  * Correctly handle curves for which the order is larger than the prime
+    (only impacted custom curves and the secp160r1 curve added in this release).
+  * Fix the handling of `==` and `!=` for `Public_key`, `Private_key`, `Point`,
+    `PointJacobi`, `VerifyingKey`, and `SigningKey` so that it behaves
+    consistently and in the expected way both in Python 2 and Python 3.
+  * Implement lock-less algorithm inside PointJacobi for keeping shared state
+    so that when a calculation is aborted with KeyboardInterrupt, the state
+    doesn't become corrupted (this fixes the occasional breakage of ecdsa in
+    interactive shells).
+  * The `` script now provides performance for signature verification
+    without the use of precomputation.
+  * New curves supported: secp112r1, secp112r2, secp128r1, secp160r1.
+  * Use 2-ary Non-Adjacent Form for the combined multiply-add. This speeds up
+    single-shot verify (i.e. without precomputation) by about 4 to 5%.
+  * Use native Python 3.8 support for calculating multiplicative inverses.
+  * Include Python 3.9 in PyPI keywords.
+  * More realistic branch coverage counting (ignore Python version-specific
+    branches).
+  * Additional test coverage to many parts of the library.
+  * Migrate to Github Actions for Continuous Testing.
+- update to to 0.16.1:
+  * `VerifyingKey.precompute()` supports `lazy` argument to delay
+  precomputation to the first time the key is used to verify a signature.
+  * Make created signatures correct when the hash used is bigger than the curve
+  order bit size and the curve order is not a multiple of 8
+  * Speed up library load time by calculating the generator point multiplication
+  tables the first time the points are used, not when they are initialised.
+- update to 0.16.0:
+  * Support for reading and writing private keys in PKCS#8 format.
+  * `to_pem` and `to_der` now accept new parameter, `format`, to specify
+  * the format of the encoded files, either the dafault, legacy "ssleay", or
+  * the new `pkcs8` to use PKCS#8. Note that only unencrypted PKCS#8 files are
+  * supported.
+  * Add `allow_truncate` to `verify` in `VerifyingKey`, it defaults to True,
+  * when specified as False, use of large hashes smaller than curves will be
+  * disallowed (as it was in 0.14.1 and earlier).
+  * Correctly calculate signatures for private keys equal to n-1.
+  * Make `PointJacobi` and thus `SigningKey` and `VerifyingKey` pickleable.
+- update to 0.15
+- fix fdupes usage
+  * extra long changelog - see NEWS file
+- Include in SLE-12 (fate#323875, bsc#1054413)
-- update to 0.13
+- update to 0.13 (bsc#962291)
-- update to version 0.11:
-  * update NEWS for 0.11 release
-  * VerifyingKey.from_string(): add validate_point= argument
-  * Merge pull request #17 from trezor/master
-  * README: stop claiming py2.5 compatibility.
-  * Merge pull request #18 from alex/patch-2
-  * Merge pull request #16 from alex/patch-1
-  * Remove Python 2.5 from travis.
-  * Added trove classifiers showing versions supported
-  * canonical versions of sigencode methods these enforce low S values,
-    by negating the value (modulo the order) if above order/2
-  * Remove Python 2.5 from travis.
-  * Run tests under PyPy
-- include in SLE 12 (FATE #315990)
-- update to 0.10:
-  * Make the secp256k1 available
-- updated to version 0.9
-  * added secp256k1 curve
-  * added deterministic (no entropy needed) signatures
-  * added py3.2/py3.3 compatibility
-- created package (version 0.8)
+- update to 4.1.0:
+  * Drop support for Python 3.6 (EOL)
+  * Add a new ``WarningsFilter`` filter, allowing users to filter
+    warnings as part of their tests, before restoring said filters.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 4.0.1:
+  * Remove testtools from requirements.txt as well
+  * github: Add all pypy3 versions to test matrix
+  * github: Add Python 3.11 betas to test matrix
+  * tox: Add py311
+  * Support Popen's process\_group argument from Python 3.11
+  * Update classmethod expectations (again) for Python 3.11
+  * Revert to the previous classmethod expectations for PyPy3.9
+- Update to 4.0.0:
+  * Document more changes since 3.0.0
+  * Mention extra in another place in README
+  * Move testtools requirement to a "streams" extra
+  * Stop using testtools.helpers.try_import
+  * Fix MockPatchMultiple.DEFAULT
+  * Fix YAML type confusion
+  * Add support for Python 3.10
+  * Mark README as rST
+  * setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
+  * Drop support for Python < 3.6, add 3.7 - 3.9
+  * Add possibility to reset the FakeLogger
+  * Add missing APIs to FakeProcess, making it match Popen (LP #1373224)
+- Remove patch fixtures-pr36-py39.patch:
+  * Included upstream.
+- Add patch handle-no-external-mock.patch:
+  * Skip a testcase if mock is not available.
+- Bump required versions of pbr and testtools.
+- Correct URL.
+- Add missing BuildRequire on python-setuptools
+  (this was implicitly pulled in only).
+- Add fixtures-pr36-py39.patch -- gh#testing-cabal/fixtures#46
+  * Drops Python 2 compatibility in favor of Python 3.9
+  * Also removes six (but wants to keep mock)
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
-- update to version 0.3.16:
-  * Fixed 0.3.15 on Python 2.6 - version info is a plain tuple there.
-  * ``FakePopen`` now supports being called under a context manager (IE: with).
-  * ``FakeProcess`` now supports kill().
-  * ``FakeProcess`` wait() now supports arguments added in Python 3.
-  * ``MonkeyPatch`` now preserves ``staticmethod`` functions.
-- Add python-testtools as Requires
-- Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1176785, jsc#ECO-3105, jsc#PM-2352)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Switch to autosetup and pyproject macros
+- Add patch support-python-312.patch, don't call a removed assertion
+  function
+- Skip some recalcitrant tests
+- Clean up some old Python 3 version requirements
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 2.4.16:
+  * Make `fs.zipfs._ZipExtFile` use the seeking mechanism implemented
+    in the Python standard library in Python version 3.7 and later
+  * Mark `fs.zipfs.ReadZipFS` as a case-sensitive filesystem
+  * Optimized moving files between filesystems with syspaths.
+  * Fixed `fs.move.move_file` to clean up the copy on the destination in case of errors.
+  * `fs.opener.manage_fs` with `writeable=True` will now raise a `ResourceReadOnly`
+    exception if the managed filesystem is not writeable.
+  * Marked filesystems wrapped with `fs.wrap.WrapReadOnly` as read-only.
+- update to 2.4.15:
+  - Support more lenient usernames and group names in FTP servers
+  - Fixed `MemoryFS.move` and `MemoryFS.movedir` not updating the name of moved
+    resources, causing `MemoryFS.scandir` to use the old name.
+  - Make `WrapFS.move` and `WrapFS.movedir` use the delegate FS methods instead
+    of `fs.move` functions, which was causing optimized implementation of
+  `movedir` to be always skipped.
+- update to 2.4.14:
+  * Added `fs.copy.copy_file_if`, `fs.copy.copy_dir_if`, and `fs.copy.copy_fs_if`.
+  * Added `fs.base.FS.getmodified`.
+  * FTP servers that do not support the MLST command now try to use the MDTM
+    command to retrieve the last modification timestamp of a resource.
+  * Fixed performance bugs in `fs.copy.copy_dir_if_newer`. Test cases were
+    adapted to catch those bugs in the future.
+  * Fixed precision bug for timestamps in `fs.OSFS.setinfo`.
+- Update to 2.4.13
+  * Added FTP over TLS (FTPS) support to FTPFS.
+    Closes #437, #449.
+  * PathError now supports wrapping an exception using the exc
+  argument.
+    Closes #453.
+  * Better documentation of the writable parameter of fs.open_fs,
+    and hint about using fs.wrap.read_only when a read-only
+    filesystem is required. Closes #441.
+  Changed
+  * Make FS.upload explicit about the expected error when the
+    parent directory of the destination does not exist.
+    Closes #445.
+  * Migrate continuous integration from Travis-CI to GitHub
+    Actions and introduce several linters again in the build steps
+    (#448). Closes #446.
+  * Stop requiring pytest to run tests, allowing any test runner
+    supporting unittest-style test suites.
+  * FSTestCases now builds the large data required for upload and
+    download tests only once in order to reduce the total testing
+    time.
+  * MemoryFS.move and MemoryFS.movedir will now avoid copying data.
+    Closes #452.
+  * FS.removetree("/") behaviour has been standardized in all
+    filesystems, and is expected to clear the contents of the root
+    folder without deleting it. Closes #471.
+  * FS.getbasic is now deprecated, as it is redundant with
+    FS.getinfo, and FS.getinfo is now explicitly expected to
+    return the basic info namespace unconditionally. Closes #469.
+  Fixed
+  * Make FTPFile, MemoryFile and RawWrapper accept array.array
+    arguments for the write and writelines methods, as expected by
+    their base class io.RawIOBase.
+  * Various documentation issues, including MemoryFS docstring not
+    rendering properly.
+  * Avoid creating a new connection on every call of FTPFS.upload.
+    Closes #455.
+  * WrapReadOnly.removetree not raising a ResourceReadOnly when
+    called. Closes #468.
+  * WrapCachedDir.isdir and WrapCachedDir.isfile raising a
+    ResourceNotFound error on non-existing path (#470).
+  * FTPFS not listing certain entries with sticky/SUID/SGID
+    permissions set by Linux server (#473). Closes #451.
+  * scandir iterator not being closed explicitly in OSFS.scandir,
+    occasionally causing a ResourceWarning
+    to be thrown. Closes #311.
+  * Incomplete type annotations for the temp_fs parameter of
+    WriteTarFS and WriteZipFS. Closes #410.
+- Release 2.4.12
+  Added
+  * Missing mode attribute to _MemoryFile objects returned by
+    MemoryFS.    openbin.
+  * Missing readinto method for MemoryFS and FTPFS file objects.
+    Closes #380.
+  * Added compatibility if a Windows FTP server returns file
+    information to the LIST command with 24-hour times. Closes
+    [#438].
+  Changed
+  * Start testing on PyPy. Due to #342
+    we have to treat PyPy builds specially and allow them to fail,
+    but at least we'll be able to see if we break something aside
+    from known issues with FTP tests.
+  * Include docs in source distributions as well as the whole
+    tests folder, ensuring is present, fixes #364.
+  * Stop patching copy with Python 3.8+ because it already
+    uses sendfile.
+  Fixed
+  * Fixed crash when CPython's -OO flag is used
+  * Fixed error when parsing timestamps from a FTP directory
+    served from a WindowsNT FTP Server, fixes #395.
+  * Fixed documentation of Mode.to_platform_bin. Closes #382.
+  * Fixed the code example in the "Testing Filesystems" section of
+    the  "Implementing Filesystems" guide. Closes #407.
+  * Fixed FTPFS.openbin not implicitly opening files in binary
+    mode like expected from openbin. Closes #406.
+- was removed by upstream
+- Add 165-use-ipaddress-library.patch to use standard ipaddress
+  library to parse IP addresses (gh#gruns/furl#164).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- version update to v2.1.3
+  Fixed: Actually drop ';' as a query delimiter. See furl v2.1.2's
+  changelog and
+- Skip python2: Fixes 15.X build
+- Remove flake8 test requirement: no code linting required for
+  packaging
+- version update to 2.1.2
+  Fixed: Support Python 3.9's changed urllib.parse.urljoin() behavior.
+  Changed: Drop semicolon query delimiters. See
+  Changed: Drop support for EOL Python 3.4 and Python 3.5.
+- deleted patches
+  - furl-py39-join.patch (upstreamed)
+  - tests_overcome_bpo42967.patch (upstreamed)
+- Add furl-py39-join.patch to fix Python 3.9 test failure
+  gh#gruns/furl#139
+- Submitted tests_overcome_bpo42967.patch as gh#gruns/furl#140
+- Add 619-test-zero-byte.patch to fix
+  gh#PythonCharmers/python-future#618.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- pull in dbm for all flavors on SLE15 SP4+ as well
+- update to 0.18.3:
+  * Backport fix for bpo-38804 (c91d70b)
+  * Fix bug in fixer (dffc579)
+  * Fix bug in fixer (3401099)
+  * Fix newint bool in py3 (fe645ba)
+  * Fix bug in super() with metaclasses (6e27aac)
+  * docs: fix simple typo, reqest -> request (974eb1f)
+  * Correct eq (c780bf5)
+  * Pass if lint fails (2abe00d)
+  * fix order (f96a219)
+  * Add flake8 to image (046ff18)
+  * Make executable (58cc984)
+  * Add docker push to optimize CI (01e8440)
+  * Build System (42b3025)
+  * Add docs build status badge to (3f40bd7)
+  * Use same docs requirements in tox (18ecc5a)
+  * Add docs/requirements.txt (5f9893f)
+  * Add PY37_PLUS, PY38_PLUS, and PY39_PLUS (bee0247)
+  * fix 2.6 test, better comment (ddedcb9)
+  * fix 2.6 test (3f1ff7e)
+  * remove nan test (4dbded1)
+  * include list test values (e3f1a12)
+  * fix other python2 test issues (c051026)
+  * fix missing subTest (f006cad)
+  * import from old imp library on older python versions (fc84fa8)
+  * replace fstrings with format for python 3.4,3.5 (4a687ea)
+  * minor style/spelling fixes (8302d8c)
+  * improve cmp function, add unittest (0d95a40)
+  * Pin typing== for Python 3.3 compatiblity (1a48f1b)
+  * Fix various py26 unit test failures (9ca5a14)
+  * Add initial contributing guide with docs build instruction (e55f915)
+  * Add docs building to tox.ini (3ee9e7f)
+  * Support NumPy's specialized int types in builtins.round (b4b54f0)
+  * Added r""" to the docstring to avoid warnings in python3 (5f94572)
+  * Add subclasscheck for past.types.basestring (c9bc0ff)
+  * Correct example in README (681e78c)
+  * Add simple documentation (6c6e3ae)
+  * Add pre-commit hooks (a9c6a37)
+  * Handling of next and next by future.utils.get_next was reversed (52b0ff9)
+  * Add a test for our fix (461d77e)
+  * Compare headers to correct definition of str (3eaa8fd)
+  * Add support for negative ndigits in round; additionally, fixing a bug so
+    that it handles passing in Decimal properly (a4911b9)
+  * Add tkFileDialog to future.movers.tkinter (f6a6549)
+  * Sort before comparing dicts in TestChainMap (6126997)
+  * Fix typo (4dfa099)
+  * Fix formatting in "What's new" (1663dfa)
+  * Fix typo (4236061)
+  * Avoid DeprecationWarning caused by invalid escape (e4b7fa1)
+  * Fixup broken link to external django documentation re: porting to Python 3
+    and unicode_literals (d87713e)
+  * Fixed newdict checking version every time (99030ec)
+  * Add count from 2.7 to 2.6 (1b8ef51)
+- drop CVE-2022-40899.patch (upstream)
+- Add python39-build.patch to avoid test failures
+  (gh#PythonCharmers/python-future#578).
+- Need dbm for more than one python3 flavor
+  gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version 0.5.3:
+  + Support gast.unparse.
+- Changes from version 0.5.2:
+  + Test field count more accurately.
+- Changes from verison 0.5.1:
+  + Support NamedExpr.
+  + Cleanup and optimize the way gast builds its AST.
+- Changes from version 0.5.0:
+  + Support AST change for 3.10.
+- %check: use %pyunittest macro
+- Update to 0.4.0:
+  * Support Python 3.9
+- Add urllib3-2.patch to support newer urllib3 -- gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#1290
+- Remove no-python3.patch
+- Update to 2.17.3:
+  * Add useEmailAzp claim for id token iam flow (#1270) (7a9c6f2)
+- 2.17.2:
+  * Do not create new JWT credentials if they make the same claims as
+    the existing. (#1267) (eebb7b6)
+- 2.17.1:
+  * Print out reauth plugin error and raise if challenge output is
+    None (#1265) (08d22fe)
+- 2.17.0:
+  * Experimental service account iam endpoint flow for id token
+    (#1258) (8ff0de5)
+  * Python: Remove aws url validation (#1254) (20a966b)
+- 2.16.3:
+  * Read both applicationId and relyingPartyId. (#1246) (e125dfe)
+- 2.16.2:
+  * Call gcloud config get project to get project for user cred
+    (#1243) (c078a13)
+  * Do not use hardcoded string 'python', when you mean
+    sys.executable. (#1233) (91ac8e6)
+  * Don't retry if error or error_description is not string (#1241)
+    (e2d263a)
+  * Improve ADC related errors and warnings (#1237) (2dfa213)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove conflicts and clean up SPEC file.
+- Update to 2.16.1
+  * Add support for python 3.11 (#1212)
+  * Remove 3PI config url validation (#1220)
+  * Update the docs generator interpreter to unblock documentation build (#1218)
+- from version 2.16.0
+  * AwsCredentials should not call metadata server if security creds and region
+    are retrievable through the environment variables (#1195)
+  * Wrap all python built-in exceptions into library excpetions (#1191)
+  * Allow get_project_id to take a request (#1203)
+  * Make OAUTH2.0 client resistant to string type 'expires_in' responses from
+    non-compliant services (#1208)
+- Drop obsolete patches
+  * ga_python-executable-name.patch
+- Refresh patches for new version
+  * no-python3.patch
+- Add no-python3.patch replacing call of the
+  string literal 'python3' with sys.executable
+  (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python!1233).
+- Update to 2.15.0
+  * Add api_key credentials (#1184)
+  * Introduce a way to provide scopes granted by user (#1189)
+  * Allow mtls sts endpoint for external account token urls. (#1185)
+  * CI broken by removal of py.path (#1194)
+  * Ensure JWT segments have the right types (#1162)
+  * Updated the lower bound of interactive timeout and fix the kwarg… (#1182)
+- Update to 2.14.1
+  * Apply quota project for compute cred in adc (#1177)
+  * Update minimum required version of cryptography in pyopenssl extra (#1176)
+  * Validate url domain for aws metadata urls (#1174)
+- Update Requires from
+- Clean up SPEC file, make rpmlint happy.
+- Update to 2.14.0
+  * Add token_info_url to external account credentials (#1168)
+  * Read Quota Project from Environment Variable (#1163)
+  * Adding more properties to external_account_authorized_user (#1169)
+- from version 2.13.0
+  * Adds new external account authorized user credentials (#1160)
+  * Implement pluggable auth interactive mode (#1131)
+  * Introduce the functionality to override token_uri in credentials (#1159)
+  * Adding one more pattern to relax the regex check for sts and
+    impersonation url endpoints (#1158)
+- Refresh patches for new version
+  * python-google-auth-no-mock.patch
+- Update to 2.12.0
+  * Retry behavior (#1113)
+  * Modify RefreshError exception to use gcloud ADC command. (#1149)
+  * Revert "Update token refresh threshold from 20 seconds to 5 minutes". (186464b)
+- Refresh patches for new version
+  * python-google-auth-no-mock.patch
+- Update to 2.11.0
+  * add integration tests for configurable token lifespan (#1103)
+  * Async certificate retrieving (#1101)
+- from version 2.10.0
+  * add integration tests for pluggable auth (#1073)
+  * support for configurable token lifetime (0dc6a9a)
+  * support for configurable token lifetime (#1079)
+  * async certificate decoding (#1085)
+  * Async system tests were not unwrapping async_generators (#1086)
+  * Fix IDTokenCredentials update bug [#1072)
+  * make expiration_time optional in response schema (#1091)
+  * refactor credential subclass parameters (#1095)
+- from version 2.9.1
+  * there was a raise missing for throwing exceptions (#1077)
+- from version 2.9.0
+  * pluggable auth support (#1045)
+- from version 2.8.0
+  * add experimental GDCH support (#1044)
+- Refresh patches for new version
+  * python-google-auth-no-mock.patch
+- version update to 2.7.0
+  [#]# [2.7.0]
+  * add experimental enterprise cert support
+  * add experimental GDCH support
+  * Pluggable auth support
+  * validate urls for external accounts
+  * pluggable auth support [#995]
+  * revert experimental GDCH support
+  * fix changelog header to consistent size
+  [#]# [2.6.6]
+  * silence TypeError during tear down stage
+  [#]# [2.6.5]
+  * add additional missing import in
+  [#]# [2.6.4]
+  * fix missing import in
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-google-auth-no-mock.patch
+- Update to 2.6.6
+  * fix missing import in
+  * add additional missing import in
+  * silence TypeError during tear down stage
+- Don't test the converter for the deprecated oauth2client library
+- Improve %files to be more restrictive.
+- Update to 2.6.3
+  Bug Fixes
+  * change requests lib import place (#1010)
+  * clean up HTTP session and pool during tear down phase (#1007)
+  * pin click version and update sys test creds (#1008)
+- from version 2.6.2
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Rename aws imdsv2 url field and update token lifetime (#982)
+  Miscellaneous Chores
+  * let release-please finish the release (#991)
+- from version 2.6.1
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Add AWS session token to metadata requests (#958)
+- from version 2.6.0
+  Features
+  * ADC can load an impersonated service account credentials. (#962)
+  Bug Fixes
+  * revert "feat: add api key support (#826)
+- Update to 2.5.0
+  * ADC can load an impersonated service account credentials. (#965)
+- from version 2.4.1
+  * fix urrlib3 import (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#953)
+- from version 2.4.0
+  * add 'py.typed' declaration (#919)
+  * add api key support (#826)
+  * deps: allow cachetools 5.0 for python 3.7+
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#937)
+  * fix the message format for metadata server exception
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#916)
+- from version 2.3.3
+  * add fetch_id_token_credentials (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#866)
+  * fix error in sign_bytes (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#905)
+  * use 'int.to_bytes' and 'int.from_bytes' for py3
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#904)
+- from version 2.3.2
+  * add clock_skew_in_seconds to verify_token functions
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#894)
+- from version 2.3.1
+  * add back python 2.7 for gcloud usage only
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#892)
+- from version 2.3.0
+  * add support for Python 3.10 (#882)
+  * ADC with impersonated workforce pools
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#877)
+- from version 2.2.1
+  * disable self signed jwt for domain wide delegation
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#873)
+- from version 2.2.0
+  * add support for workforce pool credentials (#868)
+- from version 2.1.0
+  * Improve handling of clock skew (#858)
+  * add SAML challenge to reauth
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#819)
+  * disable warning if quota project id provided to auth.default()
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#856)
+  * rename CLOCK_SKEW and separate client/server user case
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#863)
+- from version 2.0.2
+  * use 'int.to_bytes' rather than deprecated crypto wrapper
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#848)
+  * use int.from_bytes (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#846)
+- Update to 2.0.1
+  * normalize AWS paths correctly on windows (#842)
+- from version 2.0.0
+  * drop support for Python 2.7 (#778)
+  * service account is able to use a private token endpoint (#835)
+  * downscoping documentation bugs (#830)
+  * Fix missing space in error message. (#821)
+  * update user guide/references for downscoped creds (#827)
+- from version 1.34.0
+  * support refresh callable on google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials (#812)
+  * do not use the GAE APIs on gen2+ runtimes (#807)
+- from version 1.33.1
+  * fallback to source creds expiration in downscoped tokens (#805)
+  * revert "feat: service account is able to use a private token endpoint (#784)
+- from version 1.33.0
+  * define `CredentialAccessBoundary` classes (#793)
+  * define `google.auth.downscoped.Credentials` class (#801)
+  * service account is able to use a private token endpoint (#784)
+  * fix fetch_id_token credential lookup order to match adc (#748)
+  * fix code block formatting in 'user-guide.rst' (#794)
+- from version 1.32.1
+  * avoid leaking sub-session created for '_auth_request' (#789)
+- from version 1.32.0
+  * allow scopes for self signed jwt (#776)
+- from version 1.31.0
+  * define useful properties on `google.auth.external_account.Credentials` (#770)
+  * avoid deleting items while iterating (#772)
+- from version 1.30.2
+  * **dependencies:** add urllib3 and requests to aiohttp extra (#755)
+  * enforce constraints during unit tests (#760)
+  * session object was never used in aiohttp request (#700)
+- from version 1.30.1
+  * allow user to customize context aware metadata path in _mtls_helper (#754)
+  * fix function name in signing error message (#751)
+- from version 1.30.0
+  * add reauth support to async user credentials for gcloud (#738)
+- from version 1.29.0
+  * add reauth feature to user credentials for gcloud (#727)
+  * Allow multiple audiences for id_token.verify_token (#733)
+- from version 1.28.1
+  * support custom alg in jwt header for signing (#729)
+- from version 1.28.0
+  * allow the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable (#721)
+  * expose library version at `google.auth.__version` (#683)
+  * fix unit tests so they can work in g3 (#714)
+- from version 1.27.1
+  * ignore gcloud warning when getting project id (#708)
+  * use gcloud creds flow (#705)
+- from version 1.27.0
+  * workload identity federation support (#698)
+  * add pyopenssl as extra dependency (#697)
+- from version 1.26.1
+  * fix a typo in the user guide (avaiable -> available) (#680)
+  * revert workload identity federation support (#691)
+- from version 1.26.0
+  * workload identity federation support (#686)
+- from version 1.25.0
+  * support self-signed jwt in requests and urllib3 transports (#679)
+  * use self-signed jwt for service account (#665)
+- Add patch to fix filename of Python executable in testsuite
+  + ga_python-executable-name.patch
+- Update BuildRequires from
+- Update to 1.24.0
+  * add Python 3.9 support, drop Python 3.5 support
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#654)
+  * avoid losing the original '_include_email' parameter in impersonated
+    credentials (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#626)
+- from version 1.23.0
+  * Add custom scopes for access tokens from the metadata service
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#633)
+  * remove checks for ancient versions of Cryptography
+- from version 1.22.1
+  * move aiohttp to extra as it is currently internal surface
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#619)
+- from version 1.22.0
+  * add asyncio based auth flow
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#612)
+- from version 1.21.3
+  * fix expiry for to_json()
+    (gh#googleapis/google-auth-library-python#589)
+- Skip build for python2 as it is not supported anymore and unit tests
+  can not be run because of unsatisfiable dependencies (mock >= 3.6)
+- Add urllib3 to the build requirements needed for testing and remove
+  cryptography
-- Skip tests that require too new mock package
+- add d9200d1018ac916b30433da23898c8c5fbde0f28.patch to
+  improve cython 3.x interoperability
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version to 1.8.2
+  * Added Python 3.11 wheel - #303
+  * Fix up doc link in README
+  * Use just major version
+  * Bump GHA actions to latest version
+- Update to version to 1.8.1 with Python 3.7 requires
+  * Fix up build problems with latest change
+  * Change sdist and build to use PEP517
+  * Fix up doc references
+  * More fixes for the release process
+- Move tests out of runtime package
+- Enable test suite
+- Update to 1.7.3
+  - Fix up sha512sum file generation in the GitHub release asset
+  - Added Python type annotation to classes and functions
+- Update to 1.7.2:
+  - Fix distutil deprecation on Python 3.10 by using setuptools
+    instead
+- Update to 1.7.0:
+  - Add Kerberos specific GSS-API Extensions
+  - Tidy up docs and turn warnings into errors
+- Update to 1.6.14:
+  - Enable specification of krb5-config via environment variable
+  - Support for docs build with sphinx 4
+  - Fix undefined variable in get_all_statuses()
+  - Add support for str objects in the cred store dict
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version v1.1.0 (2020-10-15)
+  * New function: count_chinese(). Thanks to ramwin.
+  * Drop Python 2
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- Add fix-sdist-target.patch to fix tests: gh#pypa/hatch@1b10663e645e
+- update to 1.7.0:
+  * The `src-layout` project template option is now enabled by
+    default
+  * Non-critical output now goes to stderr
+  * Add `tool.hatch.env.requires` configuration to automatically
+    install dependencies for environment and environment
+    collector plugins
+  * Add `custom` environment collector
+  * Improve syncing of dependencies provided through Git direct
+    references
+  * Add `isolated_data_directory` attribute to the environment
+    interface
+  * Increase the timeout for and add retries to the `index`
+    publisher
+  * Expand home and environment variables in configured cache and
+    data directories
+  * Improve readability of exceptions
+  * Update project templates
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of Hatchling to 1.14.0
+  * Fix displaying the version with the `version` command when
+    the version is static and build dependencies are unmet
+  * Fix build environments for the `virtual` environment type
+    when storing within a relative path
+  * Allow setuptools metadata migration for projects without
+    `` if `setup.cfg` is present
+  * Handle additional edge cases for setuptools metadata
+    migration
+  * Support boolean values for the `config set` command
+- drop hatch-pr659-utf8.patch (upstream)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to v1.6.3
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix version command when the version is dynamic and build
+    dependencies are unmet
+- Release 1.6.2 - 2022-10-20
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix getting dynamic metadata from hooks for environments when
+    dependencies are not dynamic
+- Release 1.6.1 - 2022-10-16
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Computing the path to the user's home directory now gracefully
+    falls back to ~ when it cannot be determined
+- Release 1.6.0 - 2022-10-08
+  [#]# Changed:
+  * The run_shell_command environment interface method now accepts
+    arbitrary subprocess.Popen keyword arguments. This is not
+    strictly breaking, but will be utilized in upcoming features.
+  * The internal directory structure for storing virtual
+    environments is now more nested. This is not breaking, but any
+    local environments will be created anew.
+  [#]# Added:
+  * Add project command group to view details about the project
+    like PEP 621 metadata
+  * Better support for auto-detection of environments by tools like
+    Visual Studio Code now that the storage directory of virtual
+    environments will be flat if Hatch's configured virtual
+    environment directory resides somewhere within the project root
+    or if it is set to a .virtualenvs directory within the user's
+    home directory
+  * Build environments for the virtual environment type are now
+    cached for improved performance
+  * Add build_environment_exists method to the environment
+    interface for implementations that cache the build environment
+  * Add path option to the virtual environment type
+  * Add --initialize-auth flag to the index publisher to allow for
+    the saving of authentication information before publishing
+  * Support Bash on Windows for the shell command
+  * The setuptools migration script no longer modifies the
+    formatting of existing pyproject.toml configuration
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of Hatchling to 1.11.0
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Environments now respect dynamically defined project
+    dependencies
+  * The dep hash and all dep show commands now respect dynamically
+    defined project dependencies
+  * The env show, dep hash, and all dep show commands now honor
+    context formatting
+  * Fix matrix variable inclusion filtering of the run and env run
+    commands when there are multiple possible variables
+  * Build environment compatibility is now checked before use
+  * Decreasing verbosity now has no affect on output that should
+    always be displayed
+  * Handle more edge cases in the setuptools migration script
+  * Environments now respect user defined environment variables for
+    context formatting
+  * Update the scripts in the generated test environment template
+    for new projects to reflect the documentation
+  * Allow extra-dependencies in environment overrides
+  * Depend on packaging explicitly rather than relying on it being
+    a transitive dependency of Hatchling
+- Release 1.5.0 - 2022-08-28
+  [#]# Added:
+  * The index publisher now recognizes repository-specific options
+  * Add the --ignore-compat flag to the env run command
+  * Setting the HATCH_PYTHON environment variable to self will now
+    force the use of the Python executable Hatch is running on for
+    virtual environment creation
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix the --force-continue flag of the env run command
+  * Handle more edge cases in the setuptools migration script
+- Release 1.4.2 - 2022-08-16
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix check for updating static versions with the version command
+    when metadata hooks are in use
+- Release 1.4.1 - 2022-08-13
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix non-detached inheritance disabling for environments
+- Release 1.4.0 - 2022-08-06
+  [#]# Added:
+  * The default Python for virtual environments now checks PATH
+    before using the one Hatch is running on
+  * Values for environment env-vars now support context formatting
+  * Add name override for environments to allow for regular
+    expression matching
+  * The index publisher now better supports non-PyPI indices
+  * Add certificate options to the index publisher
+  * Display waiting text when checking dependencies and removing
+    environments
+  * Display help text the first time the shell command is executed
+  * Update project templates with Python 3.11 and the latest
+    versions of various GitHub Actions
+  * Add support for Almquist (ash) shells
+  * Add hyperlink as a dependency for better handling of package
+    index URLs
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of virtualenv to 20.16.2
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of tomlkit to 0.11.1
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Acknowledge extra-dependencies for the env show command
+  * Fix locating executables within virtual environments on Debian
+  * Fix managing the terminal size inside the shell command
+  * Fix default code coverage file omission for the src-layout
+    project template option
+- Release 1.3.1 - 2022-07-11
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Support -h/--help flag for the run command
+- Release 1.3.0 - 2022-07-10
+  [#]# Changed:
+  * Rename the default publishing plugin from pypi to the more
+    generic index
+  [#]# Added:
+  * Support the absence of pyproject.toml files, as is the case for
+    apps and non-Python projects
+  * Hide scripts that start with an underscore for the env show
+    command by default
+  * Ignoring the exit codes of commands by prefixing with hyphens
+    now works with entire named scripts
+  * Add a way to require confirmation for publishing
+  * Add --force-continue flag to the env run command
+  * Make tracebacks colorful and less verbose
+  * When shell configuration has not been defined, attempt to use
+    the current shell based on parent processes before resorting to
+    the defaults
+  * The shell name pwsh is now an alias for powershell
+  * Remove atomicwrites dependency
+  * Relax constraint on userpath dependency
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of Hatchling to 1.4.1
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Keep environments in sync with the dependencies of the selected
+    features
+  * Use utf-8 for all files generated for new projects
+  * Escape special characters Git may return in the user name when
+    writing generated files for new projects
+  * Normalize the package name to lowercase in setuptools migration
+    script
+  * Fix parsing of source distributions during publishing
+- Release 1.2.1 - 2022-05-30
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix handling of top level data_files in setuptools migration
+    script
+- Release 1.2.0 - 2022-05-22
+  [#]# Changed:
+  * The enter_shell environment plugin method now accepts an
+    additional args parameter
+  [#]# Added:
+  * Allow context string formatting for environment dependencies
+  * Add environment context string formatting fields env_name,
+    env_type, matrix, verbosity, and args
+  * Support overriding the default arguments used to spawn shells
+    on non-Windows systems
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of Hatchling to 1.3.0
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Improve setuptools migration script
+- Release 1.1.2 - 2022-05-20
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Bump the minimum supported version of Hatchling to 1.2.0
+  * Update project metadata to reflect support for Python 3.11
+- Release 1.1.1 - 2022-05-12
+  [#]# Fixed:
+  * Fix setuptools migration script for non-Windows systems
+- Release 1.1.0 - 2022-05-12
+  [#]# Changed:
+  * In order to simplify the implementation of command execution
+    for environment plugins, the run_shell_commands method has been
+    replaced by the singular run_shell_command. A new
+    command_context method has been added to more easily satisfy
+    complex use cases.
+  * The finalize_command environment plugin method has been removed
+    in favor of the newly introduced context formatting
+    functionality.
+  [#]# Added:
+  * Add context formatting functionality i.e. the ability to insert
+    values into configuration like environment variables and
+    command line arguments
+  * Any verbosity for command execution will now always display
+    headers, even for single environments
+  * Every executed command is now displayed when running multiple
+    commands or when verbosity is enabled
+  * Similar to make, ignore the exit code of executed commands that
+    start with - (a hyphen)
+  * Add ability for the --init flag of the new command to
+    automatically migrate setuptools configuration
+  * Update project metadata to reflect the adoption by PyPA and
+    production stability
+- Release 1.0.0 - 2022-04-28
+  * This is the first stable release of Hatch v1, a complete
+    rewrite. Enjoy!
+- Use python dependency generator, check in multibuild
+- Add hatch-pr659-utf8.patch for compatibility with new hatchling
+  (gh#pypa/hatch#659).
-- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on mock.
+- Add patch pytest-7-support.patch:
+  * Support pytest >= 7.
+- do not require mock for build
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-humanfriendly-no-mock.patch
+- Update to 6.82.7
+  * This patch updates our autoformatting tools, improving our code
+    style without any API changes.
+- Release 6.82.6
+  * This patch enables and fixes many more of ruff‘s lint rules.
+- Release 6.82.5
+  * Fixes the error message for missing [cli] extra.
+- Use slow 'obs' profile for testing and disable healthcheck
+  tests because of it.
+- update to 6.82.4:
+  * This patch ensures that we always close the download
+    connection in :class:`~hypothesis.database.GitHubArtifactDatabase`.
+  * We can now pretty-print combinations of *zero*
+    :class:`enum.Flag` values, like ``SomeFlag(0)``,
+    which has never worked before.
+  * This patch fixes pretty-printing of combinations of
+    :class:`enum.Flag` values, which was previously an error
+    (:issue:`3709`).
+  * Improve shrinking of floats in narrow regions that don't
+    cross an integer boundary. Closes :issue:`3357`.
+  * :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex` now supports the
+    atomic grouping (``(?>...)``) and possessive quantifier
+    (``*+``, ``++``, ``?+``, ``{m,n}+``) syntax `added in Python 3.11
+  * If the :envvar:`HYPOTHESIS_NO_PLUGINS` environment variable
+    is set, we'll avoid :ref:`loading plugins <entry-points>`
+    such as `the old Pydantic integration
+  * Fixes some lingering issues with inference of recursive types
+  * in `~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`. Closes :issue:`3525`.
+  * This release drops support for Python 3.7, `which reached end
+    of life on 2023-06-27
+  * Fixes occasional recursion-limit-exceeded errors when
+    validating deeply nested strategies. Closes: :issue:`3671`
+  * Improve the type rendered in
+    :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`, which improves the
+    coverage of Ghostwriter.
+  * This patch improves Ghostwriter's use of qualified names for
+    re-exported functions and classes, and avoids importing useless
+    :obj:`~typing.TypeVar`\ s.
+  * This patch updates our vendored `list of top-level domains
+    will raise an error rather than hanging indefinitely if
+    passed invalid ``max_leaves=`` arguments.
+  * Warn in :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` if the
+    inferred strategy has no variation (always returning default
+    instances). Also handles numpy data types by calling
+    :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype` on the
+    corresponding dtype, thus ensuring proper variation for these
+    types.
+  * :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` now works in cases
+    where we use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` to create
+    an instance and the constructor has an argument which would lead
+    to recursion.  Previously, this would raise an error if the
+    argument had a default value.
+  * In preparation for supporting JAX in
+    :ref:`hypothesis.extra.array_api <array-api>`,
+    this release supports immutable arrays being generated via
+    :func:`xps.arrays`.
+  * and adds automatic support for writing
+    ``@hypothesis.example()`` or ``@example()``
+    depending on the current style in your test file - defaulting
+    to the latter.
+  * This patch updates our linter stack to use :pypi:`ruff`, and
+    fixes some previously-ignored lints.
+  * Hypothesis will now record an event for more cases where data
+    is marked invalid, including for exceeding the internal depth
+    limit.
+- python-six is not required
+- update to 3.0.2:
+  * backported` Unpin ``tabulate`` in our install
+    requirements, it's had many more releases since we instituted
+    a defensive pin vs some bugs in its later 0.7 line!
+  * We neglected to remove references to ``six`` in a
+    few spots including some that utilized Invoke's old vendor of same;
+    this causes issues when trying to use development and
+    upcoming versions of Invoke. Six is now truly gone!
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 3.0.0:
+  * The dual_wheels, alt_python, and check_desc arguments/config options for
+    the invocations.packaging.release module have been removed.
+  * The invocations.travis module has been removed.
+  * Drop Python 2 (and 3.5) support. We now support Python 3.6+ only.
+- Refreshed invocations-no-bundled.patch.
+- Dropped invocations-py3.patch, not required.
+- Dropped python-invocations-no-mock.patch, merged upstream.
+- Update to version 2.6.1
+  no changelog
+- Update to version 2.6.0 2022-03-25
+  [Feature]: Update packaging.release.publish with a new config option, rebuild_with_env,
+  to support a downstream (Fabric) release use-case.
+  [Feature]: Enhance packaging.release.test-install so it’s more flexible about the primary directory argument
+  (re: a dist dir, or a parent of one) and errors usefully when you (probably) gave it an incorrect path.
+- Update to version 2.5.0 2022-03-25
+  [Feature]: Port make-sshable from the travis module to the new ci one.
+- Update to version 2.4.0 2022-03-17
+  [Feature]: Add additional CLI flags to the use of gpg when signing releases,
+  to support headless passphrase entry. It was found that modern GPG versions require --batch and
+  - -pinentry-mode=loopback for --passphrase-fd to function correctly.
+  [Feature]: Add a new task module for somewhat-more-generic CI support than the now legacy invocations.travis tasks.
