Removed rpms

 - brasero-nautilus
 - dasher-data-extras
 - dasher-data-recommended
 - gedit-plugin-colorschemer
 - gedit-plugin-commander
 - gedit-plugin-findinfiles
 - gedit-plugin-synctex
 - gedit-plugin-translate
 - gtk3-immodule-wayland
 - gtk3-immodule-wayland-32bit
 - guice-multibindings
 - guice-testlib
 - libgepub-0_6-0
 - libgnome-bluetooth13
 - libgupnp-igd-1_0-4
 - libgupnp-igd-1_0-4-32bit
 - libkdevplatform510
 - libmalcontent-ui-0-0
 - libmbedcrypto14
 - libmbedtls19
 - libmbedx509-5
 - libportal0
 - librygel-core-2_6-2
 - librygel-db-2_6-2
 - librygel-renderer-2_6-2
 - librygel-renderer-gst-2_6-2
 - librygel-ruih-2_0-1
 - librygel-server-2_6-2
 - libstemmer0d
 - libtepl-6-0
 - libvala-0_54-0
 - libvala-0_54-devel
 - libvaladoc-0_54-0
 - libvaladoc-0_54-devel
 - libweston-10
 - libweston-10-0
 - libweston-desktop-10-0
 - libxmlb2-32bit
 - nautilus-deja-dup
 - python3-FormEncode
 - python3-ZConfig
 - python3-ZConfig-doc
 - python3-aiosmtpd
 - python3-atpublic
 - python3-authheaders
 - python3-authres
 - python3-beniget
 - python3-cbor2
 - python3-dkimpy
 - python3-dpcontracts
 - python3-flasgger
 - python3-flit
 - python3-flufl.bounce
 - python3-flufl.i18n
 - python3-flufl.lock
 - python3-flufl.testing
 - python3-genty
 - python3-gnucash
 - python3-hatch
 - python3-jaraco.functools
 - python3-k5test
 - python3-langdetect
 - python3-lazr.config
 - python3-lazr.delegates
 - python3-manuel
 - python3-manuel-doc
 - python3-outcome
 - python3-persistent
 - python3-persistent-devel
 - python3-podman-compose
 - python3-pydyf
 - python3-pytest-env
 - python3-pytest-freezegun
 - python3-pytest-lazy-fixture
 - python3-roman
 - python3-sybil
 - python3-validate_email
 - python3-zope.component
 - python3-zope.configuration
 - python3-zope.exceptions
 - python3-zope.hookable
 - python3-zope.i18nmessageid
 - python3-zope.schema
 - python3-zope.testrunner
 - python3-zopfli
 - python3-zstd
 - qt6-svg-examples
 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-Gepub-0_6
 - typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-0
 - typelib-1_0-RygelCore-2_6
 - typelib-1_0-RygelRenderer-2_6
 - typelib-1_0-RygelRendererGst-2_6
 - typelib-1_0-RygelServer-2_6

Added rpms

 - accountsservice-vala
 - apache-commons-configuration2
 - apache-commons-configuration2-javadoc
 - cargo1.75
 - clang17
 - clang17-devel
 - clang17-doc
 - corepack20
 - d-spy-lang
 - darkhttpd
 - gcr-doc
 - gcr3-data
 - gcr3-lang
 - gcr3-prompter
 - gcr3-ssh-agent
 - gcr3-ssh-askpass
 - gcr3-viewer
 - geocode-glib-soup2-devel
 - gssdp-doc
 - gtk2-engine-hcengine-32bit
 - gtk4-devel-tools
 - gtkgreet-lang
 - gtksourceview5-devel
 - gtksourceview5-lang
 - gupnp-doc
 - gvfs-backend-goa
 - jetbrains-annotations
 - jetbrains-annotations-javadoc
 - kernel-livepatch-6_4_0-150600_4-default
 - libLLVM17
 - libLLVM17-32bit
 - libLLVMSPIRVLib-devel
 - libLLVMSPIRVLib17
 - libLTO17
 - libQt6Quick3DHelpersImpl6
 - libQt6QuickEffects6
 - libQt6WebChannelQuick6
 - libSPIRV-Tools-2023_5_rc1
 - libSPIRV-Tools-2023_5_rc1-32bit
 - libavif16
 - libavif16-32bit
 - libcamel-1_2-62
 - libcamel-1_2-62-32bit
 - libclang-cpp17
 - libclang-cpp17-32bit
 - libclc
 - libcolord-gtk4-1
 - libdex-1-1
 - libdex-devel
 - libdex-devel-docs
 - libedataserver-1_2-24
 - libedataserver-1_2-24-32bit
 - libedataserverui-1_2-2
 - libedataserverui-1_2-2-32bit
 - libeditorconfig-devel-32bit
 - libeditorconfig0-32bit
 - libei-devel
 - libei1
 - libeverest
 - libgck-2-2
 - libgck-2-2-32bit
 - libgck1-devel
 - libgcr-4-4
 - libgcr-4-4-32bit
 - libgcr3-devel
 - libgedit-amtk-5-0
 - libgedit-amtk-5-lang
 - libgedit-amtk-devel
 - libgedit-gtksourceview
 - libgedit-gtksourceview-300-0
 - libgedit-gtksourceview-devel
 - libgedit-gtksourceview-lang
 - libgeocode-glib-2-0
 - libgepub-0_7-0
 - libgnome-bluetooth-3_0-13
 - libgnome-bluetooth-ui-3_0-13
 - libgnome-desktop-3-20
 - libgnome-desktop-4-2
 - libgnome-desktop-4-devel
 - libgssdp-1_6-0
 - libgssdp-1_6-0-32bit
 - libgtksourceview-5-0
 - libgupnp-1_6-0
 - libgupnp-1_6-0-32bit
 - libgupnp-igd-1_6-0
 - libgupnp-igd-1_6-0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-cairo0
 - libharfbuzz-cairo0-32bit
 - libica-openssl3-devel
 - libica-openssl3-devel-static
 - libica-openssl3-tools
 - libica4-openssl3
 - libkdevplatform512
 - liblldb17
 - libmalcontent-ui-1-1
 - libmbedcrypto15
 - libmbedtls20
 - libmbedx509-6
 - libmozjs-115-0
 - libnautilus-extension4
 - libnma-glib-schema
 - libomp17-devel
 - libp256m
 - libpanel-1-1
 - libpanel-devel
 - libpanel-lang
 - libpeas-2-0
 - libpeas2-devel
 - libpeas2-lang
 - libpeas2-loader-gjs
 - libpeas2-loader-python
 - libphodav-3_0-0
 - libportal-gtk3-1
 - libportal-gtk3-devel
 - libportal-gtk4-1
 - libportal-gtk4-devel
 - libportal-qt5-1
 - libportal-qt5-devel
 - libportal1
 - libprocps8
 - libpst-doc
 - librest-1_0-0
 - librest-1_0-0-32bit
 - librest0_7-devel
 - librygel-core-2_8-0
 - librygel-db-2_8-0
 - librygel-renderer-2_8-0
 - librygel-renderer-gst-2_8-0
 - librygel-ruih-2_8-0
 - librygel-server-2_8-0
 - libsepol1
 - libsepol1-32bit
 - libsgutils2-1_48-2
 - libstemmer1d
 - libtepl-6-4
 - libvala-0_56-0
 - libvala-0_56-devel
 - libvaladoc-0_56-0
 - libvaladoc-0_56-devel
 - libvdpau_virtio_gpu
 - libvdpau_virtio_gpu-32bit
 - libweston-13
 - libweston-13-0
 - libyuv0-32bit
 - lld17
 - lldb17
 - lldb17-devel
 - llvm17
 - llvm17-devel
 - llvm17-doc
 - llvm17-gold
 - llvm17-opt-viewer
 - llvm17-polly
 - llvm17-polly-devel
 - llvm17-vim-plugins
 - mozjs115
 - mozjs115-devel
 - nodejs20
 - nodejs20-devel
 - nodejs20-docs
 - npm20
 - openssl3-ibmca
 - pesign-systemd
 - procps-lang
 - python3-clang17
 - python3-dbus-python-common-devel
 - python3-lldb17
 - python311-ZConfig
 - python311-ZConfig-doc
 - python311-aiofiles
 - python311-aiosmtpd
 - python311-atpublic
 - python311-authheaders
 - python311-authres
 - python311-cbor2
 - python311-dbus-python
 - python311-dbus-python-devel
 - python311-dkimpy
 - python311-flufl.bounce
 - python311-flufl.i18n
 - python311-flufl.lock
 - python311-flufl.testing
 - python311-lazr.config
 - python311-lazr.delegates
 - python311-manuel
 - python311-pdm-backend
 - python311-persistent
 - python311-persistent-devel
 - python311-podman-compose
 - python311-publicsuffix2
 - python311-pydyf
 - python311-pyelftools
 - python311-pyqt-builder
 - python311-qt5
 - python311-qt5-devel
 - python311-qt5-doc
 - python311-qt5-quick3d
 - python311-qt5-quick3d-devel
 - python311-qt5-remoteobjects
 - python311-qt5-remoteobjects-devel
 - python311-qt5-sip
 - python311-sip-devel
 - python311-sip6-devel
 - python311-sphinx-tabs
 - python311-sybil
 - python311-zope.component
 - python311-zope.configuration
 - python311-zope.exceptions
 - python311-zope.hookable
 - python311-zope.i18nmessageid
 - python311-zope.schema
 - python311-zope.testrunner
 - qemu-spice
 - qt6-exampleicons-devel-static
 - qt6-qmlcompiler-devel
 - qt6-qmlls-devel-static
 - qt6-qmltoolingsettings-devel-static
 - qt6-qmltyperegistrar-devel-static
 - qt6-quick3dhelpersimpl-devel
 - qt6-quick3dhelpersimpl-private-devel
 - qt6-quickeffects-private-devel
 - qt6-webchannelquick-devel
 - qt6-webchannelquick-private-devel
 - rawhide
 - rust1.75
 - saxon10
 - saxon10-demo
 - saxon10-javadoc
 - saxon10-manual
 - saxon10-scripts
 - sisu-mojos
 - sisu-mojos-javadoc
 - suma-azure-adapter-config-ltd
 - tecla-keyboard-layout-viewer
 - tecla-keyboard-layout-viewer-lang
 - telepathy-logger-schema
 - tomcat-jakartaee-migration
 - tomcat-jakartaee-migration-javadoc
 - typelib-1_0-Dex-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_6
 - typelib-1_0-Gck-2
 - typelib-1_0-Gcr-4
 - typelib-1_0-GeocodeGlib-2_0
 - typelib-1_0-Gepub-0_7
 - typelib-1_0-GnomeBG-4_0
 - typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-3_0
 - typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-4_0
 - typelib-1_0-GnomeRR-4_0
 - typelib-1_0-GtkSource-300
 - typelib-1_0-GtkSource-5
 - typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-1
 - typelib-1_0-Nautilus-4_0
 - typelib-1_0-Panel-1
 - typelib-1_0-Peas-2
 - typelib-1_0-Qmi-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-Rest-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-RygelCore-2_8
 - typelib-1_0-RygelRenderer-2_8
 - typelib-1_0-RygelRendererGst-2_8
 - typelib-1_0-RygelServer-2_8
 - typelib-1_0-Xdp-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-XdpGtk3-1_0
 - typelib-1_0-XdpGtk4-1_0
 - warewulf4-doc
 - waycheck
 - waypipe
 - xwayland-run

Package Source Changes

+- Add patch to fix FTBFS with Qt 6.6
+  + 0001-fix-ftbfs-with-qt6.6.patch
+- Add patch to update QML for Qt 6.6
+  + 0002-update-qml-for-qt6.6.patch
+- New upstream release
+  + Version 1.26.7
+  - Fixed possible crash during start-up on Android
+  + from version 1.26.6
+  - Fixed possible crash during start-up on Android
+- Update to version 0.6.3:
+  * No release notes.
+- Update to version 0.6.2:
+  * Support LLVM/Clang 17.0.
+- Install license
+- Use -ffat-lto-objects for static libraries
+- Update to 1.610.0:
+  * This release matches the content provided in the DirectX12
+    Agility SDK and the 1.610.0 NuGet package.
+  -
+  -
+- Update to 1.608.2:
+  * This release matches the content provided in the DirectX12
+    Agility SDK and the 1.608.2 NuGet package.
+  -
+  -
+- Update to 1.608.0:
+  * This release matches the content provided in the DirectX12
+    Agility SDK and the 1.608.0 NuGet package.
+- buildrequire 'pkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)' also with disabled rusticl
+  (new dep since some time)
+- re-disable rusticl on sle15-sp6 to prevent more deps (rust-bindgen)
+- buildrequire 'pkgconfig(LLVMSPIRVLib)' also with disabled rusticl
+  (new dep since some time)
+- enable rusticl on sle15-sp6
+- let sle15-sp6 require llvm17/clang17
+- build with valgrind only on 64bit platforms
+- Add U_radeonsi-prefix-function-with-si_-to-prevent-name-co.patch
+  Fix
+- Update to Mesa 23.2.1
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 is a new development release. People who are
+    concerned with stability and reliability should stick with a
+    previous release or wait for Mesa 23.2.2.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 is an unusual first stable release due to the
+    accidentl tagging of 23.2.0 durring the rc cycle.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 implements the OpenGL 4.6 API, but the version
+    reported by glGetString(GL_VERSION) or
+    glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION) /
+    glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION) depends on the particular
+    driver being used. Some drivers don't support all the features
+    required in OpenGL 4.6. OpenGL 4.6 is **only** available if
+    requested at context creation. Compatibility contexts may
+    report a lower version depending on each driver.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 implements the Vulkan 1.3 API, but the version
+    reported by the apiVersion property of the
+    VkPhysicalDeviceProperties struct depends on the particular
+    driver being used.
+  * More details in:
+  - ->
+- Update to Mesa 23.2.0-rc4
+  - ->
+- supersedes U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
+- disabled u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch (no longer needed?)
+- adjusted n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch
+- Backport upstream patches for compatibility with LLVM 17:
+  * U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
+    removes unneeded includes of header files that no longer exist.
+  * U_clover-llvm-move-to-modern-pass-manager.patch migrates Clover
+    to the new pass manager, since the old PM has been removed.
+- disable nine on arm/aarch64 in the hope to fix build on this
+  platform; there is no need for Direct3D/Wine for arm/aarch64
+  anyway ...
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.8:
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.7:
+  - ->
+- mini-cleanup for python package BuildRequires in specfile
+- added python3-dataclasses package for sle15/Leap15 to finally fix
+  build for these build targets; dataclasses module is in standard
+  library of python >= 3.7 ...
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.6:
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.5
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.4
+  - ->
+- supersedes u_fix-glx-context-opengl-4.5.patch
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.3
+- supersedes U_glx-Remove-pointless-GLX_INTEL_swap_event-paranoia.patch
+  (boo#1209005)
+- -Dxmlconfig=enabled now also needs -Dexpat=enabled as dependancy
+- Add patch u_fix-glx-context-opengl-4.5.patch: Fix a regression
+  that causes Wine to crash on GPUs that don't support OpenGL 4.6
+  and later:.
+  Mesa 23.1 has a regression [1] that breaks Wine if the GPU does not
+  support OpenGL 4.6 (reportedly), Intel HD 4000 is affected.
+  The problem was narrowed down to commit e89e1f504 [2] so this patch
+  removes the offending [3] part from there to fix the problem.
+  It's unlikely that there will be any side effects from that,
+  should be just as good as it was in Mesa 23.0.
+  [1]
+  [2]
+  [3]
+- Add intel_hasvk icd to baselibs.conf.
+- use -Dxlib-lease=enabled also for -drivers build
+- Fix of bsc#1212345
+  * After update to 23.1.1 this change affected our build split:
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.2
+- needed to fix build of Mesa 23.1
+  * Mesa-drivers: -Dshader-cache=enabled
+  * Mesa: -Dxlib-lease=enabled
+  * recommended for both Mesa and Mesa-drivers to avoid some scary messages when
+    comparing fds: -Dallow-kcmp=enabled
+- Credits for figuring this out go to "llyyr" <>
+- gbm files are no longer needed to be removed manually for -drivers build
+- VDPAU support for r300 has been dropped with Mesa 23.1
+- supersedes n_no-sse2-on-ix86-except-for-intel-drivers.patch
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.1
+- adjusted u_dep_xcb.patch
+- Update to 23.1.0
+  * new feature release
+  * some highlights
+    + Our OpenCL implementation Rusticl added support for AMD GPUs.
+    + Both ANV (Intel) and RADV (AMD) got initial support for Vulkan Video
+    decoding.
+    + Vulkan Graphics Pipeline Libraries (GPL) are now supported in RADV.
+- adjusted n_stop-iris-flicker.patch
+- supersedes U_ReturnME.patch
+- meson option "-Ddri-drivers" has been removed; wasn't used any
+  longer by us --> killed it
+- Update to version 23.0.3
+  * 3rd bug fix release: changes all across the tree, with no one
+    subsystem seeing too many changes
+- Update to version 23.0.2
+  * 2nd bug fix release: lots of patches for all over the tree,
+    zink being the biggest singel source of changes.
+- Update to version 23.0.1
+  * bug fix release which fixes bugs found since Mesa 23.0.0
+- supersedes U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch
+- U_glx-Remove-pointless-GLX_INTEL_swap_event-paranoia.patch
+  * reverse apply this patch to fix a regression caused by this
+    commit, which resulted in gnome-shell constantly crashing, which
+    is making a GNOME/X11 session impossible (boo#1209005)
+- U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch
+  * Fixes: b090246a ("glx: Only compute client GL extensions for
+    indirect contexts")
+  * Closes:
+- supersedes n_Revert-glx-Only-compute-client-GL-extensions-for-ind.patch
+- Add patch to fix GLX with indirect rendering:
+  * n_Revert-glx-Only-compute-client-GL-extensions-for-ind.patch
+- Update to version 23.0.0
+  * first stable release of 2023
+- refreshed patches
+  * n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch
+  * n_stop-iris-flicker.patch
+  * u_dep_xcb.patch
+  * u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch
+- adjusted n_no-sse2-on-ix86-except-for-intel-drivers.patch
+- meson: added -Dxmlconfig=enabled to fix link errors
+  (missing "-lexpat")
+- buildrequire 'pkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)' also with disabled rusticl
+  (new dep since some time)
+- re-disable rusticl on sle15-sp6 to prevent more deps (rust-bindgen)
+- buildrequire 'pkgconfig(LLVMSPIRVLib)' also with disabled rusticl
+  (new dep since some time)
+- enable rusticl on sle15-sp6
+- let sle15-sp6 require llvm17/clang17
+- build with valgrind only on 64bit platforms
+- Add U_radeonsi-prefix-function-with-si_-to-prevent-name-co.patch
+  Fix
+- Update to Mesa 23.2.1
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 is a new development release. People who are
+    concerned with stability and reliability should stick with a
+    previous release or wait for Mesa 23.2.2.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 is an unusual first stable release due to the
+    accidentl tagging of 23.2.0 durring the rc cycle.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 implements the OpenGL 4.6 API, but the version
+    reported by glGetString(GL_VERSION) or
+    glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION) /
+    glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION) depends on the particular
+    driver being used. Some drivers don't support all the features
+    required in OpenGL 4.6. OpenGL 4.6 is **only** available if
+    requested at context creation. Compatibility contexts may
+    report a lower version depending on each driver.
+  * Mesa 23.2.1 implements the Vulkan 1.3 API, but the version
+    reported by the apiVersion property of the
+    VkPhysicalDeviceProperties struct depends on the particular
+    driver being used.
+  * More details in:
+  - ->
+- Update to Mesa 23.2.0-rc4
+  - ->
+- supersedes U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
+- disabled u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch (no longer needed?)
+- adjusted n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch
+- Backport upstream patches for compatibility with LLVM 17:
+  * U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
+    removes unneeded includes of header files that no longer exist.
+  * U_clover-llvm-move-to-modern-pass-manager.patch migrates Clover
+    to the new pass manager, since the old PM has been removed.
+- disable nine on arm/aarch64 in the hope to fix build on this
+  platform; there is no need for Direct3D/Wine for arm/aarch64
+  anyway ...
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.8:
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.7:
+  - ->
+- mini-cleanup for python package BuildRequires in specfile
+- added python3-dataclasses package for sle15/Leap15 to finally fix
+  build for these build targets; dataclasses module is in standard
+  library of python >= 3.7 ...
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.6:
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.5
+  - ->
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.4
+  - ->
+- supersedes u_fix-glx-context-opengl-4.5.patch
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.3
+- supersedes U_glx-Remove-pointless-GLX_INTEL_swap_event-paranoia.patch
+  (boo#1209005)
+- -Dxmlconfig=enabled now also needs -Dexpat=enabled as dependancy
+- Add patch u_fix-glx-context-opengl-4.5.patch: Fix a regression
+  that causes Wine to crash on GPUs that don't support OpenGL 4.6
+  and later:.
+  Mesa 23.1 has a regression [1] that breaks Wine if the GPU does not
+  support OpenGL 4.6 (reportedly), Intel HD 4000 is affected.
+  The problem was narrowed down to commit e89e1f504 [2] so this patch
+  removes the offending [3] part from there to fix the problem.
+  It's unlikely that there will be any side effects from that,
+  should be just as good as it was in Mesa 23.0.
+  [1]
+  [2]
+  [3]
+- Add intel_hasvk icd to baselibs.conf.
+- use -Dxlib-lease=enabled also for -drivers build
+- Fix of bsc#1212345
+  * After update to 23.1.1 this change affected our build split:
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.2
+- needed to fix build of Mesa 23.1
+  * Mesa-drivers: -Dshader-cache=enabled
+  * Mesa: -Dxlib-lease=enabled
+  * recommended for both Mesa and Mesa-drivers to avoid some scary messages when
+    comparing fds: -Dallow-kcmp=enabled
+- Credits for figuring this out go to "llyyr" <>
+- gbm files are no longer needed to be removed manually for -drivers build
+- VDPAU support for r300 has been dropped with Mesa 23.1
+- supersedes n_no-sse2-on-ix86-except-for-intel-drivers.patch
+- Update to bugfix release 23.1.1
+- adjusted u_dep_xcb.patch
+- Update to 23.1.0
+  * new feature release
+  * some highlights
+    + Our OpenCL implementation Rusticl added support for AMD GPUs.
+    + Both ANV (Intel) and RADV (AMD) got initial support for Vulkan Video
+    decoding.
+    + Vulkan Graphics Pipeline Libraries (GPL) are now supported in RADV.
+- adjusted n_stop-iris-flicker.patch
+- supersedes U_ReturnME.patch
+- meson option "-Ddri-drivers" has been removed; wasn't used any
+  longer by us --> killed it
+- Update to version 23.0.3
+  * 3rd bug fix release: changes all across the tree, with no one
+    subsystem seeing too many changes
+- Update to version 23.0.2
+  * 2nd bug fix release: lots of patches for all over the tree,
+    zink being the biggest singel source of changes.
+- Update to version 23.0.1
+  * bug fix release which fixes bugs found since Mesa 23.0.0
+- supersedes U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch
+- U_glx-Remove-pointless-GLX_INTEL_swap_event-paranoia.patch
+  * reverse apply this patch to fix a regression caused by this
+    commit, which resulted in gnome-shell constantly crashing, which
+    is making a GNOME/X11 session impossible (boo#1209005)
+- U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch
+  * Fixes: b090246a ("glx: Only compute client GL extensions for
+    indirect contexts")
+  * Closes:
+- supersedes n_Revert-glx-Only-compute-client-GL-extensions-for-ind.patch
+- Add patch to fix GLX with indirect rendering:
+  * n_Revert-glx-Only-compute-client-GL-extensions-for-ind.patch
+- Update to version 23.0.0
+  * first stable release of 2023
+- refreshed patches
+  * n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch
+  * n_stop-iris-flicker.patch
+  * u_dep_xcb.patch
+  * u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch
+- adjusted n_no-sse2-on-ix86-except-for-intel-drivers.patch
+- meson: added -Dxmlconfig=enabled to fix link errors
+  (missing "-lexpat")
+- Mozilla Thunderbird 115.6
+  * fixed: Message selection misbehaved after selecting a sub-
+    message in an expanded thread, collapsing the thread, then
+    pressing up/down to move selection (bmo#1865548)
+  * fixed: Thunderbird now attempts to reconnect on a new
+    connection after SMTP 4xx errors (bmo#1854567)
+  * fixed: HTML FileLink attachments used the wrong encoding
+    (bmo#1865269)
+  * fixed: Security fixes
+  MFSA 2023-55 (bsc#1217974)
+  * CVE-2023-50762 (bmo#1862625)
+    Truncated signed text was shown with a valid OpenPGP
+    signature
+  * CVE-2023-50761 (bmo#1865647)
+    S/MIME signature accepted despite mismatching message date
+  * CVE-2023-6856 (bmo#1843782)
+    Heap-buffer-overflow affecting WebGL DrawElementsInstanced
+    method with Mesa VM driver
+  * CVE-2023-6857 (bmo#1796023)
+    Symlinks may resolve to smaller than expected buffers
+  * CVE-2023-6858 (bmo#1826791)
+    Heap buffer overflow in nsTextFragment
+  * CVE-2023-6859 (bmo#1840144)
+    Use-after-free in PR_GetIdentitiesLayer
+  * CVE-2023-6860 (bmo#1854669)
+    Potential sandbox escape due to VideoBridge lack of texture
+    validation
+  * CVE-2023-6861 (bmo#1864118)
+    Heap buffer overflow affected nsWindow::PickerOpen(void) in
+    headless mode
+  * CVE-2023-6862 (bmo#1868042)
+    Use-after-free in nsDNSService
+  * CVE-2023-6863 (bmo#1868901)
+    Undefined behavior in ShutdownObserver()
+  * CVE-2023-6864 (bmo#1736385, bmo#1810805, bmo#1846328,
+    bmo#1856090, bmo#1858033, bmo#1858509, bmo#1862089,
+    bmo#1862777, bmo#1864015)
+    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 121, Firefox ESR 115.6,
+    and Thunderbird 115.6
+- Add PackageKit-find-python-3-6.patch: Specify the Python version
+  we need to build this package.
+- Update to version 1.2.8:
+  + Libraries:
+  - offline-updates:
+    . Make package update list deduplication more efficient.
+    . Add only one entry per package to 'offline-update-competed'
+    file.
+  - PkClient: Replace the GSimpleAsyncResult with the GTask API.
+  - pk-client:
+    . Fix use-before-set of PkProgress on cancellation.
+    . Move cancellable disconnect to dispose.
+    . Rework refcounting for PkClientState.
+  + Backends: Changes to apt, dnf, PiSi and BSD backends.
+- Changes from version 1.2.7:
+  + New Features:
+  - pkclient: Add an option to count download size with
+    dependencies.
+  - pk-transaction: Add support for getting the RemainingTime
+    property.
+  + Backends:
+  - zypp: Fix ambiguous reference to 'filesystem' class.
+  - Changes to dnf, apt, alpm backends.
+- Changes from version 1.2.6:
+  + New Features:
+  - Expose transaction sender as read-only property on the bus.
+  - pkmon: Display transaction sender binary name in log.
+  - pk-transaction: Add Packages signal.
+  - pk-transaction: Combine some D-Bus PropertiesChanged signal
+    emissions.
+  - pk-transaction: Add UpdateDetails signal.
+  + Backends:
+  - zypp:
+    . implement upgrade-system method.
+    . Clean up trailing whitespaces.
+    . Avoid statuReset() on locked packages.
+    . restore pool status after simulating an update.
+    . Disable upgrade-system support in SLE.
+    . build the pool before calling is_tumbleweed().
+    . update libzypp dependency version.
+    . Don't refresh repos before searching.
+    . Check if packages are locked before removing.
+    . add repository data in package id.
+    . Remove trailing whitespace.
+    + Changes to alpm, aptcc, apt, and nix backends.
+- Rebase patches:
+  + PackageKit-dnf-Add-support-for-AppStream-repodata-basenames-use.patch
+  + PackageKit-dynamic-export.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-disable-upgrade-system-in-sle.patch
+- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+  + PackageKit-zypp-add-repo-in-packageid.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-add-upgrade-system.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-avoid-statuReset.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-dont-refresh-before-searching.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-dont-remove-locked-packages.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-fix-ambiguous-filesystem-reference.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-fix-is-tumbleweed-check.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-restore-pool-status-after-simulating-update.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-update-libzypp-dependency-version.patch
+- Add PackageKit-dynamic-export.patch: fix loading of modules when
+  built using glib 2.70 (boo#1213309).
+- Add PackageKit-fix-pkcon-permission.patch: trivial: Drop
+  unnecessary x permission
+  (gh#PackageKit/PackageKit/commit/47b7f97bc, bsc#1209138)
+- Add PackageKit-zypp-fix-ambiguous-filesystem-reference.patch:
+  zypp: Fix ambiguous reference to 'filesystem' class
+  (gh#PackageKit/PackageKit/commit/bb1409a71, bsc#1206687).
+- Move the dbus-1 system.d file to /usr (bsc#1201347)
+- Update to version 1.2.5:
+  + Backends:
+  - dnf:
+    . Add support for autoremove flag when removing packages.
+    . Searches by name and package details should be case
+    insensitive.
+    . Update appstream xml files if dnf_sack_add_repos() does
+    the download.
+  - zypp:
+    . Add -std=c++1z cpp flags.
+    . Fix crash when search string is NULL.
+    . Fix package installation using undefined data.
+  - Changes to alpm, apttcc, nix, and slack.
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Install offline-update enablement symlink if Meson is new
+    enough.
+  - Move Wants= line for
+  - Add flags to D-Bus offline invoking methods.
+  - Properly handle allow-reinstall flag for installations.
+  - Provide better error message if trying to install an
+    installed package.
+  - Wait until online to activate systemd service.
+- Drop 505.patch, PackageKit-zypp-c++17.patch, and
+  PackageKit-zypp-fix-crash-with-empty-search-string.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Rebase PackageKit-branding-vendor.patch to apply against
+  PackageKit 1.2.7 and later.
-- Bump version to 13.1 for next version of openSUSE.
-- Disable WritePreparedUpdates: we do currently not support offline
-  updates.
-- Submit version 4.0 to fulfill the requirement of jsc#PED-3850
-  (ECO:jsc#PED-4480)
+- Update to version 4.1:
+  * add missing libssl-dev dependency
+  * Skip configuring ats_disable if the attribute is not present
+  * Add config-user-default command
+  * Add option "-c <config_file>" to load default configurations from
+    the file
+  * Disable default configured WQs and devices
+  * Add "-n <wq_name>" to specify WQ name for disabling WQs
+  * Add user_default_profile.conf
+  * Add doumentation for new command "config-user-default"
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Rebase as-fate318433-prevent-same-account-multi-logins.patch:
+  (bsc#1213884).
+- Rebase accountsservice-sysconfig.patch: (boo#1212675 boo#1212973).
+- Remove accountsservice-assume-gdm.patch: Fixed by new rebasing
+  of accountsservice-sysconfig.patch.
+- Add accountsservice-assume-gdm.patch: assume gdm when not being
+  able to detect the used display manager. This is basically the
+  same as was in place before we gained support for multiple DMs
+  (boo#1212675).
+- Update to version 23.13.9:
+  + daemon: Fix boot delay
+  + user-manager:
+  - Add cancellable to fetch user requests
+  - Track non-existent users
+- Changes from version 23.11.69:
+  + Add lightdm autologin support
+  + user:
+  - Return an error when setting invalid language
+  - Throw a warning for invalid locales
+  - Support new LocalAccount property in cache file
+  - Replace usermod -p with chpasswd -e
+  + main:
+  - Use new overridable USERDIR
+  - Use new overridable ICONDIR
+  - Use new overridable sysconfdir
+  + daemon:
+  - Add GetUsersLanguages() function
+  - Don't crash if /etc/shadow doesn't exist
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches:
+  + accountsservice-sysconfig.patch
+  + accountsservice-filter-suse-accounts.patch
+- Remove BuildIgnore for rpmlint-mini. This is a violation of the
+  security policies applying to SUSE products as it circumvents the
+  SUSE security team's control over what enters Factory and what
+  not.
+- Allow to build without vala support.
+- Refresh harden_accounts-daemon.service.patch to not duplicate
+  existing entries.
+- Update to version 22.08.8
+  + Handle missing admin groups when changing account types
+  + Set PrivateTmp to false in the systemd service
+  + Add function to set user password expiration policy
+- Update to version 22.04.62
+  + Updated Swedish translation
+  + Updated Indonesian translation
+  + Updated German translation
+  + Updated slovak translation
+  + Update Ukrainian translation
+  + Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+  + act-user: Use stronger hashing methods in make_crypted() if available.
+  + act-user-manager: Watch for the daemon going away and coming back
+  + user-manager: Update users tables on username changes
+  + user: Translate property x-session property name to match the proxy one
+  + Check GDBusMessage for INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION flag
+  + daemon: Fix error check in save_autologin()
+  + Never delete the root filesystem when removing users
+  + Remove user heuristics
+  + user-classify: Add git to username blacklist
+  + daemon: ensure cache files for system users are processed
+  + daemon: Don't try to add admin users to non existing groups
+  + Move D-Bus conf file to $(datadir)/dbus-1/system.d
+- Rebased patches:
+  + accountsservice-sysconfig.patch
+  + accountsservice-filter-suse-accounts.patch
+  + as-fate318433-prevent-same-account-multi-logins.patch
+- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+  + ac9b14f1c1bbca413987d0bbfeaad05804107e9a.patch
+  + accountsservice-fix-gdm-crash.patch
+  + accountsservice-read-root-user-cache.patch
+  + accountsservice-wtmp-io-improvements.patch
+- Add ac9b14f1c1bbca413987d0bbfeaad05804107e9a.patch: Fix build
+  with meson 0.61.0.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + No changes from 45.rc, stable versionbump only.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + cursors: new hand cursors, updated spinner.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + New meson build system
+  + fullcolor: new audio mimetype
+  + symbolic:
+  - notifications in outline style
+  - go home, user-home, notifications in outline style
+  - new weather icons
+  + cursors: tooling in python 3
+- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Stable version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Fullcolor:
+  - Use scalables instead of large bitmaps, using the app icon
+    toolchain.
+  - Low res only at 16x16, lean onto the scalables for everything
+    else.
+  + symbolic: updated rounded style.
+- Update to version 43:
+  + No changes, stable bump only.
+- Update to version 43.beta.1:
+  + build: fix dist tarball creation (symlink issue).
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Fix build
+  + fullcolor:
+  - drag accept gradient
+  - fix trash transparency
+  + inkscape 1.2 compatibility
+  + symbolic:
+  - auth-face for face unlock
+  - bluetooth off
+  - folder icons
+  - modem updates
+  - package icons
+  - restore
+  - revert RTL changes for media seek
+  - selection-mode tweaks
+  - starred updates
+  - update style to the contemporary rounded outlines
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + symbolic: provide -rtl versions properly.
+  + README: bring up to date.
+  + fullcolor: fix input-mouse.
+- Replace Requires(post): gtk3-tools with the 2 following:
+  + Requires(post): (gtk3-tools if libgtk-3-0)
+  + Requires(post): (gtk4-tools if libgtk-4-1)
+  Do this as we want gtk3-tools when building and installing a gtk3
+  based package, and gtk4-tools when building and installing a gtk4
+  based package.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Symbolic:
+  - Port over to core.svg for new toolchain (Symbolic Preview).
+  - Updated style across the board - simpler, rounder,
+    consistently 2px thick outlines.
+  + Fullcolor:
+  - Prune legacy fullcolor lowres, apps like Evolution ship their
+    assets from now on.
+  - Updated device icons.
+  - Updated folder icons.
+- updated to 4.09c
+  - afl-fuzz:
+  - fixed the new mutation implementation for two bugs
+  - added `AFL_FINAL_SYNC` which forces a final fuzzer sync (also for `-F`)
+    before terminating.
+  - added AFL_IGNORE_SEED_PROBLEMS to skip over seeds that time out instead
+    of exiting with an error message
+  - allow -S/-M naming up to 50 characters (from 24)
+  - CMPLOG:
+  - added scale support (-l S)
+  - skip unhelpful insertions (u8)
+  - added --version and --help command line parameters
+  - fixed endless loop when reading malformed dictionaries
+  - new custom mutator function: post_run - thanks to yangzao!
+  - afl-whatsup:
+  - detect instanced that are starting up and show them as such as not dead
+  - now also shows coverage reached
+  - option -m shows only very relevant stats
+  - option -n will not use color in the output
+  - instrumentation:
+  - fix for a few string compare transform functions for LAF
+  - we are instrumenting __cxx internal functions again. this might break
+    a few targets, please report if so.
+  - frida_mode:
+  - fixes support for large map offsets
+  - support for AFL_FUZZER_LOOPCOUNT for and LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput
+  - afl-cmin/afl-cmin.bash: prevent unneeded file errors
+  - added new tool afl-addseeds that adds new seeds to a running campaign
+  - added benchmark/ if you want to see how good your fuzzing
+    speed is in comparison to other setups.
+- updated to 4.08c
+  - afl-fuzz:
+  - new mutation engine: mutations that favor discovery more paths are
+    prefered until no new finds for 10 minutes then switching to mutations
+    that favor triggering crashes. Modes and switch time can be configured
+    with `-P`. Also input mode for the target can be defined with `-a` to
+    be `text` or `binary` (defaults to `generic`)
+  - new custom mutator that has the new afl++ engine (so it can easily
+    incorporated into new custom mutators), and also comes with a standalone
+    command line tool! See custom_mutators/aflpp/standalone/
+  - display the state of the fuzzing run in the UI :-)
+  - fix timeout setting if '+' is used or a session is restarted
+  - -l X option to enable base64 transformation solving
+  - allow to disable CMPLOG with '-c -' (e.g. enforces '-c 0' on
+    every instance which is counterproductive).
+  - afl-cmin/afl-cmin.bash:
+  - fixed a bug inherited from vanilla AFL where a coverage of
+    map[123] = 11 would be the same as map[1123] = 1
+  - warn on crashing inputs
+  - adjust threads if less inputs than threads specified
+  - afl-cc:
+  - fixed an off-by-one instrumentation of iselect, hurting coverage a bit.
+    Thanks to @amykweon for spotting and fixing!
+  - @toka fixed a bug in laf-intel signed integer comparison splitting,
+    thanks a lot!!
+  - more LLVM compatability
+  - frida_mode:
+  - support for long form instrumentation on x86_x64 and arm64
+  - renamed utils/ to utils/
+  - qemu_mode:
+  - added qemu_mode/utils/
+- updated to 4.07c
+  - afl-fuzz:
+  - reverse reading the seeds only on restarts (increases performance)
+  - new env `AFL_POST_PROCESS_KEEP_ORIGINAL` to keep the orignal
+    data before post process on finds (for atnwalk custom mutator)
+  - new env `AFL_IGNORE_PROBLEMS_COVERAGE` to ignore coverage from
+    loaded libs after forkserver initialization (required by Mozilla)
+  - afl-cc:
+  - added @responsefile support
+  - new env `AFL_LLVM_LTO_SKIPINIT` to support the AFL++ based WASM
+    ( project
+  - error and print help if afl-clan-lto is used with lto=thin
+  - rewrote our PCGUARD pass to be compatible with LLVM 15+ shenanigans,
+    requires LLVM 13+ now instead of 10.0.1+
+  - fallback to native LLVM PCGUARD if our PCGUARD is unavailable
+  - fixed a crash in GCC CMPLOG
+  - afl-showmap:
+  - added custom mutator post_process and send support
+  - add `-I filelist` option, an alternative to `-i in_dir`
+  - afl-cmin + afl-cmin.bash:
+  - `-T threads` parallel task support, can be a huge speedup!
+  - qemu_mode:
+  - Persistent mode + QASAN support for ppc32 targets by @worksbutnottested
+  - a new grammar custom mutator atnwalk was submitted by @voidptr127 !
+  - two new custom mutators are now available:
+  - TritonDSE in custom_mutators/aflpp_tritondse
+  - SymQEMU in custom_mutators/symqemu
+- removed ppc64le condition (failed parsing), we have no 32bit ppc64le
+- updated to 4.06c
+  - afl-fuzz:
+  - ensure temporary file descriptor is closed when not used
+  - added time_wo_finds to fuzzer_stats
+  - fixed a crash in pizza (1st april easter egg) mode. Sorry for
+    everyone who was affected!
+  - allow pizza mode to be disabled when AFL_PIZZA_MODE is set to -1
+  - option `-p mmopt` now also selects new queue items more often
+  - fix bug in post_process custom mutator implementation
+  - print name of custom mutator in UI
+  - slight changes that improve fuzzer performance
+  - afl-cc:
+  - add CFI sanitizer variant to gcc targets
+  - llvm 16 + 17 support (thanks to @devnexen!)
+  - support llvm 15 native pcguard changes
+  - support for LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput -1 return
+  - LTO autoken and llvm_mode: added AFL_LLVM_DICT2FILE_NO_MAIN support
+  - qemu_mode:
+  - fix _RANGES envs to allow hyphens in the filenames
+  - basic riscv support
+  - frida_mode:
+  - fix issue on MacOS
+  - unicorn_mode:
+  - updated and minor issues fixed
+  - nyx_mode support for all tools
+  - better sanitizer default options support for all tools
+  - new custom module: autotoken, a grammar free fuzzer for text inputs
+  - fixed custom mutator C examples
+  - more minor fixes and cross-platform support
+- Pin to llvm15 for the time being: code fails to build with
+  llvm16.
+- Remove dependency on maven2
+- Added patches:
+  * reproducible-order.patch
+    + ensure reproducible elements order by sorting
+  * reproducible-timestamp.patch
+    + support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for generatedTimestamp
+- Modified patch:
+  * antlr3-generated_sources.patch
+    + regenerate in cycle with stringtemplate4 to correspond to
+    the reproducible build changes
+- Override build date (boo#1047218)"
+- Update to 1.3.4:
+  * Procrun. Configured stack size now applies to the main thread
+    when running in JVM mode. Fixes DAEMON-451.
+  * Procrun. If the specified log directory does not exist, attempt
+    to create any missing parent directories, as well as the
+    specified directory, when the service starts. Fixes DAEMON-452.
+  * Procrun. Allow Windows service dependencies to be managed by
+    Procrun or by 'sc config ...'. Fixes DAEMON-458.
+  * jsvc. Fix DaemonController.reload() only working the first time
+    it is called. Fixes DAEMON-459. Thanks to Klaus Malorny.
+  * jsvc. Remove incorrent definition 'supported_os' which defined
+    in psupport.m4 file to fix jsvc build error on riscv64.
+  * Bump commons-parent from 54 to 57 #71, #91.
+- Update to 1.3.3:
+  * Fixes:
+  - Procrun. Follow-up to ensure all child processes are cleaned
+    up if the service does not stop cleanly.
+  - Procrun. Fix creation of duplicate ACL entries on some
+    Windows platforms.
+  * Updates:
+  - Bump actions/cache from 3.0.8 to 3.0.11.
+  - Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0.
+  - Bump actions/setup-java from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0.
+  - Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to
+- Add apache2-fix-symbol-export-typo.patch to fix a typo to restrict
+  the symbols to export by the module. Fixes bsc#1206261
-    symbols. Based on a patch provided by Josef Čejka.
+    symbols. Based on a patch provided by Josef Čejka. (wrong fix
+    was applied for bsc#1206261)
+- Update to aqute-bnd 6.3.1
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+- Modified patches:
+  * 0001-Disable-removed-commands.patch
+  * 0003-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch -> 0002-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch
+  * 0004-maven-plugin-dependencies.patch ->
+    0003-Remove-unmet-dependencies.patch
+  * reproducible-timestamps.patch
+  * reproducible-packages-list.patch
+    + rediff to changed context
+- Removed patch:
+  * aqute-bnd-java8compat.patch
+    + handled by release=8 in ant javac task
+- Added patches:
+  * reproducible-timestamps.patch
+    + set "-reproducible" option to true by default
+    + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp if available
+  * reproducible-packages-list.patch
+    + make the order of packages to import/export deterministic
+- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Reformat avahi-gacdir.patch to apply as patch -p1.
+- Use %autopatch instead of deprecated %patchN format.
+- avahi-autoipd: drop the post script part migrating the user
+  owning files in /var/lib/avahi-autoipd: the code was aiding
+  migrations from SLE<=11/openSUSE<=12.3, which are no longer in
+  scope for upgrades nowadays.
+- avahi-autoipd: guard %post chown with -h, to not follow symlinks
+  (boo#1217398).
+- avahi-autoipd: only migrate files owned by avahi user if said
+  user exists: if the user does not exist (fresh installs), then
+  there is no chance any file is owned by the user (boo#1216730).
+- Don't require sudo. There is no indication it's actually used for
+  anything.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Drop %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/network/if-{up,down}.d scripts:
+  they are not used, or supported, in a while already.
+- Remove, avahi-daemon-check-dns-suse.patch
+  and avahi-daemon.if-up
+  Doesn't work since about 9 years and will not be executed on a
+  fresh default installation anymore
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_avahi-daemon.service.patch
+  * harden_avahi-dnsconfd.service.patch
+- convert obsolete egrep call to grep -E
+  (boo#1203092)
+- Move the dbus-1 system.d file to /usr (bsc#1201345)
+- Stop requiring "avahi" from "libavahi-devel". The devel package
+  ought to facilitate building programs with avahi, not run the
+  whole deamon.
+- Add missing python3-azure-mgmt-resource dependency to Requires (bsc#1201870)
+- Extend %check section to test individual az commands
+  + Determine current list of available az commands
+  + Ignore sub-commands for now
+  + Iterate over all commands and run az --help
+  + Print OK or FAIL depending on the result for each call
+  + Make failures non-fatal for now
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Use new libadwaita widgets and design patterns.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Use new libadwaita widgets and design patterns.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Change "Open Folder" to "Open Externally".
+  + Allow activating the menu by pressing the F10 key.
+  + Misc string changes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Change "Open Folder" to "Open Externally".
+  + Allow activating the menu by pressing the F10 key.
+  + Misc string changes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Ported to GTK4 and libadwaita.
+  + Adjusted styling, so that numbers in cells are aligned, keeping
+    the UI from shifting during scanning.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Change BuildRequires according to the GTK4 port:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+- Add bijiben-switch-to-soup3.patch: Backport upstream switch to
+  soup3. Following this, replace pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) with
+  pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) BuildRequires.
+- Call find_lang before fdupes: find_lang potentially deletes some
+  files which might, in worst case, be link targets identified by
+  fdupes.
+- Enhance _service file
+- Update to version 0.7.3:
+  * Add SMBIOS 3.x support
+  * Read DMI entries from /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI
+  * Add buffer read helper using read explicitly
+  * man: fix all_ethN indentation
+  * Netronome biosdevname support (#8)
+  * Prevent infinite recursion in dmidecode.c::smbios_setslot by (#7)
+  * Add support for ExaNIC network cards (#5)
+  This are now all mainline and got reverted:
+  D    biosdevname-Add-buffer-read-helper-using-read-explicitly.patch
+  D    biosdevname-Add-SMBIOS-3.x-support.patch
+  D    biosdevname-Read-DMI-entries-from-sys-firmware-dmi-tables-DMI.patch
+  D    dmidecode-prevent-infinite-recursion.patch
+- install to /usr (boo#1029961)
+- Amend the package description
+- Add support for SMBIOS 3.
+  * biosdevname-Add-SMBIOS-3.x-support.patch
+- Fix URL in specfile. It should be readable to developers.
+- add CVE-2023-45866.patch (CVE-2023-45866, bsc#1217877)
+- update to 5.70:
+  * Fix issue with not sending GATT confirmations.
+  * Fix issue with not handling initiator properly.
+  * Fix issue with not checking PBAP counter length.
+  * Add support for MICP profile and MICS service.
+- add Fix-.device_probe-failing-if-SDP-record-is-not.patch to fix
+  regression when pairing game controllers
+- Update to aqute-bnd 6.3.1
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  *
+- Modified patches:
+  * 0001-Disable-removed-commands.patch
+  * 0003-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch -> 0002-Port-to-OSGI-7.0.0.patch
+  * 0004-maven-plugin-dependencies.patch ->
+    0003-Remove-unmet-dependencies.patch
+  * reproducible-timestamps.patch
+  * reproducible-packages-list.patch
+    + rediff to changed context
+- Removed patch:
+  * aqute-bnd-java8compat.patch
+    + handled by release=8 in ant javac task
+- Added patches:
+  * reproducible-timestamps.patch
+    + set "-reproducible" option to true by default
+    + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp if available
+  * reproducible-packages-list.patch
+    + make the order of packages to import/export deterministic
+-  Fix build with RPM 4.19: unnumbered patches are no longer
+  supported.
+- Add 9b3f451e72cfa3bac700517a036faab61f683b3f.patch:
+  libbrasero-media: Fix duplicated if.
+- Disable nautilus integration for now, does not work with gtk4
+  based nautilus. Disable pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension)
+  BuildRequires and pass disable-nautilus to configure via bcond.
+- Modernize post(un) handling and Supplements, use
+  ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- cacti 1.2.26:
+  * CVE-2023-50250: XSS vulnerability when importing a template file (boo#1218380)
+  * CVE-2023-49084: RCE vulnerability when managing links (boo#1218360)
+  * CVE-2023-49085: SQL Injection vulnerability when managing poller devices (boo#1218378)
+  * CVE-2023-49086: XSS vulnerability when adding new devices (boo#1218366)
+  * CVE-2023-49088: XSS vulnerability when viewing data sources in debug mode (boo#1218379)
+  * CVE-2023-51448: SQL Injection vulnerability when managing SNMP Notification Receivers (boo#1218381)
+  * When viewing data sources, an undefined variable error may be seen
+  * Improvements for Poller Last Run Date
+  * Attempting to edit a Data Query that does not exist throws warnings and not an GUI error
+  * Improve PHP 8.1 support when adding devices
+  * Viewing Data Query Cache can cause errors to be logged
+  * Preserve option is not properly honoured when removing devices at command line
+  * Infinite recursion is possible during a database failure
+  * Monitoring Host CPU's does not always work on Windows endpoints
+  * Multi select drop down list box not rendered correctly in Chrome and Edge
+  * Selective Plugin Debugging may not always work as intended
+  * During upgrades, Plugins may be falsely reported as incompatible
+  * Plugin management at command line does not work with multiple plugins
+  * Improve PHP 8.1 support for incrementing only numbers
+  * Allow the renaming of guest and template accounts
+  * DS Stats issues warnings when the RRDfile has not been initialized
+  * When upgrading, missing data source profile can cause errors to be logged
+  * When deleting a single Data Source, purge historical debug data
+  * Improvements to form element warnings
+  * Some interface aliases do not appear correctly
+  * Aggregate graph does not show other percentiles
+  * Settings table updates for large values reverted by database repair
+  * When obtaining graph records, error messages may be recorded
+  * Unable to change a device's community at command line
+  * Increase timeout for RRDChecker
+  * When viewing a graph, option to edit template may lead to incorrect URL
+  * When upgrading, failures may occur due to missing color table keys
+  * On installation, allow a more appropriate template to be used as the default
+  * When data input parameters are allowed to be null, allow null
+  * CSV Exports may not always output data correctly
+  * When debugging a graph, long CDEF's can cause undesirable scrolling
+  * Secondary LDAP server not evaluated when the first one has failed
+  * When adding a device, using the bulk walk option can make version information appear
+  * When parsing a Data Query resource, an error can be reported if no direction is specified
+  * Database reconnection can cause errors to be reported incorrectly
+  * fix returned value if $sau is empty
+  * Add Aruba switch, Aruba controller and HPE iLO templates
+  * Add OSCX 6x00 templates
+- cacti-spine 1.2.26:
+  * Fix: Errors when uptime OID is not present
+  * Fix: MySQL reconnect option is depreciated
+  * Fix: Spine does not check a host with no poller items
+  * Fix: Poller may report the wrong number of devices polled
+  * Feature: Allow users to override the threads setting at the command line
+  * Feature: Allow spine to run in ping-only mode
+- Update to version 1.18.0:
+  + The first stable cairo release in five years should be cause
+    for celebration.
+  + All the API added in the 1.17 development cycle is now
+    considered stable, and will not change.
+  + Many thanks to all the contributors for this release.
+  + The cairo-sphinx tool has been removed; we could not find any
+    instruction on how to use it, and no user answered our call for
+    help. If you were using cairo-sphinx, please reach out to the
+    cairo maintainers.
+  + Cairo now implements Type 3 color fonts for PDF.
+  + Multiple documentation fixes, to ensure that the cairo API
+    reference is up to date. Also fixed multiple compiler warnings
+    generated when building cairo.
+  + The XML surface has been removed; it was disabled by default
+    when building cairo, and we could not find any downstream
+    distributor that would enable it.
+  + The Tee surface is now automatically enabled. Downstream
+    distributors of cairo have been enabling for years it in order
+    to build Firefox.
+  + Fixed multiple issues with the DWrite font backend.
+  + Improved the Quartz surface; mainly, Quartz surfaces now use
+    the main display ColorSpace, speeding up rendering operations.
+  + Cairo now hides all private symbols by default on every
+    platform; the old "slim" symbols hack to alias internally used
+    symbols has been dropped, in favor of using
+    `-Bsymbolic-functions` with toolchains that support it.
+  + Fixed multiple memory leaks in the code base and test suite,
+    and general maintenance.
+  + Added new API to expose the Pixman dithering filter to cairo
+    patterns; this is currently implemented only for image
+    surfaces.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + cairo-1.17.8-fix-tee-compilation.patch
+  + cairo-1.17.8-ft-font-missing-glyph.patch
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Stop passing xml=disabled to meson setup, xml backend is dropped.
+- Update to version 1.17.8:
+  + In a continuing effort to reduce the amount of legacy code, and
+    increase the long-term maintainability of cairo, the following
+    backends have been removed:
+  - GL and GLES drawing
+  + Additionally, cairo's Autotools build system has been removed;
+    from now on, cairo will only support the Meson build system.
+    While the end result should be identical, further testing is
+    appreciated.
+  + In this snapshot, cairo gained support for rendering COLRv1
+    fonts, and rendering SVG and COLRv1 fonts with custom palettes.
+  + Support for macOS and Windows has been improved, with lots of
+    build and bug fixes.
+  + Lots of safety issues have been fixed, with array bounds
+    checking and plugging memory leaks, as well as fixes for bugs
+    identified via fuzzying.
+  + This is going to be the last snapshot of the 1.17 development
+    cycle; we only expect minor bug fixing and improvements until
+    the 1.18.0 release.
+- Switch to meson buildsystem: Add meson BuildRequires and macros.
+- Update Source Url to new home.
+- Drop build_gl_backend define and conditional pkgconfig(egl) and
+  pkgconfig(gl) BuildRequires: No longer supported.
+- Add generic c++_compiler and c_compiler BuildRequires: New
+  dependencies.
+- Drop 0001-Set-default-LCD-filter-to-FreeType-s-default.patch:
+  Fixed upstream.
+- Add upstream bug fix patches:
+  + cairo-1.17.8-fix-tee-compilation.patch
+  + cairo-1.17.8-ft-font-missing-glyph.patch
+- Update to version 1.17.6:
+  + This snapshot sees the removal of the following backends and
+    platform support: Qt4, BeOS, OS/2, DirectFB, DRM, Cogl, OpenVG.
+  + Thanks to all past contributors for their work on them. If you
+    were using any of these backends then you will need to stick to
+    Cairo 1.16.
+  + This snapshot is going to be the **last** release of Cairo with
+    the Autotools build system. The Meson build has seen many
+    improvements and it is considerably easier to maintain and
+    faster to build.
+- Changes from version 1.17.4:
+  + A particularly noteworthy improvement in this release is the
+    addition of the meson build system as an alternative to
+    autotools.
+  + The cogl Cairo backend underwent significant development this
+    cycle.
+  + Subpixel positioning support allows improved glyph outlines
+    with the Freetype font backend.
+  + For a complete log of changes, please see
+- Changes from version 1.17.2:
+  + This snapshot provides the new support for writing floating
+    point formats as 16 bpc PNGs, with support for RGBA128F and
+    RGB96F formats. This new feature increases Cairo's pixman
+    version requirement to 0.36.0.
+  + Beyond this are a range of bugfixes.
+    For a complete log of changes, please see
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + cairo-Use-FT_Done_MM_Var-instead-of-free-when-available.patch
+  + cairo-composite_color_glyphs.patch
+  + cairo-pdf-add-missing-flush.patch
+  + cairo-do-not-override-explicitly-requested-grayscale-aa.patch
+- Rebase remaining patches with quilt.
+- Add 0001-Set-default-LCD-filter-to-FreeType-s-default.patch: Set
+  default LCD filter to FreeType's default (patch merged upstream).
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 0.9.27~git0.54774e0:
+  * Complete the soversion granularity
+  * Bump cbindgen
+  * Make sure the version variables are consistent
+  * Fix sover detection for 0-based versioning
+  * Bump cargo version
+  * Bump cbindgen
+  * Do not pass the token to clippy-check
+- Switch _service to manual.
+- Remove _constraints file, add README-constraints.txt and pre_checkin.env
+- Add "#!BuildConstraint" to spec files for compatibility with _multibuild
+- Update to 16.2.13-66-g54799ee0666:
+  + (bsc#1199880) mgr: don't dump global config holding gil
+  + (bsc#1209621) cephadm: fix NFS haproxy failover if active node disappears
+  + (bsc#1210153) mgr/cephadm: fix handling of mgr upgrades with 3 or more mgrs
+  + (bsc#1210243, bsc#1210314) ceph-volume: fix regression in activate
+  + (bsc#1210719) cephadm: mount host /etc/hosts for daemon containers in podman deployments
+  + (bsc#1210784) mgr/dashboard: Fix SSO error: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
+  + (bsc#1210944) cmake: patch boost source to support python 3.11
+  + (bsc#1211090) fix FTBFS on s390x
+- Add _multibuild to define additional spec files as additional
+  flavors.  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Update to 16.2.11-65-g8b7e6fc0182:
+  + (bsc#1201088) test/librados: fix FTBFS on gcc 13
+  + (bsc#1208820) mgr/dashboard: allow to pass controls on iscsi disk create
+- Update to 16.2.11-62-gce6291a3463:
+  + (bsc#1201088) fix FTBFS on gcc 13
-- Update to 16.2.11-58-g38d6afd3b78:
-  + test/CMakeLists.txt: move 'APPEND rgw_libs Boost::filesystem' to top level
+- spec: build libradosstriper1 library unconditionally (for SLE-15
+  mimic submission)
-- Update to 16.2.11-57-g9be7fb44a33:
-  + Replace %usrmerged macro with regular version check
-- default to ses7p branch
+- _constraints: Increase aarch64 disk space and memory constraints for
+  ceph-test
-- Update to 16.2.11-56-gc067055f8f5:
-  + (bsc#1199183) osd, tools, kv: non-aggressive, on-line trimming of accumulated dups
-  + (bsc#1200262) ceph-volume: fix fast device alloc size on mulitple device
-  + (bsc#1200501) cephadm: update monitoring container images
-  + (bsc#1200978) mgr/dashboard: prevent alert redirect
-  + (bsc#1201797) mgr/volumes: Add subvolumegroup resize cmd
-  + (bsc#1201837) mgr/volumes: Fix subvolume discover during upgrade (CVE-2022-0670)
-  + (bsc#1201976) monitoring/ceph-mixin: add RGW host to label info
-  + (bsc#1202077) mgr/dashboard: enable addition of custom Prometheus alerts
-  + (bsc#1203375) python-common: Add 'KB' to supported suffixes in SizeMatcher
-  + (bsc#1204430) ceph-crash: drop privleges to run as "ceph" user, rather than root (CVE-2022-3650)
-  + (bsc#1205025) rgw: Guard against malformed bucket URLs (CVE-2022-3854)
-  + (bsc#1205436) mgr/dashboard: fix rgw connect when using ssl
-- Update to 16.2.9-539-gea74dd900cd:
-- Update to 16.2.9-538-g9de83fa4064:
-  + (bsc#1201604) cephfs-shell: move source to separate subdirectory
-- Update to 16.2.9-536-g41a9f9a5573:
-  + (bsc#1195359, bsc#1200553) rgw: check bucket shard init status in RGWRadosBILogTrimCR
-  + (bsc#1194131) ceph-volume: honour osd_dmcrypt_key_size option (CVE-2021-3979)
-  + (bsc#1196046) mgr/cephadm: try to get FQDN for configuration files
-- Update to 16.2.9-158-gd93952c7eea:
-  + cmake: check for python(\d)\.(\d+) when building boost
-  + make-dist: patch boost source to support python 3.10
-- Update to ceph-16.2.9-58-ge2e5cb80063:
-  + (bsc#1200064, pr#480) Remove last vestiges of image paths
-- Update to
-  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
-  + (bsc#1196044) cephadm: prometheus: The generatorURL in alerts is only using hostname
-  + (bsc#1196785) cephadm: avoid crashing on expected non-zero exit
-  + (bsc#1187748) When an RBD is mapped, it is attempted to be deployed as an OSD.
-- Update to 16.2.7-969-g6195a460d89
-  + (jsc#SES-2515) High-availability NFS export
-- Update to v16.2.7-654-gd5a90ff46f0
-  + (bsc#1196733) remove build directory during %clean
-- Update to v16.2.7-652-gf5dc462fdb5
-  + (bsc#1194875) [SES7P] include/buffer: include <memory>
-- Update to 16.2.7-650-gd083eaa3886
-  + (pr#469) cephadm: update image paths to
-  + (pr#468) cephadm: use snmp-notifier image from
-  + (pr#467) cephadm: infer the default container image during pull
-  + (pr#465) mgr/cephadm: try to get FQDN for inventory address
-  + Sync _constaints file for IBS and OBS
-- Update to 16.2.7-640-gceb23c7491b
-  + (bsc#1194875) common: fix FTBFS due to dout & need_dynamic on GCC-12
-  + (bsc#1196938) cephadm: preserve authorized_keys file during upgrade
-- Update to 16.2.7-596-g7d574789716
-  + Update Prometheus Container image paths (pr #459)
-  + mgr/dashboard: Fix documentation URL (pr #456)
-  + mgr/dashboard: Adapt downstream branded navigation page (pr #454)
-- Update to 16.2.7-577-g3e3603b5dd1
-  + Update prometheus-server version
-- Update to 16.2.7-37-gb3be69440db:
-  + (bsc#1194353) Downstream branding breaks dashboard npm build
-  + (bsc#1188911) OSD marked down causes wrong backfill_toofull
-- Update to 16.2.6-463-g22e7612f9ad:
-  + (bsc#1178073) mgr/dashboard: fix downstream NFS doc links
-- Preservation of Bugzilla, Jira and CVE citations from earlier incarnations of
-  this changes file after double-checking that none of these fixes got lost in
-  the pacific rebase:
-  + bsc#1163764 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus)
-  + bsc#1170200 (mgr/dashboard: Fix for CrushMap viewer items getting compressed vertically)
-  + bsc#1172926 (mgr/orchestrator: Sort 'ceph orch device ls' by host)
-  + bsc#1173079 (mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without any OSDs in the cluster)
-  + bsc#1174466 (mon: have 'mon stat' output json as well)
-  + bsc#1174526 (mgr/dashboard: allow getting fresh inventory data from the orchestrator)
-  + bsc#1174529 (rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work)
-  + bsc#1174644 (cephadm: log to file)
-  + bsc#1175120 (downstream branding)
-  + bsc#1175161 (downstream branding)
-  + bsc#1175169 (downstream branding)
-  + bsc#1176390 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana)
-  + bsc#1176451 (Drop patch "rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work")
-  + bsc#1176489 (mgr/cephadm: lock multithreaded access to OSDRemovalQueue)
-  + bsc#1176499 (mgr/cephadm: fix RemoveUtil.load_from_store())
-  + bsc#1176638 (ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method)
-  + bsc#1176679 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana)
-  + bsc#1176828 (cephadm: command_unit: call systemctl with verbose=True)
-  + bsc#1177078 (mgr/dashboard: Fix bugs in a unit test and i18n translation)
-  + bsc#1177151 (python-common: do not skip unavailable devices)
-  + bsc#1177319 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus)
-  + bsc#1177344 (mgr/dashboard: support Orchestrator and user-defined Ganesha cluster)
-  + bsc#1177360 (cephadm: silence "Failed to evict container" log msg)
-  + bsc#1177450 (ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed)
-  + bsc#1177643 (Revert "spec: Podman (temporarily) requires apparmor-abstractions on suse")
-  + bsc#1177676 (cephadm: allow uid/gid == 0 in copy_tree, copy_files, move_files)
-  + bsc#1177843 (CVE-2020-25660)
-  + bsc#1177857 (mgr/cephadm: upgrade: fail gracefully, if daemon redeploy fails)
-  + bsc#1177933 (cephadm: configure journald as the logdriver)
-  + bsc#1178531 (cephadm: set default container_image to
-  + bsc#1178837 (rgw: cls/user: set from_index for reset stats calls)
-  + bsc#1178860 (mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1)
-  + bsc#1178905 (CVE-2020-25678)
-  + bsc#1178932 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest)
-  + bsc#1179016 (rpm: require smartmontools on SUSE)
-  + bsc#1179452 (mgr/insights: Test environment requires 'six')
-  + bsc#1179526 (rgw: during GC defer, prevent new GC enqueue)
-  + bsc#1179569 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest)
-  + bsc#1179802 (CVE-2020-27781)
-  + bsc#1179997 (CVE-2020-27839)
-  + bsc#1180107 (ceph-volume: pass --filter-for-batch from drive-group subcommand)
-  + bsc#1180155 (CVE-2020-27781)
-  + bsc#1181291 (mgr/cephadm: alias rgw-nfs -> nfs)
-  + bsc#1182766 (cephadm: fix 'inspect' and 'pull')
-  + bsc#1183074 (CVE-2021-20288)
-  + bsc#1183561 (mgr/cephadm: on ssh connection error, advice chmod 0600)
-  + bsc#1183899 (bluestore: fix huge reads/writes at BlueFS)
-  + bsc#1184231 (cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections)
-  + bsc#1184517 (cls/rgw: look for plane entries in non-ascii plain namespace too)
-  + bsc#1185246 (rgw: check object locks in multi-object delete)
-  + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524)
-  + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524)
-  + bsc#1186020 (CVE-2021-3531)
-  + bsc#1186021 (CVE-2021-3509)
-  + bsc#1186348 (mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path)
-  + bsc#1188979 ("mgr/cephadm: pass --container-init to "cephadm deploy" if specified" and "Revert "cephadm: default container_init to False")
-  + bsc#1189173 (downstream branding)
-  + jsc#SES-1071 (ceph-volume: major batch refactor - upstream PR#34740)
-  + jsc#SES-185 (SES support with cache software)
-  + jsc#SES-704 (mgr/snap_schedule)
-- Update to 16.2.6-462-g5fefbbf8888:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dd7139c66c1d36da50475ec97d8d6b54b07d1dea
-  * (bsc#1191751) rgw/tracing: unify SO version numbers within librgw2 package
-  * spec: make selinux scriptlets respect CEPH_AUTO_RESTART_ON_UPGRADE
-- Update to Version:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dbc87327c37d0f305c2107e487cb98a072ae858b
-    upstream 16.2.6 release
-- Update to 16.2.5-504-g6a3a59bd19e:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0d1e1f2973cae7645126fc88a72743367c790d9d
-  + (bsc#1189605) cmake: exclude "grafonnet-lib" target from "all"
-- Update to 16.2.5-113-g8b5bda7684e:
-  + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9
-    improved version of patch that did not work as intended
-- Update to 16.2.5-111-ga5b472dfcf8:
-  + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9
-- Update to 16.2.5-110-gc5d9c915c46:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 7feddc9819ca05586f230accd67b4e26a328e618
-  + (bsc#1186348) mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path
-- Update to 16.2.5-29-g97c2c82c2f5:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0883bdea7337b95e4b611c768c0279868462204a
-    upstream 16.2.5 release
-  + cherry-pick fix for bsc#1188111:
-  * include/denc: include used header
-  * mon,osd: always init local variable
-  * common/Formatter: include used header
-- Update to 16.2.4-564-g9689286366a:
-  + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 e57defcbcc91e67aac958c4a52d657a7a907e8ef
-- Update _constraints: only honor physical memory, not 'any memory'
-  (e.g. swap). But then, be happy with 8GB (bumping the current
-  x86_64 worker pool from 16 to 64). (Dominique Leuenberger)
-- Update to 16.2.4-26-g555d38aa5a5:
-  + rebased on top of v16.2.4 tag
-  * mgr/dashboard: fix base-href: revert it to previous approach
-  * (bsc#1186021) mgr/dashboard: fix cookie injection issue (CVE-2021-3509)
-  * mgr/dashboard: fix set-ssl-certificate{,-key} commands
-  * (bsc#1186020) rgw: RGWSwiftWebsiteHandler::is_web_dir checks empty subdir_name (CVE-2021-3531)
-  * (bsc#1185619) rgw: sanitize \r in s3 CORSConfiguration’s ExposeHeader (CVE-2021-3524)
-  * systemd: remove ProtectClock=true for ceph-osd@.service
-- Update to 16.2.3-26-g422932e923:
-  + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 381b476cb3900f9a92eb95d03b4850b953cfd79a
-    Pacific v16.2.3 release
-    see
-  * cephadm: normalize image digest in 'ls' output too
-    Pacific v16.2.2 release
-    see
-- Update to 16.2.1-283-g9f37a4bec4:
-  + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 717ce59b76c659aaef8c5aec1355c0ac5cef7234
-    Pacific v16.2.1 release
-    see
-  * (bsc#1183074) - (CVE-2021-20288) ceph: Unauthorized global_id reuse
-  * (bsc#1184231) cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections
-- _constraints: raise s390x disk constraint to 42G after seeing a build fail
-  with "write error: No space left on device"
-- Update to 16.2.0-91-g24bd0c4acf:
-  + rebase on top of upstream pacific SHA1 4cbaf866034715d053e6259dcd5bd8e4e1d1e1ed
-- Update to 16.2.0-31-g5922b2b9c1:
-  + rebase on top of upstream v16.2.0 (first stable release in Pacific series)
-    see
-  + (bsc#1192838) cephadm: Fix iscsi client caps (allow mgr <service status> calls)
-  + (bsc#1200317) mgr/cephadm: fix and improve osd draining
-  + (bsc#1206158) add iscsi and nfs to upgrade process
-- Update to 16.1.0-1217-g8e1da7347e:
-  + rpm: drop extraneous explicit sqlite-libs runtime dependency
-- add README-packaging.txt as a source file to ceph-test.spec
-  (to pacify obs-service-source_validator)
-- Update to 16.1.0-1216-gbaca20b112:
-  + spec: prepare openSUSE usrmerge (boo#1029961)
-- Update to 16.1.0-1215-gd99465b6ba
-  + rebase on top of upstream commit 3eb70cf622aace689e45749e8a92fce033d3d55c
-    (tip of "pacific" branch)
-  * introduce libnpmem and libpmemobj dependencies to for RBD_RWL and
-    RBD_SSD_CACHE features backed by system PMDK
-  * introduce libcephsqlite
-- Add README-packaging.txt
-- Update to 16.1.0-46-g571704f730
-  + rebase on top of upstream v16.1.0 (Pacific release candidate)
-  + (bsc#1192840) mgr/ CLICommand: Fix parsing of kwargs arguments
-  + drop obsolete downstream patches that were causing conflicts:
-  * cephadm: use by default
-  * cephadm: add global flag --container-init
-  * mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand
-  * cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy"
-- Update to 16.0.0-7500-g78f6791981:
-  + cephadm: add global flag --container-init
-  + mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand
-  + cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy"
-- Update to 16.0.0-7497-g63a0682c7e:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 8c6b533ee85e7fe2cd19e5dbb6f0363898f5a2ee
-- Update to 16.0.0-6239-g0c2e605e78:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 6d1f1f63b711797e21ff8ff12662d07d86546e66
-  * cephadm: Fix error setting 'mgr/cephadm/container_init' config (PR #37500)
-- Update to 16.0.0-6229-g71574673b0:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f68197eca4b4dceef9fbf497d640b4600663d3ed
-  * ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed (PR #37591)
-- Update to 16.0.0-6177-g01e4ab745b:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f8ea1f38aee3d8715186a756331a23d4b51121f2
-  * ceph-volume: pass filter_for_batch as keyword argument (PR #37545)
-- Update to 16.0.0-6162-g892bfa3fef:
-  + drop the following commits:
-    + lvmcache: refactor argument parsing and add -h flag
-    + ceph-volume: install lvmcache plugin
-    + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin and its tests
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 0a92d5094fc0baae3af223aa16b271d2e5e6f349
-    + mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without
-    any OSDs in the cluster (bsc#1173079)
-- Update to 16.0.0-5613-gb1a0951432:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 5df5d8f8ff463f2560180dc8e9722d6690b0fa12
-- Update to 16.0.0-4863-g5d95d9d41d:
-  + cmake: detect and use sigdescr_np() if available (bsc#1175266)
-- Update to 16.0.0-4862-g8ac6038555:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 46c912978aa6a0b0f67094a27933c7bea829e6c9
-- build only one frontend language (English) by default, to speed
-  up tarball generation
-- Update to 15.2.4-822-g24d833526b
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 0887d548597b9d2381de42c1cc8a5c01d264ae8b
-- Update to
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 96411838ef6fef9a5285ca4d5c0708e6a599632e
-- Update to 15.2.4-511-g40953bf9d6
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 f3b8bc0d11ca4f8167615007645759e905b1ada5
-- Update to 15.2.4-465-g5e8d9ae6bd
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 213e2c803b4f68c9f0b33119c64638a6813d2692
-- Update to 15.2.4-381-g734ae877b4:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 d0da4070a19a55ebe9c55904d6da2ad38833aae0
-- Update to 15.2.4-342-g6987dec446:
-  + cmake: add empty RPATH to ceph-diff-sorted
-- Update to 15.2.4-337-g55cec95eaf:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 405556b2629d8274dea2e14ee017c70a7dfb24a1
-  + Monitoring: Use downstream container images
-- Update to 15.2.4-89-g583fe198f6:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 5a3693ca1e7148b0365557740d6f70f3db8cd0e8
-  * upstream Octopus v15.2.4 release, see
-  + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding (add fix for bsc#1170498)
-- Update to 15.2.3-579-g762c7116a8:
-  + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding
-- Update to 15.2.3-578-g498d3083b7:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 7b12a033c2fbeb415846ddda46d91eeab998e7a4
-- Update to 15.2.3-455-g04541bbb8e:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 ec315386e94adb4f844f6f3b7ce519e8f7789213
-  * python-common: only validate host_pattern if present
-- Up ceph-test disk constraint to address "no space left on device"
-  build error seen in OBS
-- Update to 15.2.3-252-gf2237253cd:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 22279597fa9ca40ba2f05af9f186a99ce73a6047
-  * upstream v15.2.3 release
-- Update to 15.2.2-60-gf5864377ab:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 9e890709ef53ce29006c6fc754dd80e25df186d0
-- Update to 15.2.2-18-g1dbcddb5d8:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 0c857e985a29d90501a285f242ea9c008df49eb8
-  * Upstream v15.2.2 release
-  * mon, mgr: require all caps for pre-octopus tell commands (bsc#1170021, CVE-2020-10736)
-- Update to 15.2.1-277-g17d346932e:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 752b293586d0c8749483e60e43c7a98c1e0d7b19
-  * rpm: drop "is_opensuse" conditional in SUSE-specific bcond block
-    (jsc#SLE-11802)
-- Update to 15.2.1-246-g66cd0e5497:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 939661f696d3d9eb4d31e998a3ad1487852a4741
-- Update to 15.2.1-16-gb3a86250a6:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 9fd2f65f91d9246fae2c841a6222d34d121680ee
-  * upstream 15.2.1 release
-    + fix Nonce reuse in msgr V2 secure mode (bsc#1166403, CVE-2020-1759)
-    + prevent RGW GetObject header-splitting XSS (bsc#1166484, CVE-2020-1760)
-- Update to 15.2.0-108-g8cf4f02b08:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 9267cc03e1b1612109dd57cc6ce74c34ed1f1d00
-  * cephadm: Fix truncated output of "ceph mgr dump"
-- Update to 15.2.0-29-g274f7bc2e7:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 a8062613c81ad08815edcdf06e668fcc77270a03
-  * upstream 15.2.0 (first Octopus stable) release
-- Update to 15.1.1-220-g0f87374dc1:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 243cbd6224921f7f5c2463705c75cb9eafd0db5c
-  * upstream 15.1.1 (Octopus release candidate) release
-  + cephadm: read everything when calling "ceph mgr dump"
-- Update to 15.1.0-2160-g310e512e18:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 465f3855623e30f3b4694f3090adbe27c8cd49c3
-- Update to 15.1.0-1766-g3d31471523:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 25b8ecc216b02e848f9719ced8c84670de656e78
-- Update to 15.1.0-1521-gcdf35413a0:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 28c08615e5c27e5a0986e3191ca4427cdc32f538
-- significant changes since the last Factory SR:
-  + ceph-rpmlintrc: silence RPMLINT warnings and document ones that are in
-    the process of being fixed ("WIP")
-  + fix s390x build failure
-  + fix GCC 10 build failure (boo#1161086)
-  + spec:
-  * drop Python 2 support
-  * make Python 3 build work on CentOS 8
-  * globally change %_python_buildid macro to %_python3_pkgversion
-  * Use pkgconfig() style BuildRequires for udev/libudev-devel
-  * add cmake_verbose_logging bcond
-  * rename ceph-daemon subpackage to cephadm
-  * add scriptlets to cephadm subpackage
-  * rename ceph-mgr-ssh subpackage to ceph-mgr-cephadm
-  * stop calling MGR modules "plugins"
-  * move "always-on" MGR modules into their own subpackage, ceph-mgr-modules-core
-  * make ceph-mgr-cephadm explicitly require openssh on SUSE
-- Update to 15.1.0-1207-g89308cc4c6:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 0ffbe4a5ef73036309a3c6488be4dbb1b667a4c7
-  + drop temporary fix "cephadm: Don't call prepare-host from bootstrap"
-- Update to 15.1.0-951-g36f83482b6c:
-  + cephadm: Don't call prepare-host from bootstrap
-    (temporary fix to keep cephadm running on SUSE after upstream merged
-    932ac9342483141f10dbf99d1806d81a4d70a26a)
-- Update to 15.1.0-950-g0ba22d2e46:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 e79e42467970c1be210d674e90dab21ce73e2872
-  * mgr/orch: resurrect ServiceDescription, 'orch ls'
-- Update to 15.1.0-818-g5f8ed0e957:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 eb72aebb92f1bfce00aedaebf140789871eb943f
-  * includes "mgr/orch: new cli, phase 2" patches (PR#33244) needed
-    by latest ceph-bootstrap
-- Update to 15.1.0-636-g2280954009:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 e36d47a8c3f4181d68a4cd680bdde72064dee910
-- Update to 15.1.0-168-gfda88e35c8:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 80487f4a604da94778e65f666e1177a3ed84543e
-  + spec: Use pkgconfig() style BuildRequires for udev/libudev-devel
-- Update to 15.0.0-10092-gb5fd1b8250:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 3913835a8f0b9b34ceffd4dc02e1e8203227be02
-- Update to 15.0.0-9544-gefdea72067:
-  + cmake: Improve test for 16-byte atomic support on IBM Z (bsc#1161688)
-- Update to 15.0.0-9543-g1c7fc80ba1:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 089e97c27013612672099281fad76746f19290e3
-- Update to 15.0.0-9494-g22cdfe7b96:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 26c66630bd98dfce113f66ab4e081e5a7b0216c0
-- Update to 15.0.0-9092-gd050bc3f0a:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 dfd90da59c0b2eda9ca61fed1d508ddc2ab32a2b
-- Update to 15.0.0-8683-gb78b3635a5:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 3e1e6a6694bb133c57e2b05a6316dcebae390815
-  + drop libxio Provides/Obsoletes (they are no longer necessary because libxio
-    is long gone)
-  + drop runtime dependency on gptfdisk (it was needed for ceph-disk,
-    which has since been removed)
-  + spec: drop "_python_buildid" macro (it was needed to support py2 builds,
-    which upstream is finally moving away from)
-- Update to 15.0.0-8588-g58b5b29433:
-  + spec, debian: cephadm requires lvm2 (bsc#1159466)
-- ceph-rpmlintrc: fix syntax error introduced by change mentioned
-  in previous changelog entry
-- Update to 15.0.0-8587-gf0521c1db5:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 068aafb2ea3c71b5adda79467847ee03b77bb35e
-  * cephadm: do ceph-volume activate+deactivate as part of systemd unit
-- Update to 15.0.0-8442-g094a533242:
-  + spec:
-  * fix cephadm user/group creation
-  * cephadm subpackage: start summary with a capital letter
-  + ceph-rpmlintrc: silence some RPMLINT warnings
-- Update to 15.0.0-8370-gec9b27b5e0
-  + ceph-daemon is renamed to cephadm
-  + mgr/ssh is renamed to mgr/cephadm
-- increase disk space needs in _constraints for some architectures
-- Update to 15.0.0-7866-g639502405f:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 95dd54889a9c113f77dd6c2c7e77166335a59794
-- Update to 15.0.0-7686-g54042e1a06:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 2c06beb5ec38c8b9f7bd84152da3f5708de8d0c0
-  * Revert "Merge pull request #16715 from adamemerson/wip-I-Object!" (bsc#1157443)
-  * spec: add explicit openssh dependency to ceph-mgr-ssh (bsc#1157527)
-- Update to 15.0.0-7456-ge089cead79:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 e4b3036422df70e3c911240e3bba6a8bd3e9c792
-- Update to 15.0.0-7219-g353896020b:
-  + rebase on tip of upstream master, SHA1 7ffb5d9e79207da81af933f4e95655e16558c739
-- Update to 14.2.4-386-g73475e3ee1:
-  + os/bluestore: consolidate extents from the same device only (bsc#1156282)
-- Update to 14.2.4-378-gac1bcd6547:
-  + qa/suse: move dashboard-e2e to tier3 and add debugging code to
-    src/script/
-- Update to 14.2.4-373-gc3e67ed133:
-  + Support iSCSI target-level CHAP authentication (bsc#1145617)
-  + Validation and render of iSCSI controls based "type" (bsc#1140491)
-  + Fix error editing iSCSI image advanced settings (bsc#1146656)
-  + Fix error during iSCSI target edit
-- Addendum:
-  + upstream Nautilus 14.2.4 brings the following notable changes:
-  * fixed a ceph-volume regression introduced by 14.2.3 (NOTE: SES customers
-    were never exposed to this regression) (bsc#1132767)
-- Addendum:
-  + upstream Nautilus 14.2.3 brings the following notable changes:
-  * Fixed a denial of service vulnerability where an unauthenticated client
-    of Ceph Object Gateway could trigger a crash from an uncaught exception
-    (CVE-2019-10222/bsc#1145093)
-  * Fixed bsc#1151994 - Nautilus-based librbd clients can not open images on
-    Jewel clusters
-  * The RGW num_rados_handles has been removed in Ceph 14.2.3 (bsc#1151995)
-  * "osd_deep_scrub_large_omap_object_key_threshold" has been lowered in
-    Nautilus 14.2.3 (bsc#1152002)
-  * The ceph dashboard now supports silencing Prometheus notifications (bsc#1141174)
-- Addendum:
-  + upstream Nautilus 14.2.2 brought the following notable changes:
-  * The no{up,down,in,out} related commands have been revamped (bsc#1151990)
-  * radosgw-admin gets two new subcommands for managing expire-stale objects (bsc#1151991)
-  * Deploying a single new BlueStore OSD on a cluster upgraded to SES6 from
-    SES5 breaks pool utilization stats reported by ceph df (bsc#1151992)
-  * As of 14.2.2, Ceph cluster will issue a health warning if CRUSH tunables
-    are older than "hammer" (bsc#1151993)
-- Update to 14.2.4-352-g2060e25d1c:
-  + rebase on top of upstream Nautilus v14.2.4 release, SHA1 75f4de193b3ea58512f204623e6c5a16e6c1e1ba
-    for details, see
-- Update to 14.2.3-349-g7b1552ea82:
-  + rebase on top of upstream Nautilus v14.2.3 release, SHA1 0f776cf838a1ae3130b2b73dc26be9c95c6ccc39
-    for details, see
-  * ceph-volume: prints errors to stdout with --format json (bsc#1132767)
-  * mgr/dashboard: Changing rgw-api-host does not get effective without
-    disable/enable dashboard mgr module (bsc#1137503)
-  * mgr/dashboard: Silence Alertmanager alerts (bsc#1141174)
-  * mgr/dashboard: Fix e2e failures caused by webdriver version (bsc#1145759)
-  + librbd: always try to acquire exclusive lock when removing image (bsc#1149093)
-- Update to 14.2.2-354-g8878cf2360:
-  + rgw: Move upload_info declaration out of conditional (bsc#1137189,
-- Update to
-  + rgw: fix for CVE-2019-10222/bsc#1145093 for the beast frontend
-    ("rgw: asio: check the remote endpoint before processing requests")
-- Update to 14.2.2-348-gf6da3d1d18:
-  + rebase on top of upstream Nautilus v14.2.2 release, SHA1 4f8fa0a0024755aae7d95567c63f11d6862d55be
-  + mgr/volumes: add CephFS subvolumes library (bsc#1135205)
-  + mgr/dashboard: Warn that tcmu-runner backstore is tech-preview (bsc#1137261)
-  + mgr/dashboard: Add, update and remove translations (bsc#1140737)
-  + osd/PG: fix cleanup of pgmeta-like objects on PG deletion
-- Update to 14.2.1-475-g83b977ffbd:
-  + packaging: remove SuSEfirewall2 support
-- Update to 14.2.1-469-g454d851f0a:
-  + lvmcache: refactor argument parsing and add -h flag
-  + qa/deepsea: expand testing of dashboard (branding and E2E tests)
-  + spec:
-  * package the Dashboard E2E tests
-  * drop explicit systemd BuildRequires in case of building for SUSE
-    (allow OBS to pick better candidates to shorten rebuild queues)
-- Update to 14.2.1-468-g994fd9e0cc:
-  + spec:
-  * install grafana dashboards world readable (bsc#1136110)
-  * put "without python2" conditionals around python3-* provides/obsoletes
-    (align with upstream)
-- Update to 14.2.1-467-g9e10776aa2:
-  + mon/Monitor: allow probe if MMonProbe::mon_release == 0 (bsc#1132396)
-  + spec: make python3-rgw replace python-rgw on upgrade
-- Update to 14.2.1-463-g99339b576a:
-  + qa/deepsea: redirect journalctl output to a logfile
-  + spec: install/package ceph-volume lvmcache plugin
-  + common: make ms_bind_msgr2 default to "false" (bsc#1124957)
-- Update to 14.2.1-457-gb42e3171b3:
-  + qa/deepsea/salt:
-  * 1node5disks salt configuration
-  * grafana_service_check validation test
-  * Disk drive replacement test
-  * use "ceph_cm_ansible: false" instead of "ceph_cm: salt"
-  + spec: Disable LTO in spec when being used (bsc#1135030)
-- civetweb: fix file descriptor leak (bsc#1125080, CVE-2019-3821)
-  (fix has been in since February 2019)
-- rgw: sanitize customer encryption keys from log output in v4 auth
-  (bsc#1121567, CVE-2018-16889) (fix has been in since February 2019)
-- Update to 14.2.1-448-g1bd10a856f:
-  + monitoring: update Grafana dashboards
-  + mgr/dashboard: fix some performance data are not displayed
-  + monitoring: SNMP OID per every Prometheus alert rule
-  + mgr/dashboard: Validate if any client belongs to more than one group
-  + mgr/dashboard: Admin resource not honored
-  + mgr/dashboard: Unable to see tcmu-runner perf counters (bsc#1135388)
-  + mgr/dashboard: iSCSI form does not support IPv6
-- Update to 14.2.1-440-g0ac6920288:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 1dc43a036fcc0121e3a0c1fe7ca6cd77cde1bf60
-  + client: fix vxattr nanosecond field padding (bsc#1135219, bsc#1135221)
-- Update to 14.2.1-431-gd032e5dd80:
-  + ReplicatedPG: add CHECKSUM->CMPEXT req translation (bsc#1123360)
-  + MDS + libcephfs snapshot btime support (jsc#SES-183)
-- Update to 14.2.1-423-g3df171fd28:
-  + rgw: cloud sync fixes (jsc#SES-97)
-- Update to 14.2.1-419-gb72ca927c1:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 8e188313cf2f790f131e21a3a02094e32cf02087
-  + replaced ~25 downstream ceph-volume lvmcache commits with a single squashed commit
-  + rgw: object expirer fixes (bsc#1133139)
-  + rgw_lc: use a new bl while encoding RGW_ATTR_LC (jsc#SES-327)
-  + rgw: beast IPv6 (jsc#SES-454)
-- Update to 14.2.1-426-g7a12897012:
-  + nautilus: core: Give recovery for inactive PGs a higher priority (bsc#1133461)
-  + spec: new subpackage ceph-prometheus-alerts
-  + nautilus: librbd: re-add support for nautilus clients talking to jewel clusters
-  + systemd: ceph-mgr: set MemoryDenyWriteExecute to false
-- Update to 14.2.1-345-g040ffffe0e:
-  + Upstream v14.2.1 release
-    draft release notes:
-  + rpm: have pybind RPMs provide/obsolete their python2 predecessors (bsc#1125899)
-  + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin (jsc#SES-267)
-- Update to 14.2.0-636-g19cfb53b0c:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 d947e804dd316c89c28d25948947927fa290e227
-  + downstream branding no longer displays Ceph logo in error popup (bsc#1131984)
-  + mgr: make scripts more robust (jsc#SES-478)
-- Update to 14.2.0-465-gdfed19b089:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 c09e90d1847fc4ffdd7384c9adf7f60c13479095
-  * dashboard improvements:
-    [#] Add Polish language
-    [#] Add date range and log search functionality
-    [#] Add refresh interval to the dashboard landing page
-    [#] Add separate option to config SSL port
-    [#] Filter iSCSI target images based on required features
-    [#] Fixed auth TTL expired error
-    [#] Fixed error when trying to create NFS export without "NFSv3"
-    [#] Fixed error when trying to create NFS export without "UDP"
-- Update to 14.2.0-345-g183e6fe4f5:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, upstream SHA1 d4290f8edcbadbfecb9396a43a586afe0d0afd00
-  * common/blkdev: get_device_id: behave if model is lvm and id_model_enc isn't there
-  * mon/ print min_mon_release correctly
-  * mgr/dashboard: dashboard giving 401 unauthorized
-- _constraints: increase x86_64 ceph memory constraint to 10G
-  after seeing "memory exhausted" build failure on a machine with 9.8G
-  total memory (including swap)
-- Update to 14.2.0-328-gf3638ba646:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, upstream SHA1 41b9e7f94f1f08e8607ef574befaaaf6998a89dd
-  * librbd: ignore -EOPNOTSUPP errors when retrieving image group membership
-  * crush: various fixes for weight-sets, the osd_crush_update_weight_set option, and tests
-  * osd/OSDMap: add 'zone' to default crush map
-  * common/blkdev: handle devices with ID_MODEL as "LVM PV ..." but valid ID_MODEL_ENC
-  * mgr/orchestrator: Add error handling to interface
-  * mon/OSDMonitor: allow 'osd pool set pgp_num_actual'
-  * rgw: ldap: fix early return in LDAPAuthEngine::init w/uri not empty()
-  * mon/MgrStatMonitor: ensure only one copy of initial service map
-  + drop downstream patch "rgw: dmclock: async scheduler: wrap yield_ctx around
-    ifdefs" (replaced by
-- _constraints: increase aarch64 ceph memory constraint to 10G
-  after seeing "memory exhausted" build failure on a machine with 9.8G
-  total memory (including swap)
-- Update to 14.2.0-300-gacd2f2b9e1:
-  + spec/ceph-mgr: drop "Recommends: ceph-mgr-ssh"
-  + cmake: empty INSTALL_RPATH for (boo#1129921)
-- Update to 14.2.0-296-g063d979413:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 3a54b2b6d167d4a2a19e003a705696d4fe619afc
-  * upstream Nautilus 14.2.0 (stable) release
-    release notes:
-  + rpm: fix "rhel <= 7" conditional (bsc#1129595)
-  + rpm: refrain from building ceph-resource-agents on SLE (bsc#1129597)
-- Update to 14.1.1-457-g1411dbed54:
-  + rebase on top of upstream nautilus branch, SHA1 98653b3db92f69023cb62526791d4d9aa5d6ec23
-  * upstream Nautilus 14.1.1 (RC2) release
-  * mgr: Fix broken get_localized_module_option function (bsc#1127342)
-  * spec: ceph-osd gets new runtime dependency, libstoragemgmt
-  + dashboard: Update downstream branding (bsc#1129224)
-  + spec: build ceph-test package on x86_64 arch only (bsc#1129274)
-- Edge ceph package memory constraint upward to address "virtual memory
-  exhausted: Cannot allocate memory" build failure sseen in OBS
-- Update to 14.1.0-559-gf1a72cff25:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 34f04be35bb9abcb5860b4c975b105adacc7a3aa
-  * fix GCC-9 build (bsc#1121395)
-  + SUSE branding for Ceph Dashboard (Sebastian Krah)
-  + spec:
-  * Drop use of $FIRST_ARG (Franck Bui)
-  * fix ceph-mgr-diskprediction-local runtime deps
-- Update to 14.1.0-402-ga396e8bf3b:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 1f909bc88be501e58cfbe1bab55efc20de10fa8d
-  * upstream v14.1.0 (Nautilus RC1) release
-    + see draft release notes:
-  * rados: provide user with more meaningful error message (bsc#999643)
-  * librados3 is dead: long live librados2
-  * several MGR modules (notably the dashboard) have been split off from
-    ceph-mgr into dedicated subpackages
-  * upstream v14.1.0 introduces an optional dependency on rabbitmq-c
-    + disabled, for now, since openSUSE does not ship this package
-  + rgw: dmclock: async scheduler: wrap yield_ctx around ifdefs (bsc#1126554)
-  + arch tweaks (enable lttng build for ppc64le, drop ppc64 openSUSE, add
-    s390x openSUSE)
-- Update to 14.0.1-3975-g14d8f3cab5:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 24fcffb94ccda5cb11eeb74315c78e053fbb1c66
-  * Enabling and using the dashboard should be possible and strongly
-    encouraged - see for the
-    basics
-  + spec:
-  * enable s390x build for openSUSE
-  * disable lttng build on s390x, enable it on ppc64le
-  * new subpackages for the larger MGR plugins (notably, dashboard)
-  * drop RHEL-specific subman code blocks
-- Update to 14.0.1-3346-g0364ec8d2f:
-  + rgw: Fix for SignatureMismatchError in s3 commands
-- Update to 14.0.1-3344-g0834db3c15:
-  + spec: drop arch-specific conditional around RGW crypto plugin libraries
-  + make-dist: prefer Python 3
-- Update to 14.0.1-3341-gb471954ff4:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 602c875bd68a091be485bfba7e2d62b3f08ba7b3
-  * msgr V2
-- Update to 14.0.1-3176-ge8d910619e:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 cc26a67890b58c678d4bb26f6a408cf1742317b5
-  * spec: fix xmlsec1 build dependency for dashboard make check
-- Update to 14.0.1-2789-g6c941e4d76:
-  + rebase on top of upstream master branch, SHA1 c70a3d8e30be84ea8db41e7329ed1577aeee9ab9
-  * MON now supports Kerberos authentication
-  * MGR now works with Cython >= 0.29
-  * spec: add xmlsec1 dependency for dashboard make check
-  * spec: change rbd-mirror and ceph-radosgw runtime dependency
-    from ceph-common to ceph-base to address
-- Update to 14.0.1-1555-g42662f72f4:
-  + spec: fix libradospp-devel runtime dependency
-  + spec: remove redundant "Provides: libxio" and "Obsoletes: libxio"
-  + spec: explicitly require python3-Cython < 0.29 (bsc#1118611)
-- _constraints: Increase aarch64 disk space constraint for ceph-test
-  to address build failure seen in openSUSE:Factory:ARM
-- Update to 14.0.1-1547-g08fca371b5:
-  + spec file: make ceph-common remove provides for libradosstriper1
-  + use root:graphana for the dashboard directories on suse
-- _constraints: remove duplicated aarch64 ceph-test entry
-- Update to v14.0.1-1546-ge9be8525c8:
-  + mgr/volumes: Fix Python 3 import error
-    (fixes cluster deployment in py3 environment)
-- Update to v14.0.1-1545-g01bead277f:
-  + based on upstream master 4d3cc9f9092d8a86d128192a811733ce23ad070a
-  + plus two spec file fixes:
-  * make ceph-grafana-dashboards own its directories
-  * fix cython package version to less than 0.29
-- spec file: make ceph-common provide/obsolete libradosstriper1
-  (in SES5 ceph-common requires libradosstriper1 with exact version match,
-  while in SES6 there is no libradosstriper1 at all)
-- Update to v14.0.1-154-g7588072b82:
-  + based on upstream nautilus 5f51cd286b747b1729006a5b98fb08b1b646237a
-    (v14.0.1 release)
-- Bump ceph aarch64 memory constraint from 8 to 9G to address
-  an EOM build failure seen in IBS
-- Update to v14.0.0-4389-g4c34d15e48:
-  + based on upstream nautilus a0b5445bc8400b9b1f398a414001164b2d8dd290
-  + First downstream nautilus build. Notable changes:
-  * The 'ceph-disk' OSD deployment/introspection/management tool is gone.
-    Use 'ceph-volume' instead.
-  * Builds with Python 3.7 (boo#1113946)
-  * The 'ceph osd rm' command has been deprecated. Users should use
-    'ceph osd destroy' or 'ceph osd purge' (but after first confirming it is
-    safe to do so via the 'ceph osd safe-to-destroy' command).
-  * The MDS now supports dropping its cache for the purposes of benchmarking:
-    "ceph tell mds.* cache drop <timeout>"
-  * The 'ceph pg <pgid> list_missing' command has been renamed to
-    'ceph pg <pgid> list_unfound' to better match its behaviour.
-  * The 'rbd-mirror' daemon can now retrieve remote peer cluster
-    configuration secrets from the monitor.
-  * The is fully obsolete and references to it in the docs
-    have been removed or clarified.
-  * The libcephfs bindings added the ceph_select_filesystem function
-    for use with multiple filesystems.
-  * The cephfs python bindings now include mount_root and filesystem_name
-    options in the mount() function.
-  * erasure-code: add experimental *Coupled LAYer (CLAY)* erasure codes
-    support.
-  * The 'cache drop' OSD command has been added to drop an OSD's caches:
-    "ceph tell osd.x cache drop"
-  * The 'cache status' OSD command has been added to get the cache stats of an
-    OSD: "ceph tell osd.x cache status"
+- Update to 13.2.4-124-g31c2dce74f:
+  + rebase on upstream 13.2.4 release
+  + ceph-volume Python 3 fixes (boo#1114567)
+  + Security fixes (CVE-2018-16846, CVE-2018-14662, bsc#1111177)
+  + fix CephFS regression from 13.2.2
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Update AppStream metadata.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0.1:
+  + Update AppStream metadata.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Avoid creating duplicated camera devices. Devices detected in
+    `cheese_camera_device_monitor_coldplug()` may get duplicated,
+    as Gstreamer will emit `GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADDED` for them.
+    While this issue could be fixed by reorganizing the
+    initialization code, let's go with a simple and robust solution
+    and check if a `CheeseCameraDevice` using the `GstDevice` is
+    already present.
+  - build: Use GNOME module post_install().
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace update-desktop-files with desktop-file-utils, add
+  appstream-glib BuildRequires and check section where we validate
+  desktopfile and appdata.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Remove glibc debug environment variables.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Build libcheese-common as noarch.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + TODO (upstream will add it later it seems...).
+- Replace chromium-120-lp155-revert-clang-build-failure.patch
+  with chromium-120-make_unique-struct.patch - which avoids
+  reverting changes and instead provides a stub constructor to fix
+  build on Leap
+- Chromium 120.0.6099.216 (boo#1217839, boo#1218048, boo#1218302,
+  boo#1218533, boo#1218719)
+  * CVE-2024-0333: Insufficient data validation in Extensions
+  * CVE-2024-0222: Use after free in ANGLE
+  * CVE-2024-0223: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE
+  * CVE-2024-0224: Use after free in WebAudio
+  * CVE-2024-0225: Use after free in WebGPU
+  * CVE-2023-7024: Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC
+  * CVE-2023-6702: Type Confusion in V8
+  * CVE-2023-6703: Use after free in Blink
+  * CVE-2023-6704: Use after free in libavif (boo#1218303)
+  * CVE-2023-6705: Use after free in WebRTC
+  * CVE-2023-6706: Use after free in FedCM
+  * CVE-2023-6707: Use after free in CSS
+  * CVE-2023-6508: Use after free in Media Stream
+  * CVE-2023-6509: Use after free in Side Panel Search
+  * CVE-2023-6510: Use after free in Media Capture
+  * CVE-2023-6511: Inappropriate implementation in Autofill
+  * CVE-2023-6512: Inappropriate implementation in Web Browser UI
+- drop patches:
+  * chromium-system-libusb.patch
+  * chromium-119-nullptr_t-without-namespace-std.patch
+  * chromium-119-no_matching_constructor.patch
+  * chromium-117-workaround_clang_bug-structured_binding.patch
+- add patches:
+  * chromium-120-nullptr_t-without-namespace-std.patch
+  * chromium-120-emplace.patch
+  * chromium-120-lp155-typename.patch
+  * chromium-120-no_matching_constructor.patch
+  * chromium-120-missing-header-files.patch
+  * chromium-120-emplace-struct.patch
+  * chromium-120-workaround_clang_bug-structured_binding.patch
+- add patches for Leap that revert braking changes:
+  * chromium-120-lp155-revert-clang-build-failure.patch
+- database refresh on 2024-01-15 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2024-01-08 (bsc#1084929)
+- database refresh on 2024-01-01 (bsc#1084929)
+- Move fdupes call back to %install (boo#1214169)
+- Update to version 23.3 (bsc#1216011, bsc#1215794, bsc#1215740)
+  + Remove patches included upstream:
+  - cloud-init-fix-ca-test.patch
+  - cloud-init-cve-2023-1786-redact-instance-data-json-main.patch
+  - cloud-init-power-rhel-only.patch
+  - cloud-init-flake8-fixes.patch
+  + Add
+  - cloud-init-keep-flake.patch
+  - cloud-init-lint-fixes.patch
+  + Update
+  - cloud-init-write-routes.patch (bsc#1216007)
+  + Bump pycloudlib to 1!5.1.0 for ec2 mantic daily image support (#4390)
+  + Fix cc_keyboard in mantic (LP: #2030788)
+  + ec2: initialize get_instance_userdata return value to bytes (#4387)
+    [Noah Meyerhans]
+  + cc_users_groups: Add doas/opendoas support (#4363) [dermotbradley]
+  + Fix pip-managed ansible
+  + status: treat SubState=running and MainPID=0 as service exited
+  + azure/imds: increase read-timeout to 30s (#4372) [Chris Patterson]
+  + collect-logs fix memory usage (SC-1590) (#4289)
+    [Alec Warren] (LP: #1980150)
+  + cc_mounts: Use fallocate to create swapfile on btrfs (#4369) [王煎饼]
+  + Undocument nocloud-net (#4318)
+  + feat(akamai): add akamai to and (#4370)
+  + read-version: fallback to get_version when git describe fails (#4366)
+  + apt: fix cloud-init status --wait blocking on systemd v 253 (#4364)
+  + integration tests: Pass username to pycloudlib (#4324)
+  + Bump pycloudlib to 1!5.1.0 (#4353)
+  + cloud.cfg.tmpl: reorganise, minimise/reduce duplication (#4272)
+    [dermotbradley]
+  + analyze: fix (unexpected) timestamp parsing (#4347) [Mina Galić]
+  + cc_growpart: fix tests to run on FreeBSD (#4351) [Mina Galić]
+  + subp: Fix spurious test failure on FreeBSD (#4355) [Mina Galić]
+  + cmd/clean: fix tests on non-Linux platforms (#4352) [Mina Galić]
+  + util: Fix get_proc_ppid() on non-Linux systems (#4348) [Mina Galić]
+  + cc_wireguard: make tests pass on FreeBSD (#4346) [Mina Galić]
+  + unittests: fix breakage in test_read_cfg_paths_fetches_cached_datasource
+    (#4328) [Ani Sinha]
+  + Fix collection (#4315)
+  + cc_keyboard: add Alpine support (#4278) [dermotbradley]
+  + Flake8 fixes (#4340) [Robert Schweikert]
+  + cc_mounts: Fix swapfile not working on btrfs (#4319) [王煎饼] (LP: #1884127)
+  + ds-identify/CloudStack: $DS_MAYBE if vm running on vmware/xen (#4281)
+    [Wei Zhou]
+  + ec2: Support double encoded userdata (#4276) [Noah Meyerhans]
+  + cc_mounts: xfs is a Linux only FS (#4334) [Mina Galić]
+  + tests/net: fix TestGetInterfaces' mock coverage for get_master (#4336)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + change openEuler to openeuler and fix some bugs in openEuler (#4317)
+    [sxt1001]
+  + Replace flake8 with ruff (#4314)
+  + NM renderer: set default IPv6 addr-gen-mode for all interfaces to eui64
+    (#4291) [Ani Sinha]
+  + cc_ssh_import_id: add Alpine support and add doas support (#4277)
+    [dermotbradley]
+  + sudoers not idempotent (SC-1589)  (#4296) [Alec Warren] (LP: #1998539)
+  + Added support for Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode) (#4167)
+    [Will Smith]
+  + Fix reference before assignment (#4292)
+  + Overhaul module reference page (#4237) [Sally]
+  + replaced spaces with commas for setting passenv (#4269) [Alec Warren]
+  + DS VMware: modify a few log level (#4284) [PengpengSun]
+  + tools/read-version refactors and unit tests (#4268)
+  + Ensure get_features() grabs all features (#4285)
+  + Don't always require passlib dependency (#4274)
+  + tests: avoid leaks into host system checking of ovs-vsctl cmd (#4275)
+  + Fix NoCloud kernel commandline key parsing (#4273)
+  + testing: Clear all LRU caches after each test (#4249)
+  + Remove the crypt dependency (#2139) [Gonéri Le Bouder]
+  + logging: keep current file mode of log file if its stricter than the
+    new mode (#4250) [Ani Sinha]
+  + Remove default membership in redundant groups (#4258)
+    [Dave Jones] (LP: #1923363)
+  + doc: improve datasource_creation.rst (#4262)
+  + Remove duplicate Integration testing button (#4261) [Rishita Shaw]
+  + tools/read-version: fix the tool so that it can handle version parsing
+    errors (#4234) [Ani Sinha]
+  + net/dhcp: add udhcpc support (#4190) [Jean-François Roche]
+  + DS VMware: add i386 arch dir to deployPkg plugin search path
+    [PengpengSun]
+  + LXD moved from to Canonical [Simon Deziel]
+  + Add note about issue with creating mounts inside mounts
+    (#4232) [dermotbradley]
+  + lxd: install lxd from snap, not deb if absent in image
+  + landscape: use landscape-config to write configuration
+  + Add deprecation log during init of DataSourceDigitalOcean (#4194)
+    [tyb-truth]
+  + doc: fix typo on apt.primary.arches (#4238) [Dan Bungert]
+  + Inspect systemd state for cloud-init status (#4230)
+  + instance-data: add system-info and features to combined-cloud-config
+    (#4224)
+  + systemd: Block login until config stage completes (#2111) (LP: #2013403)
+  + tests: proposed should invoke apt-get install -t=<release>-proposed
+    (#4235)
+  + cloud.cfg.tmpl: reinstate ca_certs entry (#4236) [dermotbradley]
+  + Remove feature flag override ability (#4228)
+  + tests: drop stray unrelated file presence test (#4227)
+  + Update LXD URL (#4223) [Sally]
+  + schema: add network v1 schema definition and validation functions
+  + tests: daily PPA for devel series is version 99.daily update tests to
+    match (#4225)
+  + instance-data: write /run/cloud-init/combined-cloud-config.json
+  + mount parse: Fix matching non-existent directories (#4222) [Mina Galić]
+  + Specify build-system for pep517 (#4218)
+  + Fix network v2 metric rendering (#4220)
+  + Migrate content out of FAQ page (SD-1187) (#4205) [Sally]
+  + setup: fix generation of init templates (#4209) [Mina Galić]
+  + docs: Correct some bootcmd example wording
+  + fix changelog
+  + tests: reboot client to assert x-shellscript-per-boot is triggered
+  + nocloud: parse_cmdline no longer detects nocloud-net datasource (#4204)
+    (LP: 4203, #2025180)
+  + Add docstring and typing to mergemanydict (#4200)
+  + BSD: add dsidentify to early startup scripts (#4182) [Mina Galić]
+  + handler: report errors on skipped merged cloud-config.txt parts
+    (LP: #1999952)
+  + Add cloud-init summit writeups (#4179) [Sally]
+  + tests: Update test_clean_log for oci (#4187)
+  + gce: improve ephemeral fallback NIC selection (CPC-2578) (#4163)
+  + tests: pin pytest 7.3.1 to avoid adverse testpaths behavior (#4184)
+  + Ephemeral Networking for FreeBSD (#2165) [Mina Galić]
+  + Clarify directory syntax for nocloud local filesystem. (#4178)
+  + Set default renderer as sysconfig for centos/rhel (#4165) [Ani Sinha]
+  + Test static routes and netplan 0.106
+  + FreeBSD fix parsing of mount and mount options (#2146) [Mina Galić]
+  + test: add tracking bug id (#4164)
+  + tests: can't match MAC for LXD container veth due to netplan 0.106
+    (#4162)
+  + Add kaiwalyakoparkar as a contributor (#4156) [Kaiwalya Koparkar]
+  + BSD: remove datasource_list from cloud.cfg template (#4159) [Mina Galić]
+  + launching salt-minion in masterless mode (#4110) [Denis Halturin]
+  + tools: fix run-container builds for rockylinux/8 git hash mismatch
+    (#4161)
+  + fix doc lint: spellchecker tripped up (#4160) [Mina Galić]
+  + Support Ephemeral Networking for BSD (#2127)
+  + Added / fixed support for static routes on OpenBSD and FreeBSD (#2157)
+    [Kadir Mueller]
+  + cc_rsyslog: Refactor for better multi-platform support (#4119)
+    [Mina Galić] (LP: #1798055)
+  + tests: fix test_lp1835584 (#4154)
+  + cloud.cfg mod names: docs and rename salt_minion and set_password (#4153)
+  + tests: apt support for deb822 format .sources files on mantic
+  + vultr: remove check_route check (#2151) [Jonas Chevalier]
+  + Update (#4150) [Indrranil Pawar]
+  + Update CONTRIBUTING.rst (#4149) [Indrranil Pawar]
+  + Update .github-cla-signers (#4151) [Indrranil Pawar]
+  + Standardise module names in cloud.cfg.tmpl to only use underscore
+    (#4128) [dermotbradley]
+  + tests: update test_webhook_reporting
+  + Modify PR template so autoclose works
+  + doc: add missing semi-colon to nocloud cmdline docs (#4120)
+  + .gitignore: extend coverage pattern (#4143) [Mina Galić]
+  From 23.2.2
+  + Fix NoCloud kernel commandline key parsing (#4273) (Fixes: #4271)
+    (LP: #2028562)
+  + Fix reference before assignment (#4292) (Fixes: #4288) (LP: #2028784)
+  From 23.2.1
+  + nocloud: Fix parse_cmdline detection of nocloud-net datasource (#4204)
+    (Fixes: 4203) (LP: #2025180)
+  From 23.2
+  + BSD: simplify finding MBR partitions by removing duplicate code
+  [Mina Galić]
+  + tests: bump pycloudlib version for mantic builds
+  + network-manager: Set higher autoconnect priority for nm keyfiles (#3671)
+    [Ani Sinha]
+  + change the locale file used (#4139) [dermotbradley]
+  + cc_ntp: Sync up with current FreeBSD ntp.conf (#4122) [Mina Galić]
+  + config: drop refresh_rmc_and_interface as RHEL 7 no longer supported
+    [Robert Schweikert]
+  + docs: Add feedback button to docs
+  + net/sysconfig: enable sysconfig renderer if network manager has ifcfg-rh
+    plugin (#4132) [Ani Sinha]
+  + For Alpine use os-release PRETTY_NAME (#4138) [dermotbradley]
+  + network_manager: add a method for ipv6 static IP configuration (#4127)
+    [Ani Sinha]
+  + correct misnamed template file host.mariner.tmpl (#4124) [dermotbradley]
+  + nm: generate ipv6 stateful dhcp config at par with sysconfig (#4115)
+    [Ani Sinha]
+  + Add templates for GitHub Issues
+  + Add 'peers' and 'allow' directives in cc_ntp (#3124) [Jacob Salmela]
+  + FreeBSD: Fix user account locking (#4114) [Mina Galić] (GH: #1854594)
+  + FreeBSD: add ResizeGrowFS class to cc_growpart (#2334) [Mina Galić]
+  + Update tests in Azure TestCanDevBeReformatted class (#2771)
+    [Ksenija Stanojevic]
+  + Replace Launchpad references with GitHub Issues
+  + Fix KeyError in iproute pformat (#3287) [Dmitry Zykov]
+  + schema: read_cfg_paths call init.fetch to lookup /v/l/c/instance
+  + azure/errors: introduce reportable errors for imds (#3647)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + FreeBSD (and friends): better identify MBR slices (#2168)
+    [Mina Galić] (LP: #2016350)
+  + azure/errors: add host reporting for dhcp errors (#2167)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + net: purge blacklist_drivers across net and azure (#2160)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + net: refactor hyper-v VF filtering and apply to get_interfaces() (#2153)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + tests: avoid leaks to underlying filesystem for /etc/cloud/clean.d
+    (#2251)
+  + net: refactor find_candidate_nics_on_linux() to use get_interfaces()
+    (#2159) [Chris Patterson]
+  + resolv_conf: Allow > 3 nameservers (#2152) [Major Hayden]
+  + Remove mount NTFS error message (#2134) [Ksenija Stanojevic]
+  + integration tests: fix image specification parsing (#2166)
+  + ci: add hypothesis scheduled GH check (#2149)
+  + Move supported distros list to docs (#2162)
+  + Fix logger, use instance rather than module function (#2163)
+  + README: Point to Github Actions build status (#2158)
+  + Revert "fix linux-specific code on bsd (#2143)" (#2161)
+  + Do not generate dsa and ed25519 key types when crypto FIPS mode is
+    enabled (#2142) [Ani Sinha] (LP: 2017761)
+  + Add documentation label automatically (#2156)
+  + sources/azure: report success to host and introduce kvp module (#2141)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + use pkg-config for udev/rules path (#2137) [dankm]
+  + openstack/static: honor the DNS servers associated with a network
+    (#2138) [Gonéri Le Bouder]
+  + fix linux-specific code on bsd (#2143)
+  + cli: schema validation of jinja template user-data (SC-1385) (#2132)
+    (LP: #1881925)
+  + gce: activate network discovery on every boot (#2128)
+  + tests: update integration test to assert 640 across reboots (#2145)
+  + Make user/vendor data sensitive and remove log permissions (#2144)
+    (LP: #2013967)
+  + Update kernel command line docs (SC-1457) (#2133)
+  + docs: update network configuration path links (#2140) [d1r3ct0r]
+  + sources/azure: report failures to host via kvp (#2136) [Chris Patterson]
+  + net: Document use of `ip route append` to add routes (#2130)
+  + dhcp: Add missing mocks (#2135)
+  + azure/imds: retry fetching metadata up to 300 seconds (#2121)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + [1/2] DHCP: Refactor dhcp client code  (#2122)
+  + azure/errors: treat traceback_base64 as string (#2131) [Chris Patterson]
+  + azure/errors: introduce reportable errors (#2129) [Chris Patterson]
+  + users: schema permit empty list to indicate create no users
+  + azure: introduce identity module (#2116) [Chris Patterson]
+  + Standardize disabling cloud-init on non-systemd (#2112)
+  + Update .github-cla-signers (#2126) [Rob Tongue]
+  + NoCloud: Use seedfrom protocol to determine mode (#2107)
+  + rhel: Remove sysvinit files. (#2114)
+  + tox.ini: set -vvvv --showlocals for pytest (#2104) [Chris Patterson]
+  + Fix NoCloud kernel commandline semi-colon args
+  + run-container: make the container/VM timeout configurable (#2118)
+    [Paride Legovini]
+  + suse: Remove sysvinit files. (#2115)
+  + test: Backport assert_call_count for old requests (#2119)
+  + Add "licebmi" as contributor (#2113) [Mark Martinez]
+  + Adapt DataSourceScaleway to upcoming IPv6 support (#2033)
+    [Louis Bouchard]
+  + rhel: make sure previous-hostname file ends with a new line (#2108)
+    [Ani Sinha]
+  + Adding contributors for DataSourceAkamai (#2110) [acourdavAkamai]
+  + Cleanup ephemeral IP routes on exception (#2100) [sxt1001]
+  + commit 09a64badfb3f51b1b391fa29be19962381a4bbeb [sxt1001] (LP: #2011291)
+  + Standardize kernel commandline user interface (#2093)
+  + config/cc_resizefs: fix do_resize arguments (#2106) [Chris Patterson]
+  + Fix test_dhclient_exits_with_error (#2105)
+  + net/dhcp: catch dhclient failures and raise NoDHCPLeaseError (#2083)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + sources/azure: move pps handling out of _poll_imds() (#2075)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + tests: bump pycloudlib version (#2102)
+  + schema: do not manipulate draft4 metaschema for jsonschema 2.6.0 (#2098)
+  + sources/azure/imds: don't count timeout errors as connection errors
+    (#2074) [Chris Patterson]
+  + Fix Python 3.12 unit test failures (#2099)
+  + integration tests: Refactor instance checking (#1989)
+  + ci: migrate remaining jobs from travis to gh (#2085)
+  + missing ending quote in instancedata docs(#2094) [Hong L]
+  + refactor: stop passing log instances to cc_* handlers (#2016) [d1r3ct0r]
+  + tests/vmware: fix test_no_data_access_method failure (#2092)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + Don't change permissions of netrules target (#2076) (LP: #2011783)
+  + tests/sources: patch util.get_cmdline() for datasource tests (#2091)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + macs: ignore duplicate MAC for devs with driver driver qmi_wwan (#2090)
+    (LP: #2008888)
+  + Fedora: Enable CA handling (#2086) [František Zatloukal]
+  + Send dhcp-client-identifier for InfiniBand ports (#2043) [Waleed Mousa]
+  + cc_ansible: complete the examples and doc (#2082) [Yves]
+  + bddeb: for dev package, derive debhelper-compat from host system
+  + apport: only prompt for cloud_name when instance-data.json is absent
+  + datasource: Optimize datasource detection, fix bugs (#2060)
+  + Handle non existent ca-cert-config situation (#2073) [Shreenidhi Shedi]
+  + sources/azure: add networking check for all source PPS (#2061)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+  + do not attempt dns resolution on ip addresses (#2040)
+  + chore: fix style tip (#2071)
+  + Fix metadata IP in instancedata.rst (#2063) [Brian Haley]
+  + util: Pass deprecation schedule in deprecate_call() (#2064)
+  + config: Update grub-dpkg docs (#2058)
+  + docs: Cosmetic improvements and styling (#2057) [s-makin]
+  + cc_grub_dpkg: Added UEFI support (#2029) [Alexander Birkner]
+  + tests: Write to /var/spool/rsyslog to adhere to apparmor profile (#2059)
+  + oracle-ds: prefer system_cfg over ds network config source (#1998)
+    (LP: #1956788)
+  + Remove dead code (#2038)
+  + source: Force OpenStack when it is only option (#2045) (LP: #2008727)
+  + cc_ubuntu_advantage: improve UA logs discovery
+  + sources/azure: fix regressions in IMDS behavior (#2041) [Chris Patterson]
+  + tests: fix test_schema (#2042)
+  + dhcp: Cleanup unused kwarg (#2037)
+  + sources/vmware/imc: fix-missing-catch-few-negtive-scenarios (#2027)
+    [PengpengSun]
+  + dhclient_hook: remove vestigal dhclient_hook command (#2015)
+  + log: Add standardized deprecation tooling (SC-1312) (#2026)
+  + Enable SUSE based distros for ca handling (#2036) [Robert Schweikert]
+  From 23.1.2
+  + Make user/vendor data sensitive and remove log permissions
+    (LP: #2013967) (CVE-2023-1786)
+  From 23.1.1
+  + source: Force OpenStack when it is only option (#2045)
+  + sources/azure: fix regressions in IMDS behavior (#2041)
+    [Chris Patterson]
+- Add cloud-init-flake8-fixes.patch
+- Revert chnages from previous commit
+  + Disabling checks the primary maintainer enabled for specific reasons
+    is not a fix.
+- update to 23.1.2:
+  * Make user/vendor data sensitive and remove log permissions
+  * source: Force OpenStack when it is only option (#2045)
+  * sources/azure: fix regressions in IMDS behavior
+- drop
+  cloud-init-cve-2023-1786-redact-instance-data-json-main.patch (upstream)
+- spec-file cleanups, including dropping flake8 (as build fails
+  with newer flake8 versions)
+- Remove six dependency (bsc#1198269)
-- Update to version 22.4
+- Update to version 22.4 (bsc#1201010)
+- Add 0001-video-sink-Remove-RGBx-BGRx-support.patch: video-sink:
+  Remove RGBx/BGRx support. The rgb24 renderer uses the wrong pixel
+  stride and the rgb32 renderer assumes alpha is meaningful. We can
+  use neither.
+  Fixes:
+- Update Supplements to current standard.
-- Add colord-CVE-2021-42523.patch: fix a small memory leak in
-  sqlite3_exec (boo#1202802 CVE-2021-42523).
+- Reduce memory constraints for riscv64
+- Tune _constraints for various architectures.
+- Add colord-CVE-2021-42523.patch: fix a small memory leak on db
+  open failure (boo#1202802 CVE-2021-42523).
+- Update to version 1.4.6:
+  + Add missing copyright notices.
+  + Add Spyder X entry.
+  + Document where to send patches.
+  + Don't use exact floating point comparisons.
+  + Drop option for removed reverse engineering tools.
+  + Drop references to
+  + Fix a small memory leak in sqlite3_exec().
+  + Fix typo in device-removed signal documentation.
+  + Make introspection optional in meson.
+- Drop -Dreverse=false meson parameter: no longer supported.
+- Fix a few rpmlint warnings:
+  + Do not self-obsolete shared-color-profiles by providing the
+    symbol with a version.
+  + Call +%tmpfiles_create %{_tmpfilesdir}/colord.conf in %post.
+  + Package /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/colormgr with
+    mode 644: the files are not executed, but sourced.
+  + Own %{_localstatedir}/lib/colord/icc (ghost): this directory is
+    generated by %tmpfiles_create.
+- fix segfault when turning monitor back on (bsc#1212840):
+  Fix-the-callback-signature-to-fix-a-crash.patch
+- Update to stable release 0.3.0
+  + Stable release
+  + Sync spec file with downstream
+- Use source signature
+- Do not build libcolord-gtk4-1-32bit: there is no consumer and so
+  far we avoid putting gtk4-32bit up.
+- Update to version 0.2.0+8:
+  * trivial: Fix link to homepage
+  * trivial: Use the right vala package
+  * build: Make GTK3 build optional too
+  * Add a GTK4 variant
+  * build: Rename 'gtk' meson variable to 'gtk3'
+  * Make introspection optional in meson
+  * Update the example spec file
+  * trivial: post release version bump
+- Switch to git checkout.
+- Add pkgconfig(gtk4) BuildRequires: Build the new gtk4 support.
-- Update to version 0.1.24:
-  + New Feature: Hide the mouse cursor when it goes over the sample
-    widget.
-  + Bugfixes:
-  - Don't use a GtkImage for the sample window.
-  - Fix automatic dep on vala.
-  - Fix the build.
-  - Never use -Werror as it breaks jhbuild.
-- Pass --enable-vala to configure to ensure the vala bindings are
-  built.
-- Update to version 0.1.23:
-  + Bugfixes:
-  - Do not reuse __COLORD_H_INSIDE__ as this causes #include
-    insanity
-  - Add include guards to cd-sample-window.h
-- Changes from version 0.1.23:
-  + New Features:
-  - Import GTK-specific code from colord into a new project
-  + Bugfixes:
-  - Assorted colord-gtk introspection fixes
-  - Clarify that CdSampleWindow is LGPLv2+, not GPLv2+
-  - Fix release instructions and version number
-  - Fix Vala binding generation for colord-gtk
-- NEW Package: colord-gtk used to be an integrated part of colord,
-  which we split in an own spec file due to build loops. Upstream
-  now followed this split. As a result, the .spec file has been
-  entirely remastered and stripped.
-- Add a apparmor profile for usr.lib.colord
-- Update to version 0.1.21:
-  + Do not add sensors that are ignored or have no caps.
-  + Do not install any parts of colord-sane if --disable-sane is
-    specified.
-  + Do not use '' in the shipped systemd
-    file.
-  + Fix autotools when configuring without systemd.
-  + Fix InstallSystemWide() by not writing a private file.
-  + Fix srcdir != builddir with introspection enabled.
-  + Fix the description in the systemd service file.
-  + Isolate gtk dependency to cd-convert.
-  + Save the CCMX and ITx files to be compatible with argyllcms
-  + The ColorHug has a new VID and PID.
-- Drop colord-build-no-gtk.patch, fixed upstream.
-- Removed call to and drop gnome-common
-  buildrequires, only needed for above dropped patch.
+- Update to version 4.6.0+20231228.83bf1514:
+  * Dev: ui_corosync: Add a completer for corosync.set to enumerate all current paths
+  * Dev: bootstrap: Assign hosts with _context.node_list_in_cluster in join_ssh_merge (bsc#1218331)
+- Update to version 4.6.0+20231215.4b06740f:
+  * Dev: ui_cluster: Move --use-ssh-agent to optional arguments
+  * Fix: ui_cluster: Improve the process of 'crm cluster stop' (bsc#1213889)
+  * Dev: log: save backtrace of ValueError in logfile and suppress it in console (bsc#1217924)
+- Update to version 0.2.7:
+  + Use meson build system.
+  + Remove code using CUPS 1.5 and lower.
+  + Remove calls to deprecated g_type_init().
+  + Move D-Bus conf file to $(datadir)/dbus-1/system.d
+    (bsc#1202338).
+  + Don't compare signed and unsigned int.
+  + Add default statements to silence compiler warnings.
+  + Add Code of Conduct.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add meson BuildRequires and replace configure/make/make_install
+  macros with relevant meson/meson_build/meson_install ones.
-- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
-- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
+- Package the new translations, add lang_package macros.
+- Update to version 1.8.0:
+  + Fixes to support translations properly.
+  + Fixes in introspection path generation.
+- Update to version 1.6.0:
+  + No changes since 1.5.0 (44.beta).
+- Update to version 1.5.0:
+  + Use AdwAboutDialog.
+  + Install appdata into proper metadata directory.
+  + Add spacing around textviews for properties/methods.
+  + Sort object-paths, methods, properties, and signals
+    lexicographically.
+  + Allow creating a new window from the primary menu.
+-  Fix build with RPM 4.19: unnumbered patches are no longer
+  supported.
+- Update to version 5.0.0:
+  + Gtk2/FileUtils: Include sys/stat.h
+  + Preparation for 5.0 beta release.
+  + Win32 -- turned on whole program optimization and unused code
+    removal
+  + Removed obsolete targets from Win32 projects.
+  + Generalised pre set notifications for parameters and reworked
+    alphabet history.
+  + Tweaks to control boxes.
+  + Cleanup. No more WinCE code.
+  + Removed obsolate PocketPC projects.
+  + Cleanup in Common project.
+  + Turn draw mouse position on by default.
+  + DasherInterface->Done was not really stopping dasher.
+  + Errors in training file should not stop dasher.
+  + Removed ugly messages about speed changes.
+  + Countless changes and fixes.
+  + Port away from gconf2.
+  + Updated translations
+- Start fresh with gitcheckout from new upstream.
+- Drop patches and source files no longer needed:
+  +
+  + locale-map.txt
+  +,
+  + dasher-linkX11.patch
+  + dasher-gcc6.patch
+  +
+- Add upstream build/bug fix patches:
+  + dasher-5.0.0-sys-stat.patch
+  + gnome-doc-utils-depr.patch
+  + 0001-Remove-extern-C-warpper-around-atspi-glib-headers-in.patch
+- BuildRequires/Requires/Recommends/Suggests were dropped and
+  replaced with more modern variants.
+- Sub-packages dasher-data-recommended and dasher-data-extra were
+  both dropped and Obsoleted and Provided via main package.
-- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
-  (cf. packaging guidelines)
-- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
-- Add dasher-linkX11.patch: Remove functions that would require us
-  to link against X11: those functions have not been called for a
-  long time. See bgo#657307.
+- Update to version 45.0.1:
+  + Fix string freeze break.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Fix UI not displaying with latest GTK.
+  + Misc fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated screenshots
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + New beta release! Adds support for the dark color-scheme.
+- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + This release contains a new app icon, various fixes to build
+    with newer vala, support for building with meson 0.61, and many
+    translation updates.
+- Drop 21.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 21.patch: Fix build with meson 0.61.0 and newer.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro call, no longer
+  needed and the way we did use it in the past even produces a lint
+  warning now.
+- Replace appstream-glib-devel with appstream-glib BuildRequires,
+  also add desktop-file-utils. Then add a check section, run
+  meson_test macro and explicitly validate appdata and desktop file
+  with appstream-util and desktop-file-validate.
-- Add deja-dup-vala-fix.patch: fix for new vala (bsc#1197712).
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + Fix compilation with valac 0.56
+  + Use the modern flat header style
+  + Use latest Gtk file dialog
+  + Fix a vague SMB error into a more specific one
+  + Support duplicity 2.0's command line changes
+  + Update OneDrive api key to work with Duplicity 1.2.3
+  + Add more details to the error message about not enough space
+  + Fix not being able to open the preferences window after a
+    restore
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Refuse to back up to a destination that doesn't have enough
+    space, and suggest how much more space is needed.
+  + Fix Trash location when run as a flatpak.
+  + Don't try to back up when the network is behind a wifi
+    captive portal.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Refresh the visuals in a few places by using modern text
+    entries and the new About dialog.
+  + Newly created restic backups will now use compression.
+  + Fix a bug that prevented updating the folder option in the
+    Preferences window after changing to an external disk.
+  + Fix a bug that prevented switching to the restore view if the
+    app startd up in mobile mode (thin width).
+  + Updated translations.
+- The nautilus-deja-dup plugin has been dropped since version 42.4,
+  explicitly obsoletes it in the specfile (jsc#SLE-24632,
+  bsc#1199740).
+- Update to version 43.4 (jsc#SLE-24632, bsc#1199740):
+  + Warn about delayed backups due to power saver mode,
+    if it's been over a day since we were supposed to back up.
+  + Improve support for mobile screen sizes.
+  + Add some in-preferences help explaining some of the
+    always-ignored folders.
+  + Bump default volume size from 25/50MB to 200MB, to keep fewer
+    files around and improve network throughput.
+  + Minor fixes to our experimental restic support (make sure
+    to unlock the repo and warn if some files could not be read
+    when backing up).
+- Update to version 43.3:
+  + Change Google/Microsoft authentication flow to use a more
+    secure, non-deprecated approach (Google is turning off the
+    approach we use now in just a few months).
+  + Remember window size after closing.
+  + Fix incorrect file permissions / mtime when restoring files
+    from other users.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 60856db.patch and 9c17deb0526b.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Fix a crash if you select a mount in the Local Folder settings
+    file chooser.
+  + Fix the "hostname has changed" dialog to let you actually
+    continue the backup.
+  + Fix a bogus notification that complained about not being
+    connected to the network for scheduled backups to Network
+    Servers, even if you were connected.
+  + Make replacing existing monitor processes during upgrade work
+    better.
+  + Add a hidden advanced setting to run setup/teardown commands
+    when running the backup tool (useful if you have an unusual
+    manual mount you need).
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add 60856db.patch: fix test case ownership with latest valac.
+- Add 9c17deb0526b.patch: add gtk wayland and x11 dep objects to
+  deja-dup executable.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Increase default window size to avoid being too small
+  + Packaging: Require libsoup-3.0 (instead of libsoup-2.4)
+- Changes from version 43.0:
+  + This is a stable release, following 43.alpha and 43.beta in the
+    GNOME style. Previously, odd number releases were the
+    development releases, but no longer.
+- Changes since 43.beta:
+  + Fix the restore browser not asking any user questions during
+    mount (like an invalid ssl cert)
+  + Use dark mode if color schemes are not supported by the system,
+    but the gtk theme is a dark variant
+  + Minor UI spacing/style tweaks
+  + Updated translations.
+- New features since 42.x:
+  + Add support for Microsoft OneDrive
+  + Delay scheduled backups when Power Saver mode or GameMode are
+    enabled
+  + Add opt-in experimental support for using Restic
+- Required packaging changes since 42.x:
+  + Require libadwaita1 1.0+ (instead of libhandy1)
+  + Require gtk4 4.6+ (instead of gtk3)
+  + Require glib2 2.66+
+  + Require meson 0.59+
+  + Due to new support for Microsoft OneDrive: Require the
+    requests_oauthlib python module: If you can't hard-depend on
+    it, define the new requests_oauthlib_pkgs config flag if
+    building with packagekit support. This feature will only be
+    visible if duplicity 0.8.21+ is available.
+- Optional Packaging Changes Since 42.x:
+  + For experimental Restic support: New config flag enable_restic,
+    which you can set to true to turn on the new experimental
+    support for Restic. This will not use Restic by default, but
+    merely expose a new "Labs" panel in the preferences window
+    where users can opt-in. So it is safe to enable and helps us
+    get feedback.
+  + Require the restic and rclone packages
+  + New config flags restic_pkgs and rclone_pkgs, if you can't
+    hard-depend on the restic or rclone packages and are building
+    with packagekit support
+  + New config flags restic_command and rclone_command, where you
+    can override the path to the restic and rclone executables
+    (defaults to searching PATH).
+- Drop cmake, libhandy-devel, pkgconfig(gtk-3.0) and
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires. Add pkgconfig(gtk4),
+  pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) and pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires,
+  and add python3-oauthlib Requires following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 42.8:
+  + Fix scheduled backups being skipped if a previous password
+    prompt was ignored.
+- Update to 42.7:
+  + Fix descending into a directory while searching in the
+    browse & restore view
+  + Update Google Drive logo
+  + Update to libhandy-1
+- Update to version 42.6:
+  + Fix possible crash when searching backup files with unicode
+    filenames
+  + Exclude snap and flatpak cache files (fixed regression that
+    stopped doing this)
+  + Show backup times in local timezone, not UTC
+  + Handle a symlinked ~/.cache/deja-dup folder
+  + Bump default network timeout to cover flaky
+    connections/services better
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to 42.5:
+  * Fix "Resume later" from resetting your backup schedule
+  * Fix difficulty in selecting an internal drive as your storage
+    location when using the file browser dialog
+  * Fix using "/" as an included folder being ignored
+  * Fix silently refusing to restore filenames with illegal
+    characters to a FAT filesystem; we now show an error
+  * Fix restoring filenames with an apostrophe followed by a space
+    (' ) in them
+  * Always exclude ~/.cache, even if its not our current
+    cache folder
+  * Clarify deletion policy (that it can take up to three
+    months longer than
+    you might think) and allow a deletion policy of 3 months
+    (previously 6 months was earliest allowed policy,
+    which could mean up to 9 months)
+- Update to 42.4 (boo#1197712):
+  * Redesign the main window and preferences to follow GNOME
+    design patterns
+  * Add welcome state for first time use (with slightly guided
+    backup/restore)
+  * Add an in-app browse & restore interface
+  * Drop nautilus plugin, in preference of above new
+    browse interface
+  * Drop deprecated backends (GOA, S3, GCS, OpenStack, and Rackspace)
+  * Use "Déjà Dup Backups" instead of "Déjà Dup Backup Tool"
+    as full name
+  * Drop "Version" key from desktop files, which broke some parsers
+  * Adds a button to reset your Google authorization in
+    the preferences
+  * Warn users before they restore files that we can't write to
+  * Fix automatic backups not firing for removable storage drives,
+    which got broken during the 41.x development cycle
+  * Automatically exclude folders that follow the cachedir spec
+    (i.e. that have a CACHEDIR.TAG file in them), and same if
+    they have a .deja-dup-ignore file
+  * Use a symbolic back icon in header (vs a full color icon)
+  * Stop the restore confirmation screen from growing too big
+    if you are restoring a lot of files
+  * Mount partitions specified in /etc/fstab if necessary
+  * When selecting an internal drive as a Local Folder, treat it
+    as a removable drive, so that we will mount if necessary
+  * Exclude /dev by default
+- Drop upstream merged deja-dup-vala-fix.patch
+- Add deja-dup-vala-fix.patch: fix for new vala (bsc#1197712).
+- Update to version 40.7:
+  + Fixes a bug that prevented restoring from Google Drive accounts
+    if you haven't backed up yet.
+  + Drop "Version" key from desktop files, which broke some
+    parsers.
+- Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more
+  reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen).
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Use Meson's gnome.post_install()
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Temporarily disable hardware accelerated rendering.
+  + Fix build with newer versions of Meson.
+  + gir: Fix build with WebkitGTK 4.1
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) for pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1)
+  BuildRequires now that upstream supports it.
+- Update to version 41.3:
+  + Disable hardware acceleration for WebKitGTK
+  + Update the location of the app screenshots
+  + Fix build with Meson ≥ 0.60
+  + Appdata validation fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + e6c644683fbb34ac4ceb31150ef20a2536512149.patch
+  + 281bade14c1925cf9e7329fa8e9cf2d82512c66f.patch
+  + 03b9b6b55ab1e1376b314ac7f99693512e42d80b.patch
+- Add e6c644683fbb34ac4ceb31150ef20a2536512149.patch -- Disable HW
+  acceleration to prevent blank pages (glgo#GNOME/devhelp#60).
+- Add 281bade14c1925cf9e7329fa8e9cf2d82512c66f.patch and
+  03b9b6b55ab1e1376b314ac7f99693512e42d80b.patch: Fix build with
+  meson 0.61.0 and newer.
+- fix boo#1216919
+  * create /run/dkimproxy using tmpfiles
+  * use the correct env var for the hostname
-- fix init scripts
-- fix installation  of init scripts
+- Fix dpdk22 build error for SLE-15-SP6 [bsc#1218856]
+  - Build dpdk22 with python in the system.
+- Fix dpdk22 build error for SLE-15-SP6 [bsc#1218856]
+  - Build dpdk22 with python in the system.
+- e2fsck-Suppress-orphan-file-is-clean-message-in-preen.patch: e2fsck: Suppress
+  "orphan file is clean" message in preen mode (bsc#1218747)
+- e2fsck-Suppress-orphan-file-is-clean-message-in-preen.patch: e2fsck: Suppress
+  "orphan file is clean" message in preen mode (bsc#1218747)
+  * jgit-apache-sshd-2.7.0.patch -> jgit-apache-sshd.patch
+    + rename patch and make it accept apache-ssd < 3.0.0
+- Modified patch:
+  * jgit-apache-sshd-2.7.0.patch
+    + extend even more apache-sshd version span
+- Added patch:
+  * jgit-CVE-2023-4759.patch
+    + backport of upstream fix for bsc#1215298 (CVE-2023-4759),
+    arbitrary file overwrite
+- Removed patch:
+  * 0001-Ensure-the-correct-classpath-is-set-for-the-jgit-com.patch
+    + no need to patch the launcher that we do not use
+- Craft the jgit script from the real Main class of the jar file
+  instead of using some superfluous jar launcher.
+  Fixes bsc#1209646
+- Added patch:
+  * jgit-jsch.patch
+    + extend the version range for the required jsch package
+    + allows building with 0.2.x (which is backward compatible
+    with 0.1.x)
+- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Require xz-java because the jgit script that we install is
+  expecting it to be present when composing the classpath
+  (bsc#1209646)
+- Modified patch:
+- Use %bcond_without aspell, ref ALP push for as few mandatory
+  dependencies as possible/ability to turn off dependencies.
+- Add missing closing parentheses for packageand Supplements.
-- Update to version 41.2:
-  + eog-window: use correct type for display_profile.
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + Fix statusbar image position incorrect.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + help: Replace dead IRC links
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Bug fixes and improvements: Rename Image Viewer -> Eye of GNOME
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.3:
+  + EOG gets stuck in infinite while loop if animation loops a
+    finite number of times.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Bug fixes and improvements:
+  - EogWindow: Fix refcount and signal handler issues around
+    GSettings handles.
+  - Replace filename with basename.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + EogImage:
+  - Ref priv->anim to avoid double free issues
+  - Do not leak animation iter
+  + Segfault when switching between animated webp images
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + help: Switch mailing list URLs over to GNOME Discourse.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Bug fixes and improvements: Remove all codes inside #if 0
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.alpha:
+  + application: Add preferences shortcut.
+  + help-overlay: Use action-name properties.
+  + Drop eog_util_make_valid_utf8.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Bug fixes and improvements: Avoid critical warnings when saving
+    images on exit.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + desktop: Remove obsolete Bugzilla entries
+  + Add Swedish help images.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Update eog-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.
+  + Update (or drop) the Docker image used by Flatpak job.
+  + desktop: Add webp to MimeType list.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Use G_DECLARE_INTERFACE in interface headers.
+  + Replace include guards with #pragma once.
+  + Window previews in shell overview are missing the title.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + Window previews in shell overview are missing the title.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Update for gnome-desktop thumbnail API changes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + appdata: Update screenshot.
+  + EogWindow: Also set wallpaper as dark wallpaper.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Replace gtk_window_set_title with hdy_header_bar_set_title.
+  + Disable Presenter action if no images are loaded.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Use gtk_widget_queue_draw to display thumbnails faster
+  + Replace properties dialog
+  + Shortcuts: Update keyboard shortcuts
+  + eog-window: use correct type for display_profile
+  + doc: migrate to gi-docgen
+  + Use libhandy for dark style preference and rounded window
+    corners
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires following
+  upstreams port.
+- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libportal) and pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3)
+  BuildRequires and pass portal=false to meson. Libportal support
+  is now optional, and we do not need it as we are not doing a
+  flatpak.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + metainfo: Align app name with .desktop name.
+  + build: Set of improvements for meson.
+  + EogScrollView: Use overlay scrollbars.
+  + Update libportal usage.
+  + make zoom entry more visually stable.
+  + eog-image: fix double-free of eog image status mutex.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop f61f6b1ba33e87766dd9a1b227a3607d863d2197.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add f61f6b1ba33e87766dd9a1b227a3607d863d2197.patch: Update
+  libportal usage. Libportal 0.5 is the first release with a stable
+  API so some changes were made. Following this, add
+  pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3) BuildRequires, new dependency.
+- Drop zip timestamps for reproducible builds (boo#1047218)
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Rename to
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * ecm_add_tests/ecm_add_test: add argument WORKING_DIRECTORY
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Rename to
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * ecm_add_tests/ecm_add_test: add argument WORKING_DIRECTORY
+- Build farstream without gupnp support. Following this, drop
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-1.2) and pkgconfig(gupnp-igd-1.0) and pass
+  - -disable-gupnp to configure.
+- Update to version 0.2.9+5:
+  + rawudp-upnp test: Also build against new GUPnP 1.2 library if
+    present
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(gupnp-1.2) BuildRequires and pass
+  enable-gupnp to configure, now that upstream supports the version
+  we have.
+- Add farstream-drop-examples.patch: No longer build the examples.
+  Fixes building with gcc 12.