+  [Feature]: Allow supplying additional test runners to pytest.coverage; primarily useful for setting up multiple additive test runs before publishing reports.
+- do not require python-mock for build
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-invocations-no-mock.patch
+- pytest-relaxed now supports pytest 6, so test on all python versions.
+- Update to 2.3.0
+  * [Bug]: The packaging.release.upload task wasn’t properly
+    exposed externally, even though another task’s docstring
+    referenced it. Fixed.
+  * [Bug]: Ensure that the venv used for
+    packaging.release.test_install has its pip upgraded to match
+    the invoking interpreter’s version of same; this avoids common
+    pitfalls where the “inner” pip is a bundled-with-venv,
+    much-older version incapable of modern package installations.
+  * [Support]: Overhaul testing and release procedures to use
+    CircleCI & modern Invocations.
+  * 2.2.0 2021-09-03
+  * [Feature]: Added the invocations.environment module with
+    top-level functions such as in_ci.
+  * [Feature]: packaging.release.push, in dry-run mode, now
+    dry-runs its git push subcommand – meaning the subcommand
+    itself is what is “dry-ran”, instead of truly executing git
+    push --dry-run – when a CI environment is detected.
+  * This prevents spurious errors when the git remote (eg Github)
+    bails out on read-only authentication credentials, which is
+    common within CI systems.
+  * It’s also just not very useful to dry-run a real git push
+    within CI, since almost certainly the commands to generate git
+    objects to get pushed will themselves not have truly run!
+  * [Bug]: packaging.release.status (and its use elsewhere, eg
+    prepare) didn’t adequately reload the local project’s version
+    module during its second/final recheck; this causes that check
+    to fail when said version was edited as part of a prepare run.
+    It now force-reloads said version module.
+- Release 2.1.0
+  * [Feature]: Added twine check (which validates packaging
+    metadata’s long_description) as a pre-upload step within
+    packaging.release.publish.
+  * This includes some tweaking of readme_renderer behavior (used
+    internally by twine) so it correctly spots more malformed RST,
+    as Sphinx does.
+  * [Feature]: Add packaging.release.push for pushing Git objects
+    as part of a release.
+  * [Feature]: The packaging.release.all_ task has been expanded to
+    actually do “ALL THE THINGS!!!”, given a dry_run flag, and
+    renamed on the CLI to all (no trailing underscore).
+  * [Feature]: packaging.release.prepare grew a dry_run flag to
+    match the rest of its friends.
+  * [Feature]: Add Codecov support to pytest.coverage.
+  * [Feature]: Add packaging.release.test_install task and call it
+    just prior to the final step in packaging.release.upload (so
+    one doesn’t upload packages which build OK but don’t actually
+    install OK).
+  * [Bug]: pytest.coverage incorrectly concatenated its opts
+    argument to internal options; this has been fixed.
+  * [Bug]: Correctly test for html report type inside of
+    pytest.coverage when deciding whether to run open at the end.
+  * [Bug]: packaging.release.publish missed a spot when it grew
+    “kwargs beat configuration” behavior - the index kwarg still
+    got overwritten by the config value, if defined. This has been
+    fixed.
+  * [Bug]: packaging.release.prepare now generates annotated Git
+    tags instead of lightweight ones. This was a perplexing
+    oversight (Git has always intended annotated tags to be used
+    for release purposes) so we’re considering it a bugfix instead
+    of a backwards incompatible feature change.
+  * [Support]: packaging.release.prepare now runs its internal
+    status check twice, once at the start (as before) and again at
+    the end (to prove that the actions taken did in fact satisfy
+    needs).
+  * [Support]: Rely on Invoke 1.6+ for some of its new features.
+- Release 2.0.0
+  * [Feature]: Add a warnings kwarg/flag to pytest.test, allowing
+    one to call it with --no-warnings as an inline ‘alias’ for
+    pytest’s own --disable-warnings flag.
+  * [Bug]: Fix minor display bug causing the pytest task module to
+    append a trailing space to the invocation of pytest itself.
+  * [Bug]: and release.publish had bad
+    kwargs-vs-config logic preventing flags such as --wheel or
+  - -python from actually working (config defaults always won out,
+    leading to silent ignoring of user input). This has been fixed;
+    config will now only be honored unless the CLI appears to be
+    overriding it.
+  * [Bug]:’s --clean flag has been updated:
+  - It now honors configuration like the other flags in this
+    task, specifically packaging.clean.
+  - It now defaults to False (rationale: most build operations in
+    the wild tend to assume no cleaning by default, so defaulting
+    to the opposite was sometimes surprising).
+    + Warning: This is a backwards incompatible change.
+  - When True, it applies to both build and dist directories,
+    instead of just build.
+    + Warning: This is a backwards incompatible change.
+  * [Support]: Modify release task tree to look at main branches in
+    addition to master ones, for “are we on a feature release line
+    or a bugfix one?” calculations, etc.
+  * [Support]: Replace some old Python 2.6-compatible syntax bits.
+  * [Support]: Reverse the default value of and
+    release.publish)’s wheel argument from False to True. Included
+    in this change is a new required runtime dependency on the
+    wheel package.
+  - Rationale: at this point in time, most users will be
+    expecting wheels to be available, and not building wheels is
+    likely to be the uncommon case.
+  - Warning: This is a backwards incompatible change.
+  * [Support] #21: Only require enum34 under Python 2 to prevent it
+    clashing with the stdlib enum under Python 3. Credit: Alex
+    Gaynor.
+  * [Support] #12: Upgrade our packaging manifest so tests (also
+    docs, requirements files, etc) are included in the distribution
+    archives. Thanks to Tomáš Chvátal for the report.
+  * [Support]: Drop Python 3.4 support. We didn’t actually do
+    anything to make the code not work on 3.4, but we’ve removed
+    some 3.4 related runtime (and development) dependency
+    limitations. Our CI will also no longer test on 3.4.
+  - Warning: This is a backwards incompatible change.
+- Refresh invocations-no-bundled.patch
+- Don't test on python310 because of pytest-relaxed not supporting
+  Pytest 6 -- gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12
+- Upper limit pytest 6.1 -- gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12
-- Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1176785, jsc#ECO-3105, jsc#PM-2352)
+- update to 2.1.2:
+  * Make sure ``py.typed`` is in our packaging
+    manifest; without it, users working from a regular
+    installation can't perform type checks.
+- break python-invocations, invoke cycle on tests
+- update to 2.1.1:
+  * The `importlib` upgrade in 2.1 had a corner case
+    bug (regarding ``from . import <submodule>`` functionality
+    within package-like task trees  which in turn exposed a
+    false-pass in our test suite. Both have now been fixed.
+- Update to 2.1.0:
+  - [Bug] #910: Add more rigor around subprocess/runner shutdown
+    to avoid spurious exceptions & also fix downstream issues in
+    libraries like Fabric. Reported by Orlando Rodríguez.
+  - [Bug] #934: The importlib upgrade in 2.1 had a corner case
+    bug (regarding from . import <submodule> functionality within
+    package-like task trees) which in turn exposed a false-pass
+    in our test suite. Both have now been fixed. Thanks to Greg
+    Meyer and Robert J. Berger for the bug reports.
+  - [Bug] #910: Add more rigor around subprocess/runner shutdown
+    to avoid spurious exceptions & also fix downstream issues in
+    libraries like Fabric. Reported by Orlando Rodríguez.
+  - [Support] #901: (via #903) Tweak test suite setup methods to
+    be named setup_method so pytest stops whining about it. Patch
+    via Jesse P. Johnson.
+  - [Bug] #376: Resolve equality comparison bug for
+    non-collections. Patch via Jesse P. Johnson
+  - [Support] #901: (via #903) Tweak test suite setup methods to
+    be named setup_method so pytest stops whining about it. Patch
+    via Jesse P. Johnson.
+  - [Support] #906: Implement type hints and type checking
+    tests with mypy to reduce errors and impove code
+    documentation. Patches by Jesse P. Johnson and review by Sam
+    Bull.
+  - [Support] #675: Implement importlib and deprecate imp
+    module. Patches provided by Jesse P. Johnson
+  - [Support]: Task.argspec has changed its return value; it now
+    returns an inspect.Signature derived from that of the task’s
+    body callable.
+  - Warning
+    This change is backwards incompatible if you were using this
+    method directly.
+    [Support]: Remove support for, and imports related to,
+    all Python versions less than 3.6 - including Python
+    2. This also includes updates to vendored packages, such
+    as removing six and upgrading lexicon to the latest
+    version; and also treatment of things like Mock use within
+    invoke.context.MockContext (which now expects stdlib’s
+    unittest.mock instead of hunting for the old standalone mock
+    library).
+    This change is backwards incompatible in the following scenarios:
+  - You use Python <3.6. Shouldn’t be an issue as we now
+    specify python_requires in packaging metadata.
+  - You call invoke.util.encode_output manually for some
+    reason. (This became a noop under Python 3, so just…remove
+    it!)
+  - You use invoke.context.MockContext; its repeat init kwarg
+    changed its default value from False to True. This probably
+    won’t bite you, but we mention it just in case you somehow
+    relied upon the legacy behavior.
+  - You subclass invoke.runners.Runner and/or have had to
+    interact with its stop or stop_timer methods. The latter
+    has been merged into the former, and if you are overriding
+    stop, you’ll want to make sure you now call super()
+    somewhere if you were not already.
+- Remove upstreamed patches:
+  - 0001-Make-test-fallback-to-system-modules-when-vendorized.patch
+  - pytest4.patch
+- Add remove-icecream.patch to remove unnecessary dependence on
+  icecream module.
+- Skip temporarily failing tests (gh#pyinvoke/invoke#705).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 1.7.3:
+  * Fix a non-fatal bug in our long_description generation causing
+    1.7.0-1.7.2 to have malformed description text on PyPI.
+  * Fix errors thrown when comparing Task objects to non-Task objects; such
+    comparisons are now always false.
+  * Refactor CLI parser instantiation such that the tasks.ignore_unknown_help
+    feature (added in 1.7) works when Invoke is run in --complete mode, i.e. in
+    tab-completion scripts.
+- update to 1.7.1:
+  * :bug:`659` Improve behavior under ``nohup``, which causes stdin to become an
+    undetectably-unreadable (but otherwise legit) file descriptor. Previously
+    this led to `OSError` even if you weren't expecting anything on stdin; we now
+    trap this specific case and silently ignore it, allowing execution to
+    continue. Thanks to ``@kingkisskill`` for initial report and to Ryan Stoner
+    for followup and workshopping.
+- version update to 1.7.0
+  * [Feature] #845: Env vars explicitly supplied to sudo (via its env kwarg) are now
+    explicitly preserved via sudo’s --preserve-env argument. Patch courtesy of Benno Rice.
+  * [Feature] #793: Add a new tasks.ignore_unknown_help config option for users who hand
+    their tasks centrally-defined argument help dictionaries; it defaults to False but
+    such users may set it to True to avoid exceptions. Thanks to @Allu2 for the report.
+  * [Support]: Switch our continuous integration service from Travis-CI to Circle-CI,
+    plus related and necessary updates to various administrative config files, management
+    tasks and metadata. Including but not limited to:
+  * Enhanced PyPI-level metadata/links
+  * Split out tool config data from setup.cfg
+  * Enhance execution & coverage of unit vs integration tests under CI
+  * [Support] #803: Upgrade our vendored PyYAML from 3.11 to 5.4.1; this should both
+    supply a number of security fixes, and address problems loading project-level YAML
+    config files under Python 3.10. Fix via Andreas Rammhold.
+  * [Support]: Switch to using yaml.safe_load for loading config files. This avoids some
+    warnings under newer PyYAML versions and is also, in a shocking twist, more secure.
+- do not require python-mock for build, testsuite is not run
+- modified patches
+  % 0001-Make-test-fallback-to-system-modules-when-vendorized.patch (refreshed)
+- deleted patches
+  - fix-yaml-loader.patch (upstreamed)
+- Add fix-yaml-loader.patch, PyYAML 6 broke it.
+- Update to version 1.6.0
+  * Version bump for next release
+  * Return to using print() and no newline in echo_format
+  * Blacken
+  * Changelog re #791
+  * s/output_format/echo_format/g
+  * Fix whitespace
+  * Contact methods update :(
+  * Adding support for a custom output format via run.echo
+  * Fix typo
+  * Tweak versionadded/changed bits for new param.
+- from version 1.5.1
+  * Alphabetize run() kwarg param declarations in docstring
+  * Document dry kwarg for run() in docstring
+  * Treat whitespace-only docstrings as empty docstrings.
+- from version 1.5.0
+  * Changelog, docstring and test tweak re #607, re #454
+  * Tweaks re #611
+  * Changelog re #409, re #398, re #611, re #580
+  * Tweak #197 changelog to link to modified API member
+  * Stop publishing bogus codecov reports from Travis
+  * Docs and changelog re #197, closes #197
+  * Realized OP's impl was overkill/caused bugs. Just set name.
+  * Use identity testing in collection task lookup asserts
+  * Refactor default task/collection collision & enhanced its tests
+  * Minor tweaks to update #197
+  * Upgrade codecov client, prev version cannot talk to their object store
+  * Fix small pile of minor doc reference errors
+  * Changelog re coverage tweaks
+  * Test Exit more thoroughly
+  * Improve test coverage of Failure hierarchy repr()
+  * Not sure why UnexpectedExit repr override __repr__ and not _repr
+  * Blacken
+  * Bump version for release/testing
+  * Populate MockContext NotImplementedErrors with triggering command
+  * Enhance MockContext a whole bunch
+  * Enhance testing concepts doc
+  * Python packaging guide is no longer using /en/latest URL
+  * Blacken, flake8
+  * Populate Result.command automatically within MockContext methods
+  * Wrap MockContext methods in actual Mock when present
+  * Expand sys.modules cleaner in conftest to clean EVERYTHING
+  * Fix inaccurate indentation for MockContext versionadded directive
+  * Needed to mark this bug major because it was in the 1.2 line which
+    hasn't since gotten any bugfix releases
+  * Grumble forgot a backported note
+  * Add test: mismatched help text raises error
+  * Add tests: parameter help defined with underscores
+  * Cosmetic: satisfy black
+  * Simplify if/else/if/else a bit
+  * Fix bug if didn't give help for param.
+  * Add error when gave help for typoed param #398
+  * Fix help text behavior for params with underscores in name #409
+  * Skip Path unit test if Path can't be imported
+  * Clarify why we do str() on a possible str object
+  * Make Travis happy for Python 2.7 and pypy
+  * Satisfy flake8 compatibility
+  * Allow Pathlib.path objects to be used with
+  * Allow subcollections to be defaults of parent collections
+- disable test suite with bcond because of unmaintained
+  pytest-relaxed gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12
+- Update to version 1.4.1
+  * Fix an issue with `` & friends having intermittent
+    problems at exit time.
+  * Many other fixes.
+- Update requirements
+- specfile:
+  * remove patch supported_pythons_310_311.patch, included upstream
+  * remove patch support-python-311-typing.patch, included upstreamx
+- update to version 0.19.0:
+  * Python 3.11 support
+  * Massive improvements in performance for Interpreter (e.g. IPython)
+    users. This especially affects pandas users with large datasets.
+  * Add jedi.settings.allow_unsafe_interpreter_executions to make it
+    easier for IPython users to avoid unsafe executions.
+- Skip a test failing with attrs 23.1
+  * gh#davidhalter/jedi#1929
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove fix_test_compiled_signature_annotation_string.patch
+  All tests pass without it
+- Add supported_pythons_310_311.patch which includes '3.11' among
+  _SUPPORTED_PYTHONS (gh#davidhalter/jedi#1914).
+- Add fix_test_compiled_signature_annotation_string.patch to make
+  test passing with Python 3.10+ (gh#davidhalter/jedi#1732).
+- Add patch support-python-311-typing.patch:
+  * Support typing changes for Python 3.11+
+- Move to PEP517
+- Pin parso like upstream does
+- Skip a test for embedded systems which unexplicably fails on
+  backports 15.4_py39
+- Update to 0.18.2
+  * Added dataclass-equivalent for attrs.define
+  * Find fixtures from Pytest entrypoints; Examples of pytest plugins installed like this are pytest-django, pytest-sugar and Faker.
+  * Fixed, when a venv was involved, which is why for example :Pyimport django.db did not work in some cases in jedi-vim.
+  * And many smaller bugfixes
+- Skip two test failing with pytest 7.1 -- gh#davidhalter/jedi#1846
+- Force pytest >= 5 for successful 15.3 build in d:l:p
+- Update to 0.18.1
+  * Implict namespaces are now a separate types in Name().type
+  * Python 3.10 support
+  * Mostly bugfixes
+- Drop jedi-py39-pytest.patch
+- Skip failing test (reported as gh#davidhalter/jedi#1824)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.8.0:
+  * Removed ``jeepney.integrate`` APIs, which were deprecated in 0.7. Use
+    ```` instead (see :doc:`integrate`).
+  * Removed deprecated ```` API. Tornado now uses the asyncio
+    event loop, so you can use it along with ````.
+  * Deprecated ``conn.router`` attribute in the :doc:`api/blocking` integration.
+    Use :ref:`proxies <msggen_proxies>` or :meth:`~.blocking.DBusConnection.send_and_get_reply`
+    to find   replies to method calls, and :meth:`~.blocking.DBusConnection.filter`
+    for other routing.
+  * Added docs page with background on D-Bus (:doc:`dbus-background`).
+- update to 0.7.1:
+  * Add ``async with`` support to :class:`~.asyncio.DBusConnection` in the
+    asyncio integration.
+  * Fix calling :meth:`~.asyncio.DBusConnection.receive` immediately after opening
+    a connection in the asyncio integration.
+- update to 0.7.0:
+  * Support for :ref:`sending and receiving file descriptors <send_recv_fds>`.
+    This is available with the blocking, threading and trio integration layers.
+  * Deprecated older integration APIs, in favour of new APIs introduced in 0.5.
+  * Fixed passing a deque in to :meth:`~.blocking.DBusConnection.filter` in the
+    blocking integration API.
-- Drop jsondiff binary to avoid conflict with python-jsondiff package
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Fix requirements
+- Added BuildRequires:  alts
+- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
+- Don't use python test expression.
+- update to 1.32:
+  * take_index causing 'move' of incorrect values due to bad True==1 comparison
+- update to 1.31:
+  * Add support for preserving Unicode charaters
+  * remove pypy build
+- update to 1.28:
+  * Make it possible for from_diff to support custom types (issue #107)
+  * Python 3.9 support
+- update to 1.26:
+  * bugfixes (reject invalid json patches)
+- update to 1.25:
+  * bugfixes, 3.8 support
+- Update to 1.24:
+  * test with python 3.8
+- Removing conflict with jsondiff
+  * Reasoning:
+  - moto requires cfn-lint and jsondiff
+  - cfn-lint requires jsonpatch
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to v0.10.3
+  * Remove no longer valid reference by @stanislavlevin in #23
+- Update to v0.10.2
+  * Remove redundant wheel dep from pyproject.toml by @mgorny in #19
+  * Use built-in shutil.which() instead of which(1) tool by @mgorny in #20
+  * Update CI to use new action versions by @jborean93 in #21
+- Update to v0.10.1
+- Add dependency krb5-server to be able to invoke /usr/sbin/kdb5_util
+  and krb5-client to be able to invoke /usr/bin/kinit
+- %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} must at the beginning to work.
+- specfile:
+  * require python >=3.8
+  * Changelog got renamed to NEWS
+- update to version 24.2.0:
+  * Features
+    + Require Python 3.8 or later.
+- changes from version 24.1.1:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + Restore support for reading from a config file (with regression
+    test). (#638)
+- changes from version 24.1.0:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + Avoid logging warning when no config file is present. (#635)
+    + Include all operations in the error message if no operation was
+    supplied. (#636)
+  * Improved Documentation
+    + Correct name of macOS backend in README. (#637)
+- changes from version 24.0.0:
+  * #633: Added diagnose command with basic support.
+  * #487: Removed keyring.backends.OS_X module.
+  * #593: Removed module.
+- changes from version 23.14.0:
+  * #623: On macOS, warn the user when keychain property is indicated,
+    as that value can't be honored (macOS API no longer supports
+    indicating the target keychain).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 23.13.1:
+  * #608: Added support for tab completion on the ``keyring`` command
+  if the ``completion`` extra is installed (``keyring[completion]``).
+  * #612: Prevent installation of ``pywin32-ctypes 0.1.2`` with broken
+  ``use2to3`` directive.
+  * #607: Removed PSF license as it was unused and confusing. Project
+  remains MIT licensed as always.
+- Fix dependencies, remove workaround for gh#jaraco/keyring#526
+- Update to version 23.11.0
+  [#603]: In libsecret, check that the service is available before declaring viability.
+- Update to version 23.10.0
+  [#526]: Bump requirement on importlib_metadata to pull in fix for improperly-normalized names on egg-info.
+- Drop support-new-importlib.patch
+  * "New" importlib 5.0 dropped deprecated indexing support
+    gh#python/importlib_metadata#405
+  * See also gh#jaraco/keyring#526
+- Clean specfile from setuptools cruft, this is a PEP517 package
+- Only python >= 3.7 is supported
+- Fix more runtime requirements
+- Update to version 23.9.3 (changes since 23.9.1):
+  * Fix wrong name in compatibility logic for properties
+    (masked by the compatibility fallback).
+  * Add workaround for devpi_client hook with wrapped
+    implementation.
+- Add the missing python-jaraco.classes dependency (bsc#1203659)
+- update to 23.9.1:
+  * #593: Restore ```` with deprecation warning for
+    backward compatibility.
+  * #588: Project now depends on ``jaraco.classes`` for class property support.
+  * #581: Corrected regression in ``libsecret`` tests (``.collection`` property).
+  * #587: Fix regression in ``libsecret``.
+  * #448: ``SecretService`` and ``libsecret`` backends now support a
+    new ``SelectableScheme``, allowing the keys for "username" and
+    "service" to be overridden for compatibility with other schemes
+    such as KeePassXC.
+  * Introduced a new ``.with_properties`` method on backends to
+    produce a new keyring with different properties. Use for example
+    to get a keyring with a different ``keychain`` (macOS) or
+    ``scheme`` (SecretService/libsecret). e.g.::
+    keypass = keyring.get_keyring().with_properties(scheme='KeePassXC')
+  * ``.with_keychain`` method on macOS is superseded by ``.with_properties``
+    and so is now deprecated.
+- Inject multibuild to prevent a build cycle
+- update to 23.7.0:
+  * #582: Suppress KeyringErrors for devpi client.
+- update to 23.6.0
+  [#575]: Only require importlib_metadata on older Pythons.
+  [#579]: Add .with_keychain method on macOS for easy reference to alternate keychains.
+- update to 23.5.1:
+  * The correct config root is now used on Windows
+- update to 23.5.0:
+  * Require Python 3.7 or later.
+  * #551: Fixed docs warnings.
+  * #549: EnvironCredential now allows for equality
+    comparison.
+  * #529: macOS backend is no longer viable if the API module
+    cannot be loaded. Prevents "symbol not found" errors on
+    macOS 11 (Big Sur) and later when a "universal2" binary
+    is not used (available for Python 3.8.7 and later).
+  * #547: Tests no longer attempt to run macOS backends even
+    on macOS when the backend is non-viable.
+  * #542: Change get_credential to return generic Credential.
+- Update to 23.2.1:
+  * #530: In libsecret tests, use a session collection to allow tests
+    to pass on Debian.
+  * #521: Add libsecret backend.
+  * #519: macOS backend APIs updated to newer, non-legacy APIs.
+- Add patch support-new-importlib.patch:
+  * Support new importlib-metadata.
+- Update to 23.0.1 (bsc#1184133):
+  * #504: Better error with invalid parameter to init_keyring.
+  * #505: Nicer documentation for headless Docker.
+  * Backends now all invoke ``set_properties_from_env`` on
+    self in the initializer. Derived backends should be sure
+    to invoke ``super().__init__()``.
+  * Use new entry points API from importlib_metadata 3.6.
+  * Added redundant type declarations for accessor functions
+    in ``keyring.core``.
+  * Added type declaration for ``keyring.core.get_keyring()``.
+  * #438: For better interoperability with other
+    applications, ``Windows`` backend now attempts to
+    decode passwords using UTF-8 if UTF-16 decoding fails.
+    Passwords are still stored as UTF-16.
+  * #437: Package now declares typing support.
+  * #403: Keyring no longer eagerly initializes the backend
+    on import, but instead defers the backend initialization
+    until a keyring is accessed. Any callers reliant on this
+    early intialization behavior may need to call
+    ``keyring.core.init_backend()`` to explicitly initialize
+    the detected backend.
+  * #474: SecretService and KWallet backends are now
+    disabled if the relevant names are not available on
+    D-Bus. Keyring should now be much more responsive
+    in these environments.
+  * #463: Fixed regression in KWallet ``get_credential``
+    where a simple string was returned instead of a
+    SimpleCredential.
+  * #431: KWallet backend now supports ``get_credential``.
+  * #445: Suppress errors when ``sys.argv`` is not
+    a list of at least one element.
+  * #440: Keyring now honors XDG_CONFIG_HOME as
+    ``~/.config``.
+  * #452: SecretService ``get_credential`` now returns
+    ``None`` for unmatched query.
+- Remove fix-kwallet-tests.patch, it doesn't seem to be necessary
+  anymore.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 1.4.4:
+  - fix timing in shared data release procedure PR #149
+  - revert use of nullpointer introduced in #142
+    Its use is not necessary anymore in 3.11.0-beta.4 and used to cause issues on
+    some platforms (see #144 ) PR #145
+- Update to 1.4.3
+  * add support for Python 3.11 PR #142
+  * do not install tests PR #143
+  * fix packaging for latest setuptools PR #140
+- Release 1.4.2
+  * fix an issue with setuptools configuration PR #134
+- Update to 1.4.1
+  * add missing include PR #129
+  * re-organize the Python binding sources to properly ship type
+    hints PR #131
+  * make installation PEP517 compliant PR #125
+  * add type hints PR #125
+  * add Constraint::violated() method PR #128
+  * make the the c++ part of the code c++20 compliant PR #120
+  * test with c++11 and c++20 PR #120
+- Switch to PyPI sources
+- update to 1.3.2:
+  - Add support for Python 3.10, drop official support Python 3.6
+  - Remove direct accesses to ob_type in C-API use Py_TYPE instead
+- update to 1.3.1:
+  - allow to avoid linking against VC2014_1 on windows PR #97
+  - do not mark move constructor / assignment operator of expression as noexcept PR #97
+    This is to circumvent a suspected bug in the GCC compiler in the manylinux1
+    image.
+  - add c++ benchmarks and run them on CIs PR #91
+  - modernize the c++ code by using more c++11 features PR #90
+  - introduce move semantic in some c++ constructors to improve performances PR #89
+  - add support for Python 3.9 PR #88
+- update to 1.9.0:
+  * Added support for matrix multiplication operator (``@``).
+  * Should have all the wheels now (including the manylinux
+    ones).
+  * Bumped minimum version requirements for setuptools and
+    setuptools-scm.
+  * Switched the default pure python fallback implementation to
+    the "simple" one (when you ``from lazy_object_proxy import
+    Proxy`` and the C extension is not available).
+    Previously the "slots" implementation was used but as it
+    turns out it is slower on Python 3.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to v1.8.0
+  Cleaned up use of cPickle. Contributed by Sandro Tosi in #62.
+  Cleaned up more dead Python 2 code.
+  Added Python 3.11 wheels.
+  Dropped support for Python 3.6.
+- Clean specfile, remove code coverage check and travis-fold
+- update to 1.7.1:
+  * Removed most of the Python 2 support code and fixed ``python_requires`` to
+    require at least Python 3.6.
+  * Note that 1.7.0 has been yanked because it could not install on Python 2.7.
+  * Switched CI to GitHub Actions, this has a couple consequences:
+  * Fixed ``__index__`` to fallback to ``int`` if the wrapped object doesn't
+    have an ``__index__`` method.  This prevents situations where code using a
+    proxy would otherwise likely just call ``int`` had the object not have an
+    ``__index__`` method.
+- Unpin setuptools_scm<6.0 limit
+- update to 1.6.0:
+  * Added support for async special methods (``__aiter__``, ``__anext__``,
+    ``__await__``, ``__aenter__``, ``__aexit__``).
+    These are used in the ``async for``, ``await` and ``async with`` statements.
+    Note that ``__await__`` returns a wrapper that tries to emulate the crazy
+    stuff going on in the ceval loop, so there will be a small performance overhead.
+  * Added the ``__resolved__`` property. You can use it to check if the factory has
+    been called.
+- Drop broken %ifpython3 macro
+- update to 1.5.2:
+  * Added Python 3.9 wheels.
+  * Removed Python 2.7 Windows wheels
+- udpate to 1.5.1:
+  * Added ARM64 wheels (manylinux2014).
+  * Added support for ``__fspath__``.
+  * Dropped support for Python 3.4.
+- Update to 1.4.3
+  * Added binary wheels for Python 3.8.
+  * Fixed license metadata.
+- Update to 1.4.2:
+  * Included a pyproject.toml to allow users install the sdist with old
+    python/setuptools, as the setuptools-scm dep will be fetched by pip
+    instead of setuptools. Fixes #30.
+- update to 1.4.1
+  * Fixed __mod__ for the slots backend.
+  * Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
+  * Fixed wheels being built with -coverage cflags. No more issues
+    about bogus cext.gcda files.
+  * Removed useless C file from wheels.
+  * Changed to use setuptools-scm.
+- launch tests using multibuild
+- Update to v1.3.1
+  + Fix broken release (sdist had a broken
+- Update to v1.3.0
+  + Speed up arithmetic operations involving cext.Proxy subclasses.
-- Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1176785, jsc#ECO-3105, jsc#PM-2352)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- pytest-relaxed now supports pytest 6, so test on all python versions.
+- Don't test on python310 because of pytest-relaxed not supporting
+  Pytest 6 -- gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12
+- Update to 2.0.1:
+  * Fix up some project metadata.
+  * Dropped support for Python <3.6
+  * Added a _version submodule and imported its dunder-attributes into
+    the top level module
+  * Migrated CI to CircleCI (from Travis)
+  * Migrated tests to pytest(-relaxed)
+  * Moved changelog to stub Sphinx project for Releases plugin
+  * Changed README to ReStructured Text (from Markdown)
+- Dropped patch add_test_init.patch, no longer required.
+- Added patch add-pytest-ini.patch:
+  * Add the pytest.ini file that isn't included in the source distribution
+    so the testsuite works.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove pyparsing buildignore as the cycle was solved
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- BuildIgnore python[23]-pyparsing: python-packaging requires it
+  for some actions it could perform, but we don't make use of these
+  here. Ignoring this dependency allows us to break open a
+  BuildCycle.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Removed python 3.7 checks since Leap 15.4 has 3.6 as the default
-  python3 version, and Leap15/SLE15 do not have these additional
-  python macros.
+- drop optional mypy testing dependency
+- update to 0.7.0:
+  * Update `InterceptHandler` recipe to make it compatible with
+    Python 3.11 (#654).
+  * Add a new `watch` optional argument to file sinks in order to
+    automatically re-create possibly deleted or changed file
+    (#471).
+  * Make `patch()` calls cumulative instead of overriding the
+    possibly existing patching function (#462).
+  * Make sinks added with `enqueue=True` and `catch=False` still
+    process logged messages in case of internal exception (#833).
+  * Avoid possible deadlocks caused by re-using the logger inside
+    a sink, a signal handler or a `__del__` method. Since the
+    logger is not re-entrant, such misuse will be detected and
+    will now generate a `RuntimeError` (#712, thanks
+    @jacksmith15).
+  * Fix file sink rotation using an aware `datetime.time` for
+    which the timezone was ignored (#697).
+  * Fix logs colorization not automatically enabled for Jupyter
+    Notebook and Google Colab (#494).
+  * Fix logs colorization not automatically enabled for Github
+    Actions and others CI platforms (#604).
+  * Fix `logger.complete()` possibly hanging forever when
+    `enqueue=True` and `catch=False` if internal thread killed
+    due to `Exception` raised by sink (#647).
+  * Fix incompatibility with `freezegun` library used to simulate
+    time (#600).
+  * Raise exception if `logger.catch()` is used to wrap a class
+    instead of a function to avoid unexpected behavior (#623).
+- drop python311.patch, loguru-fix-repr-tests.patch: upstream
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- add python311.patch to fix build with python 3.11
+- Update to 0.6.0
+  * Remove internal use of pickle.loads() considered as a security
+    vulnerability referenced as CVE-2022-0329 (#563).
+  * Modify coroutine sink to make it discard log messages when
+    loop=None and no event loop is running (due to internally using
+    asyncio.get_running_loop() in place of
+    asyncio.get_event_loop()).
+  * Remove the possibility to add a coroutine sink with
+    enqueue=True if loop=None and no event loop is running.
+  * Change default encoding of file sink to be utf8 instead of
+    locale.getpreferredencoding() (#339).
+  * Prevent non-ascii characters to be escaped while logging JSON
+    message with serialize=True (#575, thanks @ponponon).
+  * Fix flake8 errors and improve code readability (#353, thanks
+    @AndrewYakimets).
+- Drop merged patches:
+  * loguru-exception-formatting-py39.patch
+  * pytest-6.2-excepthooks.patch
+- Add loguru-fix-repr-tests.patch
+  * Fix "repr()" tests failing on Python 3.11 and Python 3.10.6
+  *
+- Skip two formatting tests -- gh#Delgan/loguru#550
+- Update to 2.4.0
+  * IMPORTANT: Python 3.7 or greater is required.
+  * distutils is no longer used for building the C extension.
+  * Missing Py_INCREF was added for the C extension.
+  * The C extension now decrements the reference count on an object
+    containing the database filename after its use in an error message
+    rather than before.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- version update to 3.0.0
+  * Fix munchify for tuples of lists
+  * Require Python >=3.6 and upgrade syntax - thanks @EwoutH
+  * Update  to work with non standard version - thanks @mboisson
+  * Allow importing even when VERSION read fails - thanks @mdornseif and @dangillet
+  * Add imports to README
+  * replace pkg_resources with importlib.metadata - thanks @dhellmann
+  * Added RecursiveMunch object - thanks @GuillaumeRochette
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-munch-no-six.patch
+- test package
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 2.5.0:
+  * Support fromJSON classmethod for all Munch subclasses
+  * Fix DefaultMunch/DefaultFactoryMunch return value for get method (fixes #53)
+  * Support fromYAML classmethod for all Munch subclasses (fixes #34)
+update to version 2.3.2:
+  * Add __dict__ property that calls toDict()
+  * Limit travis deployment conditions
+  * Implement the pickling interface
+  * Use flat dicts in __getstate__ (closes #30)
+  * Ignore pytest cache
+  * __setattr__ will now munchify() any provided dict
+  * AutoMunch for automatically converting dicts to Munches
+  * Drop support for 2.6, 3.3, 3.4
+  * Build python wheels
+  * Avoid running yaml tests when in no-deps environment
+  * Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.3, 3.4
+  * Fix lint in init
+  * Ignore flycheck files
+  * Drop the dot in pytest invocation
+  * Clear and update dict
+  * Make DefaultFactoryMunch which lets users provide a factory to
+    generate missing values
+  * Bump version
+  * Remove default from constructor and fromDict. Also add a test for repr
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Clean up spec
+- Fix metadata for the added patch.
+- Add test_profil_float_32bit.patch to skip test_profil_float
+  test which fails on 32bit systems (gh#bmc/munkres#40).
+- update to 1.1.4:
+- Switched from Nose to Pytest for testing.
+- Fix to Issue #34, in which
+  `print_matrix` wasn't handling non-integral values.
+- Various changes from `http:` URLs to `https:` URLs
+- drop python-munkres-remove-nose.patch (obsolete)
+- do not depend on deprecated nose
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-munkres-remove-nose.patch
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.11.0:
+  * Fixing netmask calculation for IPv6
+  * segfault when trying to access netifaces.ifaddresses
+  * Interpret missing gateway priority, handle some out of order metrics
+- version update to 0.10.9
+  * Fixed a bug that in certain circumstances could lead to an infinite
+    loop in netifaces.gateways() (thanks asomers).
+  * Fixed a memory management bug in an error path (thanks NicoPy).
+- created a small test
+- update to 0.10.7:
+  * move to github
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
-- Update to version 0.8:
-  + Fixed bit-rot in the ioctl() code path.
-  + Fixed a problem with that might manifest itself if the
-    config.cache file was manually edited.
-  + Fixed the ioctl() code path to cope with systems that have sa_len and
-    return longer than normal struct ifreq results from SIOCG[L]IFCONF;
-- Update to version 0.6:
-  + Added a workaround for a FreeBSD kernel bug (kern/152036).
-  + Added address_families dictionary to allow code to look up the symbolic
-    name corresponding to a given numeric address family code.
-- Spec header cleanup
-- Minor cleanup
-- Initial build to meet swift dependency requirement
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to version 3.2.2:
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider: * CVE-2022-36087
+- Also remove the conditional definition of python_module.
+- specfile:
+  * update requirements
+- update to version 3.2.1:
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider: * #803: Metadata endpoint support of non-HTTPS
+  * CVE-2022-36087, bugzilla # 1203333
+  * OAuth1.0: * #818: Allow IPv6 being parsed by signature
+  * General: * Improved and fixed documentation warnings. * Cosmetic
+    changes based on isort
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+- update to version 3.2.0:
+  * OAuth2.0 Client: * #795: Add Device Authorization Flow for Web
+    Application * #786: Add PKCE support for Client * #783: Fallback
+    to none in case of wrong expires_at format.
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider: * #790: Add support for CORS to metadata
+    endpoint. * #791: Add support for CORS to token endpoint. * #787:
+    Remove comma after Bearer in WWW-Authenticate
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider - OIDC:
+    + #755: Call save_token in Hybrid code flow
+    + #751: OIDC add support of refreshing ID Tokens with
+    refresh_id_token
+    + #751: The RefreshTokenGrant modifiers now take the same
+    arguments as the AuthorizationCodeGrant modifiers (token,
+    token_handler, request).
+  * General:
+    + Added Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
+    + Improve Travis & Coverage
+- update to 3.1.1:
+  * #753: Fix acceptance of valid IPv6 addresses in URI validation
+  * #730: Base OAuth2 Client now has a consistent way of managing the `scope`: it consistently
+    relies on the `scope` provided in the constructor if any, except if overridden temporarily
+    in a method call. Note that in particular providing a non-None `scope` in
+    `prepare_authorization_request` or `prepare_refresh_token` does not override anymore
+    `self.scope` forever, it is just used temporarily.
+  * #726: MobileApplicationClient.prepare_request_uri and MobileApplicationClient.parse_request_uri_response,
+    ServiceApplicationClient.prepare_request_body,
+    and WebApplicationClient.prepare_request_uri now correctly use the default `scope` provided in
+    constructor.
+  * #725: LegacyApplicationClient.prepare_request_body now correctly uses the default `scope` provided in constructor
+  * #711: client_credentials grant: fix log message
+  * #746: OpenID Connect Hybrid - fix nonce not passed to add_id_token
+  * #756: Different prompt values are now handled according to spec (e.g. prompt=none)
+  * #759: OpenID Connect - fix Authorization: Basic parsing
+  * #716: improved skeleton validator for public vs private client
+  * #720: replace mock library with standard unittest.mock
+  * #727: build isort integration
+  * #734: python2 code removal
+  * #735, #750: add python3.8 support
+  * #749: bump minimum versions of pyjwt and cryptography
+- drop o_switch_to_unitest_mock.patch (upstream)
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- Fix patch numbering
+- Add patch to switch from external mock to unittest.mock
+  + o_switch_to_unitest_mock.patch
+- Update to 3.1.0:
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider - Features * #660: OIDC add support of nonce, c_hash, at_hash fields
+  * #677: OIDC add UserInfo endpoint - New RequestValidator.get_userinfo_claims method
+  * #666: Disabling query parameters for POST requests
+- specfile:
+  * be more specific in %files section
+- update to version 3.0.2:
+  * #650: Fixed space encoding in base string URI used in the
+    signature base string.
+  * #652: Fixed OIDC /token response which wrongly returned
+    "&state=None"
+  * #654: Doc: The value state must not be stored by the AS, only
+    returned in /authorize response.
+  * #656: Fixed OIDC "nonce" checks: raise errors when it's mandatory
+- Update to version 3.0.1
+  * Fixed regression introduced in 3.0.0
+    + Fixed Revocation & Introspection Endpoints when using Client
+    Authentication with HTTP Basic Auth.