-- Update to 2.4.9+4:
+- Update to version 0.2.9+4:
+- Build javadoc with source level 8
+- Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp
+- Update to version 1.1.2
+- Changes from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2
+  * Improvement
+    + [FELIX-6038] - pull Java 7 support back in for gogo runtime,
+    shell and console
+- Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0
+  * Bug
+    + [FELIX-5143] - Gogo Command bundle should not include
+    org.osgi.service.log classes
+    + [FELIX-5958] - gogo command exports org.osgi.service.log
+  * New Feature
+    + [FELIX-5835] - Upgrade to JDK 8
+    + [FELIX-5836] - Upgrade to OSGi r6
+  * Improvement
+    + [FELIX-5969] - remove transitive dependencies from gogo
+    command
+    + [FELIX-5970] - Add requirement & capabilities model so gogo
+    can be resolved
+    + [FELIX-5999] - cleanup compiler warnings
+    + [FELIX-6002] - Remove legacy code in Gogo Command
+    + [FELIX-6003] - Add some resolver checks to make sure
+    @RequireGogo annotation works for both jline and shell
+    + [FELIX-6007] - create a gogo bom
+- Advertize capability needed by other felix-gogo artifacts
+- Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp
+- update to 1.1.4:
+  [FELIX-6038] - pull Java 7 support back in for gogo runtime,shell and console
+  [FELIX-6046] - fix gogo shell thread interrupt.
+  [FELIX-5970] - Add requirement & capabilities model so gogo can be resolved
+  [FELIX-5999] - cleanup compiler warnings
+  [FELIX-6000] - cleanup compiler warnings
+  [FELIX-6003] - Add some resolver checks to make sure @RequireGogo annotation works for both jline and shell
+  [FELIX-6007] - create a gogo bom
+- Reproducible builds: use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp
+- Remove python3-oauth2. This is not needed to build.
+- Update to version 4.13.1+git.1698672892.6f7e4327:
+  * fence_ovm: Replace all_opt "ssl_client_cert_file" with "ssl_client_certificate_file"
+  * fence_ovm: new fence agent for Oracle VM
+  * fence_cisco_mds: undo metadata change, as it is an I/O agent
+  * all agents: update metadata from I/O to e.g. Power, Network, etc for non-I/O agents
+  * fence_azure_arm: fix get virtual machines call
+  * README: update IRC info to link to ClusterLabs wiki IRC page
+  * configure: require 3.6 or higher
+  * build: add test-fencing rule and make it part of "make check"
+  * fence_zvmip: Update longdesc to document all required functions
+  * fence_scsi: fix registration handling in device 'off' workflows
+  * fa-dev-guide: improve fail()/error code description
+  * fa-dev-guide: add reboot_cycle() section
+  * fa-dev-guide: add General git section
+- Update to version 4.12.1+git.1690196437.64f62dbb:
+  * fencing: use EC_OK
+  * fencing: add error message for EC_GENERIC_ERROR
+  * fence_ipmilan: fix typo in description (#553)
+  * doc: add fa-dev-guide to README
+  * doc: add fa-dev-guide
+  * spec: remove rhel7/centos7 specific Reqs/BuildReqs and BR for python-novaclient and python-keystoneclient which arent needed anymore
+  * fence_eaton_ssh: new fence agent for Eaton ePDU G3 over SSH (#549)
+  * azure_fence: use correct credential_scope and profile for stack hub
+  * fence_azure_arm: add stack cloud support
+  * fence_ibm_powervs: improved performance (#542)
+  * Revert "fence_scsi: fail monitor action when it's unable to change state of device"
+  * spec: Migrate to SPDX license
+  * fence_scsi: fail monitor action when it's unable to change state of device
+  * Revert "Adds earlyexit parameter to power_cycle_instance for fence_gce"
+  * fence_scsi: Add support for space-separated devices and update in meta-data
-  Adapt agent_list in spec
+  Adapt agent_list in spec file
+- Update to version 4.12.1+git.1682325255.86f77326:
+  * fence_aliyun: support filter for list-action
+  * fence_scsi: Automatically detect devices for shared VGs
+  * Adds earlyexit parameter to power_cycle_instance for fence_gce
+  * fence_aws: fail when power action request fails
+  * fence_aws: fixes to allow running outside of AWS network
+- Update to version 2.4.7
+- Upstream changes:
+  * Update config.guess to the latest version. This supports newer
+  architectures such as RISCV64.
+  * Address compiler warnings reported by newer versions of gcc.
+  * Add a configuration entry for the Apogee Duet.
+  * Spelling, capitalisation and quoting fixes in documentation and
+  source code.
+  * Correctly report the Saffire Pro 24 and Pro 56 in messages from
+  the driver when these interfaces are in use.
+  * Build correctly under scons 3.0.5 and above.
+- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+- Update to release 2.4.3
+- Replace pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6) with pkgconfig(libxml++-3.0)
+  BuildRequires.
+- Update to release 2.4.1
+- Removed uneeded and incorporated patches:
+  libffado-SConstruct-py3.patch, ffado-gcc6.patch and byteswap.patch
+- Upstream changes:
+  * Fix some python syntax which was not compatible with python3.
+  These were missed during the preparation of FFADO 2.4.0.
+  * Modify the SCons build system to allow for scons running under
+  python3.
+  * Merge distribution patches provided by package maintainers.
+  * Address some difficulties experienced by package maintainers
+  when compiling FFADO.
+  * Improve the output of ffado-diag.
+- byteswap.patch: ensure byte swap macros are available for all components
+- Add reproducible.patch to always build with SSE2,
+  independent of build system CPU (boo#1100677)
+- Update to release 2.4.0 and fix build against glibc-2.27
+  see boo#1079938.
+- Removed patches fixed upstream:
+  ffado_SConstruct_powerpc_update.patch and sigev.patch.
+- Rebased libffado-SConstruct-py3.patch partially fixed upstream.
+- Added ffado-nosys.patch for missing import sys in SConstruct.
+- Rebased ffado-gcc6.patch, partially fixed upstream.
+- Upstream changes:
+  * Numerous build system and code improvements to support
+  architectures such as MIPS, x32 and various PowerPC flavours.
+  * A large number of fixes for newer versions of gcc
+  (particularly versions 6 and 7).
+  * Initial support for the optional TCO module of the
+  RME Fireface-800.
+  * Expanded ffado-mixer support for the Phase88 device.
+  * Initial work to make ffado-mixer compatible with
+  python3/pyqt5.
+  * Start work towards compatibility with scons3.
-- Update to bugfix version 2.2.1
-- Fixes compilation failures when DEBUG=no is specified
-- Upstream changes for 2.2.0:
-  * Many bugs fixed
-    Mixer, router and monitor support for Saffire Pro 14
-    Mixer and router support for Presonus Firestudio Tube,
-    Presonus Firestudio Project, and M-Audio Profire 2626
-    Support Echo Audio AudioFire12 with firmware versions 5.0 and
-    later (addresses ticket 360)
-    Echo Audio device mixer additions:
-    hide SPDIF mode switch on AudioFire12
-    digital interface switch on AudioFire8 and Pre8
-    phantom power switch for AudioFire4 (addresses ticket 364)
-    playback routing for AudioFire2/4 (addresses ticket 335)
-  * Presonus device mixer additions:
-    better support the FP10 (formerly known as the Firepod)
-    implement support for the Firebox and Inspire1394
-  * M-Audio mixer additions:
-    improve support for the Ozonic
-    add support for Firewire Solo (ticket 336), Audiophile, 410, 1814
-    and ProjectMix I/O
-  * Device-specific mixer for Yamaha GO44 and GO46 interfaces added
-  * RME Fireface 400/800 improvements:
-    mixer and device settings can now be saved to and restored from
-    device flash clock source selection made more consistent
-  * DICE EAP / RME Matrix mixer enhancements:
-    "per output" view with mono/stereo control saving of mixer
-    settings to file
-    more consistent cooperation with jackd when sample rate is changed
-  * Audio streaming support added or refined for additional MOTU
-  interfaces:
-    Traveller mk 3
-    Ultralite mk 3
-    Ultralite hybrid (using firewire interface only)
-    4pre
-- Known issues:
-  * Saffire Pro 40 at 96 kHz fails to start most of the time
-  (ticket 326)
-  * Saffire Pro 24 and Pro 40 MIDI problems (tickets 372 and 375)
-  * Saffire Pro 24 and Pro 40 lack an ADAT/SPDIF switch
-  * Only mixer control is supported on M-Audio 1814 and M-Audio,
-  ProjectMix
-  * M-Audio Audiophile, 410 and 1814 require startup workaround.
-  See
-  * M-Audio Audiophile, 410 and 1814 will only work with FFADO when
-  loaded with the latest firmware
-- own /usr/lib/udev directory to avoid buildrequiring udev
-- Move udev rules to /usr/lib/udev for openSUSE 12.3 or later.
-- Update to 2.1.0 version:
-  * Significantly improved support for the new "juju" firewire stack
-    found in newer kernels
-  * Support for JACK freewheeling mode and set-buffer-size operation
-  * Lower CPU usage
-  * udev rules included in FFADO to give user access to audio device files
-  * More stable streaming
-  * Fix crash when realtime system clock was set
-  * Fix race conditions and invalid memory accesses on shutdown
-  * Fixes for clean compilation on recent gcc versions (up to 4.7)
-  * ffado-diag enhanced to aid debugging efforts
-  * Many bugs fixed
-- Remove patchs merged on upstream release:
-  * ffado-gcc47.patch
-  * libffado-bswap.patch
-- Do not use and include ChangeLog in the package because the svn repo is down
-  and this file could not be update
-- Remove useless conditional macros
-- fix ppc64 build
-- Add ffado-gcc47.patch: Fix build with gcc 4.7.
-- Added "Recommends: ffado-mixer" to the ffado rpm.
-- Update to ffado-svn revision 2040 to fix bnc#747391 & bnc#736115
-- Upstream changes, see /usr/share/doc/packages/ffado/ChangeLog
-- adding -fPIC on arm (fixes build)
-- move doc generation into 2nd spec file
-- Fix some rpmlint errors
-- remove qt dependency, splitted into ffado-mixer spec file
-- Update to version 2.0.1
-- Upstream changes :-
-  Make it work on the new firewire-stack.
-  Of course some more fixes went into the package. But its mostly
-  intended for distributors so they can finally deprecate/disable the
-  old firewire stack in kernels.
-  For more changelog and instructions please look back at the 2.0.0
-  release announcement
-- Update to svn 1856.
-- Upstream changes : Make it easier for distributions to define
-  their own additional built-flags.
-  Numerous bug fixes, see ChangeLog for details.
-- Created package ffado version 2.0.0
+- ffmpeg-fix-new-binutils.patch.txt: fix build with new binutils
+  (bsc#1215309)
+- Update to version
+  * Add cuCtxGetCurrent function
+  * Add cuDriverGetVersion
+  * Add missing cuStreamWaitEvent function
+  * Add functions to identify devices in more ways
+  * Add cuArrayCreate
+  * Update README
+  * Remove AV1 High Profile GUID
+  * Update for final release of Video Codec SDK 12.0.16
+  * Add missing SDK 12.0 bits
+- Update to version
+  * Add cuCtxGetCurrent function
+  * Add cuDriverGetVersion
+  * Add missing cuStreamWaitEvent function
+  * Add functions to identify devices in more ways
+  * Add cuArrayCreate
+- Update to version
+  * Add D3D11 interop functions
+  * Fix codestyle
+- Update to version
+  * Update forgotten version number in README.
+  * Add a subset of CUDA EGLStreams interop API.
+  * Add timeline semaphore type.
+- Update to version
+  * Update headers from Video SDK 11.1
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + New features and user visible changes: Add read-only support
+    for Apple’s `dmg` image format through 7-zip.
+  + Bugs fixed: Prevent libarchive backend from writing endless
+    padding when extracting RAR archives.
+  + Other changes: Various source code clean-ups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + New features and user visible changes:
+  - Support `7zz` and `7zzs` programs from the official 7-Zip
+    project. Distros will want to adjust the
+    `data/packages.match` file.
+  - Add a mnemonic to Extract button.
+  - Make password field reveal icon consistent with other GNOME
+    apps.
+  - Nautilus extension now supports extracting multiple archives
+    simultaneously with “Archive to…”.
+  - Add context menu item to navigate to a file from search.
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Fix RAR decompression support in 7-Zip backend.
+  - Fix opening RAR archives with encrypted headers.
+  + Other changes:
+  - Port Nautilus extension to Nautilus 43.
+  - Various code clean-ups.
+  - Slightly modernized Meson code.
+  - Use portal-based APIs for opening files, adding dependency on
+    libportal and libportal-gtk3.
+  - Add support for building internal API docs using gi-docgen.
+  - Do not hide File-Roller icon in the KDE app laucher.
+  - Remove dependency on libnotify.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch back to upstream tarball, drop service.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libnotify) BuildRequires: No longer needed.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) with
+  pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension-4) BuildRequires following
+  upstream changes.
+- Add desktop-file-utils, pkgconfig(libportal),
+  pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3) and pkgconfig(gtk4) BuildRequires, new
+  dependencies.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Add back lhasa and arj Suggests.
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + Require libhandy >= 1.5 for the color scheme.
+- Update to version 3.41.90:
+  + Enable add button on select all
+  + Support GNOME 42 dark style preference
+- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Update to version 3.40.0+51:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to git checkout via source service as upstream is not
+  doing releases. We want the updated translations.
+- Replace p7zip-full with 7zip following packaging changes of 7zip.
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(gio-2.0), pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) and
+  pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: Align with what configure
+  checks for.
+- Update to version 1.2.3:
+  + This is a minor bug-fix release that fixes cloning `file://`
+    URIs with git 2.38.1 or newer.
+- Use system debugedit on TW
+  + Add BuildRequires debugedit.
+  + Add Requires debugedit.
+- Ensure flatpak >= 1.12.4 is a build and runtime dependency.
+- Update url in description.
+- Update to version 0.15.6:
+  + Major changes:
+  - Projects should be able to use the typelib-based bindings
+  - sysprof is now used for profiling
+  - Lots of translation updates
+  - Several smaller Meson changes
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - folks-generics: Add missing generic type argument
+  - tests/bluez: Follow PairDevice API change in python-dbusmock
+- Add global requires_exclude
+  libfolks|libfolks-dummy|libfolks-eds|libfolks-telepathy remove
+  wrong requires in typelibs.
+- Unbreak the build of all downstream packages, repeal
+  excessive excludes from _service, redo unbundle.patch [boo#1216332]
+- Update to SVN revision 1909:
+  * added the 'ExtraSamples' tag key to the FIMD_EXIF_MAIN
+    & FIMD_EXIF_EXIF metadata models
+  * added support for Exif v2.3.2 tags
+  * improved TIFF compression when using float images with
+  * improved performance of _MemoryReadProc function (see FreeImageIO.cpp)
+  * improved TIFF validation against Canon CR2 files (CR2 files are no
+    longer recognized as TIFF)
+  * improved TIFF plugin when working with malicious images
+  * improved BMP plugin when working with malicious images
+  * improved FreeImage_LoadFromMemory robustness when working with
+    malicious images
+  * fixed JXR plugin when working under a Linux OS
+  * improved PFM plugin against malicious images
+  * improved JXR plugin against malicious images
+  * improved Targa plugin against malicious images
+  * improved DDS plugin against malicious images
+  * improved PCX plugin against malicious images
+  * improved PNM plugin against malicious images
+  * improved TIFF plugin against malicious images
+  * improved J2K plugin against malicious images
+  * fixed FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap with usage of filenames longer than
+    255 characters & Windows Long Path disabled
+  * TIFF images saved with TIFF_DEFLATE compression are saved to images
+    with TIFF_ADOBE_DEFLATE compresssion (TIFF_DEFLATE is obsolete)
+  * fixed FreeImage_FlipVertical behavior with very large images
+  * fixed FreeImage_Paste behavior with very large images
+  * fixed FreeImage_SeekMemory behavior with 64-bit malicious images
+- CVE-2019-12211_2019-12213.patch merged upstream
+- libraw_0_20.patch libraw_0_21.patch merged upstream
+- bigendian.patch merged upstream
+- freeimage-no-return-in-nonvoid.patch merged upstream
+- edit unbundle.patch
+- closes boo#1135736 boo#1135731 boo#1214776 boo#1214557 boo#1214555 boo#1214556
+- Fixes CVEs: CVE-2019-12213 CVE-2019-12211 CVE-2020-21426 CVE-2020-21427
+  CVE-2020-21428 CVE-2020-22524
+- Add libraw_0_21.patch: Fix build against libraw 0.21.
-  added FreeImage_Validate
-  added FreeImage_ValidateU
-  added FreeImage_ValidateFromHandle
-  added FreeImage_ValidateFromMemory
+    added FreeImage_Validate
+    added FreeImage_ValidateU
+    added FreeImage_ValidateFromHandle
+    added FreeImage_ValidateFromMemory
-- Fix Bug 1212211 - Partner-L3: There are fwupd/FuEngine failure
-  messages in /var/log/messages in SLES15 SP5
-  + add fwupd-Do-not-assume-a-file-descriptor-of-zero-is-invalid.patch
-- Remove protobuf-c BR: SLE now matches TW package layout(Callum Farmer)
-- Remove gnu-efi BR: efi binary is in fwupd-efi(Callum Farmer)
-- Change version 1.8.6:
-  + Fix compiling error when building s390x ppc64le
-  - add %ifnarch conditional to spec file
-  + Recover one changelog unexpectedly removed when first pushing
-    fwupd-1.8.6 to 15-SP5
-  - Thu Feb 24 06:29:53 UTC 2022 -
-  - Add fwupd-bsc1193921-nvme-ignore-non-PCI-NVMe-devices.patch
-    to ignore non-PCI NVMe devices (bnc#1193921)
+- Fix build failure on s390x and ppc64le
+  + This release modifies spec file
+  - add s390x and ppc64le into default 'with efi_fw_update'
+    so that old dbxtool version can be obsoleted.
+- Update to version 1.9.10:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add support for not_hardware requirements
+  - Add support for loongarch64
+  - Add support for per-release priority attributes
+  - Make USB claim retry count configurable across devices
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+  - Compare the HID report value when checking for duplicates
+  - Consider the component priority when installing composite updates
+  - Deploy the CCGX firmware correctly the first time
+  - Do not export the 'main-system-firmware' and 'cpu' GUIDs
+  - Enforce fwupd version requirements client side
+  - Fix Genesys 'failed to get static tool info from device' error
+  - Fix potential 'dereference before null check' in ccmx-dmc
+  - Fix the 'already registered private FuMmDevice flag with value' warning
+  - Fix the 'assertion backend_id != NULL failed' runtime warning
+  - Fix Wacom USB device emulation by recording the composite phases
+  - Generate generic request message text where possible
+  - Hide HTTP passwords in fwupd debugging logs
+  - Let the client know what interaction is expected
+  - Make all critical warnings into backtraces for non-release builds
+  - Never obsolete the wrong HSI attribute
+  - Never show a HSI index that is impossible
+  - Only apply fastboot plugin to modem devices supporting fastboot
+  - Only send interactive requests when the sender is alive
+  - Remove the now-obsolete Synaptics MST cascade device scanning
+  - Replace the Redfish KCS user if required
+  - Restrict mediatek-scaler devices on specific hardware only
+  - Skip any recovery partitions when detecting ESP
+- Update to version 1.9.9 (boo#1217295):
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add a new generic request for the device power cable.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - Lenovo X1 Yoga Gen7 530E.
+  - Advantech BMC devices.
+- Re-add fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch: patch was dropped
+  in error (boo#1217138).
+- Update to version 1.9.8:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add a DP AUX device subclass and port the Synaptics MST
+    plugin to it
+  - Add a feature flag for non-generic requests where
+    translations are required
+  - Hide generic VID/PIDs to avoid accidental firmware matches
+  - Optionally set the modem carrier configuration as the branch
+    name
+  - Rename 'fwupdmgr sync-bkc' to 'fwupdmgr sync' and also
+    consider the branch
+  - Require additional requirements for devices using non-OEM USB
+    VIDs
+  - Set the waiting-for-user status when sending a request
+  - Support uSWID SBoM data with LZMA compressed payloads
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - Kinetic SST/MST DisplayPort converters
+  - Wacom Cintiq Pros (DTH172, DTH227)
+- Do not pass -Dsystemd_unit_user=root to meson: use fwupd's
+  defautl fwupd_refresh user (boo#1216973).
+- Disable passim support for now. For openSUSE users this is likely
+  less intereting that it would be for enterprise customers.
+- Update to versrion 1.9.7:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add support for child device requirements in metadata.
+  - Allow to have more than one host BKC.
+  - Delete BootNext as a post-reboot action to work around broken
+    firmware.
+  - Parse cabinet archives internally without libgcab.
+  - Use close-ended mode for eMMC FFU to speed up firmware
+    updates.
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - Logitech Rally System devices.
+  - More PixartRF HPAC devices.
+  - More Synaptics Prometheus fingerprint readers.
+  - Some Western Digital eMMC devices.
+  - VIA VL830 and VL832.
+- Update to version 1.9.6:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add a launchd agent for macOS.
+  - Add a new security attribute for BIOS capsule updates to be
+    enabled.
+  - Add functionality to fix specific host security attributes.
+  - Add global information from the context into the report data.
+  - Add support for coSWID payload sections.
+  - Add support for parsing the EDID.
+  - Allow adding only-quirk instance IDs from quirk files.
+  - Install a sysusers.d systemd file when using
+  - Dsystemd_unit_user.
+  + For The changes of 1.9.0…1.9.5, please consult
+- Add pkgconfig(passim) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Pass -Dplugin_amdgpu=disabled to meson: not buildable just yet.
+- Pass -Dlaunchd=disabled to meson: launched is MacOS only.
+- Drop -Dplugin_dell=enabled meson parameter: no longer supported.
+- Drop fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch: no longer
+  applicable.
+- Remove protobuf-c BR: SLE now matches TW package layout
+- Remove gnu-efi BR: efi binary is in fwupd-efi
+- Update to version 1.8.17:
+  + Correctly obtain the Thunderbolt is_native controller
+    attribute.
+  + Fix a Wacom emulation failure on s390x.
+  + Only allow --force on security attributes for unsupported
+    builds.
+  + Reduce the amount of RSS by ~12% at startup.
+- Enable efi_fw_update on riscv64
+- fwupdagent and dfu-tool are only built %{with efi_fw_update}
+- Update to version 1.8.16:
+  + Auto-detect the OEM BCM57xx PCI cards with double the available
+  + Beep the console when waiting for user input
+  + Do not assume a file descriptor of zero is invalid
+  + Fix high memory usage when writing a carefully crafted EFI
+    filesystem
+  + Ignore refresh on a non-download remote to fix old versions of
+    KDE
+  + Limit the maximum number of file objects in the EFI filesystem
+  + Only add the supported DFU attributes as private flags
+  + Show devices with problems in fwupdmgr get-upgrades
+  + Update official Intel GPU product names
+- Changes from version 1.8.15:
+  + Add the latest dbx fixups for BlackLotus
+  + Allow fwupd-refresh.timer trigger once per hour
+  + Fix a crash when converting HFSTS1 values
+  + Fix the version detection for SteelSeries Bluetooth mode
+  + Invalidate the XMLb cache when installing new fwupd versions
+  + Trigger the passive flow for usb4 from dell-dock
+  + New hardware support: More Logitech Unifying receivers, Nordic
+    MCUboot and nRF52 Desktop Keyboard
+- Changes from version 1.8.14:
+  + Fix possible crash when getting UEFI report metadata
+  + Fix 'fwupdmgr install FILE GUID'
+- Changes from version 1.8.13:
+  + New features:
+  - Add pcap converter which allows emulating devices from a
+    Wireshark dump
+  - Add the ability to dump TPM firmware for future use
+  - Optionally retain firmware in a backup remote
+  - Record the ESP type in the firmware report sent to the LVFS
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Accept application/octet-stream for archives when the mime
+    database is missing
+  - Add the latest dbx version version fixups as Microsoft
+    removed another entry
+  - Assume DFU appIDLE if GetStatus is not implemented
+  - Do not require signatures for local or directory remotes
+  - Do not use pandoc to build the man pages
+  - Enhance Qubes functionality to use JCat
+  - Fix a CCGX 'usbfs: process did not claim interface 1 before
+    use' warning
+  - Fix a compile warning when using a new libqmi version
+  - Fix a critical warning when parsing an empty kernel cmdline
+  - Fix a synaptics-cape regression where the firmware pauses for
+    INTR
+  - Fix the defines for HFSTS6 enforcement policy
+  - Fix the i2c name properly for ElanTP hardware
+  - Fix the name of the MTD Intel SPI controller
+  - Set the release remote when installing archives
+  - Use the powerd power type information to better set AC levels
+  + New hardware:
+  - Framework Audio Card
+  - Lenovo ThinkPad TBT3-TR Gen 2
+  - Wacom Intuos BT S Gen 3
+- Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.
+- Introduce docs flag, set to 0: do not build documentation using
+  pandoc: ghc is not part of the rings and we don't want this
+  there.
+- Update to version 1.8.12:
+  + Allow setting the package user agent before the client has
+    connected.
+  + Fix a small memory leak when refreshing metadata.
+- Changes from version 1.8.11:
+  + Add support for replaying USB devices so they can be emulated
+    in CI.
+  + Allow desktop software to inhibit the system to prevent
+    updates.
+  + Allow using requirements with depth=0 and no parent.
+  + Auto-set the CCGX remove-delay now we parse DMC subcomponents.
+  + Detect and warn users with the broken NVMe firmware 3B2QGXA7.
+  + Print errors as JSON objects when using fwupdmgr --json.
+- Changes from version 1.8.10:
+  + Add a PE/COFF firmware parser to allow reading coSWID SBoM
+    data.
+  + Allow dumping CFI SPI chips using devices like CH341a.
+  + Refactor the HWIDs functionality to include FDT data.
+- Rebase fwupd-bsc1130056-change-shim-path.patch.
+- Drop uefi-capsule-Do-not-call-grub2-probe-without-argumen.patch:
+  fixed upstream.
+- Add -Dcompat_cli=true meson parameter: keep compat binaries for
+  the time being.
+- Add xz-devel BuildRequires: needed to link liblzma.
+- Fix error generating grub.cfg when an update is available.
+  + uefi-capsule-Do-not-call-grub2-probe-without-argumen.patch
+- Update to 1.8.9:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add an interactive request for re-inserting the USB cable
+  - Add SHA384 support for TPM hashes
+  - Add X-FingerprintReader, X-GraphicsTablet, X-Dock and X-UsbDock categories
+  - Allow specifying OR parent requirements in metadata
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+  - Add the fwupd version to the HSI result if the chassis is invalid
+  - Allow getting the ESP when there is a block device with no filesystem
+  - Allow reinstalling on devices with only-version-upgrade set
+  - Do not require the TPM event log to have all reconstructions
+  - Fix a tiny memory leak when parsing signed reports
+  - Ignore failure to mount the ESP if unsupported
+  - Never allow using SHA-1 for checksum validation
+  - Return a more useful error if USB recovery failed
+  - Skip the fwupdx64.efi BootXXXX entry when measuring system integrity
+  - Speed up daemon startup using prepared XPath queries
+  - Suggest to turn on ThunderboltAccess for Lenovo systems
+  - Use better defaults if the config file is missing
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - More Solidigm NVMe devices
+  - More Synaptics Cape devices
+  - More Synaptics Prometheus devices
+  - Most Texas Instruments USB-4 docks
+  - Scaler support for Wacom USB devices
+  - Several new Wistron USB-C docks
+- Update to version 1.8.8:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add BIOS rollback protection support for Dell and Lenovo
+    systems
+  - Generate OVAL rules for openSCAP evaluation
+  - Show the signed reports from QA teams in client tools
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+  - Add a X-Gpu category for new hardware support
+  - Add more ChromeOS metadata to the report attributes
+  - Ensure the device name is set for Intel USB4 devices
+  - Fix a critical DFU CSR warning when deploying firmware
+  - Fix a Synaptics RMI issue when updating non-secure devices
+  - Match more device properties when using GetDetails
+  - Move AMD platform rollback protection to level 4
+  - Use the correct AppStream ID for the Key Manifest failure
+  - Wait for the Intel GPU to come back after updating
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - Logitech Whiteboard cameras
+  - More Goodix MoC devices
+  - Several QSI Docks
+- Update to version 1.8.7:
+  + This release adds the following features:
+  - Add a new HSI check for the leaked Lenovo 'Key Manifest'
+    hashes
+  - Measure system integrity when installing UEFI updates
+  - Record more host DMI data when submitting a report for dbx
+    failures
+  - Use xz-compressed metadata to reduce bandwidth used by ~25%
+  + This release fixes the following bugs:
+  - Add documentation for three existing HSI attributes
+  - Add re-insert requirement for Analogix devices
+  - Allow parsing metadata more than 1MB in size
+  - Do not follow symlinks when searching for ESP devices
+  - Ensure the config file permission is correct for built-in
+    plugins
+  - Fix a compile failure when compiling without efiboot
+  - Fix a regression when using fwuptool install-blob with FMAP
+    firmware
+  - Only count the Microsoft hashes when getting the dbx version
+  - Only use the IFD when the system is Intel-based
+  - Support loading CoSWID when only one role has been set
+  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
+  - Anker Thunderbolt 4 Mini Hub
+  - ELAN haptic hardware
+  - Fingerprint lenfy devices
+  - Goodix GF3258WNC
+  - Intel discrete GPUs (experimental)
+  - More Star Labs laptops
+  - QSI Godzilla Creek Reference Hub
+- Stop passing conditional plugin_amt=disabled, no longer needed,
+  nor recognized.
-- Changes from version 1.7.4:
+- Changes from version 1.7.4 (bsc#1193921):
+- Replace libportal-devel BuildRequires with
+  pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3) to be more specific and not be
+  dependant on package names.
+- Add gcolor-libportal-gtk3.patch: Fix build against recent
+  libportal, which has gtk3 and gtk4 backends.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 4.1.0:
+  + The soversion is now properly set to 4.
+  + certificate: Print dates in ISO8601 format
+  + viewer: Support certificates read from PKCS#11 store
+  + gcr: Add means to construct GcrCertificate from PKCS#11 URI
+  + Several smaller fixes found with ASAN
+  + Stop using GSlice
+  + a11y: Improve reading of certificate info by screen readers
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rename sub-packages following upstreams correction of soversion.
+  libgcr-4-0_0_0 is now libgcr-4-4, and libgck-2-0_0_0 is now
+  libgck-2-2.
+- Update to version 4.0.0:
+  + This the first stable release of gcr4 and gck2.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.92.0:
+  + This is the beta release of gcr4, which is a major version bump
+    after gcr3 with several API and ABI breaks.
+  + `GcrCertificateSection` and `GcrCertificateField` have been
+    added, which now allow consumers to more easily create their
+    own GcrCertificate-based UIs.
+  + gcr4 will no longer ship UI libraries, i.e. gcr-gtk3 or
+    gcr-gtk4.
+  + `GcrComparable` and `GckList` have been removed.
+- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires, no longer needed, nor
+  supported. Following upstream changes, stop passing gtk3=true to
+  meson.
+- Drop sub-package typelib-1_0-GcrUi-3, it was already gone since
+  3.90.0 release.
+- Update to version 3.90.0:
+  + The "gcr" pkgconfig package now no longer contains the UI
+    widgets (i.e. the former "gcr-base" package)..
+  + "gcr-ui" no longer exists. There is now "gcr-gtk3" and
+    "gcr-gtk4" for the GTK3 and GTK4 versions respectively. These
+    might be removed from by the beta release however, in favor of
+    widgets for each DE (e.g. libadwaita or libgranite or ...).
+  + All deprecated API has been removed, as well as most UI-related
+    code. This includes most widgets, GcrColumn and any icons.
+  + Most GObject-based code has been updated to use modern
+    constructs like the `G_DECLARE_*` macros.
+  + "pkcs11.h" and "pkcs11.vapi" have been removed. If you used
+    "pcks11.h", this is provided by the p11-kit package. If you
+    used pkcs11.vapi, you'll have to copy it directly in your
+    repository.
+  + The org.gnome.crypto.pgp schema is no longer shipped. The
+    options provided in it are part of GPG configuration files.
+  + The minimally required version of Meson is now 0.59.
+  + All `GcrCollection` based APIs are now ported to `GListModel`.
+  + Added lookup of trust assertions for distrusted certs.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop b3ca1d02bb0148ca787ac4aead164d7c8ce2c4d8.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
-  + meson: Fix unknown kw argument in gnome.generate_gir [GNOME/gcr!68]
-  + gcr: Add G_SPAWN_CLOEXEC_PIPES flag to all the g_spawn commands
-  + docs: Port from gtk-doc to gi-docgen [GNOME/gcr!76]
-  + Unbreak build without systemd [GNOME/gcr!75]
-  + Several CI fixes
-  + Updated translations
-- Add gi-docgen BuildRequires: needed by the docs
-- Update the doc directory
-- Drop patch b3ca1d02bb0148ca787ac4aead164d7c8ce2c4d8.patch: fixed
-  upstream
+  + meson: Fix unknown kw argument in gnome.generate_gir.
+  + gcr: Add G_SPAWN_CLOEXEC_PIPES flag to all the g_spawn
+    commands.
+  + docs: Port from gtk-doc to gi-docgen.
+  + Unbreak build without systemd.
+  + Several CI fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop b3ca1d02bb0148ca787ac4aead164d7c8ce2c4d8.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires following
+  upstreams port.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Split out doc subpackage.
+- Add fdupes BuildRequires and macro, remove duplicate files.
+- Build data and doc sub-packages as noarch.
+- Update to version 2.42.10:
+  + Search for
+  + Update the memory size limit for JPEG images.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patch fixed upstream (with different limit):
+  + 0001-jpeg-Increase-memory-limit-for-loading-image-data.patch
-  (boo#1194633 CVE-2021-44648).
+    (boo#1194633 CVE-2021-44648).
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Update to version 3.40.0:
+  + Center dock item button images
+  + Fix build problem on macOS
+  + Fix tab reordering
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update URL to new gitlab home.
+- Make Patch0 only applies on s390 and s390x.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Rebase patches for SLE-15-SP6 (bsc#216595):
+  + Rebase gdm-add-runtime-option-to-disable-starting-X-server-as-u.patch
+  + Rebase gdm-disable-gnome-initial-setup.patch
+  + Rebase gdm-restart-session-when-X-server-restart.patch
+- Explicitly buildrequire /usr/bin/dbus-run-session: the
+  dbus package is being restructured to be usable with dbus-broker
+  and so far we just relied on implicit dependencies bringing this
+  in. Meson checks for it, so it is correct to BR it though.
+- Update to version 45.0.1:
+  + Fix for the crasher fix.
+- Changes from version 45.0:
+  + Crasher fix.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase gdm-xauthlocalhostname.patch with quilt.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + A ton of small code clean ups and small leak fixes.
+  + Set gnome-initial-setup dconf profile.
+  + Honor settings configured with a template in AccountsService.
+  + Crash fix from stray udev events.
+  + VT handling fixes.
+  + Work better in presence of simpledrm.
+  + wayland multi-seat support.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Drop upstream patches:
+  + gdm-fix-btmp-record-with-seat.patch
+  + gdm-disable-wayland-on-aspeed-chipsets.patch
+- Do not use %autopatch to build on SLE where rpm version is not
+  ready for the macro.
+- Merge pulseaudio-gdm-hooks into the gdm package. This was previously
+  part of pulseaudio.spec, which was fairly complex (dir ownership,
+  separate tmpfiles, dependencies) and it also caused pulseaudio.spec
+  to runtime depend on gdm. Avoid all of that by just adding it here:
+  + Add
+  + Add entries to gdm.tmpfiles
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Fix blown assertion log spew.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Create two set of pam configuration files:
+  + *-sle.pamd are for SLES15 and older
+  + add postlogin-* includes to the others as required by openSUSEs
+    PAM config policy
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Lots of code clean ups.
+  + Fix detection of virt on efi setups.
+  + Fix btmp accounting on failed logins.
+  + Ensure pam_close_session is called even if worker is killed.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gdm-switch-user-tty7.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Refresh patches with Quilt.
+- Rebase gdm-xauthlocalhostname.patch due to code clean up commit:
+  88d79fe24cda8623a4b460c0aa9628178c26f745.
+- Update gdm-disable-gnome-initial-setup.patch: Refactoring to
+  disable it on SLE runtime, so with the same executable it is
+  still possible to run on Leap (jsc#PED-1719).
+- Update gdm-smartcard.pamd: Move under
+  to make it work with pam_pkcs11's auto file username.
-- Update gdm-disable-gnome-initial-setup.patch: Refactoring to
-  disable it on SLE runtime, so with the same executable it is
-  still possible to run on Leap (jsc#PED-1719).
+- Update gdm-sysconfig-settings.patch: Fix gdm doesn't start
+  if /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager is missing (bsc#1204578).
+- Move dbus system.d conf file to /usr (bsc#1204052)
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Drop vestigial code.
+  + Fixes in GPU detection.
+  + Use _GNU_SOURCE again to avoid compile warning.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + gdm-Fix-type-of-signal-connection-id.patch
+  + gdm-Stop-listening-to-udev-events.patch
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Fix specfile: Adapt macros %_pam_moduledir (boo#1191033).
+- Ensure /run/gdm is created by tmpfiles.
+- Add gdm-Fix-type-of-signal-connection-id.patch: backport upstream
+  commit f0f527ff (bsc#1197521).
+- Add gdm-Stop-listening-to-udev-events.patch: backport upstream
+  commit 307c683f (bsc#1197521).
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Improvements to work better on NVidia cards.
+  + Look in DATADIR for launching environment data files.
+  + PAM updates on exherbo.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(gudev-1.0), with minimal version of 232, as a new
+  build requirement.
+- Add explicit update-alternatives to post(un) requirements to
+  avoid rare unexpected behaviors due to package order of
+  installation.
+- Replace systemdsystemunitdir with _unitdir macro. There's no need
+  to manually define it anymore since systemd-rpm-macros already
+  provide it.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Numerous bug fixes and user interface improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + New conversation list
+  + Reworked headerbar
+  + Fix network detection issues
+  + Suspend engine on system suspend
+  + Numerous user interface translation updates
+  + Numerous bug fixes and user interface improvements
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop Fix-build-newer-vala.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Add Fix-build-newer-vala.patch: client: Add missing
+  type-arguments for interfaces. vala-unit: Fix non-null build
+  with newer vala.
+- Add Support-GNOME-42-dark-theme-preference.patch: Support GNOME
+  42 dark theme preference, patch taken from debian (also subbed
+  upstream, but not yet merged.
+- Add Support-dark-theme-webview.patch: Support dark mode in email
+  bodies, patch from upstream git, not yet merged.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  * Improved images management
+  * Thunderbird auto configuration support
+  * Add XDG background portal support
+  * Numerous bug fixes and user interface improvements
+  * client: Fix setting service provider
+  * engine: Cancel any remote folders update before marking a
+    message
+  * components: Rework adapative layout by removing HdySwipeGroup
+  * ui: Use a thiner progress in message header
+  * Updated translations.
+- Switch to explicit released tag, now that upstream once again are
+  doing releases.
+- Update to version 40.0+155:
+  * engine:
+  - Fix flag being mistaken for a response code
+  - Mark all email UIDs in remote replay
+  * client: remove unused mark_manual_* methods
+  * components: Rework Folder Popover
+  * Updated translations.
+- Do the git checkout from the now available gnome-43 branch.
+- Update to version 40.0+146:
+  * Update
+  * treewide: Removed unused Yahoo imap engine
+  * client:
+  - accounts: Add support for Thunderbird autoconfig
+  - Fix adding a new infobar to Components.InfoBarStack
+  * plugin: Only enable mail merge action for templates
+  * Updated translations.
+- Update to version 40.0+127:
+  * client:
+  - Fix handling of 'mark messages' menu
+  - Add support for Background portal
+  - Remove deprecated hidden option
+  - Startup notifications is a concept
+  - Running as a service does not mean running in the background
+    indefinitely
+  - composer: Remove workaround for GTK merge request
+  * appdata: State hardware support the old way
+  * build:
+  - Fix building against libsoup3
+  - Update GitLab CI requirements
+  * editor: Set capture phase for the gesture
+  * engine:
+  - Fix GLib.Timezone deprecation warning in GLib 2.68
+  - If email not found in outbox, do not queue it again. Prevent
+    an infinite loop
+  - TlsCertificateFlags.VALIDATE_ALL is the default value
+  - Vala disallows using nullabe enum value as real GObject
+    property
+  * Fix touch input in composer
+  * icons: Update icons to match recent Adwaita
+  * meson:
+  - Remove uses of get_pkgconfig_variable
+  - Update to 0.59
+  - Use gnome.post_install
+  * Removed CMake from build dependencies
+  * Updated translations.
+- Changes in BuildRequires following upstream changes:
+  * Drop: pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.0), pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4),
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) and
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.1)
+  * Add: pkgconfig(gck-1), pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.1),
+    pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0), pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) and
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.1)
+- New upstream release 2.19.3
+  * No user-visible changes.
+- Update to version 46.1:
+  + Fix a -Wformat-security build issue.
+  + Add a set of warning CFLAGS, and fix the code accordingly.
+  + Flatpak update.
+- Update to version 46.0:
+  + Adapt for Amtk -> libgedit-amtk rename.
+  + API changes for plugins: see the API docs.
+  + Code refactorings in GeditWindow, and delegate some of its work
+    to new classes: GeditHeaderBar and GeditSidePanel.
+  + Replace GeditMenuStackSwitcher by TeplPanelSwitcherMenu.
+  + Replace GeditStatusMenuButton by TeplStatusMenuButton.
+  + Remove a small feature from the statusbar: the small icons for
+    the window state. You now need to look at each individual tab
+    to know its state.
+  + Build: replace inline_side_panel_switcher option -> headerbar
+    option.
+  + Bug fixes for macOS.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Bump api_ver to 46, following upstreams changes.
+- Replace pkgconfig(amtk-5) with pkgconfig(libgedit-amtk-5)
+  following upstream chamges.
+- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: new dependency to run the
+  desktop test.
+- Bump api_ver to 45, following upstreams changes.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + User manual: a few improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + File Browser plugin: bug fix.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 44.0:
+  + Minor bug fixes.
+  + Use more Tepl features.
+  + Code refactorings.
+  + Misc:
+  - Donations: change to Liberapay link.
+  - Create (mainly for developers).
+  + User manual:
+  - Available online:
+ (used on
+    platforms where Yelp is unavailable: macOS and Windows).
+  - Improvements to the content.
+  + The core of the application:
+  - Rework the statusbar.
+  - Improve the vocabulary used in the dialog for choosing
+    favorite encodings.
+  - Improve a little the API docs.
+  + Plugins: File browser: expand/collapse item on right/left
+    keypress.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Bump api_ver to 44 following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Fix the API version, bump to 43.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Change api_ver to 43, following upstreams change.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Be able to build with Meson >= 0.61
+  + AppData fix
+  + Add some BuildStream element files in build-aux/buildstream/
+- Add api_ver define and set it to 3.38
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Come back to the source code of gedit 40.0 and continue again
+    from there. It is based on the Tepl and Amtk libraries. The
+    single Open button is again split in two with a drop-down menu
+    for recent files.
+  + Workaround for bug: text cut off at the bottom in certain
+    situations.
+  + Change app name from "Text Editor" back to "gedit".
+  + AppData: some updates, take a new screenshot.
+  + Remove gitlab-ci.
+  + Remove outdated build-aux/osx/ directory (several MB).
+  + Flatpak: generate JSON manifest from YAML manifest.
+  + File browser plugin: more robust check if Nautilus GSettings
+    can be used, even if the key doesn't exist anymore.
+  + Rework the I/O error info bars.
+  + Handle application/x-zerosize mimetype.
+  + Small code maintenance.
+  + Documentation updates.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase gedit-desktop.patch with quilt.
+- Add pkgconfig(amtk-5) and pkgconfig(tepl-6) BuildRequires: New
+  dependencies.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Update app description.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Fix bug: text cut off at the bottom in certain situations.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Rename display name back to gedit.
+  + Build fix.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + Note that gnome-text-editor will be GNOME's recommended text
+    editor beginning with the GNOME 42 release next month.
+  + Fix some crashes, one when opening files, another when deleting
+    the open folder with the file browser plugin active.
+  + Fix buttons in the color scheme selector dialog.
+  + Build fixes.
+  + Improve symbolic icon coloring.
+  + Improve Save As behavior when saving error infobar is showing.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 124.patch and gedit-fix-open-crash.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 124.patch: Fix build with meson 0.61.0 and newer.
+- Stop passing introspection=true, vapi=true and plugins=true to
+  meson, no longer needed.
+- Add gedit-fix-open-crash.patch: open-selector: Fix crash
+  introduced in GDateTime port.
+- Update to version 41.alpha:
+  + Replace use of Tepl and AMTK
+  + Use sourceview4 in the snap build
+  + Enable OpenLink plugin by default
+  + Warn when trying to open a big file and allow to cancel
+  + Port open-selector to GDateTime
+  + Allow disabling gspell and python options
+  + Fix parsing of font-family strgins when they contain whitespace
+  * Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(tepl-6) BuildRequires: no longer needed.
+- Update to version 46.0:
+  + Port to latest gedit API.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Remove synctex plugin (see the git commit for the details).
+  + Some misc maintenance.
+- Drop gedit-plugin-synctex sub-package following upstream changes.
+- Drop gedit-plugin-colorschemer sub-package: dropped since
+  45.alpha.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Some bug fixes.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Terminal plugin: check that all external GSettings can be used
+    before using them.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Be able to build with Meson >= 0.61
+- Changes from version 43.0:
+  + Come back to the source code of gedit-plugins a little before
+    version 40.0, and continue again from there. It is based on the
+    Tepl library.
+  + Remove several plugins:
+  - translate
+  - find in files
+  - commander
+    Any help to give them a new life would be much welcomed.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop sub-packages:
+  + gedit-plugin-commander
+  + gedit-plugin-findinfiles
+  + gedit-plugin-translate
-- Update to version 0.4.34:
+- Update to version 0.4.46:
+  + Operations:
+  - local-threshold: new operation that does neighborhood aware
+    and optionallyantialiased thresholding of an image.
+  - chamfer: new operation in workshop that useis
+    distance-transform and emboss or LinuxBeaver’s research
+    into modeling different bevels with combinations of blurs.
+  - ff-load,ff-save: clean up of deprecated API, builds with
+    ffmpeg-6.0 but ff-save hasn’t been made to work with this
+    release of ffmpeg yet.
+  + Updated vendored libraries:
+  - ctx and libnsgif have been updated from upstream.
+  + Build:
+  - Depend on meson 0.55.0
+  - Various cleanups including re-enabling of deprecation
+    warnings.
+  - make ctx be an internal library.
+- Update to version 0.4.44:
+  + This release fixes a crashing bug what is umasked by GLib
+    2.75.3 and newer. Never-allocated data were being passed to
+    g_slice_free, in GeglBuffer’s handling of copy-on-write tiles.
+  + ctx: Updated vendored library from upstream.
+- Update to version 0.4.42:
+  + Operations:
+  - raw-load: add conditional support for 0.21.0 API.
+  - rgb-clib: improved ui-ranges.
+  - perlin, mosiac, c2g, long-shadow: small cleanups.
+  - gif-load: update vendored dependency, including code updates.
+  + Build: Keeping up with babl.
+- Drop 133.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add boolean pkgconfig(babl-0.1) BuildRequires following upstream
+  changes.
+- Add 133.patch: Fix build against libraw 0.21.0.
+- luajit was disabled for riscv64 ppc64 ppc64le, patch it here
+  accordingly (boo#1205102)
+- Update to version 0.4.40:
+  + Operations:
+  - newsprint: do not drop alpha channel in RGB modes.
+  + Core:
+  - fixes for legacy build, still supporting building latest GEGL
+    for stable GIMP with old babl (not recommended if distros can
+    have recent enough meson).
+  - avoiding possible multi thread race in babl garbage
+    collection,
+- Update BuildRequires to reflect it now does work with ffmpeg5.
+- Update to version 0.4.38:
+  + Operations:
+  - denoise-dct: a NEW denoising operation which decomposes the
+    input buffer to sliding overlapping patches, calculates the
+    DCT denoising in each patch, and then aggregates the denoised
+    patches to the output buffer averaging the overlapped pixels.
+  - ff-load and ff-save: big cleanup API cleanup, now ffmpeg-5.0
+    compatible.
+  - gif-load: updated to latest upstream libnsgif version.
+  - slic: progress reporting and improved parameter handling.
+  - vector-fill: updated to latest upstream ctx version.
+  - oilify: clamp inputs to avoid nan in output.
+  - gegl:load fix possible double free.
+  - rgbe-write: plug leaks in error paths.
+  + Core: Fixes of some potential NULL dereferences on custom
+    dataformats for malformed inputs.
+- Update BuildRequires to reflect it does not work with ffmpeg5.
+- Update to version 0.4.36:
+  + The primary addition in this release is SIMD dispatch, buffer
+    access functions get built for x86-64 v2 and v3
+    microarchitecture levels as well as ARM neon. The same applies
+    to core operations where we have .so bundles for the variants
+    as well as a generic build.
+  + Operations: The npd operation fixed with multiple threads.
+- Update to version 0.4.34 (CVE-2021-45463):
+- Update to version 2.7.1:
+  + Add 'age' field to MLS locate queries
+  + Location updates now always have an accuracy value
+  + Improvements to NMEA parsing:
+  - Parse NMEA timestamps with sub-second accuracy
+  - Add default accuracy to NMEA RMC locations
+  - Ignore locations from GGA and RMC sentences if the GNSS fix
+    is not valid
+  + Prioritize GNSS sources with a recent fix over other sources,
+    preventing location jumps
+  + Install D-Bus policy in /usr/share, not /etc
+  + Upgrade GLib / Gio dependency to version 2.68.0
+  + Correct gi annotations in GClueSimple
+  + Various small fixes
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 2.7.0:
+  + Multiple config files named *.conf are now read from the config
+    directory at @sysconfdir@/geoclue/conf.d.
+  + HTTP requests are now made via libsoup3.0 instead of
+    libsoup2.4.
+  + A static location can now be set in @sysconfdir@/geolocation
+    for immobile systems.
+  + Web source requests are now submitted with combined WiFi and
+    3GPP tower data.
+  + Web source now checks connectivity in a way that allows
+    location and submission servers running on localhost.
+  + Web source submissions are now made using /v2/geosubmit API.
+  + Web source cell tower submissions now have the correct radio
+    type.
+  + Web source requests now submit the BSS age property.
+  + Web source submissions now contain the location speed.
+  + Web source cache now respects WiFi signal tolerance strictly.
+  + NMEA source now supports both '\n' and '\r' NMEA delimiters.
+  + NMEA source can now be made the Web source submit source.
+  + ModemManager now use signaled calls to get cached location
+    information to avoid performing explicit modem query.
+  + Location description now contains information about its source.
+  + GSettings backend no longer complains about being run from a
+    read-only filesystem.
+  + Many small improvements and fixes, some memory safety related.
+- Drop 129.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Move dbus system.d conf file to /usr (bsc#1204054)
+- Add 129.patch: Port to use soup3. Following this, replace
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 2.6.0:
+  + Stop the client for system applications when accuracy is set to
+    NONE.
+  + NMEA: add a unix socket file option.
+  + Client info: support cgroup v2.
+  + Don't compute movements for low accuracy sources.
+  + Add an option to generate vapi.
+  + Send the 3G tower type as part of the Mozilla location service
+    requests.
+  + Add phosh & lipstick as allowed agents.
+  + Use GeoIP when no WiFi device is available.
+  + Modem manager: add polkit rule to allow GPS access.
+  + Allow disabling compass at build and at runtime.
+  + Fix heading computation for identical locations.
+  + Be strict with time and distance threshold.
+  + Fix the XDG location portal integration.
+  + Replace agent wait timeout with a queue.
+  + Other bugs fixes.
+- Drop geoclue2-geoip-when-wifi-unavailable.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Minor tweaks to rpmlintrc file: systemd_service changed from
+  warnings to error (but still don't apply here, as it's a dbus
+  enabled service).
+- Remove unnecessary shadow requires
+- Add CONFIG parameter to %sysusers_generate_pre
-    3.x build, applications will need to be adapted to look for
-    the"-2.0" version of the API.  This allows both native and
-    interpreted applications to select which version of libsoup
-    they want geocode-glib to use as the backend, and for both
-    versions to be installed in distributions.
+    3.x build, applications will need to be adapted to look for the
+    "-2.0" version of the API.
+- Create multibuild flavor "soup2":
+  + The soup2 flavor contains the packages we had so far, API 1.0
+  + The ""-flavor is API 2.0, creating new subpackages
+    libgeocode-glib-2-0 and typelib-1_0-GeocodeGlib-2_0.
+- Restore _service to generate changelog
+- update to 2.40.1:
+  * add Multiple Account Support
+  * fix build after 2024-01-06
+  * Full changelog
+- Update to version 1.78.0:
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Improved Console.log Output
+  - `gjs:dbus / Gtk4` unit test fails: Function
+    Gtk.SectionModel.get_section() cannot be called
+- Drop pkgconfig(sysprof-4) BuildRequires. This was only needed
+  because sysprof-capture-static-devel was lacking header files,
+  which was mistakenly being packaged with sysprof-devel, and it's
+  fixed now.
+- Add with(out) "profiling" build switch and disable it, by
+  default, as profiling isn't meant for general use. This nests
+  pkgconfig(sysprof-capture-4) BuildRequires under an if-with
+  expression and passes profiler=(enabled|disabled) to meson,
+  depending on the profiling switch.
+- Update to version 1.77.90:
+  + Building GJS with -fno-exceptions is now the default. To retain
+    the previous behaviour, invoke Meson with -Dcpp_eh=default.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - testEverything fails make check
+  - Using a Gio.Appinfo().launch with context may crash gjs
+  - Fixed-size and Zero-terminated arrays are leaked when used as
+    in or inout arguments with transfer none
+  - Crash due to bad memory usage when calling a function taking
+    an inout array with length parameter and transfer full
+  - Various maintenance
+  - Update for SpiderMonkey-115.x
+  - GJS returns pointers instead of numbers for function with
+    output parameters
+  - Profiler spuriously records GJS.boxed_instance and
+    GJS.boxed_prototype
+  - installed-tests/js/meson: Add tests dependencies to dbus
+    tests
+  - eslint: Make multi-line imports to always include a trailing
+    comma
+  - Make console.error format GError correctly
+  - Gtk:
+    . Throw an error for an invalid Template string
+    . Attempt to load Template from a string, if it appears valid
+  - global: Really enable non-mutating Array methods
+- Update to version 1.77.2:
+  + New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on
+    SpiderMonkey 115, an upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended
+    Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 102. Here are the highlights
+    of the new JavaScript features. For more information, look them
+    up on MDN or
+  + New APIs:
+  - Arrays and typed arrays have gained `findLast()` and
+    `findLastIndex()` methods, which act like `find()` and
+    `findIndex()` respectively, but start searching at the end of
+    the array.
+  - Arrays and typed arrays have gained the `with()` method,
+    which returns a copy of the array with one element replaced.
+  - Arrays and typed arrays have gained `toReversed()`,
+    `toSorted()`, and `toSpliced()` methods, which act like
+    `reverse()`, `sort()`, and `splice()` respectively, but
+    return a copy of the array instead of modifying it in-place.
+  - The `Array.fromAsync()` static method acts like
+    `Array.from()` but with async iterables, and returns a
+    Promise that fulfills to the new Array.
+  + It is now possible to build GJS with -fno-exceptions, by
+    invoking Meson with -Dcpp_eh=none.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Port to mozjs115
+  - Various maintenance
+  - arg: Preserve transfer when freeing out arrays
+  - Some values leak fixes and cleanups
+  - Does not parse hash tables in signals
+  - docs: fix minor URL mistakes and behavioural omissions
+  - gjs: Listen to GMemoryMonitor::low-memory-warning to trigger
+    GC
+  - GSettings override in Gio.js may fail on construction
+  - Gio: Fix constructing Settings with a SettingsSchema object
+- Replace pkgconfig(mozjs-102) with pkgconfig(mozjs-115)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Update to version 1.77.1:
+  + Many documentation improvements and cleanups.
+  + New API for C programs embedding GJS:
+    gjs_context_run_in_realm(). This allows using the SpiderMonkey
+    API, for advanced use cases, while having entered the main
+    realm where GJS code runs. Most programs will not need to use
+    this.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Cleanups: Use more autopointers.
+  - bug(build, tests): broken dependency cycle associated with
+    the `have_gtk4` variable.
+  - Better handling of callbacks during GC.
+  - doc: Add Gio and GLib runAsync overrides.
+  - installed-tests/meson: Add tests dependencies on gjs console
+    and GjsPrivate.
+  - gi/arg: Cleanup handling of C arrays and GValue arrays.
+  - Various maintenance.
+  - doc: Fix http-client.js example.
+  - use `meson setup` instead of ambiguous `meson`.
+  - docs: document `GObject.gtypeNameBasedOnJSPath`.
+  - docs: fix formatting for ``.
+  - Provide API to get GTypes defined in a module.
+  - doc: Update inroduction.
+  - gi/args.cpp: Fix build with Visual Studio.
+- Update to version 1.76.2:
+  + Various fixes ported from the development branch.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - GJS freezes, program stops responding, error states Gtk4
+    EventController GestureClick returns incorrect state-
+    Gdk.ModifierType on mouse button press in X11
+  - Caller allocated boxed types or structs are not fully
+    released
+  - Gjs console leaks invalid option errors
+- Update to version 1.76.1:
+  + Various fixes ported from the development branch.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - gnome-shell crashes on exit in js::gc::Cell::storeBuffer
+  - Memory leak with GError
+  - GVariant return values leaked
+  - GBytes's are leaked when passed as-is to a function
+  - Transformated GValues are leaking temporary instances
+  - GHash value infos are leaked
+  - "flat" arrays of GObject's are leaked
+  - Gjs console leaks invalid option errors
+  - gjs can't print null
+- Enable tests during build again.
+- Update to version 1.76.0:
+  + No changes from release candidate 1.75.90.
+- Update to version 1.75.90:
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - NEWS: fix a typo causing codespell to fail
+  - doc: Add more apps written in GJS
+  - Gio: Use proper default priority on async generators
+  - gjs 1.75.2 GObjectValue build test failing on ARM
+  - testGObjectValue: Enable creating object with a string
+    property
+  - Handle transfer-none string return value from vfunc
+    implemented in JS
+  - Various maintenance, performance improvements
+- Update to version 1.75.2:
+  + There are new `Gio.Application.prototype.runAsync()` and
+    `GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync()` methods which do the same
+    thing as `run()` but return a Promise which resolves when the
+    main loop ends, instead of blocking while the main loop runs.
+    Use one of these methods (by awaiting it) if you use async
+    operations with Promises in your application. Previously, it
+    was easy to get into a state where Promises never resolved if
+    you didn't run the main loop inside a callback.
+  + There are new `Gio.InputStream.prototype.createSyncIterator()`
+    and `Gio.InputStream.prototype.createAsyncIterator()` methods
+    which allow easy iteration of input streams in consecutive
+    chunks of bytes, either with a for-of loop or a for-await-of
+    loop.
+  + DBus proxy wrapper classes now have a static `newAsync()`
+    method, which returns a Promise that resolves to an instance of
+    the proxy wrapper class on which `initAsync()` has completed.
+  + DBus property getters can now return GLib.Variant instances
+    directly, if they have the correct type, instead of returning
+    JS values and having them be packed into GLib.Variants.
+  + Dramatic performance improvements in the legacy
+    `imports.signals` module, which has also gained a
+    `connectAfter()` method that works like the same-named method
+    in GObject signals. (However, the signals module remains
+    legacy, and is mostly there for historical reasons with GNOME
+    Shell. Don't use it in new code.)
+  + For years we have had a typo in `Cairo.LineCap.SQUARE`,
+    incorrectly naming it `SQUASH`. This is fixed and the typoed
+    name is retained as an alias.
+  + Also in Cairo, the value of `Cairo.Format.RGB16_565` was wrong.
+    This was fixed with a breaking change, because anyone using it
+    was probably already not getting the results they expected.
+  + Continuing the Cairo improvements, SVG surfaces have gained
+    `Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.finish()` and
+    `Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.flush()` because previously SVG
+    surfaces were only written to disk when the SVGSurface object
+    was garbage collected, making it uncertain to rely on them.
+  + The debugger now handles Symbol values and Symbol property keys
+    of objects. Previously, these were not displayed correctly.
+  + Various type-safety refactors.
+  + Many bug fixes and performance improvements.
+- Update to version 1.75.1:
+  + Static methods on classes from GObject introspection are now
+    present on JS classes that inherit from those classes.
+- Update to version 1.74.2:
+  + Various fixes ported from the development branch.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Build error with clang
+  - Can't compile current version with mozjs 102
+  - Enabling window-list extension causes gnome-shell to crash
+    when running "dconf update" as root
+  - log: Fix an off-by-one buffer overflow
+- Update to version 1.74.1:
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Problem calling promisified D-Bus wrappers with callback.
+  - docs:
+    . Fix link in issue template.
+    . Document Gio.FileEnumerator iteration.
+    . Fix Markdown formatting in
+- Update to version 1.74.0:
+  + Many improvements to the examples and documentation.
+  + Overrides to certain non-introspectable functions that will now
+    gracefully throw an exception instead of crashing.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Various maintenance.
+  - http example not reliable, relies on server provided
+    content-length.
+  - Gio set_attribute SIGSEGV (Address boundary error).
+  - doc:
+    . Reformat for better scraping with DevDocs.
+    . Update Home.
+  - GLib: override GThread functions.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
-- Update to version 1.70.2:
-  + Build and compatibility fixes backported from the development
-    branch.
-  + Closed bugs and merge requests: package: Reverse order of
-    running-from-source checks.
+- Update to version 1.73.2:
+  + New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on
+    SpiderMonkey 102, an upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended
+    Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 91. Here are the highlights of
+    the new JavaScript features. For more information, look them up
+    on MDN or
+  + New APIs
+  - The `Object.hasOwn()` static method can be used as an easier
+    replacement for ``.
+  - `Intl.supportedValuesOf()` lets you enumerate which
+    calendars, currencies, collation strategies, numbering
+    systems, time zones, and units are available for
+    internationalization.
+  + It's now possible to use
+    `GObject.BindingGroup.prototype.bind_full()` with JS functions.
+    Previously this method was unusable in JS.
+  + Gio.FileEnumerator is now iterable, both synchronously (with
+    for-of or array spread syntax) and asynchronously (with
+    for-await-of).
+  + Performance improvements in the built-in `imports.signals`
+    module.
+  + Many improvements to the examples and documentation.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Spidermonkey 102
+  - Object connections / signal emissions optimizations
+  - tests/Gio: Cleanup Gio._promisify
+  - Include JUnit reports in builds
+  - Integrate pretty print to the debugger
+  - doc:
+    . Edit GJS description
+    . note the version `constructor()` became supported
+    . Modernize examples
+    . Document byteArray deprecation and migration
+    . add simple Gtk.TickCallback example
+  - build: disable sysprof agent for subproject fallback
+  - Update CI images
+  - GListModel.get_n_items returns garbage value
+  - Add override for g_binding_group_bind_full()
+  - Make GFileEnumerator iterable and async iterable
+- Replace pkgconfig(mozjs-91) with pkgconfig(mozjs-102)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams changes.
+- Update to version 1.73.1:
+  + The interactive interpreter now displays its output more
+    intelligently, pretty-printing the properties and values of
+    objects based on their type. This improvement also applies to
+    the log() and logError() functions.
+  + New API: DBus proxy classes now include methods named with the
+    suffix 'Async', which perform async calls to DBus APIs and
+    return Promises. This is in addition to the existing suffixes
+    'Sync' (for blocking calls) and 'Remote' (for async calls with
+    callbacks.)
+  + There is an override for
+    Gio.ActionMap.prototype.add_action_entries(). Previously this
+    method wouldn't work because it required an array of
+    Gio.ActionEntry objects, which are not possible to construct in
+    GJS. Now it can be used with an array of plain objects. (e.g.
+    `this.add_action_entries
+    ([{name: 'open', activate() { ... }}]);`
+  + GJS is now compatible with libffi 3.4.2 and later. All earlier
+    versions of GJS are not compatible with libffi 3.4.2 and later
+    unless libffi is built with the --disable-exec-static-tramp
+    flag.
+  + GJS now requires Meson 0.54 to build.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - Verbose Object Print Output
+  - Add support for JS async calls in DBusProxyWrapper
+  - Crash after build against libffi 3.4.2
+  - Handle reference cycles in new console pretty print function
+  - Gnome-Shell 42 - crash after login (general protection fault)
+  - Various maintenance
+  - jsapi-util-strings: Ignore locale to compute the upper case
+    of a char (i.e. fix implicit properties on Turkish locale)
+  - Dockerfile: Install Turkish locale in CI for UTF-8 locale too
+  - Improve pretty-print output for GObject-introspected objects
+  - Expose pretty print function to tests
+  - build: track changes to Sysprof meson options
+  - Make Gio.ActionMap.add_action_entries work
+  - Make DBus session and system props non-enumerable
+  - gi/arg-inl: Mark the arg functions as constexpr
+  - build: Do not use verbose GJS debug logging in tests by
+    default
+  - minijasmine: Print test JS errors output if any
+  - doc: document the existence of the console object in GJS
+  - arg-cache: Use a switch to select the not-introspectable error
+  - log_set_writer_func is not safe to use
+- Update to version 1.72.2:
+  + Various fixes ported from the development branch.
+  + Closed bugs and merge requests:
+  - gi/arg-cache.cpp: Fix building on Visual Studio.
+  - doc: Reflect support for constructor with GObject.
+- Update to version 1.72.1:
+  + Compilation error: call to deleted function 'js_value_to_c'.
+  * jsapi-util-strings: Ignore locale to compute the upper case of
+    a char (i.e. fix implicit properties on Turkish locale).
+  * Fix memory leak when passing a "transfer none" GBytes parameter
+    to a native function.
+  * arg-cache: Do not leak an interface info structures on
+    Callbacks.
+  * test-ci: Ignore safe directory errors on CI.
+- Update to version 1.72.0:
+  + No changes from release candidate 1.71.90.
+- Update to version 1.71.90:
+  + Cairo test broken with commit ea52cf92
+  + native: Convert to singleton class
+  + Checking `instanceof` for primitive types may lead to a crash
+    or error
+  + Change the GObject Introspection development branch
+  + gi_marshalling_tests_long_in_max test fails on i686
+  + GNOME Shell crashes at startup with the AppIndicator extension
+    enabled
+  + Instances of classes implementing interfaces can override
+    functions for all implentations of an interface
+  + package: Reverse order of running-from-source checks
+  + Various maintenance.
+- Update to version 1.71.1:
+  + New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on
+    SpiderMonkey 91, an upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended
+    Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 78. Here are the highlights of
+    the new JavaScript features. For more information, look them up
+    on MDN or
+- Replace pkgconfig(mozjs-78) with pkgconfig(mozjs-91).
+- Disable meson_tests, one test currently failing (expected during
+  unstable cycle).
+- Update to version 2.78.3:
+  + Fix a crash-causing regression in xdgmime
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Crash in __gio_xdg_cache_mime_type_subclass
+  - Backport “xdgmime: Update to upstream commit c2c814d4051f232”
+    to glib-2-78
+- Update to version 2.78.2:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - check for #ifdef PTRACE_O_EXITKILL will always fail since it
+    isn't a macro
+  - gsubprocess build-time test intermittently timing out since
+    2.78.1
+  - “meson: Improve PTRACE_O_EXITKILL presence check”
+  - “Make GQuark register intentional leaks”
+  - “gsignalgroup: Avoid function call with side effect in
+    g_return_* macro”
+  - “tests: Don't assume that sh optimizes simple commands into
+    exec”
+  - “xdgmime: Handle buggy type definitions with circular
+    inheritance”
+  - “collate: Don't segfault on bad input”
+- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch.
+- Update to version 2.78.1:
+  + Fix truncating files when `g_file_set_contents_full()` is
+    called without `G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_CONSISTENT`
+  + Fix `-Dlibelf=disabled` on Linux
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - NetworkManager 1.44.0 crashes repeatedly with glib 2.78.0
+  - gsubprocess-testprog.c: build error with cygwin
+    (sys/ptrace.h: No such file or directory)
+  - gio clears modification time in microseconds when setting
+    with `set_modification_date_time`
+  - Build of glib 2.78.0 ignores -Dlibelf=disabled
+  - glib-2.78.0 fails at gio/tests/gsubprocess.p/gsubprocess.c.o
+  - Segfault when creating GIO GPropertyAction without properties
+  - `g_file_set_contents_full()` doesn't truncate the file
+  - guniprop.c: Avoid creating (temporarily) out-of-bounds
+    pointers
+  - Fixes for integer cast warnings when targeting CHERI
+  - Fix test_find_program on FreeBSD
+  - gconstructor.h: Ensure [c|d]tor prototypes are present for
+    MSVC
+  - Fix gutils-user-database test on macOS
+  - Add value annotation to G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_MAX
+  - meson: Fix Windows build with PCRE2 as sibling subproject
+  - gconstructor.h: Ensure [c|d]tor prototypes are present for
+    MSVC
+  - glocalfileinfo: Preserve microseconds for access/modify times
+  - Make sure the `GTask` is freed on a graceful disconnect
+  - Buffer needs to be aligned correctly to receive
+    linux_dirent64.
+  - gtestutils.h: Fix warning with -Wsign-conversion caused by
+    g_assert_cmpint
+  - tests: Drop unnecessary include from gsubprocess-testprog.c
+  - wakeup: do single read when using eventfd()
+  - wakeup: Fix g_wakeup_acknowledge if signal comes in”
+  - Use g_task_return in task threads
+  - build: Fix -Dlibelf=disabled on Linux
+  - gfileutils: Add a missing ftruncate() call when writing files
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 0005-gthreadedresolver-Fix-race.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Use sed call to replace gio-querymodules with gio-querymodules-64
+  in gio-2.0.pc where appropiate.
+- Require /usr/bin/dbus-daemon by the devel package: GDBusTest
+  launches an own dbus-daemon with a separate environment, so that
+  test code does not have to rely on the session bus. Ensure
+  consumers of GDBusTest have the needed dep present.
+- Change the dbus-launch Requires to %{_bindir}/dbus-launch: be
+  flexible about potential future package layout changes.
+- Fix NetworkManager crashing repeatedly with glib 2.78.0;
+  (bsc#1215709); Add patch 0005-gthreadedresolver-Fix-race.patch
+- Update to version 2.78.0:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Error handling of invalid GKeyFile string escape sequences
+    changed in GLib 2.77.3
+  - gdb: Workaround optimized out quark_seq_id
+  - meson: fix `gnetworking.h` install tag
+  - gthread: Annotate g_thread_exit() with G_NORETURN
+  - Fix gutils-user-database unit test
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.77.3:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - GSettings schemas default value translations don't work when
+    using l10n=time.
+  - gdbus-codegen eats indentation in RST in XML comments.
+  - g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model() is not thread_safe.
+  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in
+    distribute_method_call().
+  - arg_data  in GOptionEntry is not a list.
+  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in _g_resource_file_new().
+  - glib-unix: Clean up use of O_NONBLOCK.
+  - gnetworkaddress: use reentrant getservbyname_r() if
+    available.
+  - gio-tool-info: Move translator comments so they’re visible.
+  - gregex: set default max stack size for PCRE2 JIT compiler to
+    512KiB.
+  - glib-unix: Accept O_CLOEXEC as well as FD_CLOEXEC in
+    g_unix_open_pipe().
+  - gio: Add gresource.dtd.
+  - gtestutils: Mention not ignoring SIGCHLD in
+    g_test_trap_subprocess() docs.
+  - [th/gchildwatch-fail-message] gmain: improve g_warning() for
+    failure in g_child_watch_dispatch().
+  - [th/use-localtime-r] use localtime_r() in
+    g_log_writer_format_fields().
+  - gregex: if JIT stack limit is reached, fall back to
+    interpretive matching.
+  - glib/gfileutils.c: use 64 bits for value in get_tmp_file().
+  - gkeyfile: Fix overwriting of GError.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update URL tag to
+, as the former points to the
+  latter.
+- Update to version 2.77.2:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - g_test_trap_subprocess and g_test_subprocess broken in 2.77.1
+  - ci: Don’t run pipeline after merging a MR
+  - Fix typos
+  - GTree: Handle node counter overflow and return it as an
+    unsigned value
+  - gspawn, gdataset: Restore nullable callback functions
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.77.1:
+  + Fix some regressions with `GKeyFile` comment handling.
+  + Improve handling of query and fragment components in `file:`
+    URIs.
+  + Various bugs fixed.
+  + Updated transltations.
+- Drop glib2-revert-004f48f4.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add glib2-revert-004f48f4.patch: This patch reverts the "build/\
+  gmodule-2.0.pc: Move compiler flags from Libs to Cglags" MR
+  (glgo#GNOME/glib!3356), as per agreement discussed in said MR.
+- Update to version 2.77.0:
+  + Fix `GSocketClient` connecting to a proxy if the port is not
+    specified
+  + Support using `copy_file_range()` in `g_file_copy()`, if
+    available
+  + Improve handling of comments above groups in key files
+  + Re-upgrade missing attribute debugs to criticals in `GFileInfo`
+  + Do not redefine NULL on C++
+  + Make `g_signal_handlers_block_matched()` work for
+  + Fixes to support building with bionic libc better
+  + Fix potential stack overflow in gspawn on macOS if open file
+    limit is very high
+  + Fix support for `--force-fallback-for libpcre` in meson
+    configuration
+  + Generate specific marshallers in `gdbus-codegen`
+  + Fix build failure on Android with `statx()` support
+  + Improve locking performance of `GSignal`
+  + Improve locking performance of `g_main_context_iterate()`
+  + Add an inline definition of `g_free()` to automatically use
+    `g_free_sized()` if available
+  + Fix race with `waitpid()` and `GChildWatchSource`
+  + Add `glib_valgrind_suppressions` variable to glib pkg-config
+    file
+  + Fix build on macOS SDK 10.11
+  + Switch to using a separate thread pool and support timeouts in
+    `GThreadedResolver`
+  + Track pending `GTask`s if `G_ENABLE_DEBUG` is defined
+  + Support GSignal fast path and more marshallers in
+    ``
+  + Disable the macOS CI because it’s too unreliable — if you rely
+    on GLib working on macOS, please get in touch and do something
+    to help!
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.76.5:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in
+    distribute_method_call().
+  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in _g_resource_file_new().
+  - Backport !3529 “gmenuexporter: synchronization in
+    org_gtk_Menus_get_interface.” to glib-2-76.
+  - Backport !3547 “glib/gfileutils.c: use 64 bits for value in
+    get_tmp_file()” to glib-2-76.
+  - Backport !3554 “gresourcefile: Fix crash if called with a
+    badly escaped URI” to glib-2-76.
+  - Backport !3555 “gkeyfile: Fix overwriting of GError” to
+    glib-2-76.
+  - Backport !3539 “gdbusmessage: Validate required headers have
+    the right type” to glib-2-76.
+- Update to version 2.76.4:
+  + Fix build failure on Android with `statx()` support
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - glib-compile-schemas failed on directory name with no Latin
+    symbols
+  - Build failure due to statx fields with NDK r25.c
+  - glib-compile-resources: Fix non-ASCII arg parsing on Windows
+  - glib: reset errno to 0 when futex() returns EAGAIN
+  - Avoid stack overflow in gspawn on macOS
+  - glocalfileinfo: Fix incorrect use of struct
+    statx.st_mtimensec on Android
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.76.3:
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#1264, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3402,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3403, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3427,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3428, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3434.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.76.2:
+  + Fixed various build failures in less common setups
+  + Fix launching files in Windows via GtkFileLauncher
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - GMarkupParser documentation completion
+  - Disagreement between runtime and docs on whether interfaces
+    are "classed"
+  - gdbus-example-proxy-subclass.c is not complete
+  - GAppInfoMonitor documentation deficiencies
+  - Check for __kernel_long_t when enabling futex()
+  - Documentation mentions non-existing function `g_value_free`
+  - Not clear that GPollableInputStream methods are undefined if
+    can_poll() returns FALSE
+  - Missing docs for GOption (commandline parser)
+  - GDebugControllerDBus wrong default in documentation
+  - Probably wrong information regarding G_PLATFORM_WIN32 in
+  - Multiple Definition Error When Generating
+    gio/tests/test5.gresource
+  - user docs: GLib.DateTime.format: broken highlighting
+  - GtkFileLauncher: generated paths not recognized on Win32
+  - Build failed due to NULL pointer redefinition in C++
+  - Build randomly fails with: 'gmodule/gmodule-visibility.h'
+    file not found
+  - unicode: add tests for g_utf8_normalize() and empty strings
+  - build: Drop old .gitignore files from test directories
+  - tools: Drop script
+  - docs: Drop section about default branch renaming from
+  - tests: Update Unicode normalisation tests from Unicode 15
+  - Make clang++ happier when using G_STATIC_ASSERT
+  - gwin32: Avoid use of function call with side effect in
+    g_return_* macro
+  - gsignal: Clarify documentation for GSignalMatchType matching
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add mate-mimeapps.list for MATE-specific MIME associations
+  generated by suse-update-mime-defaults
+- Update to version 2.76.1:
+  + Fix build failures in third party C++ projects using
+    `g_strdup()` via C++ qualified symbol lookup.
+  + Downgrade critical warnings from `GFileInfo` about missing
+    attributes to debug messages, as it was affecting too many
+    apps; the critical warnings will be reinstated early in the
+    2.78 cycle, so apps should continue to fix their ambiguous use
+    of `GFileInfo` API.
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#159, glgo#GNOME/GLib#352,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#919, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2922,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2936, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2943,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2948, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3241,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3315, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3318,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3319, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3321,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3323, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3324,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3325, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3330,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3338.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.76.0:
+  + Fix several regressions in handling `GFileInfo` attributes
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - ETAG_VALUE not set in GFileInfo when requested
+  - File attributes are not set when their value is FALSE/NULL
+  - gfile: Fix file size detection when copying on btrfs
+  - glocalfileinfo:
+    . Mark the lost+found dir as hidden again
+    . Ensure that is-backup is always set
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Update to version 2.75.4:
+  + Emit a critical warning when acquiring the notification queue
+    during GObject finalization. A type's `finalize()`
+    implementation should not call public API that emits property
+    notifications.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase glib2-suppress-schema-deprecated-path-warning.patch with
+  quilt.
+- Fix license files in packages: COPYING in the source tree is
+  a symlink to LICENSES/LGPL-2.1-or-later.txt, but rpm's %license
+  macro copies the symlink, not the target. Explicitly package
+  LICENSES/LGPL-2.1-or-later.txt in this case (boo#1208497).
+- Update to version 2.75.3:
+  + Drop the implementation of GSlice, and make the API use the
+    system `malloc()` internally.
+  + Use a thread-spawning thread to keep thread scheduler settings
+    consistent; fixes GThreadPool critical warnings due to failing
+    to set scheduler settings in some situations.
+  + GIR annotation improvements for multiple APIs.
+  + Optimise printing of nested maybes in `g_variant_print()`.
+  + Use `tap` test protocol within GLib, and support TAP 13/14.
+  + Fix a regression in glib-compile-schemas 2.75.2 causing schemas
+    and override files to be sorted incorrectly.
+  + Support per-desktop overrides in `GSettingsAction`.
+  + Various optimisations to `GString`.
+  + Reduce allocations in message printing functions if there’s
+    nothing to format.
+  + Add inline version of `g_strdup()`, allowing the compiler to do
+    `NULL` folding and constant folding on `strlen()` calls.
+  + Add a `GPathBuf` API for building and manipulating file paths.
+  + Add `g_string_free_and_steal()` and use it to warn on unused
+    results from`g_string_free (_, FALSE)`.
+  + Add `g_free_sized()` and `g_aligned_free_sized()` to mirror the
+    upcoming `free_sized()` function in C23; use these if porting
+    away from `g_slice_free()`.
+  + Fix underspecified dependencies on generated headers in
+    ``, which should reduce spurious build failures.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.75.2:
+  + Add `g_ptr_array_sort_values()` and
+    `g_ptr_array_sort_values_with_data()` APIs.
+  + Some fixes for activation of UWP apps on Windows.
+  + Support Markdown output from `gdbus-codegen`.
+- Changes from version 2.75.1:
+  + Add new `GFileInfo` properties for large thumbnails.
+  + Fix missing input validation in `GDBusMenuModel`.
+  + Change default `g_desktop_app_info_search()` algorithm to
+    include substring matches.
+  + Various GVariant security fixes when handling untrusted data.
+  + Add support for XDG Activation protocol in `GAppLaunchContext`.
+  + Return `application/x-zerosize` rather than `text/plain` as
+    content type for empty files.
+  + Deprecate `-Druntime_libdir` configure option because it was
+    unused.
+  + Check for snap plugs when accessing portals.
+  + Add `GArray` and `GPtrArray` constructors to take or copy C
+    arrays.
+  + Add `GHashTable` methods to get and steal hash table keys and
+    values as `GPtrArray`s.
+  + Change the default D-Bus system bus socket address from
+    `/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket` to
+    `/run/dbus/system_bus_socket`, in line with changes in
+    dbus.git.
+- Drop patches:
+  + glib2-dbus-socket-path.patch: fixed upstream.
+  + glib2-fix-normal-form-handling-in-gvariant.patch: fixed upstream
-- Update to version 2.70.5:
-  Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2620, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2537,
-  glgo#GNOME/GLib!2555
+- Update to version 2.74.6:
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib!3239 Backport glgo#GNOME/GLib!3237
+    “Fix safe_wspawnve #define” to glib-2-74.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.74.5:
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2843, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2881,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2883, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3165,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3166, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3182,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3197, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3204,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3214.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 1539540.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 2.74.4:
+  + Fix missing input validation in `GDBusMenuModel`.
+  + Various GVariant security fixes when handling untrusted data.
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#861, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2121,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2540, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2794,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2797, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2835,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2839, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2840,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2841, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2852,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3114, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3126,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3134, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3138,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3153, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3161,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3164.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add 1539540.patch: gthread-posix: need to #include <errno.h>.
+- Update to version 2.74.3:
+  + Fix regression in type checking `g_str_equal()` from C++
+    projects (glgo#GNOME/GLib#2820).
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - glgo#GNOME/GLib#2820 g_str_equal: New macro version breaks
+    compilation in C++ projects
+  - glgo#GNOME/GLib!3096 Backport !3094 “gstrfuncs: Fix
+    regression in C++ types accepted by g_str_equal()” to
+    glib-2-74
+- Changes from version 2.74.2:
+  + Fix GVariant type depths checks on text format variants.
+  + Fix an obscure corner case with FD handling in g_spawn_*() when
+    a process has already closed the standard I/O FDs.
+  + Fix regression in type checking on const arguments to
+    g_str_equal().
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2782 GVariant type depth not
+    checked on typedecls in text format variants.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2795 [regression] gnome-keyring-daemon uses
+    100% CPU with glib-2.74.1.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2799 Wrong GTask tag on error return path in
+    g_proxy_resolver_lookup_async().
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2809 g_str_equal switched to stricter API
+    (typing).
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3017 Backport !3008 “gio/gdesktopappinfo: Free
+    the wrapped argv array on launch failure” to glib-2-74.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3038 Backport !3035 “portal: Fix broken header
+    guard” to glib-2-74.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3039 Backport !3029 “Revert "Handling collision
+    between standard i/o file descriptors and newly created ones" ”
+    to glib-2-74.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3046 Backport !3045 “gproxyresolver:
+    lookup_finish() should better parallel lookup_async()” to
+    glib-2-74.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3063 Backport !3061 “gvariant-parser: Speed up
+    maybe_wrapper() by an order of magnitude” to glib-2-74.
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3084 Backport !3082 “gstrfuncs: Fix regression
+    in types accepted by g_str_equal()” to glib-2-74.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop ca905744.patch and a1151bc1.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Add a1151bc1.patch: gio/gdesktopappinfo: Free the wrapped argv
+  array on launch failure.
+- Add ca905744.patch: Revert "Handling collision between standard
+  i/o file descriptors and newly created ones". The user-visible
+  problem this solves is gnome-keyring-daemon eating 100% CPU.
+- Update to version 2.74.1:
+  + Update Unicode data to version 15
+  + Fix various build failures in different situations
+  + Fix over-eager deprecated property warnings for construct
+    properties
+  + Fix a crash calling `g_param_value_is_valid()` on a
+    `GParamSpecParam`
+  + Fix floating `GVariant` leaks with GObject properties
+  + Add inline optimised version of `g_str_equal()`
+  + Fix `GVariant` type depths checks on text format variants
+  + Fix regression with int64 and double hashing functions on
+    big-endian architectures
+  + Build the API documentation only when building GLib as a shared
+    library
+  + Ignore weird `/etc/localtime` configurations generated by
+    toolbx
+  + Avoid `EINTR` races when closing FDs in `g_spawn_*()`
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#16, glgo#GNOME/GLib#333,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2735, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2740,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2742, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2748,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2758, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2759,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2766, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2767,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2770, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2774,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2775, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2782,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2787, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2788,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2852, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2857,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2864, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2866,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2880, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2885,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2892, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2896,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2899, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2901,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2903, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2904,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2905, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2907,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2911, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2913,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2915, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2916,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2920, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2922,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2924, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2928,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2931, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2933,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2938, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2939,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2946, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2948,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2949, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2958,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2960, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2973,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2975, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2982,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2983, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2988,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2989, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2995,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2996, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2998,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!3010.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Drop f0dd96c28751f15d0703b384bfc7c314af01caa8.diff: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add upstream patch to solve GIMP crashes:
+  + f0dd96c28751f15d0703b384bfc7c314af01caa8.diff:
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2770 Empty values are not valid GParamSpec.
+- Update to version 2.74.0:
+  + Use EPOLL_CLOEXEC by default
+  + Fixed various regression on GRegex as per the PCRE2 porting
+  + Fixed various memory leaks
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gtksourceview#278,
+    glgo#GNOME/gtksourceview#283, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2688,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2713, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2719,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2729, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2733,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2737, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2741,
+    glgo#GNOME/gtk#4400, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2820,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2855, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2861,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2868, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2873,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2874, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2875,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2876, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2879,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2881, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2882,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2883, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2900.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libpcre) with pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)
+  BuildRequires. No longer used by glib (replaced by pcre2
+  in 2.73.2).
+- Drop 99783e0408f8ae9628d2c7a30eb99806087da711.patch for 2.73.x
+  branch, fixed upstream already.
+- Add 99783e0408f8ae9628d2c7a30eb99806087da711.patch:
+  gsocketclient: Fix passing NULL to g_task_get_cancellable().
+  Fix a regression from commit abddb42d14, where it could pass
+  `NULL` to `g_task_get_cancellable()`, triggering a critical
+  warning. This could happen because the lifetime of `data->task`
+  is not as long as the lifetime of the `ConnectionAttempt`, but
+  the code assumed it was.
+  Fix the problem by keeping a strong ref to that `GCancellable`
+  around until the `ConnectionAttempt` is finished being destroyed.
+- Update to version 2.73.3:
+  + Revitalize G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE flag and use it to enable PCRE JIT
+    compiler.
+  + Fix some regressions due to the PCRE2 port.
+  + Fix a pidfd leak that was introduced in the previous release.
+  + Support compilation without a C++ toolchain.
+  + GDBus: Use namespace-friendly protocol for Linux message buses,
+    and optionally other connections.
+  + Fix potential races in multi-threaded signal connections
+    handling.
+  + Add back gio-launch-desktop to redirect stdout/stderr of
+    launched GDesktopAppInfo's to the journal with proper parent
+  + Executables that are invoked when installing other software,
+    typically from packaging system triggers, can now be installed
+    into architecture-dependent locations. Unix OS distributors who
+    install GLib for more than one architecture in parallel
+    (multiarch or multilib installations) should consider building
+    with -Dmultiarch=true, installing the bin/glib-compile-schemas
+    and bin/gio-querymodules symbolic links in packages for the
+    primary architecture, and omitting those symlinks from packages
+    for secondary architectures.
+  + Some enumerators introduced in previous releases have been
+    changed, for better introspection results:
+  - G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE was deprecated, use
+  + gfileinfo: Implement xattr attribute removal.
+  + Add support to --delete option to gio set, to unset a file
+    attribute.
+  + Improve default value of glib_debug option: G_ENABLE_DEBUG will
+    be defined only if using `--buildtype=debug` or enabled via
+    `-Dglib_debug`, but it won't ever be set if an optimized build
+    is requested (specifically if the optimization level is not `0`
+    or `g`) as it may be the case when using
+    `--buildtype=debugoptimized`.
+  + Probably the first revision of any GNOME module ever released
+    from Cuba :)
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/Glib#566, glgo#GNOME/Glib#1187,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2509, glgo#GNOME/Glib#2542,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2588, glgo#GNOME/Glib#2682,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2692, glgo#GNOME/Glib#2694,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2699, glgo#GNOME/Glib#2700,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2703, glgo#GNOME/Glib#2705,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib#2708, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2299,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2759, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2812,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2813, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2814,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2815, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2818,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2822, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2823,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2825, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2826,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2827, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2829,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2830, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2832,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2833, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2835,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2836, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2851,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2853, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2854.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.73.2:
+  + Replace PCRE1 with PCRE2.
+  + Preserve destruction order in gdataset, fixing various crashes
+    during objects disposal.
+  + Require C99 __VA_ARGS__.
+  + Add NONE or DEFAULT members to most flags types.
+  + GFile: Add some missing async APIs.
+  + Improve internal and process documentation.
+  + Add atomic compare-and-exchange APIs returning previous value.
+  + Add platform-independent G_ALWAYS_INLINE and G_NO_INLINE.
+  + Use waitid() on pidfds rather than a global SIGCHLD handler.
+- Update to version 2.73.1:
+  + Remove the `-Diconv` configure option, as GLib now uses Meson’s
+    built-in logic for finding which iconv implementation to use.
+  + Move gvdb to a Meson subproject and git submodule to avoid
+    duplicating its source.
+  + Add `add_test_setup()` in Meson to allow GLib tests to be run
+    under valgrind with correct settings easily, using
+    `meson test --setup=valgrind`.
+  + Fix deadlocks when disposing non-cancelled inotify
+    `GFileMonitor`s.
+  + Fix `file://` requests in webkit2gtk due to incorrect xdgmime
+    update.
+  + Fix build errors on macOS ≤10.7 for `LOCAL_PEERPID`.
+  + Add new `g_atomic_int_exchange()` and
+  `g_atomic_pointer_exchange()` APIs.
+  + Add new `GListStore:n-items` property to allow easy binding in
+    UIs.
+  + Performance improvements for GObject construction and
+    destruction.
+  + Use a numeric space (U+2007) for padding with some
+    `g_date_time_format()` placeholders.
+  + Fix a slow memory leak in `GSocketClient` when using long-lived
+    `GCancellable`s.
+- Update to version 2.72.3
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/Glib!1941, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2597,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2639, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2670,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2703, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2709,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2720, glgo#GNOME/Glib!2750,
+    glgo#GNOME/Glib!2687.
+- Update to version 2.72.2:
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2640, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2605,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2616, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2629,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2643, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2644,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2662, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2691.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.72.2:
+  + Fix building projects which use g_warning_once() with clang++.
+  + Fix g_file_trash not deleting directories via portals backend.
+  + A number more compiler warnings fixed for MSVC.
+  + Fix detection of broken poll function on macOS.
+  + Fix spawning subprocesses from GUI programs on Windows.
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - #2312 gdbus-test-codegen tests leak GWeakRef objects.
+  - #2625 g_warning_once fails to build with clang++.
+  - #2629 g_file_trash doesn't in directories inside a sandbox.
+  - !2495 Cleanup warnings split 6.
+  - !2499 Various contenttype-related test fixes on win32.
+  - !2534 gpowerprofilemonitor: Tweak wording of documentation.
+  - !2540 Various win32 tests skip & fixes.
+  - !2541 meson: simplify lookup of python command.
+  - !2543 ci: Update the Fedora CI image to Fedora 34.
+  - !2556 gdbusconnection: Use g_strv_contains().
+  - !2557 gdbusmethodinvocation: Fix a leak on early return path.
+  - !2558 Move unit test on g_basename() function to
+    glib/tests/fileutils.c.
+  - !2559 Move tests/relation-test.c to glib/tests/relation.c.
+  - !2560 ci: Update Coverity, mingw and Android CI images
+    to Fedora 34.
+  - !2563 glib: Format GDateTime ISO8601 years as %C%y.
+  - !2564 Move test files on slices from tests/ to glib/tests/.
+  - !2566 tests: Add more tests for GResolver response parsing.
+  - !2573 Backport translation fixes and !2571 meson: Set
+    BROKEN_POLL in macOS builds to glib-2-72.
+  - !2574 Backport !2565 Revert meson: simplify lookup of python
+    command to glib-2-72.
+  - !2587 Backport !2583 Fix trashing sandboxed directories to
+    glib-2-72.
+  - !2588 Backport !2582 glib/win32: fix spawn from GUI regression
+    to glib-2-72.
+  - !2590 Backport !2589 tests: Don't exit gdbus-method-invocation
+    test early on connection close to glib-2-72.
+  - !2593 Backport !2578 atomic: Add a C++ variant of
+    g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange() to glib-2-72.
+  + Translation updates.
+- remove provides/obsoletes on glib2-doc, it was split into
+  two packages again
+- spec-cleaner reorderings
+- desktop-file-utils: add Budgie desktop environment
+- Update to version 2.72.0:
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2620, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2538,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2542, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2547,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2548, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2551,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2552.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.71.3:
+  + Fix flaky `GDebugController` tests
+  + Numerous small documentation updates
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#517, glgo#GNOME/GLib#1929,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2589, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2598,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2609, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2611,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2612, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2613,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!1707, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2424,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2451, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2466,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2480, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2485,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2490, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2491,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2492, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2493,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2501, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2502,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2503, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2504,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2505, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2506,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2507, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2508,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2509, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2510,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2512, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2513,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2514, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2515,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2516, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2517,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2518, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2519,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2520, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2523,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2524, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2525,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2526, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2527,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2528, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2531.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.71.2:
+  + Rework `glib-compile-resources` to output compiler-specific
+    files to reduce compilation time; see the new `--compiler`
+    option.
+  + Add a cross-platform API for aligned memory allocations
+    (`g_aligned_alloc()`, `g_aligned_alloc0()` and
+    `g_aligned_free()`).
+  + Deprecate `force_posix_threads` configure option, since it was
+    a workaround for static linking on Windows.
+  + Add `GBindingGroup` and `GSignalGroup` APIs.
+  + Implement FD remapping support for
+    `g_spawn_async_with_pipes_and_fds()` on Windows.
+  + Add an async file move API, `g_file_move_async()`.
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#1190, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2329,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2492, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2563,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2574, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2592,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2601, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2235,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2378, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2404,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2433, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2458,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2464, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2465,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2467, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2468,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2469, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2471,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2472, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2473,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2476, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2477,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2481, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2482,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2483, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2484,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2487, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2488.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.71.1:
+  + Basic support for static builds on Windows
+  + Add `GDebugController` and a D-Bus implementation which exposes
+    whether debug output is enabled in a process using the
+    `org.gtk.Debugging` D-Bus interface
+  + Support for `AF_UNIX` sockets on Windows 10 (and later)
+  + Several important fixes to GDBus message and GVariant parsing
+    of invalid data
+  + Fix potential data loss due to missing fsync when saving files
+    on btrfs
+  + Fix potential buffer overflows in `garray.c` for very large
+    `GArray`s and `GPtrArray`s
+  + Fix FDs in gspawn not being closed and causing process hangs if
+    `close_range()` fails unexpectedly
+  + Fix `g_find_program_in_path()` not returning an absolute path
+    if `$PATH` is relative
+  + Add support for loading PKCS#12 encrypted files in
+    `GTlsCertificate`
+  + A number of improvements to unit tests
+  + Support `LOCAL_PEERPID` on macOS, giving partial support for
+    PIDs in `GCredentials` on that platform
+  + Add `g_get_user_state_dir()` to support `XDG_STATE_HOME`
+  + Add `g_hash_table_new_similar()` to copy a hash table and its
+    hash/equal functions without its data
+  + Support D-Bus client authentication with `EXTERNAL` on Windows
+  + Add a reStructuredText documentation generator to
+    `gdbus-codegen`
+  + Add a Windows implementation of `GMemoryMonitor`
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#692, glgo#GNOME/GLib#1190,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2487, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2550,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2557, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2559,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2560, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2564,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2565, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2571,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2572, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2578,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2579, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2580,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2582, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2585,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib#2586, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2239,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2362, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2384,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2395, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2399,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2400, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2402,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2403, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2405,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2407, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2411,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2412, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2413,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2414, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2417,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2423, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2425,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2426, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2428,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2429, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2431,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2432, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2434,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2440, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2441,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2442, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2447,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2448, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2452,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2453, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2454,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2456, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2459,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2461, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2463.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.71.0:
+  + Fix network changes not being signalled from NetworkManager.
+  + Fix build when building with --fatal-meson-warnings.
+  + Various fixes to GWeakRef cleanup and toggle refs.
+  + Add `G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NO_MATCH_RULE` flag for disabling match
+    rules when creating a `GDBusProxy`.
+  + Fix FD remapping in `g_spawn_async_with_pipes_and_fds()` with
+    certain values of target FDs.
+  + Make `GDBusProxy::g-signal` signal detailed with D-Bus signal
+    names.
+  + Emit `launched` signal for D-Bus activation of apps with
+    `GDesktopAppInfo`.
+  + Fix IDs of `GDesktopAppInfo`s which are constructed from a
+    `.desktop` file in a subdirectory.
+  + Add `--interactive` option to `gdbus call`.
+    `GSubprocess`.
+  + Lots of bug fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase glib2-bgo569829-gettext-gkeyfile.patch.
+- Update to version 2.70.5:
+  + g_time_zone_new_offset() assertion failure if offset >= 25
+    hours.
+  + glib: fix buffer overflow in g_canonicalize_filename().
+  + gtimezone: Fix assertion failure when called with a huge
+    offset.
+  + Updated translations.
+- prefer org.gnome.TextEditor.desktop instead of gedit.
+  patterns-gnome was changed to install TextEditor (boo#1210648).
+- Prefer file-roller over nautilus for archives.
+- Adjust desktop file names of preferred applications:
+  + evince.desktop => org.gnome.evince.desktop (since GNOME 3.30).
+  + eog.desktop => org.gnome.eog.desktop (since GNOME 3.36).
+  + file-roller.desktop => org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop
+- Fix name to impress: libreoffice-impress.destop.
+- Fix default openSUSE wallpaper is not present in dark mode (boo#1204138).
+- sem-open-o-creat.patch: sem_open: Clear O_CREAT when semaphore file is
+  expected to exist (BZ #30789)
+- ldconfig-process-elf-file.patch: elf: Fix wrong break removal from
+  8ee878592c
+- tls-modid-reuse.patch: elf: Fix TLS modid reuse generation assignment
+  (BZ #29039)
+- getaddrinfo-eai-memory.patch: getaddrinfo: translate ENOMEM to
+  EAI_MEMORY (bsc#1217589, BZ #31163)
+- libio-wdo-write.patch: libio: Check remaining buffer size in
+  _IO_wdo_write (BZ #31183)
+- sem-open-o-creat.patch: sem_open: Clear O_CREAT when semaphore file is
+  expected to exist (BZ #30789)
+- ldconfig-process-elf-file.patch: elf: Fix wrong break removal from
+  8ee878592c
+- tls-modid-reuse.patch: elf: Fix TLS modid reuse generation assignment
+  (BZ #29039)
+- getaddrinfo-eai-memory.patch: getaddrinfo: translate ENOMEM to
+  EAI_MEMORY (bsc#1217589, BZ #31163)
+- libio-wdo-write.patch: libio: Check remaining buffer size in
+  _IO_wdo_write (BZ #31183)
+- sem-open-o-creat.patch: sem_open: Clear O_CREAT when semaphore file is
+  expected to exist (BZ #30789)
+- ldconfig-process-elf-file.patch: elf: Fix wrong break removal from
+  8ee878592c
+- tls-modid-reuse.patch: elf: Fix TLS modid reuse generation assignment
+  (BZ #29039)
+- getaddrinfo-eai-memory.patch: getaddrinfo: translate ENOMEM to
+  EAI_MEMORY (bsc#1217589, BZ #31163)
+- libio-wdo-write.patch: libio: Check remaining buffer size in
+  _IO_wdo_write (BZ #31183)
+- Update to version 2.78.0:
+  + Glib: ustring: Add a std::hash<> specialization. Not included
+    by #include <glibmm.h>. Activate with #include
+    <glibmm/ustring_hash.h>.
+- Update to version 2.76.0:
+  + Glib:
+  - Dispatcher:
+    . Don't warn when a Dispatcher is deleted while messages are
+    pending.
+    . Add const versions of emit() and operator()() and deprecate
+    the non-const versions.
+  + Gio: ListModel: Add get_typed_object().
+- Update to version 2.74.1:
+  + Glib:
+  - Binding: Fix the bind_property() with two transformation
+    functions.
+  - Dispatcher: Don't warn when a Dispatcher is deleted while
+    messages are pending.
+  + Gio:
+  - NetworkMonitor::get_default(): Add refreturn.
+  - ListStore: Rename a local variable.
+  + Documentation: Glib::Binding::unbind(): Fix documentation.
+  + gmmproc: Disable warning C4273 on
+    Visual Studio.
+  + Tests: Fix giomm_simple test on Windows.
+  + Meson build:
+  - Detect if we build from a git subtree.
+  - Don't copy files with configure_file().
+- Update to version 2.74.0:
+  + Gio:
+  - ListStore: Add find().
+  - File: Add create_tmp().
+  + Documentation: File: Document create_for_parse_name().
+- Temp disable meson_test macro, tests now need internet during
+  testrun.
+- Update to version 2.73.2:
+  + Glib: ustring: Add release()
+  + Gio:
+  - ListStore: Don't derive a gtkmm__GListStore GType
+  - DBus::Proxy: get_connection(), get_interface_info(): Add
+    refreturn
+  - AppInfo: Add get_default_for_type_async/finish(),
+    get_default_for_uri_scheme_async/finish()
+  - File: Add make_symbolic_link_async/finish()
+  - ListStore: Add property_n_items()
+  - Resolver: Add lookup_by_name_with_flags(),
+    lookup_by_name_with_flags_async/finish()
+  + Documentation:
+  - Glib::RefPtr: Improve the documentation
+  - Gio::Action: Improve the documentation
+  + gmmproc:
+  - Improved handling of final types
+  - Improve handling of gi-docgen syntax in C documentation
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Avoid unnecessary configuration warnings
+  - Meson/MSVC: Add more warnings to ignore
+  - NMake Makefiles: Ensure g[lib|io]mm[config.h|.rc] are created
+  - Require glib-2.0 >= 2.73.2
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 2.72.1:
+  + Glib: ustring_Iterator: Don't declare copy constructor
+    =default. A fix in the 2.72.0 release broke ABI.
+- Changes from version 2.72.0:
+  + Glib: MainContext: Add create(MainContextFlags flags).
+  + Gio:
+  - Add AppInfoMonitor
+  - DBus::Proxy: signal_signal() accepts a signal name
+  - File: Add move_async() and move_finish()
+  - SocketClient: Deprecate
+    set/get/property_tls_validation_flags()
+  - TlsCertificate: Add properties private_key, private_key_pem,
+    pkcs11_uri, private_key_pkcs11_uri. Fix the create*()
+    methods.
+  - TlsClientConnection.hg: Deprecate
+    set/get/property_validation_flags().
+  + gmmproc: Add "ignore_deprecations" argument in _WRAP_METHOD().
+  + Build:
+  - Require glib-2.0 >= 2.71.2.
+  - MSVC build: Support VS2022 builds.
+  - Meson build: Specify 'check' option in run_command(). Require
+    Meson >= 0.55.0.
+- Changes from version 2.70.0:
+  + Glib:
+  - Timer: Add resume() and is_active()
+  - Add the Environ class
+  - Binding: Add dup_source(), dup_target(). Deprecate
+    get_source(), get_target(). TimeZone: Add operator bool(),
+    create_identifier(). Deprecate create().
+  + Gio:
+  - FileInfo: Add get/set_access_date(), get/set_creation_date().
+  - Notification: Add set_category().
+  - TlsCertificate: Add property/get_not_valid_before(),
+    property/get_not_valid_after(), property/get_subject_name(),
+    property/get_issuer_name().
+  - TlsConnection: Add property/get_protocol_version(),
+    property/get_ciphersuite_name().
+  + Tests: Add test of Glib::Environ
+  + gmmproc: Handle gi-docgen syntax in C documentation.
+  + Build: Require glib-2.0 >= 2.69.1.
+- Update to version 2.66.6:
+  + Glib: Dispatcher: Don't warn when a Dispatcher is deleted while
+    messages are pending.
+  + Gio: NetworkMonitor::get_default(): Add refreturn.
+  + gmmproc: Disable warning C4273 on
+    Visual Studio.
+  + Meson build:
+  - Detect if we build from a git subtree.
+  - Don't copy files with configure_file().
+- Update to version 2.66.5:
+  + Gio:
+  - ListStore: Don't derive a gtkmm__GListStore GType
+  - DBus::Proxy: get_connection(), get_interface_info(): Add
+    refreturn.
+  + Documentation: Gio::Action: Improve the documentation.
+  + gmmproc: Improved handling of final types.
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Avoid unnecessary configuration warnings.
+  - Meson/MSVC: Add more warnings to ignore.
+  - NMake Makefiles: Ensure g[lib|io]mm[config.h|.rc] are
+    created.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 2.66.4:
+  + Glib: ustring_Iterator: Don't declare copy constructor =default.
+    The fix in the 2.66.3 release broke ABI.
+    (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #98 (Scotty Trees)
+- Update to version 3.2.14:
+  + Avoid clearing the header list of a GMimeMessage when adding
+    addresses to an address header.
+  + Added the internet_address_list_append_parse() prototype
+    definition to internet-address.h.
+  + Use gtk-doc ulink syntax in doc comments instead of
+    <a href=...>.
+  + Fixed rfc2047 token decoding logic for base64 encodings.
+  + Properly handle GDateTime UTC offsets with non-zero seconds.
+  + Improved introspection data for bindings such as Vala.
+  + Improved address name quoting.
+  + Added a GNotifyDestroy to the GMimeParserOptions callback.
+  + Fixed the URL linkifier logic to properly handle links without
+    a '/' before the query string.
+  + Fixed the URL linkifier logic to handle domains that start
+    with numbers.
+  + Reverted base64 decoder optimizations from 3.2.10 and 3.2.11
+    to support chunked base64.
+- Update to version 3.2.13:
+  + Optimized parsing of messages with lots of address headers
+- includes changes from 3.2.12:
+  + Fixed a memory leak in g_mime_gpgme_get_decrypt_result()
+- includes changes from 3.2.11:
+  + Fixed a bug in the new base64 decoder
+- includes changes from 3.2.10:
+  + Improved performance of base64 encoder by ~5%
+  + Improved performance of base64 decoder by ~25%
+  + Unref the autocrypt header after adding it to the list
+  + Work around a bug in g_time_zone_new_offset() by using
+    identifiers instead
+- includes changes from 3.2.9:
+  + g_mime_multipart_signed_verify() now allows type/subtype and
+    type/x-subtype signature parts
+  + Fixed header folding logic to avoid folding the first line of a
+    header value
+  + Fixed bugs discovered by static analysis
+  + Fixed GMimeStreamPipe to set errno to ESPIPE for
+    seek/tell/length methods
+  + Fixed GMimeCertificates to prefer gpgme_user_id_t's address
+    field over the email field
+- includes changes from 3.2.8:
+  + Various fixes to Vala (and other?) language bindings
+  + Added g_mime_object_write_content_to_stream()
+  + Fixed parameter list parsing logic to not report a warning when
+    everything is valid
+  + Fixed the parser to handle MIME parts without headers -or-
+    content of any kind
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- update to 22.3.14:
+  * Add more DG2 Device IDs
+- update to 22.3.13:
+  * Fix Multiadapter ULT issue reproducibilty
+  * Add new PVC Device ID
+- update to 22.3.11:
+  * Add PVC Device ID
+  * Add more MTL Device IDs
+  * Replace WaDefaultTile4 with a feature flag
+  * Multi-threaded fixes for GMM Context info
+  * Use GmmResGetAuxSurfaceOffset64
+  * Fix UnifiedAuxSurvface checks to allow HiZ w/o CCS
+  * add ARL-S support
+  * Add device IDs for RPL
+- update to 22.3.5:
+  * Change Scratch L1 Caching to WB
+  * Update Cachepolicy for MTL
+  * Add forceful fallback to support Tile4 using an Ftr flag
+  * Enable L3 for VP_INPUT_PICTURE_RENDER usage
+- update to 22.3.4:
+  * remove unused tilewidth, mip4height and mip5height variables
+- update to 22.3.3:
+  * Initialize Filedescriptor
+  * Disable MultiAdapter ULT testcases
+- update to 22.3.2:
+  * Fix tiling selection
+  * Align SURFTYPE_3D surfaces
+  * Correct max surface size
+- enable building for x86_64 micro-level architectures
+- Update to version 0.4.4:
+  + Add application/zstd to supported mime-types.
+  + Fix test suite failure with recent GLib version.
+  + Add autoar_extractor_set_passphrase function.
+- Update to version 0.4.3+9:
+  + ci:
+  - Drop workaround to remove mount options
+  - Explicitiely set the storage driver
+  - Use rawhide for the fedora job
+  + extractor:
+  - Add autoar_extractor_set_passphrase function
+  - Fix parameter name in documentation comment
+  - Make error codes public
+  - Use g_file_info_remove_attribute instead of invalid type
+  - Use specific error code when passphrase wasn't provided
+  + tests: Skip file size check for directories
+- Switch to git checkout via source service.
+- Enable test macro again as upstream fixed the issue.
+- Temp disable test due to changes in new glib2 2.76.0 release:
+  wait for upstream to fix in either glib or in gnome-autoar.
+- Update to version 0.4.3:
+  + Prevent NULL dereference when extracting to root.
+  + Do not include basename in error messages.
+  + Do not request password when encryption is unsupported.
+  + Propagate libarchive errors when extraction failed.
+- Update to version 0.4.2:
+  + Fix extraction to root directory.
+  + Fix extraction of raw format archives.
+  + Do not leave read-only directory in the tree after running
+    tests.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + No changes from 45.rc, stable versionbump only.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Revert to JPEGs
+  + Blue default (light)
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + New default
+  + Morphogenesis (reactive diffusion)
+  + Pipes
+  + Updated pixels & truchet
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Stable version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + New supplemental and default wallpapers.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Version bump only.
+- Set hard Requires for gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg and
+  webp-pixbuf-loader, ensure they are install for everyone
+  installing gnome-backgrounds (boo#1203716).
+- Updated to version 43:
+  + No changes, stable bump only.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Minor janitory.
+- Add rich Requires to pull in svg and webp pixbuf loaders.
+  (gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg if libgdk_pixbuf-2_0) and
+  (webp-pixbuf-loader if libgdk_pixbuf-2_0).
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + All new 43 set of default and supplemental wallpapers.
+  + SVG and WebM formats for better compression and resolution.
+  + 4k square format targeting both widescreen, 4:3 and portrait
+    displays.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Split xml files per background for easier cherry-picking by
+    distros.
+  + Clean up credentials.
+- Update License following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + New default & supplemental wallpapers in light and dark variants
+  + Updated guidelines.
+- Update to version 42.7:
+  + Fix bugs that stopped the Obex Push server from automatically
+    accepting files from paired devices.
+  + Fix bugs that caused the device's Connection switch to appear
+    out of sync with the connection state.
+  + Build fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.6:
+  + Fix problems with icons for mice and tablets.
+  + Updates status labels to be dimmed by default.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.5:
+  + This version fixes the pairing dialogue misbehaving for some
+    Bluetooth Classic keyboards, with the passkey disappearing
+    after the first digit is typed.
+- Add missing ldconfig_scriptlets macro for
+  libgnome-bluetooth-ui-3_0-13.
+- Update to version 42.4:
+  + This version switches the power state API added in version 42.3
+    to be backed by the experimental PowerState property in
+    bluetoothd. The API will not show transitional states if the
+    version of bluetoothd is too old.
+  + The battery API now exports the battery information for all
+    Bluetooth devices listed in UPower, not just the ones
+    re-exported from bluetoothd.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + This version adds a new API for more precise adapter power
+    state, and fixes a number of small UI problems in
+    bluetooth-sendto.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + This version fixes duplicate devices appearing when bluetoothd
+    restarts, as well as the discovery not being updated correctly
+    in that same situation.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Fix the display of devices with '&' in their names.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Recommends bluez-auto-enable-devices to ensure BT is enabled
+  at startup (glgo#GNOME/gnome-bluetooth#110).
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + This version of gnome-bluetooth fixes a problem that could lead
+    to gnome-shell's Bluetooth menu not appearing when it should
+    have. This version also makes the Connect switch available for
+    Bluetooth LE MIDI devices.
+- Update to version 42.beta.2:
+  + This version of gnome-bluetooth contains a number of bug fixes
+    related to the GTK4 port, including spinners not spinning,
+    device removal confirmation dialog not appearing, pairing
+    dialog not disappearing, and a work-around to a UPower
+    reference leak that could lead to a crash in the main
+    libraries, as well as fixes for basic functionality in
+    bluetooth-sendto.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + This version of gnome-bluetooth adds a number of APIs to
+    eventually be used in Settings and gnome-shell:
+  - Export battery information for Bluetooth devices which
+    support it.
+  - Check whether any input devices are connected, so as to be
+    able to show a confirmation dialogue when switching off
+    Bluetooth.
+  - Check whether a device can be connected to.
+- Add pkgconfig(upower-glib) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 42.alpha.2:
+  + This version of gnome-bluetooth splits the libraries into UI
+    and non-UI versions. The UI library is only exposed as a native
+    library for the benefit of gnome-control-center, and the non-UI
+    library is only exposed as an introspected library for the
+    benefit of gnome-shell.
+- Package new libgnome-bluetooth-ui-3_0-13 sub-package.
+- Drop 755fd758f866d3a3f7ca482942beee749f13a91e.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add 755fd758f866d3a3f7ca482942beee749f13a91e.patch Fix build with
+  meson 0.61 and newer.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Port library to GTK4
+  + Remove chooser widgets from library
+  + Remove chooser UI from bluetooth-sendto
+  + Make bluetooth-sendto optional
+  + Replace canberra-gtk dependency with gsound
+  + GtkTreeModel-based API was replaced by a GListModel-based API
+  + Loads of bug fixes, many new tests
+  + Make changes to the way the default adapter is selected, see
+ for details.
+- Following upstreams port:
+  + Drop: pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) and pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)
+    BuildRequires.
+  + Add: pkgconfig(gtk4), pkgconfig(gsound) and
+    pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) BuildRequires.
+- Rename libgnome-bluetooth13 to libgnome-bluetooth-3_0-13,
+  typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-1_0 to typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-3_0
+  and gnome-bluetooth2-lang to gnome-bluetooth-3.0-lang following
+  upstreams changes.
+- Update to version 45.0.2:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0.1:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Search provider performance improvements.
+  + Use numeric font instead of monospace.
+  + Fixed electron-volt unit abbreviation.
+  + Fixed erroneous Joule unit name.
+  + Fixed missing build dependency.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Fixed variable and function popover reverse typing.
+  + Better left/right cursor key handling.
+  + Improved toolbar using Adwaita library.
+  + Flatpak build improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Remember window size
+  + Allow opening Main Menu by pressing F10
+  + Extend bit-shifting limit
+  + Added new energy units
+  + Added TWD support via Bank of Canada rates
+  + Added legal section for exchange rate source attribution
+  + Added United Nations Treasury exchange rate datasource
+  + Added Jamaican Dollar currency
+  + Added Ukrainian hryvnia currency
+  + Added Nigerian Naira currency
+  + Changed symbolic icon to C on the clear button
+  + Dropped VEF currency support
+  + Use new vala-nightly SDK extension for flatpak
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Improved factorization
+  + Number format selection documentation improvements
+  + Made builtin function descriptions translatable
+  + Fixed display showing 0 on startup
+  + Improved button tooltips
+  + Added signed int support to programming mode
+  + i and e constants updated according to ISO 80000-2:2009
+  + Help overlay updates
+  + Added preferences shortcut
+  + Destroy dialog after clicking cancel
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0.1:
+  + Fixed appdata versioning.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Removed old issue tracker references.
+- Updated to version 43.rc:
+  + Fix crash when entering new function name.
+  + Fix source view border.
+  + Flatpak build update.
+  + Port about window to libadwaita.
+  + Port to libsoup3.
+  + Updated translations.
+  + Drop patch 4fff5e1.patch due to libsoup3 being patched upstream
+- Add 4fff5e1.patch: Build with soup3. Following this, replace
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Fixed broken undo/redo.
+  + Make sure variable name definitions work with whitespace too.
+  + Fix translatable strings.
+  + Fixed missing implicit multiplication with variable and root.
+  + Meson warning fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Fixed incorrect history with bits toggling.
+  + Fixed crash when typing in variable popover.
+  + Fixed incorrect libxml usage.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Fixed broken undo/redo.
+  + Removed automatic closing brace addition.
+  + Fixed incorrect percentage symbol precedence handling.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Use new gnome post_install script
+  + gcalc build fixes
+  + Updated screenshots
+  + Set default focus to entry
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Fixed build issues with GCI entry controller tests
+  + Force LTR in history view
+  + programing mode: Force bit digits to be always LTR
+  + Use AdwApplication
+  + ui: Fix styles
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + build: migrated to GTK4.
+  + entry: Added currencies completion provider.
+  + entry: Fixed percentage evaluation error.
+  + internal: Moved history view from MathDisplay to MathWindow.
+  + window: set default width for basic and keyboard mode.
+  + buttons: removed destructive action class from clear button.
+  + converter: search support in unit selector, separate conversion
+    category selector.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update BuildRequires for port to GTK4:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4) with
+    pkgconfig(gtksourceview-5)
+  + Drop pkgconfig(libhandy-1)
+  + Add pgkconfig(libadwaita-1)
+- Update format of Supplements from packageane() to regular RPM
+  boolean deps.
+- Add explicit /usr/bin/gjs-console requires:
+  /usr/bin/gnome-characters is a symlink and is thus not inspected
+  by RPM for its hashbang (boo#1216028).
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Re-enable test suite:
+  + BuildRequire xorg-x11-server-Xvfb: the tests require a
+    graphical environment.
+  + Configure the tests to run using Xvfb.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Update for Unicode 15.0.1
+  + Add support for new Unicode CJK extensions
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Unable to search and display the character "䷿" U+4DFF
+  - The "Latin Small Letter Long S" (ſ — U+017F) is missing from
+    the application
+  - Nonspacing marks should not be considered invisible
+  - 44.rc: search provider crashes on shutdown
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace noto-coloremoji-fonts  with google-noto-coloremoji-fonts
+  Recommends, font package was renamed.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Update for Unicode 15
+  + Misc. string updates
+  + Avoid downscaling search result icon
+  + Use action-name properties
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Update for Unicode 15
+  + Misc. string updates
+  + Avoid downscaling search result icon
+  + Use action-name properties
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Update to Unicode 15.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Add support for composite emoji.
+  + Use AdwAboutWindow for an adaptive about window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Build sub-package gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-characters as
+  noarch.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Add support for composite emoji.
+  + Use AdwAboutWindow for an adaptive about window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Port to GTK4 / libadwaita.
+  + Fixes & improvements to the search provider.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Fix reflowing in size_allocate().
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Fixed search provider issues
+  + Search provider now displays the characters as well
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop no longer needed BuildRequires after gtk4 port:
+  + libunistring-devel
+  + pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)
+  + pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
+  + pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)
+- Replace gobject-introspection-devel with
+  pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0) BuildRequires.
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(pangoft2) BuildRequires, meson checks for
+  it, and we already pass pangoft2=true to meson.
+- Add appstream-glib and desktop-file-utils, add check section and
+  meson_test macro, as well as manually validate desktop file. Drop
+  update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro, no longer needed.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Ported to GTK4 and libadwaita
+  + Gained support for the new dark style preference via libadwaita
+- Change BuildRequires according to the GTK4 port:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+- Drop mesonfix-061.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add mesonfix-061.patch: Fix build with meson 0.61 and newer.
+- Update our Supplements to current standard.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Port to new libadwaita widgets, including breakpoints
+  + Bundle bell sounds
+  + GNOME Shell search provider performance improvements
+  + Improve location matching by normalizing location search
+    strings
+  + Replace deprecated code paths
+  + Use xdg-desktop-portal to get system clock format
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Display seconds in the world clock detail view
+  + Reset snooze time when disabling alarms
+  + Add mnemonics to the view switcher
+  + Say ahead/behind instead of later/earlier
+  + Fix button layout in the timer view
+  + Add missing ellipses to button labels
+  + Remove an incorrect tooltip
+  + Help fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Package sub-package gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-clocks as
+  noarch.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Port to AdwAboutWindow
+  + Fix notifications are immediately withdrawn.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Build against either geocode-glib-1.0 or geocode-glib-2.0.
+  + Disable "Add" button by default on new timer dialog.
+  + Fix the incorrect order of stopwatch's time label using RTL
+    locale.
+  + Do not match timezones on search.
+- Replace pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0) with
+  pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0) BuildRequires following upstream
+  changes.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Use newer GClue to avoid sandbox hole
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Codebase is now ported to GTK 4 and Libadwaita.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update BuildRequires, following upstreams port to GTK4:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with
+    pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4).
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4).
+  + Replace pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1).
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gweather-3.0) with pkgconfig(gweather-4).
+- Add appstream-glib, desktop-file-utils BuildRequires and check
+  section and meson_test macro, run tests during build.
+- Modernize our Supplements to current standard.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + A new implementation of the contact list should lead to much
+    less memory consumption and a small performance increase.
+  + Screen readers should now be able to tell which property of a
+    contact is currently focused.
+  + Several bugs have been fixed when selecting and cropping an
+    avatar. Choosing a file should also be much easier now, as the
+    file picker will filter image files.
+  + Contacts no longer shows a duplicate window when activated from
+    a search result.
+  + The app will try to resize more intuitively.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Comment out BuildRequires on pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) for
+  now, just like in the script.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Several bugs have been fixed when selecting and cropping an
+    avatar.
+  + Choosing a file should also be much easier now, as the file
+    picker will filter image files.
+  + A new implementation of the contact list should lead to much
+    less memory consumption and a small performance increase
+  + Contacts no longer shows a duplicate window when activated from
+    a search result
+  + The sidebar will resize more intuitively, rather than keeping a
+    fixed width
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Contacts can now be shared with a QR code, which allows for
+    simple and easy way of sharing contact information across
+    devices.
+  + The main menu now allows you to export all contacts at once.
+  + Unsetting and editing an avatar for a contact is now more
+    intuitive with dedicated buttons that are overlayed on top of
+    the image.
+  + Support for TITLE/ORG vCard properties when importing.
+  + Fix a bug which made it impossible to add more than one address
+    for a contact.
+  + Several changes to the UI that makes it more consistent with
+    GNOME design guidelines.
+  + Birthdays on a leap year will now get a birthday notification
+    on February 28 in non-leap years.
+  + Added support for multiple keyboard shortcuts.
+  + It's now possible to explicitly unset a birthday.
+  + A bug where title buttons where shown twice is now fixed.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Unsetting and editing an avatar for a contact is now a bit more
+    intuitive with the dedicated overlayed buttons.
+  + Several changes to comply better with the GNOME HIG.
+  + Added unit tests will now help us guarantee correctness.
+  + We now parse the first TITLE/ORG vCard properties.
+  + Fix a bug which made it impossible to add more than one address
+    for a contact.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + The main menu has been renamed to follow the GNOME HIG and now
+    contains an action item to export all contacts.
+  + Contacts can now be shared with a QR code, which allows for
+    simple and easy way of sharing contact information across
+    devices.
+  + Birthdays on a leap year will now get a birthday notification
+    on February 28 in non-leap years.
+  + Added support for multiple keyboard shortcuts
+  + It's now possible to explicitly unset a birthday
+  + Fix a bug where some title buttons where shown twice
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(libqrencode) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Drop unneeded nor used pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0) BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + This is the second stable release in the GNOME 43 series, which
+    fixes several bugs when updating or editing a contact.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Contacts can now import and export your contacts in the vCard
+    format (aka VCF) to or from a file on the system.
+  + Changes under the hood to make searching for contacts faster,
+    and fixes several issues when editing or adding a contact.
+  + On the UI front, Contacts has revamped the widgets when you're
+    editing contacts. Several dialogs (like the "About" window)
+    have gotten an upgrade and now look consistent with other GNOME
+    apps.
+  + Configuring your address books has moved to a dedicated spot in
+    the new preferences window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Updated screenshots for GNOME 43.
+  + A rewrite of the core internals fixes several issues when
+    editing or adding a contact.
+  + Several performance optimizations when searching for contacts
+    in the app.
+  + Some strings for importing and exporting contacts were not
+    marked as translatable yet.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Contacts can now import and export your contacts in the vCard
+    format (aka VCF) to or from a file on the system.
+  + The app will now warn you if your system has a configuration
+    issue of your primary address book.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop all traces of telepathy support, now dropped upstream
+  (remove pkgconfig(folks-telepathy) and pkgconfig(telepathy-glib)
+  disabled BuildRequires and stop passing telepathy=false to
+  meson).
+- Add pkgconfig(libportal) and pkgconfig(libportal-gtk4)
+  BuildRequires: New dependencies.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + A fresh new look thanks to a port to GTK 4 and libadwaita,
+    along with a new UI design.
+  + It is now possible to open up a contact's location with your
+    default maps application (provided it supports "maps:" URIs).
+  + It is now possible to show and add the organisational role of a
+    contact. This is an especially useful feature for corporate
+    address books
+  + Contacts shows a little reminder when displaying someone's
+    contact information if their birthday is today.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Contact properties can be selected, which means you can also
+    copy them to paste it elsewhere.
+  + It is now possible to show and add the organisational role of a
+    contact. This is mostly useful for corporate address books, as
+    you can now see what job a colleague is performing.
+  + Some paper cuts that got introduced when porting to GTK4 have
+    been resolved.
+  + Contacts shows a little reminder when displaying someone's
+    contact information if their birthday is today.
+  + Fixed launching the Online Accounts dialog in GNOME 42.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + A fresh new look thanks to a port to GTK 4 and libadwaita,
+    along with a new UI design.
+  + It is now possible to open up a contact's location with your
+    default maps application (provided it supports "maps:" URIs).
+  + Fixes to the birthday editor.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(cheese) and pkgconfig(cheese-gtk4) BuildRequires:
+  no longer needed. Stop passing -Dcheese to meson.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk4),
+  and pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1): changed
+  deps for GTK4 port.
+- Add pkgconfig(libportal): Requires to securely access the camera.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libedataserverui-1.2): no longer needed.
+- Drop patches included in upstream sources:
+  + 281decd15546987ca1c467e090ea4abf7a4a0a3b.patch
+  + 6883d4fa2a1b3803896a5f5737df765d8f6f6f62.patch
+  + b92f5a5198d3a52aaf7317ba6d8e86c633e9e18d.patch
+  + f89a9af36e4e2f0e92de62b3f6b7dc9ccc2b5ac6.patch
+- Mark gnome-control-center-info-fix-distro-logo.patch as rebase
+  needed. The patch needs a deeper review because its base is too
+  old and SLE/Leap specific.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 45.1+22:
+  + apps: Fix status page glitch on initialization
+  + po: Fix missing closing tag in pt_BR locale
+  + background: Improve preview performance
+  + applications: Fix File & Link Associations UI
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.1+14:
+  + user-accounts: Sync lock tooltip for the Avatar
+  + privacy: Fix crash from free bug in cc-camera-page
+  + default-apps: Workaround AdwComboRow item selection at startup
+  + network-connection-editor: Align Routes labels
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch,
+  gnome-control-center-info-never-use-gnome-software.patch,
+  gnome-control-center-more-power-button-actions.patch and
+  gnome-control-center-bring-back-firewall-zone.patch(bsc#1216601).
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + About: Add more types of processor support
+  + Accessibility: Make Cursor Size dialog close on Escape key
+  + Keyboard: Allow closing Shortcuts dialog with Escape key
+  + Mouse:
+  - Fix linked style of primary mouse button in RTL languages
+  - Avoid making videos blurry
+  + Network:
+  - Fix editing connections without a device
+  - Revert "Disable DNS entry if automatic DNS option is enabled"
+- Update to version 45.0+34:
+  + network: fix editing connections without a device (boo#1215651)
+  + mouse: Fix linked style of primary mouse button in RTL
+  + privacy: Fix crash in the firmware security page
+  + data:
+  - Fix label string
+  - Add missing wireguard-peer.ui to
+  - Mark translatable strings yes
+  + info-overview: Add more types of processor support
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to git checkout from stable branch, use explicit commit.
+- Add gnome-control-center-add-user-button.patch:
+  Show add user button when user is a normal user
+  (bsc#1215556 glgo#GNOME/Settings!1927).
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Fix panel list (sidebar) issues with panel centering
+  + Use g_printeer to message when running in non-supported
+    environments
+  + About:
+  - Fix issue with system details label having the "selected"
+    state
+  - Allow system details labels to span multiple lines
+  + Accessibility: Fix issue when icon theme changes to
+    HighContrast can't be reverted
+  + Keyboard: Fallback to subproject when keyboard previewer
+    (tecla) is not available
+  + Network:
+  - Fix criticals when updating connection
+  - Don't try to update device if it doesn't exist
+  - Don't show QR Code button for wifi connections using
+    unsupported security methods
+  + Online Accounts: Add line-breaks to log messages
+  + Search: Fix crash when selecting folder in "Other Search"
+    locations
+  + Users: Allow new password insert if the old one is right
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(tecla) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Switch service and tarball produced to zst compression.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + About:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Make System Details window more compact
+  - Port System Details window to AdwBreakpoint
+  - Port System Details window to AdwToolbarView
+  + Accessibility: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Applications:
+  - Make panel fit on narrow widths
+  - Port deprecated GtkDialogs to AdwWindow
+  + Background: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Bluetooth: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Color: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Date and Time:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port dialog to AdwWindow
+  + Default Apps: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Display:
+  - Port to AdwNavigationView and AdwtoolbarView
+  - Reduce the size of the preview width
+  + Keyboard:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port keyboard shortcuts dialog to AdwNavigationView
+  - Fix criticals when inpuit chooser is destroyed
+  - Write to mru-sources setting if it has never been set before
+  + Mouse:
+  - Make adaptative
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port the test dialog to AdwToolbarView
+  - Stop leaking the test window
+  + Multitasking: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Network:
+  - Port to AdwNavigationView and AdwToolbarView
+  - Port the Wi-Fi panel to AdwToolbarView
+  - Stop leaking the hotspot dialog
+  + Notifications:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port dialog to AdwWindow and AdwToolbarView
+  + Online Accounts: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Power:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port the suspend dialog to AdwWindow and AdwToolbarView
+  + Printers:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Make the panel adaptative
+  - Move search bar above the banner
+  - Port dialogs to AdwWindow and AdwToolbarView
+  - Fix size calculation for normalized printer name
+  + Removable Media:
+  - Port the dialog to AdwWindow
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Region: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Search: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + Sharing:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port dialogs to AdwWindow and AdwToolbarView
+  - Port Remote Login row to AdwSwitchRow
+  + Sound:
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port dialogs to AdwWindow and AdwToolbarView
+  + User Accounts:
+  - Fix account type row sensitivity
+  - Port to AdwToolbarView
+  - Port Add User dialog from deprecated GtkDialog to AdwWindow
+  - Update status page text when no accountsservice is available
+  - Show label when another user is logged in
+  - Port error message dialogs to AdwToasts
+  - Port deprecated GtkMessageDialogs to AdwMessageDialog
+  - Add "loading" page at startup
+  + Wacom: Port to AdwToolbarView
+  + WWAN: Port to AdwToolbarView
+- Pass tests=false to meson, we are not running tests, so lets not
+  build them either (avoids a dependency on setxkbmap).
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Prevent loading last-panel unconditionally on startup
+  + Multiple settings rows got ported to use the AdwSwitchRow
+    widget
+  + Various accessibility label fixes
+  + Various memory leak fixes
+  + About: New About panel displaying system information in a more
+    compact way
+  + Applications: Fix crash when opening the Apps panel as the
+    last-opened panel
+  + Datetime: Add description explaining the "Clock & Calendar"
+    settings
+  + Displays: Replace deprecated GtkComboBox with AdwComboRow
+  + Keyboard:
+  - Fix "Move up/down" movement options in the input list
+  - Spawn "tecla" app to display the keyboard map (replaces
+    gkbd-keyboard-display)
+  - Fix alignment of the "Set Shorcut..." button
+  + Network: Use an AdwSwitchRow widget to enable/disable Wi-Fi
+  + Online Accounts:
+  - Improve "offiline" message text
+  - Use banner to indicate when the system is offline
+  - Add panel description text and section titles
+  + Sound:
+  - Make output test whell smaller
+  - Ellipsize long device name label
+  + Printers: Use the "card" style for printer entries
+  + Privacy: New Privacy panel containing all the panels under the
+    Privacy category
+  + Region: Fix preview buttoins in the format chooser
+  + Search: Fix "Move up/down" movement options in the app search
+    list
+  + Users:
+  - Show "Other Users" section only when there are users to show
+  - Make entire panel insensitive when the user has no permission
+    to make changes
+  - Fix focus issues when selecting avatar image from a file
+  - Fix g_critical errors when loading file metadata for avatars
+- Replace gnomekbd-tools Requires with tecla-keyboard-layout-viewer
+  Requires following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Add placeholder text to various search entries
+  + Set a minimum size for various dialogs
+  + Make dialogs close when pressing the Escape key
+  + Replace deprecated GTK4 methods with new replacements
+  + Depend on snapd-glib-2 (soup3 version)
+  + Accessibility improvements
+  + Common:
+  - Fix time entry for RTL languages
+  - Use ToastOverlay
+  - Show start title buttons in header bar
+  - Allow more theming of rows
+  - Only return to last panel if it didn't crash
+  - Improvements to panel activation
+  - Improvements to panel searching
+  + About:
+  - Show only the GNOME major version
+  - Update hostname only after apply is clicked
+  + Accessibility: Present the checked state on the list row itself
+  + Appearance: Clear out dconf if user picks defaults
+  + Applications:
+  - Always use bold for app name in dialogs
+  - Use header capitalization in the "No apps" AdwStatusPage
+  + Color:
+  - Do not try to access to null pointer in destruction
+  - Dim information text & fix "Learn more" link alignment
+  + Date and Time:
+  - Fix NTP switch getting out of sync
+  - Add top bar clock and calendar switches
+  - Move "Time Format" row out of "Clock" section
+  - Merge "Clock" and "Calendar" sections
+  + Default Apps: Don't crash when there are no apps for a mimetype
+  + Device Security:
+  - Skip security attributes that have been obsoleted by others
+  - Ddon't translate technical report
+  + Display:
+  - Allow configuring all monitors and apply settings at once
+  - Try snapping all the displays after a config change
+  - Don't leak config manager proxy
+  - Use AdwPreferencesPage
+  - Fix display enabled toggle visibility
+  - Fix gaps when numbering unusable displays
+  - Fix stuck window subtitle
+  - Fix invalid panel state after canceling changes
+  - Check best_mode exist before adding flag
+  + Info: Show each GPU in it's own line
+  + Mouse:
+  - Prevent infinite loop on settings changes
+  - Do not bind sensitivity to touchpad settings
+  - Simplify binding of touchpad sensitive widgets
+  - Hide entire "Touchpad" row when touchpad cannot be disabled
+  + Keyboard:
+  - Fix cancel button issue
+  - Add "Compose" and "Character" keywords
+  - Add ellipsis to the "Add Shortcut" button label
+  - Fix "Add Custom Shortcut" in others sections
+  - Drop "Left Alt" as compose key option
+  + Network:
+  - Validate max length of hotspot SSID
+  - Keep current mode when enabling proxy
+  - Increase maximum MTU value from 10000 to 65536
+  - Fix incorrect styling in WiFi list
+  - Make the security status and signal strength read by screen
+    readers
+  - Add a confirmation dialog when forgetting a connection
+  - Center panel title when subtitle isn't visible
+  - Rename "Other Devices" to "Bluetooth"
+  - Fix crash when importing wrong vpn file
+  - Drop legacy vpn_export function
+  - Close Connection Editor dialog when clicking Apply button
+  - Add delete icon in saved WiFi connections list
+  - Move WiFi controls out of headerbar
+  + Notifications: Replace "Applications" with "App Notifications"
+  + Power:
+  - Label the main "battery" as UPS if that's what it is
+  - Hide automatic suspend row in VM
+  + Region: Fix label of formats for the login screen
+  + Sharing:
+  - Disable AdwActionRow markup for networks
+  - Fix network row visible name bug
+  - Remove global master switch
+  - Fix visual bug for active indicators
+  - Add icons next to each row
+  - Add subtitle to each panel row
+  + Sound:
+  - Make bass audible on low quality hardware
+  - Prevent duplicate sound device entries
+  + Thunderbolt:
+  - Update page to be more similar to other pages
+  - Modernize Device Dialog UI
+  + Usage: Fix confirmation dialog when clearing history
+  + Users:
+  - Remove account activity window
+  - Set language-chooser to hide on close
+  - Add popover explaining about the "Administrator" option
+  - Add a popover describing the autologin functionality
+  - Move "Add User" button out of the user listbox
+  - Improve avatar crop mechanics
+  - Improve rounding of avatar crop edges
+  - Draw avatar crop corners to inside of crop
+  + Wacom: Rename "Test Your Settings" button to "Test Settings"
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patch with quilt, but still disable it, breaks build in
+  current form, so needs reworking or possibly dropping.
+- Update to version 44.3:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Various small accessibility fixes.
+  + Fixes in Gtk template usage that causes crashes on some
+    systems.
+  + Appearance: Clear dconf when resetting to defaults.
+  + Mouse: Hide entire "Touchpad" row when touchpad cannot be
+    disabled.
+  + Network: Fix racy radio buttons in connection editor.
+  + Users: Remove autologin row tooltip when unlocked.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Common:
+  - Update hostname only after apply is clicked.
+  - Add widget name and css class to CcIllustratedRow and
+    CcSplitRow.
+  + Color: Do not try to access to null pointer in destruction.
+  + Date & Time: Fix NTP switch getting out of sync.
+  + Display:
+  - Allow configuring all monitors and apply settings at once.
+  - Disconnect config manager changed handler.
+  - Don't leak config manager proxy.
+  + Network: Fix crash when removing a connection.
+  + Region: Fix label of formats for the login screen.
+  + Sharing: Fix network row visible name bug.
+  + Shell: Add workaround to make disabled pictures are painted as
+    such.
+  + Sound:
+  - Prevent duplicate sound device entries.
+  - Revert accidental libgvc downgrade.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-control-center-fix-6f1567f23.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch
+- Add gnome-control-center-fix-6f1567f23.patch:
+  network/connection-editor: fix crash when removing a connection
+  (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center/commit/8cb77b4d3, bsc#1210377).
+- Update to version 44.0+20:
+  + datetime: Fix NTP switch getting out of sync.
+  + shell/style: Add workaround to make disabled pictures are
+    painted as such.
+  + illustrated-row, split-row: Add widget name and css class.
+  + region: Fix label of formats for the login screen.
+  + keyboard: Fix cancel button issue.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0+7:
+  + common: hostname-entry: Update hostname only after apply is
+    clicked
+  + sound: Prevent duplicate sound device entries
+  + color: Do not try to access to null pointer in destruction
+  + display: Allow configuring all monitors and apply settings at
+    once
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit tag from
+  stable gnome-44 branch.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Mouse: Prevent infinit loop on Mouse setting changes.
+  + Usage: Fix confirmation dialog when clearing file history.
+  + Notifications: Replace occurrence of "Applications" with "Apps"
+    string.
+  + Power: Label the main "batery" as UPS when that's what it is.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Improve state of switchers throughout the app
+  + Keyboard: Various fixes to the shortcut editor
+  + Mouse & Touchpad: Polish the panel redesign
+  + Printers: Update to more modern CUPS APIs
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Redesigned Sound panel
+  + Redesigned Mouse & Touchpad panel
+  + Share Wi-Fi networks using QR code
+  + Many consistency improvements
+  + WireGuard support
+  + Mouse & Touchpad:
+  - Redesign the panel with videos of the preferences
+  - Move mouse test into a separate dialog
+  + Network:
+  - Add support for sharing Wi-Fi networks through QR code
+  - Add WireGuard support
+  + Sound:
+  - Move application volumes to a dialog
+  - Move sound themes to a dialog
+  + Updated translations.
+- Disable gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch
+- Update to version 44.alpha:
+  + Redesigned Accessibility panel.
+  + Many consistency improvements.
+  + About: Add "Firmware Version" row.
+  + Accessibility: Redesign the panel with new a navigation
+    pattern.
+  + Cellular: Various fixes.
+  + Date & Time: Improve month selector.
+  + Device Security:
+  - Improve date and time formatting.
+  - Simplify technical descriptions.
+  + Display: Improve error state of Night Light.
+  + Sound: Start implementing the new designs.
+  + Thunderbolt: Hide panel if no Thunderbolt device is found.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-control-center-network-use-AdwStatusPage.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Drop unneeded nor used pkgconfig(clutter-1.0) BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 43.4.1:
+  + Network: Fix possible race in tests.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + About: Update distro logo when dark-mode changes.
+  + Applications: Don't recurse into symlinks when clearing cache.
+  + Cellular: Avoid duplicated entries in SIM providers list.
+  + Color: Fix crash when first device row is non-existent.
+  + Common: Make list row switches work when annimations are OFF.
+  + Display: Allow the Night Light error label to wrap for small
+    screens.
+  + Mouse: Fix activation of rows while navigating with keyboard.
+  + Network:
+  - Fix crashes when EAP password is missing.
+  - Fix wrong signal of SEA password visibility toggle.
+  + Notifications: Sync lock screen notification setting string.
+  + Users: Show a missing-avatar image when avatars cannot be
+    loaded.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-control-center-fix-ws-sea-pass-toggle.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Refresh patches with quilt.
+- Modify gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch:
+  fix wifi panel(bsc#1206233).
+- Rebase gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch.
+- Add gnome-control-center-network-use-AdwStatusPage.patch:
+  network-panel: Use AdwStatusPage to show NetworkManager error.
+  This is needed by the above rebased patch
+  (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center/commit/2b3de01124).
+- Add gnome-control-center-fix-ws-sea-pass-toggle.patch: Fix crash
+  when user clicking password visibility toggle in Security page
+  when method is WPA3 Personal
+  (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!1520).
-- Update to version 41.7:
-  + Updated translations
-  + Cellular
-    Remove duplicate line from .desktop
-  + Info
-    Allow changing "Device Name" by pressing "Enter"
-    Remove trailing space after CPU name
-  + Keyboard
-    Fix crash resetting all keyboard shortcuts
-    Fix leaks
-  + Network
-    Fix saving passwords for non-wifi connections
-    Fix critical when opening VPN details page
-  + Wacom:
-    Fix leaks
-- Drop 496c719d7b1492b54c34ace648feb3802f34f774.patch: Fixed
-  upstream.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Network: Fix crashes editing networks.
+  + Power: Don't assert if we can't find the widget for a profile.
+  + Printers: Small visual improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Fix AM/PM labeling issue;
+  + Remove no longer used icon;
+  + Select panel only if non-folded when search is canceled;
+  + Several UI improvements regarding device security;
+  + Fix primary monitor selection.
+  + Allow backgrounds to use any image format;
+  + Improve dark theme support;
+  + Keyboard: Fix activation of input source toggle button and
+    improve handling of Shift shortcuts.
+  + Power: Fix blank screen and power button behavior settings;
+  + Printers: Show empty state after removing last printer;
+  + Fix Move Up and Move Down actions when searching;
+  + Fix sound alert selection;
+  + Improve support to Wacom Express Key Remote;
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update URL tag to,
+  the new upstream web page dedicated to Settings (this package).