+- from 3.0.0
+  * General fixes:
+    + Add support of python3.7
+    + $ and ' are allowed to be unencoded in query strings
+    + Request attributes are no longer overriden by HTTP Headers
+    + Removed unnecessary code for handling python2.6
+    + Several minors updates to and tox
+    + Set pytest as the default unittest framework
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider - outstanding Features
+    + OpenID Connect Core support
+    + RFC7662 Introspect support
+    + RFC8414 OAuth2.0 Authorization Server Metadata support
+    + RFC7636 PKCE support
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider - API/Breaking Changes
+    + Add "request" to confirm_redirect_uri
+    + confirm_redirect_uri/get_default_redirect_uri has a bit changed
+    + invalid_client is now a FatalError
+    + Changed errors status code from 401 to 400:
+  - invalid_grant:
+  - invalid_scope:
+  - access_denied/unauthorized_client/consent_required/login_required
+  - 401 must have WWW-Authenticate HTTP Header set.
+  * OAuth2.0 Provider - Bugfixes
+    + empty scopes no longer raise exceptions for implicit and authorization_code
+  * OAuth2.0 Client - Bugfixes / Changes:
+    + expires_in in Implicit flow is now an integer
+    + expires is no longer overriding expires_in
+    + parse_request_uri_response is now required
+    + Unknown error=xxx raised by OAuth2 providers was not understood
+    + OAuth2's `prepare_token_request` supports sending an empty string for `client_id`
+    + OAuth2's `WebApplicationClient.prepare_request_body` was refactored to better
+    support sending or omitting the `client_id` via a new `include_client_id` kwarg.
+    By default this is included. The method will also emit a DeprecationWarning if
+    a `client_id` parameter is submitted; the already configured `self.client_id`
+    is the preferred option.
+  * OAuth1.0 Client:
+    + Support for HMAC-SHA256
+- Removed remove_unittest2.patch made redundant by v3.0.1
+- Set minumum version of python-PyJWT >= 1.0.0
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+Remove dependency on unittest2
+    Add remove_unittest2.patch to facilitate that
+- specfile:
+  * fix fdupes call for single-spec
+- update to version 2.1.0:
+  * Fixed some copy and paste typos (#535)
+  * Use secrets module in Python 3.6 and later (#533)
+  * Add request argument to confirm_redirect_uri (#504)
+  * Avoid populating spurious token credentials (#542)
+  * Make populate attributes API public (#546)
+- specfile:
+  * ran spec-cleaner
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+  * updated url
+- update to version 2.0.7:
+  * Moved oauthlib into new organization on GitHub.
+  * Include license file in the generated wheel package. (#494)
+  * When deploying a release to PyPI, include the wheel
+    distribution. (#496)
+  * Check access token in self.token dict. (#500)
+  * Added bottle-oauthlib to docs. (#509)
+  * Update repository location in Travis. (#514)
+  * Updated docs for organization change. (#515)
+  * Replace G+ with Gitter. (#517)
+  * Update requirements. (#518)
+  * Add shields for Python versions, license and RTD. (#520)
+  * Fix ReadTheDocs build (#521).
+  * Fixed "make" command to test upstream with local oauthlib. (#522)
+  * Replace IRC notification with Gitter Hook. (#523)
+  * Added Github Releases deploy provider. (#523)
-- Update to version 0.6.3:
-  + 0.6.3:
-  * Quick fix. OAuth 1 client repr in 0.6.2 overwrote secrets when
-    scrubbing for print.
-  + 0.6.2:
-  * Numerous OAuth2 provider errors now suggest a status code of 401 instead
-    of 400 (#247.
-  * Added support for JSON web tokens with oauthlib.common.generate_signed_token.
-    Install extra dependency with oauthlib[signedtoken] (#237).
-  * OAuth2 scopes can be arbitrary objects with __str__ defined (#240).
-  * OAuth 1 Clients can now register custom signature methods (#239).
-  * Exposed new method oauthlib.oauth2.is_secure_transport that checks whether
-    the given URL is HTTPS. Checks using this method can be disabled by setting
-    the environment variable OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT (#249).
-  * OAuth1 clients now has __repr__ and will be printed with secrets scrubbed.
-  * OAuth1 Client.get_oauth_params now takes an oauthlib.Request as an argument.
-  * urldecode will now raise a much more informative error message on
-    incorrectly encoded strings.
-  * Plenty of typo and other doc fixes.
-- new dependency on PyJWT
-- Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
+- Ignore some tests because there's no opentelemetry-test-util module
+  gh#open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python#2263
+- Update to 1.17.0:
+  * Implement LowMemory temporality (#3223)
+  * PeriodicExportingMetricReader will continue if collection times out (#3100)
+  * Fix formatting of ConsoleMetricExporter. (#3197)
+  * Fix use of built-in samplers in SDK configuration (#3176)
+  * Implement shutdown procedure forOTLP grpc exporters (#3138)
+  * Add exponential histogram (#2964)
+  * Add OpenCensus trace bridge/shim (#3210)
+  * A lot more changes in previous releases can be found at
-- Avoid if-conditional in BuildRequires which is not supported in SLE-15
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
-- Add rsa-key-loading-fix.patch (bsc#1205132) fixing loading RSA
-  key.
-- update to 2.4.3
+- refresh remove-icecream-dep.patch
+- update to 3.3.1
+  detailed changelog:
+- Delete paramiko-pr1665-remove-pytest-relaxed.patch
+- Add remove-icecream-dep.patch
+- Update to 3.1.0:
+  * [Feature] #2173: Accept single tabs as field separators (in
+    addition to single spaces) in
+    <paramiko.hostkeys.HostKeyEntry.from_line> for parity with
+    OpenSSH’s KnownHosts parser. Patched by Alex Chavkin.
+  * [Feature] #2013: (solving #2009, plus others) Add an explicit
+    channel_timeout keyword argument to
+    paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect, allowing users to configure the
+    previously-hardcoded default value of 3600 seconds. Thanks to
+    @VakarisZ and @ilija-lazoroski for the report and patch, with
+    credit to Mike Salvatore for patch review.
+  * [Support] #2178: Apply codespell to the codebase, which found a
+    lot of very old minor spelling mistakes in docstrings. Also
+    modernize many instances of *largs vs *args and **kwarg vs
+  * *kwargs. Patch courtesy of Yaroslav Halchenko, with review from
+    Brian Skinn.
+- 3.0.0:
+  * [Bug]: A handful of lower-level classes (notably
+    paramiko.message.Message and paramiko.pkey.PKey) previously
+    returned bytes objects from their implementation of __str__, even
+    under Python 3; and there was never any __bytes__ method.
+  * These issues have been fixed by renaming __str__ to __bytes__ and
+    relying on Python’s default “stringification returns the output of
+    __repr__” behavior re: any real attempts to str() such objects.
+  * [Bug] #2165: Streamline some redundant (and costly) byte
+    conversion calls in the packetizer and the core SFTP module. This
+    should lead to some SFTP speedups at the very least. Thanks to
+    Alex Gaynor for the patch.
+  * [Bug] #2110: Remove some unnecessary __repr__ calls when handling
+    bytes-vs-str conversions. This was apparently doing a lot of
+    unintentional data processing, which adds up in some use cases –
+    such as SFTP transfers, which may now be significantly faster.
+    Kudos to Shuhua Zhong for catch & patch.
+  * [Support]: Drop support for Python versions less than 3.6,
+    including Python 2. So long and thanks for all the fish!
+  * [Support]: Remove the now irrelevant paramiko.py3compat module.
+  * [Support]: paramiko.common.asbytes has been moved to
+    paramiko.util.asbytes.
+  * [Support]: PKey.__cmp__ has been removed. Ordering-oriented
+    comparison of key files is unlikely to have ever made sense (the
+    old implementation attempted to order by the hashes of the key
+    material) and so we have not bothered setting up __lt__ and
+    friends at this time. The class continues to have its original
+    __eq__ untouched.
+  * [Support]: The behavior of private key classes’ (ie anything
+    inheriting from PKey) private key writing methods used to perform
+    a manual, extra chmod call after writing. This hasn’t been
+    strictly necessary since the mid 2.x release line (when key
+    writing started giving the mode argument to, and has now
+    been removed entirely.
+  * This should only be observable if you were mocking Paramiko’s
+    system calls during your own testing, or similar.
+  * [Support] #732: (also re: #630) SSHConfig used to straight-up
+    delete the proxycommand key from config lookup results when the
+    source config said ProxyCommand none. This has been altered to
+    preserve the key and give it the Python value None, thus making
+    the Python representation more in line with the source config
+    file.
+  * [Support]: paramiko.util.retry_on_signal (and any internal uses of
+    same, and also any internal retries of EINTR on eg socket
+    operations) has been removed. As of Python 3.5, per PEP 475, this
+    functionality (and retrying EINTR generally) is now part of the
+    standard library.
+- Move documentation into main package for SLE15
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Update to 2.12.0
+  * [Feature] #2125: (also re: #2054) Add a transport_factory kwarg
+    to SSHClient.connect for advanced users to gain more control
+    over early Transport setup and manipulation. Thanks to Noah
+    Pederson for the patch.
+- Release 2.11.1
+  * [Bug]: bug:1637 (via #1599) Raise SSHException explicitly when
+    blank private key data is loaded, instead of the natural result
+    of IndexError. This should help more bits of Paramiko or
+    Paramiko-adjacent codebases to correctly handle this class of
+    error. Credit: Nicholas Dietz.
+  * [Bug] #1822: (via, and relating to, far too many other issues
+    to mention here) Update SSHClient so it explicitly closes its
+    wrapped socket object upon encountering socket errors at
+    connection time. This should help somewhat with certain classes
+    of memory leaks, resource warnings, and/or errors (though we
+    hasten to remind everyone that Client and Transport have their
+    own .close() methods for use in non-error situations!). Patch
+    courtesy of @YoavCohen.
+- Rename and refresh:
+  - paramiko-pr1655-remove-pytest-relaxed.patch
+  + paramiko-pr1665-remove-pytest-relaxed.patch
+  * gh#paramiko/paramiko#1665
+- update to 2.11.0
+  * [Feature] #1951: Add SSH config token expansion (eg %h, %p) when
+    parsing ProxyJump directives.
+  * [Support] #2004: (via #2011) Apply unittest skipIf to tests currently
+    using SHA1 in their critical path, to avoid failures on systems starting
+    to disable SHA1 outright in their crypto backends (eg RHEL 9).
+  * [Support] #1838: (via #1870/#2028) Update camelCase method calls
+    against the threading module to be snake_case; this and related tweaks
+    should fix some deprecation warnings under Python 3.10.
+  * [Support] #2038: (via #2039) Recent versions of Cryptography have
+    deprecated Blowfish algorithm support; in lieu of an easy method for
+    users to remove it from the list of algorithms Paramiko tries to import
+    and use, we’ve decided to remove it from our “preferred algorithms” list.
+    This will both discourage use of a weak algorithm, and avoid warnings.
+- update to 2.10.5
+  * [Bug] #2008: (via #2010) Windows-native SSH agent support as merged in
+    2.10 could encounter Errno 22 OSError exceptions in some scenarios
+    (eg server not cleanly closing a relevant named pipe).
+    This has been worked around and should be less problematic.
+  * [Bug] #2017: OpenSSH 7.7 and older has a bug preventing it from
+    understanding how to perform SHA2 signature verification for RSA
+    certificates (specifically certs - not keys), so when we added SHA2
+    support it broke all clients using RSA certificates with these servers.
+    This has been fixed in a manner similar to what OpenSSH’s own client
+    does: a version check is performed and the algorithm used is downgraded
+    if needed.
+  * [Bug] #1933: Align signature verification algorithm with OpenSSH re:
+    zero-padding signatures which don’t match their nominal size/length. This
+    shouldn’t affect most users, but will help Paramiko-implemented SSH
+    servers handle poorly behaved clients such as PuTTY.
+- update to 2.10.4:
+  * Servers offering certificate variants of hostkey algorithms (eg
+ could not have their host keys verified by
+    Paramiko clients, as it only ever considered non-cert key types for that
+    part of connection handshaking. This has been fixed.
+  * gq PKey instances’ __eq__ did not have the usual safety guard in place to
+    ensure they were being compared to another PKey object, causing occasional
+    spurious BadHostKeyException (among other things). This has been fixed.
+  * Update camelCase method calls against the threading module to be snake_case;
+    this and related tweaks should fix some deprecation warnings under Python 3.10.
+- do not require python-mock for build
+- Update to 2.10.3 (bsc#1197279, CVE-2022-24302)
+  Too many changes to be listed here:
+- Update to 2.8.0
+  - [Feature] #1846: Add a prefetch keyword argument to
+    SFTPClient.get/SFTPClient.getfo so users who need to skip SFTP
+    prefetching are able to conditionally turn it off.
+  - [Bug] #1462: (via #1882) Newer server-side key exchange
+    algorithms not intended to use SHA1 (diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,
+    diffie-hellman-group16-sha512) were incorrectly using SHA1 after all,
+    due to a bug causing them to ignore the hash_algo class attribute.
+    This has been corrected.
+  - [Support] #1722: Remove leading whitespace from OpenSSH RSA test
+    suite static key fixture, to conform better to spec.
+  - [Support] #1727: Add missing test suite fixtures directory to
+, reinstating the ability to run Paramiko’s tests from
+    an sdist tarball.
+  - [Support]: Update our CI to catch issues with sdist generation,
+    installation and testing.
+  - [Support]: Administrivia overhaul, including but not limited to:
+  - Migrate CI to CircleCI
+  - Primary dev branch is now main (renamed)
+  - Many README edits for clarity, modernization etc; including
+    a bunch more (and consistent) status badges & unification with
+    main project site index
+  - PyPI page much more fleshed out (long_description is now filled
+    in with the README; sidebar links expanded; etc)
+  - flake8, pytest configs split out of setup.cfg into their own files
+  - Invoke/invocations (used by maintainers/contributors) upgraded
+    to modern versions
+- Skip python2 to fix build errors for Leap.
+- Rebase paramiko-pr1655-remove-pytest-relaxed.patch.
+- Set environment to utf-8 to allow tests to pass on Python 2. (bsc#1178341)
+- remove dependency on pytest-relaxed
+  * paramiko-pr1655-remove-pytest-relaxed.patch
+  * gh#paramiko/paramiko#1655
+- update to 2.7.2 (bsc#1166758, bsc#1166758, bsc#1205132)
+- drop configs.tar.gz
+  * Add missing test suite fixtures directory to
+  * Remove leading whitespace from OpenSSH RSA test suite static key fixture,
+  * Fix incorrect string formatting causing unhelpful error message annotation
+    when using Kerberos/GSSAPI.
+  * Fix incorrectly swapped order of p and q numbers when loading
+    OpenSSH-format RSA private keys.
+- update to 2.7.1
+- add configs.tar.gz with missing test data
+  * full changelog at
+- update to 2.6.0 (bsc#1200603)
+- drop relaxed.patch and 1311.patch
+  * add a new keyword argument to SSHClient.connect <paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect>
+    and paramiko.transport.Transport -> disabled_algorithms
-    SSHException("Invalid key") (bsc#1200603)
-  * Add support for the modern (as of Python 3.3) import location of
-    MutableMapping (used in host key management) to avoid the old location
-    becoming deprecated in Python 3.8.
-- refresh add-support-for-new-OpenSSH-private-key-format.patch
-- refresh paramiko-test_extend_timeout.patch
-- refresh support-cryptography-25-and-above.patch
-- Add CVE-2022-24302-race-condition.patch:
-  * Fix a race condition between creation and chmod when writing private
-    keys. (bsc#1197279)
-- Add support-cryptography-25-and-above.patch:
-  * Since SLE15 SP1 and above have cryptography 2.8, stop using deprecated
-    methods, and update the required version. (bsc#1178341)
+    SSHException("Invalid key")
+  * Add backwards-compatible support for the gssapi
-- paramiko-fix-1169489.patch: fixed fallout from last patch (bsc#1169489)
+- update to 2.5.0
+- dropped 1379.patch
+- refreshed patches:
+    paramiko-test_extend_timeout.patch
+    relaxed.patch
+    1311.patch
+  * Add support for encrypt-then-MAC (ETM) schemes (,
+ and two newer Diffie-Hellman group key exchange
+    algorithms (group14, using SHA256; and group16, using SHA512).
+  * Add support for Curve25519 key exchange.
+  * Raise Cryptography dependency requirement to version 2.5
+  * Add support for the modern (as of Python 3.3) import location of MutableMapping
+- Run tests verbosely
+- Drop cert_support.tar.gz as it is currently properly in the release
+- add empty line after %autopatch: build fails up to 42.3 otherwise
+- drop python-pytest_relaxed dependency
+- add patches:
+  1311.patch - fix warnings
+  1379.patch - fix support for gssapi
+  relaxed.patch - remove unnecessary pytest_relaxed dep
+- remove patch:
+  disable-gssapi.patch - supersseded
-- add-support-for-new-OpenSSH-private-key-format.patch:
-  Add support for new OpenSSH >= 7.8p1 private key format  (bsc#1166758)
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- update to 2.4.2
+- update to 2.4.2 (bsc#1111151, CVE-2018-1000805)
-  * Fix exploit (CVE-2018-1000805) in Paramiko's server mode (not client mode)
+  * Fix exploit (CVE pending) in Paramiko's server mode (not client mode)
-    (bsc#1111151)
+- Support Sphinx 7.0 by skipping of some tests that depend
+  on legacy features (boo#1211051).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on pep517.
+- update to 5.11.1:
+  * Run PBR integration on Ubuntu Focal too
+  * Remove numpy dependencies
+  * Tie recursion calls to Dist object, not module
+  * Update tox.ini to work with tox 4
+- Update to 5.11.0
+  * Fix symbol identification in multiline message
+  * Replace deprecated readfp method with read_file
+- update to 5.10.0:
+  * Specify Changelog procedure
+  * Allow leading spaces when determining symbols
+  * Adding python classifiers py38 & py39
+- update to 5.9.0:
+  * Future-proofing pyproject.toml
+  * Use importlib-metadata for runtime package version lookups
+  * Drop wheel from pyproject.toml examples
+  * Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
+- update to 5.8.1:
+  * Add release note about missing pbr.json fix
+  * Avoid recursive calls into SetupTools entrypoint
+  * remove explicit mock
+  * Don't test with setuptools local distutils
+  * Use context blocks for open() calls in packaging
+- remove remove_mock.patch (upstream)
+- update to 5.8.0:
+  * Add python2 testing back to PBR
+  * Allow PEP517 without setup\_requires
+  * Clarify the need for with PEP517
+- update to 5.7.0:
+  * Add a PEP517 interface
+  * PBR package testing improvements
+  * Run python3.9 test jobs
+  * Correct comment for 'D1\_D2\_SETUP\_ARGS'
+- update to 5.6.0:
+  * Reverse ordering of 'D1\_D2\_SETUP\_ARGS'
+  * Add test for cfg -> py transformation
+  * Don't pass empty 'long\_description'
+  * Move flake8 as a pre-commit local target
+  * Map requires-python to python-requires (attempt 2)
+  * Update dependencies to avoid failure with old pip
+  * Increase OS\_TEST\_TIMEOUT to 1200
+  * Prevent test failure due to use of setpref
+  * util: Convert 'D1\_D2\_SETUP\_ARGS' to a list of tuples
+  * Revert "Map requires-python to python-requires"
+  * Dropping lower constraints testing
+  * Adding pre-commit
+- Update to 5.5.1
+  * Run tempest-full for stable/train
+  * Remove use_2to3 backward compat for Setuptools
+  * More easy_install.ScriptWriter.get_header()
+- Changes for 5.5.0
+  * Remove bdist_wininst support
+  * Increase integration test timeout
+  * Add Release Notes to documentation
+  * Cleanup old legacy devstack-gate jobs
+  * Begin work to modernize pbr’s integration testing
+  * Re-add ChangeLog
+  * Update some url to use
+  * Support newer openstackdocstheme
+  * Use easy_install.ScriptWriter.get_header()
+  * Remove neutron-fwaas from the jobs’ required project
+  * Update python requires packaging metadata for package
+  * trivial: Improve logging of run commands
+  + Map requires-python to python-requires
+  * Update hacking
+  * Add support for virtualenv 20.x
+- Only test the primary python3 interpreter because some test
+  dependencies from OpenStack (which are not hard required by the
+  package itself) only provide that one.
+  gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- Add remove_mock.patch
+- update to 5.4.5:
+  * Switch to Ussuri jobs
+- Skip temporarily test_requirement_parsing as it requires
+  old virtualenv 16 package, the 20.x changed api and the tests
+  infrastructure would need rewrite
+- update to 5.4.4:
+  * trivial: Use 'open' context manager
+  * Update to latest hacking
+  * Mark strings as raw
+- update to 5.4.3
+  * Use more verbose logging for test failure
+- Remove buildignores on pyparsing as the cycle is now sorted
+- update to 5.4.2:
+  * Add Python 3 Train unit tests
+- Update to 5.4.1:
+  * Various fixes
+- version update to 5.3.0
+  * Stop using pbr sphinx integration
+  * Switch to release.o.o for constraints
+  * Make WSGI tests listen on localhost
+  * Allow git-tags to be SemVer compliant
+  * Read description file as utf-8
+- Update to 5.2.0
+  * Support provides_extra metadata
+  * Remove libzmq-dev from package install
+  * Fix error when keywords are defined as a list in cfg
+- Do not generate any packages in the test multibuild run
+- Add Recomends for git-core and python-reno
+- Add Suggests for python-Sphinx and python-nose
+- Increase minimum dependency versions to match upstream
+- Add build dependency pip, pyparsing, reno and testrepository
+  used by the test suite
+- Remove unnecessary test dependencies coverage and hacking
+- Use OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 in %check to fix sparodic failing tests
+  due to timeouts with the default 30 seconds
+- Remove no longer needed steps in %prep due to upstream changes
+- Replace build dependency git with smaller git-core
+- update to 5.1.3
+- drop 0001-Skip-test-for-testr-hook-being-installed-when-testr-.patch
+    new_wheel.patch
+  * Resolve ``ValueError`` when mapping value contains a literal ``=``
+  * ignore –find-links in requirements file
+  * Do not globally replace path prefix
+  * Use templates for cover and lower-constraints
+  * Special case long_description_content_type
+  * Support wheel 0.32.0+
+- BuildIgnore python[23]-pyparsing: python-packaging requires it
+  for some actions it could perform, but we don't make use of these
+  here. Ignoring this dependency allows us to break open a
+  BuildCycle.
+- Actually, although the package is noarch, its test suite is not, so we
+  need python-devel at least for tests.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove unnecessary code for building with Python 2.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version 1.9.6
+    1.9.6 (2023-01-08)
+  - -----------------
+  - Fix various typos in docs / docstrings.  LP #2002232.
+    1.9.5 (2023-01-06)
+  - -----------------
+  - Add stricter typing checks, matching those used in 'twine'.
+  - Fix typing errors / gaps reported from 'twine' CI failure.  LP #2002104.
+    1.9.4 (2023-01-05)
+  - -----------------
+  - Fix packaging of stub file for Python typing support.
+    1.9.3 (2023-01-03)
+  - -----------------
+  - Added stub files for Python typing support;  verify using 'mypy'. LP #1876591.
+    1.9.2 (2022-11-29)
+  - -----------------
+  - Drop "universal" wheel support (should be redundant with
+    'python_requires >= 3.6', but just in case).  LP #1998258.
+    1.9.1 (2022-11-29)
+  - -----------------
+  - Restore a deprecated alias for the '_must_decode' helper function, moved
+    from 'pkginfo._compat.must_decode' to 'pkginfo.distribution._must_decode'
+    in 1.90.
+  - Repair unit tests broken by dropping Python 2.7 classifier.
+    1.9.0 (2022-11-29)
+  - -----------------
+  - Drop support for Python 2.7.
+  - Switch to use 'pytest' vs. 'nose', which doesn't support Python > 3.9.
+    1.8.3 (2022-06-08)
+  - -----------------
+  - Specify supported Python versions in '' using 'python_requires'.
+    LP #1977981.
+    1.8.2 (2021-12-01)
+  - -----------------
+  - Add fix for installed distributions with '__package__' set to an empty
+    string. LP #1952946.
+    1.8.1 (2021-11-19)
+  - -----------------
+  - Add '' to ensure example files used by tests are included
+    in source distributions.  LP #1951553.
+    1.8.0 (2021-11-18)
+  - -----------------
+  - Support new standard metadata location for installed dists. LP #1865286.
+  - Don't overwrite header-based 'description' with empty payload. LP #1885458.
+  - Add support for Metadata-Version 2.2. LP #1928729.
+  - Add support for uncompressed tarballs for sdists.  LP #1951457.
+  - Add support for Python 3.10.
+    1.7.1 (2021-07-09)
+  - -----------------
+  - Use Python3 to build docs, and fix doctest examples to use Python3-
+    compatible syntax.  LP #1933322.
+    1.7.0 (2021-01-16)
+  - -----------------
+  - Add support for Python 3.9.
+  - Drop support for Python 3.5.
+    1.6.1 (2020-10-26)
+  - -----------------
+  - Adjust test classifiers to match supported Python versions. LP #1901127.
+    1.6.0 (2020-10-20)
+  - -----------------
+  - Add support for Python 3.8.
+    LP #1869854.
+  - Drop support for Python 3.4.
+  - Update tests to match setuptools' change, no longer reporting metadata
+    version for installed packages w/o explicit metadata.  LP #1870197.
+- Remove unnecessary build dependency nose
-- Initial version
+- Move documentation into main package for SLE15
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Trim bias from description. Use 'find +'.
+- Install some license
+- Remove devel dependency
+- Update to 3.11
+  * Fixed some minor bugs related to re flags and token order.
+  * Added a set_lexpos() method to grammar symbols.  Github issue #148.
+  * Mostly minor bug fixes and small code cleanups.
-- Fix building on SLES
-- spec file cleanups
-- python3 package added
-- patch license to follow standard
-- Update to 3.4:
-  + Minor patch to make compatible with Python 3.
-  + Fixed trove classifiers to properly list PLY as Python
-    3 compatible.
-- License changed to BSD3c
-- Packaged more doc files
-- Moved important docs (README, ..) to base package
-- Fixed build for non-SUSE distros
+- Update to 2.7.0:
+  * Added fail_when_locked=False support to BoundedSemaphore thanks to
+    @flaviens
+- 2.6.0:
+  * Added fileno() support. Fixes #80 on posix systems
+- 2.5.1:
+  * Added clear warning when locking in non-blocking mode without
+    specifying either EXCLUSIVE or SHARED mode. Fixes #77
+- 2.5.0:
+  * Fixed shared locks on Windows and simplified locking mechanism
+- 2.4.0:
+  * Added warning when trying to use a timeout in blocking mode. And
+    removed deprecated testing code and checks
+- 2.3.2:
+  * Added semver indicator and specified needed Python release thanks
+    to @rayluo v2.3.2
+- 2.3.1:
+  * Removed Python 2 classifier thanks to @rayluo v2.3.1
+- 2.3.0:
+  * enabled PEP 561 compliance v2.3.0
+- 2.2.1:
+  * removed debug statement v2.2.1
+- 2.2.0:
+  * updated travis location
+- 2.1.0:
+  * Added Redis based distributed lock which gracefully handles
+    connection loss and dying applications. Added full type hinting
+    support. Fixed bug where the file handle was not always explicitly
+    closed with errors
+- v2.0.0:
+  * Removed support for old Python versions. Versions 3.5 and above
+    are supported. Added BoundedSemaphore class
+- 1.7.1:
+  * removed tests from wheel file
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to v1.7.0
+  * Fix ResourceWarning unclosed file if LockException is raised
+- from v1.6.0
+  * Fixed unlocking bug on Windows
+- Update to 1.5.2
+  * Allow for development setuptools
+- Update to 1.5.1:
+  * no upstream changelog
+- Update to 1.5.0:
+  * No upstream changelog
+- Switch to github tarball to include tests
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version v3.1.0
+  Require Python 3.7 or later.
+- Update to version v3.0.0
+  Removed legacy aliases wait_for_occupied_port and wait_for_free_port.
+- Update to version v2.7.2
+  Packaging refresh.
+- Update to version v2.7.1
+  [#14]: Fix host/port order.
+- Update to version v2.7.0
+  Refresh package. Require Python 3.6 or later.
+- Update to 2.6
+  * Package refresh.
-Initial package (0.0.20) for openSUSE.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Update to 0.17.0:
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Add additional typing.
+  * [BUGFIX] Fix typo in python_gc_objects_collected metadata.
+  * [BUGFIX] Do not include .pyc files in the build wheel.
+- Update to 0.16.0:
+  * [FEATURE] Support HELP text in multiprocess mode.
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Reduce the mmap minimum size.
+  * [BUGFIX] Use the correct OpenMetrics encoder when
+    application/openmetrics-text is requested in ASGI apps.
+  * [BUGFIX] Allow Prometheus format parser to handle a missing
+    space after labels.
+- Update to upstream 0.15.0 release
+  * [CHANGE] Remove choose_formatter. choose_formatter only existed
+    for v0.14.x and was deprecated in v0.14.1. #846
+  * [FEATURE] Support TLS auth when using push gateway with
+    tls_auth_handler. #841
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Add sum, livemin, and livemax multiprocess
+    modes for Gauges. #794
+- Update to upstream 0.14.1 release
+  * [BUGFIX] Revert choose_encoder being renamed to choose_formatter
+    to fix a breaking change.
+- Update to upstream 0.14.0 release
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Continued typing improvements and coverage. #759, #771, #781
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Allow binding to IPv6 addresses. #657
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Negotiate gzip content-encoding, enabled by default. #776
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Allow disabling _created metrics via the
+    PROMETHEUS_DISABLE_CREATED_SERIES environment variable. #774
+  * [BUGFIX] Correct minor typo in exception raised when exemplar labels are too long. #773
+- Update to upstream 0.13.1 release
+  * [BUGFIX] Relax some type constraints that were too strict.
+    [#754], #755, #756, #758
+  * [BUGFIX] Explicitly export functions with __all__. #757
+- Update to upstream 0.13.0 release
+  * [CHANGE] Drop support for Python versions 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5. #718
+  * [FEATURE] Support adding labels when using .time() #730
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Begin to add type hints to functions. #705
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Improved go-to-declaration behavior for editors. #747
+  * [BUGFIX] Remove trailing slashes from pushgateway URLS. #722
+  * [BUGFIX] Catch non-integer bucket/count values. #726
+- Update to upstream 0.12.0 release
+  * [FEATURE] Exemplar support (excludes multiprocess) #669
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for Python 3.10 #706
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Restricted Registry will handle metrics added after restricting #675, #680
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Raise a more helpful error if a metric is not observable #666
+  * [BUGFIX] Fix instance_ip_grouping_key not working on MacOS #687
+  * [BUGFIX] Fix assertion error from favicion.ico with Python 2.7 #715
+- Rename back to the correct package name (with dashes;
+  jsc#SLE-20812).
+- Update to upstream 0.11.0 release
+  * [CHANGE] Specify that the labelvalues argument on metric constructors
+    is internal by renaming it to _labelvalues. If you are affected by this
+    change, it is likely that the metric was not being registered. #660
+  * [BUGFIX] write_to_textfile will overwrite files in windows. If using
+    python 3.4 or newer the replace will be atomic. #650
+- Update to upstream 0.10.1 release
+  * [BUGFIX] Support lowercase prometheus_multiproc_dir environment
+    variable in mark_process_dead.
+- Update to upstream 0.10.0 release
+  * [CHANGE] Python 2.6 is no longer supported. #592
+  * [CHANGE] The prometheus_multiproc_dir environment variable is
+    deprecated in favor of PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR. #624
+  * [FEATURE] Follow redirects when pushing to Pushgateway using
+    passthrough_redirect_handler. #622
+  * [FEATURE] Metrics support a clear() method to remove all children. #642
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Tag support in GraphiteBridge. #618
+- Update to upstream 0.9.0 release
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for python3.9 (#600)
+  * [ENHANCEMENT] Various updates for latest OpenMetrics draft spec (#576 #577)
+- Update to upstream 0.8.0 release
+  * Also disable Twisted build requirement on older code streams due to dependency issues
+- Fix build without python2
+- Temporarily skip some tests failing on ppc64le due to upstream issues
+  See bsc#1164604
+- Add Provides and Obsoletes fields to correctly supersede SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:GA/python-prometheus-client
+- Require python-futures instead of python2-futures for building for both sle12 and sle15
+- Update to 0.7.1:
+  * [BUGFIX] multiprocess: don't crash on missing gauge_live/sum files (#424)
+  * [BUGFIX] correctly bind method on Python 2.x (#403)
+- Remove forgotten v0.6.0.tar.gz tarball.
+- version update to 0.7.0
+  * Multiprocess exposition speed boost (#421)
+  * optimize openmetrics text parsing (~4x perf) (#402)
+  * Add python3.7 support (#418)
+  * Change exemplar length limit to be only for label names+values (#397)
+  * Disable gcCollector for pypy (#380)
+- update to version 0.6.0
+  * Better exceptions on exposition failure
+  * Fix deadlock in gcCollector, metrics are now different
+  * Fix thread leak in Python 3.7
+  * parser: ensure samples are of type Sample
+  0.5.0
+  * Be more resilient to certain file corruptions
+  * Permit subclassing of MetricsHandler
+  * Updates based on latest OpenMetrics draft spec discussions
+  * In multiprocess mode, ensure that metrics initialise to the
+    correct file
+  * Avoid re-entrant calls to GC collector's callback
+  0.4.?
+  * Disable GCCollector in multiprocess mode to prevent a deadlock
+  * Fix OpenMetrics http negotiation handling
+  * Counter time series will now always be exposed with _total, and
+    counter metrics will have a _total suffix stripped. This is as
+    the internal data model is now OpenMetrics, rather than
+    Prometheus Text Format
+  * Samples now use a namedtuple
+  * Add OpenMetrics exposition and parser
+  * Add Info, Stateset, Enum, GaugeHistogram support for OpenMetrics
+  * Add timestamp support for Prometheus text format exposition
+  * Add garbage collection metrics
+  * If reading multiprocess file, open it readonly.
+  * Fix bug in WSGI app code.
+  * Write to multiprocess files directly
+  0.3.?
+  * Fix handing of escaping in parser
+  * Fix concurrency issues with timers
+  * 4.5x speedup in parser
+  * Performance improvements for multiproc mode
+  * Fix FD leak in multiproc mode
+- Taking tarball from git because of the tests
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Initial packaging (version 0.2.0)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 3.0.38
+  * Fix regression in filters. (Use of `WeakValueDictionary` caused
+    filters to not be cached).
+- Release 3.0.37 Bug fixes:
+  * Fix `currentThread()` deprecation warning.
+  * Fix memory leak in filters.
+  * Make VERSION tuple numeric.
+  * Add `.run()` method in `TelnetServer`. (To be used instead of
+    `.start()/.stop()`.
+  [#]# Breaking changes:
+  * Subclasses of `Filter` have to call `super()` in their
+    `__init__`.
+  * Drop support for Python 3.6:
+  - This includes code cleanup for Python 3.6 compatibility.
+  - Use `get_running_loop()` instead of `get_event_loop()`.
+  - Use `` instead of
+    `asyncio.run_until_complete()`.
+- Update to version 3.0.36
+  * Fixes:
+  - Another Python 3.6 fix for a bug that was introduced in 3.0.34.
+- Update to version 3.0.35
+  Fixes:
+  - Fix bug introduced in 3.0.34 for Python 3.6. Use asynccontextmanager
+  implementation from prompt_toolkit itself.
+- Update to version 3.0.34
+  Fixes:
+  - Improve completion performance in various places.
+  - Improve renderer performance.
+  - Handle `KeyboardInterrupt` when the stacktrace of an unhandled error is
+  displayed.
+  - Use correct event loop in `Application.create_background_task()`.
+  - Fix `show_cursor` attribute in `ScrollablePane`.
+- Update to version 3.0.33:
+  Fixes:
+  - Improve termination of `Application`. Don't suppress `CancelledError`. This
+  fixes a race condition when an `Application` gets cancelled while we're
+  waiting for the background tasks to complete.
+  - Fixed typehint for `OneStyleAndTextTuple`.
+  - Small bugfix in `CombinedRegistry`. Fixed missing `@property`.
+- Update to version 3.0.32:
+  Bug fixes:
+  - Use `DummyInput` by default in `create_input()` if `sys.stdin` does not have
+  a valid file descriptor. This fixes errors when `sys.stdin` is patched in
+  certain situations.
+  - Fix control-c key binding for `ProgressBar` when the progress bar was not
+  created from the main thread. The current code would try to kill the main
+  thread when control-c was pressed.
+  New features:
+  - Accept a `cancel_callback` in `ProgressBar` to specify the cancellation
+  behavior for when `control-c` is pressed.
+  - Small performance improvement in the renderer.
+- Update to version 3.0.31: 2022-09-02
+  New features:
+  - Pass through `name` property in `TextArea` widget to `Buffer`.
+  - Added a `enable_cpr` parameter to `Vt100_Output`, `TelnetServer` and
+  `PromptToolkitSSHServer`, to completely disable CPR support instead of
+  automatically detecting it.
+- Update to version 3.0.30:
+  New features:
+  - Allow zero-width-escape sequences in `print_formatted_text`.
+  - Add default value option for input dialog.
+  - Added `has_suggestion` filter.
+  Fixes:
+  - Fix rendering of control-shift-6 (or control-^). Render as '^^'
+  - Always wrap lines in the Label widget by default.
+  - Fix enter key binding in system toolbar in Vi mode.
+  - Improved handling of stdout objects that don't have a 'buffer' attribute. For
+    instance, when using `renderer_print_formatted_text` in a Jupyter Notebook.
+- from version 3.0.29:
+  New features:
+  - Accept 'handle_sigint' parameter in PromptSession.
+  Fixes
+  - Fix 'variable referenced before assignment' error in vt100 mouse bindings.
+  - Pass `handle_sigint` from `` to `Application.run_async`.
+  - Fix detection of telnet client side changes.
+  - Fix `print_container` utility (handle `EOFError`).
+  Breaking changes:
+  - The following are now context managers:
+    `create_pipe_input`, `PosixPipeInput` and `Win32PipeInput`.
+- update to 3.0.28:
+  - Support format specifiers for HTML and ANSI formatted text.
+  - Accept defaults for checkbox and radio list, and their corresponding dialogs.
+  - Fix resetting of cursor shape after the application terminates.
+  - Support for cursor shapes. The cursor shape for prompts/applications can now
+    be configured, either as a fixed cursor shape, or in case of Vi input mode,
+    according to the current input mode.
+  - Handle "cursor forward" command in ANSI formatted text. This makes it
+    possible to render many kinds of generated ANSI art.
+  - Accept `align` attribute in `Label` widget.
+  - Added `PlainTextOutput`: an output implementation that doesn't render any
+    ANSI escape sequences. This will be used by default when redirecting stdout
+    to a file.
+  - Added `create_app_session_from_tty`: a context manager that enforces
+    input/output to go to the current TTY, even if stdin/stdout are attached to
+    pipes.
+  - Added `to_plain_text` utility for converting formatted text into plain text.
+  - Don't automatically use `sys.stderr` for output when `sys.stdout` is not a
+    TTY, but `sys.stderr` is. The previous behavior was confusing, especially
+    when rendering formatted text to the output, and we expect it to follow
+- Update to version 3.0.26:
+  * No Linux relevant changes.
+- Changes from version 3.0.25:
+  * Use `DummyOutput` when `sys.stdout` is `None` and `DummyInput`
+    when `sys.stdin` is `None`.
+  * Correctly reset `Application._is_running` flag in case of
+    exceptions in some situations.
+  * Handle SIGINT (when sent from another process) and allow
+    binding it to a key binding.
+  * Increase the event loop `slow_duration_callback` by default to
+    0.5 to prevent printing warnings if rendering takes too long
+    on slow systems.
+- Older changelogs: see
+- update to 2.9.7:
+  * Fix propagation of exceptions raised during module
+    initialization
+  * Fix building when pg_config returns an empty string
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 2.9.6:
+  * Package manylinux 2014 for aarch64 and ppc64le platforms, in
+    order to include libpq 15 in the binary package (:ticket:`#1396`).
+  * Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1t.
+- Update to 2.9.5
+  * Add support for Python 3.11.
+  * Add support for rowcount in MERGE statements in binary packages
+    (ticket`#1497`).