+- Bump meson build requirement from 0.53.0 to 0.57.0.
+- Add noarch as BuildArch for color, goa, user-faces, and devel
+  subpackages as they do not contain any native code/binaries.
+- Add rpmlintrc to filter false-positives about
+  desktopfile-without-binary warnings for color, goa and user-faces
+  subpackages since they call "gnome-control-center color/goa/etc"
+  rather than a binary of their own. Also filter the
+  file-not-in-%lang warning because we strip the English language
+  from the lang subpackage and package it in the main package.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gcr-3) with pkgconfig(gcr-base-3)
+  BuildRequires: Align with what meson checks for.
+- Drop explicit pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: No longer
+  needed, as color sub-module was ported away from it. See
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Cellular: Add WWAN 5G connection support.
+  + Device Security:
+  - Polish failure messages.
+  - Various style updates.
+  + Display: Support privacy screens.
+  + Info: Show build id in a separate row.
+  + Network: Fix VPN empty state.
+  + Sound: Update default sounds.
+  + User Accounts: Fix back button not appearing sometimes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Improved accessibility in various panels.
+  + New Device Security panel.
+  + Date & Time: Update visual style of the timezone map.
+  + Display: Various visual improvements.
+  + Sound: Remove dog barking sounds.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + Display: Use virtual clone modes when mirroring.
+  + Network:
+  - Prevent crash bi disconnecting device.
+  - Fix Wi-fi network with "&" in name not appearing.
+  - Fix warning when panel closed.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Applications:
+  - Fix Snap permissions support failing to compile.
+  - Fix CcInfoRow having the wrong parent.
+  - Fix crash crash when switching between two apps.
+  + Background: Make sure the size of the light/dark previews are
+    the same.
+  + Keyboard: Fix crash resetting all keyboard shortcuts.
+  + Network: Stop freeze when closing wired connection properties
+    with Escape.
+  + Sharing:
+  - Fix close button on Verify Encryption dialog
+  - Turn off RDP gsettings key when turning off RDP
+  + Shell: Initialise locale early.
+  + Sound: Update theme correctly so other apps respond to change.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Display:
+  - Various small behavior improvements.
+  - Fix monitor labels.
+  + Network: Improve handling of VPN connections.
+  + Online Accounts:
+  - Fix behavior of helper application on X11.
+  - Fix changes to online accounts services not applying
+    correctly.
+  + User Accounts: Various small polishments.
+  + Wacom: Properly translate various strings.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop upstream fixed patches:
+  + gnome-control-center-reload-vpn-plugins.patch
+  + gnome-control-center-goa-helper-on-X11.patch
+  + gnome-control-center-42.0-fix-sharing-panel-crash.patch
+  + 1283.patch
+- Add 1283.patch: user-accounts: close password change dialog.
+  Addresses boo#1198235: Fail to change password on GNOME42.
+- Add gnome-control-center-42.0-fix-sharing-panel-crash.patch,
+  based on commit c2f088ac5220f3a64edc2c15e60fc0d7f1dfc9e5, to fix
+  Sharing panel segfaulting due to getlogin() returning NULL rather
+  than the username (boo#1197529,
+  glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!1727).
+- Add gnome-control-center-goa-helper-on-X11.patch: Fix GOA helper
+  not showing up on X11 [glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!1651].
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated AppData screenshots.
+  + Re-enable tests.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Disable tests for now, needs display, and that is somewhat hard
+  to get during build on obs.
+- Add gnome-control-center-reload-vpn-plugins.patch:
+  network/connection-editor: always load all available VPN plugins
+  (glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!1263).
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Keyboard: Restore _GNOME_WM_KEYBINDINGS support.
+  + User Accounts:
+  - Bring back Fingerprint dialog.
+  - Fix avatar loading.
+  + Wacom: Bring back empty state.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(gnutls) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Port to GTK4
+  + Various UI polish changes
+  + New symbolic icons for panels
+  + Application: Implement new design
+  + Background:
+  - Introduce dark & light mode selector
+  - Rename to Appearance
+  + Display: Implement new design
+  + Region & Language: Implement new design
+  + User Accounts: New design for the User Accounts panel
+  + Wacom: Implement new design
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(cheese) and pkgconfig(cheese-gtk) BuildRequires.
+- Replace the following BuildRequires:
+  + pkgconfig(colord-gtk) with pkgconfig(colord-gtk4)
+  + pkgconfig(gnome-bluetooth-1.0) with
+    pkgconfig(gnome-bluetooth-3.0)
+  + pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4)
+  + pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+  + pkgconfig(libnma) with pkgconfig(libnma-gtk4)
+- Disable patch that need rebase:
+  + gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + gnome-control-center-fix-autologin-shortcut.patch
+  + 496c719d7b1492b54c34ace648feb3802f34f774.patch
+- Disable gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch:
+  Needs rebase.
-- Update to version 41.8:
-  + No changes, version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Fix idle monitor watch leak.
+  + Save original thumbnail dimensions in metadata.
+  + Fix Turkish keyboard layout.
+  + Updated translations.
-- Update to version 41.6:
-  + No changes, version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Add GnomeWallClock:force-seconds property.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Fix idle monitor watch leak.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Fix gnome_parse_locale returning NULL for the C locale
+  + Use more sensible default keyboard for es_US
+  + Delete failed thumbnail if successfully savings thumbnail
+  + Skip territory if no translation available
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + gnome-languages: Simplify XPG language parsing.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Don't use bubblewrap inside snaps since those are already
+    sandboxed.
+  + Remove gnome-version.xml.
+  + Add GCancellable and GError to the thumbnail API.
+  + Make it possible to disable gobject-introspection generation.
+  + Revert "thumbnails: keep the original file name".
+  + Include a header defining GNOME_DESKTOP_PLATFORM_VERSION.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Stop passing gnome_distributor=openSUSE and date_in_gnome_version
+  to meson, no longer recognized, nor needed.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Bump sonames following upstream changes.
+- Drop gnome-version sub-package, no longer built; provide/obsolete
+  it by libgnome-desktop-4-2.
-- Update to version 41.5:
+- Update to version 42.4:
-- Update to version 41.4:
+- Update to version 42.3:
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Don't try to use bubblewrap inside snaps.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Fix build_gtk4 option.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop a3ed548d92b160245b79978ae362d47091ad8dad.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + No changes, stable bump only.
+- Add a3ed548d92b160245b79978ae362d47091ad8dad.patch: meson: Fix
+  build_gtk4 option
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Add async methods for thumbnail creation
+  + thumbnail: Resolve symlinks before exporting them with Flatpak
+  + Make table:cangjie5 the default input method for zh_HK
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha.1:
+  + build: fix soversion in libgnome-desktop-4.
+- Drop 129.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + gnome-languages: fix translation of 3-letter code languages.
+  + Introduce gnome-desktop-4, libgnome-desktop-3.0 is still
+    available with a build flag.
+  + Split libgnome-desktop into three, gnome-desktop, gnome-rr,
+    gnome-bg. -rr and -bg depend on gtk4.
+  + Refactor gnome-gettext-portable.h.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pgkconfig(gtk4) BuildReuires: new dependency.
+- Split out new packages for the API 4.0 variant:
+  libgnome-desktop-4-devel, libgnome-desktop-4-1,
+  typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-4-0, typelib-1_0-GnomeBG-4-0, and
+  typelib-1_0-GnomeRR-4-0
+- Add 129.patch: Fix soname of the new libgnome-desktop-4
+  libraries.
+- Update to version 0.1.11+15:
+  + Update for gnome-desktop-43 API change
+  + Replace deprecated (GLib>=2.61.2) GTimeVal by GDateTime
+  + Replace Bugzilla link with link to GitLab
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop temp-ftbfs.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Switch to git checkout via source service.
+- Add autoconf-archive and libtool BuildRequires and pass
+ call, bootstrap as we are using a git checkout.
+- Add temp-ftbfs.patch: Temporary workaround for recent
+  gnome-desktop api changes.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Fonts 45.alpha comes with a new look courtesy of the new
+    libadwaita 1.4 widgets.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Fonts 44.0 comes with general consistency improvements to the
+    application:
+  - The app now provides standard shortcuts like Ctrl+Q and
+    Ctrl+F.
+  - New widgetry allows for navigation via the back mouse button,
+    alt+arrows, and touchscreen swipes.
+  - Various buttons can now be used with mnemonics.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + The app now provides standard shortcuts like Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+F
+  + New widgetry allows for navigation via the back mouse button,
+    alt+arrows, and touchscreen swipes
+  + Various buttons can now be used with mnemonics
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Updated to versio 43.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Updated to version 43.beta:
+  + New "About" button in the main window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace update-desktop-files with desktop-file-utils
+  BuildRequires and run manual tests/checks of desktop file and
+  metadata. Following this, drop usage of suse_update_desktop_file
+  macro.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Port to gtk4.
+  + Updated translations.
+- From upstreams port to gtk4, replace the following BuildRequires:
+  + pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4)
+  + pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+- Drop no longer explicitly checked for pkgconfig(gio-2.0)
+  BuildRequires.
+- Add appstream-glib BuildRequires and check section with
+  meson_test macro, validate appdata during build.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 218166246e29a39e2eac8d3f06976038571b0603.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Use %_pam_moduledir instead of %{_lib}/security (boo#1191034).
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + daemon: Add files to EXTRA_DIST to fix distcheck.
+- Changes from version 42.0:
+  + secret-portal: Properly check the default keyring.
+  + Build fixes.
+  + ssh-agent: Fix crash by uninitialized GMutex.
+  + fix looping off the end of the operations array.
+  + readme: Mention libsecret instead of deprecated
+    libgnome-keyring.
+  + daemon: Make it systemd-activatable through the control socket.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgcondfig(systemd) and pkgconfig(libsystemd) BuildRequires:
+  new dependencies.
+- Build without libcap-ng support (boo#1098245):
+  + Pass --without-libcap-ng to configure.
+  + Drop libcap-ng-devel BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 3.46.0:
+  + Port to latest Tepl API.
+  + Adapt for Amtk -> libgedit-amtk rename.
+- Replace pkgconfig(amtk-5) with pkgconfig(libgedit-amtk-5)
+  BuildRequires following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 3.44.0:
+  + Use more Tepl features.
+  + Adapt to Tepl API breaks.
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + A few minor improvements.
+- Changes from version 3.41.2:
+  + User-visible changes:
+  - Preferences dialog:
+    . Some changes in the presentation of the options (still the
+    same set of options).
+    . Better i18n/l10n support by avoiding splitting sentences
+    with a spin-button in-between (for example to choose the
+    number of minutes for the auto-save interval).
+  - PostProcessorLatexmk: parse xelatex output within latexmk.
+  + Under the hood changes:
+  - Construct the Preferences dialog differently, by moving some
+    functionality to Tepl, without using a *.ui file, and do a
+    maximum in C (not Vala). More work in that area would be
+    possible, but it was done incrementally (in a releasable state
+    all the time).
+  + For packagers: A precise version of Tepl is required because
+    Tepl API stability is no longer guaranteed.
+- Changes 3.41.1:
+  + User-visible changes:
+  - Build Tools preferences dialog: add a note about restarting
+    the application.
+  - Minor bug fix to directly update the GUI if the system fixed
+    width font is modified.
+  + Under the hood changes:
+  - Continue to move more features (and improve them) to the Amtk
+    and Tepl libraries.
+  - Simplify / refresh some parts of the code.
+  + Build system: many improvements and simplifications.
+  + For the Vala code, use the *.gir file of GtkSourceView (instead
+    of the *.vapi file). And no longer generate latexila.vapi for
+    the internal library.
+  + Migrate from Intltool to pure gettext.
+  + But the *.desktop file and AppData are no longer translated,
+    need to find a better solution.
+  + Better support MSYS2/MINGW (Windows), normally no patches are
+    required anymore:
+  - liblatexila: add latexila_dirs functions, inspired by
+    gedit_dirs.
+  - Other small tweak.
+  + Documentation: many improvements to the contributors' docs.
+  + Other small improvements here and there.
+- Changes from version  3.40.0:
+  + Documentation improvement.
+- Changes from version 3.39.1:
+  + The project is now hosted at:
+  + Port to the development version of Tepl 6.
+  + Build system update.
+  + Have everything in git repositories, no longer use the GNOME
+    wiki.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(amtk-5) BuildRequires following upstreams
+  changes.
+- Drop e1b01186f8a.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Fix filters button style.
+  + Accelerator improvements.
+  + UI improvements.
+  + Meson improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Port to AdwAboutWindow.
+  + Updated screenshots.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + GTK 4 port.
+  + CI fixes.
+  + Remove redundant glib-mkenums check.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace BuildRequires following upstreams port to gtk4:
+  + Drop pkgconfig(gio-2.0), pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
+    pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) and pkgconfig(libhandy-1).
+  + Add pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0), pkgconfig(gtk4) and
+    pkgconfig(libadwaita-1).
+- Add check section and run meson_test macro.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Opt-in to dark mode user preference.
+  + Rounded window corners using libhandy.
+  + Add feature to open journal files directly.
+  + Add several keyboard shortcuts to help overlay.
+  + Window sizing improvements.
+  + Some small fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add libhandy-1 pkgconfig module capability, with 1.5.0 as minimal
+  version, build requirement.
+- Remove hicolor-icon-theme build requirement as it's not really a
+  requirement. Own DATADIR/icons/hicolor/ directory directly
+  instead and its subdirectories, used by the package.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Update to version 3.48.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patch with quilt.
+- Update to version 3.47.1:
+  + Build fixes
+  + Expired Kerberos tickets not re-acquired on resume from suspend
+  + Update CalDAV/CardDAV OwnCloud endpoints
+  + Attempt to cope with multiple credential caches per identity
+  + Error in solving Nextcloud account address
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.46.0:
+  + Build system fixes with recent Meson.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add 0001-google-Remove-Photos-support.patch: google: Remove
+  Photos support. In theory, support for photos is still desired.
+  However, right now the implementation of the Google PicasaWeb API
+  in libgdata no longer works. Until that's fixed, there's no point
+  in advertising support for photos. See
+- Update to version 3.45.2:
+  + Use debugging messages instead of warnings.
+  + Fix documentation build.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Enable build of documentation again.
+- Update to version 3.45.1:
+  + Removed providers:
+  - Foursquare
+  - Facebook
+  - Flickr
+  + Port to libsoup3
+  + Port to librest-1.0
+  + Drop the Autotools build
+  + Update the Google OAuth2 provider
+- Add meson BuildRequires and macros, switch to meson buildsystem.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Replace BuildRequires following upstream changes:
+  + Drop pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4), pkgconfig(rest-0.7) and
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0).
+  + Add pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.1), pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0),
+    pkgconfig(rest-1.0) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1).
+- Do not build gtk-docs as it is currently broken.
+- Update to version 3.44.0:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Add .gitlab-ci.yml
+  - Update Fedora logo
+  - Silence -Wincompatible-pointer-types with GCC 11
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.43.1:
+  + Remove Documents support.
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - glgo#GNOME/gnome-online-accounts!67 doc: Update.
+  - glgo#GNOME/gnome-online-accounts!68 dbus: Add missing since
+    tag for IsSupportedProvider.
+  + Updated translations.
+- invoke bash for bash scripts (bsc#1195391)
-- Updated da, el, fr, hu, it, ja, nb, nl, pl, ru.
-- Fix of update-solve-upload-conflict supplementary script.
-- Added several packages with strings in patches (9 new strings).
-- Updated el, hu, it, km, pl, pt_BR, zh_TW.
-- Updated da, de, es, fi, fr, gl, hr, hu, it, ja, km, lt, nb, nl,
-  pl, pt_BR, ro, ru, wa.
-- Updated for the latest Factory.
-- Updated all available translations for 11.4.
-- Updated fi.
-- Updated for the latest Factory.
-- Updated de, lt, ru.
-- Updated for the latest Factory.
-- Updated af, bn, ca, el, et, fr, gl, gu, hi, hr, ka, km, lt, mk,
-  mr, nb, pa, pl, pt, ro, si, sl, sr, ta, uk, wa, xh, zu.
-- Updated cs, da, es, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, ja, km, lt, nb, nl, pl,
-  pt_BR, ro, ru, sk, uk.
-- Updated list of packages.
-- Plural declaration added into HEADER.pot (bnc#594753).
-- Updated gl, lt, pt_BR, ro, wa, zh_TW.
-- Updated list of packages with patches.
-- Updated strings from the latest Factory (19 new strings).
-- LCN migrated to Berlios.
-- Updated da, fr, gl, it, ko, lt, nb, pl, ru.
-- 11 lost gtk2 strings from the old version re-added.
-- Updated de, fi, hu, ja, km, ko, nb, nl, pl, sk.
-- Updated cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, ja, km, ko, nb, nl,
-  pl, pt_BR, ro, ru, sk, uk, wa, zh_TW.
-- Added libgnomesu (bnc#541653, 6 new strings).
-- Updated da, de, es, fr, gl, hr, hu, km, ko, nb, pl, uk, wa,
-  zh_TW.
-- Added bluez-gnome (7 new strings).
-- Updated ja, ko, nl, pl, pt_BR, ru, sk.
-- Updated cs, da, de, en_GB, es, et, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, km, ko,
-  nb, nl, pa, pl, pt, pt_BR, ro, ru, sk, sr, sv, th, uk, zh_CN,
-  zh_TW.
-- Fixes for bash 4.
+- Update to version 44.0+23:
+  * photos-embed: Add mnemonics
+  * app:
+  - Set inactivity timeout for search provider
+  - Defer gegl initialization to window creation
+  * photos-utils: Ensure more types are registered
+  * Updated translations.
+- Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit commit.
+- Update URL.
+- Build sub-package gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-photos as
+  noarch.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + build: Adapt for babl .pc file changes
+  + Thumbnails now have the mtime of the original item
+  + photos-properties-dialog: Check geocode results
+  + photos-item-manager: Sort photos by creation time first
+  + Prefer Exif extracted 'contentCreated' value than file creation
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 64c6f733a44bac5b7f08445a686c000681f93f5f.patch
+  + 9db32c3508a8c5d357a053d5f8278c34b4df18f3.patch
+- Add 64c6f733a44bac5b7f08445a686c000681f93f5f.patch and
+  9db32c3508a8c5d357a053d5f8278c34b4df18f3.patch: build: accept
+  both babl and babl-0.1, and following this, add boolean
+  pkgconfig(babl-0.1) BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Drop flickr plugin: It pulls soup2.
+  + build: reduce libdazzle usage.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop c6f66fc47d2d434c34dd84d446f081389015785b.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add c6f66fc47d2d434c34dd84d446f081389015785b.patch: Drop flickr
+  plugin: It pulls soup2. Following this, drop pkgconfig(grilo-0.3)
+  BuildRequires: No longer needed.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Build with soup3, drops libgfbgraph as it is not compatible
+    with soup3 / rest 1.0.
+  + Use Wallpaper portal for setting as a background/lockscreen.
+  + Stop using deprecated gexiv2 API.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes in BuildRequires following upstream changes:
+  + Drop pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0), pkgconfig(libgfbgraph-0.2)
+    and pkgconfig(libgdata)
+  + Add pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0), pkgconfig(libportal) and
+    pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3)
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + appdata: Update screenshots.
+  + tracker: Correctly pass IndexLocation flags.
+  + Fix headerbar button vertical alignment.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + gnome-photos-fix-vert-align.patch
+  + 1d22aac8fd7433cd1319fb2ffea0a1e294609f64.patch
+  + 5cafad57982fbef0d02b7ecb0b1a2c9f221de391.patch
+  + a0ac868a19d55dc52100e54fe4b2d29041bc6752.patch
+- Disable gnome-photos-on-demand-activate-dleyna.patch: Needs
+  rebase.
+- Fix requires: use boolean dep to ensure gnome-shell >= 45 and
+  gnome-shell < 46 must be satisfied by a single package.
+- Update to 0.24.1:
+  * Fixed timerState tracking and waking up of screen on the
+    screen shield
+- Update to 0.24.0:
+  * Marked extension as compatible with GNOME Shell 45 with no
+    backwards compatibility
+  * Fixed alignment of the indicator menu
+  * Changed the default view in the app to Timer
+- Drop 0001-Mark-extension-as-compatible-with-GNOME-Shell-45.patch
+- Add 0001-Mark-extension-as-compatible-with-GNOME-Shell-45.patch:
+  mark extension as compatible with GNOME 45
+  (gh#gnome-pomodoro/gnome-pomodoro#667)
+- Bump the dependency on gnome-shell to allow gnome-shell 45.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Use theme color for axes label text.
+  + Set the number of x-axis ticks depending on the time range
+    chosen.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Two crashers fixes.
+  + Fix inverted boolean in the "null" system backend.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-session-Fix-inhibit-DBus.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Bump basever define to 45 following upstream changes.
+- Add gnome-session-Fix-inhibit-DBus.patch: gsm-manager: Fix
+  Inhibit DBus method handler (glgo#gnome-session!97).
+- Update to version 44.0+10:
+  + gnome-session: Bind more LC_* variables to REGION
+  + gsm-system: make return_false actually return FALSE
+  + data: Add gnome-portals.conf
+  + DOAP: Fix 'bug-database' value to point to GNOME GitLab Issues
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch compression to zst, both in service and tarball produced.
+- Drop pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1) BuildRequires: Only needed when
+  building with consolekit support, and we do not do that anymore.
+- Replace dbus-1-x11 with explicit /usr/bin/dbus-launch Requires,
+  as that is what is really needed.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + No changes, stable bump only.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Code clean ups
+  + Better handling when dbus-daemon dies
+  + Improved log output
+  + Updated translations.
+- Pass systemduserunitdir=%%{_userunitdir} to meson, ensure we set
+  the correct dir during build.
+- Drop gnome-session-exit-when-lost-name-on-bus.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Bump basever define to 44 following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Build system improvements.
+  + GError clean up fix.
+  + Updated translations.
+  + Drop gnome-session-clear-error-when-running-under-GDM.patch:
+    Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Give better error when failing to get renderer string.
+  + Fix failure to run sessions for program accounts.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase gnome-session-better-handle-empty-xdg_session_type.patch
+  with quilt.
+- Drop glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro from
+  gnome-session-core package, no longer needed.
+- Add a basever define and set it to 42, make future version
+  updates simpler, as this will autorename lang-package with
+  regards to version (as done here, bumped to 42 from 41).
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Add a059909d62da0c11774f1089d02937699fabf150.patch: power: Fix
+  enum mismatch warning
+- Add 41d0dc1db4d75c37ba67fe903105b4e162d42f1a.patch: power: Fix
+  uninitialised variable warning
+- Renumber patches, ensure we have a patch0 when upstream patches
+  are available in future release.
+- Add 538816ff42f682fc4b541810ca107486abab9976.patch: smartcard:
+  Steal error when propagating through GTask.
+- Rebase patches on gnome-settings-daemon 45(bsc#1216073)
+  + Patch1000:gnome-settings-daemon-notify-idle-resumed.patch
+  + Patch1001:gnome-settings-daemon-more-power-button-actions.patch
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Smartcards: Rewrite to use p11-kit backend via Gck API.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace BuildRequires on pkgconfig(nss) with pkgconfig(gck-2),
+  following upstream change. And nest it under if-with "smartcard",
+  as it's only required when building with smartcard support.
+- Refresh patches with Quilt.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Fix linkage of GResources.
+  + USB protection: Change wording of notification.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Do not use %autopatch to build on SLE where rpm version is not
+  ready for the macro.
+- Drop patch gnome-settings-daemon-bnc873545-hide-warnings.patch:
+  the relevant color management has been moved to mutter.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Housekeeping: Clean up x-large and xx-large thumbnails.
+  + Power:
+  - Respect the "nothing" power-button-action for VMs.
+  - Expose number of supported steps for keyboard backlight.
+  + Screensaver: Better explain why out-of-spec D-Bus methods don't
+    work.
+  + USB protection: Fix race conditions and other general
+    improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Build improvements
+  + Power:
+  - Connect to light sensor asynchronously
+  - Initialize check for VM environment earlier
+  + Rfkill: Monitor WwanEnabled property changes properly
+  + Smartcards: Check for the addition of new smartcard readers
+  + Xsettings: Do not force deprecated High Contrast icon theme
+  + Updated translations.
+- Use autopatch.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Power: Default to sleep after 15 minutes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Housekeeping: Fix capitalization of systemd notifications
+  + Power: Improve low power notifications
+  + Xsettings: Always fallback to IBus IM for X11 clients
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Color: Night light and color management functionality moved to
+    Mutter
+  + Housekeeping: Notify of applications being closed due to OOM
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Build with gcr4 by default.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gcr-3) with pkgconfig(gcr-4) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes.
+- Change dependency from polkit to /usr/bin/pkexec: pkexec has been
+  split out of polkit. Requiring the explicit capability seems
+  better here than having to worry what package carries the binary.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Datetime: Optionally depend on libsoup3-enabled geocode-glib.
+  + Xsettings: Unset GDK_BACKEND envvar.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0) with
+  pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0) BuildRequires following upstream
+  changes.
+- Add base_ver define, set it to 43, make future version updates
+  easier.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Drop direct uses of GSlice.
+  + A11y-settings: Enable toolkit-accessibility when using the
+    magnifier.
+  + Xsettings:
+  - Simplify fetching string for an enum value.
+  - Remove direct mapping from gtk-im-module to Gtk/IMModule.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Brown paper bag release.
+- Changes from version 42.0:
+  + Keyboard: Clear content of gtk-im-module setting.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Sharing: Do not manage gnome-remote-desktop, now done through
+    gnome-control-center and systemd services.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Datetime: Port to GWeather 4
+  + Media-keys:
+  - Fix launching of Settings actions
+  - Suppress UCM generic soundcard names on volume OSDs
+  - Remove screenshot key handling, done now in GNOME Shell
+  + Power: Improve battery warning debouncing logic
+  + XSettings: Adopt x11-specific code to look up GTK IM module
+    from gsd-keyboard
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gweather-3.0) with pkgconfig(gweather4)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Drop afa7e4bb9c519e2daf500a6079088669500768c0.patch.: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Drop fix-meson-i18n.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Rename 283.patch to the name of final commit id
+  afa7e4bb9c519e2daf500a6079088669500768c0.patch.
+- Add 283.patch: Fix build with meson 0.60.0 and newer.
+- Renumber SLE/LEAP only patches to 1000+ range, make the
+  separation of appliance more clear.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Color: Night light color temperature fixes.
+  + Media-keys:
+  - Remove GNOME-specific MediaKeys API.
+  - Multiple MPRIS fixes.
+  + Power: Do not print an error for failures from realpath.
+  + XSettings: Support new "high-contrast" setting.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.2:
+  + Fix performance degradation due to repeated signal leak
+  + Optimize application search
+  + Fix on-screen keyboard backspace getting stuck
+  + Fix arrow navigation in search results
+  + Support async code in Eval() D-Bus method
+  + Fix sliders not requesting any size
+  + Only show prefs dialog after the extension has been loaded
+  + Improve high-contrast styling
+  + Fix mapping of tablet rings/strips
+  + Add support for "version-name" field in extension metainfo
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + Fix scroll handling on sliders
+  + overview: Handle unredirection as part of the state transition
+  + Handle DESKTOP windows during workspace animations
+  + Fix unexpected focus changes with multi-window apps
+  + Improve recording indicator in light style
+  + Fix calendar popup shrinking on date changes
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0+20:
+  + workspaceAnimation: Handle DESKTOP windows
+  + st/scroll-view: Use clutter_actor_get_effect() to get fade effect
+  + overview: Handle unredirection in OverviewShown state machine
+  + status/system: Use Intl to format battery percentage
+  + slider:
+  - Ignore left/right scroll directions
+  - Fix check for emulated scroll events
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add gnome-shell_nb_fix_trans.patch: Fix typo in translation
+  breaking gnome-shell calendar overview.
+- Rebase patches for SLE-15-SP6 (bsc#1216072):
+  + Rebase endSession-dialog-update-time-label-every-sec.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-disable-ibus-when-not-installed.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-domain.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-exit-crash-workaround.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-fate324570-Make-GDM-background-image-configurable.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-gdm-login-applet.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-jsc#SLE-16051-Input-method-recommendation.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-jscSLE9267-Remove-sessionList-of-endSessionDialog.patch
+  + Rebase gnome-shell-screen-disappear.patch
+  + Remove aboutMenu.js
+- Add gnome-shell-add-linkoption-dl.patch on SLE and Leap: the -ldl
+  option to build gnome-shell main programme is needed because an
+  upstream fix. This option needs explicitly given on current SLE
+  build environment. See:
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Fix exposing window previews on lock screen via keyboard
+    shortcuts
+  + Improve handling of latched vs. locked modes in OSK
+  + Fix regression in workspace state tracking
+  + Update extensions immediately on startup after major upgrades
+  + Reverse slider direction in RTL locales
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups (CVE-2023-43090).
+  + Updated translations.
+- Change compression of tarball in service and spec to zst from xz.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Allow notification dismissal with backspace
+  + Add workspace indicators in activities button
+  + Add extension hook to add quick settings items
+  + Fix legibility issue in calendar
+  + Fix three-finger swipes on touchscreens
+  + Add more options to `gnome-extensions create`
+  + Fix scrolling regression in ScrollView
+  + Fix broken workspace animation with swipe gesture
+  + Restore focus indication in system entries
+  + Use UUID as fallback extension gettext domain
+  + Reflect core app change in default "Utilities" folder
+  + Support OWE networks in status menu
+  + Show immediate feedback when toggling bluetooth
+  + Switch workspaces when scrolling over activities button
+  + Wrap around when navigating menus with arrow keys
+  + Fix background apps menu showing up empty
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta.1:
+  + Fix input handling in alt-tab and several other components
+  + Fix screenshot tool
+  + Export notification source classes for extensions
+  + Finishing ESM porting touches
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Load extensions as modules
+  + Run "perf" tests as external scripts
+  + Remove toLocaleFormat() from date
+  + Use Tecla for keyboard layout previews
+  + Fix accessibility of quick settings sliders
+  + Port to EcmaScript modules
+  + Overhaul ExtensionUtils API for modules
+  + Add a camera indicator
+  + Add keyboard backlight quick toggle
+  + Hide popup menu ornaments by default
+  + Improve light style variant
+  + Add InjectionManager convenience API for extensions
+  + Use per-direction labels on ring/strip tablet actions
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add TelepathyGlib to global typelibs exclude.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Improve background apps menu
+  + Complete GTK4 port
+  + Use user-defined names in bluetooth menu
+  + Improve the built-in screen recorder
+  + Remove the app menu
+  + Fix stuck authentication dialog in remote sessions
+  + Provide generated toolbox images for development
+  + Fix glitches in calendar when using large-text option
+  + Use icons for ornaments in popup menus
+  + Improve calendar styling
+  + Fix IM popup getting stuck on engine changes
+  + Support color-scheme setting for default stylesheet
+  + Remove Soup2 support
+  + Expose public functions for search provider registration
+  + Updated translations.
+- Bump mutter_api 13 and mutter_req 45.alpha following upstream
+  changes.
+- Update to version 44.4:
+  + Fix accessibility of quick settings sliders.
+  + Allow notification dismissal with backspace.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.3:
+  + Fix cursor offset when using magnifier.
+  + Fix missing workspace borders after wallpaper changes.
+  + Revert screencast optimization that results in bogus windows.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Improve built-in screen recorder
+  + Use user-defined names in bluetooth menu
+  + Fix stuck authentication dialog in remote sessions
+  + Fix glitches in calendar when using large-text option
+  + Fix IM popup getting stuck on engine changes
+  + Fixed crash
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Add section title in background apps menu.
+  + Fix visibility of xembed icons.
+  + Fix placeholder alignment in bluetooth menu.
+  + Fix recording screenshots in recent items.
+  + Fix reloading extensions on version-validation changes.
+  + Fix force-enabling animations at runtime.
+  + Fix stuck session after logout dialog timeout.
+  + Fix window screenshots with pointer.
+  + Only show network subtitles if they don't match the title.
+  + Fix constructing QuickMenuToggles with icon-name.
+  + Fix accessible names in VPN menu.
+  + Don't fail extracting extensions without schemas.
+  + Fixes and improvements to the light theme variant.
+  + Improve accessible name of wireless menu items.
+  + Use consistent naming for "Power Mode" toggle.
+  + Fix support for transparent colors in symbolic SVGs.
+  + Fix notifications getting stuck indefinitely.
+  + Fix keynav of menu-less buttons.
+  + Fix corner cases when matching apps on StartupWmClass.
+  + Fix occasional misalignment of search results.
+  + Fix regression in content-type sniffing on autorun.
+  + Fix building API documentation.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Enable gtk_doc passed to meson again, build the docs.
+- Move file wrongly placed in the split out gnome-extensions
+  sub-package. There is the gui app and there is the commandline
+  binary. These two are destinct from one another.
+- Mark patch that needs rebase correctly.
+- Update gnome-shell-private-connection.patch: (bsc#1209373)
+- Update to version 44.0+42:
+  + appFavorite:
+  - Add missing .desktop extension for simplescan
+  - Rename simple-scan.desktop
+  + style: Light variant fixes and accommodations
+  + extensionDownloader: Check schemadir existence and type
+  + status/network: Fix a11y names for VPN connection menu items
+  + quickSettings: Fix icon-name construct property in menu toggles
+  + screenshot: Fix broken GLib.Error.matches call
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0+28:
+  + status/network: Generalize code to hide subtitle
+  + screenshot: Get cursor texture from window
+  + st/icon-theme: Disconnect from settings signals on disposal
+  + workspacesView: Update visibility after updating workspaces
+  + screenshot: Use meta_window_has_pointer () for pointer check
+  + main:
+  - Add missing newlines
+  - Fix syncing animations-enabled
+  + style: Reduce padding between quick menu toggle text and
+    separator
+  + modalDialog: Fix fading out dialog
+  + endSessionDialog: Catch async errors
+  + tests:
+  - Add default test setup with common env settings
+  + extension-tool: Set reminder for removing old compat code
+  + Updated translations.
+- Move patch to SLE only patches:
+  + gnome-shell-jscSLE9267-Remove-sessionList-of-endSessionDialog.patch
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add Soup to global Requires exclude, and add a manual
+  typelib(Soup) = 3.0 Requires. Only require 3.0, before we got a
+  dependency on Soup 2.4 as well.
+- Add St, Cogl and Clutter typelibs to global Requires exclude
+  aswell. These typelibs are provided by multiple packages, but
+  currently gnome-shell gets these provided by itself or mutter.
+  We already have an explicit mutter requires in place so no more
+  changes are needed for now from our end.
+- Drop explicit typelib(Rsvg) Requires, no longer needed.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Unmute to default volume when slider was at 0
+  + Fix missing battery percentage in the top bar
+  + Fix unexpected focus order after activating apps
+  + Stop using GTK for systray support
+  + Expose GtkIconTheme replacement to extensions
+  + Disallow using (most of) GTK in the compositor process
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with
+  pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4) BuildRequires following upstream
+  changes.
+- Temp disable gtk-doc, fails build atm.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Fix screencast UI being erroneously disabled
+  + Fix unresponsive screen area when quick settings are opened
+  + Ensure completions are disabled when hiding on-screen keyboard
+  + Fix missing name in wired network quick settings button
+  + Properly apply saved shortcuts inhibition permissions
+  + Don't let wayland popovers block overview
+  + Improve high contrast styling
+  + Open correct Settings panel from on-screen keyboard menu
+  + Test running gnome-shell in CI
+  + Do not use symbolic app icons for High Contrast
+  + Prepare extension loading for ESM
+  + Fix input source switching with focus on password entry
+  + Ensure quick settings toggles align with the pixel grid
+  + Lower OOM score of gnome-shell process
+  + Polish page switching behavior during DND in app grid
+  + Tweak lock- and login screen styling
+  + Consistently link to Settings from menus
+  + Make it easier for extensions to add a credential manager
+  + Fix mount operation dialog when Disks is not available
+  + Refine quick settings
+  + Mute/unmute volume when clicking slider icon
+  + Add device menu to Bluetooth quick settings
+  + Expose list of background apps in quick settings
+  + Compile extension GSettings after install
+  + Fixed crash
+  + Plugged memory leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libmutter-11), pkgconfig(mutter-clutter-11),
+  pkgconfig(mutter-cogl-11) and pkgconfig(mutter-cogl-pango-11)
+  with a new mutter_api define and set it to 12. Also add a new
+  mutter_req define and set it to 44.beta. Make future versionbumps
+  more practical.
+- Rebase patches with quilt. Disable
+  gnome-shell-exit-crash-workaround.patch for now, should no longer
+  be needed + Not sure I trust the rebase quilt did.
+- Drop gnome-shell-main-Leak-the-GJS-context-and-ShellGlobal.patch:
+  Fixed upstream.
+- Add a glob to typelib exclude.
+- Update to version 43.3:
+  + Ensure quick settings toggles align with the pixel grid
+  + Lower OOM score of gnome-shell process
+  + Fix incomplete device list in volume menus
+  + Fixed crash
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
-- Add gnome-shell-Pass-cancellable-when-querying-file-info.patch:
-  Pass cancellable when querying file info
-  (bsc#1205518 glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell!2268)
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Fix screencast UI being erroneously disabled.
+  + Properly apply saved shortcuts inhibition permissions.
+  + Fix IM candidate popup getting closed when switching pages.
+  + Fix unresponsive screen area when quick settings are opened.
+  + Ensure completions are disabled when hiding on-screen keyboard.
+  + Fix missing name in wired network quick settings button.
+  + Don't let wayland popovers block overview.
+  + Fix repeated entries in volume device menu.
+  + Fix input source switching with focus on password entry.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
-  Leak the GJS context and ShellGlobal (bsc#1205518)
+  Leak the GJS context and ShellGlobal, the patch is from
+  (bsc#1205518)
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Fix default keyboard layout during initial setup.
+  + Show Bluetooth switch in more cases.
+  + Include origin in sound device switcher.
+  + Fix remembering inhibit-shortcut permission for multiple apps.
+  + Forward TERMINAL input purpose to ibus.
+  + Fix style glitches.
+  + Fix tracking of newly installed apps.
+  + Fix space key getting stuck in on-screen keyboard.
+  + Fix showing passwords as on-screen keyboard suggestions.
+  + Fix network portal regression.
+  + Fix possible freeze during initialization.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
-- Update to version 41.9:
-  + Fix logging in with realmd [Alessandro; !2404]
-  + Allow extension updates with only Extension Manager installed [Matthew; !2358]
-  + Plugged leak [Sebastian; !2367]
-  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Alessandro, Florian; !2402, !2412, !2411,
-    !2351, !2372, !2350, !2326, !2413]
-- Update to version 41.8.1
-  + Fix regression in ibus support [Florian; !2359]
-  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Florian; !2293]
-- Update to version 41.8:
-  + Fix feedback when turning on a11y features by keyboard [Olivier; !2334]
-  + Only close messages via delete key if they can be closed [PhilProg; !2323]
-  + Do not create systemd scope for D-Bus activated apps [msizanoen1; !2305]
-  + Hide overview after 'Show Details' from app context menu [PhilProg; !2329]
-  + Respect IM hint for candidates list in on-screen keyboard [Carlos; !2347]
-  + Fix edge case where windows stay dimmed after a modal is closed [Jonas; !2349]
-  + Improve Belgian on-screen keyboard layout [Evert; !2336]
-  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Florian, Sebastian; !2078, !2319, !2355]
-- Update to version 41.7:
-  + Misc. bug fixes [Florian, Jonas; !2295, !2296, !2306]
-  + Fix focus tracking in magnifier on wayland [Sebastian; !2301]
-- Update to version 41.6:
-  + Handle monitor changes during startup animation [13r0ck; !2144]
-  + Fix fractional timezone offsets in world clock [Raghuveer; !2255]
-  + calendar: Fix alignment of world clocks header in RTL [Yosef; !2240]
-  + Make sure startup animation completes [Florian; !2269]
-  + Allow more intermediate icon sizes in app grid [Sebastian; !2289]
-  + Plugged memory leak [Sebastian; !2256]
-  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Georges, Florian, Simon, Jonas, Sebastian;
-    !2262, !2257, !2252, !2272, !2275, !2285, !2286]
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Fix rebooting into boot loader menu.
+  + Improve entry legibility in GNOME Classic.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Pass -Dtests=false to meson: we build mutter without installed
+  tests and thus do not have the deps available for this.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Tweak quick settings appearance
+  + Use NM connectivity check URI for portal helper
+  + Only show "Night Light" toggle when supported
+  + Fix accessibility of quick settings sliders
+  + Use more unambiguous icons in on-screen keyboard
+  + Add screenshot item to quick settings
+  + Fix entering extended characters from on-screen keyboard
+  + Prevent SignalTracker from leaking objects
+  + Fix turning off VPN in quick settings
+  + Fix initial selection in switch-monitor popup on desktop
+  + Improve handling of recurring events
+  + Indicate transitional states in bluetooth quick toggle
+  + Work around pipewire regression for screencasts
+  + Plugged memory leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires: gnome-shell already supports soup3.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Allow extension updates with only Extension Manager installed
+  + Use new About window in Extensions app
+  + Stop auto-dismissing notifications on focus changes
+  + Tweak access portal dialog
+  + Add device switcher to volume sliders
+  + Replace combined system menu with quick settings
+  + Use the same format in screencast and screenshot file names
+  + Only load extensions that support the current session mode
+  + Improve overview animation performance
+  + Port to gcr4
+  + Fix logging in with realmd
+  + Optimize workspace background shadow
+  + Improve app grid navigation
+  + Improve on-screen keyboard
+  - Delete multiple characters and words when holding backspace
+  - Provide word suggestions when using plan keyboard layouts
+  - Use extended layout when TERMINAL hint is set
+  + Fix remembering set up bluetooth devices
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gcr-base-3) with pkgconfig(gcr-4) BuildRequires
+  following upstreams port.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Add convenience property for icon-only buttons.
+  + Align space-padded times in world clock.
+  + Fix top bar menus on lock screen.
+  + Show wireguard connects in VPN list.
+  + Fix on-screen keyboard gestures.
+  + Fix focus tracking in magnifier on wayland.
+  + Fix OSD colors with light stylesheet.
+  + Only close messages via delete key if they can be closed.
+  + Fix screenshots when XDG directories are disabled.
+  + Do not create systemd scope for D-Bus activated apps.
+  + Improve high-contrast stylesheet.
+  + Hide overview after 'Show Details' from app context menu.
+  + Fix feedback when turning on a11y features by keyboard.
+  + Fix stylesheet papercuts.
+  + Use libsoup 3.0 by default.
+  + Indicate selected language in on-screen keyboard menu.
+  + Respect IM hint for candidates list in on-screen keyboard.
+  + Fix edge case where windows stay dimmed after a modal is
+    closed.
+  + Improve Belgian on-screen keyboard layout.
+  + Fix fallback ibus-daemon launching.
+  + Make sure screenshot UI opens above dialogs.
+  + Use EventEmitter class instead of injecting Signal methods.
+  + Plugged leak.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Update to version 42.4:
+  + Fix adding suggestions from on-screen keyboard
+  + Allow extension updates with only Extension Manager installed
+  + Only load extensions that support the current session mode
+  + Fix logging in with realmd
+  + Tweak access portal dialog
+  + Improve overview animation performance
+  + Fix remembering set up bluetooth devices
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.3.1:
+  + Fix regression in ibus support.
+  + Make sure screenshot UI opens above dialogs.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Changes from version 42.3:
+  + Fix feedback when turning on a11y features by keyboard.
+  + Fix OSD colors with light stylesheet.
+  + Only close messages via delete key if they can be closed.
+  + Fix screenshots when XDG directories are disabled.
+  + Do not create systemd scope for D-Bus activated apps.
+  + Improve high-contrast stylesheet.
+  + Hide overview after 'Show Details' from app context menu.
+  + Fix stylesheet papercuts.
+  + Respect IM hint for candidates list in on-screen keyboard.
+  + Fix edge case where windows stay dimmed after a modal is
+    closed.
+  + Improve Belgian on-screen keyboard layout.
+  + Fix fallback ibus-daemon launching.
+  + Misc. bug fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Align space-padded times in world clocks.
+  + Fix top bar menus on lock screen.
+  + Fix on-screen keyboard gestures.
+  + Fix focus tracking in magnifier on wayland.
+  + Misc. bug fixes.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Limit unfullscreen gesture to not interfere with overview.
+  + Properly hide the second (real) cursor when magnified.
+  + Fix various style glitches.
+  + Fix creating default application folders.
+  + Fix switching monitor configuration.
+  + Add Home/End keynav in app grid.
+  + Handle monitor changes during startup animation.
+  + Fix fractional timezone offsets in world clock.
+  + Default to right text-align in RTL locales.
+  + calendar: Fix alignment of world clocks header in RTL.
+  + Rely on symbolic icons instead of 'HighContrast' icon theme.
+  + Fix moving windows from secondary monitor to non-active workspace.
+  + Make sure startup animation completes.
+  + Fix Swiss on-screen keyboard layouts.
+  + Add Austrian-German on-screen keyboard layout.
+  + Fix on-screen keyboard in modal dialogs and lock screen.
+  + Fix menus in pad OSD.
+  + Sync default colors with libadwaita.
+  + Fix grab regressions when entering overview.
+  + Scale calendar with text size.
+  + Allow more intermediate icon sizes in app grid.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Plugged memory leak.
+- Remove merged upstream:
+  + gnome-shell-42.0-fix-switching-configuration.patch
+  + gnome-shell-Pass-cancellable-when-querying-file-info.patch
+- Add gnome-shell-42.0-fix-switching-configuration.patch: Fix
+  monitor switching configuration (glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell#5217).
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + introspect: Add WindowsChanged signal.
+  + Fix on-screen keyboard during grabs.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Updated translations.
-- Update to version 41.5:
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Fix overview DND during screencasts.
+  + Fix taking screenshots with shift+PrntScrn.
+  + Switch workspaces with Home and End keys in overview.
+  + Fix regressions from style refresh.
+  + Show disabled icons in system menu when devices are disabled.
+  + Fix inserting items from object inspector in looking glass.
+  + Simplify signal handling with (dis)connectObject() convenience
+    methods.
+  + Ensure remote access indicator is shown for a minimum time.
+  + Ignore work area in overview layout.
-  + Fix unresponsive top bar in overview when in fullscreen.
+- Update patches with quilt.
+- Update to version 42.beta+40:
+  * overview: Don't expect time argument from drag-end signal
+  * workspaceAnimation: Fix warning on restacking
+  * cleanup:
+  - Use new indentation style for object literals
+  - Use new indentation style for arrays
+  - Stop using string concatenation
+  * status/network:
+  - Show disabled icon when bluetooth cellular is disabled
+  - Show vpn-disabled icon when vpn is disabled
+  - Show cellular-disabled icon when cellular is disabled
+  * status/bluetooth: Show bluetooth-disabled icon when disabled
+  * Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Add Swiss French and Swiss German OSK layouts
+  + Add switches for debug flags to looking glass
+  + Support auth lists on the login screen
+  + Overhaul shell stylesheet
+  + Fix timing issue on login screen
+  + Fix activating apps with tracked OR windows
+  + Fix banding issues with the vignette lightbox shader
+  + Implement in-shell screenshot and screencast UI
+  + Fix keyboard navigation to windows/apps in overview
+  + Adjust to Clutter grab API changes
+  + Fix stuck transition when using super-scroll gesture
+  + Support the new 'high-contrast' setting
+  + Remove rounded top bar corners
+  + Fix calendar events with custom timezone
+  + Support dark wallpapers
+  + Improve terminology for pinning icons to dash
+  + Use libadwaita for extension preferences
+  + Fix out-of-sync location indicator
+  + Fade screen when switching between dark/light mode
+  + Improve presentation of multi-day events in calendar
+  + Implement Extensions redesign
+  + Implement OSD redesign
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gnome-bluetooth-1.0) with
+  pkgconfig(gnome-bluetooth-3.0) BuildRequires following upstreams
+  port.
+- Move patches from openSUSE to SLE/Leap only status:
+  + gnome-shell-disable-ibus-when-not-installed.patch
+  + gnome-shell-fate324570-Make-GDM-background-image-configurable.patch
+  + gnome-shell-jsc#SLE-16051-Input-method-recommendation.patch
+- Drop 2078.patch: Not needed for 42.alpha.
-- Drop 2078.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Add gnome-shell-Pass-cancellable-when-querying-file-info.patch:
+  Pass cancellable when querying file info
+  (bsc#1205518 glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell!2268)
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Fix icon updates while hidden.
+  + Fix erratic scrolling in GTK apps.
+  + Fix GTK color picker support.
+  + Fix sound-file support in notifications.
+  + Fix high-contrast switches.
+  + Allow extensions to opt-in to running on lock/login screen.
+  + magnifier: Avoid offscreen rendering if possible.
+  + Warn when unsafe-mode is toggled.
+  + Improve handling of all-day/zero-length events in calendar.
+  + Keep keyboard focus in notification list after deleting
+    message.
+  + switchMonitor: Don't include builtin/external modes on
+    desktops.
+  + Fix wrongly rejected D-Bus calls after gnome-shell restarts.
+  + Improve window tracking.
+  + Simplify scroll fade shader to work with old hardware.
+  + Tweak (un)minimize animations.
+  + Properly handle markup when highlighting search terms.
+  + Don't wake up screen in DND mode.
+  + Port to GWeather 4.0.
+  + extensions-app: Use libadwaita.
+  + Fix immediately withdrawn notifications getting stuck.
+  + Honor XDG SingleMainWindow key in .desktop files.
+  + Opt-in to unique GType names in extension prefs.
+  + Don't terminate remote sessions in headless mode.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.2:
+  + window-list:
+  - Fix buttons not being clickable at the screen edge
+  - Really fix initial preview visibility
+  + workspace-indicator: Really fix initial preview visibility
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + workspace-indicator: Fix initial preview visibility
+  + screenshot-window-sizer: Fix cycling between sizes backwards
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons Requires from the
+  gnome-shell-classic package, and add a Obsoletes. Upstream have
+  stagnated since two releases back, and does currently not work.
+- Fix a typo in an old Obsoletes.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Disable gnome-shell-add-app-to-desktop.patch for now: patch needs
+  to be rebased.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Port extensions to ESM
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + window-list: Modernize default styling
+  + Replace classic styling with built-in light style
+  + window-list: Add tooltip for long window titles
+  + light-style: New extension
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Version bump only.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Tweak menu alignment.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase gnome-shell-add-app-to-desktop.patch.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + screenshot-window-sizer: Fix reported sizes on wayland.
+  + window-list: Improve touch support.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + native-window-placement: Adjust to gnome-shell 42 changes.
+  + window-list: Fix visibility on non-primary monitors.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Deprecate SLE-Classic in GNOME 42:
+  + Drop
+  + Drop gse-sle-classic-ext.patch
+  + Drop sle-classic.desktop
+  + Drop sle-classic.json
+  + Drop
+    SLE-Classic is not compatible with GNOME 42 which makes this mode
+    not usable. After careful consideration, we decide to deprecate
+    SLE-Classic in GNOME 42, please find the reason in (boo#1197907).
+  + Drop gnome-shell-extensions-restore-classic-css.patch
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Disable gse-sle-classic-ext.patch: Fails to apply. This means
+  disabling sle classic desktop variant too.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + workspace-indicator: Fix cancelling editing with Esc
+  + window-list: Update window tracking to avoid missing icons
+  + Use libadwaita for preferences
+  + Adapt to Clutter grab API changes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Drop cdaa837d48894737ca0b4e7d2dfb365119e53759.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Rebase cdaa837d48894737ca0b4e7d2dfb365119e53759.patch: Use
+  upstream commit.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0.2:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0.1:
+  + GTK4 port preparations.
+  + Remove visible property from window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Fixed dconf error handling.
+  + Avoid network spike when monitored interfaces change.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Settings write should be async and delayed.
+  + Use Terminate instead of End process.
+  + Make affinity strings translatable.
+  + Fixed gschema descriptions to match column names.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Add placeholder text to the search entry
+  + Remove unused ctime_r check
+  + Don't move main window to left/top screen on start on
+    multi-screen
+  + Use action-name properties
+  + Fixed issue with displaying wrong icon proceeding process name
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Code improvements
+  + Fixed help overlay shortcuts
+  + Use WMClass for application
+  + Don't reset the graph when toggling smooth draw
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Updated screenshots.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 42.beta:
+  + Update libhandy subproject base branch from master to main.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Opt in to libhandy dark style preference.
+  + Improved alignment with more than 10 cores.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add gnome-themes-locale-directory.patch: ensure translations are
+  installed to /usr/share/locale.Upstream is basically dead, but
+  the fix is simple enough to let the package live on a bit longer.
-- Update to version 3.0.0:
-  + No code changes, just bumping to 3.0.0 for posterity.
-- Changes from version 2.91.91:
-  + Add notice of impending obsoletion to README file.
-  + Updated translations.
-- Changes from version 2.91.90:
-  + Updated translations.
-- Changes from version 2.91.5:
-  + Updated translations.
-- Changes from version 2.91.2:
-  + Switch to GTK+ 3.0
-  + Updated translations.
-- Add gnome-themes-disable-engine-test.patch: do not rely on
-  obsolete gtk-engines-3.pc for build.
-- Add gtk3-devel to BuildRequires and remove gtk2-devel and
-  gtk2-engines-devel.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + This release removes several features now found in GNOME
+    Settings. There are also some small interface refreshments in
+    preparation for the GTK4 upgrade. More significantly, the core
+    interface has been refactored to use layout files.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch compression to zst both in service and tarball produced.
+- Update to version 42.beta+60:
+  + Removed libsoup mention.
+  + data: Remove extension mentions.
+  + appdata: Remove GNOME 3 mention.
+  + Remove deprecated option for separate Lock screen wallpaper.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit commit id.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + GNOME Tweaks 42 focuses on removing tweaks which are now
+    duplicated by Settings. Additionally, Tweaks 42 marks the GTK
+    theme tweak as "Legacy". In GNOME 42, the "Legacy Applications"
+    setting will only apply to some GTK3 apps and a limited set of
+    GTK4 apps. Most core GNOME apps will instead respect the user's
+    dark and light mode preference via libadwaita. Users interested
+    in theming can continue to do so using more advanced options
+    such as the GTK_THEME environment variable.
+- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 40.10:
+  + Fix for the broken GNOME Extensions link.
+  + Fix build with meson 0.60 and newer.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 86.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 86.patch: Fix build with meson 0.60.0 and newer.
+- Update to version 43.0+11:
+  * DOAP: Fix 'bug-database' value to point to GNOME GitLab Issues
+  * Updated translations.
+- Update URL to new home.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Remove Nautilus extension.
+  + Fix build with meson 0.61 and newer.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-user-share-fix-meson-0_61_0.patch fixed upstream.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) and pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
+  BuildRequires: No longer needed as nautilus extension was removed
+  upstream.
+- Drop obsolete glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro.
+- Update to version 3.34.0+25:
+  + build: correct gio_unix_dep use.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to gitcheckout via source service, upstream is not making
+  releases, and we want the translations.
+- Add gnome-user-share-fix-meson-0_61_0.patch: Fix build with meson
+  0.61.0 and newer.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and its macro, no longer
+  needed.
+- Stop removing non-existant la files, not built since the switch
+  to meson buildsystem.
+- Update to version 0.6.0:
+  + Fix flip effect with recent gstreamer.
+  + Add new scanlines effect using frei0r.
+  + Various meson build fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop gnome-video-effects-meson-pkgconfig-fix.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + The "Feels Like" temperature label is now hidden when it
+    matches the actual temperature.
+  + By default the window is now large enough to see the
+    thermometer widgets in the Daily view.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + The "Feels Like" temperature label is now hidden when it
+    matches the actual temperature
+  + By default the window is now large enough to see the
+    thermometer widgets in the Daily view
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add gnome-weather-BackgroundService-service-fails-to-start.patch:
+  org.gnome.Weather.BackgroundService fails to start
+  (bsc#1209391 glgo#GNOME/gnome-weather!132).
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Weather 44.0 comes with a slight UI refresh, featuring flat
+    headers that give the app a unified look, and a smooth
+    temperature graph.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Slight UI referesh, featuring flat headers that give the app a
+    unified look.
+  + The temperature graph now uses a smooth line instead of jagged
+    lines.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + The thermometer widget in the daily view has received a round
+    of polish, with temperature labels sticking to the thermometer
+    as it scales.
+  + The temperature choice in the primary menu is now at the top
+    level.
+  + Views now transitions smoothly with a crossfade.
+  + We use a new adaptive About window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + GNOME Weather 43.alpha polishes the thermometer widget in the
+    daily view, refreshes the primary menu, uses smooth transitions
+    between views, and makes use of a new adaptive About window.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + New thermometer widget.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update URL tag to
+ new GNOME Weather's
+  web home.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Fix position of "Now" in hourly forecast.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Port to GTK4 and libadwaita
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace the following BuildRequires:
+  + pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + pkgconfig(gweather-3.0) with pkgconfig(gweather4)
+  + pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+- Drop 4be71525f07189e97720688472172604879d49a5.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add 4be71525f07189e97720688472172604879d49a5.patch: Fix build
+  with meson 0.61 and newer.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro, no longer
+  needed.
+- Add appstream-glib and desktop-file-utils BuildRequires, verify
+  desktop file and metainfo during meson_test macro run.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Show current temperature in the forecast chart.
+  + Opt in to libhandy dark style preference.
+  + Add new Thermometer widget.
+  + Use location portal to access location.
+  + Fix hourly graph shifted to the left by one day.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to 5.5
+  + Bugfixes
+  + [import-main-matcher.cpp] After clicking/toggling A/U+C/C checkbox,
+    reselect the row because it'll be much faster to use keyboard navigation --
+    use up/down/left/right to target desired checkbox, hit <down> <space>
+    repeatedly to repeat the same action over several consecutive rows.
+  + Implement support for !Type:Prices records in the QIF importer.
+  + Modernize construction of GObjects using G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE,
+    G_DECLARE_FINAL, etc.
+  + Fix yet more leaks.
+  + [DBI backend] Change DBI test URLs to environment variables from cmake
+    configuration definitions.
+  + Restore the Stock Transaction Assistant to full operation.
+  + Fix the Fancy Date file property so that it saves.
+  + Fix formatting error in po files project-id line.
+  + [] Overwrite an existing file instead of crashing.
+  + Update github action package versions.
+  + Add parsing mixed number and fraction (e.g. 10 1/2) to the gnc_numeric
+    string constructor.
+  + Bump minimum cmake version to 3.14 and drop some conditionals for older
+    versions
+  + Major speedup in the SQLBackend by replacing C++ exceptions with
+    std::optional for null values.
+  + Refresh the GUI on completion of the import matcher so that the imports are
+    immediately reflected in the register.
+  + Improve online quote retrieval error reporting.
+  + Test loading and saving XML files with and without compression
+  + [import-main-matcher] always defer_bal_computation during import to speed
+    up both importing new transactions, and destroying existing ones.
+  + GncGtkListUIItem::set_option_from_ui_item: Iterate over selected items
+    Instead of all possible items.
+  + Convert gnc-ofx-import.c, import-parse.c, import-utilities.c,
+    import-format-dialog.c, import-account-matcher.c, import-commodity-matcher.c,
+    import-settings.c, import-pending-matches.c, import-match-picker.c,
+    import-main-matcher.c, and gnc-pricedb.c to .cpp
+  + By default, filter out online_wiggle in test-gnc-quotes. Running
+    ./bin/test-gnc-quotes from the command line will still include online_wiggle
+  + Replace yahoo_json with alphavantage in test-gnc-quotes. yahoo_json is too
+    unstable.
+  + Include timezone in price-quote date diagnostic messages.
+- Disable the python bindings on Leap since it requires python 3.8 ( )
+- Add a dependency on libicu-devel to fix the build on Leap
+- Update to 5.4
+  + Bugfixes
+  + [import-main-matcher.cpp] After clicking/toggling A/U+C/C
+    checkbox, reselect the row because it'll be much faster to use
+    keyboard navigation -- use up/down/left/right to target desired
+    checkbox, hit <down> <space> repeatedly to repeat the same action
+    over several consecutive rows.
+  + Implement support for !Type:Prices records in the QIF importer.
+  + Modernize construction of GObjects using G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE,
+    G_DECLARE_FINAL, etc.
+  + Fix yet more leaks.
+  + [DBI backend] Change DBI test URLs to environment variables
+    from cmake configuration definitions.
+  + Restore the Stock Transaction Assistant to full operation.
+  + Fix the Fancy Date file property so that it saves.
+  + Fix formatting error in po files project-id line.
+  + [] Overwrite an existing file instead
+    of crashing.
+  + Update github action package versions.
+  + Add parsing mixed number and fraction (e.g. 10 1/2) to the
+    gnc_numeric string constructor.
+  + Bump minimum cmake version to 3.14 and drop some conditionals
+    for older versions
+  + Major speedup in the SQLBackend by replacing C++ exceptions
+    with std::optional for null values.
+  + Refresh the GUI on completion of the import matcher so that
+    the imports are immediately reflected in the register.
+  + Improve online quote retrieval error reporting.  Test loading
+    and saving XML files with and without compression
+  + [import-main-matcher] always defer_bal_computation during
+    import to speed up both importing new transactions, and
+    destroying existing ones.
+  + GncGtkListUIItem::set_option_from_ui_item: Iterate over
+    selected items Instead of all possible items.
+  + Convert gnc-ofx-import.c, import-parse.c, import-utilities.c,
+    import-format-dialog.c, import-account-matcher.c,
+    import-commodity-matcher.c, import-settings.c,
+    import-pending-matches.c, import-match-picker.c,
+    import-main-matcher.c, and gnc-pricedb.c to .cpp
+  + By default, filter out online_wiggle in test-gnc-quotes.
+    Running ./bin/test-gnc-quotes from the command line will still
+    include online_wiggle
+  + Replace yahoo_json with alphavantage in test-gnc-quotes.
+    yahoo_json is too unstable.
+  + Include timezone in price-quote date diagnostic messages.
+- use pkgconfig(icu-i18n) to select current icu (jsc#PED-6193)
+- gnustep-icu-truefalse.patch: NULL now not provided by icu includes
+- Update to version 1.78.1:
+  + Avoid undefined behaviour in the Regress test suite
+- Update to version 1.78.0:
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, and GIO
+  + Add GObject as a dependency for the Cairo GIR
+  + Add more tests for GI marshalling
+  + Update regression test suite
+  + Fix build on Windows for paths using '\' as a separator
+  + Support different prefix for finding GIR data
+  + Add GI_GIR_PATH environment variable for controlling GIR paths
+- Adapt split_name_version2 function to deal with possible argument
+  containing "pkg.require({" string before the wanted module name
+  (a case from a JS script from gnome-weather). This is a side
+  effect from the previous change to the pcre2grep regex in the
+  javascript_pkg_requires function. Now, AWK should strip this
+  string with the help of a sub() function call with the ^.*{
+  regex.
+- Amend's javascript_pkg_requires function to
+  extend GREP's filtering by passing the extended regex option flag
+  (-E) and appending ? to the first two single quotes, accounting
+  for quoted AND unquoted names before the colon. This should
+  ensure that typelib() symbols provisioning are versioned where in
+  some previous cases they weren't, but should've, causing a
+  different version than the needed to be pulled. Those changes
+  address the case where Sushi was requiring only
+  typelib(GtkSource), rather than typelib(GtkSource) = 4. And
+  without something else, in a default installation of openSUSE
+  Tumbleweed, pulling in typelib-1_0-GtkSource-4, Sushi would fail
+  to present previews in Nautilus (boo#1211546).
+- Run meson_test only on x86(_64) arches until upstream issue is
+  fixed.
+- Update to version 1.76.1:
+  + Handle null default values.
+  + Documentation fixes.
+- Update path regex used in gobjectintrospection.attr: the old one
+  was not sufficiently escaped, which resulted in many more files
+  being scanned than needed.
+- Update to version 1.76.0:
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib.
+  + Documentation fixes.
+- Update to version 1.75.6:
+  + Documentation fixes.
+  + Fix build when using GLib as a subproject.
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib.
+- Update to version 1.75.4:
+  + Brown-paper bag release to fix the GLib dependency.
+- Changes from version 1.75.2:
+  + Split 'disguised' attribute into two separate attributes.
+  + Add copy/free function annotations for plain-old data types.
+  + Include the default value of GObject properties in the GIR
+    data.
+  + Drop wrap files for recursive dependencies.
+  + Add more marshalling tests.
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO.
+- Switch to pcre2grep (pcre is dead upstream)
+- Update to version 1.74.0:
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO.
+- Update to version 1.73.1:
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO
+  + Disable rpath on Windows
+  + Add llvm/mingw support on Windows
+  + Fix annotations in libgirepository
+  + Support C99 designated initializers when parsing C declarations
+  + Add some more types to win32 GIR
+  + Let doctool prepend emitting objects in GJS signals
+  + Require a C99 toolchain like GLib
+- extend js script parser to detect imports in the
+  form import 'gi://GeocodeGlib?version=2.0'.
+- Update to version 1.73.0:
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO.
+  + scanner:
+  - Support pre-processor macros with zero arguments.
+  - Support ISO C varargs in macros.
+  + Fix subproject build.
+- Update to version 1.72.0:
+  + Add new utility API to libgirepository for bindings
+    implementing an argument cache.
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO.
+- Update to version 1.71.0:
+  + Create new API for libffi closures
+  + Treat @-prefixed shlib paths as absolute on macOS
+  + Add new `forever` scope
+  + Build fixes with newer Meson
+  + Improve regression test suite
+  + Avoid a segfault when using an invalid GType
+  + Build fixes on Windows when using g-i as a subproject
+  + Warn about property name collisions
+  + Add "strict" warnings to g-ir-scanner
+  + Add the "emitter" annotation for signal emitters
+  + Add a command line option to g-ir-scanner to specify the
+    compiler
+  + Add new convenience API to libgirepository
+  + Build fixes on Windows when using MSVC
+  + Documentation fixes
+  + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, and GIO
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 7c1178069f1c58a05ec56a94ca6ba124215a947b.patch
+  + effb1e09dee263cdac4ec593e8caf316e6f01fe2.patch
+  + 827494d6415b696a98fa195cbd883b50cc893bfc.patch
+- use bash for bash scripts (bsc#1195391)
+- Add upstream patches to fix build with meson 0.61.0 and newer:
+  + 7c1178069f1c58a05ec56a94ca6ba124215a947b.patch
+  + effb1e09dee263cdac4ec593e8caf316e6f01fe2.patch
+  + 827494d6415b696a98fa195cbd883b50cc893bfc.patch
+- Upgrade to upstream version 5.1.0
+  * Changes of 4.2:
+    + Java 9 and JPMS support
+    + Multibindings are now in the Guice core artifact.
+    The multibindings artifact is empty to prevent confusion
+    during upgrading and will be removed in a later release.
+    + Improve the performance of guice provisioning (by about 20%)
+    by changing the way errors are reported. Guice will no longer
+    report multiple errors during provisioning (Guice still
+    reports multiple errors during injector creation).
+    + Better error messages for a missing binding.
+    + Various optimizations.
+    + AbstractModule.configure() is non-abstract to allow modules
+    with only @Provides/@ProvidesIntoSet/... methods.
+    + Add a CheckedProviders class.
+    + Change the way Singletons work to not rely on ThreadLocals nor
+    WeakReferences.
+    + Add MapBinderBinding.getEntries(Iterable).
+    + Deprecate ProvisionListener.ProvisionInvocation
+    .getDependencyChain().
+    + Ensure that Struts interceptors are populated even if they are
+    created after the injector (Fixes #1081, #1075).
+    + Add support for multibindings with annotations in the Guice
+    DaggerMethodScanner.
+  * Changes of 4.2.1
+    + Java10 support (updated cglib & asm).
+    + Minor updates to the testlib extension.
+  * Changes of 4.2.2
+    + Java11 support (updated cglib & asm)
+  * Changes of 4.2.3
+    + Java14 support (updated asm).
+    + Added Injector.getElements API, to expose all Element SPI
+    types from the Injector.
+    + Added Injector.getAllMembersInjectorInjectionPoints API,
+    to expose injection points created by arbitrary members
+    injection.
+    + Added getAlternateKeys to Multibinder SPI types
+    (MultibinderBinding, MapBinderBinding, OptionalBinderBinding),
+    to explicitly list the other keys these bindings are
+    available as.
+    + Scan for (and bind) @Provides-like methods in a consistent
+    ordering, rather than relying on the non-deterministic
+    Class.getDeclaredMembers ordering.
+    + Update DaggerAdapter to work with newer dagger code.
+    + Fixed a subtle bug with eager singleton evaluation.
+    + Updated @RequestScope's scope annotation to the JSR330 @Scope,
+    so it can be reused by non-Guice DI systems.
+    + Clarified the error message when an injectable constructor is
+    missing.
+    + Add deprecated overloads to various Modules methods, to make
+    it clearer when calling them is unnecessary.
+    + Added factory methods to Modules for common Binder
+    configuration methods, to make it easier to configure them.
+  * Changes of 5.0.1:
+    + Added Java15 support (updated asm and bug fixes).
+    + Removed cglib as a core dependency. (#1359)
+    + Improved error messages.
+    + Improved support for using Guice with Kotlin.
+    + Added a mechanism to restrict who can bind types or
+    annotations, to allow library authors to control their
+    bindings.
+    + Removed no-aop build variant.
+    + Fixed 'illegal reflective access' warnings.
+  * Changes of 5.1.0:
+    + This minor release adds support for Java 17.
+- Removed patches:
+  * google-guice-throwingproviderbinder.patch
+  * guice-4.1-disabledextensions.patch
+  * guice-4.1-fixup-ant.patch
+  * guice-4.1-javadoc.patch
+- Fetch sources using source service, which allows us to clean up
+  the tarball if needed
+- Generate the ant build system using the maven pom files.
+- Update to version 1.10.8:
+  + ray:
+  - simplify NaN checking.
+  - Improve intersection
+  + Build fixes.
+  + SIMD:
+  - Make reciprocal operations 0-safe.
+  - Add simplified scalar reciprocal.
+  + tests:
+  - Fix installed introspection test.
+  - Add ray intersection unit.
+  + Fix detection of AArch64.
+  + Documentation fixes.
+- Update to version 0.3.16:
+  + Fix usage of depcreated GSimpleAsyncResult.
+  + Build updates. Meson requirement is now 0.62.
+  + Fix build on Darwin.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to soup3 again: Drop pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and enable
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires and pass soup3=true to
+  meson.
+- Add back pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and disable
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires, and pass soup3=false to
+  meson, grilo will not be ready to use new soup3 this cycle.
+- Update to version 0.3.15:
+  + Increase glib requirement to 2.66 so we can use GUri.
+  + net:
+  - Add libsoup3 support with compile-time option.
+  - Add documentation on throttling property in libsoup3.
+  + Build fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires, build with soup3 support.
+- Stop passing enable-gtk-doc=true to meson, it is the default
+  anyway.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- grub2.spec: Add ofnet to signed grub.elf to support powerpc net boot
+  installation when secure boot is enabled (bsc#1217761)
+- Improved check for disk device when looking for PReP partition
+  * 0004-Introduce-prep_load_env-command.patch
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Revert back to jpeg wallpapers
+  + Update focus-new-window description to new behavior
+  + Remove window shading
+  + Change default to not autostart software from media
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Build improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc.1:
+  + Update default background file extension to webp
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Add setting for touchpad acceleration profiles
+  + Add specific schema for trackpoint pointer devices
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Fix description of use-same-proxy setting.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Add setting to control privacy screen feature.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Add color scheme setting and high-contrast preference
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.12.2:
+  + Small code maintenance: don't use g_slice_*().
+- Update to version 1.12.1:
+  + Build: remove gtk-mac-integration dependency.
+  + Documentation improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Use autosetup and ldconfig_scriptlets macros.
+- Update to version 1.12.0:
+  + Use G_MODULE_EXPORT instead of the custom _GSPELL_EXTERN macro.
+  + Small maintenance tasks, some minor simplifications.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Conditionalize valgrind dependency, not available on all
+  architectures.
+- Update to version 1.11.1:
+  + Build: minor improvements, small change to how enum-types are
+    built.
+  + A few documentation improvements.
+- Update to version 1.6.3:
+  + Do not crash if socket receive fails
+  + Do not leak local address in SocketSource
+- Update license tag to LGPL-2.1-or-later.
+- Update to version 1.6.2:
+  + Propagate random port up to client, partial fix for GUPnP/81
+  + Add manpage for sniffer.
+- Pass manpages=false to meson, we do not have the needed pandoc
+  BuildRequires available for all arches/buildtargets.
+- Update to version 1.6.1:
+  + Potential fix for sending discovery responses with the wrong
+    location.
+  + Properly parse netlink messages in neighbour discovery.
+  + Do not leak the host mask if it was alreay provided on object
+    client creation.
+  + Fix install path for generated documentation.
+  + Fix warning message for link-local v4 addresses.
+- Update to version 1.6.0:
+  + Re-release of 1.5.2 as stable version. No functional changes.
+- Update to version 1.5.2:
+  + Enable global scope v6 addresses.
+  + Expose Client:address as proper property.
+  + Clean-up client properties, make some construct-only.
+  + Add new convenience constructors for client.
+- Changes from version 1.5.1:
+  + Clean-up debug output.
+  + Allow interface indexes up to MAXINT.
+- Disable meson_test macro for now, fails currently, but that is ok
+  as we are on the unstable branch.
+- Replace python3-gi-docgen with pkgconfig(gi-docgen)
+  BuildRequires, align with what meson checks for.
+- Drop unneeded and unused gtk-doc BuildRequires.
+- Package docs in default docdir ref openSUSE standard and split it
+  out in a doc subpackage.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 1.5.0:
+  + Switch to libsoup3.
+  + Bump API and ABI.
+  + Deprecate Client:msearch-port property for Client:port.
+- Bump soname and sover following upstream changes, also in
+  baselibs.conf
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Update to version 1.33.2
+  + Stop using anytree
+  + Python3 fixes for depscan
+- Update to version 1.33.1
+  + Build GObject scanner with asan
+  + Ignore deprecations in the GObject scanner
+  + Translation updates
+- Update to version 1.33.0
+  + Support documenting GTK actions
+  + Recognize GDK_DECLARE_ macros
+  + Better table styling in html output
+  + Use plain C types for basic types
+  + Translation updates
+- Build package using meson instead of autotools
+- Build -manual subpackage as noarch
+- Update to version 1.33.2
+  + Stop using anytree
+  + Python3 fixes for depscan
+- Update to version 1.33.1
+  + Build GObject scanner with asan
+  + Ignore deprecations in the GObject scanner
+  + Translation updates
+- Update to version 1.33.0
+  + Support documenting GTK actions
+  + Recognize GDK_DECLARE_ macros
+  + Better table styling in html output
+  + Use plain C types for basic types
+  + Translation updates
+- Build package using meson instead of autotools
+- Build -manual subpackage as noarch
-  + Fix invalid use of subprojects with meson
-  + Support ZRLE encoding for zero size alpha cursors
-  + Add 'check' arg to meson run_command()
+  + Fix invalid use of subprojects with meson.
+  + Support ZRLE encoding for zero size alpha cursors.
+  + Add 'check' arg to meson run_command().
+- Add gtk2-check-attribute.patch (bsc#1217622): check for attribute
+  availability before accessing it.
+  Starting from GLib 2.76, the standard attribute getters in the
+  GFileInfo object will warn if the attribute is unset, instead of
+  silently bailing out and returning a default value.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- avoid bashism in baselibs postscript (bsc#1195391)
+- Replace atk-devel with pkgconfig(atk): closer match what
+  configure checks for and, more importantly, don't care for atk.pc
+  moving to at-spi2-core.
+- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch.
+- Fix baselibs.conf: reference correct name of hcengine.
-- Create devel package so that users of the base package do not
-  need other development files installed.
-- Fix obsoletes to not self-obsolete the package.
+- Update to version 3.24.38+111:
+  + [gtk3] Support tiled windows from xdg-shell.
+  + Fix a minor issue in the file portal test.
+  + wayland: Be more careful when loading cursors.
+  + gdk/wayland: Use g_warning_once for cursor scale mismatches.
+  + gdk/wayland: Don't fall back directly to 1 for mismatched
+    cursor sizes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop upstream applied patch
+  gtk3-gtkmountoperation-avoid-SEGV-after-bad-password-inpu.patch
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Revert RPM ternary operations on SLE where rpm version is not
+  ready.
+- Use RPM ternary operations to specify true/false arguments based
+  on build conditions (%[%{with FOO} ? "true" : "false"])
+- Do not use %autopatch to build on SLE where rpm version is not
+  ready for the macro.
+- Update to version 3.24.38:
+  + GtkFileChooser: Avoid warnings with GLib 2.76.
+  + Theme: Set caret color in the dark theme.
+  + Windows: Fix running under GLES.
+  + Wayland:
+  - Notify on initial setting changes.
+  - Don't crash on 0 size cursors.
+  - Don't crash if xdg_activation_v1 is missing.
+  + Debugging: Show more information in the inspector.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.24.37+70:
+  + Fix a crash.
+- Update to version 3.24.37+68:
+  + application: Clean up signal handlers
+  + OLE2 DND: Check if move is supported
+  + Address issue 5711 by checking that the context is not NULL
+  + wayland:
+  - Don't crash without xdg_activation_v1
+  - Don't crash on cursor size 0
+  + gdkscreen-wayland: Notify initial setting change from
+    org.gtk.Settings
+  + gdk: Swap Cairo calls when reading back from a GdkWindow
+  + Updated translations.
+- Deprecate %gtk_immodule_(requires|post|postun) macros defined in
+  the macros.gtk3 file. Since we are using RPM file triggers to
+  provide their functionality, without nullifying them the commands
+  will run twice, once by the file triggers and another time by the
+  macros.
+- Re-add macros.gtk3: there are quite a few consumers left
+  requiring the defined macros.
+- Prepend gtk3 to binary_version and _immoduledir macro names to
+  avoid possible name clash now that they are being defined in the
+  macros.gtk3 file instead of the spec file.
+- Update to version 3.24.37:
+  + Support the file transfer portal for copy-paste and DND
+  + Treat XKB_MODE_NAME_LODO as super key
+  + Refactor startup notification handling to be in sync with GTK 4
+  + GL: Synchronie when calling MakeCurrent
+  + CSS: Fix a problem with stopping animations
+  + Wayland: Drop the legacy text input module
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.24.36:
+  + GtkLabel: Tweak selection behavior.
+  + GtkEmojiChooser: Properly handle empty recent section.
+  + GtkFileChooser: Make ~ key work regardless of dead keys.
+  + Wayland:
+  - Fix problems with X<>Wayland DND.
+  - Revert cursor changes from 3.24.35.
+  - Fix handling of surrounding text in input.
+  + Updated translation.
+- Switch from Autotools to Meson, dropping libtool build
+  requirement while adding meson and ninja. And replace configure,
+  make_build, and make_install macros with meson, meson_build and
+  meson_install.
+- Adopt the use of autosetup and autopatch macro facilities to
+  improve package maintainability.
+- Drop multibuild facility due to the fact that Gtk 3 Meson build
+  scripts can't fully disable some components. And, at least for
+  now, we cannot achieve the same degree of modularity we had with
+  Autotools.
+- Drop macros.gtk3 file as no package (if it ever had any) consumes
+  its macros.
+- After switching to Meson, the build doesn't produce a Wayland
+  Input Method module anymore, at least not as a standalone. Update
+  baselibs.conf accordingly. And some GResource files are now being
+  provided in the devel package for working with emojis.
+- Define __provides_exclude_from macro with ^%{_libdir}/gtk-3.0 as
+  its value to prevent the automatic provision generator to offer
+  private modules as requirable symbols.
+- Make cloudproviders to be easily switchable, through bcond
+  facility, to allow people to test it, or for maintainers to turn
+  it on and off easily.
+- Make gettext-its-gtk3 and gtk3-devel-doc sub-packages
+  arch-independent (noarch), as they don't contain any binaries.
+- Convert IM modules cache update post(un) scriptlets to RPM
+  file triggers. Though we had good results with icon cache update
+  scriptlets previously, we still can't use transfiletriggers to
+  trigger the cache update only once, post transaction, because
+  Zypper is still working on implementing support for them.
+- Refresh patch with Quilt: gtk3-revert-forced-xftdpi.patch.
+- Update to version 3.24.35+10:
+  + Flush drawable surface when getting a pixbuf.
+  + wayland: Look for cursor themes in $HOME (boo#1206001).
+- Update to version 3.24.35:
+  + GtkFontChooserWidget: Fix a critical.
+  + GtkAccelLabel: Differentiate keypad keysyms in accelerators.
+  + Input:
+  - Recognize stylus devices as pens.
+  - Fix problems with motion compression.
+  + Windows: Build system improvements.
+  + Wayland:
+  - Fix problems with unreliable DND.
+  - Use GLES if required.
+  - Add support for titlebar gestures.
+  - Refactor handling of IM client updates.
+  - Fix cursor hotspots with scaled surfaces.
+  - Use the xdg-activation protocol.
+  - Load cursors on demand.
+  - Fix cursor size on hi-dpi displays.
+  + MacOS: Use a CVDisplayLink based frame clock.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop upstream merged patch
+  gtk3-gdkwayland-Update-selections-offer-before-updating-dnd.patch.
+- Fix unstable drag-and-drop on Wayland KDE, add:
+  * gtk3-gdkwayland-Update-selections-offer-before-updating-dnd.patch
+- Drop pkgconfig(rest-0.7) BuildRequires: it seems to serve no
+  purpose, nor can I find anything to suggest that gtk depends on
+  it.
+- avoid bashism in baselibs postscript (bsc#1195391).
-- Refine BuildRequires for wayland-client.
+- Update to version 4.12.4:
+  + a11y: Tweak name computation for some corner cases.
+  + gdk:
+  - gl: Improve our use of GLES a bit (use vertex arrays and
+    GL_BGRA if available)
+  - Fix some errors in our memory format tables
+  + gsk:
+  - gl: handle texture-scale nodes more faithfully
+  - gl: Fix icon padding in the atlas
+  + Tools: Add a --undecorated option to gtk4-rendernode-tool.
+  + Updated translations.
-- Revert the following package splitting to be more friendly to SLE
-  and Leap 15.4 maintenance update:
-  + Split tools package into tools and devel-tools, place the
-    tools that are mainly of interest to developers into the
-    latter.
-  + Move various binaries and resources from devel to tools
-    subpackage.
-- Update to version 4.6.9 (jsc#PED-2423):
-  + GtkText: Prevent unexpected notify::direction emissions
-  + Wayland: Fix button masks
-  + X11: Fix some ordering problems with surface destruction
-  + Translation updates: Georgian, Indonesian
-- Changes in 4.6.8:
-  + Input: Fix problems with input method interactions that caused
-    dead keys not to work
-  + GtkText: Respect the no-emoji input hint fully
-  + GtkNotebook:
-  - Fix an infinite loop in accessibility code
-  - Event handling fixes
-  + GtkFileChooser: Restore ~ and .functionality
-  + GtkTreeView: Event handling fixes
-  + GtkTreeListModel: Prevent possible crashes with collapsed nodes
-  + GtkGridView: Fix issues with rubberband selection
-  + GtkEmojiChooser: Fix navigation with arrow keys when filtered
+- Update to version 4.12.3:
+  + GtkWindow: Don't assume titlebars are GtkHeaderBar
+  + GtkTreeView: Fix a crash in gtk_tree_view_is_blank_at_pos
+  + printing: Fix some issues with the portal implementation
+  + GSK:
+  - Some optimizations in the GL renderer
+  - Fix memory leaks in the Broadway renderer
+  + demos: Fix a crash in gtk4-demo
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.12.2:
+  + GtkTooltip: Don't cross native boundaries when looking for
+    tooltips.
+  + GtkCenterLayout, GtkEntry, GtkSearchEntry: Fix some issues with
+    baseline handling.
+  + GtkSwitch: Respect text direction.
+  + Theme: Use relative font sizes.
+  + GSK:
+  - Make repeated gradients match between GL and cairo.
+  - Make rounded rect shrinking match between Vulkan, GL and
+    cairo.
+  - Fix parsing of text nodes with color glyphs.
+  - Restrict an optimization to the cases where it is correct.
+  - Fix rendering of shadows with opacity.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop merged upstream patch: e001b421.patch.
+- Add e001b421.patch: tooltip: don't cross native boundaries.
+- Re-add 0001-Revert-Meson-Simplify-pkgconfig-file-generator.patch
+  and rebased/simplified (less correct, but sufficient for us)  for
+  4.12.1.
+- Update to version 4.12.1:
+  + GtkGridView: Fix a crash when scrolling
+  + GtkColumnView: Fix a refcounting issue in the new scroll_to api
+  + GtkTreeView: Fix style classes for sort arrows
+  + GtkEntry: Improve tracking of user changes (for undo)
+  + GtkNotebook: Fix a critical when switching pages
+  + GtkColor/FontDialogButton: Make these widgets activatable
+  + GtkMenuButton:
+  - Fix problems with focus handling
+  - Fix problems with DND
+  + Printing: Fix the cpdb backend build
+  + GSK: Fix issues with color matrix nodes
+  + Wayland: Fix a crash with compositors other than gnome-shell
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 0001-Revert-Meson-Simplify-pkgconfig-file-generator.patch
+  + 6af9dc86.patch
+- Add 6af9dc86.patch: print: Revert "Start sorting apart includes"
+  change for gtkprinteroptionprivate.h.
+- Update to version 4.12.0:
+  + List widgets: Add scroll_to APIs
+  + GtkFileLauncher: Add an always-ask property
+  + GtkTextView: Make backspace behavior match GtkEntry
+  + gsk: Fix handling of luminance in mask nodes
+  + Text rendering: Automate the setting of gtk-hint-font-metrics
+    from the scale factor. This improves font rendering in flatpaks
+  + Wayland:
+  - Fix behavior of stylus buttons
+  - Support suspended window state
+  + Vulkan: Many improvements
+  + Tools: Add gtk4-rendernode-tool
+  + Debugging: Drop the GTK_DEBUG_TOUCHSCREEN flag
+  + Build: Some build options have been renamed:
+  - gtk_doc -> documentation
+  - update_screenshots -> screenshots
+  - The old names still work
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update option passed to meson following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 4.11.4:
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Default to sorting folders first
+  - Fix a crash when visiting recent files
+  + GtkTextView: Fix corner cases in word navigation
+  + GtkMenuButton: Normalize label layout
+  + GtkDropDown: Add support for sections
+  + GtkVideo: Make the overlay icon clickable
+  + GtkWindow: Clear the resize cursors to avoid artifacts
+  + GtkFileDialog: Always set initial-folder
+  + GtkDropDown: Update on expression changes
+  + GtkMapListModel: Implement GtkSectionModel
+  + Accessibility:
+  - Improvements all over the place: GtkButton, GtkPasswordEntry,
+    GtkFontChooserDialog, GtkColorChooserDialog,
+    GtkShortcutsWindow, GtkMenuButton, GtkAboutDialog,
+    GtkFileChooserDialog, GtkStackSidebar, GtkStackSwitcher,
+    GtkMediaControls, GtkColorDialogButton, GtkDropDown,
+    GtkInfoBar, GtkNotebook, GtkPrintUnixDialog, GtkModelButton
+  - Make name computation follow the ARIA spec more closely
+  - Adapt name computation for the common 'nested button'
+    scenario
+  - Change many containers to use `generic` instead of `group`
+  - Use `generic` as the default role
+  - Use `application` instead of `window` for windows
+  - Add properties for accessible names of not directly exposed
+    widgets in GtkListView, GtkGridView and GtkColumnView
+  + DND: Fix criticals when drops are rejected
+  + X11: Fix regressions in GLX setup
+  + Windows: Center newly created transient windows
+  + Vulkan:
+  - Add antialising for gradients
+  - Do less work on clipped away nodes
+  - Redo image uploading
+  - Support different image depths and formats
+  - Add a pipeline cache
+  + Demos:
+  - gtk4-demo: Improve window sizing
+  - gtk4-demo: Improve focus behavior
+  - gtk4-demo: Add many missing a11y properties
+  + Tools: gtk4-builder-tool: Make render an alias screenshot
+  + Inspector:
+  - Show more information in the a11y tab
+  - Add an accessibility overlay with warnings and
+    recommendations
+  - Limit the width of the a11y tab
+  + Build:
+  - Require GLib 2.76
+  - Make asan builds work again
+  - Fix the build if ld is not ld.bdf
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.10.5:
+  + Fix ordering problems with filter model signals
+  + Avoid lingering resize cursors
+  + Fix alignment issues on sparc
+  + Fix a problem with CSS corner values
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.10.4:
+  + GtkFileChooser: Fix some memory leaks
+  + GtkUriLauncher: Validate the uri
+  + GtkStack: Fix a crash
+  + GtkGridView: Respect css border-spacing
+  + GtkScrolledWindow: Propagate child measure size whenever
+    possible
+  + GtkPopoverMenu: Avoid unnecessary left padding
+  + GtkSearchEntry: Improve size allocation for the clear icon
+  + X11:
+  - Avoid black flickering with xwayland window decorations
+  - Trap XRandr errors
+  + CSS: Various fixes to transitions
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + fix-gridview.patch
+  + gtk4-correctly-refresh-after-delete.patch
+  + 966a2350.patch
+- Add fix-gridview.patch: Add border-spacing where it was missed.
+  We were computing column widths without taking border-spacing into
+  account, making them slightly too big (glgo#GNOME/nautilus#2980).
+- Add 966a2350.patch: css: Don't transition to currentColor.
+  Transition to the color that is in use instead. Fixes crashes
+  because currentColor is not an RGBA color and therefor could not
+  be queried later (glgo#GNOME/gtk#5798).
+- Add gtk4-correctly-refresh-after-delete.patch -- Fix issue where
+  deleting files causes folders in the directory to disappear and
+  reappear after a refresh (glgo#GNOME/nautilus#2941); patch taken
+  from upstream commit.
+- Do not build media playback when bootstrapping on Workbench.
+- Update to version 4.10.3:
+  + Fix a popover positioning regression in 4.10.2.
+  + Fix issues with slow loading files in the file chooser.
+- Update to version 4.10.2:
+  + Holding control to select multiple files broken in filechooser
+  + Inspector crash
+  + Listbase doesn't account for bottom padding in
+    size_allocate_child
+  + Leaking AT contexts
+  + OpenGL / Windows: Crash when closing gtk4-widget-factory
+  + GTK apps crash on startup when setting cursor-size to 0 on
+    Wayland
+  + Segmentation fault: gdk_wayland_toplevel_set_startup_id() needs
+    to null-check display->xdg_activation before using it
+  + Possible use-after-free under
+    gtk_scrolled_window_update_use_indicators()
+  + Wrong error message in `gtk_init`
+  + Segfault when scrolling after changing ListView model
+  + Bluetooth panel from the Settings app: clicking in the
+    "Downloads" link no longer opens Nautilus
+  + Broadway docs or code is broken
+  + Disabled GtkPicture's are not properly themed
+  + Setting CSS padding to a GtkTextView gives the context menu an
+    offset
+  + A11y: the Showing state is used only for windows
+  + Gtk4 expander: CSS nodes mismatch code vs. documentation
+  + Invoking gtk inspector on a folder results in a crash
+  + Double tap requires very precise touch input
+  + Name autocompletion dropdown in the GTK4 FileChooser's Save
+    dialog gets stuck, creates artifacts, jumps around
+  + Links are not opened when xdg-desktop-portal OpenURI is not
+    available
+  + GtkSnapshot generates no nodes appending whitespace-only
+    layouts
+  + Updated translations.
+- Place English translations in the tools sub-package instead of
+  lang. This should offer translations for the main English locales
+  without the need to install any additional package by default.
+- Add "file-not-in-%lang" RPM Lint warning to rpmlintrc file for
+  the reason above.
+- Drop "shlib-policy-name-error" unused filter from rpmlintrc.
+- Disable vulkan support, stop passing vulkan=enabled to meson.
+  Disable vulkan-devel Requires and BuildRequires.
+- Disable pkgconfig(libavfilter) BuildRequires, upstream do not
+  enable ffmpeg support by default and we do not enable it, so no
+  need to carry the dependency.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Pass build-testsuite=false, build-tests=false and
+  build-examples=false to meson, no longer build these as we are
+  not running or installing them anyway, save a lot on buildtime.
+- Update to version 4.10.1:
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Improve search performance
+  - Be safe against pathless files
+  - Fix memory leaks
+  - Only show local files in recent files
+  - Show most recent files first
+  - Make files non-selectable in selet_folder mode
+  + GtkListView / GtkColumnView / GtkGridView:
+  - Fix scrolling problems
+  - Support CSS border-spacing
+  + GtkComboBox: Fix a size allocation problem
+  + gtk: Size allocation fixes
+  + Accessibility: Miscellaneous property fixes and improvements
+  + Wayland: Fix an ordering problem in surface disposal
+  + Windows: Fix Visual Studio build with older GLib
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 3e3158ce12741b58ce53f132b48f26438094886d.patch
+  + 0001-combobox-Avoid-extra-queue_resize.patch
+- Refresh 0001-Revert-Meson-Simplify-pkgconfig-file-generator.patch
+  with quilt.
+- Add 3e3158ce12741b58ce53f132b48f26438094886d.patch: widget: Use
+  the correct template in dispose_template(). Fixes crashes in
+  various apps.
+- Refresh patches with quilt.
+- Add 0001-combobox-Avoid-extra-queue_resize.patch: Fix combobox
+  not showing (bsc#1209043 glgo#GNOME/gtk!5608).
+- Update to version 4.10.0:
+  + GtkTextView: Document hanging indentation
+  + GtkListView: Fix a size allocation problem
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Fix paned behavior
+  - Fix a crash
+  + GtkText: Fix various problems with undo
+  + Accessibility:
+  - Make some getters transfer-full
+  - Allow setting accessible parents and siblings
+  - Add a role for toggle buttons
+  - Miscellaneous property fixes and improvements
+  + gtk: Improve the handling resize-during-size-allocate
+  + gdk:
+  - Introduce GdkTextureDownloader and use it
+  - Make gdk_texture_get_format public
+  + gsk:
+  - Make mask nodes more versatile
+  - Improve the GL implementation for texture scale nodes
+  + X11: Fix key handling during DND
+  + Tools:
+  - gtk-builder-tool: Try harder to handle templates
+  - gtk-builder-tool: Prefer properties over <child>
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.9.4:
+  + Printing:
+  - Add a CPDB backend
+  - Drop the lpr backend
+  + GtkFileDialog: Robustness fixes
+  + GtkScaleButton: Add an 'active' property
+  + GtkSearchEntry: Add placeholder text
+  + Fix conflicting type names between gtk and gio
+  + Gsk:
+  - Settable filtering for scaled textures
+  - Add mask nodes
+  - Some robustness and crash fixes
+  + Wayland: Handle dispatch failing in more places
+  + Deprecations: GtkVolumeButton
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 4.9.3:
+  + Add GtkUriLauncher, as replacement for gtk_show_uri
+  + Add GdkMonitor::description
+  + Fix problems with tooltip sizing
+  + Deprecations:
+  - GtkStatusbar
+  - GtkAssistant
+  - GtkLockButton
+  - gtk_gesture_set_sequence_state
+  + GtkColumnView: Only create widgets for visible columns
+  + GtkFileDialog: Drop shortcut folders API
+  + GtkCalendar: Make marked days work again
+  + GtkSwitch: Make state and active independently settable
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Fix a crash with DND
+  - Fix excessively wide sidebar
+  - Make context menus work again
+  + Accessibility:
+  - Make GtkAccessible public, so it can be implemented outside
+    GTK
+  - Support accessible implementation for editables
+  + CSS: Fix randomly stopping CSS animations
+  + GL:
+  - Fix synchronization with GStreamer
+  - Fix problems with 3rd party GL in the same thread
+  + Wayland: Fix startup notification with xdg_activation
+  + Broadway: Implement modal windows
+  + macOS: Make DND work
+  + Build:
+  - Require graphene 1.10
+  - Require gobject-introspection 1.72
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.9.2:
+  + GtkFileChooserWidget: Add a grid view.
+  + GtkText, GtkTextView:
+  - Fix activation of the on-screen keyboard.
+  - Prevent unexpected text direction changes.
+  + GtkCenterBox: Add properties for children.
+  + GtkTreeExpander: Add a hide-expander property.
+  + GtkStringList: Add a construct-only strings property.
+  + GtkBuilder: Support parsing Pango attributes in string form.
+  + GtkGestureStylus: Add a stylus-only property.
+  + GtkFileLauncher: New async-style api to replace gtk_show_uri.
+  + GtkColorDialog, GtkFontDialog, GtkFileDialog, GtkAlertDialog:
+  - APIs have seen some tweaks
+  - Prefer portals when available
+  - Fixes for cancellation
+  + Add GDK_DEBUG=no-portals
+  + Improve file DND with remote files
+  + GtkInfoBar has been deprecated
+  + gtk_widget_show/hide have been deprecated
+  + gtk_show_uri has been deprecated
+  + Wayland:
+  - Fix button mask handling
+  - Fix problems with cursor size on hi-dpi screens
+  - Support newer versions of some protocols
+  - Fix handling of surrounding text in input methods
+- Changes from version 4.9.1:
+  + GtkTreeView, GtkIconView, GtkComboBox and auxiliary classes
+    have been deprecated.
+  + GtkEntryCompletion has been deprecated.
+  + GtkStyleContext has been deprecated.
+  + gtk_render_ and gtk_snapshot_render_ APIs have been deprecated.
+  + GtkAppChooser widgets have been deprecated.
+  + GtkMessageDialog has been deprecated and replaced by a new
+    async dialog API.
+  + GtkDialog has been deprecated.
+  + GtkColorChooser, GtkFontChooser, GtkFileChooser interfaces and
+    their implementations have been deprecated. A new family of
+    async dialog APIs has been introduced to replace them.
+  + GtkColorDialog, GtkFontDialog, GtkFileDialog and GtkAlertDialog
+    are new dialog classes with a consistent and well-bindable API.
+  + GtkMountOperation:
+  - Fix the dialog to look reasonable.
+  - Make it work under non-X11.
+  + GtkStringSorter: Support different collation methods.
+  + Accessibility: Introduce GtkAccessibleRange and implement it.
+  + Debugging:
+  - Unify formatting for debug output.
+  - Make make debug options available in non-debug builds.
+  + Increase the memory limit for the jpeg loader to 1G.
+- Update to version 4.8.3:
+  + GtkText:
+  - Claim gestures more selectively.
+  - Prevent unexpected notify::direction emissions.
+  + Accessibility: Remember if we don't find the a11y bus.
+  + DND: Prefer file:// urls over other protocols.
+  + GtkMountOperation: Work on Wayland.
+  + GtkListView: Cancel rubberband if not handling drag.
+  + Wayland: Fix button masks.
+  + Windows: Fix resizes with native decorations.
+  + X11: Fix some ordering problems with surface destruction.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update gtk4.spec to align dependency version with
+- Update to version 4.8.2:
+  + Input:
+  - Give input methods more control over resets and allow them to
+    preserve state.
+  - Align interpretation of modifiers in key events in X11 and
+    Wayland.
+  + GtkColumnView: Fixes to focus handling.
-  - Fix problems with focus when dismissing popovers
-  - Fix problems with focusing editable labels in popovers
-  + GtkStackSidebar: Improve accessible presentation
+  - Fix problems with focus when dismissing popovers.
+  - Fix problems with focusing editable labels in popovers.
+  + Build:
+  - Fix build problems with resources and non-gnu linkers.
+  - Fix gi-docgen detection in cross builds.
+  - Require meson 0.60.
+  + Debugging:
+  - Make more debug options available in no-debug builds.
+  - Improve consistency of debug logging.
+  - Give names to all sources.
+  + Accessibility: Introduce GtkAccessibleRange.
-  - Make gtk_launch_uri more robust
-  - Make monitor bounds handling more robust
-  - Prevent shrinking clients due to wrong toplevel bounds
-  + Flatpak: Fix file DND with the FileTransfer portal
-  + Translation updates Brazilian, Portuguese, Croatian, Czech,
-    Georgian, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Polish,
-    Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish
-- Changes in 4.6.7:
-  + Miscellaneous memory leak fixes
+  - Make monitor bounds handling more robust.
+  - Prevent shrinking clients due to wrong toplevel bounds.
+  + Broadway: Return correct pointer coordinates from device
+    queries.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.8.1:
+  + Input:
+  - Fix problems with input method interactions that caused dead
+    keys not to work.
+  - Accept single-key compose sequences (these are used with some
+    keyboard layouts).
+  + GtkColumnView: Flip column order in right-to-left context.
+  + GtkGridView: Fix problems with rubberbanding.
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Fix positioning of popovers in the places view.
+  - Make ~ and . keyboard shortcuts work again.
+  + gsk: Make glyph upload more similar to icons.
+  + Make file transfer via portals work, this fixes file copy/paste
+    and dnd in flatpaks.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.8.0:
-  - Fix a problem with DND
-  - Fix a problem with row selection
-  + GtkTreePopover: Support scrolling
-  + GtkGridView: Fix issues with rubberband selection
-  + GtkSnapshot: Make GtkSnapshot work from bindings
-  + X11: Fix preferred action for DND
-  + Windows: Fix DND
-  + Translation updates: Croatian, Georgian, Indonesian, Russian,
-    Serbian, Spanish
-- Changes in 4.6.6:
-  + Fix translations in GTKs own ui files
+  - Fix a problem with scrolling animations
+  - Fix some event handling problems
+  - Drop unreachable code
+  + GtkText: Respect the no-emoji input hint fully
+  + GtkEmojiChooser: Fix arrow key navigation
+  + GtkFontChooser: Improve the handling of OpenType font features
+  + GtkTreeListModel: Fix handling of collapsed child nodes
+  + GtkInscription: Fix accessible name
+  + Theme: Fix placeholder text in HighContrast
+  + Increase the memory limit for the jpeg loader to 300M
+  + Miscellaneous memory leak fixes
+  + Wayland: Refator handling of text protocol client updates
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(rest-0.7) BuildRequires: it seems to serve no
+  purpose, nor can I find anything to suggest that gtk depends on
+  it.
+- Update to version 4.7.2:
+  + GtkTextView: Fix child positioning with gutters.
+  + GtkText: Update placeholder visibility when necessary.
+  + GtkPicture: Add a content-fit property.
+  + GtkPopover: Fix a size allocation problem with the arrow.
+  + GtkTreeView: Fix a problem with DND.
+  + GtkTreePopover: Support scrolling.
+  + GtkGridView: Fix issues with rubberband selection.
+  + GtkLabel: Add a tabs property.
+  + GtkSnapshot: Make GtkSnapshot work from bindings.
+  + GtkScrolledWindow: Scroll at a reasonable speed.
+  + GtkPaned: Avoid an infinite loop.
+  + GtkWindow: Improve generation and handling of crossing events.
+  + CSS: Fix handling of certain transform values.
+  + Media support:
+  - Add audio support to the ffmpeg backend.
+  - Avoid oom with pathological jpeg images.
+  + GDK:
+  - Fix handling of touchpad hold events.
+  - Add support for hi-resolution scroll events.
+  + X11: Fix preferred action for DND.
+  + List models:
+  - Fix items-changed emission.
+  - Add more list model tests.
+  + Demos:
+  - Add a winning sound to game demos.
+  - Make app icons work uninstalled.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add 0001-Revert-Meson-Simplify-pkgconfig-file-generator.patch:
+  Revert "Meson: Simplify pkgconfig file generator". Temporarily
+  revert this until we figure out how to best restore private
+  requires that are needed for rpm automatic dep extraction.
+  This reverts commit 802bf4199911c811938b0454a876089bafa97dba.
+- Update to version 4.7.1:
+  + GtkInscription: A new label-like widget for use in list views.
+  + GtkColorChooser: Style improvements.
+  + GtkFontChooser: Improve support for OpenType features a bit.
+  + GtkLabel: Allow selectable labels to be activated via mnemonic.
+  + GtkTextView: Implement GetCharacterExtents for accessibility.
+  + GtkStack: Fix a poblem with stack page accessibility.
+  + GtkListView:
+  - Cull listitems that are out of view.
+  - Make all our list models implement ::n-items and
+    ::item-type properties.
+  + Translations:
+  - Stop translating property nicks and blurbs.
+  - Fix extracting translations from ui files.
+  + Debugging:
+  - Support GTK_DEBUG=invert-text-dir.
+  - Allow inspecting inspectors.
+  - Replace GTK_USE_PORTAL with GDK_DEBUG=portals.
+  - Improve responsiveness of the inspector.
+  + CSS: Allow fractional letterspacing.
+  + Theme: Improve legibility of selectable labels.
+  + Demos:
+  - Improve the font features demo.
+  - Add demos for GtkInscription.
-  - Fix a problem with the activation protocol
-  - Don't force the HighContrast icontheme
-  + Windows: Fix a problem with builtin icons if the hicolor
-    icontheme is not installed
-  + Translation updates: Brazilian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish
+  - Freeze popups when hidden.
+  - Only send smooth scroll events for tablet tools.
+  - Make scaled cursor image have the right size.
+  - Fix problems with the activation protocol.
+  - Don't force the HighContrast icon theme.
+  - Support xdg_toplevel.bounds.
+  + X11: Always update the shadoe size.
+  + Windows:
+  - Improve touchpad support by using DirectManipulation.
+  - Add more directories to the builtin hicolor icon theme.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(harfbuzz) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Update to version 4.7.0:
+  + GtkTextView: Reduce overdraws.
+  + GtkViewport: Default scroll-to-focus to TRUE.
+  + GtkText: Stop blinking when we lose focus.
+  + GtkSearchEntry: Make search delay configurable.
+  + GtkPopoverMenu: Fix RTL positioning of buttons.
+  + GtkLabel: Fix focus keynav with links
+  + GtkFileChooser:
+  - Prevent undesirable completion popups.
+  - Fix a corner case in save mode.
+  - Keep the portal filechooser alive long enough.
+  + GtkCheckButton: Allow setting a custom child.
+  + GtkEditableLabel: Make the :editing property writable.
+  + GtkColumnView: Various optimizations to improve scrolling
+    performance.
+  + GtkTreeStore: Allow populating tree stores from ui files.
+  + GtkBoxLayout: Avoid infinite loops.
+  + CSS: Optimize reordering within the same parent.
+  + Emoji:
+  - Update to CLDR v40 / Unicode 14.
+  - Add more locales.
+  + Input:
+  - Add scroll unit handling.
+  - Handle display changes in GtkIMMultiContext.
+  - Always populate GDK_AXIS_X/Y in event history.
+  - Don't crash for large compose tables.
+  + Accessibility: Fix a crash at start when orca is running.
+  + Theme:
+  - Refresh icons.
+  - Fix selection in vertical spin buttons.
+  - Fix selection in editable labels.
+  + gdk:
+  - Optimize pixel format conversions.
+  - Use EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage for NVidia.
+  + gsk:
+  - Handle large viewports.
+  - Prepare texture libraries for glyphy rendering.
+  - Don't leak big glyphs in the glyph cache.
+  - Align offscreen rendering with th pixel grid.
+  - Check for half-float support before using it.
+  + Updated translations.
+- gtkgreet 0.8
+  * This release makes some changes to customization and adds French,
+    Russian and Spanish translations.
+  * Update reference to deprecated constant
+  * Added support for i18n and spanish translation
+  * proto: Fix signed-ness error
+  * meson: Update version properly
+  * man: Elaborate on stylesheets a bit
+  * readme: Add discuss section
+  * Added french translation strings
+  * Made the greeter more customizable
+  * proto: use uint32_t offsets and message lengths
+  * feat: russian translation added, unnecessary translation removed
+  * fix: get translations to work
+- remove gtkgreet-glib-2.74.patch as it is fixed upsteam
+- Add gtkgreet-glib-2.74.patch: Fix build against glib 2.74.0.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
-- Update to version 4.8.3:
-  + Remove usages of deprecated gtk_widget_ensure_style().
-  + Remove unused and obsolete
-  + bgo#732499: Use named colors from themes.
+- Update to version 4.12.0:
+  + Gtk:
+  - AboutDialog: Deprecate ctor with use_header_bar.
+  - Add SymbolicPaintable.
+  - Add ScrollInfo and enum ListScrollFlags.
+  - ColumnView, GridView, ListView, Viewport: Add scroll_to().
+  - ColumnViewRow, ListItem: Add
+    set/get/property_accessible_description() and
+    set/get/property_accessible_label().
+  - DropDown: Add set/get/property_header_factory() and
+    set/get/property_search_match_mode().
+  - FileLauncher: Add set/get/property_always_ask().
+  - Window: Add is_suspended() and property_suspened().
+  + Documentation:
+  - Remove README.SUN and other obsolete files
+  - Gtk::Widget: Describe managed and non-managed widgets
+  + Build:
+  - recentinfo.hg: Fix Visual Studio build
+  - Require gtk4 >= 4.12.0
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(epoxy) BuildRequires, previously pulled in
+  by gtk4.
+- Update to version 4.10.0:
+  + Gdk:
+  - Add TextureDownloader
+  - Add enum MemoryFormat, identical to MemoryTexture::Format
+  - Texture: Add get_format()
+  + Gtk:
+  - VolumeButton: Deprecated
+  - ProgressBar: Deprecate property_ellipsize()
+  - FileDialog: open_multiple_finish() and
+    select_multiple_folders_finish() return
+    std::vector<Glib::RefPtr<Gio::File>> instead of
+    Glib::RefPtr<Gio::ListModel>.
+  - FileChooser: Deprecate get_files() and
+    get_shortcut_folders(). Add get_files2() and
+    get_shortcut_folders2().
+  - FileDialog: Make open[_finish](), select_folder[_finish](),
+    save[_finish](), open_multiple[_finish](),
+    select_multiple_folders[_finish]() non-const.
+  - FontDialog: Make choose_family[_finish]() and
+    choose_face[_finish]() non-const.
+  - Accessible: Add set_accessible_parent(),
+    update_next_accessible_sibling()
+  - MenuButton: Add set/get/property_active().
+  - ScaleButton: Add get/property_active().
+  - SearchEntry: Add set/get_placeholder_text().
+  + Tests: Add filedialog test
+  + Build: Require gtk4 >= 4.10.0
+- Update to version 4.9.3:
+  + Gdk:
+  - Display: Deprecate get_startup_notification_id().
+  - Monitor: Add get/property_description().
+  + Gtk:
+  - Deprecated classes: Assistant, AssistantPage, LockButton,
+    Statusbar
+  - Gesture: Deprecate set_sequence_state().
+  - Accessible: Add enum Accessible::PlatformState. Add
+    get_at_context(), get_platform_state(),
+    get_accessible_parent(), get_bounds(),
+    get_first_accessible_child(), get_next_accessible_sibling().
+  + Add ATContext and UriLauncher.
+  + Documentation: Gtk::Image, Picture, StringList, StringObject:
+    Improve class descriptions
+  + Build: Require gtk4 >= 4.9.3
+- Update to version 4.8.0:
+  + Gtk:
+  - TextView::get_tabs(): Fix a memory leak
+  - Add enum ContentFit
+  - Label: Add set/get/property_tabs()
+  - Picture: Add set/get/property_content_fit()
+  + Demos: Dialog demo: Add a non-modal dialog
+  + Documentation: Don't translate the preprocessor macro name
+  + Build: Require gtk4 >= 4.7.2
+- Update to version 4.7.1:
+  + Gdk:
+  - Add enum Gdk::GLApi, deprecate enum Gdk::GLAPI
+  - Add enum ScrollUnit
+  - Event: Add get_scroll_unit()
+  + Gtk:
+  - Allow managed Gtk::Window's
+  - Gtk::Object::_release_c_instance(): Unref orphan managed
+    widgets
+  - Entry: Add signal_activate()
+  - Don't derive gtkmm__GtkXxx GTypes from final types
+  - Application: Only create window on first activate
+  - CheckButton: Add set/unset/get/property_child()
+  - EventControllerScroll: Add get_unit()
+  - Picture: Deprecate set/get/property_keep_aspect_ratio()
+  - SearchEntry: Add set/get/property_search_delay()
+  - DirectoryList, FilterListModel, FlattenListModel,
+    MultiFilter, MultiSelection, MultiSorter, NoSelection,
+    SelectionFilterModel, ShortcutController, SingleSelection,
+    SliceListModel, SortListModel, TreeListModel: Add
+    property_item_type(), property_n_items()
+  - ApplicationWindow: Disambiguate activate_action()
+  - Add class Inscription
+  - Widget: Add signal_destroy()
+  + Documentation: Gdk::Drag, Gdk::Drop, Gtk::Dialog, Gtk::Widget:
+    Improve class descriptions
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Avoid configuration warnings
+  - Meson build: Fix builds with Vulkan-enabled GTK
+  - Require gtk4 >= 4.7.1
+- Update to version 15.1.1:
+  + DOAP: Remove defunct mailing list; add Discourse
+  + unicode: Update to version 15.1.0
+  + unicode: i18n update for 15.1.0
+  + metainfo: Add launchable info
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update source service to current standard.
+- Update to version 15.0.4:
+  + Update application screenshots to version 15.
+  + unicode: Derive some more character names.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 15.0.2:
+  + metainfo: Add screenshots and link them from metainfo.
+  + build: Use GNOME module post_install().
+  + all: Update to unicode 15.0.0.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 14.0.3:
+  + Classify characters without script name properly
+  + all: Use PCRE2 instead of GRegex
+  + build:
+  - Enforce required unicode data version
+  - Fix build with meson 0.60
+  - Fix warning about incompatible pointer return type
+  - Fix warning about unused variable 'priv'
+  - Remove unwanted warning
+  + charmap: Search in details by default
+  + chartable:
+  - Improve Korean Hanja Pronunciations property
+  - Mark special script and block names in italic
+  - Use device scale for character popup
+  + help: Remove duplicate entry
+  + lib:
+  - Enable alphabetical sorting of the Unicode blocks
+  - Remove bogus volatile from type builtins code
+  + unicode:
+  - Add strings to prepare unicode 14 update
+  - Update for unicode 14.0.0
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop a8ee037f8cf151b8b65354bc93c56953e41f5a22.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add a8ee037f8cf151b8b65354bc93c56953e41f5a22.patch: Fix build
+  with meson 0.61 and newer.
+- Update to version 1.6.6:
+  + NetworkManager: Drop manual creation of lo contexts
+  + ServiceProxy: Add new API for creating actions
+  + Introspection: Be more resilient against weird formatting
+  + Acl: Improve introspectability
+  + ServiceProxy: Add result iterator for Action
+  + Plug various smaller leaks
+- Update to version 1.6.5:
+  + Fix build with meson 1.2
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + a10c57bd.patch
+  + 884639bd.patch
+- Add upstream patches to fix build with meson 1.2.0:
+  + a10c57bd.patch: Add missing "s" to wrap file syntax.
+  + 884639bd.patch: properly spell [provide] in *.wrap files.
+- Update to version 1.6.4:
+  + Keep a weak reference to proxy in action.
+  + Add API to provide HTTP credentials for simple authentication.
+  + Remove xmlRecoverMemory usage.
+- Drop 80e68995.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add upstream patch: 80e68995.patch: all: Drop xmlRecoverMemory.
+  Use xmlReadMemory, also use NONET flat.
+- Update license tag to LGPL-2.1-or-later.
+- Update to version 1.6.3:
+  + Fix handling of deprecated and tentative v6 addresses.
+  + Bugs fixed in this release:
+  -
+   -
+- Update to version 1.6.2:
+  + Add test for issue 81.
+  + Bugs fixed in this release:
+  -
+- Update to version 1.6.1:
+  + ControlPoint:
+  - Fix error handling if description download fails.
+  - Do not leak cancellable.
+  + Use proper method for detecting IFA_FLAGS availability.
+  + ContextManager:
+  - Do not leak filtered contexts.
+  - Fix freeing unavailable contexts.
+  + Network ContextManager: Do not leak list parts of context
+    lists.
+  + Introspection: Properly chain up to parent class.
+  + Service: Fix crash if subscription callback is points
+    unreachable host.
+- Update to version 1.6.0:
+  + Re-release of 1.5.4, no functional change.
+- Update to version 1.5.4:
+  + Fix build against libsoup 3.1.2 or later
+  + Do not rely on a log message from libsoup in tests
+  + Use Docbook 4.5 for manpage
+  + Do not use env in binding generator
+  + Add missing libxml2 dependency for test
+- Drop 1296d10eda308792d2924f141d72b8b6818878bd.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Update to version 1.5.3:
+  + Linux context manager: Do not filter out v6 global addresses
+  + Context: Add new convenience constructors
+  + Examples: Fix browse.js for new API
+  + NetworkManager: Create v4 and v6 contexts if no family is
+    specified
+  + Connman: Create v4 and v6 contexts if no family is specified
+- Changes from version 1.5.2:
+  + Minor doc improvements
+  + Minor example fixes
+  + Fix pkg-config dependencies
+  + Fix issues found by coverity
+  + Deprecate internal UUID generator function
+  + Set log domains everywhere
+  + Support IPv6 in all context managers (Windows still broken)
+  + ServiceProxy:
+  - Fix error handling in sync call
+  - Fix a memory leak in subscribe()
+  - Change subscribtion timeout handling
+  + ServiceInfo: Remove deprecated callback
+  + ContextFilter:
+  - Fix it
+  - Notify only if content changes
+  + DeviceInfo: Set task names
+  + ContextManager:
+  - Add tests for filtering
+  - Fix behaviour of filter. Now the filter acts as if the
+    context is appearing/disappearing
+  + Vala: Fix ownership of XML doc
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME#gupnp#10, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#10,
+    glgo#GNOME#gupnp#10, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#36, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#37,
+    glgo#GNOME#gupnp#70.
+- Changes from version 1.5.1:
+  + Minor doc fixes
+  + Remove left-overs from WhiteList renaming
+  + Make tests a little friendlier if there is no ipv6
+  + Fix a couple of issues from scan-build
+  + DeviceInfo:
+  - Make DeviceInfo:document accessible
+  - Offer convenience function DeviceInfo:get_icon_async to
+    combine icon lookup and icon download
+  + ServiceAction:
+  - Potential fix for running g_clear_pointer on an uninitialized
+    value
+  - Fix getting parameters from action
+  + ServiceInfo:
+  - Do not free an error that was propagated
+  - Fix introspection on IPv6 devices
+  + Service: Fix critical if Soup error other than
+- Changes from version 1.5.0:
+  + Port to libsoup3
+  + API bump (1.6)
+  + Improved test coverage
+  + All _valist functions have been removed
+  + The documentation is now provided by gi-docgen
+  + All API that was marked as deprecated up until 1.4 has been
+    removed
+  + ServiceIntrospection: is now a GInitable
+  + Context:
+  - Uses GSSDP.Client:port
+  - Fix reference leak when using ACL
+  + DeviceInfo: The get_device() and get_service() virtual
+    functions have been renamed
+  + ServiceAction:
+  - ServiceAction::return() was renamed to
+    ServiceAction::return_success() to avoid issues with
+    languages such as python.
+  + ServiceInfo: Non-gio style introspection functions are now
+    deprecated
+  + Service: Returns a proper error instead of calling g_error when
+    autoconnect fails
+  + ServiceProxy:
+  - Fixes an issue with M-POST fall-back if POST calls failed
+  - There is no need anymore to call ServiceProxyAction::get() to
+    get SOAP transport errors; those will now be already
+    presented by the ServiceProxy::call_action_finish() call.
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME#gupnp#58, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#42,
+    glgo#GNOME#gupnp#52, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#53, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#54,
+    glgo#GNOME#gupnp#58, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#60, glgo#GNOME#gupnp#61,
+    glgo#GNOME#gupnp#63.
+- Replace gtk-doc, pkgconfig(gssdp-1.2) and pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)
+  with docbook-xsl-stylesheets, xsltproc, pkgconfig(gi-docgen),
+  pkgconfig(gssdp-1.6) and pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes.
+- Bump soname and sover following upstream changes, also in
+  baselibs.conf.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Drop gupnp-build-man-pages.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 1296d10eda308792d2924f141d72b8b6818878bd.patch: Fix build
+  against Soup 3.1.2 and later
+- Package docs in default docdir ref openSUSE standard and split it
+  out in a doc subpackage.
+- Add upstream patch fix: 767388bc.patch: build: Fix Requires: line
+  of pkg-config file.
+- Add patch "gupnp-av-libxml2.11-support.patch": Use xmlReadMemory
+  instead of xmlRecoverMemory, as it's been deprecated in libxml2
+  2.11.0.
+- Use autosetup and ldconfig_scriptlets macros.
-- Update to version 0.12.6:
-  + Fix some coverity issues.
-  + lazy-create XML namespaces so only used-ones are declared.
-  + Bugs fixed: bgo#705564, bgo#730590, bgo#730591, bgo#731033.
+- Disable meson_test during build, it randomly fails for all arches
+- Update to version 1.6.0:
+  + Switch to GUPnP 1.6.0 API
+  + Update GLib dependency to 2.70
+  + Add Javascript example
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 2c413bbd8b9afc41648f21ad173f0caf81a5f98b.patch
+  + bbe36b279e247cd8ec4ab00bcdf02178af8a99af.patch
+  + 79a1e4cf8c256132978a1d8ab718c8ad132386de.patch
+  + fa1546614190942ab266832e7470a6debf8c32cb.patch
+- Rename libgupnp-igd-1_0-4 and typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_0 to
+  libgupnp-igd-1_6-0 and typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_6 following
+  upstream changes. Also update baselibs.conf.
+- Add upstream patches to hopefully fix racy tests:
+  + 2c413bbd8b9afc41648f21ad173f0caf81a5f98b.patch
+  + bbe36b279e247cd8ec4ab00bcdf02178af8a99af.patch
+- Add fa1546614190942ab266832e7470a6debf8c32cb.patch: test: Port to
+  g_inet_address_new_loopback.
+- Add 79a1e4cf8c256132978a1d8ab718c8ad132386de.patch: Port to GUPnP
+  1.6 API. Following this, replace pkgconfig(gssdp-1.2) and
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-1.2) with pkgconfig(gssdp-1.6) and
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-1.6) BuildRequires.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
-- Update to version 0.2.4:
-  + Add API to delete mapping by internal IP/port instead of the
-    external one.
+- Update to version 0.12.1+3:
+  + av-cp: Remove stray debug output.
+  + common: Drop deprecated xmlRecoverMemory (fix build with
+    libxml2 2.11.4).
+  + Updated translations.
+- Change compression in service and tarball produced to zst.
+- Update to version 0.12.1:
+  + Universal CP: Do not crash if a device disappears.
+  + Fix issue with meson 1.2.0.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 1372f9eb.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 1372f9eb.patch: build: Fix wrap file syntax. Fix Meson 1.2
+  compatibility.
+- Update to version 0.12.0:
+  + Universal Control Point: a tool that enables one to discover
+    UPnP devices and services, retrieve information about them,
+    subscribe to events and invoke actions.
+  + Network Light: a virtual light bulb that allows control points
+    to switch it on and off, change its dimming level and query its
+    current status. It also provides a simple UI to control all the
+    network lights available on the network.
+  + AV Control Point: a simple media player UI that enables one to
+    discover and play multimedia contents available on a network.
+    It is strictly a control point and therefore does not have any
+    playback capabilities of it's own and relies on external UPnP
+    MediaRenderer devices for actual playback.
+  + Upload: a simple command line utility that uploads files to
+    known MediaServers. Use Universal Control Point for discovering
+    the MediaServers.
+  + Discover: a simple command line utility to run a SSDP discovery
+    on the network.
+- Update to version gupnp-tools-0.10.3+16:
+  * universal-cp: Do not leave value uninitialized
+  * network-light: Adapt to recent GUPnP changes
+  * common: Do not dereference NULL error
+  * Port to GUPnP 1.6 and libsoup 3
+  * Updated translations.
+- Switch to source service checkout of master, allow build with
+  new gupnp and soup3.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gssdp-1.2), pkgconfig(gupnp-1.2) and
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(gssdp-1.6),
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-1.6) and pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro calls: No
+  longer needed.
-- Update to version 1.48.2:
-  + smb: Rework anonymous handling to avoid EINVAL (Ondrej Holy)
-  + smb: Ignore EINVAL for kerberos/ccache login (Ondrej Holy)
-  + sftp: Adapt on new OpenSSH password prompts (Ondrej Holy)
-  + build: Remove incorrect i18n.merge_file argument to fix build (Ondrej Holy)
-  + Translation updates
-- Drop gvfs-smb-ignore-EINVAL-kerberos-ccache.patch: Fixed upstream.
-- Drop 17a067b9b823a0d54e061eae45ff8e2c7e4a88d0.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Use older way than autopatch on SLE/Leap, which is not ready for
+  the macro.
+- Rebase gvfs-nvvfs.patch.
+- Update to version 1.52.1:
+  + client: Prevent returning invalid mount cache entries.
+  + dav: Fix authentication issues when DNS-SD URIs are used.
+  + nfs: Fix IPv6 URI handling.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.52.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.51.91:
+  + sftp/ftp: Ensure that is-symlink is always set to avoid
+    warnings.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Make devel sub-package as noarch. It doesn't contain any
+  binaries.
+- Update to version 1.51.90:
+  + Fix various memory leaks
+  + udisks2: Disconnect signal handlers to fix crashes when
+    unmounting
+  + fuse: Include missing locale.h header
+  + Some other fixes and improvements
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.51.1:
+  + smbbrowse: Fix empty device listing after unrelated mount
+    failure
+  + udisks: Fix missing unmount notifications
+  + trash:
+  - Run blocking methods on a thread to avoid hangs
+  - Fix nfs4 and cifs monitoring
+  - Fix wrongly reported item-count
+  + smb: Allow renaming a file to the same name with a different
+    case
+  + mtp:
+  - Add support for incremental enumeration
+  - Emit delete event on device disconnection
+  + Some other fixes and improvements
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.50.5:
+  + smbbrowse: Fix empty device listing after unrelated mount
+    failure.
+  + udisks: Fix missing unmount notifications.
+  + trash:
+  - Fix nfs4 and cifs monitoring.
+  - Fix wrongly reported item-count.
+  + smb: Allow renaming a file to the same name with a different
+    case.
+  + mtp: Emit delete event on device disconnection.
+  + Some other fixes and improvements.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + fc2669f63c5def1528dda2e7833db5774aa08e22.patch
+  + 85bfb701fc95abeaa8a8ca3d9059378a9490f738.patch
+  + 41862c0179f834d8bc3bd84ce78ee495050f2676.patch
+- Add upstream fixes from the stable branch:
+  + fc2669f63c5def1528dda2e7833db5774aa08e22.patch: mtp: Emit
+    delete event on device when disconnected
+  + 85bfb701fc95abeaa8a8ca3d9059378a9490f738.patch: smb: Allow
+    renaming a file to the same name with a different case
+- Add 41862c0179f834d8bc3bd84ce78ee495050f2676.patch: trash: Sync
+  trash dir items when files change.
+- Use auto(setup|patch) macros.
+- Update to version 1.50.4:
+  + dav: Prevent usage of NULL for nonexistent source file
+  + client: Fix copy/move operation from/to Flatpak sandbox
+  + http: Report original sizes regardless of compression usage
+  + Fix string comparison on various places
+  + Updated translations.
+- Split out a new sub-package gvfs-backend-goa. This allows
+  end-users to remove last remains of soup2 and gdata dependencies.
+  Add a Supplements on gvfs and gnome-online-accounts to pull it in
+  for most of our users.
+- Add explicit pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: Meson checks
+  for it.
+- Update to version 1.50.3:
+  + dav: Prevent usage of NULL when user is not specified.
+  + ftp: Fix hangs when the connection is released.
+  + fuse: Decrease file handle reference when open file fail.
+  + sftp: PATH-expand the ssh client.
+  + test: Several smaller enhancements.
+  + backend: Add support for xx-large and x-large thumbnails.
+  + goa: Prevent automounts when resuming from suspension.
+  + Updated translations.
+- recommend pkexec in gvfs-backends. (not requires to allow customers
+  to remove pkexec) (bsc#1202070)
+- Update to version 1.50.2:
+  + smb: Rework anonymous handling to avoid EINVAL.
+  + http: Unescape prefix to fix handling of encoded URIs.
+  + build: Fix build without Avahi support.
+- Update to version 1.50.1:
+  + dav:
+  - Drop user from URI as a workaround for Nextcloud bug.
+  - Port DNS-SD resolver to async API to fix hangs when mounting.
+  - Rewrite to libsoup async API to fix crashes.
+  - Do not lose userinfo when copying URIs.
+  + smb: Ignore EINVAL for kerberos/ccache login.
+- Drop gvfs-smb-ignore-EINVAL-kerberos-ccache.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- Update to version 1.50.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.49.90:
+  + http/dav: Port to libsoup3.
+  + http: Do not silently accept invalid certificates.
+  + build: Remove incorrect i18n.merge_file argument to fix build.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 17a067b9b823a0d54e061eae45ff8e2c7e4a88d0.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Rebase 17a067b9b823a0d54e061eae45ff8e2c7e4a88d0.patch: Use
+  upstream commit.
+- Update to version 1.49.1:
+  + sftp: Adapt on new OpenSSH password prompts
+  + build: Set of improvements for meson
+  + Add to all systemd units
+  + Move systemd services to session slice
+  + Updated translations.
+- Pass systemduserunitdir=%%{_userunitdir} to meson, ensure we
+  set the correct dir for systemduserunitdir.
-- Add CVE-2023-25193.patch: limit how far we skip when looking
-  back (bsc#1207922 CVE-2023-25193).
+- Update to version 8.3.0:
+  + Improve memory barrier to fix potential segfaults
+  + Various subsetting and instancing fixes.
+  + Rename “hb-subset” option “--instance” to “--variations” to
+    match the other tools, old option kept as an alias
+- -devel: fix no-library-dependency-on libharbuzz-cairo0
+- Update to version 8.2.2:
+  + Fix regression from 8.1.0 in shaping fonts with duplicate
+    feature tags.
+  + Fix regression from 8.2.0 in parsing CSS-style feature strings.
+  + Variable fonts instanciation now handles more tables.
+  + Various CMake build improvements.
+  + Various fixes to build without errors with gcc 4.9.2.
+- Update to version 8.2.1:
+  + Unicode 15.1 support.
+- Update to version 8.2.0:
+  + Various build and fuzzing fixes
+  + Improvements to COLRv1 painting.
+  + New API:
+  - hb_paint_color_glyph_func_t
+  - hb_paint_funcs_set_color_glyph_func
+  - hb_paint_color_glyph
+- Update to version 8.1.1:
+  + Fix shaping of contextual rules at the end of string,
+    introduced in 8.1.0.
+  + Fix stack-overflow in repacker with malicious fonts.
+  + 30% speed up loading Noto Duployan font.
+- Update to version 8.1.0:
+  + Fix long-standing build issue with the AIX compiler and older
+    Apple clang.
+  + Revert optimization that could cause timeout during subsetting
+    with malicious fonts.
+  + More optimization work:
+  - 45% speed up in shaping Noto Duployan font.
+  - 10% speed up in subsetting Noto Duployan font.
+  - Another 8% speed up in shaping Gulzar.
+  - 5% speed up in loading Roboto.
+  + New API: +hb_ot_layout_collect_features_map().
+- Update to version 8.0.1:
+  + Build fix on 32-bit arm.
+  + More speed optimizations:
+  - 60% speedup in retaingids subsetting SourceHanSans-VF.
+  - 38% speed up in subsetting (beyond-64k) mega-merged Noto.
+  - 16% speed up in retain-gid (used for IFT) subsetting of
+    NotoSansCJKkr.
+- Changes from version 8.0.0:
+  + New, experimental, WebAssembly (WASM) shaper, that provides
+    greater flexibility over OpenType/AAT/Graphite shaping, using
+    WebAssembly embedded inside the font file. Currently WASM
+    shaper is disabled by default and needs to be enabled at build
+    time.
+  + Improvements to Experimental features introduced in earlier
+    releases:
+  - Support for subsetting beyond-64k and VarComposites fonts.
+  - Support for instancing variable fonts with cubic “glyf”
+    table.
+  - Many big speed optimizations.
+- update to version 7.3.0:
+  + Speedup applying glyph variation in VarComposites fonts
+    (over 40% speedup)
+  + Speedup instancing some fonts
+    (over 20% speedup in instancing RobotoFlex)
+  + Speedup shaping some fonts (over 30% speedup in shaping Roboto
+  + Support subsetting VarComposites and beyond-64k fonts
+  + New configuration macro HB_MINIMIZE_MEMORY_USAGE to favor
+    optimizing memory usage over speed
+  + Supporting setting the mapping between old and new glyph
+    indices during subsetting
+  + Various fixes and improvements
+- update to version 7.2.0:
+  + Improve Tifinagh glyph positioning
+  + Fix 4.2.0 regression in applying across syllables in syllabic
+    scripts.
+  + Add flag to avoid glyph substitution closure during subsetting,
+    and the corresponding “--no-layout-closure” option to
+    “hb-subset” command line tool.
+  + Support instancing COLRv1 table
+  + Optimize handling of “gvar” table
+  + Various subsetter bug fixes and improvements, documentation
+- Update to version 7.1.0:
+  + New experimental API that uses font variations to expand or
+    shrink the text to a given advance
+  + Various build and bug fixes.
+  + New API: hb_font_set_variation().
+- Update to version 7.0.1:
+  + Various build and bug fixes
+- Update to version 7.0.0:
+  + New hb-paint API that is designed mainly to paint COLRv1 glyphs,
+    but can be also used as a unified API to paint any of the glyph
+    representations supported by HarfBuzz (B/W outlines, color
+    layers, or color bitmaps).
+  + New hb-cairo API for integrating with cairo graphics library.
+    This is provided as a separate harfbuzz-cairo library.
+  + Support for instancing CFF2 table
+  + Support font emboldening
+  + Support feature ranges with AAT shaping
+  + Experimental support to cubic curves in glyf table
+  + Various subsetter improvements
+  + Various documentation improvements
+  + Significantly reduced memory use during shaping
+  + Greatly reduced memory use during subsetting CFF table
+  + New command line utility, hb-info, for querying various font
+    information
+  + New hb-shape/hb-view options: --glyphs, --color-palette,
+  - -font-bold, --font-grade, and --named-instance
+  + Miscellaneous fixes and improvements
+- harfbuzz-CVE-2023-25193.patch dropped in favor of upstream
+  consensus fix
+- Add harfbuzz-CVE-2023-25193.patch: limit how far we skip when
+  looking back (boo#1207922 CVE-2023-25193).
+- Update to version 6.0.0:
+  + Add API to pre-process the face and speed up future subsetting
+    operations on that face. Provides up to a 95% reduction in
+    subsetting times when the same face is subset more than once.
+  + Shaping have been speedup by skipping entire lookups when the
+    buffer contents don't intersect with the lookup. Shows up to a
+    10% speedup in shaping some fonts
+  + The HarfBuzz subsetter can now drop axes by pinning them to
+    specific values (also referred to as instancing)
+- Drop harfbuzz-5.3.1-Fix_check-symbols_failure.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Update to version 5.3.1:
+  + Subsetter repacker fixes
+  + Adjust Grapheme clusters for Katakana voiced sound marks
+  + New hb-subset option --preprocess-face
+- Add harfbuzz-5.3.1-Fix_check-symbols_failure.patch: Fix failing
+  tests.
+- Update to version 5.3.0:
+  + Don’t add glyphs from dropped MATH or COLR tables to the subset
+    glyphs
+  + Map rlig to appropriate AAT feature selectors
+  + Update USE data files to latest version
+  + Check CBDT extents first before outline tables, to help with
+    fonts that also include an empty glyf table
+  + More work towards variable font instancing in the subsetter
+  + Subsetter repacker improvements
+- Update to version 5.2.0:
+  + Fix regressions in hb-ft font functions for FT_Faces with
+    transformation matrix.
+  + The experimental hb-repacker API now supports splitting several
+    GPOS subtable types when needed.
+  + The HarfBuzz extensions to OpenType font format are now opt-in
+    behind build-time flags.
+  + The experimental hb-subset variable fonts instantiation API can
+    now instantiate more font tables and arbitrary axis locations.
+  + Unicode 15 support.
+  + Various documentation improvements.
+  + The hb-view command line tool now detects WezTerm inline images
+    support.
+  + Fix FreeType and ICU dependency lookup with meson.
+  + New API:
+- Drop patch fixed upstream:
+  + harfbuzz-5.1.0-repacker-fix-signedness-of-char-in-tests.patch
+- harfbuzz 5.1.0:
+  + More extensive buffer tracing messages
+  + Fix hb-ft regression in bitmap fonts rendering
+  + Support extension promotion of lookups in hb-subset-repacker
+  + A new HB_GLYPH_FLAG_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL for scripts that use
+    elongation (e.g. Arabic) to signify where it is safe to insert
+    tatweel glyph without interrupting shaping
+  + Add --safe-to-insert-tatweel to hb-shape tool
+- add harfbuzz-5.1.0-repacker-fix-signedness-of-char-in-tests.patch
+  from upstream to fix ARM and PPC builds
+- harfbuzz 5.0.1, including changes from 5.0.0:
+  + Improve for fonts with more than 65535 glyphs
+  + Support version 2 of “avar” table
+  + Improve support for some Arabic, Hebrew fonts
+  + Support for specific script tags to be retained in the
+    subsetter, and add “--layout-scripts” option to “hb-subset”
+    tool
+  + Improved handling of command line options
+  + Improve support for multiple tables and font features,
+    and font feature specific bug fixes
+- harfbuzz 4.4.1:
+  + Fix test failure with some compilers
+  + Fix Telugu and Kannada kerning regression
+- includes changes from 4.4.0:
+  + Caching of variable fonts shaping
+  + Caching of format 2 “Contextual Substitution” and “Chained
+    Contexts Substitution” lookups
+  + Improved ANSI output from hb-view
+  + Support for shaping legacy, pre-OpenType, Windows 3.1-era,
+    Arabic fonts that relied on a fixed PUA encoding
+  + Sinhala script is now shaped by the USE shaper instead of
+    “indic” one
+  + Thai shaper improvements
+  + hb-ot-name API supports approximate BCP-47 language matching,
+    for example asking for “en_US” in a font that has only “en”
+    names will return them
+  + Optimized TrueType glyph shape loading
+  + Fix subsetting of HarfBuzz faces created via
+    hb_face_create_for_tables()
+  + Add 32 bit var store support to the subsetter
+  + CVE-2022-33068: overflow in hb-ot-shape-fallback boo#1200900
+    + Drop harfbuzz-CVE-2022-33068.patch
+- Update to version 4.3.0:
+  + Major speed up in loading and subsetting fonts, especially in
+    handling CFF table. Subsetting some fonts is now 3 times faster
+  + Speed up blending CFF2 table
+  + Speed up hb_ot_tags_from_language()
+  + Fix USE classification of U+10A38 to fix multiple marks on
+    single Kharoshthi base
+  + Fix parsing of empty CFF Index
+  + Fix subsetting CPAL table with partial palette overlaps
+- Update to version 4.2.1:
+  + Make sure hb_blob_create_from_file_or_fail() always returns
+    nullptr in case of failure and not empty blob sometimes
+  + Add --passthrough-tables option to hb-subset
+  + Reinstate a pause after basic features in Khmer shaper, fixing
+    a regression introduced in previous release
+  + Better handling of Regional_Indicator when shaped with RTL-
+    native scripts, reverting earlier fix that caused regressions
+    in AAT shaping
+- Update to version 4.2.0:
+  + Revert Indic shaper change in previous release that broke some
+    fonts and instead make per-syllable restriction of “GSUB”
+    application limited to script-specific Indic features, while
+    applying them and discretionary features in one go
+  + Fix decoding of private in gvar table
+  + Fix handling of contextual lookups that delete too many glyphs
+  + Make “morx” deleted glyphs don’t block “GPOS” application
+- Update to version 4.1.0:
+  + Various OSS-Fuzz fixes
+  + Make fallback vertical-origin match FreeType’s
+  + Treat visible viramas like dependent vowels in USE shaper
+  + Apply presentation forms features and discretionary features in
+    one go in Indic shaper, which seems to match Uniscribe and
+    CoreText behaviour
+  + Various bug fixes
+- Update to version 4.0.1:
+  + Update OpenType to AAT mappings for “hist” and “vrtr” features
+  + Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to 2022-03-02
+  + Update USE shaper to allow any non-numeric tail in a symbol
+    cluster, and remove obsolete data overrides
+  + Fix handling of baseline variations to return correctly scaled
+    values
+- Update to version 4.0.0:
+  + New public API to create subset plan and gather information on
+    things like glyph mappings in the final subset. The plan can
+    then be passed on to perform the subsetting operation.
+  + Draw API for extracting glyph shapes have been extended and
+    finalized and is no longer an experimental API. The draw API
+    supports glyf, CFF and CFF2 glyph outlines tables, and applies
+    variation settings set on the font as well as synthetic slant.
+    The new public API is not backward compatible with the
+    previous, non-public, experimental API.
+  + The hb-view tool will use HarfBuzz draw API to render the
+    glyphs instead of cairo-ft when compiled with Cairo 1.17.5 or
+    newer, setting HB_DRAW environment variable to 1 or 0 will
+    force using or not use the draw API, respectively.
+  + The hb-shape and hb-view tools now default to using HarfBuzz’s
+    own font loading functions (ot) instead of FreeType ones (ft).
+    They also have a new option, --font-slant, to apply synthetic
+    slant to the font.
+  + HarfBuzz now supports more than 65535 (the OpenType limit)
+    glyph shapes and metrics. See be-fonts/boring-expansion-spec#6
+    and be-fonts/boring-expansion-spec#7 for details.
+  + New API to get the dominant horizontal baseline tag for a given
+    script.
+  + New API to get the baseline positions from the font, and
+    synthesize missing ones. As well as new API to get font metrics
+    and synthesize missing ones.
+  + Improvements to finding dependencies on Windows when building
+    with Visual Studio.
+    must be set during shaping for HB_GLYPH_FLAG_UNSAFE_TO_CONCAT
+    flag to be reliably produced. This is to limit the performance
+    hit of producing this flag to when it is actually needed.
+  + Documentation improvements.
+  + New API:
+  - General:
+    . hb_var_num_t
+  - Draw:
+    . hb_draw_funcs_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_create()
+    . hb_draw_funcs_reference()
+    . hb_draw_funcs_destroy()
+    . hb_draw_funcs_is_immutable()
+    . hb_draw_funcs_make_immutable()
+    . hb_draw_move_to_func_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_set_move_to_func()
+    . hb_draw_line_to_func_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_set_line_to_func()
+    . hb_draw_quadratic_to_func_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_set_quadratic_to_func()
+    . hb_draw_cubic_to_func_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_set_cubic_to_func()
+    . hb_draw_close_path_func_t
+    . hb_draw_funcs_set_close_path_func()
+    . hb_draw_state_t
+    . hb_draw_move_to()
+    . hb_draw_line_to()
+    . hb_draw_quadratic_to()
+    . hb_draw_cubic_to()
+    . hb_draw_close_path()
+    . hb_font_get_glyph_shape_func_t
+    . hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_shape_func()
+    . hb_font_get_glyph_shape()
+  - OpenType layout:
+    . hb_ot_layout_get_horizontal_baseline_tag_for_script()
+    . hb_ot_layout_get_baseline_with_fallback()
+  - Metrics: hb_ot_metrics_get_position_with_fallback()
+  - Subset:
+    . hb_subset_plan_t
+    . hb_subset_plan_create_or_fail()
+    . hb_subset_plan_reference()
+    . hb_subset_plan_destroy()
+    . hb_subset_plan_set_user_data()
+    . hb_subset_plan_get_user_data()
+    . hb_subset_plan_execute_or_fail()
+    . hb_subset_plan_unicode_to_old_glyph_mapping()
+    . hb_subset_plan_new_to_old_glyph_mapping()
+    . hb_subset_plan_old_to_new_glyph_mapping()
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add generic c_compiler BuildRequires for completeness.