+  * Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1r and PostgreSQL 15 libpq.
+- Update to 2.9.4
+  * Fix `~psycopg2.extras.register_composite()`,
+    `~psycopg2.extras.register_range()` with customized search_path
+    (ticket`#1487`).
+  * Handle correctly composite types with names or in schemas requiring escape.
+  * Find ``pg_service.conf file in the ``/etc/postgresql-common`` directory in
+    binary packages (ticket`1365`).
+  * `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map and `~psycopg2.errors` classes updated to
+    PostgreSQL 15.
+  * Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1q and PostgreSQL 14.4
+- update to 2.9.3:
+  * Alpine (musl) wheels now available
+- update to 2.9.2:
+  * Raise `ValueError` for dates >= Y10k (:ticket:`#1307`).
+  * `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map and `~psycopg2.errors` classes updated to
+    PostgreSQL 14.
+  * Add preliminary support for Python 3.11 (:tickets:`#1376, #1386`).
+  * Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1l and PostgreSQL 14.1
+- Update to 2.9.1
+  - Fix regression with named `sql.Placeholder` (:ticket:`1291`).
+- Update to 2.9.0
+  - ``with connection`` starts a transaction on autocommit transactions too
+    (:ticket:`#941`).
+  - Timezones with fractional minutes are supported on Python 3.7 and following
+    (:ticket:`#1272`).
+  - Escape table and column names in `~cursor.copy_from()` and `~cursor.copy_to()`.
+  - Connection exceptions with sqlstate ``08XXX`` reclassified as
+    `~psycopg2.OperationalError` (a subclass of the previously used
+    `~psycopg2.DatabaseError`) (:ticket:`#1148`).
+  - Include library dirs required from libpq to work around MacOS build problems
+    (:ticket:`#1200`).
+  - Dropped support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 (:ticket:`#1198, #1000, #1197`).
+  - Dropped support for mx.DateTime.
+  - Use `datetime.timezone` objects by default in datetime objects instead of
+    ``.
+  - The `` module is deprecated and scheduled to be dropped in the
+    next major release.
+  - Provide :pep:`599` wheels packages (manylinux2014 tag) for i686 and x86_64
+    platforms.
+  - Provide :pep:`600` wheels packages (manylinux_2_24 tag) for aarch64 and
+    ppc64le platforms.
+  - Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1k and PostgreSQL 13.3.
+  - Build system for Linux/MacOS binary packages moved to GitHub action.
+- update to 2.8.6:
+  * Fixed memory leak changing connection encoding to the current one
+  * Fixed search of mxDateTime headers in virtualenvs (:ticket:`#996`).
+  * Added missing values from errorcodes (:ticket:`#1133`).
+  * `cursor.query` reports the query of the last :sql:`COPY` opearation too
+  * `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map and `~psycopg2.errors` classes updated to PostgreSQL 13.
+  * Added wheel packages for ARM architecture (:ticket:`#1125`).
+  * Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1g.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- version update to 1.6
+  * Use `pytest` insteed of `nose`.
+  * Fix warning around regex string.
+- deleted patches
+  - use_pytest.patch (upstreamed)
+- Use pytest instead of nose
+- Add use_pytest.patch
+- Do not build python-pycairo-common-devel package, place all devel
+  files under the sitelib/cairo folder.
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- Update to version 1.23.0
+  * Reminder to distro packagers: Building/installing pycairo using is deprecated, please use meson instead.
+  * git: changed default branch from “master” to “main”
+  * Windows: Update the cairo version included in the wheels from 1.17.2 to 1.17.6 #pr-243
+  * docs: Document how to look up pycairo headers without loading the module #pr-300
+  * tests: don’t error out if cairo wasn’t built with all features #pr-293
+  New APIs:
+  * Status.DWRITE_ERROR #pr-294
+  * Format.RGB96F, Format.RGBA128F #pr-295
+  * PDFVersion.VERSION_1_6, PDFVersion.VERSION_1_7 #pr-296
+  * HAS_DWRITE_FONT #pr-297
+  * Context.set_hairline(), Context.get_hairline() #pr-298
+  * PDFSurface.set_custom_metadata() #pr-299
+- Updtae to version 1.22.0:
+  * Officially support Python 3.11.
+  * PDFSurface.version_to_string(): Fix crash with negative
+    versions.
+  * typing: ImageSurface.get_stride() returns an int.
+  * typing: Fix incorrect interface for Matrix constructor.
+  * typing: Use Generic for Context.
+  * docs: some cairo.Context fixes.
+  * docs: try to make create_from_png/write_to_png more clear.
+  * docs: add an example for how to convert a surface to pillow.
+  * docs: cairo.Format.RGB24: document that unused bytes may be
+    overwritten.
+  * tests: don’t depend on specific ref counts.
+  * tests: compatibility fixes for cairo 1.17.6.
+- Drop f5a795ea.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 1.21.0:
+  * Require Python 3.7+
+  * Require meson 0.53+
+  * Using directly to build/install pycairo is deprecated.
+    Use meson instead.
+  * now requires setuptools. Previously it was optional.
+  * The complete API reference is now included in the typing stubs,
+    so it can be consumed/shown by IDEs.
+- Add f5a795ea.patch: Some test improvements for cairo 1.17.6
+- Work around vendored distutils in setuptools >= 60 incorrectly
+  installing pkgconfig files into the wrong libdir
+- Deduplicate files in python_sitearch
+- Add patch support-python-312.patch, support Python 3.12+
+- Stop using greedy globs in %files
+- Switch to autosetup and pyproject macros
+- Remove Python 2 leftovers
+- Enable running the tests again
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to Version: 1.5.7 - 2022-10-04
+  Enhancements
+  * #544: replace Travis with Github Actions for CI testing.
+  Bug fixes
+  * #481: fix [WinError 10038] an operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. (patch by Tailing Yuan)
+  * #578, [critical]: FTPS broke with PyOpenSSL version 22.1.0.
+- Update to Version: 1.5.6 - 2020-02-16
+  Enhancements
+  * #467: added pre-fork concurrency model, spawn()ing worker processes to split load.
+  * #520: directory LISTing is now 3.7x times faster.
+- Switch off the test suite, it just doesn't work reliably
+  (gh#giampaolo/pyftpdlib#540).
+- Regenerate new private key/x509 certificate for the test suite.
+  (thanks, Jason!)
+- Skip masquerade tests failung because the newest Pythons don't
+  allow invalid addresses gh#giampaolo/pyftpdlib#550, bpo-43285
+- Remove script interpreter lines for test files and
+  (fix rpmlint warnings)
+- add ignore _build directories to pytest args to fix builds for
+  multiple pytest flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- fix tests failing locally because of gh#giampaolo/pyftpdlib#478
+- Re-activate test suite, replacing nose with pytest
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
-- salt beacon needs python-pyinotify at SLE15 (bsc#1111493)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- spec file boiler plate update (by the system, or someone)
-- add pyinotify wrapper
-- fix license in spec file
-- updated to 0.9.1
-- cleanup spec file
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 1.6.3
+  * Fix logger.warn() deprecation warnings
+  * Modernize tests and test harness
+  * Python 3.10 support
+- Remove python-pylibmc-remove-nose.patch
+- Cope with memcached moving from sbindir to bindir and safeguard
+  against non-existing memcached binary: it if can't be started,
+  there is no reason to even attempt to run the test suite.
+- Skip testGetMulti due to memcached throwing some errors.
+- added patches
+  + python-pylibmc-remove-nose.patch
-- Fix license spelling
-- Fix license (SPDX style)
-- Initial version
-- Loose the filelist for the package info to avoid FTBFS on
-  SLE-15-SP5 (bsc#1203743).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 1.8.2:
+  + no changes available
+- update to 1.8.1:
+  + no changes available
+- update to 1.8.0
+  + no changes available
+- Fix build without python2
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- version update to 1.7.0
+  * Added ability to read/write clipboard by running `python -m pyperclip`
+- added sources
+  + LICENSE.txt
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Refresh SPEC file.
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 7.4.2:
+  * Fix doctest collection of
+    `functools.cached_property` objects.
+  * Fixed bug using
+    ``--importmode=importlib`` which would cause package
+    ```` files to be imported more than once in some
+    cases.
+  * Fixed bug where `user_properties`
+    where not being saved in the JUnit XML file if a fixture
+    failed during teardown.
+  * Fixed crash when parsing long
+    command line arguments that might be interpreted as files.
+  * Improved Documentation
+  * Improved disclaimer on pytest
+    plugin reference page to better indicate this is an
+    automated, non-curated listing.
+- update to 7.4.1:
+  * Fixed bug where fake intermediate
+    modules generated by ``--import-mode=importlib`` would not
+    include the child modules as attributes of the parent modules.
+  * Fixed error assertion handling in
+    :func:`pytest.approx` when ``None`` is an expected or
+    received value when comparing dictionaries.
+  * Fixed issue when using
+    ``--import-mode=importlib`` together with ``--doctest-
+    modules`` that caused modules to be imported more than once,
+    causing problems with modules that have import side effects.
+- update to 7.4.0:
+  * Added
+    :func:`ExceptionInfo.from_exception()
+    <pytest.ExceptionInfo.from_exception>`, a simpler way to
+    create an :class:`~pytest.ExceptionInfo` from an exception.
+    This can replace :func:`ExceptionInfo.from_exc_info()
+    <pytest.ExceptionInfo.from_exc_info()>` for most uses.
+  * Update test log report annotation
+    to named tuple and fixed inconsistency in docs for
+    :hook:`pytest_report_teststatus` hook.
+  * When an exception traceback to be
+    displayed is completely filtered out (by mechanisms such as
+    ``__tracebackhide__``, internal frames, and similar), now
+    only the exception string and the following message are
+    shown:
+    "All traceback entries are hidden. Pass `--full-trace` to see
+    hidden and internal frames.".
+  * Improved verbose output (``-vv``)
+    of ``skip`` and ``xfail`` reasons by performing text wrapping
+    while leaving a clear margin for progress output.
+  * Added ``TerminalReporter.wrap_write()`` as a helper for that.
+  * Added handling of ``%f``
+    directive to print microseconds in log format options, such
+    as ``log-date-format``.
+  * Added the underlying exception to the cache provider's path
+    creation and write warning messages.
+  * Added warning when :confval:`testpaths` is set, but paths are
+    not found by glob.
+    In this case, pytest will fall back to searching from the
+    current directory.
+  * When `--confcutdir` is not
+    specified, and there is no config file present, the conftest
+    cutoff directory (`--confcutdir`) is now set to the
+    :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>`.
+  * Previously in such cases, `` files would be probed
+    all the way to the root directory of the filesystem.
+  * If you are badly affected by this change, consider adding an
+    empty config file to your desired cutoff directory, or
+    explicitly set `--confcutdir`.
+  * The :confval:`norecursedirs`
+    check is now performed in a :hook:`pytest_ignore_collect`
+    implementation, so plugins can affect it.
+  * If after updating to this version you see that your
+    `norecursedirs` setting is not being respected,
+  * it means that a conftest or a plugin you use has a bad
+    `pytest_ignore_collect` implementation.
+  * Most likely, your hook returns `False` for paths it does not
+    want to ignore which ends the processing and doesn't allow
+    other plugins, including pytest itself, to ignore the path.
+  * The fix is to return `None` instead of `False` for paths your
+    hook doesn't want to ignore.
+  * :func:`caplog.set_level()
+    <pytest.LogCaptureFixture.set_level>` and
+    :func:`caplog.at_level() <pytest.LogCaptureFixture.at_level>`
+    will temporarily enable the requested ``level`` if ``level``
+    was disabled globally via ``logging.disable(LEVEL)``.
+- update to 7.3.2:
+  * Fix bug where very long option
+    names could cause pytest to break with ``OSError: [Errno 36]
+    File name too long`` on some systems.
+  * Support for Python 3.12
+  * honored to load root ``conftests``.
+  * The `monkeypatch` `setitem`/`delitem` type annotations now
+    allow `TypedDict` arguments.
+  * Fixed bug in assertion rewriting
+    where a variable assigned with the walrus operator could not
+    be used later in a function call.
+  * Fixed ``--last-failed``'s
+    "(skipped N files)" functionality for files inside of
+    packages (directories with `` files).
+- Disable tests that uses pexpect to avoid timeout error when running
+  in OBS. bsc#1212229
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.8.0:
+  * Improve deployment workflow to use trusted publishing and
+    upload to Test PyPI first
+  * Remove a bunch of obsolete code
+  * Clean up the smtp module's driver code
+- update to 0.7.1:
+  * Update SMTP server code to work with aiosmtpd >=1.4.3
+  * Add support for Python 3.11 (or at least, list it explicitly
+    in the classifiers)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.7.0:
+  * Make smtp support an optional extra
+  * Update some obsolete syntax to drop support for Python 2
+  * Add linting for code and workflow actions using pre-commit hooks
+  * Expand the range of pytest versions known to be compatible, with tests
+  * Add badges to README
+- Update build requirements: Without setuptools_scm[toml], this
+  installs a version 0.0.0 into the python metadata.
+- Drop obsolete remove_bindir.patch
+- Update to 0.6.0
+  * Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4
+  * Use setuptools_scm for managing versions of this package
+  * Support sending chunked responses from the HTTP server
+  * Switch SMTP server backend from smtpd to aiosmtpd
+- version 0.5.1.post0
+  * Explicitly list supported Python versions with python_requires in
+- version 0.5.1
+  * Regenerate included certificate to use SHA-256 hash to avoid OpenSSL errors (fixes #2).
+  * Add support for Python 3.10.
+  * Drop support for Python 2.6.
+  * Migrate repository to Github and update project metadata.
+- Use %pytest call for testing
+- update to 3.13.0:
+  * Drop Python 3.7 support.
+- drop fix-tests-pytest-73.patch (upstream)
+- update to 3.12.0:
+  * Support Python 3.11.
+  * Drop Python 3.6 support.
+  * Work on FIPS Python 3.9+, by declaring use of
+    ``hashlib.md5()`` as not used for security.
+  * Fix crash when pytest’s cacheprovider is disabled.
+  * Improve group name in ``pytest --help``.
+  * Fix new shuffling to work when one or more test in a class or
+    module have the same test id.
+  * Rework shuffling algorithm to use hashing. This means that
+    running a subset of tests with the same seed will now produce
+    the same ordering as running the full set of tests.
+    This allows narrowing down ordering-related failures.
+  * Add type hints.
+  * Support Python 3.10.
+- add fix-tests-pytest-73.patch to support pytest 7.3.x
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Rebuild in SP4.
+- Update to 3.7.0
+  * Drop dependency on backports.entry-points-selectable by
+    depending on importlib-metadata version 3.6.0+.
+- Release 3.6.0
+  * Fix deprecation warning from importlib-metadata 3.9.0+.
+  * Stop distributing tests to reduce package size. Tests are not
+    intended to be run outside of the tox setup in the repository.
+    Repackagers can use GitHub's tarballs per tag.
+  * Drop Python 3.5 support.
+- Release 3.5.0
+  * Support Python 3.9.
+  * Move license from BSD to MIT License
+- Drop pytest6.patch merged upstream
+- Don't try test with non-existent python36-numpy
+- Update to 3.4.1
+  * Fix numpy error ``ValueError: Seed must be between 0 and 2**32 - 1`` when
+    passed a seed outside of this range.
+- Add upstream patch pytest6.patch to fix tests
+- Update to 3.4.0:
+  * Provide a faker_seed fixture to set the seed for tests using faker's pytest fixtures (as per its docs).
+- update to 2.0.1:
+  * Don't try loading Pytest fixture functions as if
+    they were test functions. Classifying this as a bug even
+    though it's a moderately sized change in behavior;
+    it's vanishingly unlikely anybody was relying on this
+    somehow!
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 2.0.0:
+  * Prior to version 2, we failed to correctly support true Pytest
+    setup/teardown methods (i.e. setup_method and teardown_method) and
+    these would not get copied to inner class scopes. This has been fixed.
+    We still support old nose-style setup/teardown for now, despite them
+    going away in Pytest 8.
+  * Modernize codebase/project a bunch:
+    + Dropped support for Python <3.6 (including 2.7)
+    + Pytest support upgraded to support, and require, Pytest >=7.
+    + Behavioral changes in Pytest internals have fixed a handful of
+    sorta-bugs present in pytest-relaxed under Pytest versions 3 and 4.
+- Dropped patches pytest-6.1-and-7.patch, pytest-relaxed-pr10.patch:
+  * No longer required.
+- Removed six from BuildRequires, is no longer used.
+- Enhance no-makeitem-method.patch to pytest-6.1-and-7.patch
+  gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#21
+- Add patch no-makeitem-method.patch:
+  * Support pytest > 6.1
+- No longer skip python310.
+- Skip python310 -- gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12
+- Add magic-file-5.45.patch: fix test suite with file 5.45
+  (gh#ahupp/python-magic#290).
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Add 4ffcd591.patch: update test for upstream added gzip
+  extensions.
+- Reintroduce the Conflict with python-magic back as paython-paython-magic
+  uses the same name space but are fully different (boo#1181252)
+- update to 0.4.27:
+  - remove spurious pyproject.toml that breaks source builds
+  - Use tox for all multi-version testing
+  - Fix use of pytest, use it via tox
+- Update to 0.4.25:
+  - Support file 5.41.
+  - Support os.PathLike types
+  - Fix compat mode handling with empty mime string
+  - Cleanup library loading
+  - add py.typed sentinal per…
+  - Check for cookie attribute before trying to delete it
+  - Revert "Fix bug in Magic when destructor called too early"
+  - Fix yet another import error
+  - add more doc pointers for compat mode, and enable PendingDeprecationW…
+  - restore python 2.7 to, to preserve back compat
+  - document libmagic compat layer
+  - prefix add_compat with an underscore to avoid namespace pollution
+  - remove from_open_file, since its duplicative with from_descriptor and…
+  - move typing stubs next to implementation
+  - temorarily remove dropped support for python2
+  - Revert "Remove Python2 from the tests"
+  - Merge branch 'master' into redo-compat
+  - Remove Python2 from the tests
+  - Add support for Python 3.9
+  - Added support for magic_descriptor routine
+  - Handle undecodable characters in description
+  - Handle libmagic versions that don't support MAGIC_EXTENSION
+  - MAGIC_EXTENSION support (file --extension)
+  - support changed mime types in test
+  - Fix tests with file 5.39
+  - add docker tests for archlinux
+  - Fallback to default behavior on setparam failure
+  - Fix bug in Magic when destructor called too early
+  - sheep Create basic stub file for
+  - various cleanups proposed by debian folks
+  - Merge in compatability mode with libmagic
+  - add from_open_file to match libmagic binding featureset
+- Remove upstreamed patches:
+  - fix-test-tumbleweed.patch
+  - fix-test.patch
+  - fix-4-file-5.40.patch
+  - fix-support-file-5.41.patch
+- Use pyunittest macro instead of the home-grown solution.
+- Add fix-support-file-5.41.patch to support file 5.41.
+- Add patch fix-4-file-5.40.patch to support file 5.40 (boo#1184881)
+- remove patches not necessary anymore:
+  - magic-new-mime.patch
+  - magic-pep8.patch
+  - magic-tests.patch
+  - magic-new-file.patch
+- add patch fix-test.patch and fix-test-tumbleweed.patch to adapt the `file` test outputs to OpenSUSE.
+- update to version 0.4.18:
+  - Make bindings for magic_[set|get]param optional, and throw NotImplementedError
+  if they are used but not supported. Only call setparam() in the constructor if
+  it's supported. This prevents breakage on CentOS7 which uses an old version of
+  libmagic.
+- update to version 0.4.16 and 0.4.17 (changelog is combined upstream):
+  - add MAGIC_MIME_TYPE constant, use that in preference to MAGIC_MIME internally.
+  This sets up for a breaking change in a future major version bump where
+  MAGIC_MIME will change to mathch magic.h.
+  - add magic.version() function to return library version
+  - add setparam/getparam to control internal behavior
+  - increase internal limits with setparam to prevent spurious error on some jpeg files
+  - various improvements to declare modern python support
+  - support MSYS2 magic dlls
+  - fix warning about using 'is' on an int in python 3.8
+  - include tests in source distribution
+  - many test improvements:
+  - tox runner support
+  - remove deprecated test_suite field from
+  - docker tests that cover all LTS ubuntu versions
+  - add test for snapp file identification
+  - doc improvements
+  - document dependency install process for debian
+  - various typos
+  - document test running process
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Don't import deprecated imp module
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.28:
+  * BaseDirectory: Add support for $XDG_STATE_DIR
+- Obsolete python-xdg to resolve conflicting state (boo#1178803)
+  * see for a workaround
+- Update to version 0.27
+  * Menu: Fix compatibility with Python >= 3.8.4
+  * Menu: Fix several AttributeErrors
+  * Menu: Fix duplication of menu entries due when Layout is provided
+  * MenuEditor: Fix fromstring typo
+  * Certain tests are more independent of external system conditions
+  * Standardise shebangs to /usr/bin/env python3
+- drop new-api.patch, resource_leak.patch merged upstream
+- get example test data from gitlab repository -- pass all tests
+- Also conflict with the python-xdg as we provide same namespace
+- Do not provide xdg namespace as there is python-xdg package now
+- Skip over RulesTest.test_rule_from_node test
+  (
+- update to 41.0:
+  * Allow HTML5 `figcaption` tag through cleaner (#291)
+  * Test `README.rst` from this project (#288)
+  * Add CLI option to render package README. (#271)
+  * Adapt tests to pygments 2.14.0 (#272)
+  * Update release process to use Trusted Publishing (#276)
+  * Replace usage of deprecated `pkg_resources` with
+    `importlib.metadata` (#281)
+  * Drop support for Python 3.7 (#282), Test against Python 3.11
+    (#280)
+- drop fix-tests-pygments-2.14.0.patch (upstream)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Add fix-tests-pygments-2.14.0.patch to adapt tests to the new version of
+  pygments gh#pypa/readme_renderer#272
+- Update to 37.3 (2022-10-31)
+  * Allow HTML5 figure tag through cleaner (#265)
+- Update to 37.2 (2022-09-24)
+  * Allow HTML5 s tag through cleaner (#261)
+- Update to 37.1 (2022-09-03)
+  * Allow HTML5 nav tag through cleaner (#259)
+- Update to 37.0 (2022-08-21)
+  * Remove command line example from docs (#197)
+  * Multiple pyproject.toml fixes (#251)
+  * Confirm handling multiple inline strong (#252)
+  * Convert RST output to HTML5 (#253)
+  * Add Typing to classifiers (#254)
+  * Development tweaks - coverage reporting, actions updates (#255)
+  * Add test confirming behavior with unknown lexers (#256)
+-Update to 36.0 (2022-08-06)
+  * Enable gitpod development (#238)
+  * Allow rst admonitions to render (#242)
+  * Add badges to README (#243)
+  * Update codebase for modern Python (#244)
+  * Fix table cell spans (#245)
+  * Allow math directive in rst (#246)
+  * Preserve lang attribute in pre (#247)
+- Update to 35.0:
+  * works with newer versions of cmarkgfm
+- We require cmarkgfm == 0.7.0 (gh#pypa/readme_renderer#221) and
+  still we have to stkip test_md_fixtures.
+- update to 32.0:
+  * Allow start attribute in ordered lists (#216)
+  * No limit rendering RST one column field names (#219)
+  * Render disabled checkboxes from Markdown (#217)
+  * support cmarkgfm>=0.6.0 (#209)
+- drop remove-mock.patch, remove-six.patch: upstream
+- Delete migrate-to-pytest.patch
+- Delete remove-mock.patch
+- Add remove-icecream.patch
+- Update to 2.1.1:
+  * [Bug]: Fix up an internal utility which monkeypatches a
+    Sphinx/docutils internal, so that it accepts arbitrary args/kwargs
+    instead of exploding on newer Sphinxes.
+- 2.0.1:
+  * [Bug]: Fix up an internal utility which monkeypatches a
+    Sphinx/docutils internal, so that it accepts arbitrary args/kwargs
+    instead of exploding on newer Sphinxes.
+- 2.1.0:
+  * [Feature]: Allow controlling the name of your development branch
+    for source code links (eg “Next 1.x feature release” section
+    headers) via the new releases_development_branch config option.
+  * [Feature]: Add a new configuration setting,
+    releases_supported_versions, allowing you to limit how many “Next
+    1.x feature release” (or bugfix, etc) sections appear at the top
+    of your changelog.
+- 2.0.0:
+  * [Bug]: Don’t make tmpdirs in releases.util.make_app when being
+    given explicit directory args.
+  * [Bug]: Changelog transformation sometimes failed to occur when
+    running under a ‘single HTML file’ Sphinx builder (eg singlehtml),
+    which resulted in ‘unknown node’ errors. This has been fixed.
+  * [Support]: Migrated the test suite to use pytest-relaxed (and thus
+    pytest) instead of spec.
+  * [Support]: Dropped support for Sphinx <4. We tried to support
+    1.8+, but too many transitive dependencies have clearly “moved on”
+    and cause various cells in the test matrix to fail hard.
+  * [Support]: Dropped support for Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python
+    3.5, to align slightly better with upstream (and ecosystem) EOLs.
+  * [Support]: The releases_release_uri/releases_issue_uri settings
+    now allow modern (.format/f-strings) string formatting, in
+    addition to the old %s-based interpolation.
+  * [Support]: Administrivia overhaul: enhanced README, packaging
+    metadata cleaned up/expanded, CI moved to Circle-CI, renamed dev
+    branch to main, and more besides.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Add patch remove-mock.patch:
+  * Use stdlib mock, not external mock.
+- Drop mock BuildRequires.
+- refresh migrate-to-pytest.patch: remove pytest-relaxed
+- Add patch migrate-to-pytest.patch:
+  * Migrate to pytest, lightly rebased from upstream.
+- Restore semanticversioning.patch to allow semantic_version >= 2.7
+  gh#bitprophet/releases#84
+  gh#bitprophet/releases#86
+- remove color printout in tests
+- Update to 1.6.3:
+  - :support:`87 backported` (via :issue:`88`) Our upper Sphinx version limit was
+    mostly defensive and at this point is just too old to even build on
+    ReadTheDocs successfully. Removed it for the time being. Thanks to José
+    Sánchez-Gallego for the nudge and the patch.
+  - :support:`84 backported` Pin us to ``semantic-version<2.7`` as they changed
+    their APIs (...) in that version in a way that breaks us. We do not need
+    anything they've added recently, so the conservative response is to just pin
+    until we truly need to upgrade. Thanks to everyone who reported and submitted
+    workarounds for this.
+- Drop merged patch semanticversioning.patch
+- update to 1.0.1:
+  * drop python 2.x support
+  * format code with black
+  * add official support for python 3.9+
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- switch to run tests with pytest
+- build with all python flavors for SLE 15 SP4+
+- update to 1.10.0:
+  * Add a release note for the RLock
+  * Allow passing json\_encoder to mocking
+  * Improvements to Type Hints
+  * Lint fix for long line exception
+  * Shorten line length of comments
+  * Workaround for python2.7 not supporting lock timeout
+  * Comments to explain reentrant behaviour
+  * Change to use RLock and set a timeout to prevent infinite deadlocks
+  * Update homepage/doc URLs of requests library
+  * Add comment for pytest late loading feature
+  * pytest plugin should lazy-load requests\_mock
+  * Add test for threaded race condition
+  * Use threading.Lock() to prevent race conditions around monkeypatching of
+    get\_adapter()
+  * add GitHub URL for PyPi
+  * Add reset methods on the Mocker class type
+  * Avoid using distutils to check pytest version
+  * YAML quoting
+  * Support Python 3.10
+  * Minor changes to code snippet example
+  * Fix DeprecationWarnings in setup.cfg keys
+  * a few minor fixes and proposed changes to documentation files
+  * Improve response-related param type hints
+  * Explicitly indicate start of keyword-only args
+  * Fix failing pytest
+- Add patch remove-mock.patch:
+  * Use unittest.mock if available.
+- update to 1.9.3:
+  * Release note for 1.9.3 type annotations
+  * Additional improvements to response matching type stubs
+  * Improve MockerCore type stubs
+- update to 1.9.2:
+  * Add release note for urlquote fix
+  * Simple tests to ensure character encoding works
+  * Use requests to quote URLs
+  * Remove circleci badge from README
+  * Restore py.typed file to enable types
+  * Change tag pattern
+  * Url Quote the path provided to the mocker
+  * Use github action to push a release to PyPI (#163)
+  * Release note for type hints
+  * Add [PEP 484]( type hints
+  * Mocker.copy: Use correct type when copying mocker
+  * Run unit tests for pull requests as well
+  * Add support for Python up to 3.9
+  * Use Github Actions
+  * Make is\_bound\_method private
+  * Add release note for fixed bug
+  * Correctly handle an explicit zero byte read
+  * Add missing string delimiter in example
+  * fix: is\_bound\_method by six
+  * fix: \`session\` and \`real\_http\` cannot be used at the same time
+- Support TW with multiple python3 flavors
+  * gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+  * fix BuildRequires
+  * fix %python_expand $python executable replacement
+- update to 1.8.0:
+  * Remove requests 2.3 compatibility code
+  * Add release notes for reset function
+  * Add release note for session scoped mock
+  * Allow passing session as postiional argument
+  * Create bound method instead of a wrapper
+  * Added reset\_mock to \_RequestHistoryTracker and Adapter (#139)
+  * doc on session Mockers
+  * doc on nesting Mockers
+  * fix README.rst typo
+  * suggest Mocker for users unfamiliar with adapters
+  * update examples to mount adapter on 'mock://'
+  * fix global/session mock interactions and real\_http
+  * Added installation instructions
+  * Add release note for nested mocking
+  * fix redirects (#105) and mock nesting (#116)
+  * Mark IOReader object closed when using a stream
+  * Add the default response reason if not set
+  * Don't check that proxies are set in test
+  * Add StackOverflow tag to README
+  * Mention pytest fixture on the README
+  * Add background information to pytest doc
+  * docs: update examples to match Read the Docs
+  * Expose real\_http as a public property
+  * fix py27 error
+  * easier session scoped mock
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on mock.
+- update to 1.3.1:
+  * Add initial support for OAuth Mutual TLS (draft-ietf-oauth-mtls)
+  * Add eBay compliance fix
+  * Add Spotify OAuth 2 Tutorial
+  * Add support for python 3.8, 3.9
+  * Fixed LinkedIn Compliance Fixes
+  * Fixed ReadTheDocs Documentation and sphinx errors
+  * Moved pipeline to GitHub Actions
+- Use pytest to run the testsuite.
+- update to 1.3.0:
+  * Instagram compliance fix
+  * Added ``force_querystring`` argument to fetch_token() method on OAuth2Session
+- Activate test suite, skipping three online tests
+- Update to version 1.2.0
+  * This project now depends on OAuthlib 3.0.0 and above.
+  * Updated oauth2 tests to use 'sess' for an OAuth2Session instance instead
+    of auth because OAuth2Session objects and methods acceept an auth
+    paramether which is typically an instance of requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth
+  * OAuth2Session.fetch_token previously tried to guess how and where to
+    provide "client" and "user" credentials incorrectly. This was
+    incompatible with some OAuth servers and incompatible with breaking
+    changes in oauthlib that seek to correctly provide the client_id.
+    The older implementation also did not raise the correct exceptions when
+    username and password are not present on Legacy clients.
+  * Avoid automatic netrc authentication for OAuth2Session.
+- from v1.1.0
+  * Adjusted version specifier for oauthlib dependency
+  * Dropped dependency on nose.
+  * Minor changes to clean up the code and make it more readable/maintainable.
+- from v1.0.0
+  * Removed support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.3.
+  * Added several examples to the documentation.
+  * Added plentymarkets compliance fix.
+  * Added a token property to OAuth1Session, to match the corresponding
+    token property on OAuth2Session.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Upgrade to 0.4.1:
-  - New install target ``[rsa]`` for people using OAuth1 RSA-SHA1 signature
-    method.
-  - Fixed bug in OAuth2 where supplied state param was not used in auth url.
-  - OAuth2 HTTPS checking can be disabled by setting environment variable
-  - OAuth1 now re-authorize upon redirects.
-  - OAuth1 token fetching now raise a detailed error message when the
-    response body is incorrectly encoded or the request was denied.
-  - Added support for custom OAuth1 clients.
-  - OAuth2 compliance fix for Sina Weibo.
-  - Multiple fixes to facebook compliance fix.
-  - Compliance fixes now re-encode body properly as bytes in Python 3.
-  - Logging now properly done under ``requests_oauthlib`` namespace instead
-    of piggybacking on oauthlib namespace.
-  - Logging introduced for OAuth1 auth and session.
-- initial packaging
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version 2.0.0
+  * Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
+  * Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
+  * Fix bug in resolving URIs that only contain schemes which are valid per the RFC - bug 81
+- update to 1.5.0:
+  - Fix bug where a valid IRI is mishandled by ``urlparse`` and
+  ``ParseResultBytes``.
+  - Add :meth:`~rfc3986.builder.URIBuilder.extend_path`,
-- Add cve_2020-25658.patch (CVE-2020-25658 bsc#1178676)
-  + Reduce timing sensitivity on devryption for false ciphers
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
-- Add cve_2020-13757.patch (CVE-2020-13757 bsc#1172389)
-  + Handle leading '\0' bytes during decryption of ciphertext
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 4.9:
+  * Remove debug logging from `rsa/`
+  * Remove overlapping slots in `PrivateKey` and `PublicKey`.
+  * Do not include CHANGELOG/LICENSE/ in wheel
+  * Fixed Key Generation Unittest: Public and Private keys are assigned the wrong way around
+- update to 4.8:
+  - Switch to [Poetry]( for dependency and release management.
+  - Compatibility with Python 3.10.
+  - Chain exceptions using `raise new_exception from old_exception`
+  - Added marker file for PEP 561. This will allow type checking tools in dependent projects
+  - Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem when decrypting with a private key. This
+    makes decryption 2-4x faster
+- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
+- update to 4.7.2:
+  * Fix picking/unpickling issue introduced in 4.7
+  * Fix threading issue introduced in 4.7
+- update to 4.7 (CVE-2020-25658 bsc#1178676):
+  * CVE-2020-25658 - Bleichenbacher-style timing oracle in PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption code
+  * Add padding length check as described by PKCS#1 v1.5
+  * Reuse of blinding factors to speed up blinding operations.
+  * Declare & test support for Python 3.9
+- Remove mypy test requirement. The test calls mypy via its API.
+  But mypy as importable module is only available for the default
+  python3 flavor. For packaging, we don't need to run the static
+  type checker at all.
+- Remove mock requirement.
+- Replace test with pytest
+- Remove %bcond_without tests
+- update to 4.6.0 (CVE-2020-13757 bsc#1172389):
+  * Choose blinding factor relatively prime to N. Thanks Christian Heimes for pointing this out.
+  * Reject cyphertexts (when decrypting) and signatures (when verifying) that have been modified by prepending zero bytes. This resolves CVE-2020-13757. Thanks Carnil for pointing this out.
+  * Rolled back the switch to Poetry, and reverted back to using Pipenv + for dependency management. There apparently is an issue no-binary installs of packages build with Poetry. This fixes #148
+  Limited SHA3 support to those Python versions (3.6+) that support it natively. The third-party library that adds support for this to Python 3.5 is a binary package, and thus breaks the pure-Python nature of Python-RSA. This should fix #147.
+  * Added support for Python 3.8.
+  * Dropped support for Python 2 and 3.4.
+  * Added type annotations to the source code. This will make Python-RSA easier to use in your IDE, and allows better type checking.
+  * Added static type checking via MyPy.
+  * Fix #129 Installing from source gives UnicodeDecodeError.
+  * Switched to using Poetry for package management.
+  * Choose blinding factor relatively prime to N. Thanks Christian Heimes for pointing this out.
+  * Reject cyphertexts (when decrypting) and signatures (when verifying) that
+  * have been modified by prepending zero bytes. This resolves CVE-2020-13757.
+- fix build on older distributions
+- Update to v 4.0.0
+  * Removed deprecated modules:
+    + rsa.varblock
+    + rsa.bigfile
+    + rsa._version133
+    + rsa._version200
+  * Removed CLI commands that use the VARBLOCK/bigfile format.
+  * Ensured that PublicKey.save_pkcs1() and PrivateKey.save_pkcs1() always return bytes.
+  * Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
+  * Dropped support for Psyco.
+  * Miller-Rabin iterations determined by bitsize of key.
+  * Added function `rsa.find_signature_hash()` to return the name of the
+    hashing algorithm used to sign a message. `rsa.verify()` now also
+    returns that name, instead of always returning `True`.
+  * Add support for SHA-224 for PKCS1 signatures.
+  * Transitioned from `requirements.txt` to Pipenv for package management.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Update to version 3.1.2
-  + No changelog available
-- Replace python-distribute with python-setuptools BuildRequires
-- Remove rsa-use-system-setuptools.patch; merged upstream
-- Implement update-alternatives
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 1.5.0
+  * Drop support for Python version older than 3.4. #50
+  * Support detecting NuShell. #56
+- version update to 1.3.2
+  - Parse argument list to detect shells run via an interpreter, e.g. xonsh via Python.
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- update to 0.4.0:
+  * Remove docs build
+  * Fix lint issues
+  * Configure trusted publishing
+  * Migrate to Python 3-style type annotations
+  * Bump sphinx minimum
+  * Remove pytest upper cap
+  * Migrate to pre-commit
+  * Drop Python < 3.8 support
+  * Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions
+  * tests: Handle Sphinx < 7.2
+  * fix tests with Sphinx 7.2
+  * README: Fix typo
+  * travis: Update PyPI password
+- drop sphinx72.patch (upstream)
+- add sphinx72.patch to fix tests, sent upstream
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Clean up the SPEC file
+- Update to 1.0.9
+  * Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8
+  * Raise minimum required Sphinx version to 5.0
+  * Fix tests for Sphinx 7.1 and below
+  * Use ``os.PathLike`` over ``pathlib.Path``
+  * Serialise context["script_files"] and context["css_files"] as their filenames
+    on Sphinx 7.2.0.
+- build with setuptools_scm
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- update to version 0.9.0
+  * Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
+  * Migrate to pyproject.toml project layout (PEP 621).
+  * New output formats: `asciidoc`, various `*grid` and `*outline` formats.
+  * New output features: vertical row alignment, separating lines.
+  * New input format: list of dataclasses (Python 3.7 or later).
+  * Support infinite iterables as row indices.
+  * Improve column width options.
+  * Improve support for ANSI escape sequences and document the behavior.
+  * Various bug fixes.
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+- update to version 0.8.10:
+  * Python 3.10 support.
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Column width parameter.
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on nose.
+- update to 0.8.9:
+  * Bug fix. Revert support of decimal separators.
+  * Python 3.9 support, 3.10 ready.
+  * New formats: ``unsafehtml``, ``latex_longtable``, ``fancy_outline``.
+  * Support lists of UserDicts as input.
+  * Support hyperlinks in terminal output.
+  * Improve testing on systems with proxies.
+  * Migrate to pytest.
+  * Various bug fixes and improvements.
+- use %pytest macro
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
+- update to version 0.8.7:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * New format: `pretty`.
+  * HTML escaping.
+- remove pandas dependency (optional test dependency, and went python 3.x only)
+- specfile:
+  * be more specific in %files section
+- update to version 0.8.6:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Stop supporting Python 3.3, 3.4.
+- Update to 0.8.5:
+  * various bugfixes
+- Remove merged pr_2.patch
+- Add pr_2.patch to fix tests to use sys.executable
+- Use noun phrase in summary.
+- Update to 0.8.3
+  * Bug fixes
+  * New format: `github`
+  * Custom colum alignment
+- Recommend wcwidth needed for wide character support
+- Suggest pandas which is supported
+- Run tests for wcwidth and pandas
+- Add python-setuptools to Requires
+- Update to 0.8.2
+  * Bugfix release
+- Changes from 0.8.1
+  * Multiline data in several output formats. New latex_raw format.
+  * Column-specific floating point formatting.
+  * Python 3.5 & 3.6 support.
+  * Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2, 3.3 (should still work).
+- Run spec-cleaner
-- Remove python-setuptools requirement
-- Initial version of the package (0.7.2)
-- Update to 1.8 to work with updated portend package:
-  * Support for Timer argument
+- %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} must be at beginning to work.
+- specfile:
+  * require 3.8 or later
+  * Changelog got renamed to NEWS
+- update to version 5.5.0:
+  * Features
+    + Stopwatch now uses time.monotonic.
+- changes from version 5.4.0:
+  * Features
+    + Require Python 3.8 or later.