+- Update to version 2.6.4+git.1702030539.5fb7d91b:
+  * Enable HttpOnly secure flag by default (bsc#1216508)
+  * Enforce CSRF in errors_controller.rb (bsc#1216571)
+  * Fix mime type issue in MS windows (bsc#1215438)
+  * Parametrize CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (bsc#1213454)
+  * Tests: upgrate tests for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
+  * Upgrade for ruby3.2 (tumbleweed) (bsc#1215976)
+  * Forbid special symbols in the category (bsc#1206217)
+  * Fix the sass-rails version on ~5.0 (bsc#1208533)
+  * Don't delete the private key if the public key is missing (bsc#1207930)
+  * make-sle155-compatible.patch . No bsc, it's for backwards compatibility.
+- Add 1024x1024 directory for package ownership
-- Added url as source.
-  Please see
+- Update hivex to version 1.3.23
+  * jsc#PED-2113
+  * Updated langauge files
+  * Various build fixes
+  * Improved windows support
+- Add python-rpm-macros (bsc#1180125)
-- Update to version 1.3.21
+- bsc#1189060 - VUL-0: CVE-2021-3622: hivex: hivex: stack overflow
+  due to recursive call of _get_children. Update to version 1.3.21
-  * Improve performance by adding a cache for iconv_t handles to hive_t
-  * Increase HIVEX_MAX_VALUES for windows HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices
-  * hivexregedit: add --max-depth option for exports
-  * hivexml: Add -u flag for HIVEX_OPEN_UNSAFE
-  * Ruby: improve test functions
-  * Update translations
-  * Various bug fixes
-- Drop patches contained in new tarball
-  CVE-2021-3622-stack-overflow-due-to-recursive-call-of-_get_children.patch
-  0001-lib-handle.c-Add-missing-bounds-check-for-block-exce.patch
-- bsc#1189060 - VUL-0: CVE-2021-3622: hivex: hivex: stack overflow
-  due to recursive call of _get_children()
-  CVE-2021-3622-stack-overflow-due-to-recursive-call-of-_get_children.patch
+- Update to version 1.3.20
+  * Fixes bsc#1185013 - VUL-0: CVE-2021-3504: hivex: missing bounds
+    check within hivex_open()
+  * Increase HIVEX_MAX_VALUES
+  * Updated translations
+- Remove ocaml_native_compiler conditional
+  build native target unconditionally
+- Update to version 1.3.19
+  * ocaml: Throw exception if malloc returns NULL
+  * ocaml: Cast return from String_val to (char *)
+  * ocaml: Use caml_alloc_initialized_string
+  * Remove extra @LIBS@ from pkg-config file
+  * Win::Hivex::Regedit: Ignore comments
+  * Win::Hivex::Regedit: Accept CRLF line endings
+- Switch to building using Python 3, as a consequence rename python
+  binding package to python3-hivex.
+- Drop unneeded Recommends and Group lines.
+- Make use of python3_sitearch macro to drop pyver variable.
+- Use python3-config to determine CFLAGS and libraries.
+- Run spec-cleaner against the specfile.
+- Fix bytecode build
+- Remove defattr and BuildRoot
+- disablement of lto comes via ocaml macros
+- disable lto
+- Update to version 1.3.18
+  * ocaml: Link the C bindings with LDFLAGS (RHBZ#1548536)
+  * perl: fix format of croak for RLenValue
+  * Update gnulib to latest.
+  * lib: Reset errno to zero to avoid erroneously returning E2BIG
-- bsc#1185013 - VUL-0: CVE-2021-3504: hivex: missing bounds check
-  within hivex_open()
-  0001-lib-handle.c-Add-missing-bounds-check-for-block-exce.patch
+- Update to version 1.3.15
+  * Improved performance by using a cache of iconv handles, especially
+    when dumping out large hives.
+  * Add the ‘hivexregedit --max-depth’ option for exports, so you can
+    dump out only the top N-level keys.
+  * ‘hivexsh -u’ flag allows you to open some broken hives.
+  * Fixes to broken POD documentation in some places.
+  * Fixes for OCaml 4.06 safe strings.
+- Update ibus-libpinyin.spec: Change build requirement and installation
+  requirement from python310 to python311 in SLE-15-SP6 and later
+  release, since there's no python310 provided yet.
+  (bsc#1218160)
+- fix factory build:
+  * ibus-typing-booster-libX11-1.8.7.patch
+  * libX11-data dropped some compose sequences in en_US locale
+    due to xkeyboard-config changes in version 1.8.7 (commit af2b6dfa)
+  * so some itb tests are not valid any more.
+- asan_build: build ASAN included
+- debug_build: build more suitable for debugging
-- update to 2.0.1
-  * Bumped version to track OpenEXR
-    (Piotr Stanczyk)
-- add gpg-offline based verification
-- use downloads from, instead of github
-- update to 2.0.0
-  * Bumped version to track OpenEXR
-    (Piotr Stanczyk)
-  * Numerous minor fixes, missing includes etc
-  * Minor fixes for newer gcc versions and OS X.
-    (misc)
-  * Preparation for OpenEXR v2 release { remove message for final release }
-    (Piotr Stanczyk)
-  * Updated the so verison to 10
-    (Piotr Stanczyk)
-- obsoletes
-  * 0001-Correcting-for-incorrect-license-section.patch
-  * ilmbase-1.0.3-ucontext-i386.patch
-- Added url as source.
-  Please see
-- Correct baselibs.conf
-- fix build on i586 platforms, by fixing error in declaration of the
-  restorControlRegs function
-- fix build on non-x86 platforms with ucontext
-- fix bnc#774408 - Proprietary licenses in ilmbase 1.0.3
-  * 0001-Correcting-for-incorrect-license-section.patch
-- update to 1.0.3
-  * Updated the so version to 7.
-  * Added support for enabling/disabling large stack optimisations, used in
-    halfFunction.h.
-  * Added ImathNoise.(h/cpp) files. Initializes Perlin noise to match the
-    Renderman implmenetation.
-  * Added SVD, eigenvalue solver, and procrustes fit calculations
-    to ImathMatrixAlgo.
-  * Added Imath::FrustumTest for frustum visibility testing.
-  * Fixed a stack corruption in the matrix minorOf functions.
-- provide a sane packaging conforming to shared library policy
-  * source package is ilmbase, ilmbase-devel is the devel package
-  * then libFoo$VERSION packages provides so files
-- Link libIlmThread against lpthread, it was removed in SR#100972
-- revert visibility patch, it was not supposed
-  to sneak-in yet.. [bnc#747565]
-- Remove redundant sections (cf. specfile guidelines)
-- Reuse windows code to provide symbol visibility support.
-  test suite passes, so unless it is incomplete or buggy
-  this should be just fine, if something breaks, open a bug report.
-- update to 1.0.2 (bug fix release)
-- rename to libilmbase6 according Shared Library Policy
-- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides
-- add baselibs.conf as a source
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- update to intel-media-23.3.5:
+  * Upstream ARL-S
+  * Enabled AV1 Encode ICQ feature for ACM+
+  * Deprecated VAEntrypointEncSliceLP
+  * Enabled PAT index setting when creating bo
+  * Optimized media reset threashold through resolution
+  * Fixed MTL VP9 Encode visual corruption issue for non-8 pixel
+    aligned resolution
+  * Fixed AVC Decode non-existing frame issue
+  * Fixed MTL XRGB/ARGB tiling create/report mismatch issue
+  * Fixed AV1 Encode max reference frame num caps report issue
+    for ACM onwards
+  * Fixed AV1 Encode multi-tiles R2R bitstream mismatch issue on
+    ACM
+  * Fixed VP9 header packer issue for segmentation
+  * Fixed FC Corruption when Blending without Colorfill
+  * Fixed a segfault for compressed surface non-32 aligned width
+- update to intel-media-23.2.4:
+  * Fixed AV1e obu size bits and max tile number caps report.
+  * Enhanced BT2020 YUV/RGB range conversion(YUV limited to full,
+    RGB full to limited).
+  * Enabled PAT index for cache setting.
+  * Enable GuC submission on RPL-S.
+  * Supported DDI query for engine reset info for ACM+.
+  * Fixed HEVC virtual tile scalability hang issue on TGL+.
+  * Fixed AV1 TX_MODE_SELECT caps for bitstream corruption for
+    ACM.
+  * Fixed HEVC ICQ caps report for ACM.
+  * Enabled HEVC VDEnc 422 encoding for ATS-M.
+  * Power optimization for VP9 unaligned surface padding on TGL.
+  * Fixed AVC memory management control operation w/
+    adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag update for ACM+.
+  * Improved HDR tone mapping performance for the case the input
+    image height is not 8 aligned.
+  * Fixed RGBP vaGetImage and vaPutImage.
+- update to 12.1.6:
+  * Official quarterly release including some enhancements and
+    key fixes.
+  * Enhanced AVC/HEVC/AV1 decode robustness for error case
+    handling.
+  * Enabled AV1 encoding error-resilient mode.
+  * Fixed VP9 encoding segment fault issue with unaligned
+    resolution.
+  * Fixed a random crash issue for OCA log resource in multi VPP
+    case.
+- update to 23.1.3:
+  * fix memleak issue on VPL AV1
+  * Enhance decode robustness of slice parameters
+  * VP9 fixes
+  * Fix aVC performance tags (encode)
+  * Fix typo in AV1 surface number (decode)
+- updated Supplements
+- updaet to 23.1.2:
+  * Fix Decode Encryption Types Missing in APO
+  * Fallback to doubleBufferCopy when lock external resource failed
+  * Enhance robustness of Decode SubPacket Manager
+  * FP16 Enable on APOes
+  * Refine mos gpu hang interface to use correct ctx id
+  * Move rowstore cache regkey report to new location
+  * optimize vebox resource
+  * Fix Output out of scaling when using SR with Rotation
+- updated Supplements
+- update to 23.1.1:
+  * Add VA HEVC block sizes and features caps
+  * Remove VP dependency for codec softlet lib on win/Linux
+- update to 22.6.6:
+  * Revert "vaGetImage optimization on D-card."
+- updated Supplements
+- update to intel-media-22.5.4:
+  * Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
+  * Alchemist(DG2)/ATS-M New Features and Enhancement
+  * Enhanced HEVC & AVC decode error handling robustness.
+  * Fixed VP9 dynamic resolution change decode random corruption issue.
+  * Enabled Memory Decompression for ADLS and ADLN.
+  * Fixed MPEG2 decode crash issue.
+  * Fixed AV1 decode film grain hang issue.
+  * Fixed color fill corruption issue.
+  * Fixed first VPP operation color artifacts.
+  * Enhanced I420 and UYVY format support in creating surface and derive
+    image.
+  * Fixed aux table l2 page fault
+- update to 22.6.4:
+  * Alchemist(DG2)/ATS-M New Features and Enhancement
+  * Enhanced HEVC & AVC decode error handling robustness.
+  * Fixed VP9 dynamic resolution change decode random corruption issue.
+  * Enabled Memory Decompression for ADLS and ADLN.
+  * Fixed MPEG2 decode crash issue.
+  * Fixed AV1 decode film grain hang issue.
+  * Fixed color fill corruption issue.
+  * Fixed first VPP operation color artifacts.
+  * Enhanced I420 and UYVY format support in creating surface and derive
+    image.
+  * Fixed aux table l2 page fault
+- Rebase intltool-perl-5.22.patch, use autosetup and make_build
+  macros.
+- Replace perl-XML-Parser with perl(XML::Parser)
+  BuildRequires/Requires: Be explicit about the symbol we need.
-- Update to version 0.50.1:
-  + Support AM_SILENT_RULES (lp#402516).
-  + Improve support for extracting messages from GSettings files
-    (lp#922685).
-  + Support attribute tag extraction for Glade/GtkBuilder files
-    (lp#923841).
-  + Start including a ChangeLog in tarballs and provide a NEWS file
-    (lp#924386).
+- update to 4.15.0:
+  + Updated translation for ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-3, ISO 639-2,
+    ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-3, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3,
+    ISO 639-5, ISO 4217, and ISO 15924.
+  + ISO 3166-2: Fix wrong Spanish translation.
+- update to version 4.13.0:
+  + ISO 3166-1: Add missing common names for Laos, Iran, and Syria.
+  + ISO 3166-3: Fix withdrawal dates of AN, CS and YU.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.12.0:
+  + ISO 3166-1: Update name for TR (Türkiye). Fixes #38
+  + Updated translations for ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-3,
+    ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3, ISO 639-5, ISO 4217, and ISO 15924.
+- Update to version 4.11.0:
+  + Update ISO 639-3 codes from SIL website.
+  + Updated translations.
+- update to 4.10.0:
+  * Update ISO 639-2 codes to include Montenegrin (cnr) added in 2017.
+  * Update ISO 4217. Fixes #24
+  * ISO 639-3: New translation for Friulian
+  * ISO 639-5: New translations for Esperanto, Hindi, Russian
+  * ISO 4217: New translation for Esperanto
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-1
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-3
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-3
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-5
+  * Translation updates for ISO 4217
+  * Translation updates for ISO 15924
+  * ISO 3166-2: Add parent codes for GB. Fixes #36
+  * ISO 3166-2: Fix subdivision names for Finland. Fixes #37
+- update to 4.9.0:
+  * ISO 639-3: New translation for Friulian
+  * ISO 639-5: New translations for Esperanto, Hindi, Russian
+  * ISO 4217: New translation for Esperanto
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-1
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-3
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-5
+- Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.2+13 (January 2024 CPU)
+  * CVEs
+    + CVE-2024-20918, bsc#1218907
+    + CVE-2024-20919, bsc#1218903
+    + CVE-2024-20921, bsc#1218905
+    + CVE-2024-20945, bsc#1218909
+    + CVE-2024-20952, bsc#1218911
+  * Security fixes
+    + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing
+    + JDK-8314295: Enhance verification of verifier
+    + JDK-8314307: Improve loop handling
+    + JDK-8314468: Improve Compiler loops
+    + JDK-8316976: Improve signature handling
+    + JDK-8317547: Enhance TLS connection support
+  * Other changes
+    + JDK-8038244: (fs) Check return value of malloc in
+    Java_sun_nio_fs_AixNativeDispatcher_getmntctl()
+    + JDK-8161536: sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/
+    / fails with ProviderException
+    + JDK-8219652: [aix] Tests failing with JNI attach problems.
+    + JDK-8225377: type annotations are not visible to javac
+    plugins across compilation boundaries
+    + JDK-8232839: JDI failed due to
+    "FAILED: Did not get expected IllegalThreadStateException on
+    a StepRequest.enable()"
+    + JDK-8267502: JDK-8246677 caused 16x performance regression in
+    SynchronousQueue
+    + JDK-8267509: Improve IllegalAccessException message to
+    include the cause of the exception
+    + JDK-8268916: Tests for AffirmTrust roots
+    + JDK-8286757: adlc tries to build with /pathmap but without
+    /experimental:deterministic
+    + JDK-8294156: Allow PassFailJFrame.Builder to create test UI
+    + JDK-8294158: HTML formatting for PassFailJFrame instructions
+    + JDK-8294427: Check boxes and radio buttons have rendering
+    issues on Windows in High DPI env
+    + JDK-8294535: Add screen capture functionality to
+    PassFailJFrame
+    + JDK-8295068: SSLEngine throws NPE parsing CertificateRequests
+    + JDK-8295555: Primitive wrapper caches could be `@Stable`
+    + JDK-8299614: Shenandoah: STW mark should keep nmethod/oops
+    referenced from stack chunk alive
+    + JDK-8300663: java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue/
+    / failed with "Error: fair=true i=0 j=1"
+    + JDK-8301247: JPackage app-image exe launches multiple exe's
+    in JDK 17+
+    + JDK-8301341: LinkedTransferQueue does not respect timeout for
+    poll()
+    + JDK-8301457: Code in is uncommented even
+    after JDK-8236852 was fixed
+    + JDK-8301489: C1: ShortLoopOptimizer might lift instructions
+    before their inputs
+    + JDK-8301846: Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when
+    using JFileChooser or COM library
+    + JDK-8303737: C2: Load can bypass subtype check that enforces
+    it's from the right object type
+    + JDK-8306561: Possible out of bounds access in
+    print_pointer_information
+    + JDK-8308103: Massive (up to ~30x) increase in C2 compilation
+    time since JDK 17
+    + JDK-8308452: Extend internal Architecture enum with byte
+    order and address size
+    + JDK-8308479: [s390x] Implement alternative fast-locking scheme
+    + JDK-8308592: Framework for CA interoperability testing
+    + JDK-8308593: Add KEEPALIVE Extended Socket Options Support
+    for Windows
+    + JDK-8309209: C2 failed "assert(_stack_guard_state ==
+    stack_guard_reserved_disabled) failed: inconsistent state"
+    + JDK-8309305: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/
+    / fails with jtreg test timeout
+    + JDK-8309545: Thread.interrupted from virtual thread
+    needlessly resets interrupt status
+    + JDK-8309663: test fails "assert(check_alignment(result))
+    failed: address not aligned: 0x00000008baadbabe"
+    + JDK-8309778: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when
+    using second test directory
+    + JDK-8309974: some JVMCI tests fail when VM options include
+  - XX:+EnableJVMCI
+    + JDK-8310239: Add missing cross modifying fence in nmethod
+    entry barriers
+    + JDK-8310512: Cleanup indentation in jfc files
+    + JDK-8310596: Utilize existing method
+    frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size_in_bytes()
+    + JDK-8310982: jdk/internal/util/ fails after
+    JDK-8308452 failed with Method isARM()
+    + JDK-8311261: [AIX] fails due to
+    java.lang.RuntimeException: Did not find expected NMT output
+    + JDK-8311514: Incorrect regex in
+    + JDK-8311585: Add JRadioButtonMenuItem to
+    + JDK-8311591: Add SystemModulesPlugin test case that splits
+    module descriptors with new local variables defined by
+    DedupSetBuilder
+    + JDK-8311630: [s390] Implementation of Foreign Function &
+    Memory API (Preview)
+    + JDK-8311631: When multiple users run tools/jpackage/share/
+    /, Permission denied for writing
+    /var/tmp/*.files
+    + JDK-8311680: Update the release version after forking Oct
+    CPU23_10
+    + JDK-8311681: Update the Jan CPU24_01 release date in master
+    branch after forking Oct CPU23_10
+    + JDK-8311813: C1: Uninitialized PhiResolver::_loop field
+    + JDK-8311938: Add default cups include location for configure
+    on AIX
+    + JDK-8312078: [PPC] Failing on AIX
+    + JDK-8312126: NullPointerException in CertStore.getCRLs after
+    8297955
+    + JDK-8312166: (dc) DatagramChannel's socket adaptor does not
+    release carrier thread when blocking in receive
+    + JDK-8312174: missing JVMTI events from vthreads parked during
+    JVMTI attach
+    + JDK-8312191: ColorConvertOp.filter for the default
+    destination is too slow
+    + JDK-8312433: HttpClient request fails due to connection being
+    considered idle and closed
+    + JDK-8312434: SPECjvm2008/xml.transform with CDS fails with
+    "can't seal package nu.xom"
+    + JDK-8312440: assert(cast != nullptr) failed: must have added
+    a cast to pin the node
+    + JDK-8312466: /bin/nm  usage in AIX makes needs -X64 flag
+    + JDK-8312467: relax the builddir check in
+    make/autoconf/basic.m4
+    + JDK-8312592: New parentheses warnings after HarfBuzz 7.2.0
+    update
+    + JDK-8312612: handle WideCharToMultiByte return values
+    + JDK-8313164: src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/
+    /awt_Robot.cpp GetRGBPixels adjust releasing of resources
+    + JDK-8313167: Update to use jtreg 7.3
+    + JDK-8313206: PKCS11 tests silently skip execution
+    + JDK-8313244: NM flags handling in configure process
+    + JDK-8313252: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_paintBackground
+    release resources in early returns
+    + JDK-8313322: RISC-V: implement MD5 intrinsic
+    + JDK-8313368: (fc) FileChannel.size returns 0 on block special
+    files
+    + JDK-8313575: Refactor PKCS11Test tests
+    + JDK-8313616: support loading library members on AIX in
+    os::dll_load
+    + JDK-8313643: Update HarfBuzz to 8.2.2
+    + JDK-8313656: assert(!JvmtiExport::can_support_virtual_threads())
+    with -XX:-DoJVMTIVirtualThreadTransitions
+    + JDK-8313756: [BACKOUT] 8308682: Enhance AES performance
+    + JDK-8313760: [REDO] Enhance AES performance
+    + JDK-8313779: RISC-V: use andn / orn in the MD5 instrinsic
+    + JDK-8313781: Add regression tests for large page logging and
+    user-facing error messages
+    + JDK-8313782: Add user-facing warning if THPs are enabled but
+    cannot be used
+    + JDK-8313792: Verify 4th party information in
+    src/jdk.internal.le/share/legal/
+    + JDK-8313873: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
+    / fails on AIX due to small default
+    RCVBUF size and different IPv6 Header interpretation
+    + JDK-8314045: ArithmeticException in GaloisCounterMode
+    + JDK-8314094: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails on
+    Windows when run as user with Administrator privileges
+    + JDK-8314120: Add tests for FileDescriptor.sync
+    + JDK-8314121: test tools/jpackage/share/
+    / fails on RHEL8
+    + JDK-8314191: C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file"
+    + JDK-8314226: Series of colon-style fallthrough switch cases
+    with guards compiled incorrectly
+    + JDK-8314242: Update applications/scimark/ to
+    accept VM flags
+    + JDK-8314246: javax/swing/JToolBar/4529206/
+    fails intermittently on Linux
+    + JDK-8314263: Signed jars triggering Logger finder recursion
+    and StackOverflowError
+    + JDK-8314330: java/foreign tests should respect vm flags when
+    start new processes
+    + JDK-8314476: failed with
+    "java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table"
+    + JDK-8314495: Update to use jtreg 7.3.1
+    + JDK-8314551: More generic way to handshake GC threads with
+    monitor deflation
+    + JDK-8314580: PhaseIdealLoop::transform_long_range_checks
+    fails with assert "was tested before"
+    + JDK-8314632: Intra-case dominance check fails in the presence
+    of a guard
+    + JDK-8314759: VirtualThread.parkNanos timeout adjustment when
+    pinned should be replaced
+    + JDK-8314883: Java_java_util_prefs_FileSystemPreferences_lockFile0
+    write result errno in missing case
+    + JDK-8314935: Shenandoah: Unable to throw OOME on back-to-back
+    Full GCs
+    + JDK-8315026: ProcessHandle implementation listing processes
+    on AIX should use getprocs64
+    + JDK-8315062: [GHA] get-bootjdk action should return the
+    abolute path
+    + JDK-8315082: [REDO] Generational ZGC: Tests crash with
+    assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index))
+    + JDK-8315088: C2: assert(wq.size() - before ==
+    EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE) failed: expect the EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE nodes of
+    this body if empty
+    + JDK-8315195: RISC-V: Update hwprobe query for new extensions
+    + JDK-8315206: RISC-V: hwprobe query is_set return wrong value
+    + JDK-8315213: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ test
+    enhance output of children
+    + JDK-8315214: Do not run sun/tools/jhsdb tests concurrently
+    + JDK-8315362: NMT: summary diff reports threads count
+    incorrectly
+    + JDK-8315377: C2: assert(u->find_out_with(Op_AddP) == nullptr)
+    failed: more than 2 chained AddP nodes?
+    + JDK-8315383: jlink SystemModulesPlugin incorrectly parses the
+    options
+    + JDK-8315415: OutputAnalyzer.shouldMatchByLine() fails in some
+    cases
+    + JDK-8315437: Enable parallelism in
+    vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/classload tests
+    + JDK-8315442: Enable parallelism in
+    vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/thread tests
+    + JDK-8315452: Erroneous AST missing modifiers for partial input
+    + JDK-8315499: build using devkit on Linux ppc64le RHEL puts
+    path to devkit into libsplashscreen
+    + JDK-8315545: C1: x86 cmove can use short branches
+    + JDK-8315549: CITime misreports code/total nmethod sizes
+    + JDK-8315554: C1: Replace "cmp reg, 0" with "test reg, reg" on
+    x86
+    + JDK-8315578: PPC builds are broken after JDK-8304913
+    + JDK-8315579: SPARC64 builds are broken after JDK-8304913
+    + JDK-8315606: Open source few swing text/html tests
+    + JDK-8315612: RISC-V: intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh
+    + JDK-8315644: increase timeout of
+    sun/security/tools/jarsigner/
+    + JDK-8315651: Stop hiding AIX specific multicast socket errors
+    via NetworkConfiguration (aix)
+    + JDK-8315683: Parallelize
+    java/util/concurrent/tck/
+    + JDK-8315684: Parallelize
+    sun/security/util/math/
+    + JDK-8315688: Update jdk21u fix version to 21.0.2
+    + JDK-8315692: Parallelize
+    gc/stress/ test
+    + JDK-8315696: test failed
+    + JDK-8315702: jcmd Thread.dump_to_file slow with millions of
+    virtual threads
+    + JDK-8315706: com/sun/tools/attach/warnings/
+    / real fix for failure on AIX
+    + JDK-8315735: VerifyError when switch statement used with
+    synchronized block
+    + JDK-8315751: RandomTestBsi1999 fails often with timeouts on
+    Linux ppc64le
+    + JDK-8315766: Parallelize
+    gc/stress/ test
+    + JDK-8315770: serviceability/sa/
+    should run with -XX:-VerifyDependencies
+    + JDK-8315774: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/g1/unloading
+    tests
+    + JDK-8315863: [GHA] Update checkout action to use v4
+    + JDK-8315869: UseHeavyMonitors not used
+    + JDK-8315920: C2: "control input must dominate current
+    control" assert failure
+    + JDK-8315931: RISC-V: xxxMaxVectorTestsSmokeTest fails when
+    using RVV
+    + JDK-8315936: Parallelize gc/stress/
+    test
+    + JDK-8315937: Enable parallelism in
+    vmTestbase/nsk/stress/numeric tests
+    + JDK-8315942: Sort platform enums and definitions after
+    JDK-8304913 follow-ups
+    + JDK-8315960: test/jdk/java/io/File/
+    leaves test files behind
+    + JDK-8315971: ProblemList containers/docker/
+    / on linux-all
+    + JDK-8316003: Update to HTML
+    instructions
+    + JDK-8316017: Refactor timeout handler in PassFailJFrame
+    + JDK-8316025: Use testUI() method of PassFailJFrame.Builder in
+    + JDK-8316030: Update Libpng to 1.6.40
+    + JDK-8316031: SSLFlowDelegate should not log from synchronized
+    block
+    + JDK-8316060: test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/reflect/
+    / may fail if heap is huge
+    + JDK-8316087: Test is still failing
+    + JDK-8316113: Infinite permission checking loop in java/net/spi/
+    /InetAddressResolverProvider/RuntimePermissionTest
+    + JDK-8316123: ProblemList
+    serviceability/dcmd/gc/ on AIX
+    + JDK-8316130: Incorrect control in
+    LibraryCallKit::inline_native_notify_jvmti_funcs
+    + JDK-8316142: Enable parallelism in
+    vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem tests
+    + JDK-8316156: ByteArrayInputStream.transferTo causes
+    MaxDirectMemorySize overflow
+    + JDK-8316178: Better diagnostic header for CodeBlobs
+    + JDK-8316179: Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in
+    MacroAssembler
+    + JDK-8316181: Move the fast locking implementation out of the
+    .ad files
+    + JDK-8316199: Remove sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatd* tests from
+    problemlist for Windows.
+    + JDK-8316206: Test fails for Baekmuk
+    font
+    + JDK-8316304: (fs) Add support for
+    BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() for Linux
+    + JDK-8316337: (bf) Concurrency issue in
+    DirectByteBuffer.Deallocator
+    + JDK-8316341: sun/security/pkcs11/ needs
+    adjustment on Linux ppc64le Ubuntu 22
+    + JDK-8316387: Exclude more failing multicast tests on AIX
+    after JDK-8315651
+    + JDK-8316396: Endless loop in C2 compilation triggered by
+    AddNode::IdealIL
+    + JDK-8316399: Exclude
+    java/net/MulticastSocket/ on AIX
+    + JDK-8316400: Exclude jdk/jfr/event/runtime/
+    / on AIX
+    + JDK-8316401: sun/tools/jhsdb/ failed
+    with "InternalError: We should have found a thread that owns
+    the anonymous lock"
+    + JDK-8316411: compiler/compilercontrol/
+    / fails intermittent with force
+    inline by CompileCommand missing
+    + JDK-8316414: C2: large byte array clone triggers "failed:
+    malformed control flow" assertion failure on linux-x86
+    + JDK-8316415: Parallelize
+    sun/security/rsa/ subtests
+    + JDK-8316418: containers/docker/
+    get OOM killed with Parallel GC
+    + JDK-8316436: ContinuationWrapper uses unhandled nullptr oop
+    + JDK-8316461: Fix: make test outputs TEST SUCCESS after
+    unsuccessful exit
+    + JDK-8316468: os::write incorrectly handles partial write
+    + JDK-8316514: Better diagnostic header for VtableStub
+    + JDK-8316540: StoreReproducibilityTest fails on some locales
+    + JDK-8316566: RISC-V: Zero extended narrow oop passed to
+    Atomic::cmpxchg
+    + JDK-8316581: Improve performance of Symbol::print_value_on()
+    + JDK-8316585: [REDO] runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of
+    time on dependency verification
+    + JDK-8316645: RISC-V: Remove dependency on libatomic by adding
+    cmpxchg 1b
+    + JDK-8316648: jrt-fs.jar classes not reproducible between
+    standard and bootcycle builds
+    + JDK-8316659: assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT || flag ==
+    CCR0) failed: bad condition register
+    + JDK-8316671: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/
+    / test fails intermittent with Read
+    timed out
+    + JDK-8316679: C2 SuperWord: wrong result, load should not be
+    moved before store if not comparable
+    + JDK-8316710: Exclude java/awt/font/Rotate/
+    + JDK-8316719: C2 compilation still fails with "bad AD file"
+    + JDK-8316735: Print LockStack in hs_err files
+    + JDK-8316741: BasicStroke.createStrokedShape miter-limits
+    failing on small shapes
+    + JDK-8316743: RISC-V: Change UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic
+    option result to warning
+    + JDK-8316746: Top of lock-stack does not match the unlocked
+    object
+    + JDK-8316778: test hprof lib: invalid array element type from
+    JavaValueArray.elementSize
+    + JDK-8316859: RISC-V: Disable detection of V through HWCAP
+    + JDK-8316879: RegionMatches1Tests fails if CompactStrings are
+    disabled after JDK-8302163
+    + JDK-8316880: AArch64: "stop: Header is not fast-locked" with
+  - XX:-UseLSE since JDK-8315880
+    + JDK-8316894: make test  TEST="jtreg:test/jdk/..."  fails on
+    AIX
+    + JDK-8316906: Clarify TLABWasteTargetPercent flag
+    + JDK-8316929: Shenandoah: Shenandoah degenerated GC and full
+    GC need to cleanup old OopMapCache entries
+    + JDK-8316933: RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/
+    / fails when using RVV
+    + JDK-8316935: [s390x] Use consistent naming for lightweight
+    locking in MacroAssembler
+    + JDK-8316958: Add test for unstructured locking
+    + JDK-8316967: Correct the scope of vmtimer in
+    UnregisteredClasses::load_class
+    + JDK-8317039: Enable specifying the JDK used to run jtreg
+    + JDK-8317136: [AIX] Problem List
+    runtime/jni/terminatedThread/
+    + JDK-8317257: RISC-V: llvm build broken
+    + JDK-8317262: LockStack::contains(oop) fails
+    "assert(t->is_Java_thread()) failed: incorrect cast to
+    JavaThread"
+    + JDK-8317294: Classloading throws exceptions over already
+    pending exceptions
+    + JDK-8317327: Remove JT_JAVA dead code in jib-profiles.js
+    + JDK-8317331: Solaris build failed with "declaration can not
+    follow a statement (E_DECLARATION_IN_CODE)"
+    + JDK-8317335: Build on windows fails after 8316645
+    + JDK-8317336: Assertion error thrown during 'this' escape
+    analysis
+    + JDK-8317340: Windows builds are not reproducible if MS VS
+    compiler install path differs
+    + JDK-8317373: Add Telia Root CA v2
+    + JDK-8317374: Add Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X2
+    + JDK-8317439: Updating RE Configs for BUILD REQUEST 21.0.2+1
+    + JDK-8317507: C2 compilation fails with "Exceeded _node_regs
+    array"
+    + JDK-8317510: Change Windows debug symbol files naming to
+    avoid losing info when an executable and a library share the
+    same name
+    + JDK-8317581: [s390x] Multiple test failure with LockingMode=2
+    + JDK-8317601: Windows build on WSL broken after JDK-8317340
+    + JDK-8317603: Improve exception messages thrown by
+ native methods (win)
+    + JDK-8317692: jcmd GC.heap_dump performance regression after
+    JDK-8292818
+    + JDK-8317705: ProblemList sun/tools/jstat/
+    on linux-ppc64le and aix due to JDK-8248691
+    + JDK-8317706: Exclude java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/
+    / on linux
+    + JDK-8317711: Exclude gtest/ on AIX
+    + JDK-8317736: Stream::handleReset locks twice
+    + JDK-8317751: ProblemList,
+ &
+ for windows
+    + JDK-8317772: NMT: Make peak values available in release builds
+    + JDK-8317790: Fix Bug entry for exclusion of
+    runtime/jni/terminatedThread/ on AIX
+    + JDK-8317803: Exclude java/net/Socket/asyncClose/ on
+    AIX
+    + JDK-8317807: JAVA_FLAGS removed from jtreg running in
+    JDK-8317039
+    + JDK-8317818: Combinatorial explosion during 'this' escape
+    analysis
+    + JDK-8317834: java/lang/Thread/ timed out
+    + JDK-8317839: Exclude java/nio/channels/Channels/
+    / on AIX
+    + JDK-8317920: JDWP-agent sends broken exception event with
+    onthrow option
+    + JDK-8317959: Check return values of malloc in native
+    java.base coding
+    + JDK-8317964: java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/
+    / fails on macosx-all
+    after JDK-8317751
+    + JDK-8317967: Enhance test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/
+    / to handle default cases
+    + JDK-8317987: C2 recompilations cause high memory footprint
+    + JDK-8318078: ADLC: pass ASSERT and PRODUCT flags
+    + JDK-8318089: Class space not marked as such with NMT when CDS
+    is off
+    + JDK-8318137: Change milestone to fcs for all releases
+    + JDK-8318144: Match on enum constants with body compiles but
+    fails with MatchException
+    + JDK-8318183: C2: VM may crash after hitting node limit
+    + JDK-8318240: [AIX] test failure
+    + JDK-8318415: Adjust describing comment of os_getChildren
+    after 8315026
+    + JDK-8318474: Fix memory reporter for thread_count
+    + JDK-8318525: Atomic gtest should run as TEST_VM to access VM
+    capabilities
+    + JDK-8318528: Rename TestUnstructuredLocking test
+    + JDK-8318540: make test cannot run .jasm tests directly
+    + JDK-8318562: Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX
+    instructions are used
+    + JDK-8318587: refresh libraries cache on AIX in print_vm_info
+    + JDK-8318591: avoid leaks in loadlib_aix.cpp reload_table()
+    + JDK-8318669: Target OS detection in 'test-prebuilt' makefile
+    target is incorrect when running on MSYS2
+    + JDK-8318705: [macos] ProblemList
+    java/rmi/registry/multipleRegistries/
+    + JDK-8318736: com/sun/jdi/ failed with
+    "transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use"
+    + JDK-8318759: Add four DigiCert root certificates
+    + JDK-8318889: C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected
+    in build_loop_late
+    + JDK-8318895: Deoptimization results in incorrect lightweight
+    locking stack
+    + JDK-8318951: Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding
+    + JDK-8318953: RISC-V: Small refactoring for
+    MacroAssembler::test_bit
+    + JDK-8318955: Add ReleaseIntArrayElements in
+    Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_SetBitmapShape XlbWrapper.c to
+    early return
+    + JDK-8318957: enhance agentlib:jdwp help output by info about
+    allow option
+    + JDK-8318961: increase javacserver connection timeout values
+    and max retry attempts
+    + JDK-8318981: compiler/compilercontrol/
+    / fails intermittent with
+    'disallowed by CompileCommand' missing from stdout/stderr
+    + JDK-8319104: GtestWrapper crashes with SIGILL in
+    AsyncLogTest::test_asynclog_raw on AIX opt
+    + JDK-8319120: Unbound ScopedValue.get() throws the wrong
+    exception
+    + JDK-8319184: RISC-V: improve MD5 intrinsic
+    + JDK-8319187: Add three eMudhra emSign roots
+    + JDK-8319195: Move most tier 1 vector API regression tests to
+    tier 3
+    + JDK-8319268: Build failure with GCC8.3.1 after 8313643
+    + JDK-8319339: Internal error on spurious markup in a hybrid
+    snippet
+    + JDK-8319436: Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NPE if loader is
+    null and interface not visible from class loader
+    + JDK-8319525: RISC-V: Rename * files to *
+    under riscv/gc
+    + JDK-8319532: jshell - Non-sealed declarations sometimes break
+    a snippet evaluation
+    + JDK-8319542: Fix boundaries of region to be tested with
+    os::is_readable_range
+    + JDK-8319700: [AArch64] C2 compilation fails with "Field too
+    big for insn"
+    + JDK-8319828: runtime/NMT/ may
+    fail if mixing interpreted and compiled native invocations
+    + JDK-8319922: fails to link in JDK 21
+    + JDK-8319958: test/jdk/java/io/File/libGetXSpace.c does not
+    compile on Windows 32-bit
+    + JDK-8319961: JvmtiEnvBase doesn't zero _ext_event_callbacks
+    + JDK-8320001: javac crashes while adding type annotations to
+    the return type of a constructor
+    + JDK-8320053: GHA: Cross-compile gtest code
+    + JDK-8320209: VectorMaskGen clobbers rflags on x86_64
+    + JDK-8320280: RISC-V: Avoid passing t0 as temp register to
+    MacroAssembler::lightweight_lock/unlock
+    + JDK-8320363: ppc64 TypeEntries::type_unknown logic looks
+    wrong, missed optimization opportunity
+    + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data
+    that does not encode params correctly
+    + JDK-8320601: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/lambda/
+    / on linux-all
+    + JDK-8321067: Unlock experimental options in
+    + JDK-8322883: [BACKOUT] 8225377: type annotations are not
+    visible to javac plugins across compilation boundaries
+    + JDK-8322985: [BACKOUT] 8318562: Computational test more than
+    2x slower when AVX instructions are used
+- Migrate from com.jcraft:jsch to com.github.mwiede:jsch fork
+  (bsc#1211955)
+  * Alias to the old artifact since the new one is drop-in
+    replacement
+  * Keep the old OSGi bundle symbolic name to avoid extensive
+    patching of eclipse stack
+- Upgrade to version 0.2.9
+  * Changes of 0.2.9
+    + various improvements, #295
+    ~ #293 allow UserAuthNone to be extended.
+    ~ Make JGSS module optional.
+    ~ Tweak OSGi bundle manifest:
+    ~ Avoid self-import.
+    ~ Mark JGSS as optional.
+    ~ Loosen import versions of dependencies.
+    ~ Correctly adhere to the Multi-release JAR spec by ensuring
+    all public classes under versioned directories preside over
+    classes present in the top-level directory.
+    ~ Eliminate stray System.err.println() calls.
+    ~ Change PageantConnector to use JNA's built-in support for
+    User32.SendMessage().
+    + Improve error handling in InputStream.close() for SFTP
+    channels, #331
+  * Changes of 0.2.8
+    + activate sourcecode formatting, #247
+    + build improvements, #279
+    + #287 add algorithm type information to algorithm negotiation
+    logs, #290
+    + wrap NoClassDefFoundError's for invalid private keys, #289 and
+    [#290]
+  * Changes of 0.2.7
+    + #265 change buffer_margin computation to be dynamic based upon
+    the MAC to allow connections that advertise small maximum
+    packet sizes.
+    + #266 fix PuTTY key parsing to work with unix line endings.
+    + Add support for ECDSA and EdDSA type PuTTY keys.
+    + #71 add support for PuTTY version 3 format keys.
+    ~ Encrypted PuTTY version 3 format keys requires Bouncy
+    Castle (bcprov-jdk18on).
+    + Eliminate KeyPairDeferred and instead change handling of
+    OpenSSH V1 type keys to be more like other KeyPair types.
+    + Be more vigilant about clearing private key data.
+    + Improve PKCS8 key handling and add support for PKCS5 2.1
+    encryption.
+    + Add support for ECDSA type PKCS8 keys.
+    + Add support for SCrypt type KDF for PKCS8 keys.
+    ~ PKCS8 keys using SCrypt requires Bouncy Castle
+    (bcprov-jdk18on).
+    + Add support for EdDSA type PKCS8 keys.
+    ~ EdDSA type PKCS8 keys requires Bouncy Castle
+    (bcprov-jdk18on).
+    + Attempt to authenticate using other signature algorithms
+    supported by the same public key.
+    ~ Allow this behavior to be disabled via
+    try_additional_pubkey_algorithms config option.
+    ° Some servers incorrectly respond with
+    SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK to an initial auth query that they
+    don't actually support for RSA keys.
+    + Add a new config option enable_pubkey_auth_query to allow
+    skipping auth queries and proceed directly to attempting
+    + Add a new config option enable_auth_none to control whether
+    an initial auth request for the method none is sent to detect
+    all supported auth methods available on the server.
+  * Changes of 0.2.6
+    + Include host alias instead of the real host in messages and
+    exceptions, #257
+    + Fix missing keySize set when loading V1 RSA keys, #258
+    + Enhancement to present KeyPair.getKeyTypeString() method, #259
+  * Changes of 0.2.5
+    + Explictly free resources in Compression implementations, #241
+    + Fix integration test failures on Apple Silicon by skipping
+    OpenSSH 7.4 tests, #227
+    + generate osgi bundle manifest data for jar #248, #249
+  * Changes of 0.2.4
+    + Improved excepton handling by @norrisjeremy in #200
+  * Changes of 0.2.3
+    + #188 fix private key length checks for ssh-ed25519 and
+    ssh-ed448, #189
+  * Changes of 0.2.2
+    + setup jdk for code-ql analysis, #151
+    + misc improvements, #152
+    + Fixing Issue #131, #134
+    + Update link to bcrypt, #157
+  * Changes of 0.2.1
+    + Allow to set a Logger per JSch-instance rather than a VM-wide
+    one, #128
+    + Preliminary changes prior to Javadoc work, #126
+    + remove check to allow setting any filename encoding with any
+    server version #137, #142
+  * Changes of 0.2.0
+    + Disable RSA/SHA1 signature algorithm by default #75
+    + Add basic Logger implementations that can be optionally
+    utilized with JSch.setLogger():
+    ~ JulLogger, using java.util.logging.Logger
+    ~ JplLogger, using Java 9's JEP 264
+    ~ Log4j2Logger, using Apache Log4j 2
+    ~ Slf4jLogger, using SLF4J
+    + Fix client version to be compliant with RFC 4253 section 4.2
+    by not including minus sign characters #115
+    + Add based compression implementation #114
+    ~ This is based upon the CompressionJUZ implementation posted
+    to the JSch-users mailing list in 2012 by the original JSch
+    author
+    ~ The existing JZlib implementation remains the default to
+    maintain strict RFC 4253 section 6.2 compliance
+    ° To use the new implementation globally, execute
+    JSch.setConfig("",
+    "com.jcraft.jsch.juz.Compression") +
+    JSch.setConfig("zlib", "com.jcraft.jsch.juz.Compression")
+    ° To use the new implementation per session, execute
+    session.setConfig("",
+    "com.jcraft.jsch.juz.Compression")
+    + session.setConfig("zlib",
+    "com.jcraft.jsch.juz.Compression")
+  * Changes of 0.1.72
+    + Switch algorithm to a pure
+    Bouncy Castle based implementation
+    + implement openssh config behavior to handle append, prepend
+    and removal of algorithms #104
+  * Changes of 0.1.71
+    + Address #98 by restoring JSch.VERSION
+  * Changes of 0.1.70
+    + Address #89 by fixing rare ECDSA signature validation issue
+    + Address #93 by always setting the "want reply" flag for "env"
+    type channel requests to false
+  * Changes of 0.1.69
+    + Address #83 by sending CR LF at the end of the identification
+    string
+    + Fix earlier change for #76 that failed to correctly make the
+    "Host" keyword case-insensitive
+    + Fix PageantConnector struct class visibility #86
+  * Changes of 0.1.68
+    + Added support for the algorithm
+    + Added support for the hmac-ripemd160,
+ and
+    algorithms using Bouncy Castle
+    + Added support for various algorithms from RFC 4253 and
+    RFC 4344 using Bouncy Castle
+    ~ cast128-cbc
+    ~ cast128-ctr
+    ~ twofish-cbc
+    ~ twofish128-cbc
+    ~ twofish128-ctr
+    ~ twofish192-cbc
+    ~ twofish192-ctr
+    ~ twofish256-cbc
+    ~ twofish256-ctr
+    + Added support for the algorithm using Bouncy
+    Castle
+  * Changes of 0.1.67
+    + Added support for the blowfish-ctr algorithm from RFC 4344
+    + Fix bug where ext-info-c was incorrectly advertised during
+    rekeying
+    ~ According to RFC 8308 section 2.1, ext-info-c should only
+    advertised during the first key exchange
+    + Address #77 by attempting to add compatibility with older
+    Bouncy Castle releases
+  * Changes of 0.1.66
+    + Added support for RFC 8308 extension negotiation and
+    server-sig-algs extension
+    ~ This support is enabled by default, but can be controlled
+    via the enable_server_sig_algs config option (or
+    jsch.enable_server_sig_algs system property)
+    ~ When enabled and a server-sig-algs message is received from
+    the server, the algorithms included by the server and also
+    present in the PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes config option will be
+    attempted first when using publickey authentication
+    ~ Additionally if the server is detected as OpenSSH version
+    7.4, the rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 algorithms will be
+    added to the received server-sig-algs as a workaround for
+    OpenSSH bug 2680
+    + Added support for various algorithms supported by Tectia
+    (
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    ~
+    + Added support for SHA224 to FingerprintHash
+    + Fixing #52
+    + Deprecate void setFilenameEncoding(String encoding) in favor
+    of void setFilenameEncoding(Charset encoding) in ChannelSftp
+    + Added support for rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-rsa2-512 algorithms to
+    ChannelAgentForwarding
+    + Address #65 by adding ssh-agent support derived from
+    jsch-agent-proxy
+    ~ See examples/ for simple example
+    ~ ssh-agent support requires either Java 16's JEP 380 or the
+    addition of junixsocket to classpath
+    ~ Pageant support is untested and requires the addition of JNA
+    to classpath
+    + Added support for the following algorithms with older Java
+    releases by using Bouncy Castle:
+    ~ ssh-ed25519
+    ~ ssh-ed448
+    ~ curve25519-sha256
+    ~
+    ~ curve448-sha512
+    ~
+  * Changes of 0.1.65
+    + Added system properties to allow manipulation of various
+    crypto algorithms used by default
+    + Integrated JZlib, allowing use of and zlib
+    compressions without the need to provide the JZlib jar-file
+    + Modularized the jar-file for use with Java 9 or newer
+    + Added runtime controls for the min/max/preferred sizes used
+    for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 and
+    diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
+    + Renamed PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes config to
+    PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms to match recent changes in OpenSSH
+    (PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes is still accepted for backward
+    compatibility)
+    + Reduced number of algorithms that are runtime checked by
+    default via CheckCiphers, CheckMacs, CheckKExes and
+    CheckSignatures to improve runtime performance
+  * Changes of 0.1.64
+    + #55 bug fix
+  * Changes of 0.1.63
+    + fix for #42
+  * Changes 0.1.62
+    + #13 reject HostKey with some servers
+    + #20 Include unit test
+    + #21 Misc cleanup
+    + #27 Update Testcontainers to newest version to fix test
+    failures
+    + #34 NPE with openssh v1 format
+  * Changes 0.1.61
+    + Add support for, ssh-ed25519,
+    ssh-ed448, curve448-sha512, diffie-hellman-group15-sha512
+    and diffie-hellman-group17-sha512.
+    This makes use of the new EdDSA feature added in Java 15's
+    JEP 339. #17
+    + added integration test for public key authentication #19
+  * Changes of 0.1.60
+    + support for openssh-v1-private-key format
+    + Fix bug with AEAD ciphers when compression is used. #15
+  * Changes of 0.1.59
+    + fixing issue #6 (originally from
+  * Changes of 0.1.58
+    + adds support for more algorithms, see #4
+  * Changes of 0.1.57
+    + support for rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512. #1
+  * Changes of 0.1.56
+    + support for
+    (see
+- Removed patches:
+  * jsch-0.1.54-sourcetarget.patch
+  * jsch-osgi-manifest.patch
+    + both problems are handled differently in the new version
+- Added patches:
+  * jsch-junixsocket.patch
+    + disable building with dependency that we don't have
+  * jsch-log4j.patch
+    + disable building with log4j support in order to avoid a
+    huge build cycle
-- Version bump to 0.1.51
-- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
-- Add maven and osgi things same as in Fedora.
+- Update to version 1.8.0:
+  + Build fixes
+  + Add current node accessor to JsonReader
+  + Make xgettext optional
+  + Avoid leaking memory in error paths
+  + Update test suite to conform with TAP
+  + Ensure valid output for exponential notation of numbers
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.44.0:
+  + No changes since 3.43.0 development release.
+- Update to version 3.43.0:
+  + Testsuite fixes
+  + Improved error messages
+  + Provide client error code with JSON_CLIENT_ERROR error domain
+  + Explicit variant ownership fixes
+- Enable meson_test macro again, following upstreams fixes.
+- Disable meson_test macro, it randomly fails for all arches and
+  targets.
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + Documentation improvements to use gi-docgen.
+  + Introspection fixes.
+- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) build requirement as
+  the new improved way for generating the API documentation.
+- Add temporary hacky SED commands to fix the gi-docgen generated
+  documentation ending up under /usr/share/doc/ rather than
+  /usr/share/doc/PKG_NAME.
+- Add jsonrpc-glib-rpmlintrc to filter out the:
+  "obsolete-not-provided typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0" since there's no
+  need to do so as we already used the capability typelib(foobar),
+  for requirements, before the renaming.
+- Update to version 3.41.0:
+  + Improvements to JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_VARIANT().
+- Replace post(un) handling with ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Add check section, meson_test macro and pass enable_tests=true to
+  meson, run tests during build.
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Fix broken bzip2 with new shared-mime-info
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- removed /usr/include/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h since it now comes
+  with libX11 1.6.9
+- kbproto-devel requires pkgconfig(xproto)
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * kconfigwatcher: do not assert absolute paths
+  * dbussanitizer: do not allow trailing slashes
+  * dbussanitizer: qassertx to print the path
+  * notify: don't try to send or receive dbus notifications on absolute paths
+  * more aggressively sanitize dbus paths
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Fix API docs generation for KPluginMetaDataOption enum values
+  * Deprecate unused KStringHandler::isUtf8 & KStringHandler::from8Bit
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * Unset bug address for implicitly created KAboutData (kde#473517)
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Require extra-cmake-modules at build time
+- Update to 23.08.4
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.08.3
+- Update to 23.08.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.08.2:
+  * snapcraft: Bundle Qt libs, host isn't necessarily going to have them installed!
+  * snapcraft: Add missing runtime deps. Change approach to patching.
+  * snapcraft: Fix patches location and command.
+  * snapcraft: fix runtime dep ninja-build.
+  * snapcraft: Fix version, Add license header, update dep5 file, add missing runtime dep ninja.
+  * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files.
+- Update to 23.08.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.08.1
+- Update to 23.08.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.08.0
+- Update to 23.08.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.07.90
+- Update to 23.07.90
+  * New feature release
+- No code change since 23.07.80
+- Update to 23.07.80
+  * New feature release
+- Changes since 23.04.3:
+  * gdb: skip to GDB version string (kde#409702, kde#428688, kde#446786)
+  * Don't cast out-of-enum-range -1 to CommonIntegralTypes (kde#471995)
+  * Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers
+  * Port to latest LibKompareDiff2 5.4
+  * AStylePlugin: don't concatenate preview/sample strings
+  * CustomScriptPlugin::previewText: don't concatenate strings
+  * Fix compile with newer astyle
+  * Show Configure KDevelop... dialog faster
+  * Remove useless deleteGroupRecursive(KConfigGroup)
+  * Don't call IBasicVersionControl::isVersionControlled in a loop
+  * standardoutputview: add settings to limit the number of output views
+  * OutputWidget: assert m_tabwidget before dereferencing it
+  * Extract OutputWidget::closeView()
+  * Optimize OutputWidget::closeActiveView()
+  * OutputWidget: prefer QHash::const_iterator
+  * Fix typos in source comments + documentation
+  * Fix test_files-clang failure with Clang 16
+  * Make Detailed completion:Never option work
+  * Fix hardcoded CMake documentation tooltip background color (kde#469180)
+  * Drop support for Okteta < 0.26.0 (Kasten 0.4.0)
+  * Okteta plugin: add Structures tool also on big endian platforms
+- Update to 23.04.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.04.2
+- Update to 23.04.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.04.1
+- Update to 23.04.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.04.0:
+  * Okteta plugin: add Structures tool also on big endian platforms
+- Update to 23.04.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Update to 23.03.90
+  * New feature release
+- Update to 23.03.80
+  * New feature release
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- update firmware to version 545.29.06
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Add build option for KF6 coinstallability
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * mark geo-scheme-handler as non-gui executable on macOS/Windows
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * KDirModel: Refactor _k_slotClear()
+  * KDirModel: Replace 'slow' with 'fsType' naming
+  * KDirModel: Reduce calls to isSlow()
+  * KDirModel: Limit details fetching for network fs
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * dbusactivationrunner: only activate well-formed services (kde#475266)
+  * DBusActivationRunner: fix object path according to spec
+  * Undeprecate KCoreDirLister::setMimeExcludeFilter
+  * Fix incomplete error strings in MimeTypeFinderJob
+  * Don't crash if KMountPoint gives nothing back while checking for CIFS (kde#474451)
+  * trashimpl: optimize TrashSizeCache::calculateSize
+  * trash: Optimize trashimpl::adaptTrashSize
+  * [kfilewidget] Fixing saving to files with quotes (kde#426728)
+  * KPropertiesDialog: Force PlainText on size label
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-Don-t-crash-if-KMountPoint-gives-nothing-back-while-.patch
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.111.0:
+  * Adapt to notification API and permission changes in Android SDK 33
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * KService: allow .desktop files without an Exec line (kde#430157)
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * Amend unit test to check propagation of options to date picker
+  * Remove "No date" option from date picker popup used by date combo box
+  * Set the modes on the date picker
+  * Fix file rating being unreadable in certain themes (kde#339863)
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 5.110.0:
+  * Explain in deprecation message that logical coordinates must be used in KF6
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
-- U_0001-CVE-2023-43785-out-of-bounds-memory-access-in-_XkbRe.patch
-  U_0002-CVE-2023-43786-stack-exhaustion-from-infinite-recurs.patch
-  U_0003-XPutImage-clip-images-to-maximum-height-width-allowe.patch
-  U_0004-XCreatePixmap-trigger-BadValue-error-for-out-of-rang.patch
-  U_0005-CVE-2023-43787-Integer-overflow-in-XCreateImage-lead.patch
-  * CVE-2023-43785 libX11: out-of-bounds memory access in
+- this update is needed due to jsc#PED-7282; it includes the
+  security fix for CVE-2022-3555 (bsc#1204425, bsc#1208881) and
+  a fix for a race condition in libX11 that causes various
+  applications to crash randomly (boo#1181963)
+- update to 1.8.7
+  This release contains fixes for the issues reported in security
+  advisory here:
+  * fixes CVE-2023-43785 libX11: out-of-bounds memory access in
-  * CVE-2023-43786 libX11: stack exhaustion from infinite recursion
+  * fixes CVE-2023-43786 libX11: stack exhaustion from infinite recursion
-  * CVE-2023-43787 libX11: integer overflow in XCreateImage()
+  * fixes CVE-2023-43787 libX11: integer overflow in XCreateImage()
+  along with:
+  * Fail XOpenDisplay() if server-provided default visual is invalid (!233)
+  * Bring XKB docs in line with actual implementation (!231, !228)
+  * Xutil.h: declare XEmptyRegion() and XEqualRegion() as Bool (!225)
+  * Assorted updates to en_US.UTF-8 compose keys (!213, !214, !215, !216,
+    !217, !219, !220, !222, !223, !226, !227, !229)
+- update to 1.8.6:
+  * InitExt.c: Add bounds checks for extension request,
+    event, & error codes
+  * Fixes CVE-2023-3138: X servers could return values from
+    XQueryExtension that would cause Xlib to write entries
+    out-of-bounds of the arrays to store them, though this
+    would only overwrite other parts of the Display
+    struct, not outside the bounds allocated for that
+    structure.
+- drop U_InitExt.c-Add-bounds-checks-for-extension-request-ev.patch (upstream)
-- U_Don-t-try-to-destroy-NULL-condition-variables.patch
-  * fixes regression introduced with security update for
-    CVE-2022-3555 (bsc#1204425, bsc#1208881)
+- Update to version 1.8.5
+  * gitlab CI: Add libtool to required packages
+  * configure: raise minimum autoconf requirement to 2.70
+  * configure: replace deprecated AC_HELP_STRING with AS_HELP_STRING
+  * configure: Use LT_INIT from libtool 2 instead of deprecated AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
+  * gitlab CI: add workflow rules
+  * nls: delete compose sequences that pointlessly mix upper and lower case
+  * nls: remove four hundred and sixty untypable Greek compose sequences
+  * nls: remove twenty two untypable Greek compose sequences
+  * restore the part that was accidentally snipped
+  * nls: make the Amharic compose sequences use the dead-vowel symbols
+  * nls: sort three sequences alphabetically in their group, like all others
+  * nls: delete six compose sequences that cannot be typed
+  * nls: use a slash instead of a combining solidus in compose sequences
+  * NLS: move long S compositions to respective blocks
+  * NLS: implement the expansion of the six Breton N-graph keysyms
+  * NLS: move dead-caron subscript compositions to the relevant Unicode block
+  * NLS: Remove strange dead_cedilla cedi sign sequences
+  * nls: add compose sequence for capital schwa, and delete a deviant one
+- Users of the Amharic (am_ET.UTF-8) compose key sequences provided by libX11
+  will also want to upgrade to xkeyboard-config 2.39 (releasing soon), in order
+  to keep those sequeunces working with this release.
+- Update to version 1.8.4
+  This release fixes the regressions in previous 1.8.x related to the thread-
+  - safety-constructor option. (boo#1209176)
+- supersedes U_fix-a-memory-leak-in-XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.patch
+- Update to version 1.8.1
+  This release fixes the --enable-thread-safety-constructor option to the
+  configure script to work as intended.  In the previous release, the changes
+  for this option may not have been enabled when the option was not specified
+  or when the --enable option was specified.
+  While we have enabled it by default, believing that doing so will reduce
+  the number of bugs users encounter running libX11 clients, in some cases
+  it may expose bugs in which clients had previously gotten away with calling
+  libX11 functions while a libX11 lock is already held, and thus now deadlock,
+  as discussed in
+- let's hope this version doesn't suffer yet from the regressions
+  reported in boo#1205778, boo#1205818 (reported against 1.8.2);
+  we need libX11 thread safe for totem (GNOME 43) :-(
+- going back to version 1.7.5 for now to get rid of regressions,
+  which were introduced by trying to get thread-safe in libX11
+  itself
+- re-introduced U_fix-a-memory-leak-in-XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.patch
+  which was not yet in 1.7.5
+- supersedes the following patches
+  * U_0001-Add-XFreeThreads-function.patch
+  * U_0002-Don-t-use-pragma-inside-a-function-it-breaks-compili.patch
+  * U_0003-Fix-797755-Allow-X-IfEvent-to-reenter-libX11.patch
+  * U_0004-Indentation-fixes-around-recent-dpy-in_ifevent-chang.patch
+  * U_0005-ChkIfEv.c-fix-wrong-handling-of-dpy-in_ifevent.patch
+- U_0001-Add-XFreeThreads-function.patch
+  U_0002-Don-t-use-pragma-inside-a-function-it-breaks-compili.patch
+  U_0003-Fix-797755-Allow-X-IfEvent-to-reenter-libX11.patch
+  U_0004-Indentation-fixes-around-recent-dpy-in_ifevent-chang.patch
+  U_0005-ChkIfEv.c-fix-wrong-handling-of-dpy-in_ifevent.patch
+  * adding all patches since 1.8.2 release in order to try fixing
+    regressions after introducing thread safety constructor with
+    1.8.1 (boo#1205778, boo#1205818)
+- supersedes U_Fix-797755-Allow-X-IfEvent-to-reenter-libX11.patch
+- re-enabled thread safe constructor
+- back to "--disable-thread-safety-constructor" for now; we see just
+  too many regressions, e.g. firefox freezes and crashes, crashes with
+  barrierc, crashes in Godot, assertions with vkquake (boo#1205818,
+  boo#1205778)
+- U_Fix-797755-Allow-X-IfEvent-to-reenter-libX11.patch
+  * fixed Firefox freezes (regression since 1.8.2) (boo#1205778)
+- Update to version 1.8.2
+  * This is primarily a bug fix release, including further work on
+    improving the thread-safety-constructor and making it work with
+    software which had incorrectly called libX11 functions from
+    inside X*IfEvent() calls.
+- supersedes U_fix-a-memory-leak-in-XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.patch
-- U_Fix-two-memory-leaks-in-_XFreeX11XCBStructure.patch
-  * security update for CVE-2022-3555 (bsc#1204425)
-- redone U_CVE-2021-31535.patch due to regressions (boo#1186643)
-  * fixes segfaults for xforms applications like fdesign
+- Update to version 1.8.1
+  This release fixes the --enable-thread-safety-constructor option to the
+  configure script to work as intended.  In the previous release, the changes
+  for this option may not have been enabled when the option was not specified
+  or when the --enable option was specified.
+  While we have enabled it by default, believing that doing so will reduce
+  the number of bugs users encounter running libX11 clients, in some cases
+  it may expose bugs in which clients had previously gotten away with calling
+  libX11 functions while a libX11 lock is already held, and thus now deadlock,
+  as discussed in .
+- Update to version 1.8
+  * The highlight of this release is that we now try to initialize
+    thread safety ourselves, rather than hope the application does it.
+    This should resolve a number of long-standing bugs with the libxcb
+    integration, since the socket handoff mechanism essentially has to
+    be thread-safe.
+- Update to version 1.7.4
+  * Don't try to destroy NULL condition variables
+- Update to version 1.7.4
+  * bugfix release
+- supersedes p_khmer-compose.diff
+- Update to version
+  * This release of libX11 corrects a packaging problem in 1.7.3
+    which caused the m4 files needed for autoreconf to not be
+    included in the tarballs.
+  * As a bonus, this release also includes one tiny typo fix in the
+    XIM specs.
+- Update to version 1.7.3
+  * This release includes a number of bug fixes and adds support for
+    the _EVDEVK keysyms added in xorgproto 2021.2.
+- u_no-longer-crash-in-XVisualIDFromVisual.patch
+  * no longer crash in XVisualIDFromVisual() [boo#1191517]
+- Update to version 1.7.2
+  * bug fix release, correcting a regression introduced by and
+    improving the checks from the fix for CVE-2021-31535.
+- supersedes U_Check-for-NULL-strings-before-getting-their-lengths.patch
+- U_Check-for-NULL-strings-before-getting-their-lengths.patch
+  * regression in libX11 1.7.1 (boo#1186643)
+    fixes segfaults for xforms applications like fdesign
+- Update to version 1.7.1
+  * security update for CVE-2021-31535 (bsc#1182506)
+- supersedes U_CVE-2021-31535.patch
--  U_CVE-2021-31535.patch
+- U_CVE-2021-31535.patch
-- U_0001-_XIOError-dpy-will-never-return-so-remore-dead.patch
-  U_0002-remove-empty-line.patch
-  U_0003-poll_for_response-Call-poll_for_event-again-if-xcb_p.patch
-  U_0004-poll_for_event-Allow-using-xcb_poll_for_queued_event.patch
-  U_0005-Prepare-for-_XIOError-possibly-returning.patch
-  U_0006-Fix-poll_for_response-race-condition.patch
-  * fixes a race condition in libX11 that causes various
-    applications to crash randomly (boo#1181963)
-- refreshed U_0001-Fix-an-integer-overflow-in-init_om.patch
+- Update to version 1.7.0
+  * libX11 version 1.7.0 includes a new API, hence the change from
+    the 1.6 series to 1.7:
+    XSetIOErrorExitHandler which provides a mechanism for applications
+    to recover from I/O error conditions instead of being forced to
+    exit. Thanks to Carlos Garnacho for this.
+  * This release includes a bunch of bug fixes, some which have been
+    pending for over three years:
+    + A bunch of nls cleanups to remove obsolete entries and clean up
+    formatting of the ist. Thanks to Benno Schulenberg for these.
+    + Warning fixes and other cleanups across a huge swath of the
+    library. Thanks to Alan Coopersmith for these.
+    + Memory allocation bugs, including leaks and use after free in the
+    locale code. Thanks to Krzesimir Nowak, Jacek Caban and Vittorio
+    Zecca for these.
+    + Thread safety fixes in the locale code. Thanks to Jacek Caban for
+    these.
+    + poll_for_response race condition fix. Thanks to Frediano Ziglio for
+    the bulk of this effort, and to Peter Hutterer for careful review
+    and improvements.
+  * Version 1.7.0 includes a couple of new locales:
+    ia and ie locales. Thanks to Carmina16 for these.
+  * There are also numerous compose entries added, including:
+    + |^ or ^| for ↑, |v or v| for ↓, ~~ for ≈. Thanks to Antti
+    Savolainen for this.
+    + Allowing use of 'v' for caron, in addition to 'c', so things like
+    vC for Č, vc for č. Thanks to Benno Schulenberg for this.
+    + Compose sequences LT, lt for '<', and GT, gt for '>' for keyboards
+    where those are difficult to access. Thanks to Jonathan Belsewir
+    for this.
+- refreshed patches en-locales.diff, p_khmer-compose.diff and
+  p_xlib_skip_ext_env.diff
-- U_0001-Fix-an-integer-overflow-in-init_om.patch
+- Update to version 1.6.12
+- Update to version 1.6.11:
+  A collection of random and security fixes.
+- Remove patches included in this release:
+  + U_001-ChangeTheData_lenParameterOf_XimAttributeToValueToCARD16.patch
+  + U_002-FixIntegerOverflowsIn_XimAttributeToValue.patch
+  + U_003-FixMoreUncheckedLengths.patch
+  + U_004-FixSignedLengthValuesIn_XimGetAttributeID.patch
+  + U_005-ZeroOutBuffersInFunctions.patch
+  + U_006-Fix-size-calculation-in-_XimAttributeToValue.patch
+- Adapt patch p_xlib_skip_ext_env.diff to work with the new version
+- Add conflicts for old xorgproto-devel, X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h
+  was moved to libX11-devel.
+- Update to version 1.6.9
+  * A collection of build and documentation fixes, one preparatory
+    change for a new xorgproto release, and a fix for a deadlock
+    bug in _XReply.
+- Update to version 1.6.8
+  * bug fixes
+- Update to version 1.6.7
+  * XcmsLookupColor: fully initialize XColor structs passed to
+    _XColor_to_XcmsRGB
+  * poll_for_response: Call poll_for_event again if xcb_poll_for_reply fails
+  * poll_for_event: Allow using xcb_poll_for_queued_event
+- Format spec with spec-cleaner
+- Use %autopatch to not bother with one-by-one patch application
+- Remove autoreconf as we no longer patch any of the buildsystem
+- Explicitly disable silent rules during configuration
+- Update to version 1.6.6:
+  + Make Xkb{Get,Set}NamedIndicator spec & manpages match code
+  + Clarify state parameter to XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator
+  + Improve table formatting in XkbChangeControls & XkbKeyNumGroups man pages
+  + If XGetImage fails to create image, don't dereference it to bounds check
+  + Use size_t for buffer sizes in SetHints.c
+  + Change fall through comment in lcDB.c to match gcc's requirements
+  + _XDefaultError: set XlibDisplayIOError flag before calling exit
+  + Fix possible memory leak in cmsProp.c:140
+  + Don't rebuild ks_tables.h if nothing changed.
+  + Remove statement with no effect.
+  + Use flexible array member instead of fake size.
+  + Valgrind fix for XStoreColor and XStoreColors.
+  + XkbOpenDisplay.3: fix typo
+  + Validation of server response in XListHosts.
+  + Fixed off-by-one writes (CVE-2018-14599).
+  + Fixed out of boundary write (CVE-2018-14600).
+  + Fixed crash on invalid reply (CVE-2018-14598).
+  + fix shadow warning
+  + _XIOError(dpy); will never return so remore dead
+  + remove argument check for free() adjust one inden
+  + fix shadow char_size
+  + fix more shadow warning
+  + no need to check argument for _XkbFree()
+  + remove stray extern
+  + no need to check args for Xfree()
+  + fix memleak in error path
+  + fix memleak in error path
+  + no need to check XFree arguments
+  + mark _XDefaultIOError as no_return
+  + Fixes: warning: variable 'req' set but not,used
+  + add _X_UNUSED to avoid unused variable warnings
+  + remove empty line
+  + silence gcc warning assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type
+- Packaging changes:
+  + Remove upstreamed u_Use-flexible-array-member-instead-of-fake-size.patch
+  + Remove upstreamed u_off-by-one-write-in-XListExtensions.patch
+  + Remove upstreamed u_out-of-boundary-write-in-XListExtensions.patch
+  + Remove upstreamed u_crash-on-invalid-reply-in-XListExtensions.patch
+- u_Use-flexible-array-member-instead-of-fake-size.patch
+  * Fixes build error with gcc8. (bnc#1084639)
+- Update to version 1.4.2:
+  + Really fix build with libappstream 1.0
+- Update to version 1.4.1:
+  + Fix build with MSVC
+  + Fix build with libappstream 1.0
+  + AdwCarousel: Fix carousel scroll behavior with page reordering
+  + AdwComboRow:
+  - Fix focus when opening the popover
+  - Set the correct state on the selected checkmark
+  + AdwNavigationView: Fix a warning message
+  + AdwTabOverview: Allow child focus on out animations
+  + AdwTabView:
+  - Keep view alive during ::page-detached
+  - Fix crashes when using :pages
+  + Docs: Fix erroneous <child> use in breakpoints migration guide
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 3e3967d5f69180644519936991cad10136e84ca9.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add 3e3967d5f69180644519936991cad10136e84ca9.patch: Fix building
+  against libappstream 1.0 (boo#1217047).
+- Update to version 1.4.0+12:
+  + docs: Use `<property>` instead of `<child> for
+    `AdwNavigationSplitView`
+  + navigation-view: Add missing space to warning message
+  + tab-view: Fix typo causing crash on AdwTabPages dispose
+  + combo-row: Make the selected indicator a presentational element
+  + tab-view: pages model can outlive it's view
+  + tab-view: keep view alive during ::page-detached
+  + about-window: Fix build with newer libappstream (boo#1217047)
+  + combo-row: Preserve focus when opening the popover
+  + Revert "Add some default options to the GTK subproject"
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.4.0:
+  + AdwBreakpointBin: Clarify minimum size warnings
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Improve accessible roles
+  + AdwPreferencesGroup: Set described-by on the listbox
+  + Docs: Fix a property name in breakpoint migration guide
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix toolbar view styles within sidebars
+  - Fix .navigation-sidebar:disabled style when used with
+    GtkListView
+  + Build system fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch compression in service and spec (tarball produced) to zst.
+- Update to version 1.4.rc:
+  + AdwAboutWindow:
+  - Accessibility fixes
+  - Add a minimum size
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Accessibility fixes
+  + AdwHeaderBar:
+  - Fix missing title fallback for back button tooltip and
+    history menu
+  - Set "Back" as an accessible label for the back button
+  - Clarify docs around :show-back-button
+  + AdwNavigationView: Warn when a navigation page is missing a
+    title
+  + AdwStyleManager: Fix over-releasing a string on macOS
+  + AdwTabButton: Set the correct gettext domain
+  + AdwTabOverview
+  - Set the correct gettext domain
+  - Fix reordered thumbnail being drawn below others
+  + AdwToastOverlay: Set the correct gettext domain
+  + Build: Update pkg-config description field
+  + Demo:
+  - Update screenshot in appdata
+  - Correctly dismiss the last toast in the dialogs demo
+  - Add missing navigation page titles
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix filename entry margins in file chooser
+  - Fix menubutton.card corners
+  - Fix button.card focus ring transition
+  - Avoid background overdraw in GtkColumnView
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.4.beta:
+  + Build:
+  - Depend on GLib 2.76.0
+  - Fix build on Windows
+  - Add a GTK subproject
+  + AdwBreakpointBin:
+  - Mention the correct widget in exceeded size warnings
+  - Fix width-for-height and height-for-width sizing
+  + AdwComboRow: Recreate default factory on expression changes
+  + AdwEnumListModel: Better invalid value for find_position()
+  + AdwHeaderBar:
+  - Fix spacing when there are no start/end children
+  - Fix a memory leak
+  - Fix GtkCenterBox:shrink-center-last usage
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix back/forward mouse button handling
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Fix shadow style
+  + AdwNavigationView:
+  - Pop the current page when pressing Escape
+  - Make AdwNavigationPage:child-view private
+  - Fix back/forward mouse button handling
+  - Clarify docs
+  + AdwPreferencesWindow: Fix a memory leak
+  + AdwTabOverview
+  - Cull invisible thumbnails
+  - Fix a crash when opening overview before it's mapped
+  + AdwTabView: Fix thumbnail regressions from 1.4.alpha
+  + AdwToastOverlay: Fix width-for-height and height-for-width
+    sizing
+  + AdwToolbarView:
+  - Fix width-for-height and height-for-width sizing
+  - Clarify docs
+  + AdwViewStack: Add AdwViewStackPages:selected-page
+  + AdwViewSwitcherBar:
+  - Fix disabling reveal animation when using breakpoints
+  - Make sure the height doesn't change with large text
+  + Demo:
+  - Fix view switcher demo minimum height
+  - Set input hints and purpose in the entries
+  + Docs:
+  - Assorted screenshot tool fixes
+  - Fix a deprecation warning in the screenshot tool
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Make button.osd focus rings blue for better visibility
+  - Fix .card buttons within .osd
+  - Fix button transitions in high contrast mode
+  - Fix single-item menu height
+  - Modernize GtkFileDialog, GtkAppChooserDialog and GtkAssistant
+    styles
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.4.alpha:
+  + Build
+  - Depend on GTK 4.11.3
+  - Depend on libappstream
+  - Add Vala metadata file
+  - Fix gnome.compile_resources() on MSBuild
+  - Fix doc include path
+  - Make metainfo build reproducible
+  + Add AdwBreakpoint and AdwBreakpointBin
+  + Add AdwNavigationView
+  + Add AdwNavigationSplitView
+  + Add AdwOverlaySplitView
+  + Add AdwSpinRow
+  + Add AdwSwitchRow
+  + Add AdwToolbarView
+  + Deprecate AdwFlap, AdwLeaflet, AdwSqueezer and
+    AdwViewSwitcherTitle
+  + AdwAboutWindow
+  - Add new_from_appdata()
+  - Add a missing Since annotation
+  - Fix accessible role on the application icon
+  + AdwActionRow: Fix an inaccuracy in docs
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix a memory leak
+  + AdwBanner:
+  - Allow to ellipsize the button
+  - Clarify title placement in docs
+  - Add a backdrop style
+  + AdwButtonContent: Add :can-shrink
+  + AdwCarousel:
+  - Fix allocation
+  - Fix scrolling to a recently inserted item
+  + AdwClamp/AdwClampLayout/AdwClampScrollable:
+  - Add :unit, default to the sp unit instead of px
+  - Deprecate clamp child  style classes
+  + AdwComboRow:
+  - Add :enable-search
+  - Fix accessible role on the dropdown arrow
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Deprecate add_action(), replace it with
+    add_suffix()
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(appstream) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 1.3.5:
+  + Set the correct gettext domain on all widgets.
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Accessibility fixes.
+  + AdwStyleManager: Fix over-releasing a string on macOS.
+  + Demo: Correctly dismiss the last toast in the dialogs demo.
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix menubutton.card corners.
+  - Fix button.card focus ring transition.
+  - Avoid background overdraw in GtkColumnView.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.4:
+  + AdwAboutWindow: Fix :translator-credits property
+  + AdwComboRow: Fix accessible role on the dropdown arrow
+  + AdwEntryRow: Fix accessibility
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix back/forward mouse button handling
+  + AdwTabBar: Fix accessibility
+  + AdwTabThumbnail:
+  - Fix duplicate thumbnail during transitions
+  - Fix the transition curve
+  + AdwViewSwitcher: Set correct accessible role for icons
+  + AdwWindowTitle: Fix initial title visibility
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix .card buttons within .osd
+  - Fix single-item menu height
+- Update to version 1.3.3:
+  + Fix doc include path
+  + AdwCarousel: Fix scrolling to a recently inserted item
+  + AdwEntryRow: Fix accessibility
+  + AdwPreferencesWindow: Fix markup handling when searching
+  + AdwStyleManager: Fix get_for_display() annotation
+  + AdwTabBar/AdwTabOverview: Fix dropping data onto
+    tabs/thumbnails
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.2:
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix a memory leak
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Fix criticals when using choose() with
+    hide-on-close=true
+  + AdwTabBar/Overview: Correctly unparent context menu
+  + Build: Fix build on Windows
+  + Demo: Fix a critical when trying to set a non-image file as
+    avatar
+  + Docs:
+  - Remove an erroneous mention of mnemonics in row subtitles
+  - Clarify AdwBanner title placement
+  - Mention the version .large-title is deprecated since
+  - Fix successs/error color values
+  - List thumbnail colors on the named colors page
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Improve selected list/grid item contrast
+  - Fix file chooser grid dimensions
+  - Fix button.card checked state
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.1:
+  + AdwAboutWindow: Add a missing Since annotation
+  + AdwCarousel: Fix allocation
+  + AdwFlap:
+  - Add a missing setter annotation for :fold-policy
+  - Correctly measure separator
+  - Avoid notify emissions in dispose()
+  + AdwTabBar: Fix clipped labels
+  + AdwTabOverview
+  - Fix clipped labels
+  - Add a translator comment for "%u tabs"
+  + Demo: Open primary menu with F10
+  + Don't show marshal functions in docs
+- Changes from version 1.3.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.rc:
+  + Build: Depend on GTK 4.9.5
+  + AdwApplication: Disable style loading if Granite is present
+  + AdwAvatar: Improve filtering for custom images
+  + AdwCarousel: Doc updates
+  + AdwEntryRow: Fix :disabled styles
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Expose expanded state for a11y
+  + AdwPropertyAnimationTarget: Remove critical when finalizing the
+    object before the target
+  + AdwSplitButton:
+  - Correctly set a11y relations
+  - Add a default tooltip to the dropdown
+  + AdwStyleManager:
+  - Fix regressions from 1.3.beta
+  - Disable built-in styles if Granite is present
+  + AdwTabOverview: Clarify docs
+  + AdwToastOverlay: Fix a use-after-free when quickly creating and
+    dismissing toasts
+  + Docs:
+  - Update named color descriptions
+  - Update .linked widget list to keep up with GTK 4.9.x
+  - Mention AdwHeaderBar along with GtkHeaderBar
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix page switcher in GtkShortcutsWindow
+  - Fix GtkSearchBar spacing
+  + Memory leak fixes
+  + Various cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.beta:
+  + AboutWindow:
+  - Prevent double clicks from opening troubleshooting page
+  - Fix a GTK 4.9.x deprecation
+  + AdwActionRow: Add :subtitle-selectable
+  + AdwAnimation: Add :follow-enable-animations-setting
+  + AdwBanner: Sizing fixes
+  + AdwEntryRow: Make accessible
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix can-unfold=false
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Increase spacing when heading or body are
+    missing
+  + AdwSpringAnimation:
+  - Add calculate_value() and calculate_velocity()
+  - Fix unsafe float comparisons
+  - Fix critical damping velocity
+  + AdwStyleManager: Support color schemes and high contrast on
+    Windows
+  + AdwSwipeable: Fix get_swipe_area() fallback
+  + AdwTabBar, AdwTabOverview: Emit ::extra-drag-value on ::enter
+  + AdwTabButton:
+  - Fix needs-attention dot after viewing AdwTabPages in
+    inspector
+  - Fix warning when building in Visual Studio
+  + AdwTabView: Make accessible
+  + AdwToastOverlay:
+  - Don't focus buttons on click
+  - Prevent toast labels from wrapping
+  + AdwViewStack: Make accessible
+  + Demo:
+  - Don't follow "enable animations" setting for the demo
+    animation
+  - Fix the switch on the avatar page
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Style GtkMenuBar like header bars and similar widgets
+  - Add minimum width to menu popovers
+  - Fix GtkLevelBar fill colors
+  - Fix GtkFileDialog path bar padding
+  - Fix GtkAssistant sidebar color
+  - Support marked days in GtkCalendar
+  + Documentation fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.3.alpha:
+  + Introduce AdwBanner.
+  + Introduce AdwTabButton and AdwTabOverview.
+  + Fix or silence GTK 4.9.x deprecations.
+  + Require GTK 4.9.2 and GLib 2.72.0.
+  + Add developer name to metainfo.
+  + AdwActionRow:
+  - Deprecate icon-name property.
+  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes.
+  + AdwAvatar: Correctly redraw on custom image changes.
+  + AdwEntryRow:
+  - Add adw_entry_row_grab_focus_without_selecting().
+  - Respect use-markup property.
+  - Fix error/warning/success styles.
+  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes.
+  + AdwExpanderRow:
+  - Add title-lines and subtitle-lines properties.
+  - Deprecate icon-name property.
+  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes.
+  + AdwFlap: Fix natural width with fold-policy=never.
+  + AdwMessageDialog:
+  - Add adw_message_dialog_choose().
+  - Fix focus styles in RTL.
+  - Refactor adaptive layout.
+  + AdwTabBar:
+  - Add preload property and extra-drag-value signal.
+  - Fix focus handling.
+  - Fix autoscroll for non-local drags.
+  + AdwTabView:
+  - Update default tab icon.
+  - Rewrite internals to allow overview thumbnails for inactive
+    pages.
+  + AdwPreferencesPage: Add a function to scroll to top.
+  + AdwPreferencesWindow: Fix a memory leak.
+  + AdwSplitButton: Don't make dropdown insensitive when the button
+    is.
+  + AdwSpringAnimation: Correctly mark as final.
+  + AdwToastOverlay: Clarify documentation.
+  + AdwViewSwitcherBar: Fix typos in examples.
+  + AdwViewSwitcherTitle: Fix typos in examples.
+  + Demo:
+  - Update icons.
+  - Make tabs demo adaptive using the new widgets.
+  - Use G_DEFINE_FINAL_TYPE where appropriate.
+  + Doc:
+  - Rename visual index to widget gallery.
+  - Stop marking symbols from 1.0 as such to reduce clutter.
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix GtkSpinButton inside toolbars.
+  - Update for file chooser changes.
+  - Use accent color for default list/grid selection.
+  + Tests: Introduce manual tests in tests/manual/.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.3:
+  + AdwEntryRow: Fix :disabled styles.
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Expose expanded state for a11y.
+  + Memory leak fixes.
+- Update to version 1.2.2:
+  + AboutWindow: Prevent double clicks from opening troubleshooting
+    page.
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix can-unfold=false.
+  + AdwSpringAnimation: Fix critical damping velocity.
+  + AdwSwipeable: Fix get_swipe_area() fallback.
+  + AdwToastOverlay:
+  - Don't focus buttons on click.
+  - Prevent toast labels from wrapping.
+  + Demo: Fix the switch on the avatar page.
+  + Stylesheet: Fix GtkLevelBar fill colors.
+  + Fix dependency names in docs.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.1:
+  + AdwActionRow: Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes
+  + AdwAvatar: Correctly redraw on custom image changes
+  + AdwEntryRow:
+  - Respect use-markup property
+  - Fix error/warning/success styles
+  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Fix spacing after removing all
+    prefixes/suffixes
+  + AdwFlap: Fix natural width with fold-policy=never
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Fix focus styles in RTL
+  + AdwPreferencesWindow: Fix a memory leak
+  + AdwSplitButton: Don't make dropdown insensitive when the button
+    is
+  + AdwTabBar:
+  - Fix focus handling
+  - Fix autoscroll for non-local drags
+  + AdwToastOverlay: Clarify documentation
+  + AdwViewSwitcherBar: Fix typos in examples
+  + AdwViewSwitcherTitle: Fix typos in examples
+  + Stylesheet: Fix GtkSpinButton inside toolbars
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.0:
+  + Docs:
+  - Fix @card_shade_color description.
+  - Fix a typo in AdwTabView docs.
+  - Fix AdwMessageDialog example.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.rc:
+  + Ensure setter documentation is consistent with their properties
+  + Demo: Fix a critical when toggling tab indicators
+  + AdwCarousel: Fix a crash when removing a child while it's
+    animating
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Use maximum width when no parent is set,
+    instead of minimum
+  + AdwSqueezer: Sizing fixes
+  + AdwTabBar
+  - Fix long press handling
+  - Fix a crash when clicking empty space while a tab is
+    animating
+  + AdwTabView: Fix set_menu_model() input check
+  + AdwWindow: Clarify docs around child/content properties
+  + Stylesheet
+  - Fix AdwSplitButton disabled state
+  - Fix focus transitions
+  - Fix GtkColorScale slider
+  - Fix AdwViewSwitcher needs-attention dot color
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.beta:
+  + Fix deprecations with newer GLib
+  + Fix strict aliasing warnings
+  + Fix GLSL shader compile errors on certain systems
+  + AdwAboutWindow:
+  - Fix a random crash when closing
+  - Rework the flat header bar layout
+  - Properly mark as final class
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix draw_to_texture() with rectangular avatars
+  + AdwEntryRow:
+  - Add entry-activated signal
+  - Add attributes property
+  - Add activates-default property
+  - Don't select text when clicking the row
+  + AdwMessageDialog: Fix crash when destroying the parent before
+    the dialog
+  + AdwShadowHelper: Fix warnings when drawing vertical shadow
+  + AdwSplitButton: Add dropdown-tooltip property
+  + AdwSwipeTracker:
+  - Fix swipe speed on GTK 4.7.x
+  - Fix criticals with GTK 4.7.x
+  + AdwTabBar:
+  - Remove tab background when there's only one tab
+  - Add a tooltip for close buttons
+  - Fix squished or clipped text with gtk-hint-font-metrics=0
+  - Fix scrolling to a tab with disabled animations
+  - Fix assorted tab reordering issues
+  + AdwTabView:
+  - Add shortcut management API
+  - Add AdwTabPage:indicator-tooltip property
+  - Handle shortcuts on CAPTURE phase
+  - Shortcut propagation and bell fixes
+  + AdwToast: Add button-clicked signal
+  + AdwViewStack: Add adw_view_stack_add_titled_with_icon()
+  + Demo:
+  - Prefer properties over <child> in UI files
+  - Don't explicilty add GtkViewport to GtkScrolledWindow
+  - Stop using .inline-toolbar
+  - Fix build on Windows
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Unify @view_fg_color with other foreground colors
+  - Improve contrast of @success_color and @warning_color
+  - Fix infobar margins and spacing
+  - Partially support .navigation-sidebar with GtkTreeView
+  - Move GtkScale focus onto its slider
+  - Ensure consistant GtkScale size when using marks
+  - Remove unnecessary transitions
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.2.alpha:
+  + Introduce AdwAboutWindow.
+  + Introduce AdwEntryRow and AdwPasswordEntryRow.
+  + Introduce AdwMessageDialog.
+  + Introduce AdwPropertyAnimationTarget.
+  + AdwAnimation: Add adw_animation_set_target().
+  + AdwCallbackAnimationTarget: Fix callback annotations.
+  + AdwActionRow:
+  - Set a11y relations for the activatable widget.
+  - Tweak spacing to match toolbars and AdwEntryRow.
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix initials not updating after setting
+    custom-image.
+  + AdwComboRow: Add an example to docs.
+  + AdwExpanderRow: Change arrow orientation to make it look less
+    similar to action rows that open subpages.
+- Update to version 1.1.5:
+  + AdwCarousel: Fix a crash when removing a child while it's
+    animating.
+  + AdwSqueezer: Sizing fixes.
+  + AdwTabBar:
+  - Fix long press handling.
+  - Fix a crash when clicking empty space while a tab is
+    animating.
+  + AdwTabView: Fix set_menu_model() input check.
+- Update to version 1.1.4:
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix draw_to_texture() with rectangular avatars.
+  + AdwTabBar: Fix squished or clipped text with
+    gtk-hint-font-metrics=0.
+  + AdwShadowHelper: Fix warnings when drawing vertical shadow.
+  + AdwSwipeTracker:
+  - Fix swipe speed on GTK 4.7.x.
+  - Fix criticals with GTK 4.7.x.
+- Update to version 1.1.3:
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix a broken link in docs.
+  + AdwPreferencesGroup: Fix accessibility labels.
+  + AdwToast: Fix the example in docs.
+  + Stylesheet: Add missing borders in high contrast version.
+- Update to version 1.1.2:
+  + AdwLeaflet: Fix child sizing with
+    fold-threshold-policy=natural.
+  + AdwStyleManager: Correctly handle removing a GdkDisplay.
+  + AdwSwipeTracker:
+  - Fix a memory leak.
+  - Fix high contrast setting name when using a portal.
+  + AdwTabBar: Fix middle click when inside GtkWindowHandle.
+  + Stylesheet:
+  - Fix action row title and subtitle inside GtkHeaderBar.
+  - Fix progressbar.osd overriding text color.
+  - Ensure active states consistently work with touchscreens.
+  - Fix GtkDropDown visual glitch when pressed on touchscreen.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.1.1:
+  + AdwAvatar: Fix initials not updating after setting.
+    custom-image.
+  + AdwSplitButton: Avoid state changes during dispose.
+  + AdwViewSwitcherTitle: Clear pending idle callback on unrealize.
+  + AdwPreferencesGroup: Annotation fixes.
+  + AdwTabBar:
+  - Ensure indicators are clickable with inverted=true.
+  - Fix resize deferring with non-expanded tabs.
+  - Fix scroll animation stopping too early.
+  + Mention AdwComboRow:selected type in migration guide.
+  + Fix a Meson error when using as a subproject.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.7.1:
+  * Bug Fixes:
+  - aomedia:3349: heap overflow when increasing resolution
+  - aomedia:3478: GCC 12.2.0 emits a -Wstringop-overflow warning
+    on aom/av1/encoder/motion_search_facade.c
+  - aomedia:3489: Detect encoder and image high bit depth
+    mismatch
+  - aomedia:3491: heap-buffer-overflow on frame size change
+  - b/303023614:  Segfault at encoding time for high bit depth
+    images
+- Switch buildtime compression to zst.
+- Split docs to multibuild to avoid dependency cycle
+- New upstream release 3.7.0
+  - New Features
+  * New codec controls:
+  * AV1E_SET_QUANTIZER_ONE_PASS: Set quantizer for each frame.
+  * AV1E_ENABLE_RATE_GUIDE_DELTAQ: enable the rate distribution guided delta
+    quantization in all intra mode. The "enable-rate-guide-deltaq" option is
+    added for this control.
+  * AV1E_SET_RATE_DISTRIBUTION_INFO: set the input file for rate
+    distribution used in all intra mode. The "rate-distribution-info" option
+    is added for this control.
+  * AOM_SCALING_MODE is extended to include 2/3 and 1/3 scaling.
+  * aom_tune_metric is extended to include AOM_TUNE_VMAF_SALIENCY_MAP.
+    The "tune" option is extended to include "vmaf_saliency_map".
+  * SVC example encoder svc_encoder_rtc is able to use the rate control
+    library.
+  * Loopfilter level and CDEF filter level is supported by RTC rate control
+    library.
+  * New speed (--cpu-used) 11, intended for RTC screen sharing, added for
+    faster encoding with ~3% bdrate loss with 16% IC (instruction count)
+    speedup compared to speed 10.
+  - Compression Efficiency Improvements
+  * Improved VoD encoding performance
+  * 0.1-0.6% BDrate gains for encoding speeds 2 to 6
+  * Rate control accuracy improvement in VBR mode
+  * RTC encoding improvements
+  * Screen content mode: 10-19% BDrate gains for speeds 6 - 10
+  * Temporal layers video mode, for speed 10:
+  * 2 temporal layers on low resolutions: 13-15% BDrate gain
+  * 3 temporal layers on VGA/HD: 3-4% BDrate gain
+  - Perceptual Quality Improvements
+  * Fixed multiple block and color artifacts for RTC screen content by
+  * Incorporating color into RD cost for IDTX
+  * Reducing thresholds for palette mode in non RD mode
+  * Allowing more palette mode testing
+  * Improved color sensitivity for altref in non-RD mode.
+  * Reduced video flickering for temporal layer encoding.
+  - Speedup and Memory Optimizations
+  * Speed up the VoD encoder
+  * 2-5% for encoding speed 2 to 4
+  * 9-15% for encoding speed 5 to 6
+  * ARM
+  * Standard bitdepth
+  * speed 5: +31%
+  * speed 4: +2%
+  * speed 3: +9%
+  * speed 2: +157%
+  * High bitdepth
+  * speed 5: +85%
+  * RTC speedups
+  * Screen content mode
+  * 15% IC speedup for speeds 6-8
+  * ARM: 7% for speed 9, 3% for speed 10
+  * Temporal layers video mode
+  * 7% speedup for 3 temporal layers on VGA/HD, for speed 10
+  * Single layer video
+  * x86: 2% IC speedup for speeds 7-10
+  * ARM: 2-4% speedup across speeds 5-10
+  - Bug Fixes
+  * aomedia:3261 Assertion failed when encoding av1 with film grain and
+    '--monochrome' flag
+  * aomedia:3276 ensure all allocations are checked (partial fix)
+  * aomedia:3451 The libaom library calls exit()
+  * aomedia:3450 enable -Wshadow for C++ sources
+  * aomedia:3449 Test Seg Faults After
+    b459af3e345be402db052a143fcc5383d4b74cbd
+  * aomedia:3416 prune unused symbols / restrict symbol visibility
+  * aomedia:3443 Jenkins failure:
+    UninstantiatedParameterizedTestSuite<EstimateNoiseTest>
+  * aomedia:3434 realtime failures with CONFIG_BITSTREAM_DEBUG=1
+  * aomedia:3433 DeltaqModeTest crash w/row_mt=0
+  * aomedia:3429 Encoder crash when turn on both ExternalResize and
+    g_threads > 2
+  * aomedia:3438 Build failure with
+    `-DSANITIZE=address -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON` when using clang.
+  * aomedia:3435 Block artifacts when scrolling with AV1 in screen sharing
+    scenarios
+  * aomedia:3170 vmaf tune presets produce extreme glitches in one scene
+  * aomedia:3401 Building shared libaom with MSVC results in a race condition
+    with the export library
+  * aomedia:3420 Floating point exception in av1_tpl_get_frame_importance()
+  * aomedia:3424 heap-buffer-overflow in ScaleFilterCols_16_C() (SIGABRT)
+  * aomedia:3417 examples/svc_encoder_rtc.c is using internal macros and
+    functions
+  * aomedia:3372 SEGV in assign_frame_buffer_p av1_common_int.h
+  * aomedia:3130 'cpu-features.h' file not found on Android NDK 22
+  * aomedia:3415 Encoder/decoder mismatch for svc_encoder_rtc running
+    1 SL 3 TL
+  * aomedia:3412 Lossless Mode Fails Loopback Bit Test
+  * aomedia:3409 The use of AV1_VAR_OFFS in av1/encoder/var_based_part.c is
+    incorrect for high bit depths
+  * aomedia:3403 test_libaom fails with error message
+    "feenableexcept() failed" on Linux arm
+  * aomedia:3370 Random color block at fast motion area
+  * aomedia:3393 Assertion failure in av1_convolve_2d_sr_c()
+  * aomedia:3392 Strong artifacting for high bit-depth real-time
+  * aomedia:3376 aomenc --threads=10 --deltaq-mode=3 crashes after
+    "Allintra: multi-threading of calculating differential contrast"
+  * aomedia:3380 Crashes and ASan and TSan errors in deltaq-mode=3
+    multithreading code
+  * chromium:1410766 heap-buffer-overflow in aom_yv12_copy_v_c
+  * Cannot set level via AV1E_SET_TARGET_SEQ_LEVEL_IDX
+  * Encoding failure due to the use of loop restoration with unintended use of
+    lossless mode.
+  * Signed integer overflow in scan_past_frames
+  * Signed integer overflow in update_a_sep_sym
+  * Flickering in AV1 1440p/2160p HDR transcodes
+  * Fixed artifacts with screen share at encoder speed 10
+  * Fixed prediction setup for IDTX
+- Use system libraries instead of vendored ones
+  * system-gtest.patch
+  * system-yuv.patch
+- Enable debuginfo also on modules written in assembly
+- Enable building PowerPC-specific optimizations
+- Enable Neon optimized code on ARM and fix runtime CPU detection
+- Fix missing images in documentation
+- Update to version 3.6.1:
+  * aomedia:2871: Guard the support of the 7.x and 8.x levels for
+    AV1 under the CONFIG_CWG_C013 config flag, and only output the
+    7.x and 8.x levels when explicitly requested.
+  * aomedia:3382: Choose sb_size by ppi instead of svc.
+  * aomedia:3384: Fix fullpel search limits.
+  * aomedia:3388: Replace left shift of xq_active by
+    multiplication.
+  * aomedia:3389: Fix MV clamping in av1_mv_pred.
+  * aomedia:3390: set_ld_layer_depth: cap max_layer_depth to
+  * aomedia:3418: Fix MV clamping in av1_int_pro_motion_estimation.
+  * aomedia:3429: Move lpf thread data init to
+    lpf_pipeline_mt_init().
+  * b:266719111: Fix undefined behavior in Arm Neon code.
+  * b:269840681: nonrd_opt: align scan tables.
+  * rtc: Fix is_key_frame setting in variance partition.
+  * Build: Fix build with clang-cl and Visual Studio.
+- Revert to BSD-2-Clause licence tag to only use SPDX valid
+  license tag.
+- Fix license tag to BSD-2-Clause and AOMPL-1.0.
+- Update to version 3.6.0:
+  * This release includes compression efficiency and perceptual
+    quality improvements, speedup and memory optimizations, and
+    some new features. This release is ABI compatible with the last
+    release.
+  * New Features:
+  - New values 20-27 (corresponding to levels 7.0-7.3 and
+    8.0-8.3) for the encoder control
+    AV1E_SET_TARGET_SEQ_LEVEL_IDX (note that the proposal to add
+    the new levels are still in draft status). The original
+    special value 24 (keep level stats only for level monitoring)
+    is renumbered as 32.
+  - New encoder control AV1E_SET_SKIP_POSTPROC_FILTERING to skip
+    the application of post-processing filters on reconstructed
+    frame in all intra mode.
+  - New encoder option "kf-max-pyr-height": Maximum height of
+    pyramid structure used for the GOP starting with a key frame
+    (-1 to 5).
+  - Make SVC work for screen content.
+  - Rate control improvements to reduce frame-size spikes for
+    screen content coding.
+  - RISC-V architecture support with gcc toolchain.
+  * Compression Efficiency Improvements:
+  - Peak compression efficiency in VOD setting is improved by 1%.
+  - 0.7% - 2.2% RTC encoding BDrate gains for real time speed 8
+    to 10.
+  - 15% RTC encoding BDrate gains for screen content speed 10.
+  * Perceptual Quality Improvements:
+  - Resolved a visual quality issue that was reported for high
+    resolution clips (2K) for speed 4 and above in VOD use case.
+  - Visual quality improvements to screen content coding.
+  - Quality improvements to temporal layer RTC coding.
+  * Speedup and Memory Optimizations:
+  - RTC single-thread encoder speedup:
+    . ~6% instruction count reduction for speed 5 and 6.
+    . ~15% instruction count reduction for speed 7.
+    . ~10% instruction count reduction for speed 8 to 10 (>=360p
+    resolutions).
+  - RTC multi-thread encoder speedup (beyond single-thread
+    speedup):
+    . 5-8% encode time reduction for speed 7 to 10.
+  - RTC screen-content encoder speedup:
+    . 11% instruction count reduction for speed 9 and 10 (>=720p
+    resolutions).
+  - ~5% reduction in heap memory requirements for RTC, speed 6 to
+    10.
+  * AVIF:
+    . 4-5% speedup for speed 9 in still-picture encoding mode.
+    . 3-4% heap memory reduction in still-picture encoding mode
+    for 360p-720p resolutions with multiple threads.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+  - Added a workaround for an AV1 specification bug which makes
+    TRANSLATION type global motion models unusable.
+  - Fixed AddressSanitizer global-buffer-overflow errors in
+    av1/encoder/arm/neon/av1_fwd_txfm2d_neon.c.
+  - Fixed AddressSanitizer heap-buffer-overflow error in
+    av1_wiener_convolve_add_src_neon().
+  - chromium:1393384 Avoid scene detection on spatial resize.
+  - aomedia:3308 Remove color artifacts under high motion.
+  - aomedia:3310 Avoid out of memory failures with Visual Studio
+    2017, 2019, and 2022 for Win32 x86 builds.
+  - aomedia:3346 Make SVC work properly for screen content.
+  - aomedia:3348 Fix a bug where an uninitialized search_site is
+    used.
+  - aomedia:3365 Work around what seems like a Visual Studio 2022
+    compiler optimization bug.
+  - aomedia:3369 Incorrect PSNR values reported by libaom for
+    12-bit encode.
+- Modernize spec, use cmake_build and ldconfig_scriptlets macros.
+- Update to version 3.5.0:
+  * This release is ABI compatible with the last one, including
+    speedup and memory optimizations, and new APIs and features.
+  * New Features
+  - Support for frame parallel encode for larger number of
+    threads. --fp-mt flag is available for all build
+    configurations.
+  - New codec control AV1E_GET_NUM_OPERATING_POINTS
+  * Speedup and Memory Optimizations
+  - Speed-up multithreaded encoding for good quality mode for
+    larger number of threads through frame parallel encoding:
+    . 30-34% encode time reduction for 1080p, 16 threads, 1x1
+    tile configuration (tile_rows x tile_columns)
+    . 18-28% encode time reduction for 1080p, 16 threads, 2x4
+    tile configuration
+    . 18-20% encode time reduction for 2160p, 32 threads, 2x4
+    tile configuration
+  - 16-20% speed-up for speed=6 to 8 in still-picture encoding
+    mode
+  - 5-6% heap memory reduction for speed=6 to 10 in real-time
+    encoding mode
+  - Improvements to the speed for speed=7, 8 in real-time
+    encoding mode
+  - Improvements to the speed for speed=9, 10 in real-time screen
+    encoding mode
+  - Optimizations to improve multi-thread efficiency in real-time
+    encoding mode
+  - 10-15% speed up for SVC with temporal layers
+  - SIMD optimizations:
+    . Improve av1_quantize_fp_32x32_neon() 1.05x to 1.24x faster
+    . Add aom_highbd_quantize_b{,_32x32,_64x64}_adaptive_neon()
+    3.15x to 5.6x faster than "C"
+    . Improve av1_quantize_fp_64x64_neon() 1.17x to 1.66x faster
+    . Add aom_quantize_b_avx2() 1.4x to 1.7x faster than
+    aom_quantize_b_avx()
+    . Add aom_quantize_b_32x32_avx2() 1.4x to 2.3x faster than
+    aom_quantize_b_32x32_avx()
+    . Add aom_quantize_b_64x64_avx2() 2.0x to 2.4x faster than
+    aom_quantize_b_64x64_ssse3()
+    . Add aom_highbd_quantize_b_32x32_avx2() 9.0x to 10.5x faster
+    than aom_highbd_quantize_b_32x32_c()
+    . Add aom_highbd_quantize_b_64x64_avx2() 7.3x to 9.7x faster
+    than aom_highbd_quantize_b_64x64_c()
+    . Improve aom_highbd_quantize_b_avx2() 1.07x to 1.20x faster
+    . Improve av1_quantize_fp_avx2() 1.13x to 1.49x faster
+    . Improve av1_quantize_fp_32x32_avx2() 1.07x to 1.54x faster
+    . Improve av1_quantize_fp_64x64_avx2()  1.03x to 1.25x faster
+    . Improve av1_quantize_lp_avx2() 1.07x to 1.16x faster
+  * Bug fixes including but not limited to
+  - aomedia:3206 Assert that skip_width > 0 for deconvolve
+    function
+  - aomedia:3278 row_mt enc: Delay top-right sync when intraBC is
+    enabled
+  - aomedia:3282 blend_a64_*_neon: fix bus error in armv7
+  - aomedia:3283 FRAME_PARALLEL: Propagate border size to all
+    cpis
+  - aomedia:3283 RESIZE_MODE: Fix incorrect strides being used
+    for motion search
+  - aomedia:3286 rtc-svc: Fix to dynamic_enable spatial layers
+  - aomedia:3289 rtc-screen: Fix to skipping inter-mode test in
+    nonrd
+  - aomedia:3289 rtc-screen: Fix for skip newmv on flat blocks
+  - aomedia:3299 Fix build failure with CONFIG_TUNE_VMAF=1
+  - aomedia:3296 Fix the conflict --enable-tx-size-search=0 with
+    nonrd mode --enable-tx-size-search will be ignored in non-rd
+    pick mode
+  - aomedia:3304 Fix off-by-one error of max w/h in
+    validate_config
+  - aomedia:3306 Do not use pthread_setname_np on GNU/Hurd
+  - aomedia:3325 row-multithreading produces invalid bitstream in
+    some cases
+  - chromium:1346938, chromium:1338114
+  - compiler_flags.cmake: fix flag detection w/cmake 3.17-3.18.2
+  - tools/*.py: update to python3
+  - aom_configure.cmake: detect PIE and set CONFIG_PIC
+  - test/simd_cmp_impl: use explicit types w/CompareSimd*
+  - rtc: Fix to disable segm for aq-mode=3
+  - rtc: Fix to color_sensitivity in variance partition
+  - rtc-screen: Fix bsize in model rd computation for intra
+    chroma
+  - Fixes to ensure the correct behavior of the encoder
+    algorithms (like segmentation, computation of statistics,
+    etc.)
+- Update to version 3.4.0:
+  * This release includes compression efficiency and perceptual
+    quality improvements, speedup and memory optimizations, and
+    some new features. There are no ABI or API breaking changes in
+    this release.
+  * New Features:
+  - New --dist-metric flag with "qm-psnr" value to use
+    quantization matrices in the distortion computation for RD
+    search. The default value is "psnr".
+  - New command line option "--auto-intra-tools-off=1" to make
+    all-intra encoding faster for high bit rate under
+    "--deltaq-mode=3" mode.
+  - New rate control library aom_av1_rc for real-time hardware
+    encoders. Supports CBR for both one spatial layer and SVC.
+  - New image format AOM_IMG_FMT_NV12 can be used as input to the
+    encoder. The presence of AOM_IMG_FMT_NV12 can be detected at
+    compile time by checking if the macro AOM_HAVE_IMG_FMT_NV12
+    is defined.
+  - New codec controls for the encoder:
+    o AV1E_SET_AUTO_INTRA_TOOLS_OFF. Only in effect if
+  - -deltaq-mode=3.
+    o AV1E_SET_FP_MT. Only supported if libaom is built with
+  - New key-value pairs for the key-value API:
+    o --auto-intra-tools-off=0 (default) or 1. Only in effect if
+  - -deltaq-mode=3.
+    o --strict-level-conformance=0 (default) or 1
+    o --fp-mt=0 (default) or 1. Only supported if libaom is built
+  - New aomenc options (not supported by the key-value API):
+    o --nv12
+  * Compression Efficiency Improvements:
+  - Correctly calculate SSE for high bitdepth in skip mode, 0.2%
+    to 0.6% coding gain.
+  - RTC at speed 9/10: BD-rate gain of ~4/5%
+  - RTC screen content coding: many improvements for real-time
+    screen at speed 10 (quality, speedup, and rate control), up
+    to high resolutions (1080p).
+  - RTC-SVC: fixes to make intra-only frames work for spatial
+    layers.
+  - RTC-SVC: quality improvements for temporal layers.
+  - AV1 RT: A new passive rate control strategy for screen
+    content, an average of 7.5% coding gain, with some clips of
+    20+%. The feature is turned off by default due to higher bit
+    rate variation.
+  * Perceptual Quality Improvements:
+  - RTC: Visual quality improvements for high speeds (9/10)
+  - Improvements in coding quality for all intra mode
+  * Speedup and Memory Optimizations:
+  - ~10% speedup in good quality mode encoding.
+  - ~7% heap memory reduction in good quality encoding mode for
+    speed 5 and 6.
+  - Ongoing improvements to intra-frame encoding performance on
+    Arm
+  - Faster encoding speed for "--deltaq-mode=3" mode.
+  - ~10% speedup for speed 5/6, ~15% speedup for speed 7/8, and
+    ~10% speedup for speed 9/10 in real time encoding mode
+  - ~20% heap memory reduction in still-picture encoding mode for
+    360p-720p resolutions with multiple threads
+  - ~13% speedup for speed 6 and ~12% speedup for speed 9 in
+    still-picture encoding mode.
+  - Optimizations to improve multi-thread efficiency for
+    still-picture encoding mode.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+  - b/204460717: replace master with main
+  - b/210677928: libaom disable_order is surprising for
+    max_reference_frames=3
+  - b/222461449: -DCONFIG_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI=1 broken
+  - b/227207606: write_greyscale writes incorrect chroma in
+    highbd mode
+  - b/229955363: Integer-overflow in linsolve_wiener
+  -
+  -
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+  -
+- Update to version 3.3.0:
+  * This release includes compression efficiency and perceptual
+    quality improvements, speedup and memory optimizations, some
+    new features, and several bug fixes.
+  * New Features
+  - AV1 RT: Introducing CDEF search level 5
+  - Changed real time speed 4 to behave the same as real time
+    speed 5
+  - Add --deltaq-strength
+  - rtc: Allow scene-change and overshoot detection for svc
+  - rtc: Intra-only frame for svc
+  - AV1 RT: Option 2 for codec control AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CDEF to
+    disable CDEF on non-ref frames
+  - New codec controls AV1E_SET_LOOPFILTER_CONTROL and
+  - Improvements to three pass encoding
+  * Compression Efficiency Improvements: Overall compression gains:
+    0.6%
+  * Perceptual Quality Improvements
+  - Improves the perceptual quality of high QP encoding for
+    delta-q mode 4
+  - Auto select noise synthesis level for all intra
+  * Speedup and Memory Optimizations
+  - Added many SSE2 optimizations.
+  - Good quality 2-pass encoder speedups:
+    o Speed 2: 9%
+    o Speed 3: 12.5%
+    o Speed 4: 8%
+    o Speed 5: 3%
+    o Speed 6: 4%
+  - Real time mode encoder speedups:
+    o Speed 5: 2.6% BDRate gain, 4% speedup
+    o Speed 6: 3.5% BDRate gain, 4% speedup
+    o Speed 9: 1% BDRate gain, 3% speedup
+    o Speed 10: 3% BDRate gain, neutral speedup
+  - All intra encoding speedups (AVIF):
+    o Single thread - speed 6: 8%
+    o Single thread - speed 9: 15%
+    o Multi thread(8) - speed 6: 14%
+    o Multi thread(8) - speed 9: 34%
+  * Bug Fixes
+  - Issue 3163: Segmentation fault when using
+  - -enable-keyframe-filtering=2
+  - Issue 2436: Integer overflow in av1_warp_affine_c()
+  - Issue 3226: armv7 build failure due to gcc-11
+  - Issue 3195: Bug report on libaom (AddressSanitizer:
+    heap-buffer-overflow)
+  - Issue 3191: Bug report on libaom (AddressSanitizer: SEGV on
+    unknown address)
+- Drop libaom-devel Requires from libaom-devel-doc sub-package: We
+  do not need the devel package to be able to read the devel
+  documentation.
+- skip write tests on 32bit, they OOM
+- update to 3.7.2:
+  * Multiple vulnerabilities have been fixed in the PAX writer
+  * bsdunzip(1) now correctly handles arguments following an
+  - x after the zipfile
+  * zstd filter now supports the "long" write option
+  * SEGV and stack buffer overflow in verbose mode of cpio
+  * bsdunzip updated to match latest upstream code
+  * miscellaneous functional bugfixes
+- update to 3.7.0
+  * bsdunzip port from FreeBSD
+  * fix 2 year 2038 issues
+- update to 3.6.2 (bsc#1205629, CVE-2022-36227)
+  * NULL pointer dereference vulnerability in archive_write.c
+  * include ZSTD in Windows builds (#1688)
+  * SSL fixes on Windows (#1714, #1723, #1724)
+  * rar5 reader: fix possible garbled output with bsdtar -O (#1745)
+  * mtree reader: support reading mtree files with tabs (#1783)
+  * various small fixes for issues found by CodeQL
+- Drop upstream merged CVE-2022-36227.patch
-- Fix CVE-2021-31566, modifies file flags of symlink target
-  (CVE-2021-31566, bsc#1192426.patch)
-  CVE-2021-31566.patch
-- Fix bsc#1192427, processing fixup entries may follow symbolic links
-  bsc1192427.patch
-- Fix CVE-2021-23177, extracting a symlink with ACLs modifies ACLs of target
-  (CVE-2021-23177, bsc#1192425)
-  * CVE-2021-23177.patch
+- update to 3.6.1:
+  * 7zip reader: fix PPMD read beyond boundary (#1671)
+  * ZIP reader: fix possible out of bounds read (OSS-Fuzz 38766 #1672)
+  * ISO reader: fix possible heap buffer overflow in read_children() (OSS-Fuzz 38764, #1685)
+  * RARv4 redaer: fix multiple issues in RARv4 filter code (introduced in libarchive 3.6.0)
+  * fix heap use after free in archive_read_format_rar_read_data() (OSS-Fuzz 44547, 52efa50)
+  * fix null dereference in read_data_compressed() (OSS-Fuzz 44843, 1271f77)
+  * fix heap user after free in run_filters() (OSS-Fuzz 46279, #1715)
+- Drop upstream merged fix-CVE-2022-26280.patch
+- Update to 3.6.0
+  * Fix use-after-free bug (CVE-2021-36976)
+  * tar: new option "--no-read-sparse"
+  * tar: threads support for zstd
+  * RAR reader: filter support
+  * RAR5 reader: self-extracting archive support
+  * ZIP reader: zstd decompression support
+  * tar: respect "--ignore-zeros" in c, r and u modes
+  * reduced size of application binaries
+  * internal code optimizations
+- Drop upstream merged:
+  * fix-following-symlinks.patch
+  * fix-CVE-2021-36976.patch
+- fix permission settings on following symlinks (fix-following-symlinks.patch)
+  this fixes also wrong permissions of /var/tmp in factory systems
+  CVE-2021-31566
+- update to 3.5.2:
+  * CPIO: Support for PWB and v7 binary cpio formats
+  * ZIP reader: Support of deflate algorithm in symbolic link decompression
+  * security: fix handling of symbolic link ACLs on Linux (boo#1192425)
+  * security: never follow symlinks when setting file flags on Linux (boo#1192426)
+  * security: do not follow symlinks when processing the fixup list (boo#1192427)
+  * fix extraction of hardlinks to symlinks
+  * 7zip reader and writer fixes
+  * RAR reader fixes
+  * ZIP reader: fix excessive read for padded zip
+  * CAB reader: fix double free
+  * handle short writes from archive_write_callback
+- Drop upstream mereged:
+  * CVE-2021-23177.patch
+  * CVE-2021-31566.patch
+  * bsc1192427.patch
+- Fix CVE-2021-31566, modifies file flags of symlink target
+  (CVE-2021-31566, bsc#1192426.patch)
+  CVE-2021-31566.patch
+- Fix bsc#1192427, processing fixup entries may follow symbolic links
+  bsc1192427.patch
+- Fix CVE-2021-23177, extracting a symlink with ACLs modifies ACLs of target
+  (CVE-2021-23177, bsc#1192425)
+  * CVE-2021-23177.patch
+- update to 1.0.2:
+  * Update avifCropRectConvertCleanApertureBox() to the revised
+    requirements in ISO/IEC 23000-22:2019/Amd. 2:2021 Section
+  * CVE-2023-6350: Out of bounds memory to alphaItemIndices (boo#1217614)
+  * CVE-2023-6351: use-after-free in colorProperties (boo#1217615)
+- drop fix-gdkpixbuf.patch
+- Update to 1.0.0:
+  * Incompatible changes:
+    + The clli member was added to the avifImage struct.
+    + The repetitionCount member was added to the avifEncoder and avifDecoder
+    structs.
+    + The quality and qualityAlpha members were added to the avifEncoder struct.
+    + Check that functions returning pointers do not return NULL before accessing
+    those pointers.
+    + Check the return value of avifEncoderSetCodecSpecificOption().
+    + The maxThreads member was added to the avifRGBImage struct.
+    + Check the return value of avifRGBImageAllocatePixels(), avifRWDataRealloc(),
+    avifRWDataSet(), avifImageSetProfileICC(), avifImageSetMetadataExif() and
+    avifImageSetMetadataXMP().
+    + The meaning of the keyframeInterval member of avifEncoder struct has changed
+    slightly. When set to a value of "n",
+    Before: It forces a keyframe on every nth frame.
+    After: Any set of "n" consecutive frame will have at least one keyframe
+    (every nth frame may or may not be a keyframe).
+  * Added:
+    + Add clli metadata read and write support
+    + Add repetitionCount member to avifEncoder and avifDecoder structs to specify
+    the number of repetitions for animated image sequences.
+    + Add quality and qualityAlpha to avifEncoder. Note: minQuantizer,
+    maxQuantizer, minQuantizerAlpha, and maxQuantizerAlpha are deprecated. Code
+    should be updated to set quality (and qualityAlpha if applicable) and leave
+    minQuantizer, maxQuantizer, minQuantizerAlpha, and maxQuantizerAlpha
+    initialized to the default values.
+    + The --target-size flag in avifenc was added to adapt the quality so that the
+    output file size is as close to the given number of bytes as possible.
+    + Add the public API function avifImageIsOpaque() in avif.h.
+    + Add the public API functions avifImagePlane(), avifImagePlaneRowBytes(),
+    avifImagePlaneWidth(), and avifImagePlaneHeight() in avif.h.
+    + Add API for multi-threaded YUV to RGB color conversion.
+    + Allow lossless 4:0:0 on grayscale input.
+    + Add avifenc --no-overwrite flag to avoid overwriting output file.
+    + Add avifenc --clli flag to set clli.
+    + Add support for all transfer functions when using libsharpyuv.
+  * Changed:
+    + Exif and XMP metadata is exported to PNG and JPEG files by default,
+    except XMP payloads larger than 65502 bytes in JPEG.
+    + The --grid flag in avifenc can be used for images that are not evenly divided
+    into cells.
+    + Change the encoder to write the boxes within the "stbl" box in the order of
+    stsd, stts, stsc, stsz, stco, stss.
+    + avifImageRGBToYUV() and avifImageYUVToRGB() handle avifImage bit depths 8, 10,
+    12 and now also 16. Files read by apps/shared/ can output 16-bit avifImage
+    instances.
+    + avifImageCreate(), avifImageCreateEmpty(), avifEncoderCreate() and other
+    internal functions now return NULL if a memory allocation failed.
+    + avifEncoderSetCodecSpecificOption() now returns avifResult instead of void to
+    report memory allocation failures.
+- Add fix-gdkpixbuf.patch.
+- Add BuildRequires pkgconfig(libwebp) to enable libsharpyuv
+- Update to version 0.11.1:
+  * Changed:
+  - avifincrtest_helpers: Cast 64-bit offset to size_t
+  - avifmetadatatest: don't include avif/internal.h
+  - avifrgbtoyuvtest: skip if no libsharpyuv
+  - Disable tests that may fail if the codec is not aom (#1176)
+- Remove unused BuildRequires on nasm
+- Remove indirect/incorrect Buildrequires on zlib
+- add direct glib Buildrequires
+- Update to version 0.11.0:
+  * There are incompatible ABI changes in this release. The
+    alphaRange member was removed from the avifImage struct. The
+    chromaDownsampling and avoidLibYUV members were added to the
+    avifRGBImage struct. The imageDimensionLimit member was added
+    to the avifDecoder struct. avifImageCopy() and
+    avifImageAllocatePlanes() signatures changed. It is necessary
+    to recompile your code. Also check the return values of
+    avifImageCopy() and avifImageAllocatePlanes().
+  * Added:
+  - Add man pages for avifenc and avifdec
+  - Add the avifChannelIndex type alias for enum avifChannelIndex
+  - Add avifChromaDownsampling enum
+  - Add chromaDownsampling field to avifRGBImage struct
+  - Add support for AVIF_RGB_FORMAT_RGB_565
+  - Add imageDimensionLimit field to avifDecoder struct
+  - Add autoTiling field to avifEncoder struct
+  - Add new avifResult codes AVIF_RESULT_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTING
+  - Add new enum constants AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_COUNT and
+  - avifdec: Add --dimension-limit, which specifies the image
+    dimension limit (width or height) that should be tolerated
+  - avifenc: Add --sharpyuv, which enables "sharp" RGB to YUV420
+    conversion, which reduces artifacts caused by 420 chroma
+    downsampling. Needs libsharpyuv (part of the libwebp
+    repository) at compile time.
+  - avifenc: Add --ignore-exif and --ignore-xmp flags.
+  - avifenc: Add --autotiling, which sets --tilerowslog2 and
+  - -tilecolslog2 automatically.
+  - avifenc: Input Exif orientation is converted to irot/imir by
+    default.
+  * Changed:
+  - Fix memory leaks of metadata on avifenc exit
+  - Update the handling of 'lsel' and progressive decoding to
+    AVIF spec v1.1.0
+  - Treat an absent lsel and layer_id == 0xFFFF equivalently for
+    backward compatibility with earlier drafts of AVIF spec
+    v1.1.0
+  - Set libavif's own default value of cfg.rc_end_usage for
+    libaom
+  - Set the libaom-specific option -a tune=ssim by default
+  - Bump cmake_minimum_required from 3.5 to 3.13
+  - Fix
+  - Use several new libyuv functions in reformat_libyuv.c
+  - Fix SVT-AV1's issue 1957 related to uninitialized variables
+    crashing the encoder
+  - Update aom.cmd: v3.5.0
+  - Update rav1e.cmd: v0.5.1
+  - Update svt.cmd/ v1.2.1
+  - Update libgav1.cmd: v0.18.0
+  - Update libyuv.cmd: f9fda6e7 (version 1844)
+  - avifImageCopy() and avifImageAllocatePlanes() now return
+    avifResult instead of void to report invalid parameters or
+    memory allocation failures.
+  - avifImageRGBToYUV() now uses libyuv fast paths by default. It
+    may slightly change conversion results. The old behavior can
+    be restored by setting avifRGBImage::chromaDownsampling to
+    avifRGBImage::avoidLibYUV to AVIF_TRUE.
+  - avifRGBImage::chromaUpsampling now only applies to
+    conversions that need upsampling chroma from 4:2:0 or 4:2:2
+    and has no impact on the use of libyuv.
+  - Set avifRGBImage::avoidLibYUV accordingly to control the use
+    of libyuv.
+  - avifenc: Set the YUV format to 4:0:0 for grayscale PNGs
+  - Support updating encoder settings and codec-specific options
+    during encoding
+    in the JNI wrapper
+  - avifdec: Return proper exit code in "info" mode
+  - In avifenc and avifdec, treat all arguments that start with
+    '-' as options
+  - Exif and XMP metadata is imported from PNG and JPEG files.
+  - avifImageSetMetadataExif() parses the Exif metadata and
+    converts any Exif orientation found into transformFlags, irot
+    and imir values.
+  - Write 'auxi' box for animated images with alpha channel
+  - Write 'auxv' as handler_type for alpha channel track
+  - Use PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY for 8-bit grayscale output
+  - Replace repeated subtraction by modulo in calcGCD
+  - Change avifImageCreate to take uint32_t instead of int
+    parameters
+  - When writing an image sequence, check if it's safe to cast
+    width and height to uint16_t
+  - Allow clamped grid cells in avifEncoderAddImageGrid()
+  * Removed:
+  - alphaRange field was removed from the avifImage struct. It it
+    presumed that alpha plane is always full range.
+  - The avifCodecConfigurationBox struct becomes a private type
+    for libavif internal use
+- Bump lib_soversion global (also in baselibs.conf) to 15 following
+  upstream change.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets for post(un) handling.
+- Enable libyuv on TW
+- update to 0.10.1:
+  * tests/docker/ Build SVT-AV1 using cmake and ninja directly
+  * Fix a Visual Studio 2017 compiler warning in src\reformat.c: warning C4204:
+    nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer
+  * Fix the help message of avifdec: --index takes a value
+- Update to version 0.10.0
+  * See
+    for a complete changelog or check the in the doc directory.
+- Disable libaom and use rav1e by default
+  * As PHP 8.1 has AVIF support, use rav1e by default as it is more
+    secure being written in Rust.
+- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch.
-- Update to version 0.30:
-  + Minor bug fixes
-  + Explicitly require x11 for GTK linking
-  + Port to GStreamer 1.0.
-- Add pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires so it can be versioned.
-- Add pkgconfig(x11) BuildRequires: new explicit dependency.
-- Drop libcanberra-gst10.patch: fixed upstream.
-- Drop libtool BuildRequires and call to ./ no patch
-  requires bootstrapping.
+- Update to version 0.12.21:
+  + Add libsoup3 HTTP backend.
+  + Minor fixes.
+- Drop 91a9e41fed6269637da52d5f88699782a940b198.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Add 91a9e41fed6269637da52d5f88699782a940b198.patch: g-i: Annotate
+  champlain_layer_set_view to allow NULL as view.
+- Update to version 0.3.5:
+  + Avoid use after free with g_bus_get
+- Update to version 0.3.4:
+  + Re-release due to release tarball issue
+- Changes from version 0.3.3:
+  + Use a new way to register providers using .desktop files
+- Drop libcloudproviders-rpmlintrc file/source: No longer needed.
+- Update to version 0.3.2:
+  + No upstream changes provided.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2023-50981 [bsc#1218222], issue on ModularSquareRoot function leads to potential DoS
+  + libcryptopp-CVE-2023-50981.patch
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2023-50980 [bsc#1218219], DoS via malformed DER public key file
+  + libcryptopp-CVE-2023-50980.patch
+- Add GnuPG 2.4.x to the list of supported GnuPG versions.
-- Update to version 3.10.0:
-  + Build fix.
-  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.43.90:
+  + Apply CSS changes immediately.
+  + Build fixes for stack protector.
+  + Improvements to DzlTaskCache.
+  + GCC fixes for macOS.
+  + Fix page-size for spinbutton adjustments.
+  + Note that libdazzle is not expected to survive into GTK 4.
+    Applications using features from libdazzle should either look
+    to the replacements that can be found as part of GTK 4 itself
+    or libadwaita.
+    For those using the more esoteric features of libdazzle like
+    fuzzy search, tries, and file system abstractions, you should
+    copy those into your project instead.
+- adjusted n_libdrm-drop-valgrind-dep-generic.patch,
+  n_libdrm-drop-valgrind-dep-intel.patch to fix build on sle15-sp6
+- update to 2.4.118:
+  * improve SMPTE color LUT accuracy
+  * util: factor out and optimize C8 SMPTE color LUT
+  * util: add support for DRM_FORMAT_C[124]
+  * util: store number of colors for indexed formats
+  * util: add SMPTE pattern support for C4 format
+  * util: add SMPTE pattern support for C1 format
+  * util: add SMPTE pattern support for C2 format
+  * modetest: add support for DRM_FORMAT_C[124]
+  * modetest: add SMPTE pattern support for C[124] formats
+  * intel: determine target endianness using meson
+  * util: fix 32 bpp patterns on big-endian
+  * util: fix 16 bpp patterns on big-endian
+  * util: add missing big-endian RGB16 frame buffer formats
+  * modetest: add support for parsing big-endian formats
+  * util: add test pattern support for big-endian XRGB1555/RGB565
+  * util: fix pwetty on big-endian
+  * util: add pwetty support for big-endian RGB565
+  * modetest: add support for big-endian XRGB1555/RGB565
+  * modetest: add support for DRM_FORMAT_NV{15,20,30}
+  * modetest: switch usage to proper options grammar
+  * xf86drm: add drmGetNodeTypeFromDevId
+  * Sync headers with drm-next
+  * xf86drmMode: add drmModeCloseFB()
+- adjusted n_libdrm-drop-valgrind-dep-generic.patch,
+  n_libdrm-drop-valgrind-dep-intel.patch
+- use valgrind support only on 64bit platforms
+- Update to 2.4.117
+  * modetest: print modifiers in hex as well
+  * modetest: custom mode support
+  * meson: fix intel requirements
+  * meson: Use feature.require() and feature.allowed()
+  * meson: replace deprecated program.path -> program.full_path
+  * modetest: avoid erroring if there's no gamma legacy support
+  * amdgpu: Fix pointer/integer mismatch warning
+  * amdgpu: Use PRI?64 to format uint64_t
+  * util: add NV24 and NV42 frame buffer formats
+  * util: add pattern support for DRM_FORMAT_NV{24,42}
+  * modetest: add support for DRM_FORMAT_NV{24,42}
+  * util: fix grey in YUV SMPTE patterns
+  * modetest: fix mode_vrefresh() for interlace/dblscan/vscan
+  * util: remove unused definitions of RED, GREEN, and BLUE
+  * amdgpu: add marketing names from amd-5.4.6 (22.40.6)
+  * amdgpu: add marketing names from amd-5.5.1 (23.10.1)
+  * amdgpu: add marketing names from PRO Edition 23.Q3 W7000
+  * amdgpu: add marketing names from Adrenalin 23.7.2
+  * amdgpu: add marketing names from Adrenalin 23.9.1
+  * modetest: document why no blob is created for linear gamma LUT
+  * modetest: allocate and commit atomic request around set_property()
+  * modetest: permit -r and -s to work together
+  * modetest: allow using -r and -P
+  * modetest: add support for writeback connector
+  * amdgpu: amdgpu_drm.h for new GPUVM fault ioctl
+  * amdgpu: add support for querying VM faults information
+  * xf86drm: mark DRM_MAX_MINOR as deprecated
+  * ci: bump FreeBSD to 13.2
+- Add icu-68.patch: fix build with ICU 68 (jsc#PED-6193)
-- Fix license tag to LGPL-2.1+ or MPL-2.0
+- Add 47.patch: build: Build against new gcr-4 library. Following
+  this, replace pkgconfig(gcr-base-3) with pkgconfig(gcr-4)
+  BuildRequires. Patch based on mr
+- Pass oauth1=disabled to meson and drop pkgconfig(oauth)
+  BuildRequires. Disabled by default upstream, and google have
+  deprecated oauth1 since 2012.
+- Drop unused pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0) and
+  pkgconfig(libuhttpmock-0.0), we already pass
+  always_build_tests=false to meson, so they are "wasted".
+- Remove already disabled pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires.
+- Add upstream patches:
+  + b33a6627f4fc96938b6015e05849867c472160a8.patch: Add more
+    missing generic type arguments.
+  + 2f0bbe8987e5eb1390b23ac531c971b202c2ef77.patch: Implementations
+    of "G List.get()" should use non-nullable return as defined.
+- Update to version 0.20.6:
+  + Fixes for newer valac.
+  + Keep the original exception in
+- Update to version 0.20.5:
+  + Fixes for newer valac.
+  + Use Makefile.introspection instead of custom rule.
+- Drop conditional Requires for long obsolete versions of openSUSE.
+- Modernize spec, use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un)
+  handling and other current macros.
+- Update to version 0.7.1:
+  + doc: Fix Crash in gepub_doc_new().
+- Update to version 0.7.0:
+  + Make gepub-widget configurable with "-Dwidget=false"
+  + Use libsoup 3.0
+  + Fix memory leak
+  + Remove absolute external resources from gepub
+  + widget
+  - Disable a number of "Web" features
+  - Fix ePubs not rendering after the first one
+  + Stop chapter number updates breaking navigation to anchor links
+  + Update the chapter number when the page changes
+  + Work with file paths, not URI substrings, in custom URI scheme
+  + Do not rewrite page-relative anchor links
+  + Use new JavaScriptCore GLib API instead of DOM API
+  + Use compiler.has_link_argument() for linker flags
+  + Unscape paths before get from the archive
+  + Add TOC parse to GepubDoc
+- Replace pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) with
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1)
+  BuildRequires following uptream changes.
+- Bump soname following upstreams bump in soname.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Package sub-package python3-gexiv2 as noarch.
+- Update to version 0.14.2:
+  + Make compatible with exiv2 0.28 or later.
+  + Fix double free if creation of meta-data fails.
+  + Fix floating point compare in tests.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + 06adc8fb70cb8c77c0cd364195d8251811106ef8.patch
+  + fix-32bit-compat.patch
+- Drop baselibs.conf: the biarch module is not used anymore.
+- Add fix-32bit-compat.patch: Fix 32bit build compatibility. Taken
+  from
+- Add 06adc8fb70cb8c77c0cd364195d8251811106ef8.patch: Fix
+  compatibility with exiv2 main branch.
+- Update to version 0.14.1:
+  + Clean-up python support
+  + Drop python2 support
+  + Add option for building tests
+  + Only run python tests when python is enabled
+  + Fix get_gps_info() return data with unset altitude
+  + Fix generate_xmp_packet() ignoring its parameters
+  + Fix gexiv2-tool to call initialize()
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Update to version 1.2.0:
+  + diff: fix user_data parameter type.
+  + ggit_repository_create_commit_from_ids: add safe checks.
+  + Allow to sign commits.
+  + Add mailmap support.
+  + Miscelaneous of bug fixes.
+- Drop bogus python3 BuildRequires: python3-base is sufficient.
+- Update to version 1.1.0:
+  + Add macro GGIT_CHECK_VERSION.
+  + ggit_diff_foreach: Prevent assertions with null callbacks.
+  + Map flags related to conflicts.
+  + Several meson improvements.
+  + Fix documentation.
+- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires following
+  upstreams changes.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
-- Update to version 2.6.4:
-  + Fix GTK+ single includes
-  + Use G_DEFINE_TYPE instead of registering the type by hand
-  + Clean up code
-  + Remove deprecated GLib functions
-- Remove AutoReqProv: it's default now.
-- Remove unneeded BuildRequires: gnome-common, gtk-doc, indent,
-  orbit2-devel, update-desktop-files.
-- Do not call autoreconf.
-- remove "la" files
+- Update to version 0.1.1:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - docs: Make the API stability policy a little more mature.
+  - signal-logger: Don’t pass NULL to G_VALUE_LCOPY().
+  - Fix subproject build with recent meson.
+- Update to 1.7.0:
+  * error out on unsupported OSes
+  * Update bin/ from mesa/mesa@9d42e31b
+  * EGL/libeglcurrent: fix crash on library unload
+  * HGL: add Haiku implementation based on EGL
+  * symbols-check: Add Haiku platform symbols
+  * tests/egl: Fix LIBRARY_PATH on Haiku
+- update to 1.6.0:
+  * Read gl.symbols when generating stubs for
+  * Update GL headers and XML files
+  * Add support for loongarch64
+  * GLX: Fix assembly stubs for x32
+  * Fix pthreads lookup on FreeBSD
+- Update to version 3.28.1:
+  + Land several fixes to meson build definitions to align with
+    autotools.
+- Switch to meson build system:
+  + Add meson BuildRequires.
+  + Replace %configure/%make%make_install macros with meson
+    equivalents %meson/%meson_build/%meson_install
+  + Drop libtool BuildRequires and no longer call
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 3.28.0:
+  + Require GLib 2.44
+  + Modernize the codebase
+  + Avoid several crashes
+  + Fix RTL issues
+  + Add meson build system
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add libtool BuildRequires and call in build phase: the
+  tarball was geneated using meson and does not contain configure.
+  It is not possible (yet) to use meson as build system though, as
+  the installation turns out to be incomplete.
+- Drop libgnomekbd_avoid_implicit_definition.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.
+- Add bae26c0033d649722b5a3fc48df3adf2172490f1.patch: Suppress
+  error 'cast increases required alignment of target type'.
+- Update to version 0.3.9:
+  + Update librest dependency to 0.9.
+  + Update to libsoup3.
+  + Remove autotools in favor of meson.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(rest-0.7) with pkgconfig(rest-1.0)
+  BuildRequires following upstream changes.
+- Add meson BuildRequires and macros.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
-- Update to version 0.3.2:
-  + Allow empty filenames in OvirtCdrom, this allows to remove the
-    current CD image from a VM.
-  + Parse leading '~' when handling commandline filenames.
-  + Implemented ovirt_resource_delete() and its async variant.
-  + Add translation support.
-  + Bug fixes.
-  + Updated translations.
-- Add intltool BuildRequires: New dependency.
-- Add lang macros, and package the new translations. Add Recommends
-  for the new lang package (and make libgovirt2 provide libgovirt,
-  so that the lang package is installable).
-- Update to version 0.3.1:
-  + Handle cookies set by the oVirt instance in order to have some
-    'persistant' authentication through the JSESSIONID cookie.
-  + Add support for VM pools.
-  + Added ovirt_resource_refresh{_async} in order to refetch a
-    resource content remotely.
-  + Various leak/memory-handling related bug fixes.
-  + ovirt_proxy_new now expects a hostname without the https:// and
-    the /api part hostnames with http/https/api will still work
-    fine but will cause runtime warnings.
+- Drop baselibs.conf, nothing should need the 32bit libs anymore.
+- Update to version 1.14.51:
+  + Fix thumbnailer crash.
+  + Fix leaks.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Update to version 4.4.0:
+  + nws: fix null string comparison when reading visibility
+  + Location database changes: Adds Cities from Ukraines
+    Zaporizhzhia Oblast
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.3.2:
+  + Fix fallback metric unit detection logic
+  + Documentation fixes
+  + Performance improvements for nearest location lookups
+  + Location database changes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more
+  reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen).
+- Update to version 4.2.0:
+  + Allow overriding vapigen with older Meson versions.
+  + Documentation fixes.
+  + Build fixes with newer versions of Meson.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 4.1.1:
+  + Locations database changes
+  - Give proper name for Cannes-Mandelieu Airport
+  - Add name of Korean cities written in Hangul
+  - Update romanization of the name of Korean cities
+  - Re-organize India's locations based on states
+  - Add airports in Georgia
+  - Add various cities in Brazil
+  - Add various cities in Chile
+  - Add major cities and all international airports in Indonesia
+  - Replace cities in the Netherlands with the top 44 large
+    cities
+  - Add Dunedin, NZ
+  - Add Zhytomyr, UA
+  + Disable documentation when cross-compiling
+  + Fix issue with missing variable initialization
+  + Use Meson's gnome.post_install() instead of our custom script
+  + Add NWS weather provider for locations in the US
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 4.1.0:
+  + Update dependency to geocode-glib-2.0.
+  + Switch to using libsoup3 by default.
+  + Add cities in: Greece, Turkey, India, Argentina.
+  + Fix various locations in Israel and Palestine.
+  + Fix test METAR service test suite.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0) and pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)
+  with pkgconfig(geocode-glib-2.0) and pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams port.
+- Pass soup2=false to meson, build just soup3 support.
+- Update to version 1.8.2:
+  + Demo:
+  - Correctly use GtkSwitch
+  - Fix a GLib deprecation
+  + Docs: Fix dependency names
+  + HdyTabView:
+  - Fix set_menu_model() input check
+  - Fix a typo in docs
+  + HdySwipeable: Fix get_swipe_area() fallback
+  + Memory leak fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.8.1:
+  + Fix double click handling for HdyWindowHandle and HdyHeaderBar.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.8.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.7.90:
+  + Remove unnecessary cast in HdyPreferencesGroup.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.7.0:
+  + HdyDeck: Remove a non-existent property mention.
+  + HdyStyleManager:
+  - Correctly reset the theme if we're not overriding it. Fixes
+    switching away from HighContrast.
+  - Fix a typo in docs.
+  - Remove a leftover debug message.
+  + Add environment variables to control styles from Builder.
+- Update to version 1.6.3:
+  + Remove a non-existent property mention from HdyDeck docs.
+  + Remove a leftover debug message from HdySettings.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.6.2:
+  + Fix license in docs.
+  + Fix a Meson error when using as a subproject.
+  + Fix a typo in HdyStyleManager docs.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.6.1:
+  + HdyStyleManager: Correctly reset the theme if we're not
+    overriding it. Fixes switching away from HighContrast.
+- Update to version 1.6.0:
+  + Fix introspection-related build warnings.
+  + AdwStyleManager: Make color-scheme work with GTK themes ending
+    in -dark.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.5.91:
+  + HdyAvatar: Fix invalid UTF-8 handling.
+  + HdyStyleManager: Don't disable non-CSS animations during style
+    changes.
+  + Fix carousel indicator sizing.
+- Update to version 1.5.90:
+  + Documentation:
+  - Port to gi-docgen
+  - Use "Since: 1.0" for pre-1.0 symbols
+  - Various cleanups and consistency updates
+  + Demo:
+  - Fix keyboard navigation
+  - Don't make rows containing buttons activatable
+  - Set minimum width on the view switcher window
+  + HdyCarousel: Properly remove mouse wheel timer
+  + HdyClamp: Fix measuring
+  + HdyKeypad: Fix keyboard navigation
+  + HdyStyleManager: Properly reset animations after style changes
+  + HdySwipeTracker: Fix a runtime warning
+  + HdyTabView: Propagate Alt+[0-9] when trying to switch to the
+    selected tab
+  + HdyViewSwitcher: Properly center button labels
+  + Build and CI cleanups
+  + Remove unused distro packaging
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires following
+  upstreams port.
+- Rename the hmac files for the openssl3 flavor [bsc#1207472]
+  * Add libica-openssl3.patch
+  * Rebase libica-sles15sp5-FIPS-hmac-key.patch
+- Add multibuild flavor to provide library compiled against openssl-3
+  [bsc#1207472]
+- Update to release 1.24.0
+  * On Apple touchpads, natural scrolling is now enabled by default
+    and palm detection is disabled - the touchpads are good enough
+    that they don't need our help.
+  * Built-in tablet devices now always have touch arbitration
+    enabled, so we no longer need to add a quirk for each of them.
+    And speaking of tablets: the pressure offset limit for worn-out
+    devices is now at 50% of the range. Modern pens have a precise
+    enough range that even worn out pen can still provide
+    satisfactory pressure sensitivity. This pressure offset is now
+    detected on worn-out pens that do not support distance.
+  * Finally, where a relative device's rotation is 180 degrees
+    (e.g. a trackball used upside-down) we now flip the scroll
+    wheel direction as well.
+  * The rest of the changes is the usual mix of janitorial patches
+    and device-specific quirks.
+- Update to release 1.23
+  * This version has a new pointer acceleration profile: the
+    "custom" profile. This profile allows users to tweak the
+    exact response of their device based on their input speed.
+- Update to release 1.22.1:
+  * This version includes quirks for laptops from Apple and Dell,
+    as well as for the Glorious Model 0 mouse. It also backports a
+    meson fix for use of libinput as subproject and a fix for
+    libinput debug-events not flushing the output, resulting in
+    truncated information.
+  * Finally, the tablet touch arbitration rectangle was increased
+    by 50mm in both directions to reduce the number of misdetected
+    touches.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to release 1.22
+  * A new flat acceleration profile is available for trackpoints,
+    making them more usable in some cases.
+  * This version includes quirks for laptops from Lenovo, Acer and
+    Microsoft, as well as for the Framework laptop and ARM based
+    Chromebooks.
+- Update to release 1.24.0
+  * On Apple touchpads, natural scrolling is now enabled by default
+    and palm detection is disabled - the touchpads are good enough
+    that they don't need our help.