+- changes from version 5.3.0:
+  * #24: Removed use of datetime.utc** functions deprecated in Python
+    3.12.
+- update to 5.2.2:
+  * Fixed bug in tests that would fail when a leap year
+    was about a year away.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Disable broken tests gh#jaraco/tempora#22
+- Update to 5.2.1:
+  * #21: Restored dependency on jaraco.functools, still used in timing
+    module.
+- update to 5.2.0:
+  * Packaging refresh.
+- Update to version 5.1.0
+  * Introduced infer_datetime and added some type hints.
+- specfile:
+  * change to pyproject.toml build
+- update to version 5.0.2:
+  * Refreshed project.
+  * Enrolled with Tidelift.
+- update to version 5.0.1:
+  * Refreshed project.
+- specfile:
+  * update copyright year
+- update to version 5.0.0:
+  * Removed deprecated divide_* functions and Parser class.
+  * Require Python 3.7 or later.
+  * #19: Fixed error reporting in parse_timedelta.
+- changes from version 4.1.2:
+  * #18: Docs now build without warnings.
+- Added BuildRequires:  alts
+- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
+- Update to version 4.1.1
+  * Fixed issue where digits were picked up in the unit when
+    adjacent to the last unit.
+- from version 4.1.0
+  * Added support for more formats in ``parse_timedelta``.
+  * #17: ``parse_timedelta`` now supports formats emitted by
+    ``timeit``, including honoring nanoseconds at the
+    microsecond resolution.
+- from version 4.0.2
+  * Refreshed package metadata.
+- Update BuildRequires from
+- specfile:
+  * be more specific in %files section
+- update to version 4.0.1:
+  * Refreshed package metadata.
+- update to 4.0.0
+  * Removed ``strptime`` function in favor of
+    `datetime.datetime.strptime`. If passing
+    a ``tzinfo`` parameter, instead invoke `.replace(tzinfo=...)`
+    on the result.
+  * Deprecated ``divide_timedelta`` and ``divide_timedelta_float``
+    now that Python supports this functionality natively.
+  * Deprecated ``Parser`` class. The
+    'dateutil.parser' provides more sophistication.
+- Don't use %python3_only command, but properly use alternatives.
+- version update to 3.0.0
+  * #10: strftime now reverts to the stdlib behavior for %u.
+- Drop py2 only dependency
+- version update to 2.1.0
+  v2.1.0
+  ======
+  - #9: Fixed error when date object is passed to ``strftime``.
+  - #11: ``strftime`` now honors upstream expectation of
+    rendering date values on time objects and vice versa.
+  - #10: ``strftime`` now honors ``%µ`` for rendering just
+    the "microseconds" as ``%u`` supported previously.
+    In a future, backward-incompatible release, the
+    ``%u`` behavior will revert to the behavior as found
+    in stdlib.
+  v2.0.0
+  ======
+  * Require Python 3.6 or later.
+  * Removed DatetimeConstructor.
+- Fix fdupes call
+- Do not pull in flake8
+- update to 1.14.1
+  * Fix failing doctest in parse_timedelta
+- Launch tests and removing some unneeded dependencies
+- Add missing %license
+- Re-activate test suite
+- Remove bcond python2
+- Add missing build dependency jaraco.functools >= 1.20
+- Remove inappropriate build dependency pytest-flake8
+- fix last version update missing new runtime requires
+- Upgrade all the way to 1.14:
+  - Package refresh, including use of declarative config in the package metadata.
+  - Enhancements to BackoffDelay: Added .reset method and Made
+    iterable to retrieve delay values.
+  - Added UTC module (Python 3 only), inspired by the utc project.
+  - Scheduler now honors daylight savings times in the PeriodicCommands.
+  - Added timing.BackoffDelay, suitable for implementing
+    exponential backoff delays, such as those between retries.
+  - Added support for months, years to parse_timedelta.
+  - Introducing timing.Timer, featuring a expired method for
+    detecting when a certain duration has been exceeded.
+  - Stopwatch now behaves reliably during timezone changes and
+    (presumably) daylight savings time changes.
+  - Update project skeleton.
+- Run the SPEC file through spec-cleaner
+- Switched off test suite run temporarily. gh#jaraco/tempora#6
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Add patch use-correct-assertions.patch:
+  * Use current and correct method names.
+- Switch to pyproject macros.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- use %pytest macro
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- Trim repeated name from summary (rpmlint).
+- Add patch testresources-flaky-tests.patch to disable flaky test
+- Drop PR-8.patch as it is obsolete by the above patch
+- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
+- Simplify the tests execution
+- Install license files
-- license update: (Apache-2.0 or BSD-3-Clause) and GPL-2.0+
-  missing BSD-license
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
-- Fix license according to what sr#159597 intended
-- Initial version
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- Use noun phrase in summary.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
-- Update to 0.3:
-  * New function per_module_scenarios for tests that should be applied across
-    multiple modules providing the same interface, some of which may not be
-    available at run time. (Martin Pool)
-  * TestWithScenarios is now backed by a mixin - WithScenarios - which can be
-    mixed into different unittest implementations more cleanly (e.g.
-    unittest2). (James Polley, Robert Collins)
-- Recreate spec with current conventions
-- Initial release
+- update to 2.6.0:
+  * Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11.
+  * Drop support for Python 3.5 (EOL).
+  * Use ``CompoundFixture`` from ``fixtures>=2.0`` rather than
+    rolling our own.
+  * Make ``TestCase`` hashable.
+  * Prevent ``AttributeError`` in ``TestCase.__eq__`` for objects
+    lacking a ``__dict__`` attribute.
+  * Replace deprecated ``cgi`` module usage with ``email``.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Skip rpmlint error python-tests-in-package.
+- silent rpmlint
+- python-six is not required
+- update to 2.5.0:
+  * Update testtools/
+  * Note Python 3.5 is EOL and will be dropped after the next release
+  * Fix for Python 3.10
+  * Add python 3.10 to ci configuration
+  * testtools.compat: provide BytesIO, StringIO again
+  * Add support for Python 3.9
+  * Update and simplify workflow
+  * Fix UserWarning: Usage of dash-separated ...
+  * Fix tests with Python 3.10
+  * Remove mimeparse dependency
+  * trivial: Cleanup imports
+  * Re-introduce 'try\_imports'
+  * Remove use of 'try\_imports'
+  * tox: Don't skip sdist
+  * Remove use of 'safe\_hasattr'
+  * NEWS: Add note about unittest2 removal
+  * Fix github actions
+  * Update testtools/
+  * Update tox.ini
+  * Update github actions config to use release 3.9
+  * Drop traceback2 in favor of traceback and remove unused linecache2
+  * Update tox.ini
+  * Add tox.ini file
+  * Remove tox.ini file
+  * restore testtools/tests/test\
+  * Remove unittest2 from setup.cfg and add tox.ini file
+  * Remove unrelated change
+  * Restore test\
+  * Remove unused try\_import
+  * Test on Python 3.9-dev
+  * Compare items using sets instead of sequences
+  * Add implementation for legacy assertItemsEqual existing in unittest2 library
+  * Do actually remove all references to unittest2 library
+  * Remove the travis config
+  * Add back travis config
+  * Update testtools/
+  * Limit use of unittest2 to old Python versions
+  * Fix syntax error test for Python 3.9
+  * Remove Travis CI config
+  * Test on GitHub Actions
+  * Remove stray six import
+  * Testtools 2.4.0 is the last to support Python 2.7
+- remove python-testtools-no-unittest2.patch (upstream)
+- move testsuite run to main package, remove -doc
+- added patches
+  unittest2 is not neccessary to run testsuite
+  + python-testtools-no-unittest2.patch
+- remove unittest2 runtime dependency
+- update to 2.4.0:
+  * Release 2.4.0
+  * Add myself to contributors list
+  * Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8
+  * Cache pip directory
+  * Test CI on PyPy3
+  * Tell pip not to install for Python 3.4
+  * Drop support for EOL Python 3.4
+  * Extra space expected in PyPy output
+  * PyCharm IDE unittest detection compatibility fix
+  * Don't use eval()
+  * Fix the tests on Python 3.7
+  * Drop support for EOL Python 3.3
+  * Ignore IDE metadata
+  * Update classifiers
+  * Remove old Python 2.6 code
+  * Spelling fixes (#261)
+  * Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (#262)
+- remove testtools-py37.patch: merged upstream
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- update to 0.12.1:
+  * Make float and int hashable.
+  * Allow users to specify encoders for custom types. (#296)
+  * Fix the incorrect sort when building a table with dotted
+    keys.
+  * Complete the methods required for integer and float items.
+  * Replace the deprecated usage of `datetime.utcnow()`. (#308)
+  * Minor performance improvements when iterating over the escape
+    sequences. (#304)
+- update to 0.11.8:
+  * Remove the extra indentations added when parsing nested sub-
+    tables.
+  * Ignore the CRLF immediately following a multiple basic string
+    opening.
+  * Stringifying subtables and nested tables in arrays of tables.
+  * Messed table structure when building a table with dotted
+    keys.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Don't add dependency on full poetry, when poetry-core is enough.
+- update to 0.11.7:
+  * Parse empty table name if it is quoted. (#258)
+  * Fix a bug that remove last element of an Inline Table leaves
+    a comma. (#259)
+  * Parse datetime when it is followed by a space. (#260)
+  * Fix the `unwrap()` method for `Container` children values
+    which sometimes returns an internal object if the table is an
+    out-of-order table. (#264)
+  * Fix the wrong return type when doing arithmetic operations
+    between integers and floats. (#270)
+- Update to 0.11.6
+  Fixed
+  * Allow broader type for toml file path value (#243)
+  * Auto-determine if a table is a super table if not specified explicitly. (#245)
+- update to 0.11.5:
+  * Fix the type annotation of `unwrap()` and datetime parsing.
+  * Clear the existing table header when it is adding to another table.
+  * Fix a bug that escape chars are lost after concat with another string.
+  * Fix a rendering issue of tables inside arrays or inline tables.
+- update to 0.11.4:
+  * Fix a memory leak caused by `lru_cache` on methods.
+  * Fix a regression issue that copying an array results in extra `None` items.
+  * Fix a regression of `array.add_line` that it incorrectly adds a comma to
+    non-value lines.
+  * Fix adding float to an integer value.
+  * Keep the end-of-array style when adding items to or removing items from an array.
+  * Fix a bug of redundant table header shown when removing children from a
+    super table.
+- Update to version 0.11.1
+  * Keep consistent line endings when changing files. (#201)
+  * Make KeyAlreadyPresent and InvalidStringError subclasses of
+    ParseError. (#202)
+  * Remove empty table from OutOfOrderTableProxy when deleting
+    items. (#204)
+  * Raise errors when trying to access unsupported methods on
+    OutOfOrderTableProxy. (#205)
+  * Fix unwrap() for String values to remove the quotes. (#199)
+- Release 0.11.0
+  * Add unwrap method to recursive convert to plain old python
+    objects by @syntapy in #187
+  * Remove the is_tomlkit check by @frostming in #195
+- Release 0.10.2
+  * Use the plain python string representation of Key in
+    KeyAlreadyPresent error message. (#185)
+  * Fix the astimezone() and replace() methods of datetime objects.
+    (#188)
+  * Add type definitions for items() function. (#190)
+- Release 0.10.1
+  * Preserve the newlines before super tables when rendering.
+    (#178)
+  * Fix the bug that comments are appended with comma when
+    rendering a multiline array. (#181)
+- Release 0.10.0
+  * Fix the only child detection when creating tables. (#175)
+  * Include the docs/ directory and in sdist tarball.
+    (#176)
+  * Add keyword arguments to string API to allow selecting the
+    representation type. (#177)
+- Release 0.9.2
+  * When a table's only child is a table or array of table, it is
+    created as a super table. (#175)
+- Release 0.9.1
+  * Fix a bug of separators not being kept when replacing the
+    value. (#170)
+  * Tuples should be dumped as TOML arrays. (#171)
+- Release 0.9.0
+  * Add an argument to allow table to be super table by @frostming
+    in #159
+  * Support adding item with dotted key by @frostming in #162
+  * Initialize Sphinx docs by @frostming in #163
+  * Fix values similar to booleans being incorrectly parsed to
+    booleans by @MrGreenTea in #168
+- %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} must at beginning of spec to work.
+- specfile:
+  * switched to pyproject.toml build
+- update to version 4.66.1:
+  * fix utils.envwrap types (#1493 <- #1491, #1320 <- #966, #1319)
+    e.g. cloudwatch & kubernetes workaround: export TQDM_POSITION=-1
+  * drop mentions of unsupported Python versions
+- changes from version 4.66.0:
+  * environment variables to override defaults (TQDM_*) (#1491 <-
+    [#1061], #950 <- #614, #1318, #619, #612, #370) e.g. in CI jobs,
+    export TQDM_MININTERVAL=5 to avoid log spam add tests & docs for
+    tqdm.utils.envwrap
+  * fix & update CLI completion
+  * fix & update API docs
+  * minor code tidy: replace os.path => pathlib.Path
+  * fix docs image hosting
+  * release with CI bot account again (cli/cli#6680)
+- changes from version 4.65.2:
+  * exclude examples from distributed wheel (#1492)
+- changes from version 4.65.1:
+  * add Python 3.11 and drop Python 3.6 support (#1439, #1419, #502 <-
+    [#720], #620)
+  * misc code & docs tidy
+  * fix & update CI workflows & tests
+- update to 4.65.0:
+  * add Python 3.11 and drop Python 3.6 support
+  * misc code & docs tidy
+  * fix & update CI workflows & tests
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 4.64.1:
+  * support ipywidgets>=8 (#1366, #1361 <- #1310, #1359, #1360, #1364)
+    + fix jupyter lab display
+    + update notebook tests
+- update to version 4.64.0:
+  * add contrib.slack (#1313)
+- changes from version 4.63.2:
+  * rich: expose options kwargs (#1282)
+  * autonotebook: re-enable VSCode (#1309)
+  * misc docs typos (#1301, #1299)
+  * update dev dependencies (#1311)
+- update to version 4.63.1:
+  * fix stderr/stdout missing flush() (#1248 <- #1177)
+  * misc speed improvements/optimisations
+- update to version 4.63.0:
+  * add __reversed__()
+  * add efficient __contains__()
+  * improve CLI startup time (replace pkg_resources => importlib)
+  * tqdm.autonotebook warning & std fallback on missing ipywidgets
+    (#1218 <- #1082, #1217)
+  * warn on positional CLI arguments
+  * misc build/test framework updates
+    + enable py3.10 tests
+    + add conda dependencies
+    + update pre-commit hooks
+    + fix pytest config (nbval, asyncio)
+    + fix dependencies & tests
+    + fix site deployment
+- Ignore deprecation warnings from pytest-asycio for compatibility
+  with 0.17
+- update to version 4.62.3:
+  * fix minor typo (#1246)
+  * minor example fix (#1246)
+  * misc tidying & refactoring
+  * misc build/dev framework updates
+    + update dependencies
+    + update linters
+    + update docs deployment branches
+  * misc test/ci updates
+    + test forks
+    + tidy OS & Python version tests
+    + bump primary python version 3.7 => 3.8
+    + beta py3.10 testing
+    + fix py2.7 tests
+    + better timeout handling
+- update to version 4.62.2:
+  * fix notebook memory leak (#1216)
+  * fix contrib.concurrent with generators (#1233 <- #1231)
+- update to version 4.61.2:
+  * install colorama on Windows (#1139, #454)
+  * add telegram support for leave=False (#1189)
+  * support pandas==1.3.0 (#1199)
+  * fix keras potential AttributeError (#1184 <- #1183)
+  * fix py3.10 asyncio tests (#1176)
+  * flush stdout/err before first render (#1177)
+  * misc minor build & test framework updates (#1180)
+- update to version 4.61.1:
+  * fix utils._screen_shape_linux() sometimes raising ValueError
+    (#1174)
+  * minor build/CI framework updates (#1175)
+  * minor documentation updates
+- changes from version 4.61.0 :
+  * keras support for initial_epoch (#1150 <- #1138)
+  * misc documentation updates
+    + update & shorten URLs (#1163)
+    + fix typos (#1162)
+  * fix & update tests (#1163)
+  * minor framework updates (#1163)
+- update to version 4.60.0:
+  * add contrib.logging helpers for redirecting to tqdm.write() (#1155
+    <- #786)
+  * support delay in notebook (#1142)
+  * fix contrib.tmap, tzip not using tqdm_class (#1148)
+  * add notebook tests (#1143)
+  * updates & misc minor fixes for documentation
+- specfile:
+  * remove pandas.patch, seems to be included upstreams
+- update to version 4.59.0:
+  * add tqdm.dask.TqdmCallback (#1079, #279 <- #278)
+  * add asyncio.gather() (#1136)
+  * add basic support for length_hint (#1068)
+  * add & update tests
+  * misc documentation updates (#1132)
+    + update contributing guide
+    + update URLs
+    + bash completion: add missing --delay
+  * misc code tidy
+    + add [notebook] extra (#1135)
+- changes from version 4.58.0:
+  * add start delay in seconds (#836 <- #1069, #704)
+  * add tests
+  * misc code tidy (#1130)
+  * misc documentation updates
+- changes from version 4.57.0:
+  * add line buffering for DummyTqdmFile (#960)
+  * fix & update demo notebook (#1127)
+  * fix py3 urllib examples (#1127)
+  * suppress deprecated pandas warnings (#824, #1094)
+  * misc framework updates
+  * misc tests updates
+  * misc code tidy
+- Don't test pandas at all in Ring1 staging
+- Update to 4.56.2
+  * fix attribute errors when disabled (#1126)
+  * add tests
+- Changes in 4.56.1
+  * fix repr() & format_dict when disabled (#1113 <- #624)
+  * rename __repr__() => __str__()
+  * minor documentation updates (#1113)
+  * add & update tests
+- Test numpy only for non python36 flavor (Numpy 1.20 in TW dropped
+  Python 3.6, NEP 29), tests are automatically skipped if not
+  installed.
+- Remove unused and untested python3 flavor BuildRequirements in
+  test build: ipython, ipykernel
+- Enhance IPython
+- Simplify the rich supplements in the bash completions package
+- Update to 4.56.0
+  * some tqdm.gui improvements
+- Fix testsuite with pandas.patch
+- Update to version 4.55.2.
+  * update tests
+  * make pre-commit pytest quicker
+  * switch pre-commit from make to python
+  * update contributing guidelines
+  * fix formatting
+  * test dependencies
+  * update .gitignore
+  * fix (auto & manual) formatting
+  * fix minor detected bugs
+- Updates for 4.55.1.
+  * fix (Rolling|Expanding).progress_apply() on pandas==1.2.0
+  * minor documentation updates
+- Updates for 4.55.0.
+  * fix ASCII notebook export
+  * fix notebook gui-mode extra spaces
+  * better ETA for early iterations
+  * better ETA for wildly varying iteration rates
+  * update submodule inheritance
+  * tqdm.gui
+  * tqdm.notebook
+  * tqdm.contrib.telegram
+  * tqdm.contrib.discord
+  * documentation updates
+  * misc code optimisations
+  * add tests
+  * misc code linting/formatting
+- Updates for 4.54.1.
+  * drop py3.4 (no longer tested)
+- Updates for 4.54.0.
+  * get rid of get_new
+- Updates for 4.53.0.
+  * provide get_new() helper for mixed subclasses in nested mode
+  * fix nested asyncio (#1074)
+  * document async break hazard
+  * add tests
+  * drop py2.6/3.2/3.3 and distutils (no longer tested)
+  * drop py2.6
+  * drop distutils in favour of setuptools/setup.cfg
+  * use setuptools_scm
+  * fix & update tests
+  * fix & upgrade snap build
+  * update CONTRIBUTING docs
+- Remove python-tqdm-remove-nose.patch, fixed.
+- move bash completion into separate package to avoid conflicts
+  with multiple python flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- added patches
+  + python-tqdm-remove-nose.patch
+- update to version 4.50.2:
+  * fixed platform.system() causing fork() warnings (#691)
+  * fixed contrib.concurrent.process_map pickling error with
+    threading.RLock (#920)
+  * updated documentation & examples
+  * updated CI framework
+  * updated tests
+  * misc code tidy
+- changes from version 4.50.1 :
+  * fix multiprocessing lock creation leak (#982, #936, #759)
+    + fixes #617 which introduced this bug (v4.29.0, released
+    2019-01-06, undiagnosed until now) where multiple threads could
+    concurrently create and append process locks to a global list,
+    then try to release them without first acquiring 👿
+  * major test overhaul: fix, update, and speed up
+  * misc CI framework updates
+  * code linting
+  * minor documentation tidy
+- changes from version 4.50.0:
+  * add bar colour option (#1040 <- #450)
+    + for notebook as well as std/CLI
+    + plain text as well as hex (e.g. 'green' or '#00ff00')
+  * notebook improvements (#1032 <- #1031)
+    + split bar description into separate widget
+    + improve reset() (handle width and colour)
+  * fix exceptions when file is closed (#1041, #1036 <- #1033)
+  * add & update tests
+  * minor documentation updates
+  * move and configure issue/pr templates
+- update to version 4.49.0:
+  * CLI: add --tee (#1014 <- #1013)
+  * CLI: add --update and --update_to (#996 <- #975)
+  * CLI: add --null (#996)
+  * CLI: accept - instead of _ in options (e.g. --update-to)
+  * make update() return True on display to ease efficient use of
+    custom callbacks (#845)
+  * fix py>=3 CLI --delim encoding error
+  * fix py>=3.5 version detection in (#1029 <- #1028)
+  * fix final ETA when using initial (#1021 <- #689)
+  * update documentation
+    + add & update custom callback examples
+    + improve help formatting of boolean CLI options
+  * add & update tests
+- update to version 4.48.2:
+  * fix notebook formatting
+- changes from version 4.48.1:
+  * fix ANSI escape codes breaking tqdm.write (#692, #777)
+  * fix long-lived strongref (#1007,
+  * fix cli --version crash on missing git/refs/heads (#635)
+  * fix contrib.tenumerate ignoring total (#1017)
+  * fix potential deep => shallow kwargs copy issues
+  * improve notebook display for unknown total (#1015)
+  * make asyncio inherit from std rather than auto
+  * make auto multi-inherit from autonotebook, asyncio on Python3.5+
+  * misc documentation & examples updates
+    + mention docker-compose requirements (#771)
+  * misc linting & tidy
+  * misc minor testing framework updates
+- update to version 4.48.0:
+  * add tqdm.asyncio (#1004, #772, #91 <- #65)
+    + supports async iterables (async for row in tqdm(iterable))
+    + supports iterables
+    + supports coroutine.send (tqdm(coroutine).send)
+    + add as_completed wrapper (for f in tqdm.as_completed(fs))
+  * reduce contrib.discord logging verbosity
+  * fix potential pandas() modifying **kwargs bug
+  * update documentation
+    + add missing inline docstrings
+    + update contributing notes
+    + update readme
+    + add to examples/ folder
+    o async_coroutines
+    o coroutine_pipe
+    + standardise variable naming
+  * add tests
+    + add benchmark tests against popular alternative libraries
+    + test new functionality
+    + more thorough miniters test (#1003)
+  * misc framework updates
+    + tidy changelog helper
+    + add helper bots
+    o comment-bot /tag
+    o post-release-bot
+  - wiki updater
+  - website updater
+    o benchmark regressions
+  - full/thorough test on schedule & release
+  - quick test on PR
+- specfile:
+  * fix location of bash completion
+- update to version 4.47.0:
+  * add contrib.discord (similar to contrib.telegram) (#976)
+  * add contrib.bells to auto-enable all extras
+  * add contrib.utils_worker for common slow tasks (e.g. web I/O)
+    + fix lazy large memory usage & discard unsent messages
+    (unprocessed tasks)
+  * fix slow notebook imports (#955 <- #709)
+  * fix gui TypeError on unknown len() (#971)
+  * misc documentation/error message updates
+    + more succinct ImportError on missing ipywidgets (#872)
+    + fix broken/deprecated link (#981)
+    + add inline usage for contrib.discord and contrib.telegram
+  * misc framework updates
+    + add official py3.8 support (#986)
+    + fix snap builds
+- update to version 4.46.1:
+  * fix missing sys.setcheckinterval in py3.9 (#978)
+  * fix keras.TqdmCallback compatibility with tensorflow==2.2.0 (#979)
+  * update documentation
+    + correct contrib.concurrent correct max_workers (#977)
+    + drop prominent mention of xrange (#965)
+  * minor linting
+- specfile:
+  * add bash completion script
+- update to version 4.46.0:
+  * add contrib.telegram #949 <- #948
+  * add bash tab completion and --comppath #946, #947 <- #858
+  * fix exception safety in external_write_mode #940
+  * add requests examples (#242)
+  * update documentation
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Remove pyparsing buildignore as the cycle was solved
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
+- BuildIgnore python[23]-pyparsing: python-packaging requires it
+  for some actions it could perform, but we don't make use of these
+  here. Ignoring this dependency allows us to break open a
+  BuildCycle.
+- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
+- Update to 5.10.0
+  * Added type hints to HasTraits.observe() and friends. #834
+    (@scholer)
+  * feat: trait typing #818 (@maartenbreddels)
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Update to 5.9.0
+  * Polishing argcomplete support #829 (@azjps)
+- Update to 5.8.1
+  * fix: mro_trait can be unbound when the class is not in mro #824
+    (@maartenbreddels)
+- Update to 5.8.0
+  * Shell command-line tab-completion via argcomplete #811 (@azjps)
+  * Define trait.__doc__ = for better API Docs #816
+    (@minrk)
+  * Expose more attributes for typing #817 (@blink1073)
+  * Fix lint #814 (@blink1073)
+  * Additional Application examples and docs #811 (@azjps)
+- Release 5.7.1
+  * fix: some descriptors raise AttributeError #812
+    (@maartenbreddels)
+- Release 5.7.0
+  * Performance: decrease runtime overhead for constructing
+    HasTraits (up to 20x faster) #777 (@maartenbreddels)
+  * Minor fixes for Application.aliases #810 (@azjps)
+  * Adopt ruff and address lint #809 (@blink1073)
+- update to version 5.5.0:
+  * Clean up application typing
+  * Update tests and docs to use non-deprecated functions
+  * Clean up version handling
+  * Prep for jupyter releaser
+  * Format the changelog
+- update to version 5.4.0:
+  * Fix version_info
+  * Make generated config files more lintable
+  * Fix union trait from string
+  * Add, and tidelift bage
+- Update to 5.3.0
+  * Fix traitlet name in docstring by @fcollonval in #745
+  * Re-support multiple-alias key for ArgParseConfigLoader by
+    @azjps in #687
+- Drop traitlets-pr739-fixversion.patch
+- Update to 5.2.2
+  * Make all explicit and validate in test by @blink1073 in #737
+  * Fix KeyError in Application.get_default_logging_config by
+    @tonyroberts in #724
+- Release 5.2.1
+  * Switch to hatch backend by @blink1073 in #728
+  * logging: don't attempt to close handlers unless they have been
+    opened by @oliver-sanders in #727
+- Release 5.2.0
+  * Add mypy support by @blink1073 in #705
+  * Disambiguate the use of the term value in the example. by
+    @metaperl in #694
+  * Correct spelling and grammar errors. by @metaperl in #695
+  * DOC: Add log example by @Carreau in #693
+  * Put description of signature_has_traits after the header for
+    it. by @metaperl in #711
+  * Application: add logging_config trait by @oliver-sanders in
+    [#698]
+  * [DOC] Give explicit list of private symbols for 5.0 by @vidartf
+    in #692
+  * Add pre-commit and run auto-formatters by @blink1073 in #699
+  * Fix downstream test by @blink1073 in #701
+  * Add docs on pre-commit and use manual hooks where appropriate
+    by @blink1073 in #700
+  * Set up flake8 by @blink1073 in #703
+  * Typing: tell mypy we have type, update all. by @Carreau in #713
+  * Improve CI by @blink1073 in #706
+  * Fix typing errors by @blink1073 in #718
+  * Use flit build backend by @blink1073 in #720
+  * Add Changelog Entry for 5.2.0 by @blink1073 in #717
+- Add traitlets-pr739-fixversion.patch -- gh#ipython/traitlets#739
+- Update to version 5.1.1
+  * 5.1.1 fixes compatibility issues with Python 3.10 (rc2).
+- Release 5.1.0
+  * Traitlets 5.1 brings a couple of updates and changes to
+    traitlets, and is recommended for all users. What follow is a
+    non-exhaustive list of changes:
+  * Removal of the ``ipython_genutils`` dependency, this should
+    remove any direct and indirect reliance on ``nose`` and prepare
+    traitlets 5.1 for Python 3.10 and above compatibility, some
+    test suite changes also accommodate Python 3.10 changes. If you
+    package traitlets downstream, make sure to remove this
+    dependency.
+  * Removal of ``ipython_genutils`` may have change the default
+    encoding detected for the command line argument parsing when
+    not utf-8. We expect this to affect a small portion of older
+    windows version. If you encounter issue let us know.
+  * Stop recommendation of ``CUnicode`` in some circumstances as
+    it's deprecated.
+  * Our test suite is now using GitHub action instead of travis CI.
+    If you are packaging downstream using the git repository, you
+    may have to exclude the ``.github`` folder now, and can remove
+    exclusion of
+  * It fixes a parsing issue for list of one single element on the
+    CLI.
+  * We reserve the right to remove official support for Python 3.7
+    in subsequent minor revisions.
+- Releases 5.0.2 to 5.0.5
+  * Support deprecated literals for sets, tuples on the
+    command-line: ``nbconvert
+  - -TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags='  *"tag"}'``
+  * Fix ``from_string_list`` for Tuples in general
+  * Fix support for ``List(default_value=None, allow_none=True)``
+    and other Container traits
+  * Fix help output for nested aliases and tuple traits
+  * Support deprecated use of byte-literals for bytes on the
+    command-line: ``ipython kernel --Session.key="b'abc'"``. The
+    `b` prefix is no longer needed in traitlets 5.0, but is
+    supported for backward-compatibility
+  * Improve output of configuration errors, especially when help
+    output would make it hard to find the helpful error message
+  * Fix regression in handling `--opt=None` on the CLI for configurable traits
+    with `allow_none=True`
+  * Fix casting bytes to unicode
+- Traitlets 5.0
+  * Traitlets 5.0 is a new version of traitlets that accumulate
+    changes over a period of more close to four years; A number of
+    internal refactoring made the internal code structure cleaner
+    and simpler, and greatly improved the diagnostic error messages
+    as well has help and documentation generation.
+  * We expect no code change needed for any consumer of the Python
+    API (ipywidgets, and alike), though CLI argument parsing have
+    seen a complete rewrite, so if you have an application that
+    does use the parsing logic of traitlets you may see changes in
+    behavior, and now have access to more features.
+  * Major changes are:
+  - Removal of Python 2 support,
+  - Removal of Python 3.0-3.6 support
+  - we now follow NEP 29, and are thus Python 3.7+ only.
+  - remove ``six`` as a dependency
+  - remove ``funcsig`` as a dependency.
+- update to 2.0.7 (bsc#1216377, CVE-2023-45803):
+  * Made body stripped from HTTP requests changing the request method
+    to GET after HTTP 303 "See Other" redirect responses.
+- Update Buildrequires to upstream list.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Add python-311.patch to fix tests for python 3.11
+  gh#urwid/urwid#517
+- add dependency for python 2 builds
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- update to 2.1.2:
+  * Add pack method to LineBox. Fixes: #346 (by Miguel de Dios)
+  * Add a test to check the linebox.pack is good. (by Miguel de Dios)
+  * Add bin/ script to partially automate releases. (by Tony Cebzanov)
+  * Add workaround for #386 (by Tony Cebzanov)
+  * Fix curses_display python3 ord() (by Ya-Liang Chang (Allen))
+  * Fix bumping to dev version in script (by Tony Cebzanov)
+  * Fix focus_end on a collapsed tree (by Anonymous Maarten)
+  * Fix crash with "ellipsis" clipping for py2 works with py2 now Typo in
+ (by akorb)
+  * Ignore resetting to invalid locale (Closes: #377) (by Jochen Sprickerhof)
+  * Use ord2 for python2/3 compatibility (by Ya-Liang Chang (Allen))
+- udpate to 2.1.1:
+  * Add TrioEventLoop.run_async(), removed nursery constructor arg (#392) (by
+    Tamás Nepusz)
+  * Add wrap_around kwarg to SimpleListWalkers (by Krzysztof Królczyk)
+  * Change documentation on Terminal (by James Johnson)
+  * Remove debug documentation change test (by James Johnson)
+  * Remove support for py34 (by Andrey Semakin)
+  * Remove invalid escape sequence (by Andrey Lebedev)
+  * Fix GridFlow keypress handling when v_sep is 0 (by Aurelien Grenotton)
+  * Fix Terminal in ListBox (#382) (by James Johnson)
+  * Fix Crash on `fg`, SIGCONT (after Ctrl-Z, SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP) (by goncalopp)
+  * Fix 256-color mode on some terminals. Addresses #404. (by Tony Cebzanov)
+  * vterm: reduce __init__ boilerplate (by max ulidtko)
+  * vterm: errno 5 is not EOF. (by max ulidtko)
+  * Terminal: use UTF-8 by default. (by max ulidtko)
+  * Instance of Terminal has no __super attr -- thanks pylint! (by max ulidtko)
+  * Do not call wait_readable with a closed fd in TrioEventLoop (by Michael
+    Hudson-Doyle)
+  * Make options a static method where applicable (by Philip Matura)
+- update to 2.1.0
+  * Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8, drop support for Python 3.3
+  * Add 24-bit (true color) support.
+  * Fix crash on click-Esc & Esc-click
+  * Break rather than raising exception on shard calculation bug.
+  * Fix EOF detection for the Terminal widget on Python 3
+  * Many more features and fixes
+- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
-- Switched source url to PyPi
-- Update to 1.2.1
-  * Fix false failures of event loop tests
-  * Remove extra newline generated on exit of raw_display
-  * Documentation fixes (by Paul Ivanov)
-- Update to 1.2.0
-  * Add support for PyPy, drop support for Python 2.4, 2.5
-  * Signals now support using weakly referenced arguments to help
-    avoid leaking objects when a signal consumer is no longer
-    referenced (by Matthijs Kooijman)
-  * Add TornadoEventLoop class (by Alexander Glyzov)
-  * Update GlibEventLoop to use python-gi for Python3 compatibility
-    (by Israel Garcia)
-  * Automate testing with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 and PyPy using
-    travis-ci
-  * New container method get_focus_widgets() (by Matthijs Kooijman)
-  * Add support for double and triple click mouse events
-    (by Igor Kotrasiński)
-  * Allow disabling and re-enabling of mouse tracking
-    (by Jim Garrison)
-  * Create section in docs for example program screenshots generated
-    as images like the tutorial examples
-  * Add suggested basic color combination images to manual
-  * Fall back to 80x24 if screen size detection fails
-  * Fix screen.stop(), screen.start() disabling mouse events
-  * Fix to make GridFlow v_sep argument behave as documented
-  * Fix for registering high palette entries in the form "hX" where
-    X > 15 so that basic colors are applied in 88-color mode
-  * Fix for raw_display clear-right escape not working with
-    standout attribute on some terminals
-  * Fix for Terminal widget select loop: retry when interrupted
-- Update to 1.1.2
-  * Move to and use sphinx docs for generating whole site,
-    move changelog to docs/changelog.rst
-  * Fix encoding exceptions when unicode used on non-UTF-8 terminal
-  * Fix for suspend and resume applications with ^Z
-  * Fix for tmux and screen missing colors on right bug
-  * Fix Pile zero-weighted items and mouse_event when empty
-  * Fix Terminal select() not retrying when interrupted by signal
-  * Fix for Padding.align and width change not invalidating
-- Update to 1.1.1 version:
-  * Fix for Pile not changing focus on mouse events
-  * Fix for Overlay.get_cursor_coords()
-- Fix the non-executable-files rpm waraning and remove the rpmlint file
-- Fix building on SLES
-- Update to 1.1.0 release:
-  * New common container API: focus, focus_position, contents,
-    options(), get_focus_path(), set_focus_path(), __getitem__,
-    __iter__(), __reversed__() implemented across all included
-    container widgets
-    A full description doesn't fit here, see the Container Widgets
-    section in the manual for details
-  * New Sphinx-based documentation now included in source:
-    Tutorial rewritten, manual revised and new reference based
-    on updated docstrings (by Marco Giusti, Patrick Totzke)
-  * New list walker SimpleFocusListWalker like SimpleListWalker but
-    updates focus position as items are inserted or removed
-  * New decoration widget WidgetDisable to disable interaction
-    with the widgets it wraps
-  * SelectableIcon selectable text widget used by button widgets is
-    now documented (available since 0.9.9)
-  * Columns widget now tries to keep column in focus visible, hiding
-    columns on the left when necessary
-  * Padding widget now defaults to ('relative', 100) instead of
-    'pack' so that left and right parameters are more useful and more
-    child widgets are supported
-  * New list walker "API Version 2" that is simpler for many list
-    walker uses; "API Version 1" will still continue to be supported
-  * List walkers may now allow iteration from the absolute top or
-    bottom of the list if they provide a positions() method
-  * raw_display now erases to the end of the line with EL escape
-    sequence to improve copy+paste behavior for some terminals
-  * Filler now has top and bottom parameters like Padding's left and
-    right parameters and accepts 'pack' instead of None as a height
-    value for widgets that calculate their own number of rows
-  * Pile and Columns now accepts 'pack' instead of 'flow' for widgets
-    that calculate their own number of rows or columns
-  * Pile and Columns now accept 'given' instead of 'fixed' for
-    cases where the number of rows or columns are specified by the
-    container options
-  * Pile and Columns widgets now accept any iterable to their
-    __init__() methods
-  * Widget now has a default focus_position property that raises
-    an IndexError when read to be consistent with new common container
-    API
-  * GridFlow now supports multiple cell widths within the same widget
-  * BoxWidget, FlowWidget and FixedWidget are deprecated, instead
-    use the sizing() function or _sizing attribute to specify the
-    supported sizing modes for your custom widgets
-  * Some new shift+arrow and numpad input sequences from RXVT and
-    xterm are now recognized
-  * Fix for alarms when used with a screen event loop (e.g.
-    curses_display)
-  * Fix for raw_display when terminal width is 1 column
-  * Fixes for a Columns.get_cursor_coords() regression and a
-    SelectableIcon.get_cursor_coords() bug
-  * Fixes for incorrect handling of box columns in a number of
-    Columns methods when that column is selectable
-  * Fix for Terminal widget input handling with Python 3
-- license update: LGPL-2.1+
-  LGPL without version is not acceptable
-- Bump to 1.0.2 release:
-  * Fix for bug when entering Unicode text into Edit widget with
-    bytes caption
-  * Fix a regression when not running in UTF-8 mode
-  * Fix for a MainLoop.remove_watch_pipe() bug
-  * Fix for a bug when packing empty Edit widgets
-  * Fix for a ListBox "contents too long" error with very large
-    Edit widgets
-  * Prevent ListBoxes from selecting 0-height selectable widgets
-    when moving up or down
-  * Fix a number of bugs caused by 0-height widgets in a ListBox
-- python3 package added
-- spec file improved
-- update to 1.0.1:
-  * fix for a Filler mouse_event() position bug
-  * fix support for mouse positions up to x=255, y=255
-  * fixes for a number of string encoding issues under Python 3
-  * fix for a LineBox border __init__() parameters
-  * fix input input of UTF-8 in example by converting captions to
-    unicode
-  * prevent raw_display from calling tcseattr() or tcgetattr() on non-ttys
-  * disable curses_display external event loop support: screen resizing and gpm
-    events are not properly supported
-  * mark PollingListWalker as deprecated
-- changed arch to _not_ be noarch, contains a shlib file
-- Update to version 1.0.0:
-  * New support for Python 3.2 from the same 2.x code base,
-    requires distribute instead of setuptools (by Kirk McDonald,
-    Wendell, Marien Zwart) everything except TwistedEventLoop and
-    GLibEventLoop is supported
-  * New experimental Terminal widget with xterm emulation and
- example program (by aszlig)
-  * Edit widget now supports a mask (for passwords), has a
-    insert_text_result() method for full-field validation and
-    normalizes input text to Unicode or bytes based on the caption
-    type used
-  * New TreeWidget, TreeNode, ParentNode, TreeWalker
-    and TreeListBox classes for lazy expanding/collapsing tree
-    views factored out of example program, with new
- example program (by Rob Lanphier)
-  * MainLoop now calls draw_screen() just before going idle, so extra
-    calls to draw_screen() in user code may now be removed
-  * New MainLoop.watch_pipe() method for subprocess or threaded
-    communication with the process/thread updating the UI, and new
- example demonstrating its use
-  * New PopUpLauncher and PopUpTarget widgets and MainLoop option
-    for creating pop-ups and drop-downs, and new example
-    program
-  * New example (by Ali Afshar) that serves
-    multiple displays over ssh from the same application using
-    Twisted and the TwistedEventLoop
-- upgrade to
-- update to
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68, jsc#PED-5573)
+- update to 1.9.0
+  * Ignore the current directory for path detection on Windows
+  * On non-Windows systems only modify login shells
+- v1.8.0
+  * Broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE on Windows
+  * Drop Python 2.7 & 3.6
+- update to 1.7.0
+  * Fix path normalization to be aware of case-insensitive
+    platforms and symlinks.