+  * Built-in tablet devices now always have touch arbitration
+    enabled, so we no longer need to add a quirk for each of them.
+    And speaking of tablets: the pressure offset limit for worn-out
+    devices is now at 50% of the range. Modern pens have a precise
+    enough range that even worn out pen can still provide
+    satisfactory pressure sensitivity. This pressure offset is now
+    detected on worn-out pens that do not support distance.
+  * Finally, where a relative device's rotation is 180 degrees
+    (e.g. a trackball used upside-down) we now flip the scroll
+    wheel direction as well.
+  * The rest of the changes is the usual mix of janitorial patches
+    and device-specific quirks.
+- Update to release 1.23
+  * This version has a new pointer acceleration profile: the
+    "custom" profile. This profile allows users to tweak the
+    exact response of their device based on their input speed.
+- Update to release 1.22.1:
+  * This version includes quirks for laptops from Apple and Dell,
+    as well as for the Glorious Model 0 mouse. It also backports a
+    meson fix for use of libinput as subproject and a fix for
+    libinput debug-events not flushing the output, resulting in
+    truncated information.
+  * Finally, the tablet touch arbitration rectangle was increased
+    by 50mm in both directions to reduce the number of misdetected
+    touches.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to release 1.22
+  * A new flat acceleration profile is available for trackpoints,
+    making them more usable in some cases.
+  * This version includes quirks for laptops from Lenovo, Acer and
+    Microsoft, as well as for the Framework laptop and ARM based
+    Chromebooks.
+- Update to version 3.25.0:
+  + Fixed several buffer overflow errors in ~lou_setDataPath~,
+    ~lou_logFile~ and ~resolveSubtable~ (boo#1209429 boo#1209431
+    boo#1209432 CVE-2023-26767 CVE-2023-26768 CVE-2023-26769).
+  + Braille table improvements.
+  + Removed: vi.ctb (replaced by vi-cb8.utb).
+- Drop upstream merged:
+  + liblouis-CVE-2023-26767.patch
+  + liblouis-CVE-2023-26768.patch
+  + liblouis-CVE-2023-26769.patch
+- Update to version 3.24.0:
+  + This release contains major updates to Hungarian, UEB, and
+    Chinese bopomofo braille. Danish has been completely reworked
+    and there is now support for the Danish braille standard 2022.
+    There are also some new tables so that liblouis can now
+    generate Georgian computer braille, Swahili (Kenya) and
+    Chichewa (Malawi). Aside from that there is the usual
+    assortment of code cleanups and bug fixes.
+  + For a detailed list of all the changes refer to
+  + Braille table improvements:
+  - New grade 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2 tables for Swahili
+    (Kenya) and grade 1 table for Chichewa (Malawi).
+  - Improvements to Hungarian.
+  - Update braille patterns of some Chinese characters and
+    phrases in the Chinese bopomofo braille table
+  - Add experimental Georgian computer braille table
+  - Updated the Danish tables to the new 2022 Danish braille
+    standard
+  - Limited contraction level (grade 2l or 1.5) is no longer part
+    of the Danish braille standard 2022.
+  - There is no longer any need for "literary" tables. In Danish
+    braille, capital letters are now always indicated, and steps
+    have been taken in the standard to ensure better
+    back-translation.
+  - As requested by The Danish Braille Committee, the tables for
+    the 1993 standard will be kept as an option for at least a
+    year. All the 1993 tables have been renamed to include
+    "_1993" in the filename, so the new tables will be used as
+    default.
+  - Improvements to UEB.
+  - Add new sign for German sharp S (ICEB July 2022)
+  - Fix a couple of acronyms which require grade 1 indicator
+    (LLB, LLP)
+  - Fix placement of numeral sign in letters comma digits
+  - Review rules for "under" and "there" contractions
+- Update to version 3.23.0:
+  + Fix a problem in the parsing of faulty unbalanced context
+    expressions.
+  + Fix a buffer overflow problem when ~output.length~ is larger
+    than ~input.length~.
+  + Fix an endless loop in the handling of computer braille.
+  + Braille table improvements:
+  - Remove computer braille from Japanese Kantenji as it is not
+    part of the standard.
+  - Bring Swedish tables up to date with the latest standard
+    published by Punktskriftsnämnden (the Swedish Braille
+    Authority) in 2009. The table for uncontracted braille was
+    replaced and new tables for (partially and fully) contracted
+    braille have been added.
+  - Improvements to Hungarian (added more exceptions) and
+    migration to the ~nonumsign~ opcode.
+  - Fixed a bug in the Ukrainian table that led to wrong
+    translation of some uppercase letters.
+  - Augment the UEB grade 2 tables to resolve an ambiguity
+    between lower groupsigns and punctuation at the beginning of
+    words by placing a letter sign at the front of punctuation.
+    This resolves an ambiguity between, for example, "discount"
+    and ".count".
+  - Add a new table for /Chinese Common Braille Scheme/ which is
+    a type of braille used for spelling Mandarin Chinese. It is a
+    variant of the /Chinese Current Braille System/ but has more
+    perfect marking rules and produces less ambiguity than the
+    latter. For more information see the comments in
+    ~zhcn-cbs.ctb~.
+  - Updates to the Chinese bopomofo braille table:
+    . Update braille patterns of some Chinese characters and
+    phrases
+    . Add braille patterns for various Greek symbols
+    . Add "Math rules" section and the mixed number rule
+    . Add braille patterns for ☐ (⣏⣀⣹), ☑ (⣏⣿⣹), and ☒ (⣏⣭⣹)
+  - New table for Kinyarwanda braille
+  - New table for Luganda braille
+  - Improvements to the Russian contracted braille table:
+    . Now prefixes "из" and "без" are correctly contracted
+    before hard sign (ъ).
+    . Fixed a contraction for word "кое-где", now it is
+    contracted according to rules.
+    . Other minor fixes and improvements.
+- Update to version 3.22.0:
+  + This is a major release. On the Braille tables side there is a
+    new table for German grade 2 with capitalization and there are
+    updates to the Dutch, German Hungarian, Punjabi, Russian, UK
+    Braille Computer Notation and Slovak tables.
+  + A new opcode to indicate the end of a number where the number
+    doesn't end at a space character
+  + A lot of work was put into checking for and fixing memory
+    problems.
+- Drop info file handling in post/postun of doc package: inf files
+  are handled by file triggers nowadays.
+- Also remove the install_info_prereq prereq (which was, for that
+  matter, even on the wrong package).
+- Drop liblouis-CVE-2022-26981.patch and
+  liblouis-CVE-2022-31783.patch: fixed upstream.
-  compilePassOpcode (bsc#1197085 CVE-2022-26981).
+  compilePassOpcode (boo#1197085 CVE-2022-26981).
-  write in compileRule (bsc#1200120 CVE-2022-31783).
+  write in compileRule (boo#1200120 CVE-2022-31783).
+- update to 3.21.0:
+  * New table for German 6-dot computer braille thanks to the Swiss Library for
+    the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
+  * see
+    for list of bugfixes
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- update to 23.2.2:
+  * [Encode] Fix JPEG payload insertion on Linux
+  * Update checking of bitsream left size (#3033)
+  * [Decode] Fix memory out-of-bounds issue for VP9
+  * [Decode] Fix memory out-of-bounds issue for VP8
+  * [Decode]Remove AVC level 6.0 check
+  * [Decode]Fix hevc decode issue
+  * hevce: use Low Power mode for RGB encoding by default
+- Add upstream gcc13-fix.patch patch.
+- update to 22.6.5:
+  * Add security reporting information
+- update to 22.6.4:
+  * Fix VC1 Decode assertion failure when frame type is NONE_PICTURE
+- Use ocaml-rpm-macros to track OCaml ABI
+- Add 4b63250c.patch: agent/meson: Replace filename with basename.
+  This avoids emitting absolute paths into generated sourcecode, it
+  improves reproducibility.
+- Add libnice-port-gupnp-igd-bump.patch: Port to new gupnp-igd.
+- Replace libgupnp-igd-devel and gobject-introspection-devel with
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-igd-1.6) and pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)
+  BuildRequires, align with what meson checks for.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Enable meson_test macro in check section, run tests during build.
+  Remove the single test that does not work in the build service
+  via sed call.
+- Drop pkgconfig(gck-1) and pkgconfig(gcr-3) BuildRequires: No
+  longer needed, we build with gck-2 and gcr-4.
+- Add libnma-glib-schema Requires to libnma-gtk4-0 sub-package,
+  ensure libnma-glib-schema gets installed by default now that
+  gnome-control-center have ported to gtk4.
+- Update to version 1.10.6:
+  + Fix the path and translation domains of GSchema files.
+  + Removed strings that don't match our conscious language
+    standards from the translation files.
+  + Added autoptr support.
+  + Fix translations of country and territory names in the mobile
+    broadband dialog.
+  + Honor explicitly set APN if provider was not present in the
+    mobile broadband dialog.
+  + Make sure Kosovar operators are ordered properly in the mobile
+    broadband dialog.
+- Drop libnma-schema-without-path.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Package libnma-glib-schema sub-package as noarch.
+- Add libnma-schema-without-path.patch: Do not specify path in
+  nm-applet.eap schema (glgo#GNOME/libnma!18, boo#1205362).
+- Update to version 1.10.4:
+  + Split org.gnome.nm-applet.eap GSchema from org.gnome.nm-applet,
+    so that the latter can be provided by network-manager-applet
+    again (where it belongs).
+  + build: unbreak build with gcr-3.92.
+- split out schema file from the library package: adhere to the
+  shared library policy. The library requires the new
+  libnma-glib-schema package.
+- Drop fix-dependency-pc-name.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 1.10.2:
+  + Do not pop a certificate chooser if nobody clicked the button.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.10.0:
+  + Libnma-gtk4 now has Smart Card support viad Gtk4-enabled
+    version of Gcr.
+  + nma-cert-chooser.c is now included in the list of translated
+    files.
+- Add fix-dependency-pc-name.patch: Update gcr-4.pc name to new
+  form. Following this: Add pkgconfig(gcr-4) and pkgconfig(gck-2)
+  BuildRequires and pass gcr_gtk4=true to meson, build the new
+  gcr-gtk4 based advanced certificate chooser.
+- Pass b_lto=true to meson, build with LTO support.
-  + WEP is no longer provided as an option for connecting to hidden networks
-    due to its deprecated status.
+  + WEP is no longer provided as an option for connecting to hidden
+    networks due to its deprecated status.
+- Package docs sub-package as noarch.
+- Update to version 0.8.3:
+  + This release contains a critical stability/minor security
+    update which affects Electron applications that utilize Portal
+    notifications (eg, through Flatpak). It is highly recommended
+    that all users of libnotify 0.8.x update to this release.
+  + Please note that this fix has increased the minimum required
+    version of glib to 2.62.0.
+  + notification:
+  - Use g_signal_connect_object
+  - Move disconnect to dispose
+- Update to version 0.8.2:
+  + Set new summary for library.
+  + Docs:
+  - Port to gi-docgen.
+  - Fix URL to Desktop Notification Spec.
+  + meson:
+  - Replace deprecated meson.source_root() calls.
+  - Bump minimum meson version to 0.58.
+  + Introspection docs fixes.
+- Following upstreams port to gi-docgen, drop gtk-doc and add
+  meson, xsltproc and pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires. Also pass
+  explicit man=true to meson, ensure we are building manpages.
+- Update to version 0.8.1:
+  + Keep version of bindings at 0.7.
+- Changes from version 0.8.0:
+  + Use Desktop Portal Notification when running confined (snap and
+    flatpak).
+  + Now the library acts like a wrapper in such scenario, with some
+    limited.
+  + capabilities, but this will enforce security and user control
+    over the allowed notifications.
+  + notify-send: Handles SIGINT gracefully, closing waiting
+    notification.
+  + Use NotifyClosedReason enum as closed reason return value.
+  + Bump dependency on GLib 2.38.
+  + Various introspection docs improvements and fixes.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 1.36.0:
+  + PeasExtensionSet now implements GListModel.
+  + libpeas now requires GLib 2.44 or newer for GListModel.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.34.0:
+  + Resource-based plugins are sorted by module-name before loading
+    to aid in reproducibility.
+  + Sorting of plugins with dependencies has been altered to
+    improve sort-order with more complex plugin dependency graphs.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add fdupes BuildRequires and macro, remove duplicate files.
+- Package sub-package glade-catalog-libpeas as noarch.
+- Update to version 8.13.28:
+  * Updated phone metadata, carrier data, geocoding data, short
+    number metadata for a number of region and calling codes
+- drop 0001-Build-with-C-17.patch now upstream
+- absl is also needed for using the -devel package
+- Update to version 8.13.15:
+  * Updated phone metadata for region code(s): BE, BF, IL, MN, NE, OM, SO, SV
+  * Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
+    226 (en), 227 (en), 252 (en), 351 (en), 968 (en), 972 (en)
+- Update to version 8.13.14:
+  * Many data changes
+  * Removal of unused leading_zero_possible proto field in
+    phonemetadata.proto and all generated code
+  *
+- Depends on abseil now
+- Turn metadata regeneration off explicitly, wasn't done previously
+  either. This allows dropping the java dependency.
+- Add patches to fix building:
+  * 0001-Build-with-C-17.patch
+  * 0001-Revert-Fix-typo-in-arguments-to-add_metadata_gen_tar.patch
+- protobuf got fixed, builds fine with 22 now
+- prefer protobuf 21 as it is not compatible with v22
+- Rename package name from libportal-1 to libportal1, this is
+  necessary to conform to the shared library policy:
+- Update to version 0.7.1:
+  + Restore ability to call g_object_new (XDP_TYPE_PORTAL, ...).
+- Update to version 0.7:
+  + Add support for the new SetStatus() method of the Background
+    portal.
+  + Add support for the new ConnectToEIS() method of the Remote
+    Desktop portal.
+  + Improve unit and integration tests.
+  + Documentation improvements.
+  + CI improvements.
+- Update to version 0.6:
+  + New portal support: Dynamic launcher.
+  + Add API for checking for flatpak/snap sandbox.
+  + Fix a bug where the callback setup by libportal for a
+    GCancellable was not properly canceled in case a portal method
+    call was not successful, which can lead to a double free seg
+    fault.
+  + libportal-qt:
+  - Add convenient functions to better deal with GVariants.
+  - Use a global instance of XdpPortal object.
+  - Make filechooserFilterToGVariant() public.
+  + camera: Use correct variant for is_camera_present().
+  + portal-test-gtk3: Fix incorrect paths used in tests.
+  + Documentation improvements.
+  + CI improvements.
+- Add pkgconfig(Qt5Test) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Split devel subpackage into 4, libportal-devel,
+  libportal-gt3-devel, libportal-gtk4-devel and
+  libportal-qt5-devel, minimize dependencies pulled in for packages
+  depending on the various devel packages.
+- Update to version 0.5:
+  + Relicence to LGPL 3.0
+  + Fix a refcounting error in xdp_parent_free
+  + location: Fix location-updated signature
+  + remote:
+  - Add cursor mode
+  - Support virtual screens
+  - Support persistent sessions
+  + Rename qt backend to qt5
+  + Install separate libraries: libportal-gtk3, libportal-gtk4,
+    libportal-qt5
+  + Add gobject-introspection support
+  + Add vala support
+  + Add a GTK4 portal test app, using gjs
+  + Build documentation using gi-docgen
+- Change license from LGPL-2.1-or-later to LGPL-3.0-or-later
+  following upstream.
+- Add c_compiler, c++_compiler, pkgconfig(gi-docgen),
+  pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0), pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
+  pkgconfig(gtk4), pkgconfig(vapigen), pkgconfig(Qt5Core),
+  pkgconfig(Qt5Gui), pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets) and
+  pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras) BuildRequires: New dependencies.
+- Drop gtk-doc BuildRequires, no longer needed, nor used.
+- Replace post(un) handling with ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Bump sover to 1 following upstream changes, drop libportal0
+  subpackage as it is no longer built, add new subpackages:
+  libportal-1, libportal-gtk3, libportal-gtk4, libportal-qt5,
+  typelib-1_0-Xdp-1_0, typelib-1_0-XdpGtk3-1_0 and
+  typelib-1_0-XdpGtk4-1_0.
+- Update to version 0.6.76:
+  + Fix rfc2231 encoding when saving messages to .eml and .msg
+    formats.
+- Package COPYING with license macro in shared library package.
+- Drop libpst-glib-2.68.patch: No longer needed.
+- Split out doc sub-package and add a Suggests in main package.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add patch:
+  * 0001-message-fix-16bit-service-on-big-endian.patch
+  - Fixes 16-bit service indications on big endian architectures.
+    Cherry-picked from upstream qmi-1-34 branch
+- update to update to 1.34.0:
+  * New services:
+  * * New 'ATR' service to support AT commands over QMI,
+    defined by Telit, including "Send" request and "Received"
+    indication.
+  * * New 'IMS' service, including "Get IMS Services Enabled
+    Setting" request/response.
+  * * New 'IMSA' (IMS Application) service, including "Get
+    IMS Registration Status" and "Get IMS Services Status"
+    request/responses.
+  * * New 'IMSP' (IMS Presence) service, including "Get
+    Enabler State" request/response.
+  * * New 'SSC' service (Qualcomm Snapdragon Sensor Core),
+    including the "Control" request/response, and
+    "Report Small"/"Report Large" indications.
+  * * nas: added the "WCDMA RSCP" TLV in "Get Signal Info"
+    response and "Signal Info" indication.
+  * * wds: added the "Report Profile Changes" TLV in
+  * * Support for 16-bit service ids added, used in the QRTR
+    backend.
+  * * Response and indication parser messages are now
+    published in the API.
+  * * The library now allows connecting to a unix domain
+    socket named 'qmux_socket' instead of a device file.
+  * * Extended the 'QmiWdsProfileType' enum type with EPC and
+    ALL values.
+  * * Extended the
+    'QmiUimCardApplicationPersonalizationFeature' enum type with
+    additional GW-related values.
+  * * New 'QmiUimCardApplicationPersonalizationFeatureStatus'
+    enum type.
+  * * New 'QmiImspEnablerState' enum type, used in the IMPS
+  service.
+  * * New 'QmiImsaImsRegistrationStatus',
+    'QmiImsaServiceStatus' and
+  * qmicli:
+  * * New '--uim-remote-unlock' command.
+  * * New '--imsp-get-enabler-state' command.
+  * * New '--imsa-get-ims-registration-status' and
+- Update to version 1.32.4:
+  * libqmi-glib: Schedule indications with G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT to
+    ensure correct processing order between responses and
+    ndications.
+  * build: If QRTR enabled the pkg-config should publicly require
+    libqrtr-glib.
+- Changes from version 1.32.2:
+  * libqmi-glib: fixed message header validation to avoid reading
+    out of bounds.
+  * qmi-proxy: added --verbose-full flag to allow printing logs
+    with personal info included.
+- Changes from version 1.32.0:
+  * There is no longer an upstream-provided source tarball, please
+    use the signed git tag '1.32.0' instead to refer to the sources
+    of this release.
+  * The verbose message logging will now by default hide all fields
+    that are considered personal information. Extended message
+    logging including all field contents should be explicitly
+    requested.
+  * Build:
+  - The GNU autotools (autoconf/automake/libtool) support has
+    been fully removed, this release requires the use of the
+    meson build system.
+  - The 'instrospection' meson option is now a boolean.
+  - New boolean 'man' meson option to allow disabling the man
+    page generation.
+  * New services: New 'FOX' service for operations defined by
+    Foxconn, including "Get Firmware Version" for now.
+  * qmicli:
+  - New '--verbose-full' option to request enabling logs that
+    include personal information.
+  - New '--pdc-monitor-refresh' command.
+  - New '--gas-dms-set-usb-composition' and
+    '--gas-dms-get-usb-composition' commands.
+  - New '--wms-set-routes' command.
+  - New '--dsd-get-system-status' command.
+  - Updated the '--wda-set-data-format' command with new optional
+    fields to configure the uplink data aggregation max size and
+    max datagrams.
+  * Several other minor improvements and fixes.
+- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros.
+- Add help2man, pkgconfig(bash-completion) and
+  pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0) BuildRequires: New
+  dependencies.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- New home, URL and Source.
+- Drop sig and keyfile, no longer available.
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_RayCasting on ubuntu-20.04
+  * OpenGL SubmissionContext: reset defaultFBO every time we begin drawing
+  * Unpin previously used image units during render command parameter setup
+  * Scene3DItem: increase number of frames needed to flush pipeline
+  * ShaderParameterPack: check we only store a single UBO/SSBO per BlockBinding
+  * OpenGL graphics helpers fixes
+  * Quick3DNodeInstantiator: fix crash when using async
+  * GLTFGeometryLoader: prevent early return on option bufferview target property
+  * Scene3DRenderer: reset OpenGL state when skipping frames
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_dynamicnodecreation on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Start using a dedicated QThreadPool again instead of a global one
+  * RenderViewBuilder: use QAspectManager::idealThreadCount
+  * Qt3DQuick: includemocs
+  * Fix compile warnings
+  * Qt3DExtras: includemocs
+  * Qt3D Tests: includemocs
+  * Qt3DRender: includemocs
+  * FilterKey: fix ambiguous relational operators in C++20
+  * Fix various [=] lambda captures to capture [this] instead
+  * Qt3DCore: includemocs
+  * Qtquick3danimationplugin: includemocs
+  * Qtquick3dlogicplugin: includemocs
+  * Qtquick3drenderplugin: includemocs
+  * Qtquick3dinputplugin: includemocs
+  * Qt3DQuickInput: includemocs
+  * QtAssimpSceneImportPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtDefaultGeometryLoaderPlugin: includemocs
+  * Qtqtquick3dcoreplugin: includemocs
+  * Qtqtquickscene3dplugin: includemocs
+  * Qt3DQuickAnimation: includemocs
+  * Qt3DInput: includemocs
+  * Qt3DQuickExtras: includemocs
+  * QtGLTFSceneImportPlugin: includemocs
+  * Qt3DAnimation: includemocs
+  * QtGLTFGeometryLoaderPlugin: includemocs
+  * Qt3DLogic: includemocs
+  * Qtquick3dextrasplugin: includemocs
+  * Qt3DQuickScene2D: includemocs
+  * Qt3DQuickRender: includemocs
+  * Qtqtquickscene2dplugin: includemocs
+  * QViewport documentation: fix wrong property type for gamma property
+  * CalcBoundingVolumeJob: don't rely on QChangeArbiter for extent changes
+  * Restore PLY support to Assimp
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Protect code for unsupported configs
+  * Fix blacklisting string for ubuntu-20.04 in graphicshelpergl4
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Blacklist: test cases blacklisted in tst_GraphicsHelperGL4:
+  * tst_qchangearbiter: remove tests for message based synching
+  * Scene3DView: fix shutdown crash
-- buildrequire pkconfig(icu-i18n) instead of libicu-devel to get
-  prefered libicuu
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde147:
+  * Http2: fix potential overflow in assemble_hpack_block()
+    (bsc#1218413, CVE-2023-51714)
+  * HPack: fix incorrect integer overflow check
+  * HPack: fix a Yoda Condition
-- Add patch from upstream that fixes a buffer overflow in
-  QXmlStreamReader (bsc#1214327, CVE-2023-37369):
-  * CVE-2023-37369-qtbase-5.15.diff
-- Add patch from upstream (backport taken from Qt5PatchCollection)
-  to fix certificate validation for TLS which does not always
-  consider whether the root of a chain is a configured CA
-  certificate (CVE-2023-34410, bsc#1211994):
-  * 0001-Ssl-Copy-the-on-demand-cert-loading-bool-from-default-config.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix a buffer overflow in QDnsLookup
-  (CVE-2023-33285, bsc#1211642):
-  * CVE-2023-33285-qtbase-5.15.diff
-- Add patch from upstream to fix QtNetwork to parse the
-  strict-transport-security (HSTS) header case-insensitively
-  (CVE-2023-32762, QTBUG-113392, bsc#1211797):
-  * 0001-Hsts-match-header-names-case-insensitively.patch
-- Add rebased patch from upstream to fix infinite loops in
-  QXmlStreamReader and raise error on unexpected tokens
-  which is a new behaviour (CVE-2023-38197, QTBUG-92113,
-  QTBUG-95188, bsc#1213326):
-  * 0001-QXmlStreamReader-Raise-error-on-unexpected-tokens.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix an overflow in QTextLayout
-  (CVE-2023-32763, QTBUG-113337, bsc#1211798):
-  * 0001-Fix-specific-overflow-in-qtextlayout-CVE-2023-32763.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde144, rebased upstream:
+  * QMimeDatabase: handle buggy type definitions with circular inheritance
+  * xcb: only set base size when it's valid
+  * QPixmapCache: fix leaking of QStrings and Keys on clear()
+  * OpenFile portal: do not use O_PATH fds
+  * QSystemTrayIcon: properly disconnect old menu in setContextMenu()
+  * Guard QTabBar against nested event processing during moving tabs
+  * QDial: don't crash when min==max and setting a value != min & max
+  * QStandardItemModel: don't leak in mimeData()
+  * SQL/MySQL: properly initialize variable
+  * QWidgetTextControl: ignore invalid input method event
+  * Update the LGPL license header
+  * SQL/MySQL: fix handling of json column
+  * Remove QMAKE_RANLIB and QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB from android/default_pre.prf
+  * macOS: Fix less common writing systems on Catalina and later
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QFtp on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Update bundled libpng to version 1.6.39
+  * Android: Fix signing of APKs that are generated when an AAB is also built
+  * Update bundled zlib to version 1.2.13
+  * doc: update the limitation of QSystemTrayIcon on X11
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QTimer on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Add benchmarks for QLocale number parsing
+  * Add benchmarks for QString number parsing
+  * Android: Fix incorrect fullscreen dimensions
+  * Gtk3Theme: set XCURSOR_SIZE and XCURSOR_THEME for wayland sessions
+  * xcb: Flush Display when processing xcb events
+  * xcb: Add xlib wrapper for XFlush()
+  * QHostAddress: Fix incorrect comparison against 'Any'
+  * QSsl[OpenSSL/Android]: Fix hardcoded 1_1 suffix
+  * BLACKLIST: tst_QApplication::sendEventsOnProcessEvents for RHEL 9.0
+  * QMacStyle: do not set white color for grayed out button
+  * Work round macOS's omission of en_DE from its own uiLanguages()
+  * Suppress a deprecation warning in tst_QDateTime::toString_enumformat()
+  * QJsonValue: fix incorrect to{Array,Object} when the value is empty
+  * QGtk3Dialog: remove the #include for empty moc
+  * Remove unneeded QWindow from QGtk3Dialog
+  * tst_QSslSocket: Delete sslOptions
+  * tst_QSslServer: Make the in-process server use TLS1.2
+  * Android: fix Gradle warning about using enableUncompressedNativeLibs
+  * Mention  limitation of QDir::drives() on Windows
+  * QFileSystemEngine/Win: fix incorrect buffer size in currentPath()
+  * Android: properly retrieve mime type of uri to for openUrl()
+  * Android: Fix clipboard issue with urls
+  * Android: Add a way to disable accessibility via an environment var
+  * Update bundled libpng to version 1.6.38
+  * QIOSMessageDialog::exec - work around 'windowsless' exec
+  * QIosScreen: retain the right window
+  * tst_Q{BitArray,ContiguousCache}: check not only count(), but size(), too
+  * QIosTextResponder: stop using deprecated constants and type
+  * qcompilerdetection.h: detect Coverity
+  * Android: Fix Display.getRealMetrics deprecation
+  * Fix broken Text rendering when noantialiased NativeRendering is used
+  * forkfd: fix Clang 15 ATOMIC_VAR_INIT deprecation warning
+  * eglfs: Add env.var. to disable the dedicated drmHandleEvent thread
+  * doc: Don't put strings into QVector<double>
+  * Remove focusProxyAndInputMethods from tst_QWidget
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+  * Update documentation of qWaitForWindowActive / qWaitForWindowExposed
+  * QtHttp: Lower the severity of some log output
+  * StyleSheetStyle: Fix color of placeholder texts in text edits
+  * Android: Fix flickering on split screen mode
+  * Update url to IAccessible2 Specification
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde138:
+  * QLibraryPrivate: Actually merge load hints
+  * QPluginLoader: report the right load hints
+  * xkb: fix build with libxkbcommon 1.6.0 and later
+  * a11y atspi: Map ButtonMenu role to AT-SPI equivalent
+- Enable the experimental native painting feature to improve
+  remote desktop performances (boo#1214915)
+  exporting QT_XCB_NATIVE_PAINTING is required to use the feature.
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde134, rebased upstream:
+  * Revert "Windows QPA: Add support to UiaRaiseNotificationEvent()"
+  * FileChooser portal: Make sure is not empty
+  * QPersistentModelIndex: fix UB (op< on unrelated pointers)
+  * Avoid crash when keysymToQtKey(keysym, Qt::ControlModifier) is called
+  * a11y atspi: translate coords for GetOffsetAtPoint the right way
+  * a11y atspi: Take dialog into account as top-level window
+  * a11y atspi: Fix incorrect use of x instead of y position
+  * macOS: Handle asynchronous deminiaturizing of windows
+  * QTranslator: generalize a UNIX-only path
+  * iOS, input panel: be more careful before enabling QIOSKeyboardListener
+  * Android: Fix flickering on window resize and show keyboard
+  * Android A11Y: Check for active surface before calling into native code
+  * xcb: Delete touch points without target windows
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QDBusConnection on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Fix CMake builds without ANDROID_SDK
+  * Blacklist 2 tests in tst_Http2 on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QSqlQuery on macos
+  * Defer creating the special shaders in the texture blitter
+  * tst_QSslSocket::serverCipherPreferencies - fix for OpenSSL v3
+  * QTemporaryFile: document rename() differences from QFile
+  * Doc: 3rd party: Fix reference to FreeType LICENSE.txt
+  * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.4
+  * tst_QSsSocket: fix verifyClientCertificate with OpenSSL 3
+  * tst_QSslSocket: regenerate certificate used for setLocalCertificateChain
+  * tst_QSslSocket::protocolServerSide - make it work with OpenSSL v3
+  * tst_QSslSocket::oldErrorsOnSocketReuse - make it work with OpenSSL v3
+  * Update zconf.h prefixes to match zlib v1.2.12 update
+  * xcb: fix D&D in same xembed client
+  * xcb: use global coordinates for position of D&D for xembed client
+  * Doc: Update QMetaType::metaObject() descriptions
+  * BLACKLIST: tst_QGlyphRun::mixedScripts for Ubuntu 22.04
+  * BLACKLIST tst_qfont for Ubuntu 22.04
+  * BLACKLIST tst_QMenuBar::check_menuPosition for Ubuntu 22.04
+  * tst_QDtls::verifyClientCertficiate - update certs for OpenSSL v3
+  * QSslCertificate::toText(): add a file to compare against
+  * Fix the spelling of the word "combination"
+  * tst_QSslCertificate::pkcs12 - skip the test if OpenSSL version >= 3
+  * Android A11Y: Fix TalkBack scrolling behavior
+  * Android A11Y: Notify android about scroll events
+  * QCocoaDrag: don't add pasteboard items with non-absolute URLs
+  * QDirPrivate: pass input QList by cref
+  * tst_qbytearray: remove qCompress_data for QT_NO_COMPRESS
+  * QDeviceDiscoveryUDev: use NSDMI
+  * QAuthenticator: Fix crash when using NTLM / Negotiate
+  * Provide a native interface instance in minimal platform plugin
+  * Android: document the supported clipboard mimetypes
+  * Windows: Account for not finding child windows when calling ChildWindowFromPointEx
+  * iOS: Send touch events asynchronously to avoid deadlocking UIKit event loop
+  * Disable bitcode for iOS
+  * macOS: Ignore deprecation for ReleaseIconRef
+  * BLACKLIST tst_QApplication::sendEventsOnProcessEvents for Ubuntu 22.04
+  * Convert Latin1 to UTF-16 before passing to ICU API
+  * Doc: Remove repetition of word in text
+  * eglfs: Fix screen cloning when atomic is enabled
+  * Fix printing of dpr>1 images on Windows
+  * QHttp: Fix handling of redirect loaded from cache
+  * Doc: Fix return type of QLEInteger/QBEInteger post-in/decrement ops
+  * qmake: Fix installation of separate debug info for plugins
+  * iOS: ensure we close inputpanel after clearing focusobject
+  * Convert Latin1 to UTF-16 before passing to ICU API
+  * qputenv: defend against non-NUL-terminated QByteArray values
+  * QFontSubset: remove unused glyphName() overload
+  * Statically assert that the __mips_dsp code is only active on 32-bit
+  * QGtk3Theme: Ensure gtk uses the same windowing system as Qt
+  * tst_QFocusFrame: fix -Wparantheses
+  * Sync Vulkan device features between QVulkanWindow and QRhi
+  * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.39.2
+  * Update freetype to 2.12.1
+  * corelib: Fix typos in documentation
+  * QAtomicInteger docs: mention bool and char8_t as 8-bit types
+  * qgraphicsitem_cast: replace 0 with nullptr
+  * Doc: Hide weak overload template magic from documentation
+  * Revert "QDateTime: fix adjusted datetime handling"
+  * Fix select handles disappears issues
+  * tst_QSslKey: prepare for the migration to OpenSSL v3
+  * tst_qnetworkreply: replace server.pem/key pair
+  * Disable unit testing setting up QTcpServer on special Apple interfaces
+  * qmake/msbuild: Turn off "use full paths in diagnostics" by default
+  * qmake/msbuild: Support all /DEBUG:xxx linker options
+  * qmake/msbuild: Support all /LTCG:xxx options
+  * Android A11Y: Add content change type to content change event
+  * Enabler for fractional scaling of text in Qt Quick
+  * macOS: Override logical DPI to 72
+  * Add QDom internalSubset implementation
+  * Fix tst_AndroidAssets, broken by recent changes on assets load speed
+  * Android: Improve loading speed of individual assets
+  * Darwin: Replace deprecated symbol kIOMasterPortDefault with equivalent
+  * macOS: Remove code for handling logical DPI changes
+  * Fix an incorrect invocation of llvm-readobj
+  * macOS: Ignore deprecation for kOnSystemDisk icon domain
+  * Copy only files that belongs to QML module
+  * Android: fix wrong position of cursor handle and editpopup menu in split screen
+  * Doc: Document QML_IMPORTS_PATH and QMLPATHS
+  * Add the missing RCC_DIR to '.qrc' paths when generating deployment settings
+  * Android: Fix the offset of the EditPopupMenu
+  * xcb: update xkb_state mask as much as possible
+  * QDom: Stop treating non-BMP characters as invalid
+  * Android 13: Fix warnings on starting an application
+  * qxkbcommon: Map Super/Hyper to Meta early enough to have an effect
+  * macOS: Ignore update requests for offline displays
+  * macOS: Avoid recursively updating screens when window moves screen
+  * qmake/MinGW: Install separate debug info of DLLs next to the DLL
+  * QMainWindow: fix restoreState() for toolbars
+  * Make two QDT benchmarks data-driven and add more rows
+  * Fix doc and example of QLoggingCategory::installCategory()
+  * qmake: Document Xcode behavior when bundling translation files
+  * Android: Fix missing import
+  * QByteArray: more GCC 12 -Werror=array-bound whack-a-mole
+  * CMake: Fix android sdk version propagation
+  * Restore C++20-deprecated mixed-enum bitwise operators
+  * Android: Fix ANR when QtService and QtActivity load in same process
+  * Fix restart QtActivity
+  * QArrayData::data(): do type-punning via quintptr, not char *
+  * QIOSTextResponder: recreate responder upon reset
+  * QSslSocket: make it work with OpenSSL v3
+  * QFileSystemModelPrivate: de-inline ctor and dtor
+  * Network: update Public Suffix List
+  * macOS: Ensure proper quoting when calling otool in objc_namespace script
+  * QKeySequence: Fix the one-off error in the mac glyph array size
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Apply CVE-2022-27404-27405-27406-qtbase-5.15.diff
+  * QArrayData: fix UB via reinterpret_cast (crash with FORTIFY_SOURCE=3)
+  * Adapt for q_EVP_PKEY_base_id → q_EVP_PKEY_get_base_id rename in OpenSSL 3
+  * Don't use a deprecated function if built/linked with OpenSSL v3
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde159 (bsc#1214327, CVE-2023-37369):
+  * Fix CVE-2023-43114
+  * QMimeDatabase: fix detection of pattern conflict in different prefixes
+  * Fix highdpi conversion of QTabletEvent coordinates on xcb
+  * widget: set WA_X11NetWmWindowType* after xcb window was created
+  * Fix crash when setting override cursor on multiple clients
+  * QAccessibleWidget: Remove pointless ZWSP in warning message
+  * Android A11Y: Fix deadlock in QtAndroidAccessibility::runInObjectContext()
+  * Correctly parse non BMP char refs in the sax parser
+  * Clear the _X version of alongside the enum deprecator
+  * Fix UB (signed char passed to <cctype> function)
+  * Qt3DRender: includemocs
+  * Fix capitalization error in auto-generated qdbusmacros.h include
+  * QColorDialog: Ignore mouse move events when no mouse button is pressed
+  * QHostInfo: fix remaining slotObj leaks
+  * QXmlStreamReader: Raise error on unexpected tokens (CVE-2023-38197,
+    QTBUG-92113, QTBUG-95188, bsc#1213326)
+  * QTextLayout: Reconsider cursor drawing on TextObject
+  * Ensure consistent cursor width under fractional scaling
+  * Fix QTextEdit cursor rectangle vertical positioning
+  * Return 0 in QWindow::winId in case of failed platform window creation
+  * Doc: note QWindow::winId() will cause platform window creation
+  * QSslDiffieHellmanParameters: fix mem-leak
+  * QHostInfo: fix leaking slot object
+  * Make sure we don't count down past 0 QT_FATAL_CRITICALS
+  * QLogging: DRY isFatal(QtMsgType)
+  * tst_QXmlStream: remove unneeded _ba UDLs
+  * Fix typo in QXmlStreamReader error message
+  * QXmlStreamReader: make fastScanName() indicate parsing status to callers
+  * QXmlStreamReader: change fastScanName() to take a Value*
+  * Fix Croatia's currency
+  * SSL: upgrade the default DH parameters
+- switch icu-devel requires to pkgconfig to allow switching libicu
+  versions
+- Change %_libqt5_libexecdir to %_libexecdir/qt5 (bsc#1174075)
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde129, rebased upstream:
+  * Ssl: Copy the on-demand cert loading bool from default config
+  * Schannel: Reject certificate not signed by a configured CA certificate (boo#1211994, CVE-2023-34410)
+  * qnetworkreplyfileimpl_p.h: fix header guard name
+  * Revert "Draw the cursor considering the descent is 0"
+  * Use pkgconfig in order to find libproxy configuration
+  * Upgrade PCRE2 to 10.40
+  * Android A11Y: handle LocationChanged event only for focused element
+  * Port binary JSON to new special integer bitfields
+  * INTEGRITY: enable C99 globally
+  * QObject: mark two error reporting functions COLD
+  * Endian: Provide special integer bitfield unions
+  * Android: set useLegacyPackaging to true in build.gradle
+  * QWidgetTextControl: port to new-style connects (faster)
+  * Sync qxmlstream.g with qxmlstreamparser_p.h [1/2]: switched lines
+  * tst_QNetworkReply try stabilize autoDeleteReplies tests
+  * Remove duplicated include for <limits>
+  * Fix recursion crash when calling setStyleSheet with `qproperty-styleSheet`
+  * qwindowsxpstyle: Fix typos in documentation
+  * Correct prefix reported for end element in QXmlStreamReader
+  * Android A11Y: Add supported role infos to A11yNodeInfo
+  * Fix handling of DateTime values in QSettings
+  * Fix off-by-one for "typically" lowest value INT_MIN
+  * xml: Fix typos in documentation
+  * QWindowsWindow: Fix typo in documentation
+  * includemocs (updated script)
+  * widgets: Fix typos in documentation
+  * cocoa: Fix typo in debug messages
+  * Only scroll QMenu when there is a valid active action
+  * QTimer: Add note in documentation
+  * Fix QListView assert when the last row is moved in IconMode
+  * QFileDialog: Fix adding default suffix when file path contains dot
+  * QLineEdit: account for the placeholderText when computing lineRect
+  * QFileDialog::saveFileContent crashes on accept
+  * QCompleter: QCompleter unexpectedly changes QLineEdit text
+  * Fix build error on iOS with the configure option -qtnamespace
+  * Draw the cursor considering the descent is 0
+  * Remove pure-virtual-signals.h include from tst_moc.cpp
+  * plugins: image formats - fix odr violation
+  * dbus: Fix typos
+  * qwindowsdialoghelpers: Fix typo in documentation
+  * QTableView: Document the customizations applied to QHeaderView
+  * Unicodetools: compile
+  * eglfs_x11: Fix running flag linkage
+  * qcompilerdetection.h: add Q_CC_{GNU,MSVC,CLANG}_ONLY macros
+  * Fix CMake warning about "missing closing ' quote"
+  * Fix alignment of next/prev links in offline style
+  * QtDBus: includemocs
+  * Image Plugins: includemocs(-ish)
+  * QtGui: includemocs
+  * QXcbNativeInterface: remove unused field m_sysTraySelectionAtom
+  * Windows QPA: Fix slowdown with large table/tree views with accessibility
+  * Macstyle: fix the text color on the disabled button
+  * QMacStyle: fix tool buttons (in checked mode)
+  * QTeamCityLogger: fix .arg() placeholder injection
+  * QAbstractTestLogger: disable copying
+  * Fix errorMessageFromComError()
+  * QtNetwork: includemocs
+  * AppleUnifiedLogger: Remove manually managed os_log_t cache
+  * examples: add WindowStaysOnBottomHint into preview text
+  * QSharedPointer: Use matching new/delete
+  * QIbusPlatformInputContextPlugin: includemocs
+  * QGtk3ThemePlugin: includemocs
+  * QTuioTouchPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtWidgets: includemocs v2022
+  * QMYSQLDriverPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtDeviceDiscoverySupportPrivate: includemocs
+  * QLinuxFbIntegrationPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtPrintSupport: includemocs
+  * QSQLiteDriverPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtFbSupportPrivate: includemocs
+  * QXdgDesktopPortalThemePlugin: includemocs
+  * QtTest: includemocs
+  * QComposePlatformInputContextPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtSql: includemocs
+  * QVncIntegrationPlugin: includemocs
+  * Fix backingstore fractional DPR glitches for widgets in child windows
+  * Include <limits> where std::numeric_limits is used
+  * QtInputSupportPrivate: includemocs
+  * Document the default value of QSFPM::sortOrder()
+  * Better document how to enable sorting in QSPFM
+  * Correct documentation of INI format's loss of type information
+  * Android: add missing properties in AndroidManifest.xml
+  * Fix assertion failure when parsing a doubly-invalid date-time text
+  * Windows QPA: Correct mistake when calculating minmaxinfo
+  * Android: replace ndk.dir with android.ndkVersion in build.gradle
+  * Android: remove the old copy of after reading it
+  * CMake Android Support: Fix signing of APKs
+  * Android: fix A11Y object description
+  * macOS: Fix warning about comparing different types in QCocoaScreen::isOnline
+  * Fix qmake build on FreeBSD
+  * Update documentation of enum Qt::DockWidgetArea
+  * xcb: recreate xcb window under some conditions
+  * objc_namespace: Add support for universal binaries
+  * objc_namespace: Fix misspelled argument for silencing output
+  * objc_namespace: Update parsing logic to account for otool changes
+  * Blacklist passwordAuth for Ubuntu 20.04
+  * Android: wrap QAndroidInputContext's m_focusObject in a QPointer
+  * Fix compilation with GCC 12 (and on Fedora 35 and newer)
+  * Chip example: fix an accidental bool->int conversion when using PMF connections
+  * qmake: Add support for C++23
+  * Android: use BCP 47 tag to create a correct Locale for QTimeZone::displayName()
+  * QDateTime: fix adjusted datetime handling
+  * Fix crash in tst_qmltc_examples on Android
+  * macOS: Remove dead code for focus ring handling in Mac style
+  * Detach for colortransforms of indexed formats
+  * tst_QTcpSocket::connectToHostError - handle possible timeouts
+  * CoreText: Avoid populating font family aliases if family was populated
+  * Graphicsview: Avoid background clearing glitches under fractional DPR
+  * Windows QPA: Avoid slowdown with UI Automation name change notification
+  * Windows QPA: Avoid sending accessibility notifications before activation
+  * Windows: Fix potential crash when retrieving default printer
+  * Make Ubuntu with its non-standard security level happy
+  * Android: Blacklist failing tests on tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
+  * Update LA 4.4.1
+  * iOS A11Y: Set more accessibilityTraits
+  * QNX: Fix compiler warning by when FEATURE_clipboard is not enabled
+  * Document that native file dialogs might not show a title
+  * Doc: Remove mentionings of overflows from QElapsedTimer
+  * QTextMarkdownImporter: don't apply text char format to list item block
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * QBuffer: add missing <limits> include
+  * Fix developer build
+- Update to version 5.15.9+kde154:
+  * Hsts: match header names case insensitively (CVE-2023-32762,
+    QTBUG-113392, bsc#1211797)
+  * Fix specific overflow in qtextlayout (CVE-2023-32763,
+    QTBUG-113337, bsc#1211798)
+  * QDnsLookup/Unix: make sure we don't overflow the buffer
+    (CVE-2023-33285, boo#1211642)
+- Update to version 5.15.9+kde151, rebased upstream:
+  * QCborValue: fix incorrect to{Array,Map} when the value is empty
+  * QMargins: fix a missing "full stop" in the docs
+  * QLibrary: restore translated string
+  * QLibrary: fix possible arg() format clobbering
+  * iOS: Use python3 for enumerating test target devices
+  * Android: Treat ACTION_CANCEL as TouchCancelEvent
+  * Doc: Fix broken formatting
+  * QFileSystemEngine: fix potential formatting error
+  * QString::asprintf: check that passing field widths as arguments works
+  * Backport recent QFlags tests
+  * network: Fix typos in documentation
+  * Fix accuracy with screen composition
+  * Doc: Update documentation for QElapsedTimer's in Windows
+  * Document that QStandardPath::findExecutable works with absolute paths
+  * macOS: Use native resize cursors for diagonal resize
+  * Fix clipped glyphs in text rendering of QGraphicsTextItem
+  * Change comparison data type to fix int overflow
+  * Add missing Q_WEAK_OVERLOAD definition
+  * Update QFileInfo docs to mention macOS aliases
+  * Distinguish macOS aliases from normal symbolic links
+  * Windows QPA: Fix frameless maximize on secondary screens
+  * Rewrite tst_qdataurl as a data-driven test
+  * Fix compilation for wasm
+  * QIOSFileDialog/QIOSDocumentPickerController - handle dismissed view controller
+  * Fix QDockWidget's dock area permissions after hovering
+  * Fix C++20 ambiguous relational operators between QJsonValue{,Ref}
+  * Android: make sure that orientationChange is reported after resize
+  * Android: set all QScreen's geometry-related parameters together
+  * Blacklist: test cases blacklisted in tst_QDBusConnection:
+  * wasm:  fix issue with passing username/password to network request
+  * macOS: Pass multi arch flags when linking qmake
+  * QCocoaFileDialogHelper: Always enable symlinks and aliases to directories
+  * Android: terminate argv passed to main() with nullptr
+  * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.3
+  * ANGLE: Load the DirectX libraries from the system path directly
+  * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.37.2
+  * Fix compiler warnings about unused parameters
+  * Fix getsockopt option_value initial initialization
+  * Http2: Fix redirect-handling
+  * Android A11Y: Fix value rounding
+  * Android A11Y: Announce value together with element name when focused
+  * Android A11Y: handle valueChanged events
+  * tst_QSystemSemaphore: give proper path to test-helper
+  * QNX: Silence compiler warning by initializing variable
+  * winrt appxmanifest: Properly replace VCLibs version for newer MSVC versions
+  * QAbstractSocket: Don't pretend pause and resume is a stack
+  * Gui: test also depends for clipboard feature
+  * QDesktopServices: deprecate destroying URL handlers w/o explicit unsetUrlHandler()
+  * macOS: Respect QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS when building qmake
+  * HTTP: Make redirect response parsing more generic
+  * BLACKLIST: tst_QGlyphRun::mixedScripts for Ubuntu 20.04
+  * Android A11Y: populate child elements when constructing node info
+  * Fix issue where readyRead() could happen after disconnected()
+  * QStringView: add missing constexpr so we can use is_constant_evaluated
+  * Use Android's View.generateViewId() for generating ids for views/surfaces
+  * Remove documentation of non-existing QAccessible state
+  * Doc: Fix snippet to match actual QFileInfo behavior
+  * Android: Re-focus focused accessibility node after orientation change
+  * Android A11Y: execute C++ code on main Qt thread
+  * Android: extract parentId for hidden object in advance
+  * xcb: Show valuator atom names properly in categorized logging
+  * Android: replace stacktrace with debug message in search for setService
+  * Better document attaching a QFutureWatcher to a started QFuture
+  * doc: Update GenericDataLocation location on iOS
+  * BLACKLIST test_Gestures tests for RHEL-8.4
+  * QPlainTestLogger: do not print "failure location" if there's no failure
+  * QAbstractItemView: do not access invalid model indices (3/N)
+  * Win32: always allow the event loop to be woken up by posted events
+  * rhi: d3d11: Use __uuidof where we can
+  * Don't QEXPECT_FAIL tst_QLineEdit::testQuickSelectionWithMouse on macOS ARM
+  * Network: Emit authenticationRequired when using Ntlm
+  * testlib: Disable window restoration on macOS in a non-persistent way
+  * QAbstractItemView: do not access invalid model indices (2/N)
+  * QAbstractItemView: do not access invalid model indices (1/N)
+  * QAbstractItemView: code tidies
+  * Update float16 part of TestLib selftest
+  * QGuiApplication: constant-initialize lastCursorPosition
+  * Blacklist tst_QFileSystemWatcher::signalsEmittedAfterFileMoved on all Windows versions
+  * [Android]: Handle the screen name, modes and refreshRate properly
+  * QVersionNumber: remove the "pure" attribute from commonPrefix()
+  * QEvent: initialize the static userEventTypeRegistry constexprly
+  * Let QXcbGlxWindow::createVisual fallback to QXcbWindow::createVisual
+  * Android A11Y: fix content update notification when object is hidden
+  * Android: explicitly remove accessibility focus when element is hidden
+  * BLACKLIST tst_qfont for Red Hat 8.4 and Ubuntu 20.04
+  * QtCore: includemocs
+  * Fix memory leak in QtConcurrent::run when called with a NULL QThreadPool
+  * INTEGRITY: Prevent deletion of virtual functions
+  * QMake: replace a Q_ASSERT() with a Q_UNREACHABLE()
+  * QTransform benchmark: measure what was promised
+  * QStaticByteArrayMatcher: add a useful comment
+  * QMacStyle: use the 'momentary push in' type for push buttons
+  * qopengl.h: Move C header #include(s) out of the QT_NAMESPACE
+  * Enable all supported 1.0 device features in QVulkanWindow
+  * Fix queue passed to vkQueuePresent
+  * QFusionStyle: don't draw an invalid outline for up/down buttons
+  * Doc: Make QListIterator snippets more robust
+  * QVersionNumber: don't detach() in rvalue QList/QVector ctor
+  * QNetworkRequest: Document how Qt handles 301 and 302 status codes
+  * Convert date-time to UTC before claiming it's in GMT
+  * Remove execute permission from XML files
+  * Add test case for style sheet selectors for enum properties
+  * FreeType: allow falling back to synthesized bold if desired
+  * Fix an assertion failure in massageAdjustedDateTime()
+  * Relax tst_qvulkan::vulkanVersionRequest to make it compatible with 1.1
+  * Doc: Replace "C:Documents and Settings" paths
+  * QOrderedMutexLocker: fix compilation with C++11
+  * QHttpNetworkConnection: Always set proxy settings to all channels
+  * Add a markdown writer test for a checklist item ending with `code`
+  * Use QTextCharFormat::fontFixedPitch to remember Markdown backtick spans
+  * QWizardLayoutInfo: make == and != operators const
+  * Revert "Android: Fix screen flicker issues"
+  * macOS: Handle momentum scroll NSEventPhaseBegan when scroll had ended
+  * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.37.0
+  * Update copyright year to 2022
+  * QTzTimeZonePrivate: use ctor delegation instead of init()
+  * QTzTimeZonePrivate: fix permanently-detaching m_icu
+  * tst_QGraphicsView: fix memleak
+  * Doc: Update external links to Qt Creator Manual
+  * macOS: assume an unidentified tablet device is a stylus
+  * tst_QItemModel: fix memleaks
+  * tst_qanimationgroup: fix memleaks
+  * QAbstractAnimation: add missing forward-declaration
+  * [doc] QCoreApplication::installTranslator() doesn't take ownership
+  * tst_qtranslator: fix memleak
+  * QTestData: fix streaming of u8 string literals in C++20 mode
+  * QThread/Unix: extract duplicate code
+  * QWindowPrivate: fix inconsistent inline on some methods
+  * tst_QStringList: check that join(u'0') embeds NULs
+  * macOS: Sanitize scroll deltas for NSEventPhaseCancelled
+  * tst_qsharedmemory: skip readOnly() test under asan
+  * QXmlStreamReader: update test distribution
+  * QZipReader: update to unzip partly broken archives
+  * Deliver context menu event with correct coordinates to widgets in popups
+  * QTextHtmlParser: fix prefix lookahead and html comments
+  * QtConcurrent::run crashes on program exit
+  * tst_QPropertyAnimation: fix leaks occurring under normal operation
+  * tst_QPropertyAnimation: fix wrong comment
+  * QLogging: fix potential missing NUL-terminator when calling OutputDebugString
+  * Fix qt_scrollRectInImage when scrolling outside of the image
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Fix compile with Qt5: Use QString::mid instead of QString::sliced
+  * Restore C++11 compatibility after e8b9f4c28d3ab5e960dc54f2dc0c4b749b0b50e0
+  * QDateTime: Don't require c++17
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix bluetooth service discovery not finishing on Android
+  * Add a timeout guard for Android BT device discovery not starting
+  * Repair tst_QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent unit test on Android
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde6:
+  * Fix translation context of QBluetoothUuid::WeightScaleFeature
+  * QBluetoothUuid: remove default case labels and fix the fallout
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * Update LGPL license header
+  * Replace deprecated bluetooth disable/enable methods on Android
+  * includemocs
+  * QLeAdvertizerBluez: add missing Q_OBJECT macro
+  * Rename qleadvertiser_p.h → qleadvertiser_bluez_p.h
+  * QtConnectivity: replace qSwap with std::swap/member-swap where possible
+  * Fix crash when service discovery agent (SDA) is stopped on Android
+  * QLowEnergyControllerPrivateAndroid: remove unused forward declaration
+  * Improve Android-12 bluetooth permission error reporting
+  * Update BT LE peripheral role OS support documentation
+  * Introduce Android 12 / SDK 31+ bluetooth permissions
+  * tst_qbluetoothservicediscovery: make auto-test less evil
+  * Remove QBluetoothSocket::connected double-emit on macOS
+  * Fix Android bluetooth server assert when disposed of quickly
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde34, rebased upstream:
+  * Close socket descriptor when QBluetoothSocketBluez is destroyed
+  * Fix Bluez BT LE battery reading
+  * Repair tst_QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent on Android
+  * Accommodate different bluez socket types in autotest [secFlags]
+  * Improve bluetooth service discovery on macOS Monterey
+  * Avoid multiple client sockets in pingpong bluetooth example
+  * IOBluetooth: tweak a couple of classes
+  * Fix missing MetaType registration
+  * Improve macOS classic bluetooth (server) SDP record creation
+  * IOBluetooth: fix SDP inquiry broken by Monterey
+  * Windows BT: reverse the latter UUID part to correct order
+  * Document the bluetooth socket data pausing on macOS Monterey
+  * Decrement the pending paired device counter only once per device
+  * Make Windows bluetooth to scan all found devices for services
+  * PingPong example: let the parent QObject do the cleanup
+  * Android: fix signal order during service discovery
+  * Store the serviceinfo in pingpong example
+  * tst_QBluetoothServiceInfo::tst_assignment - fix for Monterey
+  * IOBluetooth (device scan) - reduce the manual timeout
+  * Android BT LE Client thread protection improvement
+  * Windows QBluetoothSocket: fix crash at disconnecting
+  * Add Info.plists to autotests which require bluetooth usage key
+  * Windows QBluetoothSocket: remove unneeded variable from SocketWorker
+  * QLowEnergyController Windows: fix early disconnect crash on Win 11
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde31, rebased upstream:
+  * QML: Fortify qmlExecuteDeferred some more
+  * QV4: Avoid memory corruption in Reflect.apply
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_qquickanimations on macos
+  * doc: Add note to PinchHandler.translation property about macOS trackpad
+  * Revert "masm: Treat Android as generic Posix regarding mmap and friends"
+  * QML: Check for stack overflows when creating objects
+  * Fix wrong item-sizeHint-cache when StackLayout children were reordered
+  * Doc: Add missing QQuickWindow constructor
+  * Handle missing stops gracefully in Shape gradients
+  * Do not crash if madvise() fails on MADV_WILLNEED
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_qquickbehaviors on macos
+  * Avoid double applyDelegateChange in QQIV::setDelegate
+  * QSGGeometry: add Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE
+  * Qml: Don't crash on bad grouped properties
+  * Fix TypeError in dynamicview1 example
+  * Fix broken Text rendering when noantialiased NativeRendering is used
+  * Trim file names before adding them to qml components and scripts
+  * masm: Treat Android as generic Posix regarding mmap and friends
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+  * Move StackLayout tests from qtquickcontrols.git (5.15)
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde30, rebased upstream:
+  * Flickable: prevent fixup() from being called while dragging
+  * Adjust baselineOffset correctly when fontSizeMode == HorizontalFit
+  * QQmlVMEMetaObjectEndpoint: ensure property cache before accessing it
+  * Text: Re-layout the text when a alignment is set and the height grows
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_qquickflickable on macos
+  * Fix fractional scaling of text in Qt Quick
+  * qqmlprivate.h: make static constexpr members c++11 compliant
+  * V4: Account for the guard pages when allocating stack space
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QQuickLoader on ubuntu-20.04
+  * Flickable: let changing contentItem pos also affect the drag starting pos
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in tst_QParallelAnimationGroupJob on macos
+  * StackLayout: Do not set size of children to (-1, -1)
+  * V4: Mark InternalClass parents when running GC
+  * A11Y: Send Scrolling Events when Flickable moves
+  * doc: Add missing PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems enum value
+  * Qml: Don't crash on nested group properties with aliases
+  * QV4::CompiledData: fix GCC 12 -Werror=uninitialized errors
+  * QQuickText/Edit: fix C++20 -Wdeprecated-enum-enum-conversion warnings
+  * Android: Fix crash on tap handler with a S-Pen
+  * masm: fix -Wdeprecated-enum-enum-conversion
+  * Add listing of the components and scripts that belongs to the qml module
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::RegExp to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::JSClassMember to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Object to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port icutils::Node to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Lookup to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Binding to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Property to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Alias to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::ParameterType to new special integer bitfield
+  * QML: Port QV4::CompiledData::Location to new special integer bitfield
+  * Fix Qt build with Python being in path with spaces
+  * Quick test lib: Account for DPR when grabbing sub-image
+  * qqw: Invalidate and reinitialize the scenegraph correctly
+  * Fix rendernode example wrt stacking
+  * Stop using the same buffer for vertex and index data
+  * Fix race condition on QQmlEnginePrivate::qml_debugging_enabled
+  * qqmlimport.cpp: remove unused qreadwritelock.h
+  * QQmlDebug: reliably print the debugger warning
+  * QQmlListCompositor: suppress GCC 12 -Warray-bounds warnings
+  * Doc: QQuickTextInput: Mark all readonly properties as such
+  * MouseArea: don't override preventStealing on mouse release
+  * MultiPointTouchArea: remap touchpoint positions when filtering
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Revert "Fix missing glyphs when using NativeRendering"
+  * Fix missing glyphs when using NativeRendering
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde31:
+  * QML: Make notify list thread safe
+  * QtQml: Clean up QQmlData ctor
+  * QRecyclePool: fix potential UB
+  * QQmlJs::MemoryPool: fix potential UB (pointer overflow)
+  * JIT: Add missing {STORE|LOAD}_ACC() to CreateCallContext
+- Drop patches, now upstream:
+  * 0001-JIT-Add-missing-STORE-LOAD-_ACC-to-CreateCallContext.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde26, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix tst_QQuickText::fontSizeMode
+  * (manual) includemocs
+  * Text: don't fall back to full-width layout if availableWidth == 0
+  * MPTA: don't allow more than one touchpoint to react to mouse
+  * QML/JS: Reject yield expression not directly in generator functions
+  * Modify m_compareRegister bitfield
+  * Add a TU for QQmlDebugServer
+  * QmlModels: includemocs
+  * Add a TU for QQmlProfilerEventReceiver
+  * Quick: includemocs
+  * QSGRhiShaderEffectNode: remove unused m_rc member
+  * QQmlPreviewServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * Qml: includemocs
+  * QuickTest: includemocs
+  * PinchArea: ignore ZoomNativeGesture and RotateNativeGesture if told to
+  * Docs: Document textInput.acceptableInput as read only
+  * QQmlTableModelColumn: remove unused field mIndex
+  * MouseArea: don't get stuck in doubleClick if handler caused ungrab
+  * Avoid -Wclass-memaccess warning
+  * QmlDebugPrivate: includemocs
+  * QmlModels: includemocs
+  * QQmlInspectorServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * QQmlDebuggerServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * QQmlProfilerServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * QQmlNativeDebugServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * QuickShapesPrivate: includemocs
+  * QtPacketProtocolPrivate: includemocs
+  * QDebugMessageServiceFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * QQuickProfilerAdapterFactoryPlugin: includemocs
+  * Build fixes for GCC 11
+  * doc: Fix inherited property docs in HoverHandler
+  * tst_qqmllistcompositor: fix -Wdeprecated-enum-enum-conversion
+  * Set depth mask correctly for clear
+  * Doc: Improve cursorPosition description in TextInput and TextEdit docs
+  * Fix blacklisting string for Ubuntu 20.04 in qquickmultipointtoucharea
+  * V4 ArrayIterator: Protect retrieved value from GC
+  * QML: Protect against EAGAIN when calling madvise on linux
+  * QQuickLoader: Check for QQmlEngine before using it
+- Update to version 5.15.9+kde26:
+  * qml tool: Use QCommandLineParser::process() rather than parse()
+- Add patch to fix crash on aarch64 (boo#1211628, QTBUG-111935):
+  * 0001-JIT-Add-missing-STORE-LOAD-_ACC-to-CreateCallContext.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.9+kde25:
+  * Accessibility: respect value in attached Accessible in controls
+  * Revert "QQuickItem: Fix effective visibility for items without parent"
+    (boo#1210980)
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde67, rebased upstream:
+  * QQuickItem: Fix effective visibility for items without parent
+  * Prevent crash when destroying asynchronous Loader
+  * Quick Animations: Fix crash
+  * qv4function: Fix crash due to reference being invalidated
+  * Models: Avoid crashes when deleting cache items
+  * QQuickState::when: handle QJSValue properties correctly
+  * QQmlImportDatabase: Make sure the newly added import path be first
+  * Revert "Fix missing glyphs when using NativeRendering"
+  * Fix missing glyphs when using NativeRendering
+  * Update the window cursor on mouse release
+  * Blacklist: test cases blacklisted in tst_QQuickListView:
+  * Blacklist: test cases blacklisted in tst_QQuickMultiPointTouchArea:
+  * Fix crash with NativeRendering on RHI
+  * A11Y: make QQuickText focusable for A11Y
+  * QQuickWindow: improve docs for activeFocusItem
+  * Doc: add example snippets for containmentMask
+  * Fix typo in qquickdroparea/BLACKLIST for Ubuntu-20.04
+  * QQmlAdaptorModel: Do not use reparenting for lifetime managemment
+  * Correctly handle QQuickState::when
+  * CMake: Fix handling of empty qrc files with qtquickcompiler
+  * CMake: Skip qtquickcompiler cmake test on macOS ARM
+  * Fix indices alignment problem
+  * Fix indentation in positioners example
+  * doc: Fix QQuickItem point/rect mapping methods signatures
+  * Instantiator: Do not load items when inactive
+  * Doc: Fix QtQuick::Loader::item type
+  * Doc: fix incorrect type name on focus page
+  * icutils::Node: GCC 11 -Werror=maybe-uninitialized w/-fsanitize=undefined
+  * tst_qquickimageprovider: fix some memleaks
+  * Fix incorrect behavior after displace transition
+  * Fix edge cases in arcTo
+  * Don't blacklist tst_QQuickFramebufferObject::everything on b2qt
+  * Use tree hash rather than commit hash in .tag file
+  * Adjust default max call depth for QNX
+  * Blacklist containsDrag_internal on Ubuntu 20.04
+  * QQmlLoggingCategory: Avoid unnecessary warnings from setters
+  * Blacklist flakey tst_QPauseAnimationJob::multipleSequentialGroups on macOS
+  * Assert that QQmlDelegateModel's count can't be less than zero
+  * qml{plugindump|importscanner}: Don't mix std::cerr and std::wcerr
+  * Treat unknown tablet device as stylus and create QTabletEvent
+  * GridView: Set content position when changing cell size
+  * QQuickItemViewTransitionAttached: Avoid dangling pointers
+  * Bound animatorjob value to the given range
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Document that StyledText also supports &nbsp; and &quot;
+- Drop the mechanism for supporting systems without SSE2. glibc removed
+  support for looking up libraries in sse2/ subdirectories and libQt5Qml5
+  without SSE2 crashes Plasma (boo#1208188):
+  * sse2_nojit.patch
+- Update to 5.15.12:
+  * See individual module packages for changelogs
+- Update to 5.15.11:
+  * See individual module packages for changelogs
+- Drop patches, now upstream:
+  * 0002-Build-fixes-for-GCC-11.patch
+  * 0001-Partially-revert-813a928c7c3cf98670b6043149880ed5c95.patch
+- Replace BuildRequire on xorg-x11-devel by pkgconfig(...)
+- Update to 5.15.9:
+  * See individual module packages for changelogs
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Fix broken QML dependency
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde10, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde12, rebased upstream:
+  * Add finding from oss-fuzz to tst_qicns
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde18:
+  * Update bundled libtiff to version 4.6.0
+  * Update bundled libtiff to version 4.5.1
+  * Update bundled libtiff to version 4.5.0
+  * Fix bundled libtiff compilation lzw warning and reading failure
+  * Update bundled libtiff to version 4.4.0
+  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.3.2
+  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.3.1
+  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.3.0
+  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.2.4
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde9, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde12, rebased upstream:
+  * Update bundled libwebp to version 1.2.2
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix HereMap plugin not supporting authentication via apiKey
+  * Fix build of Qt.labs.location QML plugin
+  * PositionSource: fix lastKnownPosition request at startup
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Drop patches, now upstream:
+  * 0001-Fix-build-of-Qt.labs.location-QML-plugin.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * Revert "Make location-labs-plugin depend on features.opengl"
+  * Add check to getSatInfoFromNmea to avoid undefined behavior
+  * Fix undefined behavior in qlocationutils_readGsa()
+  * Use std::remove_if + QVector::erase to remove child pipes
+  * PositionSource: do not query lastKnownPosition if the source is inactive
+  * Android: fix crash on exit when QGeoAreaMonitorPolling is used
+- Add patch to fix build of the Qt.labs.location QML plugin:
+  * 0001-Fix-build-of-Qt.labs.location-QML-plugin.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde5:
+  * Update mapbox-gl-native
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * Make location-labs-plugin depend on features.opengl
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Fix build of Qt.labs.location QML plugin
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde7, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix crash on macos13 with iphone camera
+  * VideoOutput: Always update geometry when video surface format changes
+  * VideoOutput: fix resize of a finished video
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+  * Windows: Fix cropping for HEVC-encoded videos
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * QAudioHelpers: fix C++20 -Werror,-Wdeprecated-enum-float-conversion
+  * Android: Align emit sequence
+  * QNX: fix KHR image handling
+  * Fix compile error on videonode plugin
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix chunk sizing in QPulseAudioSink
+  * Initialize m_material to nullptr
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde7, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix duration() with very long media with gstreamer
+  * Blacklist tst_QAudioOutput on macOS ARM
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix memory leak when destroying View3D
+  * Add missing command deletes
+  * Add missing free
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * Apply texture parameters for fbo textures
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * Drive-by doc fix
+  * Clear layer resources when scene gets destroyed
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * QQuick3DNode: Fix application order of local/parent rotation matrices
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+  * Remove tests for StackLayout
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Blacklist Tests_StackLayout::test_addAndRemoveItems
+  * Blacklist Windows on Tests_StackLayout::test_addAndRemoveItems
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in qtquickcontrols on macos
+  * Blacklist 1 tests in qtquickcontrols on ubuntu-20.04
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde5, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde5, rebased upstream:
+  * Take over touch grab after initial delayed mouse press from Flickable
+  * Doc: Fix link to Scrollbar size property
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Accessibility: respect value in attached Accessible in controls
+  * TextArea: make clip node wider to accommodate cursor when right-aligned
+  * DialogButtonBox: fix buttons going outside box on size change
+  * Control in pressDelay Flickable: detect touch release near press pos
+  * Reset provider's texture if QQuickNiniPatchImage's source is invalid
+  * FileDialog: do not add default suffix when content scheme is used
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde11, rebased upstream:
+  * SwipeView: don't cull every child item that gets added
+  * AbstractButton: fix fast clicks being treated as double clicks
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * tst_restart: add -nocrashhandler option for ServerRestartFatal mode
+  * tst_restart: increase waiting timeout in test
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Regenerate certs
+  * Use QTRY_COMPARE in ModelreplicaTest::basicFunctions() test
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * qconnection_qnx_global_p.h: add missing Qt namespace
+  * Check nullptr before using pointer
+- Update to version 5.15.16:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.16
+- Update to version 5.15.15+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.15
+  * Bump version to 5.15.14
+  * Bump version to 5.15.13
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+  * Bump version to 5.15.11
+  * Bump version to 5.15.10
+- Update to version 5.15.15:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.15
+- Update to version 5.15.14:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.14
+  * Bump version to 5.15.13
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Update LGPL license header
+  * Windows: guard against closing the connection while processing incoming data
+  * Windows: fix soft memory leak in synchronous mode
+  * Revert "QSerialPort: Port to alertable I/O functions on Windows"
+  * Revert "Emit _q_notify only if there's no notification pending"
+  * Revert "Revert "Emit _q_notify only if there's no notification pending""
+  * Revert "Avoid possible symbol clashes on static builds on Windows"
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde1, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix QtSpeech example querying locales before initialising
-- Add patch from upsteam to fix a missing variable initialization
-  of QSvgFont's m_unitsPerEm and remove two unused variable in
-  that private class (CVE-2023-32573, bsc#1211298):
-  * 0001-QSvgFont-Initialize-used-member-remove-unused.patch
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde8, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.9+kde8:
+  * QSvgFont: Initialize used member, remove unused
+    (boo#1211298, CVE-2023-32573)
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde10, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde4, rebased upstream:
+  * qdoc: Ensure the generated temporary header file is closed properly
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * qtattributionsscanner: Support multiple license files
+  * macdeployqt: Ignore repeated references to binary when parsing otool -L
+  * Build QtDesigner plugins in all configurations
+  * lupdate: Allow multiple specifiers after method signature
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * CMake: Fix qt5_create_translation for same-named .ts files
+  * Drop superfluous network dependency from assistant/{help,qhelpgenerator}.pro
+  * qdoc: Do not split module names in different tags
+  * qdoc: Do not generate tags from titles anymore
+  * Skip endonym in linguist settings list when not available
+  * lrelease-pro: Take EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS into account
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde10, rebased upstream:
+  * qdoc: Fix assert on empty link target
+  * macdeployqt: don’t err on unexpected otool output
+  * Don't run qdoc tests if qdoc was not enabled during configure
+  * CMake: Fix qt_create_translation to not remove .ts files on "clean"
+  * lupdate: Support numeric literal separators
+  * designer: Fix MSVC warning about returning address of local variable or temporary
+  * Bump copyright year to 2022
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Doc: Improve locale section of technical guide
+  * Fix visible area in the basic example
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Remove platform-dependent codes for XCB
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix activation of input panel when initial active focus is set
+  * Blacklist: test cases blacklisted in inputpanel:
+  * Blacklist more test_fullScreenModeSelectionHandles rows
+  * Disable Windows IME when Qt Virtual Keyboard plugin is loaded
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde60, rebased upstream:
+  * Client: Always populate mimedata in drags
+  * Client: Honor QGuiApplication::overrideCursor()
+  * Always use blocking write for data_source.send
+  * client: Mark return values as unused to suppress compiler warnings
+  * tests: fix tst_seatv4 to use 24 as default cursor size
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde59, rebased upstream:
+  * Client: Avoid locking resizing in QWaylandShmBackingStore
+  * Client: Remove some surface commits
+  * tests: Fix tst_xdgshell::minMaxSize()
+  * Client: Commit the initial surface state explicitly
+  * Remove unused variables
+  * QtWaylandCompositor: includemocs
+  * QtWaylandClient: includemocs
+  * QtWaylandEglClientHwIntegrationPrivate: includemocs
+  * QtWaylandTextureSharing: includemocs
+  * QWaylandXdgShellIntegrationPlugin: includemocs
+  * QtWlShellIntegrationPrivate: includemocs
+  * Add missing QT_{BEGIN,END}_NAMESPACE
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde58:
+  * Client: Fix the mouse being stuck in pressed state after DnD
+  * client: Fix infinite recursion with text-input-v2
+  * Client: Fix buffer damage
+  * Replace scale with devicePixelRatio for non-integer scaling
+  * Convert cursor bitmap to supported format
+  * client: Fix crash on dnd updates after client facing drag ends
+  * Destroy frame queue before display
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde51, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix compilation with GCC 12
+- Commits dropped by the rebase:
+  * Revert "Client: Ensure that wl_surface lives as long as qtquick render thread needs it"
+  * Client: Ensure that wl_surface lives as long as qtquick render thread needs it
+  * Build fixes for GCC 11
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde70, rebased upstream:
+  * Don't keep eglConfig in hardwareintegration
+  * Update the window geometry when changing decorations
+  * Fix build with -no-feature-tabletevent
+  * Fix wayland touch event to use time stamp from wayland compositor
+  * wayland touch event to add key modifier
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde3, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde5, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde6, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix setting of socket options
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- Update to version 5.15.12+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Bump version to 5.15.12
+- Update to version 5.15.11+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Fix compilation with the recent qtbase
+- Update to version 5.15.10+kde0, rebased upstream:
+  * Avoid extra copy in a ranged loop
+- Update to version 5.15.8+kde2, rebased upstream:
+  * No code changes
+- update to 2.1.2
+  - Fix build with some alternative C libraries and with some older
+  build environments.  No functional changes.
-- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293)
+- Update to tag
+  * Addressed CVE-2023-26157 [boo#1218473]
+- Update to 1.17.0
+  * lr_gpg_check_signature: Forward PGP error messages from RPM
+  * PGP: fix: Support importing binary public keys in librpm backend
+  * PGP: Enable creating a UID directory for GnuGP agent socket
+    in /run/gnupg/user
+  * PGP: Set a default creation SELinux labels on GnuPG directories
+  * Update PGP test vectors
+  * Implement OpenPGP using librpm API
+  * Fixes and optimizations in header files
+  * Fix lr_gpg_list_keys function when keys are empty
+  * Fix CMake warnings
+  * Bump glib version
+- update to 1.15.1:
+  * Add API support for waiting on network in an event driven
+    manner
+  * OpenPGP API extension and fixes
+- lincense updated to LGPL-2.1-or-later
+- update to 1.14.5:
+  * Detailed error message when using non-existing TMPDIR
+  * Make error messages about repodata and rpm mismatch more user
+    friendly
+- Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more
+  reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen).
+- Add patches to fix some minor issues that upstream have solved in
+  a different way in git, but this should suffice for now for us:
+  + 0001-rest_proxy_call_sync-bail-out-if-no-payload.patch:
+    rest_proxy_call_sync: bail out if no payload.
+  + 0002-Handle-some-potential-problems-in-parsing-oauth2-acc.patch:
+    Handle some potential problems in parsing oauth2 access tokens.
+- Stop passing soup2=false and tests=false to meson, follow the
+  defaults.
+- Pass vapi=true and add pkgconfig(vapigen) BuildRequires: Build
+  vapi support.
+- Pass ca_certificates=true and
+  ca_certificates_path=%{_sysconfdir}/ssl/ca-bundle.pem to meson.
+- Update to version 0.9.1:
+  + Removed RestAuth object.
+  + Added an demo application to showcase librest.
+  + Removed OAuth1 Proxy.
+  + Added soupapiversion to pkg-config file in order to check the
+    which soup version this library got built with.
+  + Build against libsoup3 by default.
+- Update to version 0.9.0:
+  + New oauth2 proxy to accomplish pkce workflow with api endpoints
+  + Introduced meson as buildsystem.
+  + Introduced the possibility to build librest with soup-2.4 or
+    soup-3.0
+- Bump abi and abi_pkg to 1.0 and 1_0 following upstream changes.
+- Add meson, gtk-doc, python3-gi-docgen and
+  pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) BuildRequires and meson macros, port to
+  meson buildsystem.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires and drop
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)
+  BuildRequires: Build with soup-3.0.
+- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
-- Update to version 0.7.92:
-  + Bugs fixed: bgo#665716, bgo#708358, bgo#708359, bgo#728340,
-    bgo#728952, bgo#728953, bgo#735919, bgo#735920, bgo#735921,
-    bgo#735922.
-- Add librest-missing-include.patch: Add missing includes.
-- Update to version 0.7.91:
-  + Bugs fixed: bgo#702483, bgo#703103, bgo#703642, bgo#712231,
-    bgo#712747.
-- Drop librest-fix-build-without-ca-certificates.patch: as
-  identified in bnc#825903, this is not sufficient and needs more
-  investigation / rewriting.
-- Revert --without-ca-certificates configure option back to
-  - -with-ca-certificates=/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem.
-- Add librest-fix-build-without-ca-certificates.patch: Fix build
-  with configure --without-ca-certificates.
-- Pass --without-ca-certificates to configure instead of
-  - -with-ca-certificates=/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem (bnc#825903).
-- Update to version 0.7.90:
-  + Allow to disable libsoup strict SSL check
-  + Add username/password support
-  + Several API additions
-  + Build fixes
-  + Fix some leaks.
+- Run service with new obs-service-cargo, drop cargo_config as
+  source and clean up spec and service, and switch to zst as
+  buildtime compression.
+- Update to version 2.57.0:
+  + rsvg-convert can now output PDF versions 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, in
+    addition to the default 1.7, especially for LaTeX users. See
+    the rsvg-convert(1) man page for options like --format=pdf1.4
+  + Support the image-rendering property.
+  + For consistency with other command-line tools, rsvg-convert now
+    supports an argument "-" to specify the standard input. This is
+    in addition to the already-supported syntax of not specifying
+    an input file at all.
+  + Partial support for the edgeMode attribute in feGaussianBlur,
+    only for small blurs right now.
+  + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.70.0.
+- Skip bugs_bug668_small_caps_svg test, started failing with
+  harfbuzz-8.2.0
+- Update to version 2.56.92:
+  + Fix the build for aarch64.
+  + More extensive logging for filter primitives.
+  + Update gtk-rs-core to 0.18.
+  + Update dependencies.
+  + Include license text in packaged crates.
+  + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.70.0, due to the
+    gtk-rs-core update.
+- Update to version 2.56.3:
+  + This is a security release for bug glgo#GNOME/librsvg#996.
+  - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#996: Fix arbitrary file read when href has
+    special characters.
+  - glgo#GNOME/librsvg#998: Fix cascade for symbol elements being
+    referenced from use elements.
+- Use %build_rustflags instead of the deprecated
+  %__default_rustflags macro. Requires at least cargo-packaging
+  1.2.0+3 (boo#1212333).
+- Use %__default_rustflags instead of the deprecated %__rustflags
+  macro. Requires at least cargo-packaging 1.2.0+2 (boo#1212333).
+- Update to version 2.56.1:
+  + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.65.
+    Unfortunately the assert_cmd crate, used in the test suite,
+    bumped its MSRV and is forcing us to do the same.
+  + Shrink the shared library by telling the linker to omit unused
+    code.
+  + Updates to dependencies.
+- Tune _constraints for the various architectures.
+- Update licence tag, there is no longer any Apache licensed code.
+- Use __rustflags macro and drop no longer needed rustflags global.
+- Update to version 2.56.0:
+  + Fix crash when XML files get recursively included through
+    XInclude.
+  + When running the suite of reference tests, you can now use the
+    TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable to specify where results
+    for failures get written. See tests/ for details.
+  + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.64.
+- Pass --skip filter_morphology_from_reference_page_svg to
+  cargo_test, filter out new test that fails when building against
+  cairo-1.17.8.
+- Update to version 2.55.92:
+  + Update to cssparser 0.29.6; this adds support for hwb() color
+    syntax, from the CSS Color Module Level 4 spec
+    ( Note that
+    values inside hwb() are *not* comma-separated, just whitespace.
+  + Fix panic when a requested font-size is too big.
+  + Validate all clipPath and mask transforms.
+  + Add a performance tracking framework. This is part of an
+    Outreachy internship.
+  + Slight improvements in the size of generated code and memory
+    consumption.
+  + The Rust crate is now called "rsvg", for consistency with other
+    crates that don't usually have a "lib" prefix.
+  + The Rust API documentation is now available at
+- Add minimum harddisk size of 9G for x86_64 to constraints. The
+  cargo test uses a lot of disk space.
+- Update to version 2.55.91:
+  + Support "turn" unit for CSS <angle> values.
+  + Support the feDropShadow element.
+  + Fix panic when a feTile filter gets an empty source region.
+  + Update to gtk-rs 0.17.0.
+  + Simplify the NMake Makefiles for Windows; see
+    win32/ for details.
+  + Documentation and infrastructure updates.
+  + Consolidate the scattered .md documents into the Development
+    Guide. Updated links throughout.
+  + Internal refactoring of the test suite.
+  + Updated dependencies to avoid duplicated crates.
+- Changes from version 2.55.90:
+  + rsvg-convert now supports Tab completion for bash, elvish,
+    fish, powershell, and zsh.  Please run rsvg-convert
+  - -completion bash to generate the completion file.  You can use
+    the other shells' names as an argument to the --completion
+    option.
+  + Support vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" for paths.
+  + Apply width, height when <use>ing an <svg>.
+  + There is a new development guide for librsvg, for people who
+    want to help in its development. I hope this will be especially
+    useful to Outreachy and Summer of Code interns:
+  + In the use element, honor the overflow:hidden property of a
+    referenced symbol.
+  + Treat property and attribute parse errors / invalid values as
+    if they were not present, per the specs.  Previously this would
+    cause the offending element's subtree to not be rendered.
+  + Make feGaussianBlur work as a pass-through filter if the
+    stdDeviation is invalid.
+  + Define missing crate metadata for Cargo.toml.
+  + Add some tests that were missing for the C API.
+  + Fix the basic test suite in Windows.
+  + Miscellaneous fixes for the build and CI.
+  + Plenty of internal refactoring to enable more consistent
+    logging.
+  + Slight reductions in memory consumption for elements with
+    context-stroke and context-fill.
+  + Experimental gdk-pixbuf loader in Rust. This is not installed
+    yet.
+  + Update the gtk-rs crates to 0.16.0.
+  + Port rsvg-convert's argument parsing to the clap4 crate.
+  + Updates to the dependencies.
+  + The CI now has a cargo-deny step, which should help us notice
+    when there are security advisories for dependencies
+- update vendor tarball
+- actually run the testsuite for x86_64 (bsc#1207167)
+- Update to version 2.55.1:
+  + As an experiment, I'll move librsvg from even-odd versioning
+    (odd minor version is unstable, even minor version is stable),
+    to the versioning scheme that GNOME uses these days. So, 2.55.x
+    is the new stable series.
+  + There is a new development guide for librsvg, for people who
+    want to help in its development. I hope this will be especially
+    useful to Outreachy and Summer of Code interns:
+  + Define missing crate metadata for Cargo.toml.
+  + Add some tests that were missing for the C API.
+  + Fix the basic test suite in Windows.
+  + Miscellaneous fixes for the build and CI.
+- Update of vendored dependencies.
+- Update to version 2.55.0:
+  + The Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is now Rust 1.58.
+  + The release tarball no longer contains vendored Rust
+    dependencies. Most distributions now have infrastructure to
+    pull these themselves, so let's make the tarball smaller.
+  + Accept patterns with userSpaceOnUse units for the stroke of
+    axis-aligned lines.
+  + Small reductions in memory consumption of the DOM tree.
+  + Updates for the gtk-rs API.
+- Update to version 2.54.5:
+  + Accept patterns with userSpaceOnUse units for the stroke of
+    axis-aligned lines.
+- Replace dependency on unmaintained rust-packaging with
+  cargo-packaging (boo#1198129).
+- Automatic update of vendored dependencies
+- Update to version 2.54.4:
+  + Support CSS Color 4 syntax for <alpha-value>. Opacities can be
+    specified as numbers or percentages now, e.g. 0.5 or 50%.
+  + Roll back minimum required version of Pango to 1.46.0.
+  + Fix Windows NMake install when documentation is not built.
+- Update to version 2.54.3:
+  + Fix detection of gi-docgen.
+  + Install the generated documentation in the correct place so
+    that Devhelp can find it.
+- Changes from version 2.54.2:
+  + Fix regressions when computing element geometries.
+  + Add a --disable-gtk-doc option for the configure script, so
+    people can disable generating documentation for
+    cross-compiling.
+  + MSVC: Support generating documentation, and passing
+    introspection paths.
+- Update to version 2.54.1:
+  + Fix oversight in the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV):
+    this release requires Rust 1.56 or later.
+  + Make rst2man and gi-docgen optional.
+  + Fix documentation comments.
+- Update to version 2.54.0:
+  + Librsvg now supports SVG2 geometry properties for these
+    elements: rect, circle, ellipse, image, svg.
+  + Catch circular references when rendering patterns.
+  + The C API documentation now uses gi-docgen instead of gtk-doc.
+    Rsvg-convert's man page is now converted to reStructuredText
+    instead of troff.
+  + The "Recommendations for applications" chapter in the
+    documentation is much improved.
+- Update to version 2.53.2:
+  + Output filled text as text for PDF; fixes regression due to
+    outputting all text as paths.
+  + Fix taller-than-wide proportional scaling and size limiting in
+    rsvg-convert.
+  + Implement SVG2 geometry properties for these elements: rect,
+    circle, ellipse, image, svg.
+  + Fix potential unaligned accesses in surface iterators.
+  + Actually use GDK_PIXBUF_MODULEDIR when calling
+    gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.
+  + Add links to functions and types throughout the C API
+    documentation.
+- Switch to gitcheckout of released tag.
+- Switch to rust-packaging:
+  + Add rust-packaging and libtool BuildRequires.
+  + Drop cargo and rust BuildRequires.
+  + Pass NOCONFIGURE=1 ./, bootstrap build.
+  + Add rust config to _service
+  + Add vendor.tar.xz and cargo_config as sources + macro.
+- Enable testsuite again for x86_64, as it now passes.
+- Update to version 2.53.1:
+  + Fix incorrect text rendering when text has different scales
+    in the X/Y axes. This regressed after librsvg 2.52.5, when
+    Pango had to revert its fix for the same bug. Now librsvg
+    renders all text as paths, and does the scaling itself. Please
+    file a bug if you have evidence that this presents a
+    performance problem for you.
+  + Update to the latest gtk-rs release.
+- Update to version 2.53.0:
+  + This is the first release in the new development series. There
+    are no new features, just changes to how the documentation is
+    built.
+  + The man page for rsvg-convert is now generated from a
+    reStructuredText document, and the C API reference is generated
+    using gi-docgen.
+  + Please make sure you install python3-docutils (for rst2man) and
+    gi-docgen before compiling librsvg from a tarball.
+- Add python3-docutils and pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes.
-- Update to version 2.52.9:
-  + Fix regressions when computing element geometries.
-  + Catch circular references when rendering patterns.
+  + Catch circular references when rendering patterns
+    (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#721).
+- Update to version 0.21.1:
+  + Fix updating credentials by another process in the same Flatpak
+    sandbox.
+  + Migrate to g_memdup2.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.21.0:
+  + Unlock the keyring before getting secret attributes
+  + file-backend: avoid deadlock when portal op is canceled
+  + Properly chain-up GTasks around GDBusProxy::init_async
+  + Fix nullable in secret_collection_for_alias_*
+  + Fix finish function for search
+  + secret-paths: Fix a little memory leak
+  + Stop using GSlice
+  + docs:
+  - port to gi-docgen
+  - fix example in usage docs
+  + Several CI fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 2.12.1:
+  + Documentation:
+  - slot, signal: Describe the slot<void(int)> syntax more
+  - connection: Improve the class documentation
+  - Improve Visual Studio build documentation
+  - Remove AUTHORS and add general information to
+  + Build:
+  - Meson:
+    . Don't copy files with configure_file()
+    . Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
+  - Visual Studio: Support static builds
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update URL to new home.
+- Update to version 2.12.0:
+  + Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj().
+  + Examples, tests:
+  - examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual.
+  - Don't use auto where a slot is
+    required.
+  + Build:
+  - Meson:
+    . Avoid configuration warnings.
+    . Detect if we build from a git subtree.
+    . Simplify lookup of python command.
+    . Add build_tests option.
+  - Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of
+    msvc_recommended_pragmas.h.
+  - Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false.
+- Update to version 2.10.8:
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Perl is not required by new versions of
+    mm-common
+  - NMake Makefiles: Support building with VS2022
+  + Documentation: Upgrade the manual from DocBook 4.1 to DocBook
+    5.0
+- Update to version 3.6.0:
+  + sigc++config.h.*: Update and clean up a bit for Visual Studio
+  + scoped_connection: New wrapper to auto-disconnect a slot
+  + signal: Add connect_first()
+  + Documentation:
+  - connection: Improve the class documentation
+  - Improve Visual Studio build documentation
+  - Remove AUTHORS and add general information to
+  - manual: Add paragraph about new scoped_connection
+  + Tests: Add test_scoped_connection
+  + Build:
+  - Meson:
+    . Don't copy files with configure_file()
+    . Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
+    . Don't require the 'dot' command to build the documentation
+  - CMake: Prevent multiple target declaration for uninstall
+  - Visual Studio: Support static builds
+- Use autosetup macro.
+- Update to version 3.4.0:
+  + Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj()
+  + Add trackable_signal_with_accumulator and trackable_signal
+  + Examples, tests:
+  - examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual
+  - clang++ requires another 'template'
+  - Don't use auto where a slot is
+    required
+  + Documentation: signal::make_slot(): Note that signal does not
+    derive from trackable
+  + Build:
+  - Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of
+    msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
+  - Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false
+  - Meson:
+    . Avoid configuration warnings
+    . Detect if we build from a git subtree
+    . Simplify lookup of python command
+    . Add build_tests option
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update URL to new home.
+- Update to version 3.2.0:
+  + Allow slots with rvalue reference parameters
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Perl is not required by new versions of
+    mm-common
+  - NMake Makefiles: Support building with VS2022
+  + Documentation:
+  - Upgrade the manual from DocBook 4.1 to DocBook 5.0
+  - ptr_fun(), mem_fun() docs: Remove left-overs from sigc++-2.0
+  - Fix links to sigc::slot and sigc::signal
+- Update to version 3.0.6:
+  + Build: Meson build: Fix versioning on macOS.
+  + Documentation:
+  - sigc++/sigc++.h: Describe how to use libsigc++ with Meson.
+  - Update links to the web page, now at
+- Remove mm-common BuildRequires: no longer needed after the switch
+  to meson.
+- Update to version 3.0.4:
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: Set default value of the 'warnings' option to
+    'min'.
+  - NMake Makefiles: Several improvements
+  - Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16
+  + Updated documentation.
+- Switch to meson build system:
+  + Add meson BuildRequires.
+  + Replace configure/make/make_install macros with their meson
+    counterparts.
+  + No longer ship the htmldoc as part of the devel package.
+- Update to version 3.0.3:
+  + Build:
+  - docs/docs/reference/ Check if perl is found.
+  - Describe building with Meson.
+  + Examples: Add example of using libsigc++ with Qt.
+  + Tests: Replace C-style casts with static_cast<>.
+- add zstd support for the installcheck tool
+- add putinowndirpool cache to make file list handling in
+  repo_write much faster
+- bump version to 0.7.27
+- fix evr roundtrip in testcases
+- do not use deprecated headerUnload with newer rpm versions
+- bump version to 0.7.26
+- support complex deps in SOLVABLE_PREREQ_IGNOREINST
+- fix minimization not prefering installed packages in some cases
+- reduce memory usage in repo_updateinfoxml
+- fix lock-step interfering with architecture selection
+- fix choice rule handing for package downgrades
+- fix complex dependencies with an "else" part sometimes leading
+  to unsolved dependencies
+- bump version to 0.7.25
+- Add upstream bug fixes:
+  + 4d12c3e5.patch: lib: Add g_task_set_source_tag() everywhere
+  + 48b3b611.patch: lib: Add names to various GSources
+- Drop no longer valid translation-update-upstream BuildRequires
+  and macro.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 2.74.3:
+  + Add missing g-i annotations to `soup_address_get_sockaddr()`
+    and `soup_socket_read_until()`.
+  + Add missing `extern` when building on Windows.
+  + Update libxml2 fallback for meson wrap.
+  + Improvements when using libsoup with meson wraps.
+- Update to version 0.9.8
+  * Fix CVE-2023-6004: Command injection using proxycommand (bsc#1218209)
+  * Fix CVE-2023-48795: Potential downgrade attack using strict kex (bsc#1218126)
+  * Fix CVE-2023-6918: Missing checks for return values of MD functions (bsc#1218186)
+  * Allow @ in usernames when parsing from URI composes
+- Update to version 0.9.7
+  * Fix CVE-2023-1667: a NULL dereference during rekeying with algorithm
+    guessing (bsc#1211188)
+  * Fix CVE-2023-2283: a possible authorization bypass in
+    pki_verify_data_signature under low-memory conditions (bsc#1211190)
+  * Fix several memory leaks in GSSAPI handling code
+- Version update to version 1.2.38:
+  * Align default pass phrase prompt with HTTPd.
+  * #66669: Fix memory leak in SNI processing.
+  * Update the recommended minimum version of OpenSSL to 1.1.1v.
+  * Update the recommended minimum version of APR to 1.7.4.
+  * Document the TLS rengotiation behaviour.
+  * Add HOWTO-RELEASE.txt that describes the release process.
+  * Refactor library initialization so it is compatible with Tomcat
+    10.1.x onwards where a number of Java classes have been removed.
+  * Map the OpenSSL 3.x FIPS behaviour to the OpenSSL 1.x API to
+    allow clients to determine if the FIPS provider is being used
+    when Tomcat Native is compiled against OpenSSL 3.x.
+  * #66035: Fix crash when attempting to read TLS session ID after
+    a handshake failure.
+  * Enable to be called from any directory.
+  * Fix release script so it works with the current git layout.
+  * #65441: Correct previous fix that enabled building to continue
+    with OpenSSL 3.x.
+  * #65659: Remove remaining reference to pkg-config which is no
+    longer included in the Tomcat Native distribution.
+  * #65181: Additional changes required to provided support for
+    using OpenSSL Engines that use proprietary key formats.
+  * #65329: Correct handling of WINVER in make file to use correct
+    constant for Windows 7. Add constants for Windows 8, Windows 8.1
+    and Windows 10. Rename WINNT to WIN2k as it is used for Windows
+    2000 upwards, not Windows NT upwards.
+  * Add a patch for APR that fixes an issue where some Windows
+    systems in some configurations would only listen on IPv6
+    addresses on dual stack systems even though configured to listen
+    on both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses.
+  * Correct a regression in the fix for 65181 that prevented an
+    error message from being displayed if an invalid key file was
+    provided and no OpenSSL Engine was configured.
+  * #65181: Improve support for using OpenSSL Engines that use
+    proprietary key formats.
+  * Enable building to continue against OpenSSL 3.x and 1.1.1.
+  * Incomplete name mangling fix for C++ compilers in tcn_api.h.
+  * Improve OS-specific header include for native thread id.
+  * Disable keylog callback support for LibreSSL.
+  * Add support for SSLContext.addChainCertificateRaw() with
+    LibreSSL 2.9.1 and up.
+  * Add support for HP-UX's _lwp_self() in our ssl_thread_id(void).
+  * Remove default option passed for rpath to linker on HP-UX.
+  * Add an option to allow the OCSP responder check to be bypassed.
+    Note that if OCSP is enabled, a missing responder is now treated
+    as an error.
+  * #64429: Fix compilation with LibreSSL.
+  * #63671: libtcnative does not compile with OpenSSL < 1.1.0 and
+    APR w/o threading support.
+  * Correct configure message for OpenSSL libdir.
+  * #64260: Clean up install target.
+  * #64315: configure output for OpenSSL wrong/incomplete sometimes.
+  * Drop obsolete build time workarounds for HP-UX.
+  * Add support for FreeBSD's pthread_getthreadid_np() in our
+    ssl_thread_id(void).
+  * #64316: Introduce tcn_get_thread_id(void) to reduce code
+    duplication.
+  * Fix linking against OpenSSL in non-standard locations on FreeBSD.
+- Removed patch:
+  * libtcnative-1-0-bsc1199170.patch
+    + fix integrated
-- Update to 1.1.27 (bugfix release)
-  * fix high CUP usage on client's IP address change
-  * add CPU information to OS info for Linux
-  * fix FIPS mode for listeners; resolves 'Low level API
-    call to digest MD5 forbidden in FIPS mode!' errors.
-  * update add clearOptions function to allow access to
-    OpenSSL's SSL_CTX_clear_options function.
-  * fix regression in pollset return value.
-- add gpg verification
-- add javapackages-tools
-- drop config-guess-sub-update.patch
+- Update to 2.4.1:
+  * Update README with list of moden Linux APIs used
+  * Fix #27: possible buffer overrun in uev_run()
+    bsc#1218749 CVE-2022-48620
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- Update to version 2.20.0:
+  * av1: Revise offsets comments for av1 encode
+  * drm:
+  - Limit the array size to avoid out of range
+  - Remove no longer used helpers
+  * jpeg: add support for crop and partial decode
+  * trace:
+  - Add trace for vaExportSurfaceHandle
+  - Unlock mutex before return
+  - Fix minor issue about printf data type and value range
+  * va/backend:
+  - Annotate vafool as deprecated
+  - Document the vaGetDriver* APIs
+  * va/x11/va_fglrx: Remove some dead code
+  * va/x11/va_nvctrl: Remove some dead code
+  * va:
+  - Add new VADecodeErrorType to indicate the reset happended in
+    the driver
+  - Add vendor string on va_TraceInitialize
+  - Added Q416 fourcc (three-plane 16-bit YUV 4:4:4)
+  - Drop no longer applicable vaGetDriverNames check
+  - Fix:don't leak driver names, when override is set
+  - Fix:set driver number to be zero if vaGetDriverNames failed
+  - Optimize code of getting driver name for all protocols/os
+    (wayland,x11,drm,win32,android)
+  - Remove legacy code paths
+  - Remove unreachable "DRIVER BUG"
+  * win32:
+  - Only print win32 driver messages in DEBUG builds
+  - Remove duplicate adapter_luid entry
+  * x11/dri2: limit the array handling to avoid out of range access
+  * x11:
+  - Allow disabling DRI3 via LIBVA_DRI3_DISABLE env var
+  - Implement vaGetDriverNames
+  - Remove legacy code paths
+- Refresh propagate-dpy.patch with quilt.
+- Update to 2.19.0:
+  * add: Add mono_chrome to VAEncSequenceParameterBufferAV1
+  * add: Enable support for license acquisition of multiple protected
+    playbacks
+  * fix: use secure_getenv instead of getenv
+  * trace: Improve and add VA trace log for AV1 encode
+  * trace: Unify va log message, replace va_TracePrint with va_TraceMsg.
+- reintroduce propagate-dpy.patch (regression fix), since the issue
+  still hasn't been fixed in libva-vdpau-driver ...
+- Update to version 2.18.0:
+  * doc: Add build and install libva informatio in home page.
+  * fix:
+  - Add libva.def into distribution package
+  - NULL check before calling strncmp.
+  - Remove reference to non-existent symbol
+  * meson: docs:
+  - Add encoder interface for av1
+  - Use libva_version over project_version()
+  * va:
+  - Add VAProfileH264High10
+  - Always build with va-messaging API
+  - Fix the codying style of CHECK_DISPLAY
+  - Remove Android pre Jelly Bean workarounds
+  - Remove dummy isValid() hook
+  - Remove unused drm_sarea.h include & ANDROID references in
+    va_dricommon.h
+  - va/sysdeps.h: remove Android section
+  * x11:
+  - Allow disabling DRI3 via LIBVA_DRI3_DISABLe env var
+  - Use LIBVA_DRI3_DISABLE in GetNumCandidates
+- Switch to multibuild style. Drop libva-gl.spec|changes and
+- Switch to meson build system, add meson BuildRequires, drop
+  libtool and xz BuildRequires, and replace gcc-c++ with generic
+  c++_compiler.
+- Use autosetup and ldconfig_scriptlets macros.
+- Add libva-wayland to baselibs.conf, now that its build have moved
+  to the main part of spec, source validator should no longer
+  complain on SLE.
+- Drop propagate-dpy.patch: The upstream issue was closed without
+  the patch ever getting applied, and the issue that it fixed was
+  deemed to not be a libva issue. See upstream issue:
+- update to 2.17.0:
+  * win: Simplify signature for driver name loading
+  * win: Rewrite driver registry query and fix some
+    bugs/leaks/inefficiencies
+  * win: Add missing null check after calloc
+  * va: Update security disclaimer
+  * dep:remove the file .cvsignore
+  * pkgconfig: add 'with-legacy' for emgd, nvctrl and fglrx
+  * meson: add 'with-legacy' for emgd, nvctrl and fglrx
+  * x11: move all FGLRX code to va_fglrx.c
+  * x11: move all NVCTRL code to va_nvctrl.c
+  * meson: stop using deprecated meson.source_root()
+  * meson: stop using configure_file copy=true
+  * va: correctly include the win32 (local) headers
+  * win: clean-up the coding style
+  * va: dos2unix all the files
+  * drm: remove unnecessary dri2 version/extension query
+  * trace: annotate internal functions with DLL_HIDDEN
+  * build/sysdeps: Remove HAVE_GNUC_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE and use _GNUC_
+    support level attribute instead
+  * meson: Check support for -Wl,-version-script and build link_args
+    accordingly
+  * meson: Set va_win32 soversion to '' and remove the install_data rename
+  * fix: resouce check null
+  * va_trace: Add Win32 memory types in va_TraceSurfaceAttributes
+  * va_trace: va_TraceSurfaceAttributes should check the
+    VASurfaceAttribMemoryType
+  * va: Adds Win32 Node and Windows build support
+  * va: Adds compat_win32 abstraction for Windows build and prepares va
+    common code for windows build
+  * pkgconfig: Add Win32 package for when WITH_WIN32 is enabled
+  * meson: Add with_win32 option, makes libdrm non-mandatory on Win
+  * x11: add basic DRI3 support
+  * drm: remove VA_DRM_IsRenderNodeFd() helper
+  * drm: add radeon drm + radeonsi mesa combo
+- Make sure make runs with verbose builds so we see the gcc
+  cmdlines
+- Added propagate-dpy.patch: (boo#1202828)
+  Patch taken from
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- Update to version 2.20.0:
+  * test: Enable AV1 encode test.
+- Add temporary build fix for ppc64le
+  bsc#1218823
+- Update to libvirt 10.0.0
+  - jsc#PED-3226, jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432,
+    jsc#PED-6851
+  - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see
+- apparmor: Add capabilities for PCI passthrough to virtxend profile
+  bsc#1216656
+- Add upstream commit 1a2f33cb59 to fix memory corruption in the
+  remote driver
+- Update to libvirt 9.10.0
+  - jsc#PED-3226, jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432,
+    jsc#PED-6851
+  - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see
+- spec: Drop 'Requires: libvirt-daemon-proxy' from the
+  libvirt-daemon-{qemu,xen,lxc,vbox} subpackages
+- This includes latest version of one of the components needed for
+  Video (processing) hardware support on Intel GPUs (bsc#1217770)
+- Update to version 2023.4.0
+  * Added
+    + oneVPL API 2.10 support
+    + New command line parameters to sample_multi_transcode for setting
+    B Frame QP Offsets based on Pyramid Level
+    + New command line parameters to the sample_vpp tool to enable video
+    signal information
+    + New APIs for importing and exporting shared surfaces
+    + New APIs for string-based parameter configuration
+  * Removed
+    + Environment module support
+    + Unused files and folders
+  * Fixed
+    + NV12 wayland render for MTL
+    + Buffer starvation when wayland window is moved
+    + Missing profile strings in vpl-inspect tool
+    + Rdrm to use card node instead of render node
+    + Rdrm tile4 selection based DRM/KMS query
+    + Rdrm NV12 and P010 render for MTL
+  * Changed
+    + Directory layout and name of dispatcher directory
+    + Location of image files used by documentation
+    + Runtime library search path to remove current directory
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Add handle-avoid-segfault-in-invalidate-icons.patch to fix a
+  segmentation fault (boo#1204157)
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + WnckHandle is now public and should be used for all the
+    operations. Usage of all the older entry-point getters is now
+    deprecated.
+- Update to version 40.1:
+  + Revert "pager: do not change workspace size from size_allocate"
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop libwnck-rpmlintrc: No longer needed.
+- Update to version 1.14.1:
+  + Fix the build with older glibc C library versions.
+- Update to version 1.14.0:
+  + New API to provide input events to be treated by WebKit as
+    gamepad inputs.
+  + New API to configure the target refresh rate of view backends.
+  + New API which allow clients to supply an alternative mechanism
+    for spawning WebKit auxiliary processes.
+  + New WPE_ENABLE_XKB build option, enabled by default, which can
+    be used to avoid usage of libxkbcommon.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 1.12.3:
+  + Fix the build when using Clang's libc++ or the Musl libc.
+- Changes from version 1.12.2:
+  + Fix the build when using CMake to configure it.
+- Changes from version 1.12.1:
+  + Fix pasteboard to use the generic interface by default.
+  + Fix memory allocation to always abort execution on failure.
+- fix variable name for datamember in 'struct crypt_data' [bsc#1215496]
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + libxcrypt-man-fix-variable-name.patch
+- Update to version 5.4:
+  + A couple of introspection fixes.
+- Update URL, this version was never released on
+- Add explicit libxklavier16 (shared library) Requires in devel
+  sub-package (we already pulled it in via virtual provides).
+- Use modern macros.
-- Update baselibs.conf (libxklavier16 instead of libxklavier12)
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Update to version 2.42.2:
+  + Document, Node: Recognize HTML documents
+  + Build:
+  - Meson build: When mm-common >= 1.0.4 is used, Perl is not required
+  - Win32: Don't include afxres.h in resources
+  - Support Visual Studio 2022
+  - Meson build:
+    . Require meson >= 0.55.0
+    . Specify 'check' option in run_command(). Will be necessary
+    with future versions of Meson.
+    . Avoid configuration warnings
+  - docs/manual: Sort example file lists. See
+    glgo/GNOME/gtkmm-documentation/!15
+  - NMake Makefiles: Make things more configurable
+  + Documentation:
+  - docs/manual: Upgrade from DocBook 4.1 to DocBook 5.0
+  - MSVC_NMake/README: Document dependency placement
+- Changes from version 2.42.1:
+  + Build:
+  - libxml++config.h.*: Don't dllimport on MinGW
+  - Meson build:
+    . Make it possible to use libxml++ as a subproject
+    . No implicit_include_directories
+  - MSVC build: Export classes selectively
+  + Documentation: Let links point to libxml++-2.6 versions instead
+    of latest versions.
+- Drop erroneous executable bit from docs and headerfiles.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- update to 0.3.15:
+  * Sprinkle __attribute__((nonnull)) to give a little more
+    compile-time safety
+  * Accept text/xml as an alternative to application/xml
+  * Do not inline shared code
+  * Fix compiling with Visual Studio
+  * Fix the exported api test on Windows
+  * Generate and use .def file for clang-cl builds
+    Fan)
+  * Release source file handles early
+- baselibs.conf: don't build libxmlb2-32bit; baselibs.conf was
+  added for the x86-64-v3 flavor; the -32bit was an unintended side
+  effect.
+- Update to 0.3.14
+  * Fix comparing indexed text with integer values
+- Enable libstemmer-devel BuildRequires and pass stemmer=true to
+  meson setup, libstemmer now available in Tumbleweed.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
-- Add upstream patch, fixes: CVE-2021-39360:
+- Fix build with RPM 4.19: unnumbered patches are no longer
+  supported.
+- Add upstream patch, fixes: CVE-2021-39360 (boo#1189844):
+- CheckAccessDeleted: fix 'running in container' filter
+  (bsc#1218291)
+- version 17.31.27 (22)
+- Call zypp commit plugins during transactional update (fixes #506)
+- Add support for loongarch64 (fixes #504)
+- Teach MediaMultiCurl to download HTTP Multibyte ranges.
+- Teach zsync downloads to MultiCurl.
+- Expand RepoVars in URLs downloading a .repo file (bsc#1212160)
+  Convenient and helps documentation as it may refer to a single
+  command for a bunch of distributions. Like e.g. "zypper ar
+  '$releasever/my.repo'".
+- version 17.31.26 (22)
+- Fix build issue with zchunk build flags (fixes #500)
+- version 17.31.25 (22)
+- Open rpmdb just once during execution of %posttrans scripts
+  (bsc#1216412)
+- Avoid using select() since it does not support fd numbers >
+  1024 (fixes #447)
+- tools/DownloadFiles: use standard zypp progress bar (fixes #489)
+- Revert "Color download progress bar" (fixes #475)
+  Cyan is already used for the output of RPM scriptlets. Avoid this
+  colorific collision between download progress bar and scriptlet
+  output.
+- Fix ProgressBar's calculation of the printed tag position (fixes #494)
+- Switch zypp::Digest to Openssl 3.0 Provider API (fixes #144)
+- Fix usage of deprecated CURL features (fixes #486)
+- version 17.31.24 (22)
+- Stop using boost version 1 timer library (fixes #489,
+  bsc#1215294)
+- version 17.31.23 (22)
+- Strip minor version and patch-level, so that we don't need to
+  update this package for every patch-level update.
+- Remove support for openSUSE 13.
+- Update to version 17.0.2.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 17.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 17.0.0.
+- Update to version 17.0.1.
+  * For details, see the release notes:
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  -
+- Update to version 16.0.6.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- Update to version 16.0.5.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- Update to version 16.0.4.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- Update to version 16.0.3.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- Drop ExcludeArch: we shouldn't need this, package will simply
+  stay unresolvable if the actual package isn't being built.
+- Update to version 16.0.2.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- bsc#1210383 - Add aarch64 to lldb platforms
+- Update to version 16.0.1.
+  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 16.0.0 release.
+    This release is API and ABI compatible with 16.0.0.
+- Drop BuildRequires. They are not necessary to build this package.
+  This has the advantage that on version bumps, the llvm metapackages
+  build first, turning everything depending on them unresolvable until
+  the right LLVM version is actually available. Without this, the old
+  llvm metapackages are available still and users of llvm build against
+  the old version of LLVM until the new metapackage is built.
+- Fix llvm-LTO-devel self-obsoletion
+- Update to version 16.0.0.
+  * For details, see the release notes:
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  -
+- Let python3-clang also obsolete older versions.
+- Update to version 0.11.1:
+  + Bugs fixed: build: Switch to Meson’s gnome.post_install
+    function
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 0.11.0:
+  + libmalcontent-ui, and the malcontent-control application, now
+    use libappstream rather than appstream-glib.
+  + libmalcontent-ui, and the malcontent-control application, now
+    use GTK 4 and libadwaita rather than GTK+ 3.
+  + As a result of these changes, the pkg-config name has been
+    bumped to libmalcontent-ui-1, and the gobject-introspection
+    name to MalcontentUi-1.
+  + Improve keyboard navigation of the malcontent-control
+    application.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires, and add
+  desktop-file-utils, pkgconfig(gtk4) and pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+  following upstream changes.
+- Rename libmalcontent-ui-0-0, typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-0 and
+  typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-0 to libmalcontent-ui-1-1,
+  typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-1 and typelib-1_0-MalcontentUi-1
+  following upstream soname changes.
+- Update to version 0.10.4
+  + Remove superfluous arguments to i18n.merge_file.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop upstream resolved patch:
+  + f433aaf8c8f82f0aeaedee664f08bc6fcad47b0d.patch
+- Update list of skipped tests for ppc64le
+-  Mbed TLS is now released under a dual Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
+  * legalreview already raised this
+- Update to version 3.5.1:
+  * Add docs re Everest license
+  * Update Changelog with bugfix entry
+  * Update BRANCHES
+  * Bump version
+  * Fix typos in changelog
+  * Fix 3rdparty target names for custom config
+  * assemble Changelog
+  * README improvements to 3rdparty section
+  * Update license for p256-m
+  * Add Changelog for license
+  * Update documentation
+  * Fix some non-standard headers
+  * Header updates
+- Update to version 3.5.0 (resolves bsc#1216078 CVE-2023-45199 and bsc#1216076 CVE-2023-43615):
+  * Updated BRANCHES.MD
+  * Re-assemble changelog to add missing item, plus a couple of typo fixes.
+  * Bump library so-crypto, so-x509, so-tls versions.
+  * Ignore tests of built-in interfaces for driver-only testing parity
+  * Renaming all MBEDTLS_HAVE for curves to MBEDTLS_ECP_HAVE
+  * Auto-generated files for v3.5.0
+  * ChangeLog: Set release date
+  * Prepare ChangeLog for 3.5.0 release
+  * Bump version to 3.5.0
+  * check-generated-files: Added psa_crypto_driver_wrappers_no_static.c file
+  * Changelog: Added entry for psa_crypto_driver_wrappers rename
+  * Remove leftover local debug line
+  * ChangeLog: Added .txt extension to log entries.
+  * Avoid compiler warning about size comparison
+  * Improve some debug messages and error codes
+  * In TLS 1.2, only servers are affected
+  * Changelog entry for xxdh_psa_peerkey size validation
+  * Improve robustness of ECDH public key length validation
+  * Fix buffer overflow in TLS 1.2 ClientKeyExchange parsing
+  * Fix buffer overflow in TLS 1.3 ECDH public key parsing
+  * Add custom config logic to 3rdparty modules
+  * CMake: fix build with 3rdparty module enabled through a custom config
+  * Changelog entry for #7298
+  * Fix ChangeLog entry for FFDH in PSA
+  * Undo not-needed change
+  * Remove redundant code
+  * Assume get_num_ops cannot fail
+  * Always call get_num_ops
+  * Add MBEDTLS_TARGET_PREFIX to 3rdparty CMake
+  * Fix return type
+  * Fix IAR statement is unreachable warning
+  * Fix IAR control bypasses initialisation warning
+  * Fix error handling in psa_driver_wrapper_xxx_hash_get_num_ops
+  * Fix IAR pointless integer comparison
+  * Fix IAR control bypasses initialisation warning
+  * Fix IAR change of sign warning
+  * Remove components that partially accelerate ECC keys
+  * Update list of ECC key types in user-config-for-test.h
+  * Remove spurious comments
+  * Remove generated files in all cmake_as_x tests
+  * Fix lowercase comment start
+  * Formatting fixes
+  * Minor clarifications.
+  * Test only what's support with partial curves accel
+  * Add check for unsupported partial curves acceleration
+  * Add check for unsupported partial key type acceleration
+  * Fix typo: weiErstrass
+  * Use lowercase for local variables
+  * Adjust handling of special case for DERIVE
+  * Rename macros for consistency
+  * Update docs/
+  * Improve documentation about driver-only p256-m.
+  * Remove now-redundant tests
+  * Auto-enable ACCEL macros for p256-m driver
+  * Update list of p256-m entry points
+  * Don't extend support for deprecated functions
+  * Update ChangeLog for ECC.BN EPIC
+  * Ensure tests will fail if CMake generation fails
+  * Update padding const-time fix changelog
+  * Put crypto_spe.h on the include search path where needed
+  * Document that MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SPM needs crypto_spe.h
+  * Fix include path to psa/crypto_spe.h
+  * Add CMake include path for generated header
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for change in driver config API
+  * Document limitation on "mixed" builds
+  * Re-add python install of requirements to Travis CI.
+  * Add build with only some ECC key types accelerated
+  * Add build with some curves accelerated but not all
+  * Fix a typo in
+  * Change the documenti about psa_crypto_driver_wrappers.c{h}
+  * No need to include the 3rd party entry point head file
+  * Change the description of auto-generated driver dispatch files
+  * Remove useless spaces in Makefile
+  * Remove useless empty line
+  * Remove the UN_USED_DISABLE attribute
+  * Change to os.path functions base on comment
+  * Move the dependency adjacent to the generated file
+  * Change include guards of psa_crypto_driver_wrappers_no_static.h
+  * Change comments to psa_crypto_driver_wrappers.h
+  * Change the extension type of the file psa_crypto_driver_wrapper
+  * Automaticly generate psa_crypto_driver_wrappers_no_static.c
+  * Dont't generate object file for file only include static functions
+  * Revert 3rd party p-256 entry file
+  * Revert the Makefile to remove the dependency of generate_files
+  * Move functions out of the static file
+  * Change code style
+  * Disable unused warning on visual studio and generate files before lib
+  * Enable build of non-static psa wrapper functions
+  * Move function psa_driver_wrapper_export_public_key out of auto-generated
+  * Remove static inline functions declare and make it only in c file
+  * Ensure build of P256 pass
+  * Surpress the unsed function warnings
+  * Remove useless declaration
+  * Define the psa wrapper functions as static inline
+  * Fix propagation of return value from parse_attribute_value_hex_der_encoded
+  * parse_attribute_value_hex_der_encoded: clean up length validation
+  * parse_attribute_value_hex_der_encoded test case fixups
+  * Add may-fail mode to mbedtls_x509_string_to_names output tests
+  * Fix integer overflow with an input buffer larger than INT_MAX
+  * Fix indentation
+  * Rewrite parse_attribute_value_hex_der_encoded()
+  * More test cases for parse_attribute_value_der_encoded
+  * Use modern test macros for ease of debugging
+  * Rename new header file
+  * Declare P-256 as accelerated in p256-m test
+  * Fix another rebasing mistake
+  * Fix rebasing mistake
+  * Be more subtle about key_type -> alg interaction
+  * Special-case KEYPAIR_DERIVE (no driver support yet)
+  * Fix dependencies of built-in ECC keypair types
+  * Fix deterministic ECDSA built-in dependencies
+  * Use consistent ordering for built-in activation
+  * Declare curves as accelerated in when needed
+  * Fix logic of ECC built-in activation again
+  * Remove components that are no longer needed
+  * Remove useless instances of MBEDTLS_SOME_BUILTIN_EC
+  * Implement new strategy for ECC accel/built-in
+  * Group all ECC-related things in legacy_from_psa.h
+  * Improve PSA config adjustment relate to keypair types
+  * Remove unnecessary block
+  * psa_crypto: fix guards in mbedtls_ecc_group_to_psa()
+  * adjust_legacy_from_psa: undef SOME_BUILTIN_EC when builtin curves are used
+  * config_psa: resolve symbol redefinition issue
+  * test: fix comment
+  * check_config: remove unnecessary check about builtin curve usage
+  * test_suite_psa_crypto: fix curve dependency in test
+  * Renaming all MBEDTLS_HAVE for curves to MBEDTLS_ECP_HAVE
+  * test: fix comments and functions' naming
+  * ssl: don't require MBEDTLS_ECP_DP with TLS1.3
+  * config_psa: moving PSA_WANT auto-enabling code
+  * config_psa: fix comment
+  * test: fix remaining disparities and remove debug leftovers
+  * test: fix test accelerating all curves keeping only 1 builtin
+  * lib/test: use new internal helpers in library's code and tests
+  * build_info: add helpers to signal some support for a specific curve
+  * check_config: include also ECJPAKE_C as usage for builtin curves
+  * tls/oid: add PSA_WANT_ECC_xxx guards together with existing MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_xxx
+  * test: fix test which are using accelerated ECC/DH keys
+  * check_config: request at least 1 builtin EC alg if there is at least 1 builtin curve
+  * config_psa: include builtin algs if there is at least 1 builtin curve
+  * config_psa: check curves' support before EC ALGs
+  * config_psa: add internal helper to signal that some curve is builtin
+  * config_psa: ensure PSA_WANT_ECC is enabled for each MBEDTLS_ECP_DP
+  * check_config: fix comment
+  * check_config: perform checks only when config_psa.h is evaluated
+  * check_config: skip check on SECP224K1 because the PSA is never enabled
+  * check_config: verify that each ECP_DP has the corresponding PSA_WANT_ECC
+  * x509_crt: Removed unused intsafe.h
+  * x509_crt: Removed length_as_int intermediate variable
+  * x509_crt: Adjusted the len of lpMultiByteStr arg in WideCharToMultiByte
+  * x509_crt: Set WideCharToMultiByte to use -1 for length.
+  * vs2013 templates: Set bcrypt to be the sole dependency.
+  * x509_crt: Removed checks for windows versions < WINXP
+  * entropy_poll: Removed checks for windows versions < WINXP
+  * ChangeLog: Adjusted the updated_windows_apis log
+  * pkey-random: Removed setting mbedtls_target in libs
+  * entropy_poll: Updated documentation for entropy_poll loop.
+  * program-random: Updated Cmake libs variable
+  * pkey Cmakelists: Updated the set libs to be consistent with others.
+  * entropy_poll.c: Added looping logic to `mbedtls_platform_entropy_poll()`.
+  * ChangeLog.d: Added mininum required Windows version.
+  * Removed unsupported Visual Studio related code in entropy_poll.c and x509_crt.c.
+  * ChangeLog.d: Reworded updated_windows_apis.txt.
+  * Changelog: Removed entry from root file
+  * entropy_poll/x509_crt: Added MBEDTLS_POP_TARGET_PRAGMA define guards.
+  * library Makefile: Moved -lbcrypt to LOCAL_LDFLAGS
+  * fuzzer Makefile: Added -lbcrypt linkage
+  * Code style fixes
+  * programs: Cleaned up bcrypt linking refererences.
+  * Fix Visual Studio Release|x64 builds
+  * Fix coding style of length_as_int var in x509_crt.c
+  * Remove redundant Visual Studio 6 data files
+  * Add clarifying comment on use of MultiByteToWideChar() and CP_ACP
+  * Fix the tests build with mingw for the new Win32 APIs
+  * Fix formatting and detail of comments in PR #730
+  * Fix for building programs with mingw
+  * Correct check for WIN32 in cmake files for programs
+  * Update ChangeLog for PR #730 for Win32 API fixes
+  * Fix the build for mingw and CMake + VStudio
+  * Replace Windows APIs that are banned in Windows Store apps
+  * Set explicit version for the typing packages
+  * Fix SHA-3 dependencies in test_suite_md
+  * Type fixes and wording improvements
+  * Fix SHA-3 in accel tests that need it
+  * Fix dependencies for SHA-3 MD dispatch tests
+  * Document driver-only hashes
+  * Add SHA-3 support to libtestdriver1
+  * Remove all travis builds except for coverity_scan
+  * Remove invalid comment from mbedtls_cipher_set_padding_mode()
+  * Remove PK options
+  * Update changelog text
+  * Fix test error
+  * Add comment
+  * fix cast warning
+  * Use mbedtls_ct_error_if
+  * Add mbedtls_ct_error_if, with tests
+  * Remove tests for mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Remove mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Remove use of mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Improve implementation of mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Update library to use mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Improve testing for mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Generalise mbedtls_ct_error_if to mbedtls_ct_int_if
+  * Remove unused variable and unreachable return from mbedtls_pk_write_key_der()
+  * Fix compiler cast warning
+  * Add correct dependencies for AES-192/256 cipher tests
+  * Improve pkparse test dependencies and changelog
+  * Add more tests to check setting padding mode
+  * Add tests for mbedtls_ct_error_if
+  * Fix MSVC error C4703 about possibly uninitialized variable in pkwrite.c
+  * Use mbedtls_ct_error for CT error selection
+  * Add mbedtls_ct_error_if
+  * Reduce size of mbedtls_asn1_get_len
+  * Re-order mbedtls_ccm_context
+  * Changelog for padding CT fixes
+  * Fix code style in pkparse tests
+  * Add PKCS5/12 dependecies to pkparse tests
+  * Add a note about the code size benefits
+  * Rename option where concatenated with -D
+  * Add cast for MSVC
+  * Add test pkparse test dependencies
+  * Add a note about p256m near the option to enable secp256r1
+  * Move MBEDTLS_PSA_P256M_DRIVER_ENABLED to keep alphabetical order
+  * Give a production-sounding name to the p256m option
+  * Add changelog entry for switching pkparse to new pbe functions
+  * Add tests to test pkcs8 parsing of encrypted keys
+  * Fix codestyle issues in pkcs12.h & pkparse.c
+  * Switch pkparse to use new mbedtls_pkcs12_pbe_ext function
+  * Switch pkparse to use new mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2_ext function
+  * Reinstate more robust return value handling
+  * rename dont_ignore to in_padding
+  * Move declaration for robustness against future edits
+  * Use more meaningful variable name in mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_decrypt
+  * Correct use of mbedtls_ct_mpi_uint_if_else_0
+  * Fix typo in variable declaration
+  * Work around a race condition in parallel builds
+  * Simplify unnecessarily complex error code handling
+  * Fix documentation of error codes
+  * Improve comments on key formats
+  * Improve return code
+  * Use properly typed versions of mbedtls_ct_xxx_if
+  * Add mbedtls_ct_bool_if and mbedtls_ct_bool_if_else_0
+  * Fix MSVC type complaint
+  * Fix error in handling of return value from mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap
+  * code style
+  * Fix error in handling of return value from mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap
+  * Simplify add_zeros_padding
+  * Use CT interface in get_zeros_padding
+  * Rename mbedtls_ct_bool_xor to mbedtls_ct_bool_ne
+  * Use CT interface in get_one_and_zeros_padding
+  * use CT interface in add_zeros_and_len_padding()
+  * Use CT interface in get_pkcs_padding
+  * Use const-time interface throughout mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_decrypt
+  * Make TEST_CALLOC_NONNULL more robust
+  * Simplify mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial test
+  * Add docs for mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial test
+  * Use exact bounds for allocations in mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial test
+  * Remove expected param from mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial test
+  * Make padlen check const-time
+  * Simplify mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial
+  * Add correct dependency to DES3 test
+  * Use mbedtls_ct_memcmp in mbedtls_rsa_rsaes_oaep_decrypt
+  * Improve const-timeness of mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap
+  * Add tests for mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial
+  * Add mbedtls_ct_memcmp_partial
+  * Eliminate duplicate ct memcmp
+  * mbedtls_ssl_decrypt_buf(): fix buffer overread with stream cipher
+  * Test mbedtls_ssl_decrypt_buf(): stream cipher, negative cases
+  * Adjust cipher tests to new requirement of specifying padding mode
+  * Refactoring: create mbedtls_test_ssl_prepare_record_mac()
+  * Add missing cleanup
+  * Refactoring: prepare to create mbedtls_test_ssl_prepare_record_mac()
+  * Move testing of mbedtls_ssl_decrypt_buf to a new test suite
+  * Add clarifying comment
+  * Fix preset shared between 1.2 and 1.3
+  * Improve a comment
+  * Remove extra copies of a block of comment/define
+  * Fix some issues in comments
+  * Fix issue #8215 : add missing requires documentation in mbedtls_config.h
+  * code style
+  * Fix poorly named function
+  * Remove unneeded setting of ret from ssl programs
+  * Adding changelog for log level message fix
+  * Reduce line size in new pkcs function changelog
+  * code style
+  * Fix some clang-18 warnings
+  * Move MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_EARLY_DATA_SIZE to the correct section
+  * MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_EARLY_DATA_SIZE: default value should be commented out in config
+  * cipher_wrap: remove 192- and 256-bit for AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * Fixes log level for got supported group message
+  * Improve statement in
+  * Add a changelog entry for p256-m
+  * Reflect the fact p256-m has been integrated into Mbed TLS
+  * Modify changelog entry to add pkcs12 pbe functions
+  * Update p256-m to state that it's ready for production
+  * Improve use of ct interface in mbedtls_ssl_decrypt_buf
+  * More spelling corrections
+  * Update spelling "mbed TLS" to "Mbed TLS"
+  * Allow "Mbed TLS" as the project name in Doxygen
+  * Remove double blank line in x509_create.c
+  * Remove magic number in x509.c
+  * Update CMake minimum version(s) to match main CMakeLists.txt
+  * Add changelog entry for checking set_padding() before cipher_finish()
+  * Use the correct variable when tracking padding length
+  * Return back to modifying input parameters in pkcs12_parse_pbe_params
+  * Check set_padding has been called in mbedtls_cipher_finish
+  * Avoid implementation defined behaviour
+  * Prevent potential use of uninitialised data in pkcs7 tests
+  * Fix test under memsan
+  * Test INT_MAX rather than UINT_MAX
+  * Update comment, and replace bit-twiddling with #error
+  * code style
+  * Use macros for sizes in p256-m driver
+  * Add comment to p256-m driver JSON file
+  * Update list of ignored tests
+  * Move common things to common function
+  * Fix INVALID vs NOT_SUPPORTED issue in test suite
+  * Improve error codes in p256-m driver
+  * Disable ECP_C in component with p256-m driver
+  * Add JSON file for p256-m driver
+  * Add export_public_key entry point to p256-m driver
+  * Add import_key entry point to p256-m driver
+  * Add key management utilities to p256-m
+  * Ensure mbedtls_ct_memcpy behaves correctly with 16-bit int
+  * Add single-bit difference tests
+  * Fix type error
+  * Fix type-conversion error
+  * Eliminate duplicate of mbedtls_asn1_find_named_data
+  * Tidy up mbedtls_asn1_write_len
+  * Refactor out some common code
+  * code style
+  * Reduce code size in mbedtls_asn1_write_len
+  * Ensure all md_<hash>_finish functions perform zeroization
+  * Remove always-false null pointer check in sha3.c that Coverity complains about
+  * Reinforce warning about a significant comment
+  * Move comment to its intended location
+  * Fix ` -u` with CMakeLists.txt
+  * Mark y as modified in x86 asm for mbedtls_ct_uint_lt
+  * Eliminate a redundant not from x86 asm
+  * Make variable name consistent in x86_64 asm
+  * Better register allocation for x86_64 asm
+  * Remove not-needed mov in x86_64 asm
+  * Add new mbedtls_pkcs12_pbe_ext function to replace old function
+  * In releases, turn off GEN_FILES in Makefile and CMakeLists.txt
+  * Prepare to generalize the script to do more than .gitignore
+  * Allow turning off re-generation of files with make
+  * Fix code style
+  * Fix bug with checking max dn length with hexpairs
+  * Move conditionals to keep doxygen with function
+  * Add missing hyphen
+  * Improve changelog
+  * wip
+  * Add reference to x86 asm
+  * Changelog
+  * Fix usage
+  * Fix query_config.c generation with CMake build system
+  * Add correct dependencies to pkcs12 tests
+  * Fix identation error in pkcs12 tests
+  * Fix incorrect test dependencies in pkwrite tests
+  * Change pkcs12 test comparison macro to the new macro
+  * Modernize documentation of MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_ZEROIZE_ALT
+  * Change pkcs12 test allocation macros to the new macros
+  * PSA config: Add comment about HKDF
+  * pkwrite: Fix defined but not used warning
+  * Use the zeroize function from Mbed TLS
+  * Improve sanity checking of MBEDTLS_HAVE_INTxx
+  * Update bignum_core.c
+  * Comment out default definition
+  * Fix unused variable in some TLS 1.3 builds
+  * Fix some TLS 1.3 settings that were required in mbedtls_config.h
+  * TLS 1.3 support is mostly complete
+  * Fix boolean options in the wrong section
+  * Simplify fixes for unreachable code
+  * Fix warnings about unreachable code
+  * Improve pkcs12 pbe tests
+  * Improve & test legacy mbedtls_pkcs12_pbe * Prevent pkcs12_pbe encryption when PKCS7 padding has been   disabled since this not part of the specs. * Allow decryption when PKCS7 padding is disabled for legacy   reasons, However, invalid padding is not checked. * Document new behaviour, known limitations and possible   security concerns. * Add tests to check these scenarios. Test data has been   generated by the below code using OpenSSL as a reference:
+  * Set input cost as 1 for psa_key_exercise test
+  * Rename parse_binary_string function
+  * Split build_info.h: create and populate mbedtls/config_adjust_ssl.h
+  * Split build_info.h: create mbedtls/config_adjust_x509.h
+  * Split build_info.h: create and populate mbedtls/config_adjust_legacy_crypto.h
+  * Split config_psa.h: create and populate mbedtls/config_adjust_legacy_from_psa.h
+  * Split config_psa.h: create and populate mbedtls/config_adjust_psa_from_legacy.h
+  * Split config_psa.h: create and populate mbedtls/config_adjust_psa_superset_legacy.h
+  * Split config_psa.h: create and populate psa/crypto_adjust_auto_enabled.h
+  * Split config_psa.h: create and populate psa/crypto_adjust_config_synonyms.h
+  * Don't include configuration adjustment headers
+  * fix comments
+  * Add round trip tests for x509 RDNs
+  * Add asn1 get tag and len to x509 create config
+  * Add asn1 write tag and len to x509 use c config
+  * fix text
+  * Use quotes include of psa_util_internal.h
+  * config-wrapper-zeroize-memset.h should be user-config-zeroize-memset.h and not include mbedtls_config.h
+  * Move the description of MBEDTLS_TEST_DEFINES_ZEROIZE to before its use
+  * Move zeroize-as-memset into a config file under tests/
+  * Add a build to to check mbedtls_platform_zeroize() calls
+  * Fix incorrect use of mbedtls_platform_zeroize() in tests
+  * Add the ability to verify mbedtls_platform_zeroize() calls with -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess
+  * Update guard for ecp
+  * Add Everest to threat model
+  * Add Changelog entry
+  * Fix typo in pkcs5.c
+  * Avoid error from old gcc version
+  * Code style
+  * Fix gcc compile warnings
+  * Add more protection to mbedtls_platform_zeroize
+  * Define all PSA_xxx macros to 1 rather than have them empty, for consistency
+  * Covert PSA guards to MBEDTLS
+  * Simplify camellia error conversion macros
+  * Add missing error conversion case
+  * Remove not-needed #include
+  * Explain the story about cryptography version requirements
+  * Call mbedtls_platform_zeroize via mbedtls_sha3_free
+  * Ensure mbedtls_sha3_finish zeroizes the context
+  * Regenerate coverity scan token
+  * Fix code style
+  * Fix unsafe behaviour in MBEDTLS_ASN1_IS_STRING_TAG
+  * Refactor parse_attribute_value_string
+  * Make hexpair_to_int take a char pointer
+  * Reword and reformat comments
+  * Add blank lines after variable declarations
+  * Fix unnecessary header prefixes in tests
+  * Fix mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes test function failure
+  * check_test_cases: add a comment to explain idx in walk_compat_sh
+  * Use '--target' instead of shortened '-t'
+  * Disable pylint error for non-uppercase names
+  * Fix use of mbedtls_psa_safer_memcmp in test code
+  * Add missing import in
+  * Fix pylint errors
+  * Move -B switch into a single argument
+  * Improve mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2_ext changelog description
+  * Improve mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2_ext function test data
+  * Fully replace mbedtls_psa_safer_memcmp
+  * Appease pylint by renaming variables
+  * Test PSA compliance: Build only the crypto target
+  * Tidy up reference to Mbed TLS in help message
+  * Disable p256-m asm on aarch64
+  * Disable pylint error in CMake command
+  * Remove or qualify references to Mbed TLS
+  * Rename 'mbedtls_dir' -> 'root_dir'
+  * Correctly detect presence of the built library
+  * Use repo detection functions at start of
+  * Separate directory discernment into 2 functions
+  * Improve directory coverage in PSA repo detection
+  * Typo fix
+  * Fix typo in doxygen for mbedtls_ct_memcpy_offset
+  * Improve docs in mbedtls_mpi_lt_mpi_ct
+  * Improve docs re duplicate declarations
+  * Whitespace - tidy up asm and make it more consistent
+  * Add x86 const-time assembly
+  * Add x86-64 const-time assembly
+  * improve various issues
+  * Rename is_psa_crypto -> in_psa_crypto_repo
+  * Rename psa_crypto_lib_filename to just crypto_lib_filename
+  * Parameterize out of source build directory
+  * Invert logic for repo detection in
+  * Tweak test_psa_compliance pylint annotations
+  * Support psa-crypto repo in
+  * Modify for psa-crypto repo
+  * Modify for the PSA Crypto repo
+  * Make PSA-crypto-friendly
+  * Correct analyze_outcomes identation
+  * Announce that #7420 is fixed
+  * Add Changelog entry for DN changes
+  * Remove trailing whitespace in data file.
+  * Add test for rejecting empty AttributeValue
+  * Refactor previous fix
+  * Add guard for empty AttributeValue
+  * replace target arch macros in padlock
+  * replace aesni target detection macros
+  * replace arm64 macro and aesce enable flag
+  * Add target platform detection macros
+  * Fix code style
+  * Refactor reading AttributeValue in dn gets
+  * Prevent output of escaped null characters dn gets
+  * Rename parse_attribute_value_ber_encoded
+  * Add return for buffer too small when reading OIDs
+  * Remove questionable use of macro.
+  * Add corruption detected return when writing asn1
+  * Revert "Install cryptography only on linux platform"
+  * Remove IAR warning fixes to 2.28 from changelog
+  * Reword IAR changelog for fixing compiler warnings
+  * Correct identation
+  * Remove magic number for null tag
+  * Remove x509_oid_from_numericoid
+  * Add catch for alloc error x509_oid_from_numericoid
+  * Use mbedtls_calloc instead of calloc
+  * Fix oid memory leak
+  * Reject null bytes in DER encoded values in DNs
+  * Fix code style
+  * Make MBEDTLS_ASN1_IS_STRING_TAG to take signed int
+  * Amend test in test_suite_x509write
+  * Reject escaped null hexpairs in DNs
+  * Add malformatted DER test for string_to_names
+  * Remove redundant tests in test_suite_x509write
+  * Add test for non ascii x509 subject name
+  * Remove duplicate test in test_suite_x509write
+  * Accept short name/ber encoded data in DNs
+  * Change error from unknown oid to invalid name
+  * Add more comprehensive string to name tests
+  * Add test reject null characters in string to names
+  * Accept any valid oid in string_to_names
+  * Write numeric oid directly to buffer
+  * Remove duplicate '+' in comparison string
+  * Reword test in test_suite_x509write
+  * Refactor dn_gets use library function to write tag
+  * Fix style on left shift operations
+  * Use MBEDTLS_X509_MAX_DN_NAME_SIZE for buffer size
+  * Format preprocessor conditionals
+  * Rename in_tag to in_attr_type
+  * Fix code style in mbedtls_x509_string_to_names
+  * Fix Windows x64 build errors with type conversions
+  * Fix memory leak in alternative code route
+  * FIx memory leak in x509_attr_descr_from_numericoid;
+  * Move declaration of variables in dn_gets to top
+  * Alter conditions on hexstring output dn_gets
+  * Update x509 test for numericoid/hexstring output
+  * Fix code style on x509.c and x509_create.c
+  * Refactor AttributeType in mbedtls_x509_dn_gets
+  * Add preprocessor config guards
+  * Parse DER tag mbedtls_x509_string_to_names
+  * Add mbedtls_x509_dn_gets hexstring output
+  * Add more tests for RFC 4514
+  * Implement parse_attribute_value_ber_encoded
+  * Refactor mbedtls_x509_string_to_names
+  * Add x509 tests for upper and lowercase hexpairs
+  * Rewrite nibble_to_hex_digit for readability
+  * Rename x509_int_to_hexdigit to nibble_to_hex_digit
+  * Add and update tests for x509write and x509parse
+  * Escape hexpairs characters RFC 4514
+  * Escape special characters RFC 4514
+  * Fix off-by-one error
+  * Tidy up allow list definition
+  * Make non-executed tests that are not in the allow list an error
+  * Fix type annotation
+  * Remove dead code
+  * New test suite for the low-level hash interface
+  * Fix missing operand modifier
+  * Fixup incorrectly-formatted ChangeLog entry
+  * Move PSA information and dependency automation into their own module
+  * Avoid signed right shift UB
+  * Restore a comment and fix it
+  * Don't try to include mbedtls/config_*.h
+  * Remove obsolete header inclusions
+  * Fix condition to include MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_USER_CONFIG_FILE
+  * Move the inclusion of the PSA config file(s) into build_info.h
+  * Remove spurious extern "C"
+  * Simplify aarch64 asm for mbedtls_ct_uint_lt
+  * Move non-function-specific macro outside of function definition
+  * ssl_ciphersuites: fix typo
+  * Fix PBKDF2 with empty salt segment on platforms where malloc(0)=NULL
+  * Rename mbedtls_aesce_has_support macro to satisfy case rules
+  * Use -1 as uninitialised marker
+  * Make mbedtls_aesce_has_support more efficient
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for otherName SAN fixes
+  * Fix incorrect detection of HardwareModuleName
+  * Fix: Set type_id in x509_get_other_name()
+  * Add tests in derive_key for pbkdf2
+  * Add tests in derive_key_type for pbkdf2
+  * Add tests in derive_key_export for pbkdf2
+  * Add tests for derive_key_exercise for pbkdf2
+  * Move parse_binary_string function to psa_crypto_helpers Add test code for pbkdf2 in psa_exercise_key
+  * revert padlock from aesni module
+  * improve readability of error message
+  * Add missing check
+  * Modify test description
+  * Add tests with higher input costs for pbkdf2
+  * Add changelog entry for new mbedtls_pkcs5_pbe2_ext function
+  * Remove the workaround for psa_key_agreement_internal
+  * Improve mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2_ext function signature comments
+  * Remove new bignum when not needed
+  * Fix unused parameters warnings when MBEDTLS_CIPHER_PADDING_PKCS7 is disabled
+  * Fix heap overflow issue in pkcs5_pbes2 testing functions
+  * Add new mbedtls_pkcs5_pbe2_ext function
+  * Fix formatting in changelog
+  * Add newline at end of changelog
+  * driver-only-builds: update EC and FFDH sections
+  * replace padlock_c with padlock_have_code
+  * improve readability
+  * Fix style
+  * Change document to match real status
+  * Add ChangeLog entry
+  * remove return-type when runtime detection enabled without plain c
+  * remove aesni + padlock - plain c tests
+  * add hardware only check for padlock
+  * Add via padlock detection macro
+  * Change the order of runtime detection
+  * exclude arm64ec mode for aesni
+  * Reduce code size in ccm
+  * Adjust struct layout for small size win
+  * add ifdefs to reduce size of mbedtls_to_psa_error
+  * add #ifdefs to reduce switch size
+  * Adjust layout of some stucts
+  * Reduce code-size to access key slots init flag
+  * Eliminate redundant version of mbedtls_ct_memcmp
+  * Use MBEDTLS_GET_UINT16_BE in mbedtls_ecp_tls_read_group_id
+  * Remove unnecessary const type qualifiers in casts
+  * Use asm instead of __asm in constant_time.c
+  * Fix error strings without quotes
+  * BUILD: Update For IAR support
+  * disable aesni for componets without cpu modifiers
+  * fix msvc build fail on i386 target
+  * Add compiler cflags error message
+  * fix build fail for via padlock test
+  * Add aesni test for i386
+  * enable runtime detection when padlock enabled and plain c disabled
+  * fix `-Werror=return-type` when runtime detection enabled and plain c disabled
+  * code_size_compare: handle deleted files and new files properly
+  * Restore aesni for i386
+  * Code styling
+  * Modify derive output test cases and add actual output
+  * analyze_outcomes: add case for "ECC+FFDH w/o BN"
+  * test: add accelerated and reference test for ECC+FFDH without BN
+  * Remove unnecessary include from constant_time.c
+  * Add EdDSA and XTS to the allow list
+  * Add a flag for requiring full coverage in coverage tests
+  * Add allow list for non-executed test cases
+  * Make naming more consistent
+  * Fix Changelog
+  * Changelog
+  * Fix compile fail for empty enum in cipher_wrap
+  * code_size_compare: add old text and data section in CSV output
+  * code_size_compare: add `+` in front of positive values
+  * code_size_compare: right-align numbers in the comparison result
+  * logging_util: support to tweak loglevel directed to stderr/stdout
+  * Fix logical dead code found by Coverity
+  * Add changelog
+  * Fix potential corruption of IV for AES CBC
+  * Fix incorrect size used for zeroization of buffer
+  * Fix resource leak in test failure case
+  * Add changelog entry
+  * Undo a change
+  * Perf improvement in memcpy_if
+  * Test CT asm under valgrind
+  * Fix unified asm syntax issue
+  * Add aarch32 const-time asm
+  * Add aarch64 const-time asm
+  * ssl-opt: remove redundant requirement for RSA_C
+  * test: use ASAN flags for testing the accelerated TFM configuration
+  * analyze_outcome: add new check for parity for TFM configuration
+  * test: update components' descriptions
+  * test: improve accelerated TFM configuration test and add reference
+  * p256m: minor fixes to the driver interface
+  * test: add component testing TFM configuration and P256M driver
+  * pk: return PK_USE_PSA_EC_DATA to pk.h
+  * analyze_outcomes: skip tests that depend on BIGNUM_C
+  * ssl-opt: add RSA_C requirement when RSA encryption is used in certificate
+  * ssl_tls13: fix guard for FFDH function
+  * test: enable TLS, key exchances and ssl-opt teting in ecc_no_bignum()
+  * Add gnu check for aseni assembly code
+  * mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod: remove spurious copy of the output variable
+  * pk: fix some comments
+  * Fix some renames that were missed
+  * test: solve test disparities for x509[parse/write] suites
+  * check_config: remove unnecessary BIGNUM_C requirements
+  * test: enable X509 testing in ecc_no_bignum component
+  * Fix mbedtls_ct_size_if_else_0 docs
+  * Improve docs
+  * Document and test mbedtls_ct_size_if_else_0
+  * Fix comment typo
+  * Rename ...if0 to ...else_0
+  * Rename uint->bool operators to reflect input types
+  * Reduce the size of the small primes table used by primality testing
+  * Remove redundant test component
+  * improve aesni check for x86_64
+  * pkwrite: fix internal buffer size in pk_write_ec_pubkey()
+  * improve check config option for i386
+  * pk: return PK_USE_PSA_EC_DATA to pk.h
+  * test: use unset-all option in to optimize test code
+  * test: remove redundant code setting MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG
+  * pk: move PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS to build_info.h
+  * Remove asm check for aarch64 aesce
+  * pkwrite: add new internal symbol to properly size DER buffer
+  * pkparse: remove unnecessary header
+  * test: minor optimizations to ecc_no_bignum components
+  * test: remove BIGNUM dependencies from pk[parse/write] suites
+  * analyze_outcomes: skip tests that unavoidably depend on bignum
+  * test: disable BIGNUM support on the test ecc_no_bignum component
+  * test: disable FFDH support on the test ecc_no_bignum component
+  * test: disable RSA support on the test ecc_no_bignum component
+  * test: adding new components for testing and driver coverage analysis without BN
+  * debug: remove redundant variable assignments
+  * code style
+  * Reduce code size for exp_mod_get_window_size
+  * Remove redundant code in mbedtls_mpi_cmp_abs
+  * Use __builtin_ctz to count trailing zeros
+  * Generate smaller code for picking a sign value
+  * Fix copypasta
+  * Minor readability improvement
+  * More unsigned literal in size macros
+  * Add changelog
+  * replace strings command with grep
+  * Fix doc
+  * Remove "export_key" from transparent driver json
+  * Adjust presence of warning/link.
+  * improve test
+  * improve error message and config check for padlock
+  * test_suite_ecp: Moved curve bitlenth check after quasi reduction.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Fixed curve bit-length.
+  * Improve doc on special use of A in ecp group structure
+  * Added a note about new primitives for secure destruction
+  * Elaborate on psa_destroy_key requirements
+  * Update w.r.t. test macro name changes from #6253
+  * Add link to examples in relevant places
+  * Fix error in the guide to drivers
+  * remove unnecessary definition
+  * Add negative test for aesni only
+  * Remove trailing whitespace
+  * Put both gitignore modifications in one script
+  * Update links to Rijndael paper and NIST SP 800-90 DRBGs
+  * Remove unnecessary name check tag
+  * improve platform relative check
+  * remove padlock only mode
+  * fix unreachable code warnings
+  * Add aesce test string filter
+  * Add via padlock build test
+  * Add aesce build  test
+  * Improve mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2 function signature comments
+  * Remove trailing whitespace
+  * Add aesni only test
+  * Add MBEDTLS_AES_USE_HADWARE_ONLY for test_aesni
+  * Run aes tests only for test_aesni
+  * Remove test_aes_*
+  * ssl-opt: don't assume TLS 1.3 usage for external tool that don't have support
+  * tls: fix guards for ECDSA support
+  * tls: add new symbol for generic TLS 1.2 and 1.3 support
+  * Change tests to work on different MBEDTLS_RSA_GEN_KEY_MIN_BITS configs
+  * psa_is_key_slot_occupied: change to using the key identifier
+  * Clarify changelog not needed for compiler warnings
+  * Remove test vector
+  * De-duplicate ecp.c
+  * improve document about hardware only
+  * Improve error message and documents
+  * Mention the crash risk without runtime detection
+  * Fix code-style  too-long line fail
+  * move accelerator checks to `aes.c`
+  * add changelog entry
+  * fix various issues
+  * Rename plain c option and update comments
+  * fix wrong checks
+  * Update comments
+  * Add check for no aes implementation provided
+  * Rename plain c disable option
+  * Add std output information for AESCE in gcm
+  * Add accelerator only tests.
+  * Add option to disable built-in aes implementation.
+  * Fix missing check in mbedtls_ecp_read_key
+  * Move variant test to ecp_curves
+  * test: add new components for testing without ECDHE-ECDSA and TLS13
+  * crypto_config_profile_medium: add comment for new KEY_PAIR symbols
+  * tls: replace ECDSA_C and PK_CAN_ECDSA_SOME with key exchange related ones
+  * ssl_ciphersuites: adding new internal helper symbols
+  * Use ADD_SUB_DEFAULT as test input for bignum tests
+  * Add default test cases for add/subtract in bignum
+  * Fix a few unchecked value issue
+  * Fix comment typo
+  * Tidy-up: move GCC warning fix to constant_time_impl.h
+  * Improve variable name in mbedtls_mpi_lt_mpi_ct
+  * Use mbedtls_zeroize_and_free() in psa_remove_key_data_from_memory()
+  * Sort full config exceptions in
+  * Improve wording of MBEDTLS_ECP_WITH_MPI_UINT doc
+  * Update default variable values for compilers
+  * Fix test dependency
+  * Revert to not enabling asm under Memsan
+  * Revert "Move constant_flow.h into the main library"
+  * Revert "Fix doxygen error"
+  * Fix full config in
+  * Add PSA_HAVE_SOFT_PBKDF2 to crypto_driver_context_key_derivation
+  * test: use only rev-parse for getting the current branch
+  * test: add GIT alternative commands for older GIT versions
+  * Fix doxygen error
+  * Move constant_flow.h into the main library
+  * Revert to old design for mbedtls_ct_memmove_left
+  * Make const-time test not depend on internal knowledge of mbedtls_ct_condition_t
+  * Improve docs for mbedtls_ct_memcmp
+  * Remove GCC redundant-decls workaround for mbedtls_ct_memcmp
+  * Fix docs grammar
+  * Clarify docs for mbedtls_ct_memcpy_if
+  * Improve docs for mbedtls_ct_compiler_opaque
+  * Improve comments in mbedtls_mpi_lt_mpi_ct
+  * Clarify comments in mbedtls_ct_memcpy_if
+  * Improve docs for mbedtls_mpi_core_cond_assign
+  * Move MBEDTLS_ECP_WITH_MPI_UINT to mbedtls_config.h
+  * crypto_sizes: use PSA_WANT_ALG for MAX signatures and key agreement sizes
+  * test: properly size output buffer in key_agreement_fail()
+  * Revert "crypto_sizes: check also if DH is enabled for PSA_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE"
+  * Use in all new bignum tests
+  * Fix new bignum tests
+  * Fix fast quasi-reduction modulo value of p192K1 in comments
+  * ecp_mod_p448 has been moved to ecp_mod_p_generic_raw, remove here
+  * Fix the type cast(size_t to unsigned short) warning
+  * Free P and N of the group cause they are dynamic allocated
+  * Declare mbedtls_ecp_fix_negative() always static to fix check_name failures
+  * Use new ECP_LIGHT symbol in ecp_curves.c
+  * Fix use of sizeof without brackets in ecp_curves.c
+  * Make ecp_mode_xxx functions depend on the new macro
+  * Revert ecp_curves.c to commit 449bd83 to save code size
+  * code style
+  * Fix asm Memsan workaround
+  * fix check for no-longer-used macro
+  * Use variables for selecting compilers
+  * Fix error in test vectors
+  * Use compgen to gather components in
+  * code style
+  * Enable testing of asm under Memsan
+  * Remove test_clang_opt check
+  * test: check exported length against proper MAX_SIZE
+  * Improve mbedtls_ct_memmove_left w.r.t. const-flow tests
+  * tls: fix definition of symbol KEY_EXCHANGE_SOME_XXDH_PSA_ANY
+  * Fix false-positive non-const-time errors in test
+  * crypto_sizes: check also if DH is enabled for PSA_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE
+  * debug: improve debug_print_psa_ec() as not to depend on bignum
+  * debug: use proper guard for PK_DEBUG_MPI items
+  * code_size_compare: add option '--show-all'
+  * code_size_compare: use '.md' suffix if '--markdown' enabled
+  * code_size_compare: track removed object as well
+  * Fix dependencies for pbkdf2 cmac
+  * Add ifdef for hmac and cmac set password
+  * crypto_sizes: change initial MAX_SIZE value to 1
+  * crypto_sizes: fix typo
+  * whitespace fix
+  * pylint tidy-up
+  * Make -s default to -s=development
+  * Make -s more precise
+  * crypto_sizes: size PSA max symbols according to actual support
+  * Add test cases for 16 byte and empty password
+  * Add issue link instead of issue number
+  * Add ifdef for hmac and cmac specific functions
+  * Define PSA_ALG_IS_PBKDF2
+  * Change config_psa.h PBKDF2_CMAC dependencies
+  * Add OID tests for HMAC-xxx
+  * Improve naming of mimimum RSA key size generation configurations
+  * Add OID for HMAC-RIPEMD160
+  * Add OIDs for HMAC-SHA3
+  * Fix pre-existing missing closing #endif comment
+  * Fix missing opening brace in comments
+  * Fix code style
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG is ready for production
+  * Replace TEST_ASSERT("message" == 0) with TEST_FAIL
+  * code style
+  * Strengthen psa_mac_verify testing
+  * Use psa_mac_compare in tests; add some HMAC edge-cases
+  * Adapt tests to work on all possible minimum RSA key sizes
+  * Add a minimum rsa key size config to psa config
+  * Enforce minimum key size when generating RSA key size
+  * Fix overly specific description in public doc
+  * rsa_signature: Use heap memory to allocate DER encoded RSA private key
+  * crypto_legacy: fix initial comment
+  * generate_psa_tests: remove checks for DH's LEGACY symbols
+  * changelog: fix errors/typos
+  * ChangeLog: improving descriptions of KEY_PAIR changes
+  * test: accelerate all KEY_PAIR symbols in accel FFDH component
+  * psa: replace DH_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with new symbols
+  * code_size_compare: change format for comparison result
+  * code_size_compare: remove column of percentage for code size change
+  * Add PSA HMAC MD5 test
+  * Add HMAC tests for other digest algorithms
+  * Add HMAC test-cases for SHA3
+  * Don't call psa_crypto_init with uninitialized local contexts (entropy)
+  * Fix warnings from clang-16
+  * Update test scripts to use latest/earliest compilers
+  * Add 32bit test component for ecp with new bignum interface
+  * Update
+  * Have a single source of truth for licensing information
+  * Clarify in that 'the project' is Mbed TLS
+  * code_size_compare: detect architecture of x86_32 properly
+  * code_size_compare: make sure _remove_worktree executed
+  * code_size_compare: check --record-dir properly
+  * Fix KeyType.can_do() for DH+FFDH
+  * Fix dependencies for DH (and RSA) key pairs
+  * Shorten DH_FAMILY just like ECC_FAMILY
+  * Enable DH in
+  * code_size_compare: remove unnecessary -r in cp command
+  * code_size_compare: simplify some code for python dictionary
+  * logging_util: rename argument
+  * code_size_compare: use `current` as default new Git revision
+  * code_size_compare: left align file names in markdown table
+  * code_size_compare: print prompt message under correct condition
+  * code_size_compare: set log level as ERROR in option --stdout
+  * code_size_compare: direct error message by logger.error
+  * Add PSA SHA3 tests for hash_verify and multipart
+  * Protect macro parameter expansion with parentheses
+  * Use a macro for mbedtls_mpi_zeroize_and_free()
+  * Remove remaining redundant casts
+  * Remove redundant casts
+  * test: remove GENPRIME dependency when RSA_KEY_PAIR_GENERATE
+  * psa_crypto_rsa: fix guards for importing the key
+  * tls12: check buffer size before memcpy-ing data into it
+  * tls: use TLS 1.3 guards in ssl_tls13 modules
+  * tls: fix a comment a rename a variable/symbol
+  * debug: keep ECDH_C guard for debug printf accessing ecdh_context's items
+  * tls: use TLS 1.2 macros in ssl_tls12_server.c
+  * code_size_compare: add comments to make code more readable
+  * code_size_compare: round percentage to an integer value
+  * Fix CI errors related pkcs5_pbe changes
+  * code_size_compare: print 'None' if comparing size for a new file
+  * code_size_compare: add extra indication if print to sys.stdout
+  * code_size_compare: simplify how to generate file name of code size
+  * code_size_compare: simplify CodeSizeGeneratorWithSize
+  * code_size_compare: make CodeSizeBuildInfo more flexible
+  * code_size_compare: replace SimpleNameSpace to a clearer data struct
+  * code_size_compare: clean up comments
+  * code_size_compare: clean up code to make it more readable
+  * code_size_compare: add logging module and tweak prompt message
+  * Fix server1.crt.der in makefile
+  * code_size_compare: add option --stdout to show result in sys.stdout
+  * code_size_compare: add --markdown to show result in a markdown table
+  * code_size_compare: generate text,data as comparison result
+  * code_size_compare: support to measure code size with multiple tools
+  * code_size_compare: introduce SimpleNamespace to store info
+  * code_size_compare: simplify methods in CodeSizeComparison
+  * code_size_compare: add CodeSizeCalculator to calculate code size
+  * code_size_compare: add a base class as CodeSizeGenerator
+  * code_size_compare: add a parser to generate code size with size tool
+  * Remove trailing backslash
+  * Simplify the logic in a test
+  * Fix some dependencies on symmetric crypto in some TLS 1.3 tests
+  * Fix PBKDF2 with empty salt on platforms where malloc(0)=NULL
+  * Make sure that size constants are unsigned
+  * Correct some msg messages in full config
+  * Simplify msg messages in full config
+  * When subtracting classic symbols from full, turn off PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG
+  * Enable MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG in " full"
+  * Make malloc-0-null a user config file
+  * Fix inconsistencies in no-chachapoly test
+  * Fix typo in function name
+  * Remove comments that duplicate the 'msg' call just below
+  * Remove duplicated component
+  * For tests, rename TEST_BUFFERS_EQUAL() to TEST_MEMORY_COMPARE()
+  * Rename the length argument to TEST_CALLOC() to be the more accurate item_count
+  * For tests, rename TEST_CALLOC_OR_FAIL() to just TEST_CALLOC()
+  * Align ECP_MPI_INIT with mbedtls_mpi struct order in ecp_new.c
+  * Rework the clone of ecp_curves.c
+  * Enable build of ecp_curves_new.c
+  * Clone the ecp_curve.c file as ecp_curve_new.c
+  * For tests, rename ASSERT_ALLOC_WEAK() to TEST_CALLOC_OR_SKIP()
+  * Fix copypasta in function documentation
+  * For tests, rename ASSERT_ALLOC() to TEST_CALLOC_OR_FAIL()
+  * For tests, rename ASSERT_COMPARE() to TEST_BUFFERS_EQUAL()
+  * Use consistently CONFIG_TEST_DRIVER_H
+  * Use consistently CRYPTO_CONFIG_H
+  * Use consistently CONFIG_H
+  * Fix PSA crypto configuration file name
+  * Robustness fix to MBEDTLS_LIKELY
+  * Improve & test legacy mbedtls_pkcs5_pbe2
+  * Use defined macros for MBEDTLS_MPI_UINT_MAX
+  * Internal function mbedtls_mpi_zeroize() can be mbedtls_mpi_zeroize_and_free()
+  * Better wording around passing NULL to mbedtls_zeroize_and_free()
+  * Use correct asm keyword for IAR compilers
+  * Explain why we check 65535 (not USHORT_MAX)
+  * Align ECP_MPI_INIT parameter order with mbedtls_mpi struct order
+  * Add ASSERT_FALSE macro for tests
+  * Misc wording fixes and improvements
+  * Fix IAR trying to use memset_s in platform_util
+  * Add cast in test macros.h
+  * Add cast in psa_crypto
+  * Move declarations in psa_crypto to top
+  * Make consistent suffix MBEDTLS_MPI_UINT_MAX
+  * Change MBEDTLS_MPI_UINT_MAX suffix
+  * Remove trailing whitespace bignum_core
+  * Provide and use internal function mbedtls_zeroize_and_free()
+  * Add enum type casts in lmots.c and lms.c
+  * Add enum casts in ssl_helpers.c
+  * Add type casts in rsa.c
+  * Add type casts in psa_exercise_key
+  * Add type casts in ssl library
+  * Refactor preprocessing for arm none
+  * Move declarations to top in ssl_helpers.c
+  * Move declaration in ecp_mod_koblitz to top
+  * Move declarations in mbedtls_mpi_add_abs to top
+  * Add change log and non-regression test
+  * Align guards of Windows specific configuration checks
+  * tests: Fix header inclusion
+  * Add dependency of builtin CCM* on builtin cipher
+  * Fix order of steps in DTLS server example program
+  * Remove tautology in mbedtls_mpi_core_clz
+  * Add macros for mpi uint max sizes
+  * Ensure constant values not known to compiler
+  * Fix gcc warnings when -Wredundant-decls set
+  * Fix comment
+  * Update test function dependencies
+  * Fix ecp variant check
+  * Improve the documentation of MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_MEMORY
+  * Reduce size of static data in gcm
+  * Don't force the _WIN32_WINT version
+  * Don't force the default windows version down
+  * Don't use FindFirstFileW() before Windows XP
+  * doxygen: \p commands misuse - review comments
+  * doxygen: fix parameter name typos and misused \p commands
+  * doxygen: fix misused \p commands in rsa.h
+  * doxygen: fix parameter name typos and misused \p commands
+  * Fix documentation - parameter name mistakes
+  * doxygen: remove unnecessary description
+  * Replace cpu modifier flags
+  * Update compiler versions requirement
+  * Add error message for old armclang
+  * update document and error message
+  * Add guards for arm_neon.h
+  * Add armclang version requirement for sha512
+  * fix armclang build fail for sha512.
+  * fix armclang compile fail
+  * fix compile fail for armclang
+  * Updated changelog
+  * Re-order mbedtls_mpi to save a few extra bytes with clang
+  * Use designated initializers for mbedtls_mpi
+  * psa: fix missed LEGACY symbols caused by the rebase
+  * config_psa: enable KEY_PAIR_GENERATE only when GENPRIME is defined
+  * Fix MBEDTLS_BSWAP32 on armcc 5
+  * psa: remove redundant GENPRIME when RSA_KEY_PAIR_GENERATE is defined
+  * config_psa: enable KEY_PAIR_[IMPORT/EXPORT] as soon as BASIC is enabled
+  * generate_psa_tests: fix automatically generated tests for RSA
+  * test: replace RSA_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with proper symbols
+  * library: replace PSA_WANT_KEY_TYPE_RSA_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY symbols with proper ones
+  * Remove getter functions of PAKE if no PAKE algorithms are required
+  * test: set MBEDTLS_ECP_DP dependency also for Montgomery curves
+  * test: add more tests for Montgomery's invalid masks
+  * test: verify that Montgomery keys can be fixed on parsing
+  * ecp: rearrange code in ecp_read_key()
+  * test: replace ECP_DP_CURVE25519_ENABLED with PSA_WANT_ECC_MONTGOMERY_255
+  * test: add proper key requirements in X25519 key parsing tests
+  * pkparse: always check all private keys on import
+  * pkparse: parse also Weierstrass private keys using ecp_read_key()
+  * analyze_outcomes: do not skip test about wrong Montgomery private key
+  * pkparse: use ecp_read_key() for parsing private key of Montgomery curves
+  * test: test of Montgomery keys with uncorrect bits whenever PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * Improve wording & fix a typo
+  * Fix inaccurate information about FFDH
+  * Adapt names (curves -> groups) in a separately added test case
+  * tls: use already existing symbols to size the buffer for XXDḦ peer key
+  * Add a missing guard in cert_req.c
+  * Add missing resource deallocation in tests
+  * ssl_test_lib: fix rebase error
+  * ssl_test_lib: fix variable naming for curve group
+  * tls: replace numeric values with proper TLS IANA symbols
+  * ssl_test_lib: simplify function which prints supported curves
+  * ssl_test_lib: manage FFDH keys the same way as ECC ones
+  * debug: replace occurence of ECP_LIGHT with PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * tls: replace occurencies of ECP_LIGHT with PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * programs: add helper functions for supported EC curves
+  * test: fix message's text
+  * test: enabled ssl-opt testing in no_ecp_at_all components
+  * tls: replace ECP_LIGHT occurrencies with PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * test: re-enable TLS and key exchanges in no_ecp_at_all component
+  * Add changelog entries
+  * Add test for cache timeout getter
+  * Add test for endpoint getter
+  * Add test for hostname getter
+  * Make endpoint getter parameter a pointer to const
+  * Add getter access to endpoint field in mbedtls_ssl_config
+  * Add getter access to hostname field in mbedtls_ssl_context
+  * ssl_cache: Add getter access to timeout field
+  * build_info: replace PK_CAN_ECDH with CAN_ECDH and fix comments
+  * tls: fix guards for legacy ECDH contexts
+  * ssl_misc: fix guards for PSA data used in XXDH key exchanges
+  * ssl: keep all helper definitions in ssl_ciphersuites.h
+  * ssl: improve/fix definitions for internal helpers
+  * pk: do not duplicate internal symbols for ECDH/ECDSA capabilities
+  * ssl: update new symbols to include also FFDH
+  * debug: replace ECDH_C symbol with key exchange one
+  * tls: replace PK_CAN_ECDH guards with new helpers
+  * tls: replace ECDH_C guards with new helpers
+  * ssl: add new helpers for TLS 1.2/1.3 ECDH(E) key exchanges
+  * Add Changelog for driver-only ECC so far
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for PK_OPAQUE extensions
+  * Add documentation on driver-only ECC
+  * Add docs/
+  * Add change log
+  * tls13: server: Fix spurious HRR
+  * Changelog entry
+  * Unify csr and crt san writing functions
+  * Test x509 csr SAN DN and RFC822 generation
+  * Update comment
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for CMake config defines
+  * Support more SAN subtypes in cert_req.c
+  * Add support for x509 SAN RCF822 and DirectoryName for csr generation
+  * Fix code style
+  * Update file permissions
+  * Add script to manage gitignore anchors
+  * Add gitignore anchors to denote generated files
+  * Add dependency MBEDTLS_ECP_NIST_OPTIM for ECP test
+  * tests/test_suite_pem: Augment DES test cases with AES: PEM
+  * Link to the guide for writing a driver
+  * Use minimal include in test_suite_random
+  * Make the PSA-mbedtls RNG API public
+  * Fix missing includes
+  * Rationalize includes in psa_util
+  * Remove unnecessary (and harmful) include
+  * Move error functions to internal header
+  * Move ECC and FFDH macros to internal header
+  * Remove unused function from psa_util.h
+  * Use consistent guards for deprecated feature
+  * Remove unused function in cipher.c
+  * Make cipher functions static in cipher.c
+  * Create psa_util_internal.h
+  * Adapt function name: mbedtls_ssl_tls13_generate_and_write_dh_key_exchange
+  * parse_groups: curve -> group adaptations
+  * Provide additional comments for claryfication
+  * AES: fix mismatch comment in #endif
+  * Remove value assignment for enum entries
+  * Test OID lookup for every hash algorithm
+  * Use only `MBEDTLS_ECP_WITH_MPI_UINT` to switch between the ecp variants
+  * Add indent
+  * Add missed intermediate file
+  * Remove workaround code
+  * fix python lint fails
+  * Add commands for `test_certs.h`
+  * Add test_certs.h generate script
+  * Move certs/keys data to seperate file
+  * Fix test dependency
+  * Fix free before pointers initialised
+  * Add tests for MBEDTLS_MD_SHA3_xxx_VIA_PSA
+  * Support MBEDTLS_MD_SHA3_xxx_VIA_PSA
+  * fix missing include
+  * Improve testing of md/PSA alg identifier macro conversions
+  * Add OID tests for SHA-3
+  * Add SHA-3 cases in mbedtls_md_type_from_psa_alg, mbedtls_md_psa_alg_from_type
+  * Add OID definitions for SHA3
+  * Add a new test component to test the new bignum interface with `TEST_HOOKS`
+  * Fix comment
+  * Used preferred macro definition check
+  * Use emptiness-checks rather than DEFINED checks
+  * Use CONFIG_H variable rather than config file name
+  * component to test cmake custom config file
+  * Pass config file options to mbedtls_test(_helpers)
+  * Pass MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE defines through cmake
+  * Add msan and asan env variables to .travis.yml
+  * Disable msan errors on null allocation in
+  * Improve doxygen formatting
+  * Improve comments
+  * Fix formatting of explanatory commented code
+  * Cleanup the code
+  * Improve comment formatting
+  * Rename variables to more descriptive names
+  * Fix function name after rebase
+  * Adapt names: dh -> xxdh
+  * Adapt names (curves -> groups)
+  * Adapt functions names for ffdh
+  * Adapt handshake fields to ffdh
+  * Use valid size of peerkey buffer (EC vs FF)
+  * Minor adaptations after ffdh was enabled for tls1.3
+  * aesce: use correct target attribute when building with clang
+  * Add ffdh accel vs reference check to
+  * Enable TLS1.3 in FFDH alg build with drivers and add reference config(without drivers)
+  * tls: client: Improve writing of supported_groups ext
+  * Add changelog entry
+  * Add max iterations test case for cmac
+  * Add test case for zero input cost
+  * Add test cases for key and plain inputs
+  * FIx name of macro
+  * Define PSA_ALG_WANT_PBKDF2_AES_CMAC_PRF_128 and fix config
+  * Add test cases for output validation of pbkdf2 cmac
+  * Add test cases for input validation of pbkdf2 cmac
+  * Change mac_size parameter in driver_mac_compute to output length
+  * Add pbkdf2 cmac to key derivation output_bytes
+  * Add input password function for pbkdf2 cmac
+  * Add pbkdf2_cmac to key derivation setup
+  * Add AES_CMAC_PRF_128 output size macro
+  * Add builtin pbkdf2 cmac guard for all the pbkdf2 functions
+  * Define struct for pbkdf2_cmac
+  * Add define for builtin pbkdf2_cmac
+  * Rename some local variables
+  * Fix the command for server9-sha*.crt
+  * Add target for parse_input/cert_example_multi_nocn.crt
+  * Fix typo and long line format
+  * Update crl-rsa-pss-*.pem manually
+  * upgrade server9-bad-saltlen.crt
+  * Update server9*.crt
+  * Add server9-bad-{mgfhash,saltlen}.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server9*.crt
+  * Update server1-nospace.crt
+  * Update v1 crt files
+  * Update cert_example_multi_nocn.crt
+  * Add rules to generate cert_example_multi_nocn.crt
+  * Update server5.[e]ku-*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server5.[e]ku-*.crt
+  * cert_write: Support write any for extended key usage
+  * Update server2.ku-*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server2.ku-*.crt
+  * Add rule for server2-badsign.crt
+  * Update test-ca2.ku-*.crt
+  * Fix the rule for server5-ss-forgeca.crt
+  * Add the rule and update server6-ss-child.crt
+  * Update server5-selfsigned.crt
+  * add comment for sys_arch
+  * run make clean before build libraries
+  * tls13: fix guards for PSA error translating function
+  * Officially require Python 3.8
+  * Correct Python requirements in releases
+  * Add a dummy usage of a pointer in tests
+  * Enable certain documented defines only when generating doxygen
+  * pk: ignore opaque EC keys in pk_setup when they are not supported
+  * pk_wrap: fix: always clear buffer holding private key in eckey_check_pair_psa
+  * Add comments and remove unneeded defines
+  * pk_wrap: do not support opaque EC keys when !PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * Change spaces to a tab in a makefile recipe
+  * Add check for the ecp module variants
+  * Enable testing the cloned ecp module
+  * Enable build of the new ecp_new.c file
+  * Clone the ecp.c file as ecp_new.c
+  * generate_psa_tests: fix docstring for tweak_key_pair_dependency function
+  * config_psa: enabled EC key derivation support when ECP_C is enabled
+  * generate_psa_tests: optimize code for key pair dependencies generation
+  * test: replace all KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEY_PAIR with proper symbols
+  * lib/test: replace BASIC_IMPORT_EXPORT internal symbol with BASIC,IMPORT,EXPORT
+  * psa: fix guards for EC key derivation
+  * test: use proper key pair symbols in accelerated list for EC curve test
+  * generate_psa_tests: minor fixes
+  * psa: fix wrong naming for ECC derive symbols in code
+  * configs: adapt to new symbols
+  * generate_psa_tests: improve script to handle all generated files
+  * psa: replace remaining ECC_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY symbols with proper ones
+  * generate_psa_tests: remove GENPRIME from dependencies of RSA key pair
+  * generate_psa_tests: improve code for key pairs dependency generation
+  * generate_psa_tests: fix comments
+  * test: reset proper guards for ECJPAKE tests
+  * psa_crypto_ecp: fix wrong comment in #endif
+  * test: rename function testing EC key generation in driver_wrappers
+  * psa: fix guards for EC key derivation
+  * test: remove useless accelerator intialization + minor restyling
+  * test: use better naming for new components
+  * library/test: replace LEGACY symbol with BASIC_IMPORT_EXPORT
+  * config_psa: introduce new internal KEY_PAIR symbol for BASIC+IMPORT+EXPORT
+  * test: properly handle new KEY_PAIR_yyy symbols in PSA generated test
+  * test: replace ECC_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with GENERATE
+  * library: replace ECC_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with GENERATE
+  * test: replace ECC_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with DERIVE
+  * library: replace ECC_KEY_PAIR_LEGACY with DERIVE
+  * test: add new component to test with all KEY_PAIRs enabled but one
+  * Reduce the size of mbedtls_mpi
+  * fix fragile way to refer to server1.req.sha256
+  * Remove options not known to older gcc
+  * pk_wrap: use PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS as guard for ecdsa_opaque_check_pair_wrap
+  * pk_wrap: guard all ECDSA function with MBEDTLS_PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * pk_wrap: minor fixes for guards
+  * pk_wrap: always fill all the fields of the pk_info structures
+  * pk: uniform naming of functions and structures in pk/pk_wrap
+  * pk_wrap: share code for selecting the psa_alg in ECDSA sign
+  * pk_wrap: minor reorganization for opaque keys
+  * pk_wrap: add missing labels to #else and #endif
+  * pk_wrap: optimize eckey_check_pair()
+  * pk_wrap: name all the fields of the pk_info structs
+  * pk_wrap: add support for ECDSA verify for opaque keys
+  * pk_wrap: optimize code for ECDSA verify
+  * pk_wrap: optimize code for ECDSA sign
+  * Change build target as Cortex-A32 not supported on CI
+  * Nicer formatting
+  * Improve #endif comments
+  * Improve #endif comments
+  * Correct #endif comments
+  * Split armcc tests to separate component
+  * Correct comments on #endif's
+  * Add comment
+  * Test combinations of macros for aes.o
+  * Make parse_input targets depend on files in parse_input if possible
+  * Fix malformed directoryName extensions
+  * fix the command of server5-sha%.crt
+  * fix wrong dependency file path
+  * Revert "Extend TF-M build test to test all shipped configs"
+  * Extend TF-M build test to test all shipped configs
+  * Fix unused function warning in x509.c
+  * Change ffdh testing strategy
+  * fix trailing whitespace
+  * Changelog
+  * Add TF-M build test to
+  * Actually run MD<->PSA test, and fix it
+  * Fix description of functions
+  * test_suite_ecp: Changed to BITS_TO_LIMBS(224) * 2 in `ecp_mod_p_generic_raw`.
+  * code style
+  * Fix comment
+  * More dependency fixes
+  * Fix unused variable
+  * Fix unused variable if MBEDTLS_AES_SETKEY_ENC_ALT and MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT_ALT set
+  * Fix unused function when MBEDTLS_AES_SETKEY_ENC_ALT set
+  * Extended EcpP224K1Raw tests for 32/64 bit architectures.
+  * Added `bits_to_limbs` method.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Updated ecp_mod_p_generic_raw to use the `BITS_TO_LIMBS` macro.
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for string_to_names() fix
+  * Add regression testcase for string_to_names()
+  * Return an error when no name is parsed
+  * Docs improvement
+  * Disable asan errors on null allocation in
+  * Move the overallocation test to test suites
+  * Add an mbedtls_calloc(SIZE_MAX/2, SIZE_MAX/2) test
+  * Add a description of how mbedtls_calloc is determined
+  * Add a calloc selftest for more than a page
+  * Documentation and cosmetic fixes
+  * Move the calloc buffer initialization test to selftest.c
+  * Extend mbedtls_calloc and mbedtls_free documentation
+  * Add a test for calloc zeroization
+  * Document mbedtls_calloc zeroization
+  * ecp_curves: Adjusted expected_width inputs to use `BITS_TO_LIMBS` macro.
+  * Move clarification to a separate note
+  * aes.c: use uint8_t for local x, y, z in aes_gen_tables to save RAM
+  * aes.c: use uint8_t for array of pow and log to save RAM
+  * Replace unnecessary '>=' with '=='
+  * Short too long lines
+  * remove parse input only files from `all_final`
+  * Replace MBEDTLS_ECDH_C dependency in ssl-opt tests
+  * fix wrong dependency file path
+  * Change path for the files only exits in parse_input
+  * Add explanatory comment
+  * copy command for parse_input/* when it exists in data_files
+  * Fix clang warning from -Wasm-operand-widths
+  * add test case for zero input cost
+  * Add test and test case for input cost greater than vendor maximum
+  * Added test cases for modulo-1 in coordinate representation.
+  * bignum_mod_raw: Updated documentation for mpi_mod_raw_mul
+  * Fix incorrectly named macro
+  * Adapt guards in ssl_write_client_hello_body
+  * Add ssl-opt functions to check openssl with ffdh support and openssl ephemeral key exchange
+  * Update guards for supported groups
+  * test: solve disparities in driver coverage analysis for no_ecp_at_all()
+  * x509: update ECP_LIGHT dependencies to PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * test: enable X509 testing in no_ecp_at_all() components
+  * Fix test dependencies
+  * Fix test dependencies
+  * code style
+  * Use more standard PSA macro names
+  * bignum_mod_raw: Fixed a documentation typo.
+  * Limb aligned inputs
+  * Add PSA SHA-3 tests
+  * Add support for SHA-3 in PSA
+  * Handle deleted files correctly
+  * bignum_mod_raw: Adjusted OPT_RED limb size requirements for mod_raw_mul().
+  * ecp_curves: Added dataset for SECP224K1 Coordinate Modulus.
+  * ecp_curves: Fixed modp pointers on `mbedtls_ecp_modulus_setup`.
+  * Fix empty union when TLS is disabled
+  * Allow second run for ffdhe8192 ssl-opt tests
+  * aesce: do not specify an arch version when enabling crypto instructions
+  * Drop not-used items from the base look-up table
+  * Improve docs
+  * More struct re-ordering
+  * Adjust stuct order for better packing / smaller accessor code size
+  * Add casts for enums in cipher.c
+  * Fix direct use of cipher_info->type
+  * Fix direct reference to cipher_info->key_bitlen
+  * Fix some compiler type warnings
+  * Fix accidental mis-named field
+  * Dependency fixes
+  * Fix use of enum in a bitfield
+  * Use fewer bits for block_size
+  * code style
+  * Use look-up table for base
+  * Use fewer bits for iv_size
+  * Don't directly access iv_size
+  * Use fewer bits for key_bitlen
+  * Don't directly access key_bitlen
+  * Re-order mbedtls_cipher_info_t
+  * Use bit-fields
+  * Unify ssl_calc_finished_tls_sha{256,384}
+  * Unify ssl_calc_verify_sha{256,384}
+  * Reword the description of mbedtls_net_free()
+  * Fix extra character in debug string
+  * Change types in mbedtls_cipher_info_t
+  * Improve documentation in bn_mul.h
+  * Add --since option to check files modified since a given commit
+  * Clean up subprocess invocation in get_src_files
+  * Simplify directory name comparison in tests
+  * bignum_mod_raw: Updated documentation for mbedtls_mpi_mod_raw_mul
+  * test_suite_ecp: Extended `ecp_mul_inv` tests for optimised reduction.
+  * ecp_mod_raw: Enabled fast reduction.
+  * Refactor injecting errors in the second round
+  * Explain the sequence of mbedtls_psa_pake_ calls
+  * Test extra inputs and outputs at the end of J-PAKE
+  * Add testing for extra calls during a round
+  * Remove unnecessary checks in psa_jpake_prologue()
+  * Remove comment explaining the state machine
+  * Simplify logic of driver step conversion
+  * Tweak wording for clarity
+  * Remove unnecessary initialization of state
+  * Use memset for initialization
+  * Add "completed" clarification to struct comments
+  * Remove redundant structures from previous design
+  * Rename struct member mode to io_mode
+  * Rename function_mode to io_mode
+  * Properly namespace enum values within PSA_JPAKE_
+  * Change J-PAKE internal state machine
+  * bignum_mod: Added a typedef for OPT_RED function pointer.
+  * tls: always zeroize buffer on exit
+  * tls: keep buffer declaration in a single line
+  * Work around updating pointers from ILP32
+  * code style
+  * Remove redundant checks in constant_time.c
+  * Fix pointer constraint in bn_mul.h
+  * code style
+  * Improve changelog
+  * Be strict about pointer size in mbedtls_get_unaligned_volatile_uint32
+  * Changelog
+  * Omit block_size when MD_C is not enabled
+  * test: remove duplicate PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS dependency in pkparse suite
+  * Separate ILP32 and normal-aarch64 code paths
+  * Remove useless extern declarations and includes
+  * Docs improvement
+  * Fix for arm64_32 (aka ILP32) on Clang (attempt 2)
+  * Fix for arm64_32 (aka ILP32) on Clang
+  * Fix 32 bit unreachable code build failure
+  * Fix very high stack usage in SSL debug code
+  * Add a do-while loop around macros
+  * Pacify clang15 warnings about empty /retval
+  * Use DER format for x509 SAN tests
+  * MD: isolate strings to separate table
+  * test: ignore compressed points' tests when checking coverage without ECP at all
+  * pkwrite: fix wrong guard position for pk_get_opaque_ec_family()
+  * pk/psa: use PSA guard for mbedtls_ecc_group_to_psa() and mbedtls_ecc_group_of_psa()
+  * psa: move mbedtls_ecc_group_to_psa() from inline function to standard one
+  * build_info: do not enable ECP_LIGHT when PSA_WANT_ALG_ECDSA
+  * pk: remove useless internal function
+  * test: replace occurencies of ECP_LIGHT with PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * library: replace occurencies of ECP_LIGHT with PK_HAVE_ECC_KEYS
+  * pk: add new symbol to state that PK has support for EC keys
+  * test: re-enable PK and RSA in component without ECP/ECP_LIGHT
+  * x509parse tests: Replace TEST_ASSERT with TEST_EQUAL
+  * Fix tests?
+  * Simplify aesni support test
+  * Fixed AlgorithmIdentifier parameters when used with ECDSA signature algorithm in x509 certificate
+  * Clarify support_test_aesni
+  * mbedtls_config: improved description of PK_PARSE_EC_COMPRESSED
+  * build_info: improved description of ECP_LIGHT auto-enabling symbols
+  * Improve logic for checking for presence of AESNI code
+  * Improve logic for checking for presence of AESNI code
+  * test: remove leftover paragraph in test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_ecp_light_only
+  * Fix typo
+  * Fix test error
+  * fix CI failure
+  * Fix typo
+  * code style
+  * Address test review comments
+  * Remove not-needed compiler flags
+  * Add test for plain C path
+  * Simplify aesni test
+  * Improve changelog
+  * Only force O2 when hw acceleration available
+  * build_info: auto enable PK_PARSE_EC_COMPRESSED when PK_PARSE_C && ECP_C
+  * test: update with new dependencies
+  * test: fix bug for test without bugnum
+  * build_info: complete list of symbols that auto-enable ECP_LIGHT
+  * mbedtls_config: add new MBEDTLS_PK_PARSE_EC_COMPRESSED symbol
+  * pk: let PK_PARSE_EC_EXTENDED auto-enable ECP_LIGHT
+  * test: remove leftover from past PR development
+  * test: renaming component testing accelerated EC
+  * Only enable gcc -Os fix if we have AES hw support
+  * Improve comment
+  * Use valid guard for filling group list with EC groups
+  * Respect -Os for everything except XTS
+  * ecp_curves: Updated the optimised reduction function pointer.
+  * bignum_mod: Updated documentation.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Added `MBEDTLS_ECP_NIST_OPTIM` define guards.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Updated `ecp_mod_p_generic_raw` for optimised reduction.
+  * ecp_curves: Updated `mbedtls_ecp_modulus_setup` to use optimised reduction.
+  * ecp_curves: Updated input argument for `mbedtls_ecp_modulus_setup`.
+  * bignum_mod: Updated `optred_modulus_setup` to use function input.
+  * bignum_mod: Added `mbedtls_mpi_opt_red_struct` structure.
+  * bignum_mod: Fixed code-style
+  * bignum_mod: Added static `standard_modulus_setup()`.
+  * bignum_mod: Refactored `mbedtls_mpi_mod_modulus_setup()`
+  * test_suite_bignum: Removed `test_read_modulus()`.
+  * binum_mod: Added `mbedtls_mpi_mod_optred_modulus_setup()`.
+  * Don't use inet_pton() before Windows Vista
+  * Don't force the default windows version down
+  * Don't call wincrypt on builds older than Windows XP
+  * Allow to override intrinsics vs asm selection
+  * Test asm and intrinsics from
+  * tls: never destroy a priavte key that is not owned/created by TLS module
+  * config_psa: replace USE symbols with BASIC one for all KEY_PAIRs
+  * test: run all the test suite in the temporary component and grep outcome file
+  * test: add a temporary test for checking conversion for new symbols
+  * config_psa: only KEY_PAIR_USE includes PUBLIC_KEY
+  * config_psa: always enable PUBLIC_KEY when any KEY_PAIR is enabled
+  * test_driver_extension: manage public and private keys the same way
+  * config_psa: fix logic for updating legacy symbols
+  * config_psa: ECP_C do not enable ECC_KEY_PAIR_DERIVE
+  * crypto_config_test_driver_extension: remove leftover comment
+  * psa: move PSA_WANT checks to check_crypto_config
+  * config_psa: avoid repetitions when including MBEDTLS symbols
+  * changelog: added entries for explaining changes of this PR
+  * crypto: move legacy symbols support to a dedicated header file
+  * config_psa: add missing BUILTIN symbols when ECP_C is defined
+  * config_psa: fix comment for LEGACY symbols
+  * config_psa: remove support for PSA_WANT_KEY_TYPE_DH_KEY_PAIR_DERIVE
+  * config_psa: remove GENPRIME from enabled symbols of PSA_WANT_KEY_TYPE_RSA_KEY_PAIR_USE
+  * config_psa: remove leftover comment on ECC derivation
+  * psa: fixing psa_crypto_generate_key.generated
+  * test: fix python script for PSA test generation
+  * tests: replace deprecated symbols with temporary _LEGACY ones
+  * library: replace deprecated symbols with temporary _LEGACY ones
+  * config_psa: replace legacy symbols with new ones
+  * psa: add support for legacy symbols
+  * crypto_config: introducing new definitions for PSA_WANT KEY_PAIRs
+  * tls: optimize code in ssl_get_ecdh_params_from_cert()
+  * Improve readability of unrolled AESCE code
+  * Rename _USE to _BASIC
+  * code style
+  * Update changelog
+  * Use mbedtls_xor_no_simd from cmac and cbc
+  * Add a non-NEON variant of mbedtls_xor
+  * Move mbedtls_ecp_modulus_type out of the public headers
+  * Add cleanup for intermediate buffer
+  * Split out mbedtls_ecp_mod_p448_raw()
+  * Unroll aesce_decrypt_block
+  * Unroll aesce_encrypt_block
+  * Add missing ECDH dependencies in ssl-opt tests
+  * Fix selection of default FFDH group
+  * Adapt remaining guards to FFDH
+  * Properly disable ECDH in only (psk) ephemeral ffdh key exchange components
+  * Rename NUL to null in x509 IP parsing description
+  * Reword changelog entry
+  * Add copyright (as agreed with Manuel)
+  * Fix unintentional config reduction in prev commit
+  * add return statement
+  * mbedtls_config.h: add description for CTR_DRBG about AES-128 only
+  * code style
+  * fix check-names failure
+  * Limit number ffdh test cases (ffdhe2048, ffdhe8192)
+  * Optimise final 2 rounds
+  * Do not use NEON for AES-CBC on aarch64
+  * Revert "improve cbc encrypt perf"
+  * Replace sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) with ciL define
+  * Shorten encoding of version features
+  * Changelog entry for the MBEDTLS_CIPHER_BLKSIZE_MAX deprecation
+  * Officially deprecate MBEDTLS_CIPHER_BLKSIZE_MAX
+  * Rename MBEDTLS_CIPHER_BLKSIZE_MAX internally
+  * Explicitly document that Camellia and ARIA aren't supported
+  * Add not-supported test case for ARIA and for other Camellia key sizes
+  * Test consistency of cipher max-size macros
+  * Use predefined serial numer in certificates
+  * Remove PSA_TO_MD_ERR from ssl_tls.c
+  * Use output block as U_accumulator
+  * Update PSA_WANT spec for new KEY_PAIR scheme
+  * Disable MBEDTLS_DHM_C in component_test_tls13_only_psk
+  * use clang for one test of AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * Add FFDH tests to ssl-opt
+  * pake: fixed warning for casting between different types
+  * Fix coding style issue
+  * More about whether to have the driver key id in the transaction list
+  * Discuss the cost of a get_key_attributes entry point
+  * Move corner test case into python framework
+  * Three round solution
+  * Add ffdh support yo
+  * Code cleanup #2
+  * Add missing guards in tls 1.3
+  * Move an include
+  * Fix wrong array size calculation in error translation code
+  * Move the ARRAY_LENGTH definition to common.h
+  * Add missing ifdefs
+  * Optimize error translation code size
+  * Fix ecp test
+  * Build the docs in realfull config
+  * Add test components: only PSK ephemeral ffdh, only ephemeral ffdh key exchange
+  * Code cleanup
+  * Fix special-case with all curves except one.
+  * Docs update
+  * Code style
+  * Make mbedtls_ct_zero non-static
+  * Add crypt_and_hash decrypt issue to Changelog
+  * Remove references to non-existing options
+  * Make -SE_C part of adjust_config
+  * Group both configuration steps
+  * Replace function calls in crypt_and_hash program with locals
+  * Re-enable MBEDTLS_DHM_C in tls13_only_psk, tls13_only_psk_ephemeral, tls13_only_psk_all
+  * Improve phrasing
+  * Changelog for SHA-384 max block size bug
+  * Fix typo in MBEDTLS_MD_CAN macros
+  * Use a single fast-path in mbedtls_xor, gains around 1% in benchmarks
+  * Code style
+  * Update Changelog
+  * Fix AES-XTS perf regression
+  * Fix error: comparison of integers of different signs: 'SOCKET' and 'int'
+  * x509_parse_time() perf
+  * Reuse time when verifying certificate chain
+  * mbedtls_x509_time_gmtime() read struct directly
+  * mbedtls_x509_time_gmtime() to fill struct w/ time
+  * mbedtls_x509_time_cmp() perf
+  * mbedtls_x509_time_cmp() compare mbedtls_x509_time
+  * Fix crypt_and_hash decrypt issue when used with stream cipher
+  * Remove unnecessary cast
+  * Remove the test for this, since armclang on CI is too old
+  * Fix armc5-bin-dir and armc6-bin-dir options to
+  * Merge the two ARM Compiler 6 - Target ARMv8.2-A - AArch64 builds
+  * Add an build test that catches the unterminated pragmas
+  * Fix "unterminated '#pragma clang attribute push'" in sha256/sha512.c
+  * Strengthen fall-back for mbedtls_ct_compiler_opaque
+  * Replace use of MBEDTLS_SHA3_C with MBEDTLS_MD_CAN_SHA3_xxx
+  * Fix failing Ci
+  * Fix test dependencies
+  * Edit changelog
+  * Remove negative tests for input validation
+  * Use size of buffer for mac_size
+  * Use multipart mac operation for adding salt and counter
+  * Make MD<->PSA translation static inline
+  * Remove guarantee about converting NONE
+  * Simplify implementation of MD<->PSA translation
+  * Replace loop zeroise with memset
+  * Fix missing call to mbedtls_ssl_md_alg_from_hash()
+  * Change values of md_type enum
+  * Add comments to 448 optimised reduction
+  * Add corner case for p448 (A0+A1= full 1 of 448 bits)
+  * Restore accidentally removed comment
+  * Fix error status for PSA RSA-OAEP unknown hash
+  * Change contract of MD<->PSA conversion
+  * Add size measurements per library
+  * Use helper_libtestdriver1_adjust_config more
+  * Fix some typos
+  * Fix for big-endian architectures
+  * Unify ABSORB and ABSORB8 to fix compile error
+  * Fix test dependency
+  * Correct minor merge mistakes
+  * Add HMAC DRBG SHA-3 tests
+  * Tidy-up
+  * Remove NULL checks
+  * Remove reference to SHAKE
+  * Spell as SHA-3 not SHA3
+  * Add tests for invalid paramters
+  * Tidy-up definition of mbedtls_sha3_context
+  * move mbedtls_sha3_family_functions out of public interface
+  * Use faster type for state index
+  * remove not-needed fields from SHA-3 context
+  * Consume input in 8-byte chunks
+  * Avoid possible NEON alignment issue
+  * Revert not-useful changes to AES-CBC decrypt
+  * improve cbc encrypt perf
+  * Extend NEON use to 32-bit Arm
+  * Add tests for xor over large blocks
+  * Add clangd compilation databases to gitignore
+  * Add a guard for IP parsing in cert_req app
+  * Fix param documentation for mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_cn_inet_pton
+  * Remove references to x509_invasive.h
+  * Use better IP parsing in x509 programs
+  * Remove redundant test and add tests: keyid only (without issuer)
+  * Adapt test (use path instead of bytes) after rebase
+  * Fix code style
+  * Further test improvements
+  * Fix after rebase (remove redundant variables in tests)
+  * Add more test cases
+  * Use RSA keys in generated certificates
+  * Add test for invalid KeyIdentifier tag length + adapt error code
+  * Use TEST_EQUAL instead of TEST_ASSERT in tests
+  * Test optional fields in authorityKeyId
+  * Check values in tests
+  * Use generated certs in DER format in tests
+  * Provide makefile rules to generate cerst for authorityKeyId, subjectKeyId tests
+  * Fix fall through warning
+  * ssl_client2, ssl_server2: code optimization + guards adaptation
+  * mbedtls_psa_ffdh_export_public_key: allow bigger output buffer
+  * Further code optimizations
+  * Adapt function names
+  * Combine mbedtls_ssl_tls13_generate_and_write_ecdh/ffdh_key_exchange functions
+  * Adapt guards, dependencies + optimizations
+  * Move FFDH helper functions and macros to more suitable locations
+  * Adapt guards for FFDH
+  * Replace deprecated functions
+  * Fix test configs
+  * Add changelog entry (FFDH in TLS 1.3)
+  * Compile out length check to silent the compiler warning
+  * Add FFDH tests
+  * Add FFDH support in client2, server2 applications
+  * Add support for FFDH in TLS 1.3
+  * Add FFDH definitions and translation functions
+  * ssl_write_supported_groups_ext(): add support for ffdh keys
+  * Add the DHE groups to the default list of supported groups
+  * Use safe snprintf
+  * Add test for invalid IP length (+use der format in tests)
+  * Fix parsing of SAN IP (use mbedtls_snprintf, validate buffer length)
+  * Add separate case for ip address
+  * Add test to parse ipV4 and ipV6 addresses
+  * Add support for parsing SAN IP address
+  * Fix code style
+  * Add changelog entry
+  * Add negative cases for pbkdf2 output
+  * Add RFC tests for pbkdf2 output
+  * Change derive_input test cases for implemented output_bytes
+  * Add cost and password steps to derive_output_test function
+  * Add pbkdf2 function to key_derivation_output_bytes
+  * Add pbkdf2_generate_block function
+  * Add additional members to pbkdf2 struct
+  * Update FFDH component
+  * Add documentation about libtestdriver1 usage
+  * make libtestdriver1 components more uniform
+  * add helper_libtestdriver1_make_main()
+  * add helper_libtestdriver1_make_drivers()
+  * add helper_libtestdriver1_adjust_config
+  * Add static check for macros that should be in sync
+  * Add comment on macros that should be kept in sync
+  * Remove mbedtls_psa_translate_md().
+  * Keep MD and PSA max size in sync
+  * Use PSA-neutral function for availability check
+  * Fix guard for PSA->MD error conversion
+  * Fix duplicated definition of a function
+  * Use function instead of macro for error conversion
+  * Add total when printing sizes in
+  * Add missing include
+  * Use general framework for PSA status conversion
+  * Formally deprecate mbedtls_psa_translate_md()
+  * Use actual function instead of static inline
+  * Remove hash_info.[ch]
+  * Use MD<->PSA functions from MD light
+  * Add MD <-> PSA translation functions to MD light
+  * Remove unused function
+  * Replace hash_info macro with MD macro
+  * Replace hash_info_get_type with MD function
+  * Add convenience inline function to md.h
+  * Restore rsa_single_san_uri.crt.der
+  * Mark all_intermediate as .SECONDARY
+  * Remove redundant PHONY targets
+  * Fix long line format
+  * server5-der*.crt: Simplify the size calculation
+  * Update cert macros in tests/src/certs.c
+  * Update crl-ec-sha*.pem, crl.pem, crl_cat_*.pem
+  * Add rules to generate crl_cat*
+  * Update server10*.crt
+  * Update server8*.crt
+  * Update server7*.crt
+  * Update pkcs7 files
+  * Extend the validity period of pkcs7-rsa-sha*.crt to 10 years
+  * Update test-int-ca*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate test-int-ca{2,3}.crt
+  * Update test-ca2_cat-*.crt and test-ca_cat*.crt
+  * Update server6.crt
+  * Update test-ca[1|2].crt[.der]
+  * Clarify when key derivation entry points are mandatory/permitted
+  * Copyediting
+  * Generate PEM pub key directly from DER prv key
+  * pk_internal: minor rearrangement in mbedtls_pk_get_group_id()
+  * test: add key pair check verification for opaque EC keys
+  * pk: allow key pair checking for opaque keys
+  * pk_wrap: add support for key pair check for EC opaque keys
+  * change prompt message in code size measurement
+  * code_size_compare: clarify input and return types
+  * integrate code with CodeSizeBase
+  * add a CodeSizeBase class
+  * Comment tidy-up
+  * Improve docs & check for non-gcc compilers
+  * Improve changelog
+  * Add armclang -O0 build test
+  * Add build tests for Thumb and Thumb2 with clang
+  * Do not use assembly on Thumb 1 / clang
+  * Rework the description of key derivation output/verify key
+  * Note that we may want to rename derive_key
+  * Probably resolve concern about the input size for derive_key
+  * Minor copyediting
+  * Fix bug in calculation of maximum possible bytes
+  * Allow subidentifiers of size UINT_MAX
+  * Fix spelling in Changelog
+  * Remove unnecessary addition to buffer size estimation
+  * Modify tests in response to review comments.
+  * Refactor code in cert_write.c
+  * Fix overflow checks in x509write_crt
+  * Change the name of the temporary san variable
+  * Update the descriptions of SANs
+  * fix make command logic in default config
+  * Reword description and change NUL to null
+  * Rename minimum_mem to resized_mem
+  * Rearrange declarations for readability
+  * Change behaviour away from NUL-terminated strings
+  * Cosmetic fixes to doxygen comment
+  * Remove certain null pointer checks when only MD_LIGHT enabled
+  * Add docs for mbedtls_ecp_mod_p448()
+  * pk: minor code fixes
+  * pk: fix guard position
+  * test: remove debug echo in component
+  * pk: optimized/reshape code for writing private key PEM
+  * pk: optimized/reshape code for writing private key DER
+  * pk: extend pk_write_ec_private to support opaque keys
+  * pk: optimize/reshape public key writing
+  * pk: uniformmize public key writing functions
+  * pk: add internal helpers for opaque keys
+  * psa_util: add support for rfc8410's OIDs
+  * pk_internal: add support for opaque keys for getting EC curve ID
+  * test: optimizing test_suite_pkwrite code
+  * Hoist variable declarations to before goto
+  * Refactor while loop for simplicity
+  * Improve line spacing after variable declarations
+  * Reword function description slightly
+  * Reword ChangeLog entry for consistency
+  * Revert setting optimization flag(use O2)
+  * Adapt guards for psa_is_dh_key_size_valid
+  * Change input cost type to uint64_t and fix max iteration test case
+  * classify arguments in parser
+  * add prompt for unsupported arch and config
+  * Fix invalid commands for ec_x{25519,448}_{prv,pub}.{der,pem}
+  * Change coding style to fix multi lines into one line
+  * Key agreement needs an attribute structure for our key
+  * Note possible issue with derive_key: who should choose the input length?
+  * State explicitly that cooked key derivation uses the export format
+  * Clarify sequencing of long inputs
+  * Rationale on key derivation inputs and buffer ownership
+  * Key derivation dispatch doesn't depend on the key type
+  * Copyediting
+  * Finish test strategy
+  * Modify tests to suit new behaviour
+  * Add driver support for DH import key and export public key
+  * Revert "Handle simple copy import/export before driver dispatch"
+  * Update server5[-der*|-sha*].crt
+  * Add rules to generate test-ca2_cat-*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server10*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server8*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server7*.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server6.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server5-sha*.crt
+  * Add server5-der*crt generate command
+  * Add rules to generate server5[-badsign].crt
+  * Update server3.crt and server4.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server4.crt
+  * Add rules to generate server3.crt
+  * Fix wrong target names in the Makefile in tests/data_files
+  * Mark all_intermediate as intermediate files
+  * change path of mbedtls_x509_crl_parse input data
+  * change path of mbedtls_x509_csr_parse_file input data
+  * change path of mbedtls_x509_csr_info input data
+  * change path of x509_parse_san input data
+  * change path of x509parse_crt_file input data
+  * change path of x509_cert_info input data
+  * change path of mbedtls_x509_crl_info input data
+  * add armv8-m option for arch
+  * Add test code for big endian write/read
+  * Add intermediate variable to represent the bytes of big num
+  * change default path of armclang
+  * Create bugfix_iar_typo.txt
+  * Fix typo in cmake file for IAR
+  * code style
+  * Move base64 test interfaces into base64_internal.h
+  * Remove references to rsa.h and ssl_misc.h from constant_time.c
+  * Fix RSA perf regression
+  * Document and test that memcpy_if may have src == dest
+  * Fix non-opaque use of mbedtls_ct_condition_t
+  * Improve tests for mbedtls_ct_uchar_in_range_if
+  * Whitespace etc
+  * Improve use of compiler_opaque
+  * Make memmove_left more efficient
+  * Rename mbedtls_ct_uint_if_new to mbedtls_ct_uint_if
+  * Remove old interface
+  * Use new CT interface in  mbedtls_ct_memcpy_offset
+  * Use new CT interface in mbedtls_mpi_safe_cond_swap
+  * Use new CT interface in mbedtls_mpi_core_random
+  * Use new CT interface in mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if
+  * Use new CT interface in mbedtls_mpi_core_lt_ct
+  * Remove not-needed mbedtls_ct_mpi_uint_cond_assign
+  * Update mbedtls_mpi_core_uint_le_mpi to new CT interface
+  * Update mpi_select to use new CT interface
+  * Update mbedtls_mpi_lt_mpi_ct to new interface
+  * Update mbedtls_mpi_safe_cond_(assign|swap) part 2
+  * Update mbedtls_mpi_safe_cond_(assign|swap) to use new CT interface
+  * Use new CT interface in ssl_msg.c
+  * Add impl of mbedtls_ct_memcpy_if
+  * Use new CT interface in ssl_tls12_server.c
+  * Use new CT interface in rsa.c
+  * Use new interface in mbedtls_ct_memmove_left
+  * Remove old interface for mem_move_to_left
+  * Add impl of mbedtls_ct_zeroize_if
+  * Remove not-needed compiler_opaque in ct_if
+  * Improve const-timeness of mbedtls_ct_bool_lt
+  * Introduce new CT interface (retain old interface)
+  * tests
+  * Move some bignum functions out of constant_time module
+  * Move mbedtls_ct_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_unpadding into rsa.c
+  * Expose mbedtls_ct_size_gt and mbedtls_ct_mem_move_to_left in ct interface
+  * Move mbedtls_ct_hmac into ssl_msg.c
+  * Evolve mbedtls_ct_uchar_in_range_if interface
+  * Move mbedtls_ct_base64_(enc|dec)_char into base64.c
+  * Improve ISA detection
+  * Fix output width of mbedtls_ecp_mod_p448() to 448 bits
+  * Simplify ifdefs
+  * Restrict use of r7 in Thumb 1 code
+  * Don't use r7 in generic codepath
+  * Update Changelog
+  * Revert to detecting __GNUCC__ instead of armclang
+  * add missing aes.o in code size comparison
+  * add suffix to code size report
+  * clean up worktree in errors of subprocess
+  * support measurement of tfm-medium
+  * add --arch and detection of host arch
+  * pkwrite: remove unnecessary code duplication
+  * Improve comments
+  * Move const result to the first parameter
+  * Update comments about how to generate mod_read_write data
+  * Add test data for function ecp_mod_random
+  * Add test function ecp_mod_random
+  * Add test data for ecp mod read write
+  * Add mod test functions for unit read write
+  * Give options clearer names
+  * Minor tidy-up
+  * Write up the transaction/recovery processess
+  * Tidy-up macros and fix guards around option B
+  * Gate all arm asm on Armv6 or better architecture
+  * Change output length parameter in pbkdf2_hmac_set_password
+  * Restructure set salt function
+  * Correct comment header block
+  * First draft at fixing the choice of asm
+  * ecp_curves: Adjusted the expected limb size for `ecp_mod_p255()`.
+  * pkparse: avoid creating extra copy of the private key
+  * tls: use pk_get_group_id() instead of directly accessing PK's structure
+  * Fix Changelog formatting
+  * pk: minor code fixes/enhancements
+  * pk: fix key properties when importing private key
+  * Add build test for armclang / Cortex-M0 / -Os
+  * Add Changelog
+  * Disable bignum assembly for certain Arm M-class CPUs
+  * Fix code style and initialize status
+  * Design document for storage resilience
+  * Add tests with direct and key output
+  * Add HMAC specific function for setting password
+  * Restructure pbkdf2_set_salt function
+  * Change pbkdf2 password to array
+  * Use functions in alignment.h to get value
+  * Change assert to equal base one comments
+  * Fix missed renames from N to X
+  * pk: improve description for the new priv_id field
+  * ecp_curves: Adjusted input checking for `ecp_mod_p255`.
+  * test: add exception in and fix test for montgomery curves
+  * pk: fix eckey_check_pair_psa
+  * test_suite_pkparse: fix failure
+  * test: minor enhancement for using the new private key format
+  * tls/x509: minor enhancement for using the new private key format
+  * pk: improve sign, check_pair and wrap_as_opaque functions with new format
+  * pk: manage parse and write for the new format
+  * pk: manage allocate and free space when working with PSA private key
+  * pk: change location of Montgomery helpers
+  * pk: move PSA error translation macros to internal header
+  * ecp_curves: Extended documentation for CURVE25519.
+  * ecp_curves: Added documentation for mbedtls_ecp_mod_p255_raw
+  * ecp_curves: Reintroduced input checking for
+  * ecp_curves: Switched to dynamic memory for
+  * ecp_curves: Minor refactoring of `mbedtls_ecp_mod_p255_raw()`
+  * Fixed types for `arguments()` overrides.
+  * Added tests for `mbedtls_ecp_mod_p255_raw`
+  * Modify TFM files to allow them to build on baremetal with Mbed TLS and fix code style. Also change the include path of crypto_spe.h in crypto_platform.h to allow the former file to be included in library-only builds.
+  * Bring over both necessary medium config files (regular and PSA style) from TFM.
+  * Fix xor fail for large block size
+  * Add test data "modulus-1" and "modulus-2" for every curve
+  * Fix AES-CBC for in-place operation
+  * ecp_curves: Refactored `mbedtls_ecp_mod_p255`.
+  * fix: correct calling to time function in tls13 client&server
+  * Add missing AES_C dependency in x509 tests
+  * Changelog update
+  * Make AES-CBC more efficient
+  * Add NEON to mbedtls_xor
+  * pk: fix a return value and a typo in comment
+  * pk: add checks for the returned ECC family
+  * Fix wrong makefile target
+  * Remove extraneous check in for loop condition
+  * Update comments how to generate the randoms to make it reproducible
+  * Prefer intrinsics over asm for AES-NI
+  * build_info.h: rewrite comment
+  * Fix the comments of sum in ecp function
+  * mbedtls/platform.h: Avoid potential macro redefinition warnings.
+  * pk: fixing and improving comments
+  * XOR perf improvements
+  * Generate test data with special seed 2,3,4
+  * Fix the limb mismatch issue on 32-bit platform
+  * Compare the libs of two input value and add comments
+  * Remove useless parameters for ecp_mod_add_sub
+  * Refine code to align with the styles of ecp_mod_mul_inv
+  * Add test data for ecp_add_sub
+  * Add add_sub test data for named moduli curves
+  * Add add_sub test cases for named moduli curves
+  * Remove DIY SIZE_MAX definitions
+  * Both compare the least significant limb 1 and the left limbs 0
+  * Remove useless parameter iret for ecp mul_inv cases
+  * Check for overflows when writing x509 SANs
+  * Enable escaping ';' in cert_write.c SANs
+  * Add missing RFC822_NAME case to SAN setting
+  * Remove unnecessary zeroization
+  * Return an error on an unsupported SubjectAltName
+  * Fix a code style issue
+  * Fix temporary IP parsing error
+  * Update ip_string_to_bytes to cert_req version
+  * Fix subjectAltName test prerequisites
+  * Add missing memory deallocation
+  * Fix a copy-paste typo
+  * Add braces to a switch case
+  * Add documentation and a changelog entry
+  * Add a test for SubjectAltName writing to a certificate
+  * pk: minor fixes (guards and a wrong assignment)
+  * Add input parameter length check for the Koblitz reduction
+  * Add a possibility to write subject alt names in a certificate
+  * Add a certificate exercising all supported SAN types
+  * Move mbedtls_x509_san_list to x509.h
+  * Add documentation
+  * tests: fixes for using the new public key raw format
+  * test_suite_debug: fix USE_PSA_INIT/DONE guards in a test
+  * tls12: use the the raw format for the public key when USE_PSA is enabled
+  * debug: add support for printing the new EC raw format
+  * pkwrap: update ECDSA verify and EC pair check to use the new public key
+  * pk: update pkparse and pkwrite to use the new public key storing solution
+  * pk: adding a new field to store the public key in raw format
+  * Convert comments over to X rather than N
+  * pk: fix typos in description of mbedtls_pk_ec_[ro/rw]
+  * build_info.h: rewrite comment for inclusion of config_psa.h
+  * Compare final result with ASSERT_COMPARE
+  * Check all of the limbs of result
+  * Re-order the variable orders and rename them
+  * Refine error check for mbedtls_ecp_modulus_setup
+  * Remove the useless modulus validaty
+  * Remove modulus double free
+  * Add back 255 bit test data for SECP224K1 test cases
+  * Add comments to the data file for the cureve secp224k1
+  * Revert to 224bit random data no need leading bit "1"
+  * Increase bit size to 225 for SECP224K1 test cases
+  * Add comments about how the mod_inv data is generated
+  * Update ecp mul_inv test cases
+  * Change coding styles of white space
+  * Tidy up ecp mul_inv_test code
+  * Add ecp test cases for mont mul and inv after named moduli setup
+  * Add ecp test function for mont mul and inv
+  * Use valid MD5 dependency for test
+  * build_info.h: change location of including config_psa.h
+  * Use const where appropriate
+  * Group memory allocations earlier
+  * Convert over to using X, X_limbs
+  * Convert curve 448 to use ecp core functions
+  * bignum: Updated documentation for `mbedtls_mpi_shift_l()`
+  * bignum: Updated `mbedtls_mpi_shift_l` to use the core method.
+  * Document minimum size for DEBUG_BUF_SIZE
+  * simplify code
+  * code style
+  * make code readable and change var name
+  * send debug msg if contains '\n'
+  * Update library/debug.c
+  * Fix: no newline when debug msg over DEBUG_BUF_SIZE
+  * Fix comment
+  * Add `_raw` function to P256K1
+  * Add `_raw` function to P224K1
+  * Add `_raw` function to P192K1
+  * Simplified result calculation for `BignumCoreShiftL`
+  * Fix compilation errors(unused variables, guards)
+  * Fix copypasta
+  * mbedtls_x509_crt_free: release authorityCertIssuer sequence
+  * Add test to cover memory leak in authorityCertIssuer case
+  * Fix comment
+  * pk: fix: explicilty set const in casted value in mbedtls_pk_ec_ro
+  * pk: fix build issues
+  * pk: align library and tests code to the new internal functions
+  * pk: make mbedtls_pk_ec internal when !ECP_C
+  * Minor adjustments after review.
+  * Replace references to Mbed Crypto with Mbed TLS through-out documentation and comments.
+  * Replace references to Mbed Crypto with Mbed TLS through-out documentation and comments.
+  * Ignore *.o everywhere
+  * Only include psa_pake_setup() and friends if some PAKE algorithms are required
+  * Fuzz programs: print an error if loading the reproducer fails
+  * Add test cases to test overflow in the Kobltz reduction
+  * Update comments
+  * Add another round in the Koblitz reduction
+  * test AES built-in implementation in AES-128-bit key only
+  * Set LANGUAGES explicitly in CMakeLists.txt project()
+  * Add changelog entry (FFDH driver dispatch)
+  * nist_kw.c: remove non-128-bit data if aes_128bit_only enabled
+  * Handle simple copy import/export before driver dispatch
+  * Fix peer vs our key missmatch in ffdh key agreement transparent driver
+  * Adapt guards in ffdh driver
+  * Adapt test driver configuration for FFDH
+  * Add FFDH support for transparent drivers(generate, export public key)
+  * gcm.c: do not set length for some arrays in selftest
+  * gcm selftest: remove non-128-bit data if aes_128bit_only enabled
+  * cmac selftest: add macro for non-128-bit data/test
+  * aes selftest: determine selftest loop limit in runtime
+  * Addressed minor typos
+  * Add test component for accelerated FFDH
+  * Work around Readthedocs command parsing bug
+  * aes selftest: remove non-128-bit data if aes_128bit_only enabled
+  * Add partial support for URI SubjectAltNames
+  * ChangeLog: remove issue number as this is a new feature
+  * mbedtls_config.h: remove empty * line before closing */ line
+  * mbedtls_config.h: rewrite comment for AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * rewrite ChangeLog
+  * aes.h: rewrite comment for aes round key buf
+  * fix typo
+  * cert_audit: Fix DER files missed from parsing
+  * cert_audit: Remove merge_auditdata
+  * cert_audit: Use dictionary to store parsed AuditData
+  * cert_audit: Output format improvement
+  * cert_audit: Calculate identifier for X.509 objects
+  * cert_audit: Fix bug in check_cryptography_version
+  * cert_audit: Sort the outputs by not_valid_after date
+  * cert_audit: Merge audit_data for identical X.509 objects
+  * cert_audit: Support parsing file with multiple PEMs
+  * Reword the API token explanation in redirects.yaml
+  * Use if statement for post_build control flow
+  * Fix demo scripts for out-of-tree builds
+  * Fix coding style.
+  * Install cryptography only on linux platform
+  * Clean up commented code
+  * Limit max input cost to 32bit
+  * Enable empty salt as input for pbkdf2
+  * Remove redundant code in key_derivation_abort()
+  * Code optimization
+  * Use int instead uint in test function arguments
+  * Fix parsing of KeyIdentifier (tag length error case) + test
+  * aesce.c: add macro of MBEDTLS_AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * Correct comment about mbedtls error codes
+  * fix wrong target detection
+  * Fix input parameter alignment in P256K1 test cases
+  * Determine special cases in-place in the common Koblitz function
+  * mbedtls_psa_export_ffdh_public_key: return fixed key size
+  * pk: improve description for the next opaque ID field
+  * pkwrite: removing unused/duplicated variables
+  * Remove `delay milliseconds` test
+  * pk: use better naming for the new key ID field
+  * pk: fix library code for using the new opaque key solution
+  * pk: store opaque key ID directly in the pk_context structure
+  * add ChangeLog entry
+  * add test for AES-128bit only without MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_C
+  * Auto-enable CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY with AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * aes.h: add comment for round key buffer in aes context
+  * Fix code style
+  * mbedtls_config.h: paraphrase code size saving in comment
+  * mbedtls_psa_ffdh_generate_key: optimize code and return fixed key size
+  * mbedtls_config.h: fix issue in grammar
+  * add extra dependencies based on key bit
+  * Add AES 128-bit key dependency in
+  * Add AES 128-bit key dependency in
+  * Add AES 128-bit key dependency for tests data
+  * add test for AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * Add checks if MBEDTLS_AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH enabled
+  * AES: adjust AES RAM usage according to config options
+  * AES: skip 192bit and 256bit key in selftest if 128bit_only enabled
+  * AES: add macro of MBEDTLS_AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH
+  * Minor cosmetic changes
+  * Update broken link to doxygen homepage
+  * Remove most of the doxygen mainpage
+  * bignum_core: Removed input checking for `mbedtls_mpi_core_shift_l`
+  * Update PR template
+  * Silence bad "maybe unitialized" warning for ec_grp_id
+  * Fix unsued variable in mbedtls_pk_write_pubkey_der in certain configurations
+  * Only use mbedtls_ecc_group_of_psa if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_LIGHT)
+  * Fix bug in mbedtls_pk_wrap_as_opaque
+  * Add pkwrite tests for X25519/X448 DER
+  * Add derive public test for X25519/X448
+  * Refactor EC SPKI serialization
+  * Add comment about version 1 PKCS8 keys not containing a public key
+  * Read and write X25519 and X448 private keys
+  * Add FFDH alg to test driver extensions
+  * Fix failing CI
+  * Enable FFDH through PSA if it's enabled in the legacy interface
+  * Use TEST_EQUAL instead of TEST_ASSERT
+  * Fix cross-platform compilation issue
+  * Fix parsing of authorityCertSerialNumber (use valid tags)
+  * mbedtls_pem_write_buffer: Correctly report needed buffer size for all possible line lengths and counts
+  * Remove unrequired limb size calculation
+  * Correct max canonical multiplication result
+  * Fix pastapasta
+  * typo
+  * Document a known issue with testing of mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_path
+  * Improve testing of mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_file
+  * Make output_byte return not_supported for pbkdf2
+  * Explicitly exit IPv4 parsing on a fatal error
+  * Add test cases for pbkdf2 input functions
+  * Add pbkdf2 to psa_key_derivation_abort
+  * Enable can_output_key with PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD
+  * Add pbkdf2 input functions to psa_key_derivation_input_internal
+  * Add input password function for pbkdf2
+  * add input salt function for pbkdf2
+  * Add input cost function for pbkdf2
+  * Add pbkdf2_hmac to is_kdf_alg_supported()
+  * Add pbkdf2 to ATLEAST_ONE_BUILTIN_KDF definition
+  * Add pbkdf2 to key_derivation context struct
+  * Add pbkdf2 struct to crypto_builtin_key_derivation.h
+  * Add psa_pbkdf2_key_derivation_state_t
+  * Add builtin PBKDF2_HMAC definition in config_psa.h
+  * Enable PSA_WANT_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC in crypto_config.h
+  * Use mbedtls_ct_uint_if() rather than mbedtls_ct_cond_select_sign()
+  * Halve size of mbedtls_error_pair_t
+  * Add post-build step to update redirects
+  * Add readthedocs-cli to
+  * test: check for exact length of returned pub key
+  * test: optimize code for pk_write_public_from_private()
+  * test: use better naming for the newly introduced test function
+  * pk: fix position for mbedtls_platform_zeroize
+  * test: fix makefile for ec_pub.[der/pem] generation
+  * test: fix wrong private key file
+  * test: add test function for public key derivation starting from private one
+  * pk: fix: clear buffer holding raw EC private key on exit
+  * test: align ec_pub public keyfile with its ec_prv.sec1 counterpart
+  * Add test for parse_binary_string
+  * Disallow leading zeroes when parsing IPv4 addresses
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY: ignore seed file
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY: check the seed file UID
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY: check the lifecycle of the seed file
+  * Modernize remove_seed_file()
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY: Skip incompatible tests
+  * MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY: Make sure the seed file exist when running tests
+  * Tests: provide necessary functions for MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY
+  * Fix a build error when MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY is enabled
+  * Regroup component that had gotten separated from its close siblings
+  * Change from Mbed TLS 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 in driver documentation.
+  * Minor changes to documentation and code comments for clarity
+  * Add support for building p256-m alongside Mbed TLS with CMake. Also check if p256-m is enabled in the config before including the contents of p256-m.c
+  * Migrate p256-m_driver_entrypoints.[hc] to new code style
+  * Minor formatting change to driver wrapper jinja template
+  * Add warnings to documentation stating that p256-m code may be out of date with upstream, plus other minor grammatical fixes.
+  * Use psa_generate_random() instead of mbedtls_ctr_dbrg
+  * Add 3rdparty license information to the README
+  * Add SPDX license identifiers to driver entry point files
+  * Add README and license from the p256-m repo
+  * Remove rand() from p256_generate_random() and move to an implementation based on mbedtls_ctr_drbg
+  * Add README in p256-m/
+  * Remove unnecessary no-check-names comments
+  * Add information for driver points where auto-generation is implemented
+  * Add example for integrating a driver alongside Mbed TLS for entrypoints where auto-generation of driver wrappers is not implemented yet. Using p256-m as the example driver/software accelerator.
+  * Rename p256m to p256 for uniform function/macro prefixes
+  * Start the driver example write-up (p256-m integration)
+  * Add step-by-step guide for writing and integrating drivers for entry points where auto-generation is not implemented
+  * Integrate p256-m as an example driver alongside Mbed TLS and write documentation for the example.
+  * mbedtls_psa_ffdh_set_prime_generator: use switch instead if-else
+  * Fix definition of PSA_RAW_KEY_AGREEMENT_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE (ECC vs FFDH max)
+  * Update config files to make PSA FFDH undependent on MBEDTLS_DHM_C
+  * Add guards for psa_is_dh_key_size_valid
+  * test: use define for initializing ssl_message_queue struct
+  * Fix naming: FFDH key -> DH key and fix guard in psa_validate_key_type_and_size_for_key_generation
+  * test: fix USE_PSA_INIT position in test_suite_ssl
+  * change binary_string_parser for big-endian input
+  * Update tests/suites/test_suite_psa_crypto.function
+  * change binary_string_parser for big-endian input
+  * Don't explicitly inline mbedtls_mpi_core_clz
+  * Add tests with INPUT_INTEGER as key_type_arg
+  * Use key_type_arg for determining input method
+  * Remove unrelated comment
+  * mbedtls_test_psa_exported_key_sanity_check: check for length equality for DH keys
+  * Fix FFDH tests dependencies
+  * Use import_with_data for testing FFDH invalid key length
+  * Add function to validate dh key size
+  * mbedtls_psa_ffdh_generate_key: Fix random number generation
+  * Optimize code (if-else format, action on error)
+  * mbedtls_psa_ffdh_set_prime_generator: check if key size is equal and use sizeof
+  * Adjust ChangeLog
+  * Add Curve 448 tests
+  * Enable curve 448 to be tested
+  * Make mbedtls_ecdsa_can_do definition unconditional
+  * Bug Fix: mbedtls_ecdsa_verify_restartable fails with ECDSA_SIGN_ALT
+  * Fix VS2022 build error
+  * Adjust code style for pointer types and casts
+  * typo
+  * Add test cases with a question mark
+  * Fix wrong comment
+  * Explain the format argument expected by the test functions
+  * Fix typos in test descriptions
+  * Test the line number returned by parse_test_data
+  * Remove string hack for mbedtls_mpi_mod_int testing
+  * Allow more signed integer types in test function arguments
+  * Support larger integer test arguments: C part
+  * parse_function_arguments: stricter type parsing
+  * Support (void) as an argument list of a test function
+  * parse_function_arguments: extract per-argument function
+  * parse_function_arguments: make local_vars a list
+  * Support different types in the parameter store
+  * Simplify parsing of integers in .datax files
+  * Exercise string parsing in the test framework
+  * Simplify string escapes
+  * Factor get_function_info out of gen_from_test_data
+  * Add line number to a few error messages
+  * printf testing: exercise integer parsing in the test framework
+  * Remove stdint.h substitute for older MSVC
+  * Remove declarations of the nonstandard function strcasecmp
+  * Stop supporting non-canonical case in mpi_write_string test data
+  * Add "BignumCoreShiftL()"
+  * Allocate the right amount of memory
+  * Remove unused macro
+  * Ignore carry since it can not be generated
+  * Fix value in comment
+  * Ensure input parameter size for Koblitz reduction
+  * Use core API in `ecp_mod_koblitz()`
+  * Add ChangeLog entry for string-to-OID parsing
+  * Limit OIDs to 128 components
+  * fix clang test fail
+  * Fix typos, comments, style, optimize macros
+  * Provide PSA_WANT_KEY_TYPE_FFDH_PUBLIC_KEY configuration
+  * psa_export_public_key_internal: add missing check for FFDH key type
+  * Move check of the key type to mbedtls_psa_key_agreement_ffdh
+  * Add psa_crypto_ffdh to build
+  * test driver: add support for FFDH key agreement
+  * Move FFDH layer to separate file
+  * Add sanity check for FFDH key excercise
+  * Remove redundant test case (PSA_ALG_FFDH key agreement is now supported)
+  * Add FFDH key agreement tests
+  * Add FFDH key generation tests
+  * Add import/export FFDH key tests
+  * Adapt import/export test for FFDH
+  * Adapt size macros for FFDH
+  * Add key generation for FFDH keys
+  * Add key agreement for FFDH keys
+  * Add import/export of FFDH keys
+  * Adapt config files for FFDH
+  * authorityCertIssuer and authorityCertSerialNumber MUST both be present or absent
+  * Add compiler version checks.
+  * Improve minimum compiler versions document
+  * README: add section about drivers
+  * Remove undesirable test
+  * Remove unnecessary if to save 16 bytes
+  * Use ASSERT_COMPARE for comapring buffers
+  * test_suite_ecp: Refactored `ecp_mod_p256k1` to alignt with `ecp_mod_p192k1`
+  * ecp_curves: Renamed `ecp_mod_p256k1` -> `mbedtls_ecp_mod_p256k1`
+  * ecp_curves: Added unit-tests for `secp256k1`
+  * Optimize code (pake role type, freeing buffers)
+  * bignum_core_test_suite: Added `mpi_core_shift_l()`
+  * bignum_core: Aligned `xxx_core_shift_l` to `xxx_core_shift_r`
+  * bignum_core: Extracted mbedtls_mpi_shift_l from prototype
+  * Add undfined role for ec j-pake
+  * cert_audit: Reword the options and their descriptions
+  * cert_audit: Check the version of cryptography
+  * Add msvc version document
+  * fix wrong compiler checks
+  * Revert increase of MEMORY_HEAP_SIZE in ssl_client2
+  * Fix documentation
+  * test: update guards also for pkwrite and pkparse
+  * test: fix max value in test_mx32
+  * test: minor fix for non-initialized variable
+  * doc: update
+  * test: proper positioning of USE_PSA_INIT + added missing exit labels
+  * doc: update USE_PSA_CRYPTO description
+  * test: fix USE_PSA_INIT/DONE for SSL test suite
+  * test: fix USE_PSA_INIT/DONE for x509 test suite
+  * test: fix USE_PSA_INIT/DONE for PK test suite
+  * improve script for external dependencies analysis
+  * test_suite_pkwrite: replace memcpy with memmove
+  * fix typos
+  * Use do-while(0) format in macros
+  * Fix code-style
+  * fix new line difference in Windows
+  * Add guards for mbedtls_psa_crypto_free()
+  * Init PSA in fuzz programs
+  * Add changelog entry (PSA initialization in sample programs)
+  * cert_audit: Clarify the abstraction of Auditor
+  * cert_audit: Add simple parser of suite data file
+  * Use loop for two passes in the reduction
+  * Document undefined case. Clarify test code.
+  * Add link to review guideline fro contributors
+  * cert_audit: Improve the method to find tests folder
+  * cert_audit: Add data-files and suite-data-files options
+  * cert_audit: Enable logging module
+  * Remove test-case for all-zero
+  * Further size optimisation
+  * pk: pass pk_context pointer to wrappers intead of void one
+  * Change clock source to boottime on linux.
+  * Remove unnecessary check
+  * fix msvc fail on embed assembly code
+  * fix msvc type cast fail.
+  * Add msvc build for aesce module
+  * fix grammar issues
+  * Fix tests
+  * Change to using an alloc-realloc strategy
+  * Size/perf optimisation for mbedtls_mpi_core_clz
+  * Fix code style
+  * Fix hex_string converter
+  * Fix input_integer testing
+  * Init PSA in pkey programs
+  * Free psa crypto at the end of programs when initialized
+  * cert_audit: Reuse generate_test_code.FileWrapper
+  * New implementation for generate_test_code.FileWrapper
+  * Improve comments about the time_delay test.
+  * Remove trailing whitespace from ecdsa.c
+  * Split a complex condition into separate ones
+  * test_suite_ecp: Refactored `ecp_mod_p224k1` to alignt with `ecp_mod_p192k1`
+  * ecp_curves: Introduced `mbedtls_ecp_mod_p224k1()`
+  * ecp_curves: Added unit-tests for `secp224k1`
+  * Add an IPv4 mapped IPv6 test
+  * Refactor IPv6 parsing
+  * test: properly check written PEM buffer len
+  * test: fix extension in DER test files
+  * Further refactor IPv4 parsing
+  * test: fix dependencies in DER and PEM tests
+  * test: specify input file type through enum
+  * Add warning to reserve the reason
+  * test: add Makefile target for the generated DER files
+  * Update comments and remove delay seconds test
+  * cert_audit: Code refinement
+  * test: use proper macros for checks
+  * cert_audit: Improve documentation
+  * remove time delay tests
+  * Update gen_prvkey_mx paras to align with comments and c code
+  * test: add DER file format for pkwrite tests
+  * test: add support for DER format in pkwrite tests
+  * test: memory footprint optimization for pkwrite tests
+  * Fix code style
+  * Fix test case dependency
+  * Add claryfication for PSA_PAKE_INPUT/OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE macros
+  * test: remove useless ECP_LIGHT guard in psa_exercise_key
+  * test: add coverage's analysis framework for accel EC algs w/o ECP
+  * Remove print from mini_client
+  * Move psa_crypto_init() after other init calls
+  * fix comments issues
+  * ecdsa: fix `-missing-prototypes` warning when `MBEDTLS_ECDSA_SIGN_ALT` is defined - In `mbedtls/v3.4.0`, ECDSA restartable sign and verify functions (`ecdsa.c`) were made public. - But the `mbedtls_ecdsa_sign_det_restartable` function prototype was declared in the file `ecdsa.h`,   only when `MBEDTLS_ECDSA_SIGN_ALT` is not defined.
+  * cert_app: init entropy unconditionally
+  * Init PSA in ssl and x509 programs
+  * Code style
+  * Ensure variables initialised
+  * More fixes for big-endian
+  * Rename a variable in ipv4 and ipv6 parsing
+  * Refactor ipv6 parsing
+  * Rename ipv6 parsing variables, introduce one new one
+  * Introduce a test for a sw implementation of inet_pton
+  * Introduce an additional test for IPV4 parsing
+  * Replace old macro in test_suite_x509parse
+  * Improve x509_inet_pton_ipv4 readability
+  * Tidy-up
+  * Fix compile error
+  * Tidy-up
+  * Test fixes for big-endian
+  * Remove unneeded limb variables
+  * Add checks to guarantee positive input parameters
+  * Add dependency for P192K1 tests
+  * Fix function declaration
+  * Use macro guard for function declaration
+  * Add generated tests for ecp_mod_p192k1
+  * Add a testable function for ecp_mod_p192k1
+  * cert_audit: Output line/argument number for *.data files
+  * cert_audit: Make FILE as positional argument
+  * Fix derive_ecjpake_to_pms dependency to PSA_WANT_ALG_TLS12_ECJPAKE_TO_PMS.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Removed `MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP_GENERIC_ENABLED` dependency.
+  * Update links in ecp.c
+  * Update SEC1 link in ecdsa.c
+  * Update SEC1 link in ecdh.c
+  * Updating makefile to document key generation
+  * Fix PSA AEAD ChaCha20 test dependency.
+  * test: resolve remaining disparities in test_suite_ssl
+  * Handle endianness in x509_inet_pton_ipv6()
+  * Add mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_cn_inet_pton() tests
+  * add IP SAN tests changes per mbedTLS standards
+  * x509 crt verify local implementation to parse IP
+  * x509 crt verify SAN iPAddress
+  * test: revert undesired debug change in ssl-opt
+  * remove KEY_TYPE_ECC_PUBLIC_KEY unnecessary requirement
+  * test: include also test_suite_ecp for the coverage analysis
+  * solve disparities for ECP_LIGHT between ref/accel
+  * psa: fix ECP guards for key derivation
+  * pk_wrap: fix guards in eckey_check_pair to only include 1 option at build time
+  * build_info: fixed comment
+  * test: fix remaining failures in test due to the ECP_LIGHT symbol
+  * test: let test_psa_crypto_config_accel_all_ec_algs_use_psa use ECP_LIGHT
+  * library: add remaining changes for the new ECP_LIGHT symbol
+  * pk: adapt to new ECP_LIGHT symbol
+  * ecp: introduce new ECP_LIGHT symbol
+  * improve wording
+  * remove PSA_HAVE_FULL_JPAKE symbol
+  * remove PSA_HAVE_FULL_ECDSA symbol
+  * remove PSA_HAVE_FULL_ECDH symbol
+  * cert_audit: Disable pylint error for importing cryptography
+  * test: fix guards position in test_suite_pk
+  * test: fix error handling in the new pk_genkey_ec() function
+  * test: use proper macros for PSA init/done
+  * ecp: revert changes to ECP module and related tests/programs
+  * gen_key: limit EC key generation to when USE_PSA is disabled
+  * pk: add alternate function for keypair generation using PSA
+  * cert_audit: Fill validity dates in AuditData constructor
+  * workaround the assert fail with tollerance
+  * cert_audit: Introduce not-[before|after] option
+  * try to reproduce random assert fail
+  * ssh_cache: Add back description of other errors for cache getter
+  * updating test-ca.key to use AES instead of DES
+  * Fix the wrong debug _message function to _ret
+  * Update the todo comment of record size limits
+  * Update group ext debug message in ssl_tls13_server.c
+  * Wrap lines in library/ssl_tls13_client.c
+  * Wrap lines which exceed 80 chars in ssl_tls13_server.c
+  * Wrap lines which exceed 80 chars in ssl_tls13_client.c
+  * Wrap lines which exceed 80 chars in ssl_tls13_generic.c
+  * Improve code styles(line numbers) for tls13_key.c
+  * Update SEC1 link in ecp.c
+  * ssl_cache: Error renaming and document improvement
+  * Fix unused variable warning
+  * cert_audit: Parse more information from test suite data file
+  * pkparse: fix return value
+  * pk: fix return codes' precedence and code style
+  * Change the format of md.h include comments
+  * pk_wrap: simplify prototype of eckey_check_pair_psa()
+  * pkparse: fix guards position
+  * test: use proper macros for PSA init/done
+  * pkparse: use proper sizing for buffer
+  * pkparse: add new function for deriving public key from private using PSA
+  * pk_wrap: minor code optimizations
+  * Set test-dependencies as attributes.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Updated dependency macros for ecp_raw_generic.
+  * test_suite_ecp: Introduced `ecp_mod_p_generic_raw`
+  * Test key_derivation_input_integer function
+  * Add key_derivation_input_integer function
+  * Remove unnecessary include
+  * tests: ssl: Restore !MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_3 dependency
+  * tls13: srv: Fix comment
+  * tls12: srv: Use sizeof() instead of constant
+  * Add downgrade protection mechanism
+  * Use specific pointer to loop over proposed cipher suites
+  * Improve description of server negotiation tests
+  * Improve and align variable names for supported versions data
+  * Check for TLS 1.3 version first
+  * Fix, improve and add comments
+  * Update TLS 1.3 documentation and add change log
+  * Add version selection by the server tests
+  * Remove some unnecessary forcing of TLS 1.3
+  * tls: srv: Set hybrid TLS 1.2/1.3 as default configuration
+  * tests: ssl: Extend move to handshake state tests
+  * tls: srv: Allow server hybrid TLS 1.2 and 1.3 configuration
+  * tls: Add logic in handshake step to enable server version negotiation
+  * tls: Initialize SSL context tls_version in mbedtls_ssl_setup()
+  * tls13: srv: Add detection to negotiate TLS 1.2
+  * tls13: srv: Parse supported versions extension early
+  * tls13: srv: Postpone cipher suite selection
+  * tls13: srv: Postpone legacy session id copy
+  * tls13: srv: Postpone client random copy
+  * tls13: srv: Move TLS version setting
+  * tls13: Add function to search for a supported_versions extension
+  * Force TLS 1.2 on TLS 1.2 specific tests
+  * Force TLS 1.2 version
+  * Extend scope of some tests to TLS 1.3
+  * Remove unnecessary explicit MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_2 dep
+  * Remove unnecessary TLS 1.3 forcing on client side
+  * Remove dummy TLS 1.3 kex modes tests
+  * tests: ssl: Add some missing dependencies
+  * tests: ssl: Move min/max TLS version setting to endpoint init
+  * Add a changelog entry
+  * cert_audit: Support audit on test suite data files
+  * cert_audit: Initial script for auditing expiry date
+  * Add a justification for early md.h include in programs
+  * Revert to using MBEDTLS_SHA_1_C when mbedtls_sha1 is called directly
+  * Remove duplicated md.h includes
+  * bignum: Removed merge scaffolding.
+  * Fix code style
+  * Remove redundant memory relase for authorityCertIssuer
+  * Release memory for subject alt name in test
+  * Use MBEDTLS_MD_CAN_SHA1 macro as test dependency
+  * Fix after rebase
+  * Remove redundant test cases
+  * Adapt test for authority_key_id (parsing subject alt name)
+  * Fix parsing of authorityCertIssuer
+  * Add indication of extension error while parsing authority/subject key id
+  * x509_get_authority_key_id: add length check + test
+  * Fix tests dependencies
+  * Use MBEDTLS_ERROR_ADD() and tag macros
+  * Remove parsing of rfc822Name
+  * Remove duplicated function
+  * Remove generation of authorityKeyId_subjectKeyId.crt from makefile
+  * Rename back mbedtls_x509_parse_general_name->mbedtls_x509_parse_subject_alt_name
+  * Fix Subject Key Identifier, Authority Key Identifier entries in oid_x509_ext
+  * Adapt mbedtls_x509_crt_free after rebase
+  * Adding some comments for easier understand
+  * Removing obsolete test after merging and correcting missing macro
+  * Renaming x509_get_subject_alt_name to x509_get_general_names and mbedtls_x509_parse_subject_alt_name to mbedtls_x509_parse_general_name so they can be used not only to collect subject alt name, but the V3 authority cert issuer that is also GeneralName type. Also updated the x509_get_general_names function to be able to parse rfc822Names
+  * - Removing obsolete test files (DER strings are used instead of them to minimize resource usage) - Renaming test functions to match the naming conventions
+  * Correcting tests: - Wrong condition was checked (ref_ret != 0 instead of ref_ret == 0) - tags were not checked (nor lengths) - Using ASSERT_COMPARE where possible
+  * Correting findings: Using DER format instead of PEM while testing to minimize the resource usage. Comparation of byte arrays in test are now done via the dedicated ASSERT_COMPARE test macro for better understanding
+  * Correcting documentation issues: - Changelog entry is Feature instead of API Change - Correcting whitespaces around braces - Also adding defensive mechanism to x509_get_subject_key_id   to avoid malfunction in case of trailing garbage
+  * x509parse tests used only last 16 bits of the return values. They are updated to check the whole 32 bit value
+  * Replacing hard-coded literals with macros of the library in the new x509parse tests
+  * Adding openssl configuration file and command to Makefile to be able to reproduce the certificate for testing Authority and Subject Key Id fields Increasing heap memory size of SSL_Client2 and SSL_Server2, because the original value is not enough to handle some certificates. The AuthorityKeyId and SubjectKeyId are also parsed now increasing the size of some certificates
+  * Extracting SubjectKeyId and AuthorityKeyId in case of x509 V3 extensions. Updating mbedtls_x509_crt_free function to also free the new dynamic elements (issuer field of AuthorityKeyId). A few tests are also added which test the feature with a correct certificate and multiple ones with erroneous ASN1 tags.
+  * Add missing md.h includes
+  * ecp: revert changes to ECP module and test suite
+  * pk_wrap: fix sizing for private key buffer
+  * Fix memory allocations in pkcs7_verify test
+  * Fix documentation
+  * Multplication is simmetric so only generate unique combinations
+  * fixed guard position for doxygen
+  * pk: add an alternative function for checking private/public key pairs
+  * Fix code style issues
+  * adding missing newline at the end of changelog file
+  * Update
+  * add Changelog
+  * test: disable all RSA algs and fix tests
+  * Whitespace fix
+  * Test that setting reset actually does something
+  * Fix cast alignment warning in timing.c
+  * Fix documentation
+  * Add generated test for core_mul
+  * Fix 0 limb size for value 0
+  * Add unit tests for mbedtls_mpi_core_mul()
+  * Tidy up, remove MPI_CORE(), apply the naming convention, and use the new mbedtls_mpi_core_mul()
+  * Extract MPI_CORE(mul) from the prototype
+  * Fix test component name
+  * Fix documentation
+  * psa: Introduce PSA crypto core common symbols
+  * Pacify
+  * psa: Introduce psa/build_info.h
+  * psa: Remove MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_DRIVERS configuration option
+  * psa: include: Move key derivation builtin and driver contexts
+  * psa: include: Move some Mbed TLS headers
+  * psa: Remove unnecessary headers
+  * Clarify LTS lifetime
+  * Fix a typo
+  * Fix dependency check for TLS 1.3 ECDH
+  * Remove unnecessary tabs
+  * Clarify SAN structure memory management
+  * Fix rfc822name test arguments
+  * Add missing information about supported subjectAltName types
+  * Add missing deallocation of subject alt name
+  * Move an x509 malformation test
+  * Add changelog entry for directoryname SAN
+  * Add a test for a malformed directoryname sequence
+  * Switch from PEM to DER format for new x509 directoryname test
+  * Adjust error reporting in x509 SAN parsing
+  * Introduce a test for a malformed directoryname SAN
+  * Introduce proper memory management for SANs
+  * Add the original certificate to be malformed for x509 tests
+  * Add support for directoryName subjectAltName
+  * test: remove old component errouneously reintroduced during rebase
+  * Update documented dependencies on ECC algs
+  * Use proper log function
+  * Fix function description
+  * test: fix/improve comments in
+  * Minor improvements
+  * Update documentation to mention ECC drivers
+  * test: fix text output
+  * test: minor refactoring
+  * test: improve comments and code in newly added helper function
+  * check_config: add helper symbol for SECP256R1
+  * test: add a companion test for another curve (x25519) and fix issues
+  * test: use full config as test starting point and solve issues
+  * test: use BUILTIN symbols in as weierstrass key derivation guard
+  * test: disable proper key exchanges while testing accel EC algs
+  * test: minor fixes to
+  * psa: use only PSA_WANT symbols for PSA_VENDOR_ECC_MAX_CURVE_BITS
+  * test: add legacy dependency for weierstrass key derivation
+  * psa: set PSA_VENDOR_ECC_MAX_CURVE_BITS based on both SW and accelerated support
+  * test: add specific test with only accel EC curves and algs
+  * Remove obsolete ecp_fix_negative function
+  * tls12_client: remove unnecessary parentheses
+  * test: fix wrong accelerated SHA1 symbol
+  * test: simplify comment in test_psa_crypto_config_accel_all_ec_algs_use_psa()
+  * test: removing test with all accel EC algs without USE_PSA
+  * test: moving accel ECJPAKE test close to accel ECDH and ECDSA ones
+  * ssl: remove useless guard
+  * test: improve comment in the added test
+  * test: remove unused tasks in
+  * test: fix erroneous changes in
+  * psa_crypto: fix guard for mbedtls_ecc_group_of_psa()
+  * test: fix comments in test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc()
+  * test: remove previous tests for accelerated ECDSA/ECDH/ECJPAKE coverage analysis
+  * ssl_tls: fix guard symbols for EC accelerated tests
+  * test: add a test with all EC based algs accelerated
+  * Add _build/ and api/ to gitignore
+  * Fix comments
+  * Typo: reorder testing classes
+  * Add test cases for P256 fast reduction testing
+  * Add test cases for P384 fast reduction testing
+  * Typo: reformat numbers
+  * Clean the breathe-apidoc files with make clean
+  * Add test cases for P521 fast reduction testing
+  * Add test cases for P224 fast reduction testing
+  * Add test cases for P192 fast reduction testing
+  * Add a second round of carry reduction for P192 fast reduction
+  * Fix conflict between restricted and development
+  * Revert "Add generated files"
+  * ecp_mod_p224_raw: Added `MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224R1_ENABLED` as a dependency
+  * Revert "Add exemption for make.bat in checks for tabs"
+  * Remove make.bat for documentation
+  * Improve docs Makefile to do full build
+  * Prevent mpi_mod_write from corrupting the input
+  * ssl_cache: Add descriptions of returns of cache accessors
+  * tests/.gitignore: ignore *.o under tests/src/test_helpers
+  * Fix a typo
+  * Mention EC J-PAKE opaque passwords.
+  * Try again to clarify USE_PSA_CRYPTO
+  * Fix documented dependencies on TLS 1.2
+  * Add a ChangeLog entry for driver-only hashes
+  * Use PSA Crypto: try clarifying what it means
+  * Update
+  * Update psa-migration/
+  * Fix typos
+  * Fix failure with correct TLS 1.2 deps
+  * Disable built-in SHA-256 in accel_hash too
+  * Fix and simplify TLS hash dependency declarations
+  * Use helper macros for hashes in check_config.h
+  * Fix failures in test_suite_random
+  * Manually fix two remaining instances of old macros
+  * Fix instances of old feature macros being used
+  * Fix entropy-related feature macros
+  * Force SHA-256 for entropy in libtestdriver1
+  * Test entropy.c with driver-only hashes
+  * Fix driver_wrappers test
+  * Use MD-light in entropy.c
+  * test: improve script
+  * Fix signed/unsigned comparison (windows compilation failure)
+  * Add change log entry (j-pake user/peer accept any values)
+  * Extend j-pake input getters tests for user and peer
+  * Remove driver_pake_get_role function
+  * Adapt pake tests
+  * Adapt J-PAKE built-in impl to use user/peer
+  * ecp_curves: Updated ecp_mod_p384_raw documentation
+  * ssl_tls: fix guard in ssl_misc.h
+  * ssl_cache: Return standard mbedtls error code
+  * Update documentation of psa_pake_input
+  * Add tests case for step with different buffer size
+  * psa_pake_input: validate buffer size using PSA_PAKE_INPUT_SIZE
+  * Improve function return value description
+  * Improve positioning of GENERATE_XML option
+  * Remove Exhale from requirements and regenerate
+  * ecp_curves: Re-introduced `mbedtls_ecp_fix_negative()`
+  * changelog: fix description for ECDH changes
+  * ssl_tls13: use PSA_WANT_ALG_ECDH as symbol for marking ECDH capability
+  * added changelog for accelerated ECDH changes
+  * ssl_tls: fix proper guards for accelerated ECDH
+  * ssl_tls13: fix guards for accel ECDH
+  * accelerated ecdh: re-enable TLS 1.3 key exchanges and fix guards in check_config
+  * fix typo
+  * ecdh: simplify guards for the newly created PSA_HAVE_FULL_ECDH symbol
+  * test_suite_ssl: remove redundant dependencies when the key exchange is specified
+  * ecdhe: solve disparities in accelerated ECDHE vs reference
+  * ecdhe: fix guards for accelerated ECDHE key exchanges
+  * test: enable ECDHE key exchanges for driver coverage tests
+  * EC-JPAKE: remove limitation for user/peer (alow any value)
+  * EcpP384R1Raw: Added test case for 2nd round of carry reduction.
+  * ecp_curves: Minor rework for p384
+  * ecp test generator: Added EcpPp384R1Raw().
+  * test_suite_ecp: Added ecp_mod_p384_raw() test case.
+  * Remove now-spurious dependencies
+  * Enable ECDSA-det in driver-only hashes component
+  * Enable HMAC-DRBG in driver-only hashes component
+  * Enable PKCS7 in driver-only hashes component
+  * Enable HKDF in driver-only hashes test
+  * ecp_curves: Ported prototypes
+  * Fix typos & improve wording in comments
+  * MD: use MD_CAN in test suite and check for parity
+  * Remove legacy_or_psa.h
+  * SSL: fix test failures
+  * SSL: use MD_CAN macros
+  * X.509: fix test failures
+  * X.509: use MD_CAN macros
+  * PK: fix test failures
+  * PK: use MD_CAN macros
+  * OID + misc crypto: use MD_CAN and fix failures
+  * test_suite_psa_crypto: use PSA_WANT
+  * PKCS5: use MD_CAN macros
+  * PKCS5: always use MD
+  * RSA: use MD_CAN macros
+  * RSA: always use MD light
+  * PEM: use MD_CAN macros
+  * PEM: always use MD light
+  * PKCS12: use MD_CAN macros
+  * PKCS12: always use MD light
+  * ECJPAKE: use MD_CAN macros
+  * ECJPAKE: always use MD light
+  * Make MD_PSA_INIT/DONE available to all suites
+  * PSA hash algs must be a superset of built-ins
+  * MD no longer depends on a built-in hash
+  * test_suite_ssl: remove redundant ECDH dependencies when the key exchange is specified
+  * ssl-opt: remove leftover debug commands and fix comment
+  * ecdh: solve disparities in accelerated ECDH vs reference
+  * ssl_tls: fix guards for accelerated ECDH
+  * ssl-opt: solve errors in ECDH reference tests
+  * test: enable ECDH key exchanges for driver coverage tests
+  * Add exemption for make.bat in checks for tabs
+  * Ignore mbedtls macros causing warnings
+  * Add configuration for Read The Docs
+  * Add initial API doc configuration
+  * Tell Doxygen to generate XML
+  * Add space to appease doxygen bug
+  * ssl_helpers.c: add mbedtls_test prefix for tweak_tls13_certificate*
+  * ssl_helpers.c: add mbedtls_test_ssl prefix for *_exchange_data
+  * ssl_helpers.c: add mbedtls_test prefix for mbedtls_mock_socket_init
+  * ssl_helpers.c: change prefix and move *queue_peek_info to static
+  * ssl_helpers.c: change prefix and move *certificate_free to static
+  * ssl_helpers.c: move some internal functions to static
+  * ssl_cache: Improve some comments
+  * ssl_helpers.c: move #define Directive to header file
+  * ssl_helpers.c: unify code format between source file and header file
+  * fix win32 ms time fail
+  * Adjust time delay tests to fix fails
+  * change the clock source to MONOTONIC
+  * remove extra spaces
+  * fix random fails
+  * Fix llvm error: variables may be used uninitialized
+  * Add time test with delay
+  * Update changelog
+  * return $? in option --list-test-case to handle error case
+  * do not redirect stderr to stdout
+  * use check_output to capture error and return
+  * Fix md test with sha3.
+  * Add tests for time rountine
+  * Add change log entry for `mbedtls_ms_time`
+  * simplify how to store test case description
+  * uniform TITLE format for --list-test-case and run_client
+  * fix uncompatiable name of peers in --list-test-case
+  * support to parse --outcome-file
+  * document
+  * add support to record outcome of test cases
+  * call record_fail if test case fails
+  * uniform test description
+  * support checking test coverage in
+  * add --list-test-case
+  * Change free'd to freed for consistency
+  * Correct INT_MAX overflow check to UINT_MAX
+  * Revert minimal integer requests
+  * Return seconds when clock_gettime error
+  * Improve documents about ms_time
+  * Add negative test cases for OID parsing
+  * Clarify structure of parsing with comments:
+  * Remove superfluous sizeof(unsigned char)
+  * Fixup: Correct signedness of val local variable
+  * Use return for errors only in oid_parse_number()
+  * Improve header docs and rename parameter
+  * Correct error in processing of second component
+  * Change some error codes to be more accurate
+  * Add tests for OID parsing from string
+  * Add function to parse an OID from a string
+  * Improve readability
+  * Put *MS_TIME* into together.
+  * Improve code style
+  * Add check, if the algorithm supports psa_sign_hash() before running the test.
+  * Correct style.
+  * SHA3 cannot be tested alone, as ENTROPY_C needs also SHA256 enabled.
+  * Style.
+  * Bad merge. These tests are not used.
+  * Add std PRI macro for printing milliseconds
+  * fix comments issues
+  * Change type of mbedtls_ms_time_t
+  * Add more comment for mbedtls_ms_time
+  * Implement ms time with GetSystemTimeAsFile time.
+  * Pass attributes alongside key buffer
+  * Fix math character used in text mode
+  * Fix entry point name
+  * Key derivation: improve overview of the problem space
+  * Add milliseconds time function
+  * Add million seconds time type.
+  * Remove useless debug log of pk type from test cases
+  * typo
+  * Update library/sha3.c
+  * Add const to move variables to .rodata section
+  * Update mps_common.h
+  * Fix naming confusion with opaque key derivation
+  * New function psa_crypto_driver_key_derivation_get_input_type
+  * Add guide to implementing new cryptographic mechanisms
+  * List all markdown files in makefile
+  * Be more consistent with raw/cooked key derivation terminology
+  * Fix typos and copypasta
+  * Fix internal links
+  * Fix dependency of HMAC-SHA384 tests.
+  * Add sha3 streaming and reuse tests.
+  * Add self tests (taken from #1549).
+  * Fix travis build.
+  * Adding tests for MD SHA3 (taken from #1549).
+  * Fix when reusing the same context for another operation.
+  * Added SHA3 to benchmark.
+  * Added SHA3 to MD.
+  * olen parameter shall contain the length of the buffer.
+  * Remove sha3_alt.h
+  * Fix when no SHA3 family is found.
+  * olen = 0 is not allowed for SHA-3.
+  * SHA-3 does not use SHA3_ALT anymore.
+  * Aligning spaces
+  * Add test vectors (from NIST) for SHA-3.
+  * Add SHA-3 module.
+  * Use QueryPerformanceCounter as fallback timer on non-x86 mingw
+  * Clarify backward compatibility requirement
+  * Write up requirements
+  * Updated slot->attr and slot->key access
+  * Rename a function parameter to avoid confusion
+  * Draft specification for key derivation
+  * PSA thread safety analysis
+- Update to 2.28.6:
+  Changes:
+  * Mbed TLS is now released under a dual Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
+    license. Users may choose which license they take the code under.
+- Update to 2.28.5:
+  Features
+  * The documentation of mbedtls_ecp_group now describes the optimized
+    representation of A for some curves. Fixes gh#Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#8045.
+  Security
+  * Developers using mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2() or mbedtls_pkcs12_pbe() should
+    review the size of the output buffer passed to this function, and note that
+    the output after decryption may include CBC padding. Consider moving to the
+    new functions mbedtls_pkcs5_pbes2_ext() or mbedtls_pkcs12_pbe_ext() which
+    checks for overflow of the output buffer and reports the actual length of
+    the output.
+  * Improve padding calculations in CBC decryption, NIST key unwrapping and
+    RSA OAEP decryption. With the previous implementation, some compilers
+    (notably recent versions of Clang and IAR) could produce non-constant time
+    code, which could allow a padding oracle attack if the attacker has access
+    to precise timing measurements.
+  * Fix a buffer overread when parsing short TLS application data records in
+    ARC4 or null-cipher cipher suites. Credit to OSS-Fuzz.
+  Bugfix
+  * Fix x509 certificate generation to conform to RFC 5480 / RFC 5758 when
+    using ECC key. The certificate was rejected by some crypto frameworks.
+    Fixes gh#Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#2924.
+  * Fix some cases where mbedtls_mpi_mod_exp, RSA key construction or ECDSA
+    signature can silently return an incorrect result in low memory conditions.
+  * Fix IAR compiler warnings. Fixes gh#Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#7873,
+    gh#Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#4300.
+  * Fix an issue when parsing an otherName subject alternative name into a
+    mbedtls_x509_san_other_name struct. The type-id of the otherName was not
+    copied to the struct. This meant that the struct had incomplete information
+    about the otherName SAN and contained uninitialized memory.
+  * Fix the detection of HardwareModuleName otherName SANs. These were being
+    detected by comparing the wrong field and the check was erroneously
+    inverted.
+  * Fix an error when MBEDTLS_ECDSA_SIGN_ALT is defined but not
+    MBEDTLS_ECDSA_VERIFY_ALT, causing ecdsa verify to fail. Fixes
+    gh#Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#7498.  Functions in the ssl_cache module now return a
+    negative MBEDTLS_ERR_xxx error code on failure. Before, they returned 1 to
+    indicate failure in some cases involving a missing entry or a full cache.
+  Changes
+  * In configurations with ARIA or Camellia but not AES, the value of
+    MBEDTLS_CIPHER_BLKSIZE_MAX was 8, rather than 16 as the name might suggest.
+    This did not affect any library code, because this macro was only used in
+    relation with CMAC which does not support these ciphers.  Its value is now
+    16 if ARIA or Camellia are present. This may affect application code that
+    uses this macro.
+- Update to version 196:
+  * mcelog: Add second model number for Arrowlake
+- Update mdadm to latest upstream state upto commit
+  582945c2d3bb. (jsc#PED-7542)
+  1) The testing changes are not included here.
+  2) Code clean up, and more helper routines added for Manage.c,
+    Monitor.c, mdadm.c, ReadMe.c, super-intel.c, super0.c, super1.c,
+    Create.c, Incremental.c and so on.
+  3) Man page update for
+  4) Several memory leak and double free fixes.
+  5) Check /etc/initrd-release for whether systemd running on an initrd.
+  - Manage: Block unsafe member failing
+    0062-Manage-Block-unsafe-member-failing.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Split alert() into separate functions
+    0063-Mdmonitor-Split-alert-into-separate-functions.patch
+  - Monitor: block if monitor modes are combined.
+    0064-Monitor-block-if-monitor-modes-are-combined.patch
+  - Update mdadm Monitor manual.
+    0065-Update-mdadm-Monitor-manual.patch
+  - mdadm: create ident_init()
+    0066-mdadm-create-ident_init.patch
+  - mdadm: Add option validation for --update-subarray
+    0067-mdadm-Add-option-validation-for-update-subarray.patch
+  - Fix --update-subarray on active volume
+    0068-Fix-update-subarray-on-active-volume.patch
+  - Add code specific update options to enum.
+    0069-Add-code-specific-update-options-to-enum.patch
+  - super-ddf: Remove update_super_ddf.
+    0070-super-ddf-Remove-update_super_ddf.patch
+  - super0: refactor the code for enum
+    0071-super0-refactor-the-code-for-enum.patch
+  - super1: refactor the code for enum
+    0072-super1-refactor-the-code-for-enum.patch
+  - super-intel: refactor the code for enum
+    0073-super-intel-refactor-the-code-for-enum.patch
+  - Change update to enum in update_super and update_subarray
+    0074-Change-update-to-enum-in-update_super-and-update_sub.patch
+  - Manage&Incremental: code refactor, string to enum
+    0075-Manage-Incremental-code-refactor-string-to-enum.patch
+  - Change char* to enum in context->update & refactor code
+    0076-Change-char-to-enum-in-context-update-refactor-code.patch
+  - mdadm/udev: Don't handle change event on raw devices
+    0077-mdadm-udev-Don-t-handle-change-event-on-raw-devices.patch
+  - Manage: do not check array state when drive is removed
+    0078-Manage-do-not-check-array-state-when-drive-is-remove.patch
+  - incremental, manage: do not verify if remove is safe
+    0079-incremental-manage-do-not-verify-if-remove-is-safe.patch
+  - super-intel: make freesize not required for chunk size
+    0080-super-intel-make-freesize-not-required-for-chunk-siz.patch
+  - manage: move comment with function description
+    0081-manage-move-comment-with-function-description.patch
+  - Fix NULL dereference in super_by_fd
+    0082-Fix-NULL-dereference-in-super_by_fd.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Make alert_info global
+    0083-Mdmonitor-Make-alert_info-global.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Pass events to alert() using enums instead of
+    0084-Mdmonitor-Pass-events-to-alert-using-enums-instead-o.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Add helper functions
+    0085-Mdmonitor-Add-helper-functions.patch
+  - Add helpers to determine whether directories or files are
+    0086-Add-helpers-to-determine-whether-directories-or-file.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Refactor write_autorebuild_pid()
+    0087-Mdmonitor-Refactor-write_autorebuild_pid.patch
+  - Mdmonitor: Refactor check_one_sharer() for better error
+    0088-Mdmonitor-Refactor-check_one_sharer-for-better-error.patch
+  - util.c: reorder code lines in parse_layout_faulty()
+    0089-util.c-reorder-code-lines-in-parse_layout_faulty.patch
+  - util.c: fix memleak in parse_layout_faulty()
+    0090-util.c-fix-memleak-in-parse_layout_faulty.patch
+  - Detail.c: fix memleak in Detail()
+    0091-Detail.c-fix-memleak-in-Detail.patch
+  - isuper-intel.c: fix double free in load_imsm_mpb()
+    0092-isuper-intel.c-fix-double-free-in-load_imsm_mpb.patch
+  - super-intel.c: fix memleak in find_disk_attached_hba()
+    0093-super-intel.c-fix-memleak-in-find_disk_attached_hba.patch
+  - super-ddf.c: fix memleak in get_vd_num_of_subarray()
+    0094-super-ddf.c-fix-memleak-in-get_vd_num_of_subarray.patch
+  - Create: goto abort_locked instead of return 1 in error path
+    0095-Create-goto-abort_locked-instead-of-return-1-in-erro.patch
+  - Create: remove safe_mode_delay local variable
+    0096-Create-remove-safe_mode_delay-local-variable.patch
+  - Create: Factor out add_disks() helpers
+    0097-Create-Factor-out-add_disks-helpers.patch
+  - mdadm: Introduce pr_info()
+    0098-mdadm-Introduce-pr_info.patch
+  - mdadm: Add --write-zeros option for Create
+    0099-mdadm-Add-write-zeros-option-for-Create.patch
+  - manpage: Add --write-zeroes option to manpage
+    0100-manpage-Add-write-zeroes-option-to-manpage.patch
+  - Define alignof using _Alignof when using C11 or newer
+    0101-Define-alignof-using-_Alignof-when-using-C11-or-newe.patch
+  - Use existence of /etc/initrd-release to detect initrd.
+    0102-Use-existence-of-etc-initrd-release-to-detect-initrd.patch
+  - Create: Fix checking for container in update_metadata
+    0103-Create-Fix-checking-for-container-in-update_metadata.patch
+- No longer recommend smtp-daemon: this was a remainder from the
+  cron configuration, which was removed back in 2018.
+- mdadm.spec: replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular
+  version check (boo#1206798)
+- Update to version 3.22.0:
+  + Fix text filter changes on existing comparisons
+  + Build fixes
+  + Documentation updates
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop meld-3.21.3-fix-executable-permission.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add meld-3.21.3-fix-executable-permission.patch: Restore
+  executable permission of application.
+- Don't strip env from shebang line in %prep: It's performed via
+  meson since 3.21.3.
+- Update to version 3.21.3:
+  + Features:
+  - Add shortcut for open externally action.
+  - Add improved tooltips for tab labels.
+  + Fixes:
+  - Move horizontal-icon menu section to regular menu items.
+  - Fix chunk navigation actions sometimes not working after
+    chunk push/pull actions.
+  - Show more parent context in path label display.
+  - Update meson build to strip env from shebang line.
+  - Fix left-click chunk actions under certain window managers.
+  - Fix version control showing console windows on Windows.
+  - Fix path label display for very long filenames.
+- removed obsolete cc7746c141d976a4779cf868774fae1fe7627a6d.patch
+- Update to version 3.21.2
+  * Features:
+  - Folder comparison now supports compare differently-named files across
+    panes, by marking files for comparison (Helly Guo)
+  - Synchronization points are now significantly easier to use and more
+    robust, and have new user documentation (Roberto Vidal)
+  - Added option to ignore Unicode normalisation form differences when
+    comparing paths (Dan B)
+  - The files or folders being compared can now be swapped in two pane mode,
+    using the new View -> Swap left and right panes menu item (Helly Guo)
+  - Folder comparisons now show a "(scanning...)" indication in tree view
+    rows as an additional visual cue that the comparison is still running
+    (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Folder comparisons have a new optional ISO-format time column (Kai
+    Willadsen)
+  * Fixes:
+  - Update icon usage to support stock icon removal from new Adwaita versions
+    (Jan Tojnar)
+  - Build fix for Meson 0.61.0 (Silvio Fricke)
+  - The new pathlabel widgets now support user-provided custom labels (Kai
+    Willadsen)
+  - Fix file selectors in folder comparisons to always open in the current
+    folder (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Using a custom save path (i.e., the --output flag) now sets a buffer as
+    modified, so that unchanged merges can be saved (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Comparing new or deleted rows in folder comparison now opens a two-pane
+    file comparisons for consistency (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Destructive dialog actions now have appropriate styling (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Invalid user settings for folder comparison columns are now handled more
+    gracefully (Kai Willadsen)
+  - The nightly flatpak build now includes Git to make version control
+    comparisons somewhat functional (Kai Willadsen)
+  - Issues fixed: #11, #85, #188, #319, #381, #475, #492, #581, #620, #638,
+    [#645], #660, #662, #672
+  * Improvements to translations
+- Add cc7746c141d976a4779cf868774fae1fe7627a6d.patch: Fix build
+  with meson 0.61 and newer.
+- Add appstream-glib and desktop-file-utils BuildRequires and add a
+  check section, manually verifiy metainfo and desktop file during
+  build, upstream does not yet provide a automated meson_test for
+  this.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro, no longer
+  needed.
+- Drop obsolete conditional shared-mime-info BuildRequires and
+  glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro, only needed for long out
+  of support versions of openSUSE.
+- Update to version 3.21.1:
+  + UI changes:
+  - A new custom per-pane location display widget replaces the
+    standard GTK+ file chooser button and our existing
+    placeholder path display, including actions for opening
+    containing folder and copying file paths.
+  - Version control comparison has had its action bar modernised
+    in line with file and folder comparison.
+  + Features:
+  - The find bar now remembers the previous search across panes.
+  - We show a warning to the user if they're trying to compare a
+    file or folder to itself.
+  - Meld no longer uses custom file chooser dialogs, improving
+    portability and flatpak behaviour.
+  - Two pane comparisons now allow Alt+Right/Left to work in
+    either pane.
+  - Certain header bar actions (e.g., conflict navigation,
+    filters) are now only shown in their appropriate comparison
+    types.
+  - The application title no longer includes the per-comparison
+    label.
+  - Add a preference for GTK's dark theme support.
+  - Retain clipboard contents after exiting Meld.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Make BuildRequires libstdc++6-devel-gcc11 more precise, for
+  SLE 15 SP4 and SLE 15 SP5 only.
+- Specify clang and llvm versions in SLE/Leap.
+- Fix shebang replacement for ninja test cases. The curly brackets
+  are necessary for the macro expansion in the splitted lines
+  worked correctly.
+- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 1.3.0:
+  + Clarify of implicitly-included headers in C-like compiler
+    checks.
+  + Treat warnings as error in compiler checks.
+  + Compilers now have a has_define method.
+  + configure_file() now has a macro_name parameter.
+  + c_std and cpp_std options now accepts a list of values.
+  + More meaningful description of many generative tasks.
+  + Deprecate 'jar' as a build_target type.
+  + generator.process() gains 'env' keyword argument.
+  + Target names for executables now take into account suffixes.
+  + Executable gains vs_module_defs keyword.
+  + find_program() now supports the 'default_options' argument.
+  + Added follow_symlinks arg to install_data, install_header, and
+    install_subdir.
+  + Added 'fill' kwarg to int.to_string().
+  + Added 'json' output_format to configure_file().
+  + @GLOBAL_SOURCE_ROOT@ and @DIRNAME@ in machine files.
+  + clang-tidy-fix target.
+  + Meson compile command now accepts suffixes for TARGET.
+  + New environment variable MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR.
+  + Update options with meson setup <builddir> -Dopt=value.
+  + Clear persistent cache with meson setup --clearcache.
+  + pkg-config dependencies can now get a variable with multiple
+    replacements.
+  + Machine files: pkgconfig field deprecated and replaced by
+    pkg-config.
+  + Support targeting Python's limited C API.
+  + All compiler has_* methods support the required keyword.
+  + Deprecated rust_crate_type and replaced by rust_abi.
+  + Tests now abort on errors by default under sanitizers.
+  + <lang>_(shared|static)_args for both_library, library, and
+    build_target.
+  + -j shorthand for --num-processes.
+  + Unified message(), str.format() and f-string formatting.
+  + Subprojects excluded from scan-build reports.
+  + vs_module_defs keyword now supports indexes of custom_target.
+  + Automatic fallback to cmake and cargo subproject
+- BuildRequire clang-tools to run the test suite: new dependency.
+- Run test suite only on x86_64.
+- Update to version 1.2.3:
+  + Allow share/cmake/ as cmake_prefix_path.
+  + find_tool: don't assume the pkgconfig variable is a valid
+    command.
+  + python dependency: ensure that setuptools doesn't inject
+    itself into distutils.
+  + Allow c++23 in gcc-11.
+  + Revert "rust: apply global, project, and environment C args to
+    bindgen".
+- Drop
+  0007-Revert-rust-apply-global-project-and-environment-C-a.patch:
+  fixed upstream.
+- Add
+  0007-Revert-rust-apply-global-project-and-environment-C-a.patch:
+  Revert upstream commit (gh#mesonbuild/meson#12326).
+- Update to version 1.2.2:
+  + ninja backend: fix the automatic restat of outputs when
+    reconfiguring.
+  + Fix completely broken support for static: true with
+    dependency('cuda').
+  + Use cudart_static by default in dependency('cuda').
+  + gnome:
+  - Fix crash in gtkdoc and generate_gir in C++ projects.
+  - Fix glib tool lookup consistency.
+  + compilers: fix compiler detection when the "ccache" string is
+    in the path.
+  + Fix crash when installing a vala library and python sources.
+  + Fix bug with openssl when cmake is missing.
+  + msubprojects: Speedup subproject_dir extraction.
+  + Allow unit test to parse testcase blocks.
+  + Fix assertion raised with invalid option name.
+  + rust:
+  - properly rematerialize static dependencies as well as dynamic
+    ones.
+  - apply global, project, and environment C args to bindgen.
+  + get_llvm_tool_names: add llvm 17.
+  + openmp: add 5.1/5.2, fixes openmp with llvm v17.
+  + Fix bug where all java builds & tests fail to run SanityCheck
+    on JDK11.
+  + Add support for sw_64 CPU family.
+- Drop merged upstream patch: get_llvm_tool_names-llvm17.patch.
+- Port back get_llvm_tool_names-llvm17.patch to accept LLVM 17.
+- Update to version 1.2.1:
+  + Fix lint errors revealed by pycodestyle 2.11.
+  + modules/pkgconfig: Don't insert None into devenv list.
+  + interpreter: stop setting member out of initializer that isn't
+    even used.
+  + Error when an installed static library links to internal custom
+    target.
+  + packaging: fix regression that prevented pyinstaller from
+    getting custom deps.
+  + treewide: internally avoid deprecated machine file uses of
+    "pkgconfig".
+- Update to version 1.2.0:
+  + This release bring many new features.
+  + Added Metrowerks C/C++ toolchains. Note that the implementation
+    is somewhat experimental yet.
+  + Added str.splitlines method that can be used to split a string
+    into an array of lines.
+  + declare_dependency has a new extra_files keyword, to add extra
+    files to a target.
+  + Added a new '--genvslite' option for use with 'meson setup
+    ...'.
+  + gnome.generate_gir() now accepts the env kwarg which lets you
+    set environment variables.
+  + More data in introspection files.
+  + Machine objects get kernel and subsystem properties.
+  + default_options and override_options may now be dictionaries.
+  + New override of find_program('meson').
+  + Python module can now compile bytecode.
+  + rust.bindgen allows passing extra arguments to rustc. This
+    may be necessary to pass extra cfgs or to change warning
+    levels.
+  + Support for defining crate names of Rust dependencies in Rust
+    targets.
+  + A machine file may be used to pass extra arguments to clang
+    in a bindgen call.
+  + Add a link_with keyword to rust.test(). This can already be
+    worked around by creating declare_dependency() objects to pass
+    to the dependencies keyword, but this cuts out the middle man.
+  + Rust now supports the b_ndebug option. Which controls the
+    debug_assertions cfg, which in turn controls debug_assert!()
+    macro.
+  + Wildcards in list of tests to run. The meson test command now
+    accepts wildcards in the list of test names.
+  + New for the generation of Visual Studio vcxproj projects.
+  + For more details about all those changes, please visit:
+- Refresh patches with Quilt.
+- Be leaner with the build deps:
+  + Do not buildrequire python-pip and -wheel: being part of ring0
+    we have to be extra careful.
+  + Use python_build/python_install instead of
+    pyproject_wheel/pyproject_install.
+- Set pythons for Leap and Tumbleweed
+- Update to version 1.1.1:
+  + Add c++23 to the list of C++ standards.
+  + Specify c++ 11 flag as code uses c++ 11 features.
+  + fix regression in precomputing CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P.
+- Only run tests for arches where there is a remote chance they
+  will succeed (ix86 and x86_64).
+- Update to version 1.1.0:
+  + A new objects argument to declare_dependency() allow for adding
+    objects directly to executables that use an internal
+    dependency.
+  + Feature objects now have an "enable_auto_if" method, the
+    opposite of the existing "disable_auto_if" method.
+  + New FeatureOption.enable_if and FeatureOption.disable_if
+    features.
+  + The sudo meson install command will now drop privileges when
+    rebuilding targets to be "extra safe". This is done since
+    running Ninja as root isn't recommended since it updates a
+    state file.
+  + The meson install command now supports user-preferred root
+    elevation tools.
+  + A new "none" back-end that has no build rules but only install
+    rules, in order to avoid depending on Ninja in that case.
+  + Support for custom install scripts to run with the "--dry-run"
+    option.
+- meson 1.0.1:
+  + clang-cl (13) now accepts cpp_std=c++20
+  + a sizable collection of bug fixes
+- Update to version 1.0.0:
+  + The compiler check functions "prefix" kwargs now accepts
+    arrays.
+  + Flags removed from cpp/objcpp warning level 1:
+    "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" is no longer implied by "meson setup
+  - Dwarning_level=1".
+  + There has been some developer environment improvements.
+  + Rename "java.generate_native_headers" to "java.native_headers".
+    The former is deprecated now.
+  + "rust.bindgen" now accepts a dependency argument.
+  + The Rust module is marked as stable now.
+  + "warning-level=everything" option: The new "everything" value
+    for the built-in "warning_level" enables roughly all applicable
+    compiler warnings. For Clang, this simply enables
+    "-Weverything". For GCC, Meson enables warnings approximately
+    equivalent to "-Weverything" from Clang.
+  + Plese see
+    for full release notes.
+- Remove shebang from mesonbuild/scripts/, this
+  file is not supposed to be directly callable.
+- Update to version 0.64.1:
+  + Target python 3.10 as the mypy language version.
+  + hotdoc module: use less confusing names.
+  + Fix deprecation message, the function name is fs.copyfile().
+  + fix deprecated use of meson builddir/ in testsuite.
+  + tests: fix edge case where non-default python is used, by
+    skipping it.
+- Update to version 0.64.0:
+  + Add optimization plain option.
+  + New languages: nasm and masm.
+  + Pager and colors for meson configure output.
+  + various install_* functions no longer handle the sticky bit.
+  +  fs.copyfile to replace configure_file(copy : true).
+  + Added update_mime_database to gnome.post_install().
+  + Added preserve_path arg to install_data.
+  + BSD support for the jni dependency.
+  + Credentials from ~/.netrc for https URLs.
+  + Basic support for oneAPI compilers on Linux and Windows.
+  + python.find_installation() now accepts pure argument.
+  + Generates rust-project.json when there are Rust targets.
+  + Incremental ThinLTO with b_thinlto_cache.
+  + Added include_core_only arg to wayland.scan_xml.
+  + Automatic fallback using WrapDB.
+- update to 0.63.3:
+  * modules: Fix paths to (sub)project source/build directories
+  * i18n: Fix source root in Gettext targets for subprojects
+  * backends: limit maximum path of generated filenames
+  * Fix 2 typos in a single string which can be shown in error messages.
+  * fix obscure crash on unbound variable
+  * Warn if wrap file changes
+  * interpreter: add a special class to track the lifecycle of get_option
+- add extend-test-timeout-on-qemu-builds.patch
+- Update to version 0.63.2:
+  + make add_project_dependencies respect build version of include
+    dirs.
+  + minstall: do not trample install_mode by rpath fixer.
+  + fix linker regression for compilers that don't accept LDFLAGS
+    directly.
+  + tests/7 gnome: Fix incorrect unref of GResource.
+- Update to version 0.63.1:
+  + add_project_dependencies() function.
+  + Coverage targets now respect tool config files.
+  + D compiler checks.
+  + Deprecate an option and replace it with a new one.
+  + Running Windows executables with Wine in meson devenv.
+  + Diff files for wraps.
+  + Added preserve_path arg to install_headers.
+  + Support for mold linker added.
+  + Added debug function.
+  + Compiler options can be set per subproject.
+  + Per-subproject languages.
+  + Installed pkgconfig files can now be relocatable.
+  + New prefer_static built-in option.
+  + Python extension modules now depend on the python library by
+    default.
+  + Python extension modules now build with hidden visibility.
+  + Added support for multiline fstrings.
+- Drop 0001-gnome-Use-doc-install_tag-for-gnome.yelp.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- mono-core is available on s390x now
+- make mono dependency an build-conditional
+- Update to version 0.62.2:
+  + qt module: fix broken install_dir kwarg.
+  + qt module: fix missing sanity check for install_dir + install.
+  + dependencies: tighten type checking and fix cmake API
+    violation.
+  + cmake: Fix CMake LLVM dependency error.
+  + Limit parallelism to hopefully work on machines with 160 cores.
+  + Fix --allow-shlib-undefined for LLVM versions > 9.
+  + i18n: fix bug where disabling gettext() broke merge_file().
+  + Fix sandbox violation when using subproject as a symlink.
+- Added 0001-gnome-Use-doc-install_tag-for-gnome.yelp.patch
+  * Upstream reported feature to add files created by `gnome.yelp`
+    to the `doc` install_tag, similar to `gnome.gtk_doc` this
+    allows installing created files using the `meson --tags doc`
+    syntax. Simplifies packaging of various packages, esp. gtk-doc.
+- Rebased meson-distutils.patch to also install required data files
+  (mesonbuild/dependencies/data/*.txt).
+- Drop conditionals for outdated openSUSE versions (older than Leap 15.x)
+- Update to 0.62.1
+  * Bash completion scripts sourced in meson devenv
+    If bash-completion scripts are being installed and the shell is bash,
+    they will be automatically sourced.
+  * Setup GDB auto-load for meson devenv
+    When GDB helper scripts are installed with a library name that
+    matches one being built, Meson adds the needed auto-load commands
+    into <builddir>/.gdbinit file.
+  * Print modified environment variables with meson devenv --dump
+  * New custom dependency for libdl, will now check for the
+    functionality of
+  * pkgconfig.generate will now include variables for builtin
+    directories when referenced
+  * New keyword argument verbose for tests and benchmarks
+  * CMake support for versions <3.17.0 is deprecated
+  * Removal of the RPM module
+  * CMake server API support is removed
+  * The return value of find_program() can now check the exact
+    version of the found program
+  * XML files can now be translated easier by using itstool
+    via i18n.itstool_join().
+  * JNI system dependency now supports a modules keyword (jvm, awt)
+  * New unstable wayland module
+  * Meson has a new command env2mfile to convert
+    "environment variable based" cross and native compilation
+    environments to Meson machine files.
+  * This system will detect if the _FOR_BUILD environment
+    variables are enabled and then uses them as needed.
+  * Added optional '--allow-dirty' flag for the 'dist' command
+  * Meson now supports the TI MSP430 and ARM toolchains.
+  * Deprecated java.generate_native_header() in favor of the
+    new java.generate_native_headers()
+  * New option to choose python installation environment
+  * JDK System Dependency Renamed from jdk to jni
+  * New custom dependency for OpenSSL
+  * The default install path for dataonly pkgconfig files has
+    changed from ${libdir}/pkgconfig to ${datadir}/pkgconfig.
+  * JAR default install dir changed from libdir to datadir/java.
+- Rebased meson-test-installed-bin.patch
+- Drop upstream fixed 34daa53a.patch
+- Make BuildRequires libstdc++6-devel-gcc11 more precise, for
+  SLE 15 SP4 and SLE 15 SP5 only.
+- Specify clang and llvm versions in SLE/Leap.
+- Fix shebang replacement for ninja test cases. The curly brackets
+  are necessary for the macro expansion in the splitted lines
+  worked correctly.
+- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 1.3.0:
+  + Clarify of implicitly-included headers in C-like compiler
+    checks.
+  + Treat warnings as error in compiler checks.
+  + Compilers now have a has_define method.
+  + configure_file() now has a macro_name parameter.
+  + c_std and cpp_std options now accepts a list of values.
+  + More meaningful description of many generative tasks.
+  + Deprecate 'jar' as a build_target type.
+  + generator.process() gains 'env' keyword argument.
+  + Target names for executables now take into account suffixes.
+  + Executable gains vs_module_defs keyword.
+  + find_program() now supports the 'default_options' argument.
+  + Added follow_symlinks arg to install_data, install_header, and
+    install_subdir.
+  + Added 'fill' kwarg to int.to_string().
+  + Added 'json' output_format to configure_file().
+  + @GLOBAL_SOURCE_ROOT@ and @DIRNAME@ in machine files.
+  + clang-tidy-fix target.
+  + Meson compile command now accepts suffixes for TARGET.
+  + New environment variable MESON_PACKAGE_CACHE_DIR.
+  + Update options with meson setup <builddir> -Dopt=value.
+  + Clear persistent cache with meson setup --clearcache.
+  + pkg-config dependencies can now get a variable with multiple
+    replacements.
+  + Machine files: pkgconfig field deprecated and replaced by
+    pkg-config.
+  + Support targeting Python's limited C API.
+  + All compiler has_* methods support the required keyword.
+  + Deprecated rust_crate_type and replaced by rust_abi.
+  + Tests now abort on errors by default under sanitizers.
+  + <lang>_(shared|static)_args for both_library, library, and
+    build_target.
+  + -j shorthand for --num-processes.
+  + Unified message(), str.format() and f-string formatting.
+  + Subprojects excluded from scan-build reports.
+  + vs_module_defs keyword now supports indexes of custom_target.
+  + Automatic fallback to cmake and cargo subproject
+- BuildRequire clang-tools to run the test suite: new dependency.
+- Run test suite only on x86_64.
+- Update to version 1.2.3:
+  + Allow share/cmake/ as cmake_prefix_path.
+  + find_tool: don't assume the pkgconfig variable is a valid
+    command.
+  + python dependency: ensure that setuptools doesn't inject
+    itself into distutils.
+  + Allow c++23 in gcc-11.
+  + Revert "rust: apply global, project, and environment C args to
+    bindgen".
+- Drop
+  0007-Revert-rust-apply-global-project-and-environment-C-a.patch:
+  fixed upstream.
+- Add
+  0007-Revert-rust-apply-global-project-and-environment-C-a.patch:
+  Revert upstream commit (gh#mesonbuild/meson#12326).
+- Update to version 1.2.2:
+  + ninja backend: fix the automatic restat of outputs when
+    reconfiguring.
+  + Fix completely broken support for static: true with
+    dependency('cuda').
+  + Use cudart_static by default in dependency('cuda').
+  + gnome:
+  - Fix crash in gtkdoc and generate_gir in C++ projects.
+  - Fix glib tool lookup consistency.
+  + compilers: fix compiler detection when the "ccache" string is
+    in the path.
+  + Fix crash when installing a vala library and python sources.
+  + Fix bug with openssl when cmake is missing.
+  + msubprojects: Speedup subproject_dir extraction.
+  + Allow unit test to parse testcase blocks.
+  + Fix assertion raised with invalid option name.
+  + rust:
+  - properly rematerialize static dependencies as well as dynamic
+    ones.
+  - apply global, project, and environment C args to bindgen.
+  + get_llvm_tool_names: add llvm 17.
+  + openmp: add 5.1/5.2, fixes openmp with llvm v17.
+  + Fix bug where all java builds & tests fail to run SanityCheck
+    on JDK11.
+  + Add support for sw_64 CPU family.
+- Drop merged upstream patch: get_llvm_tool_names-llvm17.patch.
+- Port back get_llvm_tool_names-llvm17.patch to accept LLVM 17.
+- Update to version 1.2.1:
+  + Fix lint errors revealed by pycodestyle 2.11.
+  + modules/pkgconfig: Don't insert None into devenv list.
+  + interpreter: stop setting member out of initializer that isn't
+    even used.
+  + Error when an installed static library links to internal custom
+    target.
+  + packaging: fix regression that prevented pyinstaller from
+    getting custom deps.
+  + treewide: internally avoid deprecated machine file uses of
+    "pkgconfig".
+- Update to version 1.2.0:
+  + This release bring many new features.
+  + Added Metrowerks C/C++ toolchains. Note that the implementation
+    is somewhat experimental yet.