+  * Use locale's encoding when handling output from subprocesses
+  * Modify bash start-up files based on their existence
+  * Remove distro dependency
+  * Fix fallback mechanism for detecting the name of the parent
+    process
+- update to 1.4.1
+  * Prevent adding paths multiple times on macOS/Linux
+  * Send CLI errors to stderr instead of stdout
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- Don't calculate coverage and don't test for pylint.
+- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
+- use actual package name for importlib-metadata requires
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to 0.2.6:
+  * Fix example for str.rjust(20, '_')
+  * Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning
+  * Switch to using importlib.metadata
+  * Use a new jinja2 templating process to update library to latest unicode
+- Drop patch remove-pkg_resources.patch.
+- Remove Python 2 gubbins.
+- add explicit Requires for python-importlib_metadata for Python < 3.8
+- Add patch remove-pkg_resources.patch:
+  * Use importlib.metadata rather than pkg_resources.
+- Since importlib.metadata is not as a stickler as pkg_resources is, remove
+  multibuild.
+- Fix the %doc files. README.rst is a symlink pointing to
+  docs/intro.rst.
+- Remove nonsense keyword (breaks pytest)
+- update to 0.2.5
+  * Do not depend on pkg_resources module for list_versions() function.
+- update to 0.2.4
+  * minor "bugfix" to avoid using pkg_resources module on import, 7918f58
+  * may help xonsh xonsh/xonsh#3607
+- update to 0.2.3
+  * add tests
+- Add missing python2 dependency for Leap to work
+- Update to version 0.2.2
+  * Enhancement: Unicode version may be selected by exporting the
+    Environment variable UNICODE_VERSION, such as 13.0, or 6.3.0.
+    See the jquast/ucs-detect CLI utility for automatic detection.
+  * Enhancement: API Documentation is published to
+  * Updated tables for all Unicode Specifications with files published
+    in a programmatically consumable format.
+- Convert to multibuild to break a self-requires loop.
+- version update to 0.1.9
+  * Performance optimization by @avylove , PR #35.
+  * Updated tables to Unicode Specification 13.0.0.
-- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
-- Remove version requirements for python-Sphinx and python-sphinx_rtd_theme dependencies
+- update to 1.5.1:
+  * Fix logic bug that can cause disconnects
+  * Refactor and improve ping/pong logic to resolve several
+    issues, including an infinite loop issue during reconnect
+  * Fix issue where `skip_utf8_validation = True` is ignored
+  * Fix issue where sslopt `is_ssl` is ignored
+  * Downgrade "websocket connected" message from logging.warning
+    to
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- python-six is not required
+- Update to version 1.4.2
+  - create_dispatcher is determined by URL ws/wss, NOT by presence of sslopt args, to maintain consistency (#875)
+  - Remove redundant key generation line (#864)
+  - Updated docs to fix old links and updated CI to include Python 3.11
+- Update to version 1.4.1
+  - Fix stack growth bug when `run_forever` reconnects (#854)
+  - Add doctest CI for sphinx docs code examples (d150099)
+  - General docs improvements
-- Revert change to use libalternative which does not work on SLE-15
-- Revert change to use %pyunittest which does not work on SLE-15
+- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
-- use systems ca bundle file by default (boo#1076519)
-  add use_system_cabundle.patch
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- use %pytest macro
+- update to 0.2.3:
+  * Dropped support for Python 3.7, added support for Python
+    3.12. No other code changes.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- update to 0.2.2
+  * Added pyproject.toml to source distribution
+  * Published precompiled wheels for Python 3.11
+- version 0.2.1
+  * [zopfli.png] Only print debug info to console output when -v/--verbose flag is used.
+- version 0.2.0
+  * Dropped support for EOL Python 2.7 and 3.6, require Python 3.7+ (#16).
+  * Added support for compressing PNGs via zopfli.png.optimize method. Also available from
+  the command line as python -m zopfli.png; mimics the upstream's zopflipng c++ executable (#17).
+- version 0.1.9
+  * Allow to link against system installed zopfli library by setting
+    USE_SYSTEM_ZOPFLI environment variable (#9).
+  * Added wheels for Python 3.10, universal2 macos "fat" (x86_64 + arm64)
+    architecture, Linux aarch64 and pypy3 (#10, #11).
+  * Determine package version automatically from latest git tag using setuptools_scm.
+- update to 0.1.8
+  * add Python 3.9, remove 3.5 (EOL)
+- update to
+  * Update bindled libzstd to 1.5.5
+  * Fix decompression of multiple concatenated frames in one
+    input string
+  * Generic automated builds are pushed to PyPi.
+  * `x86` and `x64` builded under Ubuntu 16.04. And with sse+sse2
+    optimizations enabled via compiler.
+  * `armhf` and `arm64` builded under Ubuntu 18.04.
+  * `armhf` builded on Raspberry PI 2B and optimized for it.
+  * `arm64` builded on Raspberry PI 4B and optimized for it.
+  * PyPy builds on `arm64` missing `2.7` as it are broken.
+  * MacOsX builds done inside 11.7 hackintosh
+  * Don't fail with exception if defined number of threads to
+    compress is bigger than libzstd can take.
+  * Silently drop it value down to max threads.
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
+- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
+- Update to version
+  - Update libzstd to 1.5.4
+- Update to version
+  * Fix a nasty bug - corrupted compression of empty string, and decompression too.
+  * Wheels
+    Generic automated builds are pushed to PyPi.
+    x86 and x64 builded under Ubuntu 16.04. And with sse+sse2 optimizations enabled via compiler.
+    armhf and arm64 builded under Ubuntu 18.04.
+    armhf builded on Raspberry PI 2B and optimized for it.
+    arm64 builded on Raspberry PI 4B and optimized for it.
+    There is no Python-3.10 for armhf yeat.
+    PyPy builds on arm64 missing 2.7 and 3.7 as they are broken.
+    MacOsX builds done inside 11.6 hackintosh
+    There is no builds for Windows.
+- update to
+  * Update bundled libzstd to 1.5.2
+  * Add support of setting build options via envvars
+  * Fixed config for github actions to build wheels
+  * Force disable all ASM for AMD code
+- update to
+  * update libzstd to 1.5.1 - follow upstream
+  * fix passing VERSION string to compiler
+- update to
+  * python 3.9/3.10 support
+- update to
+  * simplify tests
+  * add new function for them: ZSTD_external(): 0/1
+  * fix build - missing new file: zstd_errors.h
+  * Removed old function which generated custom block header
+  * Updated zstd to new upstream version 1.5.0
+- drop test-once.patch: not needed
+- update to
+  * Allow ultra-fast levels from -100 to -1
+  * Update bundled zstd library to 1.4.8 release
+- use %pytest_arch macro
+- update to
+  * Follows upstream 1.4.5 release
+- Add CVE-2022-40897-ReDos.patch to fix Regular Expression Denial of Service
+  (ReDoS) in
+  bsc#1206667
+- Fix bsc#1216638:
+  * target/s390x: Fix LAALG not updating cc_src
+  * target/s390x: Fix CLC corrupting cc_src
+- [openSUSE] supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
+- [openSUSE] Add -p1 to autosetup in spec files
+  * So patches can be applied easily (might be useful for development)
+- Update to version 8.1.2:
+  This fixes the following upstream issues:
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  It also contains a fix for:
+  * CVE-2023-42467 (bsc#1215192)
+  As well as several upstream backports (list available at:
+- Update to version 8.1.1:
+  Upstream backports and bugfixes, among which:
+  * tpm: fix crash when FD >= 1024 and unnecessary errors due to EINTR (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * meson: Fix targetos match for illumos and Solaris. (Jonathan Perkin)
+  * s390x/ap: fix missing subsystem reset registration (Janosch Frank)
+  * ui: fix crash when there are no active_console (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * virtio-gpu/win32: set the destroy function on load (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * target/riscv: Allocate itrigger timers only once (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * target/riscv/pmp.c: respect mseccfg.RLB for pmpaddrX changes (Leon Schuermann)
+  * target/riscv: fix satp_mode_finalize() when satp_mode.supported = 0 (Daniel Henrique Barboza)
+  * hw/riscv: virt: Fix riscv,pmu DT node path (Conor Dooley)
+  * [...]
+  * target/arm: Fix 64-bit SSRA (Richard Henderson)
+  * target/arm: Fix SME ST1Q (Richard Henderson)
+  * accel/kvm: Specify default IPA size for arm64 (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * kvm: Introduce kvm_arch_get_default_type hook (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * include/hw/virtio/virtio-gpu: Fix virtio-gpu with blob on big endian hosts (Thomas Huth)
+  * target/s390x: Check reserved bits of VFMIN/VFMAX's M5 (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Fix VSTL with a large length (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Use a 16-bit immediate in VREP (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Fix the "ignored match" case in VSTRS (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  Full list available at:
+  *
+- Fix bsc#1216638:
+  * target/s390x: Fix LAALG not updating cc_src
+  * target/s390x: Fix CLC corrupting cc_src
+- [openSUSE] supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
+- [openSUSE] Add -p1 to autosetup in spec files
+  * So patches can be applied easily (might be useful for development)
+- Update to version 8.1.2:
+  This fixes the following upstream issues:
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  It also contains a fix for:
+  * CVE-2023-42467 (bsc#1215192)
+  As well as several upstream backports (list available at:
+- Update to version 8.1.1:
+  Upstream backports and bugfixes, among which:
+  * tpm: fix crash when FD >= 1024 and unnecessary errors due to EINTR (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * meson: Fix targetos match for illumos and Solaris. (Jonathan Perkin)
+  * s390x/ap: fix missing subsystem reset registration (Janosch Frank)
+  * ui: fix crash when there are no active_console (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * virtio-gpu/win32: set the destroy function on load (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
+  * target/riscv: Allocate itrigger timers only once (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * target/riscv/pmp.c: respect mseccfg.RLB for pmpaddrX changes (Leon Schuermann)
+  * target/riscv: fix satp_mode_finalize() when satp_mode.supported = 0 (Daniel Henrique Barboza)
+  * hw/riscv: virt: Fix riscv,pmu DT node path (Conor Dooley)
+  * [...]
+  * target/arm: Fix 64-bit SSRA (Richard Henderson)
+  * target/arm: Fix SME ST1Q (Richard Henderson)
+  * accel/kvm: Specify default IPA size for arm64 (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * kvm: Introduce kvm_arch_get_default_type hook (Akihiko Odaki)
+  * include/hw/virtio/virtio-gpu: Fix virtio-gpu with blob on big endian hosts (Thomas Huth)
+  * target/s390x: Check reserved bits of VFMIN/VFMAX's M5 (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Fix VSTL with a large length (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Use a 16-bit immediate in VREP (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  * target/s390x: Fix the "ignored match" case in VSTRS (Ilya Leoshkevich)
+  Full list available at:
+  *
+- update to 2.3.3:
+  * qiv-command example: added more
+    interesting tags in exiftool.tags.for.qiv-command
+  * qiv-command example: added gps2url and gimp
+  * allow --help and --version without DISPLAY variable set
+  * scale fonts according to highDPIfactor
+  * fix some deprecation warnings
+  * fix small bug with --highDPIfactor
+    and --scale_down and images smaller than screen size
+    before enlarging but bigger than screensaver after
+    enlarging
+  * new cmdline option --highDPIfactor:
+    zoom factor to compensate for high (or also low) DPI screens
+  * statusline+window title: move not so
+    interesting loading time to the end
+  * fix removing artist/comment text in fullscreen mode
+  * add ability (and options and toggles) to display EXIF artist
+    name
+  * add heif image support via gdk- pixbuf loader
+  * add example in qiv-command on how to
+    run programs without blocking qiv
+  * add webp support via imlib loader
+  * fix wrong man path, fix clang-10 compiler warning, include
+    debian #969338
+  * zoom in faster (+50% instead of +10%) if above 100%
+  * redefined GDK_SCROLL events to move image in fullscreen
+  * replace deprecated gdk_draw functions with cairo functions
+  * fix: don't ignore maxaspect and scale down options when
+    reloading image due to watch option on. (Issue #8)
-- Update to version 2.2.2:
-  + fix -x (root window needs colormap)
-  + patch pango code to avoid garbled output of F1
-  + fix wrong image size after autorotating
-- Changes from version 2.2.1:
-  + recognize changed files, using --slideshow and --watch
-  + sanitize infotextdisplay
-  + check EXIF tags only after successful file loading
-  + shuffle now implies not to sort filenames
-  + fix autorotate with EXIF-tag
-  + avoid crash calling qiv -x without argument
-  + fix behaviour of "recursivedir" switch
-  + migrated gdk_draw_text() to gdk_draw_layout()
-  +fixing wrong display of utf-8 filenames
-- Changes from version 2.2:
-  + migration from imlib1 to imlib2
-- Changes from version 2.1:
-  + removed obsoleted GDK_WA_WMCLASS
-  + added patches from debian
-  + remove xscreensaver left overs from Makefiles
-  + added autorotate patch (using libexif)
-  + display initial autorotation in status bar, option "autorotate"
-  + patch to detect image types using libmagic
-  + removed TGA and XBM because not supported by imlib anymore
-  + exit on unmapped mouse events
-  + browse option -B, useful when launching qiv from a file manager
-  + patch to prevent segfault on amd64
-- Changes imlib-devel BuildRequires to imlib2-devel.
-- Add file-devel, libexif-devel BuildRequires.
-- Remove GDK_WA_WMCLASS workaround: not needed anymore.
-- Drop qiv-2.1-pre12.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Fix build on old distros by linking new to README
+- minor spec cleanups
+- Update to version
+  * rasdaemon: Add support for the CXL AER correctable errors.
+  * rasdaemon: Add support for the CXL AER uncorrectable errors.
+  * rasdaemon: Add support for the CXL poison events.
+  * rasdaemon: Move definition for BIT and BIT_ULL to a common
+    file.
+  * rasdaemon: fix table create if some cpus are offline.
+  * rasdaemon: Fix poll() on per_cpu trace_pipe_raw blocks
+    indefinitely.
+  * ras-mc-ctl: add option to exclude old events from reports.
+  * fix bashisms.
+  * ci.yml: fix workflow to build rasdaemon.
+  * ChangeLog: do some minor updates.
+  * labels/asrock: add X399D8A-2T.
+  * Convert README to markdown format.
+- Update to version
+  * README: Update instructions about how to contribute.
+  * enable all options on make distcheck.
+  * get rid of obsolete macros.
+  * ci.yml: add libtraceevent-dev dependency.
+  * Remove the old libtrace.
+  * Adjust indentations.
+  * Convert to use libtraceevent.
+  * on_tag.yml: use a different approach to upload artifact.
+  * Add a release workflow.
+- Changes from version 0.7.0:
+  * .gitignore: add the auto-generated "compile" file.
+  * INSTALL: update from latest version of it.
+  * fix bashisms.
+  * labels/asus: add ASUS TUF GAMING B450-PLUS II.
+  * rasdaemon: Add four modules supported by HiSilicon common
+    section.
+  * rasdaemon: Fix for a memory out-of-bounds issue and optimized
+    code to remove duplicate function.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Updated HiSilicon platform name.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Relocate reading and display Kunpeng920
+    errors to under Kunpeng9xx.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Add support to display the HiSilicon
+    vendor errors for a specified module.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Add printing usage if necessary
+    parameters are not passed for the vendor-error options.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Reformat error info of the HiSilicon
+    Kunpeng920.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Modify error statistics for HiSilicon
+    KunPeng9xx common errors.
+  * rasdaemon: Modify recording Hisilicon common error data.
+  * rasdaemon: Support cpu fault isolation for recoverable errors.
+  * rasdaemon: Support cpu fault isolation for corrected errors.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-memory-failure-handler: handle localtime()
+    failure correctly.
+  * rasdaemon: mce-amd-smca: properly limit bank types.
+  * rasdaemon: ras-report: fix possible but unlikely file
+    descriptor leak.
+  * libtrace: Use XSI version of strerror_r on non glibc systems.
+  * rasdaemon: use the new block_rq_error tracepoint.
+- Add build requires libtraceevent-devel.
+- Update to version
+  * Bump version to 0.6.8
+  * misc/ fix some issues on it
+  * clean output from misc/*.in
+  * rasdaemon: Add some modules supported by hisi common error section
+  * rasdaemon: Fix some print format issues for hisi common error section
+  * rasdaemon: Fix the issue of command option -r for hip08
+  * rasdaemon: Fix the issue of sprintf data type mismatch in uuid_le()
+  * comment out
+  * add labels for asrock x570 motherboard
+  * Update ras-mc-ctl manpage to match current options
+  * rasdaemon: ras-mc-ctl: Fix script to parse dimm sizes
+  * rasdaemon: fix compile against musl libc
+- Update to v48.0
+  - No release notes available.
+- Drop missing-quoting.patch which was fixed upstream.
+- Add missing-quoting.patch
+- Use normal GNU tar option syntax
+- Remove old RPM spec logic (%defattr)
+- Drop patches adding support for cxgb3 (EOL, removed from kernel 5.5)
+  - cxgb3-fix-declaration-of-free_context.patch
+  - cxgb3-fix-support-for-new-uquery-API.patch
+  - Revert-libcxgb3-Remove-libcxgb3-from-rdma-core.patch
+  - Revert-Update-kernel-headers.patch
+- Update baselibs=.conf accordingly
+- Update to v47.0
+  - Fixes for all providers
+- Update to v45.0
+  - Fixes for all providers
+  - Support for Microsoft Azure Network Adapter
+- Drop rdma-ndd-disable-systemd-ProtectHostName-feature.patch
+  as it was fixed upstream.
+- Refresh against latest sources:
+  - Revert-libcxgb3-Remove-libcxgb3-from-rdma-core.patch
+  - Revert-Update-kernel-headers.patch
+- fix rsyslog crash in imrelp (bsc#1210286)
+  * add: 0001-Avoid-crash-on-restart-in-imrelp-SIGTTIN-handler.patch
+- Randomize pre_flight_script path (CVE-2023-34049 bsc#1215157)
+- Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains (bsc#1214477)
+- Added:
+  * fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch
+  * allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch
+- Fix optimization_order opt to prevent testsuite fails
+- Improve salt.utils.json.find_json to avoid fails (bsc#1213293)
+- Use salt-call from salt bundle with transactional_update
+- Only call native_str on curl_debug message in tornado when needed
+- Implement the calling for batch async from the salt CLI
+- Fix calculation of SLS context vars when trailing dots
+  on targetted sls/state (bsc#1213518)
+- Rename salt-tests to python3-salt-testsuite
+- Added:
+  * fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch
+  * fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch
+  * implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch
+  * improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch
+  * use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch
+  * only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch
+- packaging: samba-tool domain provision requires python3-Markdown;
+  (bsc#1216519).
+- Update to 4.19.2
+  * Use-after-free in aio_del_req_from_fsp during smbd shutdown
+    after failed IPC FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE; (bso#15423).
+  * clidfs.c do_connect() missing a "return" after a
+    cli_shutdown() call; (bso#15426).
+  * macOS mdfind returns only 50 results; (bso#15463).
+  * GETREALFILENAME_CACHE can modify incoming new filename with
+    previous cache entry value; (bso#15481).
+  * libnss_winbind causes memory corruption since samba-4.18,
+    impacts sendmail, zabbix, potentially more; (bso#15464).
+  * ctdbd: setproctitle not initialized messages flooding logs;
+    (bso#15479).
+  * CVE-2023-5568 Heap buffer overflow with freshness tokens in
+    the Heimdal KDC in Samba 4.19; (bso#15491).
+  * The heimdal KDC doesn't detect s4u2self correctly when fast
+    is in use; (bso#15477).
+- use systemd-logind rather than utmp for y2038 safety;
+  (bsc#1216159).
+- CVE-2023-4091: samba: Client can truncate file with read-only
+  permissions; (bsc#1215904); (bso#15439).
+- CVE-2023-42669: samba: rpcecho, enabled and running in AD DC,
+  allows blocking sleep on request; (bso#1215905); (bso#15474).
+- CVE-2023-42670: samba:  The procedure number is out of range
+  when starting Active Directory Users and Computers;
+  (bsc#1215906); (bso#15473).
+- CVE-2023-3961: samba: Unsanitized client pipe name passed to
+  local_np_connect(); (bsc#1215907); (bso#15422).
+- CVE-2023-4154: samba: dirsync allows SYSTEM access with only
+  (bsc#1215908); (bso#15424).
+- Added patch:
+  * sbt-CVE-2023-46122.patch
+    + backport of upstream fix for bsc#1216529, CVE-2023-46122
+- fix build with maven 3.9.4 and maven-resolver 1.9.15
+- Added patch:
+  * reproducible-timestamp.patch
+    + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamps if it is set
+- Fix build with new sisu-mojos
+- add 1817900-13-112a1.patch, 1849874-11503.patch, and
+  TOP-NOBUG-revendor-253172.patch to allow building with rust >= 1.48
+- request inclusion in Leap 15.4 and 15.5:
+- add seamonkey-binutils.patch to allow building with binutils >= 2.41:
+- add mozilla-bmo531915.patch to fix builds for x86:
+- request inclusion in Leap 15.4 and 15.5:
+- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)
+- update to SeaMonkey
+  * Upstream libwebp security fix bug 1852749.
+  * CVE-2023-4863: Heap buffer overflow in libwebp bug 1852649.
+  * Fix bad string encoded in ansi. l10n fr problem only bug 1847887.
+  * SeaMonkey 2.53.17 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains
+    the relevant Firefox 60.8 security fixes.
+  * SeaMonkey 2.53.17 shares most parts of the mail and news code with
+    Thunderbird. Please read the Thunderbird 60.8.0 release notes for
+    specific security fixes in this release.
+  * Additional important security fixes up to Current Firefox 115.3
+    and Thunderbird 115.3 ESR plus many enhancements have been
+    backported. We will continue to enhance SeaMonkey security in
+    subsequent 2.53.x beta and release versions as fast as we are able
+    to.
+- request inclusion in Leap 15.4 and 15.5:
+- update to SeaMonkey 2.53.17
+  * Fix macOS Contacts permission request bug 1826719.
+  * Remove SeaMonkey 2.57 links from debugQA bug 1829683.
+  * Treat opening urls from the library as external bug 1619108.
+  * Disable spam warning for autogenerated links in plaintext messages
+    bug 619031.
+  * Switch SeaMonkey build files to Python 3 bug 1635849.
+  * Remove empty overlays from Composer bug 1828533.
+  * Move xpfe autocomplete to comm-central suite bug 1418512.
+  * Remove nsIPrefBranch2 and nsIPrefBranchInternal bug 1374847.
+  * SeaMonkey 2.53.17 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains
+    the relevant Firefox 60.8 security fixes.
+  * SeaMonkey 2.53.17 shares most parts of the mail and news code with
+    Thunderbird. Please read the Thunderbird 60.8.0 release notes for
+    specific security fixes in this release.
+  * Additional important security fixes up to Current Firefox 102.11
+    and Thunderbird 102.11 ESR plus many enhancements have been
+    backported. We will continue to enhance SeaMonkey security in
+    subsequent 2.53.x beta and release versions as fast as we are able
+    to.
+  * Adapt mozilla-nongnome-proxies.patch for SeaMonkey 2.53.17
+  * Adapt seamonkey-lto.patch for SeaMonkey 2.53.17
+  * Remove obsolete %clean section from seamonkey.spec
+- request inclusion in Leap 15.4 and 15.5:
+- version update to 1.2.2
+  * Enabled reproducible builds (#324, #325, #326)
+- Update to version 1.2.1:
+  * sandbox: Add support for escaping resolv.conf symlinks (#318)
+  * parson: update to v1.5.2 (#320)
+- On SLE-12 exclude build for s390x.
+- Add missing dependencies to slurm-config to plugins package.
+  These should help to tie down the slurm version and help to avoid
+  a package mix (bsc#1216869).
+- update to 23.02.6 to fix (CVE-2023-41914, bsc#1216207)
+  * Removed Fix-test-32.8.patch as fixed upstream
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    + Fix `CpusPerTres=` not upgreadable with scontrol update
+    + Fix unintentional gres removal when validating the gres job state.
+    + Fix `--without-hpe-slingshot` configure option.
+    + Fix cgroup v2 memory calculations when transparent huge pages are used.
+    + Fix parsing of `sgather --timeout` option.
+    + Fix regression from 22.05.0 that caused `srun --cpu-bind "=verbose"`
+    and `"=v"` options give different CPU bind masks.
+    + Fix "_find_node_record: lookup failure for node" error message appearing
+    for all dynamic nodes during reconfigure.
+    + Avoid segfault if loading serializer plugin fails.
+    + `slurmrestd` - Correct OpenAPI format for `GET /slurm/v0.0.39/licenses`.
+    + `slurmrestd` - Correct OpenAPI format for
+    `GET /slurm/v0.0.39/job/{job_id}`.
+    + `slurmrestd` - Change format to multiple fields in
+    `GET /slurmdb/v0.0.39/assocations` and `GET /slurmdb/v0.0.39/qos` to
+    handle infinite and unset states.
+    + When a node fails in a job with `--no-kill`, preserve the extern step on the
+    remaining nodes to avoid breaking features that rely on the extern step
+    such as `pam_slurm_adopt`, `x11`, and `job_container/tmpfs`.
+    + `auth/jwt` - Ignore `x5c` field in JWKS files.
+    + `auth/jwt` - Treat 'alg' field as optional in JWKS files.
+    + Allow job_desc.selinux_context to be read from the job_submit.lua script.
+    + Skip check in slurmstepd that causes a large number of errors in the
+    munge log: "Unauthorized credential for client UID=0 GID=0".
+    This error will still appear on `slurmd`/`slurmctld`/`slurmdbd` start up
+    and is not a cause for concern.
+    + `slurmctld` - Allow startup with zero partitions.
+    + Fix some mig profile names in slurm not matching nvidia mig profiles.
+    + Prevent `slurmscriptd` processing delays from blocking other threads in
+    `slurmctld` while trying to launch `{Prolog|Epilog}Slurmctld`.
+    + Fix sacct printing ReqMem field when memory doesn't exist in requested
+    TRES.
+    + Fix how heterogenous steps in an allocation with `CR_PACK_NODE` or
+    `-mpack` are created.
+    + Fix `slurmctld` crash from race condition within `job_submit_throttle`
+    plugin.
+    + Fix `--with-systemdsystemunitdir` when requesting a default location.
+    + Fix not being able to cancel an array task by the jobid (i.e. not
+    `<jobid>_<taskid>`) through scancel, job launch failure or prolog
+    failure.
+    + Fix cancelling the whole array job when the array task is the meta job
+    and it fails job or prolog launch and is not requeable. Cancel only the
+    specific task instead.
+    + Fix regression in 21.08.2 where MailProg did not run for `mail-type=end`
+    for jobs with non+zero exit codes.
+    + Fix incorrect setting of memory.swap.max in cgroup/v2.
+    + Fix `jobacctgather/cgroup` collection of disk/io, gpumem, gpuutil TRES
+    values.
+    + Fix -d singleton for heterogeneous jobs.
+    + Downgrade info logs about a job meeting a "maximum node limit" in the
+    select plugin to `DebugFlags=SelectType`. These info logs could spam the
+    slurmctld log file under certain circumstances.
+    + `prep/script` - Fix `[Srun|Task]<Prolog|Epilog>` missing
+    + gres - Rebuild GRES core bitmap for nodes at startup. This fixes error:
+    "Core bitmaps size mismatch on node [HOSTNAME]", which causes jobs to
+    enter state "Requested node configuration is not available".
+    + `slurmctd` - Allow startup with zero nodes.
+    + Fix filesystem handling race conditions that could lead to an attacker
+    taking control of an arbitrary file, or removing entire directories'
+    contents. CVE-2023-41914.
+- version 4.3.24-1
+  * Change default scheduler from (none) to (system)
+- Update to version 0.20.3 with the following changes:
+  * Bug fixes:
+    + Fix a bug where `spack mirror set-url` would drop configured
+  connection info.
+    + Fix a minor issue with package hash computation for Python 3.12.
+    + Improve escaping in Tcl module files.
+    + Make repo cache work on repositories with zero mtime.
+    + Ignore errors for newer, incompatible buildcache version.
+    + Print an error when git is required, but missing.
+    + Ensure missing build dependencies get installed when using
+  `spack install --overwrite`.
+    + Fix an issue where Spack freezes when the build process
+  unexpectedly exits.
+    + Fix a bug where installation failures cause an unrelated
+  `NameError` to be thrown.
+    + Fix an issue where Spack package versions would be incorrectly
+  derived from git tags.
+    + Fix a bug triggered when file locking fails internally.
+    + Prevent `spack external find` to error out when a directory
+  cannot be accessed.
+    + Fix multiple performance regressions in environments.
+    + Add more ignored modules to `pyproject.toml` for `mypy`.
+  * Features:
+    + Spack now supports Python 3.12.
+- update to 6.4:
+  * security fixes:
+    + Request/Response smuggling in HTTP/1.1 and ICAP (bsc#1216500, CVE-2023-46846)
+    + Multiple issues in HTTP response caching (bsc#1216496, CVE-2023-5824)
+    + Denial of Service in HTTP Digest Authentication (bsc#1216495, CVE-2023-46847)
+    + Denial of Service in FTP (bsc#1216498, CVE-2023-46848)
+    + Fix validation of certificates (bsc#1216803, CVE-2023-46724)
+  * Bug 5294: ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD returned instead of ERR_DNS_FAIL
+  * Bug 4981: Work around in-call job invalidation bugs
+  * basic_smb_lm_auth: fix 'no previous declaration' warnings
+  * CacheManager: require /squid-internal-mgr/ URL path prefix
+  * ESI: Fix build [-Wsingle-bit-bitfield-constant-conversion]
+  * documentation changes
+- update to 6.3:
+  - Bug 5294: ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD returned instead of ERR_DNS_FAIL
+  - Bug 4981: Work around in-call job invalidation bugs
+  - basic_smb_lm_auth: fix 'no previous declaration' warnings
+  - CacheManager: require /squid-internal-mgr/ URL path prefix
+  - ESI: Fix build [-Wsingle-bit-bitfield-constant-conversion]
+- update to 6.2:
+  * Major UI changes:
+  - Remove 8K limit for single access.log line
+  - Add tls_key_log to report TLS communication secrets
+  * Minor UI changes:
+  - Add %transport::>connection_id logformat code
+  - Add paranoid_hit_validation directive
+  - Report SMP store queues state (mgr:store_queues)
+  - Addcache_log_message directive
+  * Developer Interest changes:
+  - Replaced X-Cache and X-Cache-Lookup headers with Cache-Status
+  - Reject HTTP/1.0 requests with unusual framing
+  - codespell check added to source maintenance enforcement
+  - Streamlined ./configure handling of optional libraries
+  - Add –progress option to
+  - Remove layer-00-bootstrap from test script
+  - Convert LRU map into a CLP map
+  - Remove legacy context-based debugging in favor of CodeContext
+  * Removed features:
+  - Remove unused cache_diff binary
+  - Remove obsolete membanger test
+  - Remove deprecated leakfinder (–enable-leakfinder)
+- update to 5.9:
+  * Improve reply_body_max_size matching accuracy
+  * fix gcc13 warning
+- update to 5.8:
+  * Bug 5162: mgr:index URL do not produce MGR_INDEX template
+  * Bug 5241: Block all non-localhost requests by default
+  * Bug 5241: Block to-localhost, to-link-local requests by
+    default
+  * ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl: Support -b with -D
+  * Fix ACL type typo in req_header, rep_header key-changing
+    ERRORs
+  * ... and several compile fixes
+  * ... and some code cleanup and polishing
+- Enable LTO again as it survives tests now.
+- Disable NIS auth module (NIS is deprecated and get's currently
+  removed)
+- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.
+-  (CVE-2023-41913) Fixed a bug in charon-tkm related to handling DH
+  public values that can lead to remote code execution (bsc#1216901)
+  [+  strongswan-5.9.7-5.9.11_charon_tkm_dh_len.patch]
-- Import commit b473c02cc08e093e370034425671cbc001c6748e
-  02caac7973 units/initrd-parse-etc.service: Conflict with
-  70b3bff9f8 sd-device-monitor: dynamically allocate receive buffer (bsc#1213873)
-  e2e1fbba2b sd-device: change type of properties nulstr from uint8_t* to char*
-  c9d3dd5954 udev: set description for device monitor
-  3f07f44fde test: use sd_device_monitor_set_description()
-  b304a1e1a2 sd-device-monitor: logs description for device monitor
-  929d4066c5 sd-device-monitor: introduce sd_device_monitor_{set,get}_description()
-  340e523048 sd-device-monitor: fix inversed condition
-  02659c7b67 tree-wide: port various places over to new stat_inode_same() helper
-  b35a4b042a stat-util: add helper stat_inode_same() for comparing stat's st_dev/st_ino in one
-  d25219cbe3 libsystemd: ignore both EINTR and EAGAIN
-  648a151313 errno-util: introduce ERRNO_IS_TRANSIENT()
-- Import commit 155fe1917157bdeecf7e28ef0ea9f62084f27f14
-  3b8c671f90 detach-md: similar to the DM case, also don't try to detach MD device backing /usr/ (bsc#1211576)
-  6da5d2d1fc shutdown: don't attempt to detach DM volume backing /usr/ (bsc#1211576)
-  37178881c1 udev: decrease devlink priority for iso disks (bsc#1213185)
-  02ede28319 shutdown: get only active md arrays. (bsc#1212434 bsc#1213575 bsc#1211576)
-  412b8dbb32 umount: /usr/ should never be unmounted regardless of HAVE_SPLIT_USR or not (bsc#1211576)
-  16f897570a units: remove the restart limit on the modprobe@.service
-  e4e85b08bd tests: add test case for long unit names
-  3f84b06f9d core: shorten long unit names that are based on paths and append path hash at the end (bsc#1208194)
-- Add 5001-sleep-don-t-init-sys-power-resume-if-resume-option-i.patch (bsc#1186606)
-- Make sure to pre-install the groups systemd and udev rely on. This is needed
-  when the tmpfiles are run at package installation time (i.e. when
-  file-triggers are disabled).
+- Fix typo in /etc/systemd/user.confd.d (bsc#1216676)
+- Import commit 0ccc9eaa16ac89508f4c4f510cd145fe924cbd02
+  b53f364c26 test: install af_packet kernel module on openSUSE
+  86b7521a3c shared/wall: use logind if build without utmp support
+  65aac5858f errno-util: allow ERRNO_IS_* to accept types wider than int
+  8f93b89db4 basic/errno-util: add wrappers which only accept negative errno
+  1b815b3e76 Introduce RET_GATHER and use it in src/shared/
+- Ship the main configuration files in /usr/lib/
+  Besides the fact that shipping files in /etc is not recommended anymore, this
+  change will hopefully encourage users to customize the defaults via the mean
+  of drop-ins hence removing the risk of conflicts with downstream
+  customization.
+  In contrary, shipping empty directories *.conf.d/ in /etc is not a concern and
+  should suggest users to create drop-ins (bsc#1207056).
+- SLEtify (jsc#PED-5604)
+  This forward ports the SLE bits taken from SLE15-SP4 to this Factory snapshot
+  making it the development base for the version used by SLE15-SP6.
+  Dropped 1001-udev-use-lock-when-selecting-the-highest-priority-de.patch as
+  it's been replaced by upstream commit 331aa7aa15ee5dd12b369b276f575d521435eb52
+  Dropped 5001-sleep-don-t-init-sys-power-resume-if-resume-option-i.patch as
+  it's been replaced by upstream commit f1f331a252d22c15f37d03524cce967664358c5c
+  Imported 1002-udev-add-option-to-generate-old-buggy-SCSI-serials.patch
+  Imported 1004-udev-don-t-create-by-partlabel-primary-and-.-logical.patch (bsc#1178023 bsc#1183702)
+  Imported 1008-login-mark-again-framebuffer-devices-as-master-of-se.patch (bsc#1187154)
+  Imported 1011-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch
+  Imported 1012-man-describe-the-net-naming-schemes-specific-to-SLE.patch (bsc#1204179)
+  Imported 1013-strip-the-domain-part-from-etc-hostname-when-setting.patch (bnc#820213)
+  Imported 1014-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch (bnc#783054)
+  Imported 1015-networkd-make-network.service-an-alias-of-systemd-ne.patch (boo#933092)
+  Imported 1016-core-disable-session-keyring-per-system-sevice-entir.patch (boo#1045886)
+  Rebased 1003-logind-store-a-timestamp-when-the-ACPI-power-button-.patch (bsc#981830 bsc#888612 bsc#1072933)
+  Rebased 1005-udev-optionally-disable-the-generation-of-the-partla.patch (bsc#1089761)
+  Rebased 1006-logind-keep-backward-compatibility-with-UserTasksMax.patch
+  Rebased 1007-sysv-restore-support-for-halt.local.patch
+  Rebased 1009-Drop-or-soften-some-of-the-deprecation-warnings.patch (bsc#1193086 jsc#PED-944)
+  Rebased 1010-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch
+  Rebased 1017-restore-var-run-and-var-lock-bind-mount-if-they-aren.patch
+  Added 1017-efi-workarounds-for-building-PEs-with-gcc7.patch
+  Renamed 1002-udev-add-option-to-generate-old-buggy-SCSI-serials.patch into
+    1001-udev-add-option-to-generate-old-buggy-SCSI-serials.patch
+  Renamed 1003-logind-store-a-timestamp-when-the-ACPI-power-button-.patch into
+    1002-logind-store-a-timestamp-when-the-ACPI-power-button-.patch
+  Renamed 1004-udev-don-t-create-by-partlabel-primary-and-.-logical.patch into
+    1003-udev-don-t-create-by-partlabel-primary-and-.-logical.patch
+  Renamed 1005-udev-optionally-disable-the-generation-of-the-partla.patch into
+    1004-udev-optionally-disable-the-generation-of-the-partla.patch
+  Renamed 1006-logind-keep-backward-compatibility-with-UserTasksMax.patch into
+    1005-logind-keep-backward-compatibility-with-UserTasksMax.patch
+  Renamed 1007-sysv-restore-support-for-halt.local.patch into
+    1006-sysv-restore-support-for-halt.local.patch
+  Renamed 1008-login-mark-again-framebuffer-devices-as-master-of-se.patch into
+    1007-login-mark-again-framebuffer-devices-as-master-of-se.patch
+  Renamed 1009-Drop-or-soften-some-of-the-deprecation-warnings.patch into
+    1008-Drop-or-soften-some-of-the-deprecation-warnings.patch
+  Renamed 1010-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch into
+    1009-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch
+  Renamed 1011-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch into
+    1010-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch
+  Renamed 1012-man-describe-the-net-naming-schemes-specific-to-SLE.patch into
+    1011-man-describe-the-net-naming-schemes-specific-to-SLE.patch
+  Renamed 1013-strip-the-domain-part-from-etc-hostname-when-setting.patch into
+    1012-strip-the-domain-part-from-etc-hostname-when-setting.patch
+  Renamed 1014-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch into
+    1013-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch
+  Renamed 1015-networkd-make-network.service-an-alias-of-systemd-ne.patch into
+    1014-networkd-make-network.service-an-alias-of-systemd-ne.patch
+  Renamed 1016-core-disable-session-keyring-per-system-sevice-entir.patch into
+    1015-core-disable-session-keyring-per-system-sevice-entir.patch
+  Renamed 1017-restore-var-run-and-var-lock-bind-mount-if-they-aren.patch into
+    1016-restore-var-run-and-var-lock-bind-mount-if-they-aren.patch
+  Merged compats/persistent-nic-names (bsc#1061883 bsc#1083158 bsc#1178561)
+  Merged compats/udev-compat-symlinks
+  networkd is kept enabled as it's shipped in Leap distros (bsc#1071311)
+  The following udev rules are no more kept by the systemd package
+  60-io-scheduler.rules (bsc#1165579 bsc#1164717 bsc#1134353 bsc#1177490 bsc#1184994 bsc#1188713)
+  80-acpi-container-hotplug.rules (bsc#1082485 bsc#1040800 bsc#1078358 bsc#1081170 bsc#1075743)
+  80-hotplug-cpu-mem.rules (bsc#1076696 bsc#1127557)
+  99-wakeup-from-idle.rules
+  Enable split-usr
+  Add /usr/sbin/systemd-sysv-convert in systemd-sysvcompat sub-package (bsc#1178156)
+  Set the version of the net naming scheme to "sle15-sp4"
+  Set the default cgroup hierarchy to 'unified' (jsc#PED-5849)
+  Restore "Provides/Obsoletes: systemd-bash-completion"
+  Don't mount /tmp as tmpfs by default (bsc#1201795 bsc#1201795 bsc#1201795)
+  Create /run/lock/subsys again (bsc#1187292)
+  Restore tmpfiles entries for /var/log/btmp and /var/log/lastlog
+  Import This script mainly convert legacy collect based
+  udev rules to chzdev based ones (bsc#1183984 bsc#1195247 bsc#1198732)
+  Adapt for SLE
+  Install systemd-default-settings-branding to customize some settings whose
+  default values are distro specific (bsc#1065301 jsc#SLE-10123)
+  Enable support for halt-local.service. The unit has been moved to
+  systemd-sysvcompat.