+  + Added str.splitlines method that can be used to split a string
+    into an array of lines.
+  + declare_dependency has a new extra_files keyword, to add extra
+    files to a target.
+  + Added a new '--genvslite' option for use with 'meson setup
+    ...'.
+  + gnome.generate_gir() now accepts the env kwarg which lets you
+    set environment variables.
+  + More data in introspection files.
+  + Machine objects get kernel and subsystem properties.
+  + default_options and override_options may now be dictionaries.
+  + New override of find_program('meson').
+  + Python module can now compile bytecode.
+  + rust.bindgen allows passing extra arguments to rustc. This
+    may be necessary to pass extra cfgs or to change warning
+    levels.
+  + Support for defining crate names of Rust dependencies in Rust
+    targets.
+  + A machine file may be used to pass extra arguments to clang
+    in a bindgen call.
+  + Add a link_with keyword to rust.test(). This can already be
+    worked around by creating declare_dependency() objects to pass
+    to the dependencies keyword, but this cuts out the middle man.
+  + Rust now supports the b_ndebug option. Which controls the
+    debug_assertions cfg, which in turn controls debug_assert!()
+    macro.
+  + Wildcards in list of tests to run. The meson test command now
+    accepts wildcards in the list of test names.
+  + New for the generation of Visual Studio vcxproj projects.
+  + For more details about all those changes, please visit:
+- Refresh patches with Quilt.
+- Be leaner with the build deps:
+  + Do not buildrequire python-pip and -wheel: being part of ring0
+    we have to be extra careful.
+  + Use python_build/python_install instead of
+    pyproject_wheel/pyproject_install.
+- Set pythons for Leap and Tumbleweed
+- Update to version 1.1.1:
+  + Add c++23 to the list of C++ standards.
+  + Specify c++ 11 flag as code uses c++ 11 features.
+  + fix regression in precomputing CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P.
+- Only run tests for arches where there is a remote chance they
+  will succeed (ix86 and x86_64).
+- Update to version 1.1.0:
+  + A new objects argument to declare_dependency() allow for adding
+    objects directly to executables that use an internal
+    dependency.
+  + Feature objects now have an "enable_auto_if" method, the
+    opposite of the existing "disable_auto_if" method.
+  + New FeatureOption.enable_if and FeatureOption.disable_if
+    features.
+  + The sudo meson install command will now drop privileges when
+    rebuilding targets to be "extra safe". This is done since
+    running Ninja as root isn't recommended since it updates a
+    state file.
+  + The meson install command now supports user-preferred root
+    elevation tools.
+  + A new "none" back-end that has no build rules but only install
+    rules, in order to avoid depending on Ninja in that case.
+  + Support for custom install scripts to run with the "--dry-run"
+    option.
+- meson 1.0.1:
+  + clang-cl (13) now accepts cpp_std=c++20
+  + a sizable collection of bug fixes
+- Update to version 1.0.0:
+  + The compiler check functions "prefix" kwargs now accepts
+    arrays.
+  + Flags removed from cpp/objcpp warning level 1:
+    "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" is no longer implied by "meson setup
+  - Dwarning_level=1".
+  + There has been some developer environment improvements.
+  + Rename "java.generate_native_headers" to "java.native_headers".
+    The former is deprecated now.
+  + "rust.bindgen" now accepts a dependency argument.
+  + The Rust module is marked as stable now.
+  + "warning-level=everything" option: The new "everything" value
+    for the built-in "warning_level" enables roughly all applicable
+    compiler warnings. For Clang, this simply enables
+    "-Weverything". For GCC, Meson enables warnings approximately
+    equivalent to "-Weverything" from Clang.
+  + Plese see
+    for full release notes.
+- Remove shebang from mesonbuild/scripts/, this
+  file is not supposed to be directly callable.
+- Update to version 0.64.1:
+  + Target python 3.10 as the mypy language version.
+  + hotdoc module: use less confusing names.
+  + Fix deprecation message, the function name is fs.copyfile().
+  + fix deprecated use of meson builddir/ in testsuite.
+  + tests: fix edge case where non-default python is used, by
+    skipping it.
+- Update to version 0.64.0:
+  + Add optimization plain option.
+  + New languages: nasm and masm.
+  + Pager and colors for meson configure output.
+  + various install_* functions no longer handle the sticky bit.
+  +  fs.copyfile to replace configure_file(copy : true).
+  + Added update_mime_database to gnome.post_install().
+  + Added preserve_path arg to install_data.
+  + BSD support for the jni dependency.
+  + Credentials from ~/.netrc for https URLs.
+  + Basic support for oneAPI compilers on Linux and Windows.
+  + python.find_installation() now accepts pure argument.
+  + Generates rust-project.json when there are Rust targets.
+  + Incremental ThinLTO with b_thinlto_cache.
+  + Added include_core_only arg to wayland.scan_xml.
+  + Automatic fallback using WrapDB.
+- update to 0.63.3:
+  * modules: Fix paths to (sub)project source/build directories
+  * i18n: Fix source root in Gettext targets for subprojects
+  * backends: limit maximum path of generated filenames
+  * Fix 2 typos in a single string which can be shown in error messages.
+  * fix obscure crash on unbound variable
+  * Warn if wrap file changes
+  * interpreter: add a special class to track the lifecycle of get_option
+- add extend-test-timeout-on-qemu-builds.patch
+- Update to version 0.63.2:
+  + make add_project_dependencies respect build version of include
+    dirs.
+  + minstall: do not trample install_mode by rpath fixer.
+  + fix linker regression for compilers that don't accept LDFLAGS
+    directly.
+  + tests/7 gnome: Fix incorrect unref of GResource.
+- Update to version 0.63.1:
+  + add_project_dependencies() function.
+  + Coverage targets now respect tool config files.
+  + D compiler checks.
+  + Deprecate an option and replace it with a new one.
+  + Running Windows executables with Wine in meson devenv.
+  + Diff files for wraps.
+  + Added preserve_path arg to install_headers.
+  + Support for mold linker added.
+  + Added debug function.
+  + Compiler options can be set per subproject.
+  + Per-subproject languages.
+  + Installed pkgconfig files can now be relocatable.
+  + New prefer_static built-in option.
+  + Python extension modules now depend on the python library by
+    default.
+  + Python extension modules now build with hidden visibility.
+  + Added support for multiline fstrings.
+- Drop 0001-gnome-Use-doc-install_tag-for-gnome.yelp.patch: fixed
+  upstream.
+- mono-core is available on s390x now
+- make mono dependency an build-conditional
+- Update to version 0.62.2:
+  + qt module: fix broken install_dir kwarg.
+  + qt module: fix missing sanity check for install_dir + install.
+  + dependencies: tighten type checking and fix cmake API
+    violation.
+  + cmake: Fix CMake LLVM dependency error.
+  + Limit parallelism to hopefully work on machines with 160 cores.
+  + Fix --allow-shlib-undefined for LLVM versions > 9.
+  + i18n: fix bug where disabling gettext() broke merge_file().
+  + Fix sandbox violation when using subproject as a symlink.
+- Added 0001-gnome-Use-doc-install_tag-for-gnome.yelp.patch
+  * Upstream reported feature to add files created by `gnome.yelp`
+    to the `doc` install_tag, similar to `gnome.gtk_doc` this
+    allows installing created files using the `meson --tags doc`
+    syntax. Simplifies packaging of various packages, esp. gtk-doc.
+- Rebased meson-distutils.patch to also install required data files
+  (mesonbuild/dependencies/data/*.txt).
+- Drop conditionals for outdated openSUSE versions (older than Leap 15.x)
+- Update to 0.62.1
+  * Bash completion scripts sourced in meson devenv
+    If bash-completion scripts are being installed and the shell is bash,
+    they will be automatically sourced.
+  * Setup GDB auto-load for meson devenv
+    When GDB helper scripts are installed with a library name that
+    matches one being built, Meson adds the needed auto-load commands
+    into <builddir>/.gdbinit file.
+  * Print modified environment variables with meson devenv --dump
+  * New custom dependency for libdl, will now check for the
+    functionality of
+  * pkgconfig.generate will now include variables for builtin
+    directories when referenced
+  * New keyword argument verbose for tests and benchmarks
+  * CMake support for versions <3.17.0 is deprecated
+  * Removal of the RPM module
+  * CMake server API support is removed
+  * The return value of find_program() can now check the exact
+    version of the found program
+  * XML files can now be translated easier by using itstool
+    via i18n.itstool_join().
+  * JNI system dependency now supports a modules keyword (jvm, awt)
+  * New unstable wayland module
+  * Meson has a new command env2mfile to convert
+    "environment variable based" cross and native compilation
+    environments to Meson machine files.
+  * This system will detect if the _FOR_BUILD environment
+    variables are enabled and then uses them as needed.
+  * Added optional '--allow-dirty' flag for the 'dist' command
+  * Meson now supports the TI MSP430 and ARM toolchains.
+  * Deprecated java.generate_native_header() in favor of the
+    new java.generate_native_headers()
+  * New option to choose python installation environment
+  * JDK System Dependency Renamed from jdk to jni
+  * New custom dependency for OpenSSL
+  * The default install path for dataonly pkgconfig files has
+    changed from ${libdir}/pkgconfig to ${datadir}/pkgconfig.
+  * JAR default install dir changed from libdir to datadir/java.
+- Rebased meson-test-installed-bin.patch
+- Drop upstream fixed 34daa53a.patch
+- Upgrade to upstream version 2.1.2
+  * Changes of version 2.1.2
+    + Switch to codehaus plexus-build-api 1.2.0 (reverted by a
+    patch in this package)
+    + Add plexus 13 parent and reformat
+    + Remove readonly flag from basedir: support .mdo from any
+    location
+    + Require Maven 3.5.4+
+    + Prepare to run with Java 19+
+  * Changes of version 2.1.1
+    + replace generatedBy context value by template
+    + add velocityBasedir to select where to load (shared) .vm from
+  * Changes of version 2.1.0
+    + Make the Xpp3Reader#read(XmlPullParser, boolean strict) public
+    + Fix json encoding
+    + Support arbitrary element names via 'xs:any'
+    + Call setter only after object has been populated
+    + replace handwritten components.xml with annotations
+    + Optionally enforce required elements in XSDs
+    + Add a velocity template based generator
+    + Use optimised plexus-utils CachingWriter
+- Added patch:
+  * 0001-Revert-Switch-to-codehaus-plexus-build-api-1.2.0-345.patch
+    + use the version of plexus-build-api that we have packaged
+- Modified patch:
+  * modello-cli-domasxpp3.patch
+    + rediff to changed context
-- Modified patch:
-  * Adapt to the change of parameter from useJava5 to javaSource
-- Build the jackson and jsonschema plugins too
+- Depend on the jackson and jsonschema plugins too
-- Modified patch:
-  * modello-cli-domasxpp3.patch
-    + rediff to changed line endings
-- Added patch:
-  * modello-cli-domasxpp3.patch
-    + allow setting on command-line the domAsXpp3 property that
-    modello-maven-plugin can set in pom.xml file
-- Initial packaging of modello 1.9.1
-- Generate and customize ant build files
+- Initial packaging of modello-maven-plugin separate package
+  * Allows building the rest of modello without needing maven
+- update to 2.0.18 (bsc#1214918, CVE-2023-28366, bsc#1215865,
+    CVE-2023-0809, bsc#1215864, CVE-2023-3592):
+  * Fix crash on subscribe under certain unlikely conditions.
+  * Fix mosquitto_rr not honouring `-R`. Closes #2893.
+  * Fix `max_queued_messages 0` stopping clients from receiving
+    messages.
+  * Fix `max_inflight_messages` not being set correctly.
+  * Fix `mosquitto_passwd -U` backup file creation.
+  * CVE-2023-28366: Fix memory leak in broker when clients send
+    multiple QoS 2 messages with the same message ID, but then
+    never respond to the PUBREC commands.
+  * CVE-2023-0809: Fix excessive memory being allocated based on
+    malicious initial packets that are not CONNECT packets.
+  * CVE-2023-3592: Fix memory leak when clients send v5 CONNECT
+    packets with a will message that contains invalid property
+    types.
+  * Broker will now reject Will messages that attempt to publish
+    to $CONTROL/.
+  * Broker now validates usernames provided in a TLS certificate
+    or TLS-PSK identity are valid UTF-8.
+  * Fix potential crash when loading invalid persistence file.
+  * Library will no longer allow single level wildcard
+    certificates, e.g. *.com
+  * Fix $SYS messages being expired after 60 seconds and hence
+    unchanged values disappearing.
+  * Fix some retained topic memory not being cleared immediately
+    after used.
+  * Fix error handling related to the `bind_interface` option.
+  * Fix std* files not being redirected when daemonising, when
+    built with assertions removed.
+  * Fix default settings incorrectly allowing TLS v1.1.
+  * Use line buffered mode for stdout.
+  * Fix bridges with non-matching cleansession/local_cleansession
+    being expired on start after restoring from persistence
+  * Fix connections being limited to 2048 on Windows. The limit
+    is now 8192, where supported.
+  * Broker will log warnings if sensitive files are world
+    readable/writable, or if the owner/group is not the same as
+    the user/group the broker is running as. In future versions
+    the broker will refuse to open these files.
+  * mosquitto_memcmp_const is now more constant time.
+  * Only register with DLT if DLT logging is enabled.
+  * Fix any possible case where a json string might be
+    incorrectly loaded. This could have caused a crash if a
+    textname or textdescription field of a role was not a string,
+    when loading the dynsec config from file only.
+  * Dynsec plugin will not allow duplicate clients/groups/roles
+    when loading config from file, which matches the behaviour
+    for when creating them.
+  * Fix heap overflow when reading corrupt config with "log_dest
+    file".
+  * Use CLOCK_BOOTTIME when available, to keep track of time.
+    This solves the problem of the client OS sleeping and the
+    client hence not being able to calculate the actual time for
+    keepalive purposes.
+  * Fix default settings incorrectly allowing TLS v1.1. Closes
+  * Fix high CPU use on slow TLS connect.
+  * Fix incorrect topic-alias property value in mosquitto_sub
+    json output.
+  * Fix confusing message on TLS certificate verification.
+  * mosquitto_passwd uses mkstemp() for backup files.
+  * `mosquitto_ctrl dynsec init` will refuse to overwrite an
+    existing file, without a race-condition.
+- update to NSS 3.90.1
+  * bmo#1813401 - regenerate NameConstraints test certificates.
+  * bmo#1854795 - add OSXSAVE and XCR0 tests to AVX2 detection.
+- Remove nss-fix-bmo1813401.patch which is now upstream.
+- Add nss-fix-bmo1813401.patch to fix bsc#1214980
+- Update to version 0.9.7+77+suse.8a169ba:
+  * fix ANA prioritizer enablement logic (bsc#1218326)
+- Update to version 0.9.7+76+suse.5f857af:
+  * Update to upstream 0.9.7 (jsc#PED-6464)
+  * added max_retries config option to limit SCSI retries
+  * added auto_resize config option to enable resizing multipath maps automatically
+  * fixed memory and error handling for code using aio (marginal path code,
+    directio path checker)
+  * dropped modules-load.d/multipath.conf; replaced by a dependency on
+    modprobe@dm-multipath.service (systemd >= 245: SLE15-SP3 and later only)
+    and a softdep on sd_mod for the SCSI device handlers
+    (bsc#1217377)
+  * On SLE/Leap suse-module-tools doesn't ship a scsi_mod->sd_mod softdep yet.
+    Add it here, too. It will be overridden by s-m-t when it's added there.
+  * drop usr_prefix= setting in SLE build recipes (set to /usr by upstream
+    automatically)
+- Update to version 0.9.6+115+suse.07776fb
+  * multipathd: Added support to handle FPIN-Li events for FC-NVMe
+- Update to version 0.9.6+110+suse.5dfdf35:
+  * The options "bindings_file", "prkeys_file", and "wwids_file",
+    which have been deprecated since multipath-tools 0.8.8,
+    aren't supported any more. The paths to these files are now
+    hard-coded to "bindings", "prkeys" and "wwids" under
+    /etc/multipath.
+  * Strictly avoid assigning map aliases that are already taken
+    (bsc#1213265)
+  * Improve handling of user-friendly names
+  * avoid "multipath -d" (dry-run) changing SCSI timeouts in sysfs
+    (bsc#1213809)
+- spec file:
+  * adapt prefix values to upstream changes
+  * fix compilation flags for "make check"
+  * pass EXTRAVERSION to build
+    (bsc#1212854)
-- Update to version 41.9:
-  + Fixed crash [Jonas]
+- mutter-SLE-bsc984738-grab-display.patch:
+  * Temporary disable this SLE-only patch as it makes mutter
+    45 lock-up on non-CSD apps (bsc#1218935)
-- Update to version 41.8:
-  + Fix night light without GAMMA_LUT property [Jonas; !2435]
-  + wayland: Fix rotation transform [Robert; !1055]
-  + Fixed crash [Jonas; !2364]
-  + Misc. bug fixes [Olivier; !2463]
-- Update to version 41.7:
-  + KMS: Survive missing GAMMA_LUT property [Daniel; !2360]
-  + Fix --replace again [Jonas; !2432]
-- Update to version 41.6:
-  + Fix missing root window properties after XWayland start [Olivier; !2336]
+- Rebase and adapt mutter-disable-cvt-s390x.patch for mutter 45
+- Rebase mutter-SLE-bsc984738-grab-display.patch.
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + Fix filtering keybinding events in presence of grabs
+  + Fix direct scanout support when using integer scaling
+  + Fix capitalization of some keys when caps lock is on
+  + Fix vsync regression
+  + Fix visibility of software cursors when using direct scanout
+  + Fix artifacts at the bottom of some surfaces
+  + Discard monitor configs with fractional scale when unusable
+  + Apply track point settings
+  + xwayland: Enable XDG portal only when not nested
+  + Inhibit real-time scheduling when mode setting
+  + Don't delay frame updates after idle period
+  + Fix running Xwayland in headless setup with nvidia driver
+  + wayland: Send keyboard modifiers after the enter event
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0+61:
+  + backend:
+  - Introduce helpers for turning from/to clutter/evdev buttons
+  - Use helper to translate from/to clutter/evdev button codes
+  + clutter/frame-clock:
+  - Simplify next_presentation_time_us calculation
+  - Start next update ASAP after idle period
+  + cogl/onscreen: Add missing error untrap calls
+  + input-capture:
+  - Check barriers don't extend into nonexisting monitors
+  - Fix off-by-one for barrier validation
+  + renderer/native:
+  - Add a new has_addfb2 property
+  - Send modifiers even without AddFb2
+  + screen-cast/stream-src:
+  - Assert that dmabuf handle lookup succeeds
+  - Calculate stride after adding handle to hash table
+  + tests/clutter/event-delivery: Avoid race with stage update
+  + tests/clutter/frame-clock*: Use
+    clutter_frame_get_target_presentation_time
+  + wayland/dma-buf: Advertise INVALID modifier without AddFb2
+  + wayland: Send keyboard modifiers after the enter event
+  + input-capture: Add more barrier tests, mostly for invalid
+    barriers
+- Update to version 45.0+45:
+  + kms/impl-device/atomic:
+  - Fix blob size
+  - Fix stack overflow
+  + kms/impl-device: Inhibit real-time scheduling when mode setting
+  + monitor-manager/native: Update assignments on empty-config too
+  + renderer/native:
+  - Clear old pending mode sets when unsetting all modes
+  - Fold mode unsetting into renamed unset_modes()
+  + tests/dbusmock-templates/rtkit: Add MakeThreadHighPriority
+  + tests/kms/render: Add test for setting empty config
+  + thread:
+  - Allow turning off rt scheduling for running thread
+  - For consistency, s/real_time/realtime/
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop mutter-crash-meta_context_terminate.patch: Closed upstream
+  via
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Fix focus-follows-mouse mode
+  + Optimize applying relative transformation matrix
+  + Add support for P010 YCbCr format
+  + Fix hardware cursor stuttering on Raspberry Pi
+  + Fix input in multi-monitor remote desktop sessions with libei
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop mutter-trap-dpms-errors.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Change compression of tarball in service and spec to zst from xz.
+- Add pkgconfig(libdisplay-info) BuildRequires and pass
+  libdisplay_info=true to meson setup: New optional dependency,
+  build libdisplay-info support.
+- Add mutter-trap-dpms-errors.patch: Apparently DPMSForceLevel()
+  can fail if DPMS is not enabled, so trap errors of DPMS because
+  they are not critical and should not block user session.
+  (bsc#1215273, glgo#GNOME/mutter!3160)
+- Replace sysprof-4 with sysprof-6 pkgconfig() BuildRequires to
+  follow up the upstream change. And build without the profiler
+  feature (using bcond_with profiler), as it's not meant for
+  general use.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Fix possible redraw freeze in fullscreen windows
+  + Fix restoring focus when leaving the overview
+  + Support alpha-composited window screencasts
+  + Fix some XWayland windows not getting mapped
+  + Fix cursor movement on rotated screens
+  + Avoid global lock in stage signals
+  + Implemented suspended xdg_toplevel state
+  + Support idle_inhibit protocol
+  + Do not trigger repick during relayout
+  + Fix redraw issue when buffer age is unavailable
+  + Add Meta Toolkit (MTK) library
+  + Fix possible window freeze during resize operations
+  + Fixes to tablet cursor visibility on Wayland
+  + Improve support for input capture and emulated input
+  + Use headless mode when seat ID is unset
+  + Fix unresponsive touchscreen after titlebar drag
+  + Fix absolute pointer events on virtual monitor streams
+  + Fix disabling CRTCs in disable-only mode updates
+  + Cache multi-texture shader snippets
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Plugged leaks
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop mutter-fix-clipped-redraw.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 45.beta.1:
+  + Fix blitting from premultiplied to opaque formats
+  + Fix Super key not going to overview in GNOME Shell
+  + Use ClutterEvent in ClutterActor class event vmethod signatures
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Support input capture and emulated input with libei
+  + Add KMS thread
+  + Fix touch move operations on subsurfaces
+  + Fix unexpected cursor changes over non-resizable windows
+  + Improve render time estimates
+  + Fix flickering when DRI driver isn't available
+  + Fix restoring maximized state of SSD windows
+  + Add support for YUV formats
+  + Fix xwayland-allow-byte-swapped-clients setting
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(libeis-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Fix DND in some server-side decorated windows
+  + Optionally use libdisplay-info for EDID parsing
+  + Optimize partial surface updates
+  + Fix redrawing regression in non-DMA remote sessions
+  + Avoid race condition in xwayland-on-demand
+  + Do not unminimize windows with initial IconicState
+  + Implement physical pixel rounding of wayland surfaces
+  + Fix mispositioning of some X11 fullscreen windows
+  + Fix legacy fullscreen windows appearing on all monitors
+  + Improve support for display-attached tablets
+  + Fix stuck cursor in some clients
+  + Avoid unexpected orientation changes around suspend/resume
+  + Fix oversized input region around Xwayland windows
+  + Re-enable client modifiers with amdgpu driver
+  + Fix sysprof tracing in non-main threads
+  + Fix X11 client input region issues
+  + Optimize finish-layout step during stage updating
+  + Fix profiling repeatedly
+  + Ensure preferred monitor mode is always included
+  + Fully initialize input device state during init
+  + Forward modifiers to IM alongside regular key events
+  + Fix window focus unexpectedly moving to secondary monitor when
+    changing workspaces
+  + Avoid rapidly toggling dynamic max render time
+  + Fix dynamic max render time blocking with direct scanout
+  + Mirror window placement in RTL locales
+  + Fix screencast with fractionally scaled surfaces
+  + Reipmlement strict focus mode policy
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Plugged leaks
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Bump api_major to 13 following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 44.4:
+  + Fix xwayland-allow-byte-swapped-clients setting.
+  + Fix restoring focus when leaving the overview.
+  + Fix touch move operations on subsurfaces.
+  + Fix flickering when DRI driver isn't available.
+  + Fix unexpected cursor changes over non-resizable windows.
+  + Fix restoring maximized state of SSD windows.
+  + Fix window focus unexpectedly moving to secondary monitor when
+    changing workspaces.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add mutter-fix-clipped-redraw.patch: Previous refactor forget
+  to check has_buffer_age, which leads into force full redraw and
+  causes redraw issue with xterm on qemu. This patch fixes it.
+  (bsc#1210744, glgo#GNOME/mutter!3221)
+- Drop mutter-revert-window_draw_issues.patch: Proper fix is added.
+- Add mutter-revert-window_draw_issues.patch: Revert commit
+  43cee4b6:  Do clipped redraws when drawing offscreen
+  (boo#1210744, glgo#GNOME/mutter#2771).
+- Disable %autopatch on SLE which has not the macro ready.
+- Rebase mutter-SLE-bsc984738-grab-display.patch.
+- Drop mutter-Lower-HIDPI_LIMIT-to-144.patch (fate#326682,
+  bsc#112546). The upstream has reworked the logic of scale factor
+  selection based on actual screen size, see:
+- Update to version 44.3:
+  + Ensure preferred monitor mode is always included.
+  + Avoid rapidly toggling dynamic max render time.
+  + Fix dynamic max render time blocking with direct scanout.
+  + Misc. bug fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Fix DND in some server-side decorated windows
+  + Fix redrawing regression in non-DMA remote sessions
+  + Avoid race condition in xwayland-on-demand
+  + Do not unminimize windows with initial IconicState
+  + Fix mispositioning of some X11 fullscreen windows
+  + Fix legacy fullscreen windows appearing on all monitors
+  + Improve support for display-attached tablets
+  + Fix stuck cursor in some clients
+  + Avoid unexpected orientation changes around suspend/resume
+  + Fix oversized input region around Xwayland windows
+  + Fix X11 client input region issues
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + mutter-do-not-unminimize-windows-with-initial-iconic.patch
+  + mutter-fix-wacom-tablet-crash.patch
+- Add mutter-do-not-unminimize-windows-with-initial-iconic.patch:
+  mutter used to unminimize windows with initial IconicState, which
+  is a workaround for some old wine games, it breaks apps like
+  xterm starts with -iconic, this patch revert it (bsc#1193190,
+  glgo#GNOME/mutter!3001).
+- Add mutter-fix-wacom-tablet-crash.patch: Use clutter error trap
+  to fix x11 error of some input device configuration like wacom
+  tablet (bsc#1211413, glgo#GNOME/mutter#2796).
+- Update to version 44.1+2:
+  + screen-cast/src: Never dequeue pw_buffer's we refuse to record
+    to.
+  + frames: Disable XDND support on the frame window.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Fall back to the default, not the unknown color space.
+  + Fix resizing windows via keyboard.
+  + Fix possible screen freeze after resume with multiple monitors.
+  + Fix anchor position when dragging window.
+  + Fix applying XSettings to decorations on X11.
+  + Allow clipped redraws for headless backend.
+  + Improve screencast support.
+  + Fix focus-on-click for server-side decorated windows.
+  + Fix initial fullscreen state of server-side decorated windows.
+  + Fix feedback loop triggering bursts of excessive CPU load.
+  + Enable modifiers by default on non-native backend.
+  + Check EDID for supported sink Colorimetry.
+  + Fix artifacts in titlebars on some hardware.
+  + Fix map transitions for X11 windows on wayland.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Plugged leaks.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 2963.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 44.0+54:
+  + backends/stage: Pass ClutterFrame to MetaStageWatchFunc
+  + clutter/paint-context: Allow assigning a ClutterFrame
+  + clutter/stage: Assign frames to paint context
+  + core:
+  - Create passive button grab on topmost Window
+  - Minor refactor
+  - Pass MetaWindow on passive button grab machinery
+  + cursor-tracker: Enhance the documentation and increase
+    annotation coverage
+  + dnd: Clear Wayland drag source when cancelled from stage grab
+    context
+  + frames/content: Use gtk_widget_compute_point()
+  + frames: Forward _NET_WM_STATE during frame initialization
+  + output-xrandr:
+  - Consistently return -1 on error
+  - Don't treat 0 as invalid backlight value
+  + screen-cast/monitor-src:
+  - Record DMA-BUF frames immediately
+  - Record frames with presentation time
+  + screen-cast/src:
+  - Add frame recording variant with timestamp
+  - Clean up DMA-BUF only error paths
+  + screen-cast-stream-src:
+  - Shuffle a variable around
+  - Export damaged video regions
+  - Minor adjustment
+  + stage-impl: Do clipped redraws when drawing offscreen
+  + wayland/data-device: Clear data source when cancelling drag
+    with ESC
+  + wayland:
+  - Don't leak XDnD mime type strings
+  - Set compositor when creating MetaWaylandDataSourceXWayland
+  + wayland/xdg-shell:
+  - Dismiss instead of destroy invalid popup
+  - Ignore reposition if popup was dismissed
+  + workspace: Only consider windows that should be showing as
+    focusable
+  + x11:
+  - Fix remaining leaks from switch to XGetAtomName()
+  - Remove unused member variables from
+    MetaX11SelectionInputStream
+  - Use Atoms when constructing a new
+    MetaX11SelectionOutputStream
+  + xdg-shell: Early out of apply if dismissed
+- Add 2963.patch: xdg-shell: Always handle frame callbacks in
+  popup_apply_state(). Fixes a crash in mutter.
+- Use auto(setup|patch) macros.
+- Update to version 44.0+24:
+  + x11: Wrap X call with error traps. And pass Atom directly. This
+    should make Mutter more resilient and avoid a type of crash on
+    gnome-shell.
+  + frames/window-tracker: Select StructureNotifyMask X11 events.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0+18:
+  + backends: Use meta_gamma_lut_new_sized() in a few more places
+  + compositor:
+  - Drop anchor_window_pos field from MetaWindowDrag
+  - Use relative anchor coordinates for window drags
+  - Avoid use of variable during resize
+  + onscreen/native: Avoid freezing the frame clock on failed
+    cursor commits
+  + window-actor-x11: Check array bounds before accessing array
+  + build: Don't disable checks in release builds
+  + tests: Use a more interoperable path to bash
+  + backend/nested: Ignore setting pointer constraint
+  + Updated translations.
+- Clean up spec, drop old disabled and unneeded pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
+  BuildRequires and move disabled patches to SLE.
+- Update to version 44.0+8:
+  + clutter: Safely transform paths to strings and vice versa
+  + Export meta_window_has_pointer ()
+  + compositor/window-drag: Fix keyboard resize
+  + backends: Fall back to the default and not the unknown color
+    space
+  + wayland/buffer: Avoid spamming the log when a buffer is not
+    scanoutable
+  + kms/device: Avoid leaking some fields
+  + kms/impl-device: Fix result listener list leak
+  + kms/impl-device/simple: Avoid destroying a NULL hash table
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Fix state confusion and delay on startup.
+  + Fix night light regression.
+  + Fix fullscreen regression with many SDL apps.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop patch needed for mutter-43.x, not needed in GNOME:Next where
+  we have mutter-44.rc:
+  + mutter-prevent-newly-focused-windows-to-steal-focus-from-shell.patch
+- Add mutter-prevent-newly-focused-windows-to-steal-focus-from-shell.patch:
+  Revert wrong commit and try a third approach to fix focus
+  (bsc#1208494).
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Do not overwrite previously set offsets on attach
+  + Fix Xwayland focus regressions
+  + Stop parsing unused EDID parameters
+  + Fix partial updates on offscreen rotated screens
+  + Improve Xwayland RandR emulation compatibility
+  + Fix touch window dragging on rotated monitors
+  + Remove legacy OpenGL driver support
+  + Improve default scale factor selection
+  + Handle all X11 window title fallbacks
+  + Fix handling of keyboard-driven window resize
+  + Fix recording windows on non-active workspaces
+  + Manage KMS updates more asynchronously
+  + Fix headless startup
+  + Remove support for window shading
+  + Move away from GTK3
+  + Restore zero-copy fast path for Xwayland fullscreen windows
+  + Prevent clients from locking the compositor with cursor updates
+  + Add experimental development tool for HDR modes
+  + Account for linear sampling when calculating actor damage
+  + wayland: Implement fractional_scale protocol
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Memory handling fixes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Disable mutter-Lower-HIDPI_LIMIT-to-144.patch: Needs rebase.
+- Rebase mutter-disable-cvt-s390x.patch with quilt.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with
+  pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4) BuildRequires, following upstream
+  changes.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Don't disable KMS modifiers on newer i915 systems
+  + Set LOD bias for sharper mipmaps
+  + Fix edge resistance and window snapping regression
+  + Avoid high-level udev queries for input caps and properties
+  + Implement wl_output v3 and v4
+  + Fix recalculating viewport after window resize
+  + Fix opaque cursors and LoDPI cursor on HiDPI screens
+  + Process device removing events immediately
+  + Handle stage view updates without allocation more gracefully
+  + Fix window screenshots being cut off at the bottom right
+  + wayland/subsurface: Avoid using buffers with unfinished client
+    work
+  + Move X11 window decorations to a separate client
+  + Fix cursor position in window screencasts
+  + Skip resize effects for tiled windows during user grabs
+  + Fix pointer constrains with subsurfaces
+  + Disable direct scanout during drag-n-drop operations
+  + Ignore unmapped subsurfaces in direct scanout check
+  + Fix cursor disappearing over windows during grabs
+  + Make wl_output mode independent of the orientation
+  + Improve focus handling on workspace switches
+  + Fix initialization of keyboard accessibility
+  + Refactor API to use well-defined ownership instead of
+    singletons
+  + Add support for xdg-foreign-v2
+  + Add higher bit depth offscreen framebuffers support
+  + Overhaul dynamic max render time calculation
+  + Do not require a physical device to update pointer visibility
+  + Allow building without xwayland support
+  + Add Xwayland byte-swapped clients support
+  + Fix freeze when crossing monitors under some conditions
+  + Don't allow window activation to break global grabs
+  + Integrate window grab operations with new ClutterGrab API
+  + Support selecting an acceleration profile for touchpad devices
+  + Enforce compliant surface buffer sizes
+  + Keep proportional position when moving window between rects
+  + Introduce implicit grabbing in Clutter
+  + Fix unexpected window focus changes after global grabs
+  + Fix sloppy/mouse focus mode on wayland
+  + Add service channel Wayland clients
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Plugged leaks
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patches with quilt.
+- Bump api_major define to 12 following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 43.3+2:
+  + wayland: Don't overwrite surface offsets.
+  + x11: Avoid updating focus on wayland compositor (boo#1208494).
+- Update to version 43.3:
+  + Skip resize effects for tiled windows during user grabs
+  + Disable direct scanout during drag-n-drop operations
+  + Ignore unmapped subsurfaces in direct scanout check
+  + Fix cursor disappearing over windows during grabs
+  + Fix pointer constrains with subsurfaces
+  + Make wl_output mode independent of the orientation
+  + Improve focus handling on workspace switches
+  + Fix cursor position in window screencasts
+  + Do not require a physical device to update pointer visibility
+  + Fix initialization of keyboard accessibility
+  + Fix freeze when crossing monitors under some conditions
+  + Don't allow window activation to break global grabs
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Fix edge resistance and window snapping regression.
+  + Handle stage view updates without allocation more gracefully.
+  + Fix window screenshots being cut off at the bottom right.
+  + Implement wl_output v3 and v4.
+  + Fix recalculating viewport after window resize.
+  + Set LOD bias for sharper mipmaps.
+  + Don't disable KMS modifiers on newer i915 systems.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop clutter-actor-Show-on-all-stage-views-when-actors-ha.patch:
+  Fixed upstream.
+- Fix window freezes when maximized on Xorg (boo#1205714,
+  glgo#GNOME/mutter!2694, glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell#6054)
+  * add clutter-actor-Show-on-all-stage-views-when-actors-ha.patch
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Add quirk to work around issue with Mali GPUs.
+  + Notify changes to night-light support over D-Bus.
+  + Fix always-on-top windows unexpectedly taking focus.
+  + Fix accidental direct scanout.
+  + Disable client modifiers with amdgpu driver.
+  + Cancel pointer gesture on wl_pointer.leave.
+  + Add black padding to fixed-size wayland fullscreen windows.
+  + Stop sending frame callbacks to minimized clients.
+  + Fix scrolling in clients with no hi-res scroll support in RDP.
+  + Fix skipped low-res scroll events with some high-res mice.
+  + Throttle interactive move and resize updates.
+  + wayland-keyboard: Send pressed keys on enter.
+  + Fix some X11 windows getting unredirected erroneously.
+  + Fix Flatpak applications bypassing X11 permission.
+  + Fix always visible cursor in virtual streams.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop b81429ac.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Fix stuttering in Xorg session.
+  + Make MetaBarrier type derivable again.
+  + Fixes crash.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Fix night-light-support: Add b81429ac.patch: meta-monitor: Keep
+  the dbus night-light-supported property in sync.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Remember monitor scale when switching configurations
+  + Embed wayland output name into screencast streams
+  + Limit precision of stored refresh rates
+  + Add support for the "max bpc" connector property
+  + Fix focus-tracking corner case
+  + Add detail to ::event signal
+  + Improve heuristics for adding fallback monitor modes
+  + Take over color management from gnome-settings-daemon
+  + Allow scanout for offscreen rotated views
+  + Fix hot corner regression on X11
+  + Fix losing IM focus in some circumstances
+  + Avoid swapping redundant portions of buffers onscreen
+  + Animate windows moving between monitors
+  + Make NVIDIA + gbm use atomic mode setting
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Plugged memory leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(colord) and pkgconfig(lcms2) BuildRequires: New
+  dependencies.
+- Pass tests=false to meson, disable build of all tests.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Add basic color-scheme support for server-side decorations
+  + Add single pixel buffer support
+  + Add support for multi-monitor direct scanout
+  + Add tool to pretty print display configuration
+  + Always send modifiers to clients if supported
+  + Better integrate cogl tests with existing infrastructure
+  + Continue gi-docgen migration
+  + Defer and accumulate redraw-clip on scanout
+  + Don't skip frames after skipped KMS updates
+  + Don't skip vblank sync on missing presentation timestamp
+  + Fall back to ARGB if XRGB is not supported
+  + Fix cursor showing on Xilinx
+  + Fix cursor visibility on X11 with only tablets as input
+  + Fix glitches in apps using subsurfaces
+  + Fix registering as X11 window manager if GDK_BACKEND is set
+  + Highlight actors becoming reactive under the pointer
+  + High-resolution scroll wheel support
+  + Notify about privacy screen changes via predictions
+  + Reduce client work when entering overview
+  + Remove mipmap framerate limiting
+  + Replace MetaTextureTower with native GL mipmapping
+  + Report actual monitor transform
+  + screencast:
+  - Set correct stride when using dmabufs
+  - Use flag to signal failed recording
+  + Support direct scanout on GPUs without modifiers support
+  + Plugged leaks
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop zenity BuildRequires/Requires: The dependency was removed in
+  alpha release.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Drop zenity dependency.
+  + Fix initialization of privacy mode in displays that support it.
+  + Add NightLightSupported property to DisplayConfig.
+  + Don't use direct scanout for transparent windows.
+  + Improve picking a window for direct scanout.
+  + Drop support for obsolete wayland protocols.
+  + Fix --replace again.
+  + Do not allow windows to steal focus when the shell has a grab.
+  + Fix night light without GAMM_LUT property.
+  + Expose Cogl's Snippet API to introspection.
+  + wayland: Fix rotation transform.
+  + Build and deploy API documentation.
+  + Attach color state information to actors.
+  + Fix pointer confinement on HiDPI setups.
+  + Fix dma-bufu screencast regression.
+  + Fix monitor mirroring in some cases.
+  + Parse HDR and Colorimetry CTA-861 EDID extension blocks.
+  + Fix cursor tracking during screencasts on X11.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Plugged leaks.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Bump api_major to 11, following upstream.
+- Update to version 42.4:
+  + screencast: Set correct stride when using dmabufs
+  + Fix glitches in apps using subsurfaces
+  + Reduce client work when entering overview
+  + Highlight actors becoming reactive under the pointer
+  + Fall back to ARGB if XRGB is not supported
+  + Support direct scanout on GPUs without modifiers support
+  + Fix registering as X11 window manager if GDK_BACKEND is set
+  + Fixed crash
+  + Plugged leak
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + wayland: Fix rotation transform.
+  + Fix dma-buf screencast regression.
+  + Fix monitor mirroring in some cases.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Plugged leak.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Don't use direct scanout for transparent windows.
+  + Fix initialization of privacy mode in displays that support it.
+  + Fix --replace again.
+  + Improve picking a window for direct scanout.
+  + Do not allow windows to steal focus when the shell has a grab.
+  + Fix night light without GAMMA_LUT property.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Misc. bug fixes.
-- Update to version 41.5:
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Send correct LEAVE events when entering windows.
+  + Be more forgiving with wrongly sized clients.
+  + Add ClutterInputCapabilities enum and device property.
+  + Fall back if COPY_MODE_SECONDARY_GPU fails to init.
+  + Fix missing root window properties after XWayland start.
+  + wayland/shm: Add support for ABGR8888 and XBGR8888 formats.
+  + Keep actors dirty if a redraw was queued up during paint().
+  + Fix overview painting of shaped texture with layer snippets.
+  + Survive missing GAMMA_LUT KMS property.
+  + Record current event when going through event filters.
+  + Pass events to pointer a11y before going through filters.
+  + Update cursor when scaled or transformed.
+  + Fix screen cast when DMA buffer fails or can't be used.
+  + Repick when pointer actor goes unmapped.
+  + Improve IM support.
+  + Allow using dumb buffers for cursor sprites.
+  + wayland/dma-buf: Only advertise supported formats.
+  + Fix screen cast cursor metadata with unthrottled input.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Plugged memory leak.
+- Drop mutter-bail-out-on-reentry-into-map-unmap.patch and
+  mutter-42.0-fix-top-bar-elements-hovering-effect.patch (merged
+  upstream).
+- Add mutter-42.0-fix-top-bar-elements-hovering-effect.patch based
+  on commits: 0280b0aaa563db65bf79a3643f6a9e8e76bfe458 and
+  2aad56b949b86b4f1d0eab6d3d3b0d5491e8515b. A fix for elements in
+  the top bar not losing the cursor-hovering effect if the cursor
+  immediately enters an app window (glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell#203).
+- Add mutter-bail-out-on-reentry-into-map-unmap.patch: This fixes
+  gnome-shell crash when dragging close button in overview by
+  bailing out on reentry into map/unmap() (bsc#1197350,
+  glgo#GNOME/mutter!2299).
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
-  + Allow forcing EGLStream backend.
+  + Make xdg-activation interoperate with other startup sequences.
+  + Fix stuck grab feedback actor during compositor grabs.
+  + Make gnome-desktop dependency optional.
+  + Provide better profiling information.
+  + Drop ClutterEvent "source" field.
+  + Add support for xdg_toplevel.configure_bounds().
+  + Add support for wl_surface.offset.
+  + Fix resizing of virtual monitors.
+  + Include size in configure events of maximized clients.
+  + Only allow direct scanouts for surfaces that aren't cropped,
+    scaled or rotated.
+  + Fix pipewire screencasts.
+  + Plugged memory leak.
+  + Fixed crash.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop mutter-ci-catchsegv.patch: No longer needed.
+- Update to version 42.beta+11:
+  * meson: Enable -Wall by default
+  * core: Initialize g_autofree with NULL
+  * ci:
+  - Rebuild image with newer dependencies
+  - Install xwayland from tag directly
+  * wayland/keyboard: Remove unnused define
+  * Updated translations.
+- Switch to using source service again.
+- Flip profiler bcond to without, build profiling/sysprof support
+  again.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Implement a new Clutter grab API
+  + Support KMS testing via QEMU
+  + Generate API references with gi-docgen
+  + Improve support for running from toolbx
+  + Add support for privacy screen
+  + Allow changing monitor configuration policy
+  + Add support for XFixes ClientDisconnectMode
+  + Fix possible missed clicks on menus
+  + Place popups on the same monitor as the anchor rect
+  + Announce DMA-BUF support via pipewire
+  + Raise the file descriptor limit of the wayland compositor
+  + Fix resetting idle time on lid open
+  + Don't limit DMA buffer screen casting only to Intel
+  + Keep a single cursor sprite visible with tablets
+  + Sync keyboard LEDs after layout changes
+  + Honor window input area in picking
+  + Handle mixture of keycombo/no action in pad rings/strips
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+- Drop 0002-Drop-CI-test-setup-that-needs-catchsegv.patch: Use the
+  mutter-ci-catchsegv.patch, as this applies for 42.alpha.
+- Add mutter-ci-catchsegv.patch: drop CI test setup that needs
+  catchsegv, which is removed in glibc 2.35
+  (glgo#GNOME/mutter#2120).
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Fix monitor screencast scanouts.
+  + wayland: Allow clients to maximize windows regardless of
+    constraints.
+  + Handle hotplug events without relevant changes more
+    effectively.
+  + Improve error reporting when startup fails.
+  + Fix X11 middle button emulation setting.
+  + Include server-side shadows in window screenshots.
+  + Don't change workspaces of unmanaged windows.
+  + Fix videos in Firefox stuttering in overview.
+  + Improve on-screen keyboard on X11.
+  + Fix erratic scrolling in GTK apps.
+  + Use rtkit to get realtime priority.
+  + Sanitize event handling at gestures.
+  + Fix mapping tablet input to correct monitor.
+  + Fix key repeat of on-screen keyboard for 2nd-level keysyms.
+  + Fix window size after returning from fullscreen.
+  + Fix blank screen when unplugging docking station.
+  + Improve anti-aliasing of background corners.
+  + Fix DND between X11 and wayland clients.
+  + Allow adding more streams to a screen cast session.
+  + Fix mixed up refresh rates in multi-monitor setups.
+  + Improve KMS fallback modes.
+  + Fix workspace switch animation in default plugin.
+  + Fixed crashes.
+  + Plugged leaks.
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Bump api_major to 10, following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 45.2.1:
+  + Fix a crash in sidebar code
+  + Fix build without optional cloudproviders dependency.
+- Update to version 45.2:
+  + Don't crash when reconnecting to remove server.
+  + Actually detect unmount on some non-native mounts.
+  + Don't crash on image properties.
+  + Allow types and sizes in Properties to expand.
+  + Don't corrupt toast messages.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + Don't crash when opening Properties from admin://*
+  + Don't crash on unmount
+  + Stop jumping to top when using the Menu key
+  + Properly reorder bookmarks by drag and drop
+  + Re-add search results when switching view mode
+  + Fix compilation on 32-bit musl
+  - Fix various leaks and warnings
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0+12:
+  + gtk/placessidebar: Use list box for coordinates translation.
+  + list-base: Stop jumping to top on Menu key.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Switch to source service, explicit commit from the stable branch.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Avoid slowness when many files are selected.
+  + Make tooltip and menu for Preferences back button not empty.
+  + Revert patch which could cause loss of data.
+  + Fix sizing and styling of Visible Columns.
+  + Change sidebar title.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta2:
+  + Feature enhancements:
+  - New "Search Everywhere" buttons to expand search scope
+  - Modern full-height sidebar layout
+  - Refined sidebar sizing and folding treshold
+  + Performance enhancements:
+  - Flickerless transition into and from search
+  - Accelerated generation of multiple thumbnail
+  - Avoid DBus-activating other apps when starting
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Delete partially copied file on cancelled copy
+  - Don't restrict shell search results do %HOME
+  - Don't open trash on drag hover
+  - Fix multiple search bugs
+  - Avoid crashes on search
+  - Fix "sort after rename" regression
+  - Fix various styling issues
+  - Don't allow to resize Properties too small
+  + Maintenance: Disable deprecation warnings, fix other warnings
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop fix-Werror-return-type-build-error.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Enhancements:
+  - Use new navigation view and flat headerbar for Properties
+  - Don't switch view mode when searching
+  - Don't add search to history stack
+  - Optimize view performance when selecting or removing many
+    items
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Prefent mixed-language date and time labels
+  - Multiple starred files view bugfixes
+  - Context menu capitalization
+  + Maintenance:
+  - Replace some eel API with direct GLib API
+  - Cleanup URI scheme checking
+  - Use newer async API for creating thumbnails
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add fix-Werror-return-type-build-error.patch as a quick fix for a
+  build error (‘return’ with a value, in function returning void)
+  caught by -Werror=return-type.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Enhancements:
+  - Boost search performance
+  - Redesign Visible Columns options, allow changing default
+    columns
+  - Support dropping images from web pages
+  - Show bytes size as tooltip for folder properties too
+  - Indicate starred files in grid view
+  - Support skipping errors while creating compressed archives
+  - Make date and time format more consistent
+  - Make Ctrl+F refocus search bar, not cancel search
+  - Adapt sidebar width to window width, and use a breakpoint for
+    adaptiveness
+  - Allow moving keyboard focus within list rows
+  - Replace GtkComboBox with GtkDropDown
+  - Simplify Keyboard Shortcuts window definition
+  - Improve file opening experience while sandboxed
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Fix results ordering, and other search bugs
+  - Fix tooltips, a11y labels, and i18n issues
+  - Fix sushi integration bugs
+  - Don't hide incompletely deleted folders
+  - Show file renamed to hidden again on undo
+  - Don't state file was "deleted" if it was moved to trash
+  - Fix rubberband range behavior on list view
+  - Respect modifiers when dropping on tabs; disable broken tab
+    drop target on X11
+  - Fix bugs when reloading on autofs timeouts
+  - Don't offer to format volumes which cannot be formatted, e.g.
+    MTP
+  - Fix multiple crashes
+  - Fix multiple leaks
+  + Maintenance:
+  - Rename default branch to 'main'
+  - Make libcloudproviders dependency optional again
+  - Improve reproducibility
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 3a931f61.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 3a931f61.patch patch to fix crash when closing tabs right
+  after clicking.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Fix crashes with expandable folders and on Other Locations.
+  + Avoid inconsistent search states.
+  + Prevent lingering tracker cursors.
+  + Fix rubberband range behavior on list view.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 0e5b4c34.patch and 6e37d15f.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Drop mount-archive.desktop. This was a feature based on
+  FATE#308344 and bgo#602147. However, the provided functionality
+  of mounting archives through gvfsd-archive has been broken for a
+  long time due to the Exec line pointing to a non-existent path
+  (/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive, rather than /usr/libexec/...).
+  Besides, there is a similar functionality which allow users to
+  see the content of archives, without extracting them, through
+  File Roller that serves as a replacement.
+- Add upstream bug fix patches:
+  + 0e5b4c34.patch general: Use GtkSwitch active property
+    consistently. app-chooser sets the state instead of active
+    property. Similar to d7af60161d30c885ebab69c58b346896f1565387,
+    we really meant to set active (whether the switch is toggled)
+    and not the state (i.e. the color of the switch). Use
+    gtk_switch_set_active().
+    In properties we've already fixed this, but there's a lingering
+    call to gtk_switch_get_state(). This is probably fine because
+    state is in sync with active when the default handler is used,
+    but let's get :active, to be consistent and safe.
+  + 6e37d15f.patch window-slot: Manage search props set with
+    action. Manages search property change through "search-visible"
+    action. The action triggers other related functions that if not
+    executed will causes buggy behavior.
+    Fixes
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Resolve some crashes.
+  + Visual bugfixes:
+  - Tweak style colors in view items
+  - Show custom emblems from extensions again
+  - Relayout SELinux property row
+  - Flip switches correctly
+  + Other bugfixes:
+  - Disable some actions when not usefull
+  - Fix dead characters handling in batch rename dialog
+  - Fix crashes when rapidly opening and closing windows
+  - Prevent location change when autofs timeouts
+  - Fix issues with translations in libadwaita widgets
+  - Drop workarounds for fixed GTK bugs
+  - Fix other issues
+  + Enhancements:
+  - Dismiss toast on undo
+  - Select right items after some operations
+  - Paste into expanded folders
+  - Allow extraction of .tar.zst and .zstd archives
+  - Performance optimization
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Prevent rubberband selection instead of drag and drop.
+  - Fix critical errors with recent GLib versions.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Fix crashes caused by extra free call
+  + Fix file order after renaming
+  + Fix libadwaita include path
+  + Fix handling of missing dates from Tracker
+  + Cache clock format setting
+  + Try to own dbus name at the correct time
+  + Exchange mismatched error messages
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add explicit tracker BuildRequires, now needed for tests due to
+  changes in tracker/tracker-miners.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Enhacements:
+  - Make various appdata and desktop file improvements
+  - Make rubberband to have rounded corners
+  - Make several documentation improvements
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Fix crashes caused by inverted g_assert condition
+  - Fix various drag and drop issues
+  - Fix several memory leaks
+  - Fix various three expander issues
+  - Export FileManager1 iface from dbus_register vfunc
+  - Fix other issues
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.alpha:
+  + Enhancements:
+  - Allow expanding subfolders in the list.
+  - Enrich tab context menus.
+  - Allow pasting image data into new PNG file.
+  - Use pregenerated thumbnails when available, e.g. MTP.
+  - Add shortcut for Preferences.
+  - Show full filename in grid, using tooltips.
+  - Reintroduce 64px icon size for grid view.
+  - Remove upper limit on thumbnailing file size range.
+  - Reword "application" to "app".
+  - Other papercuts.
+  + Other bugfixes:
+  - Avoid many crashes.
+  - Fix and improve autorun support.
+  - Fix some drag-and-drop issues.
+  - Fix some view focus and selection issues.
+  - Fix properties extensions bugs.
+  - Fix memory leaks.
+  - Fix building on certain cases.
+  - Fix bugs with file operations.
+  - Resolve some performance issues.
+  - Resolve stuttering scrolling.
+  - Save and restore sort column.
+  - Reimplement view navigation from the previewer.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.2:
+  + Regressions addressed:
+  - Launch search from shell correctly
+  - Make nautilus-autorun-software work again
+  - Restore 2-dimensional navigation from sushi
+  - Resolve stuttering scrolling
+  - Reintroduce 64px icon size for grid view
+  - Show full filename again in grid, using tooltips
+  + Other bugfixes:
+  - Avoid a many crashes
+  - Stop showing � in the type on Properties
+  - Show rename error dialogs again
+  - Handle X11-only drag-and-drop quirks
+  - Allow without executable bit
+  - Improve selection-setting
+  - Restrict DND actions over drag source
+  - Focus replaces files
+  - Improve keyboard focus navigation on the new views
+  - Stop blocking on the tracker connection
+  - Don't add missing emblems
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Actually reset metadata when reseting to default columns
+  - Don't allow hiding name column
+  - Keep track of column sorting changes
+  - Fix view focus navigation
+  - Reimplement view navigation from the previewer
+  - Don't accept drops into search directory
+  - Share settings with GTK4 filechooser
+  - Fix a properties extensions bugs
+  - Fix various Drag-and-Drop bugs
+  - Remove dead shortcut from Keyboard Shortcut
+  - Allow opening current view in new tab from sidebar
+  - Fix crashes
+  + Performance improvements:
+  - Optimize sorting during directory loading
+  - Minimize column factories
+  - Increase search timeout
+  - Minimize and optimize menu updates
+  + Build fixes: Make header prototypes match definitions
+  + Updated translations.
+  + Drop upstream merged nautilus-CVE-2022-37290.patch.
-- Update to version 41.5:
-  + HighContrast style fixes.
-  + Drag-and-drop bugfixes.
+- Drop nautilus-revert-extra-large-thumbnails.patch: No longer
+  needed with glib2 2.74.1.
+- Add nautilus-revert-extra-large-thumbnails.patch: Revert
+  "thumbnails: Create larger thumbnails for higher density
+  displays"; patch taken from upstream merge request
+  (glgo#GNOME/nautilus#2487, boo#1203697).
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Bugs fixed:
+  - Open first search result with Enter, as before.
+  - Don't freeze when opening media storage.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Resolving regressions from the GTK 3 to 4 switch:
+  - Restore accessible labels for view items/.
+  - HiDPI icons and thumbnails.
+  - Restore transient location entry behavior.
+  - Restore spacebar shortcut to trigger sushi file previewer.
+  - Restore ability to create new file from dropped text.
+  - Restore ability to duplicate via DND + Ctrl.
+  + Drag-and-drop enhancements:
+  - Allow dropping files into Starred to star them.
+  - Prevent "open on hover" while moving pointer.
+  + Menu enhancements:
+  - Add menu item to remove files from Starred list.
+  - Don't activate menu button when clicking folder name.
+  - Don't offer "Properties" and "Add to Bookmarks" actions when
+    they don't make sense.
+  + Properties enhancements:
+  - Wrap long filename words in Properties.
+  - Refine properties for root directory.
+  - Show error state for extensions properties.
+  + General enhancements:
+  - Redesign trash infobar.
+  - Add tooltips to every headerbar control.
+  - Update and modernize libnautilus-extension documentation.
+  - Update appdata screenshots.
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Fix various app chooser issues.
+  - Fix various batch rename dialog issues.
+  - Fix Highcontrast styles.
+  - Fix focus misbehaviours in the new views.
+  - Don't show URI escape codes in tooltips.
+  - Show sharing infobar in gnome-user-share's fallback location.
+  - Fix icon size in file conflict dialog.
+  - Fix operations indicator animation.
+  - Mark missing translatable strings.
+  - Fix various memory leaks.
+  - Fix compilation errors.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace gtk-doc BuildRequires for pkgconfig(gi-docgen): follow
+  upstreams move to gi-docgen.
+- Mark gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus noarch.
+- Update to version 43.beta.1:
+  + Restore view options tooltip
+  + Mark new files for translation
+  + Look for extensions in their new installation directory
+- Stop creating 3.0 extensions directory, and bump soversion on
+  what we currently support and build.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Adapting main window elements to smaller sizes;
+  - Make sidebar foldable.
+  - Split toolbar contorls into top and bottom toolbars at small
+    sizes.
+  + Restoring Disks integration:
+  - Open storage unit in Disks from Properties.
+  - Format with Disks from the sidebar context menu.
+  + Absorbing features from core plug-ins:
+  - Provide infobar for Public folder, instead of
+    gnome-user-share.
+  - Provide context menu action to open folders in Console.
+  - Replace nautilus-send-to extension with Email portal.
+  + Remodeling plug-ins
+  - List installed extensions plug-ins in About.
+  - Implement new Properties API and port Image and Audio/Video.
+  - Remove GTK-dependent API from libnautilus-extension.
+  - Bump libnautilus-extension versions.
+  + Improving search UI design
+  - Use modern design patterns for type filter chooser.
+  - Elaborate FTS snippets and place them in a container.
+  + Modernizing Properties window
+  - Implement new "pages and rows" design.
+  - Move ability to set default app into Open With dialog.
+  + Reorganizing context menus.
+  + Refining view visual styles
+  - Saturate selection colors.
+  - Add icon shadows.
+  - Refine layout of column editor dialog.
+  + Using more modern widgetry:
+  - Use AdwTabBar for detatchable tabs.
+  - Use AdwEmptyState for empty folder views.
+  - Use AdwMessageDialog instead of GtkMessage.
+  + Resolving regressions from the GTK 3 to 4 switch:
+  - Restore Accessibility relations.
+  - Restore location entry suggestions.
+  - Restore libcloudproviders integration.
+  + Opening new tab with middle click on next and forward buttons.
+  + Miscellaneous bugfixes.
+  + Leftover known regressions in 43.beta:
+  - Lacks HiDPI icons.
+  - Lacks attention-grabbing animation on operations button.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(cloudproviders) BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Rename libnautilus-extension2 to libnautilus-extension4 following
+  upstreams soname changes.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Resolving regressions from the GTK 3 to 4 switch:
+  - Reintroduce clipboard with GTK 4
+  - Reintroduce Drag’n’Drop with GTK 4
+  - Reintroduce emblems independently of file icon
+  - Reintroduce filter search tags with GTK 4
+  - Port audio-video-properties extension to GTK 4
+  - Restore sidebar features from GTK 3
+  - Fix other regressions from the GTK 3 to 4 switch
+  + Modernizing view widgets:
+  - Port files grid view mode to GtkGridView
+  - Reimplement files list view mode with GtkColumnView
+  - Add checkerboard background for thumbnails with transparency
+  + Enhancing menus:
+  - New menu item to open current folder in another application
+  - Add menu item to copy current path to clipboard
+  - Redesign zoom controls as icon size controls
+  - Context menu bugfixes
+  - Add context menu item to show Properties in Other Locations
+  - Improve support for context menus on touchscreens
+  - Show extensions in templates names
+  - Show sort menu options in list virw mode
+  - Allow sorting in recent and search
+  + Other enhancements:
+  - Use better in-app notifications with AdwToast
+  - Modernize "About" with AdwAboutWindow
+  - Refine pathbar appearance
+  - Label '/' with the OS name
+  - Keyboard shortcuts overlay updates
+  + Miscellaneous bugfixes:
+  - Search engine bugfixes
+  - Floating satus bar bugfixes
+  - Fix popover crashes
+  - Allow copying to a ramfs
+  - Stop computing remote folders item count when disabled
+  - Fix batch rename for files with the same name in search
+    results
+  - Don't trigger keyboard shortcuts ouside their intended scope
+  + Maintenance work
+  - Adapt to thumbnails API changes
+  - Depend on libportal and drop wallpaper fallback setting
+  - Modernize build with new meson features
+  - Bump extensions library version
+- Changes in BuildRequires following upstreams port to gtk4:
+  + Drop pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0), pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) and
+    pkgconfig(libhandy-1) and stop passing libportal=false to meson
+    as it is now mandatory to support libportal.
+  + Add pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4), pkgconfig(gtk4),
+    pkgconfig(libadwaita-1), pkgconfig(libportal) and
+    pkgconfig(libportal-gtk4).
+- Rename libnautilus-extension1 to libnautilus-extension2 and
+  typelib-1_0-Nautilus-3_0 to typelib-1_0-Nautilus-4_0 following
+  upstream soname bump.
+- Update to version 42.2:
+  + Close broken link message dialog on response.
+  + Fix crash when opening new window from pathbar.
+  + Fix remote filesystem check.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1.1:
+  + Revert wrongly introduced dependency on unstable gnome-desktop.
+- Changes from version 42.1:
+  + Add HighContrast syle support.
+  + Preload dragged external file info in list view.
+  + Override dark mode wallpaper when not using portal.
+  + Avoid truncated popover in Compress dialog under X11.
+  + Add checkerboard background to transparent thumbnails.
+  + Style and scroll pathbar propperly in RTL languages.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Fix HiDPI thumbnails in list view.
+  + Properly dispose pathbar to avoid crashes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Tweak thumbnail shadow drawing to fix performance regressions.
+  + Various search engine fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.beta:
+  + Revert GTK 4 switch and intentional regressions.
+  + Fix criticals when selecting non-ZIP formats for compression.
+  + Add shadows to thumbnails in the old views.
+  + Support dark mode setting.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Revert changes done in alpha, but leave the "gtk 4 port"
+  BuildRequires in place, but disabled. Add back
+  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0), pkgconfig(libhandy-1) and
+  pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0). Rename back to
+  typelib-1_0-Nautilus-3_0.
+- Update to version 42.alpha:
+  + Improve design of the file renaming UI.
+  + Improve visuals of the file conflict UI.
+  + Use GtkBuilder UI definitions for more components.
+  + Fix "Move to"/"Copy to" from Starred.
+  + Improve disposition of shell search provider.
+  + Sort by subtype within type.
+  + Allow searching by creation time.
+  + Replace deprecated gexiv2 functions.
+  + Fix extension API introspection annotations.
+  + Expand on extension API documentation.
+  + Add compressed archives to Recent files.
+  + Preparations for GTK 4 switch.
+  + Complete the GtkFlowBox-based grid view.
+  + Remove EelCanvas-based grid view.
+  * Improve design of the path bar.
+  + Fix geographical coordinates displayed format.
+  + Port to GTK 4.
+  + Fix some GTK 4 switch regressions/warnings.
+- Update BuildRequires for switch to GTK4:
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(libhandy-1) with pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)
+  + Replace pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with
+    pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4).
+- Drop shared-mime-info BuildRequires: it's been a long time that
+  the macros were not used anymore.
+- Rename typelib-1_0-Nautilus-3_0 to typelib-1_0-Nautilus-4_0,
+  following upstreams changes.
+- Require python3-gpg instead of python3-gpgme: gpgme is deprecated
+  and in the code is already the fallback, which is only used when
+  python3-gpg cannot be found.
+- Refresh 105.patch based on git (re-download).
+- Add 105.patch: Port to libnautilus-extension-4.
+- Following the above, add pkgconfig(gtk4) and
+  pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension-4) BuildRequires and drop
+  pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) and nautilus-dropbox-gtk4.patch
+  and change nautilus_extdir global to check for
+  libnautilus-extension-4 and not libnautilus-extension.
+- Update to version 0.4.0:
+  + Port to GTK4
+  + Port to libnautilus-extension-4
+  + Port to Meson
+  + Fix progress window
+  + Misc ui cleanup
+- Switch to source service git checkout.
+- Drop nautilus-image-converter-git.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Changes in BuildRequires:
+  + Drop: gnome-common, gtk3-devel, intltool and nautilus-devel.
+  + Add: meson, pkgconfig, pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension-4),
+    pkgconfig(gtk4) and pkgconfig(glib-2.0).
+- Modernize spec, use meson macros following upstreams port.
+- Update to net-snmp-5.9.4 (bsc#1214364).
+  add (rename):
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-add-netgroups-functionality.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fixed-python2-bindings.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-modern-rpm-api.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-perl-tk-warning.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-pie.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-socket-path.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-subagent-set-response.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-testing-empty-arptable.patch
+  delete (now part of v5.9.4):
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-disallow_SET_requests_with_NULL_varbind.patch
+  delete (rename):
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-modern-rpm-api.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-perl-tk-warning.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-socket-path.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-subagent-set-response.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-testing-empty-arptable.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.1-velocity-mib.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-pie.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-fixed-python2-bindings.patch
+- Removing legacy MIBs used by Velocity Software (jira#PED-6416).
+- Re-add support for hostname netgroups that was removed accidentally and
+  previously added with FATE#316305 (bsc#1207697).
+  '@hostgroup' can be specified for multiple hosts
+- Hardening systemd services setting "ProtectHome=true" caused home directory
+  size and allocation to be listed incorrectly (bsc#1206044).
+  add (rename):
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmpd.service.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch
+  delete (rename):
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmpd.service.patch
+  * net-snmp-5.9.3-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch
-- no longer try to overwrite NVreg_OpenRMEnableSupporteGpus driver
+- fix typo in changelog:
+  * NVreg_OpenRMEnableSupporteGpus -> NVreg_OpenRmEnableUnsupportedGpus
+    (boo#1215981, comment#33)
+- Update to 545.29.06
+- no longer try to overwrite NVreg_OpenRmEnableUnsupportedGpus driver
-  NVreg_OpenRMEnableSupporteGpus driver option setting (disable it),
+  NVreg_OpenRmEnableUnsupportedGpus driver option setting (disable it),
+- update old changelog entry so it mention that a patch has been removed
+- add old changelog entry to changelog
+- fix build on SLE15 code streams
+- Do not define pythons: direclt use the python3 - relevant macros.
+- Update to version v0.8: (jsc#PED-6252 jsc#PED-5728)
+  * nvmetcli: set up the target only after the network is configured
+  * nvmetcli: fixup ana groupid setting for namespaces
+  * nvmetcli: add a tcp example json
+  * nvmetcli: Correct xrange usage for py3
+  * nvmetcli: Allow different devices for make test
+  * nvmetcli: Report save name correctly
+  * Make modprobe work for kmod lib too
+  * Sync the containing directory
+  * Explicit close is redundant
+  * nvmetcli: Improve IOError handling on restore
+  * nvmetcli: don't remove ANA Group 1 on clear
+  * nvmetcli: ANA configuration support (bsc#1130981)
+- remove 0001-nvmetcli-don-t-remove-ANA-Group-1-on-clear.patch
+- remove nvmetcli-ANA-configuration-support.patch
+- use autosetup instead listing all patches individual
+- build package according PEP 517, 518. Thus don't call directly
+- use fdupes to reduce package size
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_nvmet.service.patch
-- Remove patches merged with upstream:
+- Remove patch merged with upstream
-  * nvmetcli-ANA-configuration-support.patch
+- Update to 23.08.4
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.08.3
+- Update to 23.08.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.08.2:
+  * Add CI template for building APKs on invent
+  * Reflect move of KActivities out of Frameworks to Plasma
+  * snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files.
+- Rework patch that informs the user about missing postscript
+  support and how to install it. Replace patch:
+  * 0001-Inform-users-about-the-okular-spectre-package-in-the.patch
+  with
+  * 0001-Inform-users-about-the-okular-spectre-package.patch
+- Update to 23.08.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.08.1:
+  * markdown: Fix rendering with discount3 (kde#475198)
+  * CI: fix which clang tidy we want
+- Update to 23.08.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.08.0:
+  * Fix creation of new JS objects (kde#474256)
+  * Guard against setting invalid button icons
+  * The nFace argument in PDF JS button icon methods is optional
+  * Fix cert selection height
+- Update to 23.08.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.07.90
+- Update to 23.07.90
+  * New feature release
+- Changes since 23.07.80:
+  * No need to lookup paths for images without a dot.
+  * Better suggested signed name
+  * Bump SOVERSION of okularcore
+  * Fix playing of external audio files
+  * Fix phonon not being correctly detected
+  * Fix markdown converter with libdiscount 3
+  * Forms: Don't run focusin action when gaining focus because of window management (kde#472756)
+- Update to 23.07.80
+  * New feature release
+- Too many changes since 23.04.3, only listing bugfixes:
+  * Handle absolute urls in Document::processAction (kde#472440)
+  * Avoid accidental scrolling when performing pinch gesture (kde#421755)
+  * Surface Digitally Sign action more obviously in hamburger menu (kde#470752)
+  * Make default PDF printing scale mode configurable (kde#463732)
+  * Let user "Save As..." when document has been externally modified (kde#402017)
+  * Reuse an existing action to toggle sidebar visibility (kde#468317)
+  * JS: Implement field.valueAsString (kde#468036)
+  * Fix crash when executing the Save action (kde#467603)
+  * JS: Make field.value return a number if possible (kde#467852)
+- Update to 23.04.3
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 23.04.2
+- Update to 23.04.2
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.04.1:
+  * Bump c++ standard version. Poppler is about to use c++17 types in
+    the api, so better be prepared
+- Update to 23.04.1
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Changes since 23.04.0:
+  * Let user "Save As..." when document has been externally modified (kde#402017)
+  * Reuse an existing action to toggle sidebar visibility (kde#468317)
+- Update to 23.04.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- Update to 23.03.90
+  * New feature release
+- Drop patch, now unneeded:
+  * 0001-Compile-with-discount-3.patch
+- Add Discount 3 compatibility patch:
+  * 0001-Compile-with-discount-3.patch
+- Update to 23.03.80
+  * New feature release
+- Update to version 4.6.1703255154.b96c049:
+  * Handle no job group filter matches gracefully
+  * Add group filter options for /tests
+  * Prevent ambiguous PRJDIR ending up in vars.json
+- Update to version 4.6.1703176922.1f7eb61:
+  * doc: Improve wording of the introduction to MM tests
+  * doc: Improve punctuation/formatting in `WritingTests.asciidoc`
+  * doc: Rewrap lines in `WritingTests.asciidoc` to 80 characters per line
+  * doc: Move "Job dependencies" out of "Writing multi-machine tests"
+  * Remove unnecessary newline
+  * Introduce --skip-checks in openqa-clone-job
+  * Add a note for `Mojo::Base` in Documentation for Tests
+  * t: Use consistent 'Mojo::Base' instead of strict+warnings
+  * Extend tests of dependency graph to better cover restarting
+  * Fix dependencies not showing up in graph under certain conditions
+- Update to version 4.6.1702976108.a4cd34a:
+  * Document further ovs commands
+- Update to version 4.6.1702649526.dcd6122:
+  * Use postgresql recursive feature for getting scheduled product
+- Update to version 4.6.1702503492.e68161c:
+  * Improve documentation of cache service related variables in config
+  * Support for native asciidoc with fallback to rubygems bundle
+  * Add support for non-root installation of ruby dependencies
+  * Wrap lines in networking documentation at 80 characters
+  * Improve instructions for setting up VM to debug MM setup manually
+  * Simplify generation of documentation
+- Update to version 4.6.1702049559.97f9359:
+  * Add additional check in `t/ui/15-comments.t` for easier debugging
+  * Parse error messages from scheduling failures
+- Update to version 4.6.1701950335.db07886:
+  * Add job group filter options for /tests/overview
+  * Document testing the MM setup by launching a VM manually
+  * Use format `KEY:TEST=VALUE` in `openqa-clone-job` to specify job
+  * Improve warning about invalid command-line arguments in clone-job script
+  * Allow passing settings only for specific test when cloning jobs
+  * Dependency cron 2023-12-06
+  * Fail early when attempting to clone a job with missing assets
+  * Pass VNC argument for developer mode dynamically when test has started
+  * Fix displaying hostname in VNC instruction if empty
+- Adjust configure and Makefile to require libica-openssl3 when
+  building wiht openssl3 flavor. [bsc#1207472]
+  * Add openssl3-rename-libica-files.patch
+- Adjust dlopen() for the new for the multibuild
+  flavor. This allows to install in parallel a version compiled
+  against openssl 1.1.1 and another with openssl 3.0. [bsc#1207472]
+- Add multibuild flavor to provide library compiled against openssl-3
+  [bsc#1207472]
+- Version 4.4.0
+  * Match repos by alias when searching local repos
+  * Rephrase OSS alternative hints
+  * Fix typo in
+- Version 4.3.0
+  * Hint open source alternatives
+  * Fix issue with installing from existing openh264 repo
+- Version 4.2.0
+  * Support multiple repos defined in a single .repo file
+  * Automatically import packman key in non-interactive mode
+  * Restructure code: Add classes for Repository, OBSPackage and LocalPackage
+  * Hide package release for pkgs from local repos (same as with OBS pkgs)
+  * Use tumbleweed repo for openh264 on Slowroll
+  * Expand repovar $basearch (to e.g. x86_64 or aarch64)
+- Update to version 4.6.1703243806.d525e04:
+  * systemd: Fix too strict os-autoinst-openvswitch init timeout
+  * Add usb-kbd on riscv64 as well
+  * Disable isa-fdc only on architectures which use ISA
+  * Make qemu-img compress file using multiple threads
+- Update to version 4.6.1703186166.3e0b4eb:
+  * systemd: Fix too strict os-autoinst-openvswitch init timeout
+  * Add usb-kbd on riscv64 as well
+  * Disable isa-fdc only on architectures which use ISA
+  * Make qemu-img compress file using multiple threads
+  * Improve zone handling in setup-multi-machine
+- Update to version 4.6.1702845126.bd10c5a:
+  * Make qemu-img compress file using multiple threads
+  * Improve zone handling in setup-multi-machine
+  * Improve `sudo`-usage in `t/20-openqa-isotovideo-utils.t`
+  * Consider code as generally uncoverable when testing relies on `sudo`
+  * Fix CI failures due to `sudo` usage
+  * Unify perl linting rules
+- Update to version 4.6.1702650922.5d50a17:
+  * Improve zone handling in setup-multi-machine
+  * Improve `sudo`-usage in `t/20-openqa-isotovideo-utils.t`
+  * Consider code as generally uncoverable when testing relies on `sudo`
+  * Fix CI failures due to `sudo` usage
+  * Set MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine` also using NetworkManager
+  * Adjust MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine`
+  * Unify perl linting rules
+- Update to version 4.6.1702036503.3b9f3a2:
+  * Improve `sudo`-usage in `t/20-openqa-isotovideo-utils.t`
+  * Consider code as generally uncoverable when testing relies on `sudo`
+  * Fix CI failures due to `sudo` usage
+  * Set MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine` also using NetworkManager
+  * Adjust MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine`
+  * openvswitch: Add reference for the specific value selection
+  * Unify perl linting rules
+- Update to version 4.6.1701963272.58c0dd5:
+  * Fix CI failures due to `sudo` usage
+  * Set MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine` also using NetworkManager
+  * Adjust MTU in `os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine`
+  * openvswitch: Add reference for the specific value selection
+  * Increase bootindex of network devices if PXEBOOT is enabled
+  * openvswitch: Ensure a consistent MTU size compatible with GRE tunnels
+  * Unify perl linting rules
+- Upgrade to the upstream version 8.1.0
+  * no upstream changes
+- Regenerate the bundle manifest to correspond to what
+  maven-bundle-plugin generates during the maven build
+- Regenerate the bundle manifest to correspond to what
+  maven-bundle-plugin generates during the maven build
+- Update to upstream version 8.0.0
+  * no upstream changes
+- Update to version 2.1.7+20231219.0f7f88312 (Pacemaker-2.1.7):
+- attrd: Regression in transient attr deletions (gh#ClusterLabs/pacemaker#3283)
+- Update to version 2.1.6+20231207.80f8a320e (Pacemaker-2.1.7-rc3):
+- agents: handle dampening parameter consistently and correctly
-- libcrmcommon: wait for reply from appropriate controller commands
+- libcrmcommon: wait for reply from appropriate controller commands (bsc#1218312, rh#2225631, rh#2221084)
+- Add missing O_DIRECTORY flag in `protect_dir()` for pam_namespace module.
+  [bsc#1218475, pam-bsc1218475-pam_namespace-O_DIRECTORY-flag.patch]
+- pam_lastlog: check localtime_r() return value (bsc#1217000)
+  * Added: pam-bsc1217000-pam_lastlog-check-localtime_r-return-value.patch
+- Update to version 1.51.1:
+  + itemize: Improve script itemization
+  + build: Check for cairo DWrite dependency
+  + win32: Fix various issues and crashes
+  + layout: Add a missing switch case
+- Update to version 1.50.14:
+  + Fix underline thickness in scaled contexts.
+- Update to version 1.50.13:
+  + win32:
+  - Add back fallback for empty fontsets
+  - Improve DirectWrite support
+  + Fix word segmentation for Japanese
+  + Don't set backspace-deletes-char for math symbols
+  + coretext: Fix a crash
+  + cairo: Apply metrics hinting to underlines too
+  + Treat COLRv1 fonts as color fonts
+- Update to version 1.50.12:
+  + Fix weight conversion on MacOS.
+  + Update to Unicode 15.
+  + Some introspection annotation fixes.
+  + Improve PangoAttrList serialization.
+  + Fix char offset calculatiosn in multi-paragraph layouts.
+- Update to version 1.50.11:
+  + Don't crash for lack of fonts.
+  + Avoid a crash in shaping.
+- Drop 639.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 639.patch: layout: Fix crash when no font is installed.
+- Update to version 1.50.10:
+  + Avoid some unnecessary strdups.
+  + Fix line height computations with a non-trivial CTM.
+- Update to version 1.50.9:
+  + Apply show flags to line separators.
+  + Fix a thread-safety problem.
+- Update to version 1.50.8:
+  + Add some properties to fontmap and family.
+  + Fix handling of ligature carets in mixed directions.
+- Update to version 1.50.7:
+  + coretext: Fix the build.
+  + editing: Fix moving across paragraph boundaries in rtl.
+  + layout: Try harder to survive without fonts.
+  + Windows:
+  - Register a sans-serif font.
+  - Try harder to load a font.
+- Update to version 1.50.6:
+  + Drop hb-glib dependency.
+  + Fix test font configuration.
+  + Maintain order in pango_attr_list_change.
+  + Fix a use-after-free in pango_attr_list_change.
+- Update to version 1.50.5:
+  + Fix compiler warnings.
+  + Enable cairo by default.
+  + pango-view: Show more baselines.
+  + layout: Handle baselines.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Drop baselibs.conf: there is no known consumer of the -32bit
+  package.
+- Update to version 2.46.3:
+  + Context::get_font_map(): Fix reference count.
+  + Build:
+  - Require Meson >= 0.55.0
+  - Meson build:
+    . Specify 'check' option in run_command(). Will be necessary
+    with future versions of Meson.
+    . Check if Perl is required for building documentation.
+    . Avoid unnecessary configuration warnings.
+    . Re-organize warning-related compiler flags for MSVC.
+- Add budgie-backgrounds
-- Require xorg-x11-fonts to fix gnome-shell starting failure (bsc#1203966)
+- Drop mousetweaks as a recommended package, it has not been needed
+  for assistive technologies in a long time.
+- Disable (temp?) gnome-notes while we wait for upstream to fix the
+  now 6 months old bug with it crashing in its search-provider. See
+ and
+- Delete archived applications (gnome-dictionary)
+- Remove gnome-screenshot recommendation (replaced by the new
+  screenshot tool in gnome-shell >= 42)
+- Drop pidgin and planner Recommends from openSUSE, only install by
+  default on SLED. Planner is no longer available on Tumbleweed.
+- Replace gedit with gnome-text-editor as default editor. Following
+  this, drop all gedit-plugins Suggests.
+- Downgrade glade Recommends to Suggests in gnome_ide pattern.
+- Require xorg-x11-fonts on SLE earlier than 15-SP5 to fix
+  gnome-shell starting failure (bsc#1203966)
+- Require at-spi2-core else risk major performance issues (boo#1204564)
+- Delete some abandoned packages.
+- Replace gnome-tweak-tool to gnome-tweaks.
+- Add gnome-backgrounds Recommends to gnome-x11 pattern.
+- Replace pulseaudio with pipewire as the default audio server
+  in TW.
+- Update to version 202311:
+  * Support for Sapphire Rapids accelerators in pcm-grafana dashboard.
+  * Added support of Sapphire Rapids MCC CPUs in pcm-iio tool.
+  * Added support for M3UPI PMU for Sapphire Rapids.
+  * Added new tool to access TPMI registers: pcm-tpmi
+  * Added support for mmio register reads in pcm-raw tool
+  * pcm-raw now supports ha pmu and added invert,anythread,nc,isoc,opc and state emon event modifiers
+  * New script for filtering data in CSV
+  * Added bit operations for pcm register tools: pcm-msr, pcm-pcicfg, pcm-mmio
+  * pcm-raw: Add PCU PMU declaration for BDX/SKX/CLX/CPX and document pcicfg register events
+  * pcm-raw: remove the max number of event restrictions for register events
+  * Fixed deadlock in processDVSEC
+  * Fixed race condition in isHWTMAL1Supported
+  * Fixed a clang scan warning
+  * Fixed the docker name for Grafana in
+  * Fixed an issue in getMaxNumOfCBoxes to allow the fall-back perf API method to be called
+  * Fixed an issue with pcicfg reg syntax documentation
+  * Fixed an issue in pcm-accel to avoid confusion when overflow happens
+  * Added exception handling in utils.cpp:get_cpu_bus()
+  * Fix pcm for PCU and MDF: IO read size is data size
+- update to 202307:
+  * pcm-memory and grafana dashboard: support CXL bandwidth
+    monitoring on Sapphire Rapids
+  * pcm-raw: support collection for MSR and PCICFG (CSR)
+    registers in csv format
+  * pcm-mmio: support dumps for memory regions
+  * pcm-raw: additional CPU model/steppings supported (CPX, SPR)
+  * pcm-pcicfg: support PCICFG register lookup/search by device
+    ID
+  * documentation updates (how to run under non-root user, CXL
+    monitoring, pcm-accel IAA, DSA, QAT, pcm-raw register
+    monitoring)
+  * bug fixes
+- Trim R/TM signs as per
+- Update to version 202302:
+  * pcm-accel: support monitoring of Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) performance metrics
+  * grafana: support grafana dashboards with multiple hosts (with host selector) and fix UPI charts
+  * grafana: added dram pmem bandwidth and their ratio to grafana charts
+  * added python script to automate the generation of summary reports from pcm csv
+  * added backtrace info with signal SEGV for better debugability
+  * pcm-pcie: fix issues with delay parameter
+  * pcm-raw: validate counter event restrictions
+  * pcm-raw: initial support of hybrid cpus
+  * added LLCRDMISSLAT metric support for SPR
+  * added support for Gemini Lake
+  * added support memory bandwidth metrics for more ADL&TGL CPU models
+  * added systemd unit for Linux systems
+  * pcm-sensor-server: enhanced error handling in close, setSocket and sync calls
+  * avoid using errata events on older processors
+  * pcm-sensor-server: implement -force-rtm-abort-mode option
+- Drop "Requires: kernel >= 2.6.31" (jsc#PED-7261)
+  This requirement is pretty much guaranteed at this point and
+  needs to be dropped to support container installation.
+- perf vendor events: Update PMC used in PM_RUN_INST_CMPL event
+  for power10 platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit 12710f5acb]
+- perf vendor events power10: Update JSON/events (jsc#PED-3594,
+  jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit 8280d00df7]
+- perf vendor events: Update metric events for power10 platform
+  (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit f562fceb7b]
+- perf vendor events: Update metric event names for power10
+  platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit 79bf288c69]
+- perf vendor events: Update JSON/events for power10 platform
+  (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit f6f80190ef]
+- perf vendor events: Move JSON/events to appropriate files for
+  power10 platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit 24f680c7b9]
+- perf vendor events: Drop STORES_PER_INST metric event for
+  power10 platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit bb1cc55451]
+- perf vendor events: Drop some of the JSON/events for power10
+  platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit b1e46118df]
+- perf vendor events: Update the JSON/events descriptions for
+  power10 platform (jsc#PED-3594, jsc#PED-5091).
+  [kernel-source commit d72e483852]
+- Delete patches.suse/perf_timechart_fix_zero_timestamps.patch
+  Unclear why it was originally added, no BZ reference/etc. No response to 2017
+  request for update. No timely response to 2023 request. Deleting.
+  [kernel-source commit 8c9e160c0f]
+- perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources (bsc#1216396)
+  [kernel-source commit 9c84033f24]
+- perf trace: fix MSG_SPLICE_PAGES build error (bsc#1216396)
+  [kernel-source commit af42c7b1b5]
+- net: Kill MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST (bsc#1216396)
+  [kernel-source commit dbaaf080da]
+- Remove make test workaround, fixed upstream
+- updated to 1.04
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GnuPG-Interface/Changes
+  1.04 - 2023-12-12
+  - Use the included fake gpg for better test portability
+  - Update tests for gpg 2.4
+- Security fix: [bsc#1218414, CVE-2023-7101]
+  * Unvalidated input can lead to arbitrary code execution.
+  *
+  * Add perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-CVE-2023-7101.patch
+- update changes file
+  * add missing boo#1218651 (CVE-2024-22368) Information
+- updated to 0.29
+  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX/Changes
+  0.29  2024-01-02
+  - Merge pull request #1 from theevilapplepie/master: Fix for 'Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/local/shar…
+  - Merge pull request #2 from oharakouhei/master Incorrect cell values due to phonetic data doy#72
+  - Merge pull request #3 from nickzoic/master: Fix die message in parse()
+  - Merge pull request #4 from mazurin/master: Cannot open password protected SHA1 encrypted files. doy#68
+  - Merge pull request #5 from danderman/master: use date format detection based on Spreadsheet::XLSX
+  - Merge pull request #6 from gquipster/master: Add rudimentary support for hyperlinks in cells
+  0.28  2024-01-02
+    fix for boo#1218651 (CVE-2024-22368)
+    out-of-memory condition during parsing of a crafted XLSX document
+  - New maintainer
+  - Fix possible memory bomb as reported in
+  - Updated Dist::Zilla configuration fixing deprecation warnings
+- Update to 9.8.0
+  - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 9.8.0
+  - jsc#PED-3226, jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432,
+    jsc#PED-6851
+- Create pesign-systemd subpackage to remove systemd dependency
+  (jsc#PED-7256)
+- Updated to version 3.0:
+  + Port to libsoup3.
+  + Forbid PUT method on read-only shared folder.
+  + Add chezdav --realm runtime flag.
+  + Add chezdav --nomdns runtime flag.
+  + Build on OSX/Darwin.
+  + Allow specifying systemd/udev directories.
+  + Man page updates.
+  + CI, testing and build fixes.
+  + Translation updates.
+- Updated libsoup version to 3.0 in BuildRequires,
+  shlib package name to 3.x.
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_spice-webdavd.service.patch
+- Fix %if statement in spec file to require php8 when building
+  for SLE-15 > SP3 (bsc#1215534)
+- Update to version 0.42.2 (boo#1205033 CVE-2022-44638):
+  + This version contains a fix for a heap overflow.
+  + Drop upstream merged pixman-CVE-2022-44638.patch
+- Update URL, and tweak source URI.
-- Update to versio 0.40.0:
+- Update to version 0.40.0:
+- remove fallback for _fillupdir in spec file, should be supported everywhere now
+- update to version 1.1.22:
+  * Revert the updatedb change in 1.1.21 that did not open
+    pruned paths; it broke pruning of paths that were not at the root
+    (e.g. /foo/bar, as opposed to /foo). Reported by David Caldwell
+- use systemd timer file provided by the project
+- update to version 1.1.21:
+  * Improve interactions between pruning and bind mount detection logic
+  * Pruned paths are now not opened, which can be useful in certain
+    cases. Note that this does not (yet) apply to filesystems that
+    are pruned due to type and not due to paths; they are still opened
+    and then immediately closed again
+- update to version 1.1.20:
+  * Fix updatedb writing incomplete .db files under Termux
+  * Make the systemd timer run more consistently during the night
+  * Add an (undocumented) flag --ignore-visibility to plocate,
+    giving the equivalent of building the database with
+  - -require-visibility no
-- adjust patch disable-visibility.patch by also changeing permission settings
+- adjust patch disable-visibility.patch by also changing permission settings
+- Use %autosetup instead of %setup/%patch.
-- Fix path for polkit agent on x86_64 in by replacing @LIBDIR@ in
+- change license tag in specfile to HPDN
+  - ->
+- n_presentproto-1.3-2023.2.patch
+  * update to version 1.3 (patch generated from
+    xorgproto-2023.2 sources)
+- Update to version 6+git20230220.2a49e32:
+  * Fix build with GCC 13
+  * Fix MFC-7460DN PPD file name
+- Submit latest procps 3.3.17 to SLE-15 tree for jira#PED-3244
+  and jira#PED-6369
+- The patches now upstream had been dropped meanwhile
+  * procps-vmstat-1b9ea611.patch (bsc#1185417)
+  - For support up to 2048 CPU as well
+  * bsc1209122-a6c0795d.patch (bnc#1209122)
+  - allow `-´ as leading character to ignore possible errors
+    on systctl entries
+  * patch procps-ng-3.3.9-bsc1121753-Cpus.patch (bsc#1121753)
+  - was a backport of an upstream fix to get the first CPU
+    summary correct
+- Enable pidof for SLE-15 as this is provided by sysvinit-tools
+- Use a check on syscall __NR_pidfd_open to decide if
+  the pwait tool and its manual page will be build
+- Modify patches
+  * procps-ng-3.3.9-w-notruncate.diff
+  * procps-ng-3.3.17-logind.patch
+  to real to not truncate output of w with option -n
+- procps-ng-3.3.17-logind.patch: Backport from 4.x git, prefer
+  logind over utmp (jsc#PED-3144)
-- Add patch bsc1209122-a6c0795d.patch
-  * Fix for bsc#1209122 to allow `-´ as leading character to ignore
-    possible errors on systctl entries
+- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)
+- Some older products do not know about /usr/share/man/uk
-- Add upstream patch procps-vmstat-1b9ea611.patch for bsc#1185417
-  * Support up to 2048 CPU as well
+- Correct used URLs
+- Skip test suite on emulated riscv64 systems as the qemu process
+  is unexpected on the command lines of processes
+- Don't install translated man pages for non-installed binaries
+  (uptime, kill).
+- Remove /usr/share/man/uk dir to file list for lang sub package:
+  It's now provided by filesystem.
+- Add /usr/share/man/uk dir to file list for lang sub package
+- Fix directory for Ukrainian man pages translations.
+- Move localized man pages to lang package.
+- Remove obsolete conditionals.
+- Remove obsolete --enable-oomem option.
+- Run spec-cleaner.
+- Update to procps-ng-3.3.17
+  * library: Incremented to 8:3:0
+    (no removals or additions, internal changes only)
+  * all: properly handle utf8 cmdline translations         issue #176
+  * kill: Pass int to signalled process                    merge #32
+  * pgrep: Pass int to signalled process                   merge #32
+  * pgrep: Check sanity of SG_ARG_MAX                      issue #152
+  * pgrep: Add older than selection                        merge #79
+  * pidof: Quiet mode                                      merge #83
+  * pidof: show worker threads                             Redhat #1803640
+  * ps.1: Mention stime alias                              issue #164
+  * ps: check also match on truncated 16 char comm names
+  * ps: Add exe output option                              Redhat #1399206
+  * ps: A lot more sorting available                       merge #99
+  * pwait: New command waits for a process                 merge #97
+  * sysctl: Match systemd directory order                  Debian #950788
+  * sysctl: Document directory order                       Debian #951550
+  * top: ensure config file backward compatibility         Debian #951335
+  * top: add command line 'e' for symmetry with 'E'        issue #165
+  * top: add '4' toggle for two abreast cpu display        issue #172
+  * top: add '!' toggle for combining multiple cpus
+  * top: fix potential SEGV involving -p switch            merge #114
+  * vmstat: Wide mode gives wider proc columns             merge #48
+  * watch: Add environment variable for interval           merge #62
+  * watch: Add no linewrap option                          issue #182
+  * watch: Support more colors                             merge #106,#109
+  * free,uptime,slabtop: complain about extra ops          issue #181
+- Remove now obsolete upstream patches
+  * procps-check-sanity-of-SC_ARG_MAX.patch
+  * procps-ng-3e1c00d0.patch
+- Port patches
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-integer-overflow.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-large_pcpu.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-accuracy.dif
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-bnc634840.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-petabytes.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-tinfo.dif
+  * procps-ng-3.3.9-w-notruncate.diff
+  * procps-v3.3.3-read-sysctls-also-from-boot-sysctl.conf-kernelversion.diff
+- Package translations in procps-lang.
+- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961)
+- Add upstream procps-check-sanity-of-SC_ARG_MAX.patch in order to fix
+  pgrep: cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes when ulimit -s is unlimited.
+- Enable pidof by default
+- Update to procps-ng-3.3.16
+  * library: Increment to 8:2:0
+    No removals or functions
+    Internal changes only, so revision is incremented.
+    Previous version should have been 8:1:0 not 8:0:1
+  * docs: Use correct symbols for -h option in free.1      Debian #898774
+  * docs: ps.1 now warns about command name length         issue #101
+  * docs: install translated man pages                     issue #146
+  * pgrep: Match on runstate                               issue #109, Debian #919381
+  * snice: Fix matching on pid                             merge #89
+  * top: can now exploit 256-color terminals               issue #96
+  * top: preserves 'other filters' in configuration file   issue #99
+  * top: can now collapse/expand forest view children      issue #99
+  * top: parent %CPU time includes collapsed children
+  * top: improve xterm support for vim navigation keys     issue #135
+  * top: avoid segmentation fault at program termination   Redhat #1737552
+- Port patches (mostly changed offsets of the hunks)
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-fdleak.dif
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-large_pcpu.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-slab.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.10-xen.dif
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-bnc634840.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-petabytes.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-readeof.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-tinfo.dif
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-vmstat-terabyte.dif
+  * procps-v3.3.3-read-sysctls-also-from-boot-sysctl.conf-kernelversion.diff
+- Delete patches now upstream
+  * procps-ng-3.3.15-typo.patch
+  * procps-ng-3.3.8-top.1.diff
-- Add patch procps-ng-3.3.9-bsc1121753-Cpus.patch (bsc#1121753) which
-  is a backport of an upstream fix to get the first CPU summary correct
-- Reference patch procps-ng-3.3.15-typo.patch
+- Reference patch procps-ng-3.3.15-typo.patch this patch add a
+  missed parenthesis for a nroff macro that is \*We become \*(We
+  in line 2186 of top/top.1
+- update to 4.0:
+  * Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
+- Update to 3.6.1:
+  * Add support for Python 3.11.
+  * Drop support for Python 3.4.
+- Update to 3.6.0
+  * Added support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10. This primarily
+    involves avoiding the new-in-3.8 validation of the format
+    string when using the ‘safe-template’ format style, since
+    that’s not supported in the Python standard library.
+  * Added ZConfig.pygments module containing a lexer compatible
+    with the pygments library. Made discoverable via an entry
+    point; use zconfig as the highlight language for code-block
+    directives in Sphinx documents.
+- Drop patch python-38-support.patch that was integrated upstream.
+- Update to 3.8.6:
+  * Upgraded the vendored copy of llhttp_ to v9.1.3
+  * Updated Python parser to comply with RFCs 9110/9112
+  * Added ``fallback_charset_resolver`` parameter in ``ClientSession``
+    to allow a user-supplied character set detection function.
+    Character set detection will no longer be included in 3.9 as a
+    default. If this feature is needed, please use ``fallback_charset_resolver``
+  * Enabled lenient response parsing for more flexible parsing in
+    the client (this should resolve some regressions when dealing
+    with badly formatted HTTP responses).
+  * Fixed ``PermissionError`` when ``.netrc`` is unreadable due to permissions.
+  * Fixed output of parsing errors pointing to a ``\n``.
+  * Fixed ``GunicornWebWorker`` max_requests_jitter not working.
+  * Fixed sorting in ``filter_cookies`` to use cookie with longest path.
+  * Fixed display of ``BadStatusLine`` messages from llhttp_.
+- Add patch to fix CLRF injection via method vulnerability in ClientSession
+  * CVE-2023-49082.patch (bsc#1217682, CVE-2023-49082)
+- Add patch to fix CLRF injection via version vulnerability in ClientSession
+  + CVE-2023-49081.patch (bsc#1217684, CVE-2023-49081)
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
+- update to 1.4.4.post2:
+  * Prevent unclean repo from being built (Closes #365)
+  * Reduce chance of not-ready-for-release packages from being
+    uploaded
+  * No longer expect an implicit creation of the event loop
+    through ``get_event_loop()`` (Closes #353)
+- update to 1.4.3:
+  * Is now compatible with uvloop
+  * Add compatibility for Python 3.10 and 3.11 (Closes #322)
+  * Test matrix update (Closes #306)
+  * Drop Python 3.6, PyPy 3.6 (some) and MacOS 10
+  * Add Python 3.10 & 3.11, PyPy 3.7 & 3.8, Ubuntu 22.04, MacOS 11 & 12
+  * Expanded tox environments
+  * Longer AUTOSTOP_DELAY especially for Windows (Closes #313)
+  * Update signing keys
+  * Some documentation fixes
+- Skip rpmlint error python-tests-in-package.
+- Remove python_module macro definition.
+- Remove hardcoded conditional on python36 flavor which got removed
+  in Tumbleweed
+- Disable pytest on Leap <= 15.3
+- Update runtime and build requirements
+- Skip a failing test, which is marked xfail anyway but too late
+- Exclude docs install into sitelib directory
+- update to 1.4.2
+- dropped obsolete f414dcdc.patch
+- remove obsolete pdm-pep517 dependency
+- update to 4.0:
+  * Drop Python 3.7 support (GL#16)
+  * Remove ``public.install()`` which was used to inject the
+    ``public`` and ``private`` functions into the ``builtins``
+    namespace.  This isn't very helpful and could be actively
+    harmful.  Explicit is better than implicit. (GL#14)
+  * The functional form of ``public()`` now returns the argument
+  * values* in the order they are given.  This allows you to
+    explicitly bind those values to names in the global namespace.
+  * Switch from ``flake8`` and ``isort`` to ``ruff`` for code
+    quality. (GL#32)
+  * Switch to ``pdm-backend`` (GL#15)
+  * More GitLab CI integration improvements.
+- tag for sle15 new python stack
+- Remove typing_extensions requirement not needed for python version > 3.8
+- Update to v3.1.1
+  * Improvements to the GitLab CI integration.
+- version 3.1 (2022-08-27)
+  * Fix a typo in pyproject.toml file.
+  * Exclude certain local cache files from the sdist/wheel.
+  * Add support for Python 3.11.
+  * Updates for pdm and dependencies.
+- version 3.0.1 (2022-01-10)
+  * Fix a typo in the README.rst.
+- version 3.0 (2022-01-10)
+  * Use modern package management by adopting pdm and pyproject.toml, and dropping and setup.cfg.
+  * Build the docs with Python 3.8.
+  * Update to version 3.0 of Sybil.
+  * Adopt the Furo documentation theme.
+  * Use importlib.metadata.version() as a better way to get the package version number for the documentation.
+  * Drop Python 3.6 support.
+  * Update Windows GitLab runner to include Python 3.10.
+  * Update copyright years.
+  * The master branch is renamed to main. (GL#11)
+- Fix sybil usage in conftest based on sybil version.
+  *
+- version update to 2.3
+  2.3 (2021-04-13)
+  ================
+  * Do type hinting the right way. (GL#10)
+  2.2 (2021-04-13)
+  ================
+  * ``public()`` and ``private()`` can't be correctly type annotated, so the
+    type hints on these two functions have been removed.  The ``ModuleAware``
+    was also removed.  (GL#10)
+  * Added a ``py.typed`` file to satisfy type checkers.  (GL#9)
+  * Fixed a documentation cross-reference bug.
+- Update to v2.1.1
+  * Clean up some typing problems
+  * Reorganized docs and tests out of the code directory
+  * Fix the Windows CI tests
+- from v2.0
+  * Drop Python 3.4 and 3.5; add Python 3.8 and 3.9.
+  * The C implementation is removed
+  * Added an ``@private`` decorator
+  * Build and test on Windows in addition to Linux
+  * Fix the doctests so that they actually run and pass!
+  * Add type annotations and API reference documentation
+  * Internal improvements and modernizations
+- Update to version 0.15.3
+  *
+    or the CHANGES file included in this package
+- tag sle15 build for new python
+- update to 0.14.1:
+  - Bump version to fix pypi artifacts, no code changes
+  - Use email.utils to parse the From header addresses (Thanks to Adam Clark
+    for noting this issue and providing the fix) Fixes Github #5
+  - Correct minimum authres version requirment in
+  - Catch more errors.  Add DKIM temperror.  (Thanks to 'niftylettuce') Fixes
+    Github #18
+  - Skip DMARC records with no 'p' tag and don't raise an error (also thanks
+    to 'niftylettuce')  Fixes Github #14
+  - Fix issues with upper case characters in domain (Thanks to Mark Sapiro for
+    root causing the issue and providing a fix for the domain name regex)
+    Fixes Github #13
+  - Include ARC result comment is A-R header field when ARC fails.  Fixes
+    Github #12
+  - Handle the case where no valid From is found.  Fixes Github #15
+- Update to 0.13.0:
+  * Switch from the deprecated publicsuffix package to publicsuffix2
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
+- Remove test BuildRequires, a different package runs the tests.
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
+- update to 5.5.1:
+  * Fixed ``CBORSimpleValue`` allowing the use of reserved values
+    (24 to 31) which resulted in invalid byte sequences
+  * Fixed encoding of simple values from 20 to 23 producing the
+    wrong byte sequences
+  * The ``cbor2.encoder``, ``cbor2.decoder`` or ``cbor2.types``
+    modules were deprecated – import their contents directly
+    from ``cbor2`` from now on. The old modules will be removed
+    in the next major release.
+  * Added support for Python 3.12
+  * Added type annotations
+  * Dropped support for Python 3.7
+  * Fixed bug in the ``fp`` attribute of the built-in version of
+    ``CBORDecoder`` and ``CBOREncoder`` where the getter returns
+    an invalid pointer if the ``read`` method of the file was a
+    built-in method
+- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
+- update to 5.4.6:
+  * Fix tag decoding error
+  * fix potential memory leak
+  * Bump requirement to 3.7+
+- update to 5.4.2:
+  * Fix segfault when initializing CBORTag with incorrect arguments
+  * Fix sphinx build warnings
+  * Fix SystemErrors when using C-backend, meaningful exceptions now raised
+  * Fix precision loss when decoding base10 decimal fractions
+  * Made CBORTag handling consistent between python and C-module
+- update to 5.4.0:
+  * Added new feature stringrefs, which makes repetitive dictionary structures
+    more compact. Use with care since support for this is rare in other CBOR
+    implementations.
+  * This release includes some bugfixes around decoding invalid data, which may
+    improve security on decoding untrusted data.
+- update to 5.2.0:
+  * Final version tested with Python 2.7 and 3.5
+  * README: Announce deprecation of Python 2.7, 3.5
+  * README: More detail and examples
+  * Bugfix: Fix segfault on loading huge arrays with C-backend (Sekenre)
+  * Build system: Allow packagers to force C-backend building or disable using env var (jameshilliard)
+  * Feature: :module:`cbor2.tool` Command line diagnostic tool (Sekenre)
+  * Feature: Ignore semantic tag used for file magic 55799 AKA "Self-Described CBOR" (kalcutter)
+- Update to version 5.1.2
+  * Refcount bug in C lib causing intermittent segfaults on shutdown
+  * Fractional seconds parsing in datetimes
+- update to version 5.1.0
+  * Minor API change :class:`CBORSimpleValue` is now a subclass of namedtuple and allows
+    all numeric comparisons. This brings functional parity between C and Python modules.
+  * Fixes for C-module on big-endian systems including floating point decoding, smallint encoding,
+    and boolean argument handling. Tested on s390x and MIPS32.
+  * Increase version requred of setuptools during install due to unicode errors.
-- Update to latest version from tumbleweed jira#OPENSUSE-22
-  boo#1183818
+- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
+- update to 1.3.2:
+  * Python 3, version 3.5 or later, is required.
+  * Installing from source code using Autotools requires Python 3.5 or
+    later.
+  * dbus.gobject_service, dbus.types.UTF8String and the utf8_strings
+  keyword argument were only usable with Python 2, and therefore have
+  been removed, along with the rest of the special cases for Python 2.
+  * Add methods to Message objects to manipulate the interactive
+  authorization flag
+  * Add licensing information in REUSE format
+  * Raise ValueError instead of crashing with assertion failure when a
+  Unix fd index number is greater than the number of fds actually attached
+  to the message (firewalld#985; Simon McVittie)
+  * Raise ValueError instead of crashing with assertion failure when
+  a negative number is passed to the UnixFd constructor
+  * Fix undefined escape sequences in docstrings
+  * Make `distcheck` compatible with Automake 1.16.4, by forcing an
+  appropriate prefix to be used
+  * Update AX_PYTHON_DEVEL from autoconf-archive for better
+  forwards-compatibility
+  * Avoid various deprecation warnings in the build system
+  - distutils.sysconfig → sysconfig
+  - distutils.util → sysconfig
+- update to 1.2.18:
+  * dbus-python will be built for python3
+  * Python 2 reached end-of-life on 2020-01-01. A future version of
+    dbus-python is likely to remove Python 2 support.
+  * Move from collections.Sequence to on
+    Python ≥ 3.3, for Python 3.10 compatibility
+  * Avoid another deprecation warning for inspect.getargspec().
+    This is similar to the one fixed in 1.2.4, but for dbus.decorators.signal
+    rather than dbus.decorators.method. (dbus-python!8; Martin Stumpf)
+  * Fix an unlikely fd leak if memory allocation fails for UnixFd
+  * Fix memory and fd leak if UnixFd is given an invalid negative
+    variant_level
+  * Avoid more deprecation warnings
+  * Disable -Wdeclaration-after-statement. Python 3.9 relies on intermixed
+    declarations and statements in its headers, so we can no longer
+    enforce this. (Simon McVittie)
+  * Convert examples to Python 3 (Simon McVittie)
+  * Use the same Python executable for build and dist/distcheck by default
+  * CI fixes
+- update to 1.1.5:
+  * Use dns.resolver.resolve instead of dns.resolver.query
+    due to deprecation
+  * Treat dns.resolver.NoNameservers like NXDOMAIN (not an
+    error)
+  * Confine errors from dnspython to dnsplug and use dkim
+    errors, since doesn't import dns and
+    needs dkim errors
+  * Catch nacl.exceptions.ValueError and raise
+    KeyFormatError, similar to how RSA key errors are treated
+  * Create ed25519 key files with secure permissions to
+    avoid risk of insecure chmode call/race condition
+  * Properly cleanup temporary directories in tests
+  * Verify correct AMS header is used for ARC seal
+    verification (André Cruz)
+  * Document dropping of Python 2 support
+  * Fix traceback when attempting to verify an unsigned
+    message using async verify
+  * Add domain validity check for ascii domains (no
+    specials)
+  * Add option to specify index number of signature to
+    verify to dkimverify
+  * Correct signature indexing error introduced in 1.0.0
+    that prevents verification of multiple signatures in a
+    single message
+  * Correct dkim.verify processing to avoid errors when
+    verifying messages with no DKIM signatures
+  * Update dnsplug for DNS Python (dns) 2.0 compatibility
+  * Provide more specific error message when ed25519
+    private key is invalid
+  * Add support for PKCS#8 for private keys, openssl 3
+    default
+  * Add limitations section to README to document current
+    IDN status
+  * Add USE_ASYNC flag to allow async to be disabled when
+    aiodns is installed (LP: #1954331)
+  * Add new dkim.DnsTimeoutError class to report queried
+    domain and selector along with timeout error from dnspython
+  * Invalid Authentication-Results header fields are
+    ignored for ARC signing
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
+- update to 1.0.5
+  - Update dnsplug for DNS Python (dns) 2.0 compatibility (LP: #1888583)
+  - Fix @param srv_id typos (LP: #1890532)
+  - Correct dkim.verify processing to avoid errors when verifying messages
+    with no DKIM signatures
+- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
+- update to 1.0.3
+  * dknewkey: On posix operating systems set file permissions to 600 for
+    ed25519 private key files (as is already done for RSA) (LP: #1857827)
+  * Set minimum dnspython version to 1.16 because previous versions can not
+    support the timeout parameter (LP: #1856546)
+  * Follow CNAMES when looking up key records when using DNS (pydns)
+  * Add support for RFC 8460 tlsrpt DKIM signature processing (LP: #1847020)
+  * Add async support with aiodns for DKIM verification (ARC not supported)
+  * Add new timeout parameter to enable DNS lookup timeouts to be adjusted
+  * Add new DKIM.present function to allow applications to test if a DKIM
+    signature is present without doing validation (LP: #1851141)
+  * Support signature verification with RSAPublicKey formatted keys
+    since, although rare, they are RFC 6376 specified (LP: #1851862)
+  * Drop usage of pymilter Milter.dns in dnsplug since it doesn't support
+    having a timeout passed to it
+  * Catch binascii related key format errors (LP: #1854477)
+  * Ignore unknown service types in key records (LP: #1847020)
+  * Add LICENSE to so it is included in the tarball
+- Drop shipped LICENSE file
+- Reapplied patch no-optional.patch
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
+- Add partx to module-setup of kiwi-lib too
+  Part of bsc#1216465
+  (cherry picked from commit cf125437776b07e77900b6a53aeb065cd1572367)
+- Change partprobe fallback to partx
+  Informing the kernel about a new partition geometry can be done in a
+  busy state and is also effective for new devices and new mounts based
+  on the new geometry. busy state mounts of course will not see it until
+  swap of the busy state but a complete refuse of operation like it
+  happens with blockdev is imho not required. Just as partprobe, partx
+  is less restrictive on the busy state. That's why this commit changes
+  the partprobe fallback to use partx instead of blockdev
+  Part of bsc#1216465
+  (cherry picked from commit db9042af8ed36ede0dfe9572d9fe2c546c25b901)
+- Create live persistent storage without busy state
+  With the former logic the live ISO was already mounted when an
+  eventual persistent storage partition was created. This leads
+  to an issue on re-reading the partition table, not for all but
+  several tools. This commit changes the order of tasks such that
+  the setup of the persistent write storage is performed prior
+  mounting the live ISO. In addition to this change an alternative
+  method using blockdev to re-read the partition was added in case
+  partprobe is not present. This also allows to get rid of the
+  parted dependency which provides partprobe
+  Part of bsc#1216465
+  (cherry picked from commit 53ddc4ecbedd6dc98294e4d0387370908f0bc657)
+- Add alternative re-reading of the partition table
+  To inform the kernel about disk geometry changes, kiwi uses
+  partprobe as a primary tool. However it is provided by parted
+  and not necessarily available due to the package requirements
+  on the dracut module. A second attempt via blockdev which
+  is expected to exist is therefore made by this commit
+  Part of bsc#1216465
+  (cherry picked from commit 4ab089ac5244c1d867be850ec99bc81814466bf7)
-- Switch to singlespec
+- Update to version 2.1.0
+  * Officially add support for Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.
+  * Drop support for Python 2, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.
+  * Test using zope.testrunner rather than nose.
+  * Bring coverage to 100%.
+  * Switch to declarative setuptools configuration.
+  * Add linters.
+  * Fix the woke linter.
+- Use sle15_python_module_pythons
-- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
+- call spec-cleaner
-- Fix summary
+- do not install_require nose
-- Add COPYING.txt
-- Initial version
+- initial version 2.0.4, required by python-lazr.config [SLE-7686]
+- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
+- Don't build the docs in SLE-based projects
+- Replace unsupported setuptoos sphinx_build hook
+- Remove six and setuptools from requirements metadata
+- Fix doc build: primary python not in buildset for backports
+  15.4_py39
+- Move to PEP517
+- added patches
+  fix
+  + python-manuel-no-six.patch
+- Update to 1.12.4 (2022-06-24)
+  * Remove silly PyPI version badge.
+- Update to 1.12.3 (2022-06-24)
+  * Modernize internal project structure; drop tox; no user-visible changes (hopefully).
+  * Rework coverage badge generation.
+  * Drop Travis CI badge (the project is using GitHub for CI now)
+- Update to 1.11.2 (2022-05-15)
+  * Fix missing file in release.
+- Update to 1.11.1 (2022-05-14)
+  * Fix brown-bag release.
+- Update to 1.11.0 (2022-05-14)
+  * Fix test detection in Python 2 which was broken since 1.10.0. (#20)
+  * Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 to tox config.
+  * Add a Makefile to centeralized development activities.
+- %check: use %pytest rpm macro
+- Fix Sphinx build with primary python3 flavor for
+  gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
+- Reorganize BuildRequires
-- version 1.7.2: initial build
+- Add fix-hwcaps.patch to fix the issue with Nautilus: Segmentation
+  fault (core dumped) with libpython3_11-1_0-x86-64-v3
+  (bsc#1212474)
+- Update to version 4.0:
+  + Updated migration docs and rewrote overview.
+- Update to version 4.0.alpha:
+  + The extension was ported to Nautilus 43: Notably, this removes
+    any direct access to GTK widgets from the API. Most scripts
+    will need to be modified. Please check the migration guide in
+    the docs on how to update your scripts.
+  + Switched to Meson build system.
+  + Removed support for Python 2.
+  + Fixed build with -fno-common.
+  + Added missing parent constructor calls to examples.
+  + Decorated the examples with typehints.
+  + Fixed several memory leaks.
+- Drop python-nautilus-gcc10-buildfix.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Add meson BuildRequires and replace configur/make/make_install
+  macros with relevant meon/meson_build/meson_install variants.
-- Explicitly add missing typelib(Nautilus) Requires: we can't use
-  the automatic typelib() Requires generator since this python
-  module is written in C.
-- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
-- Update to version 1.1:
-  + Added pygobject3 compatibility, and retained pygobject 2.28.x
-    compatibility.
-  + Bugs fixed: bgo#660290, bgo#660288, bgo#660287, bgo#660286,
-    bgo#660283, bgo#653169.
-- Drop patches that have been merged upstream:
-  + python-nautilus-fix-path-in-pc.patch
-  + python-nautilus-fix-warnings.patch
-  + python-nautilus-no-extension-on-failure.patch
-  + python-nautilus-pygobject-3.0.patch
+- Update to 3.4.0: (CVE-2023-48795, bsc#1218168)
+  * Transport grew a new packetizer_class kwarg for overriding the
+    packet-handler class used internally.
+  * Address CVE 2023-48795 (aka the "Terrapin Attack", a vulnerability found
+    in the SSH protocol re: treatment of packet sequence numbers) as follows:
+    + The vulnerability only impacts encrypt-then-MAC digest algorithms in
+    tandem with CBC ciphers, and ChaCha20-poly1305; of these, Paramiko
+    currently only implements hmac-sha2-(256|512)-etm in tandem with
+    AES-CBC.
+    + As the fix for the vulnerability requires both ends of the connection
+    to cooperate, the below changes will only take effect when the remote
+    end is OpenSSH >= 9.6 (or equivalent, such as Paramiko in server mode,
+    as of this patch version) and configured to use the new
+    "strict kex" mode.
+    + Paramiko will now raise an SSHException subclass (MessageOrderError)
+    when protocol messages are received in unexpected order. This includes
+    situations like receiving MSG_DEBUG or MSG_IGNORE during initial key
+    exchange, which are no longer allowed during strict mode.
+    + Key (re)negotiation -- i.e. MSG_NEWKEYS, whenever it is encountered --
+    now resets packet sequence numbers. (This should be invisible to users
+    during normal operation, only causing exceptions if the exploit is
+    encountered, which will usually result in, again, MessageOrderError.)
+    + Sequence number rollover will now raise SSHException if it occurs
+    during initial key exchange (regardless of strict mode status).
+  * Tweak ext-info-(c|s) detection during KEXINIT protocol phase; the
+    original implementation made assumptions based on an OpenSSH
+    implementation detail.
+- Add patch use-64-bit-maxsize-everywhere.patch:
+  * Use the 64-bit value of sys.maxsize.
+- update to 5.1:
+  * Add support for Python 3.12.
+- drop python312.patch (upstream)
+- add python312.patch to build with python 3.12
+- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
+- version update to 5.0 (2023-01-09)
+  - Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.11.
+  - Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
+- 4.9.3 (2022-11-16)
+  - Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.
+- 4.9.2 (2022-11-03)
+  - Update Python 3.11 support to final release.
+- 4.9.1 (2022-09-16)
+  - Update Python 3.11 support to 3.11.0-rc1.
+  - Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. See pull request 176.
+- 4.9.0 (2022-03-10)
+  - Add support for Python 3.11 (as of 3.11a5).
+- 4.8.0 (2022-03-07)
+  - Switch package to src-layout, this is a packaging only change. (#168)
+  - Add support for Python 3.10.
+- Clean up testing - exclude failing tests explicitly
+- version update to 4.7.0
+  4.7.0 (2021-04-13)
+  ==================
+  - Add support for Python 3.9.
+  - Move from Travis CI to Github Actions.
+  - Supply manylinux wheels for aarch64 (ARM).
+  - Fix the pure-Python implementation to activate a ghost object
+    when setting its ``__class__`` and ``__dict__``. This matches the
+    behaviour of the C implementation. See `issue 155
+    <>`_.
+  - Fix the CFFI cache implementation (used on CPython when
+    ``PURE_PYTHON=1``) to not print unraisable ``AttributeErrors`` from
+    ``_WeakValueDictionary`` during garbage collection. See `issue 150
+    <>`_.
+  - Make the pure-Python implementation of the cache run a garbage
+    collection (``gc.collect()``) on ``full_sweep``, ``incrgc`` and
+    ``minimize`` *if* it detects that an object that was weakly
+    referenced has been ejected. This solves issues on PyPy with ZODB raising
+    ``ConnectionStateError`` when there are persistent
+    ``zope.interface`` utilities/adapters registered. This partly
+    reverts a change from release 4.2.3.
+  4.6.4 (2020-03-26)
+  ==================
+  - Fix an overly specific test failure using zope.interface 5. See
+    `issue 144 <>`_.
+  - Fix two reference leaks that could theoretically occur as the result
+    of obscure errors. See `issue 143 <>`
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+  - removed upstreamed tests.patch
+- Add patch to fix build with new zope.interface:
+  * tests.patch
+- version update to 4.6.3
+  - Fix a crash in the test suite under a 32-bit CPython on certain
+    32-bit platforms. See `issue 137
+    <>`_. Fix by
+    `Jerry James <>`_.
+  - Fix an ``AssertionError`` clearing a non-empty ``PersistentMapping``
+    that has no connection. See `issue 139
+    <>`_.
+- update to 4.6.1
+  * Stop installing C header files on PyPy
+  * Fix slicing of PersistentList to always return instances of the same class.
+  * Fix copying of PersistentList and PersistentMapping using copy.copy
+    to also copy the underlying data object.
+  * Update the handling of the PURE_PYTHON environment variable.
+  * Add preliminary support for Python 3.9a3+.
+  * Fix the Python implementation of the PickleCache to be able to
+    store objects that cannot be weakly referenced.
+  * Add support for Python 3.8.
-- type-mismatch.patch: Use Py_ssize_t rather than PY_LONG_LONG for sizes
-- version 4.0.6: initial build
+- Remove unneeded BuildRequires for test package
+- update to 4.8.1:
+  * [release-4.8] Make progress_bar an extra feature by
+    @openshift-cherrypick-robot in
+  * Bump version to 4.8.2 by @umohnani8 in
+- update to 4.8.1:
+  * [release-4.8] Add rich dep to setup.cfg by
+    @openshift-cherrypick-robot in #354
+  * [release-4.8] Fix lint issues by @openshift-cherrypick-robot in
+    [#359]
+  * Bump version to podman 4.8.1 by @umohnani8 in #357
+- update to 4.8.0:
+  * Update version to 4.8.0-dev by @umohnani8 in #329
+  * Fix up docs and format issues by @umohnani8 in #338
+  * Fix readthedocs yaml by @umohnani8 in #339
+  * Add progress_bar option to image pull by @umohnani8 in #340
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20231004 by
+    @renovate in #335
+  * Update pull progress bar colour by @umohnani8 in #341
+  * Fix readthedocs build issues by @umohnani8 in #342
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20231116 by
+    @renovate in #344
+  * Bump version v4.8.0 by @umohnani8 in #345
+- update to 4.6.0:
+  * Bump version to v4.6.0 by @umohnani8 in #303
+  * Packit: mention downstream_package_name: python-podman in
+    config by @lsm5 in #306
+  * Bump version on main to 4.7.0-dev by @umohnani8 in #304
+  * Add read_write_tmpfs by @msisj in #302
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20230807 by
+    @renovate in #308
+  * remove direct logging to sys.stderr by @chnrxn in #311
+  * packit: Build PRs into default packit COPRs by @martinpitt in
+    [#310]
+  * Update dependency ubuntu to v22 by @renovate in #313
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20230809 by
+    @renovate in #314
+  * [skip-ci] Update tim-actions/commit-message-checker-with-regex
+    action to v0.3.2 by @renovate in #317
+  * Fix assertation error in by @umohnani8 in #320
+  * Update dependency containers/automation_images to v20230816 by
+    @renovate in #316
+  * Fixes the secrets parameter, adds the secret_env parameter by
+    @andryyy in #319
+  * Fix image SCP when not providing quiet by @hpvb in #321
+  * Change default value for tty in exec_run by @maxi0604 in #324
+- use new Build macros
+- update constraints on BuildRequires
+  * drop constraint for urllib3 < 2
+  * add constraint on requests and pyxdg
+- follow upstream and use new tomli (for python < 3.11) instead of
+  pytoml
+- update to 4.6.0:
+  * Bump version to 4.5.0 by @umohnani8 in #263
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230426 by @renovate in #259
+  * chore(deps): update dependency urllib3 to v2 by @renovate in
+    [#265]
+  * [skip-ci] Update tim-actions/get-pr-commits action to v1.3.0 by
+    @renovate in #268
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230517 by @renovate in #270
+  * Streaming support for PodsManager.stats API by @RazCrimson in
+    [#266]
+  * Minor text fixes in by @umohnani8 in #278
+  * Swap renovate dep. update. PR assignments by @cevich in #279
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230601 by @renovate in #280
+  * Update Makefile to emulate readthedocs automation by @umohnani8
+    in #282
+  * [CI:BUILD] Packit: initial enablement by @lsm5 in #242
+  * chore(deps): update dependency containers/automation_images to
+    v20230614 by @renovate in #286
+  * Packit: remove by @lsm5 in #288
+  * Fix catching errors in the response body of containers/prune by
+    @francisbergin in #290
+  * Fix pod prune error explanation string by @francisbergin in
+    [#291]
+  * Refactor Makefile to support tox / MacOS Ventura by @jwhonce in
+    [#285]
+  * Switch HTTPConnection from http.client to urllib3.connection by
+    @dcermak in #283
+  * Keep main branch version ahead of release branches by @lsm5 in
+    [#289]
+  * [CI:BUILD] RPM: Cleanup by @lsm5 in #296
+  * Includes the possibility to use the 'listTags' parameter in
+    image search endpoint by @apozsuse in #295
+  * Update dependency fixtures to ~=4.1.0 by @renovate in #297
+  * Update fixtures to not be tied to a version by @umohnani8 in
+    [#300]
+  * Fix passing filters to networks prune by @francisbergin in #298
+- Require pytoml
+- update to 4.5.1:
+  * [v4.5-rhel] cherry-pick urlib3 fixes by @umohnani8 in
+- add necessary Requires, remove outdated Requires
+- add _service file
+  - change URL to make `osc service disabledrun download_files`
+    work
+- update to 4.5.0:
+  * Change docstring to point to podman docs
+  * [skip-ci] Update tim-actions/get-pr-commits action to v1.2.0
+  * Add renovate.json
+  * Fix new lint problems
+  * Improve exception when missing env var
+  * chg: to use stream_helper
+  * chg: Container.stats to use stream_helper
+  * add: stream_helper in api/
+  * Cirrus: Update CI VM images
+  * Bump fixtures requirement
+  * Specify version verbatim in setup.cfg
+  * [spec] Switch license to SPDX
+  * podman.spec: run unit tests
+  * Fix version spec in setup.cfg
+  * Correct pyproject.toml [build-system] requires
+  * Fallback to pytoml on RHEL 8 and toml on 9
+  * Use modern tomllib/tomli modules for reading TOML files
+  * Revert "Use modern tomllib/tomli modules for reading TOML
+    files"
+  * chore: Container.stats - type hints
+  * fix: Container.stats - invalid response for non-stream mode
+  * fix: Container.stats - missing stream param to requests
+  * Lint fix
+  * Merge branch 'containers:main' into
+    feat/container-create-secret
+  * Correctly add secrets to container on creation
+- cleanup requires & suggests (fixes boo#1208627)
+- New upstream release 4.4.1:
+    This release contains necessary backports to revert the new tomli package
+    that was introduced but is not supported by RHEL currently.
+- New upstream release 4.4.0:
+    Bump version to 4.3.0 by @umohnani8 in #216
+    update urllib to 1.26.5 for a CVE found in previous versions by @cdoern in #210
+    Correct path for rtd by @baude in #219
+    Clean up pylint configuration by @jwhonce in #222
+    Use modern tomllib/tomli modules for reading TOML files by @mgorny in #214
+    Added port binding range by @msisj in #224
+    Update cirrus image by @rhatdan in #225
+    Cirrus: Update CI VM images to F37 by @cevich in #228
+    Fix the ability to run containers by @jonathanunderwood in #226
+    Update files to adhere to new lint requirements by @umohnani8 in #236
+- Update to 4.3.0
+  * Add pass-through layers, output and outputformat to building images
+  * Support passing of interval and condition in podman wait calls
+  * Implement podman image scp
+  * Update supported python versions
+  * Add support of passing empty strings in second
+  * Add support for on failure actions in healthchecks
+  * Bug fixes
+- update to 4.2.0
+  * Added support for devices in container creation
+  * Implemented the login endpoint
+  * Added relabel option for mounts and other mount option support
+  * Implemented exec_run
+  * Bug Fixes
+- update to 4.0.0
+  * Remove support for old (ApiConnection) API
+  * Update CI to use copr and release podman packages for testing
+  * Port code to support Podman 4.0.0 API changes
+  * Added support for Python 3.10
+  * lint scrub and correction of code
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Move to tox for development support
+  * Move to pytest from nose for test execution
+  * Support testing python 3.6,3.8-3.10
+  * Allow passing string values to memory limits
+- remove patch python310.patch
+- disable building for python2
+- update to 3.2.1:
+  * Update packaging
+  * Update CI to support testing against released and main podman branches
+  * Cleanup CI configuration
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Bug fixes and updates to make API more complete
+  * Update dependency checking
+  * PodmanClient() now supports service addresses using ssh:// and tcp://
+    schemes. The keyword connection has been added, using its value as a key
+    into the connections that have been defined in
+    XDG_CONFIG_DIR/containers/containers.cfg. The podman system connection is
+    used to curate connections.
+  * docstrings were cleaned up to aid in future sphinx generated documentation.
+  * ssh:// service addresses are supported by the use of an external ssh client.
+  * tcp:// connections are not secure.
+  * PodmanClient() introduces docker-py functionality, while additionally
+    allowing access to Podman unique functionality such as Pods.
+  * Note: APIConnection() and it's support classes will be deprecated.
+- add python310.patch: support python 3.10
+- %check: run test via %pyunittest rpm macro
+- add sle15_python_module_pythons
+- update to 1.0.6
+  - no CHANGELOG available upstream or in PyPi
+- add _service file
+- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} macro
+- update to 0.8.0:
+  * Add text rise operator
+- version 0.7.0
+  * Python 3.11 is supported and tested
+  * Fix size of fields for xref
+- update to 0.6.0:
+  * Add an option to use compressed object streams for PDF 1.5+,
+    with financial support from Code & Co.
+  * Add new text operators
+  * Clean and fix documentation
+- Update to version 0.5.0
+  * Add the PDF.page_references property
+  * Revert the PDF.pages['Kids'] behavior to be backwards compatible with version 0.3.0
+- Update to version 0.4.0
+  * Allow nth page’s reference to be retrieved using PDF.pages['Kids'][n]
+- Update to version 0.3.0
+  * Support marked content
+  * Allow version and ID to be specified when initializing PDF objects
+- Implement python packaging best practices for build requirements,
+  testing and files section
+- Update to version 0.2.0
+  * Requires Python 3.7+
+  * change buildsystem to .toml
+- Add Conflict/Obsoletes with the python3-pyqt-rpm-macros package
+  that was erroneously added to SLE15-SP4.
+- Don't use python_module for Recommends.
+- update to 0.1.13
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Include base pyproject when initializing cache settings
+  * [flake8-simplify] Account for possibly-empty f-string values in truthiness logic
+  * [pylint] Add the missing period in unnecessary-dunder-call
+  * [pylint] Fix __aenter__ message in unnecessary-dunder-call
+- update to 0.1.12:
+  * Preview features
+  * Formatter: Hug multiline-strings in preview style
+  * [flake8-bandit] Add ssl-with-no-version (S504)
+  * [flake8-bandit] Implement ssl-insecure-version (S502)
+  * [flake8-bandit] Implement ssl-with-bad-defaults (S503)
+  * [flake8-bandit] Implement suspicious import rules (S4XX)
+  * [flake8-simplify] Implement zip-dict-keys-and-values (SIM911)
+  * [pyflakes] Add a fix for redefined-while-unused (F811)
+  * [pylint] Implement unnecessary-dunder-call (C2801)
+  * [ruff] Add parenthesize-chained-operators (RUF021) to enforce parentheses in a or b and c
+  * Rule changes
+  * [flake8-boolean-trap] Allow Boolean positional arguments in setters
+  * [flake8-builtins] Restrict builtin-attribute-shadowing (A003) to actual shadowed references
+  * [flake8-pyi] Add fix for generator-return-from-iter-method (PYI058)
+  * [pyflakes] Don't flag redefined-while-unused (F811) in if branches
+  * [pyupgrade] Add some additional Python 3.12 typing members to deprecated-import
+  * [ruff] Add fix for parenthesize-chained-operators (RUF021)
+  * [ruff] Include subscripts and attributes in static key rule (RUF011)
+  * [ruff] Support variable keys in static dictionary key rule (RUF011)
+  * Formatter
+  * Generate deterministic IDs when formatting notebooks
+  * Allow # fmt: skip with interspersed same-line comments
+  * Parenthesize breaking named expressions in match guards
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Add cell indexes to all diagnostics
+  * Avoid infinite loop in constant vs. None comparisons
+  * Handle raises with implicit alternate branches
+  * Ignore trailing quotes for unclosed l-brace errors
+  * Respect multi-segment submodule imports when resolving qualified names
+  * Use DisplayParseError for stdin parser errors
+  * Use comment_ranges for isort directive extraction
+  * Use transformed source code for diagnostic locations
+  * [flake8-pyi] Exclude warnings.deprecated and typing_extensions.deprecated arguments
+  * [flake8-pyi] Fix false negative for unused-private-protocol (PYI046) with unused generic protocols
+  * [pydocstyle] Disambiguate argument descriptors from section headers
+  * [pylint] Homogenize PLR0914 message to match other PLR09XX rules
+  * [ruff] Allow Hashable = None in type annotations (RUF013)
+  * Documentation
+  * Fix admonition hyperlink colouring
+  * Add missing preview link
+- update to 0.1.11
+  * [pylint] Implement super-without-brackets (W0245)
+  * Check path string properly in python -m ruff invocations
+  * Documentation
+  * Tweak relative-imports message
+  * Add fix safety note for yield-in-for-loop
+  * 0.1.10
+  * Preview features
+  * Improve dummy_implementations preview style formatting
+  * Normalise Hex and unicode escape sequences in strings
+  * Parenthesize long type annotations in annotated assignments
+  * Parenthesize multi-context managers in with statements
+  * [flake8-pyi] Implement generator-return-from-iter-method (PYI058)
+  * [pylint] Implement empty-comment (PLR2044)
+  * [refurb] Implement bit-count (FURB161)
+  * [ruff] Add never-union rule to detect redundant typing.NoReturn and typing.Never
+  * CLI
+  * Add paths to TOML parse errors
+  * Add row and column numbers to formatter parse errors
+  * Improve responsiveness when invoked via Python
+  * Short rule messages should not end with a period
+  * Configuration
+  * Respect runtime-required decorators on functions
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Avoid asyncio-dangling-task for nonlocal and global bindings
+  * Escape trailing placeholders in rule documentation
+  * Fix continuation detection following multi-line strings
+  * Fix scoping for generators in named expressions in classes
+  * Port from obsolete wsl crate to is-wsl
+  * Remove special pre-visit for module docstrings
+  * Respect __str__ definitions from super classes
+  * Respect unused-noqa via per-file-ignores
+  * Respect attribute chains when resolving builtin call paths
+  * Treat all typing_extensions members as typing aliases
+  * Use Display for formatter parse errors
+  * Wrap subscripted dicts in parens for f-string conversion
+  * [flake8-annotations] Avoid adding return types to stub methods
+  * [flake8-annotations] Respect mixed return and raise cases in return-type analysis
+  * [flake8-bandit] Don't report violations when SafeLoader is imported from yaml.loader (S506)
+  * [pylint] Avoid panic when comment is preceded by Unicode
+  * [pylint] Change PLR0917 error message to match other PLR09XX messages
+  * [refurb] Avoid false positives for math-constant (FURB152)
+  * Documentation
+  * Expand target name for better rule documentation
+  * Fix typos found by codespell
+  * [perflint] Document PERF102 fix un-safety
+  * [pyupgrade] Document UP007 fix un-safety
+- update to 0.1.9
+  * Breaking changes
+  * Add site-packages to default exclusions
+  * Preview features
+  * Fix: Avoid parenthesizing subscript targets and values
+  * [pylint] Implement too-many-locals (PLR0914)
+  * Implement reimplemented_operator (FURB118)
+  * Add a rule to detect string members in runtime-evaluated unions
+  * Implement no_blank_line_before_class_docstring preview style
+  * Rule changes
+  * CONSTANT_CASE variables are improperly flagged for yoda violation (SIM300)
+  * [flake8-pyi] Cover ParamSpecs and TypeVarTuples (PYI018)
+  * [flake8-bugbear] Add fix for zip-without-explicit-strict (B905)
+  * Add fix to automatically remove print and pprint statements (T201, T203)
+  * Prefer Never to NoReturn in auto-typing in Python >= 3.11 (ANN201)
+  * Formatter
+  * can_omit_optional_parentheses: Exit early for unparenthesized expressions
+  * Fix dynamic mode with doctests so that it doesn't exceed configured line width
+  * Fix can_omit_optional_parentheses for expressions with a right most fstring
+  * Add target_version to formatter options
+  * CLI
+  * Update ruff format --check to display message for already formatted files
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Reverse order of arguments for operator.contains
+  * Iterate over lambdas in deferred type annotations
+  * Fix panic in D208 with multibyte indent
+  * Add support for NoReturn in auto-return-typing
+  * Allow removal of typing from exempt-modules
+  * Avoid mutable-class-default violations for Pydantic subclasses
+  * Fix dropped union expressions for piped non-types in PYI055 autofix
+  * Enable annotation quoting for multi-line expressions
+  * Deduplicate edits when quoting annotations
+  * Prevent invalid utf8 indexing in cell magic detection
+  * Avoid nested quotations in auto-quoting fix
+  * Add base-class inheritance detection to flake8-django rules
+  * Avoid asyncio-dangling-task violations on shadowed bindings
+  * Documentation
+  * Fix blog post URL in changelog
+  * Add error suppression hint for multi-line strings
+  * Fix typo in SemanticModel.parent_expression docstring
+  * Document link between import sorting and formatter
+- update to 0.1.8
+  * Preview features
+  * Add "preserve" quote-style to mimic Black's skip-string-normalization
+  * Implement prefer_splitting_right_hand_side_of_assignments preview style
+  * [pycodestyle] Add fix for unexpected-spaces-around-keyword-parameter-equals
+  * [pycodestyle] Add fix for comment-related whitespace rules
+  * [pycodestyle] Allow sys.path modifications between imports
+  * [refurb] Implement hashlib-digest-hex (FURB181)
+  * Rule changes
+  * Allow flake8-type-checking rules to automatically quote runtime-evaluated references
+  * Allow transparent cell magics in Jupyter Notebooks
+  * [flake8-annotations] Avoid ANN2xx fixes for abstract methods with empty bodies
+  * [flake8-self] Ignore underscore references in type annotations
+  * [pep8-naming] Allow class names when apps.get_model is a non-string
+  * [pycodestyle] Allow matplotlib.use calls to intersperse imports
+  * [pyflakes] Support fixing unused assignments in tuples by renaming variables (F841)
+  * [pylint] Add fix for subprocess-run-without-check (PLW1510)
+  * Formatter
+  * Add docstring-code-format knob to enable docstring snippet formatting
+  * Use double quotes for all docstrings, including single-quoted docstrings
+  * Implement "dynamic" line width mode for docstring code formatting
+  * Support reformatting Markdown code blocks
+  * add support for formatting reStructuredText code snippets
+  * Avoid trailing comma for single-argument with positional separator
+  * Fix handling of trailing target comment
+  * CLI
+  * Hide unsafe fix suggestions when explicitly disabled
+  * Add SARIF support to --output-format
+  * Bug fixes
+  * Apply unnecessary index rule prior to enumerate rewrite
+  * [flake8-err-msg] Allow EM fixes even if msg variable is defined
+  * [flake8-pie] Prevent keyword arguments duplication
+  * [flake8-pie] Respect trailing comma in unnecessary-dict-kwargs (PIE804)
+  * [flake8-raise] Avoid removing parentheses on ctypes.WinError
+  * [isort] Avoid invalid combination of force-sort-within-types and lines-between-types
+  * [isort] Ensure that from-style imports are always ordered first in __future__
+  * [pycodestyle] Allow tab indentation before keyword
+  * [pylint] Ignore @overrides and @overloads for too-many-positional
+  * [pyupgrade] Enable printf-string-formatting fix with comments on right-hand side
+  * [refurb] Make math-constant (FURB152) rule more targeted
+  * [refurb] Support floating-point base in redundant-log-base (FURB163)
+  * [ruff] Detect unused-asyncio-dangling-task (RUF006) on unused assignments
+- Drop unneeded setuptools-git dependency
+- Update to 3.0.1
+  * Continue with the ever shifting sands of pytest APIs, this time
+    appeasing warnings from pytest 7 that when fixed break compatibility
+    with pytest 6.
+- Drop python-sybil-fix-ordering.diff
+- Add pytest74.patch to support pytest 7.4
+- tag sle15 for new python stack
+- Add missing BR python-dataclasses for openSUSE Leap
+- Add python-sybil-fix-ordering.diff fixing issue with tests
+  failing on different filesystem setups.
+- Update to 3.0.0:
+  * Require pytest 6.2.0.
+  * Drop Python 2 support.
+  * Add support for Python 3.10
+  * Remove the encoding parameter to
+    :class:`~sybil.parsers.doctest.DocTestParser` as it is no longer used.
+  * :class:`~sybil.parsers.codeblock.CodeBlockParser` has been renamed to
+    :class:`~sybil.parsers.codeblock.PythonCodeBlockParser`, see the
+    :ref:`codeblock-parser` documentation for details.
+  * Support has been added to check examples in Python source code in
+    addition to documentation source files.
+  * :attr:`~sybil.parsers.doctest.FIX_BYTE_UNICODE_REPR` has been removed
+    as it should no longer be needed.
+- Update to 10.0.0
+  - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 10.0.0
+  - jsc#PED-3226, jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432,
+    jsc#PED-6851
+- Update to 9.10.0
+  - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 9.10.0
+  - jsc#PED-3226, jsc#PED-3279, jsc#PED-4931, jsc#PED-5432,
+    jsc#PED-6851
+- Don't use python_module for Recommends.
+- Add a conflict with python-pyqt-rpm-macros so the
+  python3-pyqt-rpm-macros renamed package that recommends the
+  python3-sip-devel package doesn't have a file conflict with the
+  python-pyqt-rpm-macros that recommends the python311-sip-devel
+  package (related to jsc#PED-68).
+- update to 1.1.2:
+  * Test: fix overflow on large files
+  * Test: fix crash when perf test with svm
+  * Fix Clang compile error
+  * Fix MiniMatch bug
+  * Fix compile error on QAT1.7
+  * Update QAT1.7 / QAT2.0 config files
+  * Update README
+  * Update year in copyright information to 2023
+  * Remove QAT device ID dependency
+  * Update version, spec file, API PDF
+  * Add missing QZ_PARAMS return code
+- update to v1.1.1:
+  * Add support for pkg-config in QATzip
+  * Fix Coverity issues
+  * Change lz4s with frame header to lz4s block
+  * Move lz4(s) related functions to qatzip_lz4.c
+  * Move functions outputHeader* outputFooter* to qatzip_utils.c
+  * Fix bugs
+- Update to V1.9:
+  - Greatly improved the visual appearance of the treemap
+  - Dominant items are now highlighted in bold font in the tree view
+  - New "Find" function in the scanned directory tree
+  - Added support for bookmarks
+  - New documentation to explain the treemap
+  - Some small improvements
+  - Bug fixes
+- Some packaging and dependencies fixes:
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: restrict canokey to openSUSE only
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: fix virtiofsd dependency on 32 bit systems
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: add support for canokeys (boo#1217520)
+- Rearrange dependencies and subpackages and filter features for ALP
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: disable Xen support in ALP-based distros
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: some more refinements of inter-subpackage dependencies
+- Fix boo#1084909 and create a new qemu-spice metapackage:
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: normalize hostname, for reproducible builds (#44)
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: new subpackage, for SPICE
+- Align to upstream stable release. It includes many of the patches we had
+  backported ourself, to fix bugs and issues, plus more. See here for details:
+  *
+  *
+  An (incomplete!) list of such backports is:
+  * Update version for 8.1.3 release
+  * hw/mips: LOONGSON3V depends on UNIMP device
+  * target/arm: HVC at EL3 should go to EL3, not EL2
+  * s390x/pci: only limit DMA aperture if vfio DMA limit reported
+  * target/riscv/kvm: support KVM_GET_REG_LIST
+  * target/riscv/kvm: improve 'init_multiext_cfg' error msg
+  * tracetool: avoid invalid escape in Python string
+  * tests/tcg/s390x: Test LAALG with negative cc_src
+  * target/s390x: Fix LAALG not updating cc_src
+  * tests/tcg/s390x: Test CLC with inaccessible second operand
+  * target/s390x: Fix CLC corrupting cc_src
+  * tests/qtest: ahci-test: add test exposing reset issue with pending callback
+  * hw/ide: reset: cancel async DMA operation before resetting state
+  * target/mips: Fix TX79 LQ/SQ opcodes
+  * target/mips: Fix MSA BZ/BNZ opcodes displacement
+  * ui/gtk-egl: apply scale factor when calculating window's dimension
+  * ui/gtk: force realization of drawing area
+  * ati-vga: Implement fallback for pixman routines
+  * ...
+- Backports and bugfixes:
+  * [openSUSE] Make Sphinx build reproducible (boo#1102408)
+  * target/s390x/arch_dump: Add arch cleanup function for PV dumps (bsc#1217227)
+  * dump: Add arch cleanup function (bsc#1217227)
+  * target/s390x/dump: Remove unneeded dump info function pointer init (bsc#1217227)
+- Some packaging and dependencies fixes:
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: restrict canokey to openSUSE only
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: fix virtiofsd dependency on 32 bit systems
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: add support for canokeys (boo#1217520)
+- Rearrange dependencies and subpackages and filter features for ALP
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: disable Xen support in ALP-based distros
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: some more refinements of inter-subpackage dependencies
+- Fix boo#1084909 and create a new qemu-spice metapackage:
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: normalize hostname, for reproducible builds (#44)
+  * [openSUSE] rpm: new subpackage, for SPICE
+- Align to upstream stable release. It includes many of the patches we had
+  backported ourself, to fix bugs and issues, plus more. See here for details:
+  *
+  *
+  An (incomplete!) list of such backports is:
+  * Update version for 8.1.3 release
+  * hw/mips: LOONGSON3V depends on UNIMP device
+  * target/arm: HVC at EL3 should go to EL3, not EL2
+  * s390x/pci: only limit DMA aperture if vfio DMA limit reported
+  * target/riscv/kvm: support KVM_GET_REG_LIST
+  * target/riscv/kvm: improve 'init_multiext_cfg' error msg
+  * tracetool: avoid invalid escape in Python string
+  * tests/tcg/s390x: Test LAALG with negative cc_src
+  * target/s390x: Fix LAALG not updating cc_src
+  * tests/tcg/s390x: Test CLC with inaccessible second operand
+  * target/s390x: Fix CLC corrupting cc_src
+  * tests/qtest: ahci-test: add test exposing reset issue with pending callback
+  * hw/ide: reset: cancel async DMA operation before resetting state
+  * target/mips: Fix TX79 LQ/SQ opcodes
+  * target/mips: Fix MSA BZ/BNZ opcodes displacement
+  * ui/gtk-egl: apply scale factor when calculating window's dimension
+  * ui/gtk: force realization of drawing area
+  * ati-vga: Implement fallback for pixman routines
+  * ...
+- Backports and bugfixes:
+  * [openSUSE] Make Sphinx build reproducible (boo#1102408)
+  * target/s390x/arch_dump: Add arch cleanup function for PV dumps (bsc#1217227)
+  * dump: Add arch cleanup function (bsc#1217227)
+  * target/s390x/dump: Remove unneeded dump info function pointer init (bsc#1217227)
+- Bump version to 1.3
+- qml.req:
+  * Use qtpaths instead of qmake
+  * Generate requirements for unversioned imports
+  * Generate provides and requirements for unversioned imports
+- Fix typo
+- Bump version to 1.2
+  * Fix parsing of "depends"
+  * Add support for "optional plugin"
+- qml.req: Handle imports without minor version requirement
+- update to 4.1.1 (jsc#PED-7296):
+  * Some minor bugs in Micro QR Code generation have been fixed.
+  * The data capacity calculations are now correct. These bugs probably did not
+    affect the Micro QR Code generation.
+- update to 4.1.0:
+  * Command line tool "qrencode" has been improved:
+  * New option "--inline" has been added. (Thanks to @jp-bennett)
+  * New option "--strict-version" has been added.
+  * UTF8 mode now supports ANSI256 color. (Thanks to András Veres-
+    Szentkirályi)
+  * Micro QR Code no longer requires to specify the version number.
+  * 'make check' allows to run the test programs. (Thanks to Jan Tojnar)
+  * Some compile time warnings have been fixed.
+  * Various CMake support improvements. (Thanks to @mgorny and @sdf5)
+  * Some minor bug fixes. (Thanks to Lonnie Abelbeck and Frédéric Wang)
+  * Some documentation/manpage improvements. (Thanks to Dan Jacobson)
+  * Some performance improvements. (Thanks to @4061N and Mika Lindqvist)
+- remove qrencode-fix-installation.patch (upstream)
+- Update to version 4.0.2
+  * Build script fixes. (Thanks to @mgorny)
+  version 4.0.1
+  * CMake support improved.
+  * New test scripts have been added.
+  * Some compile time warnings have been fixed.
+- Refreshed qrencode-fix-installation.patch
-- Fix the SLES build:
-  * Replace 'pkgconfig(libpng)'
-  * Replace %make_install
-  * BuildRequires: pkg-config
-- Update to 3.4.1
-  * A bug that mutual exclusion was not performed has been fixed
-  * Colored QR Code support
-  * SVG, UTF8, and ANSIUTF8 output supports have been added to the command line tool.
-- Remove buildrequires on libSDL-devel, only required when running
-  autoreconf, which is not needed at all now.
-- Update to 3.3.1:
-  + various bug fixes in cli, manual, configure and libtool files.
-- Changes from 3.3.0:
-  +  EPS, ANSI, and ASCII text output supports have been added.
-  +  QRcode_APIVersion() and QRcode_APIVersionString() have been
-    added.
-- Changes from 3.2.1:
-  + bug fixes in configure/libtool.
-- fix build with older distros
-- Update to 3.2.0
-  * Fixed a bug in mask evaluation function.
-  * Micro QR Code support is now marked as "experimental" explicitly.
-  * Build system fixes
-  * Changes over 3.1.1. See the Changelog file
-- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
-- Add qrencode
+- Update to 12.0.1. Bugfix release:
+  *
+- Update to 12.0.0:
+  *
+  New features:
+  * Integrated compiler explorer
+  * CMake debugging and profiling
+  * Screen recording
+- Add more exclusions for private imports (boo#1217421)
+- Update to 11.0.3:
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-ClangTools-Add-support-for-yaml-cpp-0.8.patch
+- Add upstream change to fix detection of yaml-cpp 0.8:
+  * 0001-ClangTools-Add-support-for-yaml-cpp-0.8.patch
+- Update to 11.0.2
+- Update to 11.0.1:
+- Use a mirror to download sources for all Qt packages. Upstream
+  servers are very slow since a couple weeks.
+- Update to 11.0.0:
+- Update to 10.0.2:
+  *
+- Don't build docs on Leap 15.4, llvm crashes
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-QmlDesigner-Fix-puppet-build-after-quick3d-private-A.patch
+- Add patch to fix build failure with QtQuick3d 6.5.1:
+  * 0001-QmlDesigner-Fix-puppet-build-after-quick3d-private-A.patch
+- Update to 10.0.1. Bugfix release:
+  *
+- Update to 10.0.0. New feature release:
+  *
+- Add support-Qt-5_15_12.patch
+- Don't install libudev-mini1 for building
+- Refrash support-Qt-5_15_11.patch, fix a crash issue.
+- Add support-Qt-5_15_11.patch, support Qt 5.15.11
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Temporarily disable build for x86
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Temporarily disable build for x86
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
-- Add patch from upstream to fix a regression introduced in
-  0002-QTextLayout-fix-maximumWidth-for-a-text-containing-line.patch
-  which makes qt-creator6 hang in an infinite loop (boo#1215178,
-  QTBUG-109474, QTCREATORBUG-28593):
-  * 0001-Fix-infinite-layout-loop-with-negative-line-width.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix a bug that allows to trigger a
-  DoS in the SQL ODBC driver with a specifically crafted string
-  (CVE-2023-24607, bsc#1209616):
-  * 0001-SQL_ODBC-fix-some-users-of-toSQLTCHAR-to-not-assume.patch
-- Add patch from upstream (backport taken from Qt5PatchCollection)
-  to fix certificate validation for TLS which does not always
-  consider whether the root of a chain is a configured CA
-  certificate (CVE-2023-34410, bsc#1211994):
-  * 0001-Ssl-Copy-the-on-demand-cert-loading-bool-from-default-config.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix a buffer overflow in QDnsLookup
-  (CVE-2023-33285, bsc#1211642):
-  * 0001-QDnsLookup-Unix-make-sure-we-dont-overflow-the-buffer.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix QtNetwork to parse the
-  strict-transport-security (HSTS) header case-insensitively
-  (CVE-2023-32762, QTBUG-113392, bsc#1211797):
-  * 0001-Hsts-match-header-names-case-insensitively.patch
-- Add rebased patch from upstream to fix infinite loops in
-  QXmlStreamReader and raise error on unexpected tokens
-  which is a new behaviour (CVE-2023-38197, QTBUG-92113,
-  QTBUG-95188, bsc#1213326):
-  * 0001-QXmlStreamReader-Raise-error-on-unexpected-tokens.patch
-- Add patch from upstream to fix an overflow in QTextLayout
-  (CVE-2023-32763, QTBUG-113337, bsc#1211798) and two other patches
-  from upstream so it applies correctly. These patches fix
-  QTextLayout's maximumWidth() for a text containing spaces
-  (QTBUG-106947) and a text containing a line separator
-  (QTBUG-89557, QTBUG-104986):
-  * 0001-QTextLayout-fix-maximumWidth-for-a-text-containing-spaces.patch
-  * 0002-QTextLayout-fix-maximumWidth-for-a-text-containing-line.patch
-  * 0003-CVE-2023-32763-Fix-specific-overflow-in-qtextlayout.patch
+- Add upstream patches to fix an incorrect integer overflow check
+  (boo#1218413, CVE-2023-51714):
+  * 0001-HPack-fix-a-Yoda-Condition.patch
+  * 0002-HPack-fix-incorrect-integer-overflow-check.patch
+- Add upstream patch to fix a potential overflow in
+  assemble_hpack_block():
+  * 0001-Http2-fix-potential-overflow-in-assemble_hpack_block.patch
+- Add upstream patch for a bug in QMimeDatabase which makes
+  impossible to save JPEG files in Qt6 applications:
+  * 0001-QMimeDatabase-collect-glob-patterns-from.patch
+  *
+- Add upstream patch for a bug in QMimeDatabase that causes some
+  applications to hang:
+  * 0001-QMimeDatabase-handle-buggy-type-definitions.patch
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Drop patches, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-xcb-replace-a-warning-with-debug-info-in-qxcbconnect.patch
+  * 0001-a11y-fix-race-condition-on-atspi-startup-on-Wayland.patch
+  * 0001-xkb-fix-build-with-libxkbcommon-1.6.0-and-later.patch
+- Make libQt6Network6 require the network plugins
+- Add upstream changes:
+  * 0001-xcb-replace-a-warning-with-debug-info-in-qxcbconnect.patch (QTBUG-117820)
+  * 0001-a11y-fix-race-condition-on-atspi-startup-on-Wayland.patch
+- Turn FEATURE_forkfd_pidfd off until QTBUG-117954 gets fixed
+- Add upstream change:
+  * 0001-xkb-fix-build-with-libxkbcommon-1.6.0-and-later.patch
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Add patch to fix creation of -debuginfo packages for qmake builds:
+  * 0001-Don-t-strip-binaries-when-building-with-qmake.patch
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * CVE-2023-38197-qtbase-6.5.diff
+- Enable the experimental native painting feature to improve
+  remote desktop performances (boo#1214915)
+  exporting QT_XCB_NATIVE_PAINTING is required to use the feature.
+- Use a mirror to download sources for all Qt packages. Upstream
+  servers are very slow since a couple weeks.
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+  * Includes fix for a buffer overflow in QXmlStreamReader
+    (boo#1214327, CVE-2023-37369).
+- Drop patches, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-Schannel-Reject-certificate-not-signed-by-a-configur.patch
+  * 0001-Ssl-Copy-the-on-demand-cert-loading-bool-from-defaul.patch
+  * 0001-tabbar-fix.patch
+- Add patch:
+  * CVE-2023-38197-qtbase-6.5.diff (boo#1213326, CVE-2023-38197)
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Replace 0001-Require-GCC-10.patch with 0001-Require-GCC-12.patch
+- Add patch for QTabBar regression in Qt 6.5.1 (QTBUG-114204)
+  * 0001-tabbar-fix.patch
+- Add upstream changes (CVE-2023-34410, boo#1211994):
+  * 0001-Schannel-Reject-certificate-not-signed-by-a-configur.patch
+  * 0001-Ssl-Copy-the-on-demand-cert-loading-bool-from-defaul.patch
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+  * Includes fix for a buffer overflow in QTextLayout (boo#1211798,
+    CVE-2023-32763).
+  * Includes fix for incorrect parsing of strict-transport-security
+    (HSTS) header (boo#1211797, CVE-2023-32762)
+  * Includes fix for a buffer overflow in QDnsLookup
+    (CVE-2023-33285, bsc#1211642)
+- Drop patches, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-QApplication-Fix-DEPRECATED_VERSION-for-setActiveWin.patch
+  * 0001-QVariant-Fix-support-for-metatypes-created-by-Qt-6.5.patch
+- Add patch
+  * 0001-CMake-Install-objects-files-into-ARCHDATADIR.patch
+- Add upstream change to fix boo#1210849:
+  * 0001-QVariant-Fix-support-for-metatypes-created-by-Qt-6.5.patch
+- Add upstream change:
+  * 0001-QApplication-Fix-DEPRECATED_VERSION-for-setActiveWin.patch
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+  * Includes fix for boo#1215178, QTBUG-109474, QTCREATORBUG-28593
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-Avoid-resetting-CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES.patch
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * CVE-2023-24607-qtbase-6.4.diff
+- Add patch to silence moc warnings:
+  * 0001-Avoid-resetting-CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES.patch
+- Fix a possible DOS in the Qt ODBC driver plugin (CVE-2023-24607,
+  bsc#1209616):
+  * CVE-2023-24607-qtbase-6.4.diff
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Reduce memory constraints for riscv64
+- Sort license tags
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Add patch to make qmlimportscanner usable with qml-autoreqprov
+  again (QTBUG-115170):
+  * 0001-qmlimportscanner-Include-module-versions-again.patch
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-QML-metatypes-Adjust-to-QMetaType-revision-increment.patch
+- Add upstream change to fix boo#1210849:
+  * 0001-QML-metatypes-Adjust-to-QMetaType-revision-increment.patch
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Reduce memory constraints for riscv64
+- Sort license tags
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Add patch to make qmlimportscanner usable with qml-autoreqprov
+  again (QTBUG-115170):
+  * 0001-qmlimportscanner-Include-module-versions-again.patch
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-QML-metatypes-Adjust-to-QMetaType-revision-increment.patch
+- Add upstream change to fix boo#1210849:
+  * 0001-QML-metatypes-Adjust-to-QMetaType-revision-increment.patch
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Change %_qt6_libexecdir to %_libexecdir/qt6 (bsc#1174075)
+- Use gcc12 by default on Leap 15
+- Update the %_qt6_metatypesdir location to match upstream changes
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Add patch to fix module dependencies:
+  * 0001-Fix-some-depends-statements-in-QML-modules.patch
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Add patch to fix module dependencies:
+  * 0001-Fix-some-depends-statements-in-QML-modules.patch
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Drop patches, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-fix-nullptr-derefence-with-invalid-SVG.patch
+  * 0002-make-sure-we-do-not-load-invalid-SVGs-twice.patch
+- Add patches (boo#1216269, QTBUG-117944):
+  * 0001-fix-nullptr-derefence-with-invalid-SVG.patch
+  * 0002-make-sure-we-do-not-load-invalid-SVGs-twice.patch
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * CVE-2023-32573-qtsvg-6.5.diff
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Drop patches, merged upstream:
+  * 0001-fix-nullptr-derefence-with-invalid-SVG.patch
+  * 0002-make-sure-we-do-not-load-invalid-SVGs-twice.patch
+- Add patches (boo#1216269, QTBUG-117944):
+  * 0001-fix-nullptr-derefence-with-invalid-SVG.patch
+  * 0002-make-sure-we-do-not-load-invalid-SVGs-twice.patch
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * CVE-2023-32573-qtsvg-6.5.diff
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Fix build in SLE15 SP6 by using clang17-devel
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Also use llvm 15 on Leap 15.4. A new llvm version was submitted
+  to 15.4 which caused crashes when trying to run qdoc with an
+  older version.
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Fix build in SLE15 SP6 by using clang17-devel
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Also use llvm 15 on Leap 15.4. A new llvm version was submitted
+  to 15.4 which caused crashes when trying to run qdoc with an
+  older version.
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Add a _constraints file to fix build issues
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Add a _constraints file to fix build issues
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
-- Build with re2-10 even when re2-11 is available (bsc#1217257).
+- On Leap build with re2-10 even when re2-11 is available (bsc#1217257).
+- Add patch to force pdf_attributions.qdoc to be generated before
+  qtpdf, fixing a race condition that made the docs subpackage
+  build not reproducible (boo#1217774):
+  * 0001-Fix-race-condition-generating-docs.patch
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Build with older re2 release on Tumbleweed.
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * qtwebengine-gcc13.patch
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Add upstream change:
+  * qtwebengine-gcc13.patch
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
-- Build with re2-10 even when re2-11 is available (bsc#1217257).
+- On Leap build with re2-10 even when re2-11 is available (bsc#1217257).
+- Add patch to force pdf_attributions.qdoc to be generated before
+  qtpdf, fixing a race condition that made the docs subpackage
+  build not reproducible (boo#1217774):
+  * 0001-Fix-race-condition-generating-docs.patch
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Build with older re2 release on Tumbleweed.
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Drop patch, merged upstream:
+  * qtwebengine-gcc13.patch
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Add upstream change:
+  * qtwebengine-gcc13.patch
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.1:
+  *
+- Update to 6.6.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.3
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.2
+  *
+- Update subpackages requirements
+- Update to 6.5.1
+  *
+- Update to 6.5.0
+  *
+- Update to 6.4.3:
+  *
+- switch icu to use pkgconfig(icu-uc) to pick up current ICU. (jsc#PED-6193)
-- Update to version 2.0.8
-  * Added support for RDFa 1.1 via updated librdfa
-  * Multiple portability fixes for Windows and Solarises. (Daniel Richard G.)
-  * Multiple minor fixes and improvements
-  * Fixed reported issues: 0000381, 0000487, 0000505 and 0000507
+- Port from commons-lang to commons-lang3
-- Fileystem resource fails due to sed command (bsc#1213083)
-  Add upstream patch:
-  0001-Filesystem-list_mounts-fix-mount-command-output-pars.patch
+- Update to version 4.13.0+git6.ae50f94f:
+  * fix loopback handling
+  * exportfs: remove test for "fsid=" parameter
+  * Fix PRIMARY_IFACE variable. In some cases ip returns two lines
+  * build: update ChangeLog for 4.13.0
+  * README: update IRC info to link to ClusterLabs wiki IRC page
+  * dont use table parameter as it returns no netmask (tested with main/local/custom tables)
+  * build: update ChangeLog for 4.13.0-rc1
+  * iSCSI: add support for scst
+  * Low: storage-mon: Remove unnecessary code and fix typos.
+  * mysql-common: improve error message (#1887)
+  * Mid: storage-mon RA: Changed OCF_RESKEY_daemonize_default and OCF_RESKEY_daemonize default and judgment part.
+  * postfix: Update permission check from su to runuser/su (#1880)
+  * Mid: storage-mon: Retry failed attrd_updater.
+  * Mid: storage-mon: Added daemon/client mode.
+  * Mid: storage-mon: Functionalization of test_device call processing.
+- Update to version 4.12.0+git50.5c26404e:
+  * Filesystem: fix incorrect variable name for signal_delay default in metadata
+  * Delay: remove statement about defaulting to "startdelay" value if not specified
+  * Filesystem: dont use boolean type for non-boolean parameters
+  * Filesystem: list_mounts: fix mount command output parsing
+  * Delay: increase stop, status and monitor timeouts to 40s to avoid failing with default values
+  * Filesystem: improve stop-action and allow setting term/kill signals and signal_delay for large filesystems
+  * fix table parameter so it uses main table by default
+  * mysql: fix promotion_score bouncing between ~3600 and 1 on demoted nodes
+  * spec: Migrate to SPDX license
+  * Filesystem: create systemd drop-in for network filesystems
-    (bsc#1210433) azure-events-az errors with newer pacemaker with azure events active
-    (bsc#1210433) azure-events-az errors with newer pacemaker with azure events active
+- Update to version 4.12.0+git10.fe1a2f88:
+- fix build after SHA-1 cutoff date
+  add rnp-v0.17.0-test-SHA1-cutoff.patch
+- Update to 3.7.5
+  - Test updates for rspamd-3.7 branch by @fatalbanana in #4708
+  - Fix rspamadm lua logger in rspamd-3.7 (#/4727) by @fatalbanana
+    in #4729
+  - Some picks for rspamd-3.7 by @fatalbanana in #4731
+  - rspamd-3.7: fix systemd logging by @fatalbanana in #4734
+  - rspamd-3.7: [Fix] dkim_signing: siging_table: lowercase before
+    lookup by @fatalbanana in #4737
+- drop pwatches included in update:
+  rspamd-d907a95.patch
+- refreshed patches to apply cleanly again:
+  fix_missing_return.patch
+  rspamd-conf.patch
+- While the fix for the logging bug was accepted into master. The
+  3.7.5 release uses a different solution apparently. Update patch
+  fix_stack_smash.patch.
+- restart daemon after modules packages have been updated
+  (bsc#1217292)
-- rtkit-silent-debug-messages-by-default.patch: rtkit-daemon: Don't
-  log debug messages by default. bsc#1206745
+- rtkit-daemon: Don't log debug messages by default (bsc#1206745).
+  Added patch(es):
+  * rtkit-silent-debug-messages-by-default.patch
+- Change to using systemd-sysusers
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_rtkit-daemon.service.patch
+- Replace systemd-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libsystemd):
+  allow OBS to shortcut through the systemd-mini flavors.
+- update to 0.13:
+  * Link to libsystemd instead of shipping a copy of sd-daemon
+  * Move D-Bus policy to datadir
+  * Install the D-Bus interface description
+  * Other fixes accumulated over the years from various distributions
+  * Add meson build files (autotools stays available for now)
+  * Replace the use of as with xxd for including a file as a string, which avoids
+  * some pitfalls (#15 and portability problems). The tarball contains the
+  * resulting file, so xxd is not necessary when building using autotools
+  * Move rtkit-daemon.service from to (#12)
+  * Make libsystemd an optional dependency (#13)
+- Use /var/lib/empty instead of /proc as home for the rtkit user
+- Use %license
+- Commit _servicedata to avoid updating on every commit
+- Update to version 0.11+git.20161005:
+  * Drop removed ControlGroup stanza
+  * systemd: update sd-daemon.[ch]
+  * build-sys: since clock_gettime() moved to libc use mq_open to check for librt
+  * Pass uid of caller to polkit
+  * systemd: update sd-daemon.[ch]
+  * git: update gitignore
+  * git: update .gitignore
+  * build-sys: modernize build system
+  * systemd: secure rtkit service a bit
+  * systemd: update unit file a bit
+- Drop rtkit-no-cpu-controlgroup.patch
+- Add -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-format-security to optflags in order
+  to prepare for -Werror of these warnings in openSUSE:Factory.
-- rtkit-no-cpu-controlgroup.patch: do not specify the cpu: ControlGroup,
-  unsupported by systemd currently. bnc#847948
-- Add rtkit-bnc836939.patch
-  Fix bnc#836939 - use of insecure polkit DBUS API. CVE-2013-4326
-- Don't buildrequires systemd, it is pulled by
-  pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon), fixes conflict when bootstrapping
-  with systemd-mini packages.
-- rtkit-use-system-sd-daemon.patch Use system sddaemon libs.
+- modified patches
+  + 0009-CVE-2020-8166.patch (fixed)
+  - rubygem-actionpack-5_1-CVE-2020-8166.patch (renamed)
+- security update
+  * fix CVE-2020-8166 patch port [bsc#1215707]
+- security update
+- added patches
+  fix CVE-2020-8166 [bsc#1172182], Ability to forge per-form CSRF tokens given a global CSRF token
+  + rubygem-actionpack-5_1-CVE-2020-8166.patch
+- Update to version 1.75.0 - for details see the rust1.75 package
-Version 1.74.0 (2023-11-16)
+Version 1.75.0 (2023-12-28)
-- [Codify that `std::mem::Discriminant<T>` does not depend on any lifetimes in T](
-- [Replace `private_in_public` lint with `private_interfaces` and `private_bounds` per RFC 2145.](
-  Read more in [RFC 2145](
-- [Allow explicit `#[repr(Rust)]`](
-- [closure field capturing: don't depend on alignment of packed fields](
-- [Enable MIR-based drop-tracking for `async` blocks](
-- [Stabilize `impl_trait_projections`](
+- [Stabilize `async fn` and return-position `impl Trait` in traits.](
+- [Allow function pointer signatures containing `&mut T` in `const` contexts.](
+- [Match `usize`/`isize` exhaustively with half-open ranges.](
+- [Guarantee that `char` has the same size and alignment as `u32`.](
+- [Document that the null pointer has the 0 address.](
+- [Allow partially moved values in `match`.](
+- [Add notes about non-compliant FP behavior on 32bit x86 targets.](
+- [Stabilize ratified RISC-V target features.](
-- [stabilize combining +bundle and +whole-archive link modifiers](
-- [Stabilize `PATH` option for `--print KIND=PATH`](
-- [Enable ASAN/LSAN/TSAN for `*-apple-ios-macabi`](
-- [Promote loongarch64-unknown-none* to Tier 2](
-- [Add `i686-pc-windows-gnullvm` as a tier 3 target](
+- [Rework negative coherence to properly consider impls that only partly overlap.](
+- [Bump `COINDUCTIVE_OVERLAP_IN_COHERENCE` to deny, and warn in dependencies.](
+- [Consider alias bounds when computing liveness in NLL.](
+- [Add the V (vector) extension to the `riscv64-linux-android` target spec.](
+- [Automatically enable cross-crate inlining for small functions](
+- Add several new tier 3 targets:
+  - [`csky-unknown-linux-gnuabiv2hf`](
+  - [`i586-unknown-netbsd`](
+  - [`mipsel-unknown-netbsd`](
+  Refer to Rust's [platform support page][platform-support-doc]
+  for more information on Rust's tiered platform support.
-- [Implement `From<OwnedFd/Handle>` for ChildStdin/out/err](
-- [Implement `From<{&,&mut} [T; N]>` for `Vec<T>` where `T: Clone`](
-- [impl Step for IP addresses](
-- [Implement `From<[T; N]>` for `Rc<[T]>` and `Arc<[T]>`](
-- [`impl TryFrom<char> for u16`](
-- [Stabilize `io_error_other` feature](
-- [Stabilize the `Saturating` type](
-- [Stabilize const_transmute_copy](
+- [Override `Waker::clone_from` to avoid cloning `Waker`s unnecessarily.](
+- [Implement `BufRead` for `VecDeque<u8>`.](
+- [Implement `FusedIterator` for `DecodeUtf16` when the inner iterator does.](
+- [Implement `Not, Bit{And,Or}{,Assign}` for IP addresses.](
+- [Implement `Default` for `ExitCode`.](
+- [Guarantee representation of None in NPO](
+- [Document when atomic loads are guaranteed read-only.](
+- [Broaden the consequences of recursive TLS initialization.](
+- [Windows: Support sub-millisecond sleep.](
+- [Fix generic bound of `str::SplitInclusive`'s `DoubleEndedIterator` impl](
+- [Fix exit status / wait status on non-Unix `cfg(unix)` platforms.](
-- [`core::num::Saturating`](
-- [`impl From<io::Stdout> for std::process::Stdio`](
-- [`impl From<io::Stderr> for std::process::Stdio`](
-- [`impl From<OwnedHandle> for std::process::Child{Stdin, Stdout, Stderr}`](
-- [`impl From<OwnedFd> for std::process::Child{Stdin, Stdout, Stderr}`](
-- [`std::ffi::OsString::from_encoded_bytes_unchecked`](
-- [`std::ffi::OsString::into_encoded_bytes`](
-- [`std::ffi::OsStr::from_encoded_bytes_unchecked`](
-- [`std::ffi::OsStr::as_encoded_bytes`](
-- [`std::io::Error::other`](
-- [`impl TryFrom<char> for u16`](
-- [`impl<T: Clone, const N: usize> From<&[T; N]> for Vec<T>`](;+N%5D%3E-for-Vec%3CT,+Global%3E)
-- [`impl<T: Clone, const N: usize> From<&mut [T; N]> for Vec<T>`](;+N%5D%3E-for-Vec%3CT,+Global%3E)
-- [`impl<T, const N: usize> From<[T; N]> for Arc<[T]>`](;+N%5D%3E-for-Arc%3C%5BT%5D,+Global%3E)
-- [`impl<T, const N: usize> From<[T; N]> for Rc<[T]>`](;+N%5D%3E-for-Rc%3C%5BT%5D,+Global%3E)
+- [`Atomic*::from_ptr`](
+- [`FileTimes`](
+- [`FileTimesExt`](
+- [`File::set_modified`](
+- [`File::set_times`](
+- [`IpAddr::to_canonical`](
+- [`Ipv6Addr::to_canonical`](
+- [`Option::as_slice`](
+- [`Option::as_mut_slice`](
+- [`pointer::byte_add`](
+- [`pointer::byte_offset`](
+- [`pointer::byte_offset_from`](
+- [`pointer::byte_sub`](
+- [`pointer::wrapping_byte_add`](
+- [`pointer::wrapping_byte_offset`](
+- [`pointer::wrapping_byte_sub`](
-- [`core::mem::transmute_copy`](
-- [`str::is_ascii`](
-- [`[u8]::is_ascii`](
+- [`Ipv6Addr::to_ipv4_mapped`](
+- [`MaybeUninit::assume_init_read`](
+- [`MaybeUninit::zeroed`](
+- [`mem::discriminant`](
+- [`mem::zeroed`](
-- [fix: Set MSRV for internal packages](
-- [config: merge lists in precedence order](
-- [fix(update): Clarify meaning of --aggressive as --recursive](
-- [fix(update): Make `-p` more convenient by being positional](
-- [feat(help): Add styling to help output ](
-- [feat(pkgid): Allow incomplete versions when unambigious](
-- [feat: stabilize credential-process and registry-auth](
-- [feat(cli): Add '-n' to dry-run](
-- [Add support for `target.'cfg(..)'.linker`](
-- [Stabilize `--keep-going`](
-- [feat: Stabilize lints](
+- [Add new packages to `[workspace.members]` automatically.](
+- [Allow version-less `Cargo.toml` manifests.](
+- [Make browser links out of HTML file paths.](
+  <a id="1.75.0-Rustdoc"></a>
-- [Add warning block support in rustdoc](
-- [Accept additional user-defined syntax classes in fenced code blocks](
-- [rustdoc-search: add support for type parameters](
-- [rustdoc: show inner enum and struct in type definition for concrete type](
+- [Accept less invalid Rust in rustdoc.](
+- [Document lack of object safety on affected traits.](
+- [Hide `#[repr(transparent)]` if it isn't part of the public ABI.](
+- [Show enum discriminant if it is a C-like variant.](
-- [Raise minimum supported Apple OS versions](
-- [make Cell::swap panic if the Cells partially overlap](
-- [Reject invalid crate names in `--extern`](
-- [Don't resolve generic impls that may be shadowed by dyn built-in impls](
-- [The new `impl From<{&,&mut} [T; N]> for Vec<T>` is known to cause some inference failures with overly-generic code.]( In those examples using the `tui` crate, the combination of `AsRef<_>` and `Into<Vec>` leaves the middle type ambiguous, and the new `impl` adds another possibility, so it now requires an explicit type annotation.
+- [FreeBSD targets now require at least version 12.](
+- [Formally demote tier 2 MIPS targets to tier 3.](
+- [Make misalignment a hard error in `const` contexts.](
+- [Fix detecting references to packed unsized fields.](
+- [Remove support for compiler plugins.](
+  Internal Changes
+  These changes do not affect any public interfaces of Rust, but they represent
+  significant improvements to the performance or internals of rustc and related
+  tools.
+- [Optimize `` with BOLT.](
+- [Enable parallel rustc front end in dev and nightly builds.](
+- [Distribute `rustc-codegen-cranelift` as rustup component on the nightly channel.](
+- Update to version 0.42.4:
+  + Fix building with meson 1.2.0.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop meson-1_2-typo-fix.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add meson-1_2-typo-fix.patch: Fix typo exposed by meson 1.2
+- Update to version 0.42.3:
+  + Server: Fix endless loop in XML namespace lookup
+- Update to version 0.42.2:
+  + Server:
+  - Fix issue with urls having "." in them
+  - Export disc numbers
+  + Tracker3: Export disc numbers
+  + MediaExport: Export disc numbers
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.42.1:
+  + Fix incomplete API/ABI switch to 2.8.
+  + Document the necessity of X.init_threads().
+  + Fix a type mismatch for the collation helper.
+  + Re-enable the since checker.
+  + Remove deprecated calls to GSSDP/GUPnP.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop rygel-fix-rygel-pcfiles.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add rygel-fix-rygel-pcfiles.patch: Fix requires and linking
+  in .pc files.
+- Fix broken Supplements in sub-package.
+- Update to version 0.42.0:
+  + Remove obsolete .desktop entries.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.41.2:
+  + Port to GLib's UUID function.
+  + Temporarily disable the Since check during build.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 0.41.1:
+  + Fix deprecations in meson files.
+  + Adapt to VAPI changes in GUPnP.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 0.41.0:
+  + Overall:
+  - Use GUPnP 1.6 API
+  - Use Libsoup 3 API
+  - API bump to 2.8
+  - ABI reset
+  + Confirmation UI: Do not install ui file if preferences are not
+    built
+  + Documentation:
+  - Fix gtk-doc generation and installation
+  - Add option "man_pages" to disable man pages
+  + Config: Fix Tracker3 configuration
+  + Presets:
+  - Add presets for more encoders
+  - Fix mp4 muxing
+  - Support VA-API MPEG2 encoding
+  - Support VA-API H.264 encoding
+  + Rygel: Port to GApplication instead of using our own single
+    instance mechanism
+  + Core: Make plugin loader more predictable
+  + Server: Add albumArtURI to VideoItem for devices that use that
+    for the thumbnail
+  + Renderer: Fix a critical if there is no mime_type
+  + MediaExport:
+  - Strip XML extensions (for DIDL_S playlists)
+  - Support ".nomedia" to skip indexing folders
+  - If database upgrade failed, do not activate plugin
+  - Treat parallel Tracker3 module similar to original Tracker
+    plugin
+  - Drop deperecated ValueArray
+  - Fix disabling meta-data extraction
+  + LMS: Drop deprecated ValueArray
+  + Tracker (old): Disable by default
+  + Tracker3:
+  - Fix Video graph
+  - Fix deadlock on start
+  - Do not kill whole rygel if service is not activatable
+  + GStreamer Media Engine:
+  - Adapt to deprecations
+  - Fix pipeline blocking issue when transcoding from video-only
+    files
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/rygel#151, glgo#GNOME/rygel#160,
+    glgo#GNOME/rygel#166, glgo#GNOME/rygel#173,
+    glgo#GNOME/rygel#183, glgo#GNOME/rygel#187,
+    glgo#GNOME/rygel#190, glgo#GNOME/rygel#192,
+    glgo#GNOME/rygel#192, glgo#GNOME/rygel#196,
+    glgo#GNOME/rygel#208.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gssdp-1.2), pkgconfig(gupnp-1.2) and
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(gssdp-1.6),
+  pkgconfig(gupnp-1.6) and pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add sover, apiver and typelibver defines, make future
+  soname/ABI/API updates less of a chore to do.
+- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macrocalls, no longer
+  needed.
+- Update to sanlock 3.8.5 (jsc#PED-7338)
+  - python: Replace distutils with setuptools
+  - sanlock: fix memory leak of lockspace renewal_history
+  - sanlock: fix pthread_create error check
+  - sanlock: use helper to set max_sectors_kb
+  - Add support for 4k sector size (bsc#1215229)
+  - Dropped patches:
+    sanlock-old_blkid.patch, suse-fix-link-errors.patch,
+    sanlock-python3.patch
+- Add hardening to systemd services (bsc#1181400)
+  harden_fence_sanlockd.service.patch,
+  harden_sanlk-resetd.service.patch
+- Add 9260c747.patch: Allow building with GnuPG-2.4.x.
+- The shell provider dbus service file must be in the main package
+  due to being referenced in the .desktop file
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + When showing an empty page, there's now a button to add a new
+    item directly.
+  + Fixed some warnings related to .authorized_keys or .other_keys
+    not existing on the system.
+  + Keysharing over DNS-SD is now disabled by default.
+  + Port to libsoup3.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop ab2f253c.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Add appstream-glib BuildRequires: Optional BuildRequires for
+  validation of appdata during meson_test.
+- Add ab2f253c.patch: Port to soup3. Following this, replace
+  pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) with pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0) BuildRequires.
+- Build sub-package gnome-shell-search-provider-seahorse as noarch.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + pgp: Fix GPG version check.
+  + desktop: Add pgp,gpg to the description.
+  + search-provider: Don't escape result description as markup.
+  + gkr: Network label fixes.
+  + ssh: Fix CPU Usage Spike When Calling ssh-keygen.
+  + desktop: Add supported mime types to .desktop file>
+  + desktop: Mark application as adaptive.
+  + metainfo: Align app name with .desktop name.
+  + ui: Opt-in to color scheme user preference>
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.11.92+95:
+  * libnautilus-extension: Prefer libnautilus-extension-4
+  * nautilus extension: Port to libnautilus-extension-4
+  * Add gpg version 2.3 so seahorse-nautilus will build
+  * Stop including deprecated nautilus extension headers.
+  * Fix UI files usage
+- Switch to source service git checkout.
+- Changes in BuildRequires:
+  + Dropped: intltool, update-desktop-files,
+    pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) and
+    glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro.
+  + Added: meson and pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension-4).
+- Switched to meson macros and dropped sed call adding supported
+  versions of gpg and drop post(un) handling since we now rely on
+  filetriggers as well as suse_update_desktop_file macro calls.
+- Update Supplements to current standard.
-- Update to version 3.9.90:
-  + Add correct flag for reaping the progress child (bgo#697895).
-  + Add support for symmetric encryption in seahorse-tool
-    (bgo#325803).
-  + Updated translations.
-- Make sure initrd is rebuilt when sg3_utils is updated
-  (bsc#1215772)
+- udev rules: change default for ID_SERIAL and symlink creation
+  back to "LTVS" for backward compatibility in SLE (jsc#PED-6226)
+  Users who don't want to use e.g. serial number based device IDs
+  for symlinks can set ENV{.SCSI_SYMLINK_SRC}="LTV".
+  See /usr/lib/udev/00-scsi-sg3_config.rules for more information.
-- Update to version 1.47+15.b6898b8:
-  * remove /tmp/rescan-scsi-mpath-info.txt
+- remove /tmp/rescan-scsi-mpath-info.txt
-  * fix multipath issue when called with -s and
+- fix multipath issue when called with -s and
-- Update to version 1.47+13.75d23ac:
+- udev rules: allow kernel command line overrides with
+  "udev.scsi_id_serial_src=LTVS" and "udev.scsi_symlink_src=LTVS"
+  Try these boot parameters if your system fails to detect SCSI
+  devices after update to sg3_utils 1.48.
+- dracut.conf: add 00-scsi-sg3_config.rules (jsc#PED-6226)
+- spec file:
+  * fix build dependencies for regenerate_initrd_posttrans
+  (bsc#1215772)
+  * add missing rules file
+- Update to version 1.48
+  * udev rules: new, configurable scheme for creating symlinks for SCSI devices
+    (jsc#PED-6226)
+    See description of ".SCSI_ID_SERIAL_SRC" /usr/lib/udev/55-scsi-sg3_id.rules
+    and .SCSI_SYMLINK_SRC in /usr/lib/udev/58-scsi_symlink.rules
+  * decoding utilities: add -j/--json[=JO] and --js-file=JFN options
+  * sg_sat_datetime: new tool to access date/time on ATA devices using a SAT layer
+  * sg_z_act_query: new tool for sending zone activate/query commands
+  * sg_rem_rest_elem: new tool for removing or restoring elements
+  * sg_write_attr: support for SPC "Write Attirbute" command (for tapes)
+  * sg_ses: swap meaning of -H and -HH, add json support, use e.g.
+    "0:2" for range indicator
+  * sg_rtpg: fix response truncation
+  * sg_decode_sense: add --nodecode option
+  * sg_logs: fix --list and -lll options
+  * sg_modes: improve handling of ZBC disks
+  * sg_inq: add version descriptors from SPC6r08, add --quiet option
+  * sg_vpd: add --sinq_inraw=RFN option
+  * sg_turs: add --timeout= and --ascq= options
+  * sg_requests: add --timeout= option
+  * sg_sat_read_gplog: add --smart and --ppt options
+  * sgp_dd and sgm_dd: add --progress option
+  * sg_dd: add support for accessing NVMe devices via passthrough
+  * Bug fixes and minor fixes
+- _service: simplify version processing, as we have a clean upstream version again
+- Update to version 1.48~20221101+1.142dace:
+  * fix output of "sg_inq -H -p bdc" (boo#1207700)
+- Update to new upstream version 1.48~20221101.6d3bd26:
+  (pre-release sg3_utils-1.48 [20221101] [svn: r978])
+  * sg_read_block_limits: fix granularity value, add --mloi option
+  * sg_lib: add sg_ll_read_block_limits_v2(); sg_logs: json work
+  * sg_stream_ctl: --get fix better; sg_rem_rest_elem: cleanup
+  * sg_stream_ctl: fix --get indexing; fix some './configure --enable-debug' issues
+  * sg_inq+sg_vpd: JSON updates
+  * Prepare for removing /proc/scsi from the Linux kernel
+  * sg_inq+sg_vpd: merge VPD page processing
+  * sg_get_elem_status: change '--maxlen=' option default to 1056 (was 32), other cleanups
+  * sg_rep_zones: add experimental --json[=JO] option and generation
+  * sg_logs: add --exclude and --undefined options
+  * zoned disk man page improvements
+  * sg_rep_zones: add --statistics option
+  * sg_read_buffer: add --eh_code= and --no_output options
+  * sg_format: allow disk formats on ZBC (zoned) disks
+  * sg_rep_zones: add --brief option and --find ZT option
+  * sg_rep_density: new utility for decoding the response of Report density support command [ssc (tape)]
+  * Zoned block device characteristics VPD page support
+- Update to version 0.32.4:
+  + Fix left/right navigation in slideshow
+  + Fix slideshow not starting if video is the first selected item
+  + Make Ctrl-Enter close the description editor
+  + Fix a crash in crop and redeye tool
+  + Basic Support for MPO files
+  + Escape the text in profile browser
+  + Add support for shuffled slideshows
+  + Add missing name for filter in Save As dialog
+  + Add Shift-Drop for export of original file
+  + Simplified export conflict resolution dialog
+  + Allow setting wallpaper slideshows even if videos are selected
+  + Fix video meta-data reading
+  + Make profile browser an action in main launcher
+  + Add dump of available image codecs and meta-data support
+  + Fix showing the original photo with shift if photo was modified
+    externally
+  + Fix a crash when moving crop area on scaled displays
+  + Fix crop area jumping on scaled displays
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.32.3:
+  + Fix asking twice on closing viewer with modified image
+  + Do not try to reload photo on shutdown
+  + Do not abort if new thumbnail size does not exist
+  + Open fullscreen windows on correct monitor
+  + Do not show toolbar if mouse is on another monitor
+  + Do not leak zoom buffers
+  + Remove length limit for GPhoto import
+  + Be more robust against invalid UTF-8 filenames
+  + Drop some old work-arounds
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.32.2:
+  + Fix using wrong data folder when starting profile through
+    browser
+  + Fix sendto in flatpak environment
+  + Support HEIF files with HIF extension
+  + Fix meta-data being written in a loop
+  + Fix detecting false mtime changes
+  + Fix broken aspect ratio of thumbnail when using external
+    editors
+  + Fix critical when exporting file with no exposure date
+  + Fix minor leak in Flickr and Google authenticators
+  + Enable C&P of paths in profile editor
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 0.32.1:
+  + Fix version display in about dialog when not building from git.
+  + Fix settings schema migration when source is using obsolete
+    keys.
+  + Fix setting slideshow duration settings.
+  + Make facedetect helper somewhat more robust if opencv calls
+    fail.
+  + Explicitly handle BigTIFF.
+- Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: New dependency.
+- Add check section: Run meson_test and manual validate of desktop
+  files and appdata.
+- Update to version 0.32.0:
+  + Fix generating video thumbnails if debugging is enabled
+  + Add JPEG XL support
+  + Fix display of duplicate tags in suggestion popup
+  + Support more variants of HEIF
+  + Updated translations.
+- Updatet to version 0.31.90:
+  + Fix display of f-number
+  + Fix several issues with unset exposure times
+  + Properly read exposure time from video files with GStreamer
+  + Fix display of time shift in AdjustDateTime dialog
+  + Support HEIF/HEVC files
+  + Support MXF files
+  + Fix issues with continously shifting images by time zone offset
+  + Minor UX enhancements with profile editor
+  + Fix alternate month names in sidebar
+  + Support .nomedia files when importing from folder
+  + Fix missing icon on import page
+  + Enable face recognition
+  + Clean up face detection and recognition helper
+  + Update haarcascade file
+  + Support profile haarcascade
+  + Support HiDPI for photo viewer and tools
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop cd82759231e5ece2fa0dea40397c9051d15fd5c2.patch: Fixed
+  upstream.
+- Add cd82759231e5ece2fa0dea40397c9051d15fd5c2.patch: gphoto2: Add
+  missing cheader attributes of delegate symbols.
+- Update to version 0.31.7:
+  + Actually run database upgrade necessary for date/time changes.
+  + Fix comparing unset date/time values.
+- Changes from version 0.31.6:
+  + Improved interaction when exporting files that end up with a
+    similar name.
+  + Google Photos: Fix batch uploading.
+  + Tumblr: Fix not remembering login credentials.
+  + Improve handling of images that do not have a GPS altitude.
+  + Have import from folder follow symlinks.
+  + Add an user interface to interact with the new profile feature.
+  + Make a couple of UI strings clearer.
+  + Remove video interpreter state handling - completely broken
+    and potentially responsible for causing indefinite re-checking
+    of video files.
+  + Improve touchpad scaling vs scrolling.
+  + Always enable face tagging. Face detection and recognition is
+    still opt-in on compile time due to the rather large OpenCV
+    dependency.
+  + Support creating hierarchical tags by using
+    /a/sytax/with/slashes.
+  + Use libportal to implement SendTo and Wallpaper settings.
+  + Initial support for having multiple accounts per publishing
+    service. So far only works for Piwigo instances.
+  + Create a new plugin preferences panel (prepare for account
+    management).
+  + Convert all publishing processes to async libsoup3. With
+    HTTPS/2 becoming more prominent, the old method broke really
+    hard and was a bad habit anyway.
+  + Fix an issue with the Saturation slider.
+  + Remove a bunch of deprecated calls.
+  + Remove deprecated date/time handling. Use DateTime more or less
+    everywhere.
+  + Allow media to have exposure dates before 1.1.1970 00:00.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop -Dextra_plugins=true meson parameter: no longer supported.
+- Drop pkgconfig(gdk-3.0) BuildRequires: no longer needed.
+- Add pkgconfig(libportal-gtk3) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Update to version 0.31.5:
+  + Port to libsoup3
+  + Updated translations.
+- Changes from version 0.31.4:
+  + Move video meta-data reading into external process
+  + Fix memory leak while importing from camera
+  + Speed up raw meta-data reading
+  + Improve Welcome Dialog wording
+  + Improve google photos upload for > 50 photos
+  + Support CR3 files
+  + Use mail portal instead of nautilus-sendto
+  + Support AVIF files
+  + Fix import from SONY A7C
+  + Remove Map widget
+- Changes from version 0.31.3:
+  + Store publishing secrets using libsecret
+  + Fix rotation keybinding for viewer
+  + Fix a missing menu item
+- Changes from version 0.31.2:
+  + Documentation updates and clean-up
+  + Drop obsolete settings
+  + Add WEBP and GIF to viewer's desktop file
+  + Use new mapbox tiles for the map view
+  + Flickr: Upload description and title
+  + General OAuth1 clean-up and simplifications
+  + Flickr: Show the new quotas (images uploaded)
+  + Make face detection and recognition compatible with OpenCV 4
+  + Fix shortcuts for previous/next photo in menus
+  + Migrate GSettings from org.yorba to org.gnome
+  + Fix initialization of the theme being too late
+  + Bring some consistency into the settings summaries and
+    descriptions
+  + Google Photos: Fix a critical when target album is not
+    available
+  + YouTube: Remove an obsolete label from the publishing dialog
+  + Authenticator: Make links in the shown web page open in
+    external browser
+  + Google Photos/YouTube: Update explanatory texts before log in.
+  + Flickr: Fix the log in
+- Changes from version 0.31.1:
+  + Fix an issue when pressing the down key in a slideshow
+  + Face recognition: Properly fall back to face detection when
+    there is no DNN file
+  + GPS: Export GPS meta-data
+  + GPS: Changed GPS will trigger meta-data export
+  + Piwigo: Fix crash when the certificate information is broken
+  + Add profiles
+  + Fix an issue with git annex due to not properly recognizing
+    symlinks
+  + Doc: Update the manpage
+  + Google Photos: Do not crash if title is missing
+  + Authenticator: Do not crash if service connection fails
+  + Doc: Various syntax fixes in help files
+  + Fix Camera detection and unmounting
+  + Speed up browsing directories of large files
+  + Fix localization of month in the DateTime dialog
+  + Tumblr: Fix upload
+  + Respect rotation information of videos
+  + Piwigo: Enable uploading of rating
+  + Port thumbnailer spawning to GLib.Subprocess
+  + Remove a couple of deprecated TimeVal uses
+  + Fix a couple of "potential null access" warnings during
+    compilation
+  + Some code clean-ups
+- Changes from version 0.31.0:
+  + Reorganize source tree
+  + Visually clean-up saved search editing dialog
+  + Use org.freedesktop.FileManager1 instead of calling nautilus
+    directly.
+  + Fix some deprecated calls in faces code
+  + Fix icon fall-back
+  + Add support for reading WEBP
+  + Some appdata fixes
+  + Skip hidden folders such as .thumbnails
+  + Fix missing icons in sidebar
+  + Use Gtk.FileChooserNative for nicer portal integration
+  + flatpak: several updates of dependencies
+  + flatpak: strip-down OpenCV
+  + Fix another "unknown source-id" warning
+  + Stop spinning the event loop when changing window cursors
+  + Several fixes to scroll events
+  + Fix tooltips on overview pages
+  + Fix issue with ImageHeight and ImageWidth mix-up
+  + Strip diacritics from events and tags for better searching
+  + Support gexiv2 0.12
+  + Add -p/--show-metadata option to Shotwell for dumping meta-data
+  + Increase comment limit to 4k chars
+  + Fix deprecations in Piwigo builder files
+  + Do not make Cancel the default action in the authenication
+    panel
+  + Clean-up in several places in the publishers
+  + Split-up some of the publishing panel code and move to
+    GtkBuilder
+  + Simplify the login landing page for publishing
+  + Remove non-functional Facebook publisher code
+  + Split-up CheckerBoardLayout.vala file
+  + Use nicer messages on empty filters etc.
+  + Merge face recognition code
+  + Fix fall-back icon for cameras
+  + Fix CSS and icon theme initialization code
+  + Fix an issue with chaining up the constructors for the main
+    window classes
+  + Fix issue with ACDSEE tags parser attaching all known tags to
+    all imported images
+  + Mege Map support
+  + Use my mapbox API token for map support
+  + Minor refactor of Page.vala eliminating duplicated code
+  + Drop conditionals for old Vala
+  + Several fixes with recent Vala versions
+  + Page.vala code split-up
+  + Various typo fixes
+  + Fix issue with artist containing an email address
+  + Add optional private DBus communication for faces recognition
+    binary
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update options passed to meson following upstream changes.
+- Changes in BuildRequires:
+  + Dropped: pkgconfig(libgdata), pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) and
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)
+  + Added: pkgconfig(libsecret-1), pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0),
+    pkgconfig(libwebpdemux), pkgconfig(libwebp) and
+    pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1)
+- Update to version 2.2.0:
+  + New code generator: Ada generator.
+  + Javascript: Fix generated code to use integer division rather
+    than floating point division.
+  + Python:
+  - Python 2 is no longer actively supported.
+  - Fix code generated for division.  Previously the Python code
+    we generated used integer division but rounded negative
+    fractions towards negative infinity rather than zero under
+    Python 2, and under Python 3 used floating point division.
+  + For more information, see shipped NEWS file.
+- Rebase build-options.diff and shared-library.diff.
+- Bump to we have no guarantee
+  that upstreams static-only-library maintains any kind of ABI.
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
+- Update to 5.112.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.111.0
+- Update to 5.111.0
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  *
+- No code change since 5.110.0
-- First version of the package
-- Added sord-0.8.0-no_g++.patch
+- Clean up the SPEC file
+- Update to 1.2.2 bsc#1099674:
+  * Expand python sitelib glob usage in files
+  * Add new head category for PSP macros
+  * Make flake8 happy and fix C416
+  * avoid adding curly braces to apparmor_reload
+  * Bump CodeQL Actions version
+  * Do not put curly brackets around python_libalternatives_reset_alternative
+  * Try to fix coveralls in github actions
+  * Update to actions/checkout@v3 and setup-python@v4
+  * Try to increase timeout for urlopen
+  * Make flake8 and mypy happy
+  * Set headers for urlopen to avoid 403 code
+  * ubuntu-latest doesn't support 3.6 anymore
+  * Replace calls to w3m with calls to curl
+  * move logic that tries to change the URL field to https into _make_secure_url
+  * Fix pep8 errors to pass flake8 tests (#296)
+  * Extend support for patterns (boo#1195092)
+  * update coveralls config
+  * Ignore error N818 from pep8-naming for now
+  * Fix URL expectations on tests
+  * Do not put brackets on %obsolete_legacy_pattern
+  * Fix #287: Incorrect curlification for more systemd-macros
+  * Add new script for rpmlint.
+  * Use github token directly
+- Remove spec-cleaner-psp-macros.patch that is already included in
+  1.2.2 release
+- Install new *.toml files with licenses
+- Add fix_tests_needing_web_connection.patch to temporarily fix
+  tests that need internet connection that is not available during
+  OBS build. Already fixed upstream in fd0f649
+- add spec-cleaner-psp-macros.patch to avoid spec-cleaner
+  rewriting the location of the psp macro
+- Update to release SDK-
+  * Add SPV_AMDX_shader_enqueue
+  * Add SPV_INTEL_cache_controls extension support
+  * Remove Kernel from ConstantSampler enum values
+  * Remove additional version "1.0" from SecondaryViewportRelativeNV
+  * Add headers for SPV_NV_displacement_micromap
+  * Add LiteralFloat to operand_kinds
+- Update to release SDK-
+  * Header files changes to support SPV_INTEL_fp_max_error spec
+    extension
+  * Make the generated operators for masks constexpr
+  * Add definitions for SVP_EXT_image_raw10_raw12,
+    SPV_KHR_cooperative_matrix
+  * Remove capabilities on cooperative matrix enums to align with
+    specification
+  * Revert "Add support for fp_max_error extension"
+- Update to release SDK-
+  * Add SPV_EXT_shader_tile_image.
+  * Add back version field for new enumerants and operands, but
+    set to None.
+  * SPV_KHR_ray_tracing_position_fetch support.
+- Update to release 1.6.1/SDK-
+  * Added SPRIV_INTEL_argument_interfaces, RegisterMapInterfaceINTEL,
+    SPV_QCOM_image_processing
+  * Added support for SPV_INTEL_fpga_latency_control extension
+  * Headers support for SPV_INTEL_bfloat16_conversion
+- Update to release 1.6.1/SDK-
+  * Add support for StreamingInterfaceINTEL in headers
+  * C++ headers: Define & and ~ bitwise operators for mask enums
+  * Add operator^
+  * Make operands to Kernel added in v5 optional
+- Update to snapshot 1.6.1+sdk236+git7.d13b522
+  * Update ClspvReflection non-semantic instruction set
+- Update to release 1.6.1+sdk236 (1d31a10)
+  * Add SPV_INTEL_fpga_invocation_pipelining_attributes,
+    SPV_INTEL_fpga_dsp_control, SPV_INTEL_runtime_aligned
+  * Add headers for SPV_NV_shader_invocation_reorder
+- Update to 1.6.1+sdk231 (85a1ed2)
+  * Implement headers definitions for SPV_EXT_mesh_shader
+  * Add definitions for SPV_ARM_core_builtins
+  * Something with VK_EXT_opacity_micromap
+  * Add support for texel buffers to clspv non-semantic
+    instruction set
+- Update to 1.6.1+sdk224+git2.0bcc624
+  * Updated clspv reflection non-semantic instruction set
+  * Resolved missing update of
+- Update to 1.6.1+sdk216 (b2a156e)
+  * Add a SourceLanguage for SYCL
+  * Add NamedBarrierCountINTEL execution mode
+  * Add SPV_KHR_subgroup_rotate, SPV_KHR_ray_cull_mask,
+    SPV_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests
+- Update to 1.6.1+sdk211 (4995a2f)
+  * Implement SPV_KHR_uniform_group_instructions extension
+  * Update SPIR-V headers for SPV_INTEL_split_barrier
+  * Implement SPV_INTEL_memory_access_aliasing extension
+- Update to snapshot 1.6.g6 (b42ba6d / sdk204)
+  * Add definitions to implement the SPIR-V 1.6 spec.
+  * Add ShaderWriter as SPIR-V generation tool.
+- Update to snapshot 1.5.5.g9 (814e728b / sdk198)
+  * Add spirv-headers pkgconfig file
+  * Implement header definitions for SPV_NV_bindless_texture
+  * Add SpecConstantSubgroupMaxSize to the clspv reflection
+    non-semantic instruction set
+  * Rename ConstFunctionPointerINTEL to
+    ConstantFunctionPointerINTEL
+- Update to snapshot 1.5.4.g108 (449bc986)
+  * Add VectorComputeINTEL as enabling capability for Private
+    StorageClass
+  * Add header changes for SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float16_add
+  * Support SPV_KHR_integer_dot_product
+  * Add support for SPV_KHR_bit_instructions
+  * Implement SPV_INTEL_optnone extension
+  * Add support for SPV_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur
+- Update to snapshot 1.5.4.g57 (dafead1765)
+  * Support SPV_KHR_expect_assume, SPV_KHR_linkonce_odr
+  * Add generator ID for MSP shader compiler
+- Update to 1.5.4.g42 (a3fdfe8146)
+  * Add SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout
+  * Add None as a possible value for DebugInfoFlags
+  * Add header changes for SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float_min_max
+- Remove 0001-Add-SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout.patch
+- Add 0001-Add-SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout.patch
+- Update to 1.5.4.g8 / 1.5.4.raytracing (104ecc35)
+  * Added SPV_KHR_fragment_shading_rate
+  * Add SPV_EXT_shader_image_int64
+  * Raytracing and Rayquery updates for final
+- Update to 1.5.3.g22 / 1.5.3.reservations1 (3fdabd0d)
+  * Publish the headers for the clspv embedded reflection
+    non-semantic extended instruction set.
+  * Update the registry in spir-v.xml to modernize and split out
+    opcodes.
+- Update to snapshot 1.5.3.g18 (979924c8bc)
+  * Support for SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float
+- Update to release 1.5.3
+  * Update headers to SPIR-V 1.5 Revision 3
+- Update to snapshot 1.5.1.c+git24 (f8bf11a)
+  * Add grammars, C header, and header generator for vendor and
+    KHR extended instruction sets.
+  * Update headers for SPV_KHR_ray_tracing.
+  * Added ray flags, primitive culling flags, queries.
+  * Add shadercalls scope.
+- Update to release 2023.5~rc1
+  * opt: add new trim passes
+  * SPV_QCOM_image_processing support
+  * Add SPV_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock and
+    SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer to allow lists
+  * Add a new legalization pass to dedupe invocation interlock
+    instructions
+- Update to release 2023.4~rc2
+  * Add SPV_NV_bindless_texture to spirv optimizations
+  * Add folding rule for OpTranspose
+  * spirv-diff: Leave undefined ids unpaired
+  * SPV_KHR_cooperative_matrix
+  * Validate GroupNonUniform instructions
+  * Add support for LiteralFloat type
+  * Add SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float_add to allow lists
+- Update to release 2023.3~rc1
+  * Add spirv-dump tool
+  * Implement source extraction logic for spirv-objdump
+  * Add Vulkan memory model to allow lists
+  * Add default case for spv::Dim for TileImageEXT
+  * Add support for SPV_EXT_shader_tile_image
+  * opt: Fix null deref in OpMatrixTimesVector and OpVectorTimesMatrix
+  * Apply scalar replacement on vars with Pointer decorations
+- Update to release 2023.2
+  * spirv-val: Initial SPV_EXT_mesh_shader builtins
+  * Add C interface for Optimizer
+- Update buildrequires to match published dependency list
+- Update to release 2023.1
+  * Validate version 5 of clspv reflection
+  * Fix undef behaviour in hex float parsing
+- Update to release 2022.4+sdk236
+  * Only validate full layout in Vulkan environments
+  * Prevent eliminating case constructs in block merging
+  * Add pass to eliminate dead output components
+  * Add support for tesc, tese and geom to EliminateDead*Components
+  * Add option to ADCE to remove output variables from interface
+- Update to release 2022.4 (SDK-
+  * Add structs to eliminate dead input components
+  * spirv-val: Add SPV_KHR_ray_tracing storage class
+  * Improve algorithm to reorder blocks in a function
+  * spirv-val: Add initial SPV_EXT_mesh_shader validation
+  * spirv-val: Add SPV_ARM_core_builtins validation
+  * Support Narrow Types in BitCast Folding Rule
+- Drop gcc48.diff, that compiler is long past its time.
+- Drop 0001-Fix-array-copy-propagation-4890.patch (merged).
+- Update to release 2022.3~sdk224 (SDK-
+  * spirv-val: Add support for SPV_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests
+  * Avoid replacing access chain with OOB access
+  * Avoid undefined divide-by-0
+  * Fixed crash unrolling loops with residual iterations
+  * Fix segfault in `SpirvTools::Disassemble` when printing
+  * Avoid undefined behaviour when getting debug opcode
+  * spirv-val: Add Vulkan decoration interface
+  * Implement SPV_NV_bindless_texture related changes
+- Update to release 2022.3
+  * spirv-val: Add SPV_KHR_ray_tracing instructions
+- Add 0001-Fix-array-copy-propagation-4890.patch
+- Update to 2022.3~sdk216 (SDK-
+  * Add folding rule to generate Fma instructions
+  * Add support for SPV_KHR_subgroup_rotate
+  * spirv-val: Add CullMaskKHR support
+  * Add SPV_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric support
+  * Add more folding for composite instructions
+  * spirv-val: Add PerVertexKHR
+  * Fold multiply and subtraction into FMA with negation
+- Update to 2022.2 (SDK-
+  * Handle propagation of arrays with decorations
+  * spirv-opt: Add OpExecutionModeId support
+  * Support SPV_KHR_uniform_group_instructions
+  * Introduce spirv-diff
+- Update to 2022.2~sdk204 (SDK-
+  * Complete handling of RayQueryKHR type
+- Update to release 2022.1
+  * Basic support for SPIR-V 1.6
+  * spirv-opt: add pass to Spread Volatile semantics
+- Drop spirv-tools-big-endian.patch (merged)
+- Add upstream patch to fix issues on big endian platforms
+  (Needed to fix
+  * spirv-tools-big-endian.patch
+- Update to release 2021.4
+  * Improve decoration validation
+  * Add spirv-opt pass to replace descriptor accesses based on
+    variable indices
+  * Do not fold snegate feeding sdiv
+- Update to release 2021.3
+  * Support Intel extensions for fixed point and hls-float
+  * Add SPV_KHR_vulkan_memory_model to aggressive_dead_code_elim
+  * spirv-val: Vulkan Storage Class for Execution Model
+  * Support SPV_KHR_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
+  * Initial support for SPV_KHR_integer_dot_product
+  * Add validation for SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float16_add
+  * Add non-semantic vulkan extended instruction set
+  * Don't fold unsigned divides of an constant and a negation
+- Update to release 2021.1
+  * Support SPV_KHR_linkonce_odr, SPV_KHR_expect_assume
+  * Fixes for the vscode language server extension
+  * Validator:
+  * Add validation for SPV_EXT_shader_atomic_float_min_max
+  * Add Vulkan Execution Scope checks
+  * Vulkan 64-bit OpAtomicStore check
+- Add -Wno-error
+- Bump SONAME because of ABI change underneath [boo#1183350].
+  This I had missed in the 2020.7 update.
+- Update to release 2020.7
+  * Support pending Intel extensions
+  * Remove WebGPU support
+  * Validator: add Vulkan EXT builtins
+  * Optimizer: Run DCE when SPV_KHR_shader_clock is used
+- Update to release 2020.6
+  * Take new (raytracing) termination instructions into account.
+  * Do run DCE if SPV_KHR_ray_query is used.
+  * Support SPV_KHR_fragment_shading_rate.
+  * Add validation support for the ray tracing built-in variables.
+- Update to release 2020.4
+  * Memory model support for SPIR-V 1.4
+  * Add new spirv-fuzz tool
+  * Instrument: Add version 2 of record formats
+- Update to release 2020.3
+  * spirv-fuzz: Add validator options
+  * Add unrolling to performance passes
+  * spirv-fuzz: Support bit width argument for int and float types
+- Update to release 2020.2
+  * Support extended instructions in the vscode language server.
+  * Make spvOpcodeString part of the public API.
+  * Add support for KHR_ray_{query,tracing} extensions.
+  * Add validation support for SPV_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod.
+- Update to release 2020.1
+  * Add spvParseVulkanEnv
+  * Handle TimeAMD in AmdExtensionToKhrPass
+- Upgrade to version 4.3.3
+  * Issues fixed
+    + Loading template group from STGroupDir in app running on
+    Tomcat 8 fails
+    + Trailing slash on the root dir leads to an IOException when
+    calling URL.openstream()
+  * Improvements, features
+    + Shift to Linux DCO
+    + Bazel support
+    + Fix for NPE when Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
+    is null
+    + Add license to pom.xml
+    + Fix escaping for closing angle brackets
+    + Correctly handle surrogate pairs in StringRenderer.encodeHTML
+    + Updating scala documentation to be more idiomatic and work
+    with ST4
+    + Add test for TypeRegistry
+- Modified patch:
+  * stringtemplate4-generated-sources.patch
+    + regenerate in cycle with antlr3 reproducible build changes
+- Version 20231031 (bsc#1217699, jsc#PED-6428)
+  Use payg for product plan
+- Version 20231027
+  Add preview in the product code
+    Azure test image uses preview as product plan ID
+  This is a temp package/edit to allow testing
-- jsc#PED-2104 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
+- Enable build on riscv64
+- Include sysconfig-netconfig only until SLE15, newer versions
+  don't use it anymore [jsc#PED-1734]
+- jsc#PED-2113 [Virt Tools] Refresh Virtualization Tools for Xen
+- Update to version 15.6.6:
+  * add blacklist entry for reiserfs (jsc#PED-6167)
+- Update to version 15.6.5:
+  * Add more modules to file system blacklist (jsc#PED-6167)
+    Blacklisted filesystem modules that aren't officially supported
+    by SUSE: f2fs, hfsplus, jfss2, kafs, ntfs3, orangefs, pstore, romfs, zonefs.
+    This affects Leap and SLED only, as these modules aren't shipped
+    for SLE anyway. As usual, the blacklist entries can be removed
+    by running an explicit "modrobe $FS_MODULE" command.
+- Update to version 15.6.4:
+  * modprobe.d: use softdep to load sd_mod and sg (bsc#1206070)
+- Add explicit pciutils Requires: expects lspci to
+  be present and available. Fixes boo#1210710.
+- SUSEPrime-0.8.14
+  * No longer run usage() and bbcheck() in unconfigured state
+    (boo#1207144)
+- SUSEPrime-0.8.13
+  * add "AutoAddGPU" "false" for intel and offload mode (github issue#90)
+    Apparently on some systems this is needed to prevent Nvidia card from
+    being initialized during Xserver startup and crashing with a pixmap
+    failure.
+- SUSEPrime-0.8.12
+  * fix 'user_logout_waiter' for lightdm
+    autologin (issue#92)
+- Use %autosetup -p1 instead of multiple %patch lines. Allows us to
+  get rid of deprecated %patchN.
+- Explicitly use --with-cups-serverbin-dir to find SERVERBIN when
+  cups.pc is not provided by older cups (boo#1213883).
+- Fix printer icon location/type, needed due to changes in Adwaita.
+- Update to version 1.5.18:
+  + Add <launchable/>  into the .appdata.xml file.
+  + Accessiblity improvements.
+  + system-config-printer couldn't be uninstalled via GNOME
+    Software.
+  + system-config-printer crashes due missing libhandy.
+  + Updated config.sub and config.guess to fix configuration error
+    on RiSC.
+  + Use pkg-config or --with-cups-serverbin-dir for finding
+- Move all dbus-1 system.d files to /usr (bsc#1202340)
+- Update to version 1.5.16:
+  + fix preserve_job_files default settings.
+  + add debugprint covering failed fingerprint retrieval attempts.
+  + Make sure that is running one instance per user.
+  + fix incorrect use of urllib.request.
+  + remove python3-requests.
+  + build: Migrate build system from Intltool to Gettext.
+  + udev-configure-printer.c: Fix possible use after frees and
+    leaks.
+  + Fix typo in method call.
+  + add option to disable xmlto manual generation.
+  + allow + in device uris - gutenprint has a backend with +.
+- Drop python3-requests requires: no longer needed, following
+  upstream changes.
+- Rebase system-config-printer-no-openprinting.patch.
+- udev(-mini)?: ensure %_modulesloaddir exists and is owned properly. Allows
+  other packages to install modules without worry of the parent directory. We do
+  not ensure /etc/modules-load.d exists in the -mini flavor, as that directory
+  is not meant to be used by packages.
+- udev: only require kmod in the full flavor. udev-mini is only used inside OBS
+  in a strictly defined setup and udev will never have to load device drivers
+  there.
+- Import commit 327b885182f19f795f3af635bce0adc264bfb334
+  071ac409a0 rules: set up tty permissions and group for /dev/hvc* nodes (bsc#1218137)
+  f693b3ed8a vconsole-setup: remember the correct error value when open_terminal() fails
+  963d838bad vconsole-setup: handle the case where the vc is in KD_GRAPHICS mode more gracefully (bsc#1215282)
+- Make sure systemd-sysvcompat replaces systemd-sysvinit on upgrades from SLE12 (bsc#1218110)
+- Import commit c5c5d234663f47e9d9bf53e02c21ce815f079328
+  6f53f71d2d vconsole-setup: simplify error handling
+  ce08cd5f66 man/standard-conf: directory paths should end with '/'
+  8324cbfde7 config files: update their header to reflect that they can be installed in /usr
+  bc36846ad2 Reflect the fact that main config files can be installed in /usr
+  e304a11f33 config files: more recommendations of `systemd-analyze cat-config`
+  c45cecf279 meson: add build option for install path of main config files
+  cc61b052c6 vconsole-setup: use a consistent log level when setfont fails with EX_OSERR (bsc#1212970)
+  4fe3653dab tmpfiles: ignore EINVAL with --graceful (bsc#1216628)
+- Restore the filter that prevents the creation of
+  'by-partlabel/{primary,logical}' symlinks (bsc#1217878)
+  It was broken during the upgrade of v254.
+- Fix CVE-2023-39804, Incorrectly handled extension attributes in
+  PAX archives can lead to a crash, bsc#1217969
+  * fix-CVE-2023-39804.patch
+- Split the gsettings schema to a separate package
+  + The telepathy-logger library has an hard dependency on the schema, and if
+    it's missing (before this change it has been part of the telepathy-logger
+    daemon) it will cause the loading application to crash.
+  + The library does now require the schema package
+- Drop dangling %glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro.
-- Update to version 0.8.0:
-  + GLib 2.28 is now required.
-  + New TplLogWalker API for iterating over logs (fdo#41772).
-  + Filter out duplicate dates in get_dates (fdo#53345).
+- Update to version 3.36.1:
+  + Fix leak of GObject Introspection interface info.
+  + Document usage of package_subdir.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.36.0:
+  + No changes since 3.35.0, stable bump only.
+- Update to version 3.35.0:
+  + Build system improvements and test suites
+  + Many fixes to TmplExpr lexing, parsing, and evaluation
+  + A number of new AST nodes and symbo API
+  + Various new builtin functions
+  + Improved support for swallowing newlines from templates
+- Adjust meson parameters according to upstream changes:
+  + enable_tracing=false -> tracing=false
+  + enable_profiling=false -> profiling=false
+  + enable_g_doc=false -> gtk_doc=false
+  + with_introspectin=true -> introspection=enabled
+  + with_vapi=true -> vapi=true
+- Update to version 3.34.1:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 6.8.0:
+  + Update for Amtk -> libgedit-amtk rename.
+  + New/changed/removed APIs: see the API docs.
+  + A bug fix.
+- Add pkgconfig(libgedit-amtk-5), drop pkgconfig(amtk-5)
+  BuildRequires following upstreams changes.
+- Change lib_ver to %{api_ver}-4, following upstreams ABI version
+  bump.
+- Add pkgconfig(libgedit-gtksourceview-300) BuildRequires: new
+  dependency since version 6.6.
+- Change lib_ver to %{api_ver}-3, following upstreams ABI version
+  bump.
+- Update to version 6.6.0:
+  + Nothing transcendental.
+- Update to version 6.4.0:
+  + Build: simplify handling of library soversion.
+  + Add some new API (see the reference documentation).
+  + Some API breaks (see the reference documentation).
+  + Experiments to simplify GtkStack custom switcher
+    implementations. Moved the result to the attic/ directory.
+  + TeplView: add code from gedit: override delete_from_cursor
+    vfunc. In gedit it's for the Ctrl+D keybinding to delete the
+    current line.
+- Bump libver to 2 following upstream changes.
+- Update to version 6.2.0:
+  + Remove deprecated API.
+  + Add some new API (see the reference documentation).
+  + Small improvements.
+- Bump lib_ver define to 1 following upstream changes.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 6.1.2:
+  + API stability is no longer guaranteed.
+  + New features/API: see the index of new symbols in the reference
+    documentation (generated with gtk-doc).
+  + Documentation improvements.
+- Changes from version 6.1.1:
+  + New features/API: see the index of new symbols in the reference
+    documentation (generated with gtk-doc).
+  + Documentation improvements.
+- Add pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas) build requirement. This
+  is a new private dependency.
+- Update to version 6.0.2:
+  + Build system: check if compiler supports --version-script
+    linker option.
+- Update to version 6.0.1:
+  + No changes.
+  - Note that a 6.00.0 version was released in 2021. The double
+    00 was a mistake.
+- Update to version 0.08:
+  * Add [mnw_MM] to language strings
+  * Fix Punjabi [pa] string in desktop file
+  * Minor man page updates
+  * Minor updates
+  * Update years, 2021 - 2024
+- Update to version 0.07:
+  * Update README to use markdown (
+  * Minor updates to other files to modernize
+  * Add license information relating to Launchpad's new terms
+  * Updated strings: Khmer (km), Thai (th)
+- introduced n_dont_sign_java_client.patch and changed
+  n_tigervnc-date-time.patch to allow the build to be reproducible
+  (bsc#1208478):
+  * Dont sign the Java client so the jar file won't contain a
+    signed file with a variable timestamp.
+  * The signing was necessary for accessing the system clipboard
+    when the Java client runs as an applet.
+    (This shouldn't harm due to the deprecation of Java applets
+    was done in version 9).
+- xorg-x11-Xvnc requires dbus-1-x11 (bsc#1207730)
+- update to 1.13.1:
+  * x0vncserver can either crash itself, or crash the X server
+    it is connected to
+  * The servers might crash if the clipboard is updated just as
+    a client is connected
+  * The vncserver service can fail to start on SELinux system
+    if ~/.vnc doesn't exist
+- A little cleanup of specfile
+- Update to tigervnc 1.13.0
+  * The servers and native viewer now support RealVNC's RSA-AES authentication methods and encryption
+  * The native viewer is now translated to Romanian and Georgian
+  * The native viewer now (optionally) supports PiKVM's H.264 encoding
+  * The display settings for the native viewer have been overhauled to make them easier to understand
+  * The native viewer now supports adding exceptions for expired certificates
+  * Resolved an issue where full-screen mode didn't work in the native viewer on macOS 13
+  * Lock key synchronization has been re-enabled in the native viewer after being accidentally disabled in 1.11.0
+  * Xvnc/ can now be built with Xorg 1.21
+  * x0vncserver is a bit better at handling differing server and client keyboard layout
+  * x0vncserver now correctly handles zaphod mode
+- Removed patches (no longer needed):
+  * tigervnc-newfbsize.patch (
+  * n_utilize-system-crypto-policies.patch (
+  * xserver211.patch & u_tigervnc-211.patch (
+- Refreshed patches:
+  * n_tigervnc-date-time.patch
+  * n_vncserver.patch
+  * u_change-button-layout-in-ServerDialog.patch
+- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.
+- Rebase tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch
+- Use %patch -p N instead of deprecated %patchN.
+- Update to version 3.6.2:
+  + Improvements to the seccomp jail, and fixes for spurious SIGSYS
+    positives.
+  + Use GDateTime to handle dates.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.6.1:
+  + Avoid the special thread in tracker-extract-3, and extend the
+    seccomp jail to the full process.
+  + Updated translations.
+  + Drop upstream merged: tracker-miners-CVE-2023-5557.patch
+- Add a tracker_basever define, and set it to 3.6. We have a hard
+  Requires on what tracker version is needed and it is currently
+  set at the same or newer version, change this to tracker_basever
+  (tracker-miners have never been at a higher patch version
+  before).
-- Rebase tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch.
+- Update to version 3.6.0:
+  + Fix possible race condition between directory crawling and
+    monitoring.
+  + Improved "tracker3 info" output.
+  + Cleanups to tracker-miner-fs-3 code.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.6.rc:
+  + Throttle extractor process on battery conditions.
+  + Handle deletion of directories no longer configured as indexed.
+  + Lower footprint crawling very large directories.
+  + Hint tracker-extract-3 file access with posix_fadvise.
+  + Raise file descriptor limit in tracker-miner-fs-3.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update
+  + Fix the tracker miner spec file to build for SLE_15
+  + Rebase patch: tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch
+- Update to version 3.6.beta:
+  + Stop indexing applications.
+  + Improve performance of reindexes induced by indexer changes.
+  + More performance improvements in hot startup cases.
+  + Fix potential infinite loops with unexpected Fanotify events.
+  + Build fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.6.alpha:
+  + Greatly improve performance and memory usage during
+    post-startup checks on an already indexed filesystem.
+  + Build system fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop %systemd_user_postun_with_restart macro from the %postun
+  directive. It's been deprecated and emptied (expands to nil) on
+  both Tumbleweed and Leap already.
+- Update to version 3.5.2:
+  + Fix a number of potential crashers.
+  + Fix possibly stuck extractor process.
+  + Restore performance lost in 3.5.1 of extractor query to get
+    unextracted items.
+  + Plug memory leak.
+- Update to version 3.5.1:
+  + The tracker-extract-3 service moved all SPARQL queries and
+    updates to a GResource. Consistently uses
+    TrackerSparqlStatement/TrackerResource for updates.
+  + Fixes in uniquely identifying files in BTRFS subvolumes.
+  + Ensure deletion of files lingering in content graphs.
+  + Ensure correct nie:dataSource after moving files between
+    indexed folders.
+  + Optimize mass removal of deleted files found during
+    initialization.
+  + Documentation improvements for the miner services.
+  + Do not let systemd spuriously start the tracker-extract-3
+    service.
+  + Test suite fixes.
+- Add 'tracker' to runtime dependencies (boo#1209737)
+- Update to version 3.5.0:
+  + Test suite fixes.
+  + Added membarrier syscall to seccomp.
+- Update to version 3.5.0.rc:
+  + Fix deletion of not yet extracted files.
+  + Fix some memory leaks.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.5.0.beta:
+  + The filesystem miner moved all SPARQL queries and updates to a
+    GResource. Consistently uses
+    TrackerSparqlStatement/TrackerResource for updates.
+  + The "tracker3 tag" has been fixed, and functional tests added
+    to avoid regressions.
+  + The functional tests have been refurbished and modernized.
+  + Internal code refactors.
+  + The extractor test suite has been extended.
+- Update to version 3.5.0.alpha:
+  + Fix GSource leak in tracker-extract-3.
+  + Disable 'fluidsynthmidi' GStreamer module.
+  + Delegate tracker-miner-fs D-Bus SPARQL endpoint to a separate
+    thread.
+- Update to version 3.4.3:
+  + Fix possible warnings in tracker-miner-fs-3
+  + Fixes to handle BTRFS subvolumes
+  + Reset nie:isStoredAs/nie:interpretedAs on updated folders
+  + Drop 'fluidsynthmidi' GStreamer module
+  + Fix GSource leak
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.4.2:
+  + Fix advised flatpak command in sandboxing documentation.
+  + Fix intermittent build break.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.4.1:
+  + Warning fixes to gstreamer extractor.
+  + Silence EXDEV warnings on FANotify monitor failures, likely in
+    some systems.
+  + New handled syscalls in seccomp: set_mempolicy, get_mempolicy,
+    epoll_create1.
+  + Improve performance of lookups of related CUE files for
+    gstreamer media.
+  + Fix memory leaks.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.4.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.4.0.rc:
+  + Fixes to libav/ffmpeg extractor.
+  + Remove text/plain files from ignored-files, there are more
+    specific setting to control indexed text content.
+  + Fix build on MacOS.
+  + Fix compiler/build warnings.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.4.0.beta:
+  + Add --list and --delete options to RSS miner.
+  + Text extraction fixes on ODS and ODG file formats.
+  + Improve logging of filesystem miner elapsed time information.
+  + Improve performance of filesystem move operations.
+  + Do not show duplicate results in "tracker3 search" CLI tool.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 401.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add 401.patch: Specify graphs in "tracker3 search" queries;
+  resolves tracker search listing files multiple times
+  (boo#1200403 glgo#GNOME/tracker-miners#229).
+- Update to version 3.4.0.alpha:
+  + Fix fallback from fanotify to inotify.
+  + Improvements to "tracker3 status" CLI.
+  + Check field type on IPTC data embedded in TIFFs.
+  + Avoid non-existent ontology in libav extractor.
+  + Fix some file updates being missed through fanotify.
+  + Fix possible tracker-miner-fs-3 crashes on shutdown.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.3.1:
+  + Properly fallback to inotify monitors on fanotify failures.
+  + Fixes to handling of files being atomically replaced.
+  + Fixes to handling of IPTC data embedded in TIFFs.
+  + Improvements to "tracker3 status" output and redirection
+    handling.
+- Pass -Dsystemd_user_services_dir=%{_userunitdir} to meson: we
+  either need pkgconfig(systemd) (which we so far just received
+  indirectly by some dependencies) or pass the location to install
+  userunitdirs to meson. As the variable is known already, we opted
+  for this version, which is 'cheaper' on the build deps.
+- Update to version 3.3.0:
+  + Initialize stable URN cache prior to extractor modules in
+    tracker-extract-3.
+- Update to version 3.3.0.rc:
+  + Ignore subtrack titles for videos.
+  + OpenBSD improvements to `tracker3 reset/daemon` CLI commands.
+  + Improved test infrastructure around removable device support.
+  + Fixed FANotify monitor to handle separate FAN_DELETE[_SELF]
+    events.
+  + Fixed generation of man pages with newer asciidoc.
+- Update to version 3.3.0.beta:
+  + Changed to skip mountpoints found during recursive indexing.
+    Mountpoints must be explicitly configured as indexed folders
+    now.
+  + Fixed FANotify monitor to safely fallback to inotify in the
+    cases not currently covered by FANotify (e.g. btrfs
+    subvolumes).
+  + Improved the stable URN scheme so it is guaranteed to be
+    stable.
+  + Removed deprecated API usage in libav extractor.
+  + Fix --show-files in "tracker3 tag".
+  + Fix possible crashes with Clang.
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + tracker-miners-allow-rseq.patch
+  + tracker-miners-allow-mbind.patch
+- Update to version 3.3.0.alpha:
+  + Use FANotify for file monitoring if available.
+  + Use a more stable URN scheme for file content.
+  + Add indexing roots to content specific graphs for availability
+    info.
+  + Truly disable nvcodec in gstreamer extractor.
+  + Use the configured domain prefix in miner symlinks.
+  + Add seccomp rules for recently used syscalls.
+  + Performance improvements to tracker-miner-fs-3.
+  + Plug memory leaks in tracker-miner-fs-3.
+  + Updated translations.
+- own directory /usr/lib/kernel/install.d to fix build
+- adapt to changed kernel paths (jsc#PED-7308)
+  A    moved-kernel-paths-1.patch
+- do not package inoperable plugins (bsc#1217758)
+- update to 4.5.2:
+  * fix 7zip search failing on 32 bit systems when option -M is used
+    (or -t when setting -M)
+- update to 4.5.1:
+  * fix bzip3 build failures (previously patched)
+- drop ugrep-4.5.0-fix-bzip3-configure.patch
+- update to 4.5.0:
+  * 7zip archive search with option -z
+  * apply Unicode normalization to canonicalize literal combining
+    characters in regex patterns
+  * improved TUI TAB directory navigation when searching from the FS
+    root
+- drop ugrep-4.4.1-remove-shebang-from-bash-completion.patch
+- add ugrep-4.5.0-fix-bzip3-configure.patch
+- update to 0.9.5-2:
+  * support 7z archive indexing (in addition to zip, tar, pax, cpio
+    archives and compressed files) with option -z
+- version update to 15.1.0
+  * upstream changelog:
+- update to 15.0.0:
+  * Unicode 15.0 adds 4,489 characters, for a total of 149,186 characters. These
+    additions include 2 new scripts, for a total of 161 scripts, along with 20 new
+    emoji characters, and 4,193 CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) ideographs.
+  See
+- Update to version 14.0.0
+  * Unicode 14.0 adds 838 characters, for a total of 144,697 characters
+  * These additions include 5 new scripts, for a total of 159 scripts
+  * As well as 37 new emoji characters.
+  * Full news:
+- Update version to 13.0.0. Upstream did not provide changelog.
+- Use https for download.
+- Update version to 12.0.0. Upstream did not provide changelog.
+- Drop copyright.html, add COPYING: Move copyright.html to a TXT
+  file, to meet openSUSE packages law requirement.
-- Update to version 0.54.8:
+- Allow to disable building valadoc as option and drop graphviz as
+  build dependency.
+- Update to version 0.56.14:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen: Generate compatible wrapper of ref-void functions
+  - vala: Prevent usage of strlen() on non-null-terminated string
+  + Bindings:
+  - glib-2.0: Add new symbols from 2.78
+  - gstreamer-1.0: Make ElementFactory.make()'s name parameter
+    default to null
+  - gtk4-wayland: Add the missing wayland-client bindings
+  - wayland-client: Complete the binding
+- Update to version 0.56.13:
+  + Bindings: gtk4: Restore CssProvider.load_from_data() signature
+    to take an array.
+- Update to version 0.56.12:
+  + Regression fix: vala: Only transform default initializers of
+    parameters.
+  + Bindings: gtk4: Preserve compatibility with <= 4.8.x.
+- Update to version 0.56.11:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - vala: Infer generic type from typeof() initializer of
+    parameters
+  - girparser: Support glib:ref-func, glib:unref-func,
+    copy-function and free-function
+  + Bindings: gtk4: Update to 4.12.0
+- Update to version 0.56.10:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen: Don't emit casts in static field initializers
+  - parser: Reset tokens buffer when parsing a new source file
+  - vala:
+    . Output additional information when accessing unknown member
+    . Allow "set" method of an container to return void or bool
+    . Correctly handle possible null from
+    SourceFile.get_source_line()
+  + Bindings:
+  - glib-2.0: Update return-type of
+    HashTable.add/insert/replace() and GenericSet.add()
+  - linux: Add resolution field to Input.AbsInfo
+  - libpq: Fix a few binding errors
+- Update to version 0.56.9:
-    . Emit G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC() for interfaces with
-    base class.
-    . Emit G_DEFINE_AUTO_CLEANUP_CLEAR_FUNC() for structs.
-    . Drop confusing warning when accessing interface members.
-  - vala: Catch and throw possible inner error of lock
-    statements.
+    . Add missing EXTERN flag for GType function of error
+    domains.
+    . Improve handling of sealed classes.
+  - vala: Report an error when trying to chain up to inaccessible
+    private ctor.
+  - vala: Fix spaces for attributes when writing property
+    accessors.
+  - girwriter: Fix c:type attribute for real struct parameters.
+  - testrunner: Add support to check generated header.
+  - manual: Update from
+  + Bindings:
+  - gio-2.0: Ease implemention of GLib.ActionGroup.
+  - glib-2.0:
+    . Fix return-type of GLib.SourceOnceFunc.
+    . Add ConvertError.{NO_MEMORY,EMBEDDED_NUL}.
+  - gtk4: Pick up fix for Gdk.Toplevel.compute_size.size
+    parameter.
+  - vapi: Add documentation to GLib.Math that '-X -lm' may be
+    needed when compiling.
+- Update to version 0.56.8:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen: Include "glib-object.h" when using
+    GType/GBoxedCopyFunc.
+  - valadoc:
+    . Backing method of lambda-expression isn't included in
+    valadoc AST.
+    . Add girwriter test.
+  - build:
+    . Improve usage of AC_PATH_PROG() for valacs.
+    . valadoc requires valac 0.18.1.
+  + Bindings:
+  - gio-2.0: Add new symbols from 2.76.
+  - glib-2.0:
+    . Add new symbols from 2.76.
+    . Fix binding of g_variant_type_n_items().
+  - gtk4: Don't skip AlertDialog ctor.
+- Update to version 0.56.7:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen: Fix usage of lambda-expression from delegate
+    initializer
+  - vala:
+    . Check type-argument count of interface prerequisites
+    . Improve Symbol.to_string() to include TypeParameters
+    . Improve error message for wrong number of type-arguments
+    . Improve check of type_reference in ObjectCreationExpression
+    . Allow inheritance from sealed class in bindings
+  - Fix a couple of type-argument issues in vala itself
+  - g-i: Fix compiling with mingw clang
+  + Bindings:
+  - gio-2.0,glib-2.0,gtk+-3.0,gtk4: Fix a few binding issues
+  - glib-2.0: g_chdir is declared in <glib/gstdio.h>
+- Update to version 0.56.6:
+  + Regression fix: vala: Improve initialization of namespace
+    fields with compound literal.
+  + Bindings:
+  - gio-2.0,glib-2.0,gobject-2.0: Update 2.74 symbols
+  - webkit2gtk-4.*: Update to 2.40.0
+  - webkitgtk-6.0: Update to 2.40.0
+- Update to version 0.56.5:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Consistently handle GLib.Error as boxed type
+    . Add cast to accessor calls for generic property
+    implementations
+    . Use g_object_class_override_property to implement generic
+    interface properties
+    . Add declaration for register call of dynamic DBus
+    interfaces
+  - vala:
+    . Correctly handle pre/post-increment expression as index of
+    element access
+    . Set proper value-type of unary ref/out expression in
+    initializers
+    . Allow assignment of namespace fields with inline allocated
+    arrays
+  - gtkmodule: Improve error messages
+  + Bindings:
+  - gtk4: Update to 4.10.1~40b154bf from 0.58
+  - gtk4: Add sealed to all the final types
+  - gtk+-3.0: Fix ToolPalette.icon_size get-accessor type
+  - webkitgtk-6.0: Update to 2.39.90
+- Update to version 0.56.4:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Add glib.h include for TRUE/FALSE literal
+    . Append VALA_EXTERN also when using fast-vapi
+    . Perform required casts for generic types of return-values
+    and in/out-parameters
+    . Correctly handle fixed-length array initialization of
+    fields in classes
+    . Perform required cast while assigning and passing function
+    pointers
+    . Cast return value of generic type accessor functions
+    . Cast vfunc of property accessors by using
+    cast_method_pointer()
+  - vala:
+    . Report error in real literal if exponent has no digits
+    . Improve compatibility type checks of array elements in
+    assignments
+    . Improve missing exponent check for real literals
+    . Better handling of [NoReturn] call inside finally clause
+  - Properly check for colored terminal output on Windows
+  - Fix output decoding error of non-ASCII character on Win32
+  - parser: Properly handle chained equality expressions
+  - manual: Update from
+  + Bindings:
+  - cairo: Add missing Cairo.Pattern.get_rgba()
+  - glib-2.0: Add `double_hash` and `double_equal`
+  - gtk4: Make Gtk.show_uri_full() an instance method of
+    Gtk.Window
+  - gtk4: Update workaround for DropTarget.drop() signal conflict
+  - libgvc: Fix `cheader_filename` of the `Gvc` namespace
+  - pango: Fix a few binding errors
+  - pixman-1: Fix instance position of region copy methods
+  - webkit2gtk-*.*: Update to 2.37.91
+  - Add webkitgtk-6.0 bindings
+  - Update gnome-desktop-3.0 and gnome-desktop-4
+- Update to version 0.56.3:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - vala:
+    . Don't unconditionally expect ObjectType of Class
+    . Make try-statement parsing more resilient
+    . Avoid problems with '\' in #line directives on Windows
+  - gidlparser: Set source reference of parameters
+  + Bindings:
+  - atspi-2: Fix a few binding errors
+  - glib-2.0: Use g_abort for GLib.Process.abort() beginning with
+    2.50
+  - gtk+-3.0: Correctly unhide BindingSet.by_class to avoid
+    Version attribute
+- Update to version 0.56.2:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Correctly set array-length for NoAccessorMethods
+    properties.
+    . Detect usage of static type-parameter in runtime context.
+    . Make sure to initialize static collections.
+    . Split reserved identifiers for C and Vala.
+    . Check cname of fields and methods against reserved
+    identfiers.
+  - vala: Avoid critical in SourceFile.get_mapped_length().
+  + Bindings:
+  - glib2.0: Add abs() to int8/int16/int32/ssize_t.
+  - Add initial wayland-client binding.
+  - Add geocode-glib-2.0 binding.
+  - Add rest-1.0 bindings.
+- Update to version 0.56.1:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - vala: Improve accessibility check inside member initializer.
+  - vala: Don't allow nullable enum value as real GObject
+    property.
+  - valadoc: Include path to doclet in error message.
+  - manual: Update from
+  + Bindings:
+  - gtk4: Fix GLib.Value parameter in
+    ContentProvider.get_value().
+  - gtk4: Split out gtk4-wayland and gtk4-x11 into separate
+    bindings.
+  - gstreamer: Update from 1.21+ git main.
+  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings.
+- Update to version 0.56.0:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes: codegen: Drop confusing
+    warning when accessing interface members.
+  + Bindings:
+  - Add webkit2gtk-4.1 bindings.
+  - glib-2.0: Fix memory management of TestSuite.add*/get_root()
+    with 2.70.
+  - libarchive: Fix a few binding errors.
+  - SDL2_ttf: Fix a few binding errors.
+  - tiff: Fix a few binding errors.
+- Update to version 0.55.91:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
-  - SDL2_ttf: Fix a few binding errors
-  - tiff: Fix a few binding errors
+- Update to version 0.55.90:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Emit G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC() for interfaces with
+    base class
+    . Emit G_DEFINE_AUTO_CLEANUP_CLEAR_FUNC() for structs
+    . Default to "has_type_id = false" for external error-domains
+    . Emit GType definition for error domains
+  - vala:
+    . Catch and throw possible inner error of lock statements
+    . Keep error-code symbol reference in callable expression
+    context
+    . Allow delegate without target to be used as constant type
+  - girparser: Pick up type_id of error domains
+  + Bindings:
+  - glib-2.0: Update 2.70/72 symbols
+  - gstreamer: Update from 1.21.0+ git main
+  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
+- Update to version 0.55.3:
+  + Highlights: Allow usage of dynamic on VarType
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Use correct target/destroy of delegate field initializer
+    . Stop generating wrappers for dynamic property access
+  - gtkmodule: Improve UI parsing and handling of nested objects
+    and properties
+  - vala:
+    . Add missing TraverseVisitor.visit_data_type()
+    . Improve check of generic type references in static contexts
+    . Make sure to drop our "trap" jump target in case of an
+    error
+    . Move dynamic property errors to semantic analyzer pass
+    . Free empty stack list for code contexts
+    . Clear SemanticAnalyzer.current_{symbol,source_file} when
+    not needed anymore
+  + Bindings:
+  - gio-2.0,glib-2.0,gobject-2.0: Update 2.72 symbols
+  - gstreamer: Update from 1.19.90+ git main
+  - gtk4: Specify sentinel for GtkAcessible methods
+  - gtk4: Update to 4.6.0+06ec4ec1
+  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
+- Update to version 0.55.2:
+  + Highlights:
+  - Add support for async main and yield statements in main block
+  - Add foreach statement support for GLib.Array and
+    GLib.Sequence
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Avoid symbol clashes with "va_*" from "stdarg.h"
+    . Access of inline allocated array is guaranteed to be non
+    null
+    . Don't uncoditionally null check callback_func for
+    GLib.Closure
+    . Access of stack allocated struct is guaranteed to be non
+    null
+    . Write array length of formal parameters with fixed length
+  - vala:
+    . Require lvalue access of delegate target/destroy "fields"
+    . Implement missing YieldStatement.accept()
+    . Add support to infer return type of dynamic signals
+    . Transform assignment of an array element as needed
+  - parser:
+    . Reduce the source reference of main block method to its
+    beginning
+    . Improve handling of nullable VarType in with-statement
+  - manual: Update from
+  + Bindings:
+  - glib-2.0,gio-2.0: Update 2.72 symbols
+  - gstreamer: Update from 1.19.3+ git master
+  - gtk4: Update to 4.6.0+a092986a
+  - glib-2.0: Fix criticals in string.joinv() with arrays that
+    start with null
+  - vapi: Add linux-media bindings (linux/media.h)
+  - alsa: Add/fix *.alloca() functions
+  - posix: Add limits.h binding
+  - v4l2: Update V4l2.Capabilities and fix some inline arrays
+- Update to version 0.55.1:
+  + Highlights:
+  - Add support for partial classes.
+  - Add support for nested methods (local functions).
+  - Add multi-line support to Vala.Report.
+  - Support "emit" for explicit signal emission.
+  - Add native support to specify non default length-type for
+    arrays.
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Move some errors to semantic analyzer pass.
+    . Stop generating wrappers for dynamic signal connections.
+    . gdbus: Use g_dbus_method_invocation_take_error() as
+    simplification.
+    . Initialize type parameter properties for generics earlier.
+    . Initialize "result" variable on declaration for abstract
+    methods only.
+    . Use __once instead of __volatile in generated code.
+    . Generated SimpleType structs don't have a type id.
+  - vala:
+    . Add optional SourceReference parameter to DataType classes.
+    . Preserve the source reference when resolving data types.
+    . Set source references of created DataType instances in OCE.
+    . Set TypeParameter as symbol of GenericType.
+    . Add accessibility check of type for constants and structs
+    base type.
+    . Don't allow casting to void.
+    . Don't allow casting real structs to classes or
+    simple-types.
+    . Check accessibility of initializer for constant and enum
+    value.
+    . Show source location when reporting deprecations
+  + Updated bindings.
+- Update vala_version, vala_libversion, and vala_priority relating
+  to 'vala 0.56'.
+- Reduce considerably the dependencies graph
+- Added patches:
+  * velocity-1.7-commons-lang3.patch
+    + port from apache-commons-lang to apache-commons-lang3
+  * velocity-1.7-log-chute.patch
+    + make JDK's own logging provider as default so that the others
+    can be removed and dependencies on other logging frameworks
+    with them
+- Upstream bug fixes (bsc#1027942) (jsc#PED-2104)
+  001-cli-disk-Add-driver.metadata_cache-options.patch
+  002-tests-cli-Fix-test-output-after-previous-commit.patch
+  003-fsdetails-Fix-an-error-with-source.socket-of-virtiofs.patch
+  004-cli-Drop-unnecessary-disk-prop-aliases.patch
+  005-tests-testdriver-Add-filesystem-socket-example.patch
+  006-virtinstall-split-no_install-conditional-apart-to-track-code-coverage.patch
+  007-virtinstall-fix-regression-with-boot-and-no-install-method.patch
+  008-tests-Add-a-compat-check-for-linux2020-in-amd-sev-test-case.patch
+  009-cli-cpu-Add-maxphysaddr.mode-bits-options.patch
+  010-virt-install-help-required-options-are-wrong.patch
+  011-cloner-Sync-uuid-and-sysinfo-system-uuid.patch
+  012-virt-install-unattended-and-cloud-init-conflict.patch
+  013-virt-install-Reuse-cli.fail_conflicting.patch
+  014-cli-support-boot-loader.stateless-.patch
+  015-diskbackend-Drop-support-for-sheepdog.patch
+  016-Fix-pylint-pycodestyle-warnings-with-latest-versions.patch
+  017-tests-cpio-set-owner-to-00.patch
+  018-addhardware-Fix-backtrace-when-controller.index-is-None.patch
+  019-Clean-up-FileChooser-usage-a-bit.patch
+  020-guest-Query-availability-of-usb-redirdevs-in-domcaps.patch
+  021-guest-Query-availability-of-spicevmc-channels-in-domcaps.patch
+  022-tests-Add-domcaps-coverage-for-usb-redir-spicevmc-channel-checks.patch
+  023-tests-Update-to-latest-kvm-domcaps.patch
+  024-progress-Fix-showing-correct-final-total.patch
+  025-virtinstall-Fix-the-allocating-disk-size-printed-by-the-progress-bar.patch
+  026-virtinstall-Hide-total_size-in-the-progress-bar-if-it-doesnt-need.patch
+  027-asyncjob-Fix-backtrace-when-no-cursor-theme-installed.patch
+  029-asyncjob-Remove-unused-import.patch
+  030-Packit-initial-enablement.patch
+  031-virt-install-Recommend-boot-uefi.patch
+  032-virt-install-Document-Secure-Boot-setups.patch
+  033-cloner-clone-serial-files.patch
+  034-tests-cli-test-serial-file-clone.patch
+  035-man-virt-install-Add-a-note-about-different-behavior-of-boot-on-s390x.patch
+  036-tests-uitests-Fix-window-reposition-on-f38.patch
+  037-tests-livetests-work-around-qemu-media-change-regression.patch
+  038-tests-uitests-Fix-manager-window-repositioning-test.patch
+  039-tests-Default-uitests-to-verbosity-2.patch
+  040-uitests-Make-hotplug-test-pass-on-both-f37-and-f38.patch
+  041-uitests-More-attempts-at-making-manager-reposition-test-reliable.patch
+  042-tests-uitests-make-menu-operations-more-robust.patch
+  043-rpm-convert-license-to-SPDX-format.patch
+  044-uitests-Drop-hotplug-work-around-f38-libvirt-is-fixed-now.patch
+  045-virtinst-delay-lookup_capsinfo-until-we-really-need-it.patch
+  046-virtinst-suppress-lookup_capsinfo-exception-in-machine-type-alias-check.patch
+  047-tests-data-refresh-Fedora-tree-URLs-in-virt-install-osinfo-expected-XMLs.patch
+  048-tests-Add-unit-test-coverage-for-539.patch
+  049-fix-indentation-of-multiline-log.exception-invocations.patch
+  050-virt-clone-Copy-disk-permissions-as-well.patch
+  051-data-appstream-add-launchable-tag.patch
+  052-Fix-some-pylint.patch
+  055-connectauth-Drop-sanity-checking-for-libvirtd.patch
+  056-delete-Fix-ambiguity-that-confused-pylint.patch
+  057-Fix-filesystem-socket.source.patch
+- Replaced patches
+  11a887ec-cli-disk-Add-driver.metadata_cache-options.patch
+  1cb0be40-virtinstall-split-no_install-conditional-apart-to-track-code-coverage.patch
+  58f5e36d-fsdetails-Fix-an-error-with-source.socket-of-virtiofs.patch
+  67832d30-addhardware-Fix-backtrace-when-controller-index-is-None.patch
+  7295ebfb-tests-cli-Fix-test-output-after-previous-commit.patch
+  999ccb85-virt-install-unattended-and-cloud-init-conflict.patch
+  b0d05167-cloner-Sync-uuid-and-sysinfo-system-uuid.patch
+  c22a876e-tests-Add-a-compat-check-for-linux2020-in-amd-sev-test-case.patch
+  e94786c0-virtinstall-fix-regression-with-boot-and-no-install-method.patch
+  fbdf0516-cli-cpu-Add-maxphysaddr.mode-bits-options.patch
+- Dropped patches
+  virtman-check-for-libvirt-modular-daemons.patch
+  virtman-fix-osinfo-tests.patch
+- Supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
+  The supportconfig 'scplugin.rc' file is deprecated in favor of
+  supportconfig.rc'. Adapt the virt-manager plugin to the new scheme.
+  virt-manager-supportconfig
+- bsc#1213790 - Application tab in virt-manager is collapsed,
+  therefore I can't read anything
+  virtman-fix-inspection-apps-window.patch
+- bsc#1212195 - libvirtd crashes when virt-manager connects
+  virt-manager qemu:///system on a fresh installation tumbleweed
+  virtman-check-for-libvirt-modular-daemons.patch
+- Changes to osinfo-db cause some virt-manager tests to fail.
+  virtman-fix-osinfo-tests.patch
+- Require qemu-tools instead virtiofsd for older SLE/Leap versions
+- Update to version 1.18
+  * restore old --run behavior
+  * fix --user behavior
+- virtme-ng version: 1.17
+  * Fixes Leap build
+- Update project URL:
+- Update to version 0.1.2
+  - Remove upstreamed patches
+  - 0001-Add-save-initramfs-to-save-the-actual-generated-init.patch
+  - 0002-Make-save-initramfs-show-command-output-more-useful.patch
+  - 0003-Fix-the-error-message-for-mods-misuse.patch
+  - 0004-Fix-the-mods-error-even-better.patch
+  -
+  - 0006-mkinitramfs-Improve-the-find_busybox-algorithm.patch
+  - 0007-Add-util.find_binary-to-find-binaries.patch
+  - 0008-modfinder-Use-find_binary_or_raise-to-find-modprobe.patch
+  - 0009-Enable-the-Xen-console-when-using-xen.patch
+  - 0001-configkernel-Add-CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER-y.patch
+  - 0002-Use-fsdev-multidevs-remap-on-QEMU-4.2.patch
+  - 0003-Add-more-typing-annotations.patch
+  -
+  -
+  - 0006-Minor-sanitize_disk_args-cleanup.patch
+  - aarch64-Fix-aarch64-support.patch
+- updated to v4.5.0rc0 pre release with following new features:
+  * disks, partitions and file systems can set in the configration
+    and if ignition is present in the container, changes to the disks will be
+    made
+  * grub can be used as alternative boot method instead of iPXE. The
+    grub binairy is extracted from the container and shim is executed before
+    the grub. This enables secure boot
+  * wwctl has now the genconfig subcommand which will print/create
+    valid configurations
+  * all paths e.g the overlay dir, can now be configured in warewulf.conf
+- notable bug fixes are:
+  * Fixed a bug where profile tags were erroneously overridden by empty node
+    values.
+  * Fixed bug where tags from profiles weren't rendered
+- added grub-boot.patch which includes the not merged grub support
+- removed make-ipxe-binary-source-configureable.patch
+  CreateMt-Targets.patch,
+  Fix-for-CVE-2022-41723.patch as incoperated upstream
+- check if automatic configured ip range doesn'y contain ip address
+  of ww4 host (bsc#1215583)
+- removed the upstream ipxe binaries
+- Remove unneeded obscpio and obsinfo files.
+- Update to version 1.23.0:
+  * release: watchexec-cli v1.23.0 (#647)
+  * Add --no-discover-ignore (#645)
+  * Re-add `-d` short flag (#635)
+  * Skip search for ignores when not needed (#644)
+  * Clippy and update lockfile (#646)
+  * release: bosion v1.0.1 (#623)
+  * Update gix-config requirement from 0.24.0 to 0.25.1 in /crates/ignore-files (#622)
+  * Update gix requirement from 0.47 to 0.48 in /crates/bosion (#621)
+  * Fix some typos (#617)
+  * Update gix-config requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.24.0 in /crates/ignore-files (#614)
-- initial version (0.1)
+- Update to release 13
+  * Multi-backend support
+  * VNC, Pipewire and RDP backends: GL renderer support
+  * Improved fullscreen handling in kiosk-shell which allows
+    xwayland type of surfaces be fullscreen
+  * Support for overlapping outputs, which allows placing views on
+    planes when they are displayed on multiple outputs
+- Update to release 12.0.2
+  * xwm: WM_TRANSIENT_FOR should not point to override-redirect
+    window
+- Update to release 12.0.1
+  * Resolve build failure relating to xkbcommon & wayland
+    pkg-config CFLAGS
+- Delete build.patch (merged)
+- Update to release 12
+  * backend-drm: multiple GPU support, by using
+    `--additional-devices` to specify secondary DRM devices, in
+    the form of a comma-separated list of devices.
+  * backend-drm: use libdisplay-info as a better alternative for
+    parsing EDID.
+  * protocol: new screenshooter protocol: weston-output-capture.
+    This new protocol is as a Weston public extension. The older
+    weston-screenshooter protocol has been removed.
+  * compositor: added a short-form for loading backends -- this
+    allows the use of `--backend=headless` instead of
+    ``. Short-form for shells was
+    also added: pass `--shell=foo`, rather than
+    ``. Renderers can be specified the same,
+    by using `--renderer=gl|pixman`.
+  * libweston-desktop DSO has been incorporated into libweston.
+    Linking now with libweston would provide access to the former
+    libweston-desktop library. Users of libweston-desktop would
+    need to adjust their headers to <libweston/desktop.h> rather
+    than using <libweston-desktop/libweston-desktop.h>. The API
+    itself remains the same.
+- Add build.patch
+- Drop pkgconfig(cairo-egl) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor
+  available.
+- Update to release 11.0.1
+  * A few potential crash fixes for xwm and ivi-shell have been
+    pre-emptively addressed as well some warnings seen with
+    ivi-shell when closing down weston.
+- Update to release 11
+  * Breaking changes:
+  * The cms-static and cms-colord plugins are now deprecated.
+  * A number of features have been removed from desktop-shell:
+    multiple workspaces, zoom, exposay.
+  * wl_shell support has been removed (superseded by xdg-shell).
+  * The fbdev backend has been removed (superseded by KMS).
+  * weston-launch and launcher-direct have been removed
+    (superseded by libseat).
+  * The weston-info and weston-gears clients have been removed
+    (weston-info is superseded by wayland-info).
+  * The KMS max-bpc property is now set by default. If you
+    experience black screens with (faulty) monitors, try lowering
+    it in weston.ini.
+  * Weston will now abort when running out of memory. Weston is
+    not suitable for memory constrained environments.
+- Wireshark 3.6.20:
+  * CVE-2024-0208: GVCP dissector crash (boo#1218504).
+  * CVE-2024-0209: IEEE 1609.2 dissector crash (boo#1218505).
+- Further features, bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in:
+- Update to version 1.14.2
+  + Reverted a change introduced in 1.14.1 which introduced crashes
+    both with WebKitGTK and WPE running under Wayland in some
+    configurations.
+  + Fix a crash caused by wrong assertion, which was typically
+    triggered in debug builds when using the NVidia drivers.
+- Update to version 1.14.1:
+  + Fix WebKit no longer repainting after provisional navigation
+    wit PSON enabled.
+  + Fix graphics buffer leaks by always freeing them in buffer
+    destroy listener callbacks.
+- Update to version 1.14.0:
+  + Fixed a crash caused by trying to deallocate already freed
+    graphics buffers in certain situations.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Update to version 1.12.1:
+  + Fixed a crash caused by trying to deallocate already freed
+    graphics buffers in certain situations.
+- Fix build on Factory/TW: Add STRIP=%{_bindir}/strip to %qmake6_build
+- Update to version 4.3.1:
+  * Two new examples.
+  * Bug Fix: Example files are loaded properly now.
-- builds also with libpng15
-  * libpng15.patch
-- fix protoype with new gcc
+- Own the directory which packages will use for portals.conf
+  configuration files
+- Update to version 1.18.2:
+  + Pass the token to the OpenURI portal and, when missing, an
+    empty string.
+  + Fix various memory and file descriptor leaks in the Document
+    portal.
+  + Make files and folders openend with the Document portal close
+    properly. This should fix cases where the Document portal
+    prevented external devices from unmounting, due to files inside
+    them not getting closed after applications stop using them.
+  + Implement FUSE getlk and setlk callbacks.This should enable
+    using sqlite3 through the Document portal.
+  + Properly resolve fd symlinks before opening them with
+  + Fix cases where the portal id is assumed to match the .desktop
+    file name.
+  + Allow sending directories in the file transfer portal. This
+    should make it possible to, among other things, drag and drop
+    folders and files simultaneously from and to sandboxed
+    applications.
+  + Fallback to a hardcoded check to xdg-desktop-portal-gtk in the
+    absence of any other portal or configuration file, as a last
+    resort mechanism.
+  + Various smaller fixes to the build system.
+- Update to version 1.18.1:
+  + Communicate better when the Background portal kills an app.
+  + Properly quote Flatpak command in the Background portal.
+  + Improve documentation of the "cursor_mode" propery of the
+    ScreenCast backend D-Bus interface.
+  + Fix ScreenCast portal removing transient restore permissions
+    too early. This fixes screen sharing dialogs on Chromium asking
+    for the screen multiple times.
+  + Only send the Closed session signal to the sender.
+  + Add Meson options to disable building with Bubblewrap, and
+    without the Flatpak portal documentation. Disabling Bubblewrap
+    is highly discouraged, and only meant to be used on platforms
+    that do not currently support it. By disabling Bubblewrap,
+    bitmap validation happens without a sandbox, which is highly
+    insecure since image parsing is a common source of exploits.
+    Really, just do not disable Bubblewrap please.
+  + Improve the manpage of portals.conf.
+  + Various spelling fixes to the Document portal.
+  + Add a new website! We don't have a fancy domain yet, but the
+    website can be accessed at
+  + Improve pid mapping for host system apps. This should get rid
+    of some rare, unnecessary warnings.
+  + Adjust documentation of Global Shortcuts portal's timestamps to
+    millisecond granularity.
+  + Bump minimum Meson version to 0.58.
-- Update to version 41.2:
-  + Properly bind property in Lockdown portal
-  + Translation updates
+- Update to version 45.1:
+  + accountdialog: Fix crash when pressing Escape
+  + Send remote file URIs as local FUSE URIs
+  + Various fixes to screencast and input capture
+  + Expose org.gnome.desktop.calendar through the Settings portal
+  + Put dialogs in separate window groups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.0:
+  + Improve build system detection of libadwaita.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.rc:
+  + Advertise the version of the ScreenCast portal correctly.
+  + Proxy the 'mapping_id' property to xdg-desktop-portal.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.beta:
+  + Implement the Input Capture portal
+  + Implement the Clipboard portal
+  + Implement restoration of remote desktop sessions
+  + Remote desktop: add the ability to communicate via an EIS
+    socket
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 45.alpha:
+  + Support setting current folder in the file chooser's OpenFile
+    method.
+  + Ensure wallpaper is set with a valid URI.
+  + Use provided accept label in Printer dialog.
+  + Generate the gnome.portal file.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.2:
+  + Expose settings backend when running outside of GNOME.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.1:
+  + Improve handling of non-existing files on the filechooser
+    portal
+  + Minor debugging improvements to the backgrounds portal
+  + More precise initialization timing
+  + Fix duplicate monitor and window streams
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.rc:
+  + Grant restore permission to transient mode by default
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 44.beta:
+  + Act as a service channel for portals for Mutter.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.1:
+  + Close dialogs with the Escape key.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.rc:
+  + Remember last app folder in the Filechooser portal
+  + Improve Closed signal emission in the RemoteDesktop/Screencast
+    portal
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.beta:
+  + Don't show screenshot sharing dialog for non-interactive
+    screenshots.
+  + Fix restoring window screencast streams.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 43.alpha:
+  + Various fixes to the screencast dialog.
+  + New Dynamic Launcher portal.
+  + Plug various memory leaks.
+  + Tweak wallpaper portal dialog.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.3:
+  + Backport screencast session fixes.
+- Changes from version 42.2:
+  + Fix invalid usage of app chooder dialog after its destruction.
+  + Properly handle errors from file operations.
+  + Fix various memory leaks.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.1:
+  + Improve filechooser handling of file names and paths.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.0.1:
+  + Adapt to xdg-desktop-portal screencast restore changes.
+  + Don't send selection on remote desktop when nothing was
+    selected.
+  + Minor cleanups.
+- Update to version 42.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 42.rc:
+  + Support dark style preference.
+  + Support virtual screen cast sources.
+  + Redesign screencast portal window.
+  + Implement screencast restoration.
+  + Use libgnome-desktop-4 for wallpapers.
+  + Implement Account portal.
+  + Implement Print portal.
+- Add pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) and pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4)
+  BuildRequires: New dependencies.
+- Update to version 1.15.1:
+  + Fix build of feature-gated portals.
+- Update to version 1.15.0:
+  + Switch to the Meson build system, and drop Autotools
+  + Drop most use of private GNOME API; the following portal
+    interfaces have been removed:
+  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Screenshot
+  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.ScreenCast
+  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.RemoteDesktop
+  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Background
+  + Do not add duplicate notifications
+  + Expose the org.gnome.desktop.calendar settings
+  + Fix type for org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-uri setting
+  + Support current_folder in
+    org.freedesktop.impl.portal.FileChooser
+  + Update list of translatable files
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port.
+- Stop passing -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations, no longer
+  needed.
+- Build with %optflags
+- Don't treat -Wcast-align as error
-- Add xdg-user-dirs-gtk-XFCE-autostart.patch in order to
-  start in Xfce sessions as well.
-- Add xdg-user-dirs-gtk-LXDE-autostart.patch to also autostart
-  xdg-user-dirs in LXDE.
+- Enable the Kconfig options REQUIRE_NX and DIT_DEFAULT to
+  provide better hypervisor security
+  xen.spec
+- Upstream bug fixes (bsc#1027519)
+  654370e2-x86-x2APIC-remove-ACPI_FADT_APIC_CLUSTER-use.patch
+  65437103-x86-i8259-dont-assume-IRQs-always-target-CPU0.patch
+  655b2ba9-fix-sched_move_domain.patch
+- Pass XEN_BUILD_DATE + _TIME to override build date (boo#1047218)
+- Update to version 1.4.0:
+  * Tablets now have BTN_STYLUS3 mapped to X button 8 (i.e. the
+    first usable one after the LMR buttons).
+  * Tablet now have the left-handed property available so we can
+    actually change them to left-handed.
+- Update to version 1.3.0
+  The main feature in this version is support for the new 'custom' pointer
+  acceleration profile in libinput 1.23.0. This acceleration profile is
+  quite flexible, so it is exposed via several properties:
+  - "libinput Accel Custom Fallback Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Fallback Step"
+  - "libinput Accel Custom Motion Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Motion Step"
+  - "libinput Accel Custom Scroll Points" and "libinput Accel Custom Scroll Points"
+  For details on what these mean, please see the man page and the
+  libinput documentation:
+  In addition, the "libinput Accel Profiles Available" and
+  "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" properties have been expanded to 3 values. For
+  backwards compatibility, the "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" continues
+  to support setting 2 values only.
+- Update to version 23.0.0
+  * bugfix release, see also for more details here:
+- supersedes U_Use-DRM_CAP_CURSOR_WIDTH-HEIGHT-if-possible.patch
+- Update to release 22.0.0
+  * Fix link failure with gcc 10
+  * Fix spelling/wording issues
+  * gitlab CI: enable commit & merge request checks
+  * gitlab CI: enable gitlab's builtin static analysis
+  * radeon_glamor_wrappers.c: Convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
+  * Don't crash X server if GPU acceleration is not available
+  * ati: cleanup terminology to use primary/secondary
+  * Don't set SourceValidate pointer to NULL
+  * Handle NULL fb_ptr in pixmap_get_fb
+  * Guard local variable priv only used with glamor
+  * Guard local variable info only used with glamor
+  * Add GitLab CI pipeline
+  * Only include dri.h with older versions of xserver
+  * Fix return value check of drmIoctl()
+- supersedes the following patches
+  * U_ati-cleanup-terminology-to-use-primary-secondary.patch
+  * u_fno-common.patch
+  * u_kscreen-rotation-fix.patch
+- Update to version 0.1.6
+  * This release flushes out the last [checks calendar] ~6 years of
+    patches that have been sitting on the master branch. Please see
+    the git shortlog below for details.
+- supersedes the following patches
+  * Xspice-python3.patch
+  * n_disable-surfaces-on-kms.patch
+  * n_hardcode_libdrm_cflags.patch
+  * u_fix-build-against-xserver-21_1.patch
+- Update to version 13.4.0
+- supersedes u_Fix-build-gcc-12.patch
+- switched back to tarball from git checkout via source service
-- update to current git commit 51cdfa6 in order to fix build against
-  latest xserver
-- obsoletes U_0001-vmwgfx-update-for-XA-API-changes.patch,
-  U_0002-vmwgfx-Avoid-HW-operations-when-not-master.patch,
-  U_0003-vmwgfx-Implement-textured-video-completely-on-top-of.patch,
-  U_0004-vmwgfx-Get-rid-of-device-specific-DMA-code.patch,
-  U_0005-vmwgfx-handle-changes-of-DamageUnregister-API-in-1.1.patch
+- Update to version 0.4.2
+  * Wnck: Add missing sanity check
+  * Settings: Use different colors for active and inactive indicators
+  * Use FDO compliant icon name
+  * Fix blurry icons/thumbnails when UI scale > 1
+  * GroupMenu: Make sure the window is the right size for each popup
+  * Group: Stop timeouts in destructor
+  * Fix pending source when GroupMenu is destroyed
+  * Settings: Bound icon sizes
+  * SettingsDialog: Fix deprecated icon names
+  * Remove unused project files
+  * Remove contrib directory
+  * GroupMenu: Re-popup if windows are added/removed when shown
+  * Update preview widgets on "showPreviews" setting change
+  * Helpers: Always stop timeout before starting a new one
+  * Wnck: Always update unactivated window state
+  * Group: Do not filter out skip-tasklist windows when activated
+  * Group: Do not manually mark window as activated when activating group
+  * Group: Update active state when adding windows
+  * Group: Remove useless class member states
+  * AppInfos: Use also app names for matching
+  * Use g_debug for debug logs
+  * Replace FALSE with false
+  * Replace NULL with nullptr
+  * Release data as much as possible on XfcePanelPlugin::free-data signal
+  * Wnck: Do not check for active window in init
+  * Fix remaining raw pointers not released
+  * Manage group button lifetime in Group
+  * Revert "Reset pointer when group button is destroyed"
+  * Wnck: Use std::shared_ptr to manage memory allocation of GroupWindows
+  * Dock: Use std::shared_ptr to manage memory allocation of Groups
+  * AppInfos: Use std::shared_ptr to manage memory allocation
+  * AppInfos: Wrap raw pointers into std::unique_ptr
+  * GroupMenuItem: Fix crash when closing window with preview enabled
+  * Revert "group: Fix crash when middle-clicking an item with preview
+  enabled"
+  * Store pinned apps as ids instead of paths
+  * Wnck: Fix memory leaks
+  * Theme: Fix memory leaks
+  * SettingsDialog: Fix memory leaks
+  * Settings: Fix memory leaks
+  * Helpers: Fix memory leaks
+  * GroupMenuItem: Fix memory leaks
+  * Group: Fix memory leaks
+  * Dock: Fix memory leaks
+  * Fix previous commit
+  * Appinfos: Fix some memory leaks
+  * Update TODO
+  * AppInfos: Honor XDG_DATA_HOME also when editing item
+  * AppInfos: Properly honor XDG base dir spec
+  * group: Detach menu from button and destroy when hidden (Fixes #20)
+  * Fix cplusplus.StringChecker warning from scan-build 16.0.6
+  * Use glib functions for memory allocation
+  * build: Fix -Wunused-function warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wdangling-else warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wsequence-point warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wsign-compare warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wshadow warnings
+  * build: Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings
+  * group-menu-item: Refresh preview less often
+  * group: Fix missing dnd icon
+  * group: Fix crash when middle-clicking an item with preview enabled
+  * Reset pointer when group button is destroyed
+  * helpers: Reset source id when removed
+  * app-infos: Get translated app name (Fixes #67)
+  * Fix help button icon to be same as other plugins
+  * Added middle mouse button do nothing option
+  * Added closedir call to prevent too many open files error (Fixes #54)
+  * Fix previous commit
+  * Fix copyright info
+  * Translation Updates
+- Update to version 1.11.0
+  * Update copyright year
+  * Make default notes names in singular form
+  * Start numbering the notes with 1
+  * Rework Xnp.Window.insert_note()
+  * Use separate icon for logo
+  * Make menu icon themed
+  * Notes path change: handle case when both apps are running
+  * Rework Xnp.Application.update_notes_path()
+  * Don't ask when deleting a group with one blank note
+  * Fix notebook tab prelight
+  * Focus previous notes window when hiding a window
+  * Rework Xnp.Application.show_hide_notes()
+  * Avoid focus loss when removing a group
+  * Avoid focus loss for note windows
+  * Store "skip-taskbar-hint" property in Xnp.Application
+  * Rewrite links processing code
+  * Switch to previous page after deleting current note
+  * Merge delete_note with delete_current_note
+  * Use separate icon names for panel, tray and application
+  * Switch to rDNS icon naming scheme
+  * Fix segfault when pressing Ctrl+W on empty group
+  * Use default values for externally created groups
+  * Rework notes window switching processing
+  * Handle empty group window titles
+  * Add notes path setting
+  * Slightly change the design of settings dialog
+  * Fix Xfconf "notes-path" property handling
+  * Fix background color of title bar when renaming a group
+  * Reduce frequency of saving windows configuration
+  * Undo/redo: make cursor position behavior natural
+  * Fix the logic of "move-cursor" signal detection
+  * Remember windows focus order
+  * Rework access to Xnp.Application.window_list from Xnp.Window
+  * Escape window title for markup parser
+  * Save windows configuration before group reloading
+  * Make transition to new version seemless
+  * Update tags immediately after loading a note
+  * Slightly improve undo/redo processing
+  * Simplify code
+  * Allow note tabs to be moved between groups
+  * New method: Xnp.Window.get_tab_evbox()
+  * New method: Xnp.Window.get_note()
+  * New property: Xnp.Window.current_note
+  * Rework Xnp.Window.n_pages
+  * Save windows configuration when in system tray mode
+  * Rework application termination sequence
+  * Simplify save_windows_configuration()
+  * Prevent possible data loss when saving notes
+  * Fix mouse cursor behavior after clicking on a link
+  * Refuse to create/delete notes on file system errors
+  * Handle errors when renaming a note
+  * Report errors when creating/deleting notes
+  * Select note before deletion request
+  * Delete note with middle mouse click on tab
+  * Handle errors when creating a group
+  * Handle errors when deleting a group
+  * Handle errors when renaming a group
+  * Add error popup if note could not be saved
+  * Save notes only when changed
+  * Overwrite windows configuration only when changed
+  * Save current note on page switching or focus loss
+  * Don't overwrite notes on program start up
+  * Add titles to dialog windows
+  * Make title text color independent of gtk theme
+  * Make title bar arrows respond to mouse scroll events
+  * Replace mouse button numbers with constants
+  * Set default icon name for application
+  * Use pure gtk style when selecting "GTK+" color
+  * Separate color css to a separate Gtk.CssProvider
+  * Make titlebar customized
+  * Simplify access to notebook pages
+  * Rename note with double click on tab
+  * Cleanup
+  * Add icons to dialog windows
+  * Fix notebook tab names for new notes
+  * Don't change the title label sensitivity
+  * Add a note about possibility of css customization
+  * Allow resizing notes window from the top border
+  * Change accelerators hexa values to symbolic names
+  * Reset timeout_background when timer reaches end
+  * Make 'GTK+' background color work
+  * Bring back the choice of background color
+  * Add support for ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
+  * Fix background color of disabled arrow
+  * Get rid of ~/.config/xfce4/notes/xfce4-notes.css
+  * Rename gtk-main.css -> gtk.css
+  * Add support for system wide css customizations
+  * Unite update_css() and update_style_context()
+  * Move data files to $(datadir)/xfce4/notes
+  * Derive hypertext link color from theme
+  * Redraw main menu icon on mouse enter/leave events
+  * Allow user to customize main menu icon
+  * Add support for custom css
+  * Replace 'Remove' with 'Quit' in application menu
+  * Don't overwrite xfce4-notes.css without a need
+  * Reload css instead of adding it over and over again
+  * Move resource files to xfce4/notes subdirectory
+  * Auto create config directory
+  * Replace Gdk.Color with Gdk.RGBA
+  * Don't use stock gtk elements to create menu
+  * Simplify menu creation
+  * Gtk.Image.from_stock() -> Gtk.Image.from_icon_name()
+  * Bring menu icons back
+  * Change authors order
+  * Translation Updates
-- correct the name of the desktop file in order to prevent
-  migration issues (bxo#6993)
-- U_Add-the-new-AZERTY-layout-norm-NF-Z71-300.patch
-  * Backport French standardized AZERTY layout (AFNOR: NF Z71-300)
-    (bsc#1188867)
-- U_Fix-media-keys-lag-on-ABNT2-keyboard.patch
-  * fixes wrong keyboard mapping causing input delays with ABNT2
-    keyboards (bsc#1191242)
+- the current source supersedes old sle15-sp5 patches (see
+  changelog below)
+  * U_Map-evdev-keycodes-KEY_RFKILL-and-KEY_WWAN-to-XF86RF.patch
+  * U_Updating-Old-Hungarian.patch
+  * U_Fix-media-keys-lag-on-ABNT2-keyboard.patch
+  * U_Add-the-new-AZERTY-layout-norm-NF-Z71-300.patch
-- U_Updating-Old-Hungarian.patch
-  * fix capslock in Old Hungarian layout (boo#1153774)
-- U_Map-evdev-keycodes-KEY_RFKILL-and-KEY_WWAN-to-XF86RF.patch
-  * fixes missing mappings for evdev keys KEY_RFKILL and KEY_WWAN
+- includes fixes for
+  * missing mappings for evdev keys KEY_RFKILL and KEY_WWAN
+  * capslock in Old Hungarian layout (boo#1153774)
+  * wrong keyboard mapping causing input delays with ABNT2 keyboards
+    (bsc#1191242)
+- includes backport of French standardized AZERTY layout (AFNOR:
+  NF Z71-300) (bsc#1188867)
+- supersedes a patch called 'U_fixed-keycode-comment.patch' from
+  sle15-sp5, which wasn't applied there any longer either.
+    <I247> = 247;   // #define KEY_UWB                 239
+  is defined in keycodes/evdev since a long time ...
+- Update to version 2.40
+  * mostly updated translation
+  * a few bugfixes
+- Update to version 2.39
+  * another bugfix release; also needed for changes for the Amharic
+    (am_ET.UTF-8) compose key sequences in libX11 1.8.5 (see
+    corresponding changelog entry in libX11 package); removes old
+    remappings like ar --> ara (git db45bd75, 470ad2cd) [breaks
+    current qemu build]
+- remove CCDL from license strings (boo#1210681)
+- Update to version 2.38
+  * Add Russian layout with typographic symbols
+  * Update symbols/ru
+  * symbols/us: uncomment the nine keys in the international Dvorak layout
+  * symbols/bg: reduce the "enhanced" layout to an include + three overrides
+  * symbols/epo: reshuffle a comment, and drop unneeded key types
+  * replace some Unicode codes with their corresponding symbol name
+  * symbols/no: add missing symbols to Sami layout, and remove duplicates
+  * symbols/no: add non-dead grave and such to Sami layout, and reshuffle
+  * Add apple:jp_oadg109a and apple:jp_pc106 variants
+  * Added Gujarati KaGaPa layout (guj-kagapa)
+  * Update base.xml
+  * rules: add option 'swap_ralt_rctl'
+  * prerelease push, for translations
+  * Handy script for publishing
+  * Making ru(typo) more consistent with existing variants
+  * Prerelease translation sync
+  * fix rx-51 third level modifier
+  * Add Latvia Modern Cyrillic keyboard layout
+  * add colemak_dh_ortho
+  * Add `trademark` to level4 of us-intl layout
+  * dv-intl: add placeholder chars to lvl3+, bind LSGT
+- Update to version 2.37
+  * bugfixes
+- supersedes U_Fixes-regression-from-c3c5d02-were-mistakenly-replac.patch
+- Reduce python3 to python3-base
+- U_Fixes-regression-from-c3c5d02-were-mistakenly-replac.patch
+  * Regression fixed from
+    c3c5d02rules: sort the names of multimedia keyboards alphabetically
+    "\" at the end of line were mistakenly replacd by "/"
+- Update to version 2.36
+  * bugfixes
+  * removed autotools support :-(
+- switched to meson
+- removed n_suse-ctrl-alt-bksp-terminate.patch
+  * no longer needed; made it impossible to disable Ctrl-Alt-BS
+    on Wayland (boo#1195871)
+- update to version 2.34
+  * xml2lst: use dynamic Perl path
+  * Resolved 101key Old Hungarian II
+  * Old turkish f layout (with pc104 support) added.
+  * Fix wrong key symbol name
+  * Added International Phonetic Alphabet (QWERTY)
+  * gitlab CI: update to latest ci-templates
+  * Hellenic keyboard perfected.
+  * lt: Place sterling symbol on AD03, layer 4 (with E and euro)
+  * Use single guillemots on L4 (not less/greater) where L3 has guillemots
+  * Added English (Dvorak, Macintosh) based on the MacOS dvorak layout
+  * Accommodate uppercase/lowercase ß, long s, §; deduplicate Ł
+  * Move left/right quotes one key to the right, place lower quotes on AB04
+  * Update symbols/it adding credits and reference for fur lang
+  * lt/us: Inherit AE09/AE10 from latin
+  * Add Russian GOST layouts
+  * Add Polish(lefty) layout
+  * Add Arabic(Ergoarabic) keyboard layout
+  * translation sync
+  * Hebrew translation added
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- update to version 2.33
+  * translation updates
+  * Replaced division slash with fraction slash on Neo2 (de) layout
+  * rules: correct Indic IPA to use iso639 code "eng"
+  * rules: remove two non-existing ISO639 codes
+  * rules: change ISO639 language codes to 639-2/T only
+  * rules: the xkb.dtd file is not an XML document
+  * symbols/nl: Add a "Dutch (US)" variant
+  * Simplify gb(basic) so that Shift+Right Alt behaves the same as Right Alt+Shift.
+- Update to version 2.32
+  * latest bugfix release
+- Update to version 2.31
+  * latest bugfix release
+- supersedes U_Fix-symbols-in-syntax-error-spurious-git-conflict-ma.patch
+- adjusted n_suse-ctrl-alt-bksp-terminate.patch
+- U_Fix-symbols-in-syntax-error-spurious-git-conflict-ma.patch
+  * Fix symbols/in syntax error: spurious git conflict marker
+    (boo#1174483)
+- Update to version 2.30
+  * bugfix release
+- Update to version 2.29
+- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use.
+- Update to version 2.27
+  * bugfix release
+- supersedes U_Fix-typo-in-Polish-symbols-file.patch
+- adjusted n_disable-2xalt_2xctrl-toggle.diff
+- bsc1218582-0001-dix-allocate-enough-space-for-logical-button-maps.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in DeviceFocusEvent and ProcXIQueryPointer
+    (CVE-2023-6816, bsc#1218582)
+- bsc1218583-0001-dix-Allocate-sufficient-xEvents-for-our-DeviceStateN.patch
+  bsc1218583-0002-dix-fix-DeviceStateNotify-event-calculation.patch
+  bsc1218583-0003-Xi-when-creating-a-new-ButtonClass-set-the-number-of.patch
+  * Reattaching to different master device may lead to out-of-bounds memory
+    access ((CVE-2024-0229, bsc#1218583)
+- bsc1218584-0001-Xi-flush-hierarchy-events-after-adding-removing-mast.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in XISendDeviceHierarchyEvent
+    (CVE-2024-21885, bsc#1218584)
+- bsc1218585-0001-Xi-do-not-keep-linked-list-pointer-during-recursion.patch
+  bsc1218585-0002-dix-when-disabling-a-master-float-disabled-slaved-de.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in DisableDevice (CVE-2024-21886, bsc#1218585)
+- u_miCloseScreen_check_for_null_pScreen_dev_private.patch
+  * miCloseScreen check for null pScreen dev private (bsc#1218176);
+    another regression introduced by
+    U_bsc1216261-0002-fb-properly-wrap-unwrap-CloseScreen.patch
+- n_xserver-optimus-autoconfig-hack.patch
+  u_randr-Do-not-crash-if-slave-screen-does-not-have-pro.patch
+  u_xfree86-activate-GPU-screens-on-autobind.patch
+  * check dixPrivateKeyRegistered(rrPrivKey) before calling
+    rrGetScrPriv() to avoid xserver crash when Xinerama is enabled
+    (boo#1218240)
+- bsc1218582-0001-dix-allocate-enough-space-for-logical-button-maps.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in DeviceFocusEvent and ProcXIQueryPointer
+    (CVE-2023-6816, bsc#1218582)
+- bsc1218583-0001-dix-Allocate-sufficient-xEvents-for-our-DeviceStateN.patch
+  bsc1218583-0002-dix-fix-DeviceStateNotify-event-calculation.patch
+  bsc1218583-0003-Xi-when-creating-a-new-ButtonClass-set-the-number-of.patch
+  * Reattaching to different master device may lead to out-of-bounds memory
+    access ((CVE-2024-0229, bsc#1218583)
+- bsc1218584-0001-Xi-flush-hierarchy-events-after-adding-removing-mast.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in XISendDeviceHierarchyEvent
+    (CVE-2024-21885, bsc#1218584)
+- bsc1218585-0001-Xi-do-not-keep-linked-list-pointer-during-recursion.patch
+  bsc1218585-0002-dix-when-disabling-a-master-float-disabled-slaved-de.patch
+  * Heap buffer overflow in DisableDevice (CVE-2024-21886, bsc#1218585)
+- Update to version 3.99.90:
+  + build: Make building manpage dependent upon manpage option
+  + text: Handle long inputs properly
+  + colview: Use g_signal_connect_object
+  + tree/colview: Return correct value when filtered using search;
+    code cleanups
+  + colview: Add missing declaration to header
+  + build:
+  - Make implicit declarations an error
+  - Make zenity4 compile against gtk 4.12 without deprecation
+    warnings
+  + tree:
+  - Fix reading input from a named pipe
+  - --checklist or --radiolist with < 2 cols should be an error
+  - Fix output for non-check/radio multiple selections
+  + util: Replace gtk_window_destroy() with
+    gtk_application_remove_window().
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.99.2:
+  + Minor code cleanups
+  + option:
+  - Don't try to access stack-based argv within a glib2 mainloop
+  - Allow --version and --help to work without a display server
+    running
+  + data: Reinstate help2man manpage autogeneration
+  + build: Make manpage/help2man requirement more explicit
+  + ci: Add help2man as 'build_fedora' target build dep
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.99.1:
+  + question: do not hardcode "Yes" and "No" buttons
+  + Set the default response explicitly for all AdwMessageDialog's
+  + column-view: Widget should go directly in GtkScrolledWindow
+  + msg: Make --ok-label and --cancel-label work for --question
+    dialogs
+  + Add separate case for ZENITY_ESC; don't print junk or crash
+    with extra buttons
+  + Fix --extra-button and delete events for legacy
+    (non-libadwaita) dialogs
+  + filesel: Fix --filename for zenity 4.x
+  + Updated translations.
+- Re-enable help2man BuildRequires, now that no longer fails the
+  build.
+- Update to version 3.99.0:
+  + option: Add various non-fatal deprecation warnings that were
+    previously missing, and fix a misleading deprecation message
+    for `--window-icon`
+  + main: Add G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NON_UNIQUE to GApplication flags
+  + progress: Cleanup unnecessary static objects and remove
+    spurious builder unref
+  + util:
+  - Remove fatal assert on exit if window invalid GtkWindow
+  - Ignore superfluous quit requests
+  - Remove superfluous GtkWindow cast check
+  + data: Manpage generation changes; don't automatically generate
+    the manpage from help2man for now (this will preferably be
+    reinstated post-4.0 once the issues are worked out)
+  + a11y: Label the widgets in a forms UI properly
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.92.0:
+  + progress: don't update responses that aren't there
+  + Set dialog 'heading', not 'title' for the --title option
+  + tree: fix handling of multi-row stdin input
+  + tree-column-view: don't steal children
+  + Port to webkitgtk 6.0
+  + webkit: Fix leak by removing unnecessary ref sink
+  + option: Add non-fatal deprecation warning for
+  - -confirm-overwrite
+  + help: Fix typo in Basque help translation
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.91.0:
+  + tree: Port to GtkColumnView
+  + desktop file: Remove spurious translation comment
+  + i18n: rename POTFILES to
+  + help:
+  - Fix invalid markup in German help translation
+  - spec fixes
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.90.0:
+  + Initial alpha release based on libadwaita and GTK4.
+- Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) with pkgconfig(gtk4) and add
+  desktop-file-utils and pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) BuildRequires
+  following upstream changes. Also add a check section and
+  meson_test macro.
+- Add disabled help2man BuildRequires, needed for man pages but
+  currently fails the build.
+- Update to version 3.44.0:
+  + scale: set a page increment so mouse wheel can be used on
+    widget.
+  + build:
+  - Use GNOME module post_install().
+  - Replace deprecated functions.
+  + docs: Fix incorrect markup.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libnotify) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1)
+  BuildRequires: Upstream disabled building of libnotify and html
+  support by default more than a year ago, and we have not been
+  building that support in this time, so lets drop the unused
+  dependencies.
+- Update to version 3.43.0:
+  + Documentation updates.
+  + Bump WebkitGTK dependency to API 4.1, for GNOME 43.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) BuildRequires: enable webkit
+  support.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + scale: Make OK button default (allows pressing Enter to accept
+    selected value).
+  + Fix maximum width of message dialogs to 60 characters, and make
+    message dialogs non-resizable (fixes regression from 3b64d05e).
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + tree: Clicking row checks radio/checkboxes.
+  + Fix search column selection with --imagelist.
+  + Updated translations.
+- update to 1.5.5:
+  * fix: fix rare corruption bug affecting the high compression
+    mode, reported by @danlark1
+  * perf: improve mid-level compression speed
+  * lib: deprecated bufferless block-level API (#3534) by
+    @terrelln
+  * cli: mmap large dictionaries to save memory, by
+    @daniellerozenblit
+  * cli: improve speed of --patch-from mode (~+50%) (#3545) by
+    @daniellerozenblit
+  * cli: improve i/o speed (~+10%) when processing lots of small
+    files (#3479) by @felixhandte
+  * cli: zstd no longer crashes when requested to write into
+    write-protected directory (#3541) by @felixhandte
+  * cli: fix decompression into block device using -o, reported
+    by @georgmu
+  * misc: improve seekable format ingestion speed (~+100%) for
+    very small chunk sizes (#3544) by @Cyan4973
+  * misc: tests/fullbench can benchmark multiple files (#3516) by
+    @dloidolt
+  * Upstream changelog from version 1.5.0 to 1.5.4
+  * Dropped patches:
+  - Disallow-empty-output-directory.patch
+  - Fix-buffer-underflow-for-null-dir1.patch
+    Fixed upstream in version 1.5.4
+- enable zlib/gzip compatible backend, as zlib is significantly
+  (50%-100%) faster than gzip
+- add zstd-gzip compatibility subpackage which can be used
+  as a drop in compatible replacement for gzip
+- small spec file cleanups
+- add zcat in zstd-gzip (needed by for example the kernel scripts)
+- Build AVX2 enabled hwcaps library for x86_64-v3
+- Fix search/info commands ignoring --ignore-unknown (bsc#1217593)
+  The switch makes search commands return 0 rather than 104 for
+  empty search results.
+- version 1.14.68
+- patch: Make sure reboot-needed is remembered until next boot
+  (bsc#1217873)
+- version 1.14.67