+  Explicitely build requires clang15 (clang >= 10 is needed for the BPF feature)
+  Disable ukify support, it requires python >= 39
+  Disable signing of sd-boot, it's too prematured and it breaks the build of
+  systemd anyway.
+  Don't overwrite /etc/pam.d/systemd-user on update (bsc#1207264)
+  Disable transfiletriggers: rpm/libzypp are too old to even consider switching
+  to filetriggers.
+- systemd.spec: add files.portable and files.journal-remote
+- Don't include entries listed in kbd-model-map.xkb-generated (provided by kbd
+  package) in kbd-model-map anymore. Yast, the only user of these entries,
+  directly parses kbd-model-map.xkb-generated now (bsc#1211104).
+- tmpfiles-suse.conf: drop entries for /run/lock and /var/log/wtmp
+  /run/lock is now defined by filesystem package and wtmp has been replaced by
+  wtmpdb on TW.
+- rpmlintrc: allow systemd-network and systemd-container sub-packages to ship
+  shared libs. These are actually NSS plugins and are not really subject to
+  shlib policy.
+- Drop 5000-core-manager-run-generators-directly-when-we-are-in-.patch
+  Since dracut-059+suse.447.g9d1fc722, this workaround is not needed anymore.
+- Import commit 9674bb256205e6c643feadbcccfd1ee8feeee684 (merge of v254.5)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Make sure to call %sysusers_create only when transfiletrigger is disabled.
+- systemd.spec: switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets
+- systemd.spec: add `%tmpfiles_create systemd-resolve`
+  It's only needed by SLE distros since systemd packages rely on
+  transtriggerfiles in Factory.
+- Import commit 6ed5b11298005e07509832881a0c5ff1a80bf225 (merge of v254.4)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- systemd.spec: during package updates, restart localed, timedated and hostnamed
+  if they're running.
+- systemd.spec: when enabling units prefer enabling service units over socket
+  ones for socket activable services. The services shipped by systemd
+  automatically redirect the enablement request to the socket unit.
+- systemd.spec: %regenerate_initrd_post is only used by udev sub-package hence
+  move the build requirement pulling this macro in in the list of udev BRs.
+- Don't ship after-local.service anymore. This was mostly a hack for people
+  wanting to execute any random things once the boot was finished. We shouldn't
+  encourage such practice and it actually conflicts with the sysv-generator
+  which believes that /etc/init.d/after.local is SysV init script that needs to
+  be converted into a native unit file.
+  We still install a copy of this service in /etc if the user is relying on
+  it, for backward compatibility.
+- fix invalid use of rpm macro %{_localstatedir}
+- Import commit b6b4e5a8a82d1f13f265a4ef170f2d13be82789a (merge of v254.3)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Make utmp support per project configureable [jsc#PED-3144]
+- Make apparmor and selinux per project configureable [jsc#PED-2736]
+- systemd.spec: don't use build conditionals (%bcond_with/%bcond_without) with
+  the mini flavor to make sure that all the features remain disabled for this
+  flavor regardless of what is enabled in the prjconf.
+- Don't build systemd-doc with the mini flavor
+- Explicitly require group(lp) by udev: this used to be provided by
+  system-group-hardware, but with the introduction of
+  system-user-lp (and systemd-users auto-generating groups) is now
+  actually provided by system-user-lp. Latest versions of
+  system-group-hardware clean this up and no longer also provide
+  this group.
+- Fix incorrect option name when calling pam-config for systemd-homed
+- testsuite: Recommend selinux-policy-devel instead of requiring it in line with
+  other tests. Add Recommends for selinux-policy-targeted as this is also
+  required to run the test (in general any SELinux policy should do)
+- systemd.spec: add journal translations to lang package
+- Import commmit 1f73719d67b9300c6bb75232d695d03410991098
+  1f73719d67 test-mountpoint-util: /root might be mounted
+  a391ba4a8f test: needs manual/test-session-properties to be installed on SUSE
+- Upgrade to v254.1 (commit 208a21833b6953a2517a6c3f8f4849c6664b01be)
+  See for details.
+  This includes the following bug fixes:
+  - upstream commit 331aa7aa15ee5dd12b369b276f575d521435eb52 (bsc#1181192 bsc#1184238 bsc#1184254 bsc#1184859 bsc#1185828 bsc#1203141)
+  - upstream commit 529ba8a1a3968564b67049a077f213e3a0d53070 (bsc#1209340)
+  - upstream commit f1f331a252d22c15f37d03524cce967664358c5c (bsc#1186606)
+  - upstream commit df1dccd25547b430258bd42ec60428fc9aff1370 (bsc#1213185)
+  - upstream commit 000680a68dbdb07d77807868df0b4f978180e4cd (bsc#1211725)
+  - upstream commit 2067a7ec7f4c8a353b8e2ece15a6a997e50808b0 (bsc#1211576)
+  * Drop 5001-Revert-core-propagate-stop-too-if-restart-is-issued.patch. A fix
+    for has been integrated in
+    v254.
+  * Drop 5002-Revert-core-service-when-resetting-PID-also-reset-kn.patch, it's
+    part of v254.
+  * Drop 0001-restore-var-run-and-var-lock-bind-mount-if-they-aren.patch, it's
+    no more needed these days.
+  * Rebase 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
+- Import commit fcdb2dd2c921db3c6b7c28465dbda314f4469d17 (merge of v253.8)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Drop 0003-strip-the-domain-part-from-etc-hostname-when-setting.patch
+  /etc/hostname is supposed to contain the static host name of the system. This
+  patch was used to work around cases where users incorrectly save the FQDN
+  instead. However this is incorrect and not consistent with what
+  systemd-hostnamed does and what other distributions do. Also assuming that
+  /etc/hostname will contain the system host name only removes any ambiguities
+  since the host name can contain a period.
+  /etc/hosts is usually where one sets the domain name by aliasing the host name
+  to the FQDN.
+  Note that the installer used to save the FQDN in /etc/hostname but this has
+  been fixed since several years now (bsc#972463).
+- systemd-homed is no more considered as experimental
+  It's been moved to its own dedicated sub-package "systemd-homed".
+- systemd-userdb is no more considered as experimental (jsc#PED-2668)
+  As such it's been moved to the main package.
+- Import commit 2dac0aff9ced1eca0cd11c24e264b33095ee5a5e (merge of v253.7)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Import commit 6458c066547eaadf0e9709e441ea36ad03faa860 (merge of v253.6)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Drop 5002-Revert-core-service-when-resetting-PID-also-reset-kn.patch, it's
+  been backported to v253.6.
+- Move a bunch of files from systemd to udev. These are pretty useless without
+  block devices.
+- Split off sd-boot into separate "systemd-boot" subpackage
+- Change the group owner of /run/lock from "lock" to "root" (bsc#1212674)
+  This allows to drop the dependency "Requires: group(lock)" that was introduced
+  previously to make sure that the "lock" group will be kept around. This
+  dependency introduced a dependency cycle.
+- file-triggers: fix a typo that sneaked in the script dealing with tmpfiles
+  (bsc#1212733)
+- Make sure to keep the groups systemd and udev rely on installed. Theoretically
+  with only "Requires(pre): group(x)", rpm is allowed to drop group 'x' at the
+  end of the package installations.
+  Note: this is also needed when (trans)file-triggers are enabled due to the
+  current limitation of the default libzypp transaction backend.
+- file-triggers: fix lua trigger priority for sysusers (bsc#1212376)
+  A single digit in the priority used for sysusers got dropped somehow and
+  upstream commit cd621954ed643c6ee0d869132293e26056a48826 forgot to restore it
+  in the lua implementation.
+- file-triggers: skip the call to systemd-tmpfiles in chroot too. That way we
+  ensure that packages that really need the tmpfiles in advance use the right
+  API which is %tmpfiles_create_package.
+- file-triggers: to be consistent with what we already does with tmpfiles, we
+  skip the call to systemd-sysusers and delay system user creations until the
+  next reboot.
+- Temporarily add
+  5002-Revert-core-service-when-resetting-PID-also-reset-kn.patch until it's
+  backported to the next stable release
+  See
+- file-triggers: make sure to skip the call to systemd-tmpfile in the
+  file-triggers when running on transaction systems (bsc#1212449)
+  systemd-tmpfiles usually modifies paths that are not supposed to change during
+  transactional updates (e.g. /var, /run). On transaction systems changes will
+  happen on the next reboot.
+- Import commit 07bb12a282b0ea378850934c4a76008b448b8bad (merge of v253.5)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Reexecute user managers on package updates.
+  For now we send signal to user instances to trigger their reexecution. It's
+  asynchronous but it shouldn't cause any problem in practice and it's probably
+  safer than triggering reexecution with "systemctl --user -M 1000@
+  daemon-reexec" command. The latter command creates a new PAM session behind
+  the scene bringing with it the known issue (upstream issue #8598) with
+  "(sd-pam)" helper process when the PAM session is being closed.
-- Move the persistent net rule fix in udev fixlet script.
+- Provide (Lua-based) file triggers and adapt systemd.spec accordingly (boo#1133764)
+  More specifically, file triggers handle automatically installations or updates
+  of files for sysusers, tmpfiles, hwdb, journal catalog, udev rules, sysctl and
+  binfmt.
+  Therefore it makes a bunch of systemd rpm macros (such as %udev_hwdb_update,
+  %udev_rules_update, %journal_catalog_update, %tmpfiles_create,
+  %sysusers_create and so on) not needed anymore. However before considering
+  simplifying your spec files beware that these changes are not available in SLE
+  yet and will probably never reach the current releases (latest one being
+  SLE15-SP5 as of this writing).
+  Macros dealing with unit restart/enabling (such as %systemd_pre,
+  %service_add_pre, %service_del_postun, ...) are still needed though. However
+  reloading of systemd instances (and thus restarting of units) are delayed
+  until the very end of the package install/update transaction and is now done
+  only once.
+  Nevertheless to fully take advantage of file triggers, users have to activate
+  a specific zypper transaction backend which is still considered as
+  experimental, see bsc#1041742 for details.
+- Provide a (slighlty) customized version of systemd-update-helper. Some of the
+  systemd rpm macros rely now on the helper and delegate their work to it. Hence
+  we don't need to rebuild all packages anymore when the content of the rpm
+  macros must be updated/fixed.
+- Drop an old fix for the persistent net rules (only needed on SLE). Factory
+  (fortunately) dropped the persistent net rule generator long time ago.
-- kbd-model-map.legacy:: add 'ara' which should replace 'arabic' in the long
-  term (bsc#1210702)
+- Make use of %_systemd_util_dir in the spec file.
+- Rename the SUSE specific scripts used to fix up the system where systemd is
+  installed on. Also rename the directory where these scripts are stored.
+- kbd-model-map.legacy: drop entry for 'ruwin_alt-UTF-8' as yast doesn't rely on
+  it anymore, see
+- Import commit 25aec157888f7aa9a36726962fcbbf2c74ead440 (merge of v253.4)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Import commit 3ce9610975b5239a21c0c886cb893bb172966de7
+  3ce9610975 test: dont use anchor char '$' to match a part of a string
+  03ede3eaa2 locale: when no xvariant match select the entry with an empty xvariant
+  f08017efd5 locale: convert generated vconsole keymap to x11 layout automatically
+  e8cf56459b localed-util: make use of strdupcspn()
+  821c684440 test: use kbd-mode-map we ship in TEST-73-LOCALE
+- Revert changes that dropped calls to %systemd_{pre,post} in the main package
+  Until we switch to filetriggers these calls are needed when a new version of
+  systemd introduced a new config file during an update.
+- We also introduce a new build conditional "%filetriggers" to identify easily
+  which parts of the code will become obsolete when we'll switch to file
+  triggers (WIP). This is important as this is unlikely to happen on SLE.
+- Re-add back 'arabic' keymap mapping as YaST needs more time than expected to
+  cope with this change.
+- systemd.spec: don't call %systemd_{pre,post} on units shipped by the main
+  package since they don't have any effect during installation (systemctl is not
+  yet installed when %pre script is executed). This is actually the reason why
+  it's handled by the %%posttrans scripts of systemd-presets-common-SUSE.
+- kbd-model-map.legacy: 'arabic' vc keymap has been renamed 'ara' (bsc#1210702)
+- add some green to systemd-boot menu
+- kbd-model-map.legacy: drop some entries no longer needed
+  by YaST (related to bsc#1194609)
+- tmpfiles-suse.conf (jsc#PED-3144):
+  - Remove lastlog entry, replaced by lastlog2
+  - Remove btmp entry, not Y2038 safe
+- testsuite: TEST-75-RESOLVED needs knot DNS server
+- Import commit 66f3a8a47d5bf6aea3f6fb181c01550a1a54406e (merge of v253.3)
+  This merge also includes the following fix, which is not part of the stable
+  release:
+    d2413cec02 test/test-functions: fix typo in install_suse_systemd()
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Import commit 03cfbe767327d01d5a71131d91bf06fdc0047ca1
+  03cfbe7673 test: use setpriv instead of su for user switch from root
+  857843834c test: wrap mkfs.*/mksquashfs/mkswap binaries when running w/ ASan
+  be7388f8c5 test: do not remove state directory on failure
+  1b2885bd16 test: fix regexp in
+  41142f8013 test: drop extraneous bracket in
+- systemd.spec: add files.coredump
-- kbd-model-map.legacy: drop some entries no longer needed by YaST
-  Related to bsc#1194609.
+- Import commit b63f58661b08037d8cb04ed97b5e39d9bf415fdc (merge of v253.2)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Move systemd-fsck stuff to udev sub-package.
-- Import commit 6441bb41141aaa8bfb63559917362748a3044c15
-  165ca0d018 udev-rules: fix nvme symlink creation on namespace changes (bsc#1207410)
+- Import commit 8b01686dd20124efc300d21ef38d85c1f75c372f
+  8b01686dd2 test: don't export $TOOLS_DIR
+  7a56b1b2f0 test: clean up $STATEDIR too
+  324bb19eb8 test: $STATEDIR should not point to /usr/lib/systemd/tests when NO_BUILD=1
+  2251735482 test: install symlinks with valid targets on SUSE and Debian
+  c30905a269 test: on openSUSE install the collection of unit test binaries in the target only for TEST-02-UNITTESTS
+  797ced15d8 meson: make sure the unit test scripts find testdata/ even if they are not installed in the same directory
+  04dc5b44b7 meson: define testdata_dir globally
+  69643c6c96 test: install unit tests in a dedicated subdirectory below '$testsdir'
+- Import commit d914e29c33c0248226a01112a3e03181ef17b06b
+  d914e29c33 Revert "hwdb: fix swapped buttons for Logitech Lift left" (bsc#1209618)
+  8360811d23 udev-rules: fix nvme symlink creation on namespace changes (bsc#1207410)
+  b77c13a130 systemctl: explicitly cast the constants to uint64_t (bsc#1209305)
+  51011f280d test: assume and unit tests are installed in the same directory
+  d86e346f6b tests: don't use absolute paths when installing binaries in TEST-58-REPART
+  97e886c1f4 tests: fix inverted condition in
+- Drop 5002-systemctl-explicitly-cast-the-constants-to-uint64_t.patch, it's been
+  merged in 'SUSE/v253', see above.
+- Add python3-pefile as requires for experimental, needed for the
+  ukify tool.
+- Drop 0005-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch
+  These obsolete symlinks were kept because several years ago VLC was still
+  relying on some of them. However it's been a long a time ago that it's been
+  fixed and cdrom or similar devices are discovered in a better way.
+- Enable that systemd can load the IMA policy from
+  /etc/ima/ima-policy.  This is used to complement dracut-ima when
+  using SELinux, as the SELinux policy should not be loaded in the
+  initrd (
+- Add 5002-systemctl-explicitly-cast-the-constants-to-uint64_t.patch (bsc#1209305)
+  Added temporarily until it's merged in either the stable v253 branch or in the
+  SUSE git repo.
+- Add 5001-Revert-core-propagate-stop-too-if-restart-is-issued.patch until
+ is fixed properly.
+- testsuite: mtools is required by TEST-58-REPART
+- testsuite: swtpm and tpm2.0-tools are needed by TEST-70-TPM2
+- Add 5000-core-manager-run-generators-directly-when-we-are-in-.patch, a
+  temporary workaround until is
+  fixed in dracut.
-- Update 1001-udev-use-lock-when-selecting-the-highest-priority-de.patch (bsc#1203141)
-  Optimize when hundred workers claim the same symlink with the same priority.
+- Upgrade to v253.1 (commit 6c327d74aa0d350482e82a247d7018559699798d)
+  See for details.
+  This includes the following bug fixes:
+  - upstream commit 3022916b4d2483452c3ddbbac9ee7c4372b1cb46 (bsc#1215241)
+  * Rebased 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
+  * Ship systemd-journald-audit.socket again: it can now be disabled via the
+    usual "systemctl disable" mechanism to stop collection of audit
+    messages. Note that it's handled by the preset logic, which turns it off by
+    default.
+  * TEST_06_SELINUX needs selinux-policy-devel.
-- Update 0005-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch
-  Since commit 38f3e20883ff658935aae5c9 (v248), the symlinks /dev/cdrw and
-  /dev/dvdrw could have no longer been created. Futhermore the rule added by
-  this patch dealing with /dev/cdrom was redundant with the upstream one
+- Import commit d447802feee7752cd1756f8fa86ce2a6314ba24f (merge of v252.7)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
-- Import commit dad0071f15341be2b24c2c9d073e62617e0b4673 (merge of v249.16)
+- Fix return non-zero value when disabling SysVinit service(bsc#1208432)
-- Fix return non-zero value when disabling SysVinit service (bsc#1208432)
+- Import commit 8e0a8094b8bbc442d262795b85ac57a37264c5fe (merge of v252.6)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Drop 5000-rules-add-missing-line-continuation.patch, it's part of v252.6.
+- aaa_base has stop providing /etc/sysctl.conf, cope with this change so the
+  compat symlink we provide is not dangling during the build.
+- Correct BR from python3-jinja2 to python3-Jinja2, fixes
+  dependency resolving on older distros
-- Move systemd-boot and all components managing (secure) UEFI boot into udev
-  sub-package: they may deserve a dedicated sub-package in the future but for
-  now move them to udev so they aren't installed in systemd based containers.
-- Drop a workaround related to systemd-timesyncd that addressed a Factory issue.
-- Import commit 119740915155d473de087bd633ba62c1c3e47d36 (merge of v249.15)
+- Import commit d87834a33444b7163e741e1089e82b44af663808 (merge of v252.5)
-- Make use of the %systemd_* rpm macros consistently. Using the upstream
-  variants will ease the backports of Factory changes to SLE since Factory
-  systemd uses the upstream variants exclusively.
+- Move the bash completion support for systemd-cryptenroll in udev.
+- systemd-testsuite: move the integration tests in a dedicated sub directory.
+- Drop 1000-Revert-getty-Pass-tty-to-use-by-agetty-via-stdin.patch
+  It's no more necessary since util-linux 2.38 has been released in Factory.
-- systemd-testsuite: move the integration tests in a dedicated sub directory.
+- Add 5000-rules-add-missing-line-continuation.patch until commit
+  de8409ac43f6e4596de4cecce8dbbb5f1f2a18b1 is backported to the v252 stable
+  tree.
+- Import commit 5a506d73bde7ba9261985f8e9ce084044a519432 (merge of v252.4)
+  It includes the following fixes:
+    9b75a3d050 coredump: do not allow user to access coredumps with changed uid/gid/capabilities (bsc#1205000 CVE-2022-4415)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+  Additionally, it also includes the following backports:
+  - 20ca3155c5 localed: reload PID1 configuration after modifying /etc/locale.conf
+  - 3538c202fd test: update TEST-73-LOCALE to define several locale settings in initial PID1 environment
+- Drop 5000-coredump-adjust-whitespace.patch
+    5001-coredump-do-not-allow-user-to-access-coredumps-with-.patch
+  They are part of v252.4.
-- Move systemd-cryptenroll into udev package.
+- Fix systemd-coredump to not allow user to access coredumps with changed
+  uid/gid/capabilities (bsc#1205000 CVE-2022-4415)
+  Add 5000-coredump-adjust-whitespace.patch
+  Add 5001-coredump-do-not-allow-user-to-access-coredumps-with-.patch
-- Make sure that /lib/udev exists and is a symlink to /usr/lib/udev when the
-  testsuite is run.
+- Import commit bf3fef99886bd977a1c7a51d20087bc8977fff44
+  6372fb0cc4 btrfs-util: convert O_PATH if necessary, in btrfs quota call (bsc#1205560)
+  12e68eb0e5 blockdev-util: move O_PATH fd conversion into btrfs_get_block_device_fd() to shorten things
+  bb2bafdc9d btrfs-util: convert to fd_reopen_condition()
+  1323232948 fd-util: add new helper fd_reopen_conditional()
+- Drop 6000-Revert-tmpfiles-whenever-creating-an-inode-immediate.patch
+  It's no more needed as a fix for bsc#1205560 has been queued, see above.
+- Import commit 82898a14f5b0a965ba9c1efc1913fcdf29d446a8 (merge of v252.3)
+  It includes the following fixes:
+    9410eb20eb cryptsetup: retry TPM2 unseal operation if it fails with TPM2_RC_PCR_CHANGED (bsc#1204944)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+  Additionally, it also includes the following backports:
+  - 17b2f9f196 utmp-wtmp: fix error in case isatty() fails
+  - 8d5c487c87 sd-bus: handle -EINTR return from bus_poll() (bsc#1201982)
+  - 2dd217c8b5 tree-wide: modernizations with RET_NERRNO()
+- Don't ship symlink /usr/lib/environment.d/99-environment.conf
+  anymore. /etc/environment is owned and parsed (among other config files) by
+  pam_env(8), which is included by 'systemd-user' PAM service anyway.
+- Import commit e7e931b07edd786dc6ca1dae6c23ff7b785f8efd (merge of v252.2)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Rebase 6000-Revert-tmpfiles-whenever-creating-an-inode-immediate.patch
+- Import commit 3bd3e4e6c1efe0d6df776107efde47e15e58fe96
+  d28e81d65c test: fix the default timeout values described in README.testsuite
+  d921c83f53 meson: install test-kernel-install only when -Dkernel-install=true
+  c3b6c4b584 tests: update install_suse_systemd()
+  3c77335b19 tests: install dmi-sysfs module on openSUSE
+  df632130cd tests: install systemd-resolved on openSUSE
+- Add 6000-Revert-tmpfiles-whenever-creating-an-inode-immediate.patch until
+  upstream issue #25468 is fixed.
+- Drop 6000-meson-install-test-kernel-install-only-when-Dkernel-.patch, the
+  patch has been merged in the SUSE git repo.
-- Import commit 1bfa716e7fb6d7169cece864e75dfe9e52914c99 (merge of v249.14)
+- Reenable build of sd_boot, it was mistakenly disabled during the integration
+  of v252.
+- Upgrade to v252.1 (commit 64dc546913525e33e734500055a62ed0e963c227)
+  See for details.
+  This includes the following bug fixes:
+  - upstream commit 67c3e1f63a5221b47a8fea85ae421671f29f3b7e (bsc#1200723)
+  - upstream commit 9102c625a673a3246d7e73d8737f3494446bad4e (bsc#1204968 CVE-2022-3821)
+  - upstream commit efbd4b3ca84c0426b6ff98d6352f82f3b7c090b2 (bsc#1213873)
+  * Rebased 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
+    1000-Revert-getty-Pass-tty-to-use-by-agetty-via-stdin.patch
+  * The new tools systemd-measure and systemd-pcrphase have been added to the
+    experimental sub-package for now.
+  * Add temporarly
+    6000-meson-install-test-kernel-install-only-when-Dkernel-.patch until this
+    patch is mainstreamed.
+- Import commit 9cdd78585069b133bebcd479f3a204057ad25d76 (merge of v251.8)
-- Rebase 1001-udev-use-lock-when-selecting-the-highest-priority-de.patch
-- Don't overwrite /etc/pam.d/systemd-user on update (bsc#1207264)
-  Regression introduced when systemd was forked for 15.4.
-- Ship systemd-pstore with udev (jsc#PED-2663)
-- Import commit 540e0bd5374f9f42f1e645eb15971431ebb4b8c8
-  29fb8a2dd0 core/unit: try to submit stop_when_unneeded queue on removing dependencies
-  bd63eab381 core/device: start units specified in SYSTEMD_WANTS if it is not running
-  e0898fa873 coredump: do not allow user to access coredumps with changed uid/gid/capabilities (bsc#1205000 CVE-2022-4415)
-  119424f96e coredump: adjust whitespace
-  3833d5a408 coredump: drop an unused variable
-  36728edcfd coredump: Fix format string type mismatch
-  34f6867a8a analyze: use DumpUnitsMatchingPatternsByFileDescriptor
-  e67a7087ec manager: add DumpUnitsMatchingPatternsByFileDescriptor()
-  feb8f2a983 manager: rename dbus method
-  98fed27339 analyze: extend the dump command to accept patterns
-  a06d9470af man: document the Dump() calls of the PID 1 D-Bus interface, and what they are
-  79eb37a5e0 cryptsetup: retry TPM2 unseal operation if it fails with TPM2_RC_PCR_CHANGED (bsc#1204944)
-- Drop 5000-coredump-Fix-format-string-type-mismatch.patch
-    5001-coredump-drop-an-unused-variable.patch
-    5002-coredump-adjust-whitespace.patch
-    5003-coredump-do-not-allow-user-to-access-coredumps-with-.patch
-  They have been merged into SUSE/v249 branch.
-- Fix systemd-coredump to not allow user to access coredumps with changed
-  uid/gid/capabilities (bsc#1205000 CVE-2022-4415)
-  Add 5000-coredump-Fix-format-string-type-mismatch.patch
-  Add 5001-coredump-drop-an-unused-variable.patch
-  Add 5002-coredump-adjust-whitespace.patch
-  Add 5003-coredump-do-not-allow-user-to-access-coredumps-with-.patch
-- Import commit bcf040075f682f67370ddf7ab93d7a0d8b9cd9cc
-  ab0f962e4c core/device: Log on every event received from udev
-  2dcb7c77fe udev/net_id: show the correct identifier in the debug output of dev_pci_onboard()
-  5b824103e0 udev/net_id: add debug logging for construction of device names
-  cb6925410b udev: add one more assertion
-  82e343153a udev: drop assertion which is always false
-  cef726986b udev: support by-path devlink for multipath nvme block devices (bsc#1200723)
-  00b34f08d9 tests: minor simplification in test-execute
-  e5b4571c20 tests: make test-execute pass on openSUSE
-- Drop the following patches since they have been merged in 'SUSE/v249' branch:
-  6000-udev-net_id-add-debug-logging-for-construction-of-de.patch
-  6001-udev-net_id-show-the-correct-identifier-in-the-debug.patch
-- Import commit 0cd50eedcc0692c1f907b24424215f8db7d3b428
-  ae2067b062 time-util: fix buffer-over-run (bsc#1204968 CVE-2022-3821)
-  0469b9f2bc pstore: do not try to load all known pstore modules
-  ad05f54439 pstore: Run after modules are loaded
-  ccad817445 core: Add trigger limit for path units
-  281d818fe3 core/mount: also add default before dependency for automount mount units
-  ffe5b4afa8 logind: fix crash in logind on user-specified message string
-- Add 1012-man-describe-the-net-naming-schemes-specific-to-SLE.patch (bsc#1204179)
-- Make "sle15-sp3" net naming scheme still available for backward compatibility
-  reason
-- Don't replace /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount symlink with a dangling one
-  pointing to /usr/lib/systemd/ (bsc#1201795)
-- Update 1009-Drop-or-soften-some-of-the-deprecation-warnings.patch (jsc#PED-944)
-  To decrease log level of messages about use of KillMode=none from warning to
-  debug. SAP still uses this deprecated option and the warnings emitted by PID1
-  confuse both SAP customers and support.
-- Import commit 7b70d88264a588fdba36c6e7655d1feea2b0e0a0 (merge of v249.12)
-  For a complete list of changes, visit:
-- Import commit 4949659dd6ce81845e13034504fe06b85a02f08b
-  0f096f16ba tmpfiles: check the directory we were supposed to create, not its parent
-  82c3793e43 stat-util: replace is_dir() + is_dir_fd() by single is_dir_full() call
-  2191a9ae95 logind: don't delay login for root even if systemd-user-sessions.service is not activated yet (bsc#1195059)
+- Import commit c212388f7de8d22a3f7c22b19553548ccc0cdd15 (merge of v251.7)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- specfile: reindent comments
+- Import commit f78bba8d037cc26c09bbdd167625b2d7fe1f5a30 (merge of v251.6)
+  Beside the merge of v251.6, it also includes the following backport:
+  - 07aaa898bd pstore: do not try to load all known pstore modules
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Don't create /var/lib/systemd/random-seed in %post (bsc#1181458)
+  To make sure that the same seed is not replicated when installing from a
+  'golden' image.
+  For regular installations the random seed file is initialized by the installer
+  itself (bsc#1174964). Even if it didn't, the random seed file would be created
+  on first boot anyway.
+- Avoid expanding of macro in comment which leads to an error on installation
+  (workaround for bsc#1203847)
+- Import commit 07aa29e3942fb46b0aed5405c88e8d3179ca958f (merge of v251.5)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Drop the old band aid used during the breakage introduced by the switch of
+  /tmp to tmpfs
+  This was done to address the regression reported in boo#1175779 but shouldn't
+  be necessary anymore since the (few) affected users should have updated
+  systemd during the last 2 years.
+- Move nss-systemd and nss-myhostname NSS modules into the main package
+- Give the instructions to create a home directory with systemd-homed in the
+  description of the systemd-experimental sub-package
+- rc-local.service.8 belongs to the systemd-sysvcompat sub-package (bsc#1203053)
+- Enable building and include libcryptsetup-plugins provided by systemd
+  Now that dracut 057 has been released we can enable building libcryptsetup
+  plugins. These can be used by cryptsetup to extend functionality including
+  fido2, pkcs11 and tpm2 support.
+- Let systemd trust the RTC for 30 years after the last update instead of 15 (bsc#1202356)
+  To allow for our systems to be used in edge locations without systemd updates
+  for a long time.
+- Import commit 532faa39ebaa6f56e493cc938a91a40df082b74f (merge of v251.4)
+  It includes the following fixes:
+  - 739d7130cb home: drop conflicted headers (bsc#1202221)
+  - 8fe0c12178 glibc: Remove #include <linux/fs.h> to resolve fsconfig_command/mount_attr conflict with glibc 2.36 (bsc#1202221)
+  - 0c5b7ee318 udev: allow to execute longer command line (bsc#1201766)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Drop 1001-statx.patch, it's no more needed.
+- Add patch 1001-statx.patch based on commit 3657d3a0
+  * to resolve conflicts with glibc 2.36 with <linux/fs.h>
+  * add dirty hack to get in src/basic/chattr-util.h,
+    src/home/homework.h, src/home/homework-fscrypt.c,
+    src/home/homed-manager.c, and src/home/homework-mount.c as well
+    to avoid that <linux/fs.h> does include <linux/mount.h>
+- Enable oomd (bsc#1200456)
+  It's part of the experimental sub-package for now.
+- Import commit 8cd784e9250b38d20d8e14fccbfb211010283c79 (merge of v251.3)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Import commit 32912879062bb1595d8498b6f9c77d5acd1dc66a
+  111b96ca86 logind: don't delay login for root even if systemd-user-sessions.service is not activated yet (bsc#1195059)
+- Enable bpf framework
+- When systemd-container is installed install tar/gpg too
+  So `machinectl import-tar` always works flawlessly. systemd-container already
+  is an optional package and both tar and gpg are rather basic anyway so no harm
+  should be done by requiring them.
+- Move the systemd sysupdate stuff from the main package to the experimental
+  sub-package while it's still time. The method used (currently) for updating
+  openSUSE distro is rpm, not systemd-sysupdate.
+- systemd.spec: add files.experimental
-- Import commit 17d488c53ad150de59f7d842e870e0c3d141d8ff
-  6b3bb1161c core/device: device_coldplug(): don't set DEVICE_DEAD
-  1e4058a0bc core/device: do not downgrade device state if it is already enumerated
-  f1d33c466e core/device: ignore DEVICE_FOUND_UDEV bit on switching root (bsc#1137373 bsc#1181658 bsc#1194708 bsc#1195157 bsc#1197570)
-  fdaad2ff3a core/device: drop unnecessary condition
+- Import commit 69abca7794ed06d823bc0a9bb55daf822adcc632
+  f29b146685 pstore: Run after modules are loaded
+- pstore is no more considered as an experimental feature: move it to udev
+  package (bsc#1197802 jsc#PED-2663)
+- Adjust rpmlintrc for shlib-policy-name-error/multibuild case so that it's not
+  only for x86_64.
+- spec: %suse_version rpm macro is already reserved and has a special meaning in
+  openSUSE distros so rename it to %archive_version instead.
+- Import commit e9fc337d97539fcab23078ab3e06f6b2ce3a3c8d
+  ca0b29521f sha256: fix compilation on efi-ia32
+  1bbbac6a7e test: enable virtio-rng device for QEMU guests
-- fix parsing error in s390 udev rules conversion script (bsc#1198732)
+- Upgrade to v251.2 (commit 949d6bb7201dd48167ee9716ed6278764d1f4c0f)
+  See for
+  details.
+  This includes the following bug fixes:
+  - upstream commit e6b169418369abbc88c8f622e02e1d704a23d4ef (bsc#1137373 bsc#1181658 bsc#1194708 bsc#1195157 bsc#1197570)
+  - upstream commit 3a3b022d2cc112803ea7b9beea98bbcad110368a (bsc#1212434 bsc#1213575)
+  - upstream commit e92a3d8fa3c554f807ddbcd7fc00821868fd8a62 (bsc#1195529)
+  - upstream commit 1d0727e76fd5e9a07cc9991ec9a10ea1d78a99c7 (bsc#1208194)
+  - upstream commit 55fabe92e2efb1a907d4c3c93dc63b96ff5b6860 (bsc#1191502)
+  * Rebased 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
+  * systemd-testsuite now requires python3-pexpect due to TEST-69-SHUTDOWN
+    relying on this module.
+  * sysusers.d/systemd-network.conf has been moved to systemd-network
+    sub-package since the tmpfiles configuration snippets for networkd has also
+    been moved to this sub-package.
+- Import commit 4dbc543953eabd4c578da67ce6e2970d6f96c406 (merge of v250.6)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
+- Update rpmlintrc for shlib-policy-name-error/multibuild case.
+- Import commit 0d950479e58dd3af007eb3780d600a5446aac519 (merge of v250.5)
+  For a complete list of changes, visit:
-- Import commit 2bc0b2c447319a9156e7c5a18fe971f946554a6b
-  6256b14446 test: adapt install_pam() for openSUSE
-  3ea5b7e295 test: add test checking tmpfiles conf file precedence
-  e63e641ee8 test tmpfiles: add a test for 'w+'
-  b531758614 tmpfiles.d: only 'w+' can have multiple lines for the same path (bsc#1198090)
-  ea98492c53 cryptsetup: fall back to traditional unlocking if any TPM2 operation fails
+- spec: add sbat (boo#1198589)
+- spec: sign the systemd-boot efi binary (boo#1198586)
+- Drop 0011-core-disable-session-keyring-per-system-sevice-entir.patch
+  Since bsc#1081947 has been addressed, we can attempt to re-enable private
+  session kernel keyring for each system service hence each service gets a
+  session keyring that is specific to the service.
+- Import commit 736db5a59f1ab1317ef64ec6e7dc394250178146
+  98bc28d824 tmpfiles: constify item_compatible() parameters
+  3faf1a2648 test: adapt install_pam() for openSUSE
+  b7ca34fa28 test: add test checking tmpfiles conf file precedence
+  2713693d93 test tmpfiles: add a test for 'w+'
+  ce2cbefe38 tmpfiles.d: only 'w+' can have multiple lines for the same path (bsc#1198090)
+  769f5a0cbe Support -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 by using __builtin_dynamic_object_size.
+- libseccomp is needed everywhere
-- Import commit e62acb68de9bccfa272bef98fe5b38effc37528a
-  b70267d883 journald: make use of CLAMP() in cache_space_refresh()
-  3953e685cb journald: make sure journal_file_open() doesn't leave a corrupted file around after failing (bsc#1198114)
-  d03a5f79bf fs-util: make sure openat_report_new() initializes return param also on shortcut
-  05499d5a30 fs-util: fix typos in comments
-  9f77c8fae1 journal-file: port journal_file_open() to openat_report_new()
-  4d07c034da fs-util: add openat_report_new() wrapper around openat()
-  258c04836d meson: build kernel-install man page when necessary
-  23da9cc83a man: do not install sd-boot man pages when -Dgnu-efi=false is set
-  d452b8738c unit: install the systemd-bless-boot.service only if we have gnu-efi
-  98f44dc500 boot: don't build bootctl when -Dgnu-efi=false is set (bsc#1198093)
-  9145684460 build: include status of TPM2 in the feature string show by --version
+- Import commit e43a1b018899266b764ab81afb9c30fb417675c6
+  1c229f8fc1 cryptsetup: fall back to traditional unlocking if any TPM2 operation fails
+  8881f21539 cryptsetup: fix typo
+  5882148902 journald: make use of CLAMP() in cache_space_refresh()
+  6ee0601f73 journald: make sure journal_file_open() doesn't leave a corrupted file around after failing (bsc#1198114)
+  fe928f3d49 fs-util: make sure openat_report_new() initializes return param also on shortcut
+  3881af1806 fs-util: fix typos in comments
+  96060b73ba journal-file: port journal_file_open() to openat_report_new()
+  611d9955bb fs-util: add openat_report_new() wrapper around openat()
+  f16edb41d4 network: ignore all errors in loading .network files (bsc#1197968)
+  5422730a7b meson: build kernel-install man page when necessary
+  45c627cfc2 build: include status of TPM2 in the feature string show by --version
+- Drop 0001-meson-build-kernel-install-man-page-when-necessary.patch
+  It's been merged in the SUSE git repo.
+- spec: define %bootstrap with %bcond_with so it can be used with %when. Also
+  re-order the meson options a bit.
+- Temporarily disable 'libcryptsetup plugins until dracut 056 is merged in
+  Factory
+- Add 0001-meson-build-kernel-install-man-page-when-necessary.patch
+  Submitted to upstream:
+- Move systemd-boot and all components managing (secure) UEFI boot into udev
+  sub-package: they may deserve a dedicated sub-package in the future but for
+  now move them to udev so they aren't installed in systemd based containers.
+- Move a bunch of components operating on (mainly block) devices into udev as
+  without udev they're most likely useless.
-- Import commit 5b022ce3dbad3189b7ce1e7b0f018b18ac6e583c (merge of v249.11)
+- Add 1000-Revert-getty-Pass-tty-to-use-by-agetty-via-stdin.patch
+  A temporary workaround until bsc#1197178 is resolved.
+- Import commit 8ef8dfd5401ba18caec59e54a05af9f2e0d7ac65 (merge of v250.4)
+- Import commit ca89b1d1fd1ae86cc1e763d2d01ec2806f3a4d3a
+  37b683c832 journal: preserve acls when rotating user journals with NOCOW attribute set
+  d043fabebc journal: when copying journal file to undo NOCOW flag, go via fd
+  78c2766689 journal-file: explicitly handle file systems that do not support hole punching
+  7ecfb4b098 journal-file: fix error handling of pread() in journald_file_punch_holes()
+  c4946a412c journal-file: don't use pread() when determining where to append, use mmap as before
+  d3fbd20628 journal: various fixes to journal_file_read_object()
+  5897a8e8d4 shared: Handle filesystems that don't support hole punching in COPY_HOLES
+  27746408e2 journal: Truncate file instead of punching hole in final object
+  59b6130030 shared: Ensure COPY_HOLES copies trailing holes
+  ac9ccba73f journal: stat journal file after truncating
+  0257283444 journal: Copy holes when archiving BTRFS journal files
+  26c2a9952d shared: Copy holes in sparse files in copy_bytes_full()
+  6c7191dece copy: fix wrong argument passed to S_ISREG() in copy_file_fd_full()
+  af0a43024d udev: 60-persistent-storage-tape.rules: handle duplicate device ID (bsc#1195529)
+- Update Supplements to new format in baselibs.conf
+- Fix libsystemd-shared exclusion in baselibs.conf
+- Exclude new cryptsetup libraries in baselibs.conf
+- systemd.spec: minor simplification by assuming that %{bootstrap} is always
+  defined.
-- Import commit 23b6a8633186a2b5b2487621c81ec7e7bb068db1
-  f19292f18d udev: 60-persistent-storage-tape.rules: handle duplicate device ID (bsc#1195529)
-  3349f636dc man: tweak description of auto/noauto (bsc#1191502)
+- Make sure to create 'systemd-coredump' system user when systemd-coredump is
+  installed (follow-up for the split of the sysusers config files).
+- Upgrade to v250.3 (commit dbd8bd2b9fd827ca89ed18034b60703c95798e01)
+  See for
+  details.
+  This includes the following bug fixes:
+  - upstream commit 34357545590d4791d1acbbeb07ae8f7636e187cb (bsc#1198093)
+  * Rebased 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
+    0001-restore-var-run-and-var-lock-bind-mount-if-they-aren.patch
+- Dropped 0007-networkd-make-network.service-an-alias-of-systemd-ne.patch
+  The alias makes little sense as soon as multiple network managers are used in
+  parallel.
-- systemd.spec: minor simplification by assuming that %{bootstrap} is always
-  defined.
-- Make sure to create 'systemd-coredump' system user when systemd-coredump is
-  installed (follow-up for the split of the sysusers config files).
-- update s390 udev rules conversion script to include the case when
-  the legacy rule was also 41-* (bsc#1195247)
-  * change
-- %_pam_vendordir is still wrong on SLE, let's define our own definition for
-  now.
+- spec: fix dependencies for mini variants (follow-up)
+  systemd-mini-container is one of the sub-package that relies systemd-mini to
+  conflict with kiwi and to not be installed on real systems.
-- Add in quarantine the following patches:
-    6000-udev-net_id-add-debug-logging-for-construction-of-de.patch
-    6001-udev-net_id-show-the-correct-identifier-in-the-debug.patch
-  They might help with predictable network device naming issues. They will be
-  moved to the git repo if nothing wrong happens.
-- Import commit d150ab3db99dea63a546567b3227baf0d85e4265 (merge of v249.10)
+- Import commit 0bb1977021be2fc9ebfae10d766dff0b1a457f88 (merge of v249.10)
-- Import commit 26736aafa1df67d222fe46c54bf74b5c7a44d8a1
+- Import commit b9b83c5d11e686178ddd545862a00b33c6fdfabb
+- Drop enablement symlink migration support of SysV init scripts
+  And let's finish reducing the support of SysV init scripts to its minimum.
+- Don't rely on %{_distconfdir}, it's broken on SLE (bsc#1195998)
+- spec: fix dependencies for mini variants
+  Make sure that all mini variants won't be installed in real systems and won't
+  be involved when building medias with kiwi. Note that sub-packages that
+  requires systemd (such as udev) don't need any special treatment since the
+  specific deps are inherited from the main (mini) package.
+- spec: simplify systemd-mini-doc dependencies by assuming that the doc
+  sub-package can't be a build requirement for other packages.
+- spec: libsystemd-mini and libudev-mini need to provide libsystemd and libudev
+  respectively
+- Rename systemd-sysvinit into systemd-sysvcompat
+  systemd-sysvinit was probably provided to allow systems to switch from
+  sysvinit to systemd by overwriting /sbin/init with a link to systemd. But this
+  isn't very useful anymore due to the fact that sysvinit is not supported since
+  several years. Therefore the subpackage contains now the files needed to keep
+  backward compatibility with SysV init scripts (most notably sysv-generator)
+  and has been renamed accordingly. The few files that are not specific to
+  sysvinit (such as /bin/init) have been moved to the main package.
+  Normally this new subpackage shouldn't be needed (since all packages use
+  systemd unit files) unless a 3rd party application is installed and still
+  relies on SysV init scripts.
+- systemd.spec: explicitely turn on/off build options
+  Hence a feature can't be accidentally turned on/off because its dep is pulled
+  in or removed due to another feature being turned on/off.
-- Don't rely on %{_distconfdir}, it's broken on SLE (bsc#1195998)
-- Import commit a186eb9f9cc13b65f8380dbcae3080228e8be7e2
+- Import commit 117bd7f14aa7834d85a4306cd380d292bec04108
-  d16f6d018d tmpfiles: split out config for systemd-resolve
+- Drop 0006-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch
+    0009-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch
+  Given the fact that Factory no more ship SysV init scripts since several
+  months, only scripts coming from 3rd party applications should remain which
+  are unlikely to rely on the SUSE specifities implemented by these
+  patches. This change was announced on the Factory mailing list:
+- Import commit 885e0b9126bd2cf1e3f6b147c45ec58a5550c75c
+- Make sure that libopenssl-devel is installed when building resolved. Openssl
+  was implictly pulled in by systemd-experimental subpackage but could be
+  missing if the build of this subpackage was disabled.
+- resolved: disable fallback DNS servers and fail when no DNS server info could
+  be obtained from the links. It's better to let the sysadmin know that
+  something is likely misconfigured rather than silently handing over the DNS
+  queries to Google or Cloudflare.
+- resolved: disable DNSSEC until the following issue is solved:
+- Replace '%setup+%autopatch' with '%autosetup'
-- Rename 0006-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch into
-  1011-sysv-generator-add-back-support-for-SysV-scripts-for.patch
-  This patch is now SLE specific.
-- Make sure that libopenssl-devel is installed when building resolved. Openssl
-  was implictly pulled in by systemd-experimental subpackage but could be
-  missing if the build of this subpackage was disabled.
-- resolved: disable DNSSEC until the following issue is solved:
-- resolved: disable fallback DNS servers and fail when no DNS server info could
-  be obtained from the links. It's better to let the sysadmin know that
-  something is likely misconfigured rather than silently handing over the DNS
-  queries to Google or Cloudflare.
-- Replace '%setup+%autopatch' with '%autosetup'
-- Don't generate ID_NET_NAME_SLOT for devices behind a PCI bridge (bsc#1192637)
-  If multiple NICs are behind a PCI bridge, each of them will get the same
-  ID_NET_NAME_SLOT value leading to conflicting names. Such names weren't
-  generated before SLE15-SP3.
-- Restore /sbin/udevadm and /bin/systemctl (obsolete) paths (bsc#1194519)
+- Restore /sbin/udevadm and /bin/systemctl (obsolete) paths when split_usr is
+  true (bsc#1194519)
-- Import commit 7a4e2ba4e01a8dfd305b24c40e156f8d293995a5 (merge of v249.9)
+- Import commit 3743acbce3bd44208af453fc6dc384a1236dc83c (merge of v249.9)
-- systemd.spec: drop our own definitions of %_pam_moduledir/%_pam_vendordir
-  macros since they're now defined by pam-devel shipped by SP4.
-- Rename 1007-Restore-support-for-halt.local.patch into
-  1007-sysv-restore-support-for-halt.local.patch
-  new patch 1010-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch
+  new patch 0009-sysv-add-back-support-for-all-virtual-facility-and-f.patch
-- Import commit 6c7d6a7100488806bad0a81bbf2bca99be641938 (merge of v249.8)
+- Import commit e2ca79dd775d1f7d39861d57f23c43f6cd85a872 (merge of v249.8)
-- Rebase 1007-Restore-support-for-halt.local.patch
-- Import commit 103742c59ad2d37a54bfb91135d9c7b082ca3576
+- Import commit 458220239c69b8e5fe7be480929348daeccb70d1
+- Drop the following patches as they have been merged into SUSE/v249 branch:
+  5000-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf_children_inner-to-shorte.patch
+  5001-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf-to-shorten-code-a-bit.patch
+  5002-shared-rm-rf-loop-over-nested-directories-instead-of.patch
+- Added patches to fix CVE-2021-3997 (bsc#1194178)
+  5000-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf_children_inner-to-shorte.patch
+  5001-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf-to-shorten-code-a-bit.patch
+  5002-shared-rm-rf-loop-over-nested-directories-instead-of.patch
+  These patches will be dropped and cherry-picked from upstream once upstream
+  will commit them in their main branch.
+- Import commit a54f80116ccf105dff11aef5d18dd110ebd3e8ee
-- Rename 1009-drop-or-soften-deprecation-warnings.patch into
-  1009-Drop-or-soften-some-of-the-deprecation-warnings.patch
-- Update 1009-drop-or-soften-deprecation-warnings.patch (bsc#1193086)
-  It rewords the warning about the use of 'KillMode=none'.
+- Replace S:$n references with SOURCE$n. Makes vim * search work.
-- Import commit dcd562c17a5bd8df60aff757c9a4c823b1da9144 (merge of v249.7)
+- Import commit 523f32df573d459551760b072cb62906f4a2cf23 (merge of v249.7)
-- Import commit a7d5fcde94e2351f6cdd1826726c52e22c9355f9
+- Import commit c34c98712600bc206919ec6ed136195f75ac1967
-- Update the dependencies of the systemd-testsuite sub-package
-- Enable systemd-experimental sub-package again, rpmlint should have
-  been updated.
+- Update the dependencies of the systemd-testsuite sub-package.
-- Import commit 77ad76ed6e5c8170e3825d57abf8690b2a95bc06 (merge of v249.6)
+- Import commit 61c79e68381801428c0bc00a56b9e2e9cfa68373 (merge of v249.6)
-- Temporarily disable systemd-experimental sub-package until rpmlint
-  is updated.
-- Add 1009-drop-or-soften-deprecation-warnings.patch
+- Drop 0001-Revert-core-Check-unit-start-rate-limiting-earlier.patch
+  It's part of v249.6.
+- Add 0001-Revert-core-Check-unit-start-rate-limiting-earlier.patch
+  Temporarly revert commit ed8fbbf1745c6a2dc0b8cd560ac8a3353f72e979
+  until the regression it introduced [1] is addressed by upstream and
+  a fix is released via the stable tree.
+  [1]
-- Enable build of systemd-experimental sub-package
-  It will be shipped in Leap only.
-- Import commit ad045db5d34afeb4ece43f349783eda931e49a04 (merge of v249.5)
+- Import commit 8521f8d22fd44400289fcea03493ebd7f8b1487d (merge of v249.5)
+- Import commit 355e113ce193e5e2d195278c57d47f9a1b00ae46
+  3b4a005095 meson: add missing include directory when using xkbcommon
+  4c4e642712 meson: allow extra net naming schemes to be defined during configuration (jsc#SLE-18514)
+  78466e4464 meson: drop the list of valid net naming schemes
+  b9a2098f9d netif-naming: inline one iterator variable
+  d7fbbc5e74 Add remaining supported schemes as options for default-net-naming-scheme
+- Ghost own directories /var/log/journal and /var/log/journal/remote again
+  rpmlint no more complain about the setgid bit, see sr#923496.
+- Overwriting rootprefix= is only required when split-usr is enabled
+- Rename %usrmerged into %split_usr
-- Drop systemd-logger (Leap only)
+- No need to install upstream pam configuration file "systemd-user"
+  It's overwritten by the SUSE version anyway.
+- Work around rpmlint complaining about /var/log/journal shipped with setgid bit
+  This setgid bit has been already reviewed in the past and wasn't a
+  concern. However we want the mode/ownership adjusted by tmpfiles and
+  avoid the duplication of these info in rpm.
+- Don't ghost own any directories created dynamically by tmpfiles
+  Again rpmlint complains but it doesn't seem to make sense to try to
+  track all paths (including theirs perms, ownerships...) created
+  dynamically. And 'rpm -V' is likely to report issues later with
+  these paths anyway.
+  This effectively partially reverts the two previous commits.
+- Make sure the build process won't create /var/log/journal
+- /var/log/journal/remote is owned by systemd-journal-remote
+- systemd.spec: fix a bunch of rpmlint errors/warnings
+- Drop systemd-logger
-  This change should have no effect on SLE as the sub-package was
-  shipped in Leap only.
-- Overwriting rootprefix= is only required when split-usr is enabled
-- Rename %usrmerged into %split_usr
-- No need to install upstream pam configuration file "systemd-user"
-  It's overwritten by the SUSE version anyway.
-- Predictable network interface names: fix slot based network names on
-  s390 (backward incompatible change) (jsc#SLE-18514)
-  The default predictable naming scheme used by SLE ("v238") have been
-  improved with the two following changes:
-  o PCI hotplug slot names for the s390 PCI driver are a hexadecimal
-    representation of the function_id device attribute. This attribute
-    is now used to build the ID_NET_NAME_SLOT.  Before that, all slot
-    names were parsed as decimal numbers, which could either result in
-    an incorrect value of the ID_NET_NAME_SLOT property or none at
-    all.
-  o Some firmware and hypervisor implementations report unreasonable
-    high numbers for the onboard index. To prevent the generation of
-    bogus onbard interface names, index numbers greater than 16381
-    (2^14-1) were ignored. For s390 PCI devices index values up to
-    65535 (2^16-1) are valid. To account for that, the limit is
-    increased to now 65535.
-  To reflect these backward incompatible changes, the naming scheme
-  version has been renamed "sle15-sp4".
-- Import commit 2f8e2ef85dfbe8e10a21e0e1bd5e356ff8ed6c5a
-  4c4e642712 meson: allow extra net naming schemes to be defined during configuration (jsc#SLE-18514)
-  78466e4464 meson: drop the list of valid net naming schemes
-  b9a2098f9d netif-naming: inline one iterator variable
-  d7fbbc5e74 Add remaining supported schemes as options for default-net-naming-scheme
-- Enable support for Portable Services (jsc#SLE-21695)
-  Will be released in Leap only.
-- Import commit 48cec2f159dd8fd15d0baf9a1ffe2d762ecf769c
+- Import commit 7a5801342fe2f53e5c2a8578d6db132c0eca2d97
-  3b1aa2f79f manager: reexecute on SIGRTMIN+25, user instances only
-  fd46c81922 test: make sure to include all haveged unit files
-- SLEtify
-  This forward port most of the SLE stuff from SLE15-SP2 to this
-  Factory snapshot making this version good enough for starting
-  testing the version that will be shipped in SLE15-SP3.
-  Add 1001-udev-use-lock-when-selecting-the-highest-priority-de.patch (bsc#1181192 bsc#1184238 bsc#1184254 bsc#1184859 bsc#1185828)
-  Add 1002-udev-add-option-to-generate-old-buggy-SCSI-serials.patch
-  Add 1003-logind-store-a-timestamp-when-the-ACPI-power-button-.patch (bsc#981830 bsc#888612 bsc#1072933)
-  Add 1004-udev-don-t-create-by-partlabel-primary-and-.-logical.patch (bsc#1178023 bsc#1183702)
-  Add 1005-udev-optionally-disable-the-generation-of-the-partla.patch (bsc#1089761)
-  Add 1006-logind-keep-backward-compatibility-with-UserTasksMax.patch
-  Add 1007-Restore-support-for-halt.local.patch
-  Add 1008-login-mark-again-framebuffer-devices-as-master-of-se.patch (bsc#1187154)
-  merge compats/persistent-nic-names (bsc#1061883 bsc#1083158 bsc#1178561)
-  merge compats/udev-compat-symlinks
-  networkd is kept enabled as it's shipped in Leap distros (bsc#1071311)
-  The following udev rules are no more kept by the systemd package
-  60-io-scheduler.rules (bsc#1165579 bsc#1164717 bsc#1134353 bsc#1177490 bsc#1184994 bsc#1188713)
-  80-acpi-container-hotplug.rules (bsc#1082485 bsc#1040800 bsc#1078358 bsc#1081170 bsc#1075743)
-  80-hotplug-cpu-mem.rules (bsc#1076696 bsc#1127557)
-  99-wakeup-from-idle.rules
-  Move systemd-sysv-convert back from /usr/lib/systemd to /usr/sbin (bsc#1178156)
-  Add conversion script for moving legacy collect based udev rules to
-  chzdev based ones (bsc#1183984)
-  SLE systemd default settings are hold by
-  systemd-default-settings-branding-SLE (bsc#1065301 jsc#SLE-10123)
-  Don't mount /tmp as tmpfs by default
-  Set the version of the net naming scheme to 'v238'
-  Set the default cgroup hierarchy to 'hybrid'
-  Create /run/lock/subsys again (bsc#1187292)
-  Restore "Provides/Obsoletes: systemd-bash-completion"
+  2c8ec0095e udev/net_id: don't generate slot based names if multiple devices might claim the same slot (bsc#1192637)
+  [...]
-- enable systemd-portabled
+- Enable systemd-portabled (jsc#SLE-21695)
-- Move systemd-sysv-convert from /usr/sbin to /usr/lib/systemd (bsc#1178156)
+- Move systemd-sysv-convert from /usr/sbin to /usr/lib/systemd
+-  nvme-cli: enable nvmf-autoconnect.service for improved user experience
+  (bsc#1216369).
+- Add tayga_destroy_tun to delete the tunnel interface when the
+  service is stopped
+- Drop PrivateDevices and ProtectClock hardening options to repair
+  startup failure while accessing /dev/net/tun
+- Add conditional to tayga_setup_tun to facilitate operation on
+  systems without iptables
+  * CVE-2023-38289 [bsc#1213589]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-38289.patch
+  * CVE-2023-38288 [bsc#1213590]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-38288.patch
+  * CVE-2023-3576 [bsc#1213273]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-3576.patch
+  * CVE-2020-18768 [bsc#1214574]
+    + tiff-CVE-2020-18768.patch
+  * CVE-2023-26966 [bsc#1212881]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-26966.patch
+  * CVE-2023-3618 [bsc#1213274]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-3618.patch
+  * CVE-2023-2908 [bsc#1212888]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-2908.patch
+  * CVE-2023-3316 [bsc#1212535]
+    + tiff-CVE-2023-3316.patch
+- security update:
+  * CVE-2023-25433 [bsc#1212883]
+- Version 6.0.31 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.30 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.29 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.38 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.37 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.36 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.19 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.14 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included
+  in the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.5 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.5 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.5 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.4 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.14 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.13 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.12 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.5 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.23 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Version 6.0.22 - Bugfix Release
+- Version 6.0.2 - Bugfix Release
+- Remove %python3_install prefix and root options, that's included in
+  the macro by default.
+- Updated to Intel CPU Microcode 20231114 release. (bsc#1215278)
+  - Security updates for [INTEL-SA-00950](
+  - CVE-2023-23583: Fixed potential CPU deadlocks or privilege escalation (bsc#1215278)
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [13th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [11th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [10th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor Families Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [Intel® Processors and Intel® Core™ i3 N-Series]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [Intel® Xeon® D-2700 Processor Specification Update]( for details.
+  - Update for functional issues. Refer to [Intel® Xeon® E-2300 Processor Specification Update ]( for details.
+  [#]## Updated Platforms
+  | Processor      | Stepping | F-M-S/PI    | Old Ver  | New Ver  | Products
+  |:---------------|:---------|:------------|:---------|:---------|:---------
+  | ADL            | C0       | 06-97-02/07 | 0000002e | 00000032 | Core Gen12
+  | ADL            | H0       | 06-97-05/07 | 0000002e | 00000032 | Core Gen12
+  | ADL            | L0       | 06-9a-03/80 | 0000042c | 00000430 | Core Gen12
+  | ADL            | R0       | 06-9a-04/80 | 0000042c | 00000430 | Core Gen12
+  | ADL-N          | N0       | 06-be-00/11 | 00000011 | 00000012 | Core i3-N305/N300, N50/N97/N100/N200, Atom x7211E/x7213E/x7425E
+  | AZB            | A0       | 06-9a-04/40 | 00000004 | 00000005 | Intel(R) Atom(R) C1100
+  | AZB            | R0       | 06-9a-04/40 | 00000004 | 00000005 | Intel(R) Atom(R) C1100
+  | ICL-D          | B0       | 06-6c-01/10 | 01000230 | 01000268 | Xeon D-17xx, D-27xx
+  | ICX-SP         | Dx/M1    | 06-6a-06/87 | 0d0003a5 | 0d0003b9 | Xeon Scalable Gen3
+  | ICL-U/Y        | D1       | 06-7e-05/80 | 000000bc | 000000c2 | Core Gen10 Mobile
+  | RPL-H/P/PX 6+8 | J0       | 06-ba-02/e0 | 00004119 | 0000411c | Core Gen13
+  | RPL-S          | B0       | 06-b7-01/32 | 00000119 | 0000011d | Core Gen13
+  | RKL-S          | B0       | 06-a7-01/02 | 00000059 | 0000005d | Core Gen11
+  | RPL-S          | H0       | 06-bf-05/07 | 0000002e | 00000032 | Core Gen12
+  | RPL-S/HX       | C0       | 06-bf-02/07 | 0000002e | 00000032 | Core Gen12
+  | RPL-U 2+8      | Q0       | 06-ba-03/e0 | 00004119 | 0000411c | Core Gen13
+  | SPR-SP         | E5/S3    | 06-8f-08/87 | 2b0004b1 | 2b0004d0 | Xeon Scalable Gen4
+  | SPR-SP         | E4/S2    | 06-8f-07/87 | 2b0004b1 | 2b0004d0 | Xeon Scalable Gen4
+  | SPR-SP         | E3       | 06-8f-06/87 | 2b0004b1 | 2b0004d0 | Xeon Scalable Gen4
+  | SPR-SP         | E2       | 06-8f-05/87 | 2b0004b1 | 2b0004d0 | Xeon Scalable Gen4
+  | SPR-SP         | E0       | 06-8f-04/87 | 2b0004b1 | 2b0004d0 | Xeon Scalable Gen4
+  | SPR-HBM        | Bx       | 06-8f-08/10 | 2c000271 | 2c000290 | Xeon Max
+  | TGL            | B0/B1    | 06-8c-01/80 | 000000ac | 000000b4 | Core Gen11 Mobile
+  | TGL-H          | R0       | 06-8d-01/c2 | 00000046 | 0000004e | Core Gen11 Mobile
+  | TGL-R          | C0       | 06-8c-02/c2 | 0000002c | 00000034 | Core Gen11 Mobile
+- Updated to Intel CPU Microcode 20231114 pre-release (labeled 20231113).
+  (bsc#1215278)
+  - CVE-2023-23583: Fixed potential CPU deadlocks or privilege escalation (bsc#1215278)
+- use pkgconfig(icu-uc) to use the current libicu. (jsc#PED-6193)
-- bsc#1213242: Add missing requires for glibc-locale-base
+- Update to 2.3.12:
+  * Do not install config.h #108
+  * DriverManager/drivermanager.h: fix build without threads #112
+  * DriverManager/_info.c: Get locale encoding on Windows. #115
+  * Fixed Connection String #127
+  * Allow diagnostics to be retrieved on SQL_NO_DATA #137
+  * Avoid implicit function declarations, for C99 compatibility #138
+  * Remove self-reference #140
+  * isql.1: Add information about handling passwords containing semicolons #126
+- Remove unixODBC-gccwarnings.patch, unixODBC-2.3.6-declarations.patch:
+  Changes have been done in
+- Update unixODC-etc-location.patch
+- Add missing requires for glibc-locale-base, required for utf16 codec
+  (bsc#1213242)
+- Add unixODC-etc-location.patch:
+  Correct location of odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini in man pages.
+  Since we pass --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} they are in
+  /etc/unixODBC not /etc
+- Update to 2.3.11:
+  * Add missing files to 2.3.10
+- See
+- Update to 2.3.10:
+  * Add connection pooling via wide connection functions
+  * Remove "#define VERSION" from unixodbc_conf.h
+  * Call driver functions through prototypes
+  * Add connection pool limit option
+  * Add fseeko support in cursor lib
+  * Try and prevent logging buffer overflow
+  * Add 'echo' option to isql/iusql
+  * Alter isql/iusql buffering
+  * Alter unicode to ascii conversion in SQLGetDiagField
+  * Fix pooling problem when user name and or password is not provided
+  * Fix a couple of reported buffer overflow conditions
+  * Fix iconv leak with timeout in pooled connection
+- Remove upstreamed patches:
+  * unixODBC-doc-drivers.patch
+  * unixODBC-doc-website.patch
+- Remove unixODBC-2.3.1-libodbcinst-exports.patch:
+  Upstream exports more symbols now. In our patch there were
+  still a couple more of them but we decided to drop them.
+  See and
+ for the discussion.
+- For the future be aware of different tarball content/confusing
+  git tag for this release. Resulting in different content from
+  tarball from website vs GitHub.
+  See
+- Updated to version 9.0 with patch level 2103, fixes the following security problems
+  * Fixing bsc#1215940 (CVE-2023-5344) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5344: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 9.0.1969.
+  * Fixing bsc#1216001 (CVE-2023-5441) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5441: vim: segfault in exmode when redrawing
+  * Fixing bsc#1216167 (CVE-2023-5535) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-5535: vim: use-after-free from buf_contents_changed()
+  * Fixing bsc#1216696 (CVE-2023-46246) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46246: vim: Integer Overflow in :history command
+  * Fixing bsc#1214922 (CVE-2023-4738) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4738: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in vim_regsub_both
+  * Fixing bsc#1214924 (CVE-2023-4735) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4735: vim: OOB Write ops.c
+  * Fixing bsc#1214925 (CVE-2023-4734) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4734: vim: segmentation fault in function f_fullcommand
+  * Fixing bsc#1215004 (CVE-2023-4733) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4733: vim: use-after-free in function buflist_altfpos
+  * Fixing bsc#1215006 (CVE-2023-4752) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4752: vim: Heap Use After Free in function ins_compl_get_exp
+  * Fixing bsc#1215033 (CVE-2023-4781) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-4781: vim: heap-buffer-overflow in function vim_regsub_both
+- drop patches: disable-unreliable-tests.patch
+    ignore-flaky-test-failure.patch
+    vim-8.1.0297-dump3.patch
+- dropped %check - most of tests didn't work correctly in OBS
+    and maintenance burden of this was getting too big
+- for the complete list of changes see
+- update to version 0.5.3+git20230121
+-  CVE-2023-38252, CVE-2023-38253:
+  add 0001-Fix-OOB-access-due-to-multiple-backspaces.patch
+  (bsc#1213323, bsc#1213324)
+- add 0001-Update-German-message-catalogue.patch
+- dropped patches:
+    0001-allow-to-configure-the-accept-option-for-bad-cookies.patch
+    0001-implements-simple-session-management.patch
+    0001-handle-EXDEV-during-history-file-rename.patch
+    0001-w3mman-don-t-show-invalid-characters-bsc-950800.patch
+    0001-Fix-warning-for-unused-variable-without-USE_M17N.patch
+    0002-Fix-m17n-backspace-handling-causes-out-of-bounds-wri.patch
-- attempting to download a large file will end in total fail
-  on 32bit archs, use LFS_CFLAGS to fix that problem.
+- Update to version 2.42.2 (boo#1217210):
+  + Bump Safari version in user agent header.
+  + Fix CSP regression that broke Unity WebGL applications.
+  + Fix the build with GBM disabled.
+  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
+  + Security fixes: CVE-2023-41983, CVE-2023-42852.
+- Add webkit2gtk3-gstreamer-build-fix.patch: fix the build with
+- Add webkit2gtk3-disable-dmabuf-nvidia.patch: disable DMABuf
+  renderer for NVIDIA proprietary drivers (boo#1216778).
-  + Security fixes: CVE-2023-39928, CVE-2023-41074.
+  + Security fixes: CVE-2023-39928, CVE-2023-41074, CVE-2023-32359.
-  + Security fixes: CVE-2023-23517, CVE-2023-23518, CVE-2022-42826.
+  + Security fixes: CVE-2023-23517, CVE-2023-23518, CVE-2022-42826,
+    CVE-2022-32919, CVE-2022-46705, CVE-2022-46725.
-    CVE-2022-48503.
+    CVE-2022-48503, CVE-2022-32933.
+- Update to Xen 4.18.0 RC5 release (jsc#PED-4984)
+  xen-4.18.0-testing-src.tar.bz2
+  * Repurpose command line gnttab_max_{maptrack_,}frames options so they don't
+    cap toolstack provided values.
+  * Ignore VCPUOP_set_singleshot_timer's VCPU_SSHOTTMR_future flag. The only
+    known user doesn't use it properly, leading to in-guest breakage.
+  * The "dom0" option is now supported on Arm and "sve=" sub-option can be used
+    to enable dom0 guest to use SVE/SVE2 instructions.
+  * Physical CPU Hotplug downgraded to Experimental and renamed "ACPI CPU
+    Hotplug" for clarity
+  * On x86, support for features new in Intel Sapphire Rapids CPUs:
+  - PKS (Protection Key Supervisor) available to HVM/PVH guests.
+  - VM-Notify used by Xen to mitigate certain micro-architectural pipeline
+    livelocks, instead of crashing the entire server.
+  - Bus-lock detection, used by Xen to mitigate (by rate-limiting) the system
+    wide impact of a guest misusing atomic instructions.
+  * xl/libxl can customize SMBIOS strings for HVM guests.
+  * Add support for AVX512-FP16 on x86.
+  * On Arm, Xen supports guests running SVE/SVE2 instructions. (Tech Preview)
+  * On Arm, add suport for Firmware Framework for Arm A-profile (FF-A) Mediator
+    (Tech Preview)
+  * Add Intel Hardware P-States (HWP) cpufreq driver.
+  * On Arm, experimental support for dynamic addition/removal of Xen device tree
+    nodes using a device tree overlay binary (.dtbo).
+  * Introduce two new hypercalls to map the vCPU runstate and time areas by
+    physical rather than linear/virtual addresses.
+  * On x86, support for enforcing system-wide operation in Data Operand
+    Independent Timing Mode.
+  * The project has now officially adopted 6 directives and 65 rules of MISRA-C.
+  * On x86, the "pku" command line option has been removed.  It has never
+    behaved precisely as described, and was redundant with the unsupported
+    "cpuid=no-pku".  Visibility of PKU to guests should be via its vm.cfg file.
+  * xenpvnetboot removed as unable to convert to Python 3.
+  * xencons is no longer supported or present. See 5d22d69b30
+- Droppped patches contained in new tarballs
+  63e4da00-dont-log-errors-when-trying-to-load-PVH-xenstore-stubdom.patch
+  643e3810-CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO-no-EXPERT.patch
+  643e387f-xen-update-CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO-help-text.patch
+  6447a8fd-x86-EFI-permit-crash-dump-analysis.patch
+  64d33a57-libxenstat-Linux-nul-terminate-string.patch
+  aarch64-rename-PSR_MODE_ELxx-to-match-linux-headers.patch
+  xen.stubdom.newlib.patch
+  xsa446.patch
+  xsa445.patch
+  xsa438.patch
+  xsa439-00.patch
+  xsa439-01.patch
+  xsa439-02.patch
+  xsa439-03.patch
+  xsa439-04.patch
+  xsa439-05.patch
+  xsa439-06.patch
+  xsa439-07.patch
+  xsa439-08.patch
+  xsa439-09.patch
+  xsa443-10.patch
+  xsa443-11.patch
+  xsa440.patch
+- Dropped xen-utils-0.1.tar.bz2
+  The xen-list and xen-destroy commands are removed. Originally
+  created as a better replacement for 'xm'. The 'xl' equivalent
+  commands should be used instead.
+- Dropped libxl.pvscsi.patch
+  Support for PVSCSI devices in the guest is no longer supported.
+- bsc#1216807 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46836: xen: x86: BTC/SRSO fixes not
+  fully effective (XSA-446)
+  xsa446.patch
+- bsc#1216654 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-46835: xen: x86/AMD: mismatch in
+  IOMMU quarantine page table levels (XSA-445)
+  xsa445.patch
+- Supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
+  The supportconfig 'scplugin.rc' file is deprecated in favor of
+  supportconfig.rc'. Adapt the xen plugin to the new scheme.
+  xen-supportconfig
+- bsc#1215145 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-34322: xen: top-level shadow
+  reference dropped too early for 64-bit PV guests (XSA-438)
+  650abbfe-x86-shadow-defer-PV-top-level-release.patch
+- bsc#1215474 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-20588: xen: AMD CPU transitional
+  execution leak via division by zero (XSA-439)
+  64e5b4ac-x86-AMD-extend-Zenbleed-check.patch
+  65087000-x86-spec-ctrl-SPEC_CTRL_EXIT_TO_XEN-confusion.patch
+  65087001-x86-spec-ctrl-fold-DO_SPEC_CTRL_EXIT_TO_XEN.patch
+  65087002-x86-spec-ctrl-SPEC_CTRL-ENTRY-EXIT-asm-macros.patch
+  65087003-x86-spec-ctrl-SPEC_CTRL-ENTER-EXIT-comments.patch
+  65087004-x86-entry-restore_all_xen-stack_end.patch
+  65087005-x86-entry-track-IST-ness-of-entry.patch
+  65087006-x86-spec-ctrl-VERW-on-IST-exit-to-Xen.patch
+  65087007-x86-AMD-Zen-1-2-predicates.patch
+  65087008-x86-spec-ctrl-Zen1-DIV-leakage.patch
+- bsc#1215746 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-34326: xen: x86/AMD: missing IOMMU
+  TLB flushing (XSA-442)
+  65263470-AMD-IOMMU-flush-TLB-when-flushing-DTE.patch
+- bsc#1215747 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-34325: xen: Multiple
+  vulnerabilities in libfsimage disk handling (XSA-443)
+  65263471-libfsimage-xfs-remove-dead-code.patch
+  65263472-libfsimage-xfs-amend-mask32lo.patch
+  65263473-libfsimage-xfs-sanity-check-superblock.patch
+  65263474-libfsimage-xfs-compile-time-check.patch
+  65263475-pygrub-remove-unnecessary-hypercall.patch
+  65263476-pygrub-small-refactors.patch
+  65263477-pygrub-open-output-files-earlier.patch
+  65263478-libfsimage-function-to-preload-plugins.patch
+  65263479-pygrub-deprivilege.patch
+  6526347a-libxl-allow-bootloader-restricted-mode.patch
+  6526347b-libxl-limit-bootloader-when-restricted.patch
+- bsc#1215748 - VUL-0: CVE-2023-34327,CVE-2023-34328: xen: x86/AMD:
+  Debug Mask handling (XSA-444)
+  6526347c-SVM-fix-AMD-DR-MASK-context-switch-asymmetry.patch
+  6526347d-x86-PV-auditing-of-guest-breakpoints.patch
+- Upstream bug fixes (bsc#1027519)
+  64e6459b-revert-VMX-sanitize-rIP-before-reentering.patch
+  64eef7e9-x86-reporting-spurious-i8259-interrupts.patch
+  64f71f50-Arm-handle-cache-flush-at-top.patch
+  65084ba5-x86-AMD-dont-expose-TscFreqSel.patch
+- Patches dropped / replaced by newer upstream versions
+  xsa438.patch
+  xsa439-00.patch
+  xsa439-01.patch
+  xsa439-02.patch
+  xsa439-03.patch
+  xsa439-04.patch
+  xsa439-05.patch
+  xsa439-06.patch
+  xsa439-07.patch
+  xsa439-08.patch
+  xsa439-09.patch
+  xsa442.patch
+  xsa443-01.patch
+  xsa443-02.patch
+  xsa443-03.patch
+  xsa443-04.patch
+  xsa443-05.patch
+  xsa443-06.patch
+  xsa443-07.patch
+  xsa443-08.patch
+  xsa443-09.patch
+  xsa443-10.patch
+  xsa443-11.patch
+  xsa444-1.patch
+  xsa444-2.patch
+- relax branding requires (remove -version-release), so we can use
+  xfce4-branding-openSUSE based branding. (bsc#1217193 bsc#1216470)
+- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to
+  shortcut over systemd-mini.
+- update to 0.9.3:
+  * Make the DELETE with LIMIT/OFFSET query work
+  * Make the text in the 'Clear log' dialog less crowded
+  * Set a transient parent on the 'Clear log' dialog if possible
+  * 'Clear log' dialog's initial focus should be on the 'Cancel'
+    button
+  * Drop required xdt-autogen version to 4.18.1
+  * Simplify markup sanitizing code a little
+  * Re-escape text in GMarkupParser text handler
+  * Sanitize instead of validating body text markup
+  * Translation Updates
+- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-Do-not-leave-a-stray-options-file-in-the-generated-j.patch
+    + Remove generated temporary file from the tree after use, make
+    thus the generated javadoc more reproducible
+- Modified patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + try to assure unique UUID for each of the split packages.
+- Added patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + avoid generating random UUIDs, which makes reproducible build
+    impossible (bsc#1162112)
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-Do-not-leave-a-stray-options-file-in-the-generated-j.patch
+    + Remove generated temporary file from the tree after use, make
+    thus the generated javadoc more reproducible
+- Modified patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + try to assure unique UUID for each of the split packages.
+- Added patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + avoid generating random UUIDs, which makes reproducible build
+    impossible (bsc#1162112)
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-Do-not-leave-a-stray-options-file-in-the-generated-j.patch
+    + Remove generated temporary file from the tree after use, make
+    thus the generated javadoc more reproducible
+- Modified patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + try to assure unique UUID for each of the split packages.
+- Added patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + avoid generating random UUIDs, which makes reproducible build
+    impossible (bsc#1162112)
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-Do-not-leave-a-stray-options-file-in-the-generated-j.patch
+    + Remove generated temporary file from the tree after use, make
+    thus the generated javadoc more reproducible
+- Modified patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + try to assure unique UUID for each of the split packages.
+- Added patch:
+  * UUID.patch
+    + avoid generating random UUIDs, which makes reproducible build
+    impossible (bsc#1162112)
+- xrdp-CVE-2023-42822.patch (bsc#1215803)
+  + unchecked access to font glyph info
+- xterm-CVE-2023-40359.patch: Fixed reporting characterset names
+  in ReGiS graphics mode (bsc#1214282)
+- Bump properly version as old 4.6.1 contains removal of keys from
+  AY  that breaks old autoyast profile. So we fix it to just
+  deprecate it, but we need proper new version. (bsc#1217057)
+- 4.6.2
+- remove KDUMP_COPY_KERNEL and KDUMPTOOL_FLAGS options from UI
+- deprecate KDUMP_COPY_KERNEL and KDUMPTOOL_FLAGS options in AY
+- One more bump to use really the proper SP6 version of yast2-kdump
+  (bsc#1217057)
+- 4.6.3
+- Bump schema to adapt for version kdump versions 1.9+ (bsc#1212646)
+- 4.6.2
+- One more bump to use really the proper SP6 version of yast2-kdump
+  (bsc#1217057)
+- 4.6.3
+- Bump schema to adapt for version kdump versions 1.9+ (bsc#1212646)
+- 4.6.2
+- Return 104 also if info suggests near matches (fixes #504)
+- Rephrase upgrade message for openSUSE Tumbleweed (bsc#1212422)
+- Fix typo (fixes #484)
+- version 1.14.66
+- Fix some typos and spelling errors found by Lintian (fixes #501)
+- Prefer unaliased `grep` to avoid unexpected/wrong completions.
+  (#503)
+- commit: Insert a headline to separate output of different rpm
+  scripts (bsc#1041742)
+- Fix typo in changes file.
+- version 1.14.